Saturday 11 May 2024

Victorian Publishers’ Bindings Records in WORD format


Edited versions dated:  @ 11032020  @31082020 @14092020 @14102020 @09112020 @06122020 @28012021 @09102022@13112022 @27072023 @24112023 @17022024 @11052024


Victorian Publishers’ Bindings Records in WORD format


The files presented here comprise descriptive entries for 19th century UK books and periodicals. The work on this started in 1994. The main purpose in creating entries was to describe the designs blocked on the covers and the spines, and some more elements. The designs were blocked onto cloth and leather, and/ or printed onto paper. A number counter for each record was begun, and is explained below. Some USA publications/ books are included in this list.

 To carry out

Tocarry out serches,you need to download this file.  Searches may be carried out on this file for the names of: cover designers, publishers, printers, artists/ illustrators, engravers, authors, editors, photoraphers, owners, inscriptions, recipients of books as prizes. Additionally, searches may be made for: types of cloth grain, bookbinder or bookseller names.


With the exception of the Robin de Beaumont collection held in Prints and Drawings, British Museum, the majority of entries are for books in the British Library.  All entries have the BL shelf mark, or the BM P&D register number. Scans of all of these books are in the accompanying zip file. The prefixes for the BM register numbers are ‘1992’ or ‘1996’ (these are the years that the books were gifted to the BM.) Scans have been made of covers and spines, bookplates, prize labels, inscriptions, selected illustrations, maps, cartes de visites, publisher and printer devices. All the scans are named with the BL shelfmark; or the BM P&D register numbers. You can browse this WORD file. When searching this file for a BL book, type in the shelfmark punctuation (eg.  1347.f.4.), and punctuation also for the BM de Beaumont books (eg.  1992,0406.200). The majority of BL books have entries also in the BL database of bookbindings. The BM de Beaumont entries are avaiable via the BM portal.


Note on running record numbers:


Entries 1 to 752, were published in 2003 in book form; re-edited 2012 to 2016.


And post-2003 entries, nos. 1103 to 1400, created 2012 to 2019; and entries 1401 to 1500 (based on entries in: Haslam, Arts and crafts), created ca. 2015-2017; and entries 1500-1900 The Robin de Beaumont collection in British Museum Prints & Drawings (created 2013-2018); records 2000-2104 are records added to the BL database from the year 2018.


There are no pictures in this file. With some 30 exceptions all the entries (and associated scans) for nos 1 to 752 are in the BL Bindings Database; records 1103-1399 and 1400-1500 are in the BL Bindings Database; nos. 1500-1900 are in the British Museum database. Nos. 2000-2104 onwards are in the BL bookbindings database.


You can use the link to a pinterest folder, to view scans of the BL books


You can use the link to a pinterest folder, to view the scans of the Robin de Beaumont books, housed in BM Printes and Drawings.





Happy Searching


Ed King

St Albans

May 2024





2003 book entry number: 1

                                  Binding No:   845

                          Pressmark:   4414.bbb.11.

                        Artist Name:   B., C.

                   Author/Heading:   Bell, Catherine Douglas

                                   Title:   The Huguenot family; or, help in time of need. With illustrations. [Monogram of F. Warne.]

                   Publisher Name:   Frederick Warne & Co., Bedford Street, Covent Garden.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1866

                               Printer:   Ballantyne, Roberts and Company, printers, Edinburgh.

                                Width:        115     Height:       172          Thickness:        28

                           PagNotes:  vi,270p. With ten pages of publisher's advertisements bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  2.8.2000 and 5.3.2013

References: King VTB no.3.


                  Notes:   The design is by ‘CB’. The plates are signed "Dalziel". Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers are identically blocked in blind on the borders. Two fillets are blocked on the outer borders, the outer thin, the inner thick. Two groups of three fillets (one thick between two thin) run vertically from head to tail and horizontally from spine to fore edge. These form squares on the corners, and within each square, leaf decoration is blocked in relief. The fillets also form four rectangular panels: on the head and on the tail, and one on each side. Within each of these panels, a repeating "trefoil" leaf pattern is blocked in relief. On each inner corner, a single flower, thin stems, and hatched leaves are blocked in blind. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. There are two semi-circular gold lettering-pieces blocked at the head and at the tail of the vignette. These lettering-pieces have vertical gold hatch on their borders. The title: "/ Huguenot Family/ Help in time of need/" is blocked in relief within each lettering-piece. The word: "/or/" is blocked on the centre of the cover, within a rectangular gold lettering-piece with vertical gold hatch on its borders. Curling stem and hatch gold leaves surround the word "/or/".  A "fan-shape" is blocked at the head and the tail of the vignette, and on each side. Signed "CB" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in at the head and at the tail. A mandorla is blocked in gold on the upper half of the spine. It has fillets and much small decoration blocked in relief on its borders. The words: "/ The/ Huguenot/ Family/ or help in time/ of need/ by/ Catherine D. Bell/ Illustrated/" are blocked in relief within eight gold lettering-pieces - each has a single fillet blocked in relief  on its borders. Small decoration is blocked in gold underneath the mandorla. Near the base, a medallion is blocked in gold, overlaid with a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single fillet in gold on its borders. The words: "/ Cousin Kate's/ Library/" are blocked in relief within this lettering-piece. [It is suggested that the cover designer ‘CB’ may be Charles Bayman.]





2003 book entry number: 4

                                  Binding No:   841

                          Pressmark:   8032.i.9.

                        Artist Name:   B., C.


                                   Title:   The Trinity of Italy: or, the Pope, the Bourbon, and the Victor; being historical revelations of the past, present, and future of Italy. By an English Civilian. [Monogram of Edward Moxon.]

                   Publisher Name:   Edward Moxon & Co., Dover Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1867

                               Printer:   Swift and Co., King Street, Regent Street, W.

                                Width:        145     Height:       230          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  xxviii,334p., 1 plate.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ungrained

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  2.8.2000 and 5.3.3013


Notes: The spine design is by ‘CB’. Light brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders of the lower cover. On the upper cover, a single fillet is blocked on the borders in gold. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold and, possibly, in silver. It shows a   cross, with trefoil ends, and "arrow heads" blocked between the arms of the cross. Around the cross, a pattern of thin leaves is blocked in silver (?), with decoration highlighted in relief. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked at the head and at the tail. The title:

"/The Trinity/ of/ Italy/" is blocked in gold, within a decorated circle formed by three gold fillets. Immediately below this, the crowns of Bourbon and of Victor Emmanuel, are blocked inside medallions. The Papal crown is blocked beneath these two. Signed "CB" in gold as separate letters

below the Papal crown. The imprint: "/ London:/ E. Moxon & Co./" is blocked in gold at the tail. [It is suggested that the cover designer ‘CB’ may be Charles Bayman.]






2003 book entry number: 8

Binding No:                    609

                          Pressmark:   10077.h.11.

                        Artist Name:   Balfour

                   Author/Heading:   Levinge, Godfrey

                                   Title:   The Traveller in the East; being a guide through Greece and the Levant, Syria and Palestine, Egypt and Nubia, with practical information; containing descriptions of the principal cities, antiquities, and interesting localities: excursions through the southern   provinces of the Kingdom of Naples, Albania, the Ionian Islands, and the principal islands of the Archipelago; and A Variety of Tours, with Distances. The whole interspersed with anecdotes, narrative, historical sketches, and remarks on the present state of each country. [Vol. I only.]

                   Publisher Name:   Printed by the Author, Curzon Street, Mayfair.

             Place of Publication:   London:

              Date of Publication:   1839 [i.e.1846.]

                               Printer:   The Author

                                Width:        141     Height:       230          Thickness:        32

                           PagNotes:  vi,331p.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    diaper-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  11.3.2000 and 5.3.2013


Notes: The upper cover vignette is signed ‘’Balfour’. The Author states in the Preface that ..."the printing of this volume has extended over a period of nearly seven years." [1839-1846.] The Preface is signed: Chilean, Mullingar, July 1846. Purple diaper-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. A curling leaf and stem pattern is blocked on each corner. The same central vignette is blocked on both covers, in blind on the lower, and in gold on the upper. It shows a desert scene, a caravan train, with two camels and two men in the foreground; palm trees and more camels are in the background. The vignette is signed: "/ Balfour/" in relief at the base. The spine is missing.




2003 book entry number: 5

Binding No:                    840


                        Artist Name:   B., C.

                   Author/Heading:   Craik, Georgiana Marion

                                   Title:   Cousin Trix and her welcome tales. Illustrations by F.W. Keyl. [Griffith and Farran monogram.]

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, successors to Newbery and Harris Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1868

                               Printer:   T. Constable, printer to the Queen, and to the University.

                                Width:        126     Height:       175          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  [3],207p. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and black  and relief


                 Date Examined:  18.7.2000 & 7.3.2013


Notes: The design is by ‘CB’. Gilt edges. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in black on the borders, on the corners and on the sides, the head and the tail. A border is blocked in black. This consists of two fillets with a curling stem pattern blocked       between them. On each side, near the head and the tail, the fillets form straps. A quatrefoil is blocked on each corner. Cartouches are blocked in black on the centre head and on the centre tail. Inside the cartouches, is a fan-shape, with a flower head blocked on the centre. On each cover, an inner square is formed by fillets and small decoration blocked in black. A semi-circle is blocked in black on each side of the square. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a central rectangle, formed by four gold fillets. The outermost fillet forms straps at the sides. Around the perimeter of the rectangle, small stem and leaf decoration is blocked in gold. Flower heads are blocked on the centre of each side of the rectangle. Small "acorn-shaped" decoration is blocked on each corner of the rectangle. Inside the rectangle, the title words: "/Cousin Trix/ and her/ Welcome Tales/" are blocked in gold. Signed "CB" in gold as separate letters above the flower decoration at the base of the rectangle. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in gold at the head, followed underneath by "dog-tooth" decoration, blocked in gold. The title: "/ Cousin Trix/" is  blocked in relief within a vertical hatch rectangular gold lettering-piece. Below this, the words: "/& her/" are blocked in gold. The words: "/Welcome Tales/" are blocked in relief within another vertical hatch rectangular gold lettering-piece. Above and below the title, straps and flower decoration are blocked in gold. Signed "CB" in gold as separate letters near the base of the flower decoration. At the tail of the spine, the words: "/Griffith & Farran/" are blocked in relief within a vertical hatch rectangular hatched gold lettering-piece, which has small decoration blocked in gold just above it. [It is suggested that the cover designer ‘CB’ may be Charles Bayman.]




2003 book entry number: 7

Binding No:                    889

                          Pressmark:   12807.f.74.

                        Artist Name:   B., C.


                                   Title:   Letters everywhere. Stories and rhymes for children. By the author of "The dove, and other stories of old," etc. etc. With twenty-eight illustrations by Theophile Schuler.

                   Publisher Name:   Seeley, Jackson, & Halliday, 54 Fleet St

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1869

                               Printer:   R. Clay, Sons, and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        155     Height:       208          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  viii,228p., 26 plates. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   Gold and blind and black


                 Date Examined:  2.8.2000 & 7.3.3013



                  Notes:   The design is by ‘CB’. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically on the borders, the upper in black, the lower in blind. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. Inside this, two cartouches are blocked in black on each side. On each corner, another border fillet in black forms a near-square. Within each of these, leaf and flower decoration is blocked with straps. A fillet joins the straps to form the inner rectangle. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold and in black. It is square-shaped, being formed by three gold fillets. At the head and the base and on the sides, four circular gold lettering pieces contain the capitals "A, D, B, C ", blocked in relief. These lettering-pieces are blocked within half circles formed by three gold fillets. The capital letters are linked by three fillets blocked in gold. Small decoration is blocked in black between the gold fillets and between the capitals. The title: "/ Letters/ Everywhere" is blocked in relief on the centre, within a rectangular gold lettering-piece. Four "butterfly wing" shapes are blocked in gold on the four corners of the square. Signed "CB" in gold as separate letters just above the capital letter "D". The spine is blocked in gold and relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets; a pattern of circles and crosses; two gold fillets; the title: "/ Letters/ Everywhere/" blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with fillet and panel decoration blocked above and below the title; signed "CB" in gold as separate letters within this decoration; near the base, the words:

"/Seeley & Co./" are blocked in relief within a circular gold lettering-piece, which has small decoration blocked above and below it; the blocking at the tail is the same as at the head: two fillets, pattern of circles, two fillets - all in gold.  [It is suggested that the cover designer ‘CB’ may be Charles Bayman.]





2003 book entry number: 9

Binding No:                    892

                          Pressmark:   12807.f.24.

                        Artist Name:   Bennett, Charles Henry

                   Author/Heading:   Bennett, Charles Henry

                                   Title:   The frog who would a wooing go.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1858]

                               Printer:   Edmund. Evans, engraver and printer, Raquet Court, Fleet Street.

                                Width:        167     Height:       212          Thickness:         4

                           PagNotes:  [16p.] Eight pages, with illustrations printed on each recto and verso.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   yellow



                 Date Examined:  3.8.2000 & 7.3.2013



Notes: Designed by Charles Henry Bennett. The illustrations are hand coloured. The text is a single gathering sewn with a single cord, stab stitched in three places. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Yellow-dyed paper over boards. the lower cover has a list of publisher's titles. The upper cover has a black fillet blocked on its borders. It shows, on the centre, the frog advancing out of pond plants. he has a hat in his left hand, a stick in his right. He has a scarf around his neck, tied in a bow. Above the frog, the title is printed. Below the frog, the author and imprint are printed. The engraving is clearly the work of Bennett. All the illustrations within the text are signed by him. Blue date stamp: "9 JA[nuary 18]58".





2003 book entry number: 10

Binding No:                    874

                          Pressmark:   12806.c.14.

                        Artist Name:   Bennett, Charles Henry

                   Author/Heading:   Bennett, Charles Henry

                                   Title:   The nine lives of a cat. A tale of wonder.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran. Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860


                                Width:        140     Height:       187          Thickness:         9

                           PagNotes:  [3],20,[1]p. With sixteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  10.8.2000 & 7.3.2013


                  Notes:   Designed by Charles Henry Bennett. In the publisher’s titles at the end, this book is described as: “Imperial 16mo. Price 2s. 6d. cloth; 3s. 6d. coloured.” Text sewn on two cords. Red ink speckled edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue bead-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. Four fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. The corners have stylised stem and leaf decoration, blocked in relief. The central oval is formed by repeating joined semi-circles, blocked in blind. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a cat's head. The word: "/The/" is blocked in gold above the cat's head. The words: "/Nine lives of a cat/ by/ Charles Bennett/" are blocked in gold underneath the cat's head. The whole is intertwined with a cord, blocked in gold. This makes a diamond-shape for the vignette. Signed "CHB" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. [The monogram measures 2mm across.]The spine is missing.







2003 book entry number: 6

Binding No:                    531

                          Pressmark:   12807.f.60.

                        Artist Name:   B., C.

                   Author/Heading:   Lemon, Mark

                                   Title:   Fairy tales. With upwards of fifty illustrations by Richard Doyle and Charles H. Bennett.

                   Publisher Name:   Bradbury, Evans, & Co., 11 Bouverie Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1868

                               Printer:   Bradbury, Evans, and Co., printers, Whitefriars

                                Width:        140     Height:       195          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  xi,189p., 7 plates. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  20.1.2000.


                  Notes:   The design is by ‘CB’ [i.e. Charles Henry Bennett?]. The plate opposite page 40 is entitled: “Nursing a little shapeless cub on her lap, while a full grown bear sported around her.” It is signed CHB, the monogram of Charles Henry Bennett. Exactly the same illustration is blocked as the central vignette on the upper cover, and this vignette is signed ‘CB’.  Several of the plates are signed with Bennett's monogram "CHB" and Doyle's monogram "RD".  Some of the plates are engraved by Swain. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Blue pebble-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind. The three fillets blocked on the borders intersect and overlap slightly at the corners. At the point of intersection, a small single flower is blocked. The central vignette is a roundel, and consists of small leaf patterns blocked in relief. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in blind. Three fillets are blocked in the borders, with small three-pointed leaves on each corner, and small decoration on the centres of the sides, the head and the tail. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the inner borders, with small decoration on each corner. The central vignette is blocked in gold. its borders form a semi-circle at the top. It shows a reproduction of the illustration bound in opposite page 40, which has the caption from the text: "[... a beautiful lady sitting on the grass] nursing a little shapeless cub in her lap, while a full grown bear sported around her..." Signed "CB" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. The decoration from the head is: small decorative design; a bear's head; the words: "/ Fairy/ Tales/ By/ Mark Lemon/", within a fillet-frame; a seated fairy; "CB" in gold as separate letters on either side of the fairy's legs; small decoration; the words: "/ Illustrated/ by/ R. Doyle/ and C.H. Bennett./" in gold; small decoration; a semi-circle and small decoration at the base.




2003 book entry number: 15

                                  Binding No:   361

                          Pressmark:   12819.i.57.

                        Artist Name:   Bennett, Charles Henry

                   Author/Heading:   Bennett, Charles Henry

                                   Title:   The surprising, unheard of and never-to-be-surpassed adventures of Young Munchausen; related and illustrated by C.H.Bennett, in twelve stories.

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne and Routledge, Broadway, Ludgate Hill. New York; 129, Grand Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1865

                               Printer:   R.Clay, Son, and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill

                                Width:        185     Height:       255          Thickness:        18

                           PagNotes:  [3],107p., 12 plates. The plates are engraved by Dalziel.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  20.9.99 & 12.3.2013




Notes: The design is by Charles Henry Bennett. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green pebble grain-cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders, corners, and sides. Four fillets are blocked on the borders, two thin and two wide. The corners and sides are blocked with a leaf pattern. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. The words: "/ The/ adventures/ of/ Young Munchausen/ by/ Charles Bennett/" are blocked in gold. In between the words, two figures of "Young Munchausen" are blocked. These figures copy those of the illustration "Story of the sixth-Wagers", bound between pages 46-47, which is signed with Bennett's monogram. The spine is blocked with the words: "/ Young Munchausen. by C.H. Bennett./", along the spine in gold.




2003 book entry number: 12     

                                  Binding No:   746

                          Pressmark:   12807.g.51.

                        Artist Name:   Bennett, Charles Henry

                   Author/Heading:   Bennett, Charles Henry

                                   Title:   The stories that Little Breeches told, and the pictures which Charles Bennett drew for them.

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, Son and Co. 47, Ludgate Hill.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   R. Clay, Son and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        180     Height:       242          Thickness:        13

                           PagNotes:  55p., 20 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  13.4.2000 & 12.3.2013


Notes: The design is by Charles Henry Bennett. The plates are hand coloured. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Red bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders, the corners and on the sides. Three fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick between two thin. On each corner, curling stems, leaves and buds are blocked in blind. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a jug and loaf. This is engraved also on the frontispiece plate, which is signed "CHB". Little Breeches is dancing on top of the loaf, a with a knife and fork above each of his outstretched hands. Muncher's body is within the loaf, with his head, arms and legs protruding from the base of the loaf. The vignette design is clearly derived from Bennett's work. The words: "Little Breeches" are blocked in gold in a semi-circle above the jug and the loaf. The words: “/ By/ Charles Bennett/” are blocked in relief within the loaf. The spine is not blocked.





2003 book entry number: 21

                                  Binding No:   903

                          Pressmark:   12805.bbb.16.

                        Artist Name:   C., M.A.

                   Author/Heading:   Cheever, Henry Theodore

                                   Title:   The Whaleman's adventures in the Southern Ocean; as gathered by the Rev. Henry T. Cheever, on the homeward cruise of the "Commodore Preble". Edited by the Rev. W. Scoresby, D.D., F.R.S. ... Fifth Edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Darton & Co., 58, Holborn Hill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Printed by Hugh Barclay, High Street.

                                Width:        107     Height:       170          Thickness:        28

                           PagNotes:  xiv,304p., 8 plates. The plate opposite p.36 is signed "W.H. Prior".

                Place of Printing:   Winchester




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave vertical-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  2.6.98 & 12.3.2013



Notes: The design is by C., M.A. Text sewn on two tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple wave vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind with two fillets on the borders. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It features a flagpole and a large flag, which is blocked as a gold lettering-piece. The words: "/The/ Whaleman's/ adventures./" are blocked in relief within the flag. Below this, a scene of a whaling boat on water is blocked. The boat has six men inside it. The man at the rear is steering. The man at the bow is standing with a harpoon held in his raised right hand. He is about to throw the harpoon into a whale just by the boat. The whale has already been speared by one harpoon, and it has its head underwater. One harpoon is in the water. Signed "MAC" in gold on the left hand base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head, a beached whaling ship is blocked. It has full sails blocked as gold lettering-pieces, hanging limply. The word: "/The/" is blocked in relief within the topsail; the words: "/ Whaleman's/ adventures/" are blocked in relief within two pennant-shaped gold lettering-pieces, with scroll ends. Beneath this, an albatross is blocked. At the base, a lighthouse by the sea is blocked in gold.  [In GKIV: C, M.A. is listed as M.A. Cooke. Author of works of imaginative literature, 1862-1873.]





2003 book entry number: 16


                                  Binding No:   548            

                                   Pressmark:   12806.f.36.

                        Artist Name:   Bennett, Charles Henry

                   Author/Heading:   Bennett, Charles Henry

                                   Title:   Lightsome, and the Little Golden Lady. With twenty-four illustrations by the author.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran,successors to Newbery and Harris, Corner of St Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1867

                               Printer:   R.Clay, Son, and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        170     Height:       217          Thickness:        13

                           PagNotes:  xi,54p., 4 plates. The plates are hand coloured. With six pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and black


                 Date Examined:  27.1.2000 & 12.3.2013


Notes: The design is by Charles Henry Bennett. The plates are hand-coloured. The plates and many other engravings in the text are signed with Bennett's monogram. The "C" and "B" are joined to the "H" in the middle. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically on the borders and on the corners. The lower is blocked in blind only; the upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. On the upper cover, four fillets are blocked on the borders, two in gold, two in black. Leaf and stem decoration is blocked on each corner in black. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows at the top two dancing fishes; on the left - a crab; on the right - a scorpion; on the centre a ram's head. Five hatched stars are blocked in gold around the ram's head. All of these animals are copies of illustrations signed by Bennett in the text. The words: "/ Lightsome/ and/ the Little Golden Lady/ by C.H. Bennett./" are blocked in gold in a circle around the animals. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked at the head and at the tail. The title : "Lightsome and the Golden Lady/" is blocked along the spine. Each word is separated by a hatched gold star.






2003 book entry number: 13

                                  Binding No:   351

                          Pressmark:   12808.bbb.26.

                        Artist Name:   Bennett, Charles Henry

                   Author/Heading:   Musset, Paul De

                                   Title:   Mr. Wind and Madam Rain. Translated, with permission of the author, by Emily Makepeace. With illustrations by Charles Bennett.

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, Son, & Co., 47 Ludgate Hill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1864

                               Printer:   Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street, and Charing Cross

                                Width:        140     Height:       190          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  112p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  21.9.99 & 12.3.2013



Notes: The design is by Charles Henry Bennett. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Purple pebble-grain cloth.. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Plant decoration is blocked in blind and relief  on the sides. On the upper cover, a central vignette is blocked in gold.  It shows a winged "Mr Wind" blowing from within clouds upon the title: "/ Mr Wind/ and Madam Rain/". The title letters are blocked in gold, and they are scattered lopsidedly down the cover by the effects of the wind. Signed "CHB" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine shows the title: "/Mr. Wind & Madam Rain./" blocked in gold, along the length of the spine.








2003 book entry number: 20

                                  Binding No:   576

                          Pressmark:   P.P.6750. [1860.]

                        Artist Name:   C., M.A.

                   Author/Heading:   Periodical Publications - London

                                   Title:   Peter Parley's Annual. A Christmas and New Year's present, for Young People. Edited by William Martin, Author of "Parley's tales about India," "The illustrated natural philosopher," etc.

                   Publisher Name:   Darton and Co.,  58 Holborn Hill 

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860


                                Width:        138     Height:       185          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  viii,296p., 8 plates. With thirty-two pages of advertisements and one fold-out advertisement bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  1.2.2000 & 12.3.2013


                  Notes:   The design is by C., M.A. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. The frontispiece plate is signed: "Collins & Co. 107 Dorset St Fleet St." Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Written on the front pastedown: "/ Dec. 21st 1859/ [rule]/ To My Dear Son Denis/ [rule]/ A Reward for/ attention to his studies/ D H Donnell/ [rule]/". Gilt edges. Red bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the lower, in gold on the upper. Two gold fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick, one thin. At the head, the title: "/ Peter/ Parley's/ Annual./" are blocked in relief within two ribbon-shaped gold lettering-pieces. On the head, the tail, the corners, and the sides, vine leaves, grapes and tendrils are blocked. The vine branches form two ovals towards the base, and a circle above, with strap work between. The circle has a family group, in a snow scene, blocked within it; to the left, is a hunter; to the right is a warrior, with bow and arrow. Within the left oval, at the tail, a man, holding a horse, is hunting a kangaroo; within the right oval at the tail, a postman is delivering a letter to two children and their mother. On the centre tail, "/ 1860/" is blocked, with the signature "MAC" blocked in gold as separate letters underneath. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked around the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: moon and stars; a balloon and its basket; the basket contains a group of people and flags, with an anchor hanging from it; the title: "/ Peter/ Parley's/ Annual/" blocked in relief within the balloon mantle; below the balloon, a kite is flying with a streamer tail; birds are blocked flying around the balloon and the kite; a church steeple is blocked to the left and right of the base; between the steeples, a banner-shaped gold lettering-piece is blocked, with the words: "/ A/ merry Christmas/ [&]/ Happy New Year/" blocked in relief within it.









2003 book entry number: 17

                                  Binding No:   1084

                          Pressmark:   J/7955.e.11.

                        Artist Name:   Bibby, H.

                      Author/Heading:    Tallis, John

                                   Title:   Tallis's History and Description of the Crystal Palace, and Exhibition of the World's Industry in 1851; Illustrated by beautiful steel engravings, from original drawings and daguerrotypes, by Beard Mayall, etc., etc. [Royal Coat of Arms.]

                   Publisher Name:   Printed and Published by John Tallis & Co.

             Place of Publication:   London and New York

              Date of Publication:   [1852-1854]


                                Width:           0     Height:          0          Thickness:         0


                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    moire rib horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                               Slides:  36/2

                 Date Examined:  20.10.2000.

            References:     Morris & Levin                       ABP             no.229.       States the binding design to be by H. Bibby; executed by Thomas Staples.

                  Notes:   The set is bound in six Divisions.

                             Div. I .138p, 25 plates.                 )

                             Div. 2 [II]. pp.139-268, 23 plates. )     Vol. I.

                             Div. III. 108p, 24 plates.               )

                             Div. IV. pp.109-196, 24 plates.     )

                             Div. V. pp.197-262, 24 plates.      )     Vol. II.

                             Div. V. 30p. ( of Vol. III.)               )

                             Div. VI. pp.30-110, 23 plates.       )     Vol.III. Div. VI. also has the title pages for Vols II. and III., the Contents and list of Illustrations for Vols I-III.Size of all volumes is 218x280x16-20mm.

All volumes are sewn on four sawn-in cords, and have: gilt edges, yellow endpapers and pastedowns; blue moire rib-horizontal-grain cloth. All volumes are blocked identically. The lower covers are blocked in blind only. On the outer borders, two fillets are blocked in blind, the outer thick, the inner thin. On the inner borders, two fillets are blocked in blind, with curling stems, leaves and flowers blocked in blind on the corners. The upper covers are blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the borders. The rest of the cover is a large block, showing the facade and transept of the Crystal Palace within a circular frame, formed by branches and leaves. The title: "/ The/ Crystal Palace [in a semi-circle]/" is blocked in gold above the facade. At the head, at the top left and right are: 1. an angel with trumpet 2&3. Angels holding a laurel wreath above the title, with a dove of peace above this. 4. Britannia seated in clouds. Stars are blocked around these four figures. Near the tail, two groups

of well dressed British and foreign men, women, and children are looking at the facade, as though about to enter the building. A royal coat of arms is blocked in gold between the two groups, together with branches acting as supports, which also form a frame for the imprint: "/ London Printing and Publishing Company/" blocked in gold. Signed "HB" in gold as a monogram on the centre tail, and also "Staples Sc." in gold underneath the group of people on the right hand side. The spines are blocked identically in gold. Double gold fillets are blocked at the head and at the tail. Double gold fillets divide the spine into six main panels, and four smaller ones. The smaller are blocked in gold with a small

ornamental frieze. In the main panels: 1 ornament of leaves, curling stems, flowers, with one flower head on the centre; 2. the title: "/ The/ Crystal/ Palace/" is blocked in gold 3. as for panel 1; 4. the volume number: "/ Div. I [2, III-VI]/ [rule]/ Price 10/6  /" is blocked in gold;  5. as for panel 1; 6. at the tail, the imprint: "/ London/ Printing & Publishing/ Company/".







2003 book entry number: 22


                                  Binding No:   835

                          Pressmark:   11649.bbb.8.

                        Artist Name:   C., M.A.

                   Author/Heading:   De L'Isle, F. Louis Jaquerod

                                   Title:   Wayside warblings and other poems. ...

                   Publisher Name:   Thomas Bosworth, 215, Regent Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1868

                               Printer:   Printed by C.W. Stevens, 5, Great Queen-street.

                                Width:        120     Height:       195          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  xii,343p. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   Gold


                 Date Examined:  19.7.2000 & 15.3.2013



Notes: The design is by C., M.A. Gilt edges. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green pebble-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold. Four fillets are blocked on the borders. Inside these, a fifth fillet ends small decoration blocked in gold on each corner. The central oval panel is blocked in gold. Leaves and stems are blocked around the perimeter of the oval. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked at the head and at the tail. Three panels are formed on the spine by single gold fillets. From the head downwards, the decoration is: panel one - gold leaf and stems and vertical gold hatch; beneath this, the title: "/ Wayside warblings/ and other/ poems./" blocked in gold; panel two - the same leaf and gold decoration as for panel one, then two mandorlas, one larger, together with leaf decoration, and the signature "MAC" in gold as separate letters at the base of this panel; panel three - decoration as for panel one, but inverted.






2003 book entry number: 23

Binding No:                  1076

                          Pressmark:   7055.d.25.

                        Artist Name:   C., T.

                   Author/Heading:   Milner, Mary

                                   Title:   The garden, the grove, and the field: a garland of the months ...

                   Publisher Name:   Binns and Goodwin. And at their London Depot, Sampson's Low's, 169, Fleet Street. London: Whittaker and Co. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd. Dublin: J. M'Glashan.

             Place of Publication:   Bath

              Date of Publication:   [1852]

                               Printer:   Printed by Binns and Goodwin.

                                Width:        112     Height:       180          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  xxii,242p. 2 frontis. plates. With twenty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  7.1.99 & 15.3.2013


Notes: The design is by C., T. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ripple vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and on the corners. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. A curling leaf and stem pattern is blocked in relief on each corner. The upper cover is blocked in gold. Curling branches form three circles. Each circle has different leaves , flowers, and reeds growing from it, showing  plants of the garden, the grove and the field. (E.g. Fuchsias and roses come out of the circle of branches at the top.) The title: "/ The/ Garden/ The/ Grove/ &/ The/ Field./" is blocked in gold in rustic lettering within each circle. Signed "TC" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. A tree grows from near the tail. It has two small plants blocked at its base, and small branches and leaves are blocked further up its trunk. Two branches of the tree form a panel, in which the title: "/ The/ Garden/ The/ Grove/ The/ Field./" is blocked in gold. A flower, a pot and a plant are blocked at the head. (The plant resembles an Arum, with its spathe around the spadix.) At the tail, the words: "/ Bath/ Binns and/ Goodwin/" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.





2003 book entry number: 24

Binding No:                    907


                        Artist Name:   C., T.

                   Author/Heading:   Marryat, afterwards, Norris, Emilia

                                   Title:   The children's pic-nic and what came of it. With illustrations by Augusta Marryat.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, successors to Newbery and Harris, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1868

                               Printer:   T. Constable,  Printer to the Queen, and to the University.

                                Width:        125     Height:       175          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  [2],122p., 4 plates. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. The plates are hand-coloured.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  25.9.2000 & 15.3.2013



Notes: The design is by C., T. Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Burn./ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./" Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Three fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the middle thin. The innermost fillet forms a "spade-shape" on each corner, with leaves blocked inside each, and on either side of the spade-shape, all in blind. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a medallion, formed by: 1. repeated dots in relief; 2. a hatch gold fillet; 3. a gold fillet. Inside, two children are shown, one seated in front of a picnic basket, the other bending over and reaching into it. Above and to the left and right of the medallion, six gold lettering-pieces have the title: "/ The children's [semi-circular]/ picnic/ and/ what/ came/ of it/" blocked in relief inside each. Below the medallion, crossed sticks hold a kettle above a fire. Groups of leaves are blocked to the left, to the right and below the medallion. Signed "TC" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: small leaf decoration in gold; the title: "/ The/ Children's/ pic nic/ and/ what/ came/ of it/" blocked in gold; leaf and stem decoration are blocked in gold underneath the title.




2003 book entry number: 25


Binding No:                    913

                          Pressmark:   12807.d.28.

                        Artist Name:   C., W.S

                   Author/Heading:   Owen, Mrs Octavius Freire

                                   Title:   The Spirit of the Holly. ...

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1856

                               Printer:   Cox (Bros) & Wyman, Printers, Great Queen Street

                                Width:        130     Height:       182          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  [3],154p., 8 plates.

                Place of Printing:   [London]


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  10.8.2000 & 15.3.2013

            References:     Ball                                      VPB             p.95           Cites William Stephen Coleman as being one of a number of artists who worked for Edmund Evans, providing woodblocks for       yellow backs pasted onto covers.

Notes: The design is by WSC. The  plates are signed "G.L. Johnson". Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge./ Shoe Lane/ London./" Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Four fillets are           blocked in blind on the borders. A leaf and stem pattern is blocked on each corner in relief. An oval central frame is formed by a pattern of small semi-circles, blocked in blind. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It is diamond-shaped, formed by holly branches blocked on the           sides, with holly leaves, stems, and berries around the branches. Within the diamond, the words: "/ The/ spirit/ of the/ Holly/ By/ Mrs Owen/" are blocked in gold, some in fanciful "holly-like" letters. Signed "WSC" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: three gold fillets; a holly sprig; the title: "/ The/ spirit/ of the/ holly./" blocked in gold diagonally down the spine; the word"/Owen/" is blocked in gold between gold fillets;  beneath this, holly stems, leaves and berries are blocked in gold; three gold fillets are blocked at the tail.




2003 book entry number: 26


Binding No:                    887

                          Pressmark:   12806.h.20.

                        Artist Name:   Crane, Walter


                                   Title:   King Luckieboy's Picture Book. Containing King Luckieboy's Party. "This little pig went to market." The Old Courtier, Picture Book of Horses. With thirty-two pages of illustrations, printed in colours.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Sons, The Broadway, Ludgate. New York: 416, Broome Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1871]

                               Printer:   [Printed by Edmund Evans and Leighton Bros.]

                                Width:        187     Height:       250          Thickness:        13

                           PagNotes:  [2,32p.] With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   yellow



                 Date Examined:  2.8.2000 & 15.3.2013



Notes: Designed by Walter Crane. Each story additionally has its own title page. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Yellow-dyed paper over boards, with quarter sand-grain cloth spine. The lower cover has a printed list of          Routledge titles. This work is advertised as part of the series: "/Routledge's coloured pictured books./ Super-royal 8vo, with Illustrations by Walter Crane, Charles H. Bennett [ i. e. Charles Henry Bennett], and others; beautifully printed in colours by Edmund Evans and Leighton Brothers./ Price 2s. 6d. each./" The upper cover has a reproduction in different colours of page 1 of "King Luckieboy's Party". This shows a scene in which General Janus comes into a room with his footman Aquarius, to present a choice of fresh colds to King Luckieboy. The engraving is signed with Crane's monogram (as are all the illustrations). Printed at the head of the upper cover: "Price two shillings & sixpence"; at the tail: "/ London: George Routledge & Son/". A single red fillet is printed on the borders. The words: "/King Luckieboy's/ Picture Book/" are printed in red capitals at the head. The spine is unblocked.





2003 book entry number: 27


Binding No:                    885

                          Pressmark:   12806.g.23.

                        Artist Name:   Crane, Walter


                                   Title:   The Blue Beard Picture Book containing Blue Beard, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Bean-Stalk, Baby's Own ABC. With Thirty-two pages of illustrations by Walter Crane. Printed in Colours by Edmund Evans.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Sons The Broadway, Ludgate; New York, 416 Broome Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1875]


                                Width:        186     Height:       248          Thickness:        10

                           PagNotes:  [2,32p.] The title page verso has a list of publisher's titles.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ungrained

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   Gold


                 Date Examined:  3.8.2000 & 15.3.2013



Notes: Designed by Walter Crane. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is fully blocked in gold. On the head and on the tail, a "candle-flame" border is blocked. Fillets divide the cover into panels. Within the panel at the head, Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf are blocked. Down the fore edge, Jack is climbing up the beanstalk, which is growing out of a vase underneath him. The beanstalk grows up and around Red Riding Hood and the Wolf. Near the centre, the figure of Bluebeard holds the key to the small closet in his right hand. He holds two more keys in his left hand. His wife is on her knees in front of him, begging for her life. The doorway of the small closet is behind her. Within the door, the title: "/The/ Bluebeard/ Picture/ Book./" is blocked in gold. Underneath the doorway, the words: "/32/ pages of/ design/ by/ Walter/ Crane/" are blocked in gold, on either side of the wife. A large version of Crane's rebus is blocked in gold above Bluebeard's head. The spine is blocked in gold only. Candle-flame decoration is blocked at the head and at the base, then a single gold fillet. The head of Bluebeard is blocked near the head. The title: "/The Bluebeard Picture Book/" is blocked in gold along the spine.






2003 book entry number: 28



 Binding No:                   529

                          Pressmark:   12619.g.31.

                        Artist Name:   Cruikshank, George

                   Author/Heading:   Ainsworth, William Harrison

                                   Title:   The Tower of London. A Historical Romance. Illustrated by George Cruikshank.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Co., Farringdon-Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854


                                Width:        140     Height:       225          Thickness:        42

                           PagNotes:  xvi,439p., 40 plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   yellow



                 Date Examined:  29.1.2000 & 19.3.2013

            References:     Buchanan-Brown, John            BIGC           p.28 and illustrations, 140-149.

Notes: The design is by George Cruikshank. Originally issued in thirteen parts. The paper covers for each part are bound in sequence. Each part has the same title page printed, as follows: "/ Part 1] -13]./ [ Price sixpence/ Popular Illustrated Literature/ [double rule]/ Weekly, in penny numbers; or in monthly parts, Five Numbers, with Wrapper, sixpence./[double rule]/The/ Tower of London./ By/ W. Harrison Ainsworth,/[rule]/ Illustrated by George Cruikshank./ [Wood engraving,.]/ London: George Vickers, Holywell Street,/ and all booksellers and newsmen in the United Kingdom./". The engraving on each upper cover recto shows an execution scene, in front of the Tower of London, with a crowd looking on. The engraving issigned "GCK" at its base. All the plates in the text are signed "George Cruikshank". Part 1 is date stamped: "15 DE[CEMBER 18]53"; Part 13 is date stamped: "3 M[A]Y [18]55". Publisher's titles are printed on the verso of each upper paper cover, and on the verso of each lower paper cover.







2003 book entry number: 29

                                  Binding No:   640

                          Pressmark:   Music Collections  C.461.

                        Artist Name:   C., D.


                                   Title:   The casquet of lyric gems with accompaniments for the piano.

                   Publisher Name:   David Jack; 61, Jamaica St.; London: Houlston and Wright.

             Place of Publication:   Glasgow

              Date of Publication:   [1857]

                               Printer:   Bell and Bain, Printers, Glasgow.

                                Width:        166     Height:       211          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  vi, 240p.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  11.3.2000 & 19.3.2013



Notes: The design is by D.C. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked, in blind on the lower cover, and in gold and blind on the upper. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. A leaf pattern is blocked on the head, the tail, and the sides, with scrolls on the corners - all in blind. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. The title: "/ The/ Casquet/ of/ Lyric/ Gems./ With Music./" is blocked in gold, in fanciful and gothic letters. The capitals "L" and "G" are blocked within horizontal hatch gold lettering-pieces. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two fillets; straps; the title: "/ The/ Casquet/ of/ Lyric/ Gems/" blocked in gold, in fanciful and gothic letters; straps; a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece wraps downwards around a plant stem; the words: "/ Songs/ Duets/ Glees, &c/ with/ accompaniments/" are blocked in relief within the pennant; the words: "David Jack" are blocked in relief, within a gold lettering-piece shaped as an open book; two fillets at the tail. On each side of the spine, just below the mid-point, the initials "D C" are blocked in gold, outside the gold fillet on the perimeter.






2003 book entry number: 30

                                  Binding No:   624

                          Pressmark:   12632.d.27.

                        Artist Name:   Doyle, Richard

                   Author/Heading:   Hughes, Thomas

                                   Title:   The Scouring of the White Horse; or, the Long Vacation of a London Clerk. By the Author of "Tom Brown's School Days." [i.e.Thomas Hughes.] ... Illustrated by Richard Doyle.

                   Publisher Name:   Macmillan and Co. and 23, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London

             Place of Publication:   Cambridge

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill

                                Width:        141     Height:       185          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  xi,228p. With sixteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  11.3.2000 & 19.3.2013

            References:     McLean                                VBD            p.164.


Notes: The design is by Richard Doyle. This work is advertised in the publisher's titles at the end: "With numerous engravings by Richard Doyle, engraved by W.J. Linton. Imperial 16mo. beautifully printed on toned paper, and bound in extra cloth, with gilt leaves, 8s. 6d."Gilt edges. The edges of the original pink endpapers and pastedowns underneath the white endpapers and pastedowns.  Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically, in blind on the lower and in gold on the upper. A single gold fillet is blocked on the borders. Down each side, tree branches and leaves are blocked; on the left hand side, people are holding onto a pole among the foliage, with men hunting pigs at the bottom. On the right hand side, groups of figures are blocked on the branches. On the head, centre, the title: "/ The Scouring of the White Horse/" are is blocked, in rustic "branch-like" letters. The White Horse is blocked underneath this. On the base, centre, a figure sits with a shawl over his head. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two fillets; the title: "/ The/ Scouring/ of/ the/ White/ Horse./" blocked diagonally across and down the spine, with a curling stem rising up through the letters; at the tail: "/ Macmillan & Co./" is blocked; two gold fillets are blocked at the tail. The design is unsigned. Attributed to Doyle on stylistic grounds, as the cover design is close to the illustrations within the text, and especially that on the double half-title page, which has a busy scene, dense with many figures scouring the figure of the White Horse.






2003 book entry number: 31

[in BL database on 3.9.2014 No. 019-000018957 ]

                                  Binding No:   852

                          Pressmark:   12806.bbb.23.

                        Artist Name:   Doyle, Richard

                   Author/Heading:   Gouraud, Julie, pseud. ( i.e. Louise d'Aulnay)

                                   Title:   The adventures of a watch. Translated from the French. With a title and frontispiece designed by Richard Doyle Esq. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.

                   Publisher Name:   James Duffy, 15, Wellington Quay; London: Paternoster Row.

             Place of Publication:   Dublin

              Date of Publication:   [1864]

                               Printer:   Dalziel Brothers, Camden Press.

                                Width:        125     Height:       173          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  83p. 2 plates.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  2.8.2000 & 3.9.2014.


Notes: The design is by Richard Doyle. The pastedowns and endpapers are printed with publisher’s titles. The  frontispiece is signed with the monogram "RD". On the lower pastedown is printed: "/ New book for Christmas./ Just published, imperial 16mo., richly gilt, price 1s.6d., with Two/ Illustrations, designed expressley [sic] for the work,/ By Richard Doyle, Esq,/.../"Text sewn on two cords. Gilt edges. White endpapers and pastedowns, which have publisher's titles printed on them. Blue pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Three fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer two being thick, the innermost thin. Arabesques are blocked on each corner, with a small flower blocked on their centres. The upper cover vignette is blocked in

 gold. It is an exact reproduction of the engraving on the title page plate, which is stated to be by Doyle. The title: "/ The/ adventures/ of a/ watch/" is blocked in gold, in greatly elaborated "branch-style" letters. These letters have stems and leaves sprouting from their ends. A pocket watch, which has a roman face, is blocked below the title, hanging from the letter "T". The spine is not blocked.






2003 book entry number: 35



                                   Pressmark:   C.109.d.1.

                        Artist Name:   Dudley, Robert


                                   Title:   Favourite English poems of modern times. Unabridged. Illustrated with upwards of two hundred engravings on wood, from drawings by the most eminent artists.

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, Son, and  Co.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1862

                               Printer:   R.Clay, Son, and Taylor, Printers.

                                Width:        165     Height:       230          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  xii, 372p.

                Place of Printing:   London:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  11.11.99 & 5.4.2013

            References:     Ball VPB p. 148. Cites Cundall as the Editor.

                                 McLean                                VPBB          p.91.

                                 McLean                                Cundall        p.86.

Notes: The design is by Robert Dudley.  The monogram of Joseph Cundall is printed on the title page verso. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown  morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in blind. Two thin fillets with a hatched fillet between them are blocked in gold on the borders. There is an inner border pattern of small leaves and stems, in gold. At the head, the tail and on the corners and on the sides, small leaf and stem decorations are blocked in relief and in blind. The large central oval has two fillets blocked in gold on the        borders. In between these fillets are blocked poets' names in gold, each name inside small panels. In between the panels, small leaf and stem decorations are blocked in relief and in blind. At the head of the central oval, the word: "/ Favourite/" is blocked in relief inside a hatched semi-circular cartouche; at the base of the central oval are the words: "/ English poems/" blocked in the same way. The central panel is recessed. It has white coarse-grain cloth. The whole is blocked in gold, with fruit and flower decoration blocked in relief (showing the white cloth). The very centre has a blue paper on lay, which is blocked in gold and in relief. The relief shows a winged putto holding a garland of flowers. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A fillet is blocked on the perimeter in gold. A hatch gold fillet is blocked on the head and at the tail. Strap work forming a square, with small leaves and dots, is blocked at the head, and also in the middle in gold. The title: "/ Favourite/ English/ Poems/" is blocked in gold, inside a circle, formed by two gold fillets.  Beneath the title, crossing gold hatch fillets form small squares, with leaf and berry decoration blocked in gold around and within them. There is more leaf and stem intertwined decoration blocked in relief and in blind on the lower half of the spine. At the base, there are two small squares, with dots, above a small rectangle, formed by a single gold fillet, which contains stem decoration. Signed "RD" in gold as separate letters in the middle of this rectangle. Formerly shelved at 1347.f.15.




This is scan of 5.4.2013…




This is EK’s pic of 1990s….




2003 book entry number: 36


Pressmark:            1347.f.13.

                        Artist Name:   Dudley, Robert

                   Author/Heading:   Willmott, Robert Eldridge Aris

                                   Title:   English sacred poetry of the sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. Selected and edited by Robert Aris Willmott, Illustrated by Holman Hunt, T.D. Watson, John Gilbert, J. Wolf, etc. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne & Routledge, Farringdon Street. New York: 56, Walker Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1862

                               Printer:   Printed by R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        170     Height:       230          Thickness:        42

                           PagNotes:  xix, 387p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Upper

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  31.7.2000 & 5.4.2013

                       References:  De Beaumont           RdeB1   no.399.

                                 Goldman                               VIB             no.399.

                                 Morris & Levin                       APB             p.102,


Notes: The design is by Robert Dudley. Original upper yellow endpaper bound at the front. Binder's ticket on upper pastedown: "/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge/".Gilt edges. Bevelled boards.  Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in gold, in blind and in relief. Two gold fillets are blocked on the borders, with repeating dots blocked in relief between them. On the inner borders, a wide elaborate patterns of thin stems, hatched leaves and clusters of three small berries is blocked in gold. Inside this, another border of two more gold fillets with semi-circular corners, and a border of repeating dots blocked    in relief between them. A pattern of stems and five-petalled flowers is blocked in relief within the central rectangle. A large oval, and a recessed oval are blocked on the centre. The borders of the oval have two groups of three gold fillets, the middle of which is "cord-shaped". The words: "/ English/ sacred/ poetry/ Willmott./" are blocked in gold between these groups of fillets. Within the recessed oval, a piece of white paper is on laid, and bordered with a single gold fillet. A lyre and a man in celtic-type dress are blocked in gold on the on lay. Signed “RD” as separate letters on the lower right side of the on lay. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single thin gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. Horizontal hatched gold fillets divide the spine into panels. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a thin rectangular panel with small gold decoration blocked within; a semi-circular panel with curling leaves and stems blocked within; the words: "/ English/ sacred/ poetry/ [rule]/ Illustrated/ [rule] Willmott/" are blocked in gold within a panel formed by: 1. a hatch gold fillet 2. a single thin gold fillet 3. repeating dots, blocked in relief 4. a hatch gold fillet 5. a thin gold fillet; the lower half of the spine has a panel formed by four gold fillets and dots in relief; this panel is semi-circular at its head; it has a pattern of elaborate curling stems and vertical hatch leaves blocked in gold within; beneath this, a small rectangular panel is blocked with the same gold decoration as for the panel at the head; a rectangular panel formed by a single gold fillet has the word :"/ Routledge & Co/" blocked in gold within; at the tail, a small rectangle is formed by a single gold fillet and five small gold circles are blocked within. The British Museum de Beaumont copy has the text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled Boards. Binder's ticket of Leighton Son & Hodge. Brown morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold, in blind and in relief. The central vignette of this copy is signed "RD" in gold as separate letters at the lower right. Goldman, Catalogue number 1, no. 107, states that the central ovals for this design are signed "RD" [i.e. Robert Dudley] on the 1863 edition.





2003 book entry number: 37


                                   Pressmark:   9504.g.7.

                        Artist Name:   Dudley, Robert

                   Author/Heading:   Edgar, John George

                                   Title:   Danes, Saxons, and Normans; or, Stories of our Ancestors.

                   Publisher Name:   S.O.Beeton, 248  Strand

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards,  Printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        142     Height:       223          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  xxii, 249p. Many of the ornamented capital letters, and the tail-pieces and the half-title illustrations are signed "RD" or "R. Dudley".

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  11.7.2000 & 5.4.2013

References: Ball VPB p. 148.

Notes: The design is by Robert Dudley. Gilt edges. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. The borders and corners of both covers are blocked identically in blind. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. A leaf and stem pattern is blocked on the sides and on the "inner" corners, ending as three leaves blocked on each corner. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It has a heraldic theme with three shields, with three ribbon-shaped gold lettering-pieces surrounding them, forming a circle. The title: "/ Danes/ Saxons/ and/ Normans/" is blocked in relief within the ribbons.  The three shields show: or, an eagle; azure, five birds and a moline cross; gulle, two lions. A crown is blocked in gold at the top of the vignette, with two flowers and leaves at the base. Signed "RD" in gold as separate letters beneath the word: "And" at the centre. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a shield: or, an eagle; the title: "/ Danes/ Saxons/ &/ Normans/" blocked in relief within ribbon-shaped gold lettering-pieces; a shield: azure, five birds and a moline cross; the words: "/ by/ J.G. Edgar/ Illustrated by/ Robert Dudley/" are blocked in relief within three ribbon-shaped gold lettering-pieces; a shield , gulle, two lions; one flower on each side of this shield; at the tail, the words: "/ London/ S.O. Beeton/" are blocked in relief within two gold lettering-pieces, which are separated by two fillets blocked in gold.






2003 book entry number: 38



                                   Pressmark:   8827.aa.42.

                        Artist Name:   Dudley, Robert

                   Author/Heading:   Kingston, William Henry Giles

                                   Title:   Our soldiers: or, anecdotes of the campaigns and gallant deeds of the British Army During the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, (successors to Newbery and Harris) Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   Billing, Printer and Stereotyper, Guildford, Surrey.

                                Width:        110     Height:       177          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  ix, 284p., 1 plate. With thirty six pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Guildford


                       Bookbinder:   Hanbury & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  20.10.2000 & 5.4.2013

            References:     Ball                                      VPB             p.148.


Notes: The design is by Robert Dudley. On page three of the publisher's titles: "With Frontispiece from a Painting in the Queen Victoria Cross Gallery. Fcap 8vo, price 3s. cloth; 3s. 6d. gilt edges." Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Hanbury & Co./ Binders/ 80, Coleman St./ E.C./" Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and on the corners. Three fillets blocked in blind on the borders. A medallion, formed by two fillets blocked in blind, is blocked on each corner, with a quatrefoil blocked inside blocked in relief. One leaf is blocked in blind on each side of each medallion. The central mandorla is formed by two fillets blocked in blind. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a Victoria Cross, hung from a ribbon with a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece blocked in gold above the ribbon. the title: "/ Our Soldiers/" is blocked in relief within the pennant. A crown is blocked in gold above the pennant. Signed  "RD" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette.


Notes for publisher’s titles: Printed on the title page, page 1: “Original Juvenile Library. A catalogue of new and popular works, principally for young persons. Published by Griffith and Farran, successors to Newbery and Harris, corner of St. Paul’s Churchyard, London. MDCCCLXIII.” The central medallion shows three gentlemen and is captioned: “Goldsmith introduced to Newbery by Dr. Johnson” [Presumably, this relationship, if true, favoured Newbery, as works by Goldsmith sold very well.] This title page of 1863 is essentially the same as printed and bound into a copy of 10173b42 – Bell, Pictures from the Pyrenees, 1857. Page 2 has a list of “Stanesby’s Illuminated Gift Books. Every page richly printed in gold and colours. Page 23 prints a list of: “The Favourite Library. A Series of works for the Young; each with an Ilustration by a well-known Artist. Price one shilling, cloth.” Page 35 has a list of “Durable Nursery Books.” Page 36 has a list of “Darnell’s Educational Works.”







2003 book entry number: 40

                                  Binding No:   1091

                          Pressmark:   1754.d.32.

                        Artist Name:   Dudley, Robert

                   Author/Heading:   Russell, William Howard, Sir

                                   Title:   A Memorial of the Marriage of H.R.H. ALbert Edward Prince of Wales and H.R.H. Alexandra Princess of Denmark. The Various Events and the Bridal Gifts. Illustrated by Robert Dudley. [All letters are gothic, coloured.]

                   Publisher Name:   Published by Day and Son. London, Lithographers to the Queen  & to HRH The Prince of Wales.

             Place of Publication:

              Date of Publication:   1864

                               Printer:   Bradbury and Evans, Printers Extraordinary to the Queen, Whitefriars.

                                Width:        290     Height:       430          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  [8],122,xvip., 41 chromolithographs.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  21.10.2000 & 5.4.2013

            References:     Ball VPB p.148. Cover illustrated on plate 11.

Notes: The design is by Robert Dudley. Gilt edges. Original upper cover used as a doublure. Red pebble-grain cloth. The cover is blocked in gold in blind and in relief. On the borders are: 1. two gold fillets; 2. a fillet blocked in blind, with a repeating pattern of cartouches and two dots blocked in relief within it; 3. two gold fillets; 4. a wide decorative border, composed of two gold fillets, each with repeating dots blocked in relief within, which form straps on the side and on the corners, with groups of flowers, leaves and seeds being blocked on the sides, the head and the tail; 5. two gold fillets; 6. as for no.2.; 7. two gold fillets. The central rectangle has a "background" decoration of leaves, buds, flowers - all blocked in relief. Two shields are blocked at the head and at the tail of the inner rectangle. Blocked within shields at head: three lions of England; lion of England, lion of Scotland, at the tail, Irish harp, the three lions of England. On the centre, a large block showing the Prince of Wales' feathers, and the motto: "/ Ich Dien/" blocked between them in gold. The word: "/ Houmont/" is blocked in gold on each side, together with ribbons. A crown is blocked underneath the feathers; a large elaborate ribbon is blocked as a gold lettering-piece underneath the crown. The title: "/ The Wedding/ at [in gold]/ Windsor/" is blocked in relief within the ribbon. Signed "RD" in gold as separate letters at the base of the centre.







2003 book entry number: 41


                                   Pressmark:   12621.h.19.

                        Artist Name:   Dudley, Robert

                   Author/Heading:   Edgar, John George

                                   Title:   Cressy and Poictiers; or, The Story of the Black Prince's Page. Illustrated with numerous engravings, principally from designs by Robert Dudley and Gustave Dore. [Monogram and emblematic device of S.O. Beeton]

                   Publisher Name:   S.O. Beeton, 248, Strand, W.C.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1865

                               Printer:   Stephen Austin, printer, Hertford

                                Width:        142     Height:       220          Thickness:        32

                           PagNotes:  xvi, 382p., 16 plates.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

          Cover material: cloth

              Grain: sand-grain

                   Colour : black

Blockwork: gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  21.10.2000& 5.4.2013

            References:     Ball                                      VPB             p.148.


Notes: The design is by Robert Dudley. The monogram device of Stephen Austin is printed on the verso of the title page. Many of the  plates are signed "R. Dudley” and “W. Thomas Sc." Several of the decorated tail pieces at the ends of chapters (pages 81, 146, 161, 170) are signed with the monogram of William Harry Rogers: “WHR”. Gilt edges. Dark grey endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by Bone & Son/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./" Black sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Three leaves and curling stems form a circle on each corner, with a flower head blocked in relief within each. The central mandorla is formed by three fillets blocked in blind, one thick between two thin. The thick fillet has repeating dots blocked in relief within it. Inside this, small line decoration and straps are blocked in blind on the inner mandorla border. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. It shows a shield, blocked as a gold lettering-piece, argent, surmounted by a crown and the three Prince of Wales feathers, together with three six-pointed hatch gold stars. A ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece runs between the feathers. The motto: "/ Ich Dien/" and "Houmont" are blocked twice in relief within the ribbon. The central shield is supported by two gryphons, each gripping the end of a ribbon in its jaws. Their tails wind round the shafts of a sword blocked to the left and to the right of the shield. The title: "/ Cressy and/ Poictiers/" is blocked in relief in gothic letters within the central shield. The words, "/ By J.G. Edgar/ Illustrated/ S.O Beeton/" are blocked in relief within the ribbons held by the gryphons, which wind around the swords, to come in front of the lower portion of the central shield. Signed "RD" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette, above a vertical hatch gold fleur-de-lis. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. From the head to the tail, a dense pattern of pointed leaves of flowers and thin stems is blocked in gold. In the middle, a banner gold lettering-piece with tassels hangs from the stems, with the title: "/ Cressy/ and Poictiers/" blocked in relief in gothic letters within the banner. On the lower half of the spine, a circle is formed by double gold fillets. Between the fillets, the words: "/ By/ J.G. Edgar/ Illustrated/" are blocked in gold; on the centre of the circle, a shield and the Prince of Wales feathers are blocked in gold. Near the tail, a seated figure of a man in fourteenth century dress is blocked in gold. At the tail, the imprint: "/ London/ S.O. Beeton/" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has a single gold fillet blocked above and below it, each fillet with zig-zag decoration blocked in relief within it.




2003 book entry number: 42


Pressmark:            7207.a.24.

                        Artist Name:   Dudley, Robert

                   Author/Heading:   Edgar, John George

                                   Title:   Historical anecdotes of animals. [Monogram of S.O. Beeton, in a beehive, within an oval frame.]

                   Publisher Name:   S.O.Beeton, 248 Strand, W.C.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1865]

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        133     Height:       149          Thickness:        14

                           PagNotes:  vi,90p., 4 plates.

                     Place of Printing: [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  18.7.2000 & 5.4.2013


Notes: The design is by Robert Dudley. The plates are signed: "J.W. Wood" and W. Thomas Sc." Gilt edges. Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. Both original cloth covers bound at the end. Red pebble-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. On each corner, a small leaf and stem pattern is blocked in relief. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a wooden rectangular frame, with the wooden poles nailed together and overlapping. A bear clings to the wooden upright on the left; a monkey clings to the upright on the right. A lion is blocked on the centre of the upper crossbar. Palm plants and lilies rise      up on either side of the lion. The lower crossbar has a semi-circular piece of wood nailed onto its middle. A greyhound is blocked within this semi-circle. Signed "RD" in gold as separate letters underneath the greyhound. On the centre within the wooden frame, a gold lettering-piece is blocked. It has the title: "/ Historical/ anecdotes/ of animals/" blocked in relief within.





2003 book entry number: 43


                                  Binding No:   824

                          Pressmark:   12804.bbb.30.

                        Artist Name:   Dudley, Robert

                   Author/Heading:   Lushington, Henrietta

                                   Title:   Hacco, the Dwarf, or the Tower on the Mountain; and other tales. With illustrations by G.J. Pinwell.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, (successors to Newbery & Harris), Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1865

                               Printer:   Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh.

                                Width:        130     Height:       175          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  [2],238p., 4 plates.  With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  21.7.2000.

            References:     De Beaumont                        RdeB1         no. 186.

                                 Goldman                               VIB             no.186.


Notes: The design is by Robert Dudley. The plates are signed "GJP" [ probably George John Pinwell]  and Swain [i.e. Joseph Swain]". On page 3 of the publisher's titles at the end: "... Super royal 16mo., price 3s. 6d. cloth, 4s. 6d. coloured, gilt edges." Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son./ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./" Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. A leaf and stem pattern is blocked on each corner. The lower cover central vignette is blocked in blind and in relief. It is lozenge-shaped, and shows patterned decoration blocked in blind and in relief. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold, with a circular central vignette, formed by a single gold fillet.  Just above the vignette, the title: "/ Hacco/ the Dwarf/ &c./" is blocked in gold in stylised letters. Ten stars are blocked at the head of the circle. The centre shows Hacco and a ram. Hacco is seated on a branch, with the ram standing beside him. These are set in a rural mountain landscape with plants and the sun rising/setting behind. Signed "RD" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold in blind and in relief. At the head and at the tail are: 1. a blind fillet 2. a blind fillet, with dots and a diamond blocked in relief within it 3. two blind fillets. Below the head, three panels are formed by dense plant/ woodland decoration, blocked in gold. In panel 1, an owl is blocked in gold. Panel two has the title: "/ Hacco/ the Dwarf/ and other/ tales./" blocked in gold. Panel three has two rabbits blocked in gold. The British Museum de Beaumont copy has hand-coloured plates, gilt edges, green sand-grain cloth, also bound by Bone & Son.





2003 book entry number: 44


                                  Binding No:   825

                          Pressmark:   12804.ccc.9.

                        Artist Name:   Dudley, Robert

                   Author/Heading:   Lushington, Henrietta

                                   Title:   Almeira's Castle; or, my early life in India and in England ... With Twelve Illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, successors to Newbery and Harris, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1866

                               Printer:   Gilbert and Rivington, Printers, St. John's Square.

                                Width:        127     Height:       175          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  [8],312p., 4 plates.  With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  8.6.98.



Notes: The design is by Robert Dudley. Some of the plates are signed: "Pearson sc." [probably George Pearson]  Edges speckeld with red ink. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. The  lower cover is blocked in blind only. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. A pattern of leaves, curling stems and berries is blocked in blind on each corner. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in blind and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. Arabesques are blocked in blind and in relief on the centre head and on the centre tail. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. It is square-shaped, with a "peacock's feathers" pattern blocked in hatched gold on each corner. The central circle is a gold lettering-piece with flowers and leaves blocked in relief within it. The words: "/ Almeira's Castle/" are blocked on the centre in relief within a rectangle formed by a single fillet, also blocked in relief. The spine is blocked in gold, in blind, and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: four fillets in blind, with a pattern in the middle. a gold lettering-piece, broken up to form patterns - hatch, arrows, zig-zag -  by blocking in blind; the title: "/ Almeira's Castle/" blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering piece; a flower pattern blocked in relief; more small patterns; a pattern of "hanging objects", blocked in gold; signed "RD" in relief within a decorative motif; four fillets in blind are blocked at the tail, the same as for the head.





2003 book entry number: 45


                                  Binding No:   627

                          Pressmark:   C.194.b.163. [Formerly  8756.f.28.]

                        Artist Name:   Dudley, Robert

                   Author/Heading:   Russell, Sir William Howard

                                   Title:   The Atlantic Telegraph. Illustrated by Robert Dudley. Dedicated by Special Permission to His Royal Highness Albert Edward Prince of Wales.

                   Publisher Name:   Day & Son Limited 6 Gate Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1866]

                               Printer:   Bradbury, Evans, and Co., Printers, Whitefriars.

                                Width:        204     Height:       287          Thickness:        23

                           PagNotes:  v,117p., 26 plates.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   Gold and blind and black


                 Date Examined:  23.2.2000.


Ball VPB       p.148.     Lists this design as "probably by Dudley".

McLean VBD pp.127 & 139 Reproduces the title page, the upper cover and spine; says the on lay at the centre, which shows the Atlantic cable, is chromolithographed.

Oldfield BCno.86.

Smith, Paul S. Private Correspondence with the compiler..

Notes: The plates are executed by a number of artists from "Drawing[s] by R. Dudley"; all are signed "London. Day & Son, Limited. Lith." The engravers are: R Dudley (the title-page); F. Jones; R.M. Bryson; G. McCulloch, T. Picken [i.e. Thomas Picken]; E. Walker. The lithographs, with the exception of the title page, are all tinted. Original upper cover used as a doublure. Doublure size: 195x285mm. Green sand-grain cloth. Two intertwined fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. There is a wide border, shaped as a picture frame, with shells blocked in gold within it, and Atlantic Telegraph cabling interlaced   through it. There are four medallions blocked on the cover: the two upper ones show the UK and US flags; the two lower show (to the left) Britannia with the shields of the UK and the US, and (to the right) a globe with latitude and longitude markings. A medallion is blocked on the centre. Eagles' wings are blocked above it, with a royal coat of arms between the wings. Below the medallion, an eagle is blocked. The medallion has two borders: a fillet, and a "wave" pattern in hatch gold. At the very centre, an on lay (possibly of paper) shows a cross section of the Atlantic Telegraph cable. This onsists of seven central copper conduction wires, protected by iron wires embedded in layers of gutta

percha, hemp and tar. Unsigned.






2003 book entry number: 46

                                  Binding No:   634

                          Pressmark:   12452.m.22.

                        Artist Name:   Dudley, Robert

                   Author/Heading:   Dickens, Charles

                                   Title:   Household words. Christmas stories. 1851-1858. Conducted by Charles Dickens. Consisting of What Christmas is as we grow older. A round of stories by the Christmas fire. Another round of stories by the Christmas fire. The seven poor travellers. The Holly-Tree Inn. The Wreck of "The Golden Mary". The perils of certain English prisoners. A house to let.

                   Publisher Name:   Ward, Lock, and Tyler, Warwick House, Paternoster Row.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1874]

                               Printer:   Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross

                                Width:        143     Height:       230          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  Stories paginated separately. With three pages of publisher's titles bound at the front and ten pages bound at the end; also two pages of advertisements at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and black


                 Date Examined:  28.2.2000.


Notes: The design is by Robert Dudley. Each story paginated separately. 1851 - 36p; 1853 - 36p; 1854 - 36p; 1855 - 36p; 1856 - 36p; 1857 - 36p. 1858 - 36p.]  The printer's name appears as the colophon for the years 1854 and 1858. Red ink edges. Bevelled boards. Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. A single fillet is blocked on the borders, with three more forming an inner rectangle. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Two fillets are blocked in black on the borders. Inside this, another border, of dots and lines, is blocked in black. The central rectangle is formed of double fillets in gold to show an arch rounded at the head. At the centre of the head, the words: "/ Household words/" are blocked in black; to the left of the centre, the word: "Conducted" is blocked in black. Two crossed red paper on lays are "hung" diagonally across the arch. One has a border of three gold fillets, and inside the words: "/ Charles Dickens./"  are blocked in gold. The other on lay is blocked as a gold lettering-piece, with three fillets on the borders, and the words: "/ The Christmas Stories/" blocked in relief within. Underneath this, six medallions are hanging from a Christmas tree, which is blocked in black. Each medallion is a gold lettering-piece, with a gold fillet on its perimeter, and the story titles blocked within in relief. The titles are: "/ A/ round/ of/ stories/"; "/ A/ house/ to/ let/"; "/ The/ Holly/ Tree/ Inn/"; "/ Seven/ poor/ travellers/"; "/ Island/ of/ silver-store/"; "/ The/ wreck/ of the/ Golden Mary/". The columns of the arch have leaf and stem decoration blocked in black. The trailing ends of the red on lays are blocked in gold and in black. Signed "RD" in black as separate letters on the centre tail of the upper cover. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. Two fillets are blocked on the perimeter in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: an arch; crossed gold lettering-pieces, with the title: "/ Christmas/ Stories/" blocked in relief within them; a heron blocked in black; at the tail, the words: "/ London/ Ward Lock & Tyler/" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.





2003 book entry number: 47


                                  Binding No:   829

                          Pressmark:   1256.b.23.

                        Artist Name:   E.

                   Author/Heading:   Hibberd, Shirley

                                   Title:   The book of the aquarium; or practical instructions on the formation, stocking and management in all seasons, of collections of marine and river animals and plants. A new edition, revised and enlarged.

                   Publisher Name:   Groombridge and Sons, 5, Paternoster Row

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860


                                Width:        110     Height:       172          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  vii,128p., 1 plate. With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  17.7.2000.



Notes: Designed by “E”. The title page is composite for two works by Hibberd: 1. The fresh-water aquarium; 2. The marine aquarium. [Conserved and rebound in the early 1990s.] Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Westleys/ & Co./ London./" Purple horizontal morocco grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. A "water plant" pattern is blocked on each corner in relief, with leaves and stem decoration extending on the sides. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows six rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each with a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders.

The words: "/ The/ book/ of the/ aquarium/ by/ Shirley Hibberd/" are blocked in relief within the six gold lettering-pieces. Small decoration is blocked in gold around and between the lettering-pieces. Signed "E"  in relief within a small "drop" blocked at the base of the vignette. The purple dye of the spine is faded. The spine  is blocked in gold. Three fillets are blocked in gold at the head and at the base. The title: "/ The/ book/ of the/ aquarium/" is blocked in relief within four gold lettering-pieces. Small decoration is blocked in gold around and between the lettering-pieces.




2003 book entry number: 48


                                  Binding No:   909

                          Pressmark:   12807.e.14.

                        Artist Name:   E., R.

                   Author/Heading:   Bell, Catherine Douglas

                                   Title:   Ella and Marian; or, rest and unrest ... With illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   Frederick Warne & Co., Bedford Street, Covent Garden.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1866

                               Printer:   Ballantyne, Roberts, & Co., Printers, Edinburgh.

                                Width:        116     Height:       174          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  [8],402p., 6 plates. With six pages of pubulisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Westley's & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  27.9.2000.



Notes: The design is by “ER”. The plates are signed "Dalziel". Bevelled boards. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Westley's/ & Co./ London./" Red pebble-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. A single leaf is blocked on each corner. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows three gold rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each with single gold fillet borders. The words: "/ Ella and Marian[in a semi-circle]/ or rest and unrest./ C.D. Bell [in a semi-circle]/" are blocked in relief within each of the lettering-pieces. There is border decoration to each lettering-piece. There is also circular and fan-shaped decoration between each lettering-piece. A small device with eight leaves around a diamond is blocked at the head in gold.  A small device with seven leaves around a diamond is blocked at the tail in gold. Signed "RE" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Two gold fillets are blocked at the head and at the tail. A mandorla is blocked on the middle of the spine. It has decorated inner borders of hatch, dots, etc.,  and horizontal gold hatch on its middle. Overlaying the mandorla are seven rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each with a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders. The words: "/ Ella/ and Marian [in a semi-circle]/ or/ rest and unrest/ by/ Catherine D. Bell [in a semi-circle]/" are blocked in relief within each of the seven lettering-pieces. A small hatch leaf decorative device is blocked below the mandorla. Signed "RE" in gold as separate letters at the base of this device. Near the base, a hatch circle gold lettering-piece is overlaid with a rectangular gold lettering-piece. The words: "/ Cousin Kate's/ Library/" are blocked in relief within the rectangular gold lettering-piece.





2003 book entry number: 49



Binding No:                    910

                          Pressmark:   12806.f.44.

                        Artist Name:   E., R.

                   Author/Heading:   Mateaux, Clara L.

                                   Title:   Home chat with our young folks on People and Things they See or Hear About ...

                   Publisher Name:   Cassell, Petter, and Galpin; and 596, Broadway, New York

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1870]

                               Printer:   Cassell, Petter and Galpin, Belle Sauvage Works, London, E.C.

                                Width:        170     Height:       225          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  260p., 2 plates. With sixteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and black and red and blind


                 Date Examined:  25.9.2000.



Notes: The design is by “ER”. The plate printed opposite page 82, entitled "The last of poor Bruin" is signed "A Houghton" . The plate printed opposite page 185 is entitled "A flying visit" and is signed "Morten". On page ten of the publisher's titles at the end, this work is listed as: "F cap 4to ... 5s."[No original endpapers or pastedowns.] Green sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. A repeating pattern of bud, leaf, half     circles, and hatch triangles is blocked in blind on the borders, with a single fillet blocked just inside this. The central rectangle is formed by two fillets. An oval is blocked on each corner of this, together with a leaf shape inside each of the ovals. A trefoil is blocked on each centre side. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in black and in red. Fillets in black are blocked horizontally across the cover, dividing it into three panels. The panel at the head has the title: "/ Home chat/ with our young folks./" blocked in red inside. The middle panel has a dining room "family" scene, blocked in gold. It shows a mother seated at a round table. Her left arm is around the shoulders of a girl looking at an open book in her lap. A boy and another girl at the table are looking at the mother. To their left, a boy is seated on a small bench, looking at the mother. In the panel at the tail, the words: "/With/ 200, pictures./" are blocked in red. On the bottom left of the cover, a medallion is blocked. It is formed by: 1 a black fillet 2. a single circle of repeating dots 3. a single gold fillet. Within it, a posy of roses is blocked in gold. Signed: "RE" in gold at the base of the medallion. The spine is blocked in gold, in black and in red. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a red fillet; a row of red triangles; a black fillet;  small decoration blocked in red and in black; the title: "/ Home/ Chat/ with our/ Young Folks/" blocked in gold; lattice work is blocked in red and in black, around a medallion formed by a single gold fillet; within, a girl reading a book is blocked; the words: "/ Cassell Petter/ & Galpin/" are blocked in red; a black fillet is blocked at the tail.




2003 book entry number: 50



                                  Binding No:   906

                          Pressmark:   12805.f.43.

                        Artist Name:   E., T.

                   Author/Heading:   Copsley Annuals

                                   Title:   Copsley Annuals preserved in proverbs. [By Emily Steele Elliott]

                   Publisher Name:   Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, 54 Fleet Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1867

                               Printer:   Strangeways and Walden, Printers, Castle St. Leicester Sq.

                                Width:        125     Height:       187          Thickness:        32

                           PagNotes:  v,341p. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  25.9.2000.


Notes: The design is by “TE”. Bevelled boards. Dark green endpapers and pastedown. Brown sand-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind and in relief on the borders, on the corners, and on the sides. Three fillets are blocked on the borders: 1. a thick fillet 2. a thin fillet 3. a fillet with repeating dots blocked in relief inside it. A stem, leaf, bud and flower pattern is blocked in blind on the corners and on the sides. A fillet, blocked in blind, forms the central oval. There is a border of repeating dots blocked in relief just inside the fillet. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a central circle, which has decoration of leaves, of stems, and of buds blocked around its perimeter. The centre has a gold lettering-piece blocked as a ring, with the title: "/Copsley Annuals/ preserved in proverbs/" blocked in relief inside the ring. On the centre, an ink pot and quill pens are blocked in gold. The inkpot rests on a sheaf of papers, which are blocked as a gold lettering-piece. The title: "/ Copsley/ Annuals/" is blocked in relief within the sheaf of papers. Signed "TE" in gold as separate letters near the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head, a gold fillet and a hatched gold border are blocked. The title: "/ Copsley/ Annuals,/ preserved in proverbs/" is blocked in relief within two rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each with a single fillet blocked on its borders, and with leaf and stem decoration surrounding them. Underneath this, a group of leaves and acorns is blocked. Signed "E" to the left of the leaves. A gold fillet and a gold vertical hatch are blocked at the tail.




2003 book entry number: 51



Binding No:                  1061

                          Pressmark:   11688.g.22.

                        Artist Name:   H., C.

                   Author/Heading:   Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

                                   Title:   Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie. Illustrated with forty-five engravings on wookd, from designs by Jane E. Benham, Birket Foster and John Gilbert.

                   Publisher Name:   David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1850

                               Printer:   Henry Vizetelly, Printer and Engraver, Gough Square, Fleet Street.

                                Width:        133     Height:       207          Thickness:        23

                           PagNotes:  vii,102p. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   yellow



                 Date Examined:  12.10.99.


Notes: The design is by “CH”. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow glazed paper over boards. Light brown rib horizontal-grain cloth on spine. Light blue/ green endpapers and pastedowns. Written on the upper pastedown: "/ Mr. A. Pierpont/ 1850./ Stella/ from Katherine Isobel/ Tuesday/ Cheltenham/ S Eustasius - /" The same design is printed on both covers. The pattern over the corners and the sides is of curling thin stems and leaves, printed in green. The title "/ Evangeline/ A Tale of Acadie/" is in gothic letters above and below the central roundel. On the lower cover, the central roundel shows an engraving of an angel. On the upper cover, the central roundel shows an engraving of two adults. Signed CH (or HC) as a monogram near the centre tail. The spine has the words: "/ Evangeline/ Illustrated/ [rule]/ Longfellow/ [rule/" blocked in gold near the head.




2003 book entry number: 52

                                  Binding No:   555

                          Pressmark:   12706.d.18.

                        Artist Name:   Halswelle, Keeley

                   Author/Heading:   Cummins, Maria Susanna

                                   Title:   The Lamplighter.

                   Publisher Name:   T.Nelson and Sons. London and Edinburgh.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1854]

                               Printer:   Printed by T. Nelson and Sons.

                                Width:        120     Height:       190          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  543p., 8 plates. With sixteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  29.9.2000.


Notes: The design is by Keeley Halswelle. The  title page is engraved and signed "Keeley Haswell del. [i.e. Keeley Halswelle? See:  ]; F. Borders Sc". The plates are signed "Keeley Haswell". Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Blue wave horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, with a decorated pattern on the border inside. The lower cover has a central vignette of a maltese cross, plus a wreath, blocked in blind. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a crown above a roundel, which is formed by three fillets blocked in gold. St George is slaying the dragon at the base of the vignette. The title: "/ Lamp/ lighter/ [rule]" is blocked in gold on the centre. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked on the perimeter. A single gold fillet is blocked at the head and at the tail. The words: "/ The/ Lamplighter/ Illustrated/"  are blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece shaped as a pennant. Beneath this, a winged angel holds a crown of laurel leaves above a girl reading and pointing to an open book. Signed "K.H." in gold as separate letters underneath the book. At the tail, the imprint: "/ T. Nelson & Sons/ London & Edinburgh/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.





2003 book entry number: 53



Binding No:                    714

                          Pressmark:   C.30.l.3.

                        Artist Name:   Humphreys, Henry Noel

                   Author/Heading:   Ephemerides

                                   Title:   The home and Illuminated diary Calendar for 1845.

                   Publisher Name:   Longman and Co.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1845]


                                Width:        195     Height:       275          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  Unpaginated. [53p.] With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   white

                        Blockwork:   gold and  colours


                 Date Examined:  24.3.2000.

                       References:  Ball App      44b       Copy bound in paper.

                                 Ball                                      VPB             p.149.        States Humphres: "may be assumed to have designed the cover for this work."

                                 McLean                                VBD            p.88 &        States: "design presumably by Humphreys". plate IV.

Notes: The paper covers are over a mull cloth base. Printed at the end of the 'Description of the Illuminated Calendar': "The present is an attempt to render mechanism an auxiliary of art, as far as it is now practicable, and to point the way to greater and higher efforts. The flower borders are printed entirely by the lithographic press of Mr. Owen Jones, and it is believed are excellent specimens of that delicate process. The figure subjects are coloured by hand." Gilt edges. White paper over cloth over boards. The lower cover is blocked with a blue fillet on the borders, and a single strap on each corner. On the centre, fillets blocked in gold form a strap pattern, with the shape of a lozenge. The upper cover is blocked in gold, and painted in colours. A fillet is blocked in gold on the borders, with straps blocked on each corner. There is a border pattern, blocked in gold, of a "continuous contorted line" shape. Elaborate fillets and straps are blocked in gold on the centre head, on the centre tail, and on the sides, which together form the central frame. There are blue and red colours between the fillets and the straps. Each inner corner has a coloured tree depicting the four seasons. On the centre, the title: "/ The/ Illuminated/ Calendar/ [rule]/ 1845" is blocked in gold, in gothic lettering. On this copy, the spine is of modern leather, with modern lettering.





2003 book entry number: 59


                                  Binding No:   712

                          Pressmark:   1401.b.15.

                        Artist Name:   Humphreys, Henry Noel

                   Author/Heading:   Humphreys, Henry Noel

                                   Title:   The art of illumination and Missal Painting. A guide to Modern Illuminators. Illustrated by a series of specimens, from richly illuminated MSS. of various periods, accompanied by a Set of Outlines, to be coloured  by the Student according to the theories

developed in the Work.

                   Publisher Name:   H.G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1849

                               Printer:   Charles Whittingham, Chiswick.

                                Width:        137     Height:       172          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  [1],64p., 24 plates.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   Leather


                            Colour :   white

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief and colours


                 Date Examined:  24.3.2000.

                       References:  Ball App      49d       Copy in white leather.

Ball                           VPB                                     p. 149.          States that the decoration is "chromolitho onlay on gold-blocked white              leather."

Leathlean                   HNH                                    p.203.

McLean                     VBD                                     Plate XV       Shows the upper cover.

Morris & Levin            APB                                     p.29, no.32.

Notes: The description in the publisher's titles at the end of the "Record of the Black Prince" states that this work is: "In an ornamental cover, 21s."    Original upper and lower covers used as doublures. White leather. The upper and lower covers have: 1. a fillet blocked in gold on the borders; 2. inside this, is an on lay border of blue paper, blocked in gold; the blocking on the blue paper shows leaves, long stems and small flowers blocked in relief; 3. inside this, another small border fillet is blocked in gold. On the lower cover, another inner border is blocked in gold. A fillet then forms the inner rectangle. On the upper cover, a fillet in black forms the inner rectangle. The border of the inner rectangle has a paper on lay, with six divisions. Each division has a scroll, with writing within it. The division at the top left has gold stems against a red background; the words: "/ Giulio Clovio/" are on the scroll. The division at the top right has grey leaves,  stems and flowers against a blue background; the words: "/ Girolamo Libri/" are on the scroll. The division centre right has white stems, leaves and flowers against a red background. The division bottom right has the same decoration as for the top left. The division bottom left has the same decoration as for the top right. The division centre left has light green flowers against a dark green background. [The text on the scrolls of the last four divisions of this copy are not readable.] The rectangle on the centre of the upper cover is a paper on lay, with a border of a single fillet blocked in black. It shows lilies against a crimson background. The words: "/ The art of/" are in blue inside a scroll; the word: "/ Illumination/" is in red inside a scroll.







2003 book entry number: 61


                                  Binding No:   696

                          Pressmark:   C.30.g.7.

                        Artist Name:   Humphreys, Henry Noel

                   Author/Heading:   Humphreys, Henry Noel

                                   Title:   The Book of Ruth, from the Holy Scriptures. Enriched with Coloured Borders, selected from Illuminated MSS. in the British Museum, Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, Soane Museum, and other libraries. The Illuminations arranged and executed under the direction of H. Noel Humphreys.

                   Publisher Name:   Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1850

                               Printer:   Vizetelley & Company, Printers, 135 Fleet St.

                                Width:        120     Height:       167          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  [1],31p. With two pages of other titles by Humphreys bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   Leather


                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  24.3.2000.

                       References:  Ball VPB p.146. Lists this work under "Relievo Bindings".

                                 Leathlean HNH p.193

                                 McLean VBD p.108.

                                 Morris & Levin APB p.69, no.143.

Notes: The design is by Henry Noel Humphreys. The title page is printed in gold. Each opening is alternately printed in gold and grey, and in several colours. The text has chromolithographed borders. In the list of works at the end is the description: "In a highly embossed leather binding, price 21s. (Just ready.)" Gilt edges. Bevelled boards, with gauffered edges. The turn-ins are blocked in gold. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. Red leather over the boards. Both covers identically embossed with the same design. The blocking is in blind and in relief. On the borders, two fillets are blocked in blind, with a border of joined single flowers and leaves between the fillets. There is a pattern of flowers and cornstalks blocked inside the central rectangle. Poppies are blocked on the top left hand and bottom right hand corners of the inner rectangle. Cornstalks are blocked on the centre sides. Flower stems form a central frame, with straps at its head and its tail. Inside the frame, the title: "/ The/ Book/ of/ Ruth/" is blocked in relief, in gothic lettering. The spine is blocked in blind. A cornstalk is blocked at the head and at the tail. The title: "/ The Book of Ruth/" is blocked in relief along the spine.




2003 book entry number: 63


Binding No:                    710

                          Pressmark:   C.27.m.8.


                        Artist Name:   Humphreys, Henry Noel


                                   Title:   The Book of Exotic Birds. A Series of Richly Coloured Plates Accompanied by Descriptions.

                   Publisher Name:   Paul Jerrard, 111 Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1852]


                                Width:        185     Height:       275          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  Unpaginated. [22p.] With three leaves of publisher's titles bound at the end, printed on the recto only.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    net-grain

                            Colour :   beige

                        Blockwork:   Gold


                 Date Examined:  24.3.2000.

References:             Gaskell  NIB p.242,


                                 Leathlean                              Jerrard          p.185

                                 Leathlean                              HNH            p.204-208

Notes: All text is printed in gold. The letters on the title page are fanciful, with extravagant use of tendrils at the ends. The colour lithographs of the birds are printed separately and pasted onto the verso of leaves, within a gold printed border. The leaves are sewn on three sawn-in cords. In the publisher's titles at the end of BL C.27.m.9. "Flower painting in twelve lessons", this work is advertised as: "Preparing for Publication, Exotic Birds. Price 21s. In one handsome volume, Imperial 8vo. Richly bound, suitable for Birth-day or Marriage Presents, with Ornamental Decoration Page, and 10 Plates."     Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns are printed in gold, with a rococo design of stems and flowers. Beige fine net-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in gold only. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the borders. The central vignette shows a spray of summer flowers, tied together by a ribbon. The upper cover has a single fillet blocked in gold on the borders. Within this, a single coloured lithograph on a sheet of paper has been pasted onto the board. It has elaborate tendrils and a branch border pattern, and shows flowers at the end of long stems, with the title: "The book of exotic birds" attached to the stems. The letters are shaped like small stems. The lithograph has been lacquered and this     has cracked. The words: "London. Paul Jerrard 111 Fleet St." are printed in black near the base. Another copy is at BL 7286.dd.8. [22p.] It has the same design as for C.27.m.8. Endpapers and pastedowns are in good condition. White net-grain cloth and upper cover decoration, both in poor condition. Original gutta percha binding has now given way, with leaves loose. [Since the year 2000, this copy 7286.dd.8. has been repaired.] put both front covers into database…



2003 book entry number: 68


                                  Binding No:   711

                          Pressmark:   C.30.k.1.

                        Artist Name:   Humphreys, Henry Noel

                   Author/Heading:   Humphreys, Henry Noel

                                   Title:   The coinage of the British Empire: an outline of the progress of the coinage in Great Britain and her dependencies, from the earliest period to the present time. Illustrated by fac-similies of the coins of each period, worked in gold silver and copper.

                   Publisher Name:   Nathaniel Cooke, Milford House, Strand

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854


                                Width:        172     Height:       245          Thickness:        28

                           PagNotes:  160p., 24 plates.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and black and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  24.3.2000.

                       References:  Ball App      54d       Cites copy in "papier mache" covers.

                                 Ball                                      VPB             p.150.

                                 Leathlean                              HNH            pp.197,


                                 McLean                                VPBP           p.59           Illustrates the work in "papier mache" covers.

                                 McLean                                VBD            p.210, 213.  Page 213 illustrates the work in "papier mache" covers.

Notes: Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Brown morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind. On each cover, decorative fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, with straps blocked in relief on the corners, the head, the tail, and the sides. Rose flowers and leaves are blocked in relief on the inner corners. The title in the central oval: "/ The coinage of the British Empire/" is blocked in relief in gothic capital letters. The upper cover has a central vignette, consisting of seven coins. Four are blocked in black and three in gold. The coin designs are blocked in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. The title: "/ Coinage of the British Empire/" is blocked in gold along the spine. Between the words "the and "British", a coin is blocked in black. Three fillets, decorated and with strap work, border the title words. A single coin is blocked in gold at the head and at the tail.      The 1861 edition is at BL 7755.df.6. London and Glasgow: Richard and Griffin and Company, Publishers to the University of Glasgow, 1861. 207p., 24 plates. Printed by Bell and Bain, St. Enoch Square.





2003 book entry number: 69


Binding No:       1074

                          Pressmark:   1257.d.8.

                        Artist Name:   Humphreys, Henry Noel

                   Author/Heading:   Humphreys, Henry Noel

                                   Title:   Ocean Gardens: The History of the Marine Aquarium, and the best methods now adapted for its establishment and preservation.

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, Son, and Co., 57 Ludgate  Hill.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Thomas Harrild, Printer, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street; and Silver Street, Falcon Square.

                                Width:        133     Height:       187          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  viii,112p, 12 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  11.3.2000

            References:     Ball                                      VPB             p.150.

Notes: The plates are hand-coloured. Gilt edges. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./" Blue ripple vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the

 borders. Inside this, a border of repeating three-pointed leaves is blocked alternating in blind and in relief, within triangles blocked in blind. A fillet blocked in blind forms the inner triangle. A conch shell and seaweed are blocked in blind on each inner corner. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a circle, composed by joined curved fillets. Within the circle, the title: "/ Ocean Gardens/ [rule]/ Glimpses Beneath the/ Waters/ [rule]/" is blocked in gold in gothic letters. Seaweed above and below the title is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. The title: "/ Ocean/ Gardens/" is blocked in gold, with seaweed blocked above and below it, also in gold. Unsigned.






2003 book entry number: 70


Binding No:                  1075

                          Pressmark:   1257.d.9.

                        Artist Name:   Humphreys, Henry Noel

                   Author/Heading:   Humprhreys, Henry Noel

                                   Title:   River Gardens; being An Account of the Best Methods of cultivating fresh-water plants in aquaria, in such a manner as to afford suitable abodes to ormanemtal fish, and many interesting kinds of aquatic animals.

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, Son, and Co. 47 Ludgate Hill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Thomas Harrild, Printer, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street. 

                                Width:        135     Height:       187          Thickness:        19

                           PagNotes:  viii,108p., 8 plates. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  11.3.2000.

            References:     Ball                                      VPB             p.150.


Notes: Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on the lower pastedown: "Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./" Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and on the corners. Two thick fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. Between these, stems of bulrushes rise from the base to form leaves and  the rush, blocked in relief on each upper corner. On the lower inner corners of each cover, ivy leaves and stems are blocked in blind. The lower cover central  vignette is blocked in blind and it consists of thin stems, intertwined, which form an oval. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold, in a semi-circle, above an aquarium scene of lilies, water plants and fish. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. On the upper half of it, an aquarium tank is blocked in gold, as a lettering-piece. The title: "/ River/ Gardens/" is blocked in relief within this tank. Bulrushes and a frog are blocked above the tank; fish are blocked below it - all in gold. Unsigned.




2003 book entry number: 71


[Placed into BL bindings database on 24.8.2016 - 019-000023190]

                                  Binding No:   716

                          Pressmark:   1347.h.9.

                        Artist Name:   Humphreys, Henry Noel

                   Author/Heading:   Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

                                   Title:   Kavanagh: a tale. Illustrated with original designs by Birket Foster, engraved by H.N. Woods [i.e. probably Henry Newsom Woods].

                   Publisher Name:   W. Kent and Co. (Late D. Bogue), 86, Fleet Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Henry Vizetelly, Printer and Engraver, Gough Square, Fleet Street.

                                Width:        140     Height:       220          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  136p. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  24.3.2000 & 24.8.2016

References: For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures, p.150.


Notes: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by /Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" [Ball no. 53A.] Dark red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders, the corners and the sides. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, with strapwork blocked in relief on the corners. Inside the fillets, rose branches, rose flowers and leaves are blocked in relief on the sides and on the corners. On the upper cover, the centre is blocked in gold. It shows a bouquet of stems, leaves and flowers. (This is derived from an illustration by Humphreys on page 7). The title: "/ Kavanagh/" is blocked in rustic lettering, with the letters running down the length of the bouquet. The spine has the words: "/ Longfellow's Kavanagh/" blocked in gold in rustic letters along its length, within a cartouche. The cartouche is formed by a single "branch-like" gold fillet, which forms straps at the head and at the tail. The British Museum de Beaumont copy of this work has the same design as this copy on blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. The register number is : 1992,0406.178.





2003 book entry number: 73

[Placed into BL bindings database on 05102016 - 019- 000023390]

                                  Binding No:   692

                          Pressmark:   11601.h.1.

                        Artist Name:   Humphreys, Henry Noel

                   Author/Heading:   Manning, Samuel

                                   Title:   The Months illustrated by pen and pencil. The designs by Noel Humphreys [i.e. Henry Noel Humphreys], John Gilbert, Barnes [i.e. Robert Barnes], Wimperis [i.e. Edmund Morison Wimperis] , North [i.e. John William North], Lee [i.e. J. N. Lee] , Sulman [i.e. Thomas Sulman] , and other eminent Artists: Engraved by Butterworth and Heath. London: The Religious Tract Society, 56 Paternoster Row; 65 St. Pauls Churchyard; and 164 Piccadilly,  [1864]. xvi,224p. Other artists given in the List of Illustrations are: W. Nicholls [i.e William Alfred Nicholls], T. Sargent, P. W. Justyne [i.e. Percy William Justyne].


                   Publisher Name:   The Religious Tract Society, 56 Paternoster Row; 65 St. Pauls Churchyard; and 164 Piccadilly.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1864]

                               Printer:   R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        155     Height:       222          Thickness:        23

                           PagNotes:  xvi, 224p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  24.3.2000 & 5.10.2016

            References:     Ball VPB p.150."Attributed by a bookseller's catalogue to Humpreys."

Notes: The design is attributed to Henry Noel Humphreys. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green pebble-grain cloth. Both covers blocked in gold and in blind. Two gold fillets are blocked on the borders. Inside, a border of single branches is blocked, which cross at the corners. Sprays of flowers are attached to the branches on each side. At the head, a garland of flowers is blocked. At the tail, a winter scene is blocked, with a hawthorn-like plant blocked on the centre. The central rectangle has three fillets on its borders, one blocked in blind between two in gold. On the centre, the title: "/ The Months/ Illustrated/ by/ Pen & Pencil/" is blocked in gold, in gothic letters. The capital letters "T", "M" and "I" are enlarged, with small decoration blocked in relief inside each letter. Many tendrils are attached to the title letters. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two diamond panels, surrounded by "branch-like" fillets, which cross and form single straps; gold lettering-pieces shaped as ribbons; the title: "/ The/ Months/ Illustrated/ by/ Pen & Pencil/" blocked in relief within these ribbons; two more diamond panels; small decoration is blocked at the tail. All the diamonds are gold lettering-pieces, with decoration of the seasons blocked in relief within each panel. The decorations in each panel are, from the head: winter; spring; summer; autumn. The detail on the clustered flowers on branches, and the tendrils attached to the gothic letters - both are characteristic of Humphrey's work in his engravings and lithographs.  

The 1876 edition is at BL Gilt edges. White endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "Bound by Westley's & Co. London". Green rib diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically, in blind on the lower, and in gold and in black on the upper. The same design is used for the title lettering as for the 1864 edition, within a smaller rectangle, with a fillet in black around its perimeter. The spine has the title blocked in relief within ribbon-shaped gold lettering-pieces. The British Museum de Beaumont copy is at P&D register number: 1992,0406.229. It has the same cover design as this copy.






2003 book entry number: 74



                                  Binding No:   1067

                          Pressmark:   C.194.c.2.

                        Artist Name:   Humphreys, Noel and Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Jerrard, Paul

                                   Title:   The Humming Bird Keepsake Book of Bird Beauty. The Birds Painted among Nests and Flowers by Paul Jerrard, The Poems by FWN Bayley Esq.

                   Publisher Name:   Paul Jerrard, 111 Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1852]


                                Width:        270     Height:       375          Thickness:        10

                           PagNotes:  Unpaginated [28p.].

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    net vertical-grain

                            Colour :   white

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  21.1.2000.

            References:     Ball                                      VPB             p.68.

                                 Leathlean                              HNH            p.207.

Notes: White net vertical-grain cloth. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns, ribbed diagonally, are printed in gold with a repeating floral pattern. The lower cover is blocked in gold and in blind. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. The inner rectangle is

formed by two fillets, with repeating rectangles, themselves crossed within, and with diamonds, blocked between the fillets - all in blind. Flowers, leaves and stems are blocked on the inner corners, on the sides, the head and the tail. On the Centre, the vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a stag's head and antlers surrounded by groups of oak leaves and acorns, Signed "JL". in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The upper cover has a glazed white paper on lay, printed in gold and chromolithographed. The on lay is bordered by a single gold fillet on the cloth. The title: "/ The hummingbird keepsake/ A book of bird beauty./" is printed in gold at the head. A lattice pattern, with interlocking branches, and with flowers and stems with long tendrils, is printed in gold down each side of the on lay. On the centre tail: "/ London:/ Paul/ Jerrard, 111 Fleet Street./" is printed in gold in gothic letters. On the centre, the chromolithograph shows two humming birds stated to be: "/ White eared humming bird ; Black breasted humming bird/" printed in black. Signed: "/ Paul Jerrard litho/ 111 Fleet St./" in black.




2003 book entry number: 77


                                  Binding No:   862

                          Pressmark:   11805.d.31.

                        Artist Name:   Jones, Owen

                   Author/Heading:   Hunt, Leigh

                                   Title:   A jar of honey from Mount Hybla, Illustrated by Richard Doyle.

                   Publisher Name:   Smith, Elder & Co, 65 Cornhill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1848

                               Printer:   Vizetelly, Brothers, and Co. Printers and Engravers, Peterborough Court, Fleet Street.

                                Width:        140     Height:       208          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  viii, xxiii,200p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   yellow



                 Date Examined:  16.4.98

                       References:  Ball VPB      p.152.

                                 McLean                                VBD            p.132; plate


                                 Morris & Levin                       APB             p.66,


Notes: The original paper cover size is 135x202mm. At the base of the List of Illustrations: "The cover designed by Owen Jones." Original upper endpaper is bound at the front. It shows a repeating pattern of tendrils, thin leaves and bud heads, blocked in gold on white glazed paper. The original upper and lower paper covers are bound in. Each is of yellow glazed paper. The border shows twin branches which interlock to form a frame, with straps on the sides, the head and the tail. Gold is printed between the branches. Leaves (possibly passion flower) are printed in green, and cling on to the frame. On the centre of each cover, a blue jar is printed with passion flower leaves in gold. On the upper cover, the title: "/ A/ Jar of Honey/" is printed in gold above the jar; the words: "/ from/ Hybla/" are printed in gold below it. The jar is surrounded by an oval, formed by single green branches, crossing at the tail, with leaves in green and buds and flowers in gold. On the lower cover, the jar on the centre is supported by a plinth of multiple straps, extending upwards from the centre base. Above the jar, there are            extended straps, with a pattern of green (passion flower) leaves.






2003 book entry number: 79


                                  Binding No:   1077

                          Pressmark:   1346.h.24.

                        Artist Name:   Jones, Owen

                   Author/Heading:   Jones, Owen

                                   Title:   The Song of Songs.

                   Publisher Name:   Longman & Co.

             Place of Publication:   [London]

              Date of Publication:   1849

                               Printer:   [Day & Son.]

                                Width:        142     Height:       210          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  Unpaginated [32p.]

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   Leather


                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  24.7.2000.

References:                  Ball  VPB            p.153.

                                 McLean                                VBD            pp.92-94.

                                 McLean                                VPBB          p.33.

                                 Morris & Levin                       APB             p.69,


Notes: On the title pager verso: "/ Illuminated/ by/ Owen Jones/". Each leaf has chromolithograph borders. Gutta percha binding, in pieces. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. The leather turn-ins are blocked in gold with a repeating pattern of zig-zag fillets and stylised leaf decoration between each zig-zag. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns, decorated in gold and in blue with a repeating pattern of curling leaves and stems. The first (blank) flyleaf has stamped on its tail: "/ Bound by Remnant Edmonds & Remnants./" in black letters. Both covers blocked identically on the borders and on the corners in blind and in relief. On the borders, there is a zig-zag repeating pattern, with leaf and a single berry blocked between each zig-zag. Inside this, two fillets are blocked on the borders, with beads in relief between them. The fillets and the beads form circular straps on the sides, the head, and the tail. A large leaf pattern is blocked in relief on each corner. Two groups of double fillets, and of

beads between them, form the central mandorla. On the lower cover, the monogram of Day and Son is blocked in relief, surrounded by thick leaves, and smaller clover leaves and stems. On the upper cover, the central mandorla has the title: "/ The/ Song of/ Songs/" blocked in relief in gothic letters. The spine is blocked in relief, showing four "spade-shapes" blocked in relief from head to tail, with elongated "fleurs-de-lis" blocked in relief inside each. No gold blocking on the spine.




2003 book entry number: 86


                                  Binding No:   857

                          Pressmark:   1757.b.28.

                        Artist Name:   Jones, Owen

                   Author/Heading:   Jones, Owen

                                   Title:   One thousand and one Initial Letters Designed and Illuminated by Owen Jones.

                   Publisher Name:   Day & Son, Lithographers to the Queen.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1864

                               Printer:   Day & Son

                                Width:        320     Height:       422          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  Unpaginated. [28 leaves.]

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   maroon

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  25.4.98.

            References:     Ball                                      VPB             p.154.

Notes: The recto of each leaf is chromolithographed with the multiple forms of each alphabetical letter, in gold, in red, in blue, and in black. At the base of each leaf:" London. Chromolithographed & Published April 1st 1864, by Day & Son, Lithrs to the Queen & to H.R.H. The Prince of Wales." The original upper cover is used as a doublure. Original upper cover size: 278x400mm. Deep maroon pebble-grain cloth. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. The centre of the cover is occupied by a block, stylistically similar to the design of the title page. The title words:"/1,001/ Initial/ Letters/" are blocked in gold on the centre. The words "1,001" and "letters" are in floriated gothic letters, with an elaborate filligree of leaf foliage surrounding them to form rectangles. The capital "I" of "Initial" runs down the left hand side of the centre. It is highly decorated with stems and leaves. The cover design is an extension of the many designs for the initials printed within.




2003 book entry number: 88


                                  Binding No:   858

                          Pressmark:   J/11765.h.17.

                        Artist Name:   Jones, Owen

                   Author/Heading:   Shakespeare, William

                                   Title:   Scenes from the Winter's Tale.

                   Publisher Name:   Day and Son Limited

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1866]


                                Width:        230     Height:       285          Thickness:        17

                           PagNotes:  Unpaginated. [48p.]

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and relief


                 Date Examined:  2.8.2000.

            References:     Ball                                      VPB             p.154.

                                 McLean                                VPBB          p.72.

Notes: Apart from the title page and the colophon, the recto of each leaf contains a chromolithograph. The verso of each leaf has text from the Winter's Tale printed in red and in black against a gold background. The colophon has the text: "/Illuminators/ Owen Jones/ and Henry Warren./ On

stone/ A. Warren/" [i. e. Albert Warren] The ornamental borders of each leaf are also chromolithographs. Red ink edges. Original upper and lower covers used as doublures; cover size: 216x272mm. Coarse brown pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold. Two thin fillets are blocked in gold on the outer borders. Three patterned borders are blocked in gold on rectangular paper on lays, coloured in red and in blue. Each rectangular on lay is separated by a gold fillet. The outer and inner on lays are red, and have a repeating pattern of  flower heads and four dots blocked in gold. The blue on lay between these shows a stylised leaf and stem pattern blocked in gold. The inner rectangle formed by these three on lays has spade-shaped and leaf decoration blocked in gold on each corner. From the centre tail upwards, a plant is blocked in gold. The thin stems of the plant end in leaves. The title: "/ Scenes/ from the/ Winter's/ Tale/" is blocked in gold amongst and between the plant's stems.








2003 book entry number: 89


                                  Binding No:   921

                          Pressmark:   12804.bbb.27.

                        Artist Name:   K., W.

                   Author/Heading:   Leonora

                                   Title:   Donald Cameron; or, trust winneth troth. A tale.

                   Publisher Name:   Darton & Co., 42, Paternoster Row, E.C.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1866

                               Printer:   Printed by Faithfull & Co., Victoria Press, 1a Princes Street, Storey's Gate; and 83a, Farringdon Street.

                                Width:        105     Height:       167          Thickness:        17

                           PagNotes:  [2],142p., 1 plate.

                Place of Printing:   Westminster




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  14.8.2000 & 22.4.2013.


Notes: The design is signed “WK”. The artist or engraver of the upper cover vignette is possibly W. Kelsall. The plate is signed with the monogram "NP". Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders, and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders.  Single leaf decoration is blocked in blind on each corner. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a tracery of stem and hatched leaf decoration blocked in gold. This decoration surrounds three gold lettering-pieces, the top being semi-circular, the two underneath being rectangular. The title: / Donald Cameron/ or/ Trust winneth troth/" is blocked in relief within the three gold lettering-pieces. Signed "WK" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. Fillets and vertical hatch are blocked in gold at the head and at the tail. The title: "/ Donald Cameron/" is blocked in gold along the spine, within a cartouche formed by two gold fillets, one of which is hatch. The capitals "D" and "C" are blocked in relief within

rectangular gold lettering-pieces, which have single gold fillets blocked on their borders.





2003 book entry number: 90

Binding No:                    487

                          Pressmark:   1379.h.12-14.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Knapp, Andrew and Baldwin, William

                                   Title:   The Newgate calendar; comprising interesting memoirs of the most notorious characters who have been convicted of outrages on             the Laws of England since the commencement of the Eighteenth Century; with occasional anecdotes and observations, speeches,      confessions, and last exclamations of sufferers. 4 vols.

                   Publisher Name:   J. Robins and Co. Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1824-1828

                               Printer:   Printed by J. Robins and Co. Ivy-Lane, London.

                                Width:           0     Height:          0          Thickness:         0


                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    dot and line vertical-grain

                            Colour :   mauve

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  20.2.97 &13.5.2013


Notes: Vol. I. 1824. iv,516p., 3 plates. 142x22632mm. Vol.II.  1825. [2], 502p., 3 plates. 140x226x33mm. Vol. III. 1828. [2], 502p., 9 plates. Vol. IV. [1828.] 406p., 7 plates.       140x226x63mm.   

The set of Henry Spencer Ashbee, whose bookplate is on each upper pastedown. There is no title page for Vol. IV. Volumes III and IV are bound together. Mauve dot and line vertical-grain cloth. All the covers of this three volume set are blocked identically. Two fillets are blocked on

 the borders. An inner rectangle is formed with the blocking of a further two fillets, which have strap work on the corners, the sides, and on the head and the tail. On the inner borders, a pattern of small strap work, flowers and circles is blocked in blind and in relief. On each upper cover, the same central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a wooden treasure chest, with its lid open. The chest has studded corners. Around the outside of the chest, a snake is coiled. It has the key to the lock of the chest on its tail. At the "head" of the snake is a hand, holding a quill over an open book, propped up against the front of the box and the lid of the chest. There is a rolled-up scroll showing on the left hand side of the

chest. On it, "JL" is blocked in relief as a monogram. All the decorative features of the chest are picked out in relief. Only the spine of Vol. II survives on this set. The spine is blocked in gold. It has curling leaves and stems blocked from the head to half way down the spine. Within circles formed by this, the title: "/ The/ Newgate/ Calendar/" is blocked near the head; below this, the words: "/ Memoirs/ of the/ most/ notorious/ characters/"; then below: "/ by/ Knapp/ and/ Baldwin./ II./" Underneath this, the figure of a gaoler is blocked, an axe on his right shoulder, his left hand holding a flag. At the base the words: "/ London./ Robins [&Co]./" are blocked in gold. There is another copy of this work in the London Metropolitan Archives, in the Burns Collection. It has four volumes also bound in three. The

spines are all identical in this set and the same as Vol II of the BL copy. This set has the same cloth, grain, dye colour and blocking as the British Library set. It seems likely that the work was bound some thirty years after original publication, as dot and line grain did not come into use until the 1850s.






2003 book entry number: 91

                                  Binding No:   249

                          Pressmark:   L.49/575.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Cowper, William

                                   Title:   The diverting history of John Gilpin: showing how he went further than he intended, and came safe home again. With ten illustrations by a young artist [i.e. John Leighton].

                   Publisher Name:   Joseph Cundall, 12, Old Bond Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1845

                               Printer:   Printed by C. Whittingham.

                                Width:        290     Height:       230          Thickness:        10

                           PagNotes:  24p., 10 plates.  The plates are lithographs.

                Place of Printing:   [London] Chiswick




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  20.7.99.

            References:     McLean Cundall p.58.States that the illustrations are said to be the first Leighton published.

Pantazzi JL p.273.

Krupp. BEA p.81, example Ft40. (The ribbon embossed pattern is similar but not identical.)

Notes: All the signatures on the plates are signed with Leighton's monogram, with the "J" crossing below the "L".    

Plate I. Frontispiece. Signed "JL", at the base of the plinth

Plate II. Interior of room. Signed "JL", on the parcel.

Plate III. Street scene in London. Signed "JL", on the doorstep.

Plate IV. Street scene in London. Signed "JL", on the door column.

Plate V. Interior of inn. Signed "JL", on the wooden box.

Plate VI. Horse in the road outside inn. Signed "JL", on the base of the wall column.

Plate VII. Horse in pond. Signed "JL", on the vase.

Plate VIII. Horse galloping. Signed "JL", as part of the first floor window glazing.

Plate IX. Horse in street. Signed "JL", at base of the gate column.

Plate X. Galloping horse. Signed "JL", at the base of the toll gatepost.


All of the signatures are without serifs. The spine is re-backed using red pebble-grain cloth. Both covers have red ribbon embossed cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind. Two fillets, the outer thick, the inner thin, are blocked in blind on the borders. Strap work is blocked in blind on the corners. On the upper cover, the title: "/ The/ diverting history/ of/ John Gilpin/" is blocked in gold, in rustic letters. Unsigned.



2003 book entry number: 92


                                  Binding No:   305

                          Pressmark:   12805.c.1.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Limner, Luke, pseud. [i.e. John Leighton]

                                   Title:   Ancient story of the Old dame and Her Pig. A legend of obstinacy. Shewing how it cost the Old Lady a world of trouble, & the pig his tail. Illustrated by Luke Limner.

                   Publisher Name:   David Bogue Fleet St

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1847]

                               Printer:   Printed at the Lithographic Press of C. Blair [&] Leighton, Percy Street

                                Width:        147     Height:       145          Thickness:         8

                           PagNotes:  [14 plates.]

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   beige

                        Blockwork:   blue and brown


                 Date Examined:  20.8.99.

            References:     Pantazzi                                JL                p.273.

Notes: The plates are stab-stitched.  Both covers of paper pasted onto thin boards. Lithographed in brown and blue ink. The upper cover shows the title: “/ Ancient story/ of/ the old dame [printed in blue]/ and her pig [printed in blue]/ a legend of/ obstinacy [printed in blue]/ shewing how it cost the old lady/ a world of trouble, & the pig his tail/” – all printed on the farmhouse gate, together with the old dame & her pig who are in a rural farmyard setting.  The publisher: “London D Bogue Fleet St./” is printed in blue capital letters near the base of the upper cover. Beneath this, are the words in blue: “/ Printed at the lithographic press of C. Blair Leighton 23 Percy Street/”. Near the top left hand corner, within a palette, just above the old lady, is printed: “/ Illustrated/ by/ Luke Limner/”. The lower cover has a series title: "/ Pictures/ poems &/ legendary lore/ for the/ homes of England./ Collected & illustrated/ by/ Like Limner Esq./ No. 1/ The ancient legend/ of the/ Old Woman and her pig./ London/ Published/ by/ David/ Bogue/ 86 Fleet St./". The background is a Renaissance bolt and panel design, with the initials "J" and "L" to the left and right, printed in blue.




2003 book entry number: 94


                                  Binding No:   303

                          Pressmark:   1303.a.28.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Limner, Luke

                                   Title:   The London cries & Public Edifices from sketches on the spot.

                   Publisher Name:   Grant & Griffith successors to Newbery and Harris, corner of St Paul's Churchyard

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1847]

                               Printer:   Printed at the Litho Press of Leighton & Taylor, 19 Lamb's Conduit Street

                                Width:        140     Height:       145          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  24p., 24 plates

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   beige

                        Blockwork:   black and blue and red


                 Date Examined:  11.8.99 & 13.5.2013

            References:     King                                     JL                p.235.

                                 Pantazzi                                JL                p.273.


Notes: The original covers are paper, lithographed. There is a red endpaper bound at the front. On the upper cover a Renaissance bolt and panel design is printed with emblems and figures at the head, and an artist's studio with objects at the tail. The title: "/ The/ Cries/ of/ London/ &/ Public/ Edifices/ from/ sketches/ on the/ spot/" is printed on the centre. The words "public edifices" sketches", "LL" [Luke Limner], are printed in blue. The words "London "and "on the spot" are printed in red. On the lower cover, the same Renaissance bolt and panel design is printed. Within it is printed in the following colours: "/ Published by [ in blue]/ Grant & Griffith [ in red]/ Successors to [ in blue]/ Newbery & Harris [ in red]/ at [in blue]/ the [ in blue]/ Bible & Sun [ in red]/". The monogram of Grant & Griffith shows crossed capital "G" letters, one "G" [in black] ,"&" [in red], and the other "G" [in blue]. Underneath, are the words "/ Holy Bible/" [in red], on a spine of a Bible. On the line underneath this, is "/   estabd a [in blue] century [in red]/". On the next lines below, are : "/ The corner of" [in red]/ Saint [in blue]/ Pauls [in red]/ Church yard [in blue]/". The letters "LL" [i.e. Luke Limner] are printed in red.

There are twenty four plates, apart from the frontispiece. Each shows a famous London building or place, together with the figure of a crier, with a quote of their cry.  Most of the plates are signed "JL", many as a monogram. All the monograms of Leighton are small, and often they are cunningly placed, as in plate 3. They are:


1. The Tower of London. "pots and kettles to mend: bellows to mend" Signed "LJ" as a monogram on the box on the tinker’s back.

2. The East India House. "Rhubarb". Signed "LJ" as a monogram on the pavement.

3. The Bank of England. "Matches". Signed  "LJ" as a monogram on a poster affixed to railings.

4. The Royal Exchange. "Oranges, sweet St. Michael oranges". Signed "LJ" as a monogram on a canvas cover.

5. The Mansion House. "Bring a cage for your fine singing bird". Signed "LJ" as a monogram on barrel of a wagon.

 6. The Old College of Physicians. "Old chairs to mend". Signed "LJ" as a monogram on the pavement.

7. Smithfield. "Cat’s meat dogs meat". Signed "LJ" as a monogram on top of column.

8. St. John’s Gate Clerkenwell. "Dust O !!!". Signed "LJ" as a monogram on the pavement.

9. Temple Bar. "But a lace of the poor blind". Signed "LJ" as a monogram on the rear of the horse.

10. Somerset House. "umbrellas to mend, my old ones to sell". Signed "LJ" as a monogram on a wooden fence, as a poster.

11. Covent Garden Market. "Cherry ripe: round and sound 4d a pound". Signed "J L" as separate letters on the blanket on the horse.

12. Covent Garden Theatre. "The costardmonger. Hearth stones, and Flanders brick". Unsigned ?

13. Trafalgar Square. "Images, buy images". Signed "LJ" as a monogram on the base of a pillar.

14. Charing Cross. "Baked potatoes all hot". Signed "LJ" as a monogram on the pavement.

15. White Hall. "Bow pots". Signed "LJ" as a monogram on rear of the cart.

16. Burlington House Gateway. "Wild duck rabbit or fowl. Strawberries". Unsigned ?

17. Saint George’s Hanover Sq. "New mackerel". Signed "LJ" as a monogram on the mackerel basket.

18. St James Palace. "Old cloths buy a box, a band bo"X. Signed "LJ" as a monogram on the pavement.

19. Westminster Abbey. "Milk below".Signed "LJ" as a monogram on the milk churn.

20. Lambeth Palace. "Water cresses". Signed "LJ" as a monogram on the bucket.

21. New Hall Lincoln’s Inn. "Knives & scissors to grind. Buy a mat, a rope or a parlour mat". Signed "J" and "L" at top LH and RH corners.

22. Foundling Hospital. "Sweep". Unsigned ?

23. North Western Railway. "Muffins, crumpets". Signed " L" on trunk.

24. Coliseum. "Buy a broom". Signed "LJ" as a monogram on the scrap of paper on the ground.


The Library of Congress copy is at shelf mark DA688.L37 Rare books. It has white endpapers and pastedowns. Printed paper over boards. The              same design is lithographed on both covers. There are three fillets blocked on the borders. Flowers and leaves on the corners. At the head "In twenty six illustrations" is printed in a scroll. [the 26 being 24 in the text, and two on the covers.] At the centre, a shield of the City of London is printed, with the title overprinted. A lamp-post is on either side of the shield, each with a shield of its own. The word " Westminster" is printed in the shield on the left; "Southwarke" in the shield on the right. A street scene is printed at the base.





2003 book entry number: 95

                                  Binding No:   304

                          Pressmark:   12352.a.3.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Limner, Luke

                                   Title:   London out of town. Or the adventures of the Browns at the sea side.

                   Publisher Name:   Published by David Bogue 86 Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   [London]

              Date of Publication:   [1848]

                               Printer:   Printed at the Lithographic Pr[ess] Leighton [& Taylor?], 19 Lamb's Conduit Street.

                                Width:        143     Height:       110          Thickness:        10

                           PagNotes:  14 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   beige

                        Blockwork:   black


Date Examined:      20.8.99.

References: Pantazzi    JL                                        p.273.


Notes: The cover states: "154 illustrations. Price one shilling." Both covers of paper pasted onto thin boards. Both covers have an identical bolt and panel Renaissance design. The upper cover features

medallions of events in "watering places". The lower cover shows the front wall and gate of "Victoria Villa" with members of a family attempting to gain entrance to it. The initials "JL" and the monogram "DB"[David Bogue] are printed  in blue on the lower cover. The lithographs are not signed.



2003 book entry number: 97



                                  Binding No:   253

                          Pressmark:   1256.b.8.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Best, M.C.

                                   Title:   The works of creation illustrated.

                   Publisher Name:   Darton & Co., Holborn Hill; Bath: Binns and Goodwin

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1849]

                               Printer:   Printed by Binns & Goodwin.

                                Width:        140     Height:       180          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  xiii, 256p., 6 plates.  With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Bath


                       Bookbinder:   Josiah Westley

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                               Slides:  Dry no 6.

                 Date Examined:  20.7.99 & 14.5.2013.

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no. 5.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/  Bound by/ Josiah Westley/ [rule]/ London./". Red fine vertical-rib grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind. There are five fillets blocked on the borders, and tropical plant leaves blocked on the corners. The stems of the leaves all join in a continuous series of branches, which are linked together to form an oval. The upper cover has a central vignette, blocked in gold and in relief. Around the perimeter, two fillets are blocked, forming a diamond shape. Where the fillets link, strap work is formed. To the left of the vignette is blocked the sun; to the right is blocked the moon. In the centre is blocked a globe. A gold lettering-piece, resembling a pennant, is blocked above, across and below the globe. Above the globe, the words: "/ The/ works of/ " are blocked in relief within the pennant above the centre. The word "/ Creation/" is blocked in relief on the portion of the lettering piece running across the globe. The word "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in relief within the pennant below the globe. Stars are blocked in gold around all the above. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram, at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. Branches are blocked in gold down each side of the spine. There are leaves and flowers in an arch above the title: "/ Works/ of/ creation/ illustrated/", blocked in gold. A lion, a snake curled in branches, and a whale spouting water, are all blocked below the title. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the tail.



2003 book entry number: 101



Binding No:                    390

                          Pressmark:   11687.b.33.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Bryant, William Cullen

                                   Title:   Poems. Collected and Arranged by the Author. With an introductory essay, on the genius & writings of the author, by George Gilfillan.

                   Publisher Name:   John Walker, Hanover Street; London: David Bogue; Hamilton, Adams and Co.,; Johnstone and Hunter; H. Washburne;

                                             Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd; Johnstone and Hunter; Dublin: J. M'Glashan.

             Place of Publication:   Liverpool

              Date of Publication:   1850

                               Printer:   D. Marples, printer, Liverpool

                                Width:        120     Height:       171          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  xvi,275p.

                Place of Printing:   Liverpool


                       Bookbinder:   Josiah Westley

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  7.10.99.

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.11.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Josiah Westley,/ adjoining "The Times" Office/ London./" Blue ripple horizontal-grain cloth. The same design is blocked in blind on both covers. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. There are curling stems and leaves blocked in relief on the corners. On each cover, a central vignette is blocked. Each consists of four linked heart-shapes, with pointed ends. The spine is blocked in gold. There is a single fillet blocked on the perimeter. A single lily plant is blocked on the spine, with its roots at the base. There are three stems up the spine, with leaves blocked at intervals. There are four flowers at the head above the title words: "/ Bryant's/ Poems./" blocked in gold, within a shield-shape, formed by a single gold fillet. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the tail.




2003 book entry number: 102




                                  Binding No:   195

                          Pressmark:   11689.a.44.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Emerson, Ralph Waldo

                                   Title:   Poems. Second Edition.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Co., Soho Square

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1850


                                Width:        122     Height:       195          Thickness:        18

                           PagNotes:  vii,200p.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Josiah Westley

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  1.7.99 & 14.5.2013

            References:     King                                     JL                p.239

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Josiah Westley,/ adjoining "the Times" Office/ London./". Green fine vertical rib-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders; then a wide repeating pattern of curling stems and leaves blocked in blind. Straps are blocked on the corners. Three fillets in blind form the inner rectangle. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold, showing a lyre and branches and leaves intertwined. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A pattern of curling stems and leaves form "S" shapes down the spine. In an oval formed by these stems, the words: "/ Emerson's/ Poems/" are blocked in gold. The upper cover vignette  block is repeated on both covers of B.L. 11649.c.4, Sophia Milligen, Original poems... 1856; and also on the lower cover of B.L. 1347.g.25, A book of modern ballads… [1866].





2003 book entry number: 105

                                  Binding No:   166

                          Pressmark:   1490.b.9.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Michell, Nicholas

                                   Title:   Ruins of many lands. A descriptive poem. Second edition, enlarged.

                   Publisher Name:   William Tegg and Co., Pancras-Lane, Cheapside.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1850

                               Printer:   John K. Chapman & Company, Printers, 5, Shoe-Lane and Peterborough-Court, Fleet-Street.

                                Width:        130     Height:       195          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  viii,9-394p.  With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Josiah Westley

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                               Slides:  Slide 55/25&26.

                 Date Examined:  13.5.99 & 14.5.2013

            References:     King JL p.240. Pantazzi JL p.263The copy illustrated is bound in: "Green fine ribbed silky cloth. Bound by Josiah Westley".

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown:  "/ Bound by/ Josiah Westley/ London./"  Brown fine rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind, with fillets on the borders and a grapevine pattern on the corners. The upper cover has vignette blocked in gold, featuring two columns blocked in gold. The words "Thebes" and "Athens" are blocked in relief at the base of the columns. Medallions containing figures representing Nineveh and Rome are blocked to the left and right, with the words: "Nineveh" and "Rome" blocked in gold beneath. Branches and leaves form a lyre at top of the columns. The words "Ruins of" are blocked in gold above a hatch gold pyramid. The word: "/ Many/" is blocked in gold within the pyramid. The word: "/ Lands/" is blocked in relief within the gold base of the pyramid. Underneath this, the curling stems and small leaves that surround the columns and the pyramid then form into a circular snake holding its own tail. An hour glass is blocked in gold within the circle formed by the snake. Signed "JL" as a monogram in gold, at the base of vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in blind at the head and four fillets are in blind at the tail. The block work in blind and in relief forms four panels down the spine, with a single fillet in blind enclosing each panel. Leaves, a diamond and a quatrefoil are blocked in relief within each panel. Between the first and second panel, the words: "/ Michell's/ Ruins of/ Many/ Lands./" are blocked in gold. Between the third and fourth panels, the words: "/ Second/ edition./" are blocked in gold.




2003 book entry number: 106


                                  Binding No:   252

                          Pressmark:   10280.c.19.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Andersen, Hans Christian

                                   Title:   Pictures of Sweden.

                   Publisher Name:   Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1851

                               Printer:   Printed by Schulze and Co., 13, Poland Street.

                                Width:        128     Height:       205          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  iv,324p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Josiah Westley

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  12.8.99 & 14.5.2013

            References:     Ball App. 51e States that the spine has Leighton's monogram.


Notes: The spine design is likely to be by John Leighton. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on the lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Josiah Westley,/ adjoining "The Times" Office/ London./" Olive green fine rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, with an inner decorative surround, of leaves and branches blocked in relief. This copy has no spine. The covers are not signed.




2003 book entry number: 107


Binding No:  301


       Artist Name:   Leighton, John

Author/Heading:   Limner, Luke, pseud. [i.e. John Leighton]

Title: The rejected contributions to the Great Exhibition of all nations. Collected by Luke Limner, Esq. With the classes in which they will  not be found. If the public maintain that many of the articles are not rejected, but still occupy distinguished positions, the collector

distinctly states it is no fault of his - they ought to have been.


Publisher Name:   Ackermann & Co, Strand

Place of Publication:     London

Date of Publication:      [1851]

               Printer:   Printed by Leighton Bros.

                Width:   230 Height: 145      Thickness:       5

           PagNotes:   8 plates.

Place of Printing:   London




   Cover material:   paper


              Colour :   white

         Blockwork:   black

                Slides:   Slide 61/13

  Date Examined:   23.2.2000.

         References:   King           JL        p.235.


                 Notes:   The cover states: "Seventy odd illustrations. Price one shilling. An edition upon large paper. India proofs, 2/6. "  The upper cover is of plain

paper, printed in black. The title and sub-title are printed within a lithograph of the facade of the central barrel-vaulted transept of the Hyde Park

 Crystal Palace. To either side of the transept is an angel, left, blowing a horn saying "Puff", and, on the right, a winged Mercury with the word

"Speed" printed alongside. The figures of "Paxton" and "O[wen] Jones" stand on either side of the transept, at roof level. Each holds a book:

Paxton’s is "Chatsworth". Jones holds "Alhambra". The sub-title is in the shape of a flag, draped in front of the building. Below it, is a crowd of

people, many comically depicted, who are swarming in and out of the Crystal Palace.




2003 book entry number: 108



                                  Binding No:   439

                          Pressmark:   12805.c.51.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   May, Emily Juliana

                                   Title:   Louis' school days: a story for boys.

                   Publisher Name:   Binns and Goodwin; London: Whittaker and Co.; Hall, Virtue, and Co; Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.,; and Hamilton, Adams, and Co.; Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd; Dublin: John Robertson and Co., Grafton Street

             Place of Publication:   Bath

              Date of Publication:   1851

                               Printer:   Printed by Binns and Goodwin.

                                Width:        110     Height:       176          Thickness:        28

                           PagNotes:  vii,340p. With sixteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Bath




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   mauve

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  4.11.99 & 20.5.2013

            References:     Dry  JL  no. 27.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Pink endpapers and pastedowns, decorated with a pattern of holly-like leaves and flowers. Mauve morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers have the same border and corner blocking in blind. There is a single fillet blocked on the borders, with small "rococo" decorative patterns blocked on the corners. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head, "/ Louis'/ school/ days/" are blocked in gold in rustic lettering. Between the words: "School" and "days", a hand holds a ribbon, which is attached to a medal below. This is blocked as a gold lettering-piece. Within the medal, the words:"/ Ashfield House/ To/ Louis/ Mortimer/ for/ good/ conduct./ Dr Wilkinson./" are blocked in relief within it. Underneath, and to either side of the medal, is blocked a scroll-shaped gold lettering-piece, with the motto: "Bear ye one anothers burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ" blocked in relief inside. The title letters, the medal and the scroll are all surrounded by small stems and leaves, blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. The design is of linking branches, ending in leaves, which form three circular and oval patterns, within which further decoration is blocked. At the head, a bell and small birds are blocked. Underneath this, the words: "/ Louis'/ school/ days/" are blocked in gold in rustic letters. Beneath, a small rectangular gold lettering-piece is blocked , with the word:"/ Study/" blocked in relief inside. Underneath this, an open book is blocked with a cross above it. At the tail: "/ Bath Binns & Goodwin/ London Hall & Co./" are blocked in gold.





2003 book entry number: 109


Binding No:                    899

                          Pressmark:   12354.b.16.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   The Birth-day gift: a Christmas and New Year's present. By Agnes Strickland, Alan Cunningham, W.C Taylor, L.L.D. W.H. Harrison, Leitch Ritchie, G.P.R. James, Alfred Tennyson, J.A. St. John, T. Crofton Croker, T.K. Hervey, Thomas Miller, Mrs. Abdy, Sarah Stickney, Emma Roberts. With Beautifully Finished Engravings.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Co. Farringdon Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1852]

                               Printer:   Printed by Philipson and Hare.

                                Width:        104     Height:       168          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  vii,316p., 10 plates.

                Place of Printing:   North Shields


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  27.9.2000 &20.5.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.31.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth.  Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Sprigs of ivy leaves and berries are blocked in blind on each corner. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a plant growing from a bulb, and roots. The plant has unfurling leaves and four flower heads. The figure of a lady emerges out of the leaves. Her arms are held aloft, her hair flows out behind her. In her right hand is a jug, with drops of water below it. Water droplets are also below the lady's left hand. A quarter moon and a five-point star are blocked in gold above the lady. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. [This is the same vignette as is blocked on BL  12354.b.34.The winter’s wreath…]  The spine is blocked in gold. It shows a basket containing rose flowers, which hangs from ribbons at the head. Rose leaves, flowers and petals are tipped out of the basket, and "fall down" the spine. The title: "/ The/ Birth-Day/ Gift/" is blocked in gold underneath the rose basket. The rose leaves, and petals are being caught by a young girl, blocked near the base, who is kneeling on a cushion, and holds her pinney to catch them. Strap work is blocked in gold underneath the girl. [Almost certainly signed “JL” in gold as separate letters at the base of the spine; damage to this copy.]





2003 book entry number: 110


                                  Binding No:   442

                          Pressmark:   12354.b.34.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   The winter's wreath; a literary album and Christmas and New Year's present; with beautifully finished engravings.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1852]

                               Printer:   Robert Latimer, Printer, Front Street.

                                Width:        105     Height:       166          Thickness:        21

                           PagNotes:  viii,316p., 9 plates.

                Place of Printing:   Brampton


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  25.11.99 &20.5.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.59.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. The same design is blocked in blind on the borders and corners of both covers. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Ivy leaves, stems, and berries are blocked on the corners. The central vignette is blocked in gold on the upper cover. It shows a maiden arising out of a lily plant, which has its roots showing at the base, The maiden is watering the flowers, a jug in her right hand. A moon and a star are blocked above the maiden's head. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. [This is the same vignette as is blocked on BL 12354.b.16. The Birth-day gift…]  The spine is blocked in gold. A basket, blocked at the head, has been tipped over, with roses tumbling down the spine from it. "/ The Winter's/ Wreath/" blocked in gold in fanciful letters. [Lower half of spine is missing.] 





2003 book entry number: 111

                                  Binding No:   226

                          Pressmark:   1309.b.32..

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Buckley, Theodore Alois William

                                   Title:   The great cities of the ancient world, in their Glory and their Desolation. With illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co., 2, Farringdon Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1852

                               Printer:   Printed by Stewart and Murray, Old Bailey.

                                Width:        110     Height:       180          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  viii,380p., 8 plates  With eight pages of publisher's advertisments bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind  and relief

                 Date Examined:  6.7.99 & 7.10.2015

            References:     Dry JL no. 33

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Rebound in 1995. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./". Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders. Four fillets are blocked on the borders: 1. a single fillet 2. three more fillets which interlock at the centre sides, the centre head and the centre tail, and also on the corners. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold, featuring a globe surmounted by a castellated crown. The title word: "/ Ancient/" is blocked in gold above the globe. The words: "/ Cities of/" are blocked in relief inside the globe. The words:" / The world/" are blocked in gold beneath the globe. The spine is blocked in gold.  Fillets delineate panels on the spine. In panel one, a crown is blocked in gold. In panel two, the words: "/ Ancient/ cities/ of/ the world/" are blocked in gold. In

panel three, a heron is perched on an ancient column, at the edge of water. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at base of spine. [The 1878 edition is at 1295.b.26., and is not signed.] In the publisher's titles at the end: ..." Fols. 8vo., cloth, emblematically gilt, plain edges, 3s. 6d."







2003 book entry number: 111a


                                  Binding No:   227

                          Pressmark:   010005.e.69.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Buckley, Theodore Alois William

                                   Title:   The great cities of the ancient world, In their Glory and their Desolation. With illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co., 2, Farringdon Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1852

                               Printer:   Printed by Stewart & Murray, Old Bailey.

                                Width:        105     Height:       167          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  viii,380p., 8 plates. The plates are hand coloured.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind  and relief

                 Date Examined:  21.7.99 & 7.10.2015.

            References:     Dry JL no. 33


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Written on the upper pastedown: "/ Presented to/ Master Thomas Weston,/ of Hackney, Middlesex,/ by his cousin/ Henry Whalley/ Of Middleton, Lancashire,/ this 15th. May 1856./" Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son  &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./". Blue ripple horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. There is a leaf and flower pattern blocked on the borders and on the corners. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold, featuring a globe surmounted by a castellated crown. The title word: "/ Ancient/" is blocked in gold above the globe. The words: "/ Cities of/" are blocked in relief inside the globe. The words:" / The world/" are blocked in gold beneath the globe. The spine is blocked in gold.  Fillets delineate panels on the spine. In panel one, a crown is blocked in gold. In panel two, the words: "/ Ancient/ cities/ of/ the world/" are blocked in gold. In panel three, a heron is perched on an ancient column, at the edge of water. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters as base of spine. [The 1878 edition is at 1295.b.26., and is not signed.]    In the publisher's titles on the endpapers of Macfarlane's "Life of Marlborough", BL shelf mark 1452.b.47., this work is offered in the following binding styles:


                             ..."cloth, emblematically gilt, 380 pages, 4s.

                             The same edition, cloth, gilt edges, 4s. 6d.

                             The same edition, with plates coloured 5s. 6d.

                             The same edition, morocco extra, different patterns, 9s."


2003 book entry number: 112


                                  Binding No:   775

                          Pressmark:   12580.d.13.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Flygare, afterwards Carlen, Emilie

                                   Title:   Ivar: or the Skuts-Boy. Translated from the Swedish, By Profesor A.L. Krause.

                   Publisher Name:   Office of the National Illustrated Library, 227 , Strand

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1852

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        127     Height:       196          Thickness:        21

                           PagNotes:  xi,318p. The frontispiece is engraved by Edmund Evans. With one page of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   pink

                        Blockwork:   silver and  blind


                 Date Examined:  24.3.98 &20.5.2013.

References: Leighton, SID. 1880., plate 75 no. 1.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton.  Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "Leighton Son & Hodge, Shoe Lane London." Pink rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically on the borders, on the corners and on the sides, in blind on the lower cover, and in silver on the upper.   Three fillets are blocked on the borders, with half-circles blocked on the corners, the centre of the sides, and on the head and the tail. Straps are blocked also on the corners. Inside the border blocking, a symmetrical design shows the curling stems, leaves and flowers of fuchsias. The fuchsias flower heads have five stamens, which are greatly lengthened. This is typical of Leighton of this period. (See BL 6965, The book of home beauty. Putnam, 1852.) The stems of the fuchsias form a central "hour-glass" frame. On the upper cover, the words: "Ivar/ or the/ Skjuts Boy/ [rule]/ A tale/ by/ Emile Carlen/" are blocked in silver. The spine is blocked in silver. From the head downwards, the decoration is: three vine leaves; a fillet in silver; the title: "Ivar/ or the/ Skjuts - Boy/ [rule]/ Emile Carlen/" is blocked in silver; a fillet in silver; vine leaves and branches of grapes grow up around a pole from the base; signed "JL" in silver as separate letters in a small circle at the base of the spine.




2003 book entry number: 113


                                  Binding No:   454

                          Pressmark:   12805.c.48.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Kennedy, Jane

                                   Title:   Light hearts and happy days: or, tales of wisdom for children and youth.

                   Publisher Name:   Binns and Goodwin. London: Whittaker and Co.; Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd; Dublin: J. McGlashan.

             Place of Publication:   Bath

              Date of Publication:   [1852]

                               Printer:   Printed by Binns and Goodwin

                                Width:        108     Height:       140          Thickness:        20


                Place of Printing:   Bath


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    cord vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  25.11.99 & 20.5.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.41.

                                 Tanselle                                BDP             p.99, no306.

                                          Krupp, Andrea. BEA. p.37. Lea8.



Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Three stories in one volume. Mrs Shenstone's birthday - 70p., 1 plate. Arthur Seymour - 80p., 1 plate. The sister's retaliation - 91p., 1 plate. All plates "Printed in colours by Binns and Goodwin, Bath". With six pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. Edges speckled with red ink. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Red cord vertical-grain cloth. The same design is blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners of both covers. There is a tracery of small thin stems and leaves blocked in relief on the corners and on the sides, with straps blocked in blind on the inner border. On the upper cover, within the central frame, a vignette is blocked in gold. This shows a volcano in eruption and a young man thrown off a horse. The title words: "/ Light hearts/ &/ happy days/" are blocked above and below the man and the horse, in rustic lettering. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine design is the same as BL 12805.e.36., "The Westons". [There is no lettering discernable at the base of the spine of 12805.c.48.] The title: Light/ hearts/ and/ happy/ days/" is blocked on the spine in gold, within a square formed by a single gold fillet.






2003 book entry number: 114


                                  Binding No:   453

                          Pressmark:   P.P.6965.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Kirkland, Caroline Matilda

                                   Title:   The book of home beauty. With twelve portraits of American ladies, from drawings by Charles Martin Esq., engraved on steel by eminent artists.

                   Publisher Name:   G.P. Putnam, 155, Broadway.

             Place of Publication:   New York

              Date of Publication:   1852

                               Printer:   John F. Trow, printer, 49 Ann-street.

                                Width:        246     Height:       315          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  6, 145p. , 13 plates.

                Place of Printing:   [New York]




                  Cover material:   Leather

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   Black

                        Blockwork:   Gold

                 Date Examined:  14.12.99 & 1.10.2013.

            References:     Dry JL no.43.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. The endpapers and pastedowns are decorated with red shells, against a gold background. Black pebble-grain leather. The turn-ins are blocked in gold with a repeating pattern of stems, buds and leaves. Both covers are blocked identically in gold. On the borders, six fillets are blocked. In the middle of these fillets, a repeating leaf and stem pattern is blocked. There are two fillets blocked on the inner border with small strap work on the corners. The design of the central rectangle is based upon interlacing arched stems, leaves and

fuchsias. The central arch formed by the stems and the leaves is stylistically close to plate VI - 34[XXXIV] in "Suggestions in Design", 1853, entitled "Fanciful superficial pattern". Six "portrait frames" hang from the branches, in three pairs. The stems come out from an artist's palette

blocked near the base. There are ten fuchsias in the design, whose five-stamened flowers are a feature. The words: "/ The/ Book/ of/ Home/ Beauty/" are blocked in gothic letters on the centre. Above the title, a shield is blocked, which contains United States stars and stripes. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the palette. The spine is divided into six panels by bands. Each panel has the same decoration of a centre-piece and four spiral-shapes blocked in gold in small tools, within a panel formed by two fillets. The title: "/ The/ Book/ of/ Home /Beauty/" is blocked on the second panel.







2003 book entry number: 115


                                  Binding No:   262

                          Pressmark:   4415.d.45.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Lynch, Henry, Mrs.

                                   Title:   The mountain pastor.

                   Publisher Name:   Published for the Author by Darton & Co., Holborn Hill.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1852

                               Printer:   E. Varty, Printer, 27 & 15, Camomile Street, Bishopsgate.

                                Width:        110     Height:       175          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  xiii,214p. With one page of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Charles H. Clarke

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  23.7.99 & 14.5.2013

            References:        Dry  JL no.45. Packer, Maurice. Bookbinders of Victorian London. London: British Library, 1991. p. 32


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound/ by/ Charles H. Clarke./ [2]5 Bouverie St. Fleet St./ London/". Dark green morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in blind with an identical design. There are two fillets blocked on the borders, and scroll patterns blocked on the corners. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. The title: "/ The Mountain/ Pastor/" is blocked in gold, in rustic letters, above and below the central decoration. The centre shows a pastor, seated on a branch, surrounded by curling branches and tendrils, and ivy-shaped leaves. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a branch and leaves; the title: "/ The/ Mountain/ Pastor/" in gold in rustic letters; a candle, blocked in gold, is divided into seven panels, with quatrefoils blocked in relief in each panel; the candle is surrounded by leaves, tendrils and branches. Signed "JL" at the base in gold as a monogram.









2003 book entry number: 116

Binding No:                    432

                          Pressmark:   1452.b.47.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Macfarlane, Charles

                                   Title:   A life of Marlborough. In four books.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1852

                               Printer:   Stewart and Murray, Old Bailey.

                                Width:        110     Height:       177          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  viii,326p., 2 plates. The plates are signed "Geo. Mesom". With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  8.19.99.

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.46.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns, with publisher's titles printed on them. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in blind with the same design on the borders and corners. There are two fillets blocked on the borders; with curling stem and leaf decorations blocked in the corners. (This is the same blocking as on "Guizot's moral tales".) The central vignette on the upper cover is blocked in blind. The words: "/ Macfarlane's/ Marlborough/" are blocked at the head and at the tail. The words: "/ Life of the Duke of/" are blocked on either side of the shield showing the royal coat of arms. The word "/ Blenheim/" is blocked in blind above the shield. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A sword runs from base to the head. Around the blade of the sword is a ribbon-pennant, blocked as a gold lettering-piece. Within the pennant, the words: "/ Macfarlane's/ Life/ of/ Marlborough/" are blocked in relief. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the sword handle.







2003 book entry number: 117



                                  Binding No:   436

                          Pressmark:   12510.c.32

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Meulan, afterwards, Guizot, Elisabeth Charlotte Pauline de

                                   Title:   Moral tales. Translated from the French, by Mrs. L. Burke. With illustrations by O.R. Campbell.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Co., Farringdon Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1852

                               Printer:   Cox (Brothers) and Wyman, printers, Great Queen Street.

                                Width:        110     Height:       176          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  v,426p, 8 plates. The plates are engraved by Dalziel.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  21.11.96 & 20.5.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.40.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. One of "Routledge's Illustrated standard juveniles". Yellow endpapers and pastedowns, with publisher's titles printed on them. Blue wave diagonal-grain. Both covers have borders and corners blocked identically in blind. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, and curling stems and leaves on the corners. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold and in relief. It shows an oval writing tablet, blocked as a hatched gold lettering-piece. Within it, "/ Guizot's/ moral/ tales./" are blocked in relief. Beneath this, a hand, clasping a quill, is holding the handle of the writing tablet. Stems and small leaves are blocked in gold around the centre. The veins of the leaves are picked out in relief. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. There is a single gold fillet blocked around the perimeter. The words:"/ Guizot's/ moral/ tales./" are blocked at the head within a rectangle formed by a single fillet. The remainder of the spine is blocked with curling leaves, stems, flower heads, all coming out of a vase shape at the base. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram near the tail.






2003 book entry number: 118



                                  Binding No:   440

                          Pressmark:   12551.c.10.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Nieritz, Carl Gustav

                                   Title:   The little drummer; or, filial affection: a story of the Russian campaign. Translated from the German of Gustav Nieritz, by H.W. Dulcken. With four illustrations, drawn by Gilbert [i.e John Gilbert], engraved by Dalziels.

                   Publisher Name:   Addey and Co., 21, Old Bond Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1852

                               Printer:   Thompson and Davidson, printers, 19, Great St. Helens.

                                Width:        113     Height:       177          Thickness:        14

                           PagNotes:  viii,132p., 4 plates. With twenty pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  7.10.99 & 20.5.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.48.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Printed on page eight of the publisher's titles: " Foolscap 8vo., 2s. 6d. cloth gilt." Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the inner with small squares blocked on the corners. The design on the centre is of interlocking stems and trefoils, with a "spade-shape" being formed by the design. The design on the covers is unsigned. The spine is blocked in gold. There is a single fillet blocked at the head; then a bird; then the title words: "/ The/ little/ drummer/", in rustic letters. From the base upwards, a tree is blocked, its roots showing at the base. The leaves of the tree are thin, pointed. At the top of the tree is a bird’s nest with three chicks. The mother above the nest is about to land. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters in the roots of the tree near the base. The Routledge edition of 1856 is on blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth, Unsigned. BL shelf mark: 12805.c.36.






2003 book entry number: 120


                                  Binding No:   456

                                   Pressmark:   1037.b.49.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Redding, Cyrus

                                   Title:   Every man his own butler. Second edition.

                   Publisher Name:   William Tegg & Co., 85, Queen Street, Cheapside.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1852

                               Printer:   Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars

                                Width:        105     Height:       164          Thickness:        21

                           PagNotes:  xx,143p. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    no grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  19.10.99 &30.5.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.51.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green rib un-grained cloth. The same design is blocked in blind on the borders and corners of both covers. There are two fillets blocked on the borders. Inside this, there is a repeating stem pattern, with a single flower blocked on each corner. Within this, another fillet is blocked on the inner border, with a single strap on each corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. This shows an oval frame composed of vine stems, vine leaves and bunches of grapes. Vine tendrils hold a wine cup on each side of the central oval, and a wine bottle is blocked at the base of the oval. In the middle is a butler, wine glass in his right hand, a candle in his left hand. The title words: "/ Every man/ his own/ butler./" are blocked in gold  in "rustic style" lettering, above, below and each side of the butler. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. It is divided into five panels by groups of two fillets, with repeating dots blocked in relief between them. A single fillet is blocked in blind at the head and at the tail. The 1839 Whitaker edition is at BL 1037.b.30. Red rib vertical-grain cloth. Upper cover gold vignette. Unsigned.








2003 book entry number: 121



                                  Binding No:   460

                          Pressmark:   12805.e.36.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Sharpe, Richard Scrafton

                                   Title:   The Westons or, scenes in a village consisting of Cottage Prose and Cottage Poetry. By the author of "Old friends in a new dress."   Second edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Parry and Co., 32 and 33 Leadenhall Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1852]

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        105     Height:       137          Thickness:        16

                           PagNotes:  xii,179p., 4 plates. The plates are engraved by Leighton Bros.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  25.11.99 & 20.5.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.49c.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. This work advertised in the rear of "All the best", BL 12805.c.55. as: "square 16mo., 3s. cloth, gilt edges". Gilt edges. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown ripple horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in blind with the same design on the borders, corners and the sides. There are two fillets blocked on the borders. The stems of a rush-like plant curl out and upwards from the centre tail, with leaves and flowers blocked towards the top. The whole forms a frame. On the upper cover, a central vignette is blocked in gold within this frame. It shows a boy reading, seated on an upturned bucket. A hoop is propped up on the small tree behind him, and his feathered hat is hanging on a branch above him. The stems and small leaves of the tree curl around him. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. It shows a shrub, growing from a pot blocked at the base. On the pot, the words: "/ Parry/ &/ Co./" are blocked in relief. The stem, leaves, and flowers of the shrub are blocked all the way up the spine to the head, with the title: "/ The/ Westons/" blocked in gold near the head. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base. Apart from the title, the blocking is the same as for BL 12805.c.56. "Edith Templeton"; and BL 12805.c.55. "All the best".








2003 book entry number:122


                                  Binding No:   348

                          Pressmark:   11647.g.11.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Stebbing, Henry

                                   Title:   The Christian graces in olden time. A series of female portraits. With Poetical Illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   David Bogue, Fleet Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1852

                               Printer:   Printed by G. Barclay, Castle St., Leicester Sq.

                                Width:        190     Height:       280          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  36p., 16 plates

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple vertical-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  20.9.99 & 28.5.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.54.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. In the table of contents, the illustrators are given as: Schoppin, Dubupe, Calix, Duval, Landelle, Johannot, Barrias. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge/ Shoe Lane/ London./ Est. 1767./" Green ripple vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold and in relief. Lattice-work is blocked in gold on the borders. On the corners and on the sides, a tracery of thin stems, leaves and flowers is blocked in gold. The stems and small leaves curl around larger flower heads. There is a recessed oval central panel. Around its perimeter, a repeating pattern of crowns and pointed leaves is blocked in gold. Within the  recessed panel, a wide border is blocked, with the small leaf and flowers pattern blocked in relief. Inside this, more small decoration is blocked in blind and in relief. On the centre of the panel, a small rose is blocked in gold, with a circle of stars above it. [This is the same tooling motif as is blocked on BL 10815.f.3. The Court Album for 1855.] Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram on the centre of the base of the upper cover. The spine is fully blocked in gold. The decoration is of intertwining long thin  plant stems, with flower heads and small leaves blocked from head to tail. The title words: "/ The/ Christian/ graces/ in olden/ time/" is blocked in gold within a panel "hanging" from stems near the head.










2003 book entry number: 123


Binding No:            447

                          Pressmark:   12805.e.37.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Sunshine, Sir Shadowy, pseud.

                                   Title:   New stories suggested by Old Rhymes. With illustrations. A book for young people... By Sir Shadowy Sunshine, Knight of the Order of Light and Shade.

                   Publisher Name:   Darton and Co., Holborn Hill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1852

                               Printer:   Stevens and Co., Printers, Bell Yard, Temple Bar.

                                Width:        122     Height:       162          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  188p. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   Gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  2.12.99 & 20.5.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.55.

                                 Tanselle                                BDP             no.106ae.

                                                Krupp, Andrea. BEA. P.43. Wav3.



Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on the lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./" Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. [Tanselle 106ae; Krupp BEA, p42, Wav3.] Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders, corners and sides. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. A decorative pattern of stems, three-leaved plants and berries is blocked in blind on the sides and on each corner. On the upper cover, a central vignette is blocked in gold. The title: "/ New/ stories suggested/ by old rhymes/" are blocked in rustic lettering above and below the central decoration, which shows a boy, a feather in his hat, and a dog, both seated on a branch, with leaves and fruit blocked in gold around them. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a curling branch supports three books, whose titles on the spines are: "/ Tales/ Pictures/ Rhymes/" blocked in relief; the title: "/ New/ stories/ suggested/ by/ old rhymes/" blocked in gold in rustic lettering; a girl is blocked with her back to the viewer, standing on a foot cushion, with her outstretched right hand holding a branch which curls around her; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters underneath the foot cushion.








2003 book entry number: 124

                                  Binding No:   477

                          Pressmark:   4416.g.31.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Tayler, Charles Benjamin

                                   Title:   Thankfulness: a narrative. Comprising passages from the diary of the Rev. Allan Temple. Third edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, 169 , Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1852

                               Printer:   Printed by Mary S. Rickerby, Sherbourn Lane, King William Street, City.

                                Width:        112     Height:       180          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  vii,200p. With eleven pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]

                        Bookseller:   Seton

                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son


                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   maroon

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  16.12.99 & 28.5.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.56.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. On page 10 of the publisher's titles, this work is described as: "Third edition. Fcap., cloth 2s. 6d. * ... Volumes marked thus * are in "Low's Series." Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Bookseller's ticket on the upper pastedown: "Seton Bookseller Edinburgh". Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./" Maroon wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind. There are two fillets blocked on the borders in blind. On the corner of each cover at the base, sprays of ivy leaves & stems are blocked in blind. Up the sides and on the upper corners, stems, leaves and flowers are blocked in blind. This decoration forms an "onion-topped" central frame, in which a vignette is blocked in blind and in relief. It shows a bookcase with a pediment and an urn on top of the pediment. On each of three book shelves are blocked in relief the words: "/ Low's/family reading /series/". Signed "JL" in blind as a monogram near the tail of the cover. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked at the head and at the base. The words: "/ Thankfulness/by the/ Rev. C.B Tayler/" are blocked in gold near the head. A lily plant is blocked up the spine from the base to underneath the title. Small stars are blocked around the stems, leaves and flowers of the lily. At its base, inside a "bulb-root" shape, the monogram of Sampson Low & Son -"SLS"- is blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the bulb. Underneath this, a rectangle formed by two gold fillets contains the words: "/ Sampson Low/ and Son/", blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked underneath the rectangle.









2003 book entry number: 125


                                  Binding No:   446

                          Pressmark:   12354.k.3.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Toulmin, afterwards Crosland, Camilla

                                   Title:   Lays and legends, illustrative of English life. With illustrations by several distinguished artists.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Co., Farringdon Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1852

                               Printer:   Spottiswoodes and Shaw, New-street-Square.

                                Width:        207     Height:       252          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  viii,194p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  26.11.99 & 20.5.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.58.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The colophon reads: "/ London: Printed by A. Spottiswoode, New-Street-Square./" The bookplate of Richard James Spiers, Oxford is on the upper pastedown. Gilt edges. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ripple vertical-grain cloth. The same design is blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners of both covers. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. There are large leaf patterns blocked on each corner. The same central vignette is blocked on both covers, in blind on the lower, and in gold on the upper. It shows a double oval, on its side, with lines and small circles picked out in relief within the two principal fillets that form the ovals. On the left and the right of the oval, strap work is blocked. At the top and bottom of the ovals, there is an elaborate pattern of plant stems, leaves and flowers, which also form straps at the ends - all blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The words: "/ English Life/ Illustrated/" are blocked in gold on the centre, within the oval. The spine is blocked in gold. A vase is blocked at the head. Beneath this, an oval Renaissance  frame is blocked, and the words: "/ Lays/ and/ legends/" are blocked within in gold. Underneath this, two more frames are blocked, then a third, with the words: "/ Camilla/ Toulmin/" in gold inside. At the tail, another frame and small decoration within it are blocked in gold.







2003 book entry number: 126


                                  Binding No:   461

                          Pressmark:   12805.c.55.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Upcher, Frances

                                   Title:   All for the best: or, Minnie's motto.

                   Publisher Name:   Parry and Co., Leadenhall Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1852]

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        106     Height:       137          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  185p., 4 plates. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. The plates are engraved by Leighton Bros.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  25.11.99 & 20.5.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.49b.                      

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on the lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Green wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in blind with the same design on the borders, corners and the sides. There are two fillets blocked on the borders. The stems of a rush-like plant curl out and upwards from the base, with leaves and flowers blocked towards the top. The whole forms a frame. On the upper cover, a central vignette is blocked in gold within this frame. It shows a boy reading, seated on a bucket. A hoop is propped up on the small tree behind him, and his feathered hat is hanging on a branch above him. The stems and small leaves of the tree curl around him. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. It shows a shrub, growing from a pot blocked at the base. On the pot, the words: "/ Parry/ &/ Co./" are blocked in relief. The stem, leaves, and flowers of the shrub are blocked all the way up the spine to the head, with the title: "/ All for/ the/ best/" blocked in gold near the head. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base. Advertised in the rear of Edith Templeton, BL 12805.c.56., as "square 16mo., 3s. With four beautiful coloured illustrations and handsomely bound in cloth, gilt edges". Apart from the spine title, this is the same block work as BL 12805.c.56., Edith Templeton, and BL 12805.e.36., The Westons.







2003 book entry number: 127

                                  Binding No:   462

                          Pressmark:   12805.c.56.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Upcher, Frances

                                   Title:   Edith Templeton: or, a little girl's duty. Third edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Parry and Co., Leadenhall Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1852]

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        105     Height:       137          Thickness:        16

                           PagNotes:  iv,186p., 4 plates. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. The colour plates are engraved by Leighton Bros.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  25.11.99 & 20.5.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.49a.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in blind with the same design on the borders, corners and the sides. There are two fillets blocked on the borders. The stems of a rush-like plant curl out and upwards from the base, with leaves and flowers blocked towards the top. The whole forms a frame. On the upper cover, a central vignette is blocked in gold within this frame. It shows a boy reading, seated on a bucket. A hoop is propped up on the small tree behind him, and his feathered hat is hanging on a branch above him. The stems and small leaves of the tree curl around him. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. It shows a shrub, growing from a pot blocked at the base. On the pot, the words: "/ Parry/ &/ Co./" are blocked in relief. The stem, leaves, and flowers of the shrub are blocked all the way up the spine to the head, with the title: "/ Edith/ Templeton/" blocked in gold near the head. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base. Advertised in the rear of this volume, as "Square 16mo., 3s. With Four new and beautiful Coloured illustrations, and Handsomely bound in cloth, gilt edges". Part of "Frances Upcher's Juvenile Works". Apart from the title, this has the same block work as BL 12805.c.55. All for the Best, and BL 12805.e.36. The Westons.




2003 book entry number: 128


                                  Binding No:   878

                          Pressmark:   12806.c.4

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   Braggadocio: A Tale for boys and girls. With Illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Co. Farringdon Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1853

                               Printer:   Printed by Levey, Robson, and Franklyn, Great New Street, Fetter Lane.

                                Width:          98     Height:       158          Thickness:        14

                           PagNotes:  [1],190p., 4 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    net-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  2.8.2000 & 20.5.2013


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed with the monogram "JD" and "Dalziel". Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Dark brown net-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. A cartouche is blocked at the head and at the tail. A pattern of leaves and stems is blocked around each cartouche on the head, the tail, and corners and on the sides.  [This is the same design as for BL 12805.f.38. - Uncle Frank's home stories.] The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. "/Braggadocio/" is blocked in gold on the centre. Above and below this, small groups of stems, leaves and flowers are blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two fillets, zig-zag and dots in gold; a gold fillet; the title:"/Braggodocio/"  blocked in gold (the letters are very close together on the thin spine); a gold fillet; stem and bud decoration; zig-zag and dots and two fillets - all in gold. Blue date stamp: 18 FE[BRUARY 18]53.Another copy of this edition is at BL 12806.d.9. Same title page. The same illustrations are bound in a different order throughout the text. Date stamped: 9 NO[VEMBER 18]55. Red ink speckled edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red wave diagonal-grain cloth. Unsigned design.




2003 book entry number: 129


                                  Binding No:   517

                          Pressmark:   12806.c.38.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   Laura Temple. A tale for the young...

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Co. Farringdon Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1853

                               Printer:   M`Corquodale and Co., printers, London, Works - Newton.

                                Width:        104     Height:       167          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  231p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  2.12.99 & 21.5.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.100.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London." Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick, one thin. A spray of leaves and flowers is blocked on each corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a "double bowl" arabesque shape, defined by a fillet in gold, with repeating dots within it blocked in relief. Around the "bowls", ivy leaves, stems and berries are blocked in gold. Within the "bowl", the title words: "/ Laura/ Temple./" are blocked in gold in rustic lettering. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters near the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. Ivy leaves, stems and berries are blocked in gold from the tail to the head. The stems form an oval frame near the head. Inside this, the words: "/ Laura/ Temple/ " are blocked in gold.







2003 book entry number: 130


Binding No:                    489

                          Pressmark:   11602.c.14.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   Poets of England and America; being Selections from the Best Authors of both Countries, designed as a companion to all lovers of poetry. With an introductory essay.

                   Publisher Name:   Whittaker & Co., Ave Maria Lane. Liverpool: Edward Howell, Church Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1853

                               Printer:   D. Marples, printer, Liverpool.

                                Width:        120     Height:       168          Thickness:        34

                           PagNotes:  xxxiv,472p.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  23.12.99 &28.5.2013

                       References:  Dry  JL         no.94.

                                 Leighton                                SID              Plate 75, no.1. Fuchsia.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The title page has a red fillet and a black small plant decoration on its borders. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on the lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. On each corner, small "leaf-like" decoration is blocked. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. The centre has a circle, formed by a single gold fillet. There are four spade shapes formed by an interlocking cord blocked in gold at the head, the tail and each side. Each spade-shape contains a flower and leaves blocked in gold. Small flowers are blocked in gold between the spades. The central circle is formed by the cord and, within this, with a small gold fillet. In it, the title: "/ Poets/ of/ England/ and/ America./" is blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked around the perimeter. The decoration is placed within an interlocking "branch-shaped" fillet, which runs from head to tail. At the head, the fillet forms an oval, with leaves blocked around it. Inside, a single fuchsia flower is blocked in gold. Beneath this, the fillet forms a rectangular panel which contains the title: "/ Poets/ of/ England/ and America./". Two more fuchsia leaves, stems and flowers are blocked beneath the title. The fillet then forms a mandorla in the middle of the spine. This has a lyre blocked inside. Two more fuchsia leaves, stems and flowers are blocked underneath the mandorla. Small fleurs-de-lis are blocked in a rectangular frame formed by a single fillet at the base. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the mandorla. The upper cover vignette is the same design as BL shelf marks: 12304.b.10.; 12631.f.21.; 12807a.55.; 12807.a.58.; 12804.b.36.








2003 book entry number: 131

                                  Binding No:   459

                          Pressmark:   12806.e.17.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   Tales and sketches... With Twenty-Seven Illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   Addey & Co., 21, Old Bond Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1853


                                Width:        138     Height:       195          Thickness:         8

                           PagNotes:  Unpaginated [B4-G4, G16.] With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   yellow



                 Date Examined:  2.12.99 & 21.5.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.67d.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Both original paper covers are bound at the end.  Yellow paper, printed in brown. The upper cover shows a single fillet on the border. The design shows an overall arabesque design, with strap work on the corners and on the sides. On the corners and sides, rose leaves, rose stems and flowers are printed. Straps printed inside this form a central "oval" panel. Printed inside this panel are the words: "/ Books/ for young readers./ Tales and sketches./ [rule]/ Addey & Co./ 21. Old Bond Street/ London./". Signed in the strap work at the base: "Luke Limner del. H. Leighton Sc.[i.e. Henry Leighton]". The lower cover has lists of the publisher's titles and states: "Books for young readers. No. IV. price one shilling each".







2003 book entry number: 132


Binding No:                    470

                          Pressmark:   12806.c.8.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Archer, Richard pseud. [i.e. Bowman, James F.]

                                   Title:   The island home: or, the adventures of six young Crusoes...

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Co., Farringdon Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1853

                               Printer:   M`Corquodale and Co., printers, London-Works, Newton.

                                Width:        103     Height:       173          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  383p., 4 plates. The plates engraved by Dalziel.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  2.12.99 & 21.5.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.65.

                                 Tanselle                                BDP             p.99, no106ae


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns [ as originally bound]. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Green wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. On each corner, a spray of ivy leaves and berries is blocked. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows an angel flying above a boat on water. The title: "/ The/ Island/ Home/" is blocked in gold in fanciful letters around the angel. Small stars are blocked around the angel. Underneath the boat, the quote: "/ Water, water everywhere/ But not a drop to drink./" is blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked around the perimeter. The title: "/ The/ Island/ Home/" is blocked in gold inside a panel formed by a single fillet. A palm tree is blocked from the tail to the title panel. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the palm tree. The word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by two gold fillets blocked underneath the base of the palm tree. Small decoration is blocked in gold at the tail.







2003 book entry number: 134


                                  Binding No:   341

                          Pressmark:   10604.c.15.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Buckley, Theodore Alois

                                   Title:   The dawnings of genius exemplified and exhibited in the early lives of distinguished men.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1853

                               Printer:   Reed and Parton, Printers, Paternoster Row.

                                Width:        106     Height:       175          Thickness:        32

                           PagNotes:  viii,408p.,8 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  14.9.99 & 28.5.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.70.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders; leaf and stem decoration on the corners. On the upper cover, a central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a flame, with rays, blocked at the top. A wreath of leaves and small berries surrounds the title words:" / The dawnings/ of/ genius./" The stems of the wreath are knotted at the base with a ribbon. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in gold around the perimeter. At the head, a sun is blocked in gold, with the head of a child inside it. The title: "/ The/ dawnings/ of/ genius./" is blocked in gold under this. The remainder of the spine is occupied by a single plant, a single flower at its head, with curling stems and leaves emanating from its main stem. A gold lettering piece in the shape of a pennant curls around the stem to the base. In it are blocked in relief the words: "/ Newton/ Mozart/ Chatterton/". Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters on either side of the base of the plant. At the base, small decoration is blocked in gold inside a rectangle formed by a single fillet.






2003 book entry number: 135


                                  Binding No:   524

                          Pressmark:   12806.c.36.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Campbell, Pamela, Lady

                                   Title:   The story of an apple. Illustrated by John Gilbert.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Co. Farringdon Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1853

                               Printer:   R.Clay,  Printer, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        108     Height:       175          Thickness:        16

                           PagNotes:  [1],152p., 4 plates. With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the front and thirty-six pages bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  7.2.2000 & 17.6.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no. 98.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are engraved by Dalziel. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Blue ripple vertical-grain cloth. The same design is blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners of both covers. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick, one thin. Sprays of ivy leaves, stems and berries are blocked on each corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows an apple tree in leaf, with fruit. Its roots at the base end in tendrils. A pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece winds around the tree. The title: "/ The/ story/ of/ an/ apple./" is blocked in relief within five rectangular gold lettering-pieces that are part of the pennant. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, small decoration above and below a single fillet, blocked in gold. The title:"/ The/ story/ of/ an/ apple/" is blocked in gold, in rustic lettering. Below this, an apple hangs from a cord. A thick ribbon gold lettering-piece around the cord contains the words: "/ This apple was given/ by Esther Regina Jones - I've  1800 to keep" blocked in relief; the apple has a face blocked within it in relief. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters in decoration near the tail.







2003 book entry number: 136

                                  Binding No:   681

                          Pressmark:   3127.b.15.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Draper, Bourne Hall

                                   Title:   The Bible story book. First and Second Series... Thirteenth edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Ward & Co., Paternoster Row

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1853]

                               Printer:   Reed & Pardon, printers, Paternoster Row.

                                Width:          95     Height:       150          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  viii,259p., 15 plates. The frontispiece and half-title page plates are signed: "W. Dickes".

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  17.3.2000 & 28.5.2013



Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Some of the plates are signed: "E. Whymper Sc." [.i.e. Edward Whymper]  Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Green wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders. Fillets are blocked on the borders and, inside, form rectangular panels at the centre head, the centre tail, and two on each side. Celtic knot strap work is blocked in relief inside these panels. On each corner, the fillets form a square, with leaves blocked in relief inside. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. An ivy branch and its leaves form a panel. The title: "/ Bible/ story/ book/" is blocked in gold inside this panel. The spine is blocked in gold. A plant, in a pot at the base, rises all the way up the spine, showing flowers, buds and thin stems. The title: "/ Bible/ story/ book/" is blocked near the head in gold within a square formed by a single gold fillet. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the tail, underneath the pot. [The monogram is small, 1 mm across.]







2003 book entry number: 139


                                  Binding No:   488

                          Pressmark:   8560.aa.43.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Gazewell, Berenice

                                   Title:   Every-day astronomy: or, practical lessons on the celestial sphere. Second edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Binns and Goodwin. London: Whittaker and Co. Hamilton and Co. Simpkin and Co. Low, Son and Co. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd; Dublin: J. McGlashan.

             Place of Publication:   Bath

              Date of Publication:   [1853]

                               Printer:   Printed by Binns and Goodwin.

                                Width:        110     Height:       174          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  xviii,184p., 9 plates.

                Place of Printing:   Bath:


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  24.12.99 &28.5.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.80.

Notes:  The design is by John Leighton. This work is described on page 15 of the publisher’s titles bound at the end of BL, as “small 8vo., price 5s.” Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ [rule]/ 76 Fleet Street,/ London./" Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick, one thin. Leaf decoration is blocked on each corner. The lower cover has a central vignette blocked in blind. It shows an eight pointed star design, with a leaf pattern blocked in relief within. On the upper cover, a central vignette is blocked in gold and relief. It shows a circle with twelve panels; each panel incorporates one sign of the zodiac, blocked in gold. On the centre, the title words: "/  Every/"  and "/ astronomy/" are blocked in a semi-circle above and below a sun-shaped  gold lettering-piece. Each letter of these two words is blocked in relief within a five pointed star gold lettering-piece. Within this, at the very centre, the word: "day" is blocked in relief within the sun. Signed JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the zodiac panels. The spine is blocked in gold. A moon and small stars are blocked at the head above the title. The title: "/ Every/ day/ astronomy/" is blocked in gold. Beneath this, a plant and small stars are blocked in gold.







2003 book entry number: 142


                                  Binding No:   486

                          Pressmark:   4903.d.52.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Jamieson, Robert

                                   Title:   Cyclopaedia of religious biography: a series of memoirs of the most eminent religious characters of modern times, intended for family reading.

                   Publisher Name:   Published by John Joseph Griffin and Co. 53 Baker-Street, Portman Square; and Richard Griffin and Co. Glasgow

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1853

                               Printer:   Printed by Bell and Bain

                                Width:        130     Height:       197          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  iv,412p. With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Glasgow




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   Gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  24.12.99 & 28.5.2013

                       References:  Dry  JL         no.83.

                                 Leighton SID, 1852.plate XXXVI, no. XII. Shows a group of passion flowers.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Bolts uncut. Text sewn on two tapes. The blocking looks to have been done after the endpapers have been attached to the boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically. The lower cover is blocked in blind only; the upper cover in blind on borders, and on corners, with a central vignette in gold. There are two fillets on the borders, one thick, one thin. On each corner in blind is a group of passion flower leaves, stems, tendrils and buds. The leaves have six lobes. The vignette at the centre is shaped as a ring, with passion flowers, stems, buds and tendrils all blocked in gold on the circle. At the head and at the tail, and the sides, there are small rings, each containing a flower. Within the main ring, the title: "/ Cyclopaedia/ of/ modern/ religious/ biography./" is blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. There is a single gold fillet

blocked around the perimeter, with another fillet blocked inside, forming an arch at the head. From the head downwards, the decoration is: web tracery; a pointed arch, a star, and an eagle blocked in gold; the title: "/ Cyclopaedia/ of/ modern/ religious/ biography/", ivy leaves, stems and berries blocked in gold; a gold fillet; a lily plant, with a small "vase-like" frame around it; small decoration is blocked in gold between two gold fillets; the words: "/Griffin and Co./" are blocked at the tail in gold.





2003 book entry number: 140


                                  Binding No:   1051


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Gilbert, James Anthony

                                   Title:   The change; or, the passage from death unto life. A Memoir of Lieut.-Col. Holcomb, C.B., late of the Royal Artillery. New edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Binns and Goodwin. London: Hamilton; Simpkin; Whittaker. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd. Dublin: J M'Glashan.

             Place of Publication:   Bath

              Date of Publication:   [1853]

                               Printer:   Printed by Binns and Goodwin

                                Width:        112     Height:       177          Thickness:        18

                           PagNotes:  xv,200p., 1 plate. With twenty pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Bath


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  1.7.99 & 28.5.2013


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. On page 7 of the publisher’s titles bound at the end, this work is described as: “Small 8vo., elegant gilt cloth, price 3s. 6d.” Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. Curling stems, leaves and buds, plus a single flower, are blocked in blind on each corner. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a winged angel, "floating" in the sky. She carries a staff, which has a cross at its top. A ribbon-shaped pennant, outlined by a single gold fillet, streams downwards behind the angel. The title: "/ The change/ or/ the passage from/ death unto/ life./" is blocked in gold within the pennant. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters at the base of the angel's dress. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a crown in gold;  the title: "/ The/ change/ a memoir/ of/ Lieut. Coll./ Holcombe./"; fillets in gold; a chain in gold forms a circle, and the word: "/ Bondage/" is blocked in gold within; a single fillet forms a rectangle, topped by a pair of wings, and the word: "/ Freedom/" is blocked in gold within; a pair of laurel leaves encircle the word: "/ Victory/"  blocked in gold; two stars and a cross are blocked above and below this word; signed "JL" in gold as a monogram; a gold fillet; the words: "/ Bath./ Binns & Goodwin./" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single fillet.








2003 book entry number: 141


                                  Binding No:   495

                          Pressmark:   10002.a.16.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   H., J.

                                   Title:   The seven wonders of the world, and their associations. With illustrations by William Harvey.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1853

                               Printer:   Printed by Cox (Brothers) and Wyman, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's-Inn Fields.

                                Width:        105     Height:       174          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  xv,303p., 8 plates.

                Place of Printing:   [London]


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple vertical-grain

                            Colour :   orange

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  24.12.99.

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.96.

Notes:  The design is by John Leighton. The plates are engraved by Dalziel. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Orange ripple vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick, one thin. Ivy leaves, stems and berries are blocked in blind on each corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It is a gold lettering-piece shaped as a pyramid, with the words: "/ The/ seven/ wonders/ of/ the world./" blocked in hatch relief inside. There is a small landscape beneath the title words, picked out in relief. Stems, leaves and flower pods are blocked in gold around the pyramid. A winged hour glass is blocked in gold at the head of the vignette. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked around the perimeter. Two fillets are blocked in gold at the head. At the head, seven stars are blocked in a semi-circle above the words: "/ The/ seven/ wonders/ of the/ world/". Underneath this, a circle is blocked. Beneath this, a winged figure on a plinth is blocked - all in gold. Beneath the plinth, small repeating flower decoration is blocked in gold, between pairs of gold fillets.






2003 book entry number: 143


                                  Binding No:   308

                          Pressmark:   1269.g.8.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Limner, Luke

                                   Title:   Suggestions in Design. Including original compositions in all styles, with descriptive notes, for the use of artists and art-workmen: containing nearly six hundred hints for workers in metal, wood, ivory, glass and leather; the potter, weaver, printer in colours, engraver, decorator, &c. &c. &c.

                   Publisher Name:   David Bogue, Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1853

                               Printer:   Printed by G. Barclay, Castle St. Leicester Sq.

                                Width:        220     Height:       286          Thickness:        21

                           PagNotes:  26p. 47 plates. Paper cover size: 210x280mm.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   green (now faded?)

                        Blockwork:   black

                               Slides:  Slide 60/8, of upper cover.

                 Date Examined:  11.8.99 & 28.5.2013

                       References:  Dry  JL no.84.

                                 King JL p.235-236.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. At the base of plate XLII: "/ Printed from zinc plates,/ at the Press of Leighton Bros./ No. 4, Red Lion Sq, London,/ 1853./" Issued in parts with paper covers [1852-1853]. The cover to issue no. 1 is light green, and bound at the front. The price of Issue no. 1 was one shilling. Both the cover and page 26 feature the medal Luke Limner was awarded at the Great Exhibition, "For a variety of designs. Fine Art Jury 1851". The colophon on page twenty-six reads: "The whole of the designs have been printed from zinc plates, from drawings on that material by the artist." Each of the 47 plates has a Leighton signature; some are in Leighton’s monogram. Each of the signatures has the letters "JL" presented in accordance with the style of the designs of the period shown on each plate. For example, on plate XLVI, Egyptian, or on plate VII, Jacobean, the letters are highly stylised. "Cover to be preserved" has been written in pencil at the top of the paper cover of Issue 1.







2003 book entry number: 145

                                  Binding No:   497

                          Pressmark:   12806.c.34.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Marryat, Frederick

                                   Title:   The children of the New Forest. A new edition, in one volume, with illustrations by John Gilbert.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1853

                               Printer:   Cox (Brothers) and Wyman, printers, Great Queen Street.

                                Width:        105     Height:       165          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  [2],428p., 8 plates.

                Place of Printing:   [London]


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  13.12.99 & 17.6.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.88.

Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Blue ripple horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick, one thin. Oak leaves, stems, and acorns are blocked on each corner. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows four sprigs of oak leaves blocked around a stag's head and antlers. Three acorns are blocked at the head of the vignette. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. On the spine, The words: "/ The/ children/ of/ the/ New Forest/ by/ Capt. Marryat/" are blocked at the head, in rustic lettering. Below this, an oak branch rises from the base, showing oak leaves and acorns, all blocked in gold.







2003 book entry number: 146


                                  Binding No:   496

                          Pressmark:   12805.d.61.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Marryat, Frederick

                                   Title:   The little savage. A new edition, in one volume. With illustrations by John Gilbert.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1853

                               Printer:   Cox (Bros) and Wyman, Printers, Great Queen Street.

                                Width:        107     Height:       175          Thickness:        37

                           PagNotes:  [2],412p., 7 plates.

                Place of Printing:   [London]


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  24.12.99 & 17.6.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.89.

Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The plates are engraved by Dalziel. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick, one thin. A group of flowers, leaves, stems, and buds are blocked on each corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. A circle is formed by a rope-like fillet, with strap work at the base. Eight scallop shells are blocked around the circle. Fronds of seaweed are blocked at the head and at the tail of the vignette. Eight mussels are joined by a ribbon to form an inner circle. Inside this, the title: "/ The/ little/ savage/" is blocked in gold in "rope-like" letters. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters within the strap work. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head is blocked  a seabird, with a fish in its beak. Below this, the words: "/ The/ little/ savage/ by/ Capt./ Marryat/" are blocked in gold, in "rope-like" letters. Beneath this, a sea plant and flowers are blocked, with a coiled rope at the base of the plant. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base, within the coil of rope.







2003 book entry number: 148


                                  Binding No:   491

                          Pressmark:   10056.a.12.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Moses, Henry

                                   Title:   An Englishman's life in India: or, Travel and Adventure in the East...

                   Publisher Name:   Binns & Goodwin, 44, Fleet Street, and 19, Cheap Street, Bath. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd. Dublin: J. M'Glashan.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1853

                               Printer:   Printed by Binns and Goodwin

                                Width:        108     Height:       172          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  xx,342p. 1 plate. With eighteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Bath:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  16.12.99 & 28.5.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.92.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. On the corners, flower and leaf decoration is blocked in relief. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. The shape is a "bowl", formed by interlocking "S" shapes. The "S" shapes contain dotted gold fillets. Four-petalled flowers, leaves and stems are blocked inside circles formed by the "S" shapes. On the centre, the title: "/ An/ Englishman's/ life/ in/ India./" is blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked around the perimeter, forming straps at the head. From the head downwards the decoration is: the crown of a palm tree; the title: "/ An/ Englishman's/ life/ in/ India./" blocked in gold; a climbing (passion? ) plant grows up a pole from the tail; near the tail: "/ Binns/ and Goodwin./" are blocked in gold; the roots of the plant form a triangle near the tail, with a gold fillet below this.






2003 book entry number: 149

                                  Binding No:   880

                          Pressmark:   12805.e.25.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Mulock, afterwards, Craik, Dinah Maria

                                   Title:   A Hero. Philip's book. ... With illustrations by James Godwin.

                   Publisher Name:   Addey & Co., 21, Old Bond Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1853

                               Printer:   Thompson and Davidson,  Printers, 19, Great St. Helens.

                                Width:        113     Height:       178          Thickness:        14

                           PagNotes:  viii,150p., 4 plates. With sixteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  18.8.98 & 4.6.2013



Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the inner having a single strap on each corner. The design inside the fillets shows a flowing pattern of stems, clover leaves and flowers. The design forms an onion-shape, on the lower half of each cover. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the title: "/ A/ Hero/" blocked in gold; from beneath the title to the tail, a tree is blocked in gold; a spider's web is blocked near the base and a spider hangs from it by a thread; a squirrel is blocked on the lower branches of the tree; small insects and a butterfly are blocked on each side of the tree; a bird's nest is blocked at the top of the tree; the nest has three chicks inside, and a parent bird above is about to land on the nest - all in gold; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters in a circle made by the roots of the tree.






2003 book entry number: 150

                                  Binding No:   457

                          Pressmark:   12806.e.15.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Myrtle, Harriet, Mrs. [pseud., i.e. Lydia Falconer Miller]

                                   Title:   Amusing tales... With ten illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   Addey & Co., 21, Old Bond Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1853


                                Width:        136     Height:       195          Thickness:        10

                           PagNotes:  Unpaginated. [Ten stories. 7, D4, B4-C4; E4-L4], 10 plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   yellow



                 Date Examined:  2.12.99 & 4.6.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.67a.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Both original paper covers are bound at the end. Yellow paper, printed in brown. The upper cover shows a single fillet on the border. The design shows strap work on the corners and on the sides. On the corners and sides, rose leaves, rose stems and flowers are printed. Straps printed inside this form a central "arabesque" panel. Printed inside this panel are the words: "/ Books/ for/ young readers./ [rule]/ Amusing tales/ by Mrs. Myrtle./ [rule]/ Addey & Co./ 21. Old Bond Street/ London./" Signed in the strap work at the base: "Luke Limner del. H. Leighton Sc.[i.e. Henry Leighton]". The lower cover has lists of publisher's titles and states: "Books for young readers. No. I. price one shilling each".







2003 book entry number: 151


                                  Binding No:   628

                          Pressmark:   11641.d.70.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Scott, Sir Walter

                                   Title:   The Lady of the Lake. With all his introductions, various readings, and the Editor's notes. Illustrated by numerous engravings on         wood from drawings by Birket Foster and John Gilbert.

                   Publisher Name:   Adam and Charles Black, North Bridge

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   1853

                               Printer:   Printed by R.&R.Clark

                                Width:        134     Height:       205          Thickness:        41

                           PagNotes:  375p., 2 plates. The frontispiece and half title page plates are signed: "J.M.W. Turner, R.A. W. Miller." The engravings bound into the text are by J.W. Whymper and Edmund Evans.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh


                       Bookbinder:   John Gray

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  28.2.2000 & 4.6.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.460. Cites copy of 1863.

Notes: This design attributed to John Leighton. There are similarities to "The Lay of the Last Minstrel", particularly for the spine design. BL 11642.e.27, published by Black in 1854. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ John Gray/ [rule]/ Edinburgh/". Brown morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in gold and in blind. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the borders. Inside this, a wide border is blocked, with medieval decoration. A shield is blocked in gold on each corner. Coats of arms - top left and bottom right: argent, crescent, and two five-point stars, vert; top right and bottom left: argent, "toy spinning wheel", three diamonds in bend. On the centre at the head, a hound is blocked; on the centre at the tail, a stag is blocked. Each is blocked within an oval formed by two gold fillets. On each side at the centre, figures are blocked in arched niches with decorated gothic arches. The figure on the left is headed "/ Roderic Dhu/"; the figure on the right is headed "/ Fitz James/" - each of these titles is blocked in gold within ribbons above the niches. The ribbons are blocked with quatrefoils formed by two gold fillets. Below each figure, the titles: left - "/ Malcolm/ Graeme/" and right - "/ Ellen/ Douglas/" are blocked below the niches in ribbons within quatrefoils. The central rectangle has rounded corners, and is recessed. A single gold fillet is blocked on its borders, above the recess. Within the recess, two fillets are blocked in blind on its borders. On the centre, the title words: "/ The/ Lady/ of the/ Lake/" are blocked in gold,

in gothic letters. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the title: "/ The/ Lady/ of/ the/ Lake" blocked in gold, within a decorated panel; the words: "/ Authors/ Edition/ Illustrated/" are blocked in gold, within a hatched gold lettering-piece shaped as a ribbon - all within a quatrefoil; gothic decoration; within a gothic arch, a lady stands in a boat on water, holding a pole; the words: "/ A & C Black Edinburgh/" are blocked in gold, in gothic letters between two gold fillets.







2003 book entry number: 152


                                  Binding No:   492

                          Pressmark:   10195.b.17.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Smith, Albert

                                   Title:   The story of Mont Blanc.

                   Publisher Name:   David Bogue, Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1853


                                Width:        126     Height:       204          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  xii,219p., 1 plate. With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   orange

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  24.12.99 & 30.5.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.97.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Orange ripple horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. Strap work is blocked on the inner corners, with fillets on the inner sides. Leaf and curling stem decoration is blocked in blind, rising from the base. A mandorla is blocked in blind just above the centre. It contains a "fleur-de-lis" shape, blocked in relief. Signed "JL" as a monogram in relief near the base of each cover. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head, the outline of an alpine hut is formed by a single gold fillet. In it, a goat's head is blocked. Beneath are the words: "/ The/ story/ of/ Mont Blanc/ by/ Albert/ Smith./". Underneath this, a hat, a cloak, and climbing boots are hung on a stand - all in gold. Underneath this, a barrel and melting snow are blocked in gold. Signed “JL” in gold as a monogram at the tail.







2003 book entry number: 153


                                  Binding No:   478

                          Pressmark:   12705.c.36.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth Beecher

                                   Title:   Uncle Tom's cabin. Adapted for young persons. By Mrs. Crowe. With eight illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Co., Farringdon Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1853


                                Width:        105     Height:       167          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  [3],404p., 8 plates. With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the front, and thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  23.12.99 & 4.6.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.76.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The original upper cover is used as a doublure. Doublure size: 95x152mm. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. The cover is blocked in blind on the corners. On each corner, a spray of ivy leaves and berries is blocked in blind. The central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows oak leaves and stems curling upwards from the centre to form a semi-circle. On the left hand side of the semi-circle within a flower, the torso of a black boy is blocked in gold. He wears a turban, with a feather in it. On the right hand side, a girl holding a lily is blocked in gold. The title: "/ Uncle Tom's/ Cabin;/ adapted/ for/ juvenile/ readers./" is blocked in gold, rustic-style, above and within the semi-circle formed by the oak leaves and stems. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette.





2003 book entry number: 154


                         Binding No:   159

                          Pressmark:   11646.g.12.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   W., C.J.

                                   Title:   Etchings from nature.

                   Publisher Name:   Simms & Son

             Place of Publication:   Bath

              Date of Publication:   1853

                               Printer:   Simms & Son, Printers

                                Width:        110     Height:       177          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  x,228p

                Place of Printing:   Bath




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  22.4.99 & 30.5.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.101.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers. Green fine rib vertical-grain cloth. The upper and lower covers are blocked identically in blind. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. The third inner border fillet in blind forms straps on the lower corners. Branch and leaf decoration is blocked in blind on each upper corner. A group of three leaves is blocked in blind on the lower centre of each cover. Signed JL" in blind as separate letters, at the base of the leaves. The spine is blocked in gold.  From the head downwards, the decoration is: a broad gold fillet is blocked with a single arch underneath; the title: "/ Etchings/ from/ nature./" is blocked in gold; a pattern of lily-like leaves and flowers is blocked in gold from the middle of the spine to near the tail; signed "JL" in gold in separate letters just above the broad gold fillet blocked at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 155

                                  Binding No:   879

                          Pressmark:   12805.f.38.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Woodworth, Francis C.

                                   Title:   Uncle Frank's home stories. With illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Co. Farringdon Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1853

                               Printer:   Printed by Levey, Robson, and Franklyn, Great New Street, Fetter Lane

                                Width:          97     Height:       157          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  iv,188p., 4 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple vertical-grain

                            Colour :   orange

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  2.8.2000 & 17.6.2013


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Two of the four plates are signed with the monogram "JRH" and with the initials "A.J.M." Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Orange ripple vertical-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. A cartouche is blocked in blind at the head and at the tail. A pattern of leaves and stems is blocked around each cartouche on the head, the tail, and corners and on the sides.  [This is the same design as for BL 12806.c.4.  Braggadocio.] The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. A single fillet forms a circle, with straps blocked at the head, the tail, and on each side. The title: "/ Uncle/ Frank's/ Home/ Stories/" is blocked in gold within the circle. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters within a small gold lettering-piece suspended from the strap work at the tail of the circle. [This is one of the smallest JL signatures. The gold lettering-piece that contains the signature is one millimetre wide, and

both letters are blocked inside it.] The spine is blocked in gold. The title: "/ Uncle/ Frank's/ Home/ Stories/" is blocked in gold, with small decorative pieces blocked in gold above and below the title. Unsigned. Blue date stamp: 18 FE[BRUARY 18]53.




2003 book entry number: 156

                                  Binding No:   358

                          Pressmark:   1568/9155

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                    Author/Heading:     Maitland, Julia Charlotte

                                   Title:   The doll and her friends; or, Memoirs of the Lady Seraphina. By the author of "Dog and cat, or puss and the captain;" "Letters from            Madras," etc., etc. Second edition. With four illustrations by Hablot K. Browne. [i.e. Hablot Knight Browne]

                   Publisher Name:   Grant & Griffith (successors to Newbery and Harris,) Corner of St Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   Printed by Levey, Robson, and Franklyn, Great New Street and Fetter Lane

                                Width:        125     Height:       175          Thickness:        10

                           PagNotes:  [3],91p., 4plates. With sixteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  7.9.99 & 30.5.2013


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. On page 7 of the publisher's titles at the end: "...2nd Edition, small 4to., cloth 2s.6d. plain; 3s.6d. coloured, gilt edges." Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Written on the upper endpaper: "/ Jessie Grantham/ from her Uncle John./ Decr. 1856/" Blue ripple horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders the corners and the sides. A single fillet is blocked on the border. Curling stems are blocked in blind on the corners and on the sides. On the centre of the lower cover, a lozenge is blocked in blind. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a doll's house standing on a table. Two dolls are at the windows, and another, seated, leans against the doll’s house. There are books, a tea set on a tray, and a vase with flowers around the doll's house. The title: "/ The/ doll/ and/ her friends/ or/ memoirs of/" is blocked in relief on the wall of the house. The words: "/ the Lady Seraphina/" are blocked in relief on one of the books propped against the house. The spine is  blocked in gold. The title: "/ The Doll/ &/ Her/ Friends/" is blocked in gold at the head, and down to the middle. Underneath the title a doll is blocked, wrapped to look like a mummy. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base.







2003 book entry number: 158


                                  Binding No:   528

                          Pressmark:   7915.a.9.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   Round games for all parties: a collection of the greatest variety of family amusements for fireside or pic-nic; consisting of Games of Action; Games simply taxing the attention; Games of Memory; Catch Games, depending upon the Assistance of an Accomplice or

Secret knowledge for the purpose of Mystification; Games requiring the Exercise of Fancy, Intelligence, and Imagination; Directions for the Crying of Forfeits, &c. &c. For the Use of Old and Young; and adapted to the understandings of children from the ages of                               seven to seventy.

                   Publisher Name:   David Bogue, 86 Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards, Printers, 4, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        123     Height:       160          Thickness:        19

                           PagNotes:  x,164p., 12 plates. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]

                        Bookseller:   Jarrold & Sons



                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  9.10.2000 & 1.7.2013

                       References:  Dry  JL no.150.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Bookseller's label on the front pastedown, lower left hand corner: "/ Jarrold & Sons/ Booksellers &c./ Norwich./" Blue ripple horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. On each corner, leaves and stems are blocked in blind. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a hand (with a ruff), holding a trencher upright. Around its edge, within dividers, the title: "/ Round games for all parties/", blocked in relief. The trencher is surrounded by holly leaves, berries and stems, blocked in gold. The words: "/ Spin the trencher!!!/" are blocked in gold at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked around the perimeter. Small decoration blocked at the head. The title: "/ Round games/" is blocked in gold down the spine. Signed "JL" in gold as joined italic letters at the tail.







2003 book entry number: 159

                                  Binding No:   525

                          Pressmark:   12806.d.5.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Adams, Charlotte

                                   Title:   Boys at home. The second edition, Illustrated by John Gilbert.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Co. Farringdon Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   Printed by Cox (Bros.) and Wyman, Great Queen Street.

                                Width:        107     Height:       172          Thickness:        43

                           PagNotes:  414p., 8 plates.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  7.2.2000 & 4.6.2013


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The plates engraved by Dalziel. Yellow pastedowns. Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. The same design is blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners of both covers. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick, one thin. Passion flower leaves, flowers and stems are blocked on each corner. (This is the same design as on BL 10604.b.5.) On the centre of the upper cover, a roundel in the form of a garter is blocked in blind. The words: "In the exercise of the social virtues lies man's greatest happiness" are blocked in relief within the garter strap. The title: "/Boys/ at/ home" is blocked in blind on the centre. Signed "JL" in blind as separate letters at the base of the roundel. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold around the perimeter. The spine is divided into three main square panels, each of which is formed by a single gold fillet. There are four smaller rectangular panels at the head, the tail and between the square panels. Square panel one has the title: "/ Boys/ at/ home/" blocked in gold. Square panel two has an upraised hand, with leaf decoration surrounding it, blocked in gold. Square panel three has a heart and leaf decoration, blocked in gold. The small panels have ovals blocked within them. Small leaf decoration is blocked in gold around the ovals. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the spine.






2003 book entry number: 160


                                  Binding No:   533

                          Pressmark:   12619.b.21.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Ainsworth, William Harrison

                                   Title:   The Flitch of Bacon: or, the Custom of Dunmow. A tale of English home... With illustrations by John Gilbert.

                   Publisher Name:   Geo. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street. New York, 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   Savill, & Edwards, Printers, 4, Chandos-street, Covent-garden.

                                Width:        108     Height:       174          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  xii, 376p., 8 plates. The plates engraved by Dalziel.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  11.1.2000 & 4.6.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.106.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and relief. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick, one thin. Stem patterns are blocked in relief on each corner. The central vignette is blocked on both covers. It shows a spit, with a pig on it. The words: "/ Flitch/" and "/ Bacon/" are blocked on either side of the pig, in rustic lettering; the word "/ The/" is blocked in relief within the pig's body. Below the pig are two heart shapes, formed by a ribbon. A girl's head is blocked within each heart. Each girl wears a hat. Signed "JL" in blind as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked on the perimeter. From the head down, the decoration in gold is: an inn-sign; inside it, the words: "/ Painted in gold/ Ye Flitch behold/ Of Fam'd Dunmow Ye boast/ By Nettle/ Jonas Bed./ Then here should call/ Fond couples all/ and pledge it in a toast/".; a pig's carcass is blocked in the middle of the inn-sign; the supporting column for the sign has a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece, with the words: "/ The/ Flitch/ of/ Bacon/ by Ainsworth/" blocked in relief within a pennant which wraps itself around the column. Lower half of spine is missing.






2003 book entry number: 161


                                  Binding No:   385

                          Pressmark:   12430.f.12.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Bechstein, Ludwig

                                   Title:   The old story-teller. Popular German Tales collected by Ludwig Bechstein. One hundred illustrations by Richter.[i.e. Adrian Ludwig Richter]

                   Publisher Name:   Addey and Co., 21 Old Bond Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   Printed by Levey, Robson, and Franklyn, Great New Street and Fetter Lane.

                                Width:        123     Height:       190          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  287p., 8 plates

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  17.1.2000 & 17.6.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.109.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ripple horizontal-grain cloth. The blocking appears to have been done after the covers were attached to the text block. Both covers are blocked identically in blind only. Two fillets are blocked on the borders of the covers. The central vignette, blocked in blind, shows curling leaves and stems, forming a "heart" shape. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter.  From the head downwards, the decoration is : a roundel, formed by a single gold fillet, showing a man carrying faggots; the words:"/ The old/ story teller/ [rule]/ Bechstein/" are blocked in gold; a shoe, with a boy in it, holding a whip; the words: "/ 100/ illustrations./"; a gnome holding a stick; at the tail the words: "/ Addey & Co./” are blocked in gold.






2003 book entry number: 162


                                  Binding No:   499

                          Pressmark:   12805.f.8.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Besset, Jane M.

                                   Title:   The Black Princess. A True Story for Young Persons.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   Reed and Pardon, Printers, Paternoster Row.

                                Width:        110     Height:       174          Thickness:        16

                           PagNotes:  viii,168p., 4 plates. With thirty-one pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. The plates engraved by Dalziel. The plates have John     Gilbert's monogram.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   maroon

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  13.12.99 & 25.6.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.111.


Notes: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Dark maroon morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick, one thin. Flower heads, leaves and stems are blocked on each corner. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows the figure of the Black Princess standing on a flower head. She holds a leaf canopy over her head. On either side of her, symmetrical flower leaf and stem decoration is blocked in gold. The title words: "/ The/ Black/" are blocked in gold above the Princess; the word: "/ Princess/" is blocked below her, within a rectangular scroll-shaped frame. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. The words: "/ The/ Black/ Princess/" are blocked in gold at the head. From the tail up to beneath the title, a chain is blocked. This has plant leaves and stems curling around

 the links of the chain. A single flower is blocked above a chain ring at the top of the chain. There is small decoration at the tail, with a single fillet underneath, all in gold.







2003 book entry number: 163


                                  Binding No:   532

                          Pressmark:   12430.c.9.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Bray, Anna Eliza

                                   Title:   A peep at the pixies; or, legends of the west. With illustrations by Hablot K. Browne. (Phiz.) [i.e. Hablot Knight Browne]

                   Publisher Name:   Grant and Griffith , (successors to Newbery and Harris,) Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   Printed by Wertheimer, and Co. Finsbury Circus

                                Width:        130     Height:       178          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  [6],162p., 6 plates. With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  24.1.2000 & 17.6.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.114.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in blind with the same design on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Leaves and stems are blocked on the corners, in relief. The upper cover has a central vignette, blocked in gold. It shows a pixie, with its legs crossed, seated on the stem of a flowering plant, surrounded by leaves and flowers. Above this, the title: "/A/ peep/ at the pixies./" is blocked in gold in rustic letters. Below, the words: "/ By Mrs/ Bray./" are blocked in gold in rustic lettering. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head a crescent moon is blocked, surrounded by small stars. The words:"/ A/ peep/ at/ the/ pixies/ by/ Mrs Bray/" are blocked in gold in rustic lettering. A pixie, with a tail, is blocked in gold underneath the title words.






2003 book entry number: 164


                                  Binding No:   526

                          Pressmark:   10604.b.5.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Cockayne, M. S.

                                   Title:   History and adventure; or, Stories of Remarkable Men of All Nations.

                   Publisher Name:   Binns & Goodwin, 44, Fleet Street; and 19, Cheap Street, Bath

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   W. Clowes and Sons,  Stamford Street

                                Width:        110     Height:       177          Thickness:        29

                           PagNotes:  [3],344p., 8 plates. With twenty pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  9.10.2000 & 26.6.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.116.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The frontispiece engraved by Bonner. [Possibly George Wilmot Bonner]  Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers have the same design blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick, one thin. A passion flower leaf, flowers and stems are blocked on each corner. (This is the same design as on BL 12806.d.5.) The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a circular wreath formed by branch stems, three-pointed leaves and berries. A five-pointed star is blocked at the top. A scroll-shaped gold lettering-piece is blocked at the bottom. A trumpet is inserted through the hollow of the scroll. The words: "History; Biography" are blocked in relief on the scroll. The title: "/ History/ &/ adventure/ of/ Remarkable Men/ of/ All Nations/" is blocked in gold within the circular wreath. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is fully blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. There are four square panels, each formed by single gold fillets. From the head: panel one has a circle blocked, with small decoration blocked on its corners;  blocked within the circle are a crown and the words: "Henry IV.".  Panel two has the words: "/ History/ &/ adventure./" blocked in gold. Panel three has a circle with small decoration on the corners; the words: "/ Luther [-spine of a book-] Cranmer./" are blocked in gold within the circle. Panel four has a circle with small decoration blocked on the corners. Within the circle, the words: "/ Wellington/ [-sword-]/ Washington./" are blocked in gold. Above and below panel four are rectangular panels with small circle and flower decoration inside. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters within the circle of the lower of these two panels. The words: "/ Binns &/ Goodwin/" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet at the base.






2003 book entry number: 165


                                  Binding No:   554

                          Pressmark:   12706.d.16.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Cummins, Maria Susanna

                                   Title:   The Lamplighter... Eighth Thousand. Illustrated by John Gilbert.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street.

                                Width:        118     Height:       190          Thickness:        37

                           PagNotes:  [1],396p. 6 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  17.1.2000.

            References:     Dry JL no.133.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The plates are engraved by Dalziel. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders. Three fillets are blocked on the borders; between two of them, a border of curving stems and berries is blocked in groups of three. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a winged angel, who holds a lamp aloft in her left hand. In front of the angel, a child with crossed arms is blocked. Both figures are walking on the rungs of a ladder. A snake is curled around the ladder. The word: "/ The/" is blocked above the angel; the word: "/ Lamp-lighter/" is blocked on either side of the figures. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters, within the curled tail of the snake at the base of the vignette. The spine is fully blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked around the perimeter. From the tail to the head, a lamp-post is blocked. Ivy stems and leaves curl around the lamppost, with stars dotted around these. The lamp and its rays blocked at the head, with icicles hanging on the ladder rest beneath.  The words: "/ The/ Lamplighter/"  are blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece shaped as a pennant, which curls around the lamp-post. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the lamp-post. The word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 166


                                  Binding No:   317

                          Pressmark:   787.d.22.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Cundall, Joseph

                                   Title:   The photographic primer for the use of beginners in the collodion process. Illustrated with a Facsimile of a Photographic Picture of Birds, showing the Difference of tone produced by various colours.

                   Publisher Name:   Photographic Institution, 168 New Bond Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   Printed by G. Barclay, Castle St. Leicester Sq.

                                Width:        105     Height:       175          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  32p., 1 plate. With eight pages of advertisements bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   yellow

                        Blockwork:   red

                 Date Examined:  11.8.99 & 25.6.2013

                       References:  Dry  JL no.118.

                                 McLean Cundall p.33 "Bound in yellow paper with an elaborate design printed in red from a wood cut by John Leighton."


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. Original paper cover size: 100x165mm. Two pages of the advertisements advertise the products and the work done by the Photographic Institution. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Original paper covers are bound at front and rear of rebound book. The paper covers are yellow, printed in red. The same design is printed on both covers. There are three fillets blocked on the borders. Sunflowers are printed in the corners at the head. Between is the head of a goddess-like figure. The title: "/ The/ Photographic/ Primer./" is printed within a panel which is semi-circular at the head. The words have tracery around them. At the sides and at the base, leaves and "vein-like" branches are printed. Signed "H[enry] Leighton Sc" as a monogram at the centre of the base. Just above this is the monogram of John Leighton, printed in faint outline. The "J" does not cross the "L".





2003 book entry number: 167


Binding No:                    521

                          Pressmark:   1424.c.5.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Elwes, Alfred

                                   Title:   Ocean and her rulers; A Narrative of the Nations who have from the earliest ages held dominion over the sea, comprising a brief history of navigation from the remotest periods up to the present time.

                   Publisher Name:   Grant and Griffith, successors to Newbery and Harris, Corner of St Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   Printed by J. Wertheimer and Co., Finsbury Circus.

                                Width:        110     Height:       177          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  xvi,422p., 1 plate. With twenty-four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  14.1.2000 &25.6.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.120.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son./ [rule]/ 76 Fleet Street,/ London./" Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. The same design is blocked in blind and in relief on both covers. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. The middle of these has repeating dots within it, in relief. On each corner, "bulb"- shaped ornaments are blocked in relief. A central oval panel is formed of lattice work and leaves. The spine is blocked in gold. A fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter.  A single fillet is blocked in gold at the head and the tail. From the head downwards, the decoration blocked in gold is: an arch; a crown with ship's sails and sterns atop it;  the title words: "/ Ocean/ and her/ rulers/", blocked in "rope" lettering; a mast, with a Union Jack at the head; a lion seated on a plinth at the base of the mast. Within the plinth, two lines of text are blocked in relief: [first line] "/ The flag that’s braved a thousand years./" [second line obscured by a label]. Seaweed is blocked in gold underneath the plinth. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters within a circle at the centre of the seaweed.





2003 book entry number: 169


                                  Binding No:   515

                          Pressmark:   12620.b.32.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Fullom, Stephen Watson

                                   Title:   The great highway: A Story of the World's Struggles. With Illustrations on Steel by John Leech... Third Edition.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   Printed by Cox (Bros.) and Wyman, Great Queen Street

                                Width:        120     Height:       190          Thickness:        33

                           PagNotes:  vii,428p., 4 plates. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  1.12.99 & 25.6.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.124.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. The same design is blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners of both covers. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick, one thin. Honeysuckle is blocked in relief on the corners. The upper has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows an open book, blocked as a gold lettering-piece. On its left hand page, the words: "/ Mormon/ and Mammon/" are blocked in relief. On the right hand page, the word: "/ 185[4]/" is blocked in relief. A snake runs through the book as a bookmark. Its tail is coiled around thorny branches which surround the book. Above the book, the title: "/ The/ great highway./" is blocked in gold in rustic lettering. A hand and wrist are blocked in gold between "great" and "highway". There is a snake curled around the hand and wrist. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is fully blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked around the perimeter. A brick arch is blocked at the head. A signpost is blocked from the base to the head. At the head, two of the signpost direction boards are blocked in hatch gold; they point four ways. The words: "Hope; hate; despair; [love?]" are blocked in relief on each board. Below these, a gold lettering piece

shaped as a pennant winds around the signpost. Within the pennant, the words: "/ The/ great/ highway/ by S.W./ Fullom/" are blocked in relief. Plants and leaves are blocked around the post at its base. The words: "/ Routledge & Co./ London/" are blocked in gold in a rectangle formed by a single fillet at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 171



                                  Binding No:   680

                          Pressmark:   3128.d.28.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Jamieson, Robert

                                   Title:   Scripture readings; or, the Bible familiarly explained to the young. The Patriarchs. Edited by the Rev. Robert Jamieson, D.D.

                   Publisher Name:   Published by Richard Griffin and Company

             Place of Publication:   London and Glasgow

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   W.G. Blackie & Co, Printers, Villafield

                                Width:        110     Height:       180          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  xii,340p., 10 plates.

                Place of Printing:   Glasgow




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  8.3.2000 & 26.6.2013



Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Bolts uncut. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Olive-green wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. An inner border, blocked in blind, shows repeating ovals, formed by two fillets, blocked in blind, with leaves blocked in relief between ovals. An inner rectangle is formed by a single fillet. The central vignette is blocked and in relief on the lower cover and in gold and in relief on the upper. It shows a winged angel with a single five-point star above its head. The angel holds an open book, blocked as a gold lettering-piece, with the words: "/ Jesus said/ [rule]/ Suffer little/ children to come unto/ me & forbid/ them not:/ for of such/ is the king/ -dom of God/ St. Luke/ XVIII.16./" blocked in relief within the opening of the book. The spine is blocked in gold. A single honeysuckle-like plant is blocked from the tail to the head, with three flowers at the head, The title: "/ Scripture/ readings./ Or/ the Bible/ Familiarly/ explained/ for young people/" is blocked in relief within two ribbon-shaped gold lettering-pieces, running downwards around the plant stem. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the plant. A fillet is blocked near the tail. The word: "/ Patriarchs/" is blocked in gold at the tail, between two gold fillets.







2003 book entry number: 172


                                  Binding No:   527

                          Pressmark:   12315.f.23.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Keddie, William

                                   Title:   Cyclopaedia of literary and scientific anecdote; illustrative of the characters, habits, and conversation of men of letters and science. Edited by William Keddie.

                   Publisher Name:   Published by William Griffin and Company

             Place of Publication:   London and Glasgow

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   W.G. Blackie & Co, Printers, Villafield.

                                Width:        127     Height:       195          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  xvi, 368p. With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Glasgow




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ungrained

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  20.1.2000 & 17.6.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no. 129.

Notes:   The design is by John Leighton.  No original endpapers and pastedowns. Brown ungrained cloth. (The cloth is very lightly vertically-ribbed.) Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick, one thin. Passion flower plant leaves, stems and buds are blocked in blind on each corner. The same central vignette is blocked on both covers, in blind on the lower, in gold on the upper. It shows a lamp heating a glass water container. The end of the container drips water onto the pages of an open book. The pages on the right hand side of the book are curled; on the left hand side the text reads: "/ Retort/ Repartee/ &/ Words/ of Wisdom/" blocked in relief. The title: "/ Cyclopaedia/ of/" is blocked in gold above the book; the words: "/ Literary & scientific/ anecdote/" are blocked in gold below the open book. Signed "JL" in

gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked around the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a laurel wreath; a light with rays; then the title: "/ Cyclopaedia/ of/ literary/ &/ scientific/ anecdote./" blocked in gold; a torch with scientific instruments and ribbons blocked diagonally across it; then lily leaves and stems. Two fillets are blocked in gold at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 174


                                  Binding No:   196

                          Pressmark:   C.109.b.3.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

                                   Title:   The golden legend. Illustrated with fifty engravings on wood, from designs by Birket Foster and Jane E. Hay.[ possibly Jane Benham Hay]

                   Publisher Name:   David Bogue, 86 Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   Henry Vizetelly, Printer & Engraver, Gough Square, Fleet Street

                                Width:        136     Height:       210          Thickness:        28

                           PagNotes:  viii, 224p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  26.5.99.

            References:     Dry JL no. 136.

                                 King JL p. 241.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed with the illustrators' names and are also signed "H. Vizetelly Sc.". The text is sewn on three tapes. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ripple horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are fully blocked in gold, with an identical design. Two thin fillets are blocked on the borders. There is an "ivy leaf" pattern, with sprays of buds blocked on the corners and on the sides. Each cover has a recessed centre panel. Around the perimeter of this, two fillets are blocked in gold. The centre panel is "oriental" shaped at top and bottom. A fillet blocked in blind on the perimeter of the recess. Within this fillet, decoration is blocked in relief. The centre-piece is blocked in gold, showing a nearly formed mandorla, blocked as a gold lettering-piece. The mandorla has   small decoration blocked in relief inside, and it is surrounded by lily-like leaves and stems. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the centre-piece.  The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: three "ivy-like" leaves and groups of buds; the words: "/ The/ Golden/ Legend./ [rule]/ Longfellow./" blocked in gold; a cross botonny in gold; another symmetrical group of ivy-like leaves and berries; a gold fillet; a plant decorative pattern; a gold fillet at the tail.  [Formerly shelved at 1347.h.14.]




2003 book entry number: 175

                                  Binding No:   503

                          Pressmark:   12837.ff.71.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Maitland, Julia Charlotte

                                   Title:   Cat and dog; or, memoirs of Puss and the Captain. A Story founded on Fact. With illustrations by Harrison Weir. Second edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Grant and Griffith , (successors to Newbery and Harris,) Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   Printed by Levey, Robson, and Franklyn, Great New Street, Fetter Lane.

                                Width:        130     Height:       176          Thickness:        12

                           PagNotes:  99p., 3 plates. With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  19.1.2000 &19.6.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.71.        The 1853 edition.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. On page two of the publisher's titles, this work is listed as: "Price 2s. 6d. cloth, plain; 3s. 6d. coloured gilt edges. Another copy of this work is at BL 12806.b.59.Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth.  Both covers have the same blocking in blind on the borders, on the corners and on the sides. There are two fillets blocked on the borders, one thick, one thin. Leaf and flower decoration is blocked in blind and in relief on the corners, with leaves and stems blocked on the sides, the head and the tail. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a dog sleeping in its kennel, with its head and its tail protruding from the kennel entrance. The title: "/ Cat & dog/ or/ Puss and the Captain./" is blocked in gold, in rustic letters above and below the kennel. The word "/ or/" is blocked in relief within the kennel. Signed "JL" in gold at the bottom right-hand corner of the kennel. The spine is blocked in gold. A cat's head is blocked at the head, with a ribbon hanging from its neck. Below this, the title: "/ Cat/ &/ Dog/ A/ story/" is blocked in gold. A chain leads down the spine to the tail.






2003 book entry number: 176


                                  Binding No:   873

                          Pressmark:   12806.e.28.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Mayhew, Henry

                                   Title:   The story of the peasant-boy philosopher: or, "A child gathering pebbles on the sea shore." (Founded on the early life of Ferguson, the shepherd-boy astronomer, and intended to show how a poor lad became acquainted with the principles of natural science.) ...

                   Publisher Name:   David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street.

                                Width:        114     Height:       175          Thickness:        45

                           PagNotes:  xvi,484p., 8 plates. With twenty-four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  27.8.98 & 18.6.2013


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The first page of "David Bogue's ...Annual Catalogue" at the end reproduces the frontispiece illustration of Leighton's "Suggestions in design", and is signed "Luke Limner del." Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: Leighton/Son&/ Hodge/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. An inner border is blocked in blind of rectangular panels, which are formed by two fillets. Celtic strap work is blocked in relief within each panel. A square is blocked in blind on each corner, with a four-leaf celtic motif blocked in relief within each square. From head to tail of each cover, an arabesque is blocked in blind and in relief, with an "onion-shape" on the centre, which has decorative work within blocked in relief. Signed "JL" in blind as a monogram at the base of the arabesque. The spine is blocked in gold. Two fillets are blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a hatched gold half-moon, with stars in gold; the words: "/The/ story/ of the/ peasant boy/ philosopher/ [rule]/ Henry Mayhew./" blocked in gold, within a cup-shaped panel, which is formed by a single thin branch, with leaves on its top; a sextant in gold; an orrery in gold; a measuring scale, a winch, and a sundial - all blocked in gold; the monogram "JL"; at the base, flower and stems and strap work are blocked in gold.





2003 book entry number: 177


                                  Binding No:   544

                          Pressmark:   12805.h.33.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Meadows, Amy

                                   Title:   Happy days of childhood. Illustrated with Twenty-four Pictures by Harrison Weir, and a Frontispiece by Birket Foster.

                   Publisher Name:   Joseph Cundall, 168 New Bond Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   Printed by G. Barclay, Castle St, Leicester Sq.

                                Width:        170     Height:       215          Thickness:        14

                           PagNotes:  [51p.], 25 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  17.1.2000 & 18.6.2013


            References:     Dry JL no.139.

                                 Leighton SID, 1880 Plate 80,  "Grass-form plant". no.1.

                                 McLean Cundall p.79.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown ripple horizontal-grain cloth. The blocking appears to have been done after casing in. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders, the corners, and on the sides. Two fillets are blocked in the borders, one thin, one thick. From the tail to the top of each cover, on the left and right, a plant is blocked, showing its roots, bulb. stem, leaves, buds and flower. A dragon fly is blocked in blind on the centre head. Signed "JL" in blind as separate letters at the centre base, within strap work. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a girl dancing, holding a hoop; sprigs of flowers and leaves are in the girl's hands. A spray of flowers is blocked above the girl. The title: "/ Happy days of/ child hood/" is blocked in gold above and below the girl, in rustic lettering. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The plates are monochrome. A very fresh copy. The Sampson Low copy at BL shelf mark 12807.d.5. has the same plates, which are hand coloured. Each plate is back to back with the letterpress. Paper covers over boards. The upper cover shows a boy on a ladder looking into a dovecote. The lower cover  has a list of publisher's titles.





2003 book entry number: 178


                                  Binding No:   542

                          Pressmark:   12512.c.23.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Meulan, afterwards, Guizot, Elisabeth Charlotte Pauline de

                                   Title:   Popular tales. Translated from the French by Mrs. L. Burke. With illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   Reed and Parton, Printers, Paternoster-Row, London.

                                Width:        110     Height:       175          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  [7],357p., plates. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  17.1.2000 &18.6.2013


                       References:  Dry  JL         no.128.

                                 Leighton SID, 1852. Plate XXXV, no. II. Shows fuchsia flowers and buds.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./" Red wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. Leaf and stem decoration blocked on each corner. The lower cover has a central vignette blocked in blind. It shows a torque-shape. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows fuchsia flowers and buds, with stems forming a circle. The words: "/ Guizot's/ Popular/ Tales/" are blocked in gold within the circle, in fanciful letters. At the base, a hand -with a ruff at the wrist - holds a stylus. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. The decoration from the head down is: a panel, formed by a single gold fillet, with the words: "/ Guizot's/ Popular/ Tales/" blocked in gold; a birdcage, its door open; a lady on a stool, holding the bird; a cat immediately underneath the stool - all three are within a cord surround, which ends in tassels; a tasselled plinth is blocked at the base. Signed  “JL” in gold as separate letters at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 179



                                  Binding No:   234

                          Pressmark:   11647.a.21.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Moore, Thomas the Poet.

                                   Title:   Irish melodies.

                   Publisher Name:   Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854


                                Width:          70     Height:       109          Thickness:        13

                           PagNotes:  xxviii,139p. With four pages of publisher's advertisements bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  6.10.2000 &25.6.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.140.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./". Blue ripple horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers have two fillets blocked in blind on the borders, the outer thin, the inner thick. The upper cover has a vignette blocked in gold, showing a tracery of clover leaves and stems surrounding an Irish harp. The title: "/ Irish/ Melodies./" is blocked in gold. Signed "JL", as a monogram in gold, at base of vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. The words: "/ Irish/ Melodies/ by/ Thomas/ Moore./" are blocked in gold between two gold fillets. Clover leaves and stems are blocked in gold above and below the lettering.





2003 book entry number: 181


                                  Binding No:   254

                          Pressmark:   10816.a.35.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Osler, Edward

                                   Title:   The life of Viscount Exmouth. A New and Revised Edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Geo. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street, and 18, Beekman Street, New York.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   Printed by Stewart and Murray, Old Bailey.

                                Width:        110     Height:       175          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  xv,235p.  With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  18.8.99 &26.6.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.144.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Original upper yellow endpaper bound at the front. Blue ripple horizontal-grain cloth. The borders and corners of both covers are identically blocked in blind. Two fillets are blocked on the borders and a plant pattern on the corners. On the lower cover, the central vignette is blocked in blind, and displays a leaf, stem and bud pattern. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. A lion rampant, dexter, and a sailor, sinister, support the central medallion. Within the medallion, a lion, courant, gules, crossed laurel leaves; three masted sailing ship and castle. A coronet surmounts the medallion, with a crest of a ship and a castle. The sailor holds shackles in his left hand, and a cross in his right. The lion's feet and the sailor's feet rest on a gold lettering piece, with patterns blocked in relief; the word "/ Algiers/" is blocked in relief in the middle. The title: "/ The/ life of/ Admiral Viscount/ Exmouth./" is blocked in gold above and below the medallion. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets; a crown in gold; the title: "/ The/ life/ of/ Admiral/ Viscount/ Exmouth/" is blocked in gold; a spear, inverted, and a flagpole are blocked in gold; the Union Jack flies from the top of the flagpole; the Union Jack has a long pennant, which winds around the spear and the flagpole; the word "/ Algiers/" is blocked in relief within the pennant.





2003 book entry number: 183

                                  Binding No:   537

                          Pressmark:   12619.d.11.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Robson, William

                                   Title:   John Railton; or, read and think. ... With illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street. 

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   Printed by Cox (Bros.) and Wyman, Great Queen Street.

                                Width:        110     Height:       177          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  viii,373p., 7 plates. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. The plates are signed: "Dalziel."

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  14.1.2000 &26.6.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.148.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Bolts uncut. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Strap work and fillets blocked on the corners and on the sides. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows an artist's easel. A wreath hangs from its top, on the left. An open book, blocked as a gold lettering-piece, rests on a bar in the middle of the easel. The words: "/ Books/ teach us to/ refine our/ pleasures/ when young/ & to recall/ them with/ satisfaction/ when old./" are blocked in relief within the open pages of the book. At the base of the easel on the right, a palette and an artist's wrist-stick are propped, together with a scroll-shaped gold lettering-piece, with the word "/ Music/" blocked in relief within it.  At the base on the left, a lyre and a portfolio are propped, the portfolio has the word "/ Sketches/" blocked in relief on its cover. The title words: "/ John Railton/ or Read & think/" are blocked in gold above and on each side of the easel in fanciful lettering. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked around the perimeter. Two fillets are blocked in gold at the head and the tail.

The spine is divided into five panels: panels 1,3,5 are blocked with thin rectangles with leaf decoration, blocked in gold; panel 2 has the title words: "/ John Railton/ or/ read/ &/ think" blocked in gold; panel 4 has a lily plant and leaves blocked in gold and relief, with  a crossed feather and a paper knife blocked in gold in the middle of the panel.





2003 book entry number: 185

                                  Binding No:   500

                          Pressmark:   12806.b.57.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Sheppard, Elizabeth Sara

                                   Title:   The day of a baby-boy. A Tale for a Little Child. By E. Berger. The illustrations from drawings by John Absolon...

                   Publisher Name:   Grant & Griffith, (successors to Newbery and Harris,) corner of St Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   Printed by Levey, Robson, and Franklyn, Great New Street and Fetter Lane

                                Width:        126     Height:       172          Thickness:        11

                           PagNotes:  90p., 4 plates. With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  2.12.99 & 1.7.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.110.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Printed on page one of the publisher's titles: "Price 2s. 6d. cloth, plain; 3s. 6d. coloured [plates], gilt edges". Edges speckled with red ink. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Curling stem, stylised leaf, and flower decoration are blocked on each corner and on the side, the flower stamen decoration being blocked in relief. [This is the same decoration in blind on the borders as on BL - Lushington. The happy home.] The  upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a small tree growing behind a stone wall. The sun and its rays are rising behind the tree. An adult bird is about to land to feed a single chick in a nest at the top of the tree. The title words: "/The/ day/ of a/ baby boy./" are blocked in gold in rustic letters, above and on either side of the tree. A wall and its coping stones are blocked in within a hatched gold lettering-piece. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters within the wall, on the centre. The spine is blocked in gold. The lower half is missing. A bird is blocked at the head. The title words: "/The/ day/ of/ a/ baby/ boy./" are blocked in gold. Below this leaves on a stem are blocked in gold.





2003 book entry number: 186


                                  Binding No:   193

                          Pressmark:   10027.d.29.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Spencer, Edmund

                                   Title:   Turkey, Russia, The Black Sea, and Circassia. Third Thousand. With coloured illustrations, numerous engravings, and a map.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill

                                Width:        120     Height:       190          Thickness:        33

                           PagNotes:  xi,404p., 4 plates, 1 fold-out map.

                Place of Printing:   London



                       BinderText:    No text

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  28.5.99 & 26.6.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.152.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The fold-out map is entitled: "The/ Turkish/ Empire,/ comprising the Caucasian Isthmus,/ with the adjoining Countries, forming a complete map/ of the present seat of war in the East./ Revised by the Author from the latest/ Russian & Turkish Authorities./ Engraved by Becker & Co.'s patent process on steel, 11 Stationer's Court, City./". Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders, with an ivy berry and stem pattern between two fillets. A third inner fillet is also blocked in blind, with a small flower head blocked on each corner. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. On the centre, a shield is blocked on gold, azure. Within the shield, double-headed crowned eagles are blocked, with each claw holding 1. a ball and sceptre 2. a staff. An inner shield, gules, shows St. George slaying the Dragon. The decoration within the shield is picked out in relief.  A crown surmounts the shield. A medallion is blocked above the crown. The words: "/ Turkey Russia/" are blocked to the left and to the right of the shield. The words: "/ Black Sea/ &/ Circassia./" are blocked in gold below the shield. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette, within a final backwards loop of the "&". Spine missing.




2003 book entry number: 187


                                  Binding No:   190

                          Pressmark:   7005.c.28.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   White, Gilbert, of Selborne.

                                   Title:   The natural history of Selborne. With additional notes, by the Rev. J.G.Wood., M.A. Illustrated with engravings on wood.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   Richard Clay, Printer, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        118     Height:       187          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  viii,428p.  With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  9.7.99 & 26.6.2013

            References:     McLean                                VPBB          p.62.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: "Bound by/ Burn,/ Hatton Garden/". Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked in blind on borders. There are three fillets blocked on the outer and inner borders of both covers, with a leaf and branch pattern between the fillets. The upper cover has a vignette blocked in gold, featuring a birdcage, a wooden stool - with a coat and hat draped over it - in front of a desk, which has a lecturn on it, with an inkstand, a quill on top of the lectern. A cat seated on the desk looks out at us, or possibly at the dog seated under the desk. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base. The spine is blocked in gold.  A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold fillet; a spider's web and leaves and a flower; the title: "/ White's/ Natural/ History/ of/ Selborne/" is blocked in gold in rustic letters, with gold tendrils at the ends of several letters; a bird holding a quill is perched on an inkpot, surrounded by leaves, branches; [the copy reproduced by McLean shows "JL" blocked in gold as separate letters near the tail; this is obscured by the label on the BL copy]; a gold fillet; a decorative pattern; two gold fillets are blocked at the tail. The S.P.C.K. edition of 1860 has 338p. is at BL shelf mark 7005.c.29. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: "Trickett & Son Binders."   Brown morocco-grain cloth. Blind blocked on both covers. Spine fully blocked in gold. Unsigned.





2003 book entry number: 188


                                  Binding No:   543

                          Pressmark:   7205.a.44.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Wood, John George

                                   Title:   Sketches and anecdotes of animal life. With illustrations by Harrison Weir.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge and Co., Farringdon Street. New York: 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   Printed by Woodfall and Kinder, Angel Court, Skinner Street.

                                Width:        110     Height:       170          Thickness:        42

                           PagNotes:  [3],428p., 8 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  19.1.2000 & 26.6.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.156.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are engraved by Dalziel. Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. Stars are blocked in relief on the inner corners. Each cover has a                 central vignette, blocked in blind. It shows a birdcage, then the title words: "/ Anecdotes/ of/ animal life/", in rustic lettering; then a stool, a robe, book, a stick and a cat. Signed "JL" in blind as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. The decoration from the head down is: a cat curled up in its own long tail; the words: "/ Anecdotes/ of/ animal/ life/ J.G. Wood/", in gold in rustic lettering; small leaves and berries. [The spine is damaged - the lower third is missing.]




2003 book entry number: 189

                                  Binding No:   241

                          Pressmark:   3128.c.18.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   "Suffer little children to come unto me." A series of scripture lessons for the young.

                   Publisher Name:   T. Nelson and Sons, London; Edinburgh; and New York.

             Place of Publication:   [London]

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   Printed by T. Nelson and Sons

                                Width:        105     Height:       170          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  128p., 3 plates.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  21.7.99 & 26.6.2013


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Edges speckled with red ink. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on

the borders, and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, with two more inside this, which end in frets blocked on each corner; small flowers are blocked on the corners. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. The title: "/ Suffer little children/" is blocked in gold in a semi-circle above the central picture. The words: "/ To come unto me/" are blocked in gold underneath the central picture. The title is blocked in rustic lettering. The central picture consists of a white cloth onlay, blocked in gold, showing Jesus and two children. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head

downwards, the decoration is: a fleur-de-lis, blocked in hatch gold, within circles blocked on either side of an arch formed by two gold fillets; the title: "/ Suffer/ little/ children/ to come/ unto me/" blocked in gold; the words: "/ See that/ ye refuse/ not him/ that/ speaketh/" are blocked in gold within a shield formed by three gold fillets; two gold fillets; a fleur-de-lis, blocked in hatch gold, within a circle - both within an oval; a gold fillet is blocked at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 190


                                  Binding No:   359

                          Pressmark:   12631.b.18.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Adams, Charlotte

                                   Title:   Matilda Lonsdale; or the eldest sister. Illustrated by Birket Foster.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   Printed by Cox (Bros.) and Wyman, Great Queen Street

                                Width:        110     Height:       175          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  viii,347p., 5 plates. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  6.10.2000 & 26.6.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.157.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on the lower pastedown: "/ Leighton Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and the corners. Three fillets are blocked on the borders.                    Flowers and leaves are blocked on the corners. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a bird's nest, with chicks, and two birds in flight. The nest, birds, branches and  leaves surround the title: "/ Matilda Lonsdale/". The letters are blocked "in double", with the capital "M" of "Matilda" being blocked inside a square gold lettering-piece, which also has small decoration blocked in relief within it. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the right-hand base of the vignette. [A small monogram - only 1mm across.] The spine is blocked in gold. There is a single fillet blocked in gold on the perimeter. The title: "/ Matilda Lonsdale/" is blocked in gold. Down the rest of the spine is a single lily with leaves and flowers blocked in gold. The imprint: "/ London/ Routledge & Co/" is blocked in gold at the tail, inside a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.





2003 book entry number: 191


                                  Binding No:   539

                          Pressmark:   7205.a.5.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Aikman, James

                                   Title:   One hundred animals; or, book of natural history.

                   Publisher Name:   T.Nelson and Sons

             Place of Publication:   London; Edinburgh and New York

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   Printed by T. Nelson and Sons

                                Width:          97     Height:       153          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  xii,372p., 29 plates.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  24.1.2000 & 26.6.2013

            References:     Dry                                       JL                no.158.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind only on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets blocked on the borders, one thick, one thin. Leaf and stem decoration is blocked on each corner. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked around the perimeter. Two gold fillets are blocked at the head. The words: "/ One/ hundred/ animals/ by/ James/ Aikman/ Esq./" are blocked in gold in rustic lettering within a panel bordered by a single gold fillet. Below this, two monkeys play in a cage; a seated bear is in another cage. Signed "JL" in relief, within the gold base of the bear's cage. Small decoration and two fillets are blocked in gold at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 192


                                  Binding No:   549

                          Pressmark:   12603.f.21.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Ainsworth, William Harrison

                                   Title:   The miser's daughter: A Tale... With illustrations by George Cruikshank. ...

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street. New York: 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   Savill, and Edwards, Printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        142     Height:       225          Thickness:        31

                           PagNotes:  xi, 302p. 19 plates. With six pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  11.1.2000 & 22.1.2014

            References:     Dry JL no.160.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ripple horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. Three fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the two inner thin. A leaf and flower pattern is blocked in blind on each corner. The upper cover central panel is blocked in gold. At the head, the title: "The miser's daughter" is blocked in gold, with a medallion blocked between "Miser " and "daughter" . The medallion shows death pointing a spear at an apothecary, who is seated at a table. The words: ' "Stulte hac nocte repetunt animam tuam/ et quae parasti cuus erunt" Lucae. XII./' is blocked in gold above and below the medallion. The capital "M" of "Miser" ends in strap work. The letter "R" of "daughter" ends in pound - "£"-  signs. At the centre, the daughter (Hilda) is seated on a chest, her left hand holding keys, her right hand holding a packet of papers. Another smaller chest, with its lid open is blocked to her right. Thorn branches are blocked beneath it. The words: "/ by/ Ainsworth/" are blocked in gold between the thorn branches. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the branches. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold fillet; the words: "/ The/ Miser's/ daughter/ [rule]/ W. Harrison/ Ainsworth./";  a pole is blocked in gold from the base upwards - a spade and a vase are blocked at the base of the pole; hung on top of it is a hat; around the middle of the pole, a group of objects is secured by ropes:  a

 lantern, a scroll (the scroll has "Plot James 3 D" blocked in relief on it), a purse, a vase, a sword, and a bunch of keys; at the tail: "/ Geo Cruikshank/ Illustrations/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.




2003 book entry number: 194


                                  Binding No:   538

                          Pressmark:   12806.d.6.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Ayton, Emily

                                   Title:   Words by the way-side; or, the children and the flowers. With illustrations by H. Anelay.

                   Publisher Name:   Grant and Griffith, successors to Newbery and Harris, Corner of St Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   Printed by J. Wertheimer and Co., Circus Place, Finsbury Circus.

                                Width:        128     Height:       177          Thickness:        16

                           PagNotes:  [1],ii,159p., 4 plates. With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  29.2.2000 & 1.7.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.162.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates engraved by Edmund Evans.  On page one of the publisher's titles: "Small 4to; price 3s. 6d. cloth; 4s. 6d. coloured gilt edges." Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. A circle and leaves are blocked on each corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a girl dancing. Her head has a garland of flowers. She carries other flowers in the folds of her dress, held in each hand. The title: "/ Words/ by the wayside;/ or the children & the flowers/" are is blocked in rustic lettering in a circle above and below the girl. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head, the title: " / Words/ by the/ way-/ side;/ or/ the/ children/ & the/ flowers/" is blocked in gold. Small flowers and leaf decoration are blocked in gold above and below the title.





2003 book entry number: 195


                                  Binding No:   541

                          Pressmark:   12806.d.8.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Bowman, Anne

                                   Title:   Esperanza; or, the home of the wanderers.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   Printed by Cox (Bros.) and Wyman, Great Queen Street.

                                Width:        110     Height:       175          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  ix,435p., 8 plates. The plates engraved by Dalziel.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  17.1.2000 & 1.7.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.164.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ripple vertical-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders, the corners and the sides. Three fillets blocked on the borders. Leaf and stem decoration blocked on each corner and the sides. The lower cover has a central vignette blocked in blind. It shows a series of circles at the centre, with strap work around them. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows two of the wanderers walking in a jungle. They hold a pole on their shoulders. The pole is hung with game and fish. The

wanderer on the right holds a rifle over his shoulder with his right hand; on the end of a rifle hangs a baby crocodile. The wanderer on the left holds a spear in his left hand. There is a palm tree blocked to the left of the vignette. The title: "/ Esperanza;/ or the home/ of the/ wanderers/" is blocked in gold above the two men, with "Esperanza" being blocked in rustic lettering. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the left hand base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a fillet blocked at the head; the title: "/ Esperanza/ or/ the home/ of the/ wanderer/" blocked in gold; a bamboo frame house, with tropical creepers: a bird sits on top of the house; a man is seated inside the house; near the tail, the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold, within a rectangular fillet-frame formed by a single fillet. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters below this. [The signature is only 1mm wide.] Two fillets blocked in gold at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 196



                                  Binding No:   189

                          Pressmark:   12619.c.37.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Crosland, Camilla

                                   Title:   Hildred: the daughter. Illustrated by John Gilbert.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street. New York: 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   Savill & Edwards, Printers, 4, Chandos-street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        110     Height:       175          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  338p.  With ten pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  1.7.99 & 1.7.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.167.

                                 McLean VPBB p.15.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: "/Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers have borders and corner pieces blocked in blind. There are fillets blocked on the borders and passion flower leaves and buds blocked on the corners. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold, featuring the title: "/Hildred/ The daughter./" blocked in gold above and below rose branches and flowers, and documents - all blocked in gold. One document has "Dowry £20,000" blocked in relief on it; another has "To be read last", also in relief. Signed "JL" in gold  as a monogram, at the base of vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets; the words: "/ Hildred:/ The/ daughter/ by/ Mrs/ Newton/ Crosland./" blocked in gold; two gold fillets; lily-like leaves and stems surround three bishop’s (or curate’s) neck vestments, which are blocked down the spine. The words: "/Faith/ Hope/ Charity./" are blocked in relief within these;  a gold fillet; the words: "/ London/ Routledge & Co/" are blocked in gold; two gold fillets are blocked at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 198


[entered into BL database on 20.1.2016 – BL 019-000021320]

                                  Binding No:   522

                          Pressmark:   1609/5956

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Doran, John

                                   Title:   Habits and men, with Remnants of Record touching the makers of both. Third edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   Printed by John Edward Taylor, Little Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields.

                                Width:        126     Height:       205          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  vi, 417p. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]


                       Bookbinder:   Edmonds & Remnants

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   orange

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  6.1.2000 & 1.7.2013 & 20.1.2016. 

            References:     Dry JL no.119. The 1854 edition.

Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures, p. 176.


Notes: The spine design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Edmonds & Remnants,/ London./" [Ball no. 31A2 – variant: blue on cream.] Orange moire rib horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind. Four fillets are blocked on the borders. The innermost of these has straps blocked in relief on the sides,  the head and at the tail. Three flowers and leaves are blocked on each corner. A lozenge-shaped central vignette is blocked in blind and in relief on the centre of each cover. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked at the head and at the tail, one thick, one thin. At the head, the words: "/ Habits/ and/ men/ [rule]/ Doran./"  are blocked in gold. Up the spine from the tail runs an ivy branch, with berries and leaves. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the ivy branch. The imprint: "/ London. Bentley/" is blocked at the tail, above the two fillets. The upper cover of the 1854 edition (at BL shelf mark 7742.b.25.) has the same central lozenge-shaped vignette blocked in blind.







2003 book entry number: 199


                                  Binding No:   550

                          Pressmark:   10195.a.27.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Forbes, James David

                                   Title:   The tour of Mont Blanc, and of Monte Rosa being a personal narrative, abridged from the Author's "Travels in the Alps of Savoy"

                   Publisher Name:   Adam and Charles Black

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   Printed by R. and R.Clark.

                                Width:        110     Height:       177          Thickness:        28

                           PagNotes:  xl,320p., 2 fold-out maps. With twenty-four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. A page of publisher's titles is tipped in at the front.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  19.1.2000 & 13.7.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.171.

                                 Oldfield BC no.67.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The fold-out map bound at the front is entitled: "The Penine chain of Alps", printed in black and white. The fold-out map bound at the end is entitled: "Map of the Mer de Glace of Chamouni and of the adjoining district from an actual survey in 1842-4-6 and 1850 by Professor James D.Forbes." Drawn by Dr Augustus Peterman. Lith. by C. Hellforth Gotha. Edinburgh, published by A&C Black, 1855. The map is tinted in blue. Sixteen of the twenty-four pages of publisher's titles at the end are: "/ Catalogue/ of the/ various/ editions/ of/ Sir Walter Scott's/ writings/ &/   life./" The title page of this catalogue has a design by John Leighton. It shows a medieval arch at the top, with decorated niches to the left and right. In the niche on the left is a knight in armour holding a lance; in the niche on the right is a saint holding a staff. At the base is a mixture of objects: a harp, a shield, an ornamented book, spears, an axe, swords, with a seated dog. The monogram of Walter Scott is within a shield with a pair of antlers at its top. Signed "JL" at the left hand base as a monogram; signed "H. [i.e. Henry] Leighton S." at the right hand base. Text sewn on two tapes. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically. Two fillets are blocked on the borders in blind, one thick, one thin. The same central vignette is blocked on both covers, in blind on the lower and in gold on the upper. It shows a mountain goat on a ledge, against a backdrop of high mountains. Above this, the title: "/Tour/ of/ Mont Blanc/" is blocked in gold in "icicle-like" lettering. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. Spine missing.





2003 book entry number: 200


                                  Binding No:   547

                          Pressmark:   12807.e.47.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Gerstaecker, Friedrich Wilhelm Christian

                                   Title:   Frank Wildman's Adventures on Land & Water. Translated and Revised by Lascelles Wraxall. With tinted illustrations by Harrison Weir. 

                   Publisher Name:   Geo. Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street. New York, 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   Printed by Cox (Bros.) and Wyman, Great Queen Street

                                Width:        117     Height:       187          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  viii,296p., 8 plates. The plates engraved by Edmund Evans.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  19.1.2000 & 15.7.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.173.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders, the corners and the sides. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. Trefoil leaf decoration is blocked on each corner and on the sides. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. A circle is formed by a rope, knotted at the sides. Above and below the circle, the title: "/ Frank/ Wildman's/ Adventures/" is blocked in rustic lettering. Inside the circle, a scene is blocked of a young man clinging to wreckage in a stormy sea. He is waving a cloth in his left hand, to attract attention. This is a reproduction of the illustration opposite p.91.  Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked around the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets; the words: "/ Frank/ Wildman's/ Adventures/ Gerstaecker/", blocked in gold, in rustic lettering; then a crescent-shaped room,  above a small tree, which is blocked from the base up; a man is digging with a spade at the base of the tree, together with a bag of gold; a gold fillet; the words: "/ London/ Routledge & Co./" are blocked in gold  within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.







2003 book entry number: 201


                                  Binding No:   551


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Gerstaecker, Friedrich Wilhelm Christian

                                   Title:   Wild sports in The Far West. Translated from the German. With tinted illustrations, by Harrison Weir. Fourth thousand.

                   Publisher Name:   Geo. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street. New York, 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   Savill Edwards, Printers, 4, Chandos-street, Covent-garden.

                                Width:        120     Height:       191          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  vi, 314p. 8 plates. The plates are engraved by Edmund Evans. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]

                        Bookseller:   W.H. Smith & Son

                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  20.1.2000 & 5.2.2014

            References:     Dry JL no.172.


Notes: The Design is by John Leighton. The  plates are engraved by Edmund Evans. On page eighteen of the publishers titles, this work is listed as: " In 1 vol. Price 5s. cloth lettered."   Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Bookseller's name embossed on upper pastedown: "/ W.H. Smith & Son/ 138/ Strand/ London/". Bookplate & coat of arms of Joseph Teale on upper pastedown.  Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the

borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. A leaf and stem pattern is blocked on each corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows the heads of three wild animals, with a rectangular gold lettering piece blocked underneath. The words: " / Wild sports/" are blocked in relief within the rectangle; beneath it, the words : "/ in the/ Far West./ By/ Gerstaecker./" are blocked in gold in rustic lettering. A branch and leaves, with its stems ending in circle, is blocked in gold across the vignette. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is:  two gold

fillets shaped as branches; the words: "/ Wild sports/ in the/ Far West./ by/ Gerstaecker./" blocked in gold in rustic lettering; a man clinging onto a branch above water, with his hat falling towards the water; in the water, a crocodile's head and water plants are blocked; at the tail: "/ Routledge & Co/ London/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single "branch-like" gold fillet.





2003 book entry number: 202

                                  Binding No:   250


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Goldsmith, Oliver

                                   Title:   The deserted village. Illustrated by the Etching Club.

                   Publisher Name:   Published for Joseph Cundall by Sampson Low and Son, 47 Ludgate Hill.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1855


                                Width:        140     Height:       205          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  46p. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  20.7.99 5.2.2014

                       References:  Dry  JL no.174.

                                 McLean Cundall p.79.

                                 McLean VPPB p.78.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton.B evelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on the lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Green morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. Inside these, a wide border pattern of leaves and flowers is blocked in relief. On the upper cover, within the central rectangle, a vignette is blocked in gold. The words: "/ The/ Deserted/ Village/ Illustrated/ by the/ Etching Club/" are blocked in gold in elaborate "branch-like" lettering, with roots from the bottom of letters. Two etching tools are blocked near the base of the vignette. Signed "JL" in gold         as a monogram, at the base of the vignette. On the spine, the title: "/ Goldsmith/ Deserted/ Village is blocked in gold near the head. The 1859 edition is at BL RB23.a.5278. It has a cover design by Albert Warren.




2003 book entry number: 204


                                  Binding No:   561

                          Pressmark:   12806.d.18.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Huntley, afterwards Sigourney, Lydia Howard

                                   Title:   Mary Rice: And Other Tales.

                   Publisher Name:   T .Nelson and Sons

             Place of Publication:   London; Edinburgh and New York.

              Date of Publication:   1855


                                Width:          94     Height:       147          Thickness:        18

                           PagNotes:  237p., 6 plates. With six pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  2.2.2000 & 15.7.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.189.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically  in blind on the borders, on the corners and on the sides. Two fillets are blocked in relief on the borders. Stems and flowers are blocked on the borders, head and tail. An extended single stem is blocked in blind on each side. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a roundel, formed on its perimeter by two fillets, with repeating dots blocked in gold between. Inside, a dog guards a sleeping girl, her head on a pillow. The words: "/ Sleeping infant/" are blocked in gold at the base of the roundel. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram under the girl's pillow. [This is the usual Leighton monogram, but it is very small, only one millimetre across.] Above and below the roundel, the words: "/ Tales/ and/ Pencilings/ by Mrs. Sigourney./" are blocked in gold in fanciful lettering. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked on the perimeter of the upper half. From the head downwards, the decoration is: an arch formed by small leaves and branches; the title: "/ Mary Rice/ and other/ Tales/ and/ Pencilings/ in/ prose & verse/ by/ Mrs Sigourney/"; two palm trees, which cross at their heads; between the trees, a young woman is blocked, with an urn on her head; the word "/ Orpamel/" is blocked in gold, within a rectangle frame formed by a single gold fillet; at the tail, small decoration is blocked in gold.




2003 book entry number: 205


                                  Binding No:   556

                          Pressmark:   10659.a.31.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Haweis, Hugh Reginald

                                   Title:   A life of Napoleon Bonaparte. In four books. With five illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Co. London: Farringdon Street. New York: 18 Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   Printed by Woodfall and Kinder, Angel Court, Skinner Street.

                                Width:        110     Height:       175          Thickness:        28

                           PagNotes:  vii, 387p. 5 plates. The plates are signed: "Henry Linton"; "H.L. Sc."; "E. Morin". With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  20.1.00 & 5.2.2014

            References:     Dry JL no.180.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. Four fillets are blocked on the borders. Curling leaf and stem decoration is blocked on each corner. On the lower cover, the central vignette is blocked in blind. It shows an octagon and fillets with curling ends. Pointed leaves are blocked between the fillets. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a laurel wreath, two ribbons and a shield. The arms are: argent, an eagle displayed, wings inverted; crest: Pope's mitre. The shield is crossed diagonally by two staffs. One staff has a hand at the head, the other staff has a seated figure, holding a chasuble and a staff. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram near the base of the vignette, just above a medal. The spine is blocked in gold. [The upper half is missing.] The decoration is: a capital "N"; a bee within a circle; a wreath with "/ 1821/" blocked within it. "/ St. Helena/" is blocked in gold below the wreath. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters underneath.





2003 book entry number: 206


                                  Binding No:   275

                          Pressmark:   12410.c.6.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Palmer, Francis Paul

                                   Title:   Old tales for the young. As newly told. Illustrated by Alfred Crowquill.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street. New York: 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street.

                                Width:        107     Height:       175          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  viii, 407p. 7 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  14.8.99.

            References:     Dry  JL no.185.

 Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Three fillets are blocked on the borders, and a (passion) flower pattern on each corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows at the centre a diamond-shaped square, formed by two gold fillets, with two children lying inside. Atop the diamond is a genie's lamp. Underneath the diamond, a key and an        oriental sabre are blocked. To the left of the diamond, a cat is seated, its left paw on its forehead. To the right is a mouse clothed in ermine, holding a staff on its shoulder. The title: "/ Old/ tales/ for the/ Young./" is blocked above and below the vignette in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a winged wizard floating above, and pointing down, at the title: "/ Old/ Tales/ for the/ Young./",  all blocked in gold; the words: "Old tales" are in fanciful letters; beneath this is blocked the figure of Jack, about to strike at the head of the giant with a pickaxe; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters; crouched "stick-like" figures, repeating in gold, are blocked between gold fillets; a gild fillet is blocked at the tail.







2003 book entry number: 210

                                  Binding No:   563

                          Pressmark:   10002.a.23.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Wittich, William

                                   Title:   Curiosities of physical geography. New Edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Richard Griffin and Company

             Place of Publication:   London and Glasgow

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street.

                                Width:        107     Height:       163          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  412p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  27.1.2000.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. Rose flowers and leaves are blocked on each corner, on the middle of the sides and on the centre. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked around its perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a sun in clouds; a bird; the title words: "/ Curiosities/ of physical/ geography/ Wittich./" , in rustic lettering; a volcano by the sea is in eruption, with lava raining down. Signed "JL" in gold

as separate letters at the base of the waters.  The words: "/ Griffin & Co./" are blocked at the tail within a rectangular frame formed by a single fillet.





2003 book entry number: 211


                                  Binding No:   366

                          Pressmark:   12430.c.20.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Wolf, Johann Wilhelm

                                   Title:   Fairy tales, collected in the Odenwald. Edited, with a preface, by Kenneth R.H.Mackenzie. Illustrated by W. Harvey.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street. New York: 18 Beekman-Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   Printed by Stewart and Murray, Old Bailey.

                                Width:        110     Height:       175          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  xii,, 337p, 8 plates. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. The engravings are by Dalziel.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  21.9.99 & 223.7.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.194.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. An original yellow endpaper is bound in at the front. Blue wave diagonal -grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in blind with the same design on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Thin curling stems and flower-heads are blocked on the corners. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. At the centre of the vignette, the words:"/ Wolff's [sic]/ Fairy tales/ &/ stories/" are blocked in gold. These are surrounded, in a circle, by twelve fairy figures, dancing and holding hands. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is:  two gold fillets; an adult female fairy figure, standing on a quarter moon, is blocked in gold; the words: "/ Wolf's/ Fairy/ Tales &/ Stories./" blocked in gold; a "butterfly-winged" fairy crouches on the head of a toadstool; two more fairies are reading books underneath the toadstool; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the toadstool; the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold inside a rectangle formed by two fillets; a gold fillet is blocked at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 212


                                  Binding No:   534

                          Pressmark:   1568/4304

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Wood, John George

                                   Title:   The illustrated natural history. With four hundred and eighty original designs, by William Harvey. New Edition, corrected and considerably enlarged.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street. New York: 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        120     Height:       188          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  xx, 444p., 2 plates. The two plates at the front form the frontispiece and the half title page.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  6.1.2000 & 23.7.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.195.

Notes: The  design is by John Leighton. The two plates are signed: "Dalziel Sc." Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ripple horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick, one thin, with leaf decoration on the corners and on the sides. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. The words: "/ Wood's/ Illustrated/ natural/ history./" is blocked in gold in rustic lettering on the centre. Around the outside of the vignette, clockwise, are: the bust of a man; a snake; an eagle; a whale; an octopus; a crab; a crocodile; a lion. Small leaves and branches curl between these animals - all blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked around the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two fillets; the words: "/ Wood's/ Illustrated/ Natural/ History./" blocked in gold in rustic lettering; a small tree, beside a pond or river; at the side of the water and in it are: a water vole, a beaver, a pike, a fish, an eel, a frog; a snake curls up the lower half of the tree trunk; two gold fillets; the words: "/ Illustrated by/ William Harvey./" are blocked in gold; two gold fillets; a thick gold fillet is  blocked at the tail.




2003 book entry number: 213


                                  Binding No:   545

                          Pressmark:   1607/5776

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

Author/Heading:  Theakston, Solomon Wilkinson

                                   Title:   Theakston's Guide to Scarborough; comprising a brief sketch of the antiquities, natural productions, and romantic scenery, of the     town and neighbourhood. Sixth edition. Illustrated with numerous Engavings on Steel and Wood.

                   Publisher Name:   Published by S.W. Theakston, Gazette Office, 31, St. Nicholas-Street

             Place of Publication:   Scarborough

              Date of Publication:   1856


                                Width:        108     Height:       173          Thickness:        17

                           PagNotes:  viii,198,5p., 5 plates, 1 fold-out map. With fifteen pages of advertisements bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                  Date Examined:        6.1.2000 & 22.7.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.153. The fifth edition of 1854.


Notes:   The design is by john Leighton. The plates are drawn by H.B. Carter. The monogram of S.W. Theakston is printed on the title page. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. The pastedowns and endpapers have printed advertisements relating to Scarborough. Brown morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets blocked on the borders, one thick, one thin. A spray of ivy leaves and berries is blocked on each corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a medieval gate, with three arches, castellation, and two small castellated turrets at the top. The title words: "/ Theakston's/ Scarborough/" are blocked in relief within the front of the gate. The word: "/ Guide/" is blocked in gold below the gate. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the gate. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head, the words: "/ Theakson's Scarboro [sic]/ guide./" are blocked in gold, between two fillets. From the tail upwards, a lily-like plant is blocked in gold, with buds and a flower.






2003 book entry number: 214


                                  Binding No:   601

                          Pressmark:   RB.23.a.15912.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Adams, Charlotte

                                   Title:   Edgar Clifton; or, Right and Wrong. A story of school life. Third Edition, Revised and Corrected. With new illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1856

                               Printer:   Cox (Bros) & Wyman, Printers, Great Queen Street

                                Width:        110     Height:       177          Thickness:        32

                           PagNotes:  [1], 400p. 8 plates.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  9.2.2000 &23.7.2013


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed "BF"[i.e. Birket Foster] and "Dalziel".

Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders; leaf and stem decoration is blocked in relief on each corner. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a hand, at the top, holding the scales of justice. Each scale is weighed down with plaques, blocked as gold lettering-pieces. The one on the left weighs more, and the words: "/ Candour/ and/ truth/" are blocked in relief within it. On the right hand plaque, the words: "/Prejudice/ and/ pride/" are blocked in relief. The words: "/ Edgar Clifton/" are blocked within a ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece

above the scales; the word: "/ or/" is blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece, shaped as a weight; the words: "/ right/ and/ wrong/" are blocked in relief within scroll-shaped gold lettering-pieces. Small stems and buds are interspersed within the design. Signed "JL" in relief as a monogram, at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. An arrow is blocked in gold from the top to the tail, the point at the tail. The words: "/ Edgar/ Clifton/ or/ right/ &/ wrong/" are blocked in relief within six  ribbon-shaped gold lettering-pieces, which wrap themselves around the tree. Flowers are blocked in gold around the point of the arrow near the tail. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the tail.







2003 book entry number: 215


                                  Binding No:   553

                          Pressmark:   1406.f.8.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Bishop, Frederick

                                   Title:   The Wife's Own Book of Cookery, containing upwards of fifteen hundred original receipts, prepared with great care, and a proper attention to economy, and embodying all the latest improvements in the culinary art; accompanied by important remarks and counsel

on the arrangement and well-ordering of the kitchen, combined with useful hints on domestic economy. The whole based on many years' constant practice and experience; and addressed to Private Families as well as the Highest Circles. Illustrated with 250 descriptive engravings.

                   Publisher Name:   Ward and Lock, 158, Fleet Street, and all Booksellers.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1856]

                               Printer:   J.T. Norris,  Printer, 128, Aldersgate Street, London.

                                Width:        125     Height:       194          Thickness:        37

                           PagNotes:  xvi,398p., 1 plate. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                  Date Examined:        11.3.2000 &23.7.2013

                        References:        Dry       JL         no.197.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Original cover size: 125x187mm. Original covers bound in at the front and at the end. Original cover size: 120x185mm. Dark green morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders, the corners and the sides. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. The corners, the head, the tail and the sides are blocked in blind with an elaborate stem and leaf pattern, showing in relief. A central panel is formed by the blocking in blind. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a lady (wearing an apron, with a servant's hat and ribbons) holding a serving-dish with a domed cover. The title: "/ The wife's/ own book/ of/ cookery/" is blocked in gold in rustic lettering above, below and to each side of the lady. Some of the letters have sprigs of leaves sprouting from their ends. The letters of the word: "own" are pierced by a fork; the letters of the word: "book" are pierced by a knife. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette.








2003 book entry number: 217


                                  Binding No:   279

                          Pressmark:   11781.e.8.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   De Vere, Florence

                                   Title:   Eugenie; or, the Spanish bride. (The Author reserves the right of translating or acting this tragedy and comedy.)

                   Publisher Name:   Ward and Lock, 158, Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1856

                               Printer:   Printed by Petter and Galpin, La Belle Sauvage Yard, Ludgate Hill.

                                Width:        122     Height:       187          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  302p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  14.8.99 & 23.7.2013


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in blind with the same design on the borders and on the corners. There are four fillets blocked on the borders. There are flower-head patterns blocked in blind on the sides, on the corners, and on the head and the tail. The upper cover has a central vignette, blocked in gold. It shows a pattern of thin stems and flowers around a central shield. The shield is formed by: 1. a thin gold fillet 2. a thicker gold fillet with a 'diamond and dot' pattern blocked in gold and in relief 3. an inner border of gold dots. The title: "/ Eugenie/ or the/ Spanish/ bride/" is blocked in gold, within the shield. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. Four gold fillets are blocked at the head. The spine is divided into three panels, each formed by double gold fillets, and three small dots on the corners of each panel. Panel one has flowers blocked in gold within. Panel two contains the title: "/ Eugenie/ or the/ Spanish/ bride/", blocked in gold. Panel three (the largest) shows an elaborate "oriental" flower pattern. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the third panel, inside an inverted heart. Four fillets are blocked in gold. The publisher's name "/ Ward & Lock/" is blocked at the base in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 218


                                  Binding No:   217

                          Pressmark:   11525.c.15.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Dulcken, Henry William

                                   Title:   The Book of German Songs: from The Sixteenth to the Nineteenth century. Translated and edited by H.W. Dulcken.

                   Publisher Name:   Ward and Lock, 158, Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1856

                               Printer:   Printed by Petter and Galpin, Playhouse Yard, adjoining "The Times" office.

                                Width:        122     Height:       190          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  324p., 6 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind  and relief

                 Date Examined:  22.7.99 & 23.7.2013



Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Some of the plates are signed: "Dalziel". Original upper and lower covers used as doublures. Doublure size: 115x185mm. Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are identically blocked in blind on borders and corners, with a branch and leaf pattern blocked in relief. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold, showing a youth, in a military uniform, seated on a branch, feather in a hat, holding a tankard in left hand and a sword in right hand. The title; "/ The/ Book of/ German Songs./" is blocked in gold, in rustic letters. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at base of vignette.




2003 book entry number: 219


                                  Binding No:   565

                          Pressmark:   12807.d.26.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Edgeworth, Maria

                                   Title:   Moral tales for young people. With Eight illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1856

                               Printer:   Printed by Cox (Bros.) and Wyman, Great Queen-Street.

                                Width:        105     Height:       173          Thickness:        33

                           PagNotes:  vii,414p., 8 plates. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  7.2.2000 & 1.8.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.203.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are engraved by Dalziel. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red ripple horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Curling stems and fuchsia-like leaves are blocked on each corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. From the top downwards, the decoration is: a five pointed star; the word: "/ Edgeworth's/" in gold in rustic lettering; a wreath, containing the words: "/ To/ point/ a moral/ &/ adorn/ a/ tale/", blocked in gold; two children are seated on a wooden trellis; the one to the left has a fan in its right hand, the left hand resting on a book; the child on the right holds a ball, a sword and a scales in its left hand; beneath these figures, the words: "/ Moral tales/" are blocked in gold within a rectangular frame formed by "branch-like" fillets. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked around the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: an arch, formed by lilies; the words: "/ Edgeworth's/ Moral/ tales/" blocked in gold; an urn, with two winged female figures as handles; lily flowers and buds; a rectangle, formed by a single gold fillet, is blocked at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 220


                                  Binding No:   566

                          Pressmark:   12807.d.27.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Edgeworth, Maria

                                   Title:   Popular tales. With illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1856

                               Printer:   Cox (Bros) & Wyman, Printers, Great Queen Street.

                                Width:        106     Height:       174          Thickness:        36

                           PagNotes:  vii,413p., 7 plates. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  7.2.2000 & 1.8.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.204.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are engraved by Dalziel. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red ripple horizontal-grain cloth. The covers are identically blocked as for BL 12807.d.26. - Edgeworth, Moral tales. The exception is the word "Popular" substituted for "Moral" within the upper cover vignette. The spine is missing from this copy.






2003 book entry number: 221


                                  Binding No:   184

                          Pressmark:   7004.a.26.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Hibberd, Shirley

                                   Title:   Rustic adornments for homes of taste, and recreations for town folk, in the study and imitation of nature...

                   Publisher Name:   Groombridge and Sons, 5, Paternoster Row

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1856

                               Printer:   B. Fawcett, engraver and printer, Driffield.

                                Width:        130     Height:       190          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  vi,353p., 7 plates.

                Place of Printing:   Driffield




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   Gold

                 Date Examined:  9.7.99 &24.7.2013

            References:     King JL p.241.

                                 McLean VPBB p.62 Copy in green cloth.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed variously: "G. Voyez del." and "B. Fawcett". Original upper and lower covers now pasted to front and rear cloth boards. Original cover size, cropped,  115x175mm.  the cloth is cropped at head and tail. Red morocco vertical grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold. The title: "/ Rustic/ adornments/" is blocked in gold in rustic letters, with elaborate tendrils and leaves attached. The letters are also interwoven with leaves and branches, in fanciful "gothic rustic" style. A fish bowl in the centre contains a rock garden and a number of fish, from the centre of which arises a fountain, which sprouts upwards to bisect the "s" and "t" of the word "Rustic." Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters near the tail.







2003 book entry number: 222


                                  Binding No:   310

                          Pressmark:   12354.c.41.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Jerrold, Douglas William

                                   Title:   Mrs Caudle's curtain lectures.

                   Publisher Name:   Bradbury and Evans,11 Bouverie Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1856

                               Printer:   Bradbury and Evans Printers, Whitefriars.

                                Width:        117     Height:       180          Thickness:        12

                           PagNotes:  viii, 97p.  The paper  cover measures: 110x172mm.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   black

                 Date Examined:  19.8.99 &23.7.2013


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at rear. The paper cover measures: 110x172mm. The blue paper upper cover, printed in black, is bound at the front of the volume. "Price one shilling" is printed at the centre head. A border of branches and brambles is printed at the head. Lilies are printed at tail, around the monogram of Bradbury and Evans. The words: "/ Mrs.

Caudle's/ Curtain/ Lectures/ By/ Douglas Jerrold/" is printed within panels on the upper half of the cover. Signed "JL" as separate letters at the tail of the cover.





2003 book entry number: 223


                                  Binding No:   186

                          Pressmark:   12807.c.24.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Jewsbury, Geraldine Endsor.

                                   Title:   Angelo; or, the pine forest in the Alps. With illustrations by John Absolon.

                   Publisher Name:   Grant & Griffith, (successors to Newbery and Harris,) corner of St Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1856

                               Printer:   Printed by Wertheimer and Co, Circus Place, Finsbury Circus.

                                Width:        130     Height:       175          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  96p., 4 plates.  With sixteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  9.7.99 & 1.8.2013

            References:     King JL p.237.

                                 McLean VPBB p.65


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in blind on the borders and the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the border in blind, the outer thick, the inner thin. On the corners, branch and leaf patterns are blocked . The upper cover has a vignette blocked in gold, depicting a child [Angelo?], leading two goats. The title: "/ Angelo:/ or the/ pine forest/ in the/ Alps/" is blocked in gold, in rustic letters. Signed "JL" in gold in separate letters at the base of vignette. The spine is missing. The list of titles issued by Griffith and Farran, bound at the end of "Nursery nonsense or rhymes without reason ", 1864, (BL shelfmark has the following description of this publication: "Small 4to; price 2s. 6d. cloth. 3s. 6d. coloured, gilt edges." In the list of publisher's titles at the end of  Our Eastern Empire , BL 9056.b.14., Angelo... is stated to be  "price 2s. 6d. cloth; 3s. 6d. coloured, gilt edges".








2003 book entry number: 224

                                  Binding No:   552

                          Pressmark:   12807.c.38.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Kirby, Mary and Kirby, Elizabeth

                                   Title:   The talking bird; or, the little girl who knew what was going to happen. With illustrations by Hablot K. Browne. (Phiz.)

                   Publisher Name:   Grant and Griffith, (successors to Newbery and Harris,) Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1856

                               Printer:   Printed by Wertheimer and Co., Circus Place,  Finsbury Circus.

                                Width:        127     Height:       173          Thickness:        13

                           PagNotes:  96p., 4 plates. With sixteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  29.9.2000 & 1.8.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.207.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. On page one of the publisher's titles, this work is cited as: "Small 4vo; price 2s. 6d. cloth; 3s. 6d. coloured, gilt edges." Edges speckled with red ink. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco horizontal-grain cloth. The blocking appears to be done after casing in. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets blocked on the borders. A spray of leaves is blocked in blind on each corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows Rose (the little girl) and the Tiny Old Woman, near reproduction of the Frontispiece illustration by Browne. A birdcage, with its door open,  lies at Rose's feet. Above the two figures , the title: "/ The/ talking bird;/" is blocked in gold in rustic lettering. Groups of holly leaves and berries come out of these letters. Underneath the two figures, the sub-title: "/ or/ the little girl who knew/ what was going to happen./" is blocked in gold.  Signed "JL" in relief, within a leaf-shaped gold lettering-piece blocked at the base of the vignette. The spine has the words: "/ The talking bird/" blocked in gold along the spine. Beneath the word "The", a bird on a branch is blocked in gold.










2003 book entry number: 226


                                  Binding No:   251

                          Pressmark:   11686.g.27.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

                                   Title:   Poetical works. Evangeline. - Voices of the night. The seaside and the fireside. - The golden legend. Miscellaneous poems. Illustrated with upwards of one hundred and sixty engravings on wood, from designs by Jane E. Benham,Birket Foster, etc.

                   Publisher Name:   David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1856

                               Printer:   Henry Vizetelly, Printer and Engraver, Gough Square, Fleet Street.

                                Width:        131     Height:       215          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  xii,422p. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  23.7.99 & 1.8.2013


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Rebound in 1978.  The original upper cover used as a doublure at the front. Doublure size: 130x205mm. Gilt edges. Blue ripple horizontal-grain cloth. A single gold fillet is blocked on the borders. Between two more gold border fillets, a repeating pattern of gold hatch ovals is blocked in gold. Each of the ovals is bordered by two gold fillets. Each oval has small leaf decoration blocked within it in relief. Triangles are blocked on the corners, each formed by two gold fillets, with plant decoration blocked in gold. On the inside of the central diamond-shaped recess a border       of two gold fillets is blocked, with a border of leaves and stems is blocked in relief. The centre piece is diamond-shaped, with lily-like flowers and acorn-like seeds blocked in gold. The four heart-shapes blocked in gold at the centre have their decoration within blocked in relief. Unsigned. Except for the centre piece, the design is the same as for Longfellow's Hyperion, Bogue, 1853(BL copy at 1570/1285).








2003 book entry number: 229

                                  Binding No:   175

                          Pressmark:   11649.c.4.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Milligan, Sophia.

                                   Title:   Original poems with Translations from Scandinavian and other Poets.

                   Publisher Name:   Hurst and Blackett 13 Great Marlborough Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1856


                                Width:        108     Height:       175          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  vi,338p.  With three pages of notes to translations & errata bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  7.6.99 & 1.8.2013

            References:     King JL p.239.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Light green endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge./ Shoe Lane/ London./". Brown morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. Inside this, another fillet is blocked with a single leaf on each inner corner. The central vignettes on both covers are blocked in blind with the same design, which is of a lyre surrounded by stems and leaves. At the base of each vignette, the monogram "JL" is blocked in blind. These vignettes are identical to those used on the covers of BL.11689.a.44., Ralph Waldo Emerson, Poems, 1850; and also on the lower cover of BL.1347.g.25., A book of favourite ballads, [1866]. The spine is blocked in gold and blind and relief. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the head and on the tail. On the upper half of the spine, a gold lettering-piece is shaped as an oval. Leaves and stems are blocked in gold above and below this. The words: "/ Poems/ Original/ and/ Translated/ by/ Sophia/ Milligan/" are blocked in relief within the oval. Thin curling stems and dots are blocked in relief around the title. Near the tail, the words: "/ Hurst &/ Blackett./" are blocked in gold.








2003 book entry number: 230


                                  Binding No:   574

                          Pressmark:   P.P.6750. [1856.]

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Periodical Publications - London

                                   Title:   Peter Parley's Annual. A Christmas and New Year's Present for Young people.

                   Publisher Name:   Darton and Co.,  58, Holborn Hill.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1856

                               Printer:   Printed by Aird and Tunstall, 18, Exeter Street, Strand.

                                Width:        137     Height:       185          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  v,296p., 9 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  1.2.2000 & 24.7.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.212.

                                 Leighton SID,1880. plate 77,  Examples of ivy and horse chestnut. nos. 9&12


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The half title page is a chromolithograph signed: "George C. Leighton." Gilt edges. Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Written on the upper yellow endpaper: “/ Charles Murton [?]/ Christmas 1856/” Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically, in blind on the lower, in gold and in relief on the upper. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. On the bottom right hand corner, ivy is blocked, plus a racquet; on the top right hand corner, horse chestnut leaves; on the left hand top corner, a cord tassel hangs from a stem; on the left hand bottom corner, leaves, stems, berries, and two sticks. Pages of books (as gold lettering-pieces)  are blocked around the centre at the head, the tail and the sides. One of the pages at the head displays a girl skipping; one of the pages at the tail displays a ship; on the left hand side, one of the pages displays a ship in sail; on the right hand side, one of the pages displays a giraffe. All of these features are blocked in relief. Branches, blocked in gold,  form a circle in the centre. Within it, the title: "/ Peter/ Parley's/ Annual./ 1856./" is blocked in gold in rustic lettering. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters on the centre tail. The spine is blocked in gold, now faded. A single fillet is blocked around the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: leaves, tendrils and a plant; the title: "/ Peter/ Parley's/ annual./"; a man, his top hat held aloft in his right hand, and a girl underneath a small tree; ground decoration; a fillet; "1856" blocked in gold within a cartouche; a fillet is blocked at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 231


                                  Binding No:   564

                          Pressmark:   12315.e.19.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Saunders, Frederick

                                   Title:   Salad for the social.

                   Publisher Name:   Richard Bentley, 8, New Burlington Street, Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1856

                               Printer:   Bradbury and Evans, Printers, Whitefriars.

                                Width:        123     Height:       203          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  viii,358p. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  7.2.2000 & 1.8.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.216.

Notes: The spine design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind and relief. Two fillets blocked in blind on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. On each corner, straps and squares are blocked in blind. At the head, the tail and on the sides (two on each side), a "shamrock" plant is blocked, showing its roots, its stem and leaves - all blocked in relief. These are within pointed panels. The effect of the pattern is to resemble a medieval clasp binding. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a vase with thin handles; two stems come out of the head of the vase, and curl around it, crossing at its base, and ending in shamrock leaves; the title: "/ Salad/ for the/ social/" blocked in gold in rustic lettering, blocked within a frame formed by two thin gold fillets; a bowl with food and two utensils; shamrock leaves and stems; a "spade" shape, blocked in blind, with a shamrock blocked inside in relief; signed "JL" in blind as a monogram; two fillets in blind; the words: "/ London/ Bentley" are blocked in gold; two fillets blocked at the tail. The US edition of 1856 is at BL 12355.f.28. 401p. The imprint is: New York: De Witt & Davenport, 160 & 162 Nassau Street; London: Richard Bentley, 1856. Printed on the title page verso: "W.H. Tinson, Stereotyper. George Russell, Printer.G.W. Alexander, Binder." The text is embellished with engravings at Chapter headings and endings. Many of these and the frontispiece plate are signed "Avery Sc." The title page has an engraving signed "[H?]ORRETT". It shows a man eating out of a large dish, with a fork and a spoon. This engraving is reproduced on the upper central vignette, which is not signed. The book has brown endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Four fillets are blocked on the borders in blind on both covers. The spine is blocked in gold. [The upper cover vignette has the title words: "Salad for the social", blocked in gold, with letters ending in tendrils - very reminiscent of Feely's work.]









2003 book entry number: 232


                                  Binding No:   567

                          Pressmark:   12631.f.21.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Stickney, afterwards Ellis, Sarah

                                   Title:   The Mother's Mistake. By Mrs. Ellis, author of “Family Secrets”, “women of England”, etc., etc. With illustrations by Anelay.

                   Publisher Name:   Houlston and Stoneman, 65, Paternoster Row

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1856]

                               Printer:   Printed by Adams and Gee, Middle Street, West Smithfield.

                                Width:        125     Height:       190          Thickness:        17

                           PagNotes:  viii, 207p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  29.1.2000 &26.8.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.205.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thin, the inner thick. Curling stem, leaf and flower patterns are blocked on each corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. The central roundel is formed by a single gold fillet. Around its perimeter, a repeating flower border of roses is blocked in gold. At the head, the tail and on each side, individual flowers are blocked within "card-spade" shapes. Within the roundel, the words: "/ The/ Mother's/ Mistake/ by/ Mrs. Ellis./" are blocked in gold. [This vignette design is also used on BL 12304.b.10. , W.R. Evans A century of fables. Hardwicke, 1860. This copy is also bound by Leighton Son & Hodge. This design is also repeated on BL 12807.a.55., and BL 12807.a.58.] Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, small decoration is blocked between groups of three fillets. Rose branches, leaves and flowers are blocked above and below the title words: "/ The/ Mother's/ Mistake/ by/ Mrs. Ellis./”




2003 book entry number: 233


                                  Binding No:   593

                          Pressmark:   10368.b.35.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   Weymouth as a watering place; with a description of the town and neighbourhood, the Breakwater and its construction, the Portland Quarries, the Chesil Beach, etc., etc. For the use of intending and actual visitors. Illustrated.

                   Publisher Name:   Simpkin and Marshall. Weymouth: D. Archer.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1857]

                               Printer:   Printed by D. Archer, Weymouth

                                Width:        122     Height:       190          Thickness:        13

                           PagNotes:  138p., 6 plates. With eighteen pages of advertisements bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Weymouth


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    moire rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  2.2.2000 &27.8.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.264.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Red moire fine rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Onion-shaped stems are blocked in relief on each corner. The lower cover has a central vignette blocked in blind. It is diamond-shaped, with a circle at the centre. Around the central circle, the decoration of stems and leaves is blocked in relief. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. A rope forms a circle, with rope knots at the base. Seven shells and fronds of seaweed are blocked in gold around the perimeter of the circle. The title: "/ Weymouth/ as a/ Watering/ Place./" is blocked in gold within the circle. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters within the rope work at the base of the vignette. [Spine missing.]

Notes on publisher’s titles/ advertisements: page 1 has the advertisement for “Royal Library and Reading Room Esplanade Weymouth.” There is a lengthy advertisement for “D. Archer, Bookseller and Publisher, Bookbinder, Letter-Press & Copper Plate Printer… Agent for the sale of the Admiralty charts. …The List of Arrivals, published weekly, price 1d.” Page 8 has “Trim … General Confectioner…”; R. Baxter, Wholesale and Retail Ale and Porter Merchant.” Page 9 has advertisements for: Monsieur Garston, Professor of Modern Languages…” Mr. T. Kenyon, Artist and Photographer…”; “Mr. R. Brooke, Teacher of the Harp, Pianoforte, Singing…”; opposite page 18, is a engraving of the frontage of:  “J. A. Talbot, Silk Mercery and General Drapery Warehouse, Albion House No. 35 St Mary Street, Weymouth.”







2003 book entry number: 234


                                  Binding No:   258

                          Pressmark:   03128.k.12.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Balfour, John Hutton

                                   Title:   The plants of the Bible. Trees and shrubs...

                   Publisher Name:   T. Nelson and Sons, Paternoster Row; Edinburgh; and New York.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857


                                Width:        165     Height:       245          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  iv, 2, 54p. 12 colour plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  18.8.99 & 27.8.2013

                       References:  Ball App. 57i.

                                 Dry JL no.223.

                                 King JL p.239.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue diagonal wave-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in blind with an identical design. Four fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. On the inner rectangle, stem decoration is blocked in relief at the head and the tail, with more stem decoration blocked in relief on the middle, forming a central oval. On the upper cover, a central vignette is blocked in gold. Five fern fronds cross upwards, and emerge behind a ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece which contains the title: "/ Plants/ of/ The Bible/" blocked in relief. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is fully blocked in gold and relief. A single gold fillet and gold dots are blocked on the perimeter. The spine is divided into six panels by horizontal and vertical gold fillets. Running the length of the centre of the spine is a coconut tree. The leaves are at the top, the nuts underneath. In panel one, stars are blocked in gold; in panel two, the title: "/ Plants/ of The/ Bible/" is blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece; in panel three, a medallion is blocked in gold, with the words "/ by Professor Balfour/" blocked in relief inside; in panel four, the words: "/ Trees/ and/ shrubs/"  are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; in panel five, the roots of the tree contain the Bible quotation: "/ Behold/ the/ fig-trees/ &/ all/ the/ trees/" [Luke xxi.,29; this quotation is also on the title page.]; the words: "/ T. Nelson/ &/ Sons./" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders.







2003 book entry number: 235


                                  Binding No:   872

                          Pressmark:   10173.b.42.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Bell, Caroline

                                   Title:   Pictures from the Pyrenees; or Agnes and Kate's travels. [Engraving of "Cradle of Henri Quatre at Pau".] With Numerous Illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, Late Grant & Griffith, successors to Newbery and Harris, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Printed by J. Wertheimer and Co., Circus Place, Finsbury Circus.

                                Width:        128     Height:       177          Thickness:        26

                           PagNotes:  iv,202p., 8 plates. With sixteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  27.7.2000 & 27.8.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.224.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Details of this work printed on page 1 of the list of publisher's titles: "Small 4to.; price 3s. 6d. cloth; 4s. 6d., coloured, gilt edges."[ Re-sewn and re-cased. No original endpapers or pastedowns.] Blue ripple vertical-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. A leaf and stem pattern is blocked on the corners in blind, and down the sides. On the lower cover, the centre-piece is lozenge-shaped, and consists of strap work. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. The title: "/ Pictures from the Pyrenees/" is blocked in gold, in rustic letters, in a semi-circle at the top. Stems and leaves are attached to the letters. Below the title, on the left, a woman holds a basket of goods on her head , with her left hand. Her right hand holds a small bucket. A tree stump is blocked on the centre. To the right, a hatted man is seated on another, lower, tree stump. Below these figures, the words: "/Agnes' & Kate's/ Travels./" are blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. Near the head: the title: "/ Pictures/ from/ the/ Pyrenees/" is blocked in gold in rustic letters. Small groups of stems and of leaves are blocked in gold above and below the title.








2003 book entry number: 236


                                  Binding No:   569

                          Pressmark:   12807.c.48.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Bowman, Anne

                                   Title:   The castaways; or , the Adventures of a Family in the Wilds of Africa... Illustrated by Harrison Weir.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857.

                               Printer:   Printed by Cox (Bros.) and Wyman, Great Queen Street.

                                Width:        110     Height:       176          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  [3], 444p., 8 plates.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  29.1.2000 & 27.8.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.226.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. Blue ripple vertical-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Sprays of stems, small leaves and buds blocked on each corner. The lower cover has a central vignette blocked in blind. It shows an oval, with a floral border, and a diamond-shaped centre-piece consisting of stems and flower buds. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. On the centre is a large lion, with a hunter underneath, with oxen and a wagon to the left of the lion. Above the lion are the words: "/ The castaways/;"; below the lion are the words: "/ or, the/ adventures of a family/ in the/ wilds/ of/ Africa/", all blocked in gold, in rustic lettering. Small stems, leaves, tendrils are at the end of some of the title letters. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter of the spine. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a single fillet; then: "/ The/ castaways/ or/ adventures/ in Africa/ [rule]/ Bowman./"; all the words except "Bowman" are in rustic lettering; a jungle scene, with a man about to spear a snake, which is coiled at the base. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters to the left and to the right underneath the snake; the word : "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet







2003 book entry number: 237

                                  Binding No:   347

                          Pressmark:   7205.a.19.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Buckland, Francis Trevelyan

                                   Title:   Curiosities of natural history.

                   Publisher Name:   Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street.

                                Width:        110     Height:       175          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  xvi, 319p., 3 plates

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Edmonds & Remnants

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  8.9.99 & 27.8.2013


Notes: The design us by John Leighton. [Rebound 1995. No original spine.] Original brown endpaper bound at the front. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Edmonds & Remnants./ [rule]/ London/". Green morocco vertical-grain cloth. On both covers, two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows clockwise around the central roundel, a lion, a snake, an eagle, and ichthyosaurus. All these figures are surrounded by stems, small leaves and berries. The central roundel is a gold lettering-piece, with the words: "/ Buckland's/ Curiosities/ of/ natural/ history/" blocked in relief within. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters underneath the eagle at the base of the vignette. The spine is missing. The second edition of 1858 is at BL 7205.a.20. xvi,319p. Printed by Clowes. 110x176x25mm. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Purple (? faded) wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind. The upper cover central medallion, with the author and title in relief within, is the same as for the 1857 edition. However, there is no outer decorative work, signed by Leighton. The [new] spine is blocked in gold.











2003 book entry number: 238


[entered into BL database on 15.12.2015 BL 019-000021115]

                                  Binding No:   607

                          Pressmark:   4417.i.36.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Bunyan, John

                                   Title:   The Pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come. Delivered under the Similitude of a Dream. With twenty illustrations, drawn by George Thomas, and engraved by W.L. Thomas [i.e. William Luson Thomas].

                   Publisher Name:   James Nisbet and Co., 21, Berners Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Printed by Ballantyne and Company, Paul's Work.

                                Width:        186     Height:       252          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  xii, 223p. 20 plates.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh


                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and black

                 Date Examined:  29.9.2000 & 16.12.2015.

            References:     Dry JL no.227. Ball VPB p. 191.


Notes: The spine design is by John Leighton. The plates are hand-coloured. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/

 Westleys & Co./ London/". [Ball no. Brown rib diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in black on the borders and on the corners. Three fillets blocked on the borders, one thin between two thick. Patterns of curling stems, leaves and flowers are blocked on each corner in black. The corner decoration forms a large quatrefoil central frame, with pointed ends. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold, showing a five-pointed crown with stars blocked on each point. Rays are blocked in gold around the crown. The spine is fully blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a seven pointed crown, with five point stars on each crown tip; the title: "/ The/ Pilgrim's/ Progress/ by/ Iohn [sic]/ Bunyan/" blocked in relief within six gold lettering-pieces, five of which are rectangular, the sixth being circular - all have gold fillets blocked on their borders, and dots blocked inside them blocked in relief; from the tail upwards, a wooden staff is blocked, with a knight's helmet on its top, and a shield, or, cross, gules; a sword is blocked underneath - vine leaves and stars surround all these; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base. All of the above is within an extended cartouche, with two thin fillets and dots down its

sides. At the tail, the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet on its borders. The British Museum de Beaumont copy as at P&D accession no. 1992,1104.5. This has red bead-grain cloth, is bound by Westleys, and a different design blocked on the covers. 




2003 book entry number: 240



                                  Binding No:   568

                          Pressmark:   12431.c.23.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Crowquill, Alfred, pseud. [i.e. Alfred Henry Forrester.]

                                   Title:   Fairy tales, comprising Patty and her pitcher, The Selfish Man, Tiny and her Vanity, Peter and his Goose, The Giant and the dwarf.

                                             The Giant Hands. Written and illustrated by Alfred Crowquill.

                   Publisher Name:   Geo. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street. New York: - 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857


                                Width:        132     Height:       180          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  Each story paginated separately. [31p. per story]

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  28.2.2000 &27.8.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.231.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. White endpapers and pastedowns. Red ripple-horizontal grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. Stems, small leaves and flowers are blocked on each corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It is diamond-shaped, and is formed of vine leaves and small figures, representing the six stories. Clockwise, the figures are: a small winged girl-fairy; a goose with human legs; a boy standing on the palm of a hand; a giant's head, with a small boy standing alongside; a pitcher, with human arms and legs; The Selfish Man. The title: "/ Fairy/ tales/" is blocked at the centre, in rustic lettering; the words: "/ By/ Alfred/ Crowquill/" are blocked below the centre, all in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. Spine mostly missing.





2003 book entry number: 241

                                  Binding No:   427

                          Pressmark:   12631.d.11.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Dalton, William

                                   Title:   The wolf-boy of China; or Incidents and Adventures in the life of Lyn-Payo.

                   Publisher Name:   Binns and Goodwin. Sold by all booksellers.

             Place of Publication:   Bath

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Printed by W.Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street, and Charing Cross

                                Width:        112     Height:       177          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  vii,383p., 4 plates. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   orange

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  8.10.99 & 27.8.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.232.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The publisher's information at the end states for this work: "Small 8vo., with several engravings, cloth, price 5s." Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Orange morocco horizontal-grain cloth. The borders and corners of both covers are blocked identically in blind. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, with intertwined leaf work on the corners. On the lower cover, the central lozenge is blocked in blind. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. It shows two elongated dragons curled around a ball in the centre. The ball has a fillet border, with small decoration picked out in relief. At the very centre, a ball is blocked as a gold lettering-piece, with the words: "/ The/ wolf-boy/ of/ China/" blocked in relief. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters between the tips of the dragons' tails. The spine is blocked in gold. There is a single fillet blocked around the perimeter. There is lattice-work blocked in gold above and below the title: "/ The/ wolf-boy/ of/ China/". In the middle, stars surround a circle with a pointed top. The circle is a gold lettering-piece, with a dragon picked out in fine relief. Below this, birds perch on branches, amid flowers and leaves. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram near the tail, immediately above the word: "/ Illustrated/", blocked in gold at the base in rectangle formed by single gold fillet.






2003 book entry number: 243


                                  Binding No:   247

                          Pressmark:   1162.f.41.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Gay, John

                                   Title:   The fables. With an original memoir, introduction, and annotations by Octavius Freire Owen, M.A. F.S.A. Second edition. With one hundred and twenty six drawings by William Harvey, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street, 18, Beekman Street, New YOrk.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Richard Clay, Printer, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        125     Height:       185          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  xv,271p.

                Place of Printing:   London

                        Bookseller:   W.T.Clark



                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  20.7.99 &27.8.2013

            References:     Pantazzi JL p.272. Shows the same spine as the 1857 BL edition.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. On the upper pastedown is the bookplate of: "/  H(?) B. Money Coutts,/ Ancote, Weybridge./" On the upper endpaper is blind stamped:" / W.T. Clark./ Bookseller and newsagent./ Upper/ Sydenham/ &/ Crystal Palace./" Blue bead-grain cloth. Both the covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders, on the corners and on the sides. Three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. Groups of four leaves are blocked on each side; groups of six leaves are blocked on the centre head and on the centre tail. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a monkey, wearing a wig and a ruff, a long waistcoat and knee breeches, buckled shoes, and a sword. The monkey is seated on a curling branch, which has leaves and flowers sprouting from it to surround the monkey. The monkey's three-cornered hat is on a branch above its head. The monkey is holding an open book, blocked as a gold lettering-piece, on whose covers are blocked "/ Gay's Fables/", in relief. At the base of the branch a plaque is formed by a single gold fillet. The words: "/ The monkey/ who had seen/ the world./" Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters, underneath the plaque. The spine is blocked in gold. The upper half is missing. The lower half  has three medallions: 1. shows a lion 2. shows a fox with a hat 3. shows a leopard's head. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 244


                                  Binding No:   594

                          Pressmark:   12807.c.37.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Gerstaecker, Friedrich Willhelm Christian

                                   Title:   The Little Whaler; or, The Adventures of Charles Hollberg. Illustrated by Harrison Weir.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street. New York: 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street.

                                Width:        107     Height:       175          Thickness:        28

                           PagNotes:  viii,343p., 8 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  27.1.2000 & 27.8.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.138.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are engraved by Dalziel. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ripple horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Curling stems, trefoils, leaves and flowers are blocked on each corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a whaling ship on the right, and an iceberg on the left. On the centre, a rowing boat from the whaler has been tossed into the air by a whale, its harpoon all adrift. The whale's tail fin shows in the water. Two figures are clinging onto the boat, one is in mid-air. Three more figures are in the water. The title: "/ The/ Little/ Whaler/" is blocked in gold above and below the centre, in "harpoon-rope" lettering. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked around the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a harpoon rope forming an arch at the head; this provides a frame for a circular lamp, on a plinth supported by a stem and a base; the words: "/ The/ Little/ Whaler./ Gerstaecker./" blocked in gold below this; on either side of the title, and down each side of the spine, a harpoon is blocked, with rope attached; between, small stars and a whale spout, with a whale blocked near the base; a gold fillet; the word: "/ Illustrated/"; a "rope-like" gold fillet; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters; a gold fillet.






2003 book entry number: 245


                                  Binding No:   185

                          Pressmark:   1608/3947.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Hibberd, Shirley

                                   Title:   Rustic adornments for homes of taste, and recreations for town folk, in the study and imitation of nature. Second edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Groombridge and Sons, 5, Paternoster Row

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   B. Fawcett, engraver and printer, Driffield.

                                Width:        140     Height:       190          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  xv,508p., 7 plates.  With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Driffield


                       Bookbinder:   Westley's & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   Gold

                 Date Examined:  26.5.99 & 27.8.2013

            References:     King JL p.241.

                                 McLean VPBB pp. 63 &104.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton Gilt edges. Moire grey and white pattern on endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Westley’s/ & Co./ London./"  Green morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold. Four fillets are blocked in gold on the borders. On both covers, the same rustic ornamental title letters are blocked above and below the centre as for the 1856 edition. The central vignette features a landscape of trees, a statue on a plinth, an urn and a fountain. Signed "JL" in gold in separate letters at the tail. The spine is fully blocked in gold. A trellis-like gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. This has plant stems, tendrils and leaves curling around it. From the head downwards, the decoration is: leaves blocked in gold; a birdcage; the title: "/ Rustic/ adornments/" in gold in rustic letters; a glass container with house plants inside; an ornamental glass case has water ferns blocked inside; the words: "/ By/ Shirley/ Hibberd/" are blocked in gold within a pennant-shaped flag, formed by a single fillet, which wraps itself around the single pole supporting the fish tank; a single gold fillet; at the tail, the words: "/ Groombridge & Sons/" are blocked within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.  [New edition of 1870 at BL not signed.]







2003 book entry number: 246


                                  Binding No:   608

                          Pressmark:   12355.d.14.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Hood, Thomas

                                   Title:   Pen and pencil pictures.

                   Publisher Name:   Hurst and Blackett, Publishers, successors to Henry Colborn, 13, Great Marlborough Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Printed by Schulze and Co., 13, Poland Street.

                                Width:        122     Height:       200          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  viii,337p. With sixteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  2.3.200 & 27.8.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.140.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. T ext sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./". Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind. A wide decorative frame is blocked on the borders, showing flowers, stems and leaf patterns blocked inside elongated cartouches. On the centre of each cover, a vignette is blocked , in the shape of a flower bud, with leaves above and below it. Signed "JL" in blind as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is  blocked in gold. Curling stems end in straps above and below the title panel, which has the words: "/ Hood's/ Pen/ and/ pencil/ pictures./" Below the title, a bouquet of flowers is blocked down the spine. The words: "/ Hurst &/ Blackett/" are blocked in gold near the tail. Two fillets blocked at the tail. The second edition of this work, also of 1857, is at BL shelf mark 12355.d.15. vi, 376p.. With twenty-four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. Also bound by Leighton Son & Hodge. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red wave vertical-grain cloth. Two fillets blocked in blind on the borders of both covers. The title and publisher blocked in gold on the spine.




2003 book entry number: 247

[entered in to BL bindings database 28.1.2015. No. 019-000019690]

                                  Binding No:   606

                          Pressmark:   12807.c.52.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Kingston, William Henry Giles

                                   Title:   Salt water: or, the sea life and adventures of Neil D'Arcy, the Midshipman. Illustrated by H. Anelay [i.e. Henry Anelay].

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, late Grant and Griffith, successors to Newbery & Harris, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards,  Printers, Chandos Street.

                                Width:        110     Height:       180          Thickness:        34

                           PagNotes:  viii, 407p., 8 plates. With twenty-four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  6.3.2000 & 3.9.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.242.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Page one of the catalogue of publisher's titles at the end has of this work: "Fcap. 8vo., price 5s. cloth; 5s. 6d. gilt edges." Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. Two more fillets form an inner rectangle, with diamonds and three pointed leaves blocked on each inner corner. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. An anchor rope is blocked on the inner perimeter, from the anchor near the tail, up to form an arch at the head. From the head downwards, the decoration is: seaweed by the arch at the head; a seagull; the title: "/ Salt-water/ or the/ sea life/ &/ adventures/ of Niel [sic] D'Arcy./"; flying fish; a squid, a dolphin, and a lobster in the sea around an anchor; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters to the left an and the right of the lobster; the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; a gold fillet is blocked at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 248


[entered in to BL bindings database 28.1.2015. No. 019-000019693]


                                  Binding No:   187

                          Pressmark:   12807.b.52.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Kirby (afterwards Gregg), Mary and Kirby, Elizabeth

                                   Title:   Julia Maitland; or, pride goes before a fall. With Illustrations by John Absolon.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, Late Grant and Griffith, successors to Newbery and Harris, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   H.W. Hutchings, Printer, 63, Snow Hill.

                                Width:        127     Height:       177          Thickness:        12

                           PagNotes:  98p., 4 plates. With sixteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  9.7.99 & 3.9.2013


            References:     Dry JL no.243.

                                 King JL p.237.

                                 McLean VBPP p.7

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Blind blocked as for BL 12807.c.24, Geraldine E. Jewsbury, Angelo...., 1856. The upper cover has a vignette blocked in gold. The title, centred: "/ Julia/ Maitland/ or/ pride goes before/ a fall./" is blocked in gold and surrounded by the branches, leaves, buds of a fuchsia and three open fuchsia flowers, which have long stamens. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram, at the base of vignette. The title: "/ Julia Maitland" is blocked in gold along the spine. The list of titles issued by Griffith and Farran, bound at the end of Nursery nonsense or rhymes without reason , 1864, (BL shelfmark has the following description of this work: "Price 2s. 6d. cloth; 3s. 6d. coloured gilt edges." In the list of publisher's titles at the end of Our Eastern Empire, BL 9056.b.14., this work is stated to be  "price 2s. 6d. cloth; 3s. 6d. coloured, gilt edges".





2003 book entry number: 249


[entered in to BL bindings database 28.1.2015. No. 019-000019697]


                                  Binding No:   580


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   May, Emily Juliana

                                   Title:   Saxelford; a story for the young.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Printed by Cox (Bros.) and Wyman, Great Queen-Street

                                Width:        109     Height:       176          Thickness:        33

                           PagNotes:  [1],375p., plates. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  2.2.2000 & 3.9.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.247.

                                 Leighton SID, 1880 Plate 79.  Example of passion flowers, item 10.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed by Dalziel. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by Bone & Son,/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./" Blue ripple horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. A spray of rose-like leaves, stems, and flowers is blocked in blind on each corner. The lower cover has an oval shaped central vignette. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows an angel, her left hand on the shoulder of a boy holding a book; her right hand rests on a circle formed out of a passion flower stem. Inside this circle, the words: "/ Take/ heed/ to the thing/ that is/ right./" are blocked in gold. Passion flowers, leaves, curling stems, tendrils and flowers are blocked to the left and to the right of the vignette. The title: "/ Saxelford/" is blocked in gold above these two figures; the words: "/ By the author of/ Louis'/ school/ days./" are blocked below the figures - all in gold. Signed "JL" in gold, as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. A vine is blocked in gold from tail to head, with leaves, bunches of grapes and tendrils. Near the head, the words: "/ Saxelford/ by/ E J May/" are blocked in gold, within a circle formed by two fillets. A ribbon-pennant gold lettering-piece runs downwards around the main stem of the vine. The words: "/ Jesus said/ I am the true vine/ &/ ye are the branches/ without me ye can/ do nothing/" are blocked in relief within the ribbon-pennant. Underneath the roots of the vine, leaf decoration is blocked in gold between double gold fillets. A gold fillet is blocked at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 251


                                  Binding No:   581

                          Pressmark:   12603.c.27.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Pardoe, Julia S. H.

                                   Title:   Abroad and at Home: tales here and there.

                   Publisher Name:   Lambert & Co

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        105     Height:       168          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  viii,293p. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  29.1.2000 & 3.9.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.251.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. In the publisher's titles, page 2, this work is listed as: "/ Tales at Home and Abroad. By Miss Pardoe./ 2s. Cloth 2s. 6d./" Edges speckled with red ink. White endpapers and pastedowns. Publisher's titles  printed on endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Curling stems and leaves are blocked on each corner. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. This is diamond-shaped. Around the centre, flowers and long stamens are blocked in gold, with some leaves blocked in relief. A shield is blocked on the centre, with a patterned border. The words: "/ Pardoe's/ Tales/" are blocked in gold within the shield on the centre. A five point star is blocked at the top of the vignette. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. Three panels are formed by single gold fillets. From the head downwards, the decoration is: panel one - two leaves and greek fret; panel two  has the words: "/ Pardoe's/ Tales/" blocked in gold; panel three has three leaves, four flower buds and angular spirals at top and bottom; a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet is blocked at the tail.




2003 book entry number: 252

                                  Binding No:   875

                          Pressmark:   12806.d.38.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Pardoe, Julia S.H.

                                   Title:   The Thousand and One Days; a companion to the "Arabian Nights." With an introduction by Miss Pardoe.

                   Publisher Name:   William Lay, King William Street, Strand

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Gilbert and Rivington, Printers, St. John's Square, London.

                                Width:        110     Height:       175          Thickness:        36

                           PagNotes:  x,358p., 6 plates. With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  2.8.2000 & 3.9.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.261.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Some of the plates are signed "Jules Collignon", and "E. Guillaumot". Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders, the corners and on the sides. A single fillet is blocked on the borders in blind. A pattern of curling stems and leaves (of the passion-flower plant) is blocked in relief on each corner. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows arabesques, which form a diamond-shape. Within the arabesques, stems, leaves are blocked in gold, with some clover leaf decoration blocked in relief. On the centre, the title: "/ A/ thousand/ and one/ days./ Or/ Arabian tales/" is blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A double fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head

downwards, the decoration is: a gold fillet and a "dotted" fillet; a panel formed by fillets, with an ogee arch blocked at the top of the panel and dotted straps below in gold; within the panel, the title: "/ Thousand/ &/ one/ days/ or/ Arabian/ tales./" blocked in gold; a stylised lily plant and arabesques; a gold fillet; a rectangle formed by a single fillet in gold; a gold fillet; a dotted gold fillet.





2003 book entry number: 253


                                  Binding No:   572


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Paul, Adrien

                                   Title:   Adventures of Willis the Pilot. A Sequel to the Swiss Family Robinson. With twenty-four illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   Charles H. Clarke, 23A, Paternoster Row

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1857]

                               Printer:   Jas. Wade, Printer, 26, Bridge Street, Strand.

                                Width:        106     Height:       175          Thickness:        34

                           PagNotes:  342p., 24 plates, With one page of publisher's titles bound at the front and at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  7.2.2000 & 4.9.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.221.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders: two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thin, the inner thick. The lower cover has a central vignette blocked in blind. It shows a diamond-shape, made by a wide border of stems and leaves, which are blocked in relief. A circle is formed on the centre by a single fillet blocked in relief. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a monkey, holding a wine glass and bottle; the title: "/ Willis the Pilot./" is blocked in gold in rustic lettering; Willis stands in front of a ship's steering wheel in storm dress; a coiling rope and a tuna fish, with seaweed underneath; Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters within the seaweed. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked around the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a fillet; the title: "/ Willis/ the/ Pilot./" blocked in gold in rustic lettering, within a panel formed by a single rope-shaped fillet; a man on a ladder propped against a tree is coiling up rope; a man with an axe is kneeling at the base of the tree; at the base, the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.






2003 book entry number: 254

                                  Binding No:   613

                          Pressmark:   12807.c.43.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   Uncle Peregrine; or, annals and incidents of romantic adventure.

                   Publisher Name:   James Nisbet and Co. 21 Berners Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Printed by Ballantyne and Company, Paul's Work.

                                Width:        116     Height:       176          Thickness:        26

                           PagNotes:  viii,316p., 6 plates.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh


                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  2.3.2000 & 4.9.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.262.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed "H. Weir"[i.e. Harrison Weir]  and "Pearson Sc." Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Westleys/ & Co./ London./" Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Leaf and stem decoration is blocked in blind on each corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows an elephant, with a rider and two hunters in the basket on the elephant's back. The hunters are shooting at game with rifles. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a bird in flight; the title: "/ Uncle/ Peregrine/" blocked in gold in rustic lettering; a panther leaping out of a tree at a hunter, whose spear is raised to meet its charge; a snake in plants is blocked near the base; signed "JL" in gold as a monogram underneath the snake; at the tail, the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.







2003 book entry number: 255


                                  Binding No:   575

                          Pressmark:   P.P.6750. [1857.]

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Periodical Publications London

                                   Title:   Peter Parley's Annual. A Christmas and New Year's Present for young people.

                   Publisher Name:   Darton and Co.,  58 Holborn Hill 

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   D.M. Aird, printer, 18, Exeter-Street, Strand, London.

                                Width:        136     Height:       185          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  vi,280p., 8 plates. With thirty-four pages of advertisements bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  1.2.2000 &24.7.2013

            References:     Dry                                       Jl                 no.252.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. The covers have been blocked after casing in. Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the lower, in gold on the upper. The block has the same design on the borders, the corners, the sides, and the head          as the 1856 annual. The changes made to the 1856 design are: a hanging game bird blocked at the tail; a vulture-like bird blocked near the centre; the title: "/ Peter/ Parley's/ Annual/" is blocked in gold in a circular fashion, with "/ 1857/" being blocked in gold to the left of the hanging

bird; a sun and its rays are blocked to the left of the vulture. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the centre of the tail of the upper cover. The spine is blocked in gold, now faded. A single fillet is blocked around the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a fillet; palm tree leaves; the title: "/ Peter/ Parley's/ Annual/" blocked in relief within a roundel gold lettering-piece; the figure of a man holding a rifle; a palm tree, with a lion at its base; a fillet; "/ 1857/" in gold with small decoration; a fillet at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 256


[in BL database 2012 - 019-000015778]

                                  Binding No:   221

                          Pressmark:   7953.b.34.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Pierce, Charles

                                   Title:   The household manager: being a practical treatise upon the various duties in large or small establishments, from the Drawing-Room  to the Kitchen.

                   Publisher Name:   Geo. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        110     Height:       180          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  viii,376p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind  and relief


                 Date Examined:  21.7.99

            References:     Dry JL no.253.

                                 King JL p.238.

Notes:  The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpaper and pastedowns. (The front endpaper is missing.) Blue ripple horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on  the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, with a leaf and stem pattern blocked on the corners. On the lower cover, the centre-piece is formed of stems and small leaves curling into six circles. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold and shows a bunch of keys on a ring. The title: "/ The/ Household/ Manager/" is blocked in gold inside the ring. There are key tags, blocked in relief, each indicating the door to which the key gives access (e.g. steward's room, wine, medicine, etc.). The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a bell in a servant's pantry, the title: "/ The/ Household/ Manager/" blocked in gold; a spike for household accounts;  two books, one entitled "memoranda". Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters near the tail; a gold fillet; the imprint: "/ London: Routledge & Co/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle framed by a single gold fillet; a gold fillet is blocked at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 257


                                  Binding No:   257

                          Pressmark:   11649.b.30.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Prentice, Emily

                                   Title:   Dew-drops for spring flowers.

                   Publisher Name:   Ward and Co., 27, Paternoster Row.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1857]

                               Printer:   John Childs & Son, Printers

                                Width:        105     Height:       170          Thickness:         8

                           PagNotes:  iv, 90p.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                       Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:   16.8.99 & 4.9.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.254.

                                 King JL 239.


Notes:  The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in blind with an identical design. Two fillets are blocked on the borders in blind, the outer thick, the inner thin. Flower, leaf and stem patterns are blocked in blind on the corners. A decorated centre-piece is blocked in blind on the lower cover, resembling a lyre. On the upper cover, a central vignette is blocked in gold. The title: "/ Dew/ drops/ for/ spring flowers/" is blocked in rustic branch style, with roots shooting from some of the letters. Above and below the title are spring flowers, with their leaves, bulbs and roots all showing. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram blocked in the bulb of the flower at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, stem and leaf decoration is blocked in gold, with two fillets. The title: "/ Dew drops/ for/ spring flowers/" is blocked in gold in the same style as for the upper cover. The letters curl down the spine. There is a spring flower blocked above and below the letters, plus the bulb and its roots.[This is one of the smallest Leighton monograms, being 1mm in size.]





Book entry no: 258


Leighton, John

Scott, Sir Walter, Bart. The Lord of the Isles. With all his introductions, and the editor's notes. Illustrated by numerous engravings on wood from drawings by Birket Foster and John Gilbert.

Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black, North Bridge,  Booksellers and publishers to the Queen, 1857. Edinburgh: R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh. 367p., 2 plates.


Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Leighton/  Son &/ Hodge,/ London./". [De luxe cloth issue.] Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold, in blue and in blind and in relief. The blocking on the borders is: 1. a gold fillet and small decoration blocked in relief within it; 2. a border of alternating fleurs-de-lis and clover leaves; 3. a fillet blocked in blind, with hexagons and buds blocked in relief within it; 4. a single gold fillet. The pattern in the central rectangle is a large "flower-petal" one, with the bands raised, blocked in gold. The areas between the petals are recessed and blocked with small patterns in relief, and coloured blue. The words: "/ The/ Lord of the/ Isles/ By Sir/ Walter/ Scott/ Bart./"  are blocked in relief within gold lettering-pieces shaped as pennants. The central medallion has a fillet blocked in gold on its perimeter with small circles blocked inside it in blind. In the middle is a gold lettering-piece which shows a shield, or, and a lion rampant, blocked in relief within it. To the left and to the right of the shield are lizards, blocked in gold.

The spine is fully blocked in gold. The spine has a gold fillet blocked on the perimeter. Inside this, there is an inner border of a fillet with alternating fleurs-de-lis and clover leaves attached to it. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a knight's lance blocked from the tail to the head; the title: "/ The Lord/ of the Isles/" blocked in relief within three pennant-shaped gold lettering-pieces; a shield is formed by three gold fillets; a lion rampant, or; the words: “/ Sir/ Wal/ ter/ Scott/ Bart./ Authors/ Illustrated/ Edition/” are blocked in relief within seven pennant-shaped gold lettering-pieces; a gold fillet; the imprint: "/ Edinburgh./ A &C Black/" is blocked in gold at the tail within a rectangle formed by a gold fillet on three sides.

The Compiler’s copy, formerly in the Private Collection of Robin de Beaumont, is a de luxe cloth issue; it has bright green morocco-grain cloth, with red coloured central roundel, and the recessed floral pattern painted in blue. And another copy on blue morocco horizontal grain cloth, with a red central roundel and recesses painted in red. Text sewn on three tapes.

McLean, VPBB p.35   States  "... unsigned but almost certainly by John Leighton." Morris & Levin, APB p.50, nos.89-91. The same design is blocked on cloth of three copies with: 1. Green pebble-grain; 2. on magenta bead-grain; 3. On blue morocco-grain cloth


2003 book entry number: 261


                                  Binding No:   271

                          Pressmark:   11650.b.6.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Tupper, Martin Farquhar

                                   Title:   Proverbial Philosophy. Twenty-ninth edition.

                   Publisher Name:   T. Hatchard, 187 Piccadilly

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Printed by G. Barclay, Castle St. Leicester Sq.

                                Width:        110     Height:       155          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  vii, 385p., 1 plate.  With six pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  14.8.99 & 4.9.2013

            References:     Ball App. no.61o. Cites the 1861 edition.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Light red endpapers and pastedowns. Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. The  borders, the corners and the sides of both covers are blocked identically, in blind on the lower and in gold on the upper. The upper cover is blocked in gold. Three borders are blocked: 1. dog-tooth decoration 2 & 3. gold fillets. The corners are blocked with a pattern of stems, flowers, dots and small circles, inside which more fillets and dots delineate a central panel. A circular gold lettering-piece is blocked on the centre, surrounded by many circular thin fillets and patterns, with

finials at the head, tail and sides. The words: " / Proverbial/ philosophy/" are blocked in relief inside two rectangular gold lettering-pieces, which have single fillets blocked in relief on their borders. The lettering-pieces are surrounded by small plant and stem decorations, blocked in relief. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters at the base. The spine is blocked in gold. There is a single thin gold fillet blocked on the perimeter. Single gold fillets form three panels on the spine. From the head downwards, the decoration is: in panel 1, stems and flowers are blocked in gold around a small circle gold lettering-piece which has small plants blocked in relief; in panel 2, the words: "/ Proverbial philosophy/ [rule]/ Tucker./" are blocked in gold; in panel 3, repeating flowers and stems are blocked around a "vase-shaped" gold lettering piece, in which stems and flowers are blocked in relief; signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the third panel; a gold fillet; in the rectangle at the base a small repeating

 plant pattern is blocked in gold. The 1854 edition is at BL 12305.d.15. The 1867 edition is at BL 11651.f.11., and has a design by Rogers.





2003 book entry number: 262


                                  Binding No:   276

                          Pressmark:   10350.c.26.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Young, Marianne

                                   Title:   Aldershot, and all about it, with Gossip, Literary, Military and Pictorial. With illustrations from original sketches by the Author.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Printed by Cox and Wyman, Great Queen Street.

                                Width:        110     Height:       180          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  iii, 220p., 6 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  14.8.99 & 4.9.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.265.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The engravings executed by Edmund Evans. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./" Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. There is a single fillet blocked on the borders and a leaf and stem pattern on the corners. On the lower cover, the centre-piece is blocked in blind and consists of circular stems and

small leaves which form six circle-shapes. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. The title: "/ Aldershot,/ and all/ about/ it/" is blocked in gold in rustic "wood-branch" letters blocked above and below a wooden house, which shows two soldiers, a man and a dog. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. There is a thin fillet blocked in gold on the perimeter. A monogram, possibly "RVR” is blocked in gold at the head. The title: "/ Aldershot/ &/ all/ about it/" [rule]/ Young/" is blocked at the head, in rustic letters. Underneath, a rifle rests on a stand, its bayonet at the top lancing a "Napoleonic-style" army hat. Across the middle of the rifle are a

sword, a satchel, a telescope, a pipe. The word "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold, between two gold fillets at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 263


                                  Binding No:   626

                          Pressmark:   11647.g.2.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   The Christian Year: thoughts in verse for the Sundays and holidays throughout the year. The fifty-third edition.

                   Publisher Name:   John Henry and James Parker

             Place of Publication:   Oxford, and 377, Strand, London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Printed by Messrs. Parker, Corn-Market, Oxford.

                                Width:        172     Height:       272          Thickness:        39

                           PagNotes:  viii, 359p. 8 plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  25.2.2000 & 4.9.2013


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. All the pages have three fillet borders in red, with the innermost intersecting at the corners. Some of the plates are signed: "Chromo Lemercier, Paris". BM C19 binding. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns, nonpareil. (Muir. MP. p.93B.) Original upper cover used as a doublure. Brown wave diagonal-grain cloth. The outer border is blocked in gold, showing crosses and fleurs-de-lis. Inside this, there are five borders of fillets - one with dots blocked in relief; one thin; and three blocked in blind. The corners are blocked in gold, showing plants of the four seasons. Each is blocked within triangles formed by four gold fillets and gold dots. A large mandorla is blocked on the centre of the cover. It has six borders: two are fillets blocked in blind; then there are two fillets in gold, with repeating dots in relief, and a "zig-zag" pattern between these; then a leaf and flower border, blocked in relief. Another smaller oval on the centre has two fillets on its borders, the outer one being studded. Hatched holly leaves, blocked in gold, surround the title words: "/ The/ Christian/ Year./". Each of the title words is blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces with the capitals "C" and "Y" blocked separately. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the central oval.






2003 book entry number: 264

                                  Binding No:   589

                          Pressmark:   12804.c.16.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   "Old Gingerbread" and the schoolboys. By the author of "Uncle Jack the fault killer," "Willie's birthday," "Willie's rest," "Round the fire," etc. With four illustrations. Second edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Smith Elder, and Co., 65, Cornhill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Printed by Smith, Elder & Co., Little Green Arbour Court.

                                Width:        130     Height:       172          Thickness:        13

                           PagNotes:  [2], 120p., 4 plates. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  7.2.2000 & 11.9.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.295.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Edges speckled with red ink. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Westleys/ & Co./ London./" Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets blocked in blind on the borders. A stem and leaf pattern is blocked in blind on each corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a kite, with its tail strings holding "supporting" the other parts of the vignette. At the top, the kite itself is blocked as a gold lettering-piece, with a sad-looking face blocked within, in relief. The words: " / "Old Gingerbread"/ " are blocked in relief within a curved gold lettering-piece, with dots and a single fillet blocked in gold on its borders. Above each of these two words, a book is blocked in gold; on book on the left, the word "/ Exercises/" is blocked in relief on the upper cover; on the book on the right, the word "/ Grammar/" is blocked in relief on the upper cover. The title words: "/ and/" and "/ the/" are blocked underneath "Old Gingerbread" in gold, within ovals formed by a single gold fillet. The words: "/ School/" and "/ boys/" are blocked in relief with gold rectangular gold lettering-pieces, with dots and a single fillet blocked in gold on their borders. A tassel (kite-end) is blocked in gold at the base. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. The title: "/ Old Gingerbread and the school boys/" is blocked in gold along the spine, tail to head.




2003 book entry number: 265


                                  Binding No:   239

                          Pressmark:   11651.c.15.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   Rhymes for little ones. With sixteen engravings. By the author of "The servants' hall".

                   Publisher Name:   Smith, Elder and Co., 65, Cornhill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Printed by Smith, Elder & Co., Little Green Arbour Court.

                                Width:        126     Height:       175          Thickness:        12

                           PagNotes:  59p. 16 plates.  With eight pages of publisher's advertisements bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Westley's & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  20.7.99 & 11.9.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.299.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Red ink sprinkled edges. Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco horizontal grain cloth. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Westley's/ & Co./ London./". Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders, on the corners, and on the sides. Fillets are blocked on the borders and leaves on the corners and on the sides. The upper cover has central vignette in gold. This is diamond shaped, with the title: "/ Rhymes/ for/ little/ ones/" blocked in gold in fanciful "branch-like" letters. A tracery of stems, leaves and flowers intermingles with the title

letters. A bird is perched on a branch at the top of the design. At the bottom, another bird is hovering over a nest, which contains eggs. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters underneath the nest. On the spine, the title: "/ Rhymes for little ones/" is blocked in gold along it.






2003 book entry number: 266


                                  Binding No:   610

                          Pressmark:   12632.f.6.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Addison, Henry Robert

                                   Title:   Traits and stories of Anglo-Indian life. With eight illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   Smith Elder & Co., 65, Cornhill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Printed by Hugh Barclay, High Street.

                                Width:        115     Height:       185          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  264p. 8 plates. With sixteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Winchester


                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  11.3.2000 &12.9.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.266.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Westleys/ & Co./ London./" Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind only. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. An inner frame is formed by branch-like fillets, with stems and leaves blocked on the inner corners. The central vignette is of linked stems and leaves, forming a circular shape. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a bird; the title: "/ Traits/ and/ stories/ of/ Anglo-/ Indian/ life./", blocked in gold; a leopard leaping out of a tree at a hunter, whose spear is raised to meet it; plants are blocked near the base; signed "JL" in gold as a monogram amongst the plants; the words: "/ Smith, Elder &Co./" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.




2003 book entry number: 268


                                  Binding No:   616

                          Pressmark:   12807.d.19.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Bede, Cuthbert, pseud. [i.e. Edward Bradley.]

                                   Title:   Fairy fables. With illustrations by Alfred Crowquill.

                   Publisher Name:   Richard Bentley, 8 , New Burlington Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1858]

                               Printer:   Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        140     Height:       172          Thickness:        21

                           PagNotes:  viii, 238p. With two pages of publisher's reviews bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Edmonds & Remnants


                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  2.3.2000 & 11.9.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.269.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Decorated endpapers and pastedowns: horizontal green, blue and light brown bands, overprinted with bronze dots which form clover leaf outlines. Small bird-like shapes are printed within each leaf. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Edmonds and Remnants./ [rule]/ London./" Green morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked, in blind only on the lower, and in gold only on the upper. Three fillets blocked on the borders, the outermost thin, the innermost thick. An inner rectangle is formed by dots and a fillet. On the centre is a roundel. The roundel has six fillets in gold blocked around its perimeter. The title: "/ Fairy/ Fables/" is blocked in gold within the roundel in fanciful letters, which are surrounded by curling stem decoration. Four large leaves surround the roundel,

with, on the left, a mouse reclining on a stem, and, on the right, a frog on a stem, with its front paws crossed. Above the roundel to the left and the right, four buds and one flower are blocked. A fairy-figure, male and female, is blocked on top of each flower, as though emerging from it. A parrot with two long tail feathers is blocked at the centre head. Below the roundel, to the left and the right, groups of fives buds and one flower are blocked. Mr and Mrs. Punchinello are on top of the flower, as though emerging from it. A seated cat, with long whiskers, is blocked on the centre tail, looking straight out at the viewer. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked around the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a leaping juggler; a sun; the title: "/ Fairy/ Fables/" blocked in gold in fanciful lettering; two more jugglers, the upper standing on the hands of the lower; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters near the tail. At the tail, the words: "/ London/ Bentley." are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by two gold fillets.






2003 book entry number: 269


                                  Binding No:   614

                          Pressmark:   10105.b.17.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Bell, Robert

                                   Title:   Wayside pictures through France, Holland, Belgium, and up The Rhine ...

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street. New York: 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        125     Height:       192          Thickness:        42

                           PagNotes:  xiv, 422p. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  2.3.2000 & 11.9.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.270.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./" Red pebble-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets blocked on the borders. Curling leaf and stem decoration on each corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It is diamond-shaped. At the centre, is has a spade-shaped gold lettering-piece. Within this, the title: "/ Wayside pictures/ through/ France,/ Holland,/ Belgium, and/ up The Rhine./" is blocked in relief within it. Above and to each side, three shields are blocked. Each has two fillets around its perimeter, one of which is a fillet with repeating dots blocked in relief inside it. The shield at the top is: azure, eagle, with claws holding three lightning rods. The shield on

the left shows: or, lion rampant. The shield on the right shows: quarterly 1st and 4th azure, lion rampant; 2nd and 3rd quarterly, 1st and 4th gules, bend, 2nd and 3rd or, ship symbols; shield at fess point. The three shields have vine leaves and tendrils blocked in gold between and around them. Below the centre is blocked the figure of an old man wearing a castellated crown, his beard full of fishes. [This figure of the old man is the same block used in Leighton's vignette for BL "The Old City..." Collingridge 1865.] The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: turrets and an arch; the words: "/ Wayside/ pictures/ through/ France,/ Holland,/ Belgium & up the Rhine/ [rule] / Robert Bell./" blocked in gold; double fillets, shaped as branches; a cross with two worshippers; signed "JL" in relief as separate letters on the stone supporting the cross; two thin gold fillets; the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold within a cartouche formed by a branch-shaped fillet; three thin gold fillets ; two gold fillets at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 272


                                  Binding No:   146

                          Pressmark:   1347.g.4.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Blair, Robert

                                   Title:   The grave. A poem. With a preface by the Rev. F.W.Farrar M.A. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.

                   Publisher Name:   Adam and Charles Black, North Bridge

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh.

                                Width:        155     Height:       211          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  xxv, 49p.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  13.5.99 &11.9.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.258.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. Dark green morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically. A joined leaf border pattern is blocked in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in blind inside this. The inner corners have triangles formed by two fillets, and  leaf and stem decoration blocked in relief within each fillet. The central mandorla is formed by two fillets blocked in blind. A pattern of hatch gold leaves and stems surrounds a wide gold fillet, which has the words: "O deathe, where is thy sting; O          grave. Where is thy victory. Cor. XV.5", blocked in relief within the fillet. On the centre, a tomb is blocked, surmounted by an urn, both in gold. The title words: "/ The/ grave/ a/ poem/" are blocked in relief within the tomb. Below the tomb, a bat's wings and an hourglass are blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in  gold as a monogram at the base of mandorla. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is within panels formed by a rope-shaped fillet; within the panels are: a bell; the words: "/ The/ grave/ A/ poem/ by/ Robert/ Blair/ [a cross patonce]/" blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece; an oval panel (formed by the rope-shaped fillet), surrounded by thin stems and small leaves blocked in gold; a bow-tie shape, made by the rope fillet; thin leaves and stems; near the tail, the words: "/ A & C Black/" are blocked in relief within a pear-shaped gold lettering-piece, with two fillets blocked in relief on its borders; two gold fillets are blocked at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 273


                                  Binding No:   612


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Bowman, Anne

                                   Title:   The Young Exiles; or, the wild tribes of the North. A tale of adventures... With illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Cox and Wyman, printers, 74-5, Great Queen-Street, London.

                                Width:        106     Height:       172          Thickness:        43

                           PagNotes:  xii, 436p., 6 plates. The plates are signed: "H. Weir" and "Dalziel"

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  21.7.97 & 12.9.2013

References: Dry. JL no.275

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ripple vertical-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets blocked on the borders, one thick and one thin. Leaf and stem decoration blocked on each corner. The lower cover has a central vignette blocked in blind. It shows a series of interlocking leaves and stems, which form a quatrefoil shape. The upper cover had a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a rider driving a covered four-wheeled wagon, with his whip extending over the three harnessed horses. Above and below the wagon, the words: "The Young Exiles" are blocked in gold, in rustic lettering. Stems and tendrils emerge out of the letter ends. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is fully blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked around the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two fillets; the words: "The/ Young/ Exiles/ by/ A. Bowman/" blocked in gold within a panel formed by two fillets; a fir tree and snow; a wolf attacks an eagle; the word: "Illustrated" is blocked in gold at the base, within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.




2003 book entry number: 274


                                  Binding No:   219

                          Pressmark:   4414.d.10.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Bunyan, John

                                   Title:   The story of the Pilgrim's Progress Told for Young People. Illustrated with sixteen engravings drawn by E.H.Wehnert [i.e. Edward Henry Wehnert].

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, Son, and Co. 47 Ludgate Hill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Printed by G. Barclay, Castle Street, Leicester Square.

                                Width:        125     Height:       178          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  viii, 152p.,16 plates. With twelve pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  10.8.99 & 12.9.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.276.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on borders and corners. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. Then a wide plant border is blocked in relief; then a fillet blocked in blind, wit more plant patterns blocked in relief on each corner. The vignette on the upper cover is blocked in gold, showing a man in armour , standing on branches, holding a round shield on left arm, and a sword in his right hand. The title: "/ The/ story/ of the/ Pilgrim's Progress/ Told for/ Young People./ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold above, below and at the sides of the man. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at base of the vignette. The spine is fully blocked in gold and in relief. Around the perimeter of the spine  triple fillets are blocked in gold, which form an arch at the head. From the head the decoration is: a crown, in

gold; the title:"/ The/ story/ of the/ Pilgrim's Progress/" is blocked in relief within five  blocked in relief within five gold lettering-pieces; a shepherd's staff, with a snake coiled around it, and a hat and a water flask hanging from it, with stars surrounding the whole; signed "JL" in gold as a monogram near the tail; three gold fillets; a pattern of leaves and dots is blocked in gold; four gold fillets are blocked at the tail. [Covers are water stained.]





2003 book entry number: 275

                                  Binding No:   182

                          Pressmark:   11603.e.24.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Burns, Robert

                                   Title:   The poetical works. Edited by the Rev. Robert Aris Willmott, Incumbent of Bear Wood. Illustrated by John Gilbert

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Savill, and Edwards, Printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        105     Height:       170          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  lxiv, 478p., 8 plates. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  14.8.99 & 11.9.2013


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Routledge’s British poets. [Engravings executed by Dalziel.]          Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue bead-grain cloth. Blocked identically as 11603.e.14. Cowper, William. The poetical works. Another copy of this work is at BL 1507/291. [This is the copy scanned below.]




2003 book entry number: 277


                                  Binding No:   177

                          Pressmark:   11603.e.14.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Cowper, William. The poet.

                                   Title:   The poetical works. Edited by the Rev. Robert Aris Willmott. Incumbent of Bear Wood. Illustrated by John Gilbert.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street. New York: 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        106     Height:       170          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  xlviii, 631p., 8 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  17.6.99 & 11.9.2013


Notes:  The design is by John Leighton. Routledge’s British poets. [Engravings executed by Dalziel.]

Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son./ [rule]/ 76 Fleet Street,/ London./"  Blue ripple vertical-grain cloth. On both covers, a single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. A leaf pattern is blocked in blind inside the border at the head and the tail. On the upper cover, blocked in gold, the central vignette shows leaves and two fuchsias surrounding the central medallion. The medallion displays a winged horse, standing on rear legs, its left leg on a rock. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold.  A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. A second gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter of all but the tail. A single flower is blocked on the inner corners of the rectangle formed by this second fillet. Patterns of fuchsia stems and flowers are blocked in gold from head to near the tail. Near the head, the stems form an oval, in which a head and (sun) rays are blocked. Within a rectangular panel formed by the fuchsia stems, the title is blocked in gold. Underneath the title, the long stamens of a fuchsia form the strings of a lyre. Almost certainly signed “JL” as separate letters amongst the bottom leaves of the fuchsia plant near the tail. At the tail, the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in bold within a rectangle formed by two gold fillets. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters, near the tail.




2003 book entry number: 280


                                  Binding No:   871

                          Pressmark:   12808.c.19.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Faber, Francis Atkinson

                                   Title:   Woodburn: or, Little Faults. By a Lady. Edited by the Rev. F.A. Faber, B.D., Rector of Saunderton, Bucks. ...

                   Publisher Name:   Binns and Goodwin, 44, Fleet Street, and 19, Cheap Street, Bath. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd. Dublin: J. McGlashan.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1858]

                               Printer:   Printed by Binns and Goodwin.

                                Width:        108     Height:       177          Thickness:        18

                           PagNotes:  vii,183p., 4 plates. With sixteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Bath




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  2.8.2000 &1.10.2013



Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders, on the corners and on the head, the tail and the sides. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. A pattern of interlocking stems and leaves is blocked in blind  on the corners, the head, the tail and down the sides. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. The title: "/ Woodburn/ or/ little faults./" is blocked in gold at the top. Two young ladies are blocked on the centre, in a "garden" setting. One is standing and one is seated. Both have arms around the other. A pattern of small stems and leaves is blocked in gold around them. To their left, a watering can is blocked; to their right, a plinth and an urn are blocked, the urn containing a plant and flowers. The quotation:'/ "Let school-taught pride dissemble all it can/ these

little things are great to little man"/ Goldsmith./' is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold fillet; a rectangular panel formed by two fillets in gold, with small decoration blocked in gold inside; the title: "/ Woodburn/ or/ little/ faults/" blocked in gold; a fuchsia plant is blocked in gold from near the base to beneath the title; it shows leaves and three flowers with long stamens [very JL this]; near the tail, the word: "/ Goodwin./" is blocked in gold; the same rectangle as near the head, blocked in gold; two gold fillets blocked at the tail.




2003 book entry number: 282   

                                  Binding No:   812

                          Pressmark:   7906.b.19.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Forrest, George, pseud. [i.e. John George Wood.]

                                   Title:   The Playground; or, the boy's book of games.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co. 2, Farringdon Street. New York: 18 Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   R. Clay,  Printer, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        105     Height:       170          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  x,267p., 1 plate.

                Place of Printing:   London

                        Bookseller:   Treacher

                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  13.4.2000 & 1.10.2013


 Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Written on the upper endpaper: "/ J.B. White/ As a souvenir of/ my pleasant visit/ to Brighton./ Jany.    1860./ .../" Bookseller's ticket on upper pastedown: "[H?] & C. Treacher, late King & Co./ Booksellers/ Publishers,/ 7 Stationers,/ [4?] North St. & 44 East St./ Brighton./" Bookbinder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38 Kirby St./”Blue bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. A single leaf is blocked on each corner, the veins outlined in relief. A third fillet is blocked on the borders, with a single strap on each corner, and two leaves on each side attached to the strap. A single leaf is blocked on each corner. A group of three leaves is blocked in blind and in relief on the centre head and on the centre tail. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in

gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a kite with tail streamers, a ball, a shuttlecock; the title: "/ The/ Play/ Ground/" is blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece with a single fillet blocked on its borders; the words: "/ A/ boy's book/ of/ games./" are blocked in gold; the words "a" and "of" are blocked within circles formed by a single fillet; the words "boy's book" and "games" are blocked in gold within rectangles formed by a single gold fillet; an archery board is blocked in gold, supported by stilts; an arrow shaft and arrow head, together with a holder full of arrows - are hung in front of the archery board; between the stilts, a group of objects is blocked - a cricket bat, a pair of cricket stumps, a cricket ball, a racquet, a stick with strands on its end; a fillet in gold; the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; a gold fillet; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters, at the tail. Another copy in Cambridge University Library at CUL.140.4.308.









2003 book entry number: 284

[already in BL database, 2012]

                                  Binding No:   587

                          Pressmark:   12808.a.34.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Hall, Anna Maria

                                   Title:   The adventures and experiences of Biddy Dorking. To which is added the story of the Yellow Frog. Edited by Mrs S.C. Hall.  With illustrations by Harrison Weir.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and  Farran, late Grant & Griffith, successors to Newbery & Harris, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        125     Height:       176          Thickness:        12

                           PagNotes:  [2], 94p. 4 plates. With sixteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  7.2.2000 & 19.3.2014

            References:     Dry JL no.283.

Notes: the design is by John Leighton. On page 2 of the publisher's titles at the end, this work is listed as: "2s.6d. cloth; 3s.6d. coloured, gilt edges." The plates are coloured.               Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets blocked on the borders. Flower, leaf and seed head decoration on each lower corner, with joined stems and leaves on the lower centre; stems rise up each side, ending in more flowers, leaves and seed heads on each upper corner.  (This is the same design as for BL 12807.b.53. Jack Frost and Betty Snow) The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a hen standing on corn stalks, with the heads and leaves of the stalks around the hen. The words: "/ Biddy Dorking/" are blocked in gold, in a semi-circle, above the hen, in rustic lettering with tendrils. An egg is blocked above these words. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: an egg, with a chick with its head out of the shell; the title words: "/ Biddy/ Dorking/ & the/ Fat Frog./" blocked in gold; a frog in gold, with reeds.






2003 book entry number: 288


                                  Binding No:   625


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Kingston, William Henry Giles

                                   Title:   Fred Markham in Russia; or, the boy travellers in the land of the Czar. With Illustrations by R.T. Landells.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith & Farran, late Grant & Griffith, successors to Newbery & Harris, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards,  Printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        110     Height:       175          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  xii,372p. 8 plates. With twenty-four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. The verso of the half-title page also has publisher's titles.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  15.2.2000 &1.10.2013.

            References:     Dry JL no.289.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief. Two fillets blocked on the borders. Leaf motifs are blocked in relief on the corners, the head and the tail. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. Inside this, another gold fillet and gold dots are blocked on the inner perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: an arch; a Russian crown and ribbons; the words: "/ Fred/ Markham/ in/ Russia/ Kingston./" blocked in gold within four rectangles formed by single gold fillets, with the word "in", being blocked within a circle formed by a single gold fillet; a Russian double-headed eagle is blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece; St. George slaying a dragon; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters within a "spade-shape" formed by a single gold fillet; a gold fillet; the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet, with gold dots blocked within; two gold fillets blocked at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 289


                                  Binding No:   579

                          Pressmark:   11601.e.10.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Kirkland, Caroline Matilda

                                   Title:   Garden walks with the poets.

                   Publisher Name:   T. Nelson & Sons, Paternoster Row; Edinburgh and New York.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858


                                Width:          95     Height:       152          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  192p., 6 plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                      Colour : red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  7.2.2000 & 1.10.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.280.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Wave diagonal-grain cloth.  Both covers blocked identically

in blind with four fillets on the borders. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a garden urn with twisted "branch-like" handles. The urn is filled with leaves and flowers. Above the urn, the title words: "/ Garden walks/ with the/" are blocked; below the urn, the

word: "/ poets/" is blocked. The words: "Garden walks" and "poets" are blocked  in gold in rustic lettering. The letters of the word "poets" also have only their upper half blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters on the plinth of the urn. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked around the perimeter. Honeysuckle and ivy rise as stems up the sides, with their leaves and flowers blocked at the head. Below this, the title: "/ Garden/ walks/ with the/ poets./" is blocked in rustic lettering; then a rose bush, with a lyre supported in its middle. A rectangle, formed by a single gold fillet, is blocked at the tail, with a single "branch-like" gold fillet blocked within the rectangle.





2003 book entry number: 290

                                  Binding No:   220

                          Pressmark:   1568/2770.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Knowles, James Sheridan

                                   Title:   The dramatic works. A New Edition in One Volume.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Cox (Bros) and Wyman, Printers, Great Queen Street

                                Width:        125     Height:       190          Thickness:        55

                           PagNotes:  Two vols in one. Vol. 1. vi,448p. Vol. 2. 457p. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  6.7.99 &25.9.2013


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Untrimmed edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue bead-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind with four fillets on the borders. The inner border is of a wide fillet blocked in blind, with a repeating leaf and stem pattern blocked in relief within it. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. Groups of three fillets (one thick between two thin) divide the spine into panels. Within the panel at the head, the words: "/ The/ dramatic/ works/ of/ James Sheridan Knowles/" are blocked in gold; underneath this, within a long rectangle formed by the three fillets, a long pole is blocked, with a pineapple-like plant at its head, surrounded by vine leaves and tendrils, with two face masks hanging at the middle on either side; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the pole; at the tail, the words: "/ London: G. Routledge & Co./" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet, which is surrounded by the three fillets.




2003 book entry number: 291


                                  Binding No:   649

                          Pressmark:   12808.a.52.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   May, Emily Juliana

                                   Title:   Bertram Noel. A Story for Youth .

                   Publisher Name:   E. Marlborough & Co., Ave Maria Lane. Bath: Binns and Goodwin.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1858]


                                Width:        110     Height:       178          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  vi,409p., 5 plates. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  6.3.2000 & 1.10.2013.

            References:     Dry JL no. 292.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Four of the plates are signed JH Nicholson" and "C.W. Sheeres".  On page two of the publisher's titles: "Price 5s." Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Bolts uncut. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked

 identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. the outer thick, the inner thin. On each corner, leaves and curling stems form a circle, with small leaves blocked inside in relief. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. At the head, a ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece is blocked in gold, with the words: "/ He that/ ruleth his spirit/ is more mighty than he that taketh a city/" blocked in relief inside. A medallion, formed by two fillets blocked in gold, shows a boy inside with his arms crossed holding a book. The words: "/ Bertram Noel/ a/ Story for Youth/ by/ E.J. May./" are blocked in relief within five gold lettering-pieces, of which three are rectangles,

and two are circular, each with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: small plants; the title: "/ Bertram/ Noel./" blocked in gold within a panel formed by a fillet blocked on each side, and small decoration above and below; an urn on a plinth, blocked in gold, has a bouquet of leaves and flowers, some of which hang downwards; a fillet; the words: "/ London/ Marlborough & Co/" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by two gold fillets; two gold fillets are blocked at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 294


                                  Binding No:   623

                          Pressmark:   12806.c.35.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Myrtle, Harriet, Mrs., pseud. [i.e. Lydia Falconer Miller]

                                   Title:   The Ocean Child; or, showers and sunshine. A Tale of Girlhood. Second edition.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Cox and Wyman,  Printers, 74-75, Great Queen-Street, London.

                                Width:        105     Height:       167          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  vii, 308p., 8 plates. . With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  15.2.2000 & 1.10.2013.

            References:     Dry JL no.294.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed "B. Foster" [i.e. Birket Foster] and "Dalziel" The design has been blocked after casing in. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners, with the leaf and stem decoration blocked in relief. An inner border of leaves and stems, blocked in relief, forms a central oval. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a girl, wearing a hat, seated side saddle on a pony, looking out at the ocean. Above and below the girl, the title: "/ The/ Ocean/ Child/" is blocked in gold, in rustic lettering. A shell and seaweed are blocked below the word: "Child". Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram in the seaweed below the shell. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked around the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: an arch and stars; the title: "/ The/ Ocean/ Child/" blocked in fanciful letters; a hand holding a lamp, which is lit, emitting rays; a girl seated among plants; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters to the left and to the right underneath the girl; the word "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold at the tail within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet. The Addey & Co. edition of 1857 is at BL 12631.a.24. It has green morocco norizontal-grain cloth. Blocked in blind only on both covers. Unsigned.





2003 book entry number: 295


                                  Binding No:   819

                          Pressmark:   9005.b.26.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Robson, William

                                   Title:   The great sieges of history. With the addition of Delhi and Lucknow by Captain Thomas Spankie, Bengal Retired List. The fifth Thousand.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Cox and Wyman,  Printers, Great Queen Street, London.

                                Width:        117     Height:       189          Thickness:        50

                           PagNotes:  xii,681p., 8 plates. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  19.6.2000 & 1.10.2013



 Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed: "JG" [i.e. John Gilbert] and "Dalziel". Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue bead-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Between them, a repeating pattern of curling stem and three berries is blocked, with six berries blocked in relief on each corner. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a star and also a crown which is held aloft by two soldiers. The crown has the word: "Sebastopol" blocked in relief within it. The

soldier on the left is in oriental uniform, and holds a musket in his right hand, and the crown in his left. The soldier on the right is in Scottish uniform (kilt and socks), plus a sabre. He holds a musket upright in his left hand, and the crown with his right hand. Between the two soldiers, the title: "/ The/ great/ sieges/ of/ history/" is blocked in gold. On the ground underneath, a triangular pile of cannon balls is blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters within one of the cannon balls at the base of the pile. [This is the same upper cover vignette as for the 1855 edition at BL 9005.b.27.] The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the

decoration is: a group of military equipment for conducting a siege, which includes a rocket; the words: "/ The/ great/ sieges/ of/ history./ [rule]/ Robson./" blocked in gold; a group of objects, blocked in gold - a musket, a bayonet, a spade, a pickaxe, a saw, an axe, a smaller pickaxe - alltied together in the middle with a rope;  the words: "/ London/ Routledge & Co/" are blocked in gold at the base within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet. [This is likely to be the spine blocked on earlier edition(s), as its width of 35mm is clearly less than the spine width of this edition of 50mm.] Blue date stamp: "22 M[A]Y [18]58".





2003 book entry number: 297

                                  Binding No:   206

                          Pressmark:   1347.h.24.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Stanesby, Samuel

                                   Title:   The Bridal Souvenir. Illuminated by Samuel Stanesby.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1858]

                               Printer:   Ashbee & Dangerfield, 22 Bedford St.,  Covent Garden

                                Width:        175     Height:       223          Thickness:        16

                           PagNotes:  [38p.]

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Upper

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   white

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  2.6.99 & 25.9.2013

                       References:  King JL p.238.

                                 McLean VPBB p.70.

                                 Oldfield BC no.52.

                                 Pantazzi JL p.266,270.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The borders and capital letters of each page are chromolithographed. Quoted in the Preface: "The flowers introduced into the illuminated borders are

selected in accordance with their signification in the language of flowers." [A list of the flowers and of their characteristics follows.] Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. White coarse pebble-grain cloth. Binder's ticket on front pastedown: "/Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ 76 Fleet Street,/ London./" Both covers fully blocked in gold and in blind, with an identical design. Nine borders are blocked: 1. a gold fillet 2. dog-tooth decoration 3 & 4. single gold fillets 5. a repeating pattern of cartouches, each with small decoration blocked within 6 a repeating "heart-shape and semi-circle" pattern 7. a gold fillet 8. repeating small dots 9. a gold fillet. Rose leaves and flowers are

blocked on the corners of the inner borders. Turquoise paper on lays form a thin oval-shaped arabesque, which are gold stamped in gold, showing a leaf and flower pattern in relief. Four border fillets are blocked on the outside of the arabesque. Rose medallions and crossing hearts shapes formed by five fillets surround the title. The title: "/ The/ Bridal/ Souvenir/" is blocked in relief within a quatrefoil gold lettering-piece, which is within a circle. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters at base of title. On the spine, the title: "/ The Bridal Souvenir/" is blocked in letters with "double" relief, within a gold lettering-piece blocked along the spine. Small decoration in gold is blocked at the head and at the tail.  The list of titles issued by Griffith and Farran, bound at the end of "Nursery nonsense or rhymes without reason ", 1864, (BL shelf mark has the following description of this publication: "Elegantly bound in white and gold, price 21s.". The list of titles at the rear of BL 12807.f.70. "Old nurse's book of rhymes, jingles and ditties" has the description of this work: "Elegantly bound in a new white morocco cloth, with richly gilt sides. Quarto, price One Guinea." [Formerly shelf marked at B.L. C.30.f.6.]






2003 book entry number: 298


                                  Binding No:   633

                          Pressmark:   12614.a.11.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Walpole, Horace

                                   Title:   The Castle of Otranto. A Gothic Story ...

                   Publisher Name:   Adam & Charles Black

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Neill and Co., Printers, Edinburgh.

                                Width:        106     Height:       166          Thickness:        18

                           PagNotes:  xvi, 181p.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  9.2.2000 & 8.10.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.303.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Brown bead grain-cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind with two fillets blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Both covers have the same central vignette, blocked in blind and in relief on the lower, in gold and in relief on the upper. It shows a knight's helmet, with a bird and four plumed feathers on the crest. The helmet rests on a gold lettering-piece, shaped as cushion resting on top of a plinth. The plinth has the title: "/ Castle of Otranto/" blocked in relief within it. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters to the left and to the right above the cushion. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold fillet; a sword with a handle; a gold lettering-piece shaped as a shield suspended by straps on the hilt of the sword; the shield has dots on its border, blocked in

relief; the words: "/ The/ Castle/ of/ Otranto/ by/ Horace/ Walpole./" blocked in relief within the shield; tendrils are blocked in gold underneath the shield; the words: "/ A. & C. Black/ Edinburgh/ are blocked in gold near the tail; a gold fillet at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 299


                                  Binding No:   650

                          Pressmark:   7006.aa.28. [shelf mark incorrectly published as 7006.a.28.]

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Wood, John George

                                   Title:   My feathered friends. With illustrations by Harrison Weir.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street. New York: 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Printed by Woodfall and Kinder, Angel Court, Skinner Street, London

                                Width:        105     Height:       170          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  xii,396p., 8 plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  9.3.2000 & 2.10.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 304.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are variously signed :“H.W. or “H. Weir” and “Dalziel”. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Circles and leaves are blocked in relief on each corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a bird standing on the spine of a book, shaped as a gold lettering-piece, which is lying on its fore edge. The bird is surrounded by ivy stems and leaves (the leaf veins being picked out in relief). The title: "/ My/ feathered friends/" is blocked in gold in rustic letters above and on each side of the bird. The words: "/ By/ J.G. Wood/ M.A. F.L.S./" are blocked in relief within the upper cover of the book. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold fillet; curling stems and buds; the words: "/ My/ feathered/ friends./ [rule]/ J.G. Wood./" blocked in gold near the head; feathers are blocked on top of a medallion, which is mounted on a claw base; a bird's head and the motto: "My talking friend" are blocked in gold, within a medallion; small decoration; a gold fillet; the words: "/ London/ Routledge & Co./" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; a gold fillet at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 300


                                  Binding No:   181

                          Pressmark:   11603.e.23.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Wordsworth, William

                                   Title:   The poetical works. A new edition, carefully edited. With a life.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Cox and Wyman, Printers, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's inn Fields.

                                Width:        105     Height:       170          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  xxiii, 496p., 8 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                       Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:   14.8.99 & 2.10.2013


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Routledge’s British poets. [Engravings executed  and signed by Dalziel.] Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son./ [rule]/ 76 Fleet Street,/ London./"  Blue bead-grain cloth. On both covers, a single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. A leaf pattern is blocked in blind inside the border at the head and the tail. On the upper cover, blocked in gold, the central vignette shows leaves and two fuchsias surrounding the central medallion. The medallion displays a winged horse, standing on rear legs, its left leg on a rock. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold.  A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. A second gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter of all but the tail. A single flower is blocked on the inner corners of the rectangle formed by this second fillet. Patterns of fuchsia stems and flowers are blocked in gold from head to near the tail. Near the head, the stems form an oval, in which a head and (sun) rays are blocked. Within a rectangular panel formed by the fuchsia stems, the title is blocked in gold. Underneath the title, the long stamens of a fuchsia form the strings of a lyre. Signed “JL” in gold as separate letters amongst the bottom leaves of the fuchsia plant near the tail. At the tail, the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in bold within a rectangle formed by two gold fillets. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters, near the tail. Blocked identically as 11603.e.14. Cowper, William. The poetical works.







Entries 2003 bibliography 301 to 350


2003 book entry number: 301


                                  Binding No:   643

                          Pressmark:   12807.g.53.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   The nursery library of Pictures and Stories for little folk.

                   Publisher Name:   Darton and Co., Holborn Hill.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1859]


                                Width:        172     Height:       216          Thickness:        12


                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   pink


                 Date Examined:  9.3.2000 & 9.10.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 323.

Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The work has a composite title page and a frontispiece plate for four stories paginated separately. These are: Holiday scenes. 16p., 8 plates. My new story book. 16p., 8 plates. Shadows. 16p., 8 plates. Home and its joys. 16p., 8 plates. All the plates are hand coloured. The text is stab stitched on six cords. Original yellow endpapers. Pink dyed paper over boards, printed in red and blue. Both covers printed identically. Two fillets in blue are printed on the borders. Inside this a border of blue is printed, with small stems and leaves inside, printed in red.

Bunches of leaves are printed on the upper inner corners. On the centre the title: "/ The/ Nursery/ Library/" is printed. Below these, a lady, a boy and a girl are seated on a bench. The boy and the girl have an open book on their laps. Above the lady is a kite, with its "face" looking down on this group, and its tail streamers rising above. There is a hoop to the right of the bench. Ivy leaves and stems are underneath the bench. Signed, bottom left: "Luke Limner del"; and bottom right: "H. Leighton"[i.e. Henry Leighton]. At the tail, within the blue border: "/ Darton & Co. Holborn Hill. London./" is printed in red. The spine is of brown morocco vertical-grain cloth, and is not blocked.




2003 book entry number: 302


                                  Binding No:   654

                          Pressmark:   12804.g.21.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Atkinson, John Christopher

                                   Title:   Walks, talks, travels and exploits of two schoolboys; A Book for Boys.

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne & Routledge, Farringdon Street. New York: 56, Walker Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos-Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        111     Height:       177          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  xi, 433p., 6 plates. With thirty-four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. [N.B. these titles are fully listed and will give prices to many of the books in my bibliography, and more designs to be found on new titles…]

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Edmonds & Remnants

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  9.3.2000 & 9.10.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 307.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed "H. Weir" [i.e. Harrison Weir] and "Dalziel". Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Edmonds & Remnants./ [rule]/ London/". Blue bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Groups of three leaves are blocked in blind on each corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows two schoolboys, wearing caps, standing on a plinth. Their left hands are clasped together, with their right hands holding aloft a bird's nest. Between the boys, an open book is blocked as a gold lettering-piece. It has the words: "/ Walks/ Talks/ Travels &/ Exploits/" blocked in relief within the opening. The words: "of" and "Two School Boys" are blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces with a single fillet on the borders. Small leaf and stem decoration is blocked on each side of the boys and below the title. A necklace is blocked at the base. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters beneath the necklace. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked on the perimeter.  From the head downwards, the decoration is: leaves and birds on either side of a bell; the words: "/ Walks,/ Talks./ Travels & Exploits/ of/ Two School Boys/ A/ book for boys/ [rule]/ Atkinson./" blocked in gold within a frame formed by a single fillet; a group of bulrushes, oak leaves, ferns, and a school class slate are blocked above a water scene, which has a frog, a nesting bird, fish, a water rat, and an eel - all blocked in gold. signed "JL" in gold as separate letters to the left and the right of the base of the water; a    fillet; the word: "/Illustrated/" is blocked in gold within a rectangular gold lettering piece, which has a fillet border; a gold fillet blocked at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 303

                                  Binding No:   827

                          Pressmark:   12808.a.45.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Bowman, Anne

                                   Title:   The kangaroo hunters; or, adventures in the bush. ...

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   Cox and Wyman, printers, Great Queen Street, London.

                                Width:        107     Height:       175          Thickness:        48

                           PagNotes:  iv, 444p., 7 plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  19.7.2000 & 9.10.2013


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. Some of the plates are signed: "H. Weir" [i. e. Harrison Weir]; and all are signed "Dalziel". Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. Red bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders, on the corners and on the sides. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Inside these, plant decoration is blocked in relief in the form of small groups of "stylised" leaves, with three on each side and one group on each corner, and one on the centre head and the centre tail. All these are joined by a single fillet, blocked in blind. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows an aborigine, half-crouching on his left knee, with a spear held horizontally in his right hand, resting on his right shoulder. His left hand reaches out to the dog by his side. A group of plants is blocked behind the aborigine. The title: "/ The/ kangaroo/ hunters./" is blocked above and

below the aborigine, in gold in rustic letters with tendrils. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. [Spine missing]







2003 book entry number: 305


                                  Binding No:   635

                          Pressmark:   10804.a.32.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Burrows, Mrs E.

                                   Title:   The triumphs of steam; or, Stories from the Lives of Watt, Arkwright, and Stephenson. With illustrations by John Gilbert.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, Late Grant and Griffith, successors to Newbery and Harris, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   Gilbert and Rivington, Printers, St. John's Square.

                                Width:        124     Height:       160          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  viii, 263p., 4 plates. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  15.2.2000 & 2.10.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 330

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. In page 3 of the list of publisher's titles at the end: " Royal 16mo., price 3s. 6d., cloth; 4s. 6d. coloured, gilt edges."  The plates are hand coloured and engraved by Dalziel. John Gilbert’s monogram is on the plate opposite page 94. Gilt edges. Original upper cover used as a doublure. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. The borders and the corners are blocked in blind. Three fillets blocked on the borders. Stems and trefoils are blocked on the corners. The stems form an arch at the centre head, crossing to make straps. Quatrefoils are blocked along the inner tail. The central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a model of an early steam engine, with six wheels, the decoration for the detail of the engine being blocked in relief. The word: "/ Stephenson/" is blocked in relief within a plaque mounted on the side of the engine. The words: "/ The/ Triumphs/" are blocked above the engine; the words: "/ of/ steam/" are blocked below it  - all in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette.





2003 book entry number: 304


                                  Binding No:   321

                          Pressmark:   8704.b.20.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Brough, John Cargill

                                   Title:   The fairy tales of science. A book for youth. With sixteen illustrations by Charles H. Bennett.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, Successors to Newbery & Harris, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        110     Height:       178          Thickness:        32

                           PagNotes:  xi, 338p., 12 plates. With twenty-four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London



                       BinderText:    Upper

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  19.8.99 & 2.10.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.309.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed: "CHB" [i.e. Charles Henry Bennett] as a monogram; some of the plates are also signed "Swain Sc." Original endpapers bound in. Red wave diagonal grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. On the corners leaves and stems are blocked in blind. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. It features four roundels, each formed by two gold fillets, one blocked on each side of a square. Inside each roundel is decoration. In the roundel at the top is a putto's head and wings, with the putto blowing air. On the right is a hand holding a torch. At the base is a mallet, a pickaxe, and a sack. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of this roundel. On the left is a hand pouring a pitcher of water. On the corners of the square, blocked in relief in capitals inside small gold lettering pieces, are the words: "earth; air; fire; water". The central roundel has dog-tooth and fillets blocked on the border. It contains the title. The word:"/ The/" is blocked in relief inside a small gold lettering piece shaped as a star. The words: "/ fairy tales/" are blocked in gold within lines , which are blocked between two firework rockets. The words:"/ of science/" are blocked in gold. All are surrounded by small stars blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Within a panel formed by a single fillet, the title: "/ The/ fairy tales/ of/ science./" is blocked in gold. Below this, an oil lamp with a handle is lit. The lamp rests on a plinth blocked in gold.




2003 book entry number: 306


                                  Binding No:   636

                          Pressmark:   12808.a.49.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Dalton, William

                                   Title:   The War Tiger; or, adventures and wonderful fortunes of the young sea chief and his lad Chow: a tale of the conquest of China. With illustrations by H.S. Melville.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, late Grant and Griffith, successors to Newbery and Harris, Corner of St. Paul's Church Yard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   Gilbert and Rivington, printers, St. John's Square

                                Width:        110     Height:       177          Thickness:        32

                           PagNotes:  xi, 371p., 8 plates. With twenty-four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  25.2.2000 & 8.10.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 311

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. In the list of publisher's titles at the end of BL 10804.a.32. The triumphs of steam is the description of this work: "...price 5s. cloth; 5s. 6d. cloth, gilt edges." Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind and in relief. There are three borders: 1. a single fillet; 2. repeating cartouches and diamonds are blocked in relief, within a fillet blocked in blind; 3. a fillet with small circles within. A leaf, flower, and stem pattern blocked in relief on each corner forms a central oval. The spine is blocked in gold. Two fillets are blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the tail upwards, the decoration is: two fillets; the word: "/ Illustrated/" blocked in relief, in Chinese lettering, within a rectangular gold lettering-piece; a fillet; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters; a Chinese soldier

stands to attention, his rifle on the ground, held in his right hand. A standard rises above the soldier: it has a dragon on its top; then a gold lettering-piece shaped as a medallion, with the words: "/ The/ War/ Tiger/" blocked in relief within it; below the medallion, a gold lettering-piece shaped as a flag is attached to the pole, and has the sub title: "/ or adven/ tures/ of the/ young/ Sea/ Chief/ &c./" blocked in relief within the flag.





2003 book entry number: 308


                                  Binding No:   150

                          Pressmark:   12613.c.28.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Defoe, Daniel.

                                   Title:   The life and surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Illustrated by C.A.Doyle. [i.e. Charles Altamont Doyle]

                   Publisher Name:   Adam and Charles Black

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   Printed by R&R Clark, Edinburgh

                                Width:        145     Height:       190          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  viii, 338p., 4 plates. With six pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  7.5.99 & 8.10.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.312.

                                 King JL p.240.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Light brown endpapers and pastedowns. Brown pebble-grain cloth. The upper and lower covers are blocked identically in blind with two fillets on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Both covers have the same central vignette, blocked in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper. At the head of the vignette, a parrot is blocked atop a "roof" of palm leaves. The head of Crusoe is blocked in gold, with dog to left and cat to right, with a ram’s head below - all in medallions. The title: "/ Robinson/ Crusoe/" is blocked in gold, in rustic lettering, above and below the medallion of Crusoe, within rectangles formed by single branch-like fillets. Signed "JL", in gold as separate letters, at base of vignette. The spine is fully blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked on the perimeter. A palm tree is blocked from the tail to the head, with leaves

 and branches near the head. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the title: "/ Robinson/ Crusoe/" blocked in relief within two rectangular gold lettering-pieces, with a single gold fillet on their borders; beneath this, a gold medallion is blocked, showing the head of "/ Man Friday/" blocked in relief; a group of objects is blocked in gold "behind" the medallion" - an oar, two sabres, a musket, an axe, a spade, a spear and a rope; single thin gold fillet; the words: "/ A & C Black/" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders; at the tail, a gold fillet is blocked.




2003 book entry number: 309

                                  Binding No:   475

                          Pressmark:   RB.23.a.12925.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Grimalkin, Tabitha, pseud.

                                   Title:   Tales from Catland, written for little kittens. By an Old Tabby. Fourth edition. With four illustrations by Harrison Weir.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, late Grant and Griffith, successors to Newbery & Harris, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   John Edward Taylor,  Printer, Little Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields.

                                Width:        125     Height:       175          Thickness:        12

                           PagNotes:  94p. 4 plates. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  11.11.99 & 8.10.2013


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The dedication reads: "To the kittens of England, the following pages are very affectionately dedicated by their sincere friend and well-wisher Tabitha Grimalkin." On the publisher's titles, page 17: "Third edition. Small 4to., 2s. 6d. plain; 3s. 6d. coloured gilt edges." The list of titles issued        by Griffith and Farran, bound at the end of Nursery nonsense or rhymes without reason, 1864 (BL has: "Fourth edition. Small           4to, 2s. 6d. plain; 3s. 6d. coloured, gilt edges."        Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn./ 37 & 38/ Kirby Street./" Red bead-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick, one thin. Leaf, stem and flower decoration are blocked on each corner, with stems blocked on the sides. On the upper cover, a central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows, at the centre, an Old Tabby, seated in an armchair, its legs on a footstool. The Tabby wears a dressing gown, its left paw holding spectacles; its right paw holding a quill just above the open page of a book, which is suspended on foliage in front of the tabby. Its open pages form a gold lettering-piece, with the words: "/ Tab/ by's/ tales/" blocked within in relief. There is a small mouse blocked on the left on a stem, holding a quill pen and an inkpot. The title words: "/ Tales/ from/ Catland./" are blocked in gold above the Tabby.  Below him, the words: "/Written for little kittens/ by an/ Old/ Tabby./" are blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters, at the base of the vignette. On the spine, the title words: "/ Tales from/ Cat/ land/" are blocked in gold in rustic letters. Tendrils and stems emerge from the letters. A mouse is blocked at the base of the tendrils, sitting on a stem.







2003 book entry number: 310



                                  Binding No:   653

                          Pressmark:   10350.d.32.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Hall, Anna Maria and Hall, Samuel Carter

                                   Title:   The book of the Thames, from Its Rise to its Fall. ...

                   Publisher Name:   Arthur Hall, Virtue and Co., 25, Paternoster Row.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   Printed by James S. Virtue, City Road.

                                Width:        158     Height:       227          Thickness:        43

                           PagNotes:  xii, 516p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  17.3.2000 &2.10.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 314.

                                 Morris & Levin APB p.35, no.48.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Original covers used as doublures. Doublure size: 153x225mm. Green morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in gold and

in relief. Five borders on each cover: 1. a thin fillet, with repeating small diamonds and spikes; 2. a border of crossed, decorated semi-circles; 3.         a rope-shaped gold fillet; 4. a gold fillet with a small pattern of alternating diamonds and circles, blocked in relief; 5. a fillet, with small dots blocked at intervals. On the inner border, an alternating pattern of three leaves and three dots is blocked. A dolphin is blocked on each inner corner, within a triangle formed by a gold fillet and small repeating dots. On the centre is a large mandorla, with three smaller ones blocked inside. A crown is at the head of the large mandorla; a shell is blocked at its tail. The three smaller mandorlas are blocked in a row on the centre. There are gold fillet borders for each of these three mandorlas. Within the central mandorla of the three, a man is blocked with fish in his beard. The mandorla on the left has crossed snakes on a staff, blocked underneath a winged helmet. There are also two shields: 1. azure, a ring and cross, crossed with triangular staff 2. the arms of the Corporation of London. The mandorla on the right has a bishop's mitre and a staff and two shields: 1. argent, a bull, gules, on waves, azure; 2. the arms of the Oxford University Press. At the head and the tail of the three small mandorlas, panels are blocked, containing groups of leaves blocked in vertical hatch gold. Above and below the three mandorlas, the title: "/ The/ Book/ of/ the/ Thames/" is blocked in relief within rectangular and circular gold lettering-pieces, each of which has a single gold fillet blocked on its borders. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters within the shell at the base of the larger outer mandorla.





2003 book entry number: 311


                                  Binding No:   272

                          Pressmark:   12354.b.42.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Howitt, William

                                   Title:   A country book: for the Field, the Forest and the Fireside. Third edition, With Illustrations from Designs by Birket Foster.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   Cox and Wyman, Printers, Great Queen-Street.

                                Width:        110     Height:       180          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  viii, 392p., 8 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Edmonds & Remnants

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  14.8.99 & 8. 10.2013


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The engravings are signed "Dalziel Sc." Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Edmonds and Remnants/ [rule]/ London/". Blue bead-grain cloth. The borders and corners of both covers are blocked identically in blind. There are two fillets blocked in blind on the borders, and there are plant and leaf patterns blocked in blind on the corners. The upper has a central vignette, blocked in

 gold. There is a small bird blocked at the top. Beneath this, is a fox, astride a weather vane. Below this, the title: "/ Howitt's/ Country/ Book./" are blocked in relief, within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces. The lettering-pieces each have a small dot border, blocked in relief, and outside this, a single fillet is blocked in gold on the borders. Crossing underneath the gold lettering-pieces are a scythe, a rake, a fish net holding a fish, a rifle. A water flask hangs from the pole of the fish net. At the base of the vignette hangs a drum, a drumstick and a small wind instrument (a shawm?). Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in

gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards , the decoration is: at the head, an arch is formed by two fillets, and a bird is blocked near the top of the arch; the title word "/ A/" blocked in relief in a spade-shaped gold lettering-piece; the words: "/ Country/ book/" blocked in relief, within two rectangular gold lettering-pieces, with border fillets the same as for the upper vignette; the word "/ by/" blocked in gold; the words: "/ William/ Howitt/" blocked in gold within two rectangular lettering-pieces, each formed by a thin gold fillet; ivy leaves and plants and bushes are blocked near the base; a rabbit is blocked within the plants; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters to the left and to the right of the spine underneath the rabbit; at the tail, the word "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in relief in a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has a single gold fillet blocked on its borders.







2003 book entry number: 312


                                  Binding No:   902

                          Pressmark:   12804.b.36.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Mary, Sister

                                   Title:   Sister Mary's Annual: a series of delightful tales and stories, written expressly for the amusement and instruction of youth.

                   Publisher Name:   Published by James Duffy, 7, Wellington-Quay.

             Place of Publication:   Dublin

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   J.M. O'Toole, 13 Hawkins'-Street, Dublin.

                                Width:        107     Height:       141          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  [Ten stories separately paginated.] With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   red

                       Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:   27.9.2000 & 9.10.2013


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The title page and frontispiece are plates. The frontispiece is signed: "Geo Measom Sc."Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders, on the corners, and on the sides. A pattern of stems and leaves is blocked in relief on the borders, on the corners, and on the sides. The pattern forms a rectangular central frame. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. A medallion, formed by a single fillet, is blocked on the centre. Within it, the title: "/Sister/ Mary's/ annual/" is blocked in gold. Around it, four "card-spade" shapes are blocked. Inside each, leaves and a single flower are blocked in gold. A border of roses links the "card-spade" shapes. [This is the same blocking as on BL 12304.b.10.; 12631.f.21.; 12807.a.55.; 12807.a.58.] The spine is blocked in gold. The title: "/Sister/ Mary's/ annual/" is blocked in gold within a panel formed by a single fillet. Passion flower leaves and tendrils are blocked down the spine in gold; two gold fillets are blocked at the tail. [Lower half of spine missing 27.9.2000.]




2003 book entry number: 313


                                  Binding No:   270

                          Pressmark:   12355.c.31.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Miller, Thomas, Miscellaneous writer.

                                   Title:   English country life. Consisting of descriptions of rural habits, country scenery, and the seasons. With nearly three hundred illustrations, by Birket Foster, John Gilbert, William Harvey, etc.

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne and Routledge, Farringdon Street. New York: 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   R.Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        120     Height:       182          Thickness:        33

                           PagNotes:  xvi, 479p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  14.5.99 & 9.10.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.320.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. Blue bead-grain cloth. The borders and corners of both covers are blocked identically in blind. There are two fillets blocked in blind on the borders, with leaf and stem patterns blocked in relief on the corners. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows four putti representing the seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. The putti are blocked at the head, the tail and at the sides of the vignette. Linking the four putti is a tracery of branches, leaves and flowers, blocked in gold, which forms a central frame. In the frame the words: "/ English/ Country/ Life/ by/ Thomas/ Miller./" are blocked in gold. The capital "C" of "country" is blocked in the shape of a sickle. The capital "L" of "Life"  is blocked in the shape of a horse whip. The head of the horsewhip rises to cross the bar of the "L" of the word "English" blocked on the line above. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The tracery of branches and small birds blocked at the base of the vignette is similar to Sunshine in the country, and to Gems from the poets. The spine is fully blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter, which forms an arch at the head. At the base of the spine is blocked a trellis, with leaves and flowers growing through it. Rising up from this is a pole, with ivy leaves and stems twined around it. Towards the head, the pole supports three rectangular gold lettering-pieces in which the title words: "/ English/ Country/ Life/" are blocked in relief.





2003 book entry number: 314


                                  Binding No:   851

                          Pressmark:   12808.c.22.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Munchausen, Baron

                                   Title:   The travels and surprising adventures of Baron Munchausen. [Engraving of the tombstone of Baron Munchausen; inscribed: "Here/ lies/ Baron/ Mun/chausen/"] Illustrated by Alfred Crowquill.

                   Publisher Name:   Trubner & Co. 60, Paternoster Row.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        125     Height:       190          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  xii, 194p., 8 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  27.7.2000 & 8.10.2013


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are coloured. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. [No original endpapers or pastedowns.] Binder's ticket on lower pastedown:"/ Bound/ by Westleys/ & Co./ London./" [after conservation and re-binding, this ticket is now located on the upper pastedown.] Brown bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold and in blind and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in   gold on the borders. A pattern of lily-like leaves, flowers, stems and tendrils is blocked in gold on each corner, on the head and on the tail, and on the sides. On the sides, the pattern ends in straps at the middle. Two fillets form the central frame. Inside, a border of small leaves is blocked in relief. The centre-piece is blocked in gold. It shows a similar pattern of lily-like flowers, leaves and tendrils The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: lily and tendril decoration blocked in gold; two gold fillets; the title: "/ The/ travels/ of/ Baron/ Munchausen/" blocked in gold, within a rectangular panel formed by a single fillet; two gold fillets; lily flowers, leaves, stems, are blocked in gold, forming an extended "figure of eight" pattern down the spine; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of this decoration; two gold fillets; a row of small flower decoration is blocked in gold; at the tail, a single gold fillet.






2003 book entry number: 315


                                  Binding No:   901

                          Pressmark:   12804.b.45.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Puzzewell, Peter, pseud.

                                   Title:   Home amusements; a choice collection of riddles, charades, rebuses, conundrums, parlour games, forfeits, etc. New edition, Revised and Enlarged.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, successors to Newbery and Harris, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards,  Printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        110     Height:       140          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  224p. 1 plate. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  25.9.2000 & 8.10.2013


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. On page 23 of the publisher’s titles at the end, this work is described as: “New edition. With a frontispiece by H. K. Browne (Phiz). [i. e. Hablot Knight Browne] Price 2s. 6d. cloth.” Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Bone & Son/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./" Green morocco horizontal-grain cloth. The borders and the corners of both covers are blocked identically in blind. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. A leaf and stem pattern is blocked in relief on each corner. The lower cover central vignette shows a medallion and a diamond, both blocked in blind. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. The central medallion is formed by two gold fillets. The title: "/ Riddles games/ Home/ Amusements/ charades/" is blocked in gold. The words: "Home" and "Amusements" are blocked within rectangles formed by single gold fillets. On the left and the right, satyr-like figures are blocked in gold. The figure to the left is winged, with a jester's hat and a trumpet; the figure to the right is winged, with hair flowing upwards, holding a triangle in its right hand, and the beater of the triangle in its left hand. Leaves are blocked below each figure in gold. At the head of the medallion, two oil lamps are blocked, each held symmetrically on brackets, the whole suspended by two strings. At the base of the vignette, an animal-headed satyr is blocked in gold, holding a bell in each upraised arm. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters at the base of the vignette, within a small leaf decoration, blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. The title: "/Home/ amusements./ Riddles./ Charades./ Games. &c./" is blocked in gold; above and below the title, the decoration is blocked in gold.





2003 book entry number: 317

                                  Binding No:   354

                          Pressmark:   11765.a.31.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Shakespeare, William

                                   Title:   Shakespeare's Household Words. A Selection from the wise saws of the Immortal Bard. Illuminated by Saml [i.e. Samuel] Stanesby.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith & Farran, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1859]

                               Printer:   Printed in colors [sic] by Ashbee and Dangerfeld

                                Width:        105     Height:       145          Thickness:        17

                           PagNotes:  [2],2 8p. All pages have chromolithographed borders.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  14.9.99 & 8.10.2013

                       References:  Dry  JL no.326.

                                 McLean VBD p.134.

                                 Oldfield BC no.54.

 Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The frontispiece displays a photographic print of Shakespeare in a central oval. The bard's nose is pointing to the right. The list of titles issued by Griffith and Farran, bound at the end of Nursery nonsense or rhymes without reason , 1864 (BL shelf mark has the following description of this publication: "With a photographic portrait taken from the monument at Stratford-on-Avon. Price 9s. cloth elegant; 14s. morocco antique." Gilt edges. Green endpapers and pastedowns. Brown morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this is a border of repeating leaves and plant heads, blocked in gold. Within this, a border, of a navy blue paper on lay, is blocked in gold between two fillets, and shows a small pattern in blue relief. The central rectangle has white paper on lays in each corner. These are blocked in gold, showing ivy leaves and stems. The central panel is a blue paper on lay, shaped as an arabesque. The panel has two fillets around the perimeter, blocked in gold, with gold dots between. A lance is blocked in gold, from the base to the top of the arabesque and around it curls a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece. The title words: "/ Shakespeare's/ Household/ Words/" are blocked in relief in Gothic letters within the pennant. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters at the base of the pennant. Stars, blocked in gold, surround the pennant. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. The title: "/ Shakespeare's Household Words/" is blocked along the spine in relief inside rectangular gold lettering-pieces.  The imprint: "/ Griffith/ and/ Farran/" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a gold fillet blocked above and below it. At the tail, a small rectangular gold lettering-piece is blocked, with leaf decoration blocked in relief inside.  Date stamped in blue: "7 DE[CEMBER 18] 59".





2003 book entry number: 348


Binding No:                    355

                          Pressmark:   11765.a.32.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Shakespeare, William

                                   Title:   Shakespeare's Household Words. A Selection from the wise saws of the Immortal Bard. Illuminated by Saml Stanesby.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith & Farran, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1860]

                               Printer:   Printed in colors [sic] by Ashbee and Dangerfeld

                                Width:        105     Height:       145          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  [2], 28p. All the pages have chromolithograph borders.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  14.9.99.

            References:     Dry JL no.326.

                                 McLean VBD p.134.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. In the publisher’s titles at the end of BL 12808.a.43, Tuppy…, this work is described as: “Each page beautifully painted in gold and colours, from designs by Mr. S. Stanesby. Price 9s. bound in illuminated cloth richly gilt,; 14s Turkey morocco antique.” The title page is a different chromolithograph from the 1859 edition. The frontispiece displays a photographic print of Shakespeare in a central oval. The bard's nose is pointing to the left. The list of titles issued by Griffith and Farran, bound at the end of Nursery nonsense or rhymes without reason , 1864, (BL shelf mark has the following description of this publication: "With a photographic portrait taken from the monument at Stratford-on-Avon. Price 9s. cloth elegant; 14s. morocco antique." Gilt edges. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone &/ Son,/ [rule]/ 76 Fleet Street./ London./" Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically.  A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this is a border of repeating leaves and plant heads, blocked in gold. Within this, a border, of a navy blue paper on lay, is blocked in gold between two fillets, and shows a small pattern in blue relief. The central rectangle has white paper on lays in each corner. These are blocked in gold, showing ivy leaves and stems. The central panel is a blue paper on lay, shaped as an arabesque. The panel has two fillets around the perimeter, blocked in gold, with gold dots between. A lance is blocked in gold, from the base to the top of the arabesque and around it curls a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece. The title words: "/ Shakespeare's/ Household/ Words/" are blocked in relief within the pennant. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters at the base of the pennant. Stars, blocked in gold, surround the pennant. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. The title: "/ Shakespeare's Household Words/" is blocked along the spine in relief inside rectangular gold lettering-pieces.  The imprint: "/ Griffith/ and/ Farran/" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a gold fillet blocked above and below it. At the tail, a small rectangular gold lettering-piece is blocked, with leaf decoration blocked in relief inside. Date stamped in blue: "5 DE[CEMBER 18] 60".







2003 book entry number: 318


                                  Binding No:   790

                          Pressmark:   10160.b.13.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Thornbury, George Walter

                                   Title:   Life in Spain: past and present. In two volumes. With eight tinted illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   Smith, Elder & Co., 65, Cornhill.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   Printed by Smith, Elder and Co., Little Green Arbour Court, Old Bailey, E.C.

                                Width:        127     Height:       205          Thickness:        30


                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  11.7.2000 & 8.10.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.327.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Vol. I. vii,318p., 5 plates. Some of the plates are signed: "E. Evans Sc". [i. e. Edmund Evans] Vol. II. [2],307p., 5 plates. Some of the plates are signed: "E. Evans Sc". With twenty-four plates of publisher's titles bound at the end. On page 1 of the publisher’s titles, this work is described as: “ two vols. Post 8vo. With Eight Tinted Illustrations. Price One Guinea.” Original yellow upper endpapers bound at the front of each volume. Both volumes have brown morocco-grain cloth. On volume I, the cloth is applied vertical-grain; on volume II, the cloth is applied horizontal-grain. Both covers blocked identically in gold and in blind and in relief. On the borders of all the covers, three fillets are blocked in blind - one thick fillet between two thin ones. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a diamond-shape, with a curved fillet and a dotted fillet blocked on its borders, and horizontal gold hatch stylised leaves blocked around the centre. A Spanish royal crown as a Supporter, is blocked at the head in gold. The title words: "/ Life/ in/ Spain/ are blocked in relief within two rectangular and one circular gold lettering-pieces, all with single fillets blocked on their borders. On the centre, the coat of arms of Spain is blocked in gold. (The arms of Castille, of Leon, of Bourbon, and of Granada are displayed.) To the left and the right of the coat of arms, the Supporters, the Pillars of Hercules (two Ionic columns), are blocked in gold. The royal motto: "Plus" is blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece on the left column; the word: "Ultra" is blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece on the right column. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters within small horizontal hatch gold decoration at the base of the vignette. The spines of both volumes are blocked in gold, with an identical design. A panel is formed by two fillets, which have elaborate straps and hatched gold decoration blocked above and below it. The words: "/ Life/ in/ Spain/ by/ W. Thornbury./" are blocked in gold inside the panel. The word: "Vol" is blocked in relief within a heart-shaped gold lettering-piece; "I [II]" is blocked in gold within a panel formed by a single fillet in the middle of decoration in the lower half of the spine. The words: "/London/ Smith Elder & Co/" are blocked in gold at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 319



                                  Binding No:   662

                          Pressmark:   12804.c.23.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   Every boy's stories. A choice collection of standard tales, rhymes, and allegories.

                   Publisher Name:   James Hogg and Sons

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1860]


                                Width:        115     Height:       175          Thickness:        37

                           PagNotes:  569p., 10 plates. With six pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  9.3.2000 &8.10.2013


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The BL catalogue cites the title as: [The History of Sandford and Merton ... New edition.]  The plates are signed: "F. Borders Sc." Text sewn on two tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown bead-grain cloth. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in blind. Two fillets are blocked on the borders in blind, the outer thick, the inner thin. The central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a boy, wearing wings, carrying board advertisements on his shoulders, also holding two quills on his right shoulder. The front board is a gold lettering-piece, with the title: "/ Every boy's/ stories/ A/ choice collection/ of/ standard tales/ rhymes/ & allegories/" blocked in relief on the board. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. [No spine, no lower cover.]






2003 book entry number: 320


                         Binding No:   657

                          Pressmark:   11648.b.16.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   Italian lyrics and other poems.

                   Publisher Name:   Sanders, Otley, and Co., Conduit Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   F. Schoberl, Printer, 37, Dean Street, Soho, W.

                                Width:        107     Height:       173          Thickness:        13

                           PagNotes:  [7], 126p. With seven pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London:


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   white

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  29.9.2000 &8.10.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 355.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The monogram of Saunders, Otley & Co. is printed on the title page, within a medallion and shield, with the motto: "Sans Changer". Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Light blue endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn./ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./" White bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Stems and three leaves are blocked in blind and in relief on each corner. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a trefoil frame formed by gold fillets, with small leaf and arabesques on its perimeter. On the centre, the title: "/ Italian/ lyrics/" is blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold.  From the head downwards, the decoration is: small decoration; the title: "/ Italian/ lyrics/ and/ other/ poems" blocked in gold; small leaves are blocked in relief within two oriental-shaped gold lettering-pieces; near the tail, the date: "/ 1860./" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; three fillets blocked at the tail in gold.





2003 book entry number: 322



                                  Binding No:   638

                          Pressmark:   12807.d.16.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Aikin, John and Aikin, afterwards Barbauld, Anna Letitia

                                   Title:   Evenings at home: or, the juvenile budget opened. Consisting of a variety of miscellaneous pieces for the instruction and amusement of youth. Illustrated with one hundred engravings by the Brothers Dalziel. New edition, carefully revised.

                   Publisher Name:   Ward and Lock, 158,  Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860.

                               Printer:   Dalziel Brothers, Camden Press, London.

                                Width:        114     Height:       182          Thickness:        36

                           PagNotes:  viii, 455p., 1 plate.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  15.2.2000 & 9.10.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.332.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Edges speckled with red ink. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn./ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./" Red bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. A leaf and stem pattern is blocked in relief on each corner. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows four medallions, containing, clockwise: a bird in flight; an oak sprig; a cat's head; an apple tree sprig. On the centre, the words: "/ Evenings at home/ by/ Dr. Aikin &/ Mrs Barbauld./" are blocked in relief within four gold lettering-pieces. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. [Spine is missing upon re-examination in 2013. The spine is blocked in gold. Three fillets are blocked on the sides.  From the head downwards, the decoration is: an arch; a quarter moon and stars; the title: "/ Evenings/ at/ home/." blocked in relief, within gold lettering-pieces; the words: "/ 100 illustrations/" are blocked in gold; a pendulum clock is blocked in gold, surmounted by a winged ball; three fillets; the words: "/ London/ Ward & Lock/" are blocked in gold near the tail; gold fillet on the tail.]







2003 book entry number: 323


                                  Binding No:   655


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Atkinson, John Christopher

                                   Title:   Play hours and half-holidays: or, further experiences of Two Schoolboys. Ilustrated by Coleman.

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne & Routledge, Farringdon Street; New York: 56, Walker Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos-Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        111     Height:       177          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  445p. 5 plates. With six pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Hanbury & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  7.3.2000 & 8.10.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 334.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed W.S. Coleman [i. e. William Stephen Coleman] and "Dalziel". Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound/ by Hanbury & Co./ Binders,/ 80, Coleman St./ E.C./" Red bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Panels are blocked on the corners, showing curling stems blocked in relief. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. At the head, a fish is hanging from some netting. The title: "/ Play Hours/ and/ half holidays/ A book/ for/ boys./" is blocked above and below the centre. On the centre a fishing boat is blocked. It is moored on the water, with a boy and a lady, holding fishing rods, blocked at each end of it. In the middle of the boat, another man is holding a freshly caught fish, with a rod slung over his left shoulder. The title words: "Half Holidays" are blocked in relief within the base of the boat, which is blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold fillet; branches and leaves form an arch; the words: "/ Play/ hours/ and half/ holidays/ A book for boys/ [rule]/ Atkinson/" blocked in gold; a heron is blocked beside a pond, in shallow water; a gold fillet; the word "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; a gold fillet is blocked at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 326


                                  Binding No:   652


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Broderip, Frances Freeling

                                   Title:   Funny fables for little folks. With Illustrations by her Brother, Thomas Hood.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, Successors to Newbery & Harris, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        127     Height:       175          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  [5],98p., 4 plates. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  7.3.2000 & 22.10.2013.

            References:     Dry JL no.338


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton.  The plate opposite page 24 has a good example of Tom Hood’s monogram. On page 4 of the publisher’s titles, this work is described as: “By Frances Freeling Broderip (Daughter of the late Thomas Hood). Illustrated by her Brother. [i.e. Tom Hood.] Super Royal 16mo. Price 2s. 6d. cloth; 3s. 6d. coloured,  gilt edges.”  Edges speckled with red ink. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn./ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./" [Ball 20A] Red bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind with an ornamental frame on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. A third fillet is blocked on each side, rising to make leaves grouped on the left and right upper corners. On the left and right lower corners, a leaf, flower and bud are blocked in a group, with the interiors of the leaves and flowers being blocked in relief. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows the heads of animals inside circles. The heads are (clockwise from top): a pig; a dog; a kettle on a fire; a cat. In between these, within smaller circles, are: a bird; a foxglove; a daisy; a crab. The central medallion is blocked in gold. It has a cross on the centre, and the title: "/ Funny Fables for little folks/" is blocked in relief within the medallion's border, which is blocked between two fillets. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is missing on re-examination in 2013. It is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a moth; the title: "/ Funny/ fables/ for/ little/ folks/" blocked in gold; a plant.







2003 book entry number: 329



                                  Binding No:   740

                          Pressmark:   12808.a.43.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Burrows, E., Mrs.

                                   Title:   Tuppy; or, the autobiography of a donkey. With four illustrations by Harrison Weir.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran. (successors to Newbery & Harris), Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860


                                Width:        126     Height:       175          Thickness:        14

                           PagNotes:  iv, 100p. 4 plates. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  4.4.2000 &22.10.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 368.

Notes:  The design is by John Leighton. On page 3 of the publisher’s titles, this work is described as: “Super Royal 16mo. Price 2s. 6.d. cloth; 3s. 6d. coloured, gilt edges.”  The plates are signed "H. Weir" [i. e. Harrison Weir] and "Greenaway Sc."[i. e. probably John Greenaway]. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Edges speckled with red ink. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn,/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./". Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind with an ornamental frame on the border and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Groups of plants and  flowers are blocked on the lower corners, with rising single stems up each side, with groups of the same leaves and plants on the upper corners with the interiors of the leaves and flowers being blocked in relief. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows Tuppy's head, a feather in his mane. Tuppy is looking at an open book, which is blocked as a hatched gold     lettering-piece. Thistles are blocked to his left and his right. The title word: "/ Tuppy/" is blocked in gold in rustic letters above him. On the lower cover of the book, the words: "/ or the/ autobiography/ of a/" are blocked in relief. The word: "/ Donkey/" is blocked in gold in rustic letters, within a rectangle formed by a single "wood-shaped" fillet. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. The title: "/ Tuppy/ or/ the/ autobiography/ of/ a/ Donkey./" is blocked in gold.












2003 book entry number: 330

[1865 ed. At 12305m18 already in bindings database.]

                                  Binding No:   208

                          Pressmark:   1347.i.14.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Cats, Jacob,  Fairlie, Robert,  Pigot, Richard

                                   Title:   Moral emblems with aphorisms, adages, and proverbs, of all ages and nations, … With illustrations freely rendered, from designs found in their works, by John Leighton, F.S.A. The whole translated and edited, with additions, by Richard Pigot. [Renaissance bolt and strap design contains a masted ship in full sail, and "/ L & Co./ 1726/". Within the bolt, the motto: "/ A good book is a true friend/    a wise author a public benefactor./" Signed "JL" at the base of the panel.]

                   Publisher Name:   Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   Richard Clay, Bread St. Hill.

                                Width:        190     Height:       265          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  xvi,240p.  Doublure size: 175x252mm

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and relief and black and red

                 Date Examined:  2.6.99 & 22.10.2013

            References:     De Beaumont RDeB1 no.161.

                                 Dry JL no.342.

                                 Goldman VIB no.161.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. Each page of text has four proverbs (or adages) printed between one single border fillet and an inner border of two fillets. The illustrations are within the format of: 1. an elaborate bolt and panel Renaissance design. All are on versos, ending with a text. All are signed "JL" 2. The head-piece for each passage of text is a large circle, with brackets, at each quarter. Many of these are engraved by Henry Leighton . All are signed "JL" at the base. John Leighton drew the designs. The content page lists all the engravers. Where "Leighton" is cited in this list, it is most likely Henry Leighton. The illustrations on pp. 129, 177, 205, 229 are signed "H. Leighton Sc.", as is the frontispiece showing a portrait of Jacob Cats. Original upper and lower covers used as doublures. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold and black. There is a single black fillet blocked on the borders between two gold fillets. On the inner borders, this same combination of fillets forms straps on the corners and on the sides. The strap work is blocked in black, with parallel rules blocked in gold on either side. Leaves and stems are blocked in gold at the head, the tail and the sides, and on the corners. The fillets form a central rectangle, whose corners are blocked in black, with latin phrases in relief. The phrases are: "Animi pabullum", in the top left and the bottom right hand corners. The words "Animi medicina" are blocked in the top right and bottom left corners. The central mandorla is formed by two gold fillets. In the mandorla, the capitals "M" and "E" are blocked in gold. The letters "[M]oral" and "[E]mblems" are blocked in relief, in rectangular gold lettering-pieces, with single gold fillets blocked on their borders. Curling stem and hatch leaf decoration surround the title. A cross and an anchor and a sword are blocked in gold underneath the title. Signed "JL", in gold as separate letters, at the base of mandorla. (The spine of another edition is fully blocked in gold and black, featuring a mandorla containing the title and the strapwork blocked in gold and in black. Signed "JL" in gold at the base.)






2003 book entry number: 331

                                  Binding No:   1073

                          Pressmark:   10369.d.7.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Davidson, James Bridge

                                   Title:   The Conway in the Stereoscope. Illustrated by Roger Fenton, Esq., M.A. Vice President of the Photographic Society. With Notes, Descriptive and Historical, ...

                   Publisher Name:   Lovell, Reeve, 5, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   John Edward Taylor,  Printer, Little Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields.

                                Width:        125     Height:       200          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  xi, 187p., 20 plates of Stereographs. With sixteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Westley's & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and relief

                 Date Examined:  27.3.2000 & 4.11.2013.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. On page fifteen of the publisher's titles: "Twenty Stereoscopic Pictures; price 31s. 6d., extra bound, gilt edges." Gilt edges, Bevelled boards. Red endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Westley's/ & Co./ London./" Red bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically on the borders and on the corners, with an ornamental frame. Five gold fillets are blocked on the outer and inner borders. Triangles are formed by two gold fillets blocked on each corner, with leaf and stem decoration blocked in gold within each. On the centre of the lower cover, a quatrefoil is blocked in gold, and within each quarter, a group of three flowers and horizontal gold hatch. The monogram of Lovell Reeve is blocked in gold and relief within a shield. On the upper cover, the centre has: the Prince of Wales three feathers blocked above a shield, azure; within the shield, leaves, buds and four gold lettering-pieces are blocked; the title: "/ The/ Conway/ in the/ Stereoscope/" is blocked within the lettering-pieces, each of which has a single gold fillet blocked on its borders. Leaves surround the shield. The words: "/ Ich dien/"  are blocked in relief within a scroll, blocked in gold at the base of the shield. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters within the centre of the scroll. The spine is blocked  in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold fillet, with small gold repeating decoration blocked underneath; this is repeated at the tail; the title: "/ The/ Conway/ in the/ Stereoscope/" blocked in gold within an arabesque formed by two gold fillets; a posy of flowers is blocked below the title; near the tail: "/ Lovell Reeve/" is blocked in gold





2003 book entry number: 332

                                  Binding No:   794

                          Pressmark:   12807.e.21.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Day, Thomas

                                   Title:   The history of Sandford and Merton. Illustrated with one hundred engravings by The Brothers Dalziel. New edition, carefully revised.

                   Publisher Name:   Ward and Lock, 158,  Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   Dalziel Brothers, Camden Press, London

                                Width:        117     Height:       182          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  xii, 388p., 2 plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  4.4.2000 &23.10.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.345.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. Original upper yellow endpaper bound at the front. Original upper cover bound at the front. Size: 105x175mm. Red bead-grain cloth. An ornamental frame is blocked in the borders and corners; two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. Leaf decoration is blocked on each corner in relief. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows two young men shaking hands. The man on the left is dressed in simple country clothes; the man on the right is dressed fashionably in town clothes, with breeches and knee ruffs, and he holds a tricorne hat in his left hand. Fencing is blocked behind the men. To the left, the fencing is rustic, wooden; to the right, the fencing is town inspired, showing metal railings and spikes. The title word: "/ Sandford/" is blocked in gold in rustic lettering above the two boys, with tendrils ending in berries attached to the letters. The tendrils also curl round the top of the fencing. The letter: "/ &/" is held in the left hand of the boy on the left; the word: "/ Merton./" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single fillet blocked in gold on its borders. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette.





2003 book entry number: 333


                                  Binding No:   642

                          Pressmark:   C.109.d.3.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Dulcken, Henry William

                                   Title:   Pearls from the poets. Specimens of the works of celebrated writers. Selected, with biographical notes, by H.W. Dulcken. With a Preface by the Rev. Thomas Dale ...

                   Publisher Name:   Ward and Lock, 158 Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1860]

                               Printer:   Petter and Galpin, Belle Sauvage Printing Works, Ludgate Hill, E.C.

                                Width:        168     Height:       225          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  188p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and black and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  9.10.2000 & 22.10.2013.

            References:     Dry JL no. 346.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The title page has the Ward Lock monogram, within a garter with the motto: "Go well and doubt not". The text is sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown:"/ Bound by/ Burn./ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./" Brown wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically: in blind and black on the lower; and in gold, black and relief on the upper. On the upper cover, the border blocking, from the outside inwards, is: 1. a repeating pattern in gold of leaves and seed heads (resembling dandelions); 2. two fillets blocked in gold; 3. a fillet blocked in black, with small dots inside blocked in relief; 4. two fillets blocked in gold. The inner rectangle has groups of horizontal hatch clover leaves and stems blocked in gold, above small decoration in each corner, and on the centre head and centre tail. The design of the centre is formed into six diamonds by fillets: four small diamonds and a half diamond and the large diamond on the centre. Groups of horizontal hatch clover leaves surround the small diamonds. Inside each small diamond, there is quartering, showing three smaller hatch diamonds and a gold lettering-piece blocked in gold. The central diamond has three fillets on its border: two are blocked in gold, and one in black, with dots inside blocked in relief. The centre has three rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each with a single gold fillet on its borders, with the title: "/ Pearls/ from the/ poets/" blocked inside each lettering-piece in relief. Small plant decoration of horizontal hatch gold is blocked above, between and below the three rectangular gold lettering-pieces. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters within a small gold lettering-piece at the base of the large diamond. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: small plant decoration; a rectangle formed by three gold fillets with three small diamonds blocked inside, and leaves of horizontal hatch gold below; the title: "/ Pearls/ from/ the/ poets./" blocked in gold; a group of two diamonds, with groups of three clover leaves blocked in hatched gold above and below these diamonds; a rectangle formed by three fillets, with three small diamonds blocked inside; the words: "/ London./ Ward & Lock/" are blocked in gold; a small rectangle, formed by three fillets, with three small diamonds blocked inside; plant decoration; a gold fillet at the tail. Formerly shelved at BL 1347.f.8.







2003 book entry number: 334


                                  Binding No:   719


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Smyth, Gillespie

                                   Title:   Fit to be a duchess: with other Stories of Courage & Principle. Illustrated by E.H. Corbould [i.e. Edward Henry Corbould] & J. Absolon [i. e. John Absolon].

                   Publisher Name:   James Hogg & Sons

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1860]

                               Printer:   Dalziel Brothers, Camden Press, London

                                Width:        122     Height:       190          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  [viii], 321p. 8 plates. With six pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  11.3.2000 & 4.1.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.409.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. In the publisher’s titles at the end of BL 7004.b.9, this work is described as: “Crown 8vo. Elegantly bound in cloth, gilt edges, 5s.” The plates are engraved by Dalziel. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind with two fillets on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a shield, argent, gold lettering-piece, containing the title: "/ Stories/ of/ courage/ &/ principle." blocked in relief within the shield. Above the shield, the helm, and the crest of a hand holding a candle are blocked in gold. Below the shield, the motto: "/ Virtus/ Praestantior/ Auro/" are blocked in relief within a ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: gold fillets; leaf decoration and a quatrefoil medal; the words: "/ Fit to be [letters blocked in a semi-circle]/ a/ duchess/ with/ other stories of/ courage/ and principle/ by/ Mrs Gillespie [letters blocked in a semi-circle]/ Smyth/" are blocked in relief within gold lettering-pieces, which in turn are within a decorated gold lettering-piece; a quatrefoil medallion, with descending leaves; a gold fillet; near the tail, the words: "/ Illustrated by/ Corbould &/ Absolon./" are blocked in relief, within a rectangular gold lettering-piece; at the tail, a gold fillet.






2003 book entry number: 335

[entered into BL bindings database on 7.12.2016 - 019-000015925]


                         Binding No:   248

                          Pressmark:   12304.b.10.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Evans W.R.

                                   Title:   A century of Fables. In verse.  For the most part paraphrased or imitated from various languages.

                   Publisher Name:   Robert Hardwicke, 192, Piccadilly.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   Cox and Wyman, printers, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's inn Fields, W.C..

                                Width:        107     Height:       172          Thickness:        10

                           PagNotes:  xvi, 144p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  21.7.99


Notes: Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge./". [Ball no. 53b.] Dark red bead-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind. Four fillets are blocked on the borders; the inner three form a strapwork pattern on the borders and the corners of both covers. There is a central vignette blocked in gold on the upper cover. It features four "card spade" shapes at the top, bottom and at the sides, in which flowers and leaves are blocked. Between the spades is a tracery of small pairs of leaves and single flowers. The title: "/ A century/ of/ fables./" is blocked in the central circle in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base. The spine is blocked in gold. The words: "/ Evans/ Fables/" are blocked in gold near the head. A fillet and two passion flower leaves and a tendril are blocked in gold underneath the title.




2003 book entry number: 336


                                  Binding No:   673

                          Pressmark:   12807.a.58.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   George, Uncle [pseud.?]

                                   Title:   Stories about ships and shipwrecks, for The Amusement and Instruction of Youth.

                   Publisher Name:   John Reynolds and Company, 197, Broadway.

             Place of Publication:   New York

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   City Press, Long Lane: W.H. Collingridge.

                                Width:        105     Height:       146          Thickness:        12

                           PagNotes:  138p. 15 plates. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  6.3.2000 & 22.10.2013.

            References:     Dry JL no.351.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on two tapes. Red ink speckled edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. The covers look as though they have been blocked after attachment to the text block. Both covers blocked identically in blind with an ornamental pattern on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Leaf patterns are blocked on each corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold.  It shows a roundel. Around the roundel, a repeating flower border is blocked in gold. At the head, the tail and on each side, individual flowers are blocked within "card-spade" shapes.  [This is the same block as on BL 12304.b.10, and BL, 12631.f.21., and BL 12807.a.55.] Within the roundel, the title: " Uncle George's/ Stories/ about/ ships &c/" is blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. No blocking on the spine.







2003 book entry number: 338


                                  Binding No:   723

                          Pressmark:   10603.aa.12.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Hewlett, Henry Gay

                                   Title:   The heroes of Europe: a Biographical Outline of European History from A.D. 700 to A.D.1700. ...

                   Publisher Name:   Bickers and Bush, 1 Leicester Square

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   Strangeways & Walden (late G. Barclay), Printers, 28 Castle St. Leicester Square.

                                Width:        110     Height:       176          Thickness:        53

                           PagNotes:  vii,448p., 17 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  13.4.2000 & 23.10.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.354.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Brown morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked with an ornamental frame in blind and in relief on the borders and on the corners. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. An inner border of cartouches, and of sprigs (which are blocked in relief) are blocked between two fillets. On each corner, a group of leaves and buds is blocked in blind. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows Saint George, armoured, on his charger. He holds a staff and a banner, which displays the three lions of England. His shield, also displaying the three lions of England, is by his right leg. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a fillet in gold; an arch, with a fillet descending downwards on each side of the spine; a pope's hat and two crowns; the title: "/ The/ heroes/ of/ Europe/" is blocked in gold within a panel formed by a single “cord shape” fillet; single tassels hang from the ends of the cords on either side of the panel; the shaft of a lance has the following objects suspended from it - two keys, a medallion blocked in hatched gold, showing Europa on the back of a bull; the word: "/ Europa/" is blocked in relief underneath; beneath and behind the medallion - two swords, a double-headed axe, and an arrow are blocked in gold; the base of the lance has small stem decoration blocked on its left and its right, with the signature "JL" in gold as separate letters also to the left and the right of the lance base; two gold fillets; the word: "Illustrated" is blocked in gold within a cartouche formed by a single gold  fillet, and both these are within a rectangle formed by a single fillet, in gold.






2003 book entry number: 339

                                  Binding No:   441


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Kingston, William Henry Giles

                                   Title:   Digby Heathcote: or, the early days of a country gentleman's son and heir. Illustrated by Harrison Weir.

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, Farringdon Street. New York: 56, Walker Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards,  Printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        110     Height:       176          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  vvi,429p., 8 plates. With ten pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. The engravings are by Dalziel

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  5.11.99 & 22.10.2013.

            References:     Dry JL no.357.


 Notes:  The design is by John Leighton. On page one of the publisher’s titles, this work is described as: “In fcap. 8vo, cloth gilt, price 5s.” Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ 76 Fleet Street,/ London./" Blue bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked in blind with the same ornamental frame on the borders and on the corners. There are three fillets on the borders. Leaf decoration is blocked in relief on the corners, with stems and buds blocked within an egg-shaped oval at the centre of each corner. An oval is formed by the corner blocking. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. At the centre of the vignette is a medallion. It has two fillets in gold around it, one thin, one thick. The thick fillet has repeating dots blocked within it in relief. Within the medallion, the words:"/ Digby/" and "/ Heathcote/" are blocked in relief within two rectangular gold lettering-pieces. Below these, the words: "/ A book for boys/" are blocked in gold. Underneath these, "/ W.H. Kingston/" is blocked in relief with a decorated gold lettering-piece. Above the medallion, Digby Heathcote's school slate is blocked, with the words: "/ DH/ his slate/" blocked in relief within the wooden border of the slate. On the slate, a picture of a teacher is drawn, with the  words: "/ Mrs Carter/" blocked in gold above it. On the left and the right of the medallion, oak leaves,

stems and acorns are blocked, which form a diamond pattern around the vignette. Below the medallion, an open book is blocked as a gold lettering-piece, with page edges picked out in relief. On the open page on the left, the words: "/ Kate/ Heathcote/ her copy/ book/" is blocked in relief. The open page on the right has a dog, a house, and "/ Blaxholme/ Hall/" blocked in relief. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters inside a ring at the base. The spine is fully blocked in gold. There is a single fillet blocked around the perimeter. Oak leaves are blocked in gold on the corners of the frame at the head. Underneath, the title: "/ Digby/ Heathcote/ A/ Book for boys/ [rule]/ W.H. Kingston/" is blocked in gold. Beneath this, a boy sits on an oak branch, surrounded by oak leaves. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the oak branch. At the tail, the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold between two pairs of gold fillets.





2003 book entry number: 340



                                  Binding No:   773

                          Pressmark:   12804.c.36.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Lawford, Louisa

                                   Title:   Every girl's book. A Compendium of entertaining amusements, for Recreation in Home Circles.

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne & Routledge, Farringdon Street; New York: 56, Walker Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   Cox and Wyman, printers, Great Queen Street, London.

                                Width:        110     Height:       176          Thickness:        32

                           PagNotes:  viii, 392p., 1 plate.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  10.7.2000 &23.10.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 360.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plate is signed as a monogram "HKB" [i.e. Hablot K. Browne.] and "Dalziel". Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind with an ornamental frame on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Stylised leaf decoration is blocked in relief on each corner. A fillet blocked in blind on the inner borders forms a central frame. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a seated lady, with a sewing frame, which has a bird depicted within it. The sewing frame is upright on the lady's lap. A sewing basket is on a stand to her right, and a hanging basket is blocked above to her right. Seven medallions are blocked in vertical hatch gold around the lady. Each medallion has a single fillet on its border, then a fillet with repeating dots blocked in relief inside it. Within each medallion, words are blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces. The words, clockwise, are: 1. "Engines"; 2. "/ Acting/ Proverbs/"; 3. "Forfeits"; 4. "/ Ladies/ work"; 5. "Conundrum"; 6. "/ Rondes/ & music/"; 7. "Games". At the head of the vignette, the words: "/ Every girl's/" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece with a single fillet blocked on its borders. Underneath the lady's dress, the title word: "/ Book./" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece with a single fillet blocked on its borders. Branches, stems, horizontal hatch leaves and tendrils - all blocked in gold - weave from the base of the vignette round the medallions to the top. A bird sits on a stem at the top. The spine is blocked in gold. Two fillets are blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: crossing branches; the words:"/ Every/ girl's/ book./ [rule]/ Lawford./" are blocked in gold; a vase and a spray of flowers, resting within an oval branch-shaped frame; hatched leaves are blocked around the vase; beneath the vase, a dinner plate warming pan; a gold fillet; signed “JL” in gold as separate letters on either side of the warming pan; at the tail, a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single fillet blocked on its borders, has small decoration blocked in relief inside.




2003 book entry number: 342


                                  Binding No:   674

                          Pressmark:   10460.a.35.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Leslie, Sir John

                                   Title:   Discovery and adventure in the Polar seas and regions. With a narrative of the recent expeditions in search of Sir John Franklin, including the voyage of the "Fox", and the discovery of the fate of the Franklin expedition. By R.M. Ballantyne.

                   Publisher Name:   T. Nelson and Sons, Paternoster Row; Edinburgh; and New York.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860


                                Width:        115     Height:       180          Thickness:        47

                           PagNotes:  652p. 11 plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  8.3.2000 & 22.10.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.362.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. Red bead-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked with an ornamental frame in blind and in relief on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. Curling stem and leaf decoration is blocked in relief on each corner. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a jagged semi-circle of ice, blocked above a three-masted ship in pack ice. The title: "/ The/ Polar seas/ and/ regions./" is blocked above, between and below the ice and the ship. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters on the left hand side of the pack ice. The spine is blocked in gold. Two fillets are blocked on the perimeter, the inner of which is "rope" shaped. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a bear's head; the title: "/ The/ Polar seas/ &/ regions./" blocked in gold in "ice-like" letters; a portrait of Sir John Franklin, and his autograph underneath; the words: "/ With/ a continuation/ by/ R.M Ballantyne/" blocked in gold in a semi-circle around the head of a walrus; a gold fillet; at the tail, the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold, within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.







2003 book entry number: 344


                                  Binding No:   690

                          Pressmark:   12553.i.19.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Moffat, A.S., Mrs.

                                   Title:   The Ore-Seeker: a tale of the Harz. With twenty-six illsutrations by L.C.H.

                   Publisher Name:   Macmillan and Co. and 23, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London.

             Place of Publication:   Cambridge

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        167     Height:       215          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  [11],195p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and black and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  23.3.2000 & 23.10.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 363.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed with the monogram of "LCH" [i.e. Louise Charlotte Hobart.], and "Pearson Sc." Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Light brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn./ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./" Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked with the same design, in blind and black on the lower cover, and in gold and black on the upper. There are seven borders: 1. A single gold fillet; 2. a border of leaves, repeating, blocked in horizontal hatch; 3. a thin gold fillet; 4. hatched gold and circles, repeating, blocked between two gold fillets; 5. & 6. thin gold fillets; 7. a fillet blocked in black. On the outer corners, crossed leaves are blocked. On the inner corners, patterns of curling leaves are blocked in vertical hatch and chinese gooseberries are blocked in gold. On the upper cover, the centre piece has a fillet blocked in black , and then three thin gold fillets blocked on its borders. It shows a lamp and its rays, at the top. The title: "/ The/ Ore/ Seeker/" is blocked in gold, with capitals "O" and "S" blocked in relief within rectangular horizontal hatch gold lettering-pieces, with single fillets blocked on the borders. A spade and a pickaxe are blocked in gold at the base of the centre piece. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters within the spade. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold fillet; a semi-circle and a point, within small decoration; the title: "/ The/ Ore/ Seeker/" is blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces with single gold fillets on the borders of each; a mandorla with horizontal gold hatch and leaves blocked inside; a semi-circle and a point, within small decoration; the word; "/ Macmillan/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; two gold fillets blocked at the tail. Macmillan's bibliographical catalogue, pp67 and 633, gives the price as "15s". The Edition Book in the Macmillan Archive, folio 420, states that         1,000 copies of this work were printed by Clay in October 1860, price 15s. The same blocking is on a copy bound in red morocco, in the R. de Beaumont Private Collection.






2003 book entry number: 345


                                  Binding No:   232

                          Pressmark:   11647.c.5.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Norman, Frank

                                   Title:   Echoes from dreamland.

                   Publisher Name:   Ward & Lock, 158 Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   Petter and Galpin, Belle Sauvage Printing Works, Ludgate Hill. E.C.

                                Width:        110     Height:       170          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  [2], 197p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind  and relief

                 Date Examined:  21.7.99 & 23.10.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.364.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./". Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked on its border with an ornamental frame in blind, with two fillets blocked on the borders and flower tracery on the corners. The central vignette shows a lozenge, with leaf decoration blocked in relief within. The upper cover is blocked in gold, with two fillets on the borders and flower tracery blocked on the corners. The ornate central vignette is blocked in gold, showing an arabesque with leaf and stem decoration. The title: "/ Echoes/ from/ dreamland/" is blocked in gold on the centre. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at base of vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: three gold fillets; the words: "/ Echoes/ from/ dream/ land/ [rule]/ F. Norman/" are blocked in gold; a lily-like plant is blocked in gold from near the tail up to beneath the title; three gold fillets are blocked at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 346


                                  Binding No:   672

                          Pressmark:   12807.a.55.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Piercy, Mary Jane

                                   Title:   Popular tales; or, deeds of genius ... [Renaissance frame around a panel, showing an engraving of a family scene of a mother and four children.]

                   Publisher Name:   James Duffy, 7, Wellington-Quay

             Place of Publication:   Dublin

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   Printed by J.M. O'Toole, 6 & 7, Great Brunswick-street, Dublin

                                Width:        110     Height:       140          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  [2],249p., 1 plate.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  6.3.2000 & 4.11.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 365.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and corners with an ornamental frame. The border decoration shows curling leaves and stem patterns blocked in relief on the sides, and on the corners, with cartouches on the centre head, the centre tail, and the centre sides. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a roundel. Around the roundel, a repeating flower border is blocked in gold. At the head, the tail and on each side, individual flowers are blocked within "card-spade" shapes. [This is the same block as on BL 12304.b.10, and BL, 12631.f.21., and BL 12807.a.58.] Within the roundel, the title: "/ Popular/ tales/ or/ deeds/ of/ genius/" is blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a fillet; the title: "/ Popular/ tales/ or/ deeds/ of/ genius/" is blocked in gold within a frame formed by a single fillet; two gold fillets; a stem running down the spine, with ten passion flower leaves and tendrils attached to it - all blocked in gold; a fillet in gold at the tail.



2003 book entry number: 351


Binding No:                    675

                          Pressmark:   12632.aa.27.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Owen, Fairleigh

                                   Title:   Steyne's grief; or, losing, seeking and finding. By the creator of "Bow Garretts," "Frank's Madonna," "The Lathams," "Ben Cheery," "Only a trifle," "Harriette Gwynne," "Bitter bell," "Cloud witness," "Ferndell," &c., &c.

                   Publisher Name:   William Tweedie, 337 Strand.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   Richard Barratt, Printer, Mark Lane.

                                Width:        107     Height:       168          Thickness:        32

                           PagNotes:  viii, 404p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  13.3.2000 & 4.11.2013.

            References:     Dry JL no.367.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The covers show signs of being blocked after being attached to the text block.  Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. Inside these, three more fillets are blocked, intersecting at the corners, and with a single leaf on each inner corner. A central panel is formed by a single fillet blocked in blind, semi-circular at the head and at the tail, with a single leaf blocked on each corner. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets; a decorative panel; the title: "/ Steyne's/ grief./" is blocked in gold between single fillets; two decorative panels forming an "hour-glass" shape, with patterns of arabesques, horizontal gold hatch, and repeating dots blocked in relief within; signed "JL" in relief as separate letters near the tail; a gold fillet is blocked at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 352


                                  Binding No:   759

                          Pressmark:   12631.a.36.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Webb, afterwards, Webb-Peploe, Annie

                                   Title:   Helen Mordaunt: or, The Standard of Life.

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne and Routledge, Farringdon Street. New York: 56, Walker Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards,  Printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        112     Height:       175          Thickness:        36

                           PagNotes:  viii, 381p., 4 plates. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  13.3.2000 & 4.11.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 369.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed "Dalziel"; three of the plates are signed with John Gilbert's monogram. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Red bead-grain cloth. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./" Both covers blocked identically in blind and relief only, showing an ornamental frame on the border, the corners and the sides. Three fillets are blocked on the borders, the innermost crossing to form small straps on the corners. The inner border decoration has trefoils and curling stems on each corner, with columns on the sides, and ovals on the centre head and the centre tail. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter.  From the head downwards, the decoration is: lily leaves and buds; the words: "/ Helen/ Mordaunt/ [rule]/ Webb/" are blocked in gold; three flowers rise out of a "bulb" shape; lily buds; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters underneath two crossed lily leaves; a fillet in gold; a rectangle formed by a single fillet is blocked in gold at the tail.







2003 book entry number: 353


                                  Binding No:   850


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   The illustrated girl's own treasury specially designed for The Entertainment of Girls and the development of the best faculties of the female mind; embracing Bible biography of eminent women; rudiments of ornamental needlework with designs for presents; tales of

 purpose and poems of refinement; chamber birds and bird-keeping; music, history of fans, veils and purses; phenomena of the months, and wild flowers; in-door exercises and out-door recreations; by the editor of the "Illustrated Boy's Own Treasury."

                   Publisher Name:   Ward and Lock, 158,  Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Printed by H. Tuck, 16 & 17, New Street, Cloth Fair.

                                Width:        125     Height:       188          Thickness:        37

                           PagNotes:  xvi, 480p., 2 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  2.8.2000 & 11.11.2013

                       References:  Dry  JL         no.395.


 Notes:  The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed : " E. Evans Sc." [i.e. Edmund Evans] Edges speckled with red ink. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders, on the corners and on the sides, with an ornamental frame. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. On each corner, leaves and crossed double stems are blocked in relief, within a triangular panel formed by a single fillet. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. At the top, a bust of a lady, with her hair in a net, is blocked in gold within a garter circle. Rose stems and leaves form four circles. In the centre of each of these are: 1. A ball of wool, pierced by knitting needles; 2. a pin cushion and scissors; 3. a small bird; 4. a squirrel. A single rose flower is blocked in gold to the left and to the right of the vignette. On the centre, a sewing frame is blocked in gold. It has a piece of cloth stretched out on it, blocked as a gold lettering-piece. The title: "/ The/ illustrated/ girl's own/ treasury./" is blocked in relief within the cloth. Beneath this, a basket is blocked in gold. It contains: balls of wool; two knitting needles; a cloth, and a knitted pattern. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: an open book, blocked as a gold-lettering-piece, within a circular panel, which is formed by a single "branch-like" fillet; tendrils are blocked around this; the title: "/The/ illustrated/ girl's own/ treasury./" is blocked in gold within a panel formed by a single "branch-like" fillet; a bird in a cage on a stand; the cage has tasselled cords blocked on either side; the cage is blocked within a panel formed by a single fillet; two fish swim in a goldfish bowl on a stand; a spade and another small implement are blocked within a panel formed by a single "branch-like " fillet; small flower plant decoration blocked in gold; at the tail, the words: "/ London/ Ward & Lock./" are blocked in gold within a rectangular panel formed by a "branch-like" fillet.






2003 book entry number: 354


                                  Binding No:   138

                          Pressmark:   1347.f.9.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   Sunshine in the country. A book of rural poetry. Embellished with photographs from nature.

                   Publisher Name:   Richard Griffin & Company, 10, Stationer's Hall Court.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        165     Height:       230          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  8,152pp.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  15.4.99 & 5.11.2013.

            References:     Dry JL no. 410


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Twenty photographs accompany the text. The first paragraph of a slip tipped onto the front endpaper reads: "N.B. The London Stereoscopic Company of 54 Cheapside, London and 594 Broadway, New York, have purchased the choice collection of Negatives of the late Mr. Grundy, prints from which illustrate the present volume. They have also secured about 200 additional negatives by the same eminent artist, all of which are adapted for the Stereoscope." On page 8: "The accompanying Photographs were taken by the late Mr. Grundy, of Sutton Coldfield, near

Birmingham." Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple morocco horizontal grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically on the borders and corners in blind and relief, with an ornamental frame. There is a zigzag border, with scroll work blocked in relief on the four corners of the inner panel. On the upper cover, the central vignette is          blocked in gold. Two birds are nesting at the top. There is a nest with eggs blocked on the left of the vignette; newly hatched birds are blocked on the right. A pair of birds are perched on a  branch at the bottom. The title: "/ Sunshine/ in the/ Country/" is blocked in gold in the central circle,    formed by branches. The capitals "S" and "C" are blocked in gold within rectangular hatch gold lettering-pieces, with two gold fillets on their borders. All the motifs are surrounded by flowers, leaves, curling branches, to form a tracery effect. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters underneath the birds on the branch. This design around the central circle is repeated on "Gems from the poets", which is in a private collection. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked on the perimeter. Three gold fillets are blocked on the borders of various decorative

devices on the spine. All the decorative devices have hatch gold around them inside the three fillets. From the head downwards, these devices are: curling stems and leaves; the title: "/ Sunshine/ in the/ country/" is blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces; a medallion          with a "sunflower" at its centre; a "spade" shape, with lily-like leaves blocked within; flowers and leaves; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters underneath the lily-like leaves; a gold fillet; the words: "/ R. Griffin/ and Compy/" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders; two gold fillets are blocked at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 355


                                  Binding No:   752


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   The twins, and their stepmother. A Tale, dedicated to the children of the present day. With illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne & Routledge, Farringdon Street. New York: 56, Walker Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Cox and Wyman,  Printers, Great Queen Street, London.

                                Width:        110     Height:       175          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  viii, 288p., 3 plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  21.3.2000 & 11.11.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 413.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. The covers appear to have been blocked after attachment to the text block. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Purple bead-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Inside this, a wide border of triangular leaf patterns is alternately blocked in blind and in relief. A fillet is blocked in blind on the inner border. A tracery of small leaves and curling stems is blocked around the central oval, which itself has fillets and branches on its borders. These intersect to form straps blocked in relief, at the head, the tail and the sides. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: lily leaves and buds blocked in gold, within a rectangular panel formed by two fillets; a gold fillet; the title: "/ The/ twins/ and/ their/ stepmother/" is blocked in gold; a gold fillet; the leaves and buds of a plant, with its bulb at the base - all blocked within a long rectangular frame, formed by two gold fillets; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the plant; two gold fillets; two gold fillets blocked at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 356

                                  Binding No:   755

                          Pressmark:   12804.d.37.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   Walks abroad and evenings at home ... With numerous illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   Houlston and Wright 65, Paternoster Row

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Printed by J. and W. Rider, Bartholemew Close.

                                Width:        130     Height:       187          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  viii, 328p., 1 plate.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  17.3.2000 & 11.11.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.414.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. Some of the illustrations are signed "E. Jewitt" and Geo. Mesom Sc."Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./" Green wave horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Stem and three-leaf decoration are blocked  in relief on each corner, forming an ornamental frame. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a young female figure seated on a fuchsia branch, her head adorned with a tiara and two feathers. She is surrounded by fuchsia stems, leaves, and a flower on each side. The flowers have long stamens characteristic of Leighton's work. The title: "/ Walks abroad/" is blocked in a semi-circle above the figure; "/ and/ evenings/ at/ home./" are blocked below the figure - all in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: leaf decoration; the title: "/ Walks/ abroad/ and/ evenings/ at/ home./" are blocked in gold, within a panel formed by a single plant tendril; a winged youth, wearing a cap and a gown, is seated on a branch reading a book; a lamp bowl (with a single tassel), suspended from a branch, is blocked above the youth - together with leaves and stars; below the youth, leaves and stars and berries are blocked - all in gold; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters to the left and the right of the spine near the tail; the words: "/ Houlston/ &/ Wright/ are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by two gold fillets, the outer of which surrounds the rectangle on three sides only (not the top).







2003 book entry number: 357





                                  Binding No:   777

                          Pressmark:   10817.a.46.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Adams, William Henry Davenport

                                   Title:   Neptune's heroes: or, the Sea-Kings of England. From Sir John Hawkins to Sir John Franklin..With illustrations by W.S. Morgan and John Gilbert.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, (successors to Newbery and Harris) Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861


                                Width:        110     Height:       177          Thickness:        38

                           PagNotes:  viii, 440p. 6 plates. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  7.7.2000 & 5.11.2013.

            References:     Dry JL no. 375.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed "W. Thomas". The pages at the head and at the fore edge show signs of ploughing. The covers appear to have been blocked after being attached to the text block. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind and in relief on the borders and on the corners with an ornamental frame. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. The middle fillet has a repeating pattern of "cartouches and diamonds” blocked in relief within it. Each inner corner has a group of leaves, flowers, and berries, blocked in relief. These extend to the head, the tail and to the sides. An oval central frame is formed by this decoration. The spine is blocked in gold. A fillet, blocked as a "sail rope", winds from the head to the tail on the perimeter, forming a panel on the upper and the lower half of the spine. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a crown, with ship's sails and coats of arms on its spikes - all in gold; the title: "/ Neptune's/ Heroes/ or the/ sea kings/ of England./" is blocked in gold; Neptune's pole and tripod, are blocked from the tail upwards to underneath the word "England"; a "bubble" panel, formed by a single gold fillet, has a silhouette of Nelson blocked in gold within, with the words: "Nelson nat. 1758 obit. 1805" blocked in gold around the silhouette; a rope fillet of curling knots, in gold; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters on each side of the base of the pole; the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold at the tail.




2003 book entry number: 358

                                  Binding No:   605


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Balfour, Clara Lucas

                                   Title:   Uphill work.

                   Publisher Name:   Houlston and Wright 65, Paternoster Row

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   J.&W. Rider, Printers 14, Bartholemew Close, E.C.

                                Width:        105     Height:       168          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  viii, 320p., 6 plates.

                Place of Printing:   [London]


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  2.3.2000 & 11.11.2013



Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed: "CW" and "H. Dudley Sc." Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn./ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./" [Ball no. 20A.] Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Tow fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. A single shell is blocked on each corner. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a man climbing a cliff path. He holds a hat and a walking stick in his right hand; a soft hat held on his forehead by his left hand. He wears a backpack. On either side of the man are the words: "/ Uphill/ Work/"; the capitals "U" and "W" are blocked in relief within horizontal hatch gold rectangular

lettering-pieces. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: three fillets; a panel of small gold dots, around a "vase" shape; the title: "/ Uphill/ Work/" is blocked in relief within two rectangular gold lettering-pieces; the words: "/ Mrs./ C.L. Balfour/" are blocked in gold; then a palm leaf within a wreath, and the motto: "/ Palmam qui meruit ferat/" is blocked in relief within a ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece; near the base, "/ Houlston/ and Wright/" blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; two gold fillets blocked at the tail. The Renier Collection has two copies of this work. The same design is blocked on both. One has blue bead-grain cloth; binder's ticket of Burn. The other has purple bead-grain cloth.







2003 book entry number: 359

                                  Binding No:   265

                          Pressmark:   10358.c.8.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Black, Adam, Publisher and Black, Charles, Publisher

                                   Title:   Black's picturesque guide to the English Lakes including an essay on the geology of the district by John Phillips... With twelve Outline Views by Mr. Flintoft, and Numerous Illustrations. Eleventh edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Adam and Charles Black, 6 North Bridge.

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Printed by R. & R. Clark.

                                Width:        110     Height:       170          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  xxxii, 283p., 2 fold-out maps; 5 maps; 7 plates.  With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  30.7.99 & 5.11.2013



Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The fold-out map of the Lake District bound at page 1 was drawn and engraved by W. Hughes, 6 Brook Street, Holborn, London. Edges speckled with red ink. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. On the front endpaper and pastedown is printed an Index Map. On the lower endpaper and pastedown are printed advertisements for A&C Black publications. Dark green bead-grain cloth. The design blocked is the same as for the 1858 edition, at BL. 10358.d.14. Two gold fillets are blocked at the tail of the spine.






2003 book entry number: 362

              Binding No:        183

                          Pressmark:   11603.e.24a.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Cowper, William. The poet.

                                   Title:   The poetical works. Edited by the Rev. Robert Aris Willmott, Incumbent of Bear Wood. New Edition, illustrated by Birket Foster.

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne and Routledge, Farringdon Street; New York: 56, Walker Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Savill, and Edwards, Printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        105     Height:       170          Thickness:        45

                           PagNotes:  lxviii, 631p., 8 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  14.8.99 & 4.11.2013



Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. Routledge’s British poets. [Engravings executed by Dalziel.] Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son./ 76 Fleet Street,/ London./". [Ball no. 17A.] Blue bead-grain cloth. With the exception of the title on the spine, blocked identically as 11603.e.14., Cowper, William. The poetical works. A less incisive impression than the 1858 editions of Routledge’s British poets. The width of the block on the spine shows that the block was intended for the earlier, and smaller size, editions. There is a gap between the sides of the block and the spine hinge.







2003 book entry number: 364


                                  Binding No:   758


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Dalton, William

                                   Title:   Lost in Ceylon: the story of a Boy and Girl's Adventures in the woods and the wilds of the Lion King of Kandy. With Illustrations by Harrison Weir.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, (successors to Newbery and Harris), Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards,  Printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        110     Height:       178          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  viii, 408p., 5 plates. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  17.3.2000 & 11.11.2013.

            References:     Dry JL no. 386.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton.  Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind, with an ornamental rectangular frame. A "dog-tooth" fillet is blocked on the outer border. Three fillets, blocked inside this, cross with three vertical fillets blocked on each side to form panels at the head, the tail and on the sides, with squares on the corners. "Flower heads" are blocked within each corner square. The inner rectangle has a thin fillet blocked on its borders. There is small curling stem, leaf and bud decoration on the inside of this fillet, with straps at the head and at the tail. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: small decoration blocked in gold at the head; the words: "/ Lost/ in/ Ceylon/ by/ William/ Dalton/" in gold; a map of Ceylon Island, with many of the town names blocked in gold on its perimeter; small horizontal hatch leaf decoration; (probably signed "JL" underneath the spine label, underneath the map); the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; two gold fillets blocked in gold at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 365


                                  Binding No:   667

                          Pressmark:   12804.c.28.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   E., A.L.O. [pseud., i.e. Tucker, Charlotte Maria.]

                                   Title:   Parliament in the play-room.

                   Publisher Name:   T. Nelson and Sons, Paternoster Row; Edinburgh and New York.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861


                                Width:        108     Height:       171          Thickness:        24

                           PagNotes:  168p., 1 plate. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  29.9.2000 & 11.11.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.388.


 Notes:  The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. The covers appear to have been blocked after being attached to the text block. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders, the corners and on the sides, with an ornamental frame. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick, one thin. Three horse chestnut leaves are blocked in relief on each corner. (This is the same design on the borders and on the corners as for BL, E., A.L.O. Pride and his prisoners) Straps are blocked in relief on the middle of the sides. The blocking in blind on the borders and on the corners forms a central arabesque, pointed at the head and at the tail. The upper cover has central vignette blocked in gold. This shows a girl standing on a woolsack, a mace held in her right hand, a scroll  in her left. The woolsack is a gold lettering-piece, and has the word: "Wool" blocked in relief inside with the double "o" being conjoined. Above the girl, the word: "Parliament" is blocked in gold. The "P" and "T" and the first “A” have extended serifs at the base. The second "A" has three flower heads - the rose of England, the thistle of Scotland, and the trefoil of Ireland - all emerging from the cross-bar of the "A". The words: "/in the/ play room/" are blocked in gold on each side of the girl. Signed "L" (with a dot above the top) in gold underneath the woolsack. (A fairly early example of this form of Leighton's signature.) The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two fillets; a crown within a panel of dots and small stems; the title: "/ Parliament/ in the playroom/ [rule]/ by/ ALOE/" is blocked in gold; a crown, with the word: "Lords" blocked in gold underneath it; a mace, with roses, thistles and trefoils joined to its pole; a feathered hat, with the word: "Commons" blocked in gold underneath; two fillets; a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders, has the words: "/Nelson & Sons/" blocked in relief inside; two gold fillets blocked at the tail.




2003 book entry number: 366


                                  Binding No:   345


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Edwards, Matilda Barbara Betham

                                   Title:   Holidays among the mountains: or, Scenes and Stories of Wales. With Illustrations by F.J. Skill [i. e. Frederick John Skill]

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran (successors to Newbery & Harris,) Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        125     Height:       175          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  vi, 218p., 4 plates. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  8.9.99 & 11.11.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.390.


 Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The plates are hand coloured. Gilt edges. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's Ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn,/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./" [Ball no. 20A.] Purple bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. On the upper corners, stems, leaves and buds are blocked. On the lower corners, flowers, stems and leaves are blocked. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. At the top - the Prince of Wales' feathers and crown are blocked, with the motto:" Ich dien", blocked in relief inside pennant shaped gold lettering pieces. Beneath this, the title words: "/ Holidays among the mountains/" are blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece. The sub-title: "/ or,/ Scenes & Stories of Wales/ by/ M. Betham Edwards/" are blocked in gold. The words: "/ Illustrated/ by J.F. Skill/" are blocked in gold around a shield. The shield is blocked in gold, quarterly, 2nd and 4th, gules, lions passant, argent; 1st and 3rd, argent lions passant, gules. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the shield. The spine is blocked in gold. The title words:"/ Holidays/ among/ the/ mountains/" is

blocked at the head. An antelope's head is blocked in gold underneath the title.






2003 book entry number: 367


                                  Binding No:   242


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Elwes, Alfred

                                   Title:   Ralph Seabrooke: or, the adventures of a young artist in Piedmont and Tuscany. With Illustrations by Robert Dudley.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, (Successors to Newbery & Harris,) Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        110     Height:       176          Thickness:        37

                           PagNotes:  xv, 366p., 6 plates.  With thirty two pages of publisher's advertisements bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    dotted-line horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  22.7.99 & 11.11.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.391.

                                 Pantazzi JL p.272. Shows the same spine, with the monogram "JL" blocked in gold just above the word "Illustrated".


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple dotted-line horizontal-grain cloth. Blocked identically in blind on both covers forming a rectangular ornamental frame. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. Inside this, a repeating oval ribbon pattern is blocked, with a clover leaf shape on the corners. In the inner rectangle are leaves on the corners, all in relief. There are three thin fillets, which cross each other to form a smaller rectangle. This innermost rectangle also has leaves blocked in blind on the corners. The spine is fully blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: an artist's palette, in gold; a book cover, blocked as a gold lettering-piece; the title: "/ Ralph/ Seabrooke/" is blocked in relief within the book cover; the words: "/ by/ Alfred/ Elwes./" are blocked in gold; a tree which supports two shields; the word "/ Illustrated/" is blocked on the tail in gold, within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; unsigned (the signature probably obscured by a label).




2003 book entry number: 368


                                  Binding No:   665

                          Pressmark:   10603.aa.11.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Fraser, Robert William

                                   Title:   Head and hand or thought and action in relation to success and happiness.

                   Publisher Name:   Houlston and Wright 65 Paternoster Row

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Printed by Grant Brothers, 14 St James' Square.

                                Width:        117     Height:       172          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  272p. 1 plate.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   mauve

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  6.3.2000 & 5.11.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 392.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plate is signed "J.M. Corner". Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Light grey endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./" Mauve bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders on the corners with an ornamental frame. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer  thick, the inner thin. A sea shell is blocked in blind and relief on each corner. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a scene directly related to the text on page 43, which describes a sailor cutting off the hands of one of survivors of a wrecked ship, who is clinging to the boat's rudder. The sailor in the rear of the boat holds an upraised sabre. He has already cut off the right hand of the man in the water, and is about to cut off the left hand. On the rudder, the words: "/ See page/ 43/" are blocked in relief. The title: "/ Head & hand/" is blocked in relief on the stern of the boat. The words: "/ By the/ Rev. R.W. Foster/ M.A./" are blocked in gold beneath the boat. Signed "JL" in gold as a separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two fillets; the title: "/ Head/ &/ hand/" are blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces, with "&" blocked within a circular gold lettering-piece - all the lettering-pieces have a single fillet on their borders; the sub-title: "or/ thought/ &/ action./ are blocked in gold; the word: "/ Fraser/" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single fillet on its borders; a bust of a young boy is blocked above a shield, azure, with a hand blocked within; two gold lettering-pieces shaped as ribbons hang down from the shield, with the words: "/ Success &/ happiness/" blocked in relief within the ribbons; a rifle and a quill, crossed, are blocked between the ribbons; hatched leaves; two fillets; the words: "/ London/ Houlston & Wright/" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; two fillets blocked in gold at the tail.







2003 book entry number: 369


                                  Binding No:   261

                          Pressmark:   7004.b.9.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Fraser, Robert William

                                   Title:   Seaside divinity. With illustrations by Henry Noel Humphreys, J. Wolf [i.e. Joseph Wolf], G.H. Andrews [i.e. George Henry Andrews], T.W. Wood [i. e. Thomas W Wood]  and J.B. Zwecker [i. e. Johann Baptist Zwecker]. Engraved by the Dalziel Brothers.

                   Publisher Name:   James Hogg and Sons

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Printed by Spottiswoode and Co. New Street Square

                                Width:        122     Height:       202          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  xii, 378p.  With ten pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  12.8.99 & 5.11.2013.

            References:     Ball App. no.61p.

                                 Dry JL no.393.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge/". Green coarse pebble-grain cloth Three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders of both covers. The upper cover has a central vignette, blocked in gold and in blind. It consists of a large roundel. The roundel is formed by seven borders: 1 & 2. thin gold fillets; 3. a "sea wave" border, with horizontal gold hatch; 4. a thin gold fillet; 5. a gold fillet with repeating dots blocked in relief within it; 6 & 7 thin gold fillets. On the outside, there are four small roundels, one each at the head and at the tail and the sides. Each is formed of two thin circular fillets, blocked in gold. In each roundel is blocked, clockwise from the head: a starfish, seaweed, a crab (whose claws hold two fillets), an octopus. The centre of the roundel has the title:

"/ Seaside/ divinity/" blocked in relief inside two rectangular gold letter-pieces, each with a single gold fillets on its borders. Appearing from behind these lettering-pieces are seaweed and other sea plants, blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters, beneath the lettering-pieces. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two fillets blocked in gold; seaweed and plants inside a rope panel, all in gold; two rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each with a single gold fillet on its borders,  have the words: "/ Seaside/ divinity/" blocked in relief inside; a scallop, blocked in gold; the words: "/ By/ the Rev./ R.W. Fraser. M.A./" are blocked in relief inside the scallop;. near

the tail, the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold inside a rectangle formed by a single "rope-like" fillet; at the tail, two fillets are blocked in gold.





2003 book entry number: 370


                                  Binding No:   671

                          Pressmark:   14070.c.19.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Hitopadesa

                                   Title:   The Book of Good Counsels: from the Sanskrit of the "Hitopadesa." By Edwin Arnold, M.A. With illustrations by Harrison Weir.

                   Publisher Name:   Smith Elder, and Co., 65, Cornhill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Printed by Smith, Elder and Co., Little Green Arbour Court, Old Bailey, E.C.

                                Width:        130     Height:       196          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  xii,167p., 4 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  11.3.2000 & 20.11.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 377.

Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed "H. Weir" [i.e. Harrison William Weir]  and "Dalziel". Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green coarse pebble-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind with an ornamental frame on the borders and on the corners. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. A leaf and stem pattern is blocked in blind on the corners. A single shell shape is blocked on the centre head and on the centre tail. A central oval frame is formed by double fillets. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a male peacock, its feathers displayed in a fan-shape. The title word: "/ The/" is blocked in gold above the peacock. The words: "/ Book of Good/" are blocked in a semi-circle in relief, within the tips of the feathers of the peacock; the word: "/ Counsels/" is blocked in relief, within a semi-circular horizontal hatch gold lettering-piece; the words: "/ from the Sanskrit/ of the/ Hitopadesa/" are blocked in gold underneath the peacock, within curling stems. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold fillet; "tear-drop" decoration blocked in gold; six rectangular gold lettering-pieces contain the words: "/ The/ Book/ of/ Good/ Counsels/ Arnold/", blocked in relief; these six lettering-pieces are surrounded by hatch gold, and have single fillets blocked in relief on their borders; an elephant's head; the elephant's trunk holds a string with a frame containing the sub-title: "/ From the/ Sanskrit/ of the/ Hitopadesa." blocked in gold; a "tear-drop" gold lettering-piece, with small decoration blocked in relief inside; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters, near the base of this "tear drop"; the words: "/ Smith, Elder/ and Co./" are blocked in gold within a frame formed by three gold fillets; a fillet in gold at the tail.







2003 book entry number: 371

                                  Binding No:   748


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Hood, Thomas.

                                   Title:   The daughters of King Daher. A Story of the Mohammedan Invasion of Scinde. And Other Poems.

                   Publisher Name:   Saunders, Otley, and Co., 66, Brook Street, Hanover Square, W.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   F. Schoberl, Printer, 37, Dean Street, Soho, W.

                                Width:        108     Height:       175          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  xiii, 83p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   mauve

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  13.4.2000 & 5.11.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 398.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Mauve coarse pebble-grain cloth. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./" Both covers blocked identically in blind with three fillets on the borders. The monogram of Saunders & Otley is blocked on the centre of each cover, in blind on the lower, and in gold on the upper. The motto: Sans changer" is blocked in gold within the capital "S" of "Saunders". The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a fillet; fuchsia flowers and leaves; the words: "/ Daughters/ of/ King/ Daher/ [rule]/ Hood./" are blocked in gold; more fuchsia leaves and flowers are blocked in gold down the spine; signed "JL" in gold as a monogram; two fillets are blocked in gold at the tail.







2003 book entry number: 372



                                  Binding No:   664


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Howitt, Mary

                                   Title:   Lillieslea: or, lost and found. A story for the Young. Illustrated by John Absolon.

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne and Routledge, Farringdon Street. New York: 56, Walker Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards,  Printers, Chandos Street.

                                Width:        110     Height:       173          Thickness:        45

                           PagNotes:  [5], 423p., 8 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  11.3.2000 & 20.11.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 399.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The plates are engraved by Dalziel. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./". Green bead-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. A sea shell, is blocked in relief on each corner. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a dilapidated gateway, with two stone columns, the one to the left having a stone ball at the top, which is missing from the top of the right hand column.  The right hand iron gate is missing; the left hand gate leans at an angle. The ironwork above the gate supports a notice (which is a gold lettering-piece), which has the words: "/ To be sold/ [rule]/ by auction/" blocked in relief within it. A man wearing a hat supports himself on a walking stick, and looks up at the

notice. The right hand column has two notices (as gold lettering-pieces) on it. The words on the two notices: "/ To be/ let or/ sold/" and "/Lost/"             are blocked in relief within each notice. The word: "/ Lillieslea/" is blocked in gold above the gate; the word "/ by/" is blocked in relief within a

shield-shaped gold lettering-piece in the middle of the ironwork above the gate. The words: "/ Mary Howitt/" are blocked in gold below the gate. Signed "JL" in relief as a monogram at the base of the left hand stone column. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the

perimeter. An inner single fillet is blocked on the perimeter, with loops at the head and at the tail and indents on each side in the middle of the spine. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a group of leaves and flowers; the word: "/ Lillieslea/" is blocked in relief with a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders; the words: "/ By/ Mary/ Howitt/" are blocked in gold; a bird cage (with a bird inside) rests on a Bible; the quotation: ' "/ Pride/ goeth before/ destruction/ and a haughty/ spirit/ before a fall/" ' is blocked in gold; the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in relief with a rectangular hatch gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet blocked above and below it - both surrounded by flowers and leaves; signed "JL" in gold as a separate letters near the tail.






2003 book entry number: 373


                                  Binding No:   763

                          Pressmark:   10603.aa.8.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Johnson, Joseph

                                   Title:   Clever boys of our time, and How They became famous Men. Dedicated to youths and young men anxious to rise in the world.

                   Publisher Name:   Darton and Co., 58, Holborn Hill.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1861]


                                Width:        112     Height:       180          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  viii, 280p., 8 plates. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  21.3.2000 & 20.11.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 382.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. In GKIV: "By the author of "Famous boys" [i.e. Joseph Johnson] Some of the Plates are signed "J. Stephenson del." The plates have facsimile signatures of the men they delineate. Gilt edges. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind with an ornamental frame on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thin, the inner thick. A small spray or stems and curling leaves is blocked in blind on each corner. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. On the centre, the title word: ""Clever" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has a single gold fillet blocked on its borders; the words: "Boys of" are blocked in relief within two gold lettering-pieces, which themselves are blocked within vertical hatch gold medallion. The medallion has repeating dots and a fillet blocked in gold on its borders. The words: "/ Our time./" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece with a single gold fillet on its borders. Around the title words, four "panels" are formed by laurel leaves. In the panel at the head: a coronet; a crossed quill pen and a scroll-shaped gold lettering-piece, with the word: "History" blocked in relief inside, and the words "Poetry" and "Macaulay" blocked in gold underneath; in the panel to the right: a book and a scroll-shaped gold lettering-piece, with the words: "/ Act of/ Commons/" blocked in relief inside, and "Disraeli."  blocked in gold underneath; in the panel at the base, the word: "Brewster." is blocked in gold; in the panel on the left, a beaker and a magnet are blocked, with the word: "Faraday." blocked in gold underneath. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a fillet in gold; the title: "/ Clever/ boys/ of/ our/ time/ &/ how  they/ became/ famous men./" is blocked in gold; from the base upwards, a column is blocked in gold, with a small lamp on its top; on the column, the names of famous men are blocked in relief: "/ Faraday/ Dickens/ Cobden/ Biancon/ Cruikshank/ Fairburn/ Chambers/ Franklin/ Lindsay/ Hume/ Dargan/ Heywood/ Arago/ Spencer/ Brewster/ Howitt/ Disraeli/ Horner/ Brotherton/"; on the plinth a the base of the column (which is a gold lettering-piece), the words: "/ Preseverantia/ omnia/ vincit/" are blocked in relief; a fillet in gold; the word: "/ Illustrated/" in gold, within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; a fillet in gold is blocked at the tail. The third edition of this work [of 1861 also?] is at BL 010602.b.15. It has a chromolithographed frontispiece and title page by Samuel Stanesby. The frontispiece has a pasted oval photographic print of Charles Dickens.






2003 book entry number: 374


                         Binding No:   683

                          Pressmark:   8806.b.33.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Kingston, William Henry Giles

                                   Title:   The boy's own book of boats. Including vessels of energy rig and size to be found floating on the waters in all parts of the world. With numerous illustrations, drawn by Edwin Weedon, engraved by W.J. Linton [ i.e. William James Linton].

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, Son & Co. 47, Ludgate Hill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   R.Clay,  Printer, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        118     Height:       175          Thickness:        28

                           PagNotes:  viii, 224p., 12 plates. With sixteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  22.3.2000 & 20.11.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 400.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The text sewn originally on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and one the corners with an ornamental frame. Three fillets blocked on the borders, the inner two crossing to make straps at the centre head, the tail, and the sides. Curling stems blocked on each corner. The central frame is formed by two fillets. The central vignette is blocked in blind and relief. A single fleur-de-lis blocked          on its head and its tail, with oriental patterns between. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: an octopus; the words: "/ The/ Boy's Own/ Book/ of Boats/ by/ W.H.G. Kingston/ [rule]/ Illustrated./" are blocked in gold; a model sailing boat is held upright by a hand, with water dripping from its hull, as though is has just been removed from the water and the reeds blocked below; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the water on the left and the right of the spine; at the

base, the words: "/ Sampson Low/ & Co/" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single fillet. [Lower half of spine missing – November 2013.]






2003 book entry number: 375


                                  Binding No:   717


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Lee, Holme, pseud. [i.e. Miss Harriet Parr]

                                   Title:   The wonderful adventures of Tuflongbo and his elfin company, in their journey with little content through the enchanted forest. With eight illustrations by W. Sharpe.

                   Publisher Name:   Smith Elder & Co., 65, Cornhill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Printed by Smith, Elder and Co., Little Green Arbour Court, Old Bailey, E.C.

                                Width:        115     Height:       185          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  vii, 245p., 6 plates. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                       Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:   17.3.2000 & 27.11.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 401.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed "WS" [i.e. W. Sharpe] and "Dalziel". Text originally sewn on three sawn-in cords. Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. Purple morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners with an ornamental frame. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Groups of stems and three-pointed leaves are blocked on each corner, meeting at the centre head and the centre tail. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. it shows a man (Tuflongbo?) seated cross-legged on a toadstool, a feathered hat in his right hand, and a piece of string in his left hand. Plants are blocked to the left and to the right of the toadstool. The flowers of the plant on the left are shaped to resemble a girl; those on the right have faces and small caps. A frog and a rat are blocked at the base of the toadstool. The words: "/ the Wonderful Adventures/ of/ Tuflongbo/ by/ Holme Lee/" are blocked in gold in gothic letters above the and below the centre. Signed "JL" in relief at the base of the stalk of the toadstool. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets; three bats and birds with their nest; two gold fillets; the words: "/ the/ Wonderful/ Adventures/ of/ Tuflongbo/ by/ Holme/ Lee./" are blocked in gold; two gold fillets; a tree with an owl and a snake coiled around its trunk; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters as the base of the tree; two fillets; the words: "/ London./ Smith Elder & Co/" are blocked in gold near the tail; two gold fillets are blocked at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 377


                                  Binding No:   259

                          Pressmark:   7032.c.35.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Moore, Thomas

                                   Title:   British ferns and their allies: an abridgement of The "Popular History of  British Ferns," and comprising the ferns, club-mosses, pepperworts, & horsetails. With illustrations by W.S. Coleman [i.e. William Stephen Coleman], printed in colours by Evans [i.e. Edmund Evans].

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne and Routledge, 2, Farringdon Street. New York: 56, Walker Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        110     Height:       180          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  iv, 187p. 12 plates. 110x180x20mm.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  16.8.99 & 20.11.2013

            References:     Ball App. 61j. Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, p. 172.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ [rule]/ 76,  Fleet Street,/ London./" [Ball No. 17A.] Purple bead-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in blind and in relief with an identical design forming an ornamental frame. There are four fillets blocked in blind on the borders - one thick and three thin - and squares on the corners. The inner corners and sides have a stem and leaf pattern blocked in relief. A single fillet blocked in blind forms a plain mandorla. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a plant in a pot; the title: "/ British/ ferns/ and their/ allies/" is blocked in relief in four gold lettering-pieces, each with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders; a fern plant-holder is blocked in gold; the word "/ Moore/" is blocked in relief, within a gold lettering-piece;  ferns are blocked in gold beneath this;  at the tail, the word "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold between two gold fillets. The spine of this copy is not signed. Ball, Appleton, 61j, has an identical copy which is signed.








2003 book entry number: 378



                                  Binding No:   749


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Owen, Emily

                                   Title:   The Heroines of Domestic Life.

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne & Routledge, Farringdon Street; New York: 56, Walker Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Cox and Wyman, printers, Great Queen Street, London.

                                Width:        110     Height:       175          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  xii, 403p., 8 plates.

    Place of Printing: London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  29.3.2000 & 20.11.2013.

            References:     Dry JL no.405.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The plates are engraved by Dalziel. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue wave vertical-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners with an ornamental frame. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Leaf and curling stems are blocked in blind on each corner. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. The title: "/ The/ Heroines/ of/ Domestic/ Life/" is blocked in gold. The capitals "H", "D", "L" are blocked in horizontal hatch gold rectangles, each with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders. A border of three curved and joined fillets is blocked around the title. On either side of words: "The Heroines", the quotations: "/ A/ good name/ is rather to be chosen/ than great riches/ &/ loving favour/ rather than silver/ and gold. Prov. 22 clv./" are blocked in relief within ribbon-shaped gold lettering-pieces. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters within a small gold diamond at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and relief. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two ribbons, tied in knots; the words: "/ Heroines/ of/ Domestic/ Life/ Mrs. Owen./" are blocked in relief within five rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each of which has a single fillet blocked in gold on its borders; knotted ribbons and threads are blocked between and below the title words; a young lady is blocked within a heart shape formed by double fillets; the lady holds a scroll, blocked in gold as a lettering-piece, with the words: "/ Faith/ love & duty/" blocked in relief within the scroll; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters underneath the lady; a fillet; the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold within a cartouche formed by a single gold fillet; a gold fillet is blocked at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 380


                                  Binding No:   684


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Reid, Mayne

                                   Title:   Bruin; or, the grand bear hunt.

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne & Routledge, Farringdon Street; New York: 56, Walker Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Cox and Wyman,  Printers, Great Queen Street, London.

                                Width:        110     Height:       175          Thickness:        37

                           PagNotes:  [1], 478p. 6 plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  14.10.2000 & 27.11.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 408.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed: "J.B. Zwecker" [i.e. John Baptist Zwecker] and "Dalziel". Text sewn on four sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners with an ornamental frame. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Curling stems are blocked in relief on the corners. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. It shows a coat of arms derived from the house of Baron Grodonoff. Two bears with metal collars and chains support a shield blocked as a gold lettering-piece, which has the words: "/ Bruin/ by/ Capt./ Mayne/ Reid/" blocked in relief inside. The crest has the Grodonoff motif of a bear being slain by a dagger. Above this, a coronet and the crossed initials "G" are blocked on either side. The feet of each bear rest upon a ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece, with the motto: "/ Bite/ the/ dust/" blocked in relief within. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a weather vane, with a bear atop it; the words: "/ Bruin,/ or the/ grand/ bear-hunt./ By/ Capt. Mayne Reid./" are blocked in gold; a group of three crossed rifles and three crossed knives; the word: "/ Alexis/" is blocked in gold to the left of this group; the word: "/ Pouchskin/" is blocked in gold beneath the rifles and knives; the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold-lettering-piece with a single gold fillet on its borders; a gold fillet is blocked at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 382


                                  Binding No:   761


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   S., A.

                                   Title:   Stray cuttings from wild flowers etc. By a Clergyman's granddaughter.

                   Publisher Name:   Simpkin Marshall & Co. Robert Taylor, Chepstow: W.N. Johns, Newport: F.G. Dowty, Bridgewater.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Printed by Edward Howell, Liverpool.

                                Width:        127     Height:       172          Thickness:        12

                           PagNotes:  xv, 214p.

                Place of Printing:   Liverpool


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  23.3.2000 & 20.11.2013.

References: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, p. 172.

Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown:"/ Bound by/ Bone & Son./ 76, Fleet St. London./" [Ball, no. 17C] Purple bead-grain cloth. Both cover blocked identically on the borders, the corners, and on the sides - in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper, forming a dense ornamental frame, of ‘arabesque’ shape. Two gold fillets are blocked on the borders. Inside this, a wide border is blocked in gold, with curling stems, flowers and leaves - all blocked in relief within it. A third inner border of repeating single flowers and stems is blocked in gold. Gold lettering-pieces are blocked on the inner corner, with leaf and stem decoration inside, blocked in relief. Inside these, a fourth border of flowers and leaves is blocked in gold between two fillets. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a bouquet of flowers at the base, with stems and small flowers forming a circle. The title: "/ Stray cuttings/ from/ wild flowers/" is blocked in gold on the centre. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: lily flowers in gold; the title: "/ Stray/ cuttings/ from/ wild flowers/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; more lily flowers, with their bases serving as strings for a lyre blocked below; lily leaves and roots are blocked near the base; signed "JL" in gold as a monogram near the tail; a "diamond" pattern is formed by gold fillets; two fillets in gold are blocked at the tail.







2003 book entry number: 383



                                  Binding No:   722

                          Pressmark:   11765.b.52.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Shakespeare, William

                                   Title:   The beauties of Shakspeare [sic]. With a general index. . A new edition.

                   Publisher Name:   William  Tegg

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Billing, printer and  stereotyper, Guildford, Surrey.

                                Width:        107     Height:       173          Thickness:        26

                           PagNotes:  viii, 11-308p., 2 plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  29.3.2000 & 20.11.2013.

            References:     Dry JL no. 387.


Notes:     The design is by John Leighton. Plate 1 is the Frontispiece. Plate 2 is the half title-page. Drawn by H. Corbould [i. e. Edward Henry Corbould], engraved by C. Heath [i.e. Charles Heath]. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and on the corners, forming an ornamental frame. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. On each corner, a group of three spade-shaped leaves is blocked in blind and in relief. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold and in relief.   A bust of Shakespeare is blocked on the centre. Just above it, the words: "Nat 1564 Obit. 1616" are blocked in gold. Above and below the bust, the words: "/ Dodd's/ Beauties/ of/ Shakspeare [sic]/" are blocked in relief, within four gold lettering-pieces, three of which are rectangles; all have a single gold fillet blocked on their borders. The word: "of" is blocked in relief within a circular gold lettering-piece. To the left and the right of the bust, fuchsia leaves, buds and a single flower with long stamens are blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. The words: "/ Dodd's/ Beauties/ of/ Shakspeare/ [sic] are blocked in relief within four rectangular gold lettering-pieces - all within single gold fillets blocked on their borders, and surrounded by small curling stem decoration blocked in gold. The lettering-pieces are mounted on a pole, blocked in gold.





2003 book entry number: 384


                                  Binding No:   760

                          Pressmark:   7205.b.34.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Wood, John George

                                   Title:   The boy's own book of natural history. Illustrated with Three Hundred and Thirty Engravings.

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne, & Routledge, Farringdon Street; and 56, Walker Street, New York.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   R. Clay,  Printer, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        110     Height:       175          Thickness:        38

                           PagNotes:  xii, 378p., 5 plates. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                       Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:   22.3.2000 & 20.11.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 415.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Some of the plates are signed: “Dalziel". The plate between pp.24-25 is signed "H. Weir" [i.e. Harrison William Weir]. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. A tracery of stems and leaves is blocked on each corner. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a gold lettering-piece, blocked as an open book. A snake curls around the head and left fore edge of the book, its tongue chasing a lizard. A rat, a butterfly, and bird are also blocked around the book. The uppermost pages of the book are curled upwards; the outline of animals are blocked in relief on the pages underneath. The title: "/ Boy's/ own book/ of/" are blocked in  relief within the open book; "/ Natural history/" are blocked in gold underneath the book. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter.  From the head downwards, the decoration is: a frame formed by two gold fillets forms a trefoil; within the frame, the words: "/ The/ boy's own/ book/ of/ natural/ history/ Wood./" are blocked in gold; bulrushes, birds, and an otter on a bank eating fish; "the words: "/300 illustrations/" are blocked in gold between two gold fillets at the tail. (Spine label likely to obscure JL signature neat the tail.)





2003 book entry number: 385

                                  Binding No:   849

                          Pressmark:   12805.bbb.20.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   Annie Elton; or, the cottage and the farm.

                   Publisher Name:   John Maclaren. London: Hamilton, Adams, & Co.

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   1862

                               Printer:   Turnbull and Spears, printers, Edinburgh.

                                Width:        110     Height:       175          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  [1], 328p. 2 plates. The title page and frontispiece are plates.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  2.8.2000 & 27.11.2013

References: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings.1985, p. 173 no. 20B.


 Notes:  The design is by John Leighton. The frontispiece is signed: "J. McWhirter" and "R. Paterson Sc." [i.e. probably Robert Paterson] Text sewn on two cords. Bolts uncut. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Burn. London./ Postage/ 4D./" [Ball. 20B] Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Red bead-grain cloth. Both covers are identically blocked in blind on the borders, on the corners and on the sides, forming an ornamental frame. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thin, the inner thick. Small single five-petalled flower heads and their stems are blocked in blind on the corners. The centre of each flower head is a small dot, blocked in relief. Groups of five flower-heads are blocked on the centre head, on the centre tail, with two groups blocked on each side. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It is "onion-shaped", formed by crossed fuchsia branches and leaves rising from the tail. There is a single fuchsia flower blocked at the head and one on each side. All have long stamens. The title: "/ Annie Elton/ or/ the cottage/ and/ the farm/" is blocked in gold on the centre. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold fillet; a decorated gold fillet; a decorative-piece in gold; the title: "/ Annie Elton/ or/ the cottage/ and/ the farm/” is blocked in gold; a horizontal hatch gold "arabesque" motif and fillets are blocked near the tail, with its centre consisting of horizontal hatch gold; at the tail, three gold fillets are blocked, with small repeating decoration in relief underneath the third fillet.






2003 book entry number: 386


                                  Binding No:   754

                          Pressmark:   12804.f.12.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Aylmer, J. E.

                                   Title:   Distant homes; or, the Graham Family in New Zealand. With illustrations by J. Jackson [i.e. John Jackson].

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, (successors to Newbery andHarris), Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1862

                               Printer:   Printed by J. Wertheimer and Co., Circus Place,  Finsbury

                                Width:        132     Height:       173          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  vii, 199p. 4 plates. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  17.3.2000 & 27.11.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 417.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton.  Some of the plates are signed “J. Jackson del.” [i.e. John Jackson] The plates are hand coloured. Gilt edges. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Purple bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners with an ornamental frame. Six fillets are blocked on the borders, the outermost being the thickest. There is a stem and leaf pattern on each corner, extending onto the sides and the centre head and the centre tail. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold and relief. It shows the portico of a [New Zealand] native house, with a pediment jutting out. At the apex of the pediment, a "fairy figure" is blocked, its arms crossed. The title: "/ Distant homes/" is blocked in relief on the pediment; the words: "/ or the/ Graham Family/" are blocked in gold in the pediment recess, which is blocked in hatch gold; the words: "/ in New Zealand/" are blocked in relief within the base of the pediment. The pediment is suspended on a wooden pole, blocked in gold. To the right of the pole, a maori figure is blocked in gold, his right hand holding a spear. To the left of the pole, a plant is blocked and steps lean against it. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters at the base of the pole. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the head of a maori; the title: "/ Distant/ homes/ or the/ Graham/ Family/ in/ New/ Zealand/" are blocked in gold; a gold fillet; two gold fillets are blocked at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 387


                                  Binding No:   753


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Bowman, Anne

                                   Title:   How to make the best of it: A Domestic Tale for Young Ladies.

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne & Routledge, Farringdon Street; New York: 56, Walker Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1862

                               Printer:   Cox and Wyman, printers, Great Queen Street, London.

                                Width:        110     Height:       175          Thickness:        46

                           PagNotes:  [2], 416p. 5 plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  21.3.2000 & 27.11.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 418.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The plates are engraved by Dalziel. Original beige endpaper bound at the front. Red bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on  the borders and on the corners, forming an ornamental frame. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Sea-shell motifs are blocked in  blind and in relief on the centre head, the centre tail, with two on each side. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a three-masted paddle steamer, with full sail on the foremast. The word: "/ Osten/" is blocked relief on the (right) paddle cover. Above the steamer, the title: "/ How to make/" is blocked in relief within a semi-circular gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet on its borders; the word: "the" is blocked in relief within a horizontal hatch gold lettering-piece with a gold fillet blocked on its borders. Below the steamer, the words: "/ Best of it/" are blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders; the words: "/ a/ domestic tale/ for/ young ladies./" are blocked in gold within a bowl-shaped panel formed by two gold fillets. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base the vignette. [The spine is missing.]







2003 book entry number: 388

                                  Binding No:   877

                          Pressmark:   12804.g.23.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Broderip, Frances Freeling

                                   Title:   Tiny Tadpole, and other tales. With Illustrations by her Brother, Thomas Hood.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, (successors to Newbery and Harris,) Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1862

                               Printer:   Printed by J. Wertheimer and Co., Circus Place,  Finsbury

                                Width:        128     Height:       175          Thickness:        23

                           PagNotes:  [8], 176p. 6 plates. With one page of publisher’s titles bound at the front, and thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  20.10.2000 & 27.11.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.420.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The plates are hand coloured. Printed in page three of the publisher's titles: "Super royal 16mo. price 3s. 6d. cloth; 4s 6d. coloured [plates], gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red bead-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners, forming an ornamental frame. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. A conch shell and seaweed fronds are blocked in blind an din relief on each corner. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. The title words: "/Tiny Tadpole/" are blocked in gold in a semi-circle. The words: "/ and / other tales/" are blocked in gold in fanciful letters within a pond life scene. This scene has butterflies, a bird, water lilies, a frog, a fish - all blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind, and in relief. Small cartouches are blocked in relief at the head and at the tail, between single fillets, blocked in blind. On the middle to upper portion of the spine, a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece is blocked around bulrushes. The title: "/ Tiny/ Tadpole/" is blocked in relief within the pennant. The spine is not signed.







2003 book entry number: 389


                                  Binding No:   751

                          Pressmark:   12804.g.7.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Davenport, Emma Anne Georgina

                                   Title:   Live toys; or anecdotes of four-legged and other pets. With illustrations by Harrison Weir.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, (successors to Newbery & Harris), Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1862

                               Printer:   Printed by Wertheimer and Co., Circus Place, Finsbury

                                Width:        128     Height:       175          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  [7], 140p. 4 plates. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  21.3.2000 & 27.11.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 421.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed variously, “H. Weir” [i.e. Harrison William Weir] and “J. Greenaway”. [John. Greenaway is possibly the father of Kate Greenaway.] The plates are hand-coloured. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Purple wave horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners, forming an ornamental frame. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Plants and large flowers are blocked in blind and in relief on the lower corners, with stems rising up each side, to sprout leaves on the upper corners. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows on the left, a donkey's head; on the right, a horse's head. Between, a dog is crouched on its hind legs on a three-legged stool. The dog is wearing a conical hat, with a feather, and has a pipe in its mouth. The dog also holds a cane in its arms. At the base of the stool legs, a cat, a cage, a ball of wool, and a small bird are blocked in gold. The thread from the wool unwinds to run up between and around all the three animals. The title: "/ Live/ toys/" is blocked in gold, in fanciful letters, between the stool legs. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: birds on branches; the title: "/ Live/ toys/" is blocked in gold; a squirrel is sitting on an oak branch, eating acorns.





2003 book entry number: 390


                                  Binding No:   756

                          Pressmark:   4409.g.22.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   E., A.L.O. [pseud., i.e. Tucker, Charlotte Maria]

                                   Title:   The Shepherd of Bethlehem, King of Israel.

                   Publisher Name:   T. Nelson & Sons, Paternoster Row; Edinburgh and New York.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1862


                                Width:        120     Height:       185          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  iv, 9-334p. 8 plates.  With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave vertical-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  17.3.2000 & 27.11.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.423.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed "J. Borders". Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green wave vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders, on the corners, and on the sides, forming an ornamental frame. Seven fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this, a border is blocked in blind, with a repeating pattern of flowers and small leaves blocked in relief. Single medallions are blocked on the centre head and the centre tail, with four-headed leaves inside each, blocked in relief. An inner border of a single fillet, blocked in blind, has repeating dots inside, blocked in relief. A thin fillet forms the inner rectangle. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a reproduction of the plate opposite page 88., entitled: "David & the Giant". Above and below the figure of David, the title: "/ The/ Shepherd/ of/ Bethlehem/ King of Israel/" is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a thin gold fillet; a fillet, containing repeating dots blocked in blind; horizontal hatch gold leaves and stems; a panel formed by fillets contains the title: "/ The/ Shepherd/ of/ Bethlehem/ King of/ Israel/" blocked in gold; "By/ A.L.O.E./" is blocked in gold underneath the title panel; Salome holding the head of St John; at the tail, within a panel which has a single gold fillet on its perimeter, hatched leaf and diamond decoration is blocked within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the feet of the figure of Salome.




2003 book entry number: 391



                                  Binding No:   750


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   E., A.L.O. [pseud., i.e.Tucker, Charlotte Maria].

                                   Title:   The light in the robbers' cave.

                   Publisher Name:   T. Nelson & Sons, Paternoster Row; Edinburgh and New York.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1862


                                Width:        115     Height:       170          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  223p. 2 plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  3.12.97 & 27.11.2013.

            References:     Dry JL no. 424.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The half title page has the title: "The/ robber's cave/ a story of Italy/". Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners, forming an ornamental frame. Three fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick between two thin. Groups of three horse chestnut leaves and seed buds are blocked in relief on each corner. The central frame is four sided arabesque. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a man, his back to us, playing a stringed instrument. He wears a hat and a cloak. His right foot is raised, on a rock, to support the instrument. Curling stems and leaves are blocked on each side and below him. The title words: "/The Robbers Cave/ " are blocked in gold in rustic letters above the man. Below him, the words: "/ A story of Italy/" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single fillet blocked on its border; the word: "/By/" is blocked in gold; the initials: "/ A.L.O.E./" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece with a single fillet blocked on its borders. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters within the rock below the man's right foot. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two hanging nets (loaded with plunder), which have small tassels at their base; the title words: "The/ Robbers/ Cave/ a/ Story/ of/ Italy/" are blocked in gold within a panel formed by a single gold fillet; a hat, a mask, two crossed pistols, and a bag of gold - all blocked within a panel formed by two gold fillets, which cross at the corners at its base to form straps; the words: "By/ A.L.O.E./" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single fillet.




2003 book entry number: 392


                                  Binding No:   741


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Grove, Eliza

                                   Title:   Narrative poems; and a Beam for Mental Darkness. For the benefit of the idiot and his institution. By E.G. Author of "Adventures of a Sunbeam," and other stories.

                   Publisher Name:   Dean & Son, 11, Ludgate Hill, E.C.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1862]

                               Printer:   Dean and Son,  Printers, 11 Ludgate Hill, London.

                                Width:        122     Height:       173          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  [1], 96p., 3 plates. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                       Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:   29.3.2000 & 3.12.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.425.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The frontispiece plate is signed: Staples"; the plate opposite page 13 is signed "Folkard". Bound in after the main text is a copy of: Second visit to Earlswood [Red Hill, Surrey], (The Asylum for Idiots,) May 17, adjourned to June 8, 1861. 30, [2] p., 1 plate. Printed by George Unwin, Gresham Steam Press, Bucklersbury, London, E.C. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked  identically in blind and in relief on the borders, on the corners and on the sides, the head and the tail, the decoration forming an ornamental frame. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Curling stems emerge from branches (which start at the centre sides). The stems end in leaves, buds, flowers, and in a single flower, with daisy-like petals blocked in relief on each corner. The branches form an oval central frame. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows crossed branches at the base, with stems rising to form a circle around the centre. There are thin leaves and flowers on the stems. On the centre: "/ Narrative poems [blocked in a semi-circle]/ and a/ Beam/ for/ Mental Darkness [blocked in a semi-circle]/" are blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. Groups of ivy-like leaves are blocked above and below the title words: "/ Narrative/ poems/". These are blocked in gold, with a branch-like fillet blocked in gold on each side of the letters.






2003 book entry number: 393


Binding No:                    659

                          Pressmark: [First Series].

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Hadley, Caroline

                                   Title:   Stories of old: or Bible Narratives suited to the capacity of young children. Illustrated by seven engravings. First Series. Old Testament.

                   Publisher Name:   Smith Elder & Co., 65, Cornhill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1862

                               Printer:   Printed by Smith, Elder and Co., Little Green Arbour Court, Old Bailey, E.C.

                                Width:        112     Height:       182          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  iv, 311p. 7 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  6.3.2000.



Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed: "Walter Crane del" and "Swain Sc." [i.e. Joseph Swain] Edges speckled with red ink. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. A circle and leaf pattern is blocked in blind and in relief on each corner, extending down each side, forming an ornamental frame. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a mandorla, formed by two gold fillets. It has a cross on its top, and three small leaves at its base. Inside it, a dove is blocked at the head, with two angels beneath holding an open Bible, which is blocked as a gold lettering-piece. In the open pages, the words: "/ Search/ the/ Script/ tures/" are blocked in relief. Between the angels, the title: "/ Stories/ of/ old/ Bible/ narratives/ for/ young/ children/" are blocked in gold, with the exception of the words: "Stories" and "old", which are blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces, with single gold fillets on their borders. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters, within two of the three leaves at the base of the mandorla. The spine is blocked in gold.  A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold fillet; an arabesque, with small leaf decoration inside; the words: "/ Stories/ of/ Old Testament/narratives/ for/ young/ children/ [rule]/ Hadley./" are blocked in gold. The words: "Stories" and "old"  are blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces, with single gold fillets on their borders; a medieval window and an arch; the arch contains firstly, a triangle within a circle, secondly,  two horizontal hatch gold panels - the one on the left showing a staff and a snake, the one on the right showing a cross; leaf decoration within an arabesque; near the tail, the words: "/Smith, Elder & Co./" are blocked in gold, within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; two gold fillets blocked at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 394


                                  Binding No:   660

                          Pressmark: [Second Series].

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Hadley, Caroline

                                   Title:   Stories of old: or Bible Narratives suited to the capacity of young children. Illustrated by seven engravings. Second Series. New Testament.

                   Publisher Name:   Smith Elder & Co., 65, Cornhill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1862

                               Printer:   Printed by Smith, Elder and Co., Little Green Arbour Court, Old Bailey, E.C.

                                Width:        112     Height:       182          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  iv, 255p. 7 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave vertical-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  6.3.2000 & 27.11.2013



Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed "W. Crane"[i.e. Walter Crane] and "Swain" [i.e. Joseph Swain], and are signed as for the First Series. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple wave vertical-grain cloth. The design blocked on the covers and the spine is identical to that on the First Series [shelf mark], for the Old Testament. On the spine, the word "New" is substituted for "Old".






2003 book entry number: 397


                                  Binding No:   718


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Lee, Holme, pseud. [i.e. Miss Harriet Parr.]

                                   Title:   Tuglongbo's journey in search of ogres; with some account of his early life, and how his shoes got worn out. With six illustrations by H. Sanderson.

                   Publisher Name:   Smith Elder, and Co., 65, Cornhill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1862

                               Printer:   Printed by Smith, Elder & Co., 15 Old Bailey, E.C.

                                Width:        112     Height:       185          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  vii,240p., 6 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    dot and line horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   mauve

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  17.3.2000 & 4.12.12013/

            References:     Dry JL no. 431.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The monogram of H. Sanderson, a joined “HS”, is on the plates. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Mauve dot and line horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Circles, a single fleur-de-lis, and two leaves are blocked on each corner, with a four-petal flower blocked within each circle. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows Tuflongbo, wearing a backpack, and a feathered hat, with a walking stick held in his right hand. He is climbing a hill, with a church outlined in the distance to his right. Small stars are blocked around him, and a bat in flight is blocked above him. The title: "/ Tuflongbo's/ journey/" are blocked on his left in gold; the words: "/ In search/ of ogres/" are blocked on his right; below, the words: "/ By/ Holme Lee/" are blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters on the right hand base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a medallion; the title: "/ Tuflongbo's/ journey/ in search/ of/ ogres/" are blocked in relief within five rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each with a single gold fillet blocked on the borders of each; Tuflongbo stands near the base, with a pole beside him; at the top or the pole hang his hat and his backpack (a gold lettering-piece), which has the words: "/ By/ Holme/ Lee/" blocked in relief within it; near the tail, the words: "/ London/ Smith Elder & Co/" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; a fillet is blocked at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 399


                                  Binding No:   689


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Owen, William

                                   Title:   Pictorial Sunday Readings: comprising A series of Scripture Subjects, treated with special reference to the tastes and requirements of families; and forming a comprehensive repertory of Biblical knowledge.

                   Publisher Name:   James Sangster and Co., Paternoster Row.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1862]

                               Printer:   John Sangster, 36, Paternoster Row, E.C.

                                Width:        153     Height:       210          Thickness:        75

                           PagNotes:  2 volumes bound in one.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   pink

                        Blockwork:   black printing

                 Date Examined:  17.3.2000 & 4.12.12013

            References:     Dry JL no.434.

                                 Muira MP p.55, no.6.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Vol. I. xii, 324p., 40 plates. Vol. II. [8], 304p., 40 plates. Some of the plates are signed: "H. Weir" [i.e. Harrison William Weir]. In BM C19 Binding of quarter morocco and blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Board edges are gauffered. Marbled edges, endpapers and pastedowns. Originally issued in parts with paper covers. Parts 1 to 10 form volume I. Parts 11 to 20 form volume II. The upper cover verso and lower cover recto have no printing. On the verso of each lower cover: "To be completed in about eighteen Monthly Parts, price One Shilling, each containing Four Coloured Engravings, with Thirty-two pages of bold, clear Letter-press on a very superior paper, from type entirely new." All the paper covers are pink-dyed. The covers are bound in sequence. The upper cover design is the same for all the parts. Two fillets are printed on the borders. Inside these, four quotations are printed, one for each side. On the head: "Train up a child in the way he should go,"; on the right hand side: "The law was given to Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ."; on the tail: "And when he is old, he will not depart from it."; on the left hand side: "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.". The title is printed inside the central rectangle, on the top left: "/ Pictorial/ Sunday/ Readings. By the/ Rev. William Owen,/ Author of 'Memoir of Havelock.' ". On the right hand side, and at the base, an oriental scene is printed, of desert plants and trees, with a town in the background. Camels and their escort approach the town gate. Signed "JL" as a monogram on the right hand corner at the base. In a rectangular panel at the base is a cartouche with the imprint: "London:/ James Sangster & Co./ 36 Paternoster Row./"; at the tail printed on the left: "Part 1(-20)]"; on the right: "[Price 1s."        On the upper cover of part 20 a label is pasted on, with the description: "/ Pictorial Sunday Readings/ two vols., cloth extra gilt./ [rule]/ The Publishers have much pleasure, now that the above work/ is completed, to undertake the binding in a manner suitable to its beauty and costliness. For this purpose, a set of emblematic designs/ in colour and gold have been designed by John Leighton, Esq./ F.S.A. The Travellers will submit specimens of the binding in/ cloth or morocco. Cloth cases can be had of any bookseller at 4s. the set./ [rule]/ London: J. Sangster & Co., 36, Paternoster Row./"








2003 book entry number: 400


                                  Binding No:   356

                          Pressmark:   1505/179

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Periodical Publications. - London. - Art Union Monthly Journal

                                   Title:   The Art Journal Illustrated Catalogue of the International Exhibition 1862.

                   Publisher Name:   James S. Virtue

             Place of Publication:   London; New York

              Date of Publication:   [1862]

                               Printer:   Printed by James S. Virtue, City Road.

                                Width:        250     Height:       340          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  xii, 324p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  3.7.96 & 4.12.2013



Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. There are four fillets blocked on the borders, the innermost of which curves art each corner. Roses are blocked in relief within medallions on the corners. Leaves blocked in blind surround these medallions, on the sides. All of the border can corner blocking forms and ornamental frame. The central block on the upper cover is blocked in gold and in relief. Outside the central oval, there are four small medallions blocked in horizontal hatch gold on the head, on the tail and on the sides. Each has a repeating pattern of small flower buds around it, and also a circular gold fillet, with repeating dots blocked in relief within it. The medallion at the head shows the word :"Europe", blocked in relief,  with the head of a horse, also picked out in relief. At the sides, "Asia" and Africa", blocked in relief, are represented by an elephant and a camel. At the base "America" is represented by a reindeer, both blocked in relief. Each of the medallions is surrounded by small decoration, blocked in gold.  On the border of the central oval is a fillet, blocked in gold, with repeating dots blocked in relief inside it. This fillet joins each of the medallions to the central oval. Between the medallions, patterns of clover leaves, thistles, rose flowers and leaves are blocked in gold. There is a thick hatch gold fillet on the inner border of the central oval. Inside this, thin double fillets are blocked in gold. At the centre of the oval, the monogram of Victoria and Albert is surmounted by a crown. Underneath it, the words: "/ International/ Exhibition/" are blocked in gold. The capital letters "I" and "E" are hatched. Underneath the monogram, the date "1862" is blocked in relief inside a gold horizontal hatch lettering-piece. Around the gold lettering-piece, a ribbon is blocked. Signed  "JL" at the base in gold as separate letters. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. It is divided into six panels by horizontal fillets, blocked in blind. On the panel at the head, an ornament is blocked in blind and in relief, in the shape of a lozenge. The title: “/ Illustrated/ Catalogue/”  is blocked in gold on the second panel. A lozenge is blocked in blind and in relief, in the third panel. In the fourth panel: "/ 1862/" is blocked in gold. A lozenge shape is blocked in the fifth panel in blind and in relief.. At the base, the words: "/ Price 21/-/" are blocked in gold.






2003 book entry number: 401


                                  Binding No:   737

                          Pressmark:   11611.aa.34.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Scott, Sir Walter

                                   Title:   The poetical works. With a memoir of the Author.

                   Publisher Name:   T. Nelson and Sons, Paternoster Row; Edinburgh and New York.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1862


                                Width:        104     Height:       170          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  xix, 612p. 5 plates

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave vertical-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  13.4.2000 & 4.12.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 435.


 Notes:  The design is by John Leighton. Plate 1, frontispiece, is engraved by M. J. Danforth. Plate 2 (opposite page 10) is engraved by C. Mitchell. Plate 3 (opposite page 288) is drawn by G. Cattermole [i.e George Cattermole] and engraved by R. Bre[? rest of word indecipherable].  Plate 4 (opposite page 482) is drawn by G. Cattermole and engraved by C. Heath [i.e Charles Heath]. Plate 5 (opposite page 562) is drawn by G.  Cattermole and engraved by C. Heath. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple wave vertical-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. There are patterns of small decoration blocked on the borders, separated by a thin fillet. Arabesques are blocked on the corners, with thin plant decoration, blocked in relief inside each, all forming an ornamental frame. The centre-piece is an oval, with a Britannia-like figure blocked within. At the base of the centre-piece, a medallion is blocked, which has within it a cross of St Andrew. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in blind and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in gold on the borders. Inside this, there is a repeating patterned border of "thin leaves"; within the border, there are small recessed triangular panels, with three dots, blocked in relief, in each panel. Inside this, there are two more fillets blocked in gold, the outer of which has repeating dots blocked in relief within it. A tracery of curling stems is blocked in gold on each inner corner, forming an inner ornamental frame. On the centre, a raised circle is blocked. Above it, the figure of a girl is blocked in gold, from the waist upwards. Her outstretched arms hold a sun, its rays, and a quarter moon. Below the girl, the words: "/ Reparabit/ cornua Phoebe/" are blocked in relief. Below the circle, a hand is blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece. The central circle is formed by thistles and crossed leaves, blocked in gold, all on a raised surface. On the very centre, a harp, and a tartan cloak draped across it, are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two fillets in gold; two small shields, blocked as gold lettering-pieces; the shield on the left, azure, a man is bearing a cross; the shield on the right, argent, a lion rampant, gules - both figures blocked in relief; the centre of the spine has a vertical hatch gold mandorla; the words: "/ the/ Poetical/ Works of/ Sir/ Walter/ Scott/ bart/" are blocked in relief within the mandorla; "WS" is blocked in gold as a monogram; a shield-shaped gold lettering-piece;  the coat of arms of Sir Walter Scott (?), quarterly, 1st and 4th, argent, two stars and crescent, azure, 2nd and 3rd, argent, bend, gules with three diamonds; the motto: ""Watch Weel" blocked in relief within a ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece; small stem decoration is blocked in gold; signed "JL" in gold a separate letters near the base; a single gold fillet in gold; a cartouche formed by a single fillet; two fillets are blocked in gold at the tail.


2003 book entry number 404 

Binding no. 858

Leighton, John

P. P. 357.b.

The Churchman's Family Magazine. Containing contributions by the clergy and distinguished literary men. [The title page for Volume I continues:] With upwards of seventy illustrations, by C.W. Cope, R.A.; J.E. Millais, A.R.A.; J.D. Watson; J.C. Horsley, A.R.A.; George Thomas; H.C.Selons; L.Huard; H.H. Armstead; F.R. Pickersgill, R.A.; T. Sulman; P.W. Justyne; H.S. Marks, and others.

London: James Hogg and Sons, [1863-1873].



The BL copy has fourteen bound volumes. Bound by the BM in the C19 [1/4 leather, marbled endpapers and pastedowns, edges of boards gauffered]. The paper covers have been bound in sequence for most volumes. Each part has several plates.

The volumes are:

Volume I.    636p.  137x232x51mm. Parts 1-6; Jan-June 1863. Orange paper covers. Printer: Harrild Printer London"

Volume II.   568p.  137x230x50mm. Parts 7-12; July-Dec 1863. Orange paper covers. Printer: as Vol. I.

Volume III.  576p.  137x230x50mm. Parts 13-18; Jan-June 1864. Orange paper covers. Parts 17 & 18 have the picture removed, and a list of contents inserted. (Leighton's signature is still at the bottom of the cover.) Printer: as Vol. I.

Volume IV.  570p.  138x230x48mm. Parts 19-24; July-Dec 1864. Orange paper covers. Upper cover format as for parts 17-18. Printer: as Vol. I.

Volume V.   572p.  140x230x42mm. Parts 25-30; Jan-June 1865. Orange paper covers. Upper cover format as for parts 17 &18. Printer: as Vol. I.

Volume VI.  572p.  140x230x44mm. Parts 31-36; July-Dec 1865. Ditto. Printer: as Vol. I.

Volume VII. 572, [30]p. 140x230x45mm. Parts 37-42; Jan-June 1866. Ditto.

Volume VIII. 571p.  139x230x40mm. Parts 43-48; July-Dec 1866. Ditto.

Volume XVI. 572p. 138x230x34mm. Vol II, parts 1-6 (91-96); July-Dec 1870. Brown paper covers. Design reverts to the format of Parts 1-16. Published by W. Mackintosh. Printer: London: C.W. Bradley, Printer, 3, Russell-Court, Brydes-Street, Strand, W.C. 

Volume XVII. 576p. 137x230x37mm. Parts 97-102; Jan-June 1871. Ditto.

Volume XVIII. 476p. 136x228x29mm. Parts 103-108; July-Dec 1871. Ditto.

Volume XVIII[i.e.XIX]. 576p. 136x228x32mm. Parts 109-114; Jan-June 1872. No paper covers bound in. Publisher: Office - 14, York Street, Covent Garden.   Printer: London: C.W. Bradley, Printer, 3, Russell-Court, Brydes-Street, Strand, W.C. 

Volume V[i.e.XX]. 576p. 137x230x35mm. Parts 115-120; July-Dec 1872. No paper covers bound in. Publisher: Office:- 24, Paternoster Row, London E.C.

Volume XX[i.e.XXI]. 336p. 136x228x25mm. Parts 121-124; Jan-April 1873. Blue paper covers for parts 121 and 124 bound in; the same design printed as for parts 1-16, without Leighton's signature. Publisher: W. Macintosh, 24, Paternoster Row.


Originally issued in monthly parts with paper covers. The majority of these are bound in sequence. The upper cover for each part has a design by Leighton. Printed at top left: "No. 1[-124]"; at the top right: "Price 1s.". Four fillets on borders, with a repeating dots border between the middle two fillets. The design shows an arch, with ivy branches growing up its pillars, with leaves and flowers printed at the top left and right. Printed within the arch: "/ The/ Churchman's/ Family Magazine/". Beneath these words is a rural scene, with the following decoration: a church, foreground, to the left; a vicarage to the right, and horses grazing in a field in front of the vicarage; hills in the background; pond, bottom left; a boundary wall at the bottom. Printed on the wall: "Illustrated/ January [February, etc] 1863/". Underneath this: "/ London: James Hogg & Sons./" [for parts 1-48] is printed within a cartouche. Signed "J. Leighton F.S.A." at the centre tail.


This design, with only the substitution of the list of contents for parts 17- 48 instead of the illustration, appears to have been used throughout the series. The verso of the upper cover and both recto and verso of the lower covers have advertisements.

King, WHR p.324.





2003 book entry number: 405


                                  Binding No:   632


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   Golden words. The rich and precious jewel of God's Holy Word. Prayer. The Lord's Supper. Christ Mystical. The Sabbath. Public Worship. The Art of Hearing. Walking with God. Faith. Repentence. And passages on miscellaneous subjects. Being selections

from the writings of Dean Addison, Bishop Babington. Dr. Barrow, Dr. Bates. Thomas Bacon, John Bradford, Bishop Coverdale, Ralph Cudworth, Edward Dering, Dr. Donne, Anthony Farindon, Sir Matthew Hale, Bishop Hall, Richard Hooker, Bishop Hooper, Bishop Hopkins, Roger Hutchinson, Bishop Jewell, Archbishop Leighton, Dr. Lightfoot, Bishop Patrick, Bishop Pearson, Archbishop

 Sandys, Henry Smith, John Smith, Dr. South, Bishop Jeremy Taylor, William Tyndale, Henry Vaughan, John Wycliff, Bishop Wilkins, and George Wither.

                   Publisher Name:   John Henry and James Parker. Birmingham: Henry Wright, New Street.

             Place of Publication:   Oxford and London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   Printed by Josiah Allen, jun., 9 & 10 Livery Street

                                Width:        128     Height:       197          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  xlix, 356p.

                Place of Printing:   [Birmingham]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                       Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:   25.2.2000 & 4.12.2013


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The text is sewn on three sawn-in cords. Bolts uncut. Bevelled boards. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Brown pebble-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind. The upper cover has additional decoration in gold. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. On each corner, a fleur-de-lis is blocked in blind. The inner rectangle has a circle blocked in blind on each corner, each circle with five stars blocked in gold within if. On the inner border, there is a pediment, formed by fillets, blocked on the centre sides, on the centre head and centre tail. The inner rectangle has two fillets blocked in blind on its borders, one of which has repeating stars within it blocked in relief. Another two fillets are blocked on blind on the inner borders, together with two rectangles at head and tail of the inner rectangle, formed by a single fillet blocked in blind. On the upper cover, there are additional decorative features blocked in gold: 1. fleurs-de-lis on the outer corners of the inner rectangle; 2. small decoration in gold within the "pediments"; 3. a monument to Bishop Hooper is blocked in gold on the centre; 4. within the base of the monument, the words: "/ Bishop Hooper/ Protestant Martyr MDLV/" are blocked in relief; 5. above and below the monument, the title words: "/Golden/ Words./" are blocked in gold within rectangles, each formed by a single fillet blocked in blind. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters below the monument. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. From the head downwards, the decoration is: fleurs-de-lis blocked in blind; stars blocked in relief within a circle bordered by a fillet blocked in blind; a pediment and triangular small decoration beneath it, blocked in gold; [these three pieces of decoration are repeated, blocked near the base of the spine]; the title: "/ Golden/ Words/" is blocked in gold within three overlapping triangles, which have stars blocked within; a small leaf; the words: "/ J.H. & J. Parker/" are blocked in gold at the tail, within a rectangle formed by two fillets blocked in blind.




2003 book entry number: 406



                                  Binding No:   343

                          Pressmark:   12273.c.8.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   A Welcome: original contributions in poetry and prose.

                   Publisher Name:   Emily Faithfull, Printer and Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty, Princes Street, Hanover Square, and 83A Farringdon Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   Emily Faithfull, Printer in Ordinary to Her Majesty, Victoria Press, 83A Farringdon Street, E.C.

                                Width:        140     Height:       205          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  vi, 291p.

                Place of Printing:   [London]


                       Bookbinder:   Westley's & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  14.9.99 & 4.12.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.462


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The monogram of the Victoria Press is printed on the title page. In the publisher's titles at the end of BL11649.g.23. this work is stated to be: "On Rose-tinted Paper, in Green Cloth, 10s 6d. On Rose-tinted Paper, in White Calf, £1 1s."Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Pink endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: " /Bound by/ Westley's & Co./ London./" Green pebble-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold and in blind. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this, a wide horizontal and vertical hatch fillet is blocked in gold. Inside this, a single thin fillet is blocked in gold. At the centre is blocked a single crown, in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. Four fillets are blocked in blind at the head and at the tail. Beneath the head, the Prince of Wales' feathers are blocked in gold. The motto: "/ Ich dien/" is blocked in relief within a scroll-shaped gold lettering piece. Beneath this, the title words: "/ A Welcome/ [rule]/ March/ 1863./" are blocked in gold inside a panel formed by a single gold fillet. Underneath the title, a shield is blocked in gold: argent, three lions, azure; hearts, gules. Beneath the shield, the motto: "/ Folkets Kiaelighed. min stryke./" are blocked in relief within a semi-circular scroll-shaped gold lettering piece. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters beneath the motto. The word: "/ Faithfull/" is blocked in gold near the tail.







2003 book entry number: 407


                                  Binding No:   739

                          Pressmark:   7284.a.9.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Adams, Henry Gardiner

                                   Title:   Our feathered families: a popular and poetical description of the birds of song and their congeners which are found in Britain. With practical hints for the breeding, rearing, and general management of song birds in confinement. With upwards of Fifty Illustrations by          Wm. Harvey[ i.e. William Harvey] , Luke Clennel, and W.S. Coleman [i.e. William Stephen Coleman]

                   Publisher Name:   James Hogg and Sons

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1863]

                               Printer:   Printed by Spottiswoode and Co. New-Street Square.

                                Width:        115     Height:       175          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  301p. 1 plate. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    honeycomb-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  29.3.2000 & 4.12.12013

            References:     Dry JL nos. 436 & 437.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. All three volumes were printed by Spottiswoode. This work, Birds of Song, is no 6 in Hogg's series: "Books with a meaning: a new series of Illustrated books for young readers". Two other books in the same series are at this shelf mark. These are volumes 7 and 10  in the series, and they have the  same blocking for the series on the lower half of their spines as for no. 6. The plate is signed: "Keyl" [i.e. Friedrich Wilhelm Keyl] and "E. Evans" [i.e. Edmund Evans].


Volume no. 6, Birds of Song, had text originally sewn on two sawn-in cords, now rebound. [Volume no. 6 seen in A.D. 2000.] Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./" Green honeycomb-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically on the borders and on the corners, in blind on the lower, and in gold on the upper. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the inner shaped as joined branches. A single bird feather is blocked on each corner. The upper cover is blocked in gold. The central vignette shows a bird perched on a thistle plant, picking seeds out of the thistle heads. The words: "/ Our Feathered Families (blocked in a semi-circle)/ the/ Birds/ of Song/" are blocked in gold in rustic lettering above the centre. Some of the letters end in tendrils. The words: "/By H.G. Adams./" are blocked below the centre in gold in rustic lettering. Signed “JL” as separate letters on either side of the base of the thistle branch. The upper half of the spine is missing. [in A.D. 2000] The lower half of the spine has a design identical for these three books. The decoration downwards is: the words: "/ Illustrated/ books/" are blocked in relief within a ribbon-shaped gold lettering-pieces; the words: "/ For young readers/" are blocked in relief within a circular gold lettering-piece; a circular fillet, shaped as a rope has the words: "/ Books/ with a/ meaning/" blocked in gold within the circle; the price "3/6" is blocked in relief with a medallion gold lettering-piece, which has two fillets on its border; small decoration is blocked on either side of this medallion; two fillets are blocked at the base in gold. [The lower half of the spine is missing in A. D. 2013.]


No. 7 in this series is Birds of prey; this copy has green honeycomb-grain cloth. [This is the copy illustrated separately in this database, and also the binder’s ticket.] Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./". Both covers blocked identically on the borders and on the corners, in blind on the lower, and in gold on the upper. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. A writhing snake, clasped firmly in the claw of a bird of prey is blocked in gold on each corner, in gold on the upper cover. Inside this, a single gold fillet is blocked on the inner border, forming a semi-circle on each corner. The central vignette of the upper cover shows an owl, with a mammal (a vole? a rat?) held in its beak. The words: "/ Our Feathered Families. (blocked in a semi-circle)/ the/ Birds/ of/ prey/" are blocked in gold in rustic lettering above and to the left of the centre. Some of the letters end in tendrils. The words: "/By/ H.G. Adams./" are blocked below the centre in gold in rustic lettering.


 No. 10 in this series is Game and water birds, which has the printed list for this series bound in at the end; this copy has red honeycomb-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically on the borders and on the corners, in blind on the lower, and in gold on the upper. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer being thin, the inner being thicker, and “branch-like”. A group of bulrushes and three leaves is blocked in gold on each corner, in gold on the upper cover. The central vignette of the upper cover shows the head of a water bird, with the ampersand of the title “&”, held in its beak. A bulrush and its leaf are blocked on each side of the bird. The words: "/ Our Feathered Families. (blocked in a semi-circle)/ Game/ &/ water birds/" are blocked in gold in rustic lettering above and below the head of the water bird. Some of the letters end in tendrils. The words: "/By/ H.G. Adams./" are blocked below the centre in gold. The spine is missing on this copy.





2003 book entry number: 408


                                  Binding No:   224

                          Pressmark:   10349.d.14.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Aleph [pseud., i.e. William Harvey, of Islington.]

                                   Title:   London scenes and London people: anecdotes, reminiscences, and sketches of places, personages, events customs and curiosities of London city, past and present.

                   Publisher Name:   W.H. Collingridge, City Press, Aldersgate Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   W.H. Collingridge, City Press, Aldersgate Street, E.C.

                                Width:        135     Height:       203          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  xi, 365p., 17 plates  With an eighteen page list of subscribers bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   dark red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  10.8.99 & 4.12.2013.

            References:     Dry JL no.438.


Notes:  The design is by John Leighton. With carte-de-visite photographs of George and Eliza Cruikshank inserted at the front. Written on the verso of the front endpaper: "/ This book/ is presented to/ "The British Museum"/ in memory of/ George Cruikshank, Artist, by his Widow/ Eliza Cruikshank/ December 23rd 1887/ her 80th Birthday/" On the verso of the photograph of Mrs. Cruikshank is printed: “/ Photographed from life by/ Mayall, 224 Regent Street,/ London./ 90, King’s Road,/ Brighton./” Printed on the front of the photograph of George Cruikshank: “/ W. Walker & Sons 64 Margaret St. Cavendish Square/ Registered 25 & 26 Vic C. 6[?]8. On the verso of the same photograph is printed: “/ [Coat of arms of W. Walker?]/ Messrs W. Walker & Sons/ Artists & Photographers/ 64, Margaret Street/ Cavendish Square/ W/” Written on the verso of the frontispiece, at the head (possibly in the hand of George or of Eliza Cruikshank): “/London Scenes/ and/ London People./”. Near the tail of the frontispiece verso, a pasted on slip is inscribed: “/ Yours truly/ Geo. Cruikshank/ Lieut. Col[one]l 48th/ Middlesex Rifle/ Vol[un]teers/”.  [See also BL copy C.109.b.4., a WH Rogers design on Goldsmith, The Vicar of Wakefield. Presentation copy  presented by Mrs E. Cruikshank.] In the publisher's advertisements bound at the end of BL, The Old City..., this work is advertised as: "Antique cloth, price 7s. 6d., illustrated by numerous superior Wood Engravings,..." Bevelled boards. Red dyed edges.  Dark red endpapers and pastedowns. Dark red pebble-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind with a single blind fillet blocked on the borders, and patterns blocked on the borders and on the sides, into which are set octagons blocked in relief. The upper cover has a central vignette, blocked in gold, set in a square central panel, featuring a watchman holding a wooden staff and a lamp, and a soldier, in Elizabethan breastplate armour, hosiery, thigh length boots, with his hands on the butt of his sword, which has its point in the ground. These two figures support the shield of the Corporation of London, with motto "Domine dirige nos", blocked underneath in relief inside a gold lettering-piece shaped as a pennant. The title; "/ London Scenes/ and/ London People/" are blocked in gold above and below the centre-piece. The spine is fully blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the title: "/ London/ Scenes/ and/ London/ People/" is blocked within a hanging sign, which is formed by two gold fillets, one of which has repeating dots blocked in relief within it; a flag of the City of London hanging from a pole; beneath the flag, the pole is criss-crossed by a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece, in which the words: "/ London/ City/ past / &/ present/" are blocked in relief; signed "JL" in relief, as separate letters at the base of the pole; the word "Collingridge" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; a gold fillet is blocked at the tail. [The "JL" is very faded in the BL copy.]






2003 book entry number: 409


                                  Binding No:   742


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Ballantyne, Robert Michael

                                   Title:   The wild man of the West. A Tale of the Rocky Mountains. With illustrations by Zwecker.

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne & Routledge, Farringdon Street; New York: 56, Walker Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   Cox and Wyman, printers, Great Queen Street, London.

                                Width:        110     Height:       174          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  viii, 408p. 8 plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    honeycomb-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  3.4.2000 & 11.12.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 439.


 Notes:  The design is by John Leighton.  The plates are signed: "J B Zwecker" [i.e. Johann Baptist Zwecker] and Dalziel". Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Rust-red

honeycomb-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners, forming an ornamental frame. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. On the inner corners, triangles, formed by two fillets blocked in blind, have leaf decoration blocked within in relief. There is an inner border pattern of stems and leaves. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a man holding a whip in his right, upraised, hand. He is astride a bison. The title: "/ The/ wild man/ of the/ West./" is blocked in gold in rustic lettering on either side of the man, and below the bison. A fillet is blocked in gold, and the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold below it. Signed "JL" in relief within a small leaf-shaped gold lettering-piece at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: an arched panel, blocked in gold, is formed by a single fillet; a wolf's head is blocked inside this, together with the words: "/ The/ wild man/ of the/ West/ [rule]/ Ballantyne/" - all in gold; a group of objects: two crossed muskets, a game bird, a crocodile; plants are blocked near the base; the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single branch-like fillet at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 410

                                  Binding No:   352


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Bennett, Charles Henry

                                   Title:   London people: sketched from life.

                   Publisher Name:   Smith, Elder, and Co., 65, Cornhill.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   Printed by Smith, Elder and Co., Little Green Arbour Court, Old Bailey, E.C.

                                Width:        165     Height:       215          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  143p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  16.9.99 & 11.12.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.440.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. Two fillets are blocked on each cover, on the lower cover in blind, and on the upper cover in gold. The upper cover has a central vignette, blocked in gold. It features a fox, holding a mask in its left hand, and a stick in its right hand. The fox is wearing slippers. Pairs of masks are blocked on either side of the fox. Above and below the fox are the title and author words: "/ London people/ by/ Charles Bennett./" blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters, within a small leaf blocked in gold at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in gold at the head and at the tail. A lamp post is blocked in gold up the spine. At the head, the lamp, with a crown on top, is blocked in gold. From the ladder bar of the lamp, a gold lettering-piece, shaped as a pennant, is hung, with the words: "/ London/ people./" blocked in relief inside. Near the base of the lamp post, the words: "/ Sketched/ from/ life/" are blocked in relief within a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece, which is wrapped around the post. The imprint: "/ London:/ Smith/ Elder & Co./" is blocked in gold at the base, within a rectangle formed by two fillets.








2003 book entry number: 411


                                  Binding No:   807


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Bethell, Augusta, afterwards, Parker, Hon. Augusta

                                   Title:   Maud Latimer: A Tale for Young People. With four illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   Smith, Elder and Co., 65, Cornhill.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   Printed by Smith, Elder and Co., 15 1\2, Old Bailey, E.C.

                                Width:        117     Height:       185          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  [4], 202p. 4 plates. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    dot and ribbon diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  16.6.2000 & 11.12.2013

References: Krupp. BC, p. 33.


Notes:     The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed: "Swain Sc."[i.e. Joseph Swain]. The plate opposite page 72 has the initials “CG”. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green dot and ribbon diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. On each corner, curling leaves and stems are blocked forming circles, with small leaves blocked in relief inside, forming an ornamental frame. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. Two small butterflies are blocked at the top in gold. The title: "/ Maud Latimer/" is blocked in gold in a semi-circle, with tendrils attached to the capitals "M" and "R". Two girls, mounted on ponies, are shaking hands. The title: "/ A tale/ for/ young people/" are blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold underneath the girls and the ponies. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. The upper half of the spine is shaped in the design of a bookcase. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a diamond-pattern glass front to the book case; a split pediment with a vase in the gap; the title words: "/ Maud/ Latimer/ are blocked in gold within a "panel" formed by the base of the pediment and of a bookshelf; a gold lettering-piece shows books upright on the shelf, with all the spine decoration for the books blocked in relief; the words: "A tale" are blocked in relief within the cover, blocked as a gold lettering-piece, of a book laid on top of the shelf of books; the words: "/ For the/ young/" are blocked in relief on the spines of the books on the shelf; a hand holds a book-shaped gold lettering-piece between more upright books on a shelf below; the words: "/ By/ the Hon/ Augusta/ Bethell/" in relief within the front cover of the book held upright; an urn with two handles stands upon a pile of books; the words: "/ London/ Smith Elder/ & Co./" are blocked in gold at the base. (Sylistically, this is a JL spine design - the label probably obscures the signature.)






2003 book entry number: 412


                                  Binding No:   738

                          Pressmark:   9504.b.7.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Beverley, May

                                   Title:   Romantic passages in English history. With Illustrations by Robert Barnes.

                   Publisher Name:   James Hogg and Sons

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1863]

                               Printer:   Harrild, printer, London.

                                Width:        115     Height:       175          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  316p. 6 plates. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    honeycomb-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  29.3.2000 & 11.12.2013

            References:     Dry JL no. 441.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton.  This book is part of a series: Hogg's "Illustrated books for young readers". no. 8. The plates are signed “R. B. del” [i.e. Robert Barnes] and “R. S. Marriott Sc.” [i.e. Richard Samuel Marriott] Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound/ by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./" Green honeycomb-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically on the borders and on the corners, in blind on the lower and in gold on the upper, forming an ornamental frame. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the inner of which is branch-shaped, crossing on the corners. Two oak leaves and three clusters of acorns are blocked on each corner. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a royal coat of arms; the lion and unicorn support the central medallion gold lettering-piece, with the words: "/ Romantic/ passages/ in/ English/ history/" blocked inside in relief. The words: "By May Beverley" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single fillet blocked in gold on its borders. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two fillets blocked in gold; the words: "Romantic/ passages/ in/ English/ History/ By/ May/ Beverley/" are blocked in relief within seven rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each with a single gold fillet on its borders; rose and thistle plants are blocked between these seven lettering-pieces, with two clover leaves at their base; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters between the clover leaves; [the lower half of the spine has a design for the series] the words: "/ Illustrated/ books/" are blocked in relief within a ribbon-shaped gold lettering-pieces; the words: "/ For young readers" are blocked in relief within a circular gold lettering-piece; a circular fillet, shaped as a rope, has the words: " /Books/ with a/ meaning/" blocked in gold within the circle; the price "3/6" is blocked in relief with a medallion gold lettering-piece, which has two fillets on its border; small decoration is blocked in gold on either side of this medallion; two fillets are blocked at the base in gold.








2003 book entry number: 413


                                  Binding No:   772


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Broderip, Frances Freeling

                                   Title:   My Grandmother's budget of stories and songs. With illustrations by her brother, Thomas Hood.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, successors to Newbery and Harris, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   Printed by Wertheimer and Co., Circus Place,  Finsbury Circus

                                Width:        127     Height:       176          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  [3],, 200p. 6 plates. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  7.7.2000 & 11.12.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.443.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The plates are hand-coloured and signed with Hood's monogram "TH"; also signed "C.A Ferrier Sc." On page three of the publisher's titles at the end, the details for this work are: "Price 3s. 6d. cloth; 4s. 6d. coloured, gilt edges." Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown:"/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./" [ Ball no. 17A] Purple morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners, forming an ornamental frame. . Two fillets are blocked on the borders. A curling leaf and stem pattern is blocked on the corners, with the stems and leaves blocked in relief. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a dining room armchair, with curved arms and legs, a high back, and two birds on top of the back. A walking stick, blocked in gold, is propped against the chair. On the seat of the chair, a book with two clasps and spectacles are blocked in gold. A bag of money hangs from a cord looped over the left arm of the chair. A larger book, with five spine panels, is propped against the right hand leg of the chair. A footstool is blocked underneath the middle of the chair. A ball of wool, with two knitting needles in it, is blocked by the left hand side of the chair. A length of the wool is curled around the chair leg and the footstool. All of this decoration is picked out in relief. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The title: "/ Grandmother's/ Budget/" is blocked in gold to the left of the chair; to the right of the chair, the words: "/ of  Stories/ & Songs/" are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Three fillets are blocked at the head and at the tail, the middle fillet having straps blocked in relief as "figures of eight". The title: "/ My/ Grand-/ Mother's/ Budget/ or/ Stories/ &/ Songs./" are blocked in gold. Underneath this, a group of small leaves and flowers is blocked in gold.        







2003 book entry number: 414

                                  Binding No:   771

                          Pressmark:   12808.bbb.15.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Burrow, John Holme

                                   Title:   Adventures of Alfan; or, the magic amulet. With Eight Illustrations by J.D. Watson. [i.e John Dawson Watson]

                   Publisher Name:   Smith, Elder & Co., 65 Cornhill.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   Printed by Ballantyne and Company, Paul's Work.

                                Width:        128     Height:       198          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  viii, 393p. 8 plates.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  10.10.2000 & 11.12.2013.

            References:     Dry JL no.445.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed "JDW" [i.e. John Dawson Watson] and "Dalziel". Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Some of the bolts are uncut. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Red pebble-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners, forming an ornamental frame. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. Sprigs of ivy stems, leaves and berries are blocked on each corner. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. It shows Alfan in oriental dress, with a turban and a feather in it. He is mounted on his horse, which is richly caparisoned. At the head of the vignette, a quarter moon is blocked, and the title words: "/ The/ adventures/ of Alfan/" are blocked in relief within four gold lettering-pieces - three are rectangular, with the word: "of" blocked within a diamond-shaped gold lettering-piece. Below Alfan and the horse, the words: "/ or/ the magic/ amulet./" are blocked in relief within a bowl-shaped vertical hatch gold lettering-piece. Signed “JL” in gold as separate letters underneath these words, at the tail of the vignette. On either side of Alfan, a pattern of thin curling stems and small vertical hatch gold leaves is blocked, which join the upper and lower portions of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: oriental shapes, some blocked in horizontal hatch gold; a rectangular panel is formed by a single fillet; within the panel, the title: "/ The/ adventures/ of/ Alfan./" is blocked in gold; the word: "or" is blocked in relief within a hatched gold five-point star; the word: "the" is blocked in gold; the words: "magic amulet" are blocked in relief within a quarter moon, which is blocked in gold; more oriental shapes, some blocked in horizontal hatch gold; the words: "/ By/ John Holme/ Burrow/ M A/" are blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece with arrow-head shapes at top and bottom. [Tail of spine missing.]







2003 book entry number: 415


                                  Binding No:   228

                          Pressmark:   12808.b.30..

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Davenport, Emma Anne Georgina

                                   Title:   Fickle Flora and her seaside friends. Illustrated by John Absolon.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith & Farran, Successors to Newbery and Harris Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   Printed by R. & R.  Clark

                                Width:        127     Height:       175          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  iv, 164p. 4 plates. With thirty two pages of publisher's advertisements bound at the end. The plates are hand coloured.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    dot and line vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  18.8.99 & 11.12.2013

            References:     King JL p.238.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. In the publisher's titles at the end, this work is advertised as: "Super royal 16mo. price 3s. 6d. cloth; 4s 6d. coloured, gilt edges."The plates are hand-coloured. The plates are signed: “Green”. Gilt edges. light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone and Son,/ [rule]/ 76 Fleet Street,/ London./". Red dot and line vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in blind identically, on the borders and on the corners. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this, single filets form rectangles on the sides, the head and on the tail, with four-leaf decoration blocked on each corner in relief. The inner corners have curling stem decoration blocked in relief. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold, featuring a straw hatted teenage girl (Flora?), a basket on her right arm, her right hand holding a fishing net, her left hand holding a shell. The title: "/ Fickle/ Flora/ and her/ sea-side/ friends/" is blocked in gold, in fanciful rustic letters, with tendrils. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters within seaweed at the base of vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in blind at the head and at the tail, with repeating triangles blocked in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a starfish; the title: "/ Fickle/ Flora/ & Her/ Sea-side/ Friends/" is blocked in gold in rustic letters; a group of sea plants and seaweed is blocked in gold underneath the title. 





2003 book entry number: 417


                                  Binding No:   326


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Edwards, Matilda Barbara Betham

                                   Title:   Scenes and stories of the Rhine. With illustrations by F.W. Keyl.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, Successors to Newbery and Harris, Corner of St Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        130     Height:       177          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  viii, 214p. 4 plates. With 32 pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London



                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    dot-and-line horizontal grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  19.8.99 & 11.12.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.448.


Notes:   The design is by John Leighton.  Printed in the publisher's titles, page 3: "Super royal 16mo. price 3s 6d. cloth; 4s. 6d. coloured, gilt edges." The plates are hand coloured. The frontispiece engraving is signed “F W Keyl”. [i.e. Frederick William Keyl] Gilt edges.  Original light yellow upper endpaper bound at the front. Red dot-and-line horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically on the borders and corners in blind and in relief, forming an ornamental frame. A fillet is blocked on the borders and leaf and scroll stem decoration in relief on the corners. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows, from the top:  a crown, the title words: "/ Scenes & stories/", a shield, or, with an eagle, murrey, blocked inside in relief. In the centre is blocked a paddle steamer with a jib at the front and a flag at the rear. The title word "of" is blocked in relief on the paddle wheel housing. The steamer is surrounded to the left and to the right by vine leaves, branches, and it is set against a background of Rhineland scenery, with a castle on a hilltop. The words: "/ The Rhine/ By/ M. Beetham/ Edwards./" are blocked in gold below the steamer. At the base, a single vine leaf, blocked in gold, contains the signature "JL", blocked in relief as separate letters. [The spine is missing.]







2003 book entry number: 418


                                  Binding No:   516


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Fyfe, J. Hamilton

                                   Title:   British enterprise beyond the seas; or, The Planting of Our Colonies.

                   Publisher Name:   T. Nelson & Sons, Paternoster Row; Edinburgh and New York.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863


                                Width:        117     Height:       180          Thickness:        28

                           PagNotes:  263p. 4 plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  16.12.99 & 11.12.2013



Notes:   The design is by John Leighton.  The plate opposite page 44 is signed “SW” as a monogram; and “F. Borders Sc”. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue pebble-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind, and in relief. On the borders are: 1. Two fillets are blocked in the borders, one thick, one thin. 2. a decorated border, showing a repeating pattern of curling stems and leaves 3. two fillets blocked in blind. The inner rectangle has leaf and stem patterns blocked in relief on each corner, forming an ornamental frame. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in relief. Three thin fillets are blocked on the borders in gold. On each corner, a medallion is blocked. Each is surrounded by fillets and a decorated border. Within each medallion, the following are blocked: left-hand top - "Europe" and a horse; right-hand top - "Asia" and an elephant; left-hand bottom - "Africa" and a camel; right-hand bottom - "America" and a stag. On the sides, head and tail, fillets join the medallions. A trident is blocked  near the head. Below this, the title: "/ British enterprise/ beyond/ the seas/" are blocked above the centre; below the centre, the title: "/ or the/ planting of/ our colonies/" are blocked.  A royal coat of arms is blocked on the centre. Around the centre, thin stems and leaves are blocked in gold. Groups of three "wave lines", imitating sea waves, are blocked in relief across the cover from head to tail as a background. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram in a loop where the stems join at the base. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A gold fillet is blocked around the perimeter. A fillet is blocked at the head and at the tail. The letters "V R" are blocked in hatch gold at the head, on either side of an arch. Below the arch, a lion is blocked standing on a crown. Beneath this, a gold lettering-piece is blocked, shaped as a shield. The words: "/ British/ enterprise/ beyond the/ seas/" are blocked in relief within the shield. Underneath this, a medallion gold lettering-piece is blocked, and the words: "/ By/ J H/ Fyte/" are blocked in relief within it. A rose bush is blocked from the base upwards to meet the medallion. Seven rectangular gold lettering pieces are blocked across the rose bush. In each rectangle are blocked the names of colonies in relief: "/ Australias/ Indies/ Canadas/ Cape of Good Hope/ New Zealand/ New Foundland/ &c. &c. &c. /” Signed JL in gold as separate letters above the three etceteras.  A rectangle formed by three gold fillets is blocked at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 419


                                  Binding No:   274

                          Pressmark:   10881.aa.12.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Goodrich, Samuel Griswold

                                   Title:   The story of Peter Parley's own life. From the personal narrative of the late Samuel Goodrich, ("Peter Parley.") Edited by his friend and admirer, Frank Freeman. With illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, Son & Co., 47 Ludgate Hill.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   Strangeways and Walden, Printers, 28 Castle St. Leicester Sq.

                                Width:        120     Height:       175          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  xvi, 304p. 6 plates. With sixteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave vertical-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  14.8.99 & 11.12.2013

            References:     Dry JL no.449.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Some of the plates are signed: “W. Thomas Sc.” Some of the bolts are uncut. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Purple wave vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically on the borders, with a repeating decorative leaf pattern blocked in relief between two fillets blocked in blind. On the lower cover, a single large

fleur-de-lis is blocked on the centre. On the upper cover, there is a central roundel blocked in gold. The title words "/ Peter Parleys/ own life./" are blocked in rustic lettering in gold at the head and tail of the roundel. The perimeter of the roundel resembles a rope. Inside the roundel, a sailor stands on a quay, waving at a rowing boat on the sea, which has four occupants, two rowing. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. On the spine, the head has the title: "/ Peter/ Parley's/ Own/ Life/" blocked in rustic lettering. Underneath this is a medallion with a coat of arms of the United States, and the motto: "E. pluribus unum" blocked underneath in relief within a curving gold lettering-piece. Below this, are blocked the words: "/ Delight/ Benedict/ School/", with, beneath, a picture of a schoolboy, satchel over shoulder, standing on tiptoe on a box - all in gold. The boy's right arm is outstretched to pull a bell. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters on the box. The imprint: "/London/ Low. Son & Co/" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders. Double gold fillets are blocked above and below the rectangle.







2003 book entry number: 420


                                  Binding No:   724


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Grant, Alexander Henley

                                   Title:   Half-hours with our sacred poets. Edited with biographical sketches, By Alexander H. Grant, M.A. With illustrations by H.S. Marks [i.e. Henry Stacy Marks]

                   Publisher Name:   James Hogg and Sons

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1863]

                               Printer:   Harrild, printer, London.

                                Width:        116     Height:       173          Thickness:        34

                           PagNotes:  374p. 6 plates. With ten pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    honeycomb-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  3.4.2000 & 26.2.2014

            References:     Dry JL no. 450.



Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed "HSM [i. e. Henry Stacy Marks ] " and "W. Thomas Sc."  [No original endpapers or pastedowns.] Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/       Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./" Red honeycomb-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked on the borders, in blind on the lower, in gold on the upper. On the upper  cover, a gold fillet is blocked on the borders, with a border of repeating five-point stars, blocked in hatch gold. Larger five-point stars are blocked on each corner in gold. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a lyre, which is formed by two winged angels rising from the base. The title: "/ Half hours/" is blocked in gold in a semi-circle just above the angels' heads; the words: " /With/ our/ sacred/ poets./" are blocked in gold between and over the strings of the lyre. The words: "/ By./ A.H./ Grant/ M.A./" are blocked in relief within the gold plinth at the base of the lyre. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two fillets, blocked in gold; a star; a panel formed by a curling fillet; the title: "/ Half hours/ with/ our/ sacred/ poets./" is blocked in gold within the panel; an hour-glass; the words: "/ by A.H. Grant M.A./" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders; hatch gold leaves; signed "JL" in relief as a monogram, within a small "tear-drop" gold lettering-piece; the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold near the tail; two gold fillets blocked in gold at the tail.







2003 book entry number: 421



                         Binding No:   725

                          Pressmark:   RB.23.b.5442.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Grant, Henry

                                   Title:   Mariquita. [Shield with monogram of Emily Faithfull & Co, and the motto: "Non nobis solum".]

                   Publisher Name:   Emily Faithfull, Printer and Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty, Victoria Press, Princes Street, Hanover Square, and 83A, Farringdon Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   Emily Faithfull, Printer and Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty, Victoria Press, 83A Farringdon Street, E. C.

                                Width:        143     Height:       228          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  xii, 302p. 1 plate. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  3.4.2000 26.2.2014

            References:     Dry JL no. 451.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plate is a photograph of a drawing [of Mariquita?] pasted onto the verso of the half-title page, and signed on the recto: "John Beattie, Clifton." The text is sewn on two sawn-in cords. Some of the bolts are uncut.     Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Westley's/ & Co./ London./" Green morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically blocked, on blind on the lower, in gold and in blind on the upper. Four fillets are blocked on the borders: a single wide fillet in blind, then a hatch fillet, blocked between two thin fillets - all three in gold on the upper cover. Bulrushes rise from a pond at the base up the sides to arch at the centre head. Lilies and leaves are blocked in the pond at the base. The word: "/ Mariquita/" is blocked on the centre in gold, in horizontal hatch gothic letters. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. Five fillets are blocked a the head and at the tail, one in blind; then vertical hatch fillet, between two thin fillets - all three in gold; one fillet in blind. the word: "/ Mariquita/" is blocked in gold, in gothic letters near the head. Formerly shelved at 11649.g.23.







2003 book entry number: 422


                                  Binding No:   769


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Grant, James

                                   Title:   Dick Rodney; or, the adventures of an Eton boy. Illustrated by Keeley Halswelle.

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne and Routledge, Farringdon Street. New York: 56, Walker Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        108     Height:       172          Thickness:        38

                           PagNotes:  vii, 436p. 8 plates.  With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  22.3.2000 & 26.2.2014

            References:     Dry JL no. 452.

Notes: The Design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed: "K. Halswelle [i. e. Keeley Halswelle] " and "Dalziel". [No original endpapers or pastedowns.] Blue rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. "Leaf and petal" decoration is blocked in relief within a single circle blocked on each corner. More leaf decoration is blocked in relief on the sides, the head and the tail. The central frame is formed as an oval by joined semi-circular fillets, blocked in blind. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a sailor climbing a ship's rigging. A rope and pulley winds down from above him, to his left, then across and below him. The words: "/ Dick/ Rodney/" and "By/ James/ Grant/" are blocked in gold on either side of the sailor. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter, forming a semi-circular arch at the head. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a weather vane; a gold lettering-piece, with cord and tassels on its borders, has the title: "/ Dick/ Rodney/ or the/ adventures/ of an/ Eton/ boy./" blocked in relief within it; the word "/ Grant/" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece; then the head and shoulders of a sailing officer; a boy, seated on a chair, holding a model boat in his left hand; a fillet in gold; the word "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet;  a fillet is blocked in gold at the tail.







2003 book entry number: 423


                                  Binding No:   870

                          Pressmark:   12806.h.40.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Hood, Thomas

                                   Title:   The loves of Tom Tucker and Little Bo-Peep. A rhyming rigmarole. Written and illustrated by Thomas Hood.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, successors to Newbery and Harris, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   Printed by J. Wertheimer and Co. Circus Place,  Finsbury Circus .

                                Width:        191     Height:       250          Thickness:         9

                           PagNotes:  33p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   beige


                 Date Examined:  27.7.2000 & 26.2.2014.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The illustrations are hand coloured. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Beige paper over boards, with a red quarter cloth spine of morocco horizontal-grain. The lower cover has a list of Griffith and Farran titles. The upper cover has five fillets printed on the borders: two are in black, one thick fillet in blue, and then two more in black. Sheep's heads are printed on each corner within a pointed circle, which has black and green fillets. The remainder of the cover has a yellow dye. There are two medallions on the centre. Each is in blue, and is formed by a circular

"branch", with convolvulus flowers, leaves and tendrils on the upper portion. The head of "Tom." [Tucker] is on the left; the head of "Bo!" [Peep] is on the right. Each is printed within each medallion. The medallions are joined by a shepherd's crook and a stick with a bowed ribbon. The title: "/ The/ loves of/ Tom Tucker/" is printed in "branch-like" letters above the medallions. The words: "/&/ Little Bo-Peep./" are printed below the two medallions. The word "/By/" is printed between "Thomas" and "Hood"; it is printed in black on a loaf of bread, which has a bread knife suspended half-way through it. The imprint is printed below this in black type, apart from the words: "Griffith & Farran", which are

printed in blue. Signed "/ Luke Limner, Del./" in black underneath the imprint.







2003 book entry number: 424

                                  Binding No:   768


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Lee, Holme, pseud. [i.e. Miss Harriet Parr].

                                   Title:   The true, pathetic history of Poor Match. With four illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   Smith Elder, and Co., 65, Cornhill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   Printed by Smith, Elder and Co., Little Green Arbour Court, Old Bailey, E.C.

                                Width:        115     Height:       185          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  viii,219p., 4 plates. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    dot and line diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   mauve

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  22.3.2000 & 26.2.2014

            References:     Dry JL no. 454.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Three of the four plates are signed: "W. Crane del" [.e. Walter Crane] , and two are signed "Ed Evans" [i.e. Edmund Evans] . The publisher's titles at the end states: "With four illustrations by Walter Crane". Text sewn of three sawn-in cords. Most of the bolts are uncut. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Mauve dot and line diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Straps and curling stem decoration are blocked on each corner and on the sides. The central frame is formed as an "elongated quatrefoil" shape. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows Match (a terrier dog), holding a leather shoe in  his mouth. The shoe has a long lace which is not threaded in the lace holes. Instead, it curls out above and below Match. All this is blocked within a half-circle formed by a single gold fillet. The title: "/ The/ History/ of/" are blocked in gold above the half circle; the words: "/Poor Match/" are blocked at the base of the half-circle - all in gold. A swallow and a small star are blocked at the base of the vignette. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters to the left and to the right at the base of the half-circle. The spine is blocked in gold.  A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter, which forms a circular arch at the head. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the monogram "PM", blocked in gold within the entrance of a kennel; the words: "/ The/ true,/ pathetic/ history/ of/ Poor/ Match/ by/ Holme/ Lee./" are blocked in gold; a figure of a bearded man, with robes and a shoulder ruff; two fillets in gold; the words: "/ London/ Smith, Elder & Co/" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; two gold fillets are blocked in gold at the tail.







2003 book entry number: 425


                                  Binding No:   353

                          Pressmark:   7957.e.33.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   London III. International Exhibition of 1862.

                                   Title:   International Exhibition, 1862. Reports by the Juries on the subjects in the thirty-six classes into which the Exhibition was divided.

                   Publisher Name:   Printed for the Society of Arts by William Clowes & Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   William Clowes & Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.

                                Width:        190     Height:       272          Thickness:        90

                           PagNotes:  The pagination is printed separately for each XXXVI classes. With fourteen pages of advertisements bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  20.9.99 7 26.2.2014

            References:     Dry JL no.429.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. In the report for Class XXVIII, Section D, Bookbinding, p.11, is printed: "The designs for cloth, by Luke Limner, in the case of J. Leighton [the Bookbinder], exhibit a rare degree of merit, evincing, as they do, a laudable desire to develop the power of origination, which, though it may seem at times grotesque and peculiar, is, for this very reason, worthy of commendation, because it dares to be uncommon. The resort to Grecian, Roman, and Egyptian ornaments is most successful, and while the treatment  of colours might be more harmonious, it must be admitted that any attempt to free us from the tyrannical chain of precedent should meet with sympathy if it be not permitted to nourish itself upon encouragement."

The original cloth upper cover is bound at the front. Original cover size: 178x264mm. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. There are two fillets blocked in blind on the borders. Inside these are blocked, in blind and in relief, shields of the various exhibiting countries. Clockwise from the top, they are: Belgium, France, Prussia, Holland, America, Austria, Spain, Denmark, Turkey, Pope [i.e. the Vatican], Portugal, Italy, Russia, Sweden. In all of the shields, the symbol representing the country is blocked in relief. The name of the country is blocked in blind, within blind lettering-pieces, shaped as pennants. There are two shields at the centre of the base, which are inscribed in relief with the words: "/ India,/ Australia,/ Cape/", and "/ Canadas,/ Ceylon,/ Natal/". The central rectangle has a mandorla blocked inside. Above and below it are blocked in gold the words: "International Exhibition" in gothic letters. The perimeter of the mandorla has a wide fillet, blocked between two thin filets - all in gold. The words:" Reports of the International Juries by Authority of H.M. Commissioners" are blocked inside the wide gold perimeter fillets in relief. Inside the mandorla, the British royal coat of arms is blocked in gold. The initials "IL" are blocked in gold as separate fanciful letters immediately underneath the coat of arms. The words: "/ London/ 1862/" are blocked underneath the coat of arms in relief, within a shield, argent, horizontal hatch.







2003 book entry number: 426


                                  Binding No:   218

                          Pressmark:   C.43.d.1.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Murray, Andrew

                                   Title:   The book of the Royal Horticultural Society. 1862-1863. With Illustrations and Photographs by John Leighton F.S.A., Thomas Scott, and C. [i.e. Charles] Thurston Thompson.

                   Publisher Name:   Bradbury & Evans, 11, Bouverie Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   Bradbury and Evans, Printers Extraordinary to the Queen, Whitefriars.

                                Width:        235     Height:       305          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  xii,225p. 1 fold-out plate, 13 photographs.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    dot and line vertical-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and relief and black and red

                 Date Examined:  6.7.99 & 26.2.2014

            References:     Ball VPB p.82 ref. 13

                                 King JL p.249.


Notes:  The design is by John Leighton. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Pink endpapers and pastedowns. Green dotted line vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in gold and black, with an identical design. Four fillets are blocked on the borders: 1. a gold fillet 2. a hatch gold fillet 3. a gold fillet, with repeating dots blocked in relief within it 4. a black fillet. Inside this, a Chinese fret pattern is blocked in gold and in black. On the centre head and on the centre tail, a cartouche is blocked in gold. Inside this, an inner border is formed by a black fillet, and a gold fillet with small decoration blocked on each corner. The central medallion is a monogram of the Royal Horticultural Society, blocked in gold on a purple paper on lay; the medallion is surmounted by a crown blocked in gold. Below the medallion, a thistle, a rose and a shamrock are blocked in gold. The medallion is surrounded by three fillets and by a pattern of flowers and hatch leaves blocked in gold, and more leaves blocked in black. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. A single black fillet is blocked at the head and at the tail. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold crown; the monogram of Victoria and Albert, with the motto: "/ Treu und Fest/ Dieu & mon droit /" blocked above and below  the monogram in gold; the title: "/ The/ book/ of the/ Royal/ Horticultural / Society./" is blocked in relief within six rectangular gold lettering-pieces, with single fillets blocked in gold on the borders of each; hatch gold leaf and black leaf decoration surrounds the title; the medallion of the Royal Horticultural Society is blocked in gold, with the words: "/ RHS/ INST/ MAR VII,/ 1804/" blocked in relief inside; below this, an arabesque is blocked in gold and in black; the words: "/ London/ Bradbury & Evans/" are blocked in relief inside a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders. Unsigned. Another copy of this work is also in the British Library at shelf mark RB.31.c.299. It has a deluxe leather binding. Size: 270x340x50mm. Gutta percha binding, Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Pink moire horizontal ribbed endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco leather. Both covers blocked identically in gold and in black, with the same design as for C.43.d.1. The central medallion is signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at its base. The spine is blocked in gold and in black and in relief. it has the same block work as above; additionally, the date: "/ 1863/" is blocked in gold underneath "Bradbury and Evans".




2003 book entry number: 427

                                  Binding No:   137

                          Pressmark:   1347.f.19.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Scott, Sir Walter Bart.

                                   Title:   The Lady of the Lake.

                   Publisher Name:   A.W. Bennett, 5, Bishopsgate Without.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   Richard Barrett, Printer, 13, Mark Lane, London.

                                Width:        160     Height:       200          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  [7], 215pp.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    honeycomb-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and relief

                 Date Examined:  19.3.99 & 26.2.2014

            References:     Dry JL no. 459


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The text is accompanied by fourteen photographs, the frontispiece is by George Washington Wilson, the other thirteen photographs are by T. [i. e. Thomas] Ogle. Bevelled boards. (The text block and case received conservation treatment in 1993.) Purple honeycomb-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold and in relief. The outer border has a semi-circular arch design, blocked in gold; inside each semi-circle is a leaf blocked in blind. There is a recessed central mandorla blocked on each cover. In it stands the Lady, an oar in her left hand, clasping the prow of the boat (in the shape of a swan) immediately behind her. There are medallions, formed by two gold fillets, blocked on each side of the mandorla; to the left, a horse; to the right, a stag. Running vertically below and above the medallions are two lines of verse, blocked in relief. On the left, the lines read:" But stumbling in the rugged dell. The gallant horse exhausted fell." On the right: " Then dashing down a darksome den. Soon lost to hound & hunters ken." The medallions are within a lattice work of branches interspersed with vine leaves and grapes. Above the mandorla is blocked a swan, with its wings unfolded. Beneath the mandorla, a cross is blocked. The title words: "The Lady" are blocked above the mandorla in relief, within a hatch gold lettering-piece. The words: "of the lake" are blocked in relief below the mandorla. Behind this, a medallion is blocked in gold, with a beaded border, and three crossed arrows blocked inside it. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the mandorla. The spine is missing.  


The same copy is in the Newbery Library, Chicago; shelf mark: WING. ZP.845.B43. This copy is bound in red honeycomb-grain cloth, and has the spine. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets; a single gold blocked on the inner perimeter, which forms an arch near the head; circles, stars and two leaves are blocked in gold on either side of the arch; the title: "/ The Lady/ of the Lake/" is blocked in gold in gothic lettering, with the two capital "L" blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces; the words: "/ Illustrated/ by/ Photography/" are blocked in gold in gothic letters; from near the tail to below the title, a sword, planted with the ground at the tail, is blocked in gold; ribbon-shaped gold lettering-pieces wind downwards around the sword; the words: "/ It forth at length/ sufficed to scratch/ whose sinury strength/ few were the arms/" are blocked in relief within the ribbon; bulrushes grow from the ground at the tail up around the sword; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters to the left and to the right of the ground around the sword tip; a gold fillet; the publisher: "/ Bennett/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by two gold fillet; a gold fillet at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 429


                                  Binding No:   160


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Wordsworth, William, Poet Laureate

                                   Title:   Wordsworth's poems for the young. With fifty illustrations by John MacWhirter and John Pettie, and a vignette by J.E. Millais [i. e. John Everett Millais] . Engraved by Dalziel Brothers.

                   Publisher Name:   Alexander Strahan & Co.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press.

                                Width:        150     Height:       195          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  x,92p.   With ten pages of publisher's titles bound at the the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    honeycomb-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   Gold and blind and black

                 Date Examined:  28.4.99 & 26.2.2014.

                       References:  De Beaumont           RDeB   Item 422, Cites a copy in orange cloth, p. 55

                                 Dry JL no.464.

                                 Pantazzi JL p. 266

Notes: On page 5 of the publisher's titles at the end: "Now Ready, Wordsworth's Poems for Children [sic]... In small Quarto, Elegantly Printed and Bound, 6s."Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./"  Red honeycomb-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind. The upper cover is blocked in gold and black. A single gold fillet is blocked on the borders. Inside this, another gold fillet is blocked on the borders, and is curved on the corners. Repeating dots are blocked in relief within this

second fillet. Small decoration is blocked in gold on each corner. An wide inner border of overlapping black fillets cross to form repeating "three window" arches. Flowers and leaves , some hatched, are blocked in gold within the windows. The central rectangle is formed by three gold fillets, the middle of which has repeating dots blocked in relief within it. Inside this, a thin fillet is blocked in black. Above the centre, six 5-point stars are blocked in gold. The words: "/Wordsworth's/ Poems/ for/ the Young./" are blocked in gold. Small plant and roots are blocked at the base of the central rectangle. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters by the roots. The spine is blocked in gold.  A single gold fillet is blocked at

the head and at the tail. Single gold fillets make three rectangular panels. The small panels at the head and at the tail have identical triangles and plant decoration blocked in gold inside them. The longer rectangle occupying the centre of the spine has the words: "/ Wordsworth’s Poems for the Young./" blocked in gold inside it, along the spine.





2003 book entry number: 430


                                  Binding No:   240

                          Pressmark:   1347.h.11.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   Old English ballads. A collection of favourite ballads of the olden time. With fifty illustrations by Birket Foster, Joseph Nash, Frederick Tayler, George Thomas, John Absolon, and John Franklin.

                   Publisher Name:   Ward and Lock, 158, Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1864

                               Printer:   R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Printers.

                                Width:        170     Height:       232          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  xi, 272p.  With four pages of publisher's advertisements bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  8.7.99 & 26.2.2014

                       References:  Ball VPB p.166.

                                 De Beaumont RDeB Item237,  p.34

                                 McLean Cundall p.86

                                 Morris & Levin APB p.64,  A design by Warren is illustrated, no.128

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge./". [Ball no. 53B.] Red pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are fully blocked in gold and in blind with the same design. The outer border of each cover is blocked in gold, with a repeating alternating flower pattern, attached to a fillet. Inside this are: 1. a border of repeating in dots, blocked in gold 2. a fillet in gold 3. a repeating pattern of circles and dots, blocked in relief within a wide blind fillet. The central rectangle has a fillet border in gold, with small  four-cornered stars blocked in relief within the fillet. To the corners of the central rectangle are circles, showing flower tracery in relief. The mandorla displays the title letters, which are surrounded by small circles, blocked in relief. The capital letters "O", "E", "B" are blocked in relief, with the other letters "[O]ld", "[E]nglish", "[B]allads" being blocked in gold in rustic fanciful letters. Branches and tracery emerge from the ends of the letters. The spine is fully blocked in gold. Five panels and three rectangles are delineated by gold fillets. There are four circles in gold, blocked within the spine panels. Circular ivy stems, hatched leaves and  berries are blocked in gold within the four circles. The title: "/ Old/ English/ ballads/" is blocked in gold, in rustic letters, with the capital letters of each word blocked in relief, within gold lettering-pieces. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters near the tail. The words: "/ London/ Ward & Lock/" are blocked in gold within a rectangular panel blocked at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 432


                                  Binding No:   233

                          Pressmark:   4409.ddd.9.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Bogatzky, Carl Henirich von

                                   Title:   Golden treasury for the children of God. New edition.

                   Publisher Name:   William Tegg

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1864


                                Width:        120     Height:       176          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  xvi, 368p.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  20.7.99 & 26.2.2014

References: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, p. 191.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Bevelled boards. Red edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Westleys/ & Co./ London./". [Ball no. 103C.] Purple pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind, with two fillets blocked on borders. Groups of three fillets are blocked in blind forming an inner rectangle, which also divide each cover into three panels. Fleurs-de-lis are blocked in gold in the panels at the head and at the tail. The central medallion is blocked in blind and in relief, featuring a star and a quatrefoil, which are interlinked. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a pattern of quatrefoils blocked within squares in gold and in relief; three gothic arches; a cross blocked in gold in the middle of the three arches; the words: "/ Bogatzky's/ Golden/ Tresaury./" are blocked in gold; a cross patonce; a gold fillet; three gothic arches and leaf and stem decoration blocked in gold; a pattern of quatrefoils, as above; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters near the tail.





2003 book entry number: 431


Binding No:                    143

                          Pressmark:   C.129.d.3.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Barham, Richard Harris

                                   Title:   The Ingoldsby Legends or mirth and marvels, by Thomas Ingoldsby, Esquire. With sixty illustrations by George Cruikshank, John Leech and John Tenniel.

                   Publisher Name:   Richard Bentley, Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1864

                               Printer:   R. Clay, Son, and Taylor,  Printers, London

                                Width:        178     Height:       242          Thickness:        45

                           PagNotes:  xii, 428p.

                Place of Printing:   London

                        Bookseller:   Pickering, W. & E.

                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    dot and line horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                               Slides:  61/2 - both cover and spine

                 Date Examined:  15.4.99 & 7.3.2014

            References:     De Beaumont RdeB Item 19

                                 King JL p.240-241.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Plain dark green endpapers. Brown dot and line horizontal-grain cloth. On the lower pastedown are two tickets. The binder’s ticket is: "/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./"   The bookseller’s ticket is: "/ W. & E. Pickering,/ new and second-hand/ Booksellers, Stationers, etc/ 3 Bridge Street,/ Bath./"   Both covers are  blocked identically in gold and in blind. At the four corners, twin intertwined dragons are blocked in gold. The outer border in gold is of a repeating pattern of acorns at the end of leaves, interspaced with a triple leaf motif, which is enclosed in arches. The inner border features a medallion on each corner, with the head and shoulders of a fanciful character blocked within each. There is also a medallion and fanciful character within blocked on the centre of each side. Two shields with pseudo-devices within are  blocked in gold and in relief on each side. Fillets and "cord-shaped" fillets and emblems are blocked in gold between the medallions and the shields on the inner border. The inner corners have decoration blocked in blind. The central mandorla has several borders, blocked in gold. Within it at the head, a lion is blocked, holding a shield, saltire ermine. The tail of the lion loops on either side of the shield to enclose the initials "T" and "I". The title: "/ The/ Ingoldsby/ Legends/" is blocked in relief within a shield-shaped gold lettering-piece. The initials, "JL", are blocked in relief as separate letters at the base of the title. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter, with three fillets blocked in blind inside this. Pairs of oak leaves and acorns are blocked in gold at the head. The inner panel runs from tail to head, formed by two gold fillets, which are semi-circular at the head. At the head of the inner panel, a rat and a frog are on either side of a medallion with a figure resembling Mephistopheles within - all in gold. The title: "/ The/ Ingoldsby/ Legends/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold. The decoration below this shows a magpie with a ring in its mouth, astride a hat. The hat is above a sword, a spear and a bishops' staff, all crossing behind a shield. A cross and rosary, and a cat of nine tails are blocked to the left and to the right beneath the shield. The shield shows an owl displayed, wings inverted, sable. Above the owl, a bat soaring, or. The lower half of the sword impales a head, and a half moon. Signed

"JL", in gold as separate letters, beneath the half moon. The words: "/ Richard Bentley/" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with two gold fillets blocked on its borders. Beneath this, a rectangle is formed by a single fillet blocked in blind. Acorn and scallop decoration is blocked in gold at the tail.






[add binders ticket scan]


The other copies are:


Binding No:                    139

                          Pressmark:   11660.f.1.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Barham, Richard Harris

                                   Title:   The Ingoldsby Legends or mirth and marvels, by Thomas Ingoldsby, Esquire. With sixty illustrations by George Cruikshank, John

                                             Leech and John Tenniel.

                   Publisher Name:   Richard Bentley, Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1864

                               Printer:   R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, printers, London

                                Width:        190     Height:       240          Thickness:        45

                           PagNotes:  xii, 428p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   maroon

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                               Slides:  Slide 38/1

                 Date Examined:  14.4.99 & 7.3.2014

                       References:  Ball VPB p.108Discusses print runs and binders for this work.

                                 De Beaumont RDeB item 19

                                 King                                     JL                p.240-241.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton.  Bevelled boards. Gilt edges Plain dark green endpapers. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./" Maroon pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are  blocked identically in gold and in blind. At the four corners, twin intertwined dragons are blocked in gold. The outer border in gold is of a repeating pattern of acorns at the end of leaves, interspaced with a triple leaf motif, which is enclosed in arches. The inner border features a medallion on each corner, with the head and shoulders of a fanciful character blocked within each. There is also a medallion and fanciful character within blocked on the centre of each side. Two shields with pseudo-devices within are blocked in gold and in relief on each side. Fillets and "cord-shaped" fillets and emblems are blocked in gold between the medallions and the shields on the inner border. The inner corners have decoration blocked in blind. The central mandorla has several borders, blocked in gold. Within it at the head, a lion is blocked, holding a shield, saltire ermine. The tail of the lion loops on either side of the shield to enclose the initials "T" and "I". The title: "/ The/ Ingoldsby/ Legends/" is blocked in relief within a shield-shaped gold lettering-piece. The initials, "JL", are blocked in relief as separate letters at the base of the title. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter, with three fillets blocked in blind inside this. Pairs of oak leaves and acorns are blocked in gold at the head. The inner panel runs from tail to head, formed by two gold fillets, which are semi-circular at the head. At the head of the inner panel, a rat and a frog are on either side of a medallion with a figure resembling Mephistopheles within - all in gold. The title: "/ The/ Ingoldsby/ Legends/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold. The decoration below this shows a magpie with a ring in its mouth, astride a hat. The hat is above a sword, a spear and a bishops' staff, all crossing behind a shield. A cross and rosary, and a cat of nine tails are blocked to the left and to the right beneath the shield. The shield shows an owl displayed, wings inverted, sable. Above the owl, a bat soaring, or. The lower half of the sword impales a head, and a half moon. Signed "JL", in gold as separate letters, beneath the half moon. The words: "/ Richard Bentley/" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with two gold fillets blocked on its borders. Beneath this, a rectangle is formed by a single fillet blocked in blind. Acorn and scallop decoration is blocked in gold at the tail.

                         Binding No:   140

                          Pressmark:   11651.f.3.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Barham, Richard Harris

                                   Title:   The Ingoldsby Legends or mirth and marvels, by Thomas Ingoldsby, Esquire. With illustrations by George Cruikshank, John Leech and John Tenniel.

                   Publisher Name:   Richard Bentley, Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1866

                               Printer:   R.Clay, Sons, and Taylor, printers, London

                                Width:        170     Height:       235          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  xiv,514p.  The doublure size is 170x230mm.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  14.4.99 & 7.3.2014.

            References:     King JL p.240-241.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. (BM, rebound C19.) Original dark green endpaper bound at the front. Original upper and lower covers used as doublures. Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers are identically blocked in gold and in blind.  At the four corners, twin intertwined dragons are blocked in gold. The outer border in gold is of a repeating pattern of acorns at the end of leaves, interspaced with a triple leaf motif, which is enclosed in arches. The inner border features a medallion on each corner, with the head and shoulders of a fanciful character blocked within each. There is also a medallion and fanciful character within blocked on the centre of each side. Two shields with pseudo-devices within are blocked in gold and in relief on each side. Fillets and "cord-shaped" fillets and emblems are blocked in gold between the medallions and the shields on the inner border. The inner corners have decoration blocked in blind. The central mandorla has several borders, blocked in gold. Within it at the head, a lion is blocked, holding a shield, saltire ermine. The tail of the lion loops on either side of the shield to enclose the initials "T" and "I". The title: "/ The/ Ingoldsby/ Legends/" is blocked in relief within a shield-shaped gold lettering-piece. The initials, "JL", are blocked in relief as separate letters at the base of the title.


                             Binding No:  141

                          Pressmark:   11651.f.2.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Barham, Richard Harris

                                   Title:   The Ingoldsby Legends or mirth and marvels, by Thomas Ingoldsby, Esquire. With illustrations by George Cruikshank, John Leech and John Tenniel.

                   Publisher Name:   Richard Bentley, Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1865

                               Printer:   R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, printers, London

                                Width:        170     Height:       235          Thickness:        42

                           PagNotes:  xiv,512p. The doublure size is 160x230mm.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  14.4.99 & 7.3 2014

            References:     Ball Appleton 65i Cites copy with brown sand-grain cloth.

                                 De Beaumont RDeB Item 19

                                 King JL p.240-241.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. (BM, rebound C19.) Original dark green endpaper bound at the front. Original upper and lower covers used as doublures. Purple sand-grain     cloth. Both covers are identically blocked in gold.  At the four corners, twin intertwined dragons are blocked in gold. The outer border in gold is of a repeating pattern of acorns at the end of leaves, interspaced with a triple leaf motif, which is enclosed in arches. The inner border features a medallion on each corner, with the head and shoulders of a fanciful character blocked within each. There is also a medallion and fanciful character within blocked on the centre of each side. Two shields with pseudo-devices within are blocked in gold and in relief on each side. Fillets and "cord-shaped" fillets and emblems are blocked in gold between the medallions and the shields on the inner border. The inner corners have decoration blocked in blind. The central mandorla has several borders, blocked in gold. Within it at the head, a lion is blocked, holding a shield, saltire ermine. The tail of the lion loops on either side of the shield to enclose the initials "T" and "I". The title: "/ The/ Ingoldsby/ Legends/" is blocked in relief within a shield-shaped gold lettering-piece.The initials, "JL", are blocked in relief as separate letters at the base of the title.

                         Binding No:   142

                          Pressmark:   1347.k.6.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Barham, Richard Harris

                                   Title:   The Ingoldsby Legends or mirth and marvels, by Thomas Ingoldsby, Esquire. With sixty illustrations by George Cruikshank, John Leech and John Tenniel.

                   Publisher Name:   Richard Bentley, Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1864

                               Printer:   R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, printers, London

                                Width:        175     Height:       238          Thickness:        42

                           PagNotes:  xxi, 428p.  The doublure size is 122x190mm.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  15.4.99 & 7.3.2014.

                       References:  Ball VPB p.108

                                 De Beaumont RDeB p.3, no.19.

                                 King JL p.240-241.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The same text as at BL 11660.f.1. and at BL C.129.d.3. (Dunn & Wilson, rebound 1990s.) Original brown upper endpaper bound at the front. Original upper and lower covers used as doublures, with the outer borders lost. Green pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are  blocked identically in gold and in blind. At the four corners, twin intertwined dragons are blocked in gold. The outer border in gold is of a repeating pattern of acorns at the end of leaves, interspaced with a triple leaf motif, which is enclosed in arches. The inner border features a medallion on each corner, with the head and shoulders of a fanciful character blocked within each. There is also a medallion and fanciful character within blocked on the centre of each side. Two shields with pseudo-devices within are blocked in gold and in relief on each side. Fillets and "cord-shaped" fillets and emblems are blocked in gold between the medallions and the shields on the inner border. The inner corners have decoration blocked in blind. The central mandorla has several borders, blocked in gold. Within it at the head, a lion is blocked, holding a shield, saltire ermine. The tail of the lion loops on either side of the shield to enclose the initials "T" and "I". The title: "/ The/ Ingoldsby/ Legends/" is blocked in relief within a shield-shaped gold lettering-piece.The initials, "JL", are blocked in relief as separate letters at the base of the title.




2003 book entry number: 431a


                                  Binding No:   144

                          Pressmark:   C. 70.d.10.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Barham, Richard Harris

                                   Title:   The Ingoldsby Legends or mirth and marvels, by Thomas Ingoldsby, Esquire. With sixty illustrations by George Cruikshank, John

                                             Leech and John Tenniel.

                   Publisher Name:   Richard Bentley and Son, Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1874

                               Printer:   R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, printers, London

                                Width:        170     Height:       235          Thickness:        50

                           PagNotes:  xii,514p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  15.4.99 & 7.3.2014.

            References:     King                                     JL                p.240-241.



Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The verso of the front endpaper has the title written out in Eliza Cruikshank's hand. On the recto of the frontispiece is written the dedication: "/This book/ is presented to/ the "British Museum"/ in Memory of/ George Cruikshank. Artist/ by his Widow/ Eliza Cruikshank/ December 23rd 1887./ her 80th birthday./"   Above the dedication, two cartes de visite are pasted. They are of Eliza and George Cruikshank, and each is signed in their own hand. The title page is signed "/Geo Cruikshank 1874/ and his wife, Eliza           Cruikshank/". The first page of the preface to the original edition is signed: "/Geo Cruikshank 1874/". Text sewn on three tapes. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Plain dark green endpapers. Purple sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in blind.  At the four corners, twin intertwined dragons are blocked in gold. The outer border in gold is of a repeating pattern of acorns at the end of leaves, interspaced with a triple leaf motif, which is enclosed in arches. The inner border features a medallion on each corner, with the head and shoulders of a fanciful character blocked within each. There is also a medallion and fanciful character within blocked on the centre of each side. Two shields with pseudo-devices within are blocked in gold and in relief on each side. Fillets and "cord-shaped" fillets and emblems are blocked in gold between the medallions and the shields on the inner border. The inner corners have decoration blocked in blind. The central mandorla has several borders, blocked in gold. Within it at the head, a lion is blocked, holding a shield, saltire ermine. The tail of the lion loops on either side of the shield to enclose the initials "T" and "I". The title: "/ The/ Ingoldsby/ Legends/" is blocked in relief within a shield-shaped gold lettering-piece. The initials, "JL", are blocked in relief as separate letters at the base of the title. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter, with three fillets blocked in blind inside this. Pairs of oak leaves and acorns are blocked in gold at the head. The inner panel runs from tail to head, formed by two gold fillets, which are semi-circular at the head. At the head of the inner panel, a rat and a frog are on either side of a medallion with a figure resembling Mephistopheles within - all in gold. The title: "/ The/ Ingoldsby/ Legends/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold. The decoration below this shows a magpie with a ring in its mouth, astride a hat. The hat is above a sword, a spear and a bishops' staff, all crossing behind a shield. A cross and rosary, and a cat of nine tails are blocked to the left and to the right beneath the shield. The shield shows an owl displayed, wings inverted, sable. Above the owl, a bat soaring, or. The lower half of the sword impales a head, and a half moon. Signed "JL", in gold as separate letters, beneath the half moon. The words: "/ Richard Bentley/" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with two gold fillets blocked on its borders. Beneath this, a rectangle is formed by a single fillet blocked in blind. Acorn and scallop decoration is blocked in gold at the tail. This copy formerly shelved at 11611.h.12.





2003 book entry number: 433


Binding No:                    148


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Defoe, Daniel

                                   Title:   The life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner. Complete  edition containing the first and second parts, carefully compared with the original edition of 1719. Illustrated in oil-colours by Kronheim [i. e. Joseph Martin Kronheim].

                   Publisher Name:   Published by Knight & Son, 12 Clerkenwell Close.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1864]

                               Printer:   Knight, printer, Bartholomew Close

                                Width:        155     Height:       226          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  iv,249p., 12 plates

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    hexagon-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  7.5.99 & 7.3.2014.

            References:     Dry JL no. 470.

                                 King JL p.240.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. White endpapers and pastedowns. Green hexagon-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders, on the corners, and on the sides. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. A scallop is blocked in blind on each corner, surrounded in a circle by seaweed stems and leaves blocked in blind, which extend up each side. A single seaweed leaf is blocked in blind on the centre head and on the centre tail. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows the rear of a warship and its dinghy, with a sailor seated in it. The title: "/ The/ life and/ adventures// of Robinson/ Crusoe./"  are blocked in gold above and below the ship. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at base of vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter, which curves at the head. At the head, a medallion of Crusoe is blocked, with the word "Illustration of" blocked around the medallion. The words: "/ Robinson/ Crusoe/" are blocked in gold beneath the medallion. A mast is blocked in gold from the tail of the spine to beneath the title. It supports a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece at the top with the words "/ of York/ Mariner/" blocked in relief within it. Below, a group of objects is blocked in gold: a sword, rifle, spade, axe, arrow, parasol - all crossing behind a copy of the Holy Bible whose title is blocked in relief on its upper cover. At the tail, two gold fillets are blocked, then the words: "/ London/ Knight & Son/" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece .A gold fillet is blocked underneath this.





2003 book entry number: 434


Binding No:                    147

                          Pressmark:   1607/618.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Defoe, Daniel

                                   Title:   Life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Including a memoir of the author, and an essay on his writings. A new edition, illustrated by Phiz [i. e. Hablot Knight Browne].

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne & Routledge, Broadway,  Ludgate Hill; New York: 129, Grand  Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1864

                               Printer:   Cox & Wyman, Printers, Great Queen Street, London

                                Width:        110     Height:       170          Thickness:        46

                           PagNotes:  15, 589p., 5 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London

                        Bookseller:   J. Gilbert



                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  13.5.99 & 7.3.2014


            References:     Ball VPB p. 77-78 Plate 10

                                 De Beaumont RDeB Item 76.

                                 King JL p.240.

                                 McLean VBD p. 111

                                 Muir VIB p. 125

                                 Pantazzi  JL p. 268

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. A ticket is pasted on front the pastedown: "/ Bookseller and stationer,/ J. Gilbert,/ 18, Gracechurch Street, London, E.C./ engraver & printer./" Blue pebble-grain cloth. Both covers have the same "background" design blocked on the borders, on the corners and on the sides. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief only. The upper cover has three fillets blocked in gold on the borders, the middle being hatched. A pattern of flowers with long stamens and curling stems are blocked in gold on the corners and on the head and on the tail. All of this pattern is blocked in relief as well. The central frame has two fillets blocked in gold on its borders. The central vignette is blocked in gold, depicting Crusoe, and Man Friday, each shouldering a pole, over which game has been hung. A dog underneath is looking at the dead game, its

front right paw raised up. The title: "/ Robinson/ Crusoe/" is blocked in gold in rustic lettering above and below the central figures. Signed "JL" in gold underneath the dog. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A branch-like gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a parrot perched on a palm leaf umbrella, with a palm tree blocked on each side of the parrot; the words: "/ Robinson/ Crusoe/" are blocked in relief within two pennant-shaped gold lettering-pieces; a spar, with knotted rope hanging from each side; a group of objects, crossed together: a saw, an axe, two swords, a harpoon, a bow; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of this group;

 the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece with a single gold fillets blocked on its borders.





2003 book entry number: 435


Binding No:                    149

                          Pressmark:   12613.dd.14.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Defoe, Daniel

                                   Title:   The life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe. With a portrait; and one hundred illustrations by J. D .Watson [i.e John Dawson Watson], engraved by the Brothers  Dalziel.

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne and Routledge, Farringdon Street; and Walker Street, New York

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1864

                               Printer:   R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        173     Height:       233          Thickness:        50

                           PagNotes:  xx,498p. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  14.10.2000 & 7.3.2014.


            References:     Ball App 64g Copy with blue pebble-grain cloth.

                                 De Beaumont RdeB1 no.76.

                                 Dry JL no.469.

                                 King JL p.240.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold, in blind and in relief. There is a thin fillet      blocked on the outer border in gold, with three stars blocked in gold on the outer corners. Inside this on the borders are: 1. gold dots blocked between two gild fillets 2. "wave" border decoration. There are on the inner corners in gold four medallions with the arms of London, Hull, York, with the fourth inscribed with the name of "JN Fernandez". A gold fillet surrounds each coat of arms; it also has repeating dots blocked in

relief within it. This fillet and dots crosses and forms the central rectangle, and also the central diamond. The outer rectangles between the coats of arms have curling stems blocked in blind, with leaves blocked in relief. There are scallops blocked in gold on the sides and on the head and

on the tail. Within the inner rectangle in each corner, triangles are blocked in relief, each formed by four fillets blocked in blind. Within the central diamond, two gold fillets are blocked on the borders, and gold hatch stars are blocked as background. "Rope-like" fillets form three circles, with the figures of Crusoe and Man Friday blocked in gold within the two smaller circles above and below the centre, which shows a fully-rigged man of war, blocked in gold. Beneath this, the words: "/ Robinson Crusoe./ Nat. 1632./" are blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters beneath the medallion of Man Friday. Spine missing.





2003 book entry number: 436


Binding No:                    172

                          Pressmark:   9503.h.3.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Doyle, James E

                                   Title:   A chronicle of England. B.C.55-A.D.1485.  Written and illustrated by James E. Doyle. The designs engraved and printed in colours

                                             by Edmund Evans.

                   Publisher Name:   Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts & Green

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1864

                               Printer:   Edmund Evans, Engraver and Printer, Raquet Court, Fleet Street.

                                Width:        200     Height:       270          Thickness:        50

                           PagNotes:  viii,462p. Doublure size: 190x268mm.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                               Slides:  Slide 56 /1&2; 56/27&28

                 Date Examined:  17.6.99 & 7.3.2014.

                       References:  Ball VPB p.72, ref. 8.

                                 Dry JL no.471.

                                 King JL p.241.

                                 McLean VPBB p.114 shows a copy in red pebble grain cloth.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton Original upper and lower covers used as doublures. Brown pebble-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in gold and in blind. A single fillet and repeating small circles are blocked in gold on the borders. Fleur-de-lis are blocked on the borders in gold. Inside this, three gold fillets are blocked. Then an inner border of diamond-shaped leaves is blocked in gold, interspersed with diamonds and triangles formed by fillets blocked in blind. The coats of arms of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales (?) are blocked in gold and in relief on the corners. The borders of the central rectangle are formed by: 1. three gold fillets 2. two fillets blocked in blind 3. a wide gold fillet, with trefoils and leaves blocked in relief within it. Three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders of a chequerboard of thistles, roses, & shamrocks blocked in gold above and below the centre.

On the centre, the royal coat of arms is blocked within a trefoil, itself blocked with a medallion, which is formed by a single gold fillet, with repeating dots blocked within. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters underneath the coat of arms. Signed "Timbury Sc." in gold at bottom right hand corner of each cover.




2003 book entry number: 437


                                  Binding No:   229

                          Pressmark:   C.44.d.7.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Howitt, William

                                   Title:   Ruined abbeys and castles of Great Britain and Ireland. Second series. The photographic illustrations by Thompson, Sedgefield, Ogle [i.e. Thomas Ogle] and Hemphill [i.e. possibly William Despard Hemphill].

                   Publisher Name:   Alfred W. Bennett, 5, Bishopsgate Without

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1864

                               Printer:   Richard Barratt, printer, Mark Lane

                                Width:        168     Height:       223          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  224p. 26 photographs.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                                                         Date Examined:  25.7.99 & 26.2.2014

            References:     McLean VPBB p104. Suggests that the 1862 edition is by Leighton, and this design is very similar to the 1862 edition.

Details of Hemphill at:,31563,en.html

Details of a Thomas Ogle at:,_photographer,_preston,_1850s.html

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Westleys/ and Co./ London./". Blue pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and blind. There are four borders: 1. dog-tooth decoration attached to a fillet 2. a gold fillet, with repeating dots blocked in relief within it 3. a fillet blocked in blind 4 thin gold filets blocked on the borders of each corner. Crowns, roses and thistles are blocked in gold on border of inner corners. Four mandorlas are blocked in gold, on the centre head, the centre tail, and the centre sides. Each mandora has a shield blocked within it. Within each shield are: a bell; a bishop's mitre; a portcullis; a helmet. The central medallion contains the title blocked around the perimeter in gold, surrounding an on laid photographic print. The lower cover has a different on laid photographic print within the central medallion. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: an arch, formed by five gold fillets; a shield, with horizontal hatch and a harp within, surmounted by an obelisk - all surrounded by stars; the title: "/ Abbeys &/ Castles of/ Great/ Britain/ & Ireland/ [rule]/ Howitt/" is blocked in gold; a bishop's mitre is blocked on top of a mandorla, which is formed by three gold fillets; inside the mandorla - a bishop's mitre is blocked above a shield - parted pale wise, gules, azure, with crossed keys; a pattern of stems and hatch clover leaves surrounds the shield; three goblets blocked in gold; three gold fillets;  near the tail, the word: "/ Bennett./" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; at the tail, a single gold fillet. The spine is signed with the initials “JL as separate letters near the tail.






2003 book entry number: 438


                                  Binding No:   869

                          Pressmark:   BL 10369.pp.5.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Linton, Eliza Lynn [GK: Lynn, afterwards Linton, Elizabeth.]

                                   Title:   The Lake Country. With a Map And One Hundred Illustrations Drawn and Engraved By W.J. Linton [i. e. William James Linton].

                   Publisher Name:   Smith, Elder and Co., 65, Cornhill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1864

                               Printer:   Printed by Clay, Son, and Taylor, Bread Street Hill, E.C.

                                Width:        180     Height:       246          Thickness:        48

                           PagNotes:  xl, 351p. 4 plates, 1 map.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  29.1.2000 & 19.3.2014

                       References:  De Beaumont           RdeB2   no.196.  P&D Accession no. 1992-4-6-173.

                                 De Beaumont RdeB1 no.173.

                                 Dry JL no.472.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The upper cover doublure of this copy shows the same cover design on purple pebble-grain cloth, as the De Beaumont copy. The copy in the De Beaumont collections, British Museum is at shelf mark RdeB.I.14. P & D accession no. 1992.0406, 173.  [The De Beaumont copy has: gilt edges; bevelled boards. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and Hodge./" Green pebble-green cloth. Both covers identically blocked in gold, in blind and in relief.]  Dragon flies are blocked on each corner. Blocked on the borders are: 1. a single gold fillet 2 a gold fillet with repeating dots blocked in relief within 3. a fillet blocked in blind, with repeating stars and dots blocked within if 4. as for number 2. 5 & 6 two thin gold fillets. There are four fishes blocked in gold on the inner corners, holding scrolls in their mouths, on which is blocked in relief a lake name. The four lake names are "Windermere; UllesWater; Derwent Water; Rydal Water".The central vignette, blocked in gold, shows bull rushes, leaves and ferns surrounding the title. In the centre there is a swan-shaped boat with mast. It holds a winged figure seated in the rear. The title: "/ The/ Lake / Country/" are blocked in relief within three horizontal hatch rectangular gold lettering-pieces, which are blocked above and below the centre. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette.


For the British Museum De Beaumont copy, the spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. The majority of the spine shows an elongated oval, formed by seven gold fillets. These are (from the outer inwards): 1. a thin gold fillet 2. a gold fillet with repeating dots inside it, blocked in relief 3. a thin gold fillet 4. a thin gold fillet 5. a fillet blocked in blind, with repeating dots and stars blocked inside it in relief 6. a fillet blocked in blind 7. a thin fillet in gold. Inside the oval, from the head downwards, the decoration is: a group of stars blocked in gold; the title: "/ The/ Lake/ Country/" are blocked in relief within a horizontal hatch gold triangle; the words: "/ By (in gold)/ E. Lynn Linton (blocked in relief, within a rectangular gold lettering-piece)/"; the words: "/Illustrated/ by/ W.J. Linton/" are blocked in gold; three small birds in flight, blocked in gold; a group of water plants and bulrushes, in gold; a fish in water, in gold; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters underneath the fish; at the tail, an oval is blocked, formed by four fillets; inside the oval, there is horizontal hatch gold blocking; the word: "/ London/" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single fillet blocked in relief on its perimeter; the words: "/Smith Elder & Co/" are blocked in relief; the oval has a single small decorative piece blocked in gold outside it on each corner.




2003 book entry number: 439


                                  Binding No:   767


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Lushington, Henrietta

                                   Title:   Littlehope Hall

                   Publisher Name:   Smith, Elder & Co., Cornhill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1864

                               Printer:   Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh.

                                Width:        115     Height:       187          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  vii, 256p. 1 plate. The plate is signed: "Dalziel".

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   magenta

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  21.3.2000 & 19.3.2014

            References:     Dry JL no. 473.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Both covers identically blocked in blind. Four fillets are blocked on the borders. A circle, formed by two fillets, is blocked on each corner. A quatrefoil leaf is blocked in each circle. A "arrow-head" leaf is blocked on each side of each circle. Two fillets are blocked in blind to form the central oval frame. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a stylised view of Littlehope Hall. A weather vane (with a sailing ship on its apex) is atop a steeply sloping tiled roof, which has

wooden hammer beam supports. A chimney stack is blocked to the left of the roof; an attic window is blocked on the centre, with a birdcage hanging just inside. A flagpole and pennant are blocked to the right of the roof. A pattern of ivy stems, horizontal hatch gold leaves and berries is blocked at the base, and up to the left of the roof. The title words: "/Littlehope Hall./" are blocked in gold, underneath the attic window; the capitals "L" and "H" are blocked in relief within square gold lettering-pieces, with single gold fillets blocked on their borders. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head

downwards, the decoration is: two fillets in gold; a rope and anchor; the title: "/Littlehope Hall./" is blocked in gold - the capitals "L" and "H" being blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces, with a single gold fillet blocked on their borders; the words: "/by/ Henrietta/ Lushington/" are blocked in gold, in "cursive script" letters; two flags, crossed, with a pole blocked between them; at the top of the flagpole, a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece winds downwards round the pole; the words: "Impene/ trable/" are blocked in relief within the pennant; a wreath, with the word: "/ Trafal/ gar./" is blocked in gold inside; curling stem decoration; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters near the tail; at

the tail, the words: "/ Smith Elder & Co./" are blocked in gold, within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.






2003 book entry number: 440

                                  Binding No:   1066

                          Pressmark:   R.B.23.a.22283.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Walsh, John Henry

                                   Title:   The British cookery book: uniting a good style with economy, and adapted to all persons in every clime containing many unpublished recipes in daily use, by  private families. Collected by a committee of ladies, and edited by J.H. Walsh, F.R.C.s. New edition, with


                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne and Routledge, Broadway, Ludgate Hill. New York; 129, Grand Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1864

                               Printer:   M`Corquodale and Co., printers, London-Works, Newton.

                                Width:        105     Height:       172          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  viii,375p., 5 plates.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and relief

                 Date Examined:  21.1.2000 & 19.3.2014


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on two tapes. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Bookseller’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Cooks Books/ T & M McKirdy/ 34 Marine Drive, Rottingdean/ Susses BN2 7HQ England/” Green bead-grain cloth on covers. Red morocco leather on spine. A vertical gold fillet is blocked on the leather/cloth join on each cover. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold and in relief. It shows a central medallion blocked as a gold lettering-piece. The medallion is supported by a stag's head and antlers. Bunches of fruit and vegetables hang from the antlers by string - all blocked in gold. On the left and right of the medallion, a pig's head and ram's head are blocked in gold. Atop the medallion, two chickens and a turkey in a bowl, with flowers on either side, are blocked in gold. The medallion has the title: "/ The/ British/ Cookery/ Book/" is blocked in relief. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked on the perimeter. The inner fillet forms a semi-circle at the head. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the title: "/ The/ British/ Cookery/ Book/" blocked in gold; a cooking pot suspended from a cord, being heated by two torches below; a perfume bottle, surrounded by a cord and by small plants; a bull's head; a fishing net and the catch of three fishes and a lobster; the words: "/ With/ [gold fillet]/ Illustrations/" are blocked in gold; at the tail, "/ J.H. Walsh/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.


2003 book entry number: 441

                                  Binding No:   154

                          Pressmark:   C.109.d.8.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   White, Lewis Borrett

                                   Title:   English sacred poetry of the olden time. Collected and Arranged By the Rev. White ...

                   Publisher Name:   The Religious Tract Society; 56 Paternoster Row, 65 St. Pauls Churchyard; and 164 Piccadilly

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1864

                               Printer:   R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill

                                Width:        155     Height:       225          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  xvi, 190p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and relief

                 Date Examined:  7.10.2000 & 19.3.2014

                       References:  Ball App 64f Copy on purple fine morocco-grain cloth.

                                 Dry JL no.478.

                                 Pantazzi JL p.272.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges Bevelled boards. Cream endpapers and pastedowns.  Binder’s Ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Westleys/ & Co/ London./". Blue pebble-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold and in relief. On the borders, there is an outer border of repeating tracery and flowers. Five gold fillets are blocked on the inner borders with gold hatch blocked between numbers four and five. More fillets are blocked in blind and in relief inside this, which surround the four medallions blocked on the corners of the inner border Poets’ names are blocked in relief within each medallion. They are: "/Spenser/ Milton/ Ken/ Herbert/". An elaborate central medallion is formed by several gold fillets. It contains the title. The words "English" and "of the olden time" are blocked in gold. The words "sacred" and "poetry" are blocked in relief, inside rectangular gold lettering pieces. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at bottom of the tracery of the medallion. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: tracery in gold; a gold medallion showing a crown within; the title is blocked within a panel formed by two gold fillets and gold hatch between them ; the title: "/ English/ sacred/ poetry/ of the/ olden time/ Chaucer/ to/ Ken/" is blocked in gold and in relief; the words: "sacred" and "poetry" are blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces; the words "Chaucer to Ken" are blocked in relief within a cup-shaped gold lettering-piece; tracery blocked in gold forms a medallion, and a rectangle; a gold medallion with stars blocked within it; gold tracery is blocked at the tail; the medallions blocked at the head, the middle and at the tail are surrounded by line decoration, blocked in relief. The gold blocking on this copy is fresher and sharper than that of BL 3441.e.72. This copy is the copyright deposit copy, date stamped 2 DE[CEMBER 18]63, and was placed originally at 1347.g.23.



2003 book entry number: 445


                                  Binding No:   225


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Aleph [pseud., i.e. William Harvey, of Islington.]

                                   Title:   The Old City, and its highways and byways. Sketches of curious customs, characters, incidents, scenes, and events, illustrative of London life in olden times.

                   Publisher Name:   W.H. Collingridge, City Press, Aldersgate Street, E.C.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1865

                               Printer:   W.H. Collingridge, Printer, Aldersgate Street, E.C.

                                Width:        135     Height:       205          Thickness:        37

                           PagNotes:  viii, 387p.  Original cover size: 125x195mm. With an twelve page list of subscribers, and a four page advertisement for "London scenes

                                            and London people", bound at the end

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   dark brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  23.7.99 & 19.3.2014.

            References:     Dry JL no.480.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Red ink edges. Rebound in 1981, with the original upper cover bound at the front. Dark brown pebble-grain cloth. The upper cover is blocked in blind and in relief identically on the borders, as for "London scenes and London people" [BL 10349.d.14.].The upper cover has a vignette, blocked in gold, set in a square central panel, featuring two gryphons, holding the Corporation of London coat of arms, with the motto "Domine dirige nos" underneath. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters underneath the motto. The title: "/ Ye/ Old/ City/" is blocked in gold, with the capital letters "O" and "L" blocked in blind inside square hatch gold lettering-pieces. Above the title letters is an old man's head, crowned, with his beard teeming with fish. There is a shield blocked on each side of the man's head.





2003 book entry number: 446


Binding No:                    141

                          Pressmark:   11651.f.2.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Barham, Richard Harris

                                   Title:   The Ingoldsby Legends or mirth and marvels, by Thomas Ingoldsby, Esquire. With illustrations by George Cruikshank, John Leech and John Tenniel.

                   Publisher Name:   Richard Bentley, Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1865

                               Printer:   R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, printers, London

                                Width:        170     Height:       235          Thickness:        42

                           PagNotes:  xiv,512p. The doublure size is 160x230mm.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  14.4.99 & 19.3.2014.

                       References:  Ball Appleton 65i Cites copy with brown sand-grain cloth.

                                 De Beaumont RDeB Item 19

                                 King JL p.240-241.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. ( British Museum, rebound C19.) Original dark green endpaper bound at the front. Original upper and lower covers used as doublures. Purple sand-grain   cloth. Both covers are identically blocked in gold.  At the four corners, twin intertwined dragons are blocked in gold. The outer border in gold is of a repeating pattern of acorns at the end of leaves, interspaced with a triple leaf motif, which is enclosed in arches. The inner border features a medallion on each corner, with the head and shoulders of a fanciful character blocked within each. There is also a medallion and fanciful character within blocked on the centre of each side. Two shields with pseudo-devices within are blocked in gold and in relief on each side. Fillets and "cord-shaped" fillets and emblems are blocked in gold between the medallions and the shields on the inner border. The inner corners have decoration blocked in blind. The central mandorla has several borders, blocked in gold. Within it at the head, a lion is blocked, holding a shield, saltire ermine. The tail of the lion loops on either side of the shield to enclose the initials "T" and "I". The title: "/ The/ Ingoldsby/ Legends/" is blocked in relief within a shield-shaped gold lettering-piece. The initials, "JL", are blocked in relief as separate letters at the base of the title.





2003 book entry number: 447



                                  Binding No:   774

                          Pressmark:   12805.ccc.16.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Bethell, afterward Parker, Hon. Augusta

                                   Title:   Echoes of an old bell and other tales of fairy love. Illustrated by F.W. Keyl. [i.e. Friedrich Wilhelm Keyl]

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith & Farran, (successors to Newbery & Harris), Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1865

                               Printer:   Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh

                                Width:        127     Height:       175          Thickness:        24

                           PagNotes:  [4], 199p.  4 plates. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  8.1.98 & 19.3.2014.

            References:     Dry JL no. 481


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Red ink speckled edges. White endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "Bound by/ Bone & Son./ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./" [Ball no. 17A.] Both covers identically blocked in blind on the border and on the corners. Three fillets are blocked on the borders Intertwining stem and leaf decoration is blocked in blind ion each corner. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a church bell, a headstock, bell wheel, and clapper. The bell has the figure of a male winged angel on it, blocked in relief. The title words: "Echoes/ of an/ old bell/" are blocked in gold above, the left and to the right of the bell. A bird is blocked in gold above the word "Echoes". Groups of leaves, of stems and or berries are blocked to the left and the right of the bell. They are attached to twin branches, which rise from the base of the vignette. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. Five fillets are blocked in blind at the head. A fillet, shaped as a bell-rope, forms two panels. In the first panel are:  a bird; the title words: "Echoes/ of an/ old/ bell/" blocked in gold. In the second panel are: the words: "/by/ the Hon./ Augusta/ Bethell/" blocked in gold. [The base of the spine is missing.]





2003 book entry number: 448

                                  Binding No:   766


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Black, Adam and Charles, Publishers

                                   Title:   Black's guide to the counties of Hereford and Monmouth. With illustrations. Second edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Adam and  Charles Black

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   1865

                               Printer:   Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh

                                Width:        110     Height:       172          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  xi, 155p., 2 plates, 2 maps, one fold-out. With forty-eight pages of advertisements bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  14.10.2000 & 19.11.2014

            References:     Dry JL no. 482.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on two tapes. Edges speckled with red ink. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. "/ Clue index/ to the/ principal places in Hereford and Monmouth Shires./" printed on the upper pastedown. Index to "Black's Travelling Maps" printed on the upper endpaper. A list of Black's guide books is printed on the lower endpaper and pastedown. Both covers have two fillets blocked in blind on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. On the centre the title: "/ Black's/ guide/ to/ Hereford/ and/ Monmouth/ shires./" is blocked in gold. To the left and the right of the title, the coats of arms of each county are blocked. The coats of arms are joined by apple tree branches, with groups of apples and leaves. At the base of the vignette, the branches are tied by a ribbon. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters above the ribbon. The spine is not blocked. The eighth edition of 1883 is at BL 174p., 2 plates, 2 maps, 1 fold-out. With one hundred and eight pages of advertisements bound at the end. Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh. 112x170x23mm. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns, with indexes and lists printed on them. Green sand-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on the covers as for the second edition. On the spine, the words: "Hereford & Monmouth" are blocked in gold along its length.




2003 book entry number: 449


                                  Binding No:   745


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Broderip, Frances Freeling

                                   Title:   Crosspatch, the cricket and the counterpane, A Patchwork of Story and Song. Illustrated by her brother, Thomas Hood.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, (successors to Newbery & Harris), Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1865

                               Printer:   Printed by Wertheimer and Co.,  Finsbury Circus, London

                                Width:        127     Height:       175          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  [4],188p., 6 plates. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound a the end.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  29.3.2000 & 26.3.2014.

            References:     Dry JL no. 484.

                                 King JL p.238.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are hand coloured and are signed "TH" and "C.A. Ferrier Sc."[i.e. Charles Anderson Ferrier]. On page three of the publisher's titles bound at the end: "Super royal 16mo. price 3s.6d. cloth, 4s.6d. coloured, gilt edges." Gilt edges. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./" [Ball no. 17A.] Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. Five fillets are blocked on the borders, the innermost of which has leaf decoration attached to it, with a circle and leaf blocked on each corner. The lower cover central vignette is blocked in blind, showing a square divided into four, with a leaf, blocked in relief, within each quarter.  Four more leaves are blocked in relief on each side of the square. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a lady, wearing a conical hat, standing on a three-legged stool. She is holding a patchwork in her hands, it being divided into squares. The squares have various decorative patterns, all blocked in relief. The title words: "/ Cross/ patch/" are blocked in relief within the squares. Above these words: "/ Story/ &/ song" are each blocked in relief within one square. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a fillet, a Greek roll, a fillet - all in blind; the words: "/ Crosspatch/ the/ cricket/ and the/ counterpane/ Broderip./" are blocked in gold; a figure of the cricket, blocked in gold; at the base: a fillet; a Greek roll, a fillet - all blocked in blind.





2003 book entry number: 450


                                  Binding No:   770

                          Pressmark:   11650.f.21.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Broderip, Frances Freeling

                                   Title:   Merry songs for little voices. Set to music by Thomas Murby. With forty illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran (successors to Newbery and Harris,) The Corner of Saint Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1865

                               Printer:   W. Clowes and Sons, Type-Music and General Printers, Stamford Street, and Charing Cross.

                                Width:        173     Height:       217          Thickness:        11

                           PagNotes:  viii,75p. With four page of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  22.3.2000 & 26.3.2014.

            References:     Dry JL no. 483.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Many of the illustrations are signed with the monogram "TH" [i.e. Thomas Hood.] Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red coarse pebble-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders, on the sides, and on the head and the tail. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. The same curling stem patterns are blocked in blind on each corner. On the centre head and centre tail, the curling stem pattern ends in straps. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. A five point hatched star is blocked at the head. Below it, the words: "/ Merry songs/" are blocked in gold. Below this, a stylised lyre is blocked in gold. Its sides are in the form of a single winged angel, male on the left, and female on the right. The male angel holds a tuning fork in his right hand, and an open book (blocked as a gold lettering-piece) in his left. The book has the words: "/ By/ Mrs/ Broderip/" blocked in relief on its covers. The female angel on the right holds a small posy of flowers in her left hand; she also holds an open book (blocked as a gold

lettering-piece) in her right hand. The words: "/ Music by/ T/ Murby/" are blocked in relief on the its covers. The strings of the lyre run downwards from the angel's wings to the tie-bar at the base. The title word: "for" is blocked in gold between the strings. The word "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in relief with the tie-bar, which is a rectangular gold lettering-piece with diagonal hatch. The words: "/ By/ Thomas

Hood/" are blocked in relief within the base of the lyre (a gold lettering-piece). The words: "/ Little voices/" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has diagonal hatch, and a gold fillet blocked on its borders. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters, within a small circular gold lettering-piece at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two fillets blocked in blind; a head blocked between two wings; the title: "/ Merry/ songs/ for/ little/ voices/" is blocked in gold; a lyre. [Lower portion of the spine is missing.]






s 2003 bibliography  451 to 475


2003 book entry number:





2003 book entry number: 452


                                  Binding No:   842

                          Pressmark:   RdeB.G.19.

                                   Pressmark:   C.194.a.284.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Cowper, William

                                   Title:   The task a poem. Illustrated by Birket Foster.

                   Publisher Name:   James Nisbet and Co. Berners Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1865

                               Printer:   Printed by  R. & R. Clark.

                                Width:        160     Height:       210          Thickness:        26

                           PagNotes:  [13], 263p.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh


                       Bookbinder:   Edmonds & Remnants

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   Gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  11.9.2000 & 26.3.2014.

                       References:  De Beaumont           Rdeb2  no.79.    P&D Accession no. 1992-4-6-71.

                                 De Beaumont RdeB1 no.71.

                                 McLean VBD p.116-117.

BL copy Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The “list of Illustrations” states: “Designed yb Birket Foster, engraved on wood by Edmund Evans, and printed by R. & R. Clark.” Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Edmonds & Remnants/ [rule]/ London/" Purple morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically with the same design, in gold on the upper cover and in blind on the lower cover. Three fillets are blocked on the borders in gold. On the spine side of each cover, nine stylised leaves, with four dots grouped around each leaf, are blocked from head to tail. An inner border of crossing semi-circles is blocked in gold. Small leaf and curling stem decoration is blocked inside each semi-circle. The central rectangle, formed by these semi-circles, is itself divided into three panels by gold fillets. In the panel at the head, a lozenge-shape is blocked in gold on the centre. The middle rectangle has small flowers blocked on its corners. The words: "/ The Task/ Illustrated/" are blocked in gold, with elaborate tendrils attached to the ends of some of the letters. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards. the decoration is: two gold fillets; the words: "/ The/ Task/ Illustrated/" are blocked in gold within a rectangular panel, which is formed by a single fillet; two crossing semi-circles and small leaf decoration are blocked within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; three circles have leaf and stem decoration blocked within each; two crossing semi-circles and small leaf decoration are blocked within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the centre of this decoration; the words: "Nisbet & Co." are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; a fillet is blocked in gold at the tail.



De Beaumont  G. 19. Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Edmonds & Remnants/ [rule]/ London/" Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold. Three fillets are blocked on the borders in gold. On the spine side of each cover, nine stylised leaves and four dots are blocked from head to tail. An inner border of crossing semi-circles is blocked in gold. Small leaf and curling stem decoration is blocked inside each semi-circle. The central rectangle formed by these semi-circles is itself divided into three panels by gold fillets. in the panel at the head, a lozenge-shape is blocked in gold on the centre. The middle rectangle has small flowers blocked on its corners. The words: "/ The Task/ Illustrated/" are blocked in gold, with elaborate tendrils attached to the ends of some of the letters. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards. the decoration is: two gold fillets; the words: "/ The/ Task/ Illustrated/" are blocked in gold within a rectangular panel, which is formed by a single fillet; two crossing semi-circles and small leaf decoration are blocked within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; three circles have leaf and stem decoration blocked within each; two crossing semi-circles and small leaf decoration are blocked within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the centre of this decoration; the words: "Nisbet & Co." are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; a fillet is blocked in gold at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 453


                                  Binding No:   170

                          Pressmark:   1347.g.25.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Cundall, Joseph

                                   Title:   A book of favourite modern ballads. Illustrated with engravings from drawings by J.C. Horsley [i.e. John Callcott Horsley], A.R.A., Edward Duncan, G.H.Thomas [i.e.George Housman Thomas] , Edwin H. Corbould [i.e. Edwin Henry Corbould], Birket Foster, C.W. Cope, R. A. [i.e. Charles West Cope], Harrison Weir, W. Harvey [i.e. William Harvey], A. Solomon, etc.

                   Publisher Name:   Ward, Lock, & Tyler, 158 Fleet Street; and 107 Dorset Street, Salisbury Square.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1865]

                               Printer:   Edmund Evans, Engraver & Printer

                                Width:        165     Height:       230          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  xiv,168p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  27.5.99 7 26.3.2014

                       References:  Ball VPB p.164states that the ornamental designs of the 1859 edition are by Warren.

                                 King JL p.239.

                                 McLean Cundall .20-21, 34, 36, 38, 85.

Notes: The lower cover vignette is by John Leighton. Printed in colours by Edmund Evans.  [The editor's preface is signed J.C. i.e. Joseph Cundall.] Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. Blue sand-grain cloth. On the upper cover, the outer design is fully blocked in gold. The borders have a repeating pattern of hatched leaves within a square, both attached to a gold fillet. Inside this, a filet is

blocked in blind, with small flowers blocked in relief on each corner. The central oval is recessed, and has a Renaissance strap panel and tracery blocked on its borders. A painted on lay has been pasted within the recess. The on lay features a young girl leaning against the base of a statue, looking at a young man seated holding a harp. The lower cover has the same outer design as the upper cover, blocked in blind. The lower cover

has a central vignette blocked in gold of a harp and leaves, and is signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base. This vignette is used also on the covers of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Poems, 1850, [BL shelfmark:11689.a.44.]; and on both covers of Sophia Milligen, Original poems..., 1856, [BL shelfmark: 11649.c.4.]. The spine is fully blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a rectangle formed by a single fillet, with gold leaf decoration, with dots blocked in relief inside; two tassels and tracery above a Renaissance oval panel, which has the title: "/ A/ book/ of/ favourite/ modern/ ballads./" blocked in gold within it; more gold tracery surrounds a suspended bunch of fruit - all blocked in gold; within a Renaissance strap gold lettering-piece, the words: "/ London/ Ward Lock & Tyler/" are blocked in relief; a gold fillet; gold leaf decoration and dots blocked inside in relief are all within a rectangle at the tail.  [Another edition of "Favourite modern ballads", 1859 is at 1347.i.13.]





2003 book entry number: 454


                                  Binding No:   340

                          Pressmark:   12805.h.20.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Dalton, William

                                   Title:   The wasps of the ocean: or little waif and the pirate of the Eastern seas. A romance of travel and adventure in China and Siam. With illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   E. Marlborough & Co., Ave Maria Lane

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1865]

                               Printer:   Henry C. Berry & Co., Gloucester Street, Regent's Park, N.W.

                                Width:        125     Height:       190          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  viii,412p., 6 plates. With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the front.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  25.7.96 & 26.3.2014.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Bevelled boards. Light brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco horizontal-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind, with the decoration on the borders and on the sides identical for both covers. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in blind. On the upper cover, two

fillets are blocked in gold on the borders. Inside this, a border panel is blocked in blind, showing joined stems, leaves and flowers. The central rectangular panel has a trefoil blocked in gold on each corner, and a gold fillet border. The central vignette is blocked in gold, and shows the rear of a sailing ship, which has its sail and pennant flying. The rear of the ship has the features of a face and a large open mouth. Beneath the rear of

the ship, a shark, blocked in gold, is swimming in the sea. The title words: "Wasps of the ocean" are blocked in gold  and in relief within the mainsail. The mainsail blocked in gold with hatch. The words: "W. Dalton" are blocked in relief on the rear of the ship. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in full gold. There is a single fillet blocked in gold around the perimeter. A large wasp is blocked in gold at the head.; underneath, the title "Wasps of the ocean"   is blocked in gold. The word:" Dalton" is blocked underneath the title inside a rectangular gold lettering piece. Beneath this, a china man is blocked in gold. At the base, the imprint is blocked in gold, inside a rectangle formed by a single fillet. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters, underneath the china man.




2003 book entry number: 455


                                  Binding No:   666


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Fraser, Robert William

                                   Title:   Head and hand or Thought and Action in reference to success and happiness. New edition.

                   Publisher Name:   William and Robert Chambers

             Place of Publication:   London and Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   [1865]

                               Printer:   Printed by William Grant, 52 West Register Street.

                                Width:        115     Height:       172          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  264p., 4 plates.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  6.3.2000 & 6.3.2014

            References:     Dry JL no.392. 1861 edition.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on two tapes. The design has been blocked after casing in. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Red pebble-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Inside this, a third fillet is blocked in blind,

with trefoils and dots blocked in relief within it. Small berries are blocked in relief on each corner. The upper cover central vignette is the same as for BL 10603.aa.11 (the 1861 edition). The incident described is on page 40 of this edition, not page 43.  The author' name, blocked underneath the boat for the 1861 edition, have been replaced by sea water for this issue. The spine design is the same as for the 1861 edition, with two exceptions: the author word: "Fraser" is omitted; the word "W & R Chambers" is substituted for "Houlston & Wright".




2003 book entry number: 457


Binding No:                    327


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Shakespeare, William

                                   Title:   The dramatic works. With copious glossarial notes and biographical notice. 2 vols.

                   Publisher Name:   Gall & Inglis, 6 George Street; London: Houlston & Wright

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   [1865]


                                Width:                  Height:                      Thickness:


                Place of Printing:



                       BinderText:    Upper

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  14.9.99 & 26.3.2014.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Vol 1: xviii, 1020p. 110x173x55mm. Vol. 2: [2], 1094p. 110x173x57mm.   Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red bead-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically. The design is blocked in blind and in relief on the lower cover and in gold and in blind and in relief on the upper cover. Blocked on the borders are: 1. a repeating pattern of flower heads and triangles blocked in gold 2. a gold fillet, with small leaf decoration blocked in relief within it. 3. a single

gold fillet. Inside the inner rectangle, the corners are formed by two gold fillets, and curling stems and hatch gold leaves are blocked on each of the corners in gold. At the head and at the tail are two small circles, formed by two gold fillets, the outer of which has dots blocked in relief inside. On the centre of each circle a single flower is blocked in gold. A pattern is blocked in relief between the two. The central panel is of an arabesque. Around its perimeter fillets are blocked in gold, and decoration blocked in blind. At the centre of the panel, a lyre is blocked in gold. The two arms of the lyre have swans' necks at the top. The strings of the lyre are picked out in blind. The lyre is bisected by the word "/ Shakespeare/", blocked in gold. The lyre is on a plinth, and the whole is surrounded by a circle, alternating in gold and in hatch, which in turn is encircled by interlocking curling stems and leaves. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the central panel. The spines of both volumes are identical and  blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked on the perimeter, the outer thicker than the inner. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold fillet with a repeating pattern of leaf decoration blocked inside in relief; a gold fillet; three circles and arabesques, with small decoration blocked within; a medallion, blocked as a vertical gold hatch lettering-piece, surrounded by four gold fillets,

with form straps at its head and its tail; the words: "/ The/ Dramatic/ Works/ of/ Shakespeare/ Vol. I./ " are blocked inside the medallion, with the words: "Dramatic; Shakespeare; Vol. I." being blocked within rectangles, with single fillets blocked in relief on their borders; more hatch leaf and curling stem decoration is blocked beneath the medallion; three circles and arabesques; a gold fillet; a gold fillet with vertical hatch, triangles and dots blocked in relief inside it; the words: "/Family Edition/" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; a gold fillet; at the tail, a gold fillet with a repeating pattern of leaf decoration blocked inside in relief.





2003 book entry number: 458


                                  Binding No:   383

                          Pressmark:   12612.i.13.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Swift, Jonathan

                                   Title:   Gulliver's travels into several remote regions of the world. A New Edition. With explanatory notes and a Life of the Author, by John  Francis Waller, LL.D. Illustrated by T. Morten [i.e. Thomas Morten]

                   Publisher Name:   Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, La Belle Sauvage Yard, Ludgate Hill, E.C.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1865]

                               Printer:   Cassell, Petter and Galpin, La Belle Sauvage Yard, E.C.

                                Width:        191     Height:       270          Thickness:        32

                           PagNotes:  xliii,352p. Paper cover size: 182x260mm.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   beige


                 Date Examined:  12.10.99 & 26.3.2014



Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Issued in eleven parts. Each part cost 6d.. Both covers for each issue are bound in. The paper is beige coloured, and printed in black. There is a star on each corner, then five fillets on the borders. Between the second and third fillets, a dentelle border is printed. Three medallions are at the head, each with a figure. They are: "Laputian"; "Yahoo, Houyhnhnm"; "Struldbrug". The title "/ Cassell's/ Ilustrated / Gulliver's/ Travels/" is printed at the centre. The capital "G" is highly ornamented. A hand and a small figure within it are below the title. There is a medallion at the tail on the left and on the right. Each shows a sea monster [the Leighton "dolphin"]. The design on the upper cover for each part is signed "Luke Limner F.S.A." and "H. Leighton Sc." between the fillets at the tail. The imprint: "/ London/ Cassell Petter & Galpin/ La Belle Sauvage Road./ E.C./" is printed between medallions on the centre tail. Stylistically, this design is close to Leighton's Voices of the year or poet's calendar … at BL shelf mark 11651.h.9.






2003 book entry number: 460


                                  Binding No:   256

                          Pressmark:   11649.aa.10.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth

                                   Title:   Fun and Earnest; or, rhynes with reason. Illustrated by Charles H. Bennett.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith & Farran, (Successors to Newbery and Harris,) Corner of St. Pauls Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1865

                               Printer:   R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        136     Height:       185          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  [3],80p., 8 plates. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   mauve

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  18.8.99 & 26.3.2014

            References:     Dry JL no.494.

                                 King JL p.249.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Mauve pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, with plant and leaf patterns are blocked on the corners and sides. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. Ivy leaves and stems are blocked around the perimeter. A rabbit is blocked on the left, a frog on the right and a fish at the base. In the middle, sitting on a plinth, are two "party-like" figures in costume. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. The title: "/ Run/ &/ Ernest/" is blocked in gold. There are two circles, blocked above and below the title, with star shaped lettering pieces inside. Inside each star, a face is blocked in relief, one smiling, the other frowning. [This decoration is similar to the stars on Hood, Jingles and jokes...]




2003 book entry number: 461


                                  Binding No:   854

                          Pressmark:   RdeB.K.16

                                   Pressmark:   C.194.b.114.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   A round of days described in original poems by some of our most celebrated poets, and in pictures by eminent artists, engraved by    the Brothers Dalziel.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1866

                               Printer:   Dalziel Brothers, Engravers and Printers, Camden Press.

                                Width:        210     Height:       280          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  [6], 93p. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]



                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    moire rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   orange

                        Blockwork:   gold and relief

                 Date Examined:  11.9.2000 & 26.3.2014


               References:     De Beaumont RdeB2 no.386.   P&D Accession no. 1992-4-6-346.

                                 De Beaumont RdeB1 no.346.

                                 Dry JL no.507.

                                 Morris & Levin APB p.104,  no.231.

BL copy Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The text is printed only  on the rectos of each page. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. The bookplate of Anthony David Estill is pasted onto the front pastedown. Orang moire fine rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in gold and in relief. A thin gold fillet is blocked on the outer borders.  Inside, there is a paper on lay on the inner borders. It is painted in blue and in red, and blocked with a pattern of four pointed ovals and diamonds. On the middle of each side, there are larger ovals; on each corner, there is a "spade-shape". All these have single gold fillet on their borders, and leaf and flower patterns blocked in gold inside. Between them, double fillets in red relief outline each pattern in blue, and groups of three clover leaves and stems are blocked in red relief. The centre of the cover has a thin mandorla, which is formed by a paper on lay painted blue and red, and blocked in gold. Groups of leaves and buds are blocked in gold on the blue at the head, the tail and the sides, within straps blocked in gold. the words: "/ A/ round/ of/ are blocked in gold above the central medallion; the word: "/ Days/" is blocked in red relief within the central hatched gold medallion; the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold in a semi-circle within the blue outer rim of the central medallion. Beneath the medallion, the words: "/ Dalziel's/ Fine Art/ Gift/ Book/" are blocked in red relief, within a horizontal hatch gold lettering-piece. Signed JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the gold lettering-piece; The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a medallion, with a horizontal hatch gold a fleur-de-lis blocked within it; an "arrow head" shape, with small leaf and stem decoration blocked within; the words: "/ A/ round/ of/ days/ Illustrated/" are blocked in gold within a panel formed by a single gold fillet; more leaf and stem decoration is blocked within two decorative panels; a medallion - the same as blocked at the head; a gold fillet; the word: "/ Routledge/" is blocked in gold, within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; at the tail, a gold fillet.

British Museum De Beaumont copy Notes: The design is by John Leighton. British Museum P&D Accession no. 1992-4-6-346.The text is printed only  on the rectos of pages. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown, left hand corner, tail: "/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge/". Bookseller's ticket on lower pastedown, left hand corner, head: "/ J. Brothers,/ Bookseller/ & Stationer/ High St./ Maidstone/". Written on upper endpaper: "/Bryan Lewis/ from his affectionate friend R. Cooper/ 1 Sept 1866/" Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in gold and in relief. A thin gold fillet is blocked on the outer borders.  Inside, there is a paper on lay on the inner borders. It is painted in blue and in red, and blocked with a pattern of four pointed ovals and diamonds. On the middle of each side, there are larger ovals; on each corner, there is a "spade-shape". All these have single gold fillet on their borders, and leaf and flower patterns blocked in gold inside. Between them, double fillets in red relief outline each pattern in blue, and groups of three clover leaves and stems are blocked in red relief. The centre of the cover has a thin mandorla, which is formed by a paper on lay painted blue and red, and blocked in gold. Groups of leaves and buds are blocked in gold on the blue at the head, the tail and the sides, within straps blocked in gold. the words: "/ A/ round/ of/ are blocked in gold above the central medallion; the word: "/ Days/" is blocked in red relief within the central hatched gold medallion; the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold in a semi-circle within the blue outer rim of the central medallion. Beneath the medallion, the words: "/ Dalziel's/ Fine Art/ Gift/ Book/" are blocked in red relief, within a horizontal hatch gold lettering-piece. Signed JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the gold lettering-piece; The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a medallion, with a horizontal hatch gold a fleur-de-lis blocked within it; an "arrow head" shape, with small leaf and stem decoration blocked within; the words: "/ A/ round/ of/ days/ Illustrated/" are blocked in gold within a panel formed by a single gold fillet; more leaf and stem decoration is blocked within two decorative panels; a medallion the same as blocked at the head; a gold fillet; the word: "/ Routledge/" is blocked in gold, within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; at the tail, a gold fillet.




2003 book entry number: 462


                                  Binding No:   1053

                          Pressmark:   1783.a.11.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   Swiss pictures drawn with pen and pencil. The illustrations by Mr. E. Whymper, F.R.G.S.

                   Publisher Name:   The Religious Tract Society, 56 Paternoster Row, 65 St. Pauls Churchyard; & 164 Piccadilly

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1866]

                               Printer:   Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street, and Charing Cross

                                Width:        200     Height:       285          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  214[2]p., 1 plate.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  3.7.99 & 26.3.2014.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The frontispiece plate is signed: "E. Whymper [i.e. Edward Whymper], London; By Hodson's chromographic process." When examined in 1999, text originally sewn on three sawn-in cords (binding in pieces). Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/c Bound by/ Westley's/ & Co./ London./". Green sand-grain cloth. Five fillets are blocked on the borders of both covers, in blind on the lower and in gold on the upper. These are - two outer fillets, and a group of three inner fillets. On the centre of the lower cover, a large circle is blocked in blind, with a pattern of curling stems, of leaves and flowers blocked in relief within it. Inside this, a repeating pattern of leaves, small decoration and flowers is blocked in blind. Flower head petals are outlined on the very centre. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. The title: "/ Swiss Pictures/" is blocked in gold in gothic letters above the centre; the sub-title: "/ Drawn/ by/ Pen &/ Pencil./" are blocked in gold underneath the centre. The centre shows a lady on a horse, side saddle. The horse is feeding. The lady has an open book on her lap. Both the lady and the horse are surrounded by vine stems and leaves, to the left, and by palm tree stems and leaves, to the right. Below, between the sub-title words, a group of travelling objects is blocked in gold. There is a suitcase, which is on top of umbrella and a stick. On top of the suitcase, a map, a telescope, a purse are blocked in gold. In front of the suitcase, a bottle and a "Passeporte" are blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as a

monogram beneath the bottle. Spine missing.





2003 book entry number: 463


                                  Binding No:   808

                          Pressmark:   12805.i.57.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   The Warringtons abroad: or twelve months in Germany, Italy, and Egypt. With numerous illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, 54 Fleet Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1866

                               Printer:   Strangeways and Walden, Printers, Castle St. Leicester Sq.

                                Width:        170     Height:       212          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  vi,140p., 19 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  6.7.2000 & 16.4.2014

            References:     Dry JL no. 512

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Some of the plates are signed "E. T." [In A. D. 2000, text originally sewn on three sawn-in cords, two of which are laced into each board. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Both now lost.]  Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders, on the corners, on the sides, on the head and on the tail. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Groups of three fillets (one thick between two thin) form  cartouches on each side of the cover. There is circular decoration blocked in relief within each cartouche. The central portion has straps blocked on the head and on the tail, and diamond shapes above and below the central frame. The upper cover has four smaller diamond-shaped gold lettering-pieces blocked inside diamonds formed by the straps. The small diamonds have decoration blocked inside. At the head: horizontal hatch gold, with a star and a "Turkish" moon; on the right and left hand side: a double headed eagle, with a ball and sceptre half in its claws; on the tail: an eagle and arrows; - all decoration is blocked in relief. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. This shows a Egyptian entrance, with a pediment at its head, and "reed-like" columns blocked on each side. On the centre, the words: "/

The/ Warringtons/" are blocked in gold. Below this, a felucca is on water, a pyramid, and small palm trees are blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters on the right-hand base of the vignette. The base of the centre-piece is a rectangular gold lettering-piece with a single fillet blocked on its borders. The word: "/ Abroad/" is blocked in relief within this, plus a small decorative device on each side of this word. The

spine is blocked in gold. The top third is missing. The title: "/ [The] Warringtons/ abroad/" is blocked in gold on the middle. Below this, small leaf and stem decoration is blocked in gold. [In 2014, the whole spin is now missing.]





2003 book entry number:




2003 book entry number: 465


                                  Binding No:   764


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Bulwer Lytton, Edward George

                                   Title:   Harold, the last of the Saxon kings. A New Edition.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill; New York: 129 Grand Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1866

                               Printer:   Printed by Cox (Bros.) and Wyman, Great Queen Street

                                Width:        110     Height:       175          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  viii,352p., 1 plate. With three pages of publisher's titles bound at the front and at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]

                        Bookseller:   J. Gilbert



                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  15.3.2000 & 164.2014

            References:     Dry JL no. 503

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Booksellers' ticket on upper pastedown:"/ Bookseller & Stationer/[rule]/ J. Gilbert,/ 18 Gracechurch Street/ London E.C./[rule]/ Engraver & Printer./" Blue bead-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind. On

the outer borders, six fillets are blocked in two groups of three. Between these, the fillet in the middle has a repeating pattern of crossed stems           and dots. The fillets cross on the corners, forming squares. A single cross is blocked in relief within each corner square. Three fillets are blocked on the inner borders. The central vignette on each cover is lozenge-shaped, with small leaves and lines blocked in relief within it. The spine is blocked in gold. Two fillets are blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two fillets in gold; a "lamp and its stand"  is blocked from at the base to near the head; it has a bowl emitting light on its top; within a panel, the words: "/ Harold/ [rule]/ Sir Bulwer Lytton./" are blocked in gold; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the lamp stand; a fillet in gold; a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; two fillets are blocked in gold at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 466


                                  Binding No:   765

                          Pressmark:   11622.aa.42.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Duffy, Charles Gavan

                                   Title:   The Ballad Poetry of Ireland. Edited by the Hon. Charles Gavan Duffy... Thirty-ninth edition.

                   Publisher Name:   James Duffy, 15, Wellington Quay, and 22, Paternoster Row

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1866

                               Printer:   Cox and Wyman,  Printers, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's inn Fields, W.C..

                                Width:        122     Height:       152          Thickness:        23

                           PagNotes:  232p., 1 plate.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   Gold

                 Date Examined:  22.3.2000 & 39.4.2014

            References:     Dry JL no. 497.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The frontispiece plate is an engraved portrait of C. Gavan Duffy.    Original upper cover used as a doublure. Doublure size: 107x140mm. Blue sand-grain cloth. Two fillets are blocked in gold on the borders. A single shamrock is blocked in gold on each corner. The central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows shamrock stems and leaves , which form into two "heart" shaped frames, one on top of the other. In the upper frame, the title word: "/ Ballad/ " and an Irish harp are blocked. Tendrils are

attached to the base of the letters "B" and "d". In the lower frame, the words: "/ Poetry/ of Ireland./" are blocked in gold. A tendril is attached to the "t" of "Poetry". Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette.





2003 book entry number: 467

                                  Binding No:   162

                          Pressmark:   7855.a.34.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Hodgkin, John Eliot

                                   Title:   Monograms, ancient & modern, their history & art-treatment, with examples collected and designed by John Elliot Hodgkin, F.S.A.

                   Publisher Name:   Longmans & Co

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1866


                                Width:        120     Height:       140          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  [79 plates].

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and relief and black and red

                 Date Examined:  26.9.2000 & 16.4.2014.

                       References:  Dry  JL no.499.

                                 King JL pp.244-245. Illustration p.244.

                                 Morris & Levin APB p.100,  no.222.

                                 Pantazzi JL p. 270

 Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The whole book is shaped in the form of a shield. Bevelled boards. Red edges. Red endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold, black and red. The design features a helm surmounting a shield, surrounded by pennants and groups of plants blocked in gold. The shield , or, is blocked in gold on a red bead-grain cloth on lay. The shield features different monograms on upper and lower covers. On the lower cover shield, the initials "JEH"  [i.e. John Eliot Hodgkin] are blocked. Signed "JL" in relief as a monogram at base of shield. The spine is in gold, with the title: "/ Monograms/" blocked in relief, in gothic letters. along the spine within a rectangular gold lettering-piece.The National Library of Scotland copy is at shelf mark Cn.9. The single leaves are sewn overcast onto three cords, and the endpapers and pastedowns have not been disturbed, so this may be the original structure.




2003 book entry number: 468


                                  Binding No:   619

                          Pressmark:   C.109.c.11.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Jerrold, Douglas William

                                   Title:   Mrs Caudle's curtain lectures. Illustrated by Charles Keene.

                   Publisher Name:   Bradbury, Evans & Co., 11 Bouverie Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1866

                               Printer:   Bradbury, Evans, and Co., Printers, Whitefriars.

                                Width:        167     Height:       213          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  xx,190p., 1 plate. With one page of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   Leather

                              Grain:    morocco

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  9.2.2000 7 16.4.2014.

            References:     Dry JL no.501.

                                 King JL p.249.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The  board edges are gauffered; the turn-ins are blocked in gold, with a repeating pattern of ovals and diamonds. Gilt edges. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Both covers identically blocked in gold and in blind and relief. Eight patterns blocked on the borders: 1. a fillet in gold

with repeating dots in relief; 2. a thin fillet in gold; 3. a border of hatched five point stars and gold dots; 4. a thin fillet in gold; 5. a fillet blocked in blind; 6. a fillet blocked in blind with repeating dots blocked in relief; 7. a fillet blocked in blind; 8 a thin fillet, in gold. A four poster bed fills the rest of each cover. It is end-on to the viewer. The decorative features of the bed - the bed linen, the back of the bed, the columns - are outlined in relief by blocking in blind. A rail hung between the two post supports two curtains, which are hung on wooden rings. On the left curtain, the words: "/ The curtain/ lectures/" are blocked in gold; on the right curtain, the words: "/ of/ Mrs./ Caudle/" are blocked in gold. Five hatched five-point stars are blocked in gold below each group of words. Between the curtains on the back of the bed, a circular clock face is blocked in gold, with its arabic hour numbers blocked in relief. In the middle of the foreground, between the curtains, a table is blocked with a lamp on its top, both blocked in relief. The candle flame and its rays inside the lamp are blocked in gold. On the table plinth, the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold. Underneath the table, a water pitcher and a bowl are blocked in relief. The words: "/By/ C/" are blocked on gold on the pitcher; the word: "/ Keene/" is blocked in gold on the bowl. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters on either side of the bowl. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: hatched stars and a quarter moon, with a face; the words: "/ Mrs./ Caudle's/ curtain/ lectures/ [a set of teeth!]/ Douglas/ Jerrold./" are blocked in gold (the author words are blocked in relief within two rectangular gold lettering-pieces); the words: "/ Caudle's/ curtain/ wedding/ ring/" are blocked in gold round a ring, which has an eagle perched within it; the words: "/ Illustrated/ by/ Charles/ Keene./" are blocked in gold; miscellaneous decorative patterns, some in hatched gold; near at the base: "/ London/ Bradbury,/ Evans & Co./" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; two fillets are

blocked in gold at the tail.


Include the BM copy as part of notes for BL copy…


                                  Binding No:   843

                          Pressmark:   RedB.I.7.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Jerrold, Douglas William

                                   Title:   Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures. Illustrated by Charles Keene.

                   Publisher Name:   Bradbury, Evans, & Co., 11 Bouverie Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1866

                               Printer:   Bradbury, Evans, and Co., Printers Extraordinary to the Queen.

                                Width:        170     Height:       214          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  xiv,190p., 1 colour plate. With ten pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Whitefriars


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  11.9.2000 & 16.4.2014.


            References:     De Beaumont RdeB2 nos.167-68. P&D Accession no. 1992-4-6-145 & 146.

                                 De Beaumont RdeB1 nos.145-46

                                 Dry JL no.501.

Notes: There are two copies in the Robin de Beaumont collection, in the British Museum. Register number 1992,0406.145 (shelf mark RdeB.I.7.) is printed on blue paper. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Purple sand-grain cloth. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge./" This copy has the same upper cover and spine design as for the BL copy at C.109.c.11. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. It has the same border design as for the upper cover, and the lettering is blocked in blind only. There is no decoration of the bed, as is blocked on the upper cover. Another copy is at RdeB.I.8.(register number 1992,0406.146)  Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. "Red chequer board" endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Edmonds & Remnants/ [rule]/ London/". Red sand-grain cloth. This copy has the same upper cover and spine design as for BL copy at C.109.c.11. The blocking is in blind only on the lower cover. The decoration of the bed is blocked on the lower cover.






2003 book entry number: 470

                                  Binding No:   789


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Pennell, Harry Cholmondeley

                                   Title:   Fishing gossip or stray leaves from the note-books of several anglers.

                   Publisher Name:   Adam & Charles Black

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   1866


                                Width:        127     Height:       198          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  xi, 329p., 1 plate. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    criss-cross diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  10.7.2000 & 23.4.2014.

            References:     Dry JL no.505

                                 Gaskell NIB p.242, fig.91.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on two tapes. Dark Green endpapers and pastedowns. The book plates of Arthur Potts and George Watson Neish are pasted on the upper pastedown and endpaper respectively. Brown criss-cross grain cloth. [Gaskell, fig. 91.] Both covers blocked identically in blind only. Two fillets blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. An inner rectangle is formed by two fillets, with  an "arrowhead" blocked on each corner. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: three fillets in gold; the title: "/ Fishing/ Gossip/" is blocked in gold; a group of objects associated with fishing - a Neptune's tripod, an eel, a fishing net, and a fish inside it, a slatted mat, and a fishing line; near the base of this group, a gold hatched rectangular lettering-piece is blocked, with a single fillet on its borders; the word "Pennell" is blocked in relief within it. signed "JL" in gold as a monogram underneath the rectangular lettering-piece. [This is one of the smallest Leighton monograms, being one millimetre square.]




2003 book entry number: 471


                                  Binding No:   685

                          Pressmark:   1608/3771

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Pepper, John Henry

                                   Title:   The playbook of metals: including personal narratives of visits to coal, lead, copper, and tin mines; with a Large Number of Interesting Experiments relating to alchemy and the chemistry of the fifty metallic elements. With Three Hundred Illustrations. A new edition.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill. New York: 129 Grand Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1866

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards,  Printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        122     Height:       187          Thickness:        38

                           PagNotes:  viii, 504p., 1 plate.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  11.3.2000 & 24.4.2014.

            References:     Dry JL no. 406. The 1861 edition.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The  plate is signed "E. Evans Sc."[i.e. Edmund Evans.]  Gilt edges. White endpapers and pastedowns. [The upper endpaper is missing.] Dark red sand-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders, the corners, and the sides. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Curling stem and leaf decoration, ending in two circles,  is blocked in blind on each corner. Three more fillets are blocked on the inner borders. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a central medallion, with the words: "/ The/ playbook/ of/ metals/" blocked in relief within four gold lettering-pieces, three rectangular, and one circular, each with a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders. Vertical hatch gold fills the remainder of the space at the centre. Two fillets are blocked on the border of the medallion.  Signs denoting the elements surround the medallion. Above it, the head of a man is blocked, with long hair and a beard; his left and right hands have smoking bottles resting on his palms; his little fingers hold up handles on the end of cords, and beads on the cords. Two beakers are blocked at the base. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two fillets; an arch, with a beam and a wheel; a chain hangs from the wheel, and runs down the spine to hold a frame to which a  basket is tied; four boys hold onto the chain, above two men in the basket, one of who has a spade over his right shoulder; above this group, the words: "/ The/ playbook/ of metals./ Pepper/" are blocked in relief, within a ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece which is wrapped around the hanging chain; signed "JL" in relief as separate letters at the base of the basket; a gold fillet; near the tail, the words: "/ 300 engravings/" are blocked within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; a gold fillets is blocked at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 472

                                  Binding No:   214

                          Pressmark:   C.109.f.2.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Pigot, Richard

                                   Title:   The Life of Man, symbolised by the months of the year in a series of illustrations by John Leighton, F.S.A. and pourtrayed [sic] In their Seasons and Phases, with passages selected from ancient and modern authors. [Renaissance bolt and strap design of Leighton & Co.]

                   Publisher Name:   Longmans, Green, Reader & Dyer, Paternoster Row.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1866

                               Printer:   Whitefriars Bradbury, Evans & Co., Printers Extraordinary to the Queen.

                                Width:        225     Height:       288          Thickness:        45

                           PagNotes:  xii,240p., 48 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Edmonds & Remnants

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   orange

                        Blockwork:   gold and black  and relief

                 Date Examined:  2.6.99 7 16.4.2014.

                       References:  Ball VPB pp. 54, 55, 61- ref. 17

                                 King JL p.242.

                                 McLean VPBB p.90

                                 Pantazzi JL pp. 266 (illustration), 269



Notes: the design is by John Leighton. Each page of text has a motto printed on each side, on the head and on the tail, between two border fillets. The half title page verso has a reproduction of Leighton's, originally printed as the wood engraving heading the List of Plates in "Suggestions in design", published in 1852-1853. The print represents the artist (inventor), engraver (art-workman), printer (producer) and virtuoso (consumer), amid ivy foliage. Beneath the Caxton quotation is printed a shield with a lion rampant, with the words: "Light on s" [i.e. Leighton's] printed in the pennant underneath the shield. All the titled plates - 'infant', 'schoolboy', etc, are signed "JL". Many of the illustrations are signed "L" with a full stop above, or a plain "L". On p. viii: "My best thanks are due ... to my Brother Mr. H. Leighton for the ingenious way many of them [the plates] are executed." On p. vii: "     The smaller designs and devices in the volume are engraved by Leighton, Williamson, Green Dalziel, Cooper, Woods, Pearson, Jewitt and Servain. The frontispiece plate, and the plates for April and December are signed "H. Leighton Sc." .Bevelled boards. Gilt edges on head and tail. On the for edge, the gilt is overlaid alternately with red ink to index each month. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Edmonds & Remnants,/ London/". Orange sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and black. On the borders are blocked: 1. "dog-tooth" pattern in gold 2. a black fillet, with repeating stars blocked in relief within it - all between two gold fillets. These black and gold fillets form numerous panels on the inner borders and on the corners. There are patterns of plant and hatch leaves blocked in gold in the panels. Medallions, formed by two gold fillets, are blocked on the centre head, centre tail, and on the sides. Each             medallion has horizontal gold hatch and the head of a figure blocked in relief within; these are: 1. an infant 2. a schoolboy 3. a Father 4. an old man. A shield on each corner is formed by two gold fillets, with small hatch leaf and stem decoration blocked between these fillets. Horizontal gold hatch is blocked within each shield, plus trees representing the four seasons. The central mandorla is an onlay of red sand-grain cloth. Around its edge are nine borders. These are: 1. a single gold fillet 2. a thick gold fillet 3.-5. borders of gold diamonds, flowers and dots, blocked in gold and in black between two thin gold fillets 6. a fillet blocked in black, with flower heads blocked in relief within 7. & 8. two thin gold fillets  9. repeating gold dots.  The mandorla features Eve offering Adam the apple, blocked in gold. A gold lettering-piece shaped as a pennant around their feet states ' "As/ one/ of/ us/ to/ know/ good/ &/ evil/", blocked in relief; " Genesis III. Ch. XXII.V." is blocked in gold. The title words are blocked in a shield. The words: : "/ The Life/ of/" are blocked in relief within the shield, or; the word "/ Man/" is blocked in gold with the edges of each letter blocked in relief, sable. A cross is blocked in relief below this. Above this shield, Eve's outstretched left arm, offering the apple to Adam, supports armour of shoulders and a helm. The helm contains a skull. Above this is blocked a serpent, crowned, which is curled around an apple tree. There are eleven circles around the apple tree, blocked in gold and the zodiac signs in the circles are blocked in relief. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of pennant. The "J" and the "L" are joined dipthong fashion. The spine is fully blocked in gold and black. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: dog-tooth decoration in gold; a black fillet within a           rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; strap work - consisting of a black fillet blocked between two gold fillets; small stem and hatch flower decoration is blocked within the strap work; a rectangular panel formed by a single fillet; the title: "/ The/ Life of/ Man/ symbolised/ by the/ months/ of the/ year/" is blocked in gold within the panel; a single flower head is blocked in gold on each corner of the panel; strap and small gold decoration; a mandorla is formed by the strap work; within the mandorla are blocked: 1. a five point star 2. an hour-glass with wings 3. a shield, or, is formed by two thin gold fillets; the word: "/ Illustrated/ by/ Iohn/ Leighton/ FSA/" are blocked in relief in gothic letters within the shield; strap work and small gold decoration; the words: "/ London:/ Longmans & Co./" are blocked in gold in gothic letters within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; a black fillet is blocked within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; gold dog-tooth decoration is blocked across the spine at the tail. This is the copyright deposit copy, dated 4 JA[NUARY 18] 66.


The second BL copy on green sand-grain cloth

Binding No:                    215

                          Pressmark:   C.109.f.4.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Pigot, Richard

                                   Title:   The Life of Man, symbolised by the months of the year in a series of illustrations by John Leighton, F.S.A. and pourtrayed [sic] in their Seasons and Phases with passages selected from ancient and modern authors.

                   Publisher Name:   Longmans, Green, Reader & Dyer, Paternoster Row.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1866

                               Printer:   Whitefriars Bradbury, Evans & Co., Printers Extraordinary to the Queen.

                                Width:        225     Height:       285          Thickness:        37

                           PagNotes:  xii,240p., 48 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Edmonds & Remnants

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and black  and relief

                 Date Examined:  2.6.99.

                       References:  Ball Appleton 66f Design on green sand-grain cloth.

                                 Ball VPB pp.54, 55, 61(ref.17)

                                 King JL p.242.

                                 McLean VPBB p.90

                                 Morris & Levin APB p.36, no.50. Design on green sand-grain cloth.

                                 Pantazzi JL pp.266, 269 (illustration)

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Each page of text has a motto printed on each side, on the head and on the tail, between two border fillets. The half title page verso has a  reproduction of Leighton's, originally printed as the wood engraving heading the List of Plates in "Suggestions in design", published in 1852-1853. The print represents the artist (inventor), engraver (art-workman), printer (producer) and virtuoso (consumer), amid ivy foliage. Beneath the Caxton quotation is printed a shield with a lion rampant, with the words: "Light on s" [i.e. Leighton's] printed in the pennant underneath the shield. All the titled plates - 'infant', 'schoolboy', etc, are signed "JL". Many of the illustrations are signed "L" with a full stop above, or a plain "L". On p. viii: "My best thanks are due ... to my Brother Mr. H. Leighton for the ingenious way many of them [the plates] are executed." On p. vii: " The smaller designs and devices in the volume are engraved by Leighton, Williamson, Green Dalziel, Cooper, Woods, Pearson, Jewitt and Servain. The frontispiece plate, and the plates for April and December are signed "H. Leighton Sc." .Text sewn on three tapes. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Edmonds & Remnants,/ London/". Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and black. On the borders are blocked: 1. "dog-tooth" pattern in gold 2. a black fillet, with repeating stars blocked in relief within it - all between two gold fillets. These black and gold fillets form numerous panels on the inner borders and on the corners. There are patterns of plant and hatch leaves blocked in gold in the panels. Medallions, formed by two gold fillets, are blocked on the centre head, centre tail, and on the sides. Each medallion has horizontal gold hatch and the head of a figure blocked in relief within; these are: 1. an infant 2. a schoolboy 3. a Father 4. an old man. A shield on each corner is formed by two gold fillets, with small hatch leaf and stem decoration blocked between these fillets. Horizontal gold hatch is blocked within each shield, plus trees representing the four seasons. The central mandorla is an onlay of red sand-grain cloth. Around its edge are nine borders. These are: 1. a single gold fillet 2. a thick gold fillet 3.-5. borders of gold diamonds, flowers and dots, blocked in gold and in black between two thin gold fillets 6. a fillet blocked in black, with flower heads blocked in relief within 7. & 8. two thin gold fillets 9. repeating gold dots.  The mandorla features Eve offering Adam the apple, blocked in gold. A gold lettering-piece shaped as a pennant around their feet states ' "As/ one/ of/ us/ to/ know/ good/ &/ evil/", blocked in relief; " Genesis III. Ch. XXII.V." is blocked in gold. The title words are blocked in a shield. The words: : "/ The Life/ of/" are blocked in relief within the shield, or; the word "/ Man/" is blocked in gold with the edges of each letter blocked in relief, sable. A cross is blocked in relief below this. Above this shield, Eve's outstretched left arm, offering the apple to Adam, supports armour of shoulders and a helm. The helm contains a skull. Above this is blocked a serpent, crowned, which is curled around an apple tree. There are eleven circles around the apple tree, blocked in gold and the zodiac signs in the circles are blocked in relief. Signed "JL"in gold as a monogram at the base of pennant. The "J" and the "L" are joined dipthong fashion. The spine is fully blocked in gold and black. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: dog-tooth decoration in gold; a black fillet within a rectangle formed by a single gold       fillet; strap work - consisting of a black fillet blocked between two gold fillets; small stem and hatch flower decoration is blocked within the strap work; a rectangular panel formed by a single fillet; the title: "/ The/ Life of/ Man/ symbolised/ by the/ months/ of the/ year/" is blocked in gold within the panel; a single flower head is blocked in gold on each corner of the panel; strap and small gold decoration; a mandorla is formed by the strap work; within the mandorla are blocked: 1. a five point star 2. an hour-glass with wings 3. a shield, or, is formed by two thin gold fillets; the word: "/ Illustrated/ by/ Iohn/ Leighton/ FSA/" are blocked in relief in gothic letters within the shield; strap work and small gold decoration; the words: "/ London:/ Longmans & Co./" are blocked in gold in gothic letters within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; a black fillet is blocked within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; gold dog-tooth decoration is blocked across the spine at the tail. This copy was donated; dated 31.12.[19]59.








2003 book entry number: 473


                                  Binding No:   676


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Raleigh, Alexander

                                   Title:   The Story of Jonah The Prophet. [Engraved Map of the Mediterranean, entitled:] Sketch-map of Mediterranean Sea.

                   Publisher Name:   Adam and  Charles Black

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   1866

                               Printer:   Printed by R&R Clark, Edinburgh

                                Width:        134     Height:       204          Thickness:        28

                           PagNotes:  [7],322p., 1 plate. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  9.3.2000 & 24.4.2014



Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The frontispiece engraving of Jonah's tomb is signed "Dalziel" from a sketch by J.L. Porter. [i. e. Josias Leslie Porter.] Text sewn on two tapes. Black endpapers and pastedowns. Red pebble-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders. Four fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, the three inner ones having rounded corners. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a medallion, formed by a single gold fillet, with Jonah, the whale and waves inside. The title: "/ Story/ of/ Jonah/" is blocked in horizontal hatch gold above the figure of Jonah. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters as the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold fillet at the head; the words: "/ The/Story/ of/ Jonah/ Raleigh/" are blocked in gold within a panel formed by a single "rope-like" fillet. Near the tail, a dolphin is blocked, with ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece around it; the words: "/ A&C/ Black/" are blocked in relief within the ribbon; three gold fillets are blocked at the tail, the middle of which is "rope-like".




2003 book entry number: 474


                                  Binding No:   793


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Smith, Richard Henry

                                   Title:   Twigs for nests or Notes on Nursery Nuture. With illustrations in graphotype.

                   Publisher Name:   James Nisbet and Co. Berners Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1866

                               Printer:   Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh.

                                Width:        140     Height:       197          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  xi, 144p. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  18.7.2000 & 30.4.2014

            References:     Dry JL no.511.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The illustration on page 47 is signed: “Phiz” [i. e. Hablot Knight Browne] and “Graphotype”. Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked  identically on the borders and on the corners - in blind on the lower and in gold on the upper. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. Small leaf and flower plant decoration is blocked on each corner. A fourth fillet is blocked inside, which has semi-circular corners. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. The title: "/ Twigs/ for/ nests./" is blocked in gold, in rustic lettering, with "twig-like" tendrils attached to several of the letters. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets; a "dotted" fillet; a gold fillet; two more gold fillets; the title: "/ Twigs/ for/ nests/" is blocked in gold; a decorated fillet; near the tail of the spine: four fillets; the words: "/ London/ Nisbet & Co./" are blocked in gold; two fillets; a fillet of repeating dots; two fillets at the tail - all in gold.




2003 book entry number: 475


                                  Binding No:   168


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Tonkin, Sarah Eliza.

                                   Title:   Rostherne mere, and other poems.

                   Publisher Name:   Palmer & Howe, 1 and 3 Bond Street; London, Simpkin, Marshall, & Co.

             Place of Publication:   Manchester

              Date of Publication:   1866

                               Printer:   Printed by Palmer & Howe

                                Width:        132     Height:       170          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  viii, 224p.

                Place of Printing:   Manchester




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  23.4.99 & 24.4.2014.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Blue pebble-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked, in gold and relief on the upper and in blind and relief on the lower. On the upper cover, a "dog-tooth" border is blocked in gold. Inside this, a single gold fillet is blocked on

 the borders. On each outer corner, triangular gold lettering-pieces are blocked each with three dots blocked inside in relief. Three inner borders (rounded at the corners) consist of: 1. a single gold fillet 2. a single gold fillet with repeating dots blocked inside it in relief 3. a hatch  gold fillet. On each inner corner, a round gold lettering-piece is blocked, with flower heads and stems blocked inside in relief. The centre-piece is blocked

in gold. It shows decoration, with fillets on the outside delineating a vase-shape. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. Further single gold fillets form panels down the spine. From the head downwards, the contents of the panels are: 1. stem, leaf and bud decoration blocked in gold 2, the words: "/ Rostherne/ Mere/ and/ other/ poems./" are blocked in gold 3. plant stem leaf, and bud decoration, with one open flower - all in gold 4. the words: "/ S.E. Tonkin./" are blocked in gold, within a circle formed by two fillets 5. plant, leaf, and stem decoration blocked in gold; signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the plant 6. the words: / Palmer & Howe/" are blocked in gold at the tail.




2003 book entry number: 477


              Binding No:  884

                Pressmark:  12603.f.15.

             Artist Name:  Leighton, John

      Author/Heading:  Eliot, George

                         Title:  Novels. Vol. I [-VI]. With illustrations.

       Publisher Name:  William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London

Place of Publication:

  Date of Publication:  [1867-1870]

                     Printer:  Printed by William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh.

                      Width:         0 Height:       0   Thickness:       0


    Place of Printing:




       Cover material:  paper


                  Colour :   green


     Date Examined: 29.9.2000 & 23.4.2014

          References: Gray, Beryl. E.M.W. [i.e. Edmund Morison Wimperis.] The stereotyped edition’s title-page vignettes.  Also: Adams, Kathleen. Milly Barton and Emma Gwyther. In: The George Eliot Review. No.29, 1998, pp.52-56; no.30, pp.60-62.


 Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Parts 1-30 issued in green paper wrappers. Vol. I. Adam Bede. vi,486p. Issued in  parts 1-7, each part in green paper wrappers. Bound as one volume. 128x188x35mm.Vol. II. Mill on the Floss. vi,486p. Issued as parts 8-16, each part in green paper wrappers. Bound as one volume. 127x188x38mm.Vol. III. Silas Marner. 158p.  Issued as parts 17-18, each part in green paper wrappers. Bound as one volume. 126x188x16mm. Vol. IV. Scenes of Clerical Life. 330p.  Issued as parts 19-23, each part in green paper wrappers. Bound as one volume. 128x188x26mm. Vol. V. Felix Holt. 430p.  Issued as parts 24-30, each part in green paper wrappers. Bound as one volume. 127x188x31mm.Vol VI. Romola. v,504p. Vol. VI  has dark brown endpapers and pastedowns. Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders. The upper cover has a gold central medallion. The title and imprint are blocked in gold on the spine. Unsigned. Date stamped in blue: "31 AU[GUST 18]78". [Vols. 1 to V] each have a half title page plate containing the title and imprint, together with a title page giving the vol. number and the words: “Stereotyped edition”.  Originally issued in parts 1-30, each with green paper wrappers. The lower cover of each part is blank on the recto, and the verso has a list of Blackwood's titles, frequently entitled: "Blackwood's Standard Novels" series. The upper cover verso for each part is blank. Each upper cover recto is printed in black with a design of John Leighton. [It is typical of Leighton's work in the 1860s, for example "Voices of the year".] On the borders, are printed: 1. a fillet 2. repeating dots 3. a dog-tooth pattern. Each curves on the corners. A medallion is shown on each corner, formed by dots and fillets. Within each medallion, there are pictures of: 1. a carpenter's shop 2. a mill and its water wheel 3. a loom 4. a graveyard and tombs. Adjacent to each are: top left - the part number "No 1[-30]"; top right - "Sixpence"; bottom left – “Illustrations”; bottom right - "By J.D. Cooper". [i.e. probably James Davis Cooper] At the top between the medallions, the words:"/The novels/ &/ Tales/" are printed 'in relief'' within three black lettering-pieces. The words: "/of/ George Eliot/" are printed below this, with the capitals "G" and "E" printed within black lettering-pieces. Underneath this, each individual book title is printed within a picture frame, which has tendrils at its top left and right corners. Between the medallions at the base, the words: "/W. Blackwood & Sons./ " is printed in relief within a black lettering-piece. The words: "/Edinburgh/ & London/" are printed within two rectangles, each formed by double fillets. Each upper cover is signed within the lower border: "John Leighton" and "HL SD" [i.e. Henry Leighton 'sculpted'.]      





2003 book entry number: 478


                      Binding No:   155

                       Pressmark:   12806.f.49.

                    Artist Name:   Leighton, John

              Author/Heading:   Hall, Anna Maria

                                  Title:   The Prince of the fair family. A fairy tale. By Mrs S. C. Hall.

              Publisher Name:   Chapman  and Hall, 193, Piccadilly.

        Place of Publication:   London

         Date of Publication:   [1867]

                             Printer:   Virtue and Co, Printers, City Road

                              Width:       165   Height:      225       Thickness:       28

                        PagNotes:  [8],160p.

           Place of Printing:   London


                   Bookbinder:   Virtue & Co.

                   BinderText:    Lower

              Cover material:   cloth

                            Grain:    sand-grain

                         Colour :   green

                    Blockwork:   gold and relief

                              Slides:  Slide 55/7&8; 56/35&36 (close up of roundels)

            Date Examined:  21.10.2000.

        References:     Dry JL no.516.

                                 King JL p.242.

Notes:The design is by John Leighton. Printed at end of list of illustrations: "The cover from a design by John Leighton, F.S.A.".  Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Green sand-grain cloth. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Virtue & Co/ City Road/ London/". [Ball 96A.] Both covers  blocked identically in gold and in relief. The outer border is a thin fillet, interspersed with a five dot "dice" pattern. A butterfly is blocked on each corner. The inner border consists of flower heads stamped on raised circles (i.e. the areas around the circles have been recessed by pressure). These are surrounded by semi-circular fillets, and small decoration. The central vignette is blocked in gold. At its head, the title: "/ The/ Prince/ of the Fair Family [in a semi-circle]/" is blocked in gold. The central roundel has a single gold fillet blocked on its borders. Within, small stars are blocked in gold around the inner perimeter. A King and Queen Fairy are seated underneath the canopy of a toadstool (blocked in gold), the King asleep, a wooden spoon held in his right hand. The Queen holds a staff in her left hand, and looks upwards to the winged putto seated on top of the canopy. At the base of the canopy, the subtitle: "/ A Fairy Tale/" is blocked in relief. Underneath the King and the Queen, a sea creature (the JL sea creature) has a gold ribbon wrapped around it. the words: "/ By Mrs. S.C. Hall/" are blocked in relief within the ribbon. Signed "JL" in relief within seaweed blocked in gold

underneath the sea creature. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a dragon-fly; the title: "/ The/ Prince/ of/ The Fair Family./ a Fairy Tale/ by/ Mrs S.C. Hall [in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece]/" is blocked in gold; from near the tail to below the title, a fairy is clinging onto a dandelion-like plant, and blowing upwards, scattering ripened seed heads to the wind; a beetle and a locust are blocked at the base of the plant; a gold fillet; a imprint: "/ London:/ Chapman/ and Hall/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; at the tail, a gold fillet is blocked, with dots blocked in relief within it.




2003 book entry number: 479


              Binding No:  205

                Pressmark:  12619.g.26.

             Artist Name:  Leighton, John

      Author/Heading:  Jerrold, Douglas William

                         Title:  The story of a Feather. Illustrated by G. du Maurier. [i. e. George du Maurier]

       Publisher Name:  Bradbury, Evans & Co., 11 Bouverie Street

Place of Publication:  London

  Date of Publication:  1867

                     Printer:  Bradbury, Evans, and Co., Printers Extraordinary to the Queen, Whitefriars

                      Width:     170 Height:    215   Thickness:     30

                 PagNotes:  xv, 259p.  With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

    Place of Printing:  London




       Cover material:  cloth

                     Grain:   pebble-grain

                  Colour :   purple

             Blockwork:  gold and blind and relief

     Date Examined: 26.9.2000 & 30.4.2014.

    References:    Dry JL no.517.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Purple pebble-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind with two fillets on the borders. A third fillet, inside, has strap work blocked on the corners. A fourth, fillet is blocked inside this, with a leaf pattern blocked in relief within it. The centre-piece is blocked in gold. It consists of three feathers of the Prince of Wales, and a crown. The motto: "/ Ich dien./" is blocked in relief at the base, in a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece. The upper cover is fully blocked in gold. On the outer four corners are blocked the Prince of Wales' three feathers and crown. The crowns are different at the head and at the tail. On the border at the head and the tail, two feathers are blocked in gold, separated by a five point star. Down each side, three feathers are blocked. The middle of the three feathers has an eye at the top. Inside the outer border are two thin fillets blocked in gold. Between these, a fillet is blocked in blind, with a leaf pattern blocked in relief within it. Inside this, forming the central rectangle, a fillet is blocked in gold with repeating dots blocked in relief within it. On the corners inside the central rectangle, medallions are blocked, each with three different outer circles. These are: a fillet in gold, with repeating dots blocked in relief inside; a thin gold fillet; hatch gold. Each medallion contains a decorative element. In the upper two, an egg and a skull and a feather are blocked. In the lower two medallions, a skull and a feather are blocked, and, a monkey wearing a hat with a chinstrap and a feather. The background of each of the medallions is small dots, blocked in gold. Each inner corner medallion has two feathers blocked in gold alongside it. A "fillet" of gold dots separates the corner medallions from the centre panel. The centre panel is decorated with the feathers, crown and motto of the Prince of Wales. Beneath this, the words: "/ The/ Story of a Feather/ Illustrated by G. Du Maurier./" are blocked in an elaborate "scroll-like" manner, as though written with a quill pen, with much letter-end flourishes. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the words "Du Maurier". The spine is fully blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the Prince of Wales' feathers and crown; an ostrich-like bird's head, wearing spectacles, is gripping two objects in its beak: firstly, it holds a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece, bearing the words: "/ Ich dien/" blocked in relief, and also, it holds the string for a banner, which forms a forms a decorated frame for the title; the banner has two crossed arrows behind it, their tips at the base and their heads at the top; the title and author: "/ The/ Story/ of/ a/ Feather/ By/ Douglas/ Jerrold./" are blocked within the banner in gold; inside an inverted egg-shaped lettering-piece is blocked a crouched bird-like figure; the words:"/ Illustrated/ edition/" and the imprint are all blocked in gold; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters; the imprint: "/ London/ Bradbury/ Evans & Co./" is blocked in gold at the tail.




2003 book entry number: 480


              Binding No:  280

                Pressmark:  10358.h.21.

             Artist Name:  Leighton, John

      Author/Heading:  Payn, James

                         Title:  The Lakes in Sunshine: being photographic and other Pictures of the Lake District of Westmorland and North Lancashire.With         descriptive letterpress. [Vol. I.]

       Publisher Name:  J. Garnett

Place of Publication:  Windermere

  Date of Publication:  1867

                     Printer:  Printed by J. Garnett.

                      Width:     220 Height:    287   Thickness:     25

                 PagNotes:  x, 105p., 16 plates of photographs, 1 fold-out map.

    Place of Printing:  Windermere




       Cover material:  cloth

                     Grain:   sand-grain

                  Colour :   blue

             Blockwork:  gold and black

     Date Examined: 2.9.99 &23.4.2014.

References: for a list of the photographers (who were in Vol 1: J. Garnett and R. J. Sproat (1, 10); J. Garnett and Bowers (2, 3, 6-9); R. J. Sproat (4, 5) , see:


Notes:The design is by John Leighton. The  coloured fold-out map at the end of Vol. 1 is entitled: “Garnett’s Map of the Lake District of Westmorland and North Lancashire”; it is signed: London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co., Windermere. J. Garnett. Engraved by J. Bartholomew,  Edinh. [sic] Leighton drew the title page engraving for vol. I, of two symbolical wood-engravings, with the Arms of Windermere & Furness Abbey. Also, he drew the monogram and imprint on the title page verso. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in black. There is a wide border blocked in gold, consisting of a repeating pattern of bulrushes, leaves, small flowers and stars. On the corners, a fern is blocked between two antlers. At the centre of each side of the border, foxgloves are blocked. At the centre of the head and of the tail of the border, holly leaves and berries are blocked. On the inner border are: 1. a black fillet 2. a gold fillet with repeating "tear-drops" blocked in relief within it 3. a "wave" border, blocked in black. Inside this is a thin fillet, with small leaves and flowers blocked on the corners in gold. The central vignette shows a lake scene, with mountains, clouds, birds, fish. There is a small sailing boat on the water. A man is blocked in the boat, standing with a pole in the left hand and guiding a sail rope with his right. A lady with a small parasol is seated in the rear of the boat. The title: "/ The/ Lakes/ in Sunshine/" is blocked in rustic letters, above and below the boat. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a sun and its rays; the title: "/ The/ Lakes/ in/ Sunshine/" is blocked in gold; the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in relief inside a hatch gold lettering-piece; a small crouched swan is blocked  in a frame; the word "/ Payn/" is blocked in gold underneath the swan, with a single fan-circle blocked below this in gold [denoting Vol. 1]; a group of bulrushes and its leaves are blocked in gold near the base; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the bulrushes, with a gold fillet blocked underneath; the word "/ Garnett/" is blocked in relief inside a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders; three gold fillets are blocked at the tail.


Binding No:         282

                Pressmark:  10358.h.21.

             Artist Name:  Leighton, John

      Author/Heading:  Payn, James

                         Title:  The Lakes in Sunshine: being photographic and other Pictures of the Lake District of Cumberland. With descriptive letterpress.  [Vol. II.]

       Publisher Name:  Simpkin, Marshall, & Co; Windemere: J. Garnett.

Place of Publication:  London

  Date of Publication:  1870

                     Printer:  Printed by J. Garnett.

                      Width:     225 Height:    287   Thickness:     25

                 PagNotes:  viii,94p., 10 plates of photographs.

    Place of Printing:  Windermere



            BinderText:   Upper

       Cover material:  cloth

                     Grain:   sand-grain

                  Colour :   blue

             Blockwork:  gold and black

     Date Examined: 2.9.99 & 23.4.2014

    References:    Dry JL no.544.


 Notes: Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand-grain cloth. The design blocked on the covers and on the spine is the  same as the first volume published in 1867. The spine has two "fan-circles" blocked in gold, denoting Vol. II.




2003 book entry number: 482

                      Binding No:   795

                       Pressmark:   1560/202

                    Artist Name:   Leighton, John

              Author/Heading:   Thackeray, Anne Isabella, afterwards Ritchie, Anne Isabella,

                                  Title:   The village on the cliff.  With six illustrations by Frederick Walker. Second edition.

              Publisher Name:   Smith Elder & Co., 65, Cornhill.

        Place of Publication:   London

         Date of Publication:   1867

                             Printer:   Printed by Smith, Elder and Co., Old Bailey, E.C.

                              Width:       146   Height:      230       Thickness:       31

                        PagNotes:  [6], 318p. 6 plates. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

           Place of Printing:   London




              Cover material:   cloth

                            Grain:    sand-grain

                         Colour :   green

                    Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

            Date Examined:  4.4.2000 & 30.4.2014

        References:     Dry JL no. 522.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed "F.W." [i. e. Frederick Walker]  and "Swain Sc."[i. e. Joseph Swain] Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Sale ticket on upper pastedown: "/ Lewes Sale/1923/ [rule]/ Ex Libris/ George Eliot/" Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this, a wide greek roll is blocked around the borders, interspersed with flowers blocked in blind, the greek roll being highlighted in relief. A single fillet in blind forms the inner rectangle. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a painter's easel, with a painting standing on it; the painting shows the portrait of a lady, who is wearing a Dutch cap. The painter's wrist-stick and palette are propped against the easel. The words: "/ The/ Village/" are blocked in gold on the left hand side of the easel; "/ on/ the Cliff./" are blocked in gold on the right hand side of the easel. Signed "JL" in relief within the base of each of the easel legs. The spine is blocked in gold and relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the top of a church tower; this shows two bells, with the bell-wheels in quarter profile; the title: "/ The/ Village/ on/ the/ Cliff./" is blocked in gold; a Neptune's trident and its pole are blocked in gold below the title, down to the tail; a group of objects are supported by it, held together by a rope; there are two flags, a painter's wrist-stick and palette; a sea creature is blocked below these objects [the ‘Leighton dolphin’]; The words: "/ London/ Smith/Elder/ &/ Co./" are blocked in relief within five pennant-shaped gold lettering-pieces, which curl around the pole of the trident; signed "L" - with a full stop above the letter - in gold at the tail. [This is the first combination so far seen of the double and single monograms of JL.]





2003 book entry number: 483


Binding No:                192


                    Artist Name:   Leighton, John

              Author/Heading:   Wheeler, C.A.

                                  Title:   Sportascrapiana. Cricket and shooting. Pedestrian, equestrian, rifle, and pistol doings. Lion hunting and deer stalking, by Celebrated Sportsmen: with hitherto unpublished anecdotes of the nineteenth century, from George IV. to the Sweep. Edited by CAW.

              Publisher Name:   Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., Stationer's Hall Court, E.C.

        Place of Publication:   London

         Date of Publication:   1867

                             Printer:   Printed by W.H. Collingridge, Aldersgate Street.

                              Width:       127   Height:      185       Thickness:       32

                        PagNotes:  xvi, 328p.

           Place of Printing:   London



                   BinderText:    No text

              Cover material:   cloth

                            Grain:    sand-grain

                         Colour :   green

                    Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


            Date Examined:  20.5.99 & 30.4.2014.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. On the title page, the device of the author is printed - a crow within a shield, its beak uplifted to a scroll with the author's letters ,"CAW", printed within it. Bevelled boards. White endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. On both covers, two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. On the centre, a shield is blocked. Quarterly: or and crossed pistols, gules; on a pale azure, a cricket bat, two stumps, bail, and ball. Crossed rifles blocked behind the shield. Crest - a stag's head and antlers. Supporters - Dexter, a dog; sinister, a crow. A pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece is wrapped around the front of the shield. It continues around a dog and the crow. The words: "/ Scrapiana/ By C.A.W./" are blocked in relief within this lettering-piece. A ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece is blocked below the shield. The words: "/ Vive/ Le/ Sport/" are blocked in relief within this lettering-piece. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked at the head and at the tail. Two gold fillets are blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a cat's head; a cricket bat is blocked down the spine in gold; the word: "/ Sportscrapiana/" is blocked in relief (one letter per line) within the bat; a cricket ball in gold is blocked beneath this; a dog is blocked in gold. The 1868 edition is at BL 7906.aa.38. xvi, 301p. No original covers. An advertisement on the verso of page 301 reads: ""/ Sportscrapiana/ [rule]/ The original edition [i.e. 1867],/ Larger type, on superior thick toned paper and handsomely/ bound, can be had at/ 7s. 6d./".





2003 book entry number: 484

                      Binding No:   260

                       Pressmark:   7206.k.32.

                    Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                  Title:   Gems of nature and art. Embellished with twenty-four illustrations from eminent artists, printed in colours.

              Publisher Name:   Groombridge and Sons, Paternoster Row.

        Place of Publication:   London

         Date of Publication:   [1868]

                             Printer:   B. Fawcett, engraver and printer.

                              Width:       185   Height:      255       Thickness:       30

                        PagNotes:  vi, 72p. 24 plates.

           Place of Printing:   Driffield




              Cover material:   cloth

                            Grain:    sand-grain

                         Colour :   brown

                    Blockwork:   gold and black  and relief

            Date Examined:  16.8.99 & 30.4.2014

                    References:  Ball VPB pp. 54, 61

                                 Ball App. no. 60j cites the 1860 edition with the same design blocked.

                                 Dry JL no. 526.

                                 McLean VBD Plate XIV.  Reproduces the title page and Frontispiece of this work.

                                 McLean Fawcett p.147, no.58.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. A number of the plates are signed: "AF Lydon" [i. e. Alexander Francis Lydon]; two are signed "JW Wood" [i. e. John George Wood]. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Brown sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold, in black and in relief. Single fillets form squares on each corner, and a butterfly is blocked within each corner square. Five rectangular panels are also formed by fillets - one on each side, one at the head, one at the tail, and one at the centre. These five panels and the squares on each corner are separated by five fillets, blocked in gold horizontally and vertically. Four of the fillets are thin; the thick fillet in the middle has repeating dots and "flower heads" blocked in relief inside. Quatrefoils are blocked where the broad fillets intersect. Within the rectangle at the head, a classical head and helmet is blocked in gold, within a medallion formed by two fillets. The inner of these two fillets has repeating dots blocked inside it. Inside the rectangle at the base, a crouching female figure is blocked within a  medallion. Two medallions are blocked on each side - all formed by the same fillets. All four have plants, representing the four seasons, blocked inside in gold. All the four medallions have "arrow head" decoration on each side, blocked in black. The central rectangle has a thin single fillet on its borders. Eight medallions - each formed by two gold fillets - are blocked around the perimeter, three down each side one at the head and one at the tail. Inside this, a ‘staduim-shape’ is formed by a single fillet blocked in gold, with an inner border consisting of stars and dots, blocked in black. On the centre is a white paper on lay, with borders and decoration blocked in hatched gold and in relief. The title words: "/ Gems/ of/" are blocked in relief, within a trefoil-shaped gold lettering-piece, with a single fillet on its borders; the word: "/ Nature/" is blocked in relief with a rectangular gold lettering-piece with a single fillet blocked on its borders; the words: "/ &/ art./" are blocked in relief within trefoil-shaped gold lettering-piece with a single fillet blocked on its borders. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on its perimeter. It is divided into four panels by single fillets and three broad single gold fillets with circles and dots blocked in relief within - the same as on the upper cover. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two fillets; panel 1 - a face and rays within a medallion, formed by four fillets; a broad gold fillet; panel 2 - the words: "/ Gems/ of/ nature/ and/ art./" are blocked in gold; a broad gold fillet; panel 3 - a winged putto holds a sword and a helmet, and stands on a hatched gold medallion, which shows an owl blocked inside; two twisted snakes; signed "L" in gold underneath these snakes; a broad gold fillet; the words: "/ London/ Groombridge/" are blocked in relief within two rectangular gold lettering-pieces, which are blocked within a medallion formed by two fillets; two gold fillets are blocked at the base.




2003 book entry number: 485



Binding No:                236

                       Pressmark:   11651.e.11.

                    Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                  Title:   Scotland: her songs and scenery. As sung by her bards, and seen in the camera.

              Publisher Name:   A.W. Bennett, 5 Bishopsgate Without

        Place of Publication:   London

         Date of Publication:   1868

                             Printer:   Unwin Brothers, Printers, Bucklersbury, E.C.

                              Width:       152   Height:      200       Thickness:       32

                        PagNotes:  viii,192p., 14 plates of photographs.

           Place of Printing:   [London]




              Cover material:   cloth

                            Grain:    sand-grain

                         Colour :   green

                    Blockwork:   gold and blind  and relief

            Date Examined:  22.7.99 & 30.4.2014.




Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Ten photographs are by S. Thompson [i.e. Stephen Thompson]; four are by P. Ewing. The photographs printed by Russell Sedgefield. Bevelled boards. Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges White endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in gold and in blind, with an identical design. The border is blocked in gold, with a repeating pattern of roses and thistles, and with crowns in gold on corners. The inner border is blocked in blind with a cartouche pattern. On the borders of the inner rectangle, a fillet is blocked in gold, with thistles blocked on the corners. At the head of the inner rectangle,  a crowned lion is blocked in gold, sejant, double queued; it holds a cross in left front paw, and a sword in right front paw. The flag of St. Andrew is held by the lion's right rear paw, the flag of the lion of England through the left rear paw. The lion is atop a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece, containing the word: "/ Scotland/", blocked in relief. The words "/Her Songs and Scenery/" are in gold in gothic letters; below this, a shield is blocked, argent, with a lion rampant, gules; the shield is surrounded by leaves and flowers. Above this shield, the rays of a sun lance the letters of the words: " / Photographically illustrated/", blocked in gold in a semi-circle. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the shield. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a crown, blocked in gold; double five-point stars in gold; the title: "/ Scotland/ her/ Songs/ &/ Scenery/" is blocked in gold; a mandorla, filled with stars, plus a figure of a man with a wooden cross - all blocked in gold; a harp, surrounded by delicate plants; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters; the imprint: "/ London/ Bennett/" is blocked in gold, within a panel formed by a single gold fillet; strap work and fillets in gold; a gold fillet is blocked at the tail. The same outer border of thistles and roses is reproduced on two other volumes: B.L. 11651.e.26. Scott. Marmion. A.W. Bennett. Also on: B.L. 11651.e.25. Scott. Lay of the Last Minstrel. Provost & Co., 1872. (With six photographs by Russell Sedgefield.)



2003 book entry number: 487

Binding No:                796

                       Pressmark:   12622.aa.23.

                    Artist Name:   Leighton, John

              Author/Heading:   Corbet, Robert St. John

                                  Title:   Who will be Queen of the Tournament? And other stories.

              Publisher Name:   Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, and 596 Broadway, New York.

        Place of Publication:   London

         Date of Publication:   [1868.]

                             Printer:   Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, Belle Sauvage Works, Ludgate Hill, E.C.

                              Width:       130   Height:      175       Thickness:       30

                        PagNotes:  224p. 7 plates. Some of the plates are signed: "FWL". With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

           Place of Printing:   London




              Cover material:   cloth

                            Grain:    sand-grain

                         Colour :   purple

                    Blockwork:   gold and black and  relief

            Date Examined:  31.7.2000 & 7.5.2014.

                    References:  Dry JL no.523

Notes: The design is by John Leighton Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Purple sand-grain cloth. On both covers, the borders, the corners, the sides and the head and the tail are blocked identically in blind on the lower cover, and in black on the upper. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer has "dog-tooth" decoration; the inner fillet is thin. On each side of the cover, a knight's lance "supports" the central inverted heart-shaped frame, which is formed by a single black fillet. Just below the tip of each lance, a pennant is fastened, and a single lion is blocked within each pennant. Two shields are blocked at the head and at the tail. At the head: left, argent, two hearts; or, one heart. At the head, right, argent, lion rampant. At the tail, left: argent, flower and  sword; right, argent, a harp - all in black. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. It shows a knight in full armour on his charger, with has two shields attached to its trappings. The knight holds his lance upright in his right hand. A pennant is attached to the top of the lance - all blocked in gold. Small stem and leaf decoration is blocked in gold on each side of the knight. Underneath the horse, the words: "/ The Queen of the/" are blocked in gold; the word: "Tournament" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters within a small leaf-shaped gold lettering-piece blocked at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the tip of a knight's lance; a crown;  a shield, vert; the title: "/ Queen. of the/ Tournament/" is blocked in relief within the shield; a wreath is blocked in front of the shaft of the lance; near the base, two pennant-shaped gold lettering-pieces are blocked in gold; within the pennant on the left, the words: "/ London/ and/ New York/" are blocked in relief; within the pennant on the right, the words: "/ Cassell/ Petter & Galpin/" are blocked in relief. Line work, blocked in black, surrounds all the decoration blocked in gold, from head to the tail; a fillet is blocked in black at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 488


Binding No:                800


                    Artist Name:   Leighton, John

              Author/Heading:   Hatton, Joseph

                                  Title:   Pippins and Cheese.

              Publisher Name:   Bradbury, Evans, & Co., 11, Bouverie St.

        Place of Publication:   London

         Date of Publication:   1868

                             Printer:   Bradbury, Evans, and Co., Printers, Whitefriars.

                              Width:       118   Height:      177       Thickness:       31

                        PagNotes:  viii,332p.

           Place of Printing:   [London]




              Cover material:   cloth

                            Grain:    ungrained

                         Colour :   orange

                    Blockwork:   gold and blind and black and relief


            Date Examined:  4.4.2000 & 7.5.2014

        References:     Dry JL no. 527.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The title page has an engraved vignette by Leighton. This is oval-shaped, bordered by pippin apples, and shows a manservant, aproned, holding

bowls of pippins and cheese in front of a table. Printed within a pennant on either side of the oval: "/ There's/ Pippins/ &/ Cheese/ To/ Come/". Signed "L", as a monogram at the base of these words, with the full-stop above the top of the "L". Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Bevelled boards. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Orange ungrained cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind and relief only. Three fillets are blocked on the borders, the middle fillet having repeating dots within it, blocked in relief. The centre-piece is lozenge-shaped. Each tip of the diamond has a three-pointed leaf blocked on it. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. A single fillet and small squares are blocked on the border in black. Two groups of three fillets are blocked in black on each side, and on the head and on the tail, which divide the cover into rectangles. These fillets intersect to form squares on the corners. An apple tree is blocked in black within the central rectangle, with the perimeter of its leaves blocked on the outer rectangles.  At the head of the central rectangle, a line, blocked in black, hangs from the fillets. Six apples, blocked in gold, are attached to the line. Each letter of the word: "Pippins" is blocked in relief within each apple. Above the apples, a knife and a ball of string are blocked in gold, with the end of the string curling away. Underneath the apples, a third

of a block of cheese  is blocked as a gold lettering-piece. The title: "/ &/ cheese./" is blocked in relief within the cheese. Three apples are blocked in black at the base of the apple tree. Signed "L" (with a full stop above the top of the "L") in black underneath these three apples.

[There is a "modernistic" look to this design, inspired by the fillets and the small squares.] The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a fillet in black; a butterfly in black; three fillets in black; a hand and an implement (an apple corer?); the words: "/ Pippins/ &/ cheese by/ Joseph Hatton./" are blocked in gold and in relief: the ampersand is wrapped around the handle of a cheese cutter; the words "cheese by" are blocked in relief within a half circle cheese block; an apple is blocked underneath the word: "Hatton"; a small apple tree and grass are blocked in black; three black fillets; "/ London./ Bradbury Evans/ and Co./" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; a fillet is blocked in black at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 489


Binding No:                278

                       Pressmark:   12304.bbb.32.

                    Artist Name:   Leighton, John

              Author/Heading:   Hey, Wilhelm

                                  Title:   One hundred picture fables, drawn by Otto Speckter, engraved and printed in colours by the Brothers Dalziel. With rhymes  translated from the German of F. Hey by H.W. Dulcken, PH.D. [i. e. Henry William Dulcken]

              Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Sons,The Broadway, Ludgate; New York: 416 Broome Street.

        Place of Publication:   London

         Date of Publication:   [1868]

                             Printer:   Dalziel Brothers, Engravers & Printers, Camden Press.

                              Width:       140   Height:      190       Thickness:       20

                        PagNotes:  [4]101p. 52 plates. With six pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

           Place of Printing:   London




              Cover material:   cloth

                            Grain:    sand-grain

                         Colour :   blue

                    Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

            Date Examined:  14.8.99 7 7.5.2014

        References:     Dry JL no.539.

JL SID, 1880, plate 80, no. 4, ‘Scroll of fuchsia, growing from stick’.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand grain cloth. The borders and corners of both covers are blocked identically in blind. There are

 five fillets blocked in blind on the borders, and stylised leaf and flower decoration on the corners. The upper cover has a square centre-piece, blocked in gold. It shows a cat, with a bird perched on its head, and a mouse below it. The word: "/ Picture/" is blocked in relief, within a gold hatched lettering-piece. The lower serif of the capital "P" supports the cat on a ledge. The words: "/ Fables/ By/ Otto/ Speckter./" are blocked in gold below this. Through the design runs a fuchsia plant, with delicate leaves, stems and four flowers. The stamens of the flowers are elongated. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the left hand base of the central square. The head of the "J" is interwoven in small strap work. The spine is blocked in gold. The title: "/ 100/ Picture/ Fables/ by/ Otto/ Speckter/" is blocked in gold in a "picture frame" panel, which is formed by a single gold fillet with repeating dots blocked in relief within it. Below is a parrot on a perch, with a chain on its leg. The chain end-ring is around the stand supporting the perch, A monkey is pulling the end of the chain in an attempt to pull the parrot off its perch.





2003 book entry number: 490


                      Binding No:   883

                       Pressmark:   12807.f.53.

                    Artist Name:   Leighton, John

              Author/Heading:   Hood, Tom

                                  Title:   Jingles and jokes for The Little Folks. Illustrated by C.H. Bennett. [i. e. Charles Henry Bennett] W. Brunton [i. e. William Brunton], Paul Gray, and T. Morten [i. e. Thomas Morten].

              Publisher Name:   Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, Ludgate Hill, E.C.; and 596, Broadway, New York.

        Place of Publication:   London

         Date of Publication:   [1868]

                             Printer:   Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, Belle Sauvage Works, Ludgate Hill, E.C.

                              Width:       147   Height:      204       Thickness:       10

                        PagNotes:  76p. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

           Place of Printing:   London




              Cover material:   paper


                         Colour :   pink


            Date Examined:  10.8.2000 & 7.5.2014.

        References:     King JL pp.242,  Illustration p.243.


Notes: The plates are signed "Linton" or "Linton Sc"[i. e. William James Linton]. The frontispiece is signed “PG” [i. e. Paul Gray], as a monogram, and “Linton”.  White endpapers and pastedowns. Pink paper over boards. The lower cover has a list of Cassell's titles. The upper cover has mostly the same design as blocked on the upper cloth cover of BL A grey fillet is printed on the borders. Inside, there is a border of joined leaves and stems in yellow, surrounded by red and black ribs. A star is printed on each corner, each within a black medallion, with red fillet borders. Inside each star, a grotesque face is shown. On the centre left side, a butterfly is shown. On the centre right side, a snail is shown. There are panels, with horizontal red ribs, printed between the corners and the central circle. On the centre      of the head, a clock face is shown. The weights of the clock press down on a book, within an oval, on the centre tail - trapping the little folks inside the book. The imprint: "/ Cassell, Petter & Galpin/ London & New York/" is printed underneath the book. The central circle has two groups of red fillets on its borders, with a thick black border printed between these. The title: "/ Jingles & Jokes for little folks/" are printed in pink within the circular black border. On the centre, the words: "/Tom Hood/" are printed. The "o" of "Tom" is the clock pendulum. Below the central circle, two clock weights press down upon the upper cover of a closed book, which has one of the "little Folk" trapped in the pages. The word :"Hood" is printed inside a scroll-piece. On the spine, the words: "Price One Shilling" are printed in black from the tail up to the head. [Unsigned, but obviously a repeat of the Leighton design executed on cloth published in 1865, at BL]







2003 book entry number: 491


              Binding No:  682

                Pressmark:  8806.b.34.

             Artist Name:  Leighton, John

      Author/Heading:  Kingston, William Henry Giles

                         Title:  The boy's own book of boats. Including vessels of every rig and size to be found floating on the waters in all parts of the world:

together with complete instructions how to make sailing models. With numerous illustrations, drawn by Edward Weedon, engraved by W.J. Linton. [i.e. William James Linton] New Edition. Revised throughout.

       Publisher Name:  Sampson, Low, Son and Marston, Milton House, Ludgate Hill

Place of Publication:  London

  Date of Publication:  1868

                     Printer:  R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill.

                      Width:     117 Height:    172   Thickness:     30

                 PagNotes:  xi, 336p. With twenty-eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

    Place of Printing:  London




       Cover material:  cloth

                     Grain:   sand-grain

                  Colour :   red

             Blockwork:  gold and blind


     Date Examined: 22.3.2000 & 28.5.2014


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. White endpapers and pastedowns. Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind. Four fillets are  blocked on the borders. A medallion is blocked on the centre, showing four spade-shapes and flowers inside. The spine has the same design as the 1861 edition, at BL 8806.b.33. The Gall & Inglis edition of 1871 is at BL 8806.b.35.




2003 book entry number: 494



              Binding No:  881

                Pressmark:  12804.e.24.

             Artist Name:  Leighton, John

      Author/Heading:  Davenport , Emma Anne Georgina

                         Title:  Constance and Nellie; or, the lost will. With a frontispiece by T.S. Wale. [Monogram of Griffith & Farran printed within an open book.]

       Publisher Name:  Griffith and Farran, (successors to Newbery and Harris,) Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

Place of Publication:  London

  Date of Publication:  1869

                     Printer:  Murray and Gibb, Edinburgh,  Printers to Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

                      Width:     105 Height:    170   Thickness:     22

                 PagNotes:  vii, 232p. 1 plate. With thirty-six pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

    Place of Printing:




       Cover material:  cloth

                     Grain:   sand-grain

                  Colour :   red

             Blockwork:  gold and black and blind and relief

     Date Examined: 2.8.2000 & 28.5.2014

    References:    Dry JL no.533.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The frontispiece plate is signed "Pearson Sc."  Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically on the borders, in blind on the lower and in black on the upper. On the upper cover, a black fillet is blocked on the borders, then a "dog-tooth" border is blocked in black. A single black fillet forms a rectangle at the head and at the tail. Within the rectangle at the head, three five-point stars are blocked in gold, the middle being in horizontal hatch; within the lower rectangle, five five-point stars are blocked in gold, two being in hatch. On the inner corners, groups of three leaves are blocked in black. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. On the centre, an open chest is blocked, with books and letters inside it. Letters are also racked on the inside of the chest's lid. Behind the lid, a book rests on its fore edges. A document rests against the front of the chest, with an inkwell and quill beside it. A bunch of keys and a flower are blocked below the chest. The title: "/ Constance & Nellie/" is blocked in gold in a semi-circle above the chest. The capitals "C" and "N" are blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces with single gold fillets on their borders; the words: "/or/ the Lost Will/" are blocked in gold in gothic letters below the chest. Signed "L" in relief on the bottom right hand corner of the chest. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold fillet; a row of decorated triangles, blocked in gold; a gothic arch and two columns forms a panel mid-spine; a hand, with a pointing index finger, is blocked in the arch; the title: "/ Constance/ &/ Nellie,/ or/ the/ lost/ will./" is blocked in gold within the panel; a bunch of six keys is blocked underneath the title, hanging from a decorated cord, which joins the bases of the arch columns; passion flower leaves and berries are blocked at the head of the arch and below the bunch of keys; a spider hangs

from a thread at the base of the leaves; the words: "/ London/ Griffith & Farran/" are blocked in gold; triangles are blocked in gold; a gold fillet is blocked at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 495

                             Binding No:   801


                    Artist Name:   Leighton, John

              Author/Heading:   Hutton, Barbara

                                  Title:   Heroes of the Crusades. With illustrations by P. Priolo [i.e. Paolo Priolo]

              Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, successors to Newbery and Harris, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

        Place of Publication:   London

         Date of Publication:   1869

                             Printer:   Murray and Gibb, Edinburgh, printers to Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

                              Width:       120   Height:      184       Thickness:       30

                        PagNotes:  xv, 351p.  6 plates. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

Place of Printing: Edinburgh




              Cover material:   cloth

                            Grain:    ungrained

                         Colour :   brown

                    Blockwork:   gold and black and blind and relief

            Date Examined:  31.7.2000 & 28.5.2014

        References:     Dry JL no.536

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Some of the plates are signed "PP" and "Jenkins Sc."Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Brown ungrained cloth. Both covers have an identical design blocked on the borders, the corners, the sides, the head and the tail, in blind on the lower cover, and in black on the upper cover. Three fillets are blocked on the borders, the middle fillet having repeating semi-circular dots blocked in relief along it. "Onion-shaped" tracery is blocked on each corner. On the upper cover, a medallion, each formed by two fillets, is blocked on each corner in gold. Within each medallion, a cross, a quarter moon, and two horizontal hatch five-point stars are blocked in gold. Between the corners, a pattern of thin stems is blocked in black, forming a frame around the centre. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a crusader, in full armour, on his caparaisoned charger. He holds an axe in his left hand. In his right, he holds a pole with a banner-shaped gold lettering-piece at its head. The title: "/ Heroes/ of the/ Crusades/" is blocked in relief within the banner. The Crusader also holds a shield, or, lion rampant, gules. Underneath the horse's hooves a sword, a stick and a banner are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. Curling fillets, blocked in black, form three panels on the spine. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two fillets in black; within the first panel:  a cross, a quarter moon, and two five-point stars are blocked in gold;  within the second panel, the title: "/ Heroes/ of/ the/ Crusades/" is blocked in gold; within the third panel, an axe, an anchor and rope, a sword are blocked in gold as a crossed group; [ the signature "JL" is likely to be signed underneath this group - a label obscures this.]; the words: "/ Griffith & Farran/" are blocked in gold within two rectangles formed by single fillets in black, the inner of which has another black fillet above and below the words.






2003 book entry number: 496


              Binding No:  314


             Artist Name:  Leighton, John

      Author/Heading:  Leighton, John.

                         Title:  To The Royal Academy of Arts Upon the Condition and Future of its Library.

       Publisher Name:  Royal Institution of Great Britain

Place of Publication:  [London]

  Date of Publication:  [1869]

                     Printer:  Bradbury, Evans & Co., Printers Extraordinary to the Queen

                      Width:     195 Height:    240   Thickness:       2

                 PagNotes:  4p. 100 copies only printed.

    Place of Printing:  [London]




       Cover material:  paper


                  Colour :



     Date Examined: 19.8.99 & 26.6.2014


Notes: The book ticket was created by John Leighton. 100 copies only printed. Signed at end: Royal Institution of Great Britain, Jan. 1869.          Plain brown thin covers of board. On front cover is pasted a bookplate of John Leighton, signed "/ Iohn/ Leigh/ ton/ LIMNER/". It shows a picture of St. Luke drawing. Written on the cover is: "/ For/ the Library/ of the British Museum/". On the verso of the front cover is Leighton’s bookplate [almost certainly a bookplate of Leighton’s later years], with his coat of arms, his monogram – a capital “L”, with a dot above it, and the motto: "/ Libros y amigos/ pocos y buenos/".








2003 book entry number: 497


                                  Binding No:   211


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Lemon, Mark

                                   Title:   Tinykin's transformations. A Child's Story. Illustrated by Charles Green.

                   Publisher Name:   Bradbury, Evans, & Co., 11,  Bouverie Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1869

                               Printer:   Bradbury, Evans, and Co., Printers, Whitefriars.

                                Width:        142     Height:       195          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  x, 183p. 4  plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   orange

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and black and relief

                 Date Examined:  6.10.2000 & 26.6.2014

                       References:  De Beaumont           RdeB1   no.164.

                                 Dry JL no.537.

                                 King JL p.245.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. In the publisher’s titles bound at the rear of Madre Natura, 1870 (BL shelf mark, This work is described as: “In a characteristic binding, price 7s. 6d.” Engravings signed by Swain [ Joseph Swain]. Gilt edges. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Orange sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. The fourth, innermost fillet is semi-circular on each corner, with small flower plants blocked in blind. The central vignette, also in blind, features circles and strap work. The upper cover is blocked in gold and black. The title: "/ Tiny's Transformations/" is  blocked in black; it is surrounded by curling stems and straps blocked in black. Two cartouches with zig-zags are blocked in black above and below the title. The stars at corners are blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the upper and on the lower borders, with repeating dots blocked in relief within it. At the head, a winged fairy is seated in a quarter moon, blowing a horn and beating a drum. At the tail, a group is fairy grotesques is blocked in gold, dancing above water of pond and bulrushes. The pond contains two fishes. The words: "/ By/ Mark Lemon./" are blocked in black above the fairies. Signed "L" at bottom right hand corner of upper cover. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a stag's head and antlers; a ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece, with the title: "/ Tiny/ Kin's/ Trans/ for/ ma/ tions/" blocked in relief within the ribbon; a fish; above and below the title - a rectangle is formed by two gold fillets with leaf-like decoration blocked in gold; an animal blocked in gold; the imprint: "/ Bradbury/ Evans & Co./" is blocked in gold; two gold fillets are blocked at the tail, one thin, one thick.






2003 book entry number: 498


                                  Binding No:   263

                          Pressmark:   4410.h.27.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Oxenham, Frances Mary

                                   Title:   Not yet: A Tale of the Present Day.

                   Publisher Name:   Burns, Oates, & Co., 17, 18 Portman St, and 63 Paternoster Row.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1869

                               Printer:   Levey and Co,. Printers, Great New Street, Fetter Lane, E.C.

                                Width:        106     Height:       121          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  [4], 403p. With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ungrained

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   Gold and blind and black

                 Date Examined:  23.7.99 & 26.6.2014

            References:     Dry JL no.538.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The text is sewn on three sawn-in cords.  Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ungrained cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. On the outer border are blocked three fillets, with small decorated circles on the corners. Inside this, three more fillets are blocked to form an inner rectangle, which has flowers blocked on the corners. The upper cover has the same design for the borders as the lower cover, with the outer fillets blocked in black, and the inner fillets blocked in gold. The flowers on the corners of the inner rectangle are the same as the lower cover and blocked in gold. Near

the head of the inner rectangle, a vignette is blocked in gold. This shows a tracery of flowers and leaves, with the title words: "/ Not yet/" blocked in relief within a ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece. At the base of the rectangle the words: "/ A tale by/ F.M. Oxenham/" are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. It has a single gold fillet blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold fillet;

 flowers and fleur-de-lis; the title: "/ Not/ Yet/" is blocked in gold, within a frame; three lily flowers and leaves; signed "JL" in gold as a monogram near the tail; at the tail, a repeating dot and leaf pattern in gold is blocked between two gold fillets.










2003 book entry number: 499


                                  Binding No:   136


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Scott ,Sir Walter Bart

                                   Title:   The Lady of the Lake.

                   Publisher Name:   Adam & Charles Black

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   [1869]


                                Width:        115     Height:       177          Thickness:        32

                           PagNotes:  [1], 339pp

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                               Slides:  Slide 35/5

                 Date Examined:  19.3.99.

            References:     Dry JL no.460 Cites the A&C Black 1863 edition.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Text accompanied by eleven photographs by George Washington Wilson, Aberdeen. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Blue sand-grain cloth covers. Both covers blocked identically in gold and in blind. The mandorla is recessed on both covers. It features a stag drinking water, with the quotation: "The stag at eve had drunk his fill", blocked in relief. On the lower cover, the central mandorla only is blocked in gold. On the upper cover, the mandorla is surrounded by a rectangle, which features two shields. On the inner border, thistle plants are blocked in gold, which are also in blind on the corners of the outer border. The title: "/ The Lady/ of the Lake/" is blocked in relief above and below the mandorla. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a swan atop a crown - in gold; the title: "/The/ Lady/ of/ the/ Lake./" is blocked in gold in gothic letters; a sword isblocked in gold from near the tail up to below the title; bulrushes, flowers and leaves are blocked in gold around the sword; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the hilt of the sword; the words: "/ A&C/ Black/" are blocked in gold at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 500



                                  Binding No:   799

                          Pressmark:   12331.g.15.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Archer, Thomas

                                   Title:   Alexandra: A Gift Book to the Alexandra Orphanage for Infants, Hornsey Rise. Edited by Thomas Archer. Contributed, Drawn, Engraved, Printed, Bound, and Published Gratuitously For the Benefit of the Institution. All Rights reserved by the Authors.

                   Publisher Name:   James Clarke & Co., 13, Fleet Street. James Nisbet & Co., 21, Berners Street, Oxford Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1870.]

                               Printer:   C.P. Alvey,  Printer, Atlas Works, Museum Street, W.C.

                                Width:        168     Height:       215          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  viii,167p. 10 plates. With four pages bound at the end, printed on purple dyed paper, advertising the Alexendra Orphanage for Infants,  Hornsey Rise, and the Orphan Working School, Haverstock Hill

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and black

                 Date Examined:  4.4.2000 & 26.6.2014.

            References:     Dry JL no.541.

 Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Bound at the front are: 1. a photograph of the Principal Entrance of the Alexandra Orphanage with the children and adults posing in a group on the steps. 2. the half title page has a coloured lithograph, signed "Leighton Brothers." On page v, the list of Artists is: Miss H. J. A. Miles, F. Barnard [i. e. Frederick Barnard], E. C. Barnes, A. W. Bayes [i.e. Alfred Walter Bayes], W. Brunton [i.e. William Brunton], Chas. Green, E. Law, J. Leighton, F. S. A. [i.e. John Leighton], George Leighton, J. Proctor [i.e. John Proctor], T. Sulman  [i.e. Thomas Sulman], J. Gordon Thomson, R. Weedon, Harrison Weir [i.e.  Harrison William Weir]. The engravers are listed as: J. R. Battershell, Dalziel Brothers, C. A. Ferrier [i.e. Charles Anderson Ferrier] , John Greenaway, Mason Jackson, R. Knight, J. Knight, W. J. Palmer, George Pearson, Joseph Swain. “The paper supplied by Spalding & Hodge. The Volume printed by Mr. C. P. Alvey. The Binding executed by Messrs Leighton, Son, & Hodge.” Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on the lower pastedown: "/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge./" [Ball 53B] Blue sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Inside this, double fillets are blocked on each side, and on the head and the tail to form rectangles, with squares blocked on each corner. A diamond pattern is blocked within each square. An oval central panel is formed by two fillets. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. A single fillet is blocked on the borders, intersecting at each corner. Groups of four stars are blocked in gold at the points of intersection at the head; groups of three stars are  blocked at the points of intersection at the tail. An inner black fillet forms curling leaves in black at the head, and also at the tail, which also has a diamond-shaped frame formed by this fillet. On the centre head, a coronet of the Prince of Wales and three feathers are blocked in gold. Two oil lamps hang from the leaves at the head in gold, as does a basket, suspended on a cord, which has a baby asleep inside it. To the right of the basket - a fairy is blocked in gold, with a wand and an oil container in her left hand, and her right hand held over the baby. Small stars and a moon are blocked beside this. The title; "/ The/ Alexandra./" is blocked in gold. Below this, a small bird's nest is blocked in gold. On the centre base, a shield is blocked - or, dotted, with the monogram "AO" [the capital "A" within the capital "O"], blocked in vertical and horizontal gold hatch, within the shield. Above and below the shield, the words "Hornsey" and "Rise" are blocked in gold. Signed "L" in gold below the birds' nest. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two fillets in black; the Prince of Wales feathers in gold; "/ The/ Alexandra/" blocked in gold; two fillets in black at the tail.







2003 book entry number: 501



                                  Binding No:   176

                          Pressmark:   11651.bbb.7.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Capern, Edward

                                   Title:   Wayside warbles. Second edition, with numerous additions.

                   Publisher Name:   Simpkin, Marshall & Co. Birmingham; E.C. Osborne

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1870

                               Printer:   E. C. Osborne, Printer, Birmingham

                                Width:        123     Height:       185          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  xix, 384p. With eight pages listing other titles by the author bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Birmingham




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    dot and line diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   Gold and blind and black

                 Date Examined:  17.6.99 & 26.6.2014

            References:     Dry JL no.543.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Green dot and line diagonal-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. There are three fillets blocked in blind on the borders. On the centre, a circle of  ribbons and small leaves is blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Three fillets are blocked on the borders in black; there is a tracery of stars and intersecting lines, blocked diagonally in gold on the right of the cover. On the spine side of the cover, ivy leaves blocked in gold run up a branch which ends in a red paper on lay. The on lay has two gold fillets and dots blocked in gold on its borders. Within, the capital letter "W", of the word "Wayside" is blocked in gold. The title: "/ [W]ayside/ Warbles/" is blocked in gold in rustic letters across the top third of the cover. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, between single gold fillets, a berry and leaf pattern is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter of the rest of the spine. A looping branch, blocked in gold, is blocked down the spine, with bunches of grapes, leaves, and tendrils attached. Near the head, two adult birds, a nest and two chicks are blocked in gold. The branch forms two circles. The title: "/ Wayside/ Warbles/" is blocked in gold in the upper circle. A thistle, and leaves are blocked in gold within the lower circle. The monogram "JL" is blocked in gold at the tail.




2003 book entry number: 502


                                  Binding No:   309


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Limner, Luke

                                   Title:   Madre Natura versus The Moloch of Fashion. A Social Essay, with twenty five illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   Bradbury, Evans, & Co., 11 Bouverie St.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1870

                               Printer:   Bradbury, Evans, and Co., Printers, Whitefriars.

                                Width:        120     Height:       180          Thickness:        19

                           PagNotes:  [vi], 101p. The paper covers measure 115x172mm. With ten pages of publisher's titles bound at rear.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   yellow

                        Blockwork:   black and red

                 Date Examined:  19.8.99 & 26.6.2014

            References:     King JL p.245.



Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Copy rebound by Dunn & Wilson in 1986. Originally issued in paper covers. The upper cover is printed in red and black on yellow paper. The red fillet on the borders intersects at the corners, with four black dots at their crossing. On the centre, a lady, fully dressed, is holding a fan in her left hand. This is a copy of the engraving on page 9. The words: "/ Book postage one penny. / Price two shillings. /" are printed on the upper cover on the head and on the tail. The rest of the cover has the title and the imprint, printed in red and in black. The capital letters “M” and “N” are printed within decorated squares. The lower cover shows a lady at her toilette, in front of a mirror on a stand. The last page has a colophon printed as a hatchment, which shows a skull, a corset and a shoe, with the motto “The last of her race”. The title page displays in italics: "/ The MANTUA-MAKERS' ARMS./ [rule]/ These are described on the title page verso, in the form of an inverted triangle:"/ On a shield sable , a Corset proper; crest, upon a wreath of roses,/ an Hour-glass or, typical of golden hours wasted. Supporters,/ Harpies: the dexter "Fashion" crowned with a chig/ -non or, corsetted and crinoletted proper, her train/ being decorated with bows, and the wings with/ scissors; the sinister, "Vanity", crowned/ with a coronet of pearls and straw/ -berry leaves, bears the wings of a papillon, eyed proper, the/ queue a[grave] la Paon. Motto,/ "FASHION UNTO DEATH/".The arms shows the claw of each of the Harpies pulling tight the laces of a corset. The same arms appear, with the same description in the fourth edition of 1874, at They are also blocked in black and gilt to the upper cover of the fourth edition. The copy of the fourth edition in the Bodleian Library is at 150.g.11(10).





2003 book entry number: 503



                                  Binding No:   809

                          Pressmark:   1570/1482

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Meteyard, Eliza

                                   Title:   The hallowed spots of Ancient London. Historical, biographical, and antiquarian sketches, illustrative of places and events as they appeared and occurred in the olden time. New edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Charles Griffin and Company, 10, Stationers Hall Court.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1870

                               Printer:   Printed by R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        165     Height:       215          Thickness:        28

                           PagNotes:  xii,291,  xiip.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and black and relief and red

                 Date Examined:  19.4.2000 & 26.6.2014

            References:     Dry JL no.433.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Printed on page xii: “The engravings are by C.W. Sheeres.” [i.e. Charles William Sheeres]  Gilt edges. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. The upper endpaper has the bookplate of Thomas Cabban. Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically on the borders, in blind on the lower, in gold on the upper. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. Double thin fillets are blocked at the head, the tail and on the sides, intersecting to form squares on the corners. At these intersections, four small circles are blocked in gold. (These are similar to Rossetti's "Goblin Market".) An inner rectangle is blocked on the upper cover, formed by four fillets blocked in black. There are two fleur-de-lis blocked at the head and the tail, at the end of these fillets. The centre-piece is a blue paper on lay. It is shaped as a shield, and has portions of the arms of the Corporation of London. A single fillet is blocked in gold around its perimeter. A sword is blocked on the upper left hand corner. The title: "/ The/ Hallowed Spots/ of/ Ancient London/" are blocked in gold, on the on lay. The words: "/ Domine/ Dirige Nos/" are blocked in relief underneath the shield within two ribbon-shaped gold lettering-pieces. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold fillet; a vertical hatch gold fillet; oval panels formed by three fillets; a sword blade is blocked upwards from mid-spine to near the head; the sword has a crown on its tip; The title: "/ The/ Hallowed/ Spots/ of/ Ancient/ London./" are blocked in relief within six rectangular gold-lettering-pieces; these six gold lettering-pieces wind around the sword blade; flowers, leaves and stems and a "castellated" crown are all blocked in gold within an oval panel; signed "JL" in gold as a monogram, within a small panel; stars surround panels on the lower half of the spine; a vertical hatch gold fillet; the words: "/ C Griffin & Co./" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by two gold fillets; a vertical hatch gold fillet; two fillets are blocked in gold at the tail.




2003 book entry number: 504


                                  Binding No:   194

                          Pressmark:   10106.b.8.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Mortimer, Favell Lee

                                   Title:   Near home; or, the countries of Europe described. With anecdotes and Numerous Illustrations... Thirty-third Thousand.

                   Publisher Name:   Hatchard and Co. 187 Piccadilly.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1870

                               Printer:   Printed by G. Barclay, Castle St. Leicester Sq.

                                Width:        110     Height:       177          Thickness:        32

                           PagNotes:  xvi, 402p. 1 fold-out map. With eighteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London



                       BinderText:    No text

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  14.5.99 & 26.6.2014


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The fold out map of Europe has the imprint: “London: John Hatchard & Son, 187 Piccadilly.” Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and on the corners. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. On each corner, straps are blocked in relief. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a boy seated on a curling branch. He is reading from a sheet pf paper, with his right arm resting upon a folio book. He is surrounded by curling stems, with small leaves an berries attached. The words: "/ Near/ Home/" are blocked in gold above and below the boy. Signed JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. A tree  (and its roots) is blocked from the tail up the spine, with two main branches rising up each side of the spine to form two arches near the head. The arches are interspersed with small leaves and berries in gold. The words: "/ Near/ Home;/ or,/ Europe/ described./" are blocked in gold near the head. Below this, more branches of the tree provide support for a scroll and a pile of four books blocked in gold, the upper three of which are titled: "/ Travels/ Voyages/ Gazetteer/"  blocked in relief within the tail of each book. On top of the books, a putto supports a globe with two feathers on top. More berries and leaves and curling branches are blocked in gold near the base of the tree. A gold fillet is blocked near the tail. A plant pattern is blocked at the tail.




2003 book entry number: 505


Binding No:                    243

                          Pressmark:   7001.g.12.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Pouchet, Felix Archimede

                                   Title:   The universe: or, the infinitely great and the infinitely little. Translated from the French. Illustrated by 343 engravings on wood and four coloured plates. From drawings by A. Faguet [i.e. probably Auguste Faguet], Mesnel [i.e. probably Albin Mesnel], Emile Bayard, and J. Stewart.

                   Publisher Name:   Blackie & Son, Paternoster Row; Glasgow and Edinburgh.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1870

                               Printer:   W.G. Blackie and Co., Printers, Villafield.

                                Width:        175     Height:       260          Thickness:        60

                           PagNotes:  xx, 791p. 4 plates. With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Glasgow




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and black and  relief

                 Date Examined:  14.7.99 & 2.7.2014

            References:     Dry JL no.545.

                                 King JL p.245.

                                 Pantazzi JL p.272 Shows a different spine from that of this, the 1870 edition.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The monogram of Blackie: “B&S”, is printed on the title page with the motto: “Lucem Libris. Disseminamus”. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold, which has been blocked with different use of black and gold on each cover. On the lower cover, a single thin fillet is blocked in black on the border, and four        small circles are blocked in black on the corners. Inside, there are two more fillets on the borders in black, one thick, the other thin. These both curve at the corners. There is a medallion  formed by three fillets blocked on the centre head and tail inside the borders. Both medallions are blocked in black.  In the medallion at the head are blocked: "Air, water, fire". In the medallion at the tail are blocked "/ vegetable/ animal/ mineral/". Motifs represent each word. Adjoining  each medallion are small line decorations which join two" looped square" patterns. The central medallion is formed by three fillets blocked in gold. The words "The" and "universe" are at the top and the bottom of the outer circles. In the inner circle, an armillary sphere is blocked in gold, showing latitude and longitude, together with the degrees blocked in relief. Some of the signs of the zodiac are inside, each name being blocked in relief. At the base of the armillary sphere, "L" is signed in gold, with a full stop above the "L". On the upper cover, the small medallions at the head and the tail are formed by four fillets, three in black, the fourth in gold. The same elements as for the lower cover are blocked within each medallion, in gold. Around the central medallion are alternate hatch leaf patterns and "ball and spike" decoration, both blocked in gold. Black ink is blocked between the stars of the outer circle. Around the armillary sphere is black ink, ribbed, and stars in outline, showing the brown cloth. Also signed "L" at the base of the globe, with the full stop above the "L". The spine is blocked in gold and in black. A black fillet is blocked at the head. From the head downwards, the decoration is: within a panel at the head is the figure of an astronomer, seated on a stool, with a telescope, compasses and a globe, all blocked in gold;  the title: "/ The/ Universe/ or/ the infinitely great/ and the/ infinitely/ little./" are blocked in gold, surrounded by a medallion, formed by three fillets, blocked in gold and in black; within a panel below the title, a man is seated on a stool, looking into a microscope, and, behind him are a book and a plant in a pot; the word:  "/ Pouchet/" is blocked in gold, with a flower head blocked on each side and below this word; triangles blocked in black; a black fillet; the  words:"/ Blackie & Son/" are blocked in gold between two gold fillets; a black fillet is blocked at the tail. The same design is also on the 1871 edition at BL 7001.g.12.





2003 book entry number: 506


                                  Binding No:   536

                          Pressmark:   9504.h.1.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Taylor, James

                                   Title:   The Family History of England. Civil, military, social, commercial, & religious. From the earliest period to the passing of the Reform Bill, 1867. [6 vols.]

                   Publisher Name:   William Mackenzie, 22 Paternoster Row, E.C.; 47 Howard St Glasgow; 59 South Bridge Edinburgh

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1870-1873]

                               Printer:   Printed by William Mackenzie, 43 & 45 Howard Street, Glasgow

                                Width:           0     Height:          0          Thickness:         0


                Place of Printing:   Glasgow




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   various


                 Date Examined:  11.2.2000 & 26.6.2014

                       References:  Dry  JL no.546.

                                 King JL. p.247.

                                 Muira MP p.93.                      Plate B.

                  Notes:   Vol. I.   vi,402, lxiv, p., 9 plates, 1 map.                   183x271x38mm

                             Vol. II.  vii,336p, 11 plates (2 fold-out), 1 map.        183x270x35mm.

                             Vol. III. viii,360, xl, p., 12 plates.                              182x269x37mm.

                             Vol. IV. vii,336, lx, p., 10 plates (1 fold-out), 1 map. 183x270x35mm.

                             Vol. V.  viii,400p., 7 plates, 1 map.                          182x270x35mm.

                             Vol. VI.  viii,344, lvi, p., 6 plates, 2 maps.                182x270x434mm.


The design is by John Leighton. British Museum C19 binding. Gauffered edges. Nonpareil marble on edges, on pastedowns, and on endpapers. This copy originally issued in paper parts. The ‘Address’ to Part 1 states: "The work will be completed in Thirty Parts, imperial 8vo, price Two Shillings each, or six volumes, beautifully bound in cloth, bevel boards and cut edges, price Twelve Shillings each. Each part will contain Eighty pages letterpress and Two beautiful Engravings, Maps, Portraits or Plans of Battles.” The upper and lower covers for Parts 1 and 30 are bound at the end of Vol. VI. The upper cover design is by Leighton on pink paper, printed in black and in red. The same design, printed in colours on a plate, is tipped into the front of each of the six bound volumes. The description below is for the design printed in several colours on the plate at the front of each volume.

Yellow fillet printed on the borders. Coats of arms on the left and right hand corners: arms: gules, three lions passant-guardant, argent; or, lion rampant, gules. The arch above the title has within it the words: "/ Illustrated with maps portraits views and other engravings/". Within the arch, the title: " / The/ Family/ History of England/ Civil, military, social/ commercial & religious/ from the earliest period/ to the passing of the Reform  Bill, 1867./ Vol. I.[-VI.]/" is printed in blue, in red and in brown. Lions are printed at the the left and right base of the arch. The lion on the left holds a flag showing a blue cross, and a fleur-de-lis; the lion on the right holds a flag of St Andrew.   A red medallion is printed underneath the        title, with a red triangle within; the words: "/ King/ Lords/ Commons/" are printed in white outline, inside the triangle. The words: "/ Magna/ Carta/  Bill/ of Rights/  Reform Bill./" are printed on each side of the medallion in blue and in yellow. The medallion is crossed by a mace and a sword, each printed in blue and yellow. The initials "W" and "M" are printed in medieval letters, within smaller medallions on either side of the central one. The imprint: "/ London [blue]/ William Mackenzie [white letters within red]/ 22 Paternoster Row, E.C [brown]/ 47, Howard St. Glasgow, 59 South Bridge, Edinburgh. [brown]/ is printed on the centre of the tail. On the left and right at the tail, plinths are printed in blue. Ivy leaves are printed in green above each. On the left plinth, an Irish harp is in red, within a shield in green; on the right plinth, the arms are: gules, quartered, four lions passant, argent. Signed at the base of the left plinth: "/ Luke Limner F.S.A. Del./"; at the base of the right plinth: "/H. Leighton Sc./" - both printed in blue.








2003 book entry number: 507


Binding No:                    231

                          Pressmark:   2366.b.11.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Wheatley, Henry Benjamin

                                   Title:   Round about Piccadilly and Pall Mall; or, a ramble from the Haymarket to Hyde Park. Consisting of a retrospect of the various changes that have occurred in the court end of London.

                   Publisher Name:   Smith Elder & Co., 15 Waterloo Place.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1870

                               Printer:   Printed by Smith, Elder and Co., Old Bailey, E.C.

                                Width:        135     Height:       212          Thickness:        58

                           PagNotes:  xii, 405p.  4 plates. Doublure size: 127x208mm.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and relief and  black

                 Date Examined:  8.7.99 & 2.7.2014

            References:     Dry JL no.547.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Conserved and rebound in 1989. Original upper cover used as a doublure. Brown sand-grain cloth. The upper cover is blocked in gold and black.  The outer border is blocked in gold with a "dog-tooth" pattern. An inner border consists of a broad black fillet, with leaves blocked in relief

within it - all blocked between two thin black fillets. The cover divides into three: at the head, there is fan tracery in black in a rectangle; in the  centre, there is a square with an outer border, blocked in black. Inside the square are blocked in gold a sedan chair, a porter, two water pumps, and a street lamp with an ornate stand. The title: "/ Round about/ Piccadilly/ Pall Mall./" is blocked in gold At the tail, is a street map of Piccadilly and environs blocked in gold, with the roads and the names in relief. Signed "L" in relief at bottom left hand corner of map.




2003 book entry number: 508


Binding No:                    244

                          Pressmark:   7001.g.13.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Pouchet, Felix Archimede

Title: The universe: or, the infinitely great and the infinitely little. New edition. Embodying the author's latest improvements. Illustrated by 343 engravings on wood and Four Coloured Plates.         From drawings by A. Faguet [i.e. probably Auguste Faguet], Mesnel [i.e. probably Albin Mesnel], Emile Bayard, and J. Stewart.

                   Publisher Name:   Blackie & Son, Paternoster Row

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1871

                               Printer:   W.G. Blackie and Co., Printers, Villafield.

                                Width:        175     Height:       260          Thickness:        75

                           PagNotes:  xx, 818p.  4 plates.  With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Glasgow




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and black and  relief

                 Date Examined:  14.7.99 & 2.7.2014

            References:     King JL p.245.

                                 Pantazzi JL p.272 Shows a different spine from that of this, the 1871 edition.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The monogram of Blackie, “B&S”, is printed on the title page with the motto: “Lucem Libris. Disseminamus”. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth.  This edition has an identical design for the covers and the spine as the 1870 edition at BL shelf mark 7001.g.12.




2003 book entry number: 509



Binding No:                    814

                          Pressmark:   12330.g.29.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   The literary bouquet: Gathered from Favourite Authors. Illustrated with numerous drawings on wood by eminent artists.

                   Publisher Name:   William P. Nimmo

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   1872

                               Printer:   Muir and Patterson, printers, Edinburgh.

                                Width:        168     Height:       215          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  160p.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and black and  relief

                 Date Examined:  5.7.2000 & 2.7.2014

            References:     Dry JL no. 553. Cites copy in Bodleian Library


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically, in blind and in relief on the lower and in gold and black and in relief on the upper. The upper cover has four fillets blocked on the

borders: 1. fillet in gold; 2. fillet in black, with a single leaf on each corner; 3. fillet in gold, curved at each corner; 4. a repeating pattern of two thin fillets with alternating black and gold dots. On each inner corner, a medallion is blocked in gold, with a background blocked in black. Symmetrical leaf and plant decoration blocked in black and in gold on each side joins the medallions. Curling stem and leaf decoration is blocked

on the centre head and on the centre tail in gold and in black. Fillets are blocked around this decoration in black. On the centre of the cover, a medallion is blocked. From the outside inwards are: 1. a single circular fillet in black; 2. a single circular fillet in gold; 3. A border blocked in black, with stars blocked in gold, together with the words: "Literary Bouquet" blocked in gold within the border; 4. a circular fillet blocked in gold,

 with a Greek roll blocked in relief inside it; 5. a circular fillet blocked in gold. On the centre within the medallion, the bust of a classical figure, plus a helmet are blocked in gold against a background blocked in black. Signed “JL” in black as separate letters underneath the medallion. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a fillet in black; a fillet in gold; a girl's head, blocked in gold, within a medallion formed by a single fillet; the title: "/The/ Literary/ Bouquet/" is blocked in gold; symmetrical leaf and stem decoration is blocked in gold and in black; a girl's head, blocked in gold, within a medallion formed by a single fillet; the word: "/ Nimmo/" is blocked in gold, within a half circle formed by a single fillet; a fillet in black at the base. [The spine label is likely to obscure the signature of Leighton.]




2003 book entry number: 510



                                  Binding No:   266


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Black, Adam, Publisher and Black, Charles, Publisher

                                   Title:   Black's picturesque guide to the English Lakes including the geology of the district. By John Phillips. Outline mountain views by Mr. Flintoft. Illustrations by Birket Foster [i.e Myles Birket Foster]. Seventeenth edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Adam and Charles Black

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   1872


                                Width:        110     Height:       172          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  xxx, 239p. 1 fold-out map; 4 maps; 6plates. With seventy-two pages of advertisements bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  30.7.99 & 2.7.2014



Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The fold-out map of the Lake District bound at the front was drawn and engraved by W. Hughes, 6 Brook Street, Holborn, London. Edges speckled with red ink. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. On the front endpaper and pastedown is printed an Index Map. On the lower endpaper is printed "Comparative view of Lakes". On the lower pastedown is printed "Comparative heights of mountains". Dark green sand-grain cloth. The upper cover design of this edition is the same as for the 1858 and 1861 editions at BL. 10358.d.14. and 10358.c.8. The spine has three fillets blocked in gold at the head and the tail. The title: "/ Black's/ Guide/ to the/ Lakes/" is blocked near the head in gold. The rest of the spine decoration is as for 1858 and 1861.




2003 book entry number: 511


                                  Binding No:   325

                          Pressmark:   10390.aa.1.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Black, Adam, Publisher and Black, Charles, Publisher

                                   Title:   Black's picturesque tourist of Ireland. Illustrated with a map of Ireland, and several plans and views. Twelfth edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Adam & Charles Black

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   1872


                                Width:        105     Height:       160          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  423p. Ten maps and plans, some fold-out.

                Place of Printing:



                       BinderText:    Upper

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   Gold

                 Date Examined:  15.7.96 & 2.7.2014



Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The fore edge has place names printed down its length. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns . The front endpaper and pastedown shows a map of Ireland. The rear endpaper and pastedown has an          advertisement listing Black's guide books. Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers have two fillets blocked in blind on the borders. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows an Irish harp, on a rocky plinth. The title words: "Blacks' guide to" are blocked in gold above the harp. The word: "Ireland" is blocked in gold across the strings of the harp. The spine is blocked in gold. It shows the title words, blocked in gold, inside a panel formed by two fillets, which connect above and below to clover leaf decoration. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the design. Fillets are blocked in blind. at the head and at the tail.    The sixteenth edition of 1881 is at BL 10390.bbb.29. 423p. Ten maps and plans, some fold-out. With 108 pages of advertisements bound at the rear. Place names and page numbers are stamped on the centre of the fore edge. The endpapers and pastedowns as the same as the twelfth edition. Green sand-grain cloth. The design blocked on the covers and the spine is the same as the twelfth edition. The nineteenth edition of 1885  is at BL 10390.bbb.12. The twentieth edition of 1887 is at BL 10390.bbb.21. The twenty-first edition of 1891is at BL 10390.aaaa.24. The 19th, 20th, 21st editions have much the same design as the twelfth edition. However, the initials "JL" are absent from the spine.




2003 book entry number: 512



Binding No:                    813

                          Pressmark:   12330.i.11.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Brough, Robert Barnabas

                                   Title:   Character Sketches, Development Drawings, and Original Pictures of Wit and Humour. Done in permanent lines for posterity by Charles H. Bennett [i.e. Charles Henry Bennett] & Robert B. Brough. Illustrated with ninety-four engravings, and many head-pieces and finials.

                   Publisher Name:   Ward, Lock, and  Tyler, Warwick House, Paternoster Row.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1872]

                               Printer:   Bradbury, Evans, and Co., Printers, Whitefriars.

                                Width:        170     Height:       250          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  x, 390p. 19 plates. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and black and  relief

                 Date Examined:  5.7.2000 & 2.7.2014

            References:     Dry JL no.552.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically, in blind only on the lower, and in gold and black on the upper. Three fillets are blocked on the borders - one in black and two in gold, and these are curved at the fore edge. A single star is blocked in gold on each fore edge corner. A medallion is blocked on the fore edge at the head and at the tail. Each has a single fillet blocked on its border, and each has a green paper on lay blocked in gold. At the head, the decoration on the medallion is: a butterfly, and a mirror, with the word: "Vanitas", blocked in gold. At the tail, the decoration is: a snake and a mirror, with the word: "Veritas", blocked in gold. Rectangles formed by black fillets divide the upper cover into three panels. Each panel has fillets on its borders blocked in gold and in black.  The upper and lower of the three panels have red paper on lays, which are blocked in black, with the words: "/ Character. Sketches/" and "Development drawings" blocked in relief to show the red on lay. On the spine side of the upper cover, a green paper on lay is pasted, which has three fillets blocked on its borders, one in black, two in gold. One of the gold fillets has repeating dots blocked in relief inside it. The decoration

on the green paper on lay shows an urn blocked in gold, with ram's head handles. The urn contains flowers blocked in gold and the leaves are                blocked in relief, showing the green on lay. The flower heads have "facial" features outlined by blocking in black. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters at the base of the urn. Six stars are blocked to the right of this green on lay, a the head and at the tail, two in gold, and four in black. On the fore edge side of the upper cover, the central rectangle is formed by a single fillet blocked in black. The decoration within shows a book, with candle and ivy leaves blocked on each side - all in gold. The candle has just been snuffed out by a candle snuffer, blocked in black. Underneath the book, crossed quills are blocked in gold. On each page of the open book, two silhouettes are blocked. To the left is a bearded man blocked in gold, against a background blocked in black. To the right is another man in gold against a background in black. [Are these

silhouettes of Bennett and Brough?] Above and below the book, the words: "/ By/ Charles H. Bennett./ &/ Robert Brough./" are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a fillet in black; the title: "/Character/ sketches/ and/ development/ drawings./" is blocked in gold; a black lettering-piece, with straps and animal heads in gold inside it; this lettering-piece has a fillet blocked  in gold above it and a fillet in black below it; three stars - two in gold, one in black; an oval formed by a single gold fillet; within the oval - face masks are blocked in black and in gold, together with a lighted candle and leaves blocked in gold; three stars - two in black, one in gold; a black lettering-piece, with joined heads and decoration blocked in gold inside; this lettering-piece has a fillets blocked in black above and below it;  the words: "/ By/ Charles H./ Bennett./ and/ Robert/ Brough./" are blocked in gold; two fillets in gold; one fillet in black; the word: "/London./" is blocked in gold at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 513



                                  Binding No:   821

                          Pressmark:   11764.m.1.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Shakespeare, William

                                   Title:   The library Shakespeare. Illustrated by Sir John Gilbert, George Cruikshank, and R. Dudley [i. e Robert Dudley].

                   Publisher Name:   William Mackenzie

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1873-1875]

                               Printer:   Printed by William Mackenzie, 43 & 45 Howard Street, Glasgow

                                Width:           0     Height:          0          Thickness:         0


                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :


                 Date Examined:  27.9.2000 & 22.7.2014

            References:     Dry JL no.555.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Originally issued in thirty-two parts, in paper covers. The "Address" is printed on the verso of the lower cover of Part 1. It announces that the work is to be published in eight divisions, in cloth at 10/6 each. "...Also in Thirty Parts at Two Shillings each." This set is bound into three volumes, with the paper covers for each part bound at the end of each volume. Vol. I. Comedies. London: William Mackenzie, 22 Paternoster Row; South Bridge, Edinburgh; Howard Street, Glasgow, [1873]. [3],396p., 27 plates. 252x315x55mm. The upper and lower paper covers of parts 1-10 are bound at the end. Vol. II. Tragedies. London: William Mackenzie, 69, Ludgate Hill, E.C.; South Bridge, Edinburgh; Howard Street, Glasgow, [1873-75]. [2],406p., 16 plates. 252x312x43mm. The upper and lower paper covers of parts 11-20 are bound at the end.           Vol. III. Historical; plays, &c.  London: William Mackenzie, 22 Paternoster Row; South Bridge, Edinburgh; Howard Street, Glasgow, [1875]. [2],476p., 20 plates. 250x312x68mm. The upper and lower paper covers of parts 21-32 are bound at the end.             In the three volumes, the plates that are coloured are pasted onto backing sheets, are signed by each artist and produced by William Mackenzie. The black and white engravings used as the frontispieces of each play are signed by each artist and engraved by Dalziel. Bound at the end of Vol. III. are: Notes critical and explanatory, by Samuel Neil. The notes for each volume are paginated separately: Vol. I xvi,62p, 4 plates. Vol. II. 50p. Vol. III. 32p. The upper and lower paper covers for the notes are entitled "Division 12"; "price 6s.6d."The paper covers for all the parts are printed the same. The upper cover design has bead and fillet borders. At the centre head, there is a portrait bust of Shakespeare, within a Renaissance bolt frame. On the corners, a shield is printed within renaissance panels. The words: "/ Mackenzie's/ Illustrated/ Family/ Library/" are printed within a ribbon winding around the bolt, which extends on each side of the bust of Shakespeare. On the centre, two female figures [Lady Macbeth and Ophelia, perhaps] hold up a notice on stage boards, announcing the title: "The/ Library/ Shakspeare[sic]/ Illustrated/ by/ nearly/ 800 superb engravings/ from original designs/ by/ Sir John Gilbert./ George Cruikshank./ and R. Dudley./" the word: "/Shakespeare/" is printed in red. To the left and the right below the stage boards, a winged putto is shown. Two swords support a shield, centre. Within ribbons, the words: "/Sweet swan of Avon/ Upon the banks of Thames/ That did so please Eliza./ And our James./" are printed. The imprint below this is: "/William Mackenzie/" - printed in white within a brown rectangle with a white border- "/22 Paternoster Row/ London/ 47. Howard St./ Glasgow/ South Bridge/ Edinburgh/". Signed at the left hand base: "John Leighton. F.S.A." Signed at the right hand base: "HL Sc" as a monogram [i.e. Henry Leighton].


Another copy of this work (which is incomplete -five volumes out of eight) bound in cloth covers, with a design by John Leighton, is at British Library shelf mark 11764m1.









2003 book entry number: 514


                                  Binding No:   144

                          Pressmark:   C. 70.d.10.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Barham, Richard Harris

                                   Title:   The Ingoldsby Legends or mirth and marvels, by Thomas Ingoldsby, Esquire. With sixty illustrations by George Cruikshank, John     Leech and John Tenniel.

                   Publisher Name:   Richard Bentley and Son, Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1874

                               Printer:   R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, printers, London

                                Width:        170     Height:       235          Thickness:        50

                           PagNotes:  xii, 514p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  15.4.99 & 2.7.2014

            References:     King JL p.240-241.                


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The text is sewn on three tapes. The verso of the front endpaper has the title written out in Eliza Cruikshank's hand. On the recto of the frontispiece is written the dedication: "/This book/ is presented to/ the "British Museum"/ in Memory of/ George Cruikshank. Artist/ by his Widow/ Eliza Cruikshank/ December 23rd 1887./ her 80th birthday./"   Above the dedication, two cartes de visite are pasted. They are of Eliza and George Cruikshank, and each is signed in their own hand. The title page is signed "/Geo Cruikshank 1874/ and his wife, Eliza Cruikshank/". The first page of the preface to the original edition is signed: "/Geo Cruikshank 1874/". Text sewn on three tapes. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Plain dark green endpapers. Purple sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in blind.  At the four corners, twin intertwined dragons are blocked in gold. The outer border in gold is of a repeating pattern of acorns at the end of leaves, interspaced with a triple leaf motif, which is enclosed in arches. The inner border features a medallion on each corner, with the head and shoulders of a fanciful character blocked within each. There is also a medallion and fanciful character within blocked on the centre of each side. Two shields with pseudo-devices within are blocked in gold and in relief on each side. Fillets and "cord-shaped" fillets and emblems are blocked in gold between the medallions and the shields on the inner border. The inner corners have decoration blocked in blind. The central mandorla has several borders, blocked in gold. Within it at the head, a lion is blocked, holding a shield, saltire ermine. The tail of the lion loops on either side of the shield to enclose the initials "T" and "I". The title: "/ The/ Ingoldsby/ Legends/" is blocked in relief within a shield-shaped gold lettering-piece. The initials, "JL", are blocked in relief as separate letters at the base of the title. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter, with three fillets blocked in blind inside this. Pairs of oak leaves and acorns are         blocked in gold at the head. The inner panel runs from tail to head, formed by two gold fillets, which are semi-circular at the head. At the head of the inner panel, a rat and a frog are on either side of a medallion with a figure resembling Mephistopheles within - all in gold. The title: "/ The/ Ingoldsby/ Legends/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold. The decoration below this shows a magpie with a ring in its mouth, astride a hat. The hat is above a sword, a spear and a bishops' staff, all crossing behind a shield. A cross and rosary, and a cat of nine tails are blocked to the left and to the right beneath the shield. The shield shows an owl displayed, wings inverted, sable. Above the owl, a bat soaring, or. The lower half of the sword impales a head, and a half moon. Signed "JL", in gold as separate letters, beneath the half moon. The words: "/ Richard Bentley/" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with two gold fillets blocked on its borders. Beneath this, a rectangle is formed by a single fillet blocked in blind. Acorn and scallop decoration is blocked in gold at the tail. This copy formerly shelved at 11611.h.12.





2003 book entry number: 515


                                  Binding No:   209


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Limner, Luke

                                   Title:   Madre Natura versus The Moloch of Fashion. A Social Essay, with thirty illustrations. Fourth edition. [Coat of Arms of the Mantua Makers.]

                   Publisher Name:   Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1874

                               Printer:   R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Printers.

                                Width:        115     Height:       175          Thickness:        17

                           PagNotes:  119p.  With forty eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ungrained

                            Colour :   grey

                        Blockwork:   gold and black

                 Date Examined:  26.9.2000 & 9.7.2014

            References:     King JL p.245. Illustration p.246.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. On page 27 of the publisher’s titles, this work is described as: “With 32 illustrations by the author. Fourth edition, revised and corrected. Cloth extra gilt, red edges, price 2s. 6d. [Nearly ready.” Red edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge./". [Ball 53F.] Grey un-grained cloth covers. Both covers are blocked identically in black on the borders to resemble the lacework of a corset. The corners have the ends of the laces, knotted. The Mantua makers coat of arms are blocked in gold and black on the centre of the upper cover. On the verso of the title page, the following description is printed describing the coat of arms:"/ THE MANTUA MAKERS ARMS/ On a shield sable, a corset proper; crest, upon a wreath of roses/, an Hour-glass or, typical of golden   hours wasted. Supporters,/ Harpies: the dexter "Fashion" crowned with a chig-/ non or, corsetted and crinoletted proper, her train/ being decorated with bows, and the wings with/ scissors; the sinister, "Vanity", crowned/ with a coronet of pearls and straw-/ berry leaves, bears the wings of/ a papillon, eyed proper, the/ queue a la Paon. Motto,/ "FASHION UNTO/ DEATH!" [A la mode, a la mort]./"The claws of the Harpies are pulling the corset laces tightly. The lower cover has a vignette blocked in black at the centre, a reproduction of the illustration on page 9. This shows a lady at her toilette, in front of a mirror. The BL copy lacks the spine. The spine of the copy in the John Johnson Collection is blocked in gold and black, and shows a wire frame, in the shape of a female model, with skirt hoops and corset prominent. De Beaumont informed the compiler on 1.95 that the dedication is to John Marshall, who was Rossetti's physician, and a Professor of Surgery and Art Anatomy to the Royal Academy, and a doctor to the Department of Science and Art. [The Bodleian library copy is at 268.c.405; also in John Leighton, Box 4, John Johnson Collection. Issued originally in paper wrappers in 1870. BL shelf mark]



2003 book entry number: 516


                                  Binding No:   817

                          Pressmark:   10410.w.1

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   King, Edward

                                   Title:   The Southern States of North America: a record of journeys in Louisiana, Texas, the Indian Territory, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland.        Profusely illustrated from original sketches by J. Wells Champney. [Device of Blackie & Son, as  a monogram, within a medallion.]

                   Publisher Name:   Blackie & Son, Paternoster Buildings, E.C.; Glasgow and Edinburgh.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1875

                               Printer:   W.G. Blackie & Co, Printers, Villafield.

                                Width:        180     Height:       255          Thickness:        65

                           PagNotes:  906p. 4 plates, 1 map of the United States. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end, and four pages bound at the front.

                Place of Printing:   Glasgow




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and black

                 Date Examined:  6.7.2000 &  9.7.2014


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown fine rib-diagonal-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in black only. Two fillets are blocked in black on the borders. The cover is divided into three by two horizontal fillets, blocked in black. Panels are formed inside these divisions by single fillets blocked in black. Within the first and third panels, flowers and leaves are blocked. Within the central panel, single flowers are blocked on the perimeter. The centre-piece is a medallion formed by four circular fillets. Leaf decoration is blocked in black within the medallion. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. The same fillets on the borders and the same panels are blocked in black. Within the first panel at the head, a medallion if formed by three fillets - one blocked in black and two blocked in gold. Within, the word: "rice" is blocked in gold. In the third panel at the base, two medallions are blocked, formed by the same three fillets. Inside these fillets, the words: "Tobacco" and "Cotton" are blocked in gold. The upper cover centre-piece shows four medallions joined by chain links blocked in gold. The medallions show, against a black background: an eagle (with its wings blocked outside the medallion); a lady's head; a crocodile; a black man's head. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. A single fillet is blocked  on the perimeter in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the US flag; a "house" formed by "timber-like" gold fillets, with black borders; "/The/", blocked in gold; "/Southern /States/" blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces; "/of/" blocked in gold; "/North/ America/" blocked within a vertical hatch gold lettering-piece; "/copiously/ illustrated/" blocked in gold; a helmet on a pole above a wooden crate - all in gold; two double five-pointed stars, one blocked in black, the other in horizontal hatch gold; the letters "N" and "S" are blocked in relief within each star; a horizontal hatch black lettering-piece, with a decorated gold fillet blocked on its borders; a staff with wings and two snakes - in gold; two sacks are blocked in gold, with the  words; "rice" and "corn" blocked in relief within each sack; two barrels are blocked in gold, with the words: "tobacco" and "sugar" are blocked in relief within each barrel; two bales of cotton are blocked in gold, with the word; "cotton" blocked in relief within the upper, and the letters "JL" in relief as separate letters within the lower bale [this signature has been lost during re-binding of the book after 2000] ; at the tail, the words: "/ Blackie & Son./" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by two fillets, one of gold and one of black.




2003 book entry number: 517


Binding No:                    816

                          Pressmark:   12803.g.7.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Knatchbull Hugessen, Edward Hugessen

                                   Title:   Whispers from fairyland.

                   Publisher Name:   Longmans, Green, and Co.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1875

                               Printer:   Printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New-Street Square and Parliament Street

                                Width:        125     Height:       187          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  xi, 345p. 8 plates. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and black

                 Date Examined:  6.7.2000 & 9.7.2014

            References:     Dry JL no.557.

Notes: The Design is by John Leighton. Some of the plates are signed "WJW" and Pearson Sc". Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red fine rib diagonal-grain cloth. On both covers, the borders and corners are blocked identically, in blind on the lower and in black on the upper. On the upper cover, three fillets are blocked on the borders, the middle fillet having small repeating half circles blocked along it. On each corner, a leaf and stem pattern is blocked in black. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It reproduces the illustration bound opposite page 173, entitled: "Mollie and the Devil-Fish". Mollie is rowing a boat on stormy waters, with the Devil-Fish arising out of the waves on her left. The title: "/ Whispers/ from/ Fairy-Land./" are

blocked in gold above and below the vignette. On the stern-end of the rowing boat, the monograms "HK" and HC" are blocked, reversed, in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and black. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a clenched fist in gold; a dancing figure, blocked in gold, surrounded by leaf and stem decoration blocked in black; the word: "/ Whispers/" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece; a pair of lips and teeth - blocked in gold; the words: "/ from/ Fairy-Land/ [rule]/ E.H. Knatchbull-/ Hugessen./" are blocked in gold; a figure of a man with a pipe, who is looking at a Tom Thumb-like figure standing on a table; a Don Quixote-like figure is seated on a boar; signed "L" in gold near the left hand base; a fillet in gold; "Longmans & Co." is blocked in gold between dotted lines and a rectangle formed by a single fillet - all in gold.






2003 book entry number: 518


                                  Binding No:   167

                          Pressmark:   11647.c.1.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Michell, Nicholas.

                                   Title:   Ruins of many lands. A descriptive poem. With Illustrations on steel. Sixth edition.

                   Publisher Name:   William Tegg and Co., Pancras Lane, Cheapside

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1875

                               Printer:   Not Available

                                Width:        125     Height:       190          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  viii, 9-440p, 7 plates.  With thirty four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  7.5.99 & 9.7.2014

            References:     King JL p.240.

                                 Pantazzi JL p.263.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand-grain cloth. Both covers have identical blind blocking on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Thin curling leaves and stems are blocked in blind on each corner. The upper cover central vignette is blocked

 in gold and is the same as for the second edition of 1850. [BL shelf mark 1490.b.9.] Leighton’s initials are omitted from the bottom of the design. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets; a row of stylised leaves in gold; a gold fillet; the words: "/ Ruins/ of/ many lands/ [rule]/ Michell./" are blocked in gold; a gold fillet; a small decorative device, incorporating a heart shape; the word: "/ Illustrated./" blocked in gold; a gold fillet; the words: "/ Tegg, London/" in gold; a gold fillet; stylised leaves in gold; two gold fillets are blocked at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 519


                                  Binding No:   677


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Raleigh, Alexander

                                   Title:   The Story of Jonah The Prophet. [Engraved map of the Mediterranean entitled:]  Sketch-map of Mediterranean Sea.

                   Publisher Name:   Adam and  Charles Black

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   1875

                               Printer:   Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh.

                                Width:        120     Height:       186          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  [9], 322p. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and black

                 Date Examined:  18.10.97 & 9.7.2014



Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The frontispiece engraving of Jonah's tomb is signed "Dalziel" from a sketch by J.L. Porter. [i. e. Josias Leslie Porter.] Text sewn on two tapes. Black endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on the lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn/ & Co./2 [Ball no. 20E] Red pebble-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders. It looks as though the blocking has been carried out after the boards were attached to the text block, as the impression of the blocking appears as a “ghost”outline on the pastedowns. Four fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, the three inner ones having rounded corners. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a medallion, formed by a single gold fillet, with Jonah, the whale and waves inside. The title: "/ Story/ of/ Jonah/" is blocked in horizontal hatch gold above the figure of Jonah. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters as the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold fillet at the head; the words: "/ The/Story/ of/ Jonah/ Raleigh/" are blocked in gold within a panel formed by a single "rope-like" fillet. Near the tail, a dolphin is blocked, with ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece around it [the dolphin a feature of Leighton’s work]; the words: "/ A&C/ Black/" are blocked in relief within the ribbon; three gold fillets are blocked at the tail, the middle of which is "rope-like".








2003 book entry number: 520


                                  Binding No:   1052

                          Pressmark:   1607/4086

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   Black's Tourist guide to Derbyshire Its towns, watering places, dales, and mansions Twelfth edition With a Map of the County, Plans of Chatsworth and Haddon Hall, and several Illustrations

                   Publisher Name:   Adam and Charles Black

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   1876


                                Width:        115     Height:       172          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  vii, 285p., 6 plates, 1 fold-out map. With twelve pages of advertisements bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  2.7.99 & 9.7.2014


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. A  sketch map showing position of Derbyshire is printed on the front endpaper. A list of Black's Guide books is printed on the rear endpaper and pastedown. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders of both covers. The

upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a shield, or, a stag within a wooden paddock. The word: "/ Derby/" is blocked in relief at the base of the shield. Signed "JL" in relief underneath this. Above and below the shield, the words: "/ Black's/ Guide/ to/ Derbyshire/" are blocked in gold in rustic letters, with tendrils and small leaves attached to the letters. "/ Black' Guide to Derbyshire/" is blocked in gold along the spine.






2003 book entry number: 521


                                  Binding No:   245

                          Pressmark:   7001.eee.4.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Pouchet, Felix Archimede

                                   Title:   The universe: or, the infinitely great and the infinitely little. Third edition. The translation revised. Illustrated by 270 engravings on wood, from drawings by A. Faguet [i.e. August Emile Faguet], Mesnel, and Emile Bayard.

                   Publisher Name:   Blackie & Son, Paternoster Buildings, E.C.; Glasgow and Edinburgh.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1876

                               Printer:   W.G. Blackie and Co., Printers, Villafield.

                                Width:        150     Height:       220          Thickness:        45

                           PagNotes:  xvi, 564p.  1 plate. The doublure is 140x212mm. With a one page press notice bound at the front and four pages of publisher's advertisements bound at the rear. The black and white plates are printed on separate sheets.

                Place of Printing:   Glasgow




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and black and  relief

                 Date Examined:  14.7.99 & 9.7.2014.

            References:     King JL p.245.

                                 Pantazzi JL p.272

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. British Museum rebind of C19. The original upper cover is used as a doublure. Brown fine rib diagonal-grain cloth. The cover is blocked in black and in gold and relief. A single black fillet is blocked on the borders. Inside this, a black fillet is blocked, with ovals blocked in relief within it. The cover is divided into three by the black fillet and the ovals in relief, and also by the use of a black fillet which forms rectangular panels. In the upper and lower panels are half medallions, with tracery in gold and in black. The central panel has the same armillary sphere, blocked in gold and in black, as the 1870 and 1871 editions, The sphere is surrounded by stars and dots, blocked in black. At the base of the sphere, "L" is signed

 in gold, with a full stop above the "L". The outer circle has the subtitle "The infinitely great and the infinitely little" blocked in gold, with black blocking between the letters. Around the whole medallion is a square and four triangular points, blocked in gold and in black. There are leaves and circles blocked within the triangles, and leaves on the corners of the square.







2003 book entry number: 522


                                  Binding No:   815


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                   Title:   Black's guide to Devonshire. With Maps and Illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   Adam and  Charles Black

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   1877


                                Width:        113     Height:       172          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  vii, 96-291p., 5 plates, 3 fold-out maps. With one hundred and twelve pages of advertisements bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  6.7.2000 & 9.7.2014

            References:     Dry JL no.558.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Edges speckled with red ink. This copy belonged to Henry Spencer Ashbee. Book label of Ashbee pasted on the upper pastedown. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. An "Index Map ... to Dorset, Devon  & Cornwall" is printed on the upper endpaper and pastedown. A list of Black's Guide-Books is printed in purple on the lower endpaper and pastedown. Green sand-grain cloth. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders of both covers, the outer fillet is thick, the inner is thin. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. The words: "/ Black's/ guide [in rustic letters]/ to/" are blocked in gold. A shield is blocked as a gold lettering-piece, which shows the walls of Exeter. The word: "/Exeter/" is blocked in relief within the shield, underneath the walls. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters underneath the word "Exeter". The word: "/Devonshire/" is blocked in gold in rustic letters underneath the shield. Small stems and leaves are blocked in gold and attached to the rustic letters. The spine has the single word: "/ Devonshire/ " blocked in gold along its length.





2003 book entry number: 523

                                  Binding No:   1059

                          Pressmark:   9503.g.1.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Macfarlane, Charles and Thomson, Thomas

                                   Title:   The comprehensive history of England; civil and military, religions, intellectual and social. From the earliest period to the suppression of the Sepoy revolt. The whole revised and edited by the Re. Thomas Thomson. Continued to signing of the Treaty of San Stefano. Illustrated by eleven hundred engravings. 4 vols. Vol I. Earliest period to Henry VIII. Vol. II.  Edward VI. to James II. Vol. III.

William III, to George III, A.D. 1792. Vol. IV. George III., A.D. 1792, to Victoria, A.D. 1878.

                   Publisher Name:   Blackie & Son: Paternoster Buildings; Glasgow and Edinburgh.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1877-1878]

                               Printer:   W.G. Blackie & Co., Printers, Villafield.

                                Width:           0     Height:          0          Thickness:         0


                Place of Printing:   Glasgow




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   cream


                 Date Examined:  22.9.99 & 9.7.2014


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Vol. I. xiii,848p., 6 plates. 173x255x55mm; Vol. II. viii,800p., 6 plates. 173x255x52mm; Vol. III. viii,872p., 6 plates. 173x255x55mm; Vol. IV. viii,982p., 6 plates. 173x255x61mm.         BM Binding. Red pebble-grain cloth; quarter red leather; six spine panels, with title blocked in gold within panel two. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns, and edges, consisting of: Old Dutch, variant; small wave, variant; bouquet marble, variant. Originally issued in parts with paper covers, at 3s. per part. The upper and lower covers for parts 1 and 24 are bound at the end of Vol. IV. Each upper cover has the same design

by John Leighton. Cream paper, printed in green and in brown. Medallions are printed on each corner, of the Kings of England, with smaller medallions showing a book or a scroll inscribed with the achievements of a particular monarch. They are: William the Conquerer: "Domesday Book"; King John: "Magna Carta."; Oliver Cromwell: "Oliver Protector"; Henry VIII: "Holy Bible". At the centre head, a crown is printed above

 the words: "/ Illustrated by/ above eleven hundred engravings/ on steel and wood./" The centre of the cover is occupied by a large medallion, which is punctuated by a triangle. Around the perimeter of the medallion, the words: "/ Far as the breeze can bear the billows foam. Survey our Empire and behold our home./" are printed in gothic letters. The title: "/ The comprehensive [within a scroll]/ history/ of/ England. [blocked between two green rules.]/ From the earliest period/ to the present time./ Civil, military, religious, intellectual, &/ social./" is printed in brown and green letters around within, and below the triangle. The large medallion contains three smaller medallions, the outers two of which are bordered with two fillets and beads between them. Within each of the three are: on the left - Queen Elizabeth; on the right - Queen Mary (?); in the middle, the motto: "/ Patria juncta in uno/" with three crowns around the perimeter, and a crown, a thistle, a shamrock and a rose intermingling. Signed "JL" in green as separate letters underneath the crown. At the base of the main medallion: "/ Blackie/ &/ Son./" is printed within a shield, which is surrounded by clusters of oak leaves and acorns. On the centre tail: "/ London/ Glasgow. & Edinburgh./" is printed in green letters within two brown rectangles, each with single fillets on their borders.










2003 book entry number: 524


                                  Binding No:   315

                          Pressmark:   11611.h.10.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Burns, Robert

                                   Title:   The national Burns. Edited by Rev. George Gilfillan, including the airs of all the songs and an original life of Burns by the editor.

                   Publisher Name:   William Mackenzie

             Place of Publication:   London; Glasgow; Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   [1879, 1880]


                                Width:        200     Height:       260          Thickness:         0

                           PagNotes:  2vols.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   blue and red

                 Date Examined:  1.9.99 & 9.7.2014.

            References:     King JL p.245.

                                 Pantazzi JL p.271Illustrates a bound copy of the same work, in dark green morocco-grain cloth.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Vol. I. cxxviii,232p., 24 plates. 40mm thick; Vol. II. 353,7p. 37mm thick. The design is by John Leighton. The head piece of Vol. I, page i is signed “JL” [i.e. John Leighton]. The head piece of Vol. I, page 1 is signed “HL sc” [i.e. Henry Leighton]. The printed title pages of both volumes are designed by John Leighton and         engraved by H. [i.e. Henry] Leighton. Originally issued in fifteen parts with paper covers. Bound at the end of volume 2 are the front and rear paper covers of parts 1 and 15. On the verso of the rear cover of part 1 is a Prospectus for the work. Each part cost two shillings each, with each part containing forty eight pages of letterpress and two plates. The paper covers are blue. The inks used for the upper covers recto are blue and red for part 1 and blue and yellow for part 15. The design is of monumental baroque, containing a portrait of Burns at the top in a broken pediment. The title is printed identically to the title page. Underneath the title are a bard, holding a harp, and a young lady in a cloak, seated, holding a scroll, showing music. Signed "John Leighton F.S.A." and "H. Leighton [ i. e. Henry Leighton] Sc." at the tail of each upper cover.






2003 book entry number: 525

                                  Binding No:   493

                          Pressmark:   9135.ff.19.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Hozier, Henry Montague

                                   Title:   The Russo-Turkish War: including an account of the rise and decline of the Ottoman power, and the History of the Eastern Question. Edited by Captain H.M. Hozier, F.C.S., F.G.S.

                   Publisher Name:   William  Mackenzie, 69 Ludgate Hill, E.C.; Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dublin.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1879]

                               Printer:   Printed by William Mackenzie, London, Edinburgh, and Glasgow

                                Width:        210     Height:       275          Thickness:        73

                           PagNotes:  iii,954p. 24 plates, 8 maps.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   pink


                 Date Examined:  4.1.2000 & 9.7.2014.

            References:     Dry JL no.560.

                                 King JL p.247.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The Prospectus for the work is printed on the lower cover of Part 1. "The work ... will be published in Fifteen Parts, price Two Shillings each, each containing Sixty-Four Pages Letterpress and two Plates; or in Thirty Parts at One Shilling each; or in Five Divisions, handsomely bound in

 cloth, bevel boards and gilt edges, price Eight Shillings and Sixpence each." The upper and lower covers for parts 1 and 30 are bound at the end of the Library copy. The lower cover of part 30 has publisher's titles. The paper has been dyed pink. The upper covers are printed in red and in black. Each upper cover has the same design. There is a red fillet printed on the borders. The top left and right hand corners have medallions. The medallion on the left shows possibly the St Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow; the medallion on the right shows Santa Sophia in Constantinople. Between the medallions, a Russian eagle is printed in black on the centre. The eagle holds a ball and a sceptre in its claws. The word "/The/" is printed in red within the eagle's tail feathers. The words: "/ Russo-Turkish/" are printed in red, with black edges, within a pennant. The word: "/ War/" is printed in black against the background of the dome of a mosque. Below this a moon and star are printed in white within a black circle, and underneath this, words: "/ Including an account of the/ rise and decline/ of the Ottoman power,/ and the / History of the Eastern Question./ Edited by/ Capt. H.M. Hozier, F.I.S, F.G.S./ [rule]/ With numerous illustrations./" are printed within a panel. On each side of the panel, a soldier of the Russian and Turkish armed forces is printed. Each holds weapons. There are two open books at the left and right hand base, each with text. Signed "John Leighton F.S.A" below the Russian soldier. Signed "H.L [possibly  Henry Leighton] Sc." on the right underneath the Turkish soldier. At the centre of the base, the words: "/ William

Mackenzie/" are printed in red within a black rectangular lettering-piece. The words: "/ London Glasgow & Edinburgh/" are printed in black within red rectangular lettering-pieces.          The National Library of Scotland copy is at shelf mark A.82.a. It is bound in two volumes. It has the same title pages as the BL copy, and the same pagination. The binding of the NLS copy is modern buckram.






2003 book entry number: 527


                                  Binding No:   349

                          Pressmark:   11657.g.14.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Proctor, Adelaide Anne

                                   Title:   Legends and lyrics. With an introduction by Charles Dickens. Illustrated by W.T.C.Dobson [i.e. William Charles Thomas Dobson], A.R.A., Samuel Palmer, J. Tenniel [i.e. John Tenniel], George H. Thomas [i.e. George Housman Thomas], Lorenz Frohlich, W.H. Millais [i. e. William Henry Millais], G. Du Maurier [i.e. George Du Maurier], W.P. Burton, J.D. Watson [i.e. John Dawson Watson], Charles Keene, J.M. Carrick [i.e. John Mulcaster Carrick] M.E. Edwards [i.e Mary Ellen Edwards], T. Morten [i.e Thomas Morten]. Seventh edition.

                   Publisher Name:   George Bell and Sons, York Street, Covent Garden.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1879

                               Printer:   Chiswick Press: C.Whittingham, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane.

                                Width:        163     Height:       220          Thickness:        45

                           PagNotes:  [21] 330p.  21 plates. Printed at the base of the list of Illustrations: "The engravings are by Mr Horace Harral."

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   orange

                        Blockwork:   Gold and blind and black

                 Date Examined:  14.9.99 & 16.7.2014

            References:     Dry JL no.506. Cites the 1866 edition.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on both covers. On the        lower cover, the blocking is in blind only. On the upper cover, the block work is in gold and in black. On the borders are blocked 1. a repeating

 pattern of single flower heads and stems in gold 2. a fillets blocked in gold, and, within it, small dots, circles and diamonds are blocked in relief 3. a single gold fillet. The strap work, blocked in black, forms many small panels, in which the dotted stem and leaf decoration is blocked in gold. There are small flower head patterns, and small fillets around the edge of each small panel. Above the central mandorla, the title words: "/

Legends & lyrics/" are blocked in gold, within a rectangle formed by a single fillet. Below the mandorla, the words: "/ By/ A.A.Proctor/" are blocked in gold, within a rectangle formed by four gold fillets. The mandorla has four borders, the innermost of which is hatched. At the centre, a lyre is blocked in relief, within a hatched gold lettering-piece. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters, at the base of the lyre. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. As on the borders of the covers, the same repeating flowers and stems are blocked in gold at the head and at the tail. There is a single fillet blocked on the perimeter, with the same decoration in relief as for the upper cover. The spine is divided into panels by strap work, blocked in black, around the panel borders. From the head, the blocking within the panels consists of: 1. small decoration in gold. 2. The words: "/ Legends/ &/ Lyrics/ by/ A.A. Proctor/" are blocked in gold inside a panel formed by two gold fillets. 3. A hatched gold

lettering-piece, shaped as a mandorla, with flowers in horizontal hatch blocked in relief inside. 4. The imprint: "/ London/ Bell and/ Daldy./" is blocked in relief in a hatched rectangular gold lettering-piece, with two gold fillets blocked on its borders.




2003 book entry number: 529


                                  Binding No:   510

                          Pressmark:   X3/ 2869 [Boston Spa]

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Burns, Robert

                                   Title:   The National Burns. Edited by George Gilfillan, including all the airs of the songs and an original life of Burns by the Editor. 4 vols.

                   Publisher Name:   William Mackenzie

             Place of Publication:   London; Glasgow; Edingurgh

              Date of Publication:   [ca.1880?]


                                Width:           0     Height:          0          Thickness:         0


                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and black and relief and red

                 Date Examined:  26.10.2000 & 16.7.2014

            References:     Dry JL no.562.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Two volumes bound in four Divisions. This entry is for Div. I. only.           Div.  I. 212x55x26mm. xxxii, 88p. 8 plates.   The Life of Burns is paginated i-cxx. The Prospectus for the work is bound at the front of Div. I. "The work will be published in Four Divisions, handsomely bound in cloth, bevel boards and gilt edges, price Ten Shillings and Sixpence each; or in Fifteen Parts, at Two Shillings each, each part containing fifty-six pages letterpress... and Two Plates." The head piece of Vol. I, page I is signed “JL” [i.e. John Leighton]. The head piece of Vol. I, page 1 is signed “HL sc” [i.e. Henry Leighton]. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green pebble-grain cloth. The same design has been blocked on all the covers and the spines. The lower covers are blocked in blind only. There are two fillets blocked on the borders. An inner rectangle is formed by two more fillets, with two leaves, a four-headed flower and a single strap blocked at each corner. On the centre, a lozenge is blocked in blind, which is formed out of interlocking "paper clip" shapes. The lozenge has a small diamond at its centre, with four water-drops within it. The upper covers are blocked in gold, black and relief.  A fillet is blocked in black on the borders. Within the fillet, a "wave pattern" border is blocked in gold. The corners, the head, the tail, and the sides have symmetrical leaf, stem, and flower decoration, all blocked in black. The stems have several flowers hanging from them, like lilies of the valley. Sunflowers are blocked in black on the centre head  and on the centre tail. On each inner corner, a single five-pointed star gold lettering-piece is blocked in gold, surrounded by smaller stars. Within each star, the letters "BURNS" are blocked in relief. Above the medallion, a ribbon is blocked in gold. On each side of the central medallion, a small medallion is blocked, which has a surround of ‘single leaves’, blocked in black and balls in gold. In the small medallion to the left, a square gold lettering-piece has the letters "/ NAT/ 1759/" blocked in relief. In the small medallion on the right, the square gold lettering-piece has the letters "/ OBIT/ 1796/" blocked in relief. The central medallion is an on lay of red ungrained cloth. The perimeter of the medallion is blocked with  a single black fillet with ‘dog tooth’ repeating pattern; then there are four gold fillets, with a repeating pattern of dots blocked in gold between the pairs of fillets. On the centre, A bust of Burns is blocked in gold.  The spines are blocked in gold and in black.  A black fillet is blocked at the head and at the tail, and within it, a "wave" pattern is blocked in gold. At the head a sunflower, leaves, and also three pointed flowers on a single stem are blocked in gold. Below this, the words: "/ The/ National/ Burns/ [rule]/ Rev/ George/ Gillfillan/ Div I.[-IV.]/" are blocked in gold. the Letters "Div I" are blocked within a thistle, which is blocked in black. Underneath this, more sunflowers and leaves are blocked in gold. At the tail, the imprint: "/ William/ Mackenzie/" is blocked in gold. Below this, small stem decoration is blocked in black. A similar copy of this work is as BL shelf mark 11611.h.10.  The National Library of Scotland copy is at shelf mark NG.1169.a.20. The title pages of each volume of this copy are the same as the paper covers.





2003 book entry number: 530



                                  Binding No:   316

                          Pressmark:   1812.a.35.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Leighton, John

                                   Title:   Suggestions in design being a comprehensive series of original sketches in various styles of ornament. Arranged for application in          the decorative and constructive arts. With descriptive and historical letterpress, by James K. Colling.

                   Publisher Name:   Blackie & Son, 49 & 50 Old Bailey, London, Glasgow, Edinburgh

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1880]


                                Width:        250     Height:       320          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  xii, 176p.  101 plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   black

                 Date Examined:  15.2.96 & 16.7.2014.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The publication was originally issued in five parts, price 8s. per part. . Paper cover size: 240x310mm. The upper and lower covers for the first (Div. 1) and last (Div. 5) parts are bound at the end. Each issue had green paper covers. The front cover of part 1 is the same as for the title page. On the lower covers are publisher’s advertisements. On the upper cover is a star, containing "Medals awarded to John Leighton F.S.A.". The medals, clockwise are: Fine Arts Award 1851; First Class Paris 1855; Prize medal London 1862; Service Medal London 1862; First Class Paris 1867;       Fine Arts Philadelphia 1876. The lithograph frontispiece is a re-working of that of the 1852 edition. Each plate has "John Leighton F.S.A" printed on the bottom right hand corner. For the 1880 edition, Leighton’s monogram is no longer invariably the crossed "JL". There are many examples also of a capital "L" with a full stop above it. (See plates 49,51,55,57,59.) The plates are lithographs from stone - black on a "light khaki" background. In plate 52, blazonry, figure 5 shows a ship and a whale. A proof copy of this figure is in the John Johnson Collection in the Bodleian Library. ( See Slide 59/28) In the various artistic styles of the plates, Leighton’s taste for the extravagant and the humorous finds full rein. For example, see plate 63, fig. 6, described as "Rebus I(eye) L, with olive branch". This is a parody of Leighton’s monogram.







2003 book entry number: 531


                                  Binding No:   482

                          Pressmark:   11611.h.9.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Moore, Thomas, the Poet

                                   Title:   The National Moore. Centenary Edition including the airs of the Irish Melodies national airs &c and a memoir by J.F. Waller.

                   Publisher Name:   William  Mackenzie

             Place of Publication:   London & 6 D'Olier St. Dublin.

              Date of Publication:   [1880]


                                Width:        205     Height:       261          Thickness:        70

                           PagNotes:  xvi, 700p. 16 plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   white

                        Blockwork:          printed in green and red

                 Date Examined:  4.1.2000.

            References:     Muira MP p.85, no.25. (For the BM Binding.)

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. British Museum binding. Edges and endpapers and pastedowns marbled with antique spot pattern. Brown pebble-grain cloth. This work, according to the Prospectus, was issued in Four Divisions in cloth (bevelled boards, gilt edges, price 10/6d for each Division); or in 15 parts, 2/- each, (with paper covers), each part containing forty-eight pages of letterpress and one steel engraving. The British Library copy has the paper covers for parts 1 and 15 bound at the end. The upper cover of each part has a design by John Leighton. The paper is white, printed in green and brown. There is a green fillet on the borders. "Arrow-shapes" are on each corner. In each arrow is a clover-leaf which contains the words "Thomas Moore". The word: "/Thomas/" is printed within the clover leaf; the word: "/ Moore/" is printed within a star inside the clover-leaf. On the central area, a robed lady harpist holds a laurel branch above a medallion depicting Thomas Moore. The words "/ The/ National/" are printed in brown; the word "/ Moore/" is printed in green - with the capital "M" in brown and in green; the words "/ Centenary Edition/ including the/" are printed in brown; the words: "/ Airs of the Irish Melodies/" are printed in green, with brown edging, with the capitals "I" and "M" printed in brown only; the words: "/ National Airs &c/" are printed in green within a brown rectangle; the word: "/ J.F.Waller/" is

printed in green within a brown rectangle. Signed at the base: "/ John Leighton F.S.A.; D. W. Williamson Sc./". The prospectus for the work is printed on the lower cover of Part 1.






2003 book entry number: 532


                                  Binding No:   776

                          Pressmark:   YA.1987.b.173.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Morris, Francis Orpen

                                   Title:   A series of picturesque views of seats of the noblemen and gentlemen of Great Britain and Ireland. With descriptive and historical letterpress. Edited by the Rev. F.O. Morris, B.A. Vol. I[-VI].

                   Publisher Name:   William  Mackenzie, 69 Ludgate Hill. Edinburgh and Dublin.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [ca.1880]

                               Printer:   B. Fawcett, engraver and printer, Driffield

                                Width:           0     Height:          0          Thickness:         0


                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   Leather

                              Grain:    morocco

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  10.7.2000 & 16.7.2014.

                       References:  Dry  JL no.504.

                                 McLean Fawcett pp. 17-22; p.138, no53c.

                                 Muira MP p.88, no.28.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Vol.I.  vi,91p., 40 plates. 215x285x42mm.  Vol.II.  vi,80p., 40 plates. 215x285x40mm. Vol.III. iv,80p., 40 plates. 215x285x42mm. Vol.IV. iv,82p., 40plates. 215x285x38mm.    Vol.V. iv,80p., 40 plates. 215x285x40mm. Vol.VI. iv,88p., 40 plates. 215x285x37mm.  All volumes have: gilt edges; bevelled boards; Gloster marbled endpapers and pastedowns; red morocco leather. The turn ins of each volume are tooled in gold with a roll fillet plant design. All volumes are identically blocked in gold, in blind and in relief. Three fillets are blocked on the outer border  - two in gold, the third in blind. The inner border has dog-toot and greek roll decoration blocked between two fillets, with squares on the inner corners, and small medallion gold lettering-pieces blocked within the squares. Also blocked on each inner corner is a hatched gold "diamond and leaf" shape, with a single dot. These are joined by a single fillet blocked in blind between. The central vignette blocked on each cover is a large royal coat of arms. "The words: "/ Dieu/ et mon droit/" are blocked in gold between the lion and the unicorn. The title words: "County seats/ of the/ Noblemen/ &/ Gentlemen/ of/ Great Britain/ &/ Ireland/" are blocked in relief within five joined rectangular gold lettering-pieces which are cartouches, some with scroll ends. The joins of the rectangular gold lettering-pieces contain the words" of the" and the "&" and the word "of". Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters above the words: "County seats". The spines are identically blocked in gold. They are divided into six panels by bands and by fillets in gold on each at the head and at the tail of each band.. In  the panels from the head are: 1. A crown in gold; 2. "/ County/ seats/", blocked in gold in fanciful letters; 3. "Vol/ I.[-VI.]/" in gold; panels 4-6: a crown in gold; at the tail a greek roll is blocked in gold between fillets.







2003 book entry number: 533



                                  Binding No:   267

                          Pressmark:   10352.e.34.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Black, Adam, Publisher and Black, Charles, Publisher

                                   Title:   Black's picturesque guide to the English Lakes including the geology of the district by John Phillips... Outline mountain views by Mr. Flintoft. Illustrations by Birket Foster. Twentieth edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Adam and Charles Black

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   1882


                                Width:        110     Height:       170          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  xxiv, 293p. 5 outline views,, 6 maps, 1 fold-out map.  With one hundred and nine pages of advertisements bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  30.7.99 & 1.6.2015


 Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The fold-out map bound near the front is printed in black and was drawn and engraved by W. Hughes, 6 Brook Street, Holborn, London. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. On the front endpaper and pastedown is printed an Index Map. On the lower endpaper is printed "Comparative view of Lakes". On the lower pastedown is printed "Comparative heights of mountains". Dark green sand-grain cloth. The upper cover design of this edition is the same as for the 1858 and 1861, and 1872  editions at BL. 358.d.14.; 10358.c.8.; 10360.bb42. The spine has three fillets blocked in gold at the head and the tail. The title: "/ Black's/ Guide/ to the/ Lakes/" is blocked near the head in gold. The rest of the spine decoration is as for 1858 and 1861, and 1872.







2003 book entry number: 534


                                  Binding No:   520

                          Pressmark:   Wq1/3083 (Boston Spa)

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Ewald, Alexander Charles

                                   Title:   The Right Hon. Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, K.G., and his times. 5 vols.

                   Publisher Name:   William  Mackenzie, 69 Ludgate Hill, E.C.; Edinburgh, & Dublin

             Place of Publication:   London:

              Date of Publication:   1882

                               Printer:   Printed by William Mackenzie, 43 & 45 Howard Street, Glasgow

                                Width:           0     Height:          0          Thickness:         0


                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and black

                 Date Examined:  27.10.2000 & 16.7.2014.

            References:     Dry JL no.567.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. This work is Div. I of five Divisions (i.e. bound volumes). All the Divisions have the same cover design. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue pebble-grain cloth. The lower covers are blocked in blind only. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Inside these, a third fillet is blocked, semi-circular on each corner, together with a circle blocked in blind. A Renaissance oval shape is blocked on the centre, consisting of small leaf and stem decoration; strap work protrudes from the oval at the head, the tail and the sides. On the upper covers, the blocking is in gold and in black. On the outer border, two fillets are blocked in gold. Single five-pointed stars are blocked in gold on each corner between the fillets. Inside this, a single fillet is blocked in black. This "feathers" at each corner, to surround a medallion blocked in gold. Inside each medallion, shown in relief, are: top left hand - "Vivian Grey" blocked inside an open book; top right hand - a crown and "VR" blocked below it;  bottom left hand corner- a cross, a moon and "Cyprus" blocked below; bottom right hand corner - a pyramid and the word "SUEZ".  On the centre is an oval. An Earl's coronet is blocked in gold and in black above the oval. On its outer perimeter, a pattern of spear points and a single ball is blocked in gold. Inside this successively are: a black border; a "crown and ball" pattern, repeated. Between the points of the crowns, groups of three leaves are blocked in gold. On the very centre, the Beaconsfield coat of arms is blocked. Arms - per saltire argent, two lions rampant in fesse and a castle and an eagle in pale; crest - upon the battlements of a tower proper a castellated crown. Supporters: dexter, an eagle proper; sinister, a lion proper, both gorged with a collar (argent) pendent therefrom by a chain a castle, argent. The motto: "/ Forti/ nihil/ difficile/" is blocked in relief at the base of the coat of arms, within a gold lettering-piece shaped as a pennant. At the base of the oval, is a block of St. George on a horse, spearing a dragon is blocked in gold. Signed "L", plus the "full stop", in black on all volumes underneath the motto. All spines are blocked in gold and in black with the same design. There is a single fillet blocked at the head and at the tail. From the head, the decoration is: a crown blocked, with the letters "V" and "R" to the left and right of it, all in gold. Below the crown the words: "Kaiser. I. Hind." are blocked in gold. The title: "/ The Right Hon:/ The/ Earl of/ Beaconsfield/ K.G./ and his/ times/" are blocked in gold.  A garter roundel is blocked in gold. Its border contains the motto: "Honi.soit.qui.mal.y.pense.", blocked in relief. On its centre, the words: "Div I.[-V.]" are blocked in gold. Below this, a mace is blocked, then two scrolls across the mace, all in gold. Within each scroll, the words: "/ Treaty/ of Berlin/  Household/ Suffrage/" are blocked in relief. A banner hangs from a cord attached to the mace. The banner has tassels on each of its corners. It has a crown and "VR" blocked on its centre in relief. Underneath the mace is a horizontal hatch gold lettering-piece shaped as a shield, which shows: an open book, a mace, two birds, a bell and a tree - all blocked in relief. Around the mace and the shield, leaves and stems are blocked in black. Signed "JL" in black as separate letters at the base of the shield. At the tail, the words: "/ William/ Mackenzie/" is blocked in gold, within a black rectangle, formed by a single black fillet. Another copy of this work is at BL Shelf mark 1572/993.

The  National Library of Scotland copy is at Shelf mark BCL.B5572-5576. Volume one is Div. I and Div. II. Div.  I.187x273x27mm.   240p., 6 plates.  Div. II. 187x273x27mm. pp. 241-480, 6 plates.  Volume II is Div. III. & Div IV & Div. V.  Div. III. 187x273x27mm. pp. 481-600, 6 plates. p. 1-120. Div. IV. 187x273x30mm. pp.121-360, 6 plates.  Div. V. 185x271x24mm. pp. 361-599, 6 plates.    At colophon of Vols. I & II: "Printed by William Mackenzie, 43 & 45 Howard Steet, Glasgow."








2003 book entry number: 535



                                  Binding No:   484

                          Pressmark:   1788.b.9.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Ross, Frederick

                                   Title:   The ruined abbeys of Britain. Illustrated with coloured plates and wood engravings from drawings by A.F. Lydon [i.e. Alexander Francis Lydon] . 2 vols.

                   Publisher Name:   William Mackenzie, 69, Ludgate Hill Edinburgh: Dublin

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1882]

                               Printer:   B.Fawcett, engraver and printer, Driffield

                                Width:           0     Height:          0          Thickness:         0


                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco straight-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   Gold and blind and black

                 Date Examined:  11.11.99 & 22.7 2014


            References:     Dry  JL no.568.

                                 Gaskell NIB p.243, fig.103(a)

                                 McLean Fawcett pp.17-22 Details Lydon's work for Fawcett.

                                 McLean VBD pp204. Lydon was "... the mainstay of Fawcett's art department for about

thirty years, until he left for London in about 1883."

Notes: The design is by John Leighton Vol. I. viii,148p., 6 coloured plates. 272x370x27mm. Vol. II. 149-288p., 6 coloured plates. 272x370x27mm. Text is sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Dark green morocco straight-grain cloth. The covers and spines of both volumes are blocked identically in gold, in black and in blind. The lower covers are blocked in blind only. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. Two more fillets form an inner rectangle. Inside this, two more fillets are blocked, with circular corners. A small plant is blocked on each corner. On the centre, a small rectangle is blocked, with decoration in blind on its corners. Inside it, the decoration is blocked in relief. On the upper cover, a fillet is blocked in black on the borders. Further fillets in black divide the cover into panels. On the left hand side, the panel is a thin rectangle, stretching from head to tail. It has filigree decoration inside the fillets, and four leaves blocked in black on each corner. In the middle of this panel, there is a mandorla,  an on lay of red rib diagonal-grain cloth, blocked in gold and in black. The perimeter of the mandorla has three fillets, one blocked in black and two in gold, with small decoration in gold at its head and its tail. There is an inner border of small dots

in gold, which highlights the red cloth, and, inside this, another fillet is blocked in gold. The centre of the mandorla shows two saints, male and female, at prayer within two decorated gothic arches. The saints' clothing is picked out in relief. A cross, two candles, candlesticks and a font are blocked in gold between the saints. Signed "L" in relief at the base of the font. A winged angel, holding a shield, is blocked at the base of the

mandorla. The shield shows an abbey. The angel's wings "support" the upper portion of the mandorla. All the detail of the angel and the shield is picked out in relief. On the centre and the right of the upper cover, the black fillets form five panels. From the head, panels one, three, and five have single leaves blocked in black on each corner. Panels two and four are black rectangular lettering-pieces, with gothic lettering blocked in gold. Panel two has the words: "/ The Ruined Abbeys/"; panel four has the words: "/ of Britain/". A dragon is blocked in gold to the right of the word "Britain". The spines of both volumes are identical apart from the volume numbers. Fillets are blocked in gold and in black at the head and the tail. At the head, an abbot's coat of arms are blocked in gold and in relief with the motto: "/ Built/ in/ faith/" blocked in relief at its base. Underneath, the words: "/

 The/ Ruined/ Abbeys/ of/ Britain/ by Frederick/ Ross./ Vol. I. [II.]/" are blocked in gold. Beneath this, an abbot's crook is blocked in gold. The words: "/ William/ Mackenzie/" are blocked in gold, with a fillet blocked in black at the tail.    The National Library of Scotland copy is at shelf mark A.23.a. The two volumes are the same as the BL copy, with the same cover design.










2003 book entry number: 537

                                  Binding No:   483

                          Pressmark:   10815.g.9.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Ewald, Alexander Charles

                                   Title:   The Right Hon. Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, K.G., and his times. 2 vols.

                   Publisher Name:   William Mackenzie, 69 Ludgate Hill, E.C., Edinburgh and Dublin.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1883

                               Printer:   Printed by William Mackenzie, 43 & 45 Howard Street, Glasgow

                                Width:           0     Height:          0          Thickness:         0


                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   blue


                 Date Examined:  5.1.2000& 16.7.2014.

            References:     Muira MP pp96-97.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Vol. I: 600p., 12 plates. 185x272x50mm. Vol. II: 598p., 18 plates. 185x272x48mm. Both volumes bound by the British Museum. Red pebble grain cloth. Quarter leather. Old Dutch marbled edges, endpapers and pastedowns. Originally issued, according to the Prospectus, in Five Divisions, bound in cloth, bevelled boards, gilt edges, price 8/6d each; or in fifteen parts (with paper covers), price 2/- each, containing 80 pages of letterpress and two plate illustrations. The British Library copy is made up from the latter. The sheets were originally stab-stitched, before the BM binding. The paper covers for Parts 1 and 15 are bound at the end of Vol. II. The covers are light blue-dyed paper. The upper covers are printed in dark  blue with the fillets in black. Fillets are on borders in black. On the spine side of the upper cover, a single black fillet creates a rectangular frame, stretching from head to tail. Inside, achievements of Disraeli's career are shown. From the head these are: "Kaiser I Hind. 1876.", within a heart-shaped panel; a mace with a flag and royal coat of arms, and "1868"; a medallion showing a pyramid, with "Cyprus Suez Canal" inscribed within it; a scroll, inscribed: "/ June/ 1878/ Treaty of/ Berlin/"; a shield, showing the Glasgow University coat of arms, with "/ Lord/ Rector/ Univ. Glasgow/ 1873/"; the words: "K G 1878" are printed below the Glasgow University shield. A Garter star is printed below this. Signed at the base of the rectangle: "/ John Leighton F.S.A./" Also signed "JL" as separate letters near the head, beneath the small cross. The right hand side of the upper cover is split by black fillets into three frames. At the head, in a semi-circle are the words and motifs: "/ 1826 'Vivian Grey',/ Nat. 1804 Obit 1881, /[a crown, denoting Earldom], 1876; "/ Endymion' 1880." Underneath the semi-circle are the title words: "/ The Right Hon:/ Benjamin Disraeli./" In the middle frame, the words continue: "/ Earl of Beaconsfield. K.G./ and his times/". In the bottom frame the title continues: "/ By/ Alexander C. Ewald, F.S.A.../ Illustrated with numerous/ portraits engraved on steel./" Above the imprint at the tail is a coat of arms. Arms - per saltire argent, two lions rampant in fesse and a castle and an eagle in pale; crest - upon the battlements of a tower proper a castellated crone. Supporters: dexter, an eagle proper; sinister, a lion proper, both gorged with a collar (argent) pendent therefrom by a chain a castle, argent. At the base, the motto: "/ Forti nihil difficile/" is printed within a scroll-shaped pennant. The verso of the lower cover of Part 1 has the "Prospectus"; that of Part 15 has three publisher's titles.







2003 book entry number: 538


                                  Binding No:   518

                          Pressmark:   10002.f.5.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Milner, Thomas

                                   Title:   The gallery of geography, a Pictorial and Descriptive Tour of the World.

                   Publisher Name:   William Mackenzie, 69 Ludgate Hill, Edinburgh and Dublin.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1884]

                               Printer:   Printed by William Mackenzie, 43 & 45 Howard Street, Glasgow.

                                Width:        175     Height:       262          Thickness:        93

                           PagNotes:  1198p. 36 maps, 25 plates.

                Place of Printing:   [Glasgow]




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   blue


                 Date Examined:  11.1.2000 & 20.8.2014


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. British Museum rebind of C19. Parts were issued in paper covers. The upper and lower covers of parts 1 and 15 are bound at the end. The Prospectus printed on the lower cover verso of Part 1 states: "It will be completed in Six Divisions, cloth antique, bevel boards and cut edges, price Six Shillings and Sixpence each; or in Fifteen Parts, price Two Shillings each, containing Eighty pages of letterpress and Four Maps or Steel engravings in each Part." The paper upper covers for parts 1 and 15 have the same design. The paper is blue-dyed and printed in blue and red. A scallop and two stars are on each upper corner. "Part 1" and Price 2s." are printed on the top left and right corners. An arch is formed at the head by a border of a blue fillet with red stars printed within it. On the outside of this is a "wave" border, in blue. The word "/ Milner's/" is printed in blue at the head. From the base to the head runs a mast, in blue. A trident is on top of the mast. It has two dolphins on either side of the central spike. [These dolphins are very much a Leighton device. See NLS BCL.C781.  -The National Moore - for another example of its use.] Beneath the trident, a pennant curls downwards around the mast. The words: "/ Gallery of/ geography/" are printed within the pennant in blue. To the right and left of the pennant is the subtitle: "/ A/ Pictorial/ &/ Descriptive/ Tour/ of the/ World./", printed in red. Beneath the pennant, a medallion is printed, which contains a classical head and three fishes. The motto around the perimeter reads: "/ Far as the breeze can bear the billows foam/ Survey our Empire & behold our home/". Underneath this, a coronet of three sails and two ship ends is printed. The imprint is below this: "/

London [in blue]/ William Mackenzie/ 69 Ludgate Hill [in red]/ Edinburgh [a]nd Dublin [in blue]/". Signed: "/ John Leighton F.S.A./" at the base of the design. Signed "/ Williamson Sc./" underneath the word "Edinburgh". The lower cover verso of part 15 has publisher's titles.






2003 book entry number: 539



                                  Binding No:   283

                          Pressmark:   J/9079.l.3.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Taylor, James

                                   Title:   The age we live in: a history of the nineteenth century, from the peace of 1815 to the present time. 4 vols.

                   Publisher Name:   William Mackenzie, 69 Ludgate Hill, E.C., Edinburgh and Dublin.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1884]

                               Printer:   William Mackenzie, 43 & 45 Howard Street, Glasgow.

                                Width:        190     Height:       274          Thickness:


                Place of Printing:   Glasgow




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   blue and red

                 Date Examined:  12.1.2000 & 20.8.2014

            References:     Dry JL no.570.

                                 King JL p.247. Illustration on front cover of issue.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Issued in 7 divisions, bound in cloth, at a cost of 8/6 each. The alternative format of issue was in 24 parts, containing two steel engravings per part, at a cost of 2/- each. The British Library copy has the front and rear covers of parts 1 and 21 bound at the rear of vol. 4, and parts 22-24 in original paper wrappers, each part being stab-stitched. On the verso of the lower cover of part 1 is printed a Prospectus for the work. Each part cost two shillings, each issued with eighty pages and two steel engravings. The paper is blue and it is printed in blue and in red. On the borders are: 1. a red "dog-tooth" border 2. a border, printed in blue, of "baroque" decorations, printed between blue double fillets There are nine medallions, four on the corners, two on the sides and three near the head. They are printed in blue and in red. Each corner medallion is formed by a single fillet. Each medallion on the side is formed by a single blue fillet and repeating beads. The two medallions near the head are formed by: 1. a red fillet 2. a blue fillet and shading 3. a red fillet printed between two blue fillets. The medallion on the centre head is formed by a red fillet printed between two blue fillets. Printed in each medallion, clockwise from the centre head: 1. "/ Photography/" plus a sun and its rays 2. "/ Steam/ navigation/" plus a winged waterwheel 3. "/ Penny/ postage/, plus stamped envelopes 4. "/ International/ exhibition/" plus two hands in a handshake, with the compass points "/ N/ E/ S/ W" around the hands 5. "/ Steam/ printing" plus a winged printing ink roller 6. "/ Electric/ light/" plus two cables generating electricity 7. "/ Abolition/ of slavery/" plus hands, from which manacles are falling away 8. "/ Free/ Trade/" plus a winged staff 9. "/ Land/ transit/" plus a winged wheel. On either side of the medallion at the centre head, the words: "/ Telegraph/ Telephone/" are printed between the wires of two telegraph poles. Below this, the words: "/ Wellington/ Waterloo/" are printed on either side of a vignette of Wellington and his horse, Copenhagen. The central medallion displays the crowned head of Queen Victoria, with the words "/ India, Canada, South-Africa, Australia/" printed round the outside of the medallion. The title: "/ The age/ we live in/" is printed around the central medallion. The central medallion has red "dog-tooth" decoration around its border in red, with red "rays" emanating from the dog-tooth. The effect is to make the medallion like the centre of the sun. Within a rectangular cartouche, the sub-title: "/ A history of the 19th century/ from the peace of 1815 to the present day/" is printed. The words: "/ By James, Taylor, A.M., D.D., F.S.A.,/ .../ are underneath the sub-title. The imprint: /" William Mackenzie/" is printed in red within a black semi-circle; "/ 69, Ludgate Hill/ Edinburgh London Dublin/" are printed in blue beneath. The design is signed "John Leighton F.S.A." underneath the publisher’s name.





2003 book entry number: 540


                                  Binding No:   820


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Simon, G. Eugene

                                   Title:   China: its social, political, and religious life . From the French of G. Eug. Simon.

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, St. Dunstan's House, Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, E.C.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1887

                               Printer:   Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.

                                Width:        132     Height:       196          Thickness:        36

                           PagNotes:  [3],342p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   yellow

                        Blockwork:   gold and black

                 Date Examined:  6.7.2000 & 20.8.2014

            References:     Dry JL no. 572.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. [Rebound 1980.] Original upper cover bound at the front; size: 125x187mm. Yellow rib diagonal-grain cloth. The design is blocked in gold and in black. It shows a Chinese lantern, with ten bells suspended from its roof. The word: "/ China/" is blocked in gold in "Chinese style" lettering, within the centre of the lantern. The words: "/its social political/" are blocked in black on either side of the base of the lantern; the words: "/and religious life/" are blocked in black below the lantern. Signed "JL" in black as separate letters at the base of the lantern.




2003 book entry number: 541


                                  Binding No:   268

                          Pressmark:   10347.aa.38.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Black, Adam, Publisher and Black, Charles, Publisher

                                   Title:   Black's picturesque guide to the English Lakes including the geology of the district by John Phillips... Outline mountain views by Mr. Flintoft. Illustrations by Birket Foster. Twenty-first edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Adam and Charles Black

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   1888


                                Width:        110     Height:       170          Thickness:      328

                           PagNotes:  xxv, 293p. 15 plates, 1 fold-out map.  With one hundred and twenty-eight pages of advertisements bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  30.7.99 & 20.8.2014


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The fold-out map bound near the front is printed in black and yellow and was "Published by A&C Black London". Edges speckled with red ink. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. On the upper endpaper and pastedown is printed an Index Map. On the lower endpaper is printed "Comparative view of Lakes". On the lower pastedown is printed "Comparative heights of mountains". Black sand-grain cloth. The upper cover design of this edition is the same as for the 1858 and 1861, 1872 and 1882 editions at BL. 10358.d.14.; 10358.c.8.; 10360.bb42; 10352.3.34. The spine has three fillets blocked in gold at the head and the tail. The title: "/ Black's/ Guide/ to the/ Lakes/" is blocked near the head in gold. The rest of the spine decoration is as for 1858 and 1861, and 1872.




2003 book entry number: 542


                                  Binding No:   313


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Leighton, John.

                                   Title:   The unification of London: the need and the remedy. [Third edition.]

                   Publisher Name:   Elliot Stock, 62 Paternoster Row, City

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1895


                                Width:        140     Height:       213          Thickness:        12

                           PagNotes:  viii, 64p. 2 maps.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   beige

                        Blockwork:   black and red

                 Date Examined:  1.9.99 & 20.8.2014

            References:     King JL p.247.

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. On the title page, the Leighton shield is printed beneath the title: argent, a lion rampant, gules, motto: "/ Light/ on/ s/". Original paper covers bound in. The upper cover features the Corporation of London coat of arms and the mace in red and black, supported by two gryphons, who stand on the motto: "/ Domine dirige nos/". Beneath the coat of arms is an open book, with the half title and author printed inside it. Signed "L" 1897 "/ Third edition/". The whole upper cover is framed with staves, surrounded by green. A bee and a beehive are printed on the top corners. "Price one shilling." is printed at the head. The following text is quoted round the sides: "/ The Rt. Hon. G.J. Goschen, M.P. says: "Local government is a chaos/ of authorities, of rates and of areas"./" At the tail is quoted: " "/ Our remedies/ oft within ourselves do lie./" Shakspere [sic]/". On rear cover is an advertisment for the Book Plate Annual and Armorial Year Book.






2003 book entry number: 544

                                  Binding No:   485

                          Pressmark:   9079.l.23.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Taylor, James

                                   Title:   The age we live in: a history of the nineteenth century, from the Peace of 1815 to the present time [i.e. 1895.] [8 vols.]

                   Publisher Name:   William Mackenzie, 69 Ludgate Hill, E.C., Edinburgh: Dublin.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1896]

                               Printer:   Printed by William Mackenzie, 43, 45 Howard Street, Glasgow

                                Width:           0     Height:          0          Thickness:         0


                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and black and brown and relief


                 Date Examined:  2.2.2000 & 3.9.2014.

            References:     Dry JL no.573.

                                 Leighton SID, 1880. plate 56. Shows similar examples of Leighton's later monogram.

Notes: The British Library copy. Vol. I is Div. I. [2],240p., 6 plates. 186x267x28mm and Div. II. pp.241-480, 6 plates. 186x267x27mm. Vol. II. is  Div. III. 240p., 6 plates. 185x266x28mm. and  Div. IV. pp. 241-470, 6 plates. 185x269x27mm. Pp. 1-8 of Vol. III. are bound at the end of Div. IV. Vol. III. Is Div. V. pp9-248, 6 plates 185x269x26mm and Div. VI. pp. 249-368, 6 plates. 187x269x26mm. Pp. 1-120 of Vol. IV are bound at the end of Div. VI. Vol. IV is Div. VII. pp.121-360, 6 plates. 186x268x25mm. and Div. VIII. pp.361-648, 6 plates. 187x270x32mm. All the plates are bound at the front of each Division. The text of all volumes is sewn on three tapes. All volumes have gilt edges, bevelled boards and yellow endpapers and pastedowns. All have a gift stamp on the upper endpaper which has the words: "/ A gift from the people of Shildon/ to the Men and Women serving/ in the Forces, with gratitude and best wishes./ Chairman, Shildon U.D.C./" A Prospectus for the work is bound at the front of Div. I., which states: "The work will be supplied to subscribers only, and completed in Eight Divisions, bound in cloth, bevelled boards, gilt edges, price Eight Shillings and Sixpence each, containing six steel engravings and 240 pages of letterpress; or in 24 parts, price Two Shillings each." Olive-green morocco vertical-grain cloth. All the volumes are blocked with the same design, except for the Div. number on each spine. The lower covers are blocked in blind only. There is a single fillet blocked on the borders. Inside this, there are two more fillets with strap work and small decoration blocked on each corner. The upper covers are blocked in gold, black, light brown and relief. The border at the head is blocked in black, between two thin black fillets. It has five-point stars blocked in light brown. Below this, five flower heads are blocked, three in black and two in light brown. The main panel has a black fillet on three sides, not the foredge. On the left hand side, a royal mace is blocked in gold. There is a sword crossing the mace. The blade of the sword is blocked in black, and the handle in gold. The sun and its rays are blocked in gold near to the left hand corner. A sprig of leaves and berries, blocked in black, crosses over the mace and the sword. A snake, blocked in black with its scales highlighted in relief, curls from the right of the mace downwards with its head near the centre at the base of the right hand corner. The snake's body swirls around a number of objects: at the left hand base are three books, each on top of the other. Book 1 is a black lettering-piece, with the words: "/ The/ past/" blocked in relief within it. Book 2 is in landscape format, a gold lettering-piece shaped as open pages. The words: "/ A history of the XIX cent./" are blocked in relief. The words immediately underneath this are :"/ The present/", blocked in relief. The book at the bottom is blocked in gold and has the words; "/ The future/" blocked in black along its spine. The blade of a scythe, blocked in gold, curls through the open book in the middle. The handle of the scythe, blocked in black, curves away to the right hand side of the panel, and passes underneath a winged hour-glass, blocked in gold. The wooden holder of the hour-glass is blocked in gold, black and light brown. A border at the base is blocked in black and light brown, forming "waves". This border is blocked between two thin black fillets. Signed "L", with a dot above the "L", on the left at the tail. The spines are blocked in gold and in black. The spine has two fillets blocked in gold and in black at the head and the tail. A crown is blocked in gold at the head. Beneath this, the words: "/ The/ age/ we/ live/ in/ A/ History/ of/ the/ XIX/  century./ Div. I.[-VIII.]".Beneath this, a figure of Britannia is blocked in gold. She holds a spear in her right hand.  Attached to the head of the spear is a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece. It has the motto: "/ Canal/ de Suez/" blocked in relief. Her left hand holds upright a pole, inverted. A flag is blocked as a gold lettering-piece at its top near the ground, with the word: "/ Britannia/" blocked in relief within the flag. Britannia stands on a sea monster, which is blocked in gold. Underneath this, a trident is blocked in black above waves which are blocked in gold. At the tail the words: "/ William Mackenzie/" are blocked in gold, between two black fillets.





2003 book entry number: 545

                                  Binding No:   306


                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Leighton, John, F.S.A.

                                   Title:   Tubular Transit for London. First edition.

                   Publisher Name:

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1902

                               Printer:   Imprinted at The Crown Press, Devonshire Street, Bishopsgate, within the City of London, in the In the First Year of the Reign of His Majesty King Edward the Seventh.

                                Width:        130     Height:       210          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  16p.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   beige

                        Blockwork:   black and red

                 Date Examined:  1.9.99 & 3.9.2014

            References:     King JL p.248. Portrait of Leighton.



Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The frontispiece shows a portrait of John Leighton. " London as it is vs. London as it should be. Chaos vs. Kosmos." JL proposes a hexagonal layout for the distribution of the central London transportation system. Original paper covers. The upper cover is a mostly the same design as for the Unification of London [BL shelf mark]. It features the Corporation of London coat of arms in red and black, supported by two gryphons, and the mace, with the motto "Domine dirige nos" underneath. The border of upper cover is framed with staves, surrounded by greenery. A bee and a beehive are printed on the top corners. Printed at the top in red is "/ The system Leighton/". The lower cover has a hexagon divided into triangles, showing North, North-East, South-East, South, South-West, North-West. The South triangle is sub-divided into sixteen smaller triangles. The publication of this work is mentioned in a small article in the Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Tuesday 18 February 1902 page 8 col. 6.









2003 book entry number: 546

                                  Binding No:   420

                          Pressmark:   7869.r.39.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John and Dudley, Robert

                   Author/Heading:   Smith, Richard Henry

                                   Title:   Expositions of great pictures. Illustrated by Photographs.

                   Publisher Name:   James Nisbet and Co., 21, Berners Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   Printed by Ballantyne and  Company

                                Width:        148     Height:       210          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  [3], 101p. 8 plates of photographs. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  4.11.99 & 3.9.2014

References: Ball VPB   p.72, ref. 3; on p. 148, Ball states that the spine design is a reuse of the block of

used on the spine of Smith's "Expositions of the cartoons of Raphael", 1860.

Dry JL no.461.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton and Robert Dudley. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green pebble-grain cloth. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown:"/ Bound by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge./" [Ball 53F.] Both covers are blocked in blind on the borders with the same design. There is a repeating plant pattern on the borders, with two fillets blocked inside this, one thick, one thin. On the corners inside this, small plants are blocked in relief. On both covers, the central oval is formed by two fillets blocked in blind. On the upper cover, the central mandorla is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on its borders. The outer border of the mandorla is of hearts,  each linked by two gold fillets, with small plants blocked between each heart. The leaves of the plants are hatched. Inside this, a wide oval fillet is blocked in gold, with small leaves and dots blocked within in relief. Then there are three more thin oval fillets, all blocked in gold. On the centre, two interlinked hatched gold hearts have the words: "/ Expositions/ of/ great/ pictures/" blocked in relief within. The small line decoration around the words is also picked out in relief. A small single heart is blocked in gold above and below the centre, each with a head blocked in gold in its middle. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the heart below the centre. The spine is blocked in gold. There is a single thin gold fillet around the perimeter of the spine. At the head, there is a small rectangle formed by a single fillet, blocked in gold, with spirals blocked inside. The middle of the spine has a cartouche, formed by two gold fillets, with the title: "/ Expositions of great pictures/" blocked in gold inside. A small cartouche is blocked above and below this central cartouche, with leaves, stems and a flower, all blocked in gold inside each cartouche. A circle formed by two gold filets is blocked near  the base, with "/ Nisbet/ & Co./ London/" blocked in gold inside. Signed "RD" in gold as separate letters within a rectangle formed by a single fillet at the tail. In the publisher’s titles bound at the end of Twigs for Nests, 1866, this volume is described as  Crown 8vo. 8s. 6d., elegantly bound.”








2003 book entry number: 547

                                  Binding No:   648

                          Pressmark:   7820.g.40.

                        Artist Name:   Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore

                   Author/Heading:   Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore

                                   Title:   A treatise on chancel screens and rood lofts, Their Antiquity, Use and Symbolic Signification. Illustrated with figures copied on stone from drawings by the author.

                   Publisher Name:   Charles Dolman, 61, New Bond Street, and 48A, Paternoster Row.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1851

                               Printer:   Printed by Cox (Brothers) and Wyman, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's-Inn Fields.

                                Width:        207     Height:       265          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  viii, 124p. 14 plates. Plates 1, 5, 7 show Pugin's monogram.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   Gold

                 Date Examined:  17.3.2000 & 3.9.2014.

            References:     Atterbury and Wainright. Pugin p.159; Illustration p.301. Wainright suggests that the cover design for this book is by Pugin, as he had  control of the artwork for the plates.

Notes: The design is by Pugin. Green rib horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically. The lower cover is in blind only, the upper in gold and in blind. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. A circle, formed by a single gold fillet, is blocked in each corner. Inside each    circle, a quarter foil, four flower heads, four large dots and small dots are blocked in gold, together with a circle and small four-leaf decoration on the middle. A gold fillet, with repeating semi-circles and three-leaf decoration, joins the corner circles and forms the central rectangle. On the centre, an elaborate cross is blocked in gold.







2003 book entry number: 548

                         Binding No:   833

                          Pressmark:   12804h.29.

                        Artist Name:   Ralston, William

                   Author/Heading:   Dulcken, Henry William

                                   Title:   Old friends and new friends. Tales, fables, and emblems. In prose and verse. Profusely illustrated.

                   Publisher Name:   Frederick Warne and Co., Bedford Street, Covent Garden.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1867]

                               Printer:   Dalziel Brothers,  Engravers and Printers, Camden Press.

                                Width:        140     Height:       190          Thickness:        29

                           PagNotes:  [7] 310p. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   dark red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and black and relief

                 Date Examined:  12.9.2000 & 3.9.2014.

                       References:  De Beaumont           RdeB2 no.107 P&D Accession no. 1992-4-6-95.

                                 De Beaumont RdeB1 no.95.

                                 Jones & Brown WR no. 11.

Notes: The design is by William Ralston. The British Museum De Beaumont copy is at RdeB.B.19. [P&D 1992.0406,95] On the title page verso: "/The pictures in this book/ are drawn by J.D. Watson [i.e John Dawson Watson],  J.B. Zwecker [i.e. Johann Baptist Zwecker],  A.B. Houghton [i.e Arthur Boyd Houghton], T. Dalziel [i.e Thomas Dalziel], H. Weir [i.e. Harrison William Weir], A. Pasquier [i.e  probably James Abbot Pasquier], J. Gilbert [i.e John Gilbert], H.K. Browne [i.e Hablot Knight Browne],  A.W. Bayes [i.e. Alfred Walter Bayes]  and Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel./". Bevelled boards. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Dark red  sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind with three fillets on the borders. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold, and in relief. The design is square-shaped, with a bird's head, a donkey's head, a small bird, and a goat's head blocked on each side of the square, forming an outer diamond. These heads have a borders of curling stems and small vertical gold hatch leaves. The square itself is formed by three fillets, one in blind between two in gold. The blind fillet has repeating dots inside it, blocked in relief. Inside the square, more vertical hatch gold leaves and stems surround three gold lettering-pieces, which have the title: "/ Old friends/ and/ new friends/" blocked in relief in each lettering-piece. The upper and lower of these three lettering-pieces are semi-circular and have vertical hatch borders in gold on their tops and bases. The word: "Illustrated" is blocked in relief within a gold scroll-shaped lettering-piece at the base of the vignette. Signed "WR" in gold as a monogram, beneath the small bird blocked in gold near the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold, in black and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: three gold fillets; panels are formed by two fillets: one in gold and one in black, with repeating dots inside it blocked in relief; within three gold lettering-pieces, the title: "/ Old friends/ and/ new friends/" is blocked in relief; the words: "/Tales, fables/ and/ emblems/" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in relief within a semi-circular gold lettering-piece; leaf, stem and star decoration is blocked in gold near the base; the words: "/ F. Warne & Co/" are blocked in gold; three gold fillets are blocked at the tail.







2003 book entry number: 549


                                  Binding No:   13

                          Pressmark:   11651.i.11.

                        Artist Name:   Ralston, William


                                   Title:   Golden thoughts from golden fountains. Arranged in fifty two divisions. Illustrations by eminent artists, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.

                   Publisher Name:   Frederick Warne and Company, Bedford Street, Covent Garden

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1868]

                               Printer:   Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press.

                                Width:        182     Height:       252          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  xvi, 290p. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and red and black


                 Date Examined:  11.2.99 & 3.9.2014

            References:     Ball VPB p. 159

                                 Jones & Brown WR no. 3

Notes: The design is by William Ralston. In the list of illustrations, the artists are given as: A. B. Houghton [i.e Arthur Boyd Houghton], E. Dalziel, [I.e Edward Dalziel], T. Dalziel [i.e. Thomas Dalziel], J. Lawson [i.e John Lawson], J. Wolf [i.e. Joseph Wolf], W. P. Burton [i.e. William Paton Burton], W. Small [i.e. William small], J.D. Watson [i.e. John Dawson Watson], G. Dalziel [i.e. George Dalziel], C. Simms, G. J. Pinwell [i.e. George John Pinwell],  J. W. North [i.e. John William North],. The initial letters an ornamental designs by P. Hundley Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold, red, black and in blind. The outer border has a "three dot and quarter fan" repeating pattern, blocked in gold between two fillets - all in gold. The inner border has a repeating pattern in gold, consisting of: trefoils and twin stems, crossing stems and hatch leaves, with four gold dots interspersed. "Sea shells" are blocked in blind underneath each pair of leaves. The inner border has a single gold fillet. At the head, the tail and the sides, this fillet joins border fillets to form straps. Panels at the head and at the tail are rectangular, with six semi-circles  blocked within and one at each end of the panel. Stem and dot patterns are blocked in red relief, surrounding the words: "/Golden Thoughts/ Golden Fountains/", which are blocked in green relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces. On the centre, a circle and four medallions are blocked, all formed by fillets and border decoration. Within each medallion, four "spade-shapes" and dots are blocked in red relief. Within the border of the circle, stem and quatrefoil decoration is blocked in red relief. Within the circle, on the centre, the following are blocked: 1. "shells" in relief 2. a rectangular gold lettering-piece with dots and a single fillet on its head and on its tail..3. small decoration is blocked in red relief. 4. the word: "/From/" is blocked in green relief within a gold lettering-piece. Curling stem decoration is blocked in black around the title words and the central circle. Signed "WR" in green relief as a monogram beneath the word "Fountains". The spine is blocked in gold, in black, in red and in relief. "Dog tooth and dots" perimeter decoration is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a thin gold fillet; straps, semi-circles, dots - all in gold; small black decoration; the words: "/ Golden/ Thoughts/ from/ Golden/ Fountains/ [rule]/" are blocked in relief within a single gold lettering-piece panel, which has a single border fillet blocked in red; The word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in relief within the same panel, and it is also within a rectangle formed by two fillets blocked in relief; a quatrefoil is blocked in gold above and below a medallion, with gold and red decoration within; within the medallion, dots and a cross are blocked on in gold; small decoration in black and gold dots surround the quatrefoils and medallion; the words: "/ F. Warne & Co./" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single thin border fillet blocked in relief; a gold fillet is blocked at the tail.




2003 book entry number: 550


Binding No:                    530


                        Artist Name:   Ralston, William


                                   Title:   Songs for the little ones at home. Illustrated with Sixteen Coloured and Sixteen Tinted Pictures, from designs by eminent artists.

                   Publisher Name:   Ward , Lock, and Tyler, Warwick House, Paternoster Row, E.C.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1868]

                               Printer:   Printed by Jas. Wade, 18, Tavistock-street, Covent-garden, W.C.

                                Width:        135     Height:       182          Thickness:        32

                           PagNotes:  xi, 148p. 32 plates. The coloured plates are engraved by Leighton Brothers.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and black and relief

                 Date Examined:  19.1.2000 & 3.9.2014

            References:     Ball VPB p.159. Not in his "WR" list.

                                 Jones & Brown WR no.10.

Notes: The design is by William Ralston. Red ink edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically on the borders and on the corners.  The lower cover is blocked in blind only. It has a central vignette, oval in shape, of a renaissance design, featuring strap work. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Blocked on the borders are: 1. a gold fillet 2&4. repeating gold dots 3. a black fillet between 2&4, with repeating dots blocked in relief within it. 5. a border is blocked of small leaves, joined by stems and small circles. There is "flower and vase" decoration on each corner. The central vignette is blocked in gold. The borders of the vignette are formed by: 1. repeating gold dots 2. a black fillet, with repeating dots blocked in relief within it 3. a gold fillet.  Around the vignette is elaborate curling stem and leaf decoration, all blocked in gold. The centre shows birds nesting in a tree, with the tree branch overhanging water, containing bulrushes and water lilies. The title: "/ Songs/ for the/" are blocked above the centre; "/ Little ones/" are blocked below the centre, within a rectangular frame, all in gold. Signed "WR" in gold at the base of the vignette.  The spine is blocked in gold and in black. From the head the decoration is: a fillet and small decoration in gold; two dotted gold fillets above and below a black fillet, with dots blocked in relief within it; the title: "/ Songs/ for the/ little ones/" are blocked within a gold frame formed by a gold fillet and dots; lilies on water; the words: "/ Sixteen/ coloured pictures/" is blocked within a decorated frame, formed by a single gold fillet; decoration and two dotted fillets are blocked above and below a black fillet, with dots blocked in relief within it; "/ London/ Ward, Lock & Tyler/" are blocked in gold near the base, within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; two fillets blocked in gold at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 551


                                  Binding No:   1

                          Pressmark:   12305.i.26.

                        Artist Name:   Ralston, William

                   Author/Heading:   Aesop

                                   Title:   Aesop's fables. Illustrated by Ernest Griset. With text based chiefly upon Croxall, La Fontaine, and L'Estrange. Revised and re-written by J.B.Rundell.

                   Publisher Name:   Cassell, Petter and Galpin: and  596, Broadway, New York.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1869]

                               Printer:   Cassell, Petter and Galpin, Belle Sauvage Works, London, E.C.

                                Width:        190     Height:       270          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  xii, 244p.  With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   Gold and blind and black

                 Date Examined:  7.1.99 & 3.9.2014.

                       References:  Ball VPB      p. 147

                                 De Beaumont RdeB1 no.3 the 1872 Edition

                                 Goldman VIB no.3.

                                 Jones & Brown WR no.14.

Notes: The design is by William Ralston. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges, Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind, with fillets blocked on the borders and a leaf and flower pattern on the corners and the sides. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. A single fillet is

blocked in gold on the outer border; and in black on the inner border. Three stars are blocked in gold on upper corners. At the top left hand corner is a fox, seated, and a pelican, with its beak in a tankard placed on a stool. The words: "/Aesop's/ Fables [ in hatch]./"  are blocked in gold, in fanciful letters. Pond waters are blocked at the bottom of the upper cover, above which reeds are blocked. The word "Illustrated" is blocked in relief within a hatch scroll-like gold lettering-piece. the words: "/Ernest Griset/" are blocked in relief, within a lower srcoll-like gold lettering-piece.  To the right above the pond waters is a dog, leaning over the pond to look at the fish in it. Signed "WR" in gold as a monogram at the right hand side, just above the pond waters. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: black and gold curling stem and flower decoration; the words: "/Aesop's/ Fables/" are blocked in relief

within two rectangular gold lettering-pieces, with decoration blocked in gold and black above and below these words; the words: "/Illustrated/ by/ Ernest/ Griset/ [rule]/ are blocked in gold, within a cartouche formed by a single black fillet; more stem, flower, and leaf decoration is blocked in gold and in black; a gold fillet; repeating dots blocked in gold. the words: "/London & New York/ Cassell, Petter & Galpin/" are blocked in gold;

repeating dots in gold; a gold fillet; at the tail, two fillets are blocked in black.





2003 book entry number: 552


                                  Binding No:   14

                          Pressmark:   12807.f.72.

                        Artist Name:   Ralston, William

                   Author/Heading:   Byrne, Janet

                                   Title:   Picture teaching for young and old.

                   Publisher Name:   Cassell, Petter and Galpin

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1869]

                               Printer:   Cassell, Petter and Galpin, Belle Sauvage Works, London, E.C.

                                Width:        170     Height:       223          Thickness:        18

                           PagNotes:  [vii] 184p. With sixteen pages of publisher's advertisements bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  4.2.99 & 21.10.2014.

            References:     Jones & Brown WR no.18.


Notes: The design is by William Ralston. On page 7 of the publisher’s titles, this work is described as: “4to, cloth 5s.” Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Purple sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked in blind, with an identical design. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. There is a tracery of intersecting lines, ending in "three-point" patterns. The upper cover centre piece is blocked in gold. The words: "/[P]icture/ [T]eaching/" are blocked in relief within scroll-shaped gold lettering-pieces; the capital letter "P" is blocked in hatch gold.  From its base, string holds up a slate board, which has a wooden frame - both blocked as a gold lettering-piece. The capital letter "T", together with arabic numbers, are blocked in relief within the slate board. A ‘lily of the valley’ plant in gold intersects the two scrolls. A bird is perched on the lower scroll. Signed "WR" in gold as a monogram underneath the board containing the capital "T". The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A cartouche is blocked in gold along the spine, with a single fillet in relief on its perimeter. The words: "/ [four dots] Picture Teaching [four dots]/" are blocked in relief within the cartouche. Plant decoration is blocked in gold at the head and at the tail of the cartouche.






2003 book entry number: 553


Binding No:                        5

                          Pressmark:   12808.b.26.

                        Artist Name:   Ralston, William

                   Author/Heading:   Mayhew, Henry and Mayhew, T.A.

                                   Title:   The magic of kindness. or, the wondrous story of the good yarn. By the brothers Mayhew. With illustrations by Walter Crane.

                   Publisher Name:   Cassell, Petter and Galpin

             Place of Publication:   London and New York

              Date of Publication:   [1869]

                               Printer:   Cassell, Petter and Galpin, Belle Sauvage Works, London, E.C.

                                Width:        125     Height:       170          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  iv, 220p. 8 plates. With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and black

                 Date Examined:  5.7.2000 & 28.10.2014

            References:     Ball VPB p. 159

                                 Jones & Brown WR no.22.


Notes: The design is by William Ralston. This work is part of Cassell’s children’s library. On page three of the publisher’s titles, this work is described as: “ Cloth extra, gilt lettered, 3s. 6d.” Bevelled boards. Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand-grain cloth. The upper and lower covers are blocked with fillets in black on the borders. The upper covers has a central square, blocked in gold. The square has a border fillet. Inside the square is an angel, holding an olive branch in her right hand, and a cross in her left hand. A turbaned oriental (a sick man?) is on the ground. Oriental domes are situated in the distance, behind the two figures. The title letters are blocked in gold. Signed "WR", in relief, on bottom left hand corner of the square. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. A gold fillet and gold dots form four panels on the spine. In panel one, black fillets and gold leaf and stem decoration are blocked; in panel two, the title: 2The/ Magic/ of/ Kindness/" is blocked in gold; in panel three, black fillets surround leaf and stem decoration blocked in gold, and also surround the words: "/ By the/ Brothers/ Mayhew/", blocked in gold; more gold leaf and stem decoration; in panel four, the words: "/ London & New York/ Cassell Petter & Galpin/" are blocked in gold, within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet. 




2003 book entry number: 554


                                  Binding No:   11


                        Artist Name:   Ralston, William

                   Author/Heading:   Quiz [i.e. Dickens, Charles]

                                   Title:   Sketches of young couples, young ladies, young gentlemen. Illustrated by Phiz. [i.e. Hablot Knight Browne.]

                   Publisher Name:   Cassell, Petter and Galpin; and 596, Broadway, New York

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1869]

                               Printer:   Cassell, Petter and Galpin, Belle Sauvage Works, London, E.C.

                                Width:        120     Height:       180          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  v, 238p. 17 plates.  With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and red and black

                 Date Examined:  25.1.99 & 21.10.2014.

                       References:  Ball VPB p. 157

                                 Jones & Brown  WR no.15.

                                 Muir VIB p.125

 Notes: The design is by William Ralston. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green fine bead-grain cloth. Blocked in blind on lower cover, with three fillets blocked on the borders. The upper cover is blocked in gold, red and black. One fillet on the upper cover borders is blocked in red, with two inside blocked in     black. The word "Sketches", has the capital "S" in relief, and it is in the shape of an artist's palette, with a pennant in gold trailing from it. The  rest of the word: "[S]ketches" is blocked in  relief, on a red on lay, which is surrounded by gold blocking. The words: "/ Young couples/" has two chickens walking along a line above. The "Y" of "/ Young ladies/" on the line below is formed of a pair of scissors through which an arrow's tail feathers are inserted. The head of the arrow pierces two hearts, situated immediately above the letters "[Y]oung ladies". The words: "/ Young Gentlemen/"are blocked in gold underneath this. The word: "/ by/" is blocked in relief within a "watch-face" held by a man sitting on the capital "Q" of the word "Quiz". The word "Quiz" is in fanciful letters, blocked in gold, with the centre of the "Q" being pierced by a pen, also blocked in gold, that goes from top to bottom of the design. Signed "WR" in gold by the side of the capital "Q". The words: "/ Illustrated by Phiz/" are blocked in gold underneath this. The spine is blocked in gold, in black and in red. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two black fillets; an artist holding brushes sitting on a painter's palette; the word: "/ Sketches/" is blocked in relief within the palette; the words: "/ By/ Quiz/ [pens in gold]/ Illustrated/ by/ Phiz./" are blocked in gold; dots are blocked in gold across the spine; the words: "/ London & New York/" Cassell, Petter            & Galpin/" are blocked in gold; two black fillets; a red fillet is blocked at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 555


                                       Binding No:  846

                          Pressmark:   RB.31.c.162.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers,William Harry


                                   Title:   The Art Journal Illustrated Catalogue. The Industry of All Nations 1851.

                   Publisher Name:   Published for the Proprietors, By George Virtue

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1851]

                               Printer:   Bradbury and Evans, (Printers Extraordinary to the Queen), Whitefriars.

                                Width:        255     Height:       335          Thickness:        38

                           PagNotes:  xxvi, 328p.  and XVI*, VIII[2 x ‘+’], VIII[a ‘cross’],VIII**, XXII***

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   Leather

                              Grain:    morocco

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   Gold

                 Date Examined:  25.9.98 (Re De Beaumont’s copy); 1.10.2014 (BL copy)

            References:     Ball VPB p.155.

                                 King WHR p.319.

                                 Pantazzi 4D p.91.

Notes: The design is not signed.  Green morocco, vertical grain. Both covers are tooled identically, with a small decorated gilt tool border, and then the same roll tooling in blind to form a central rectangular panel. The spine has seven pairs of fillets blocked in gold across the spine, to form six panels. In panel two, near the head, the title words: “/ The/ illustrated/ catalogue/” are blocked in gold. The Robin De Beaumont private collection copy has the following: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Gauffered edges and turn-ins. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco. Both covers blocked identically in gold. On the borders of the covers, two fillets are blocked. Between them a repeating pattern of curling leaves and stems, with a single leaf blocked within each curled stem. The centre-piece of each cover is an elaborate frame, formed by large leaf and curling stems, blocked in gold. At the head of the frame, a group of objects is suspended from knotted ribbons: 1. an artist's palette 2. a mallet 3. a group of paint brushes inserted through the thumb-hole of the palette. The title: "/ The/ Art-Journal/ Illustrated Catalogue/ of the [gothic letters]/ Industry/ of all nations [gothic letters]/" is blocked in gold within the central frame. Underneath the title, "/1851/" is blocked in gold within a hatched gold lettering-piece, styled as a renaissance panel. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram underneath the date. The spine is blocked in gold. Three gold fillets are blocked at the head. On the centre, the date "1851" is blocked within a highly-ornamented frame. Three fillets in gold are blocked near the base, with three more fillets in gold  at the tail. On the last page of  the list of Arthur Hall Virtue & Co titles bound at the end of BL 11647e46, 1854, this work is described as: “ in one vol. royal 4to., price One Guinea, cloth, gilt.” 





2003 book entry number: 556


                                  Binding No:   22

                          Pressmark:   11805.c.20.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers,William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Alastor, pseud. [i.e. James Orton.]

                                   Title:   "Excelsior;" or, the realms of poesie.

                   Publisher Name:   William Pickering

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1852

                               Printer:   Charles Whittingham, Chiswick.

                                Width:        140     Height:       197          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  xvi, 148p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and relief

                 Date Examined:  15.6.95 & 28.10.2014.

            References:     Ball VPB p. 155 Cites this edition, but not the privately printed one of 1851

                                           McLean, VPBB p. 46. Illustrates a copy bound by Bone.

                                 King WHR p.320.


Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. With two pages of Reviews of the 1851 edition of "Excelsior", and one page announcing: "The Enthusiast. A Poem." by Alastor - all bound at the end. The device of Charles Whittingham is printed as colophon.  Light green endpapers and pastedowns. Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold, with the same design as for the 1851 edition. The blocking on the covers is identical to the 1851 edition. The size of the design is 107 x 160mm, possibly the same block. There is a single fillet blocked in gold on the borders, with straps and stars in gold on the corners. The title: "/Excelsior/" is blocked in relief, in a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece underneath the upper portion of a globe. From the globe, a right hand emerges, an index finger pointing to the stars and a crescent moon blocked above. The spine is fully blocked in gold, showing lilies and leaves, running from the tail to the head. "/Excelsior/" is blocked in gold diagonally across the spine near the head. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram at the tail. This copy is blue date stamped "19 MR [MARCH 18]52".






2003 book entry number: 557


[this book entered into BL database on 22.10.2014. BL 019- 000019202  ]

                                  Binding No:   804

                          Pressmark:   12806.e.43.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers,William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Frere,  A. F.

                                   Title:   Wonder Castle a structure of seven stories. With a frontispiece by E.H. Wehnert. [i.e. Edward Henry Wehnert]

                   Publisher Name:   Addey and Co. 21 Old Bond Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1853

                               Printer:   Printed by Petter, Duff, and Co. Playhouse Yard, Blackfriars.

                                Width:        140     Height:       190          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  vii,181p., 1 plate.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    diaper-grain

                            Colour :   red marbled

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  16.6.2000 & 22.10.2014.

            References:     King WHR p.320.

Not in Ball’s Rogers list.



Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. The frontispiece plate is hand coloured. It depicts the scene described on page 76, where the ugly man proposes to Brette, an ugly girl.  Gilt edges. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Diaper-grain cloth. Dyed with a light and dark red marbled pattern. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders of both covers, the outer thick, the inner thin. The upper cover has "Wonder Castle" blocked in gold on the centre, in fanciful letters. (The capital "W" is stylistically much that of Rogers - with looped serifs at the base.) The capital "C" has castellation, running rightwards to the "a". A hand and a wrist ruff is blocked between these two letters. The spine is blocked in gold. The title: "/ Wonder Castle/" are blocked in gold along the spine, in the same fanciful letters as for the upper cover. At the head and the base, and hand and a wrist ruff, both attached to a tether, are blocked in gold. Within the tether line at the base, the monogram "WHR" is incorporated.




2003 book entry number: 558


                                  Binding No:   344

                          Pressmark:   11647.e.46.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers, William Harry


                                   Title:   Passing thoughts in sonnet stanzas. With other poems.  Original and Translated.

                   Publisher Name:   Arthur Hall, Virtue and Co.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1854

                               Printer:   Printed by J. Wertheimer and Co., Finsbury Circus.

                                Width:        145     Height:       220          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  xv,245p. With sixteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    moire rib horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   navy blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  14.9.99 & 29.10.2014

References: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, p. 191.

 Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Westley's/ & Co./ London./" [Ball no. 103C.] Navy blue moire rib horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. There are two fillets blocked on the borders. On the corners, rose stems, leaves and two rose flowers are blocked in blind, with the rose heads blocked in relief. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows corn plants, with convolvulus growing up around them, the whole forming a circle. The roots of the corn plants are tendrils, a characteristic feature  of Rogers. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. Two fillets are blocked in gold across the spine at the head and at the tail. Flowers, leaves, stems are blocked at the head and underneath the title. The title words: "/ Passing/ thoughts/" are blocked in gold; there is a small leaf decoration blocked in gold underneath the title. On the lower half of the spine, curling stem, leaf and flower decoration is blocked in blind.





2003 book entry number: 559


                                  Binding No:   782

                          Pressmark:   9007.b.14.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers,William Harry (possibly; or John Leighton)

                   Author/Heading:   Edgar, John George

                                   Title:   History for boys or annals of the nations of modern Europe. With eight illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   David Bogue, 86 Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   Printed by G. Barclay, Castle St. Leicester Sq.

                                Width:        110     Height:       178          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  vii, 425p. 6 plates. With three pages of publisher's titles bound at the front, and two pages bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  7.7.2000 & 1.10.2014

References: Ball, VPB, p. 172.

Notes: The design is unsigned, possibly by William Harry Rogers. Bolts uncut. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/            London./" Ball no. 17A] Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. The rest of each cover is blocked in relief with a pattern of stems, five-petaled flowers, and "spade-shaped" leaves. Near the centre, the stems curl, to form circles. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter.  From the head downwards, the decoration is: a crown, blocked in gold; a shield-shaped panel, formed by  a single fillet blocked in gold; the title: "/ History/ for/ boys/" is blocked in gold within this panel; a quill and a sword are blocked above, below and "behind" the panel; two crossed flags, bearing the arms of England and of Turkey are blocked in gold; the flag-pole in the middle of the flags has an eagle blocked on its top; in the middle of the flags, where the flags cross, a ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece is blocked, with: "/ J.G. Edgar/" blocked in relief inside it; small curling stem and leaf decoration is blocked in gold between and below the flags. (The monogram "WHR" or “JL” is possibly blocked below this, but a label prevents sight of this.)





2003 book entry number: 560


                                  Binding No:   15

                          Pressmark:   C.109.b.4.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers, William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Goldsmith, Oliver

                                   Title:   The Vicar of Wakefield. A tale. Illustrated by George Thomas.

                   Publisher Name:   Published for Joseph Cundall by Sampson Low and Son, 47 Ludgate Hill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill

                                Width:        150     Height:       210       Thickness:30

                           PagNotes:  viii, 219p. With sixteen pages of publisher's advertisements bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   orange

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  29.1.99 & 28.10.2014


 Notes:  The design is by William Harry Rogers. This copy belonged to George Cruikshank and then to his wife Eliza. On the front pastedown is his dedication to her: "/ From/ Ge Cruikshank/ to his dear wife/ Eliza/ March 7th 1855/". On the front endpaper signed carte de visite photographs of Cruikshank and of his wife are pasted. Beneath both is the dedication: "/This book/ is presented to/ the British Museum/ in memory of/ George Cruikshank, Artist/ by his widow/ Eliza Cruikshank/ December 23rd 1887/ her 80th birthday/". [Other presentation copies from Mrs Cruikshank are at: 1. BL 10349.d.14. Aleph. London scenes; 2. C.70.d.10. R.H. Barham. The Ingoldsby Legends  ; 3. C.61.b.27. S.C. Hall. A Book of Memories.] the illustrations are engraved by Horace Harral. The ornamental illustrations designed by T. Macquoid. [i. e. Thomas Robert Macquoid]    Text sewn on two cords. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Orange morocco vertical grain cloth. Both covers blocked with an identical design, in blind on the lower cover, in gold on the upper cover. The design shows elaborate panel, strap work and plant  stem tracery (resembling a French 16th century cover design). The title: "/The/ Vicar/ of/ Wakefield/"  is blocked in gold on the centre. he spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a square panel, formed by a thick gold fillet blocked between two thin fillets; straps in gold; the title: "/ The/ Vicar/ of/ Wakefield./" is blocked in gold within a panel of stem tracery; straps and a square panel - both blocked in gold; the words: "/ Illustrated/ by/ George Thomas./" are blocked in gold; a panel in gold, with a strap at its head and at the tail; a semi-circle of a strap is blocked near the tail; signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram at the tail. (The monogram is cunningly inserted within small decorative work, also blocked in gold.) This copy was formerly shelved at 12604.h.19.





2003 book entry number: 561



                                  Binding No:   803

                          Pressmark:   12806.d.23.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers,William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Bowdich, afterwards Lee, Sarah.

                                   Title:   Playing at settlers; or, the faggot-house. With Illustrations by John Gilbert.

                   Publisher Name:   Grant and Griffith ,successors to Newbery and Harris, corner of St Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   T.E. Metcalf, Printer, 63, Snow Hill.

                                Width:        125     Height:       175          Thickness:        12

                           PagNotes:  [3],94p., 4 plates. With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  6.7.2000 & 28.10.2014.

References: Ball VPB p. 172.


Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. The  plates are signed with John Gilbert's monogram, and also signed "Henry Linton Sc.". Red ink speckled edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns.  Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./" [Ball no. 17A.] Green wave diagonal-grain cloth. The borders and the corners are identically blocked in blind on both covers. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Curling stems and leaves are blocked on each corner in blind. The central vignette is the same for both covers, blocked in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper. On the lower cover, the title is not blocked. The vignette consists of six joined branches, with convolvulus leaves and flowers winding around the branches. On the upper cover, the title: "/ Playing/ at/ settlers/ or the/ faggot/ house/" is blocked in gold on the centre. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is missing.





2003 book entry number: 564


                                  Binding No:   29

                          Pressmark:   C.30.h.19.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers,William Harry


                                   Title:   Sabbath bells chimed by the poets...Illustrated by Birket Foster.

                   Publisher Name:   Bell and Daldy, 186, Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1856

                               Printer:   Chiswick Press: C.Whittingham, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane.

                                Width:        162     Height:       232          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  112p.

                Place of Printing:   [London]


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  8.12.97 & 8.10.2014

            References:           Ball VPB p.155; p. 172, binder’s ticket.

                                                McLean VPBB p.66  - reproduces a copy in blue cloth

                                                Pantazzi 4D p.91 no. 5

Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. The title page verso has Joseph Cundall's monogram in colour within a wreath of flowers. The engravings are on wood and printed in colours by Edmund Evans.  Gilt edges.  Bevelled boards. Light brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "Bound by/ Bone & Son./ [rule]/ 76,          Fleet Street./ London./" [Ball No. 17A.] Both covers identically blocked in blind and in relief on the borders, the corners, and on the sides. A single fillet is blocked on the borders in blind. On the corners, the sides, and on the head and the tail, a pattern of curling stems, leaves and buds is blocked in relief. The outer block forms a central frame of four semi- circles. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a tracery of crossed stems and pointed leaves - all blocked in gold. On the perimeter of each semi-circle, flattened "three leaves", are blocked in relief within gold lettering-pieces. These "three leaves" end in three berries blocked in gold. On the centre, the words: "Sabbath/ Bells./" are blocked in gold, in fanciful letters.  Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a diamond, a circle, leaves and berries; the words: "Sabbath/ Bells./" are blocked in gold within a circular panel, formed by a single fillet; more tracery of leaves and stems and buds; signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram at the base of the decoration. Previous shelf marks: 1346.h.33.; C.30.k.11.






2003 book entry number: 565


                                  Binding No:   658

                          Pressmark:   3127.c.10.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers,William Harry


                                   Title:   The Chilldren's Bible Picture-Book. Illustrated with eighty engravings.

                   Publisher Name:   Bell and Daldy, 186, Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Printed by G. Barclay, Castle St. Leicester Sq.

                                Width:        130     Height:       177          Thickness:        33

                           PagNotes:  xii,322p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  17.3.2000 & 12.11.2014.

References: Ball, VPB. p. 172.


Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. The advertisement at the front states: “ Many of the engravings in this book are copied from designs by Steinle, Overbeck, Veit &c., in the Illustrated German Bible; and from the Bible Pictures  by Julius Schnorr, which have ben lately published by Messrs. Williams and Norgate.” Several of the engravings are signed: "E. Skill Sc." , and “W. Thomas Sc.”  Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son./ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./" [Ball no. 17A.] Purple wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders, the corners and on the sides. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. A pattern of passion flowers, leaves and stems are blocked in relief on the corners, the sides and on the head and the tail. The oval-shaped central frame has two fillets and fleurs-de-lis blocked on its borders. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows passion plant flowers, leaves, buds, stems and tendrils blocked in gold surrounding the title on the centre: "/ The/ Children's/ Bible/ Picture Book/" blocked in gold. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold, blind and in relief.  A single fillet is blocked in blind on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two passion plant leaves, blocked in relief; the title: "/ The/ Children's/ BIBLE/ Picture/ Book/" are blocked in gold within a panel formed by a single gold fillet; a group of five passion plant leaves with a flower at the centre is blocked in relief; a fleur-de-lis near the tail; a quatrefoil, formed by a single fillet in blind, has three passion plant leaves and one flower blocked within in relief.





2003 book entry number: 566



                                  Binding No:   805

                          Pressmark:   12807.b.41.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers,William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Maitland, Julia Charlotte

                                   Title:   Historical acting charades; or, Amusements for winter evenings. New Edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, Late Grant & Griffith, successors to Newbery & Harris, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards,  Printers, Chandos Street.

                                Width:        110     Height:       175          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  viii,229p. With twenty four pages of publishers titles bound a the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  16.6.2000 & 1.10.2014.


Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. Yellow and endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. It looks as though the blocking has been done after the attachment of the covers to the text block. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Curling stems, trefoil leaves and flowers are blocked in blind on each corner. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It is diamond-shaped, and formed by intermingling holly branch, stems, leaves and berries. A sprig of mistletoe and a ribbon hang down from the top. The title: "/ Historical/ Acting/ Charades./" is blocked in gold in fanciful letters inside the diamond on the centre. The spine is blocked in gold. A pattern of holly branches, leaves and berries is blocked down the spine, the branches forming panels. The title: "/ Historical/ Acting/ Charades/" are blocked in gold within the panel near the head. The oval-shaped panel at the centre has leaves blocked in gold within it. The "spade-shaped" panel near the base has three passion plant leaves blocked in gold inside, together with the signature "WHR" blocked in reverse in gold as a monogram.




2003 book entry number: 567


                                  Binding No:   27

                          Pressmark:   1347.f.4.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers, William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Wordsworth, William

                                   Title:   Pastoral poems. Illustrated with numerous engravings [by Birket Foster, George Thomas, Henry Warren].

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, Son & Co., 47 Ludgate Hill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Printed by Edmund Evans, London

                                Width:        137     Height:       202          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  55p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  16.3.99 & 28.10.2014

            References:     King WHR p.320.

                                 McLean Cundall p.80.


Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. The  monogram of Joseph Cundall is printed on the title page verso. The illustrations are by: Birket Foster [i.e. Miles Birket Foster]; Henry Warren; George Thomas. Engraved by William Thomas, Edmund Evans, James Cooper, Thomas Bolton, and S.V. Slader. [i. e. Samuel Vincent Slader] Bevelled boards. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue bead-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. On the borders, there is a pattern of plant tracery blocked in relief. There is a floral medallion blocked on each inner corner. Within the recessed central rectangle, a "spider's web" pattern is blocked in relief. The upper cover oval central panel is blocked in gold, with floral patterns in gold and in relief, surrounding the title. The title: "/ Wordsworth's/ Pastoral/ Poems/" is blocked in gold in gothic letters; it is surrounded by a pattern of thin stems, of flowers and hatch leaves - all blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. A small cockerel weather vane is blocked at the head. The title: "/ Wordsworth's/ Pastoral/ Poems./" are blocked in gold in gothic letters, with stem decoration around the title. Signed "WHR" in relief as a monogram at the tail, within a leaf-shaped gold lettering-piece, 3mm across.







2003 book entry number: 568


                                  Binding No:   806

                          Pressmark:   12804.d.21.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers,William Harry


                                   Title:   The home treasury of old story books. Illustrated with Fifty Engravings by Eminent Artists.

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, Son, and Co. 47 Ludgate Hill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   Printed by G. Barclay, Castle St. Leicester Sq.

                                Width:        126     Height:       175          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  viii, 288p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  26.9.2000 & 12.11.2014.

            References:     King WHR p.326.

      Ball, VPB p. 172.

 Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. In the ‘List of Illustrations’, the following artists are named [with initials only for christian names; full christian names obtained by research]: Frederick John Tayler, H. J. Townshend, Thomas Webster, Charles West Cope, John Calcott Horsley R. A., Thomas Dalziel, John Absolon, Edward Henry Wehnert, John Franklin, Richard Redgrave R. A. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ 76, Fleet St London./" [Ball no. 17C.] Blue wave-diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders, on the corners, and on the sides. A fillet is blocked on the borders; on the corners, a pattern of curling stems and small leaves is blocked in relief. On the inner border, a fillet is blocked in relief, forming a single circular strap on the centre of each side, and on the centre head and on the centre tail. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a rose bush, with its roots, and small flowers blocked at the base. Its branches curl upwards and outwards. Leaves and flowers grow from the branches and butterflies are blocked near the flowers. The title: "/ The/ home treasury/ of/ old/ story books./" is blocked in gold between the branches and the stems. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram near the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and blind and relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the title: "/ The/ home/ treasury/ of/ old/ Story Books/"  is blocked in gold - surrounded by rose leaves and branches; down the spine, rose leaves and branches are blocked, some outlined in relief by blind blocking, some in blind only; a fillet is blocked in blind at the base.




2003 book entry number: 569

                                  Binding No:   25

                          Pressmark:   12806.c.21.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers, William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Edwards, Matilda Barbara Betham

                                   Title:   Charlie and Ernest or play and work. A story of Hazelhurst school. By M. Betham-Edwards. Author of "The white house by the sea," etc. With four illustrations...

                   Publisher Name:   Edmonston and  Douglas

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   Printed by R. & R.  Clark

                                Width:        125     Height:       175          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  180p. ,4 plates.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  18.3.99 & 10.12.2014

            References:     Ball VPB p. 156 &  p. 173

Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38 Kirby St./" [Ball no. 20A] Green bead-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind. Three fillets are blocked on the borders, with patterns of tracery on the corners, the head, the tail, and the sides. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. The title: "/ Charlie/ and/ Ernest/" is blocked in gold, inside a laurel wreath hanging from ribbons at the head. Two oak branches and leaves pass through the wreath. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. Spine is modern.





2003 book entry number: 570




2003 book entry number: 571


                                  Binding No:   28

                          Pressmark:   1347.f.5.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers,William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Milton, John

                                   Title:   L'allegro.

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, Son & Co., 47 Ludgate Hill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        135     Height:       202          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  [2],22p.

                Place of Printing:   [London]



                  Cover material:        cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  19.3.99 7 10.12.2014

            References:     King WHR p.320; illustration p.323.


Notes:   The design is by William Harry Rogers. The text is printed on the recto only. The illustrations are drawn by Charles West Cope, Henry James Townsend, Thomas Creswick, John Callcott Horsley, Frederick John Tayler, Richard  Redgrave, Charles Stonhouse; and engraved by William James Linton. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. White endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and relief. Four fillets are blocked on the borders and  plant and stem tracery is blocked in relief on each corner. The upper cover has a vignette  blocked in gold, showing a tracery of flowers, leaves and thin branches, enclosing the words:"/ Milton's/ L'Allegro/", which are blocked in gold in gothic letters. The spine is blocked in gold. Above the title, a circular leaf wreath is blocked in gold. The words: "/ Milton's/ L'Allegro/" are blocked in gold in gothic letters. Below this, flowers and leaves are blocked within a vase - all blocked in gold.. Signed "WHR" in relief within a small leaf-shaped gold lettering-piece blocked at the tail of this decoration.




2003 book entry number: 572


                                  Binding No:   26

                          Pressmark:   12804.e.31.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers,William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Myrtle, Harriet, Mrs., pseud. [i.e. Lydia Falconer Miller]

                                   Title:   A visit to the New Forest. A tale by Hariet Myrtle. Illustrated by twenty-five engravings, from drawings by William Harvey, George Thomas, Birket Foster, and Harrison Weir [i.e. Harrison William Weir].

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, Son, & Co., 47 Ludgate Hill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   Cassell, Petter and Galpin, Belle Sauvage Works, Ludgate Hill, E.C.

                                Width:        130     Height:       175          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  viii, 158p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                      Bookbinder: Bone & Son


                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  11.3.99 & 8.10.2014

            References:     Ball VPB p. 156. Binder’s  ticket.

                                 King WHR p.326; illustration p.323.


Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. The  engravings are hand coloured. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ [rule]/ 76 Fleet Street,/ London./" Ball no. 17A.]  Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and relief with the same design. A single fillet is blocked on the borders, and a tracery of acorns, leaves, branches is blocked in relief on the corners. There is a central vignette in gold. The words: "/ A visit to/ The New Forest/ By Harriet Myrtle/" are blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces. These are interspersed with oak branches, leaves and acorns, blocked in gold. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The serifs of the "W" are elongated slightly. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind and in relief. At the head, oak stems, leaves are blocked in relief. The words: "/ A visit to/ The/ New Forest/ by Harriet/ Myrtle./" are blocked in gold, within a frame formed by stems and acorns blocked in gold. Upwards growing oak branches, leaves and acorns are blocked in relief from the tail to beneath the title.








2003 book entry number: 576

                                  Binding No:   24

                          Pressmark:   4416.k.1.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers, William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Bunyan, John

                                   Title:   Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. With illustrations by Charles Bennett and a preface by the Rev. Charles Kingsley.

                   Publisher Name:   Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   Printed by Spottiswoode and Co. New-Street Square.

                                Width:                  Height:                      Thickness:

                           PagNotes:  xxxv, 399p.  45 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  15.3.99 & 1.10.2014

            References:     Ball VPB p. 156


Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. Text sewn on three tapes. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Westleys & Co./ London./" Brown morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in gold, in blind and in relief with an identical design. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders, with a pattern of repeating hearts blocked in relief within the fillet. Each cover is divided into nine panels by fillets blocked in blind. The eight outer panels all have stem and leaves and flowers blocked in relief. The central panel is blocked in gold and in relief. At its head a small butterfly is blocked in gold. A sword is blocked in gold from the base to the head of the vignette, with a round head's helmet and a cross blocked on its point. The words: "/ The Pilgrim's Progress/ Illustrated by C.H. Bennett/" are blocked in relief within three ribbon-shaped gold lettering-pieces. Crossed leaf and stem decoration is blocked in gold between and around the lower two ribbons. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram underneath "C.H. Bennett". Four pansy-like plants are blocked in gold at the base of the vignette. Small stars in gold surround all of the decoration. The spine is blocked in gold, in blind and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold fillet, with a pattern of repeating hearts, blocked in relief within it; The words: "/ The/ Pilgrim's Progress/ Illustrated/ by C.H. Bennett/" are blocked in relief within a shell-shaped gold lettering-piece; interlocking broad stems are blocked in relief downwards, to hear the tail; near the tail, a gold fillet is blocked, with a pattern of repeating hearts, blocked in relief within it.




2003 book entry number: 577

                                  Binding No:   16

                          Pressmark:   1347.f.6.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers, William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Shakespeare, William

                                   Title:   The most excellent historie of the Merchant of Venice. [Illustrated by Birket Foster and G. H. Thomas (i.e. George Housman Thomas) and H. Brandling (i. e. probably Henry Charles Brandling)].]

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, Son & Co., 47 Ludgate Hill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        165     Height:       230          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  vii, 95p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  29.1.99 & 1.10.2014

            References:     King WHR p.320.

                                 Pantazzi 4D, no. VIII p.91


Notes: The Design is by William Harry Rogers. The monogram of Joseph Cundall is printed on the title page verso. On page vii: "/The Emblematical Devices and Ornaments were designed by Harry Rogers/ and engraved by Edmund Evans./" In the list of illustrations,  the artists are: Birket Foster [i.e Miles Birket Foster] and G. H. Thomas [i.e. George Housman Thomas] and H. Brandling [i. e. probably Henry Charles Brandling]. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, with a leaf border blocked in relief between the two fillets. Larger leaf patterns and flower heads are blocked in relief on the inner corners. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold, with the title: "/The/ Merchant/ of/ Venice/" blocked in fanciful letters. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and blind and in relief. At the head and at the tail, plant decoration is blocked between two fillets - all in relief. Near the head, the title words: "/ The/ Merchant/ of/ Venice/" are blocked in gold, surrounded by a tracery of stems and of leaves.





2003 book entry number: 578

                                  Binding No:   1044

                          Pressmark:   11647.f.32.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers, Willam Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Grey, Rose

                                   Title:   Double sight. A Poem.

                   Publisher Name:   McClary, 32, St. James's Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861


                                Width:        198     Height:       255          Thickness:        16

                           PagNotes:  [1], 169p.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   mauve

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  6.5.99 & 8.10.2014.

References: Ball, VBD, p. 173 binder’s ticket.

Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower Pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./" [Ball no. 20A]  Mauve bead-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind and in relief on the borders an on the corners. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the outer and on the inner borders, the outer of each pair thick, the inner of each pair thin. Each inner corner has a leaf pattern blocked in relief. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. A circular branch-like fillet has leaves and small stems blocked in gold around it. Groups of leaves are formed at the head and at the tail. The title: "/ Double sight./ A Poem/" are blocked in gold on the centre. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram  at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. The same small decoration and fillets are blocked at the head and at the tail. The title: "/ Double/ sight/ A Poem/" are blocked in gold. Small leaf and stem decoration is blocked in gold beneath the title.




2003 book entry number: 579

                                  Binding No:   20

                          Pressmark:   1347.f.11.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers, William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Quarles, Francis

                                   Title:   Quarles' emblems. Illustrated by Charles Bennett [i.e. Charles Henry Bennett]  and W. Harry Rogers.

                   Publisher Name:   James Nisbet & Co., 21, Berners Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861


                                Width:        160     Height:       225          Thickness:        37

                           PagNotes:  [10],321p.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  Examined 20.6.95 & 17.12.2014


            References:     Ball VPB p. 156

                                 King WHR p.321.

                                 McLean VPB p. 83

 Notes: The Book is illustrated by William Harry Rogers and Charles Henry Bennett. The cover design is by William Harry Rogers. On the title pager verso: "The illustrations engraved by Joseph Swain and Edmund Evans." All full page illustrations, the page headers and footers, and the borders are emblematic. These are signed "WHR" as a monogram. The illustrations within decorative borders are signed "CHB" as a monogram. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns (these are not original). Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold and in blind. On the outer borders,  diagonal stripes are blocked between two gold fillets. Inside tis, a recessed fillet is blocked in blind. On the inner borders, a pattern of flowers and leaves is blocked in gold, with the following blocked in medallions, formed by double gold circular fillets: a butterfly, a snake, an orb, a skull, a sparrow in a heart, a shell. The central rectangle has flowers blocked in blind around the central large medallion. The central medallion is blocked in gold, showing crossed tulip flowers and leaves, The title words: "/Quarles' Emblems/" are blocked in relief within a heart at the centre. Signed "WHR" in relief as a monogram at the base of the heart. The spine is fully blocked in gold and in relief. A perimeter pattern is blocked, consisting of: 1. a "herring bone" pattern in gold and in relief 2. repeating gold dots 3. hatch gold leaves and tulips intertwining down the spine. The title: "/ Quarles'/ Emblems/" is blocked in relief within two rectangular gold lettering-pieces. Signed "WHR" and CHB" as joined monograms in relief, both within a heart-shaped gold lettering-piece, which has two gold fillets blocked on its borders.





2003 book entry number: 580

                                  Binding No:   357

                          Pressmark:   C.109.b.1.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers,William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Rogers, William Harry

                                   Title:   Spiritual Conceits, Extracted from the Writings of the Fathers, the Old English poets, &c. Illustrated by W. Harry Rogers. [Cross and Crown motto.]

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1862

                               Printer:   Chiswick Press:- Printed by Whittingham and Wilkins, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane.

                                Width:        155     Height:       210          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  [16], 224p. On the title page verso:" The engraving by Joseph Swain".

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  3.9.99 & 1.10.2014

                               References:  Ball VPB p.158 says that "Emblems of Christian Life" is a new edition of "Spiritual  Conceits", which he had not seen. Ball VPB, p. 172 for the binder’s ticket.

                                 King WHR p.320.


Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. From the introduction, by Rogers, entitled: ‘To the Reader’: “ The book now offered to the public is an original illustrated companion, having only such affinity to its predecessors as must needs result from its being composed of certain emblematical devices with accompanying letter-press, the devices and the letter-press so illustrating each other as to be manifestly inseparable. In the second place, the fact that the editor and the artist are the same person is probably, a novel feature. In the third place, the emblems have been so grouped as not to prevent a melange of ideas associated by accident, but to give, as far as possible, one consecutive series of thoughts, developing Savanarola’s comprehensive sentiment, “If there be no enemy, no fight; if no fight, no victory; if no victory, no crown.” The Fathers of the Church, the noblest divines of the Middle Ages and the Old English poets, have been pressed into the service of one fixed and unassailable idea, which is clenched in the motto, “No Cross, no Crown;” and to this they have been asked to do duty in such wise as out of discordant parts to make one harmonious whole.”

Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son/ 76, Fleet St. London./" [Ball no. 17C.] Green morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in blind and in relief. On the borders there are two fillets, one blocked in gold, the next blocked in blind. Inside these, a border of repeating patterns is blocked in gold. The patterns are "three hatch leaf" and "hanging diamonds", each with four dots blocked inside in relief. There is a rectangular central panel, and, at the head and tail, rectangular gold lettering pieces are blocked. The one at the head contains the word: "/ Spiritual/", blocked in relief; the one at the tail contains the word: "/ Conceits", blocked in relief. Each lettering piece has diagonal fillets, which are blocked in vertical and horizontal hatch. The hatched fillets alternate with those which are blocked in gold, with small dots blocked in relief. Four rose flowers are blocked in gold underneath and above the two rectangular gold lettering pieces. They are surrounded by small stars, blocked in relief. The central panel is a quatrefoil, and around its perimeter fleur-de-lis are blocked in gold in a repeating pattern. At the very centre, surrounded by small stars and circles blocked in gold, an interlocking crown and a cross are blocked in gold. The decorative elements of the crown and cross are picked out in hatch and in relief. The spine decoration is all in gold and in relief. There is a fillet blocked in gold around the perimeter. The spine is divided into five panels. Numbers 1, 2 and 5 are formed by a single gold fillet. At the head, panel 1 contains a crow, surrounded by small stars and circles, all in gold. Panel 2 has the title: "/Spiritual/ Conceits/"  is blocked in relief within a square gold lettering piece. Panel 3 has a descending scroll-like gold lettering-piece, with the words: "No Cross, No Crown" blocked in relief inside. In the centre of this panel the interlocking cross and crown are blocked. The monogram "WHR" is blocked in relief at the base of the scroll-shaped gold lettering-piece. In panel 4, "/ WH Rogers/" is blocked in  relief inside a small gold lettering-piece. In panel 5, a cross, surrounded by small crowns and circles, is blocked in gold.  See BL shelf mark 12304.e.18. "Emblems of Christian life" which has a similar design with only the title page and the title lettering on the covers being changed.




2003 book entry number: 581

                                  Binding No:   1087

                          Pressmark:   12355.k.1.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers, Willam Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Gwynne, Fanny Price

                                   Title:   The Tenby Souvenir: A table-book in prose and verse. Illustrated by twenty-five photographic views, by Mr. Charles Allen.

                   Publisher Name:   R. Mason, High Street

             Place of Publication:   Tenby

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   R. Mason, Printer, High Street, Tenby.

                                Width:        180     Height:       270          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  vii, 81p. 25 photographs.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  20.10.2000 & 8.10.2014.


Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple pebble-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically on the borders, in blind on the lower and in gold on the upper. The lower cover central vignette shows curling stems and leaves; the stems join as two "spade-shapes". On the upper cover, a single gold fillet is blocked on the borders, and, inside this, there is wide gold horizontal hatch blocking, with a pattern of curling stems, and leaves encircling it. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. Stems, leaves, flowers and tendrils form the central circle. The title: "/ The/ Tenby/ Souvenir/" is blocked in gold on the centre. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. The title: "/ The Tenby Souvenir/" is blocked in gold along the spine, within a cartouche formed by gold filets, with curling leaf decoration blocked in relief at each end. 




2003 book entry number: 583

                                  Binding No:   23


                        Artist Name:   Rogers,William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Greenwood, James

                                   Title:   Curiosities of savage life. Author of "wild sports of the world." (Second series.) With woodcuts & designs by Harden S. Melville [i.e. Harden Sidney Melville]; engraved by H. Newson Woods. And coloured illustrations from water-colour drawings by F. W .Keyl [i.e. Friedrich Wilhelm Keyl]  and R.Huttala.

                   Publisher Name:   S.O.Beeton, 248 Strand, W.C.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1864

                               Printer:   Printed by Stephen Austin, Fore Street.

                                Width:                  Height:                      Thickness:

                           PagNotes:  xiv,418p. [9 plates]

                Place of Printing:   Hertford




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  15.3.99 & 10.12.2014

            References:     Ball VPB p.156. Suggests that Vol. 2. "Savage habits and customs", 1865, has a design by Rogers.

Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. The frontispiece colour plate is signed “W. Dickes, London”. Gilt edges. Red pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in blind with an identical design on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked in blind  on the borders. Leaves and circular stems are blocked on each corner, with a single flower head blocked in relief within the circle on each corner, formed by the stem. The central oval frame is formed by two fillets blocked in blind, the outer of which has repeating dots blocked in relief within it. The central vignette on the upper cover is blocked in gold, and shows a savage holding a spear. The title: "/ Curiosities of/ savage life/" is blocked in gold in semi-circles above and below the centre. Palm tree and coconut decoration is blocked in gold around the centre, with a single tassel hanging to the lower left and lower right of the central vignette. A small snake is blocked at the base of the vignette. The spine is fully blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold lettering-piece, showing a savage in a canoe; the title : "/ Curiosities/ of/ savage/ life/" is blocked in gold within a panel formed by three gold fillets, on thick between two thin; The word: "/by/" is blocked in gold within a rectangular hatch gold lettering-piece; the words: "/ James Greenwood/" are blocked in gold within a rectangular hatch gold lettering-piece; a mandorla-shaped gold lettering-piece shows a savage holding an axe and a spear; small decoration and objects are blocked in gold around the mandorla; the words: "/ Second series/" are blocked in gold, surrounded by fillets and small decoration; signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram near the right hand tail; the words: "/ London/ S.O. Beeton/" are blocked in gold at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 584


                                  Binding No:   780


                        Artist Name:   Rogers,William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Shakespeare, William

                                   Title:   The works. Edited, with a scrupulous revision of the text, by Charles and Mary Cowden Clarke. In four volumes.

                   Publisher Name:   Bickers and Son

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1864

                               Printer:   Printed by Ballantyne and  Company

                                Width:           0     Height:          0          Thickness:         0


                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   maroon

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  6.7.2000 & 10.12.2014.

            References:     King WHR p.324; illustration p.322.

Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. Vol.  I. [2],730p. With six pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. 147x236x55mm. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./" .            Vol. II. [2],730p. 145x236x45mm. Vol. III. [2],700p. 144x236x48mm. Vol. IV. [2],751p. 145x236x41mm.        All volumes have bevelled boards. Dark brown endpapers and pastedowns. Dark maroon pebble-grain cloth. The lower and upper covers are identically blocked in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this, there is a border of interlinked circles and diamonds, formed in relief by the blocking in blind, i.e. the blocking in blind "highlights" the circles and the diamonds. (The pattern is reminiscent of the Jacobean brick walls outside Hatfield House.) Sprigs of leaves are blocked in relief on each inner corner. At the inner head and the inner tail, an "onion" shape is formed by a single fillet. The upper cover central vignette of each volume is the same, blocked in gold. It shows a Renaissance bolt and strap design, with garlands hanging to the left and to the right from a thin cord. The central rectangle is formed by three

gold fillets. The words: "/ Shakespeare/ [a lance, blocked horizontally]/ Charles & Mary/ Cowden Clarke./" are blocked in gold within the frame. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram near the base of the vignette. Only two-thirds of the spine of Vol. III survives for this set. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Decorative panels are formed by single fillets, with leaves and other decoration (picked out in relief)  blocked inside

 the panels. The word: "[a lance, blocked horizontally] / Shakespeare/ [a lance blocked horizontally]/ " is blocked in gold between the first and second panels. The words: "/ Charles & Mary/ Cowden Clarke/" are blocked in gold between the second and the third panel; "Vol. III" are blocked in gold within a circle formed by a single fillet, which has repeating dots blocked in relief inside it. There is a pencil and ink drawing for this design by Rogers in the Rogers Albums, No. 1, at the Victorian and Albert Museum.



2003 book entry number: 585


                         Binding No:   781

                          Pressmark:   12805.ccc.25.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers,William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Howell, Catherine Augusta

                                   Title:   Pictures of girl life. With frontispiece by F. Eltze [i.e. Fritz Eltze].

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, (successors to Newbery & Harris), Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1865.

                               Printer:   Murray and Gibb, printers, Edinburgh.

                                Width:        110     Height:       176          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  [5], 259p. 1 plate. With thirty-six pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  10.7.2000 & 8.1.2014

References: see article on Joseph Swain:

Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. The frontispiece plate is signed: "Swain". [i.e. probably studio of Joseph Swain] Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind with three fillets on the borders, one thicker between two thin. The upper central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows leaves and flowers blocked in hatch gold around a square centre-piece. This is formed by three gold fillets with straps forming arabesques on each side. The title: "/ Pictures/ of/ girl/ life/" is blocked on the centre in gold. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram at the base

of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: leaves and flowers blocked in hatch gold; the title: "/ Pictures/ of/ girl/ life/" is blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces, with the word: "of" blocked inside a circular gold lettering-piece; more leaves and flowers in hatch gold. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram within a small circle near the base of these leaves and flowers. The Cambridge University Library copy is at shelf mark 140.1.199. Bolts uncut. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand-grain cloth. The upper cover vignette and the spine design are the same as for the BL copy. The 1881 edition is at BL 12808.d.35. Also published by Griffith and Farran. 192p., 1 plate by Fritz. Eltze. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green fine rib diagonal-grain cloth.  This features an unsigned design  on the upper cover of apples and leaves, with panel near the head and a parlour scene,  blocked on the upper cover in gold, black and platinum (?).





2003 book entry number: 586

[already in BL database of bookbindings]

                                  Binding No:   18


                        Artist Name:   Rogers, William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Noel, Augusta, Lady

                                   Title:   Effie's friends; or chronicles of the woods and shore. Illustrated by W. Harry Rogers [By Lady Augusta Noel.]

                   Publisher Name:   James Nisbet & Co., 21, Berners Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1865

                               Printer:   Printed by Edmund Evans, Raquet Court, Fleet Street.

                                Width:        132     Height:       185          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  [2], 192p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  11.2.99 & 15.10.2014.

            References:     Ball VPB p. 158

Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. Many of the printed head and tail-pieces are signed "WHR" and "EE" [Edmund Evans].Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Bevelled boards. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked. The lower cover is blocked in blind, the upper cover is blocked in gold. Two fillets are blocked in gold on the borders, one thick, one thin. Groups of birds are blocked on three corners and a peacock feather blocked on the fourth corner - all in gold. The central vignette is blocked in gold, showing a tracery of leaves and flowers. The title: "/ Effie's/ Friends/" are blocked in relief within two scroll-shaped gold lettering-pieces. Signed "WHR", in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Two butterflies are blocked in gold at the head. The title: "/Effie's/ Friends/" is blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders; below this, a

tracery of flowers and stems and a peacock's feather are blocked in gold. Signed "WHR", in gold as a monogram at the base of the tracery. At the tail, the words:"/ London/ Nisbet & Co/" are blocked in gold, within a panel formed by small border decoration.  The British Museum stamp is blue [copyright], dated " 16 FE[BRUARY 18]65".





2003 book entry number: 587


[7940g19 in Bl dbase in 2011 - 019-000015578; edited 2.9.2015]

                      Binding No:   6

                       Pressmark:   7940.g.19. and copies at: Document Supply W53/9099;; RB.23.b.4454; 1608/512.

Holdings Notes: General Reference Collection RB.23.b.4454. [Another copy.] London: Chapman and Hall; to be had also of the author, London, Paris; Stephen Austin, printer, Hertford, 1867. xx, 266, [

2] p., [13] leaves of plates: ill. (8º); 25 cm.***A de luxe edition, printed within ornamental borders on large paper. - With a half-title. - One of the plates is coloured. - Printer's name from colophon. - With the stamp of the Patent Office Library.

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 1608/512.
General Reference Collection RB.23.b.4454.


                        Artist Name:   Rogers,William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Rimmel, Eugene

                                   Title:   The book of perfumes. With above 250 illustrations by Bourdelin [i.e. possibly Émile Bourdelin] , Thomas, etc.

                   Publisher Name:   Chapman and Hall, 193, Piccadilly. To be had also of the Author, 96, Strand, 128, Regent Street, 24 Cornhill, London

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1865

                               Printer:   Stephen Austin, printer, Hertford

                                Width:        200     Height:       250          Thickness:        34

                           PagNotes:  xx, 266p. [2]p. 13 plates.

                Place of Printing:   Hertford




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   Gold

                 Date Examined:  Examined 11.95 & 15.10.2014.

            References:     King WHR p.321.

Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. The ornamental borders are identical for all pages, and signed: “AW” [i.e. possibly Albert Henry Warren] and “W. Thomas Sc. ”[i.e. possibly William Luson Thomas]   Bevelled boards. The gilt edges are gauffered. Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Blue pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in gold with an identical design. On the outer border of each cover are three fillets in gold. Inside there is a leaf and branch pattern blocked in gold as a border. There are two more rules blocked in gold inside this pattern. The author and title letters are in a half circle shape, around the centre piece. The centre piece is rebus, whose shield shows a steaming container on the left upper quarter, and a fountain on the right upper quarter. In the lower half of the shield a glass beaker on a stand is blocked. The shield is surrounded by a gold lettering-piece shaped as pennant containing, in relief, the motto: " Non cuique datum est haere nasum". The pennant is pierced on the left by a branch of roses and flowers; on the right, by a bunch of flowers. The initials "WHR" are blocked in gold at the base of this bunch of flowers. A basket of flowers is blocked in gold above the shield and the pennant. This coat of arms is also printed on the title page, and is also signed "WHR". The spine is fully blocked in gold. The author and title letters are blocked in relief. The initials "WHR" are blocked in gold underneath the word "Rimmel". The second edition (also of 1865) is at shelf mark W53/9099; this copy has no original covers. Another copy of the second edition is at shelf mark; this copy has original covers: brown sand-grain cloth, the lower cover blocked in blind only, with fillets on borders and a lozenge-shaped centre-piece, the upper cover in gold, with fillets on borders, and the same titling and coat of arms centre-piece as for 7940.g.19. The fifth edition, of 1867, is at shelf mark 1608/512; this copy has no original covers. Another copy of the fifth edition, a de luxe copy, is at shelf mark Rb.23.b.4454. This copy has gilt, gauffered edges and the same pagination, and a different coloured lithograph to Chapter VIII. It has no original covers. The re-bound copy has a bookbinder’s label of: “/ Jas Truscott & Son Ltd/ Contractors for/ Bookbinding to/ H. M. Government/”






Rimmel Second edition




Fifth edition 1867. RB.23.b.4454.


Binder’s ticket




2003 book entry number: 588


                                  Binding No:   2

                          Pressmark:   3435.k.5.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers,William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Heber, Reginald, Bishop of Calcutta

                                   Title:   Heber's Hymns Illustrated.

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson, Low, Son and Marston, Milton House, Ludgate Hill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1867

                               Printer:   Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street

                                Width:        165     Height:       220          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  xii, 92p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                               Slides:  Slide 28/33

                 Date Examined:  6.1.99.

            References:     Ball VPB p.157; p. 172, binder’s ticket.

                                 Pantazzi 4D no. XII


Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. The illustrations were engraved by James D. Cooper [i.e. James Davis Cooper]. The illustrations were drawn by: T. D. Scott; T. Kennedy; W.J. Allen; Henry Courtney Selhous; Richard Pettigrew Leitch; J. D. Scott; S. J. C.; Edmund Morison Wimperis; Friedrich Wilhelm Keyl; Wilfred Lawson; Percival Skelton. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Bone & Son./ 76 Fleet St./ London E.C./" [Ball No. 17D.] The lower cover is blocked in blind, with fillets blocked on the borders. The central vignette is blocked in blind, showing flower tracery. Signed "WHR" in blind as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The upper cover is blocked in gold. There are two fillets blocked on the outer border, with two more fillets and leaf tracery at the corners of the inner border. The central mandorla is formed by four leaf repeating border blocked between two fillets. The mandorla is surrounded by passion plant leaves and flowers. Within the mandora, inside a rectangle and an inner mandorla, the words: "/Heber's/ Hymns/ Illustrated/" are blocked in gold in hatched gold gothic capitals . Signed "W" in gold at the base of the mandorla. The spine is fully blocked in gold. Two fillets and a border are blocked around the perimeter. There are square gold lettering-pieces blocked at the head and at the tail. The words: "London S. Low & Co." are blocked in relief within a square gold lettering-piece at the base. The title words: "/Heber's Hymns/" are blocked in hatched gold gothic capitals along the spine, within a cartouche, which has diamond straps at each end. There is decoration blocked in relief within gold panels at head and at tail of the cartouche.





2003 book entry number: 590

[in BL database in 2011; 019-000015576; edited 2.9.2015]

                                  Binding No:   4

                          Pressmark:   11651.f.11.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers,William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Tupper, Martin Farquhar

                                   Title:   Proverbial philosophy. (The first and second series.) Illustrated. A new edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Edward Moxon & Co., Dover Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1867

                               Printer:   Bradbury, Evans & Co., printers, Whitefriars.

                                Width:        190     Height:       230          Thickness:

                           PagNotes:  xi, 367p

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    coarse pebble-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  Examined 11.95 & 10.12.2014.


                       References:  Ball VPB p. 158 Says this copy signed "HR"

                                 De Beaumont p. 51 (the 1854 edition, not Rogers)

                                 King WHR p.321; col. plate 11.

Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. The illustrations within are drawn by Gustave Dore, Henry Noel Humphreys, John Tenniel, Martin Farquhar Tupper, John Gilbert, Thomas Dalziel, Edward Duncan, Birket Foster, Edward Henry Corbould, G Dodgson, William Leighton Leitch, John Callcott Horsley, Charles West Cope, Edward Duncan, Joseph Severn, W Severn, Frederick Richard Pickersgill.The engravers are listed as: William James Linton, Joseph Swain, Dalziel Brothers, Henry Vizetelly, W. J. Green, J. Thompson, S. Williams,  The frontispiece is signed “G Dore” [i.e. Gustave Dore] and W J Linton [ i.e. William James Linton] Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Green coarse pebble-grain cloth. On the lower cover, the borders are blocked in blind, with a "plant pattern". The central rectangle contains a gold lettering-piece, shaped as a pennant. The title and author letters are in relief, and, in a medallion, the Moxon monogram is blocked in gold. On the upper cover, the same "plant design" borders are blocked in gold. The central rectangle is blocked in gold, with a diagonal chequer board pattern. Each diamond is blocked in alternating vertical and horizontal hatch. The same pennant-shaped gold lettering-pieces in the rectangle is also blocked on the upper cover, with the title letters in blocked in relief within the pennant, and the Moxon monogram blocked in gold on the centre. The spine is fully blocked in gold, with a similar design as the upper cover. Signed "WHR", with small initials, at the base in gold. ( A small monogram)





2003 book entry number: 591

[in Bl database 2011 - 019-000015567; edited 2.9.2015]

                                  Binding No:   3

                          Pressmark:   1570/37

                        Artist Name:   Rogers, William Harry


                                   Title:   Christian lyrics: chiefly selected from modern authors. With upwards of one hundred engravings.

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson, Low, Son and Marston, Milton House, Ludgate Hill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1868

                               Printer:   Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street

                                Width:        170     Height:       220          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  xiv,180p. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  Examined 11.95 & 26.11.2014

                       References:  Ball VPB      p.157

                                 King WHR p,320; illustration p.323.

                                 Pantazzi 4D no. XIV

 Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. B evelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ W. Bone & Son./ 76, Fleet St./ London E.C./" [Ball no..] The lower cover is blocked in blind, with seven fillets on the borders, one thick in the middle of six thin. A cross flory is blocked on the centre. The cross has a quatrefoil centre. The upper cover is fully blocked in gold and relief. A fillet is blocked on the border, and another fillet blocked in gold has a repeating pattern of four squares blocked in relief within it.  A chequerboard pattern is blocked on the corners in relief and in gold. Between these, there are four panels of thin flower tracery at the head, tail, and the two sides. The central rectangle has a gold fillet border; inside is a repeat of the chequerboard pattern at the top and the bottom of the rectangle. A putti's head and wings hover above the title: "/Christian/ Lyrics./", which are blocked in gold in gothic letters. Signed "WHR"  in gold as a monogram underneath the title. The spine is fully blocked in gold and relief. At the head and at the tail, a single gold fillet and a "dog tooth" fillet are blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked on the perimeter. A repeating "four squares" pattern is blocked in relief within this fillet. Just inside this, another single thin gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. A pattern of curling stems and leaves is blocked in gold at the inner head and at the inner tail. On the centre of the spine, a single gold fillet with "dog tooth" decoration forms a cartouche. The words: "/Christian Lyrics/ are blocked in gold in gothic letters within the cartouche. Another copy of this work is at BL C.128.f.5. (formerly shelved at 11602.f.5.) Green sand sand-grain cloth. The same design as for BL 1570/37 is blocked on the covers and on the spine. This copy was also bound by Bone & Son [Ball no. 17D.]




2003 book entry number: 592

[in BL database 2011 - 019-000015584; edited 2.9.2015]

                                  Binding No:   10

                          Pressmark:   12808.g.23.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers, William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Clarke, Charles Cowden and Clarke, Mary Cowden

                                   Title:   "Many happy returns of the day!" A birth-day book. New edition, with numerous additional engravings.

                   Publisher Name:   C. Lockwood & Co., 7, Stationers' Hall Court, Ludgate Hill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1869]

                               Printer:   Harrison & Sons, printers in Ordinary to Her Majesty, St. Martin's Lane.

                                Width:        120     Height:       182          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  viii, 355p. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   W. Bone and Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   Gold and blind and black

                 Date Examined:  27.1.99 & 10.12.2014

            References:     Ball VPB p. 157 & p. 172.

                                 King WHR p.327; illustration p.322.


Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ W. Bone and Son./ 76 Fleet St./ London E.C./" [Ball no. 17D] The lower cover is blocked in blind with four fillets on the borders. The upper cover is blocked in gold and black. Two fillets on the borders are blocked in black. On the upper cover, there is a tracery of plant leaves and branches in black to the right; in gold to the left. The title: "/[M]any happy/ [R]eturns of the day/" are blocked in relief on green onlays (probably paper) within elongated rectangular gold lettering-pieces. The capital letters "m" and "R" are blocked in gold within red onlays (probably paper), which have a single gold fillet on their borders. Signed "WHR" in black as a monogram near to the base of the design on the upper cover. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a single black fillet across the spine; The words: "/ Many/ Happy/ Returns/ of the/ Day:/" are blocked in gold in gothic letters, which are surrounded by leaf and stem decoration blocked in black; The words: "/ Charles & Mary/ Cowden Clarke/" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has a single gold fillet blocked on its borders; more plant and leaf decoration blocked in gold and in black; signed "WHR" in black as a monogram on the left hand side of the spine near the tail; a gold fillet; the words: "/Lockwood & Co/" are blocked in gold in gothic letters; a gild fillet; a black fillet.





2003 book entry number: 593

[in BL database 2011 - 019-000015582; edited 2.9.2015]

                                  Binding No:   9

                          Pressmark:   9505.bbb.23.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers, William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Great Britain and Ireland - Army

                                   Title:   The great battles of the British army. A new edition, including the Indian Mutiny and the Abyssinian War. With coloured Illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Sons, The Broadway, Ludgate; New York, 416 Broome Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1869]

                               Printer:   R. Clay, Sons and Taylor, printers, Bread Street Hill

                                Width:        140     Height:       200          Thickness:

                           PagNotes:  vii, 565p. 6 plates. [By Leighton, Brothers.]  With two pages of publisher's advertisements bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   W. Bone and Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and black and red

                 Date Examined:  14.1.99 & 10.12.2014

            References:      Ball VPB p. 172

                                           King WHR p.324.

Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. The colour illustrations are signed: “Leighton Brothers”. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “ Meeting of Sir Colin Campbell and General Havelock”. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ W. Bone and Son/ 76 Fleet St. London E.C./" [Ball no. 17E.]  Blue sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind. It has the same outline of the design blocked to the upper cover in gold and black. The upper cover has black fillets on the borders, with a border inside these of gold, with a leaf and stem pattern on head, fore edge and tail. The right half of the cover has a tracery in black of plants and leaves, in geometrical patterns. The left side of the upper cover has three red onlays (probably paper), running vertically. They have been blocked in gold with the red cloth showing relief, from the top: a rose flower and leaves; thistle flowers and a leaf; clover leaves. In between the red cloth onlays are two small rectangular blocks in gold, the upper featuring a flag and a palm leaf; the lower rectangle features a sword, a curassier's helmet and oak leaves. Signed WHR in black as a monogram at the left hand tail of the upper cover. The spine is fully blocked in gold. The title is in gold and is blocked onto a red onlay (probably paper). On the left hand side of the spine, from head to tail runs a flagpole, which holds the title panel as a flag. A prominent stem, blocked in black and in gold, curls from the tail to the head, with leaves and tendrils attached to it, blocked in gold. A lion rampant is blocked in gold at the tail. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram near the tail. At the tail: the word: "/ Routledge/" is blocked in gold, between two gold fillets.




2003 book entry number: 594

Binding No:                    445

                          Pressmark:   7815.e.24.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers,William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Nash, Joseph

                                   Title:   The Mansions of England in The Olden Time. Re-edited by J. Corbet Anderson. With the original one hundred and four illustrations, carefully reduced and executed in lithography, by Samuel Stanesby.

                   Publisher Name:   Henry Sotheran & Co., 136, Strand.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1869-1872

                               Printer:   Printed by Wertheimer, Lea and Co., Finsbury Circus.

                                Width:           0     Height:          0          Thickness:         0


                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   red

                       Blockwork:   Gold and blind and black

                 Date Examined:   10.1.2000 & 10.12.2014.

            References:     King WHR p.324.

Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers.

Vol. I. 1869. [2], p. 1-15, plates 1-26. Vol. II. 1870. p.16-32, plates 27-52.Voll. III. 1871. p.33-55, plates 53-78.Vol. IV. 1872. p.57-74, plates 79-104.All volumes measure 280x375x17mm.All volumes have bevelled boards. Vol. I. has gilt head and tail; Vols. II.-IV are gilt at the head only. All volumes have yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red pebble-grain cloth. All covers have the same blocking on the borders, corners and on the sides, in blind on the lower cover and in gold and black on the upper. Three fillets are blocked in black on the upper covers. Decorative patterns are blocked on the corners and the middles of the sides, all in black. An inner rectangle is formed by three more fillets, blocked in black. Medallions are blocked in gold on the centres of each side, with decoration picked out in relief. The decoration within each, clockwise from the head, is: a rose, a fleur-de-lis, a helmet, a portcullis. On the corners of the inner rectangle, a crown is blocked in gold, with the capital letters "E", "R", "I" each underneath a crown, and a shamrock blocked underneath the crown bottom right. The title:"/ The/ mansions/ of England/ in the/ olden time/ Ioseph Nash./" are blocked in gold. The letters have small circles in them, which gives them a bissected effect. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram at the base of the title lettering. The spines have decorated gold fillets blocked at the head and at the tail. The words:"/  Nash's Mansions of England/" are blocked in gold along the spine, with a gold fillet at each end of the words. "/ Vol. I. [-IV.]/" is blocked in gold at the tail. Another copy of the First Series is at BL N.Tab.2014/8. [2],16p, 26 plates. 463x585x42mm. The Hanhart brothers [i.e. Michael Hanhart and Nicholas Hanhart] are named as lithographers of the plates. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth, plus quarter morocco on the spine. Two gold fillets are blocked vertically on each cover on the join of the cloth and the leather. The title and author are blocked in gold on the upper cover in the same letters as for 7815.e.24., with a rule between the title and the author. A single flower is blocked in gold on the centre tail of the upper cover, denoting vol. I. There are notches on the covers on the fore edge centre, for a possible ribbon tie. The spine is not blocked.






2003 book entry number: 595


                                  Binding No:   31

                          Pressmark:   12808.m.25.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers, William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Ewing, Julia Horatia

                                   Title:   The Brownies and other tales. With illustrations by George Cruikshank. [Device of Bell and Daldy.]

                   Publisher Name:   Bell and Daldy, York Street, Covent Garden.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1870

                               Printer:   Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street, and Charing Cross

                                Width:        142     Height:       187          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  [2], 229p. 4 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ungrained

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and black and  relief

                 Date Examined:  14.9.98 & 10.12.2014


 Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. The plates are signed "G. CK" [i.e Geogre Cruikshank] and "H. Harral Sc." [i.e Horace Harral] . With eighteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. Original dark green endpapers is bound at the front. Brown ungrained cloth. The lower cover is blocked with a single black fillet on its borders. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black and relief. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. Curling stem and small leaves are blocked in black down the left hand side and across the head. An owl, a violin player, two puppies, and a bird are blocked in gold amongst the stems. Near the centre, the title words: "/The Brownies,/ and other tales./" are blocked in relief within two rectangular gold lettering-pieces, with single fillets on their borders. Signed "WHR" in black as a monogram, just above the bird blocked on the left hand side. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: curling stems, blocked in black; an owl is blocked in gold within these stems; the title words: "/The/ Brownies/ &/ other tales/" are blocked in gold; a violin player, blocked in gold; the word: "/J.H. Ewing/" is blocked in gold; curling stems, blocked in black; a dragonfly blocked in gold; the words: "/Bell & Daldy/" are blocked in gold at the base.





2003 book entry number: 596

                                  Binding No:   8

                          Pressmark:   11651.i.19.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers,William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Lydon, Alexander Frank

                                   Title:   Fairy Mary's dream. With illustrations by the author.

                   Publisher Name:   Groombridge and Sons, 5, Paternoster Row

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1870

                               Printer:   B. Fawcett, printer, Driffield.

                                Width:        186     Height:       257          Thickness:        13

                           PagNotes:  31p., 8 plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   Gold and blind and black

                 Date Examined:  14.1.99 & 17.12.2014

                       References:  Ball VPB      p. 158

                                 King WHR p.321; illustration p.322.

                                 McLean, R. Fawcett pp.19-22 On page 17, McLean states Lydon's christian names to

be Alexander Frank.

Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Red sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind, with four fillets on the borders. The upper cover is blocked in gold and black. There are four fillets on the borders, all blocked in black. The title words: "/ Fairy/

Mary's/ Dream/" are blocked in gold, and also the decoration around the letters. Each capital letter is decorated and in double size. The decoration consists of plant stems and "fuchsia shaped" flowers. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram at the base of the decoration. The spine is blocked in gold. Decorative devices are blocked in gold at the head and at the tail. The words: "/ Fairy Mary's Dream/" are blocked along the spine in gold.






2003 book entry number: 597

                                  Binding No:   17

                          Pressmark:   12304.e.18.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers,William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Rogers, William Harry

                                   Title:   Emblems of Christian life, Illustrated by W. Harry Rogers, from the writings of the Fathers, the old English poets, etc. [device of cross (printed in red) and crown, with the motto: "No cross no crown" printed within groups of trefoils at  scroll-ends.]

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1871]

                               Printer:   Chiswick Press: Printed by Whittingham and Wilkins, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane.

                                Width:        155     Height:       205          Thickness:        32

                           PagNotes:  [16], 224p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  1.2.99 & 1.10.2014.

                       References:  Ball VPB p. 158.

                                 De Beaumont RDeB p. 47 Item 355, a blue morocco cloth copy

                                 King WHR p.321.

                                 Pantazzi 4D p.90, no. 1.

Notes: The design if by William Harry Rogers. On the title page verso: "/The engraving by Joseph Swain/" in gothic letters, printed within a scroll attached to an engraving tool. Also printed is the monogram "JS".  On page one of the text, the title: "/Spiritual Conceits/" is printed. All pages have a single red fillet on the borders, with a cross and crown device printed in red on each corner. The design is by William Harry Rogers. From the introduction, by Rogers, entitled: ‘To the Reader’: “ The book now offered to the public is an original illustrated companion, having only such affinity to its predecessors as must needs result from its being composed of certain emblematical devices with accompanying letter-press, the devices and the letter-press so illustrating each other as to be manifestly inseparable. In the second place, the fact that the editor and the artist are the same person is probably, a novel feature. In the third place, the emblems have been so grouped as not to prevent a melange of ideas associated by accident, but to give, as far as possible, one consecutive series of thoughts, developing Savanarola’s comprehensive sentiment, “If there be no enemy, no fight; if no fight, no victory; if no victory, no crown.” The Fathers of the Church, the noblest divines of the Middle Ages and the Old English poets, have been pressed into the service of one fixed and unassailable idea, which is clenched in the motto, “No Cross, no Crown;” and to this they have been asked to do duty in such wise as out of discordant parts to make one harmonious whole.” This work is substantially a re-issue of Spiritual Conceits, BL Shelf mark C.109.b.1. Only the title page and the lettering on the covers and the spine have been changed.

Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Purple sand-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked, in blind and relief on the lower cover and in gold and in blind and in relief on the upper. On the upper cover, a single gold fillet is blocked on the borders. Inside this, a border is blocked consisting of a pattern of dots, and of hatch "three trefoils" shapes. Between these, there is a pattern of "hanging diamonds". Near the head, a rectangular panel is blocked in gold, with a single border fillet blocked in relief. Within the panel, the words: "/ Emblems: of/" are blocked in relief in gothic letters. Near the tail, a similar rectangular panel is blocked in gold, with the words: "/ Christian: Life/" blocked within in relief in gothic letters. The centre is occupied by an intertwined cross patonce and crown, blocked in gold and in hatch. Both are surrounded by a border of repeating fleur-de-lis, in hatch, together with small circles and stars. A single rose is blocked on each inner corner. Further background decoration is provided by a repeating four point star pattern, blocked in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a panel formed by a single fillet; inside the panel, a small cross patonce is blocked in gold, surrounded by small stars and circles - all blocked in gold; The title words: "/ Emblems of/ Christian/

Life./" are blocked in relief in gothic letters within a gold lettering-piece;  inside a long rectangle formed by a single gold fillet, a intertwined crown and cross are blocked in gold; the motto: "/ no/ cross/ no crown/" is blocked in relief within a scroll-shaped gold lettering-piece blocked above and below the crown and the cross; signed "WHR" in relief at the base of the motto; the word: "/ W.H. Rogers/" is blocked in relief in gothic letters within a rectangular gold lettering-piece; at the tail, inside a panel formed by a single gold fillet, a cross patonce is blocked surrounded by small circles and stars - all in gold. Apart from the title lettering, the design is identical to that of Spiritual Conceits, BL shelf mark C.109.b.1.





2003 book entry number: 598

                                  Binding No:   778


                        Artist Name:   Rogers, William Harry


                                   Title:   The great sieges of history. A new edition, including The siege of Paris. With coloured illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Sons, The Broadway, Ludgate; New York, 416 Broome Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1871]

                               Printer:   Wyman and Sons, Law and General Printers. Great Queen Street, W.C.

                                Width:        125     Height:       192          Thickness:        57

                           PagNotes:  xii, 742p., 8 plates. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and black and blue

                 Date Examined:  28.1.98 & 17.12.2014

            References:     King WHR p.324; col. plate 12.

Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. The Preface is signed "W.R."[i.e. possibly William Robson ] Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. [These are now lost in the rebinding of this book in 1999.] Brown pebble-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in black and in relief. On the lower cover, the decoration is blocked in blind. On the upper cover the same decoration is blocked in black. The upper cover has two fillets blocked in black on the borders. Across the head, the tail, and down the fore-edge, a border pattern of two leaves and a berry, repeated, are blocked in gold, with a single fillet in black on the inside of this. Curling leaf and stem decoration work is blocked in black on the upper cover from the fore-edge towards the spine. Towards the spine side of the upper cover, there are three pairs of panels; the left of each pair is formed by a single fillet blocked in black. The right of each pair is a blue paper on lay, blocked in gold, with plant decoration blocked inside in relief. Between the pairs of panels, rectangular panels are blocked in gold. The upper rectangular panel shows a rifle, a palm leaf and a flag blocked in gold inside; the lower has a sword, a helmet and oak leaves blocked in gold inside. Signed "WHR" in black as a monogram in the bottom left hand corner of the upper cover. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. A single fillet is blocked up each side of the spine in black, ending at the head in leaves forming an arch. From the head downwards, the decoration is: fleur-de-lis, a rose and portcullis -all in gold; the words: "Great/ sieges/ of/ history/" are blocked in gold on a black paper on lay, with has a single fillet in gold on its borders. From the right hand base upwards, curling stem decoration in black and in gold is blocked;  a castle front in gold near the base; signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram near the right hand base; two fillets in gold; the word: "Routledge" is blocked in gold; a fillet in gold at the base. This is the copyright copy, and date stamped "10 NO[VEMBER 18] 71". The Cambridge University Library copy is at shelf mark 71.7.677. Blue sand-grain cloth, with red paper on lays on the upper cover. The design blocked on this copy is the same as for the BL copy. The size of the copy is 125x191x51mm. The red paper on lays on the upper cover are not cut to the right size for each rectangle, so the blue sand-grain cloth of this copy shows through in relief.




2003 book entry number: 599

                         Binding No:   904


                        Artist Name:   Rogers, William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Brown, J.

                                   Title:   Tales and Traditions of the Arabs, with A Sketch of Mahomet's Career, and his Extraordinary Night Journey To the Seven Heavens on the Back of the Wonderful Beast, Al Borak.

                   Publisher Name:   Elliot Stock, 62, Paternoster Row

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1873]

                               Printer:   J. Ogden and Co., Printers, 172, St. John Street, E.C.

                                Width:        105     Height:       170          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  vii, 120p.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   maroon

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and black and relief

                 Date Examined:  25.9.2000 & 17.12.2014



Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. Text originally sewn on two sawn-in cords. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Dark red sand-grain cloth. Apart from the title, both covers are blocked identically, in blind only on the lower, and in black on the upper. On the upper cover, a single fillet is blocked in black on       the borders. The rest of the cover displays a pattern of long curling stems and leaves, blocked in black. Four groups of six five-pointed stars are blocked near the head and near the tail. On the centre, the title: "/ Tales and/ traditions of/ the Arabs/" is blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces. Each lettering-piece has a fillet and repeating dots blocked in relief above and below it. Each lettering-piece also has a single fillet blocked in black on its borders. Signed "WHR" in black as a monogram at the right hand corner of the upper cover. Spine missing.





2003 book entry number: 601


                                  Binding No:   779

                          Pressmark:   8806.ccc.9.

                        Artist Name:   Rogers,William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Low, Charles Rathbone

                                   Title:   The great battles of the British Navy.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Sons, The Broadway, Ludgate; New York, 416 Broome Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1873.]

                               Printer:   Wyman and Sons, Printers, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London W.C.

                                Width:        124     Height:       192          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  xvi,496p., 7 plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and black and relief and red

                 Date Examined:  10.7.2000 & 17.12.2014

            References:     King WHR p.324; col. plate 12.

Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. The plates are signed; "Leighton Bros." Text sewn on two tapes. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand-grain cloth. The covers are blocked identically as for BL - "The great sieges of history", and for BL 10804.b.20. - "British heroes in foreign wars...". The spine       is blocked in gold and in black. Single fillets are blocked on each side in black, ending as the head as small pennant-shapes. A mast is blocked in gold from head to base. Near the head, a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece is blocked in gold. A red paper onlay resembles a sail attached to the mast. It has a single fillet in gold on its borders. The words: "Great/ Battles/ of the/ British/ Navy./" are blocked in gold on the sail. A curling

stem and leaves are blocked in gold and in black from the base of the spine up to the sail. Below the sail - an anchor, a rope and block, and a dolphin are blocked in gold, with the rope winding around the mast. An anchor is blocked near the base in gold. Near the tail are: a fillet in gold; a fillet in black; the word: "/ Routledge./" blocked in gold; a fillet in black. The spine is not signed, but likely to be the work of Rogers. This is the

copyright copy and is date stamped: "10 MA[Y 18] 73". The Cambridge University Library copy is at shelf mark 73.7.262.. It has the same design blocked on the covers and the spine as the BL copy. The 1885 edition is at BL 8806.ccc.3. Blue fine rib diagonal-grain cloth. A royal coat of arms is blocked on the upper cover. The spine lettering is in relief within five gold lettering-pieces. Unsigned.





2003 book entry number: 602

                         Binding No:   780


                        Artist Name:   Rogers, William Harry

                   Author/Heading:   Shakespeare, William

                                   Title:   The works. Edited, with a scrupulous revision of the text, by Charles and Mary Cowden Clarke... In four volumes.

                   Publisher Name:   Bickers and Son

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1864

                               Printer:   Printed by Ballantyne and  Company

                                Width:           0     Height:          0          Thickness:         0


                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   maroon

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  6.7.2000 &

            References:     King WHR p.324; illustration p.322.


            References:     King WHR p.324; illustration p.322.


 Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. Vol.  I. [2],730p. With six pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. 147x236x55mm. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./".             Vol. II. [2],730p. 145x236x45mm. Vol. III. [2],700p. 144x236x48mm. Vol. IV. [2],751p. 145x236x41mm.        All volumes have bevelled boards. Dark brown endpapers and pastedowns. Dark maroon pebble-grain cloth. The lower and upper covers are identically blocked in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this, there is a border of interlinked circles and diamonds, formed in relief by the blocking in blind, i.e. the blocking in blind "highlights" the circles and the diamonds. (The pattern is reminiscent of the Jacobean brick walls outside Hatfield House.) Sprigs of leaves are blocked in relief on each inner corner. At the inner head and the inner tail, an "onion" shape is formed by a single fillet. The upper cover central vignette of each volume is the same, blocked in gold. It shows a Renaissance bolt and strap design, with garlands hanging to the left and to the right from a thin cord. The central rectangle is formed by three

gold fillets. The words: "/ Shakespeare/ [a lance, blocked horizontally]/ Charles & Mary/ Cowden Clarke./" are blocked in gold within the frame. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram near the base of the vignette. Only two-thirds of the spine of Vol. III survives for this set. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Decorative panels are formed by single fillets, with leaves and other decoration (picked out in relief)  blocked inside the panels. The word: "[a lance, blocked horizontally] / Shakespeare/ [a lance blocked horizontally]/ " is blocked in gold between the first and second panels. The words: "/ Charles & Mary/ Cowden Clarke/" are blocked in gold between the second and the third panel; "Vol. III" are blocked in gold within a circle formed by a single fillet, which has repeating dots blocked in relief inside it. There is a pencil and ink drawing for this design by Rogers in the Rogers Albums, No. 1, at the Victorian and Albert Museum.





2003 book entry number: 604

[in BL database, 2007; edited 09092015 BL 019-000004553]

                                  Binding No:   1090

                          Pressmark:   C.116.b.9.

                        Artist Name:   Rossetti, Dante Gabriel

                   Author/Heading:   Dante Alighieri

                                   Title:   The Comedy Part I - The Hell. Translated into blank verse by William Michael Rossetti, with introductions and notes. ...

                   Publisher Name:   Macmillan and  Co.

             Place of Publication:   London and Cambridge

              Date of Publication:   1865

                               Printer:   R. Clay, Son and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        112     Height:       177          Thickness:        26

                           PagNotes:  [3], xxxi,248p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ungrained

                            Colour :   Black

                        Blockwork:   Gold

                 Date Examined:  23.10.2000 & 2.2.2015

            References:     Barber Rossetti p.316. William Rossetti states that this was the first binding design of Dante  GabrielRossetti.


Notes: The design is by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./". [Ball no. 20A.] Written on the upper endpaper verso: ""/ Wm. Morris/ With the affectionate regard of/ W.M. Rossetti./" Black ungrained cloth. The lower cover has a central circle formed by a single gold fillet, with flames blocked within it. The upper cover has a circle on each corner, each formed by a single gold fillet. Each has a Greek Alpha and Omega blocked within it. The central Square is formed by a single gold fillet. Inside, three circles are blocked, each formed by single gold fillets. Stars and flames are blocked in gold within and between the circles. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head the title: "/ Dante's Comedy/ Hell/" is blocked between three gold fillets. At the tail, the date: "/ 1865./" is blocked between two gold fillets. This copy was purchased 8 July 1939. The copyright copy is at BL, date stamped: 4 M[ARC]H [18]65.  The original upper and lower   covers are used as doublures. Cover size: 102x165mm.







2003 book entry number: 605

[in Bl database, 2011; edited 09092015 – BL 019-000004551]

                         Binding No:   888

                          Pressmark:   11660.aa.16.

                        Artist Name:   Rossetti, Dante Gabriel

                   Author/Heading:   Rossetti, Christina

            Title: Goblin Market and other poems. With two designs by D.G  Rossetti [i.e. Dante Gabriel Rossetti]. Second edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Macmillan and  Co.

             Place of Publication:   London and Cambridge

              Date of Publication:   1865

                               Printer:   Bradbury and Evans, Printers, Whitefriars.

                                Width:        110     Height:       175          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  vii, 192p., 2 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ungrained

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   Gold

                 Date Examined:  29.1.2000 & 28.1.2015


            References:     Barber Rossetti p.315.

                                 De Beaumont RdeB2 no.383. P&D Accession no 1992-4-6-343.


Notes: The design is by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. The half-title page is divided into three panels by double vertical and horizontal fillets. the title is printed in the upper panel, and the imprint in the lower. Signed with the monogram: “DGR" as a monogram in the left hand corner, and "WJL" [William James Linton?] on the lower right hand corner. The frontispiece plate has the caption:" Buy from us a golden curl"; signed also with the monogram "DGR" as a monogram on the right-hand corner, and "MMF&Co" on the left-hand corner. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Book label of Blanche Anne Fane pasted on upper pastedown. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38 Kirby St./". Blue ungrained cloth. Both covers blocked identically, in blind on the lower, and in gold on the upper. Two fillets are blocked close together head to tail, by the spine. A third vertical fillet is blocked further away from the spine. Two fillets are blocked horizontally to meet a vertical fillet blocked at the fore edge. A square is formed by the intersecting single fillets. Groups of three small circles are blocked on the corners of the square. Two more groups of the three circles are blocked diagonally opposite those on the corners of the square nearest the spine. The spine is blocked in gold. The fillets at the head and at the base join the horizontal fillets on the upper cover. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the words: "/Goblin/ Market/ & other/ Poems./"; gold fillet; "/Christina/ Rossetti./" are blocked in gold; gold fillet; three small circles in gold. Another copy of this work is at de Beaumont collection P&D no. 1992,0406.343. This copy has the bookplate on upper pastedown with the monogram "IEM". The US edition of 1866 is at BL 11351.a.16. /Boston:/ Roberts Brothers./ 1866./ x,3-256p.. 113x180x25mm. On the title page verso: "/Author's edition/ University Press: Welch, Bigelow, & Co.,/ Cambridge./" The work has the same frontispiece and half-title page as for the UK second edition of 1865.  Red endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand-grain cloth. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. On the centre of the upper cover, an autograph of Christina Rossetti is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Three small circles are blocked at the head. Then:/Christina/ Rossetti's/ Poems/" in gold; "/Roberts Brothers/" is blocked in gold at the base. The 1893 edition is at BL 11647.f.33. Illustrated by Laurence Houseman. /1893/ Macmillan & Co/ London/ [3],63p. 178x268x15mm. Monogram of R&R Clark on the verso of p.63. On the front endpaper: "One hundred and sixty copies of this large paper edition were printed December 1893." White endpapers and pastedowns. Light green coarse ungrained cloth. No blocking on the covers. The spine is missing.




2003 book entry number: 604

                         Binding No:   1090

                          Pressmark:   C.116.b.9.

                        Artist Name:   Rossetti, Dante Gabriel

                   Author/Heading:   Dante Alighieri

                                   Title:   The Comedy Part I - The Hell. Translated into blank verse by William Michael Rossetti, with introductions and notes. ...

                   Publisher Name:   Macmillan and  Co.

             Place of Publication:   London and Cambridge

              Date of Publication:   1865

                               Printer:   R. Clay, Son and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        112     Height:       177          Thickness:        26

                           PagNotes:  [3],xxxi,248p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ungrained

                            Colour :   Black

                        Blockwork:   Gold


                 Date Examined:  23.10.2000 & 28.1.2015

            References:     Barber Rossetti p.316. William Rossetti states that this was the first binding design of Dante Rossetti.

Notes: The design is by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./". Written on the upper endpaper verso: ""/ Wm. Morris/ With the affectionate regard of/ W.M. Rossetti./" Black ungrained cloth. The lower cover has a central circle

formed by a single gold fillet, with flames blocked within it. The upper cover has a circle on each corner, each formed by a single gold fillet. Each has a Greek Alpha and Omega blocked within it. The central Square is formed by a single gold fillet. Inside, three circles are blocked, each formed by single gold fillets. Stars and flames are blocked in gold within and between the circles. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head the title: "/ Dante's Comedy/ Hell/" is blocked between three gold fillets. At the tail, the date: "/ 1865./" is blocked between two gold fillets. This copy was purchased 8 July 1939. The copyright copy is at BL, date stamped: 4 M[ARC]H [18]65.  The original upper and lower covers are used as doublures. Cover size: 102x165mm.





[Images of 11421bb16 upper and lower covers as doublures]


2003 book entry number: 607

                                  Binding No:   1070


                        Artist Name:   Rossetti, Dante Gabriel

                   Author/Heading:   Hake, Thomas Gordon

                                   Title:   Parables and Tales. With illustrations by Arthur Hughes.

                   Publisher Name:   Chapman  and Hall, 193 Piccadilly.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1872

                               Printer:   Dalziel Brothers, Engravers & Printers, Camden Press.

                                Width:        127     Height:       189          Thickness:        10

                           PagNotes:  [8],98p. With six pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ungrained

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   Gold

                 Date Examined:  29.1.2000 & 38.1.2015.



Barber Rossetti p.319-320. Plate V illustrates the upper cover and spine

De Beaumont RdeB2no.141. P&D Accession no 1992-4-6-123.

Notes: The design is by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Footnote 1 to page 320 of Barber's article suggests that only about twelve copies were finally bound with Rosetti's cover.            Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. White endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold. On the borders, gold stipples are blocked densely on the borders, giving a "window Frame" effect for the centre of the cover. At the head on the left a crown of thorns (the Cripple) is blocked within this border of stipples. Six-pointed stars (Old Souls) are blocked from the upper right downwards, into the head of a cot. On the left hand side, a lily of the valley plant is blocked. On the right hand side, a small plant with flowers Deadly Nightshade) is blocked. Near the tail, a wicker cot (Mother and Child)  is blocked, with a spade (Old Mortality) lying across it. The spine had the words: "/ Parables & Tales by T. Gordon Hake/" blocked in gold along its length. The British Museum de Beaumont copy is at P&D register no. 1992,0406.123.






2003 book entry number: 607a [make a separate entry for this cover design]


                                  Binding No:   1070

                          Pressmark:   11650cc49

                        Artist Name:   Rossetti, Dante Gabriel

                   Author/Heading:   Hake, Thomas Gordon

                                   Title:   Parables and Tales. With illustrations by Arthur Hughes.

                   Publisher Name:   Chapman  and Hall, 193 Piccadilly.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1872

                               Printer:   Dalziel Brothers, Engravers & Printers, Camden Press.

                                Width:        127     Height:       189          Thickness:        10

                           PagNotes:  [8], 98p. With six pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ungrained

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   Gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  29.1.2000 & 38.1.2015.



Barber Rossetti p.319-320. Plate V illustrates the upper cover and spine

De Beaumont RdeB2no.141. P&D Accession no 1992-4-6-123.

Notes: Footnote 1 to page 320 of Barber's article suggests that only about twelve copies were finally bound with Rosetti's cover. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. White endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is blocked with a single fillet on the borders. The upper cover is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the borders. On the centre, a medallion is blocked in gold. The spine had the words: "/ Hake’s Parables and Tales /" blocked in gold along its length.





2003 book entry number: 608

[in BL database in 2007 - 019-000004575; edited 1.10.15.]

                                  Binding No:   1071

                          Pressmark:   011653e101 1889

                        Artist Name:   Rossetti, Dante Gabriel

                   Author/Heading:   Jackson, Richard Charles

                                   Title:   The Risen Life. Hymns and Poems For days and seasons of the Christian year (Easter to Advent). Third edition, illustrated by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, And others.

                   Publisher Name:   R. Elkins & Co., 10, Castle Street East, Oxford Street, W.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1889

                               Printer:   J. Masters & Co., Printers, Albion Buildings, Bartholomew Close, E.C.

                                Width:        140     Height:       195          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  viii, 55p., 6 plates. With one pate of Press Notices of the First and Second Editions bound at the front, and notification of three other titles by Jackson on the verso of page 55.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco-grain

                            Colour :   lime green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  29.1.2000 & 11.2.2015


References:  De Beaumont RdeB2 no.165. P&D Accession no 1992-4-6-143.

Krupp, Bookcloth, p.37, example Lea7.

Notes: The design is by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. The engraved plates by Rossetti are printed in red.

Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Off white endpapers and pastedowns, which have printed on them, a small floral pattern and diagonal rib lines printed in grey. Lime-green morocco-grain cloth (Similar to Krupp, p. 37, example Lea7, straight grain morocco.) On the borders of both covers, three fillets are blocked, in blind on the lower and in gold on the uppers. On the upper cover, the words: "/ The Risen Life/ [rule]/ Richard C. Jackson/" are blocked in gold at the head. On the centre, a mandorla is blocked, showing a mother pelican, wings outstretched, over her brood of six chicks. The pelicans are all blocked in relief, with the gold blocking as the background. This is a reproduction of the plate bound in opposite page nine, with is signed; "/ Dante Gabriel Rossetti./" The de Beaumont copy of the 1889 edition is at British Museum Accession no. 1992,0406.143. Written on the upper endpaper of this copy: "/ To/ My dear Parents/ With best wishes for a/ Very happy Easter/ from their son the Author/ [two rules]/"




2003 book entry number: 608a

                                  Binding No:   1071a

                          Pressmark:   011653.e.101 1883

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Jackson, Richard Charles

                                   Title:   The Risen Life. Hymns and Poems the Christian year. Easter to Advent.

                   Publisher Name:   J. Masters & Co., 78, New Bond Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1883

                               Printer:   J. Masters & Co., Printers, Albion Buildings, Bartholomew Close, E.C.

                                Width:        140     Height:       195          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  viii, 55p.With Press Notices of the  printed on the half title pager verso, and notification of three other titles by Jackson on the verso of page 55.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco-grain

                            Colour :   white

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  11.2.2015


References:  De Beaumont RdeB2 no.165. P&D Accession no 1992-4-6-143. (1889)

Krupp, Bookcloth, p.37, example Lea7.

Notes: The design is not signed. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Off white endpapers and pastedowns, which have printed on them in grey, a floral pattern. White  morocco-grain cloth (Similar to Krupp, p. 37, example Lea7, straight-grain morocco.) On the borders of both covers, three fillets are blocked, in blind on the lower and in gold on the uppers. On the upper cover, the words: "/ The Risen Life/ [rule]/ Richard C. Jackson/" are blocked in gold at the head. On the centre, a  crown of eleven stars, together with two crossed lily stems and flowers, are blocked in gold. There is no blocking on the spine. The de Beaumont copy of the 1889 edition is at British Library shelf mark 011653e101. The British Museum copy is at P&D Accession no. 1992,0406.143. Written on the upper endpaper of this copy: "/ To/ My dear Parents/ With best wishes for a/ Very happy Easter/ from their son the Author/ [two rules]/".




2003 book entry number: 608b

                                  Binding No:   1071b

                          Pressmark:   011653e101 1886

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Jackson, Richard Charles

                                   Title:   The Risen Life. Hymns and Poems the Christian year. (Easter to Advent.)  New Edition with Miniatures in Gola and Colours.

                   Publisher Name:   James Westall, 114, New Bond Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1886

                               Printer:   J. Masters & Co., Printers, Albion Buildings, Bartholomew Close, E.C.

                                Width:        140     Height:       195          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  viii, 55p. 7 plates. With Press Notices of the  printed on the half title page verso, and notification of three other titles by Jackson on the verso of page 55.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco-grain

                            Colour :   white

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  11.2.2015


References:  De Beaumont RdeB2 no.165. P&D Accession no 1992-4-6-143. (1889)

Krupp, Bookcloth, p.37, example Lea7.

Notes: The design is not signed. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Off white endpapers and pastedowns, which have printed on them in grey, a floral pattern. White  morocco-grain cloth (Similar to Krupp, p. 37, example Lea7, straight-grain morocco.) On the borders of both covers, three fillets are blocked, in blind on the lower and in gold on the uppers. On the upper cover, the words: "/ The Risen Life/ [rule]/ Richard C. Jackson/" are blocked in gold at the head. On the centre, a  crown of eleven stars, together with two crossed lily stems and flowers, are blocked in gold. There is no blocking on the spine. The de Beaumont copy of the 1889 edition is at British Library shelf mark 011653e101. The British Museum copy is at P&D Accession no. 1992,0406.143. Written on the upper endpaper of this copy: "/ To/ My dear Parents/ With best wishes for a/ Very happy Easter/ from their son the Author/ [two rules]/".





2003 book entry number: 609

                                       Binding No:  747

                          Pressmark:   C.109.d.20.

                        Artist Name:   Ruskin, John

                   Author/Heading:   Ruskin, John

                                   Title:   The seven lamps of architecture. With illustrations, drawn and etched by the author.

                   Publisher Name:   Smith Elder, and Co., 65, Cornhill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1849

                               Printer:   Spottiswoodes and Shaw, New-street-Square.

                                Width:        180     Height:       262          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  xi, 205p., 14 plates. With sixteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  13.3.2000.

References: Ball VPB p. 191. McLean  VBD p.116, 218.States: "The binding, presumably designed by Ruskin, shows an effective use of blind stamping on cloth."

Notes: The design is probably by John Ruskin. The  plates are by Ruskin and signed "J.R. del et sc.".  Page one of the publisher's titles states: " 1 vol. imp. 8vo., with 14 etchings by the Author. Price One Guinea, bound in embossed cloth, with top edge gilt." Gilt on head. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Westleys & Co./ Friar Street,/ London./" [Ball 103B.] Brown morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. Two birds are blocked in relief on the upper left and lower right corners. Two jaguars are blocked in relief on the upper right and lower left corners. A mountain goat is blocked on the centre left, and an eagle is blocked on the centre right, both blocked in relief. There are seven medallions joined to ten smaller circles, which are all outlined in relief. The seven medallions each have a single word blocked indside in relief: "/ Religio; Observ/ antia; Aucto/ ritas; Fides; Obedi/entia; Memo/ ria; Spiritus./" A tracery of leaves and stems is blocked in relief between the circles and the animals. The spine is blocked in blind and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the perimeter. The title: "/ The seven lamps of architecture/" is blocked in gothic letters in relief along the spine. Other copies: 1. BL.1401.k.14. This is the copyright copy of 1849. Re-bound by Riley, Dunn & Wilson, Jan. 1996. 2. Another copy. Re-bound by Chivers. 1982.




2003 book entry number: 610

[entered into bindings database on 8.7.2015. BL 019-000020486]

                                  Binding No:   1083

                          Pressmark:   11686.e.37.

                        Artist Name:   Sliegh, John

                   Author/Heading:   Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

                                   Title:   Evangeline. A new edition, illustrated with thirty-one engravings, drawn by John Gilbert, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1856

                               Printer:   Printed by R. Clay, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        152     Height:       210          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  102p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Edmonds & Remnants

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   Gold

                 Date Examined:  17.10.2000 & 11.2.2015

            References:     Oldfield, BC, no. 82.

                                 Pantazzi 4D p.98-99 Illustrates the upper cover and spine.


Notes: The design is by John Sliegh. Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Edmonds & Remnants/ [rule]/ London/" Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind. Two gold fillets are

blocked on the borders., looping on each corner, together with small leaf decoration blocked in gold. The main portion of each cover is occupied by the title: "/ Evangeline [blocked in very elaborate letters]/ A Tale of Acadie/ H.W. Longfellow/ Illustrated by/ John Gilbert./" - all blocked in gold. Signed "IS" in gold as a monogram near the centre tail. The spine is blocked in gold. the title: "/ Evangeline/" is blocked in gold along the spine. Identical small leaf and stem decoration patterns are blocked at the head and at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 611


                                  Binding No:   362

                          Pressmark:   1347.g.1.

                        Artist Name:   Sliegh, John

                   Author/Heading:   Campbell, Thomas

                                   Title:   Gertrude of Wyoming; or, The Pennsylvanian Cottage. With thirty-five illustrations, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Co., Farringdon Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        153     Height:       208          Thickness:        12

                           PagNotes:  viii,95p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  9.9.99 & 18.2.2015.

            References:     Ball VPB p.162


Notes:   The design is by John Sliegh. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ 76, Fleet Street./ London./" [Ball no. 17A.]  Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically, in blind on the lower cover and in gold on the upper. There is a fillet blocked on the borders with a repeating "flower head" pattern. The central vignette is oval-shaped, formed by three fillets. It has eight arches protruding from the oval, each with small flower and leaf decoration blocked within. The title: "/ Gertrude/ of Wyoming/" is blocked in elaborate ornamental letters. Signed "JS" in gold as a monogram, near the base of the vignette. The spine has the title blocked in relief along the spine, inside a cartouche, blocked as a gold lettering-piece. This copy is date stamped "9 JA[NUARY 18]58". There is another copy at BL 11642.e.7., identically blocked, in blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. This copy also has a binder’s ticket for Bone & Son. This copy is date stamped "12 AU[GUST 18]57



Another copy at 11642e7 below

2003 book entry number: 613

                                  Binding No:   365

                          Pressmark:   1347.h.13.

                        Artist Name:   Sliegh, John

                   Author/Heading:   Pollock, Robert

                                   Title:   The course of time a poem. Illustrated edition.

                   Publisher Name:   William Blackwood and  Sons

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh and London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh.

                                Width:        163     Height:       226          Thickness:        32

                           PagNotes:  xxiv, 7-359p.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh


                       Bookbinder:   Edmonds & Remnants

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   orange

                        Blockwork:   gold and relief

                 Date Examined:  9.9.99 & 18.2.2015

                       References:  Ball VPB      p.163. 

De Beaumont RdeB pp.37-38, items 267,     268.

McLean VPBB p.69.  An orange cloth copy is illustrated.

 Pantazzi 4D p.98, item


Notes: The design is by John Sleigh. On pages iv-viii, the illustrators are listed as: Birket Foster, [i.e Myles Birket Foster], John Tenniel, J. R. Clayton [i.e. John R. Clayton]; the engravers are listed as: Edmund Evans, Dalziel Brothers, H. N. Woods [i.e. H. Newsom Woods], John Green. Text sewn on two tapes. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Edmonds and Remnants./ [rule]/ London./" Orange morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in relief. The borders have a dentelle pattern, with two border fillets blocked inside. On the corners, each formed by two gold fillets, plant patterns are blocked. Around the central rectangle, arabesques are blocked, with the stems and leaves in relief. The central rectangle has a fillet border, blocked in gold. Inside it, there is a flower and stem pattern on the border, and further small arabesques on the corners, both in gold. The title: "/ The/ Course/ of/ Time./" is blocked in gold and in relief in rustic letters. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. Three panels are formed down the spine by single and double gold fillets. From the head downwards, the decoration is: in panel one - stem and leaf decoration in gold, together with a triangular gold lettering-piece, with three leaves and stems blocked in relief inside it; in panel two - the title: "/ The/ Course/ of/ Time/" is blocked in gold in rustic letters; in panel three - the same triangle and decoration as for panel one, together with a near-diamond shape, formed by four gold fillets, and also a quatrefoil gold lettering-piece, with small leaf decoration blocked inside it in relief; leaf and stem decoration is blocked near the tail; signed "JS" in gold as a monogram at the tail.




2003 book entry number: 614

                                       Binding No:  363

                          Pressmark:   12431.c.27.

                        Artist Name:   Sliegh, John

                   Author/Heading:   Dulcken, Henry William

                                   Title:   Our favourite fairy tales and famous histories: told for the hundredth time. Illustrated with three hundred pictures, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel, from original designs by eminent artists.

                   Publisher Name:   Ward and Lock, 158, Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858


                                Width:        133     Height:       180          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  [5],415p. Some of the illustrations are hand coloured.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  11.9.2000 & 20.5.2015

References: De Beaumont RdeB2  no.106.  P&D Accession no. 1996-11-4-12.


Notes: The British Library copy is at 12431.c.27. The upper cover of this copy is tipped into the front of the rebound volume. The upper cover is the same design as the British Museum De Beaumont copy. It is less worn, but has been cropped.

The British Museum de Beaumont copy is at shelf mark RdeB.B.18. P&D Accession no. 1996-11-4-12 Gilt edges. White endpapers and pastedowns. Paper lace card inlaid into the upper pastedown, with a putto and garland as coloured onlays on the lace. Signed "/ Emily Hippisley./ 1867./" in ink within the central oval of the card. Blue wave vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in blind with the same design on the borders and the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Small leaves are blocked in relief on the corners. On the lower cover, the central vignette is blocked in blind. It shows an oval at the centre, with long thin stems and leaves surrounding it. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a diamond-shaped gold lettering-piece, with ivy leaves and stems blocked inside in relief. In the centre, a circle is blocked, with the title:" /Our favourite/ fairy tales/ illustrated/" blocked in gold in fanciful letters. The

spine is blocked in gold and in relief. It is divided into panels by fillets blocked in gold and in relief. In the panel at the head, small ivy leaves & stems are blocked in gold. Underneath, the title:"/ Our favourite/ fairy tales/" is blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece. The central panel shows more leaves and stems, with a "four petal" motif picked out in relief at the centre. The word: "Illustrated" is blocked below this in relief

within a gold lettering-piece. The panel at the base shows the same ivy leaf pattern as is blocked at the head. Signed "JS" in gold as a monogram  within the decoration of the panel at the base.




2003 book entry number: 615

                                  Binding No:   364

                          Pressmark:   1347.g.11.

                        Artist Name:   Sliegh, John

                   Author/Heading:   Odes

                                   Title:   Odes and sonnets illustrated. The pictures in this book are by Birket Foster [I.e Myles Birket Foster], the ornamental designs by John Sliegh. Engraved and printed by the Brothers Dalziel.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   Dalziel Brothers,  Engravers and Printers. London, Camden Press, 1858.

                                Width:        155     Height:       225          Thickness:        17

                           PagNotes:  107p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  9.9.99 & 18.2.2015

            References:     Ball VPB p.91, p.162.


Notes: The design is by John Sliegh. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical design in gold, in blind, and in relief. The border is blocked with two fillets in gold. Inside, this, a repeating pattern of diamonds, trefoils, quatrefoils and small dots, is blocked. Inside this, a fillet is blocked in gold, with small "crossed oval" shapes blocked in relief within it. Each of          the inner corners has a circle blocked in gold, with flower and leaf patterns blocked in relief inside. At the head, tail and sides, panel gold lettering-pieces are blocked, with decoration of flowers and leaves blocked in relief. At the centre is a mandorla. Around its perimeter a fillet is blocked, with crossed oval shapes blocked inside in relief. The outer part of the mandorla is blocked in blind, with decorated circles blocked in relief. The central mandorla has the title:" / Odes/ and/ Sonnets/ Illustrated/" blocked in relief inside four gold rectangular lettering-pieces. Small single flowers are blocked in gold around these lettering-pieces. Signed "JS" in gold as a monogram at the base of the innermost mandorla. The spine has decorated panels at the head and at the tail, blocked in gold. The title: "/ Odes and Sonnets/" is blocked in relief along the spine, inside a cartouche, with fillets and decoration around its perimeter.




2003 book entry number: 616


                                  Binding No:   546

                          Pressmark:   RB.23.b.2666.

                        Artist Name:   Staples, Thomas

                   Author/Heading:   Shakespeare, William

                                   Title:   The works. Illustrated. 7 vols.

                   Publisher Name:   John Tallis & Company, London & New York.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1850-51]


                                Width:        192     Height:       286          Thickness:


                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   Gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  6.1.2000 & 20.5.2015


Notes: The design is by Thomas Staples. All volumes are the same size: 192x286x25mm. Vol.I 16, 1-230p., 12 plates. Plate 2 is the title page. Vol. II. pp.231-495, 12 plates. Vol. III. 1-300p., 12 plates. Plate 2 is the title page.Vol. IV. pp.301-576, 12 plates. Vol. V. 1-254p., 12 plates. Plate 2 is the title page. Vol. VI. Sonnets. xxxii, pp.255-488, 12 plates. Vol. VII. Doubtful plays. 1-262p., 12 plates. Plate 2 is the title page. The text of all volumes is sewn on four sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. All the lower covers identically blocked in blind. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, with leaf and flower decoration on the corners and on the sides. The upper covers are blocked identically in gold only. Two fillets blocked on the borders in gold. There is an inner border of interlocking leaves and stems. An angel blowing a trumpet is blocked on each top corner. The words: "/ Tallis's Illustrated Shakspere [sic]./" are blocked in gold around a memorial statue of Shakespeare. The words: "/Macready Testimonial/" are blocked below this. Near the tail, on the left and right, two classically dressed ladies hold a laurel wreath over a bust of Shakespeare, blocked at the centre, within an oval frame. Below this, the imprint: "/ J. Tallis & Co. London & New York./" is blocked within a cartouche. Signed "/ Staples Sc./" [i.e. probably Thomas Staples] in gold to the left of the bust of Shakespeare. The spines identically blocked in gold. From the head, the decoration is: two fillets; the tomb of Shakespeare, with the   bust of Shakespeare within; the  words: "/ The/ complete/ works/ of Shakspere [sic]/ [two fillets]/ Illustrated/"; a bust of Shakespeare within a wreath;  the words: "/ Dedicated/ to/ W. Macready Esq./"; two fillets; a statue of Shakespeare; the words: "/ Macready Testimonial"/ [ two fillets]/ "Div. I [-VII]/ Price 8/6"/ [fillet]/ "J. Tallis & Co./ London & New York/"  are blocked at the tail.


Another set is blocked at 011768.dd.1. Six volumes./ Divisions. (Wants vol. VII.) The size of all vols. is 192x286x23mm. Pagination for each volume is the same as above. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. The same design as for RB.23.b.2666. above is blocked on the covers and the spines of each volume.





2003 book entry no: 616a

                                  Binding No:   546

                          Pressmark:   011768.dd.1.

                        Artist Name:   Staples, Thomas

                   Author/Heading:   Shakespeare, William

                                   Title:   The works. Illustrated. 6 vols.

                   Publisher Name:   John Tallis & Company, London & New York.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1850-51]


                                Width:        192     Height:       286          Thickness:


                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   Gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  6.1.2000 & 20.5.2015


Notes: The design is not signed. All volumes are the same size: 192x286x25mm. Vol.I 16, 1-230p., 12 plates. Plate 2 is the title page. Vol. II. pp.231-495, 12 plates. Vol. III. 1-300p., 12 plates. Plate 2 is the title page.Vol. IV. pp.301-576, 12 plates. Vol. V. 1-254p., 12 plates. Plate 2 is the title page. Vol. VI. Sonnets. xxxii, pp.255-488, 12 plates. Vol. VII. Doubtful plays. 1-262p., 12 plates. Plate 2 is the title page. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. All the lower covers identically blocked in blind. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, with leaf and flower decoration on the corners and on the sides. The upper covers are blocked identically in gold only. Two fillets blocked on the borders in gold. There is an inner border of interlocking leaves and stems. An angel blowing a trumpet is blocked on each top corner. The words: "/ Tallis's Illustrated Shakspere [sic]./" are blocked in gold around a memorial statue of Shakespeare. The words: "/Macready Testimonial/" are blocked below this. Near the tail, on the left and right, two classically dressed ladies hold a laurel wreath over a bust of Shakespeare, blocked at the centre, within an oval frame. Below this, the imprint: "/ J. Tallis & Co. London & New York./" is blocked within a cartouche. Signed "/ Staples Sc./" [i.e. probably Thomas Staples] in gold to the left of the bust of Shakespeare. The spines identically blocked in gold. From the head, the decoration is: two fillets; the tomb of Shakespeare, with the   bust of Shakespeare within; the  words: "/ The/ complete/ works/ of Shakspere [sic]/ [two fillets]/ Illustrated/"; a bust of Shakespeare within a wreath;  the words: "/ Dedicated/ to/ W. Macready Esq./"; two fillets; a statue of Shakespeare; the words: "/ Macready Testimonial"/ [ two fillets]/ "Div. I [-VII]/ Price 8/6"/ [fillet]/ "J. Tallis & Co./ London & New York/"  are blocked at the tail .


Another set is blocked at RB.23.b.2666. Seven volumes./ Divisions. The size of all vols. is 192x286x23mm. Pagination for each volume is the same as above. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. The same design as for 011768.dd.1. above is blocked on the covers and the spines of each volume.




2003 book entry number: 617

[already entered into BL database 019-000002835] edit and Add image of all three vols.

                                  Binding No:   603

                          Pressmark:   C.109.c.4.

                        Artist Name:   Staples, Thomas

                   Author/Heading:   Acheta Domestica, pseud. [i.e. L.M. Budgen]

                                   Title:   Episodes of insect life. [3 vols.]

                   Publisher Name:   Reeve, Benham, and Reeve

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1849-51


                                Width:           0     Height:          0          Thickness:         0


                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and relief

                 Date Examined:  9.2.2000 & 15.8.2015

                       References:  Ball VPB p.98,

                                 McLean VPBB p.42.

                                 Morris & Levin APB p.32 no. 40.States the cover designer as Thomas Staples.

Notes: The design is by Thomas Staples. First series. xviii,320p., 1 plate. 137x207x22mm. Reeve, Benham, and Reeve, King William Street, Strand. 1849. Printer: Reeve, Benham, and Reeve, Lithographers, Printers and Publishers, King William Street, Strand. Second series. xvi,326p., 1 plate. 138x207x22mm. Reeve, Benham, and Reeve, King William Street, Strand. Printer: Printed by Reeve, Benham, and Reeve, Heathcote Court, Strand. Third series. xvii,434p., 1 plate. 138x207x32mm. Reeve and Benham, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. Printer: Printed by Reeve and Nichols, Heathcote Court, Strand. With eighteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.  All volumes have gilt edges, and yellow endpapers and pastedowns. On the upper pastedown of each volume is a bookplate, with the printing: "/ J. Edwin Couchman,/ Hurstpierpoint./" The upper endpaper of each volume has the dedication: "/ Presented/ to the/ Revd Edward Fox/ by some of his/ affectionate pupils./ [rule]/ Royal Armagh School./ Decr 11th 1852./" The half title page of each volume is blind stamped: "/ Down House/ Hurstpierpoint/". Volume 3 has a binder's ticket on the lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Westleys & Co./ Friar Street,/ London./" Blue rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers and spine of each volumes are identically blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked on the borders. The main block shows a "teacher" insect, seated on a mound at the centre. His left "hand" holds an open book on his left thigh, his right "hand" is upraised, making a point. The "teacher" is dressed in knee breeches and stockings, with a waistcoat, a neck cloth, and a long-tailed coat. Two other books are on the ground in front of him. Around and above the "teacher", various other insects are gathered listening - on foliage to the left, and on branches on the right. Above the "teacher" insect, near the centre head, a spider's web, with a spider in the middle, straddles the foliage to left and right. Signed "/Staples Sc./" in gold at the base of the ground, near the two books. A quotation is blocked at the base: "/ He filled their listening ears with wondrous things/". The spines are blocked in gold and relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets; the words: "/ First [Second; Third] Series./"; a plant is blocked up the spine, with a butterfly blocked near the head, and two large leaves underneath; the title: "/ Episodes/ of/ Insect/ Life/" are blocked in relief in fanciful letters within the two leaves; a caterpillar is blocked on a stem near the tail. Volume 3 has: "/ Reeve & Co./" blocked in gold near the tail; two gold fillets blocked at the tail. This copy was purchased on the 18.12.1947. The copyright copy, date stamped: "6 DE[CEMBER 18] 50" is at BL shelf mark 1258.f.10-12. It is in a BM quarter leather binding.





2003 book entry number: 618 [already in data base – check entry]

                                  Binding No:   494

                          Pressmark:   C.30.h.8.

                        Artist Name:   Sulman, Thomas

                   Author/Heading:   Kalidasa. Sakuntala. English.

                                   Title:   Sakoontala; or, the lost ring; an Indian drama, translated into English prose and verse, from the Sanskrit of Kalidasa by Monier Williams, M.A., Professor of Sanskrit at the East India College, Haileybury, formerly Boden Scholar in the University of Oxford.

                   Publisher Name:   Printed and published by Stephen Austin, Bookseller to the East India College.

             Place of Publication:   Hertford

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   Printed by Stephen Austin, Hertford.

                                Width:        175     Height:       230          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  xxxvii, 128p. 14 plates. With twenty-five pages of notes and one page of publisher's advertisement bound at the rear.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and relief


                 Date Examined:  1.12.99 & 13.5.2015

                       References:  Ball VPB      p.92.

                                 McLean VPBB p.57. Shows a copy in dark green leather, with the same blockwork as this copy.

                                 McLean VBD p.172-173.

Notes: The design is by Thomas Sulman. The note at the end of the "List of Illustrations" reads: "The Pictorial Borders to the Illustrations, as well as that round each page, and the other ornaments and decorations, are taken from MSS. in the British Museum and in the Library of the East India House. They have been designed by  Mr T. Sulman Jun., and engraved by Mr George Measom." Gilt edges. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns: each has the same oriental decorated border, and extended central lozenge. Light-green morocco diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in gold and relief with the same design, with the exception of the central roundels. On the outermost border is a repeating pattern of semi-circles linked with alternating flower crowns. Inside this, a single fillet is blocked in gold. Signed in relief at the base, within the single gold fillet: "T. Sulman Invt"; and, on the right: "Knights and Keeling Sc." Inside this, there is a border of circles and oriental-style cartouches blocked alternately in gold, with the decoration inside each being blocked in relief. Inside this, there is a border of double fillets, interlocking at intervals into hexagons. On the corners of the inner rectangle, there are oriental patterns blocked in relief within gold lettering-pieces. The curling border of the central panel is of knotted single straps, with balls in the knots. Inside the central panel, intertwined flowers and stems are blocked in gold. Above the central roundel, the word: "/ Sakoontala/" is blocked in relief inside a gold lettering-piece, with scroll-like ends. Below the central roundel, the words: "/ or the/ lost ring/" are blocked in relief in the same way as for "Sakoontala". The borders of the central roundel have repeating semi-circular patterns blocked in gold. On the lower cover, these are linked to elaborate oriental decoration, which has at its very centre two interlocking squares, with decoration inside blocked in relief. On the upper cover, the central roundel shows a man on a terrace holding out a ring in his right hand, offering it to a woman clasping her hands to her chest. There is a fountain, and other plants, behind a terrace wall. The spine is fully blocked in gold. It has two thin gold fillets blocked on the perimeter. The decoration from the head is: a seated Buddha-like figure with four arms, blocked inside an oriental-style frame, which is formed by two gold fillets; two four-armed crowned figures, who sprout from flower heads; the title: "/ Sakoontala/" is blocked in gold and in relief inside a gold lettering-piece, shaped as a cartouche, running up the spine; leaves and flowers are blocked in gold around the cartouche; an oriental figure "/ Kan wa/" is blocked in the oriental panel formed by two gold fillets near the tail; the imprint: "/ Hertford./ Stephen Austin/" is blocked in gold within a frame formed by a single gold fillet at the tail. This is the copyright copy, date stamped "7 NO[VEMBER 18] 56".Another copy of this work is at BL shelf mark C.68.i.15. Date stamped 13.2.1932. 170x223x42mm. This has a deluxe binding by Joseph Zaehnsdorf, 1814-1886. Donated by E. Zaehnsdorf to the BM in January 1932. E. Zaehnsdorf suggests that this volume was exhibited at the International Exhibition of 1862.    Gilt edges, gauffered. Silk endpapers. Vellum pastedowns. Brown morocco turn-ins decorated with red and green on lays to form cartouches which are blocked in gold, with circles blocked in gold between them. The upper pastedown is elaborately tooled with small

gold decoration and squares and diamonds. On the upper pastedown: "/ Bound by Zaehnsdorf/" is blocked in gold near the tail. Both covers are blocked identically. Gold fillets and elaborate small gold decoration is blocked on the borders around the recessed central panel, which has oriental shaped corners. Within the central panel, a white leather on lay is blocked with a repeating pattern of quatrefoils and diamonds,

delineated by a single gold fillet. Diamonds of blue, red and green on lays have small decoration blocked in gold within them. The spine is blocked in gold. Elaborate small gold decoration throughout. There are recessed oriental panels above and below the centre, with white leather on lays within the panels, together with blue and brown diamond-shaped on lays, with small decoration blocked in gold on them. On the centre of the

spine a green leather on lay contains the title: "/ Sakoontala/" blocked in gold in fanciful letters. A red leather on lay surrounds the green, with two gold fillets on its borders, and small decoration blocked in gold between the fillets.




2003 book entry number: 619

                                  Binding No:   618

                          Pressmark:   11602.d.18.

                        Artist Name:   Sutcliffe, J.

                   Author/Heading:   Williamson, J., Mrs.

                                   Title:   Hymns for The Household of Faith, and Lays of the better Land .

                   Publisher Name:   Wertheim, Mackintosh, and Hunt, 24 Paternoster Row, and 23, Holles Street, Cavendish Square.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Wertheim, Mackintosh, and Hunt, 24 Paternoster Row, and 23, Holles Street, Cavendish Square.

                                Width:        125     Height:       190          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  xxvii,419p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  2.3.2000 & 13.5.2015


Notes: The design is by J. Sutcliffe. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically, in blind on the lower, in gold on the upper, with a design that is also printed as the half title page. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. The rest of the cover is blocked with a design of combined flowers, leaves, cornstalks. Winding around the design is a pennant which supports the plants. The title words: "/ Hymns/ for the/ Household of /Faith" are blocked in gold in gothic letters within the pennant. Signed "J. Sutcliffe, Leeds" in gold at the base of the design. The name is "woven" into the tendrils. The spine has two gold fillets blocked across the spine at the head and at the tail. The title: "/ Hymns/ for the/ Household/ of/ Faith/" is blocked in gold in gothic letters, together with two small blocks of plants and roots.




2003 book entry number: 620

                                  Binding No:   637

                          Pressmark:   12622.f.9.

                        Artist Name:   Tenniel, John

                   Author/Heading:   Brooks, Shirley

                                   Title:   The Gordian Knot. A Story of Good and of Evil. With illustrations by John Tenniel.

                   Publisher Name:   Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   Savill and Edwards,  Printers, Chandos Street.

                                Width:        139     Height:       230          Thickness:        34

                           PagNotes:  viii, 376p. 22 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   beige


                 Date Examined:  15.3.2000 & 13.5.2015


Notes: The paper covers illustrations are by John Tenniel. Text issued monthly in parts with paper covers, between January 1858 - Part I; and December 1859 - Parts X. XI. XII. All parts priced at One Shilling, except the last three, issued together, price Three Shillings. The paper covers are bound in sequence. The verso of each part's upper cover and the recto and verso of each lower cover contain publisher's titles and advertisements. The upper cover of each part shows an engraving, signed with Tenniel's monogram, bottom right; and "Swain Sc." [i.e. Joseph Swain], bottom left. The engraving shows a series of string knots on the centre, with the title: "/ The/ Gordian Knot/" all tied up by the string. The words: "/ Gordian Knot/" are printed in a circle around the centre, attached to the strings. The strings loosen outwards to form eight panels, each of which contains a scene from the contents.




2003 book entry number: 621

The May Queen – already in BL book bindings database. 2012

                                  Binding No:   1043

                          Pressmark:   1347.i.18.

                        Artist Name:   Tymms, William Robert

                   Author/Heading:   Tennyson, Alfred

                                   Title:   The May Queen.

                   Publisher Name:   Published March 1st. 1861, by Day & Son, Lithographers to the Queen. 6 Gate St. Lincoln's Inn Fields.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   [Day & Son.]

                                Width:        205     Height:       272          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  22p.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  21.12.98 & 11.11.2015.


Notes: Designed by William Robert Tymms. Text printed on rectos of pages only. On page 2: "Illuminated by Mrs. W.H. Hartley. Chromolithographed by W.R. Tymms."  The Day & Son catalogue bound at the rear describes this work as: "Twenty-two pages, 4to. elegantly bound, price 21s."Gilt edges. Original yellow endpapers bound in. Green morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and relief on the lower, and in gold and relief on the upper. The upper cover has two fillets blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this, a border of hatch is blocked in blind and in relief. Another gold border fillet provides a frame for a pattern of dotted leaf, stem and flower decoration, which is denser  on the corners and on the centre head and the centre tail. The whole forms an oval, and, from the centre tail, stems rise up to form a triangular-shaped cluster of dotted leaves, stems and flowers on the centre. Signed: "/ W.R. Tymms Inv. et Del./" in gold on the centre tail. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet blocked on each side of the spine forms a cartouche, ending in a dotted leaf head and tail. The words: "/ The May Queen/" are blocked in gold in gothic letters within the cartouche.



2003 book entry number: 622

                                  Binding No:   898

                          Pressmark:   12304.h.1.

                        Artist Name:   Tymms, William Robert

                   Author/Heading:   Hitopadesa

                                   Title:   Indian Fables, from the Sanskrit of the Hitopadesa. Translated and illustrated in colours from original designs by Florence Iacomb.          Chromo-lithographed by W. R. Tymms [i.e. William Robert Tymms].

                   Publisher Name:   Day & Son. Lithographers to the Queen, 6, Gate St. Lincolns Inn Fields.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1862]


                                Width:        195     Height:       251          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  [29p.] Each leaf is printed on the recto only. With four pages of publisher's title bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  29.7.2000 & 13.5.2015



Notes: The design is by William Robert Tymms. On page two of the publisher's titles bound at the end: "The Work will consist of 24 pages, with appropriate borders of Flowers and Plants &c., and 12 subjects illustrating the Fables, all executed in the best style of Chromo-lithography. Size, 4to. (to be handsomely bound), price 2l. 2s."            Gutta percha binding. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and relief on the lower, and in gold, in blind and in relief on the upper. On the borders, the following are blocked: 1. a repeating stem, leaf and dot pattern. 2. a chevron pattern in relief, within a gold fillet. 3. a wide border in gold, with plants, leaves and flowers blocked inside in relief. This border also contains medallions - two at the head, and at the tail, and three on each side. Each medallion is formed by two fillets; clockwise from the head they show: a horse; a bird, a boar, a turtle, a dodo-like bird, an elephant, a wolf, a cat, a deer, a snake. On the borders of the inner rectangle, two gold fillets are blocked, with a repeating pattern of "semi-circles and dots" blocked in gold between the fillets. On the corners of the inner rectangle, a pattern of leaves is blocked in relief. There is a large central diamond. It has four borders: 1. a gold fillet. 2. gold hatch leaves. 3. chevrons blocked in relief within a gold fillet. 4. a recessed fillet, blocked in blind. The diamond on the centre is a gold lettering-piece. It has a border of semi-circles and dots, blocked in relief. The title: "/ Indian/ Fables/ From the Sanscrit/ of the/ Hitopadesa/" is blocked in relief, with stems and small leaves attached to several of the letters. Signed at the centre tail: "W.R. Tymms Inv."[i.e. William Robert Tymms]  in gold on the centre tail. The spine is blocked in gold. A cartouche is blocked along the spine. It is formed by two fillets, with repeating dots blocked between them. The title: "/ Indian Fables/" is blocked in gold along the spine with small stem and leaf decoration attached to each letter.




2003 book entry number: 623

                                  Binding No:   424

                          Pressmark:   11642.a.49.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK


                                   Title:   The pensive wanderer, a poem, in four cantos; with Nero and the fire of Rome, an ode; and other poems. By Cambria's Bard.

                   Publisher Name:   Published by the Author, 55, Upper Berkeley Street, Portman Square

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1830]

                               Printer:   Printed by Bailey and Jones

                                Width:        108     Height:       175          Thickness:        14

                           PagNotes:  xv,140p.

                Place of Printing:   Cirencester




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  10.7.96 & 13.5.2015


Notes: The design is not signed. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green dot and rib diagonal-grain cloth, embossed with a repeating pattern of stems, leaves and flowers. Both covers are blocked identically in blind. There are two fillets blocked on the borders, which are intertwined, forming straps on the sides, and on the corners. On the rest of each cover, leaf and stem decoration is blocked in relief. On the upper cover, the title: "/ The/ pensive/ wanderer/" is blocked in gold on the centre. The spine is not blocked.




2003 book entry number: 624

                         Binding No:   596

                          Pressmark:   Renier Collection & BL C.108.b.20.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK


                                   Title:   The Juvenile Forget Me Not. A Christmas and New Year Gift, or birthday present. Edited by Mrs S.C. Hall.

                   Publisher Name:   Frederick Westley and A.H. Davis, Stationer's Hall Court.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1829

                               Printer:   John Westley and Co. Ivy Lane

                                Width:           0     Height:          0          Thickness:         0

                           PagNotes:  221p. 5 plates. With three pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   De La Rue


                  Cover material:   sheep


                            Colour :   black

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  14.7.97 & 13.5.2015

References: Ball VPB p. 190.

Notes: The design is by De La Rue. The volume for 1829 is at BL shelf mark C108b20. Gilt edges. White endpapers and pastedowns. Black sheepskin. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ F. Westley, Binder/ Friar Street/ near/ Doctors Commons./” [Ball no. 99B.]  It has the same design blocked on both covers as for the 1832 edition in the Renier Collection. Both covers identically embossed with border decoration and a neo-classical design. A medallion is blocked just below the centre, showing four horses and their driver holding the reins - riding out of the sun. Signed "De La Rue & Co. London" within a cartouche near the base. The spine is blocked in blind with a neo-classical design. The title and the imprint are blocked in gold within panels.

The volume for 1832 has white endpapers and pastedowns. It is in the Renier Collection. Green dyed leather. Both covers identically embossed with border decoration and a neo-classical design. A medallion is blocked just below the centre, showing four horses and their driver holding the reins - riding out of the sun. Signed "De La Rue & Co. London" within a cartouche near the base. The spine is blocked in blind. The title and the imprint are blocked in gold within panels.







2003 book entry number: 625

                         Binding No:   598

                          Pressmark:   1578/2088 [Renier Collection]

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Budden, Maria Elizabeth

                                   Title:   Chit chat; or short tales in short words. Third edition enlarged. With sixteen engravings.

                   Publisher Name:   John Harris, St. Paul's Churchyard

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1834

                               Printer:   Printed by Samuel Bentley, Dorset, street, Fleet Street.

                                Width:        110     Height:       140          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  242p. With six pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   Gold


                 Date Examined:  14.7.97 & 13.5.2015


Notes: This copy is the second edition of 1831. 187p. 16 plates. White endpapers and pastedowns. The binding is paper over boards. The paper has been patterned with blue moire. There is no blocking. A red dyed rectangular paper label is pasted on the centre of the upper cover. The borders resemble a cartouche, and the title: “/ Chit chat/” is printed on the centre of the label.  The Renier Collection copy has white endpapers and pastedowns. Red rib horizontal-grain. Ribbon embossed with a hexagon pattern. The upper cover has "Chit-Chat" blocked on the centre in gold within a cartouche.



2003 book entry number: 626

                                  Binding No:   802

                          Pressmark:   3128.f.42.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Trench, Frederick Fitzwilliam

                                   Title:   Short notes on the Holy Scriptures, with references: intended for daily use in families. Chiefly selections from various authors.

                   Publisher Name:   Richard Moore Tims, 85, Grafton Street. James Nisbet, and Simpkin and Marshall, London; Waugh and Innes, Edinburgh.

             Place of Publication:   Dublin

              Date of Publication:   1834


                                Width:        140     Height:       225          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  [1], 362p.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   unblocked

                 Date Examined:  4.4.2000 & 20.5.2015


Notes: Rebound 1998. No original endpapers or pastedowns. Brown pebble-grain cloth. Ribbon embossed with a pattern of "four tool handles", stars and circles. The tool handles form "squares", with the five-point stars in the middle, and the small circles at the end of each handle. No blocking on the covers. No original spine. [For another example of this cloth, see BL 942.a.3. Sam Belson. Simpkin and Marshall... 1836.]




2003 book entry number: 627

                                  Binding No:   417


                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK


                                   Title:   Fragments from the history of John Bull. These things are an allegory.

                   Publisher Name:   William Blackwood & Sons; and T. Cadell, Strand, London.

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   1835

                               Printer:   Printed by Ballantyne & Co. Paul's Work.

                                Width:        110     Height:       176          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  242p. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. [In 2015, after re-binding, these are now bound at the front of the book.]

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   Gold


                 Date Examined:  8.10.99 & 10.6.2015


Notes: The bookplate of John Joscelyn  is pasted onto the verso of the front endpaper. The endpapers are printed in red/ brown, with a vertical white line pattern, which have diamonds between the lines to form a diagonal pattern. Green rib vertical-grain cloth. Ribbon embossed with hexagons across both covers and spine. There is no blocking on the covers. On the spine the title: "/John/ Bull" is blocked in gold near the head. A decorative device is blocked in gold above and below the title. The same rib vertical-grain and hexagons is on a copy of Scott's "Poetical works" - BL shelf mark





2003 book entry number: 628

                                  Binding No:   514

                          Pressmark:   991.i.24.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK


                                   Title:   The world: a poem. In Six Books.

                   Publisher Name:   Thomas Hurst, St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1835

                               Printer:   Thoms, printer, Warwick Square

                                Width:        142     Height:       233          Thickness:        21

                           PagNotes:  275p.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   maroon

                        Blockwork:   unblocked


                 Date Examined:  1.12.99.


Notes: Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. Maroon rib vertical-grain cloth. Ribbon embossed on both covers with a pattern of beaded stems, leaves, groups of small flowers and larger single flowers. No blocking on the covers. Spine missing.




2003 book entry number: 629

                                  Binding No:   700

                          Pressmark:   942.a.3.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK


                                   Title:   Sam Belson, or a visit to the beach. A Tale for Young Persons, in which the most striking and interesting phenomena peculiar to the sea-side, are familiarly explained.

                   Publisher Name:   Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., Stationers'-Hall Court.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1836

                               Printer:   J. Haddon and Co. Doctors' Commons.

                                Width:          93     Height:       145          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  vii,188p.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold

                 Date Examined:  10.3.2000.


Notes: The design is not signed. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Original yellow endpapers bound at the front. Green pebble-grain cloth. Ribbon embossed with a pattern of "four tool handles", stars and circles. The spine is blocked in gold near the head. The title: "/ Sam/ Belson/" is blocked in gold, between two small flower and leaf blocks, which are also in gold. [For another example of this embossed pattern, see BL 3128.f.42. F.F. Trench. Short notes on the Holy Scriptures... Simpkin and Marshall, 1834.]




2003 book entry number: 630

                                  Binding No:   450

                          Pressmark:   8133.k.12.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   England. House of Commons. Lists of Members.

                                   Title:   An atlas of the Divisions of the House of Commons, in the second session of the fourth Parliament of Wiliam IV., 1836; exhibiting at one view, the votes of each Member on every question. To which is prefixed, a key to the Divisions, containing the subject and substance of each, with the majority and minority. Arranged from the Authorized Lists. To be continued Annually.

                   Publisher Name:   Published by Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., Stationer's-Hall Court.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1836

                               Printer:   Printed by Mills and Son, Gough-Square, Fleet-Street.

                                Width:        241     Height:       321          Thickness:        10

                           PagNotes:  No pagination. [iv, [6], B4-H4]

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   Gold

                 Date Examined:  22.10.99 & 11.6.2014.


Notes: The design is not signed. Brown rib diagonal-grain cloth. Ribbon embossed with a repeating pattern of stems, leaves and flowers, on both covers and spine. Blocked in gold on the centre of the upper cover: "/ Atlas/ of the/ Divisions 1836./".  No blocking on the spine.



2003 book entry number: 631

                                  Binding No:   413

                          Pressmark:   10360.bbb.36.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Stranger

                                   Title:   A six days' tour through the Isle of Man; or, a passing view of its present matural, social, and political aspect. By A Stranger. 1836.

                   Publisher Name:   Published and sold by William Dillon, Bookseller. Sold also by Marples and Co., and Lacey, Liverpool; Thompsons, Manchester;           Simpkin Marshall, and Co., London; and Cummins, Dublin

             Place of Publication:   Douglas

              Date of Publication:   [1836]

                               Printer:   D. Marples, printers, Liverpool

                                Width:        110     Height:       181          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  v, 183p. 1 plate.

                Place of Printing:   Liverpool




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   maroon

                        Blockwork:   unblocked

                 Date Examined:  15.5.96 & 11.6.2015


Notes: The design is not signed. White endpapers and pastedowns. Inscribed on the title page: “/ James Moffat/” The frontispiece eplate is entitled: “/ Oak Hill Scholl/ Conducted by J. H. Garvin A. M./” the Plate is signed: “ On stone by A. Picken”; and “ Day & Hague Lithrs [i.e Lithographers] to the King.” Maroon pebble-grain cloth. Also embossed with a repeating pattern, across both covers and spine, of "stamp-handles" and stars. These are set opposite each other, to form squares. Between adjoining squares is a small five pointed star. The pattern is embossed on both covers and the spine. There is a paper label on the spine.



2003 book entry number: 632

                                  Binding No:   699

                          Pressmark:   942.a.26.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Garnet, Afterwards, Godwin, Catherine Grace

                                   Title:   Alicia Gray; or, to be useful is to be happy.

                   Publisher Name:   John W. Parker, West Strand

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1837

                               Printer:   John. W. Parker, St. Martin's Lane.

                                Width:          98     Height:       155          Thickness:        12

                           PagNotes:  126p. 2 plates, which are the frontispiece and the title page. With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   unblocked

                 Date Examined:  8.12.97 & 17.6.2015


Notes: The design is not signed. Text sewn on two tapes (in 1997). Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red rib horizontal-grain cloth. Ribbon embossed with a pattern of "crazy lines", with the ends of lines forming into straps, and also into "S" shapes. Diamond shapes are embossed, with trefoil leaves (so small as to resemble dots) on each point of the diamond. The original spine is missing.






2003 book entry number: 633

                                  Binding No:   472

                          Pressmark:   1037.l.34.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Roberts, William Henry

                                   Title:   The Scottish ale-brewer: a practical treatise on the art of brewing ales according to the system practised in Scotland. In which are detailed, a simplified process of sparging (illustrated by an engraving of a newly invented self-acting sparging machine), and the method of conducting slow fermentation; containing also four tables of original gravities and attenuations, both real and apparent, with the quantity of proof spirit per cent in the ales of the various Edinburgh brewers, ascertained by means of partial evaporation.

                   Publisher Name:   Oliver and Boyd; Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. London.

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   1837

                               Printer:   Edinburgh Printing Company

                                Width:        140     Height:       225          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  160,[7]p. With sixteen pages of publisher's advertisements and four pages of advertisements bound at the end

                Place of Printing:   [Edinburgh]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   unblocked

                 Date Examined:  11.11.99 & 17.6.2015


Notes: The design is not signed. Green pebble-grain cloth. Ribbon embossed with a pattern of four-pointed stars and single dots at each corner of each star. No blocking on the covers. No original spine.





2003 book entry number: 634

Binding No:                    828

                          Pressmark:   3128.g.1.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Whowell, Thomas

                                   Title:   A classification of the essentials of the Christian faith or a key to the Old and New Testament: with the fulfilment in succession, of            the Prophecies of Our Blessed Saviour. In one volume... With the past and present state of the Jews, and the appearance of their restoration.

                   Publisher Name:   Printed for the Author By Thomas Curson Hansard, Paternoster Row.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1837

                               Printer:   Thomas Curson Hansard, Paternoster Row.

                                Width:        143     Height:       224          Thickness:        62

                           PagNotes:  xxx,732p. 1 fold-out coloured map.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    diaper-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  17.7.2000 & 17.6.2015


Notes: The design is not signed. The map is entitled: "/ A Comprehensive Family Map  of the Holy Land,/ with Chart of Generations./" The chart is entitles: "/ Genealogical   Chart of Scripture History,/ showing the lineal descent of most of the principal characters mentioned in sacred writ, from the creation of Adam to the birth of Our Saviour./"       [No original endpapers or pastedowns.] Blue diaper-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind, with a curling leaf and stem pattern on each corner. Groups of two semi-circular fillets join to form a central frame with leaves blocked on the inside where the fillets meet. The spine is blocked in gold only. The title words: "/ The/ essentials/ of the/ Christian/ faith./" are blocked in gold within a square panel formed by a single fillet.




2003 book entry number: 635

Binding No:                    422

                          Pressmark:   841.b.22.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Story, Robert

                                   Title:   The outlaw; a drama in five acts.

                   Publisher Name:   Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1839

                               Printer:   Printed by J. Tasher, Bookseller, etc, Skipton

                                Width:        110     Height:       182          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  176p.

                Place of Printing:   Skipton




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   unblocked

                 Date Examined:  8.10.99.


Notes: The design is not signed. Original green endpaper bound at the front. Blue rib diagonal-grain cloth. Ribbon embossed with a "zig-zag" pattern, resembling stems and leaves. The embossing is across both covers and spine. A printed paper label pasted along the spine. [Rebound in 1980s, text laminated.]






2003 book entry number: 636

Binding No:                    421

                          Pressmark:   010349.w.24.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Jesse, Edward

                                   Title:   A summer's day at Hampton Court, being a guide to the Palace and gardens; with an Illustrative Catalogue of the Pictures according to the new arrangement, including those in the apartments recently opened to the public.

                   Publisher Name:   John Murray, Albemarle Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1840

                               Printer:   Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street.

                                Width:        110     Height:       175          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  viii,142p. With one page of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib diagonal-grain

                            Colour :

                        Blockwork:   unblocked

                 Date Examined:  8.10.99 & 17.6.2015


Notes: The design is not signed. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. White endpapers and pastedowns. Green (?)  Rib diagonal-grain cloth. Ribbon embossed with a repeating pattern of diamonds. No blocking on covers.





2003 book entry number: 637

Binding No:                  1056

                          Pressmark:   7923.d.1.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Egan, Pierce

                                   Title:   Fistiana; or, the oracle of the ring. Comprising a defence of British boxing; a brief history of pugilism, from the earliest ages to the present period; practical instructions for training; together with chronological tables of prize battles, from 1780 to 1840 inclusive,           alphabetically arranged with the issue of each event. Scientific hints on sparring, &c. &c. &c.

                   Publisher Name:   Published by Wm. Clement Jun. At the Office of Bell's Life in London, 170, Strand, and to be had of all booksellers and newspaper agents throughout the kingdom.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1841

                               Printer:   Whiting, Beaufort House, Strand.

                                Width:        104     Height:       167          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  viii,311p., 5 plates.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue(?)

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  30.9.99 & 17.6.2015.


Notes: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue (?) rib horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind, with a "French" pattern of curling stems and leaves, which form an oval. On the lower cover, the gold central vignette shows a basket full of wine bottles. On the ground in front of the basket, boxing gloves, a watch and a wine bottle are blocked in gold. This vignette is a copy of the engraving printed on page viii, at the end of the Address. On the upper cover, the central gold vignette shows two boxers ready to fight. This is similar to the illustration of two boxers opposite page 306, entitled: "First positions setting to."




2003 book entry number: 638

                                  Binding No:   504

                          Pressmark:   786.l.32.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Tattersall, George

                                   Title:   Sporting architecture.

                   Publisher Name:   Published Sept. 29th 1841 by R. Ackermann, Eclipse Sporting Gallery, 191 Regent Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1841]

                               Printer:   Printed by Walter Spiers, 17 North Audley Street.

                                Width:        220     Height:       288          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  vi, 97p. 20 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Runting

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  1.12.99 & 23.12.2015

            References:     Packer LB p.130.


Notes: The design is not signed. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Runting,/ 7, Goldsmith-row,/ Fleet Street./" Blue rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers have the same design blocked in blind on the borders. There are four fillets blocked on the borders: nos. 1 & 4 are thin, nos. 2 & 3  are thick. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a classical portico, with a pediment. The pediment has a classical goddess atop it, a bow held at the ready. On the left and the right of the pediment, a stag is blocked. The pediment is supported at its edges by four fluted columns. There are steps blocked at the base, signifying an entrance. Within the portico, at the centre, the words: "/ Sporting/ architecture/ by/ G. Tattersall./ 1841./" are blocked in gold. Spine missing.





2003 book entry number: 639

                                  Binding No:   506

                          Pressmark:   11643.aa.50.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Ramsay, John

                                   Title:   Eglington Park Meeting and other poems. Sixth edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Stirling, Kenney & Co.; J. Duncan, London; David Robertson, Glasgow; H. Crawford and Son, Kilmarnock

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   1843

                               Printer:   Printed by H. Crawford and Son.

                                Width:        107     Height:       175          Thickness:        24

                           PagNotes:  256p.

                Place of Printing:   Kilmarnock




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   Gold

                 Date Examined:  1.12.99.



Notes: The design is not signed. Printed on the title page: "Price Three Shillings and Sixpence." Original yellow endpaper bound in at the front. Brown rib vertical-grain cloth. No blocking on either cover. The spine has the words: "/ Ramsay./  Poems/" blocked in gold near the head. Above and below this, a small decorative device is blocked in gold.




2003 book entry number: 640

                                  Binding No:   1093

                          Pressmark:   C.30.b.2

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK


                                   Title:   The Good Shaunammite ii Kings, Chap iv, v. vvvi. [All letters in gothic style, printed in colours.]

                   Publisher Name:   [Longman Brown Green and Longmans]

             Place of Publication:   [London]

              Date of Publication:   [1847]


                                Width:        117     Height:       170          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  xxip.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   carton pierre


                            Colour :   Black

                        Blockwork:   Gold

                 Date Examined:  21.10.2000 & 24.6.2015.

            References:     Ball VPB p.144.

                                 McLean VBD p.92,210.           "...probably printed at the establishment of Owen Jones..."

Notes: All the pages are chromolithographed. The colophon reads: "/ This book/ was completed/ for Longman/ Brown Green/ and Longmans the last day/ of October at the Studio of/ Lewis Gruner in the year/ of our Lord MDCCCXLVIII./"          Gilt edges. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. (the same as BL C.72.a.7.) Black carton pierre covers, with an identical design. The edges and turn-ins of the covers are blocked in gold with the same patterns as for C.72.a.7.; possibly the same binding company. Executed in the "monastic style" (Cundall, cited in Mclean, VBD, p.210). Each cover is divided by rules into nine panels. The four corner panels have circles and ovals. The panels at the head and at the tail contain vines and grapes. The panels on each side have vines, grapes and one medallion. The medallion on the left has a head of a lady; the one on the right has the head of a bearded man. The largest panel is the central rectangle, with vine leaves and grapes surrounding the central circle. This has a borders of joined trefoil leaves and stems. Within, the title: "/ The/ Good/ Shunammite/ 2 Kings .iv.8./" is blocked in relief within a ribbon. The spine is of black leather. The title: "/ The Good Shunammite/" is blocked in relief within a cartouche along its centre. Vine leaf and strap decoration is blocked in relief above and below the cartouche.





2003 book entry number: 641

                                  Binding No:   423

                          Pressmark:   11644.eeee.7.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Templeton, Andrew

                                   Title:   Poems on the hopes and fears, the joys and the sorrows, of man.

                   Publisher Name:   Printed in the Observer Office

             Place of Publication:   Stirling

              Date of Publication:   1847


                                Width:        114     Height:       194          Thickness:        10

                           PagNotes:  156p.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   Gold

                 Date Examined:  8.10.99 & 24.6.2015.



Notes: The design is not signed. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue rib diagonal-grain cloth. Ribbon embossed with a repeating "grapevine" pattern, showing clusters of grapes. The words: "/ Poems/ by/ A. Templeton./" are blocked in gold on the upper cover.




2003 book entry number: 642

Binding No:                    792

[entered into BL database 5.8.2015 - 019-000020604]


                          Pressmark:   11645.d.27.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Brooks, Henry F

                                   Title:   The Victories of the Sutlej, A Prize Poem, to which the Vice-Chancellor' first prize was awarded at Trinity College, Dublin, in Hilary Term, 1847. Together with The Sailor's Christmas Eve, and Other Pieces. [The arms of Trinity College are printed below the title.]

                   Publisher Name:   Arthur B. Keene, 6, College-Green. Longman &Co., London. Beilby, Birmingham. Deardon, Nottingham. Metcalf, East Retford.

             Place of Publication:   Dublin

              Date of Publication:   1848

                               Printer:   Printed at the University Press, By M.H. Gill.

                                Width:        108     Height:       175          Thickness:        10

                           PagNotes:  vx, 90p.

                Place of Printing:   Dublin


                       Bookbinder:   Cavenagh

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   dark red with red  stripes

                        Blockwork:   gold and relief

                 Date Examined:  17.7.2000 & 24.6.2015.


 Notes: The design is not signed. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Cavenagh/ Bookbinder,/ 26, Wicklow St/ Dublin./" Dark red rib diagonal-grain cloth, with light red horizontal stripes. Both covers identically blocked in gold on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked in gold on the borders, and a single leaf outline blocked in gold on each corner. The lower cover central vignette shows a lozenge as a gold lettering-piece with a "strap and stem" decoration blocked in relief within it. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. A frame is formed by six curved broad leaves, blocked in pairs at the head, the tail and the sides. On the centre, the title:"/ The/ Victories/ of/ The Sutlej/" are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the tail, the head of a flagpole supports a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece, which is blocked in horizontal gold hatch, and runs along the spine to the head. The title: "/The Victories of The Sutlej &c/" are blocked in relief within the pennant.




2003 book entry number: 643

                                  Binding No:   705

                          Pressmark:   7895.b.20.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Gatty, Alfred

                                   Title:   The bell: its origin, history, and uses.

                   Publisher Name:   George Bell, 186, Fleet Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1848

                               Printer:   Printed by J.C. Platt, Sheffield.

                                Width:        115     Height:       193          Thickness:        12

                           PagNotes:  [1], ix,117p.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Clark

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  10.3.2000.

References: Ball VPB p. 190.

Notes: The design is not signed. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Westleys &/ Clark./ London./" [Ball no. 101A.] Red rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Groups of three bells, their clappers showing, are blocked on each corner and on the centre head and on the centre tail. Pairs of bells, their clappers showing, are blocked on each side at the centre. All the bells are joined by bell ropes. A single fillet, blocked in blind, forms the central rectangle. On the centre of the of the upper cover, the title: "/The bell./" is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. Groups of four fillets in blind divide the spine into five panels. The title: "/ The/ bell./" is blocked in gold within the second panel.





2003 book entry number: 644

                                  Binding No:   1094

                          Pressmark:   C.72.a.7(1).

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Liturgies

                                   Title:   The Book of Common Prayer, and administration of The Sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland .

                   Publisher Name:   Printed by G.E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, and sold at their warehouse, 189 Fleet


             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1848


                                Width:          95     Height:       150          Thickness:        63

                           PagNotes:  Unpaginated [A12-Y12, Z6]

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   carton pierre


                            Colour :   Black

                        Blockwork:   Gold


                 Date Examined:  21.10.2000 & 1.7.2015.

            References:     Ball                                      VPB             p.144.

Notes: Text sewn on three tapes. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. Gilt edges, with a gauffered pattern of diamonds and flower heads. Red and yellow end bands. The sewing forms a hollow back. Black papier mache/ carton pierre covers and spine. Both covers have the same design. The edges and the turn-ins of the covers are blocked in gold, with a small repeating pattern showing beads, small leaves and dots. (This is the same as for

C.30.b.2. The Good Shunammite.) Raised borders on each cover. The design show a central figure of a robed Jesus, right hand upraised, surrounded by arches and plants, flowers. The spine is attached to the text block by leather. A profusion of plants and leaves grow within an arch, whose point is at the head. Near the head, the words: "/ Church/ Service/" are in relief within a lettering-piece running across the spine.





2003 book entry number: 645

`                                Binding No:   893

                          Pressmark:   12805.h.39.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Reinhold, Caroline

                                   Title:   The evening bell, or, the hour of relating entertaining anecdotes for dear young people. Translated from the German, by The Rev. Cosby Stopford Mangan .

                   Publisher Name:   Printed at the University Press. James McGlashan, 21 D'Olier-Street. Wm. S. Orr & Co., 147 Strand, London.

             Place of Publication:   Dublin

              Date of Publication:   1848

                               Printer:   Printed at the University Press, By M.H. Gill.

                                Width:        130     Height:       199          Thickness:        21

                           PagNotes:  xii,243p., 4 plates.

                Place of Printing:   Dublin


                       Bookbinder:   Cavenagh

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  29.9.2000 & 1.7.2015


 Notes: The design is not signed. The plates are tinted lithographs. Each is inscribed: "Designed and drawn on stone by Samuel Watson." Parallel text, German and English. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Cavenagh/ Bookbinder,/ 26, Wicklow St./ Dublin./" Brown rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Curling stem and leaf decoration is blocked on each corner. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a rectangular panel, formed by a thick fillet. Ribbons and jewels are shown tied to the arch at the top of the panel. A shell is blocked at the base of the panel. Below the arch, a country scene is blocked, showing a lady dancing to a tune, which is being played on a wind instrument by a figure

seated against a tree on the left. Another lady looks on. Unsigned. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold ornament-piece; the words: "/The/ evening/ bell/ [rule]/ German/ and/ English/" are blocked in gold; "branch and leaf" ornament is blocked in gold from the base to beneath the title; this has a bird perched on top of the branches; at the tail, the imprint: "/ Dublin/ 1848/" is blocked in gold.          Another copy of this work is at BL 12805.b.35.  Size: 128x198x22mm. "/ With Illustrations by [Samuel] Watson/" printed in gothic letters on the title page. This copy has on Dedication page to the Duchess of Kent as in 12805.h.39. This copy has the same cloth, endpapers and pastedowns, but no binder's ticket. It has the same blocking, but in blind only on both covers; the spine has the same blocking, but only the title is blocked in gold; no gild fillet on the perimeter.








2003 book entry number: 646

                                  Binding No:   896

[entered into BL database 5.8.2015 - 019-000020607]

                          Pressmark:   12805.h.26.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK


                                   Title:   Spring flowers and summer blossoms. The Snow Drop May Flowers The Wall Flower Almond Blossom Cowslips Primroses Daises.

                   Publisher Name:   Thomas Dean and Son. Threadneedle Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1849]

                               Printer:   Dean and Son Printers, Threadneedle Street.

                                Width:        125     Height:       180          Thickness:        11

                           PagNotes:  114p., 11 plates.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue with light blue stripes

                       Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:   29.9.2000 & 1.7.2015.


Notes: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue rib diagonal-grain cloth. The covers are also dyed alternately with light blue horizontal stripes:  1. straight 2. zig-zag. The borders, the corners and the sides, the head and the tail are blocked identically, in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper. The blocking has been done after casing-in. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. An  "acanthus leaf" pattern is blocked on the head, the tail, the corners, and on the sides, with small "tassel-like" hanging decoration blocked inside. The whole forms a central frame. (The same frame is blocked on the covers of BL 12805.h.40.) On the lower cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows an urn with two handles. On the upper cover, the title: "/Spring flowers/ and/ summer blossoms/ for the young & good/" is blocked on the centre. On the spine, the title: "/Spring flowers & summer blossoms/" is blocked along the spine in gold. Another work of this series is also shelved at 12805.h.26. The same title page, frontispiece, and both hand-coloured. 71p., 6 plates. White endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. This volume has the same border blocking as above, without the tassels. No lower cover central vignette. The title is blocked in gold on the centre of the upper cover. No spine blocking. Another work of this series is also shelved at 12805.h.26. The same title page, frontispiece, and both hand-coloured. 71p. 6 plates. White endpapers and pastedowns. Green rib vertical-grain cloth. This volume has the same border blocking as above. No lower cover central vignette. The title is blocked in gold on the centre of the upper cover. No spine blocking.






2003 book entry number: 647

                                  Binding No:   895

                          Pressmark:   12805.h.40.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK


                                   Title:   Which is best; being stories about the five divisions of the world, and stories of the five senses.

                   Publisher Name:   Thomas Dean and Son, Threadneedle-Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1849]

                               Printer:   Dean and Son, Printers, Threadneedle-Street.

                                Width:        122     Height:       180          Thickness:        11

                           PagNotes:  51p. 8 plates. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   pink with blue stripes

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  7.8.2000 & 6.1.2016.


 Notes: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Pink rib diagonal-grain cloth. The covers are also dyed alternately with two blue horizontal stripes: 1. straight 2. zig-zag. Both covers blocked identically on the borders. They are blocked after casing-in. The lower cover is blocked in blind, with the centre-piece blocked in gold. The centre-piece is quatrefoil-shaped, with small protruding leaf decoration  blocked on the centre of each side. The upper cover is blocked in gold only. The fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. "Metal Strips", ending in leaves, are blocked on each corner. A pattern of "acanthus leaves" is blocked on the head, the tail, and on the sides, with small ornaments on the centre head and on the centre tail. "Hanging tassels" are blocked in side. (This is the same decoration as on BL 12805.h.26.) The whole forms a central frame. Within it on the upper cover, the title: "/ Which is best?/ Being stories about the/ five senses and/ divisions of the globe./" is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. The title: "/ Which is best/" is blocked in gold along the spine, with small ornament devices blocked in gold above and below it.




2003 book entry number: 648

                                  Binding No:   481

                          Pressmark:   871.h.68.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Copley, Esther

                                   Title:   The comprehensive knitting-book. With nineteen illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   William Tegg and Co., Cheapside.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1849

                               Printer:   Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars

                                Width:        220     Height:       145          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  xii, 208p.

                Place of Printing:   London:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  11.11.99 & 8.7.2015.



Notes: The design is not signed. Red rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in blind with the same design on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. There is strap work on each corner, together with a spray of leaves and berries which extend along the sides. On the upper cover, a central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows an extended knitting pattern arranged in a semi-circle, with knitting needles through the pattern. Above and within the semi-circle, the words:"/ Esther Copley's/ Comprehensive knitting book/" are blocked in gold. (No original spine.)




2003 book entry number: 649

                                  Binding No:   897

                          Pressmark:   12805.h.27.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   H., C. S.

                                   Title:   Skyrack. A fairy tale.

                   Publisher Name:   C. Gilpin, 5, Bishopsgate Street Without.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1849

                               Printer:   Printed for Charles Gilpin, 5, Bishopsgate Street Without.

                                Width:        120     Height:       183          Thickness:         7

                           PagNotes:  iv, 28p., 4 plates. The dedication is signed: "C. S. H."

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green with black stripes

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  29.9.2000 & 8.7.2015.



Notes: The design is not signed. On page 14 of the publisher’s titles of BL shelf mark 12805.h.6, this work is described as: “Post 8vo., cloth extra, price 2s. 6d.” Gilt edges. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green ripple horizontal-grain cloth. The covers are also dyed alternately with two black stripes: 1. straight 2. a diagonal-line stripe. Both covers blocked identically, in blind on the lower, and in gold and blind on the upper. A single fillet is blocked on the borders, with an "acanthus leaf" pattern blocked on the corners and on the sides, with ornamental pieces joining the leaf pattern blocked on the centre head, on the centre tail, and on the centre sides. The same central vignette is blocked on both covers. It shows a mature deciduous tree, with a group of three people blocked at its base. The spine is blocked in gold. The title word: "Skyrack" is blocked in gold along the spine, with two ornamental pieces blocked in gold above and below the word. Unsigned. Another copy of this work is at BL 12805.h.6. [1851]. 28p. No plates. Bound in yellow paper wrappers. The price printed on the upper paper cover is “One Shilling”. The upper cover reprints the title-page. The lower cover prints publisher's titles. [After re-binding, the position of the paper covers has been reversed.] With twenty-four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.




2003 book entry number: 650

                                  Binding No:   398

                          Pressmark:   10095.f.7.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Bartlett, William Henry

                                   Title:   The Nile boat; or, glimpses of the Land of Egypt. Second Edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Arthur Hall, Virtue, and Co., 25 Paternoster Row.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1850

                               Printer:   John Childs and Son

                                Width:        174     Height:       258          Thickness:        34

                           PagNotes:  viii, 218p. 33 plates. With fourteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Bungay


                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   Gold


                 Date Examined:  27.9.99 & 8.7.2015.

References: Ball VPB p. 191.

Notes: The design is not signed. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Westleys & Co./ Friar Street,/ London./" [Ball no. 103B.] Purple morocco vertical-grain-cloth. Both covers have the same design blocked in gold. There are five fillets blocked on the borders, the fourth of which is hatched in relief. The inner rectangle has three panels at the head and  three at the tail. Fillets between the panels form straps. Each panel has decorative line within. The central panel has decoration on the corners, with a fillet on each side. The central vignette shows a felucca. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked at the head and at the tail. There are four panels, one above, and three below the title letters. Each panel has two fillets on the outside, which cross to form straps on the corners, and on the middle of the sides, and then form an oval in the middle. The title words on the second panel: "/The/ Nile/ boat./" are blocked in fanciful capitals, with the line emphasis within each letter being picked out in relief. The University of Durham copy has the same design on green morocco horizontal-grain cloth. It too has a Westley binder's ticket. Shelf mark: PK1143 BAR.





2003 book entry number: 651

Binding No:                  1055

                          Pressmark:   11646.d.49.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK


                                   Title:   Queen Philippa's Golden Booke.

                   Publisher Name:   Printed for Arthur, Hall, Virtue & Co. at 25 Paternoster Row.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1851]

                               Printer:   Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        122     Height:       191          Thickness:        23

                           PagNotes:  231p. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    net vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   Gold

                 Date Examined:  19.8.99 & 15.7.2015


Notes: The design is not signed. The  half title page is a chromolithograph. It is signed: “W. Dickes, 5 1/2 Old Fish St, Doctors' Commons." Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled Boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue net vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold. There is an elaborate tracery of thin stems, leaves and berries blocked in gold on the whole of each cover. Near the head, a

crown and an inverted fleur-de-lis are blocked in gold. The title: "/ Queen/ Philippa's/ Golden/ Booke/" is blocked in gold on the centre, with stems and tendrils attached to the letters. The spine is blocked in gold. A crown is blocked in gold near the head. Underneath this, looping stems, plus leaves and berries, are blocked in gold.





2003 book entry number: 652

                                  Binding No:   21

                          Pressmark:   11826.bbb.16.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Alastor, pseud. [i.e. James Orton.]

                                   Title:   "Excelsior;" or, the realms of poesy.

                   Publisher Name:   Printed for the Author

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1851

                               Printer:   George Woodfall and Son, Angel Court, Skinner street.

                                Width:        127     Height:       175          Thickness:        12

                           PagNotes:  xii,103p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and relief

                 Date Examined:  11.3.99 & 15.7.2015

            References:     Ball VPB p.155 cites the 1852 edition.

                                 King WHR p.320

Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. Written on the front endpaper: "/Samuel Rogers Esq./ With/ the sincere admiration of/ the Author./ Leemont. July 1851./" Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ripple vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and relief. There is one fillet blocked in gold on the borders, with straps and stars on the corners. The title: "/Excelsior/" is blocked in relief in a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece underneath the upper portion of a globe. From the globe, a right hand emerges, an index finger pointing to the stars and a crescent moon blocked above. The spine is not blocked. This copy purchased on the "9 DE[CEMBER 18]63". Unsigned. The design on the covers is identical to the covers of the William Pickering edition of 1852, which has Rogers' monogram "WHR" blocked on the spine.




2003 book entry number: 653

[entered into BL database 09092015 BL 019-000020782]

                                  Binding No:   595

                          Pressmark:   7955.e.12.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations

                                   Title:   Reports by the Juries on the subjects in the thirty classes into which the Exhibition was divided. In two volumes.

                   Publisher Name:   Spicer Brothers, Wholesale Stationers; W. Clowes & Sons, Printers; Contractors to the Royal Commission, Tudor Street, New  Bridge Street, Blackfriars

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1852

                               Printer:   William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross, Printers to the Royal Commission.

                                Width:           0     Height:          0          Thickness:         0


                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  11.2.2000 & 15.7.2015.


Notes: The design is not signed. Vol. I. 177x264x73mm. ccv, 818,16p. The sixteen pages bound at the end are advertisements for the "Official Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue of the Great Exhibition..."Vol. II. 180x265x70mm. viii,819-1828p, 3 plates. With two pages of advertisements bound at the end. Gilt edges. Original upper covers used as doublures. Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. The upper covers of both volumes identically blocked in gold and in blind. The two borders are blocked in blind. the outer of which consists of repeating stylised leaves, blocked in relief. The inner border is of rectangles with cross bars, with a floral motif in the middle, all blocked in relief. [The rectangles are reminiscent of the gallery support cross-sections of the Great Exhibition Hyde Park building.] The central rectangle is a single block. It shows Britannia, enthroned, holding out laurel wreaths to place on the heads of Europe and Asia, who are bowing their heads to receive them. The figures of Africa, left and of America, right, look on. The words: "OFFICIAL EXHIBITION ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE" are blocked in relief within the border, blocked in gold, at the base. Another copy of this work is at BL shelf mark 7957..6. It has “Presentation copy” printed on its title page. This copy formerly belonged to Enfield Public Library. It has no original covers. The Durham Cathedral Library copy is at shelf mark M.X.11-12. This has the original covers and spines. Each volume has the same binder's ticket on the lower pastedown: "Bound by Edmonds & Remnant London". The spines have identical blocking, with only the volume number changed. At the head: "REPORTS/ BY/ THE JURIES./ [pallet]/ VOL. I. [II.]/". [Royal coat of arms.] "EXHIBITION./ 1851./" At the base,: "SPICER BROTHERS./ CLOWES [&] SONS./" are blocked in gold.




2003 book entry number: 655

                                  Binding No:   641

                          Pressmark:   C.109.d.12.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   MacLaurin, William Cowper Augustine

                                   Title:   Fasti Christiani; or, rhymes on the kalendar. In six books.

                   Publisher Name:   C. Dolman, 61, New Bond Street, and 22, Pater Noster Row.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1851

                               Printer:   Printed by T. Booker, at the Metropolitan Catholic Printing Office, 9, Rupert Street, Leicester Square.

                                Width:        137     Height:       221          Thickness:        19

                           PagNotes:  [7], 249p.

                Place of Printing:   [London]


                       Bookbinder:   E. Smith

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  10.3.2000 &15.7.2015.


William Cowper Augustine Maclaurin:

Notes: The design is not signed. On the title page, the author is stated to be: "/ (Late Dean of Moray and Ross,)/ Now a member of the Catholic Church./" Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ E. Smith./ 5, Ivy Lane./ Paternoster Row./" Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked: in blind on lower, in gold and in blind on the upper. The borders on both

covers are blocked in blind, showing ovals and small dots blocked in relief within a fillet blocked in blind. A fillet is blocked on the inner border, with single straps and small decoration blocked on each corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a harp, interlaced with small buds, flowers and stems. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a panel formed by a single gold fillet, with stem and ornament decoration blocked inside; the title: "/ Rhymes/ on the / Kalendar/" is blocked in gold; a fleur-de-lis is blocked above an angel; the angel holds a shield, gules, with a cross centred; a cross, with rays, is blocked within an arch, with a fleur-de-lis below; a pattern of small stems and buds is blocked at the tail. A single fillet is blocked on the spine perimeter from below the title to the tail.







2003 book entry number: 656

                                  Binding No:   704

                          Pressmark:   10390.b.13.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK


                                   Title:   The Irish Tourist's illustrated handbook for visitors to Ireland in 1852. With numerous maps. Second edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Office of the National Illustrated Library, 227, Strand. M'Glashan, Sackville Street, Dublin.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1852

                               Printer:   Bradbury and Evans, Printers, Whitefriars.

                                Width:        130     Height:       200          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  [1],xvi, 167p.  6 fold-out maps. With sixteen pages of timetables bound at the front, and eighteen pages of advertisements bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   silver and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  9.3.2000 & 19.8.2015



Notes: The design is not signed. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green wave diagonal-grain cloth. The lower cover has two fillets blocked in silver on the borders. It has a map blocked on it, in silver. It shows the route from London to Holyhead, then to Dublin Bay, with routes south to Wexford Harbour and to Cork Harbour. Town names on the map are blocked in relief, with names immediately adjacent to the map being blocked in silver. There are latitude        and longitude lines on the map. The upper cover has a single silver fillet blocked on the borders. A background design features circular coils of stems and shamrocks. The central panel is shaped like a beaker, with curved rims. A lighthouse, a paddle steamship, an Irish harp and a steam            engine are blocked in silver around the centre. An open book is blocked on the centre as a silver lettering-piece, and the words: "/The tourist's/ handbook/" are blocked in relief within the book. The words: "/ for/ Ireland/" are blocked in silver below the book. The spine is separately stored in a box and is not blocked.




2003 book entry number: 657

                                  Binding No:   430

                          Pressmark:   12806.c.20.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK


                                   Title:   Useful knowledge for Children, with stories and pictures.

                   Publisher Name:   Darton & Co., Holborn Hill.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1852]


                                Width:        106     Height:       168          Thickness:        14

                           PagNotes:  88+88p. 1 plate.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   silver

                 Date Examined:  7.10.99 & 15.8.2015

References: Ball VPB  p.181.

 Notes:  The design is not signed. Light blue endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./"  [Ball no. 53A.] Blue ripple vertical-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked, in blind on the lower, in silver on the upper. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Elaborate strap work and lattice work is blocked on each corner, and also on the centre sides. Curling stems form a "figure of eight" shape, from the centre head to the centre tail. From this a tracery of thin stems, leaves and of flowers fills the spaces inside and around the figure of eight. The spine is blocked (possibly in silver, now faded.) The words: "/ Useful knowledge for children/ " are blocked in blind along the spine, within an extended cartouche, with small decoration blocked at each end, at the head and the tail.  [This upper cover design has the appearance of a Leighton design.]





2003 book entry number: 658

                                  Binding No:   679


                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Catlow, Maria E.

                                   Title:   Popular scripture zoology, containing a familiar history of the animals mentioned in the Bible.

                   Publisher Name:   Reeve and Co., Henrietta Street, Covent Garden.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1852

                               Printer:   Printed by John Edward Taylor, Little Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields.

                                Width:        130     Height:       170          Thickness:        32

                           PagNotes:  xvi,360p., 16 plates, With eight pages of publisher's titiles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]


                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  17.3.2000 7 15.8.2015

References: Ball VPB. p. 191.

Notes: The design is not signed. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Westleys & Co./ Friar Street,/ London./" [Ball no. 103B.] Purple morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. The corners have leaf and stem decoration blocked in blind. The central vignette is a pelican on both covers, blocked in blind on the lower and in gold on the upper. The spine is blocked in gold. Two plant stems are blocked the length of the spine, forming circular panels at the head and  at the tail. The panel at the head contains the title: "/ Popular/ scripture/ zoology./" blocked in gold. The panel at the tail has the

author: "Catlow" blocked in gold.





2003 book entry number:660

                                  Binding No:   374

                          Pressmark:   11686.e.36.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

                                   Title:   Voices of the night; the seaside and the fireside; and other poems. Illustrated with sixty-four engravings on wood from designs by           Jane E. Benham [i.e. probably Jane Benham Hay] ,  Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], etc.

                   Publisher Name:   David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1852

                               Printer:   Henry Vizetelly, Printer & Engraver, Gough Square, Fleet Street

                                Width:        138     Height:       210          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  xii,228p.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  5.10.99 & 15.8.2015

            References:     Ball VPB p.163 Cites the 1858 edition of Routledge as having a design by Warren; p.181 for the binder’s ticket details.

 Notes: The design is not signed. Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on rear pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./". [Ball no.53A.]  Blue ripple vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold. On the borders, there are bunches of lilies blocked within cartouches, which are formed by single fillets. These are within panels formed by two thin gold fillets. Quatrefoils and decoration are blocked in gold on each corner. There is a recessed central rectangular panel. On its corners, leaf and stem decoration is blocked in relief. The title: "/ Longfellow's/ Voices/ of the/ Night/" is blocked in  gold, in rustic letters. The spine is blocked in gold. A single thin gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. At the head and at the tail, a quatrefoil is blocked, with four fleurs-de-lis blocked inside. Four more fleurs-de-lis are blocked in gold on the outside of the quatrefoil, each being within a square formed by a single gold fillet. The words: "/ Longfellow's Voices of the Night &c/" are blocked in gold in rustic letters along the spine, within a cartouche formed by a single fillet. Small leaf decoration is blocked in gold at each end of the cartouche.




2003 book entry number: 661

                                  Binding No:   762

                          Pressmark:   12354.f.19.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Fern, Fanny [pseud., i.e. Willis, Sarah Payson]

                                   Title:   Fern leaves from Fanny's portfolio. Illustrated by Birket Foster.

                   Publisher Name:   Ingram, Cooke, and Co.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1853

                               Printer:   Printed by Levey, Robson, and Franklyn, Great New Street and Fetter Lane

                                Width:        130     Height:       195          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  326p. 8 plates. With two pages of publishers titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  22.3.2000 &15.8.2015

            References:     Dry JL no.  372 (1860) The BL copy does not appear to have a signed design. Ball, VPB p. 181.


Notes: The design is not signed. The plates are signed "E. Evans Sc" [i.e. Edmund Evans]. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords.  Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" [Ball no. 53A.] Green morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders, on the sides, the head and the tail. A pattern of leaves is blocked on the corners and on the sides, which forms a central frame. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a group of fern leaves and stems, which form a frame near the top of the vignette. The title: "/ Fern leaves/ from/ Fanny's/ Portfolio./" is blocked in gold within this frame. Unsigned. The spine is blocked fully in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the base to the head, fern leaves and other small multi-flowered plants rise upwards, with their leaves hanging downwards. Near the head the title: "/ Fern/ leaves/ from/ Fanny's portfolio./" is blocked in gold. [Possibly the work of John Leighton.]





2003 book entry number: 662

                                  Binding No:   498

                          Pressmark:   11656.p.3.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Moore, Thomas

                                   Title:   Lallah Rookh, an Oriental Romance.Illustrated with engravings from drawings by eminent artists.

                   Publisher Name:   Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1853

                               Printer:   Spottiswoodes and Shaw, New-street Square.

                                Width:        152     Height:       220          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  viii,392p. With twenty-four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London

                        Bookseller:   Riddell

                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue stripes

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  24.12.99 & 15.8.2015

References: Ball VPB p. 181.

Notes: The design is not signed. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Publisher's titles printed on upper and lower pastedowns. Bookseller's ticket embossed on the upper endpaper: "/ Riddell/ Bookseller/ and/ Stationer/ Bath/". Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Westleys & Co./ Friar Street/           London./" [Ball no. 103B.] Navy blue rib vertical-grain cloth. The cloth is also dyed with light-blue horizontal stripes. Both covers are blocked identically in blind. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. Inside these, a wide border, with a repeating pattern of "rings, diamond-drops, and clasps", is blocked in relief. A diamond-shaped vignette is blocked in relief on the centre of each cover. Within it, there is a medallion and a square. The spine is divided into five panels. Panels one, three, four and five, are square , formed by single "rope-like" fillets blocked in relief. On the centres of each these panels, dragon's heads and bodies form a double "S", blocked in relief. Panel two has the words: "/ Moore's/ Lallah/ Rookh/ [rule]/ Illustrated/" blocked in gold. The imprint: "/ London./ Longman & Co./" is blocked in gold at the tail.






2003 book entry number: 663

                                  Binding No:   834

                          Pressmark:   10411.c.18.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Palliser, John

                                   Title:   Solitary rambles and adventures of a hunter in the Prairies. With illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   John Murray, Albermarle Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1853

                               Printer:   Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars

                                Width:        130     Height:       197          Thickness:        28

                           PagNotes:  xv,326p., 8 plates. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Remnant & Edmonds

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  15.7.2000 & 15.8.2015

References: Ball VPB p. 184.


Notes: The design is not signed. Russet-red endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Remnant & Edmonds/ [rule]/ London/". [Ball no. 66 E1.]  Brown rib horizontal-grain cloth. White dye "wave" patterns run vertically on each cover and the spine. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders of

both covers. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a charging bison. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked on the perimeter, which forms a "heart-shape"  twice down each side. The words: "/Solitary/ rambles/ of a/ hunter./ [rule]/ Palliser/ [rule]/" are blocked in gold. A beaver blocked on its river dam, with small river/forest decoration arising on either side. At the tail, the words: "/London/ John

Murray/" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.




2003 book entry number: 664

                                  Binding No:   410


                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK


                                   Title:   Entertaining biography from Chambers's Repository.

                   Publisher Name:   W. and R. Chambers 47 Paternoster Row and High Street, Edinburgh

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   Printed by W. and R. Chambers

                                Width:        107     Height:       183          Thickness:        47

                           PagNotes:  Not paginated

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    trefoil leaf trellis-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  29.9.99 & 15.8.2015

            References:     Ball VPB p.140. Picture of this cloth grain.


Notes: The design is not signed. The bookplate of Henry Spencer Ashbee is on the upper pastedown. On the upper endpaper, the bookplate of: "/ Stassin et Xavier/ Libraires/ 22, Rue de la Banque, 22/ [rule]/..." is pasted. Olive green trefoil leaf trellis-grain cloth. [An unusual grain type.] Both covers have the same design blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners. There are two fillets blocked on the borders. On each corner, a leaf decoration design is blocked. On the upper cover, the monogram of W. & R. Chambers is blocked in gold inside a decorated medallion. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. Down the length of the spine, an elaborate pattern of stems, leaves, and flowers is blocked in gold. The title: "/ Entertaining/ biography/" is blocked in gold near the head. "/ Ashbee/ Collection/" red leather label is pasted near the tail. [Rebound and paper laminated 1995. No original endpapers or pastedowns.]




2003 book entry number: 665

                                  Binding No:   415

                          Pressmark:   11648.e.12.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Henderson, Thalia Susannah

                                   Title:   Olga; or, Russia in the tenth century. An Historical Poem.

                   Publisher Name:   Hamilton Adams & Co. 33, Paternoster Row; James Nisbet & Co. Berners Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   R.Clay,  Printer, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        110     Height:       177          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  viii, 326p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Co.


                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red and black stripes

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  7.10.99.

References: Ball VPB p. 191

Notes: The design is not signed. Uncut bolts. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Westleys & Co./ London./".  [Ball no. 103C.] Dark red rib vertical-grain cloth, dyed with lighter red horizontal stripes. The borders of both covers are blocked in blind with the same design. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, the outer thin, the inner thick. A third inner border of an "edging pattern" is blocked in blind. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a wreath of ivy branches, leaves and flowers, with the title word: "/ Olga/" blocked in cyrillic characters in the middle. The same vignette is blocked in blind on the lower cover. The spine has decoration blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold at the head and at the tail. "/ Olga/" is blocked in gold at the head, with ivy branch, stem and leaf decoration blocked in gold.



2003 book entry number: 666

                                  Binding No:   912

                          Pressmark:   12806.e.30.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Parley, Peter

                                   Title:   Faggots for the fireside, or tales of fact and fancy. With twelve tinted illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   Grant and Griffith, successors to Newbery and Harris, Corner of St Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1855


                                Width:        125     Height:       185          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  320p. 12 plates. With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  15.8.2000 & 15.8.2015.


Notes: The design is not signed. Bolts uncut. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red fine rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind with the same design. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. A leaf and flower pattern is blocked in blind on the corners. On the centre, more leaf and flower patterns are blocked. These surround a vase blocked within. The spine is fully blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a single gold fillet; the words: "/Faggots/ for the/ fireside,/ or/ fact & fancy/ by/ Peter Parley./" are blocked in gold in fanciful letters; stars are blocked in gold above and below the title; above a burning fire, a group is blocked: an owl, a native indian and a tomahawk, a man playing a violin, and mother and her baby; the fire has figures of an animal and a       young lady burning in it; the words: "/Grant/ & Griffith/" are blocked in gold between two gold fillets.           The USA edition of the work is at BL 12804.f.31.  New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1855. v, 320p. 12 plates. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. 125x185x30mm. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green dot-grain cloth. The lower cover central vignette is blocked in gold, featuring an two handled urn, with flowers. The upper cover centre-piece is blocked in gold, showing two columns of decoration. There are

 two red, two white, and one paper on lays, blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold, with blue and white paper on lays.



2003 book entry number: 667

[already in BL database 019-000016288 – edit and add binder’s ticket]

                                  Binding No:   622

                          Pressmark:   C.109.d.6.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Bible. Job. English.

                                   Title:   The Book of Job illustrated with fifty engravings from drawings by John Gilbert, and with explanatory notes & poetical parallels.

                   Publisher Name:   James Nisbet and Co. Berners Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh

                                Width:        163     Height:       233          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  xxx,7-188p. With one page of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  11.3.2000 & 15.8.2015.


W L Thomas:

Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures, p.181.

Notes: The design is not signed. The illustrations are engraved by Dalziel Brothers, J.W. Whymper i.e. Josiah Wood Wymper], W.L. Thomas [i.e. William Luson Thommas].Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Mauve endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown. "/ Leighton/  Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" [Ball no. 53A.] Red morocco horizontal grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold, in blind and in relief. The whole design is elaborate moorish. The outer border has a fillet blocked in gold, with small diamonds and dotted squares, repeating, blocked in relief within it. Around the large central oval, a pattern of stems, horizontal hatch leaves and flowers is blocked in gold on the corners and on the sides. Inside the oval, a flower and stem pattern is blocked in relief around the centre. On the centre, a circle is blocked, with an elaborate strap pattern within it. There is an elaborate border to this circle. Around the circle, another elaborate strap pattern of stems and leaves, surrounded by horizontal hatch,  is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. A "wavy" fillet is blocked on the perimeter, with repeating dots blocked i relief within it. An elaborate cartouche of arabesques forms an oval. Within the oval, the title: "/ The/ Book/ of/ Job./" is blocked in gold. Hatched leaves and flowers are blocked in gold as patterns on the head and on the tail. A single fillet is blocked at the head and at the tail. The British Museum de Beaumont copy is at P&D register number 1992,0406.20.



2003 book entry number: 668

                                  Binding No:   464

                          Pressmark:   1399.c.13.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned USA

                   Author/Heading:   Burgess, Nathan G

                                   Title:   The ambrotype manual: a practical treatise on the art of taking positive photographs on glass, commonly known as ambrotypes.  Containing all the various recipes for making collodions; preparation and use of the nitrate bath; developing solutions; varnishes, etc., etc., as practised by the most successful operators in the United States. To which is added the practice of the negative process and positive photographs on paper. Third edition.

                   Publisher Name:   J.M.Fairchild & Co., 109 Nassau-Street

             Place of Publication:   New York

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   R.C.Valentine, Stereotyper and Electrotypist, 17, Dutch-st, cor. Fulton, N.Y.

                                Width:        118     Height:       190          Thickness:        16

                           PagNotes:  184p. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   New York




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    trefoil leaf trellis-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  19.10.99 & 1.10.2015.

                       References:  Ball VPB      p.140    Gives example of trefoil leaf trellis grain.

                                                       Krupp BC p. 38 no. Mis8.

Notes: The design is not signed. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple trefoil leaf trellis-grain cloth. (This is not a common grain type. Particularly to see it bound on the covers of an American publication.) The same design is blocked in blind on both covers. There are three fillets, one thick, two thin, blocked on the borders. There is leaf and branch decoration on the inner corners and on the sides. which forms a quatrefoil central frame. A leaf and flower vignette is blocked on the centre. The spine is divided into four panels, with three fillets blocked in blind across the spine, separating each panel. The words: "/ The/ ambrotype/ manual./ [rule]/ Burgess/" are blocked in gold in fanciful letters diagonally within panel two.



2003 book entry number: 669

                                  Binding No:   702

                          Pressmark:   1400.i.33.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Lukis, William C.

                                   Title:   An account of Church bells; with some notices of Wiltshire bells and bell-founders. Containing a copious list of founders, a comparative scale of tenor bells, and inscriptions from nearly five hundred parishes in various parts of the kingdom .

                   Publisher Name:   J.H. Parker, London and Oxford.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Printed by J.B. Nichols and Sons, 25 Parliament Street.

                                Width:        142     Height:       230          Thickness:        16

                           PagNotes:  ix, 148p.13 plates. The plates are drawn by Lukis.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  11.3.2000 & 7.10.2015.


Notes: The design is not signed. No original endpapers or pastedowns. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers have four fillets blocked in blind on the borders. The upper cover has a centre-piece showing a bell, blocked as a gold lettering-piece. On the bell the words: "/ Church bells/" are blocked on the shoulder; "/ by/" is blocked on the waist; "/ W.C. Lukis. MA, FSA./" are blocked on the sound-bow: All the letters are blocked in relief.



2003 book entry number:670

                                  Binding No:   474

                          Pressmark:   777.a.45.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Steggall, John

                                   Title:   First lines for chemists and druggists preparing for examination before the Board of the Pharmaceutical Society. Second edition.

                   Publisher Name:   John Churchill, New Burlington Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   J.E. Adlard, Printer, Bartholomew Close

                                Width:          96     Height:       153          Thickness:        12

                           PagNotes:  viii, 178p. With six pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    trefoil leaf trellis-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   blind

                 Date Examined:  11.11.99 & 1.10.2015.

            References:     Ball VPB p.140.

Notes: The design is not signed. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red trefoil lead trellis-grain. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. There are two fillets blocked on the borders, one thick, one thin. The thick fillet forms strap work on each corner, the thin fillet has only one strap. On the upper cover, a printed paper label is pasted on the centre. A thin fillet is printed on its borders, with small decoration on each corner. Printed on the centre of the label: "/ First lines/ for/ chemists and druggists,/ by/ John Steggall, M.D./ [rule]/ Second edition./ [rule]/ 3s.6d./". The spine is not blocked.



2003 book entry number: 671

Binding No:                  1047

                          Pressmark:   1801.a.25.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Waring, John Burley

                                   Title:   Art treasures of the United Kingdom. Consisting of examples selected from the Manchester Art Treasures Exhibition, 1857. With    Descriptive Essays by Owen Jones, M. Digby Wyatt [i.e Matthew Digby Wyatt], A.W. Franks [i.e Augustus Wollaston Franks], J.C. Robinson [i.e. John Charles Robinson], George Scharf, Jun. & J.B. Waring [i.e. John Burley Waring]. The entire work will be produced under the direction of J.B. Waring, the chromo-lithography by F. Bedford [i.e. Francis Bedford]. One hundred plates, to be issued in thirty-two parts, fortnightly, at 10s. 6d. per part.  2 vols.

                   Publisher Name:   Day & Son, Lithographers to the Queen, 6, Gate Street, Lincoln's-Inn Fields.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Printed by Cox & Wyman, 74-75, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's-Inn Fields, London.

                                Width:           0     Height:          0          Thickness:         0


                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :


                 Date Examined:  7.12.99 & 1.10.2015.


Notes: Vol. I. [31p.], 43p., 32p., 33p. 312x397x38mm.Vol.  II. 80p., 27p. 312x395x35mm. For the two volumes there are 100 plates. The title page proper is a chromo-lithograph, with the title printed within the central oval.  The        dedication page states: "The drawings on wood by R. Dudley. [i.e. probably Robert Dudley]"   The wood engravings within are signed variously: “R.D.”; “R. Dudley del.” In this copy, the paper upper covers for the parts are bound in: the cover for part I is bound at the front of Vol. I.; those upper covers for parts II-XXXII are bound at the end of vol. II. Beige paper, with letterpress in black and in red. The letterpress is within a single rule border, which is printed in red. The Lower covers for parts 30, 31, 32 are also bound in. They advertise the leather binding for this work, priced at £3. 3s.




2003 book entry number: 672

                                  Binding No:   409

                          Pressmark:   7704.aa.29.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Wilkinson, Sir John Gardiner

                                   Title:   The Egyptians in the time of the Pharoahs. Being a companion to the Crystal Palace Egyptian collections. To which is added an introduction to the study of the Egyptian hieroglyphs. By Samuel Birch.

                   Publisher Name:   Published for the Crystal Palace Company by Bradbury and Evans, 11 Bouverie Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars

                                Width:        128     Height:       195          Thickness:        24

                           PagNotes:  xvi, 282p. 2 plates. With one page of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London

                        Bookseller:   Randle


                       BinderText:    No text

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  27.9.99 & 1.10.2015


Notes: The design is not signed. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Bookseller's ticket on upper pastedown: "/ Randle,/ music seller/ Bookseller/ & Stationer,/ Market Place,/ Devizes./" the book plate of Oscar Boulton is on the upper pastedown. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in

blind on the borders and on the corners. There are three fillets blocked on the borders, with fans and small decoration blocked on each corner.             The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows an Egyptian lady playing a stringed instrument. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. A single fillet is blocked in blind at the head and at the tail. The title: "/ The/ Egyptians./ Sir J.G. Wilkinson;/ Egyptian hieroglyphs/ by/ S.

Birch./" are all blocked in gold.   Four small decorated fillets separate the title lettering. "/ Price 7/6/" is blocked in gold at the tail.



2003 book entry number: 673

                                  Binding No:   452

                          Pressmark: 30

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Brewster, Sir David

                                   Title:   The kaleidoscope its history, theory and construction with its application to the fine and useful arts. Second edition, greatly enlarged. With fifty-six wood engravings and one plate.

                   Publisher Name:   John Murray, Albemarle Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   T. Constable,  Printer to Her Majesty.

                                Width:        128     Height:       196          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  vii, 189p. 1 plate. With thirty-four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh


                       Bookbinder:   Edmonds & Remnants

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   Gold

                 Date Examined:  5.11.99 & 1.10.2015.

References: Ball VPB p. 176.

Notes: The design is not signed. Inscribed on the half title page recto: “/ His Royal Highness/ Prince Alfred/ from/ The author/ Edinburgh/ Febry 1st 1864./” Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Edmonds and Remnants./ [rule]/ London/". [Ball no. 31A] Brown morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers have two fillets blocked in blind on the borders. On the upper cover, the central vignette shows a kaleidoscope, blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Two fillets are blocked in gold across the spine, at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the title words: “/ Brewster/ On the/ Kaleidoscope [in a semi-circle]/” are blocked in gold. Near the tail, the words: “/ London/ John Murray/” are blocked in gold. Another copy of this work is at shelf mark: 8715.c.33. It has the same cloth and decoration and binder’s ticket, as for this copy, but the spine is missing.






2003 book entry number: 674

                                  Binding No:   687

                          Pressmark:   3127.k.22.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Stanesby, Samuel

                                   Title:   Light for the Path of Life. From the Holy Scriptures. Designed by Samuel Stanesby.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith & Farran, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1858]

                               Printer:   Printed in Colors [sic] by Ashbee and Dangerfield.

                                Width:        140     Height:       187          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  [4], 28p. All pages have borders chromolithographed in gold and in colours.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  9.3.2000 & 1.10.2015.



Notes: The design is not signed. On the title page verso: "/ Illuminated by Samuel Stanesby/". Original gutta percha binding. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically.  A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this, a border is blocked in relief of repeating joined circular stems, each with a five pointed leaf inside. The inner rectangle has patterns of larger leaves, with a large single flower blocked on each inner corner in relief. The central rectangle is blocked in gold. It has a border of gold dots, with spade shapes blocked at the centre head and the centre tail, and a circle on each side. The title: "/ Light/ for the/ path of/ life./" is blocked in gold in fanciful letters, with sun rays blocked above and below. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. At the head, sun rays are blocked in gold. At the tail, an oriental lamp and its light rays are blocked in gold. Along the spine, the title: "/Light for the path of life/" is blocked in gold in fanciful letters.




2003 book entry number: 675

                                  Binding No:   425

                          Pressmark:   1346.g.34.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Willmott, Robert Eldridge Aris

                                   Title:   Summer time in the country. Illustrated edition

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street. New York: 18 Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        150     Height:       206          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  vii, 216p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  12.10.99 &1.10.2015.

                       References:  Ball VPB p. 180-181.

                                                       De Beaumont  RDeB  p.53, item 401. Copy with green sand-grain cloth.

                                 McLean VPD p.222. Reproduces the 1864 edition.

                                 McLean VPBB p.35.  Reproduces in colour the front cover and spine of the 1858 edition. This has the upper cover paper onlay printed in colours from wood by Edmund Evans, after a drawing by Birket Foster.

 Notes: The design is not signed. Text sewn on three tapes. The heading to the "List of illustrations" reads: " From drawings by Birket Foster [i.e. Miles Birket Foster], Harrison Weir [i.e. Harrison William Weir], and John M. Carrick [i.e probably John Mulcaster Carrick]. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel."Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" [Ball no. 53A.] Green morocco horizontal-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on both covers. The lower cover is blocked in blind. The two fillets blocked in blind on the borders are "spiked" to resemble rose branches. Patterns of roses and rose leaves are blocked in relief on the corners. The centre piece contains the author and title lettering, blocked in blind. The upper cover is fully blocked in gold, with the addition of a leaf pattern blocked in blind and in relief around the oval centre piece. The words: "/ Summer Time/ In The Country/ by/ The Revd. R.A. Willmott/" are blocked in gold in elaborate gothic letters, with the capital letters being blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet, resembling "rose-branch", is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: roses blocked in gold; a fillet; the title: "/ Summer/ Time/ In The/ Country/"; a pattern of hatched leaves and thin stems in gold; roses are blocked near the tail; a gold fillet, resembling a "rose-branch" is blocked at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 676

                                  Binding No:   629

                          Pressmark:   1509/4405

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Grattan, Thomas Colley

                                   Title:   Civilised America. Second edition. In two volumes.

                   Publisher Name:   Bradbury and Evans, 11, Bouverie Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   Bradbury and Evans, Printers, Whitefriars.

                                Width:        140     Height:       218          Thickness:        72


                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Smith and Collings

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   mauve

                        Blockwork:   Gold and blind and black

                 Date Examined:  11.3.2000 & 1.10.2015

References: Ball VPB p. 187.

Notes: The design is not signed. Two volumes bound as one. Vol. I. xxiv, v-xix,444p, 1 plate. Vol. II. vii,517p., 2 maps (1 fold-out). The fold out map is printed in black and red. It is entitled: "Civilised America; graduated shades shewing the progress of civilisation." Signed at the bottom: "Del. & litho by James Wyld, Charing Cross East London."Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Smith & Collings,/ 5, Ivy Lane,/ Paternoster Row./" [Ball no. 83A.] Mauve pebble-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. Three fillets are blocked on the borders: the first is plain; the next two have a herring-bone pattern blocked in relief between them, with dots blocked in relief on each corner. The central oval is formed by three fillets. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. From the border inwards, the decoration is: a fillet in gold on the borders; a border in gold of beads and dots; a herring-bone border, blocked in black, with single leaves blocked in gold on the corners, the centre head, the centre tail and the centre sides; a single fillet forms an inner rectangle, with a leaf and flower device blocked in gold on each inner corner. The central oval is formed by three fillets, blocked in black. The centre-piece, blocked in gold, shows a shield shaped like the geographical outline of the USA, with stars and vertical stripes. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets; two corner-pieces in gold; a decorative arch, in which the words: "/ Grattan's/ America./" are blocked in gold in gothic letters.; an interlinking strap design, with the same USA shield as on the upper cover; two corner-pieces near the tail; two gold fillets are blocked at the tail.




2003 book entry number: 677

Binding No:                    465

                          Pressmark:   12632.f.4.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Lister, afterwards, Lewis, Lady Maria Theresa

                                   Title:   The semi-detached house. Edited by Lady Theresa Lewis.

                   Publisher Name:   Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   Printed by A.Schulze, 13, Poland Street.

                                Width:        126     Height:       205          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  [2],327p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   green stripes

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  19.10.99.


Notes: The design is not signed. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Westleys/ & Co./ London./" Dark green bead-grain cloth, with horizontal light green stripes. On both covers, four fillets are blocked in blind, two thick and two thin. The spine is blocked in gold. Two fillets are blocked in blind at the head and at the tail. The title: "/ The/ semi-detached/ house/" is blocked in gold within a panel formed by two fillets, with small decoration blocked above and below. The words: "/ By/ Lady Theresa/ Lewis/" are blocked in gold on the middle. "/ London Bentley./" is blocked in gold at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 678

                                  Binding No:   473

                          Pressmark:   11650.d.18.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Michell, Nicolas

                                   Title:   Pleasure, A Poem. In seven books.

                   Publisher Name:   William Tegg & Co., 85, Queen Street, Cheapside.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   Petter and Galpin, Belle Sauvage Printing Works, Ludgate Hill, E.C.

                                Width:        128     Height:       195          Thickness:        21

                           PagNotes:  243p. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bead-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  11.1.2000 & 7.10.2015


Notes: The design is not signed. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green bead-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders, the corners and the  sides. There are two fillets blocked on the borders. Inside this is a frame showing leaf and stem decoration, with spirals on the corners, and on the centres of the sides. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows a putto, a basket of flowers on his head, standing on a pole. A bird is perched on each side of the putto on the pole. The pole is garlanded with ribbons and flower posies. A bunch of fruit hangs at the base. The spine is blocked in gold. There is a single gold fillet blocked around the perimeter. A laurel wreath is blocked at the head, with the words: "/ Pleasure/ [rule]/ Michell/" blocked in gold underneath. In the middle of the spine, a small decorative device is blocked in gold, which            shows a triangle and three shamrocks.





2003 book entry number: 679

                                  Binding No:   463

                          Pressmark:   10057.b.24.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Cobbold, Robert Henry

                                   Title:   Pictures of the Chinese, drawn by themselves.

                   Publisher Name:   John Murray, Albemarle Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   Woodfall and Kinder, Printers, Angel Court, Skinner Street.

                                Width:        127     Height:       197          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  vi, 220p., 34 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave vertical-grain

                            Colour :   green stripes

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  2.12.99 & 7.10.2015


Notes:  The design is not signed. White endpapers and pastedowns. Dark green-dyed cloth with vertical light green stripes. Wave vertical-grain cloth. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders of both covers. On the lower cover, the central vignette is blocked in blind. It is oval-shaped, and shows a dragon surrounded by foliage, all blocked in relief. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a china man, on tiptoe, with a wooden drum , a stick and a tablet in his hands. There is a sign on a pole attached to his back. On the spine at the head and at the tail, gold fillets are blocked across the spine, and, between them, a repeating pattern of semi-circles, leaves and small dots blocked in gold. The title words: "/ Pictures/ of the/ Chinese/" are blocked near the head in gold. Underneath this, small decoration, showing crossed stems and leaves, is blocked in gold. At the tail, the words: "/ London/ John Murray/” are blocked in gold.





2003 book entry number: 680

                                  Binding No:   670

                          Pressmark:   C.129.a.18.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Montgomery, James

                                   Title:   The poetical works. With a memoir. Eight Engravings on Steel.

                   Publisher Name:   Gall & Inglis, 6 George Street. London: Houlston & Wright.

             Place of Publication:   Edinburgh

              Date of Publication:   [1860]


                                Width:        105     Height:       170          Thickness:        32

                           PagNotes:  xxii, 456p. 8 plates.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   MacTaggart

                       BinderText:    Upper

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  10.3.2000 & 7.10.2015.



Notes:  The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Ticket on upper pastedown: "/ Sold by/ James Mactaggart/ Bookseller Bookbinder/ & Stationer/ 103 High Street/ Arbroath./" Prize bookplate on upper pastedown: "/ Presented/ by the Magistrates/ and/ Town Council of Arbroath/ to/ Miss Anne Hill/ 2nd/ of her Arithmetic Class/ Under Mr Fraser/ In Arbroath High School/ John ....... Provost./ Council Chambers/ Arbroath 15th July           1863./" Written at the top of the plate: ""2nd also in Competition." Blue wave vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically, in blind and in relief on the lower, in gold and in relief on the upper. The borders are blocked in gold with: 1. a single fillet; 2. a hatch fillet; 3. two more fillets. Inside these, there is a border of repeating "thin-branch" motifs, blocked in relief within a horizontal hatch gold fillet. The inner rectangle has two "dog-tooth" fillets blocked in gold on its borders. Groups of passion flower leaves are blocked in relief on the centre head, and on the centre tail, and on the centre sides, surrounded by horizontal hatch gold. Four pointed stars and dots are blocked on the inner corners in gold. On the centre, five ovals are blocked, the smallest being at the centre. All the ovals have fillets blocked on their borders. The oval on the centre has small four-point stars and dots within, and the words: "/ James Montgomery/" in gold between fillets. On the lower cover, another block has been stamped in gold over the original. It looks as though the block has been added after casing-in. From the head downwards, the decoration on this block is: The word: "/ Arbroath/", blocked within a ribbon; a portcullis and chains; a medallion surrounded by curling leaves; inside the medallion, the words: "/ Prize/ The/ Magistrates/ and/ Town Council./" are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. A "tooth and dot" repeating pattern is blocked in gold on the perimeter, with a single fillet inside this on the perimeter. There is a diamond pattern blocked vertically from head to tail. Groups of passion flower leaves are blocked in relief within horizontal hatch gold lettering-pieces, on the head and on the tail. Near the head, the words:"/ James Montgomery's/ Poetical/ Works/" are blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces, with single fillets on their borders. Below the title, six medallions are blocked down the spine, with five stars and four leaves blocked in relief alternately in each medallion. The words: "/ Gall & Inglis/" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet near the base.






2003 book entry number:681

                                  Binding No:   915

                          Pressmark:   Tab.1216.a.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Bible. Matthew. Selections. English.

                                   Title:   The Sermon on the Mount.

                   Publisher Name:   [Day & Son]

             Place of Publication:   [London]

              Date of Publication:   [1861]


                                Width:        445     Height:       575          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  Unpaginated. [26 leaves. Each leaf is printed on the recto only.]

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   Leather

                              Grain:    morocco

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  18.12.98 & 7.10.2015

References: Ball VPB p. 181.


 Notes: The design is not signed. On leaf two is printed: "Illuminated by W & G Audsley Architects Liverpool. [Monograms of WA & CA 1861 printed in gold against a blue background, all within a quatrefoil with a red ball-bead border, and a gold border.] Illustrated by Charles Rolt. Chromolithographed by W R Tymms [i.e William Robert Tymms]. Day & Son." In the Day & Son catalogue bound at the end of BL 12304.h.1, this work is described as: "Copies of the above work are to be supplied to Subscribers only. Proofs, extra thick paper, full morocco, gilt (210 copies printed), 12l. 12s. ..." Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and Hodge./" [Ball 53C.] Brown morocco. Both covers blocked identically in gold and blind and relief. A number of fillets and patterns blocked inwards on the borders: 1. a wide single fillet blocked in blind 2. two thin gold fillets 3. a wide pattern of repeating semi-circles with "three leaves and  single ball" atop each semi-circle 4. a thin gold fillet 5. a wide gold fillet, with repeating dots blocked in side it in relief. This last fillet forms a large single circular strap at the centre head, the centre tail, and the centre sides. Within each of the straps, a flower head is blocked. The inner corners have a pattern of curling stems, leaves and one large flower head, all blocked in gold and in relief. The centre is formed by an elongated quatrefoil. It has multiple decoration blocked on its borders, and a "diamond and dot" pattern blocked in relief within it. The centre of the quatrefoil is occupied by a cross flory blocked in gold. The patterns showing on each arm of the cross are blocked in relief. On the centre of the cross, and of the cover, a quatrefoil is blocked. The word: "IHS" is blocked in gold within the quatrefoil. Unsigned. The spine is blocked in gold. Small decoration is blocked at the head and at the tail. The title: "/The Sermon on the Mount/" is blocked in gold in gothic letters along the spine.







2003 book entry number: 682





2003 book entry number: 683

                                  Binding No:   7

                          Pressmark:   12807.e.17.                               1861

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Gatty, Margaret

                                   Title:   Parables from nature. By Mrs. Alfred Gatty...With ullustrations by C.W.Cope, R.A. [i.e. Charles West Cope], H. Calderon [i.e. Philip Hermogenes Calderon], W. Holman Hunt [i.e William Holman Hunt], W. Millais [i.e. probably William Henry Millais], Otto Speckter,  G.Thomas[i.e. possibly George Houseman Thomas] and E. Warren.

                   Publisher Name:   Bell and Daldy, 186, Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Chiswick Press: Printed by Whittingham and Wilkins, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane.

                                Width:        140     Height:       205          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  viii, 196p.,14 plates.   With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  14.1.99 & 7.10.2015.

            References:     Ball VPB p. 156 cites the 1864 edition


Notes: The design is not signed. A handwritten note on the title page states these are the 1st and 2nd series. The end of the List of Contents states: “/ The Frontispiece is designed by H. Calderon. The drawings by Otto Specketer have been engraved by H. N. Woods [i.e. possibly H. Newsom Woods], and the rest by H. Harral [i.e. Horace Harral].” The Frontispiece illustration is signed with the monogram “PHC”. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. Purple morocco horizontal-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on both covers. The lower cover is blocked in blind, the upper cover is blocked in gold. The upper cover has a fillet blocked  in gold on the border. Inside the border is strap work, highlighted in relief, which forms "onion" shapes on the corners. There is a tracery of leaves and flowers blocked in relief around the strap work, against a horizontal hatch gold background. In the central oval, the title words: "/ Parables/ from/ nature/ Mrs. A. Gatty/" are blocked in relief within four rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each with a single gold fillet on its borders. A tracery of small plant decoration is blocked in gold surrounds these lettering-pieces. The spine is fully blocked in gold and relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets; flower decoration blocked in relief within gold horizontal hatch; The words: "/ Parables/ from/ nature/ Mrs A Gatty/" are blocked in gold, within a panel with fillets forming an ogee arch at the head; four gold fillets; ;more flower and stem decoration blocked in relief within gold horizontal hatch; an extended oval, with semi-circles is blocked on the middle of the lower half of the spine, with small leaf and flower decoration blocked in gold within it; six gold fillets are blocked at the tail. A copy of the 1865 edition – 3rd and 4th series is also at this shelf mark, with the same cloth dye, cloth grain and cover decoration, apart from a recessed central oval panel on the upper cover. 





2003 book entry number: 683a

                                  Binding No:   7

                          Pressmark:   12807.e.17. 1865

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Gatty, Margaret

                                   Title:   Parables from nature. By Mrs. Alfred Gatty. With notes on the natural history; and Illustrations by Lorenz Frölich, W. B. Scott [i.e. William Bell Scott], M. E. Edwards [i.e. Mary Ellen Edwards],  Harrison Weir [i.e. William Harrison Weir], John Tenniel, E. B. Jones [i.e. possibly Edward Burne-Jones], G. H. Thomas [i.e. probably George Housman Thomas], W. P. Burton [i.e. William Paton Burton] , J. Wolff [i.e. possibly Joseph Wolf]. Third and Fourth Series. [Device of Bell & Daldy.]

                   Publisher Name:   Bell and Daldy, 186, Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1865

                               Printer:   Chiswick Press: Printed by Whittingham and Wilkins, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane.

                                Width:        140     Height:       205          Thickness:        27

                           PagNotes:  vii, 196p. 15plates.  

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  14.1.99 & 7.10.2015.

            References:     Ball VPB p. 156 cites the 1864 edition,_William_Paton_%28DNB00%29


Notes: The design is not signed. The end of the List of Contents states: “/ The engravings have been executed by Mr. Horace Harral.” The Frontispiece illustration is entitled “Red Snow” and is signed “W B Scott”. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Purple morocco horizontal-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on both covers. The lower cover is blocked in blind, the upper cover is blocked in gold. The upper cover has a fillet blocked  in gold on the border. Inside the border is strap work, highlighted in relief, which forms "onion" shapes on the corners. There is a tracery of leaves and flowers blocked in relief around the strap work, against a horizontal hatch gold background. The central oval is recessed with a (olive-green?) on lay pated within it. Within the on lay, the title words: "/ Parables/ from/ nature/ Mrs. A. Gatty/" are blocked in relief, four rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each with a single gold fillet on its borders. A tracery of small plant decoration is blocked in gold surrounds these lettering-pieces. The spine is fully blocked in gold and relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets; flower decoration blocked in relief within gold horizontal hatch; The words: "/ Parables/ from/ nature/ Mrs A Gatty/" are blocked in gold, within a panel with fillets forming an ogee arch at the head; four gold fillets; ;more flower and stem decoration blocked in relief within gold horizontal hatch; an extended oval, with semi-circles is blocked on the middle of the lower half of the spine, with small leaf and flower decoration blocked in gold within it; six gold fillets are blocked at the tail. A copy of the 1861 edition – 1st and 2nd series is also at this shelf mark, with the same cloth dye, cloth grain and cover decoration; the 1861 edition has no recessed central oval panel on the upper cover. 





2003 book entry number: 684

                                  Binding No:   1050

                          Pressmark:   C.30.b.40.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Keeble, John

                                   Title:   Keble's Morning Hymn. Illuminated by B. B-B. Chromo-Lithographed by W.R. Tymms [i.e. William Robert Tymms].

                   Publisher Name:   Day and Sons Lithographers to the Queen. 6 Gate St Lincolns Inn Fields.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1861]


                                Width:        215     Height:       172          Thickness:        13

                           PagNotes:  Unpaginated. [12 pages]

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  21.12.98 & 7.10.2015


Notes: The design is  not signed. The Day and Son catalogue at the end of BL 12304.h.1. and in the advertisement in the Publisher’s Circular of Dec. 8, 1865, p.707, this work is advertised as: "Size small 4to., handsomely bound, with gilt edges, price 15s."Text printed only on the recto of each page. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief only on the lower, and in gold, in blind and in relief on the upper. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, with a zig-zag border blocked between them. Two more gold fillets are blocked inside this on the borders, with repeating dots blocked in gold between these. On each inner corner, a circle is blocked. Two semi circles and an eight-point star are blocked inside. The elongated central oval (blocked horizontally) has a thin fillet in blind on its borders; then two more fillets          blocked in gold, with five-point stars blocked between these. Inside, a circular gold fillet and trefoils are blocked, together with a cross and trefoils at its ends. The spine is blocked in gold. Small decoration is blocked at the head and at the tail. The title: "/ Keble's Morning Hymn/" is     blocked in gold along the spine from the base to the head, in gothic letters.





2003 book entry number: 685

[this work already entered into BL bindings database 019-000016125]

                                  Binding No:   448

                          Pressmark:   8834.f.1.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK


                                   Title:   Red, white and blue: sketches of military life. By the author of “Flemish interiors". In three volumes. Vol. I. [-III.]

                   Publisher Name:   Hurst and Blackett, Publishers, successors to Henry Colborn, 13, Great Marlborough Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1862

                               Printer:   Billing, Printer, 103, Hatton Garden, London, and Guildford, Surrey.

                                Width:           0     Height:          0          Thickness:         0


                Place of Printing:   [London]


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   red and white and blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  26.11.99 & 15.8.2015



Notes:  The design is not signed. Vol. I. xv,356p., 2 plates. 128x202x32mm. Vol. II. viii,296p. 128x202x28mm. Vol. III. vi,351p. 128x202x32mm. With six pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. All three volumes have brown endpapers and pastedowns. Vol. 1 has a binder's ticket on the lower pastedown: "/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge/". Across both covers and the spine of each volume are three different dyed cloths of equal thickness. Red on the head, white in the middle, and blue at the tail. All three cloths used to cover the boards for the three volumes are of pebble-grain. All volumes are blocked with the same design on the covers and on the spines. There are two fillets blocked on the borders in blind. Inside this, a repeating border of "cross-ribbon" and dots is blocked in relief. Inside this, a repeating pattern of "three leaves and two flower heads" is blocked in relief. This pattern is also blocked on the lower two thirds of each spine. The heads of the spine of vols. 1 and 3 are missing. The head for vol. 2 shows a gold lettering-piece, shaped as a flag. The words :"/ Red/ White/ Blue/ by the author of/ Flemish interiors/" are blocked in relief within four curved gold lettering pieces that flutter from the flag. Underneath the flag, "/ Vol. II/" is blocked in gold. "/ Hurst and Blackett/" is blocked in gold at the tail of all three volumes. There are two gold fillets at the head and at the tail of vol. 2.




2003 book entry number: 686


                                  Binding No:   914


                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Ede, Charles

                                   Title:   Warm hearts in cold regions. A Tale of Arctic Life.

                   Publisher Name:   T. Nelson and Sons, Paternoster Row; Edinburgh; and New York.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1862


                                Width:        106     Height:       170          Thickness:        23

                           PagNotes:  192p. 7  plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  2.8.2000 & 21.10.2015



Notes: The design is not signed. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown coarse pebble-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and relief on the borders and on the corners. Six fillets are blocked on the borders: 1. a thick fillet 2. & 3. thin fillets 4. a fillet blocked in blind, with repeating dots blocked within

in relief 5. a very thin fillet 6. a fillet in blind. Straps are blocked in relief on each corner. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows three men constructing an igloo. Two of the men are handling ice blocks near the top of the igloo. The third man is crawling in through the entrance "tunnel". Unsigned. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a rectangular panel formed by a single

fillet; decoration blocked in relief; a hatched gold rectangular panel, with the title: "/ Warm/ hearts/ cold/ regions/" blocked in relief within five rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each with single fillets blocked in relief on their borders; below this, a jagged "ice landscape" is outlined in gold; within this, a polar bear perches on three small ice peaks - all blocked in gold; a vertical hatch gold rectangular gold lettering-piece, has the

words: "/ By/ Charles Ede. R.N./" blocked in relief within it; more jagged ice outlined in gold, with decoration blocked in relief; at the tail, a rectangle is formed by a single gold fillet.





2003 book entry number: 687

                                  Binding No:   686

                          Pressmark:   8408.a.36.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Stanesby, Samuel

                                   Title:   Aphorisms of the Wise & Good. Illuminated by Samuel Stanesby.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1862

                               Printer:   Printed in colors [sic] by Thomas Bessent.

                                Width:        105     Height:       143          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  [iv], 28p. All pages have borders chromolithographed in gold and in colours.

                Place of Printing:   [London]


                       Bookbinder:   Hanbury & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  21.10.97 & 21.10.2015

            References:     Ball VPB. p. 178.  McLean VBD p.134 & p.137.


Notes: The design is not signed. Page [ii] has an oval portrait photograph of John Milton with a chromolithograph surround, and the caption: "John Milton Born, 1608 Died, 1674." is printed in colours within a ribbon underneath the portrait. Page [iii], the title page, has the quotation on the oval border: "In the lips of him that hath understanding wisdom is found. The tongue of the just is as choice silver." Page [iv], the title page verso, has the words: "Illuminated by Saml. Stanesby. Printed in Colors [sic] by Thomas Bessent." printed within ribbons, which surround a gold shield containing the monogram "SS" printed in red and green.

Original gutta percha binding [in 1997]. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Hanbury & Co./ Binders, /80, Coleman St./ E.C./" [Ball no. 41A.] Green morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in gold, in blind and in relief. Two borders are blocked on the covers in gold: 1. a repeating pattern of joined leaves and small circles; 2. a thin fillet. Curling stems are blocked in relief on the corners. Three overlapping ovals are blocked on the centre. The borders of the two outer ovals are purple paper on lays with fillets on edges, and blocked with curling stems and hatch gold berries. Inside this, four blue paper on lays are blocked in gold with small diamonds and decoration. The centre head and centre tail of the oval in the middle has small leaf decoration blocked in relief within a gold and hatched gold lettering-piece. On the centre, the title words: "Aphorism of the wise & good" are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Two fillets are blocked on the sides. From the tail upwards, the decoration is: a fillet and small panels; two "spade-shapes"; from the middle to the head, the title:"/ Aphorisms of the Wise & Good/" is blocked along the spine in gold. Each capital letter is in gold within a horizontal hatch gold panel with fillets blocked on either side. Small decoration and a fillet blocked at the head.




2003 book entry number: 688

                                  Binding No:   505


                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Farmer, Edward

                                   Title:   Ned Farmer's scrap book; being a selection of poems, songs, scraps, etc. etc. Enlarged and revised. Third edition.

                   Publisher Name:   W. MacIntosh, 24, Paternoster Row. Derby: Bemrose & Sons, Irongate and Market-Place.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   Printed and published for the Author, by Bemrose & Sons, Irongate and Market-Place, Derby.

                                Width:        125     Height:       197          Thickness:        13

                           PagNotes:  xv, 144p.

                Place of Printing:   [Derby]


                       Bookbinder:   Bemrose & Sons

                       BinderText:    Upper

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave vertical-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  11.1.2000 & 21.10.2015

            References: Ramsden, Charles. Bookbinders of the United Kingdom (outside London) 1780-1840. Privately Printed, 1954, p. 37. 


Notes: The design is not signed. Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on upper pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bemrose & Sons,/ Derby./" Brown wave vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick, one thin. An inner rectangle is formed by another fillet, with straps blocked in blind on the corners and on the sides. Inside this, each corner has a spade-shaped design, with leaves and flower buds blocked in relief inside. On each side, four "maple-shaped" leaves are blocked in blind, with two more each on the head and the centre tail. On the centre of the upper cover, the title words: "/ Ned Farmer's/ scrap book./" are blocked in gold. No blocking on the spine.





2003 book entry number: 689

                                  Binding No:   688

                          Pressmark:   1347.f.20.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Stanesby, Samuel

                                   Title:   The Floral Gift. An Illuminated Souvenir.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith & Farran, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1863]

                               Printer:   Printed in Colours by Thomas Bessent.

                                Width:        138     Height:       190          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  [2],28,[2]p. The borders of the pages are chromolithographed.

                Place of Printing:   [London:]


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    dot and line vertical-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  10.3.2000 & 7.10.2015

            References:     Morris & Levin APB p.101, no.224.

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures, p.172.

Notes: The design is not signed. The title page is bound in at the rear. Printed on the title page verso: "/ Illuminated by Saml. Stanesby./" Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./" [Ball no. 17A.] Green dot and line grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold, in blind and in relief. There is a fillet blocked in gold on the borders, with two more fillets blocked in blind inside this. An inner border pattern of flower stems and heads is blocked in relief, within a gold fillet. There is a recessed rectangular central panel, with an "ogee arch and oval" tracery pattern blocked inside in blind, with a small leaf blocked in relief within each oval. The title: "/ The Floral Gift./" is blocked in relief, in gothic lettering, within a rectangular gold lettering-piece. Across each cover run two raised imitation medieval clasps, blocked in gold. The patterns of branch, leaf and seeds are blocked in relief within the length of the clasps. They run across the spine. The spine is blocked in gold.  The spine is divided into five panels by single fillets blocked in blind. Panels two and four are the continuation of the clasps blocked on each cover. Panels, one, three and five are formed as rectangles by two gold fillets. Within the three odd numbered panels: 1. small decoration blocked in gold; 3. the title: "/ The/ Floral/ Gift/" is blocked in gold in gothic letters, surrounded by small leaf, stem and flower decoration blocked in gold; 5. the words: "/ London/ Griffith/ and/ Farran/" and small flowers are blocked in gold.




2003 book entry number: 690


                                   Binding No:   467

                                   Pressmark:   10390.e.11.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Tillotson, John

                                   Title:   Ireland and its scenery. Illustrated by Thirty-Five Engravings on Steel, by various artists.

                   Publisher Name:   T.J.Allman, 463 Oxford Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1863]

                               Printer:   Printed at the City Central Press, Oxford Arms Passage, Warwick Lane, St.Paul's

                                Width:        190     Height:       250          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  80p. 36 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Smith and Collings

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    honeycomb-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  14.12.99 & 2.12.2015

            References:     Packer p.139.

Notes: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Smith and Collings,/ 5  Ivy Lane,/ Paternoster Row./" Red honeycomb-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically on the borders, corners and sides, in blind on the lower cover, and in gold and in relief on the upper. The borders are blocked with: 1&2. two gold fillets. 3. a pattern of repeating leaves blocked in gold 4. a gold fillet and repeating gold dots 5&6. two gold fillets 7. a wide inner border of a gold fillet with a curling leaf and stem blocked within it. Arabesques are blocked on each inner corner, centre sides, on the centre head and centre tail. Within the inner rectangle, tracery of small leaves and stems is blocked in relief on the corners. The central panel of the upper cover is recessed. On its outer border, a gold lettering-piece    forms an oval, with plant decoration blocked in relief within it. Three gold fillets within this form inner borders. On the centre, the title: "/ Ireland/ and its/ Scenery./" is blocked in gold. The spine is not blocked.






2003 book entry number: 691

Binding No:                  1049

                          Pressmark:   1800.b.12.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Waring, John Burley

                                   Title:   Masterpieces of industrial art & sculpture at the International Exhibition, 1862. Chromo-lithographed by and under the direction of W.R. Tymms [i.e. William Robert Tymms], A. Warren[ i.e. probably Albert Henry Warren], and G. Macculloch [i.e. possibly George Macculloch] , from photographs supplied by the London & Stereoscopic Company, taken exclusively for this work by Stephen Thompson. In three volumes. - Volume I. [-III.]

                   Publisher Name:   Published by Day & Son, Lithographer to the Queen and to H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, 6, Gate Street, Lincoln's-Inn Fields.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1863

                               Printer:   Cox and Wyman, Printers, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's-Inn Fields.

                                Width:        300     Height:       432          Thickness:         0


                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   Leather

                              Grain:    morocco

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   Gold

                 Date Examined:  23.12.98 & 21.10.2015.


Notes: The design is not signed. Each volume is 300x432 by 50mm thick (vol. I); 300x432 by 45mm thick, (vol. II); 300x432 by 58mm thick (vol. III). Parallel English and French text accompanies each plate. Vol. I. has 100 plates of chromolithographs. Plate 24: "Leather Book Cover by F. Bedford for H. Shaw's 'Dresses & decorations of the Middle Ages.'..."         Vol. II. has plates 101-200. Plate 126 is entitled "Book-covers", by Messrs J & J. Leighton, and Messrs. Leighton & Hodge, London. Four book covers are illustrated in the plate: 1. [upper and lower covers] "Paradise regained"; the design by JL (Luke Limner] for J&J Leighton 2. A Bible by Leighton Son & Hodge, with emblems of sacrament, designed by Owen Jones. 3. Bible - Leighton & Hodge. Vol. III. has plates 201-300A. It has a "Index to Letter-press; "Notice to the Binder" re. plate number errors; "Notice to Subscribers". All the volumes are bound in full morocco. Each volume has identical tooling with fillets and wide border tooling on the borders, and a royal coat of arms on the centre of each cover. In British Library internal files of tools used for British Museum bindings, there is a list of: “Trustees Tools used in the British Museum Bindery. Sheet two of these lists of tools is an example of the Royal Coat of Arms, and the sheet is signed: “ January 4th 1866, Charles Tuckett”. At the end of Vol. III. are: 1.  the paper wrappers for the descriptive text are bound. these are beige, printed in gold. 2. the upper and lower paper   wrappers for parts 1-75. Each part was issued at 5s. In the Day and Son catalogue at the end of BL 12304.h.1, this work is advertised as: "75 parts. 5s. per Part". Gilt edges, gauffered. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco.  The wide leather turn-ins have gold fillets and plant decoration blocked in gold. All three volumes blocked with the same designs. Both covers blocked identically in gold on the covers. Fillets are blocked on the borders, and French decoration is blocked on the corners. Royal coats of arms are blocked on the centre. The spine has raised bands, which divide it into six panels. Panels two and four have the title and the volume number; panels one, three, five and six, have elaborate plant decoration in gold and in hatch. Fillets are blocked at the head and at the tail in gold.




2003 book entry number: 692

                                  Binding No:   1097


                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Barter, William George Thomas

                                   Title:   Adventures of a summer-eve a poem in six books and other poems.

                   Publisher Name:   Bell and Daldy, 186, Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1864

                               Printer:   Printed by Spottiswoode and Co. New-Street Square.

                                Width:        110     Height:       178          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  [2], xvi,353p. With thirty-three pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    bubble-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  24.10.2000 & 21.10.2015

References: Krupp Bookcloth p. 42. Ball VPB p. 172.

Notes: The design is not signed. Bolts uncut. Dark brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & son,/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./" [Ball no. 17A.] Green bubble/ pebble-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically on the borders, in blind on the lower, and in gold on the upper. On the borders of the upper cover, hatch gold is blocked between two gold fillets. On the centre, the device of Bell and Daldy is blocked in gold. [A bell, an anchor, and a dolphin, hanging from ribbons; this device is printed at the head of the publisher's titles at the end.] The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail: vertical gold hatch is blocked in gold between two gold fillets. Near the head, the title: "/ Adventures/ of a/ Summer-Eve/ [rule]/ W.G.T. Barter./" is blocked in gold. The imprint: "/ London/ Bell & Daldy is blocked in gold near the tail.





2003 book entry number: 693

                                  Binding No:   1085

                          Pressmark:   11649.aa.2

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Chatterton, Henrietta Georgiana Marcia, Lady

                                   Title:   Leonore. A Tale: and other poems.

                   Publisher Name:   Macmillan and  Co.

             Place of Publication:   London and Cambridge

              Date of Publication:   1864

                               Printer:   Printed by R. Clay, Son and Taylor, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        110     Height:       175          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  [8], 324p. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    beaded line diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  20.10.2000 & 21.10.2015.

                       References:  Gaskell NIB p.242, no. 95. Krupp Bookcloth p. 33. Ball VPB p. 173.

Notes: The design is not signed. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./" [Ball no. 20A.] Brown beaded line diagonal cloth. Both covers have a single fillet blocked on the borders, in blind on the lower, in gold on the upper. On the lower cover, the Macmillan medallion is blocked in gold on the centre. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked at the head and at the tail. The title: "/ Leonore/ and other/ poems/ Lady/ Chatterton/" is blocked in gold near the head. The imprint: "/ Macmillan & Co./" is blocked in gold near the tail.





2003 book entry number: 694

                                  Binding No:   535


                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Fox, Charles Armstrong

                                   Title:   A poet's playmates; or, country pictures.

                   Publisher Name:   Binns & Goodwin. London: E. Marlborough & Co. London: Houlston & Wright.

             Place of Publication:   Bath

              Date of Publication:   [1864]

                               Printer:   Printed by Binns and Goodwin

                                Width:        116     Height:       175          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  iv, 288p. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   Bath




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    wave horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  24.1.2000 & 23.12.2015


Notes: The design is not signed. White endpapers and pastedowns. Blue wave horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind . Five fillets blocked on the borders. There is a wide inner border blocked of ovals with leaves inside, and spade shapes on each corner. An inner rectangle is formed by interlocking groups of three fillets, which overlap at the head and at the tail. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head down,  the decoration is: fillet at head; hatch gold circles and quatrefoils; a fillet; "dog tooth" decoration; an oval blocked in hatch gold, with scroll-work at its head and at its tail; the title: "/ A poet's/ playmates/" blocked in relief within gold lettering-pieces; "dog tooth" decoration; hatch gold circles and quatrefoils; a fillet is blocked across the spine at the tail.




2003 book entry number: 695

                                  Binding No:   1086


                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Shairp, John Campbell

                                   Title:   Kilmahoe. A highland pastoral. With other poems.

                   Publisher Name:   Macmillan and  Co.

             Place of Publication:   London and Cambridge

              Date of Publication:   1864

                               Printer:   T. Constable,  Printer to the Queen, and to the University.

                                Width:        110     Height:       178          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  xii, 211p.

                Place of Printing:   Edinburgh


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    beaded line diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  20.10.2000 & 21.10.2015.

            References:     Gaskell NIB p.242, no. 95. Krupp Bookcloth p. 33. Ball VPB p. 173.

Notes: The design is not signed. The description of this work in the publisher's titles as the end of "Leonore", BL11649.aa.2., is: "Fcap. 8vo. 5s./"Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./" [Ball no. 20A.] Blue diagonal beaded line cloth. Both covers have a single fillet blocked on their borders, in blind on the lower and in gold on the upper. On the centre of the lower cover, the Macmillan medallion is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked at the head and at the tail. The title: "Kilmahoe/ and other/ poems/ [rule]/ Shairp/" is blocked in gold near the head. Near the tail, the imprint: "/ Macmillan/" is blocked in gold.





2003 book entry number: 696

                                  Binding No:   479


                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth

                                   Title:   Nursery nonsense or rhymes without reason. Illustrated by C. H. Bennett [i.e. Charles Henry Bennett].

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith & Farran, successors to Newberry & Harris, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1864

                               Printer:   Wertheimer and Co, Printers, Circus Place, Finsbury.

                                Width:        135     Height:       185          Thickness:        12

                           PagNotes:  viii, 56p. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London:


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    honeycomb-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   Gold and blind and black

                 Date Examined:  24.12.99 & 21.10.2015.

References: Ball VPB p. 172.

 Notes: The design is not signed. The illustrations are signed with Bennett's monogram: "CHB", and are hand coloured.        Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on the lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./" [Ball no. 20A.]  Red honeycomb-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with the same design, in blind on the lower cover, and in gold, black and relief on the upper cover. On the upper cover, there are three fillets blocked in gold on the borders. Between the outer two of these, a repeating pattern of hatch leaves is blocked in gold. Inside the fillets, there are small gold decorative pieces blocked on the corners and on the sides. There are multiple fillets blocked in gold and in black, which forms single straps at the centre of the head and the centre of the tail. Leaf and stem decoration is blocked in gold on the inner corners. The central roundel is a gold lettering-piece blocked within an oval formed by fillets blocked in gold and in black. The roundel has three fillets blocked in black on its perimeter, which cross to form medallions at the head and at the tail. Each of these medallions has a head, blocked in gold. Inside the roundel, a gold lettering-piece is blocked with a hatched centre. The title: "/ Nursery nonsense/ or/ Rhymes/ Without/ Reason/" are blocked in relief with tendrils leading off from many of the letters. The spine is blocked in gold.

The words: "/ Nursery/ nonsense/" are blocked in relief within gold pennant-shaped lettering-pieces.




2003 book entry number: 697

                                  Binding No:   428

                          Pressmark:   11611.aa.37.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   White, Henry Kirke

                                   Title:   The poetical works and remains of Henry Kirke White. With a life by R. Southey, LL.D.

                   Publisher Name:   T. Nelson and Sons, Paternoster Row; Edinburgh; and New York.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1864


                                Width:        115     Height:       175          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  xlvii, 340p. 9 plates, 2 photographs

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  5.11.99 & 2.12.2015


Notes: The design is not signed. The two photographs are: 1. An oval pasted to the half title page of "Wilford Church and Church-yard". 2. Frontispiece: "The house in which Henry Kirke White was born (Exchange Alley, Nottingham)".Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Purple pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical design. The design is blocked in gold and in blind on the upper cover, and in blind only on the lower. On the upper cover, five fillets are blocked in gold and blind on the borders. The corner pieces are blocked in gold, and show lyres. The central circular vignette is blocked in gold, with the author's name blocked in relief, within a rectangular gold-lettering-piece formed by two fillets. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. Near the head, the words: "/ Poetical/ Works/ of/ Henry Kirk White/" are blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each surrounded by gold hatch decoration. Arabesque decoration and a lyre are blocked in gold on the middle.

The words: "/ With fine illustrations/" are blocked in relief near the tail, within a rectangular gold lettering-piece surrounded by gold hatch               decoration.





2003 book entry number: 698

                                  Binding No:   744

                          Pressmark:   C.109.d.11.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK


                                   Title:   Beauties of poetry and art. Embellished with Sixteen Facsimiles of Water-Colour Drawings, and other illustrations, by George Cattermole, T. Sidney Cooper, A.R.A. [i.e. Thomas Sidney Cooper], Edward Duncan, John Gilbert, William Hunt, R.P Leitch [i.e. Richard Principal Leitch], George Smith, George H. Thomas [i. e. George Housman Thomas], Edward H. Wehnert [ i. e. Edward Henry Wehnert], Mrs. Ward [i.e. possibly Henrietta Ward], Henry Warren, Harrison Weir [ i. e. Harrison William Weir],  and H.B. Willis [ i. e Henry Brittan Willis]. Engraved and printed by Edmund Evans.

                   Publisher Name:   Ward, Lock, & Tyler, 158, Fleet Street; and 107 Dorset Street, Salisbury Square.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1865]

                               Printer:   Edmund Evans, Engraver and Printer, Raquet Court, Fleet Street.

                                Width:        180     Height:       240          Thickness:        34

                           PagNotes:  [4], 68p. 16 plates.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  13.3.2000 & 21.10.2015.

                       References:  Ball VPB p.165. States the design as possibly by Warren.

                                 McLean VBD p.184 & p.221-222.

Notes: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Purple sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold, in blind and in relief. On the borders are: 1. a single thin fillet; 2. a hatch fillet; 3. a single fillet; 4. a border of joined leaves, repeated; 5 a single thin gold fillet 6. a hatch fillet; 7. a single thin gold fillet. On the inner borders, three more fillets are blocked: there are two thin fillets, with a single fillet between them, blocked in gold, which has repeating dots blocked in relief within it. On the remainder of each cover, apart from the centre, is a repeating pattern of: 1. single horizontal hatch fleur-de-lis, within diamonds blocked in relief, formed by repeating gold dots; 2. between the diamonds, fillets are blocked in blind, with repeating dots within them blocked in relief. The vignette on the centre of each cover is identical: on the upper cover, it is blocked onto a blue pebble-grain cloth on lay. The vignette is lozenge-shaped with two fillets and vertical hatch between the fillets on the borders. There is a pattern of stems, leaves, flowers, and tendrils, with the leaves blocked in vertical hatch. The title: "/ Beauties of poetry/ and art./" are blocked in gold on the centre. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: decoration     as for borders of covers, nos. 2-6; the title: "/ Beauties/ of/ poetry/ and/ art./" blocked in gold, within a panel formed by a single fillet; horizontal hatch fleur-de-lis, blocked within diamonds formed by fillets; decoration as for borders of covers, nos. 2-6; a fillet; at the tail, the words: "/ London/ Ward, Lock & Tyler/" are blocked in gold, within a rectangle formed by two gold fillets .




2003 book entry number: 699

                                  Binding No:   1078

                          Pressmark:   11651.m.8.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Byron, George Gordon Noel, Baron Byron

                                   Title:   The Prisoner of Chillon Poem by Lord Byron, Illuminated by W. & G. Audsley, Architects. [i. e. William James Audsley & George Ashdown Audsley]

                   Publisher Name:   Printed and Published by Day & Son, London.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1865


                                Width:        225     Height:       318          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  Unpaginated. [20p.]

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  7.1.99.



Notes: The design is not signed. Each page is chromolithographed on the recto only. The imprint is on the last page, together with: "/ Chromolithographed/ by/ W.R. Tymms [i.e. William Robert Tymms]/"

Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Purple pebble-grain cloth. Both covers blocked mostly identically, in blind and in relief on the lower, and in gold, in blind and in relief on the upper. On the upper cover, the following are blocked on the borders: 1. a "dog-tooth" border in blind, with repeating dots blocked in relief within each triangle formed by the dog-tooth; 2. a single gold fillet; 3. a border pattern of repeating arches and dog-tooth, blocked in gold; 4. a single gold fillet; 5. a single gold fillet, with repeating dots blocked in relief inside it; 6. dog-tooth decoration on the inner border. On each corner, a six-lobed flower is blocked in gold, and, within each, there is a red pebble-grain cloth on lay, each with two gold fillets on its borders, and each with a shield blocked within. Each shield has a symbolic prison motifs blocked in gold within it . There is a large diamond, stretching from head to tail and to each side, with a linked chain blocked in gold on its borders. Inside this, a single fillet is blocked in gold. A blue pebble-grain cloth on lay is within the diamond. There are four wide horizontal gold lettering-pieces blocked within the diamond, each with dog-tooth borders, and each with a single fillet blocked in relief below and above the dog-tooth. The words: "/

The/ Prisoner/ of/ Chillon/ Byron/" are blocked in (blue) relief within the lettering-pieces, in gothic letters. The word: "/ of/" is blocked in relief within on the centre within a quatrefoil-shaped gold lettering-piece, with a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders. Between outside of the diamond and the flowers, a pattern of rectangles is blocked, with a "two leaves and flowers" motif blocked within each rectangle. The spine is blocked in gold. (The lower half and the head are missing.) Dog-tooth decoration is blocked in gold on the perimeter. Inside this, a single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. The title: "/ The Prisoner of Chillon/" is blocked along the spine in gothic letters. The words: "/ Illuminated by/ W & C Audsley/" are blocked in gold along the spine at the head.




2003 book entry number: 700


                                  Binding No:   1046

                          Pressmark:   1756.a.25.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Jones, Owen

                                   Title:   The grammar of ornament. Illustrated by examples  from various styles of ornament. One hundred and twelve plates.

                   Publisher Name:   Published by Day and Son, Limited, Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1865]

                               Printer:   Day and Son, Limited, Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields.

                                Width:        230     Height:       340          Thickness:        45

                           PagNotes:  [1], 157p. 100 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   maroon

                        Blockwork:   Gold

                 Date Examined:  23.12.98 & 2.12.2015.


Notes: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. The centre of the original upper cover and the original spine are used as pastedowns. Maroon pebble-grain cloth. A chinese fret is blocked in gold to form the central rectangle. The title: "/ The Grammar of Ornament/" is blocked in gold near the head, within a rectangle ormed by a single gold fillet. A single gold filet is blocked on the inner borders. Inside this, another fillet, blocked on the head and on the sides, forms straps on the upper inner corners. A dense leaf and stem pattern is blocked near the tail. Out of this pattern, three long papyrus stems rise, forming three flowers. Unsigned. The spine is blocked in gold.


2003 book entry number: 701


                                  Binding No:   591

                          Pressmark:   Cup.410.g.225.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   George, Hereford Brooke

                                   Title:   The Oberland and its Glaciers: explored and illustrated with ice-axe and camera. With twenty-eight photographic illustrations by Ernest Edwards, B.A. and a map of the Oberland.

                   Publisher Name:   Alfred W. Bennett, 5, Bishopsgate Without

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1866

                               Printer:   Unwin Brothers, The Gresham Steam Press, Bucklersbury, London, E.C.

                                Width:        215     Height:       274          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  xii, 243p. 11 plates

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  11.3.2000 & 2.12.2015.


References:  For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures, p. 191.


Notes : The design is not signed. An advertisement for this work was printed in the Western Times of 13 December 1866, page 2 cols 1-2. The device of the Gresham Steam Press is on the half title page verso.  The frontispiece map of the Oberland has: "/ Published by Alfred W. Bennett, 5, Bishopsgate Without. Day & Son (Limited) Lithogrs./" at the base. Gilt edges, Bevelled boards. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: / Bound by/ Westleys/ & Co./ London./" [Ball no. 103C.] Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders. Three fillets are blocked on the head, the tail, and the sides, intersecting at the corners. Four small circles are blocked in blind at the intersections of these fillets. An inner rectangle is formed by two fillets, blocked in blind on the lower cover and in gold on the upper. On the upper cover, inside this, the central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows, on a snowy mound, an ice-axe, a camera, its shroud, and a tripod. Above the vignette, the title: "/ The Oberland/ and its glaciers/ [rule]/" are blocked in gold. Below the vignette, the sub-title: "/ Explored/ and Illustrated/ with/ Ice-axe and Camera./" are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: three gold fillets; the title: "/ The/ Oberland/ and its/ glaciers/ [by]/ H.B. George, M.A./ F.R.G.S./" is blocked in gold; near the tail: "/  A.W.Bennett./" is blocked in gold; four gold fillets are blocked in gold at the tail.

From Western Times - Thursday 13 December 1866 page 2 cols. 1-2.




2003 book entry number: 702

Binding No:                    826

                          Pressmark:   11100.d.20.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Teika

                                   Title:   Hyak Nin Is'Shin, or stanzas by a century of poets, being Japanese lyrical odes, translated into English, with explanatory motes, the text in Japanese and Roman character, and a full index. By F.V. Dickins, M.B [i.e. Frederick Victor Dickins].

                   Publisher Name:   Smith Elder & Co., 65, Cornhill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1866


                                Width:        140     Height:       222          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  xi, 52,[1], xviii, xv.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  18.3.98 & 16.12.2015


Notes: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. Both covers are blocked identically, in blind on the lower and in gold on the upper. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. On each upper corner, two oval panels are blocked. On each lower corner, a dragon's head is blocked. Down each side, Japanese text is blocked. Branches are blocked at the head and at the tail, forming an oval central frame. The title words: "/Japanese odes/ with translations/" are blocked in gold in semi-circles above and below the centre. On the centre, a Japanese mountain scene is blocked. It shows a volcano (with its cone rising above a layer of cloud), a tree, a hut and a river. The spine is blocked in gold. The words: "Japanese odes" are blocked in gold along the spine, with small plant decoration on the end of the title.




2003 book entry number: 703

                                  Binding No:   844

                          Pressmark:   x22/6770

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Ingelow, Jean

                                   Title:   Poems. With illustrations by G.J. Pinwell [i.e. George John Pinwell], J.W. North [i.e. John William North], J. Wolf [i.e. Joseph Wolf], E.J. Poynter [i. e. Edward John Poynter], E. Dalziel [i.e. Edward Dalziel], T. Dalziel[ i.e. Thomas Dalziel] , A.B. Houghton [i.e. Arthur Boyd Houghton] and W. Small [i.e. William Small].       Engraved by the brothers Dalziel.

                   Publisher Name:   Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1867

                               Printer:   Dalziel Brothers,  Engravers and Printers, Camden Press.

                                Width:        170     Height:       237          Thickness:        38

                           PagNotes:  xv, 318p.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and black  and relief

                 Date Examined:  11.9.2000 & 9.12.2015.

            References:     De Beaumont RdeB2 no.158. P&D Accession no. 1992-4-6-137.

Notes: The design is not signed. Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold and in black. Two fillets are blocked in gold on the borders. Quatrefoils are blocked in gold on each corner, with plant decoration blocked in gold inside. The inner borders have three patterns blocked: the first and third are of repeating fuschia-like flowers - blocked between two fillets, all in gold. The second border (blocked between the first and the third) shows a repeating pattern of leaves and berries, blocked in relief against a black background, between two fillets blocked in black. The inner rectangle corners show straps and a small leaf blocked in gold and in black. The central oval is formed by a number of gold fillets. Within the central oval, a recessed, elongated quatrefoil

is blocked. Within it, there is vellum coloured paper on lay, blocked with the words: "/ Poems/ by/ Jean Ingelow/ Illustrated./" blocked in gold in elaborate gothic letters. There is no original spine on this copy.


The British Museum de Beaumont copy is at P&D accession no. 1992,0406.137.  On this copy, the spine is blocked in gold, and in black, and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a rectangle formed by a single fillet, with a fillet blocked in black inside; a decorated rectangular gold lettering-piece; an elongated rectangular panel formed by a single gold fillet; within this panel, flower head decoration is blocked in gold, with  leaves blocked in relief - both surrounded by blocking in black; a quartrefoil-shaped gold lettering-piece, with the words: "/ Poems/ by/ Jean Ingelow/" blocked inside in relief in gothic letters; below this panel, the word: "/Illustrated/" is blocked in relief, within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has a single fillet blocked on its borders; another panel formed by a single gold fillet; inside this panel, leaves are blocked in relief, surrounded by small decoration blocked in black; flower head decoration is blocked in gold; five diamonds are blocked in gold, with small crosses and dots, blocked in relief  within each diamond; the words: "/Longmans & Co./" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders; a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet, with a black fillet blocked inside; a single gold fillet is blocked at the tail. Neither the covers nor the spine is signed. R. de Beaumont has written on the upper endpaper verso: "According [to] an ink note by Ruari [Maclean] in my copy of Victorian Book Binding, the binding design is by Albert Warren from Longman's list."




2003 book entry number: 704

                                  Binding No:   920

                          Pressmark:   12805.g.57.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Kingston, William Henry Giles

                                   Title:   Paul Gerrard, the cabin boy. With illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill; New York: 416 Broome Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1867

                               Printer:   Cox & Wyman, Printers, Great Queen Street, W.C.

                                Width:        106     Height:       172          Thickness:        38

                           PagNotes:  [1], 372p. 8 plates. With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  15.8.2000 & 9.12.2015


 Notes: The design is not signed. The plates are signed :"Dalziel".  Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically on the borders, in blind on the lower and in gold on the upper. On the upper cover, there is a "dog-tooth" border, blocked in gold, with two fillets in gold blocked on the borders inside. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a semi-circular panel, which is formed by a single thick fillet blocked in gold. The panel is supported by two round columns, blocked to the left and to the right. Within the panel, a three-masted ship, its sails furled, is on the sea. Between the two columns on the centre, the words: "/Paul Gerrard/ the/ cabin boy./ By W.H.G. Kingston./" are blocked in gold, within a rectangle formed by a single thick gold fillet. The spine

is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets; the words: "/ Paul Gerrard/ the/ Cabin Boy./ Kingston/" are blocked in in relief within three gold lettering-pieces, which have gold hatch borders; the word "the" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet. between and around the gold lettering-pieces acorns, oak leaves and a ship's mast are blocked in gold; signed either "J", or

"TJ", or "JT", or AJ”, as a monogram at the base of the oak decoration; a rowing boat and an anchor are blocked in gold near the base; the word: "/Routledge/" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a gold hatch border; two gold fillets are blocked at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 705

                                  Binding No:   602


                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Whittier, John Greenleaf

                                   Title:   Snow-Bound; a Winter Idyll.

                   Publisher Name:   Alfred W. Bennett, 5, Bishopsgate Without, E.C.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1867

                               Printer:   Unwin Brothers, Printers, Bucklersbury, London

                                Width:        132     Height:       185          Thickness:        13

                           PagNotes:  47p. 1 plate.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Westleys & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  9.10.2000 & 9.12.2015.

References: Ball VPB p. 191.


Notes: The design is not signed. The frontispiece is a photograph portrait of Whittier. On the half title page verso: "Five photographic illustrations taken from American scenery." On the title page verso: "Reprinted from the American edition. (Twenty-Fifth Thousand.)". Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: " /Bound by/ Westleys/ & Co./ London./" [Ball 103C] Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked on the borders and on the corners, in blind on the lower cover, in gold on the upper cover. Three fillets blocked on the borders. Flower, leaf and small decoration blocked on each corner. On the upper cover, a circular photographic print is pasted onto a recess on the centre. It shows a winter forest snow scene. Above and below it, the words: "Snow bound"; "J.G. Whittier" are blocked in gold, in semi-circular "wintry" letters. The spine has no blocking.




2003 book entry number: 706

Binding No:                    466

                          Pressmark:   1347.k.20.

                        Artist Name:   Robert Riviere

                   Author/Heading:   Turnely, Joseph

                                   Title:   Reveries of affection. In memory of that good and beloved Prince His Royal Highness the late Prince Consort who departed this life on the fourteenth day of December 1861. "The righteous never die".

                   Publisher Name:   [Published for the Author.]

             Place of Publication:   [South Norwood, Surrey]

              Date of Publication:   [1868]

                               Printer:   Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press.

                                Width:        203     Height:       262          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  [11], 85p. 4  photographic prints.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Riviere


                  Cover material:   Leather

                              Grain:    morocco

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   Gold

                 Date Examined:  19.10.99 & 9.12.2015.


Notes: The design is by Riviere. The photographs appear to be photo-montage. Page 2: An angel is hovering outside an upper castle rampart. Page23: Clouds. Page 33: Victoria and Albert (in shadow) surrounded by clouds.            Gilt edges. Red morocco binding. "/ Bound by Riviere/"  is blocked in gold on the upper cover turn-in. Both covers have the same design blocked in gold on the borders and on the corners. The upper cover has the words: "In memoriam" blocked in gold on the centre. The lower cover has the royal coat of arms on the centre in gold, with the motto: "Treu und Fest". On the spine, the six panels are formed by single gold fillets and blocked in gold with a flower on the centre of each panel. This copy is the author's dedication copy, and was purchased 8 AP[RIL 18]92. Another copy  is at 11658.g.178.




2003 book entry number: 707


                                  Binding No:   1072

                          Pressmark:   7907.bbb.3.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Wilcocks J. C.

                                   Title:   The sea-fisherman: comprising the chief methods of hook and line fishing in the British and other seas, and remarks on nets, boats and boating.  Profusely illustrated with woodcuts of leads, baited hooks, knots, nets, and boats etc. and detailed descriptions of the same.  Second edition, much enlarged, and almost entirely rewritten.

                   Publisher Name:   Longmans, Green, and Co.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1868

                               Printer:   Printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New-Street Square and Parliament Street

                                Width:        123     Height:       202          Thickness:        34

                           PagNotes:  xiii, 303p. 28 plates. With sixteen pages of advertisements and thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  7.1.99 & 9.12.2015.


Notes: The design is not signed. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically with three fillets in blind on the borders, one thick between two thin. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a reproduction of the engraving on page 71, entitled: "the courge

or Sand-Eel basket". "...The basket is made of fine willow or osier twigs, not more than about one-eighth of an inch thickness..." The spine is blocked in gold. Three fillets are blocked in gold at the head and at the tail,  one thick between two thin. Near the head, the words: "/ The/ Sea/ Fisherman/ Wilcocks/" are blocked in gold.






Binders spine waste




2003 book entry number: 708

The enchanted toasting fork – in BL database; edited 5.8.2015. BL 019-00002083




2003 book entry number:709


[already in BL database 2012; edited 5.8.2015. BL 019-000015862]


Binding No:                    411

                          Pressmark:   12626.dd.8.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Ouida, pseud. [i.e. Marie Louise de la Ramee.]

                                   Title:   Tricotrin. The story of a waif and stray. In three volumes. Vol. I. [-III.]

                   Publisher Name:   Chapman  and Hall, 193, Piccadilly.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1869

                               Printer:   John Childs & Son, Printers

                                Width:           0     Height:          0          Thickness:         0


Place of Printing: [London:]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pansy-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  30.9.99 & 9.12.2015.

References: Ball VPB p. 134. Pansy grain is “very rare”. Krupp Bookcloth p.36 example Hex5.


Notes: The design is not signed. Vol. I. [6],331p. 130x196x25mm. Vol. II. [4],319p. 130x197x25mm. Vol. III. [4],413p. 130x196x30mm. Original light yellow endpaper of each volume III bound at the front. Green pansy-grain cloth is on the boards of all three volumes. All covers are blocked in blind identically. There are three fillets blocked on the borders, with an inner border fillet. A central oval panel is blocked on each upper cover, with small decoration blocked in relief within each. The spines are blocked in gold. Small repeating flower decoration is blocked between two fillets at the head and at the tail - all in gold. The words: "/ Tricotrin/ by/ Ouida./ [small decorative device]/ Vol. I. [-III.]/" are blocked in gold near the head and on the centre. 







2003 book entry number: 710

                                  Binding No:   703


                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Raven, John James

                                   Title:   The church bells of Cambridgeshire; a chronicle of the principal campanological events that have occurred within the County. To which is appended a list of the inscriptions on the bells. By J.J. Raven, B.D., of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, Head Master of Yarmouth Grammar School.

                   Publisher Name:   Samuel Tymms, 60, High Street.

             Place of Publication:   Lowestoft

              Date of Publication:   1869

                               Printer:   Printed by Samuel Tymms, 60, High Street, Lowestoft.

                                Width:        145     Height:       230          Thickness:        14

                           PagNotes:  [5], 67, 36p. 9 plates

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  17.3.2000 & 16.12.2015.


Notes: The design is not signed. On the upper pastedown, the bookplate of Gilbert R. Redgrave is pasted. Below this, a slip is pasted, with the typed words: "/ Ex libris/ Harry Palgrave Raven/ to replace a copy/ destroyed/ May 1941/" Signed on the half-title page recto: "/ Ex-libris/ Gilbert R. Redgrave./ Dec. 1870./". Printed on the half-title page verso: "/ Only one hundred copies printed. /" Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the inner corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thin, the inner thick. Diagonal fillets blocked on each corner join the outer fillets to two more fillets, which form the inner rectangle. On each inner corner, a leaf pattern is blocked. On the lower cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a reproduction of figure 15, the arms of France and of England quarterly, crowned, which are on the West Wickham 4th [bell]. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a reproduction of figure 23, which is a shield on the Landbeach tenor. The bird and the initials "WP" are conjectured as the bell founder's name: William Peacocke. The text: "/In d'uo/ co'fido/" is considered to be an allusion to the continuation of the verse of the Psalm xi, l.







2003 book entry number: 711

                                  Binding No:   469

                          Pressmark:   1783.a.37.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Svoboda, Alesander

                                   Title:   The seven churches of Asia.  With twenty full-page photographs, taken on the spot, historical notes and itinerary. With an introduction by the Rev. H. B. Tristram, M.A.,L L.D., F.R.S.

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, Son and Marston, Crown Buildings, Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1869

                               Printer:   R. Clay, Sons, and Taylor, printers, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        215     Height:       280          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  viii, 77p. 20 plates of photographs.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Burn

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   Gold and blind and black

                 Date Examined:  2.9.96 & 9.12.2015.

References: Ball VPB p. 173.

Notes: The design is not signed. There is one page bound at the end, which lists the entire sixty-two photographs taken by A. Svoboda on his expedition. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Burn & Co./ Kirby St. E.C./" [Ball no. 20A.]

Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers have the same design blocked on the borders, the corners and on the sides, in blind on the lower cover, and in gold and black on the upper. There are three fillets blocked on the borders. A cross is blocked on each corner. Fillets blocked in gold and black form small rectangular panels, which have scrollwork blocked in gold, and other small decoration blocked in black and in gold. On the upper cover, the Alpha and Omega letters are blocked in black, with small decoration around them in gold. In the central panel at the head, a cross is blocked inside an inverted triangle, both in gold. At the tail, the star of David is blocked in gold. Below the cross and triangle, seven stars are blocked in gold. The title words: " The seven" are blocked in gold above the centre. The word: "Churches" is blocked below the centre. At the centre, seven lit candles are blocked in gold, each with a long stem, with the candleholders ending in three legs at the base. Towards the base of each, the name of each church is blocked in relief within pennant-shaped hatched gold lettering-pieces. The names are: "Ephesus; Smyrna; Pergamos; Thyatira;Sardis; Philadelphia; Laodices". On the left and the right of the group of candles, symbols of the cross are blocked in gold. Each of these symbols is blocked a the head and at the tail of the spine, in gold. The title words are blocked along the spine in gold.




2003 book entry number: 712

                                  Binding No:   706


                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Hibberd, Shirley

                                   Title:   Rustic adornments for homes of taste. A new edition, revised corrected, and enlarged, with nine coloured plates and two hundred and thirty wood engravings.

                   Publisher Name:   Groombridge and Sons, 5, Paternoster Row

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1870

                               Printer:   B. Fawcett,  Engraver and Printer, Driffield.

                                Width:        167     Height:       215          Thickness:        60

                           PagNotes:  vii, 402p. 8 plates. With two pages of the "Rustic adornment advertising sheet" bound at the front, and ten pages of advertisements and eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and black and  relief

                 Date Examined:  29.3.2000 &16.12.2015

References: Ball VPB p. 172-173.

Notes: The frontispiece plate is signed: "H. Briscoe del." Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ W. Bone & Son/ 76 Fleet Street London E.C./" [Ball no. 17E.]  Brown sand-grain

cloth. On the lower cover, three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. There is a central vignette blocked in blind on the lower cover, showing curling stems and leaves. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Two fillets are blocked on the borders in black. A rustic branch diagonal trellis is blocked in gold on the left hand side and on the lower half of the cover. A bird cage, blocked in gold, (with a bird inside) hangs near the top. Black leaves and stems climb from the base to the top on the left hand side. A medallion is blocked in gold near the left base;  it has two fillets blocked on its perimeter, one in black and one in gold. Inside it, a scene showing jungle houses is blocked in gold. On the right hand side of the cover, the words: "/ Rustic/ adornments/ for/ homes of taste/ by/ Shirley Hibberd" are blocked in gold above and between the trellis. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: "/ Rustic/ adornments/ for/ homes of taste/

[rule]/ Shirley Hibberd" blocked in gold ; from the base to the title words, a wooden frame formed by branches is blocked in gold; a diamond is blocked at the head of this frame, with the words: "/ Coloured Illustrations/" blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders; below this, leaf and stem decoration blocked in black; an aquarium blocked in gold, within a half moon formed by two fillets, one in black, and one in gold.; the words: "/ London/ Groombridge & Sons/" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single branch-like gold fillet; two fillets and leaf decoration are blocked in black at the tail.




2003 book entry number: 713

                                  Binding No:   663


                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Prosser, Mrs.

                                   Title:   Original Fables. Profusely Illustrated by Ernest Griset, Harrison Weir, Noel Humphreys, and other eminent Artists.

                   Publisher Name:   The Religious Tract Society, 56, Paternoster Row; 65, St. Paul's Churchyard; and 164 Piccadilly.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1870]

                               Printer:   Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross

                                Width:        138     Height:       190          Thickness:        23

                           PagNotes:  viii, 248p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Lewis & Sons

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    dot and line diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and black

                 Date Examined:  9.3.2000 & 16.12.2015.

            References:     Ball VPB pp.181-182. Packer BVL p.92


Notes: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Lewis & Sons,/ Gough Square/ Fleet St./ London/". [Ball no. 54A.] Brown dot and line diagonal-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. Three fillets are blocked on the borders, the outermost thick, the two inner thin. The central vignette shows four joined circles, with a leaf blocked in each. A diamond is blocked between the four circles on the centre. The upper cover is blocked in gold and black. A fillet is blocked on the borders in black. On the corners and sides, there is a "trellis" pattern of thin stems, leaves and flowers, joined to thin supports - all blocked in black. The words: "/ Original fables/ by Mrs. Prosser/" are blocked in gold. The capital "O" of "Original" is a green paper on lay which has gold blocked on its recessed centre and fillets on its borders. A group of leaves, of birds and an ass, dressed in a coat and glasses, are blocked to the left of the "O". The spine is blocked in gold and in black. A single fillet is blocked in black on the perimeter of the upper and the lower panels. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a fillet in black; a curling stem and leaf, blocked in a panel in black; the title words: "/ Original/ Fables/" are blocked in relief within two rectangular gold lettering-pieces - the capitals "O" and "F" being blocked within horizontal hatch gold lettering-pieces; the words: "Mrs Prosser" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single fillet blocked in black; a tracery of curling stems blocked in black surrounds a flying bird and a cockerel on a weather vane - both in gold; a fillet is blocked in black at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 716

                                  Binding No:   1099

                          Pressmark:   11651.k.5.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Hood, Thomas

                                   Title:   Poems. Illustrated by Birket Foster [i.e Myles Birket Foster].

                   Publisher Name:   E. Moxon, Son & Co., Dover Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1871


                                Width:        220     Height:       285          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  viii, 109p. 22 plates. With three pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  24.10.2000 & 16.12.2015.

            References:     Ball VPB p. 181. McLean VPBB p.129.

Notes: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge/". [Ball no. 53E.] Purple sand-grain cloth. On the lower cover, two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. The central medallion is blocked in gold and is of a repeating "ball and leaves" motif, together with the monogram of Moxon. The upper cover is blocked in gold. The design is of a large flywheel, to the right of the cover. The "drive shaft" is linked to it and is blocked across the cover to the spine. Behind the wheel, a garden trellis has flowers and branches blocked on it, all in gold. Two groups of fillets, each ending in four "circlets" are blocked in gold on each corner. The title and imprint: "/ Hood's Poems/ Illustrated/ by Birket Foster/ E. Moxon Son & Co./ 1871/" are blocked in relief within ribbon-shaped gold lettering-pieces, which "hang" from the trellis and from the fly wheel. At the head and at the tail, there is a wide border blocked in gold, with flower heads and other ornamental patterns blocked within squares. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. The title: "/ Poems./ Hood. Foster/" is blocked in relief along the spine, within a long gold lettering-piece, shaped as a "driveshaft". Small decoration is blocked in gold within squares at the head and at the tail, together with two small circles in gold.




2003 book entry number: 715

                                  Binding No:   743

                          Pressmark:   C.61.b.27.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Hall, Samuel Carter

                                   Title:   A Book of Memories of Great Men and Women of the age, from personal acquaintance.

                   Publisher Name:   Virtue & Co., City Road and Ivy Lane.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1871

                               Printer:   Printed by Virtue and Co., City Road.

                                Width:        166     Height:       232          Thickness:        42

                           PagNotes:  xv, 488p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Virtue & Co.

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and black


                 Date Examined:  13.3.2000 & 23.12.2015

References: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, p. 189.

Notes: The design is not signed. On the front endpaper verso, two carte de visite portraits are pasted. They are autographed: "Mrs George Cruikshank"; "Geo Cruikshank". Underneath them are the words: "/ A Book of Memories./ This book/ is presented to/ "The British Museum"/ in memory of/ George Cruikshank.

Artist/ by his Widow/ Eliza Cruikshank/ December 23rd 1887/ her 80th Birthday/". The half title page recto has two carte de visite portraits pasted at the head. They are autographed: "SC Hall"; "Anna Maria/ Mrs. S.C Hall/".

Underneath are the words: "/ To Mr & Mrs George Cruikshank/ with the affectionate regards/of their very dear friends. S.C. Hall/ Anna Maria Hall/". Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Virtue & Co/ City Road./ 294./" [Ball no. 96B.] Green pebble-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in black only. Four fillets are blocked on the borders. The central medallion shows laurel leaves in a circle, with a lamp on the centre. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Two fillets are blocked in black on the borders, with the design between them being of black dots. Rectangles are formed at the head and at the tail by single fillets blocked in black. Half ovals, also formed by fillets, are blocked inside. Within the rectangle at the head, two stars and the words: "/ A/book of memories/" are blocked in gold. In the rectangle at the tail, two stars and the words: "/ of/ great men & women of the age./" are blocked in gold. The centre panel has a quatrefoil formed by two fillets blocked in black. A star is blocked in gold at the centre head of the central panel. The central medallion is the same as the lower cover, but blocked in gold, with the addition of a second circular fillet in black. The spine is blocked in black and in gold. Two fillets are blocked on the perimeter in black, with repeating dots between them. From the head downwards, the decoration is: an arch, blocked in black; the word: "/ Memories./" blocked in gold, within an arch; a fillet blocked in black; a star blocked in gold within a near-circle formed by two fillets blocked in black; a fillet runs down each side of the spine to near the base from this near-circle; a medallion is blocked on the centre of the spine, formed by three  fillets: gold, black, gold; a lamp is blocked in gold inside the medallion; a semi-circle formed by a single fillet is blocked near the base; inside the arch: "/ S.C. Hall/ F.S.A./" is blocked in gold. Formerly shelved at: The title letter are "modernistic" in style, having prominent "weighted" serifs at their tips.


At BL shelf is another copy, which is the Copyright copy. The original upper and spine are bound in at the front. Rebound by Chivers, 1980.




2003 book entry number: 701





2003 book entry number: 717

Binding No:                  1089


                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Burnand, Francis Cowley, Sir

                                   Title:   MoKeanna! A treble temptation. &c., &c., &c.

                   Publisher Name:   Bradbury, Agnew, & Co., 10, Bouverie St

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1873

                               Printer:   Bradbury, Agnew & Co., Printers, Whitefriars.

                                Width:        115     Height:       165          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  [8], 270p. 4 plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   Gold and blind and black

                 Date Examined:  21.10.2000 & 16.12.2015.

            References:     De Beaumont RdeB2 no.49. P&D Accession no. 1992-4-6-44.

M.H. Spielman. The history of Punch. Cassell, 1895, p. 450. States the first illustration in Mokeanna!  to be by Gilbert.

[Millais, Du Maurier, Keene and Phiz made the illustrations for Mokeanna!]

Notes: The design is not signed. The plate between pages 11-12 is captioned: “The white witness back-hairs the Lady Bettina” and signed: “DM”[i.e. George du Maurier]. The plate between pages 25-26 is captioned: “It is the Chapeau Blanc, the White Witness!”, and is signed with the monogram of John Everett Millais. Original beige endpaper is bound at the front. Red rib diagonal-grain cloth (faint diagonals). The lower cover is blocked in blind only. Three fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick between two thin. The upper cover is blocked in black only. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. The two figures of a seal and person (wrapped in a costume of leaves) are reproductions of those on the plate between pages 174-5, entitled: "Beauty and Fashion a la mode insulaire". The title: "/ MoKeanna!/" is blocked in black in oriental lettering; the words: "/ A/ Treble/ Temptation/ By/ F.C. Burnand./" are blocked in black. The spine has the title: "/ MoKeanna!/" blocked in gold along it. The British Museum de Beaumont copy ias at P&D register no. 1992,0406.44.




2003 book entry number: 718


                                  Binding No:   701

                          Pressmark:   10360.ff.7.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Dunkin, Edwin Hadlow Wise

                                   Title:   The Church Bells of Cornwall: their archaeology past and present condition. ...

                   Publisher Name:   Printed for the Author by Bemrose & Sons, London and Derby

             Place of Publication:

              Date of Publication:   1878

                               Printer:   Bemrose and Sons, printers, London and Derby.

                                Width:        143     Height:       227          Thickness:        12

                           PagNotes:  [7], 94p. 3 plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind


                 Date Examined:  17.3.2000 & 23.12.2015.


Notes: The design is not signed. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown pebble-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders with two fillets, the inner of which resembles joined-up bell rope sallies. The upper cover centre-piece shows a bell, which is blocked as a gold lettering-piece. It has no

inscriptions on it. Above and below the bell, the title: "/ Church Bells/ of/ Cornwall/" is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Three fillets are blocked in gold at the head and at the tail. The title: "/ The Church Bells of Cornwall/" is blocked in gold along the spine.




2003 book entry number: 719



                                  Binding No:   1095

                          Pressmark:   10352.i.4.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   D'Anvers, N. [pseud., i.e. Nancy R.E. Meugens, afterwards, Bell.]

                                   Title:   Some account of the great buildings of London: historical and descriptive. With Thirteen Autotype Illustrations by F. York.

                   Publisher Name:   Marcus Ward & Co., 67 & 68 Chandos Street, W.C; and Royal Ulster Works, Belfast

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1879.


                                Width:        175     Height:       255          Thickness:        18

                           PagNotes:  [5], 56p. 14 plates of photographs.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and black  and blind

                 Date Examined:  24.10.2000 & 23.12.2015.

            References:     Martin Photos pp.82,83.

Notes: The design is not signed. Each plate is inscribed: "F. York, Photographer; Autotype, S.S.B. & Co.". The fourteen autotypes, or carbon prints, were used some fourteen years after the process was improved by Swan in 1864. Bevelled boards. White endpapers and pastedowns. Red sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind, with two fillets blocked on the borders. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. There is a black fillet blocked on the borders. Inside this, the design divides into three. At the head, a rectangular gold lettering-piece is blocked, showing the Tower of London. This is bordered with ornament blocked in black. In the

middle, is a roundel gold lettering-piece, showing St. Paul's cathedral dome and the west front facade. To either side of the roundel, coats of arms are blocked: to the left the Arms of the Corporation of London; to the right, the Arms of Westminster. These are blocked in gold and in relief, and are surrounded by leaves and by branches, blocked in black. At the tail, the rectangular gold lettering-piece shows Westminster Abbey. This is also surrounded by ornament blocked in black. The words: "/ Great Buildings/" are blocked above the roundel in gold, with black edges. The word: "/ of/" is blocked in gold below the roundel; the word: "/ London/" is blocked below the roundel in gold, with black edges. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. Fillets in black are blocked on the head and on the tail. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a rose blocked in gold and in relief; the title: "/ Great/ Buildings/ of/ London/" is blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece; the word: "/ D'Anvers/" is blocked  in gold between two fillets in black; Nelson's column is blocked in gold and in relief on the middle of the spine; the imprint: "/ Marcus/ Ward & Co/" is blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece near the tail.





2003 book entry number: 720

                                  Binding No:   1096

                          Pressmark:   12809.k.23.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Holmes, Frederick Morrell

                                   Title:   Faith's Father: a story of child-life in London bye-ways.

                   Publisher Name:   Cassell, Petter and Galpin  & Co.

             Place of Publication:   London; Paris; New York

              Date of Publication:   [1880]

                               Printer:   Cassell, Petter and Galpin, Belle Sauvage Works, London, E.C.

                                Width:        125     Height:       190          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  159p. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the rear.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    fine rib diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and black  and relief

                 Date Examined:  24.10.2000 & 23.12.2015.


Notes: The design is not signed. Buff endpapers and pastedowns. Red fine rib diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked in gold and in black. The design is continuous across both covers and the spine. The lower cover is blocked in black only. It shows a broad leaf and stem design, with a spider hanging from a thread. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in black and in relief. On the upper portion, there is a gold lettering-piece shaped as a fan, with the title: "/ Faith's /Father/" blocked in relief within. To the left of the fan, a black square is blocked, together with an insect in flight. Below this, stem, leaf and flower decoration is blocked in black. On the lower half, a man, wearing a backpack, is looking through a telescope mounted on a wooden stand. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. The title: "/ Faith's/ Father/" is blocked in gold, with two leaves below it blocked in black.




2003 book entry number: 721

                                  Binding No:   1098


                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Maggs, J.

                                   Title:   Round Europe with the crowd.

                   Publisher Name:   W.H. Allen & Co., 13, Waterloo Place, S.W.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1880.

                               Printer:   Witherby & Co., Printers, 74, Cornhill; Newman's Court, Cornhill; and 325A, High Holborn, W.C.

                                Width:        125     Height:       187          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  vii, 362p.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    fine rib diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   grey

                        Blockwork:   gold and black  and relief

                 Date Examined:  25.10.2000 & 23.12.2015.


Notes: The design is not signed. White endpapers and pastedowns. Grey fine rib diagonal-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in black. A single black fillet is blocked on the borders. The central panel is a double diamond-shape, formed by three fillets, with small decoration on its corners - all blocked in black. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Four fillets are blocked in black at the head and at the tail.. The rest of the blocking is in gold. On the centre, a globe is blocked, showing countries latitude and longitude, in relief. A man sits astride the globe, dressed in seventeenth century style clothes. Decorative stems and leaves form four circles around the globe. In each circle, the following are blocked: a train; a paddle steamer, named "Ohio"; mountains; a volcano. Satyr-like heads are blocked in gold at the head and on the tail. One star is blocked in gold on each side of the globe. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: curling stem decoration; the title: "/ Round Europe/ with/ The Crowd/ [rule]/ J. Maggs/" is blocked in gold between fillets blocked in gold; two circles, as for the upper cover, with the paddle steamer and the volcano blocked within each circle; at the tail, the imprint: "/ W.H.Allen & Co./ is blocked in gold between two groups of two gold fillets




2003 book entry number: 722

                                  Binding No:   426


                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Wood, Charles William

                                   Title:   The Cruise of The Reserve Squadron.

                   Publisher Name:   Richard Bentley & Son, New Burlington St. Publishers in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1883

                               Printer:   Simmons & Botten,  Printers, Shoe Lane, E.C.

                                Width:        127     Height:       195          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  xii, 239p. 62 plates

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ungrained

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and red and green and platinum

                 Date Examined:  5.11.99 & 23.12.2015



Notes: The design is not signed. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue fine rib diagonal-grain cloth. The lower cover has a small central vignette, blocked in gold. It shows a sailor, in contemporary clothes, a sword in his right hand, and a Union Jack in his left hand, a cannon and cannon balls, which are stacked in a pile. Underneath the sailor,  the initials "/ H.M.S./" are blocked in gold, and the word: "/ Defence/" is blocked in relief, within a gold lettering-piece shaped as the end of an anchor. The upper cover is blocked in gold, red, olive green and platinum [?]. It shows a mast, in gold, with the Union Jack at the top, and two flags below. The title words are blocked below this. The words: "/ The cruise/" are blocked in gold; "/ of the/" are blocked in platinum; the words: "/ Reserve Squadron/" are blocked in gold in "rope-shaped" letters. There is a platinum fillet blocked at the tail. The spine is blocked in gold. There are gold fillets at the head and at the tail. The title: "/ The/ Cruise/ of the/ Reserve/ Squadron/" is blocked in gold. Underneath this, the upper rigging of a sailing ship is blocked in gold. The publisher's name "/ Bentley/" is blocked in gold near the base.





2003 book entry number: 723

                                  Binding No:   12

                          Pressmark:   11604.b.1/4.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned UK

                   Author/Heading:   Jewry, afterwards Valentine, Laura

                                   Title:   Gems of national poetry. Compiled and edited by Mrs Valentine. With illustrations and steel portrait. [Monogram of Frederick Warne & Co.]

                   Publisher Name:   Frederick Warne & Co., Bedford Street, Strand

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1880]

                               Printer:   Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press.

                                Width:        125     Height:       185          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  [4], 540p. 9 plates.  The Lansdowne poets.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   Gold and blind and black

                 Date Examined:  25.1.99 &30.12.2015.

            References:     Ball VPB p. 158 states that the 1866 edition of this work has a design recorded in the

V&A printed catalogue with a cover design by Rogers.


Notes: The design is not signed. This is volume four in the Lansdowne Poets series. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Red rib diagonal-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind, with, on the borders, four fillets and a repeating leaf pattern blocked in the middle in blind. On the centre is blocked a medallion, with "35" blocked inside. The upper cover is blocked in gold and black. There is a black fillet blocked on the border. The words: "/ Lansdowne poets/" are blocked in black at the head. Signed with the compiler’s initials, "LV", as a monogram within a shield formed by a single fillet. The words "/ National poetry/" are blocked in black, with red in relief as "double" lettering, all inside a rectangle blocked in hatch gold. The decoration is in black, with thistles and flowers around a lyre, which is blocked in black and gold. The word: "/ Illustrations/" is blocked in relief within a scroll-shaped gold lettering-piece. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: repeating gold dots across spine; small circles and two dots blocked in relief within a gold fillet; the words: "/ Lansdowne/ Poets./" are blocked in black within a panel formed by two black fillets; three black fillets; the words: "/ Gems/ of/ National/ Poetry/" are blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece panel, which has vertical hatch at its head and at its tail; decoration blocked in black; a vase is blocked in gold, with a surround blocked in black; leaf and buds are blocked in relief against a background blocked in black; near the tail, the words: "/ F. Warne & Co./" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders; two black fillets at the tail. The other volumes in this series at this shelf mark are: 1. Poetical works of Gray, Beattie, and Collins. 2. The works of George Herbert. 3. The poetical works of Reginald Heber. 5. John Keble, The Christian year, thoughts in verse for the Sundays and holydays. 5. Nicholas Michell. Nature and life: miscellaneous poems…




2003 book entry number: 724

                                  Binding No:   916

                          Pressmark:   12806.ccc.27.

                        Artist Name:   W

                   Author/Heading:   Kingston, William Henry Giles

                                   Title:   Infant amusements; or, how to make a nursery happy. With practical hints to parents and nurses on the moral and physical training   of children.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1867

                               Printer:   Gilbert and Rivington, Printers, St. John's Square, London.

                                Width:        126     Height:       197          Thickness:        23

                           PagNotes:  xviii, 183p. 1 plate. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  15.8.2000 & 6.1.2016


Notes: The design is signed “W”. The frontispiece plate is signed: "Kate Greenaway del" Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders, on the corners, and on the sides. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. On the inner border, two parallel fillets blocked in blind cross regularly to form cartouches. On each corner, the fillets cross and are surrounded by leaves. The whole forms the inner rectangle. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. On the centre, two interlocking scroll-like gold lettering-pieces are blocked, each with hatch gold borders. They form semi-circular shapes which cross. The title: "/ Infant/ Amusements/" is blocked in relief within each gold lettering-piece. Above and below these, groups of leaves and flowers are blocked in gold.

Signed "W" in relief within a circular gold lettering-piece near the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold, in blind and in relief. Three fillets are blocked across the spine, in blind at the head and at the base .Near the head, the title: "/ Infant/ amusements/" is blocked in relief within two semi-circular scroll-shaped gold lettering-pieces, with leaves and flowers blocked in gold above and below. Near the tail: the words: "/London/ Griffith & Farran/" are blocked in gold.




2003 book entry number: 725

                                  Binding No:   490


                        Artist Name:   W

                   Author/Heading:   Loud, Clara

                                   Title:   A wreath from the woods. Poems...

                   Publisher Name:   Published by Batcheller & Co., King's Arms Library; Canterbury: R. Austen, 43 & 44, Burygate Street

             Place of Publication:   Dover

              Date of Publication:   1868

                               Printer:   Chivers, printer, Palace Street, Canterbury.

                                Width:        107     Height:       165          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  viii, 128p.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pansy-grain

                            Colour :   mauve

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  23.12.99 & 6.1.2016


Notes: The design is signed “W”. Text sewn on two thin cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Mauve pansy-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick, one thin. There is leaf and stem decoration blocked on each corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. It shows two stems at the base, which rise to form a a circle. There are stems small leaves and flowers blocked around the circle. Inside the circle, the title: "/ A Wreath/ from the/ Woods/" are blocked in gold. Signed "W" in gold at the base of the vignette. At the head of the spine, the word: "/ Poems/" is blocked in gold between two gold fillets. A small decorative device is blocked beneath. Another decorative device is blocked in gold at the tail, with two gold fillets underneath.





2003 book entry number:  726

                         Binding No:   918

                          Pressmark:   12805.i.54.

                        Artist Name:   W

                   Author/Heading:   Sauvage, Elie

                                   Title:   The Little Gipsy. Illustrated by Lorenz Frölich. Translated by Anna Blackwell.

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, successors to Newbery and Harris, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1869

                               Printer:   Gilbert and Rivington, Printers, St. John's Square, London.

                                Width:        162     Height:       221          Thickness:        21

                           PagNotes:  vii, 150p. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ungrained

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and black  and relief

                 Date Examined:  3.8.2000 & 6.1.2016

References: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, p. 172.

Notes: The design is signed “W”. On page one of the publisher's titles, this work is described as: "Small 4vo., price 5s. cloth; 6s cloth elegant, gilt edges."  Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ W. Bone & Son./ 76. Fleet St./ London E.C./" [Ball no. 17D.] Red un-grained cloth. Both covers blocked identically in black on the borders. Five fillets are blocked on the borders. An interlinked pattern of stems and of leaves is blocked in black on the sides, the head and the tail. On the sides, the stems form a "figure of eight". On the head and on the tail, the stems form a trefoil. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a central oval formed by two "rope-shaped" fillets, with a pattern of ivy leaves and berries blocked between them.  At the head and at the base, the words: "/The Little Gipsy/ Illustrated by/ Lorenz Frölich/" are blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces; the top and bottom lettering-pieces have a single gold fillet blocked on their borders. On the centre, the figure of the Little Gipsy is blocked. She is wearing a ragged full length dress and holds a bowl in her left hand. On the title page, the same engraving is signed: "L. Frölich". The upper cover vignette is signed "W" in gold at the base of the Gipsy's feet. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. At the head, the decoration is: two gold fillets; small decoration in gold; a line of dots in gold. Along the spine, from tail to head, the words: "/Illustrated/ The Little Gipsy/ By Frölich/" are blocked in relief within three gold lettering-pieces with their borders picked out by single fillets blocked in relief. The words are surrounded by ivy and berry decoration, blocked in gold. At the tail are: two gold fillets; the words: "/Griffith/ and/ Farran/" are blocked in relief within a square gold lettering-piece; two gold fillets are blocked across the spine at the tail.




2003 book entry number: 727

                                  Binding No:   917


                        Artist Name:   W., A.

                   Author/Heading:   Grant, James

                                   Title:   Jack Manly: His Adventures by Sea and Land. With illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne and Routledge, Farringdon Street. New York: 56, Walker Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Savill, and Edwards, Printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

                                Width:        110     Height:       172          Thickness:        42

                           PagNotes:  vii, 436p.  8 plates. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  31.7.2000 & 6.1.2016.


Notes: The Spine design is signed “AW” [i.e. possibly Albert Henry Warren]. The plates are signed: "Keeley Halswelle" and "Dalziel". Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Roundels are blocked in blind on each corner, with a rose blocked in relief within each. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a young man seated on a wooden barrel. An anchor is blocked to his right and a telescope and a clam are blocked below him. Curling stems and small leaves surround the centre, forming a "diamond-shape". The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Double gold fillets are blocked down each side and a single gold fillet is blocked at the head and at the tail. From the head downwards, the decoration is:  a wooden stave; from the stave hangs a gold lettering-piece, shaped to resemble a canvas sail; the words: "/ Jack Manly's/ adventures/ by/ Sea & Land/ [rule]/ Grant./" are blocked in relief within the sail; an anchor, a sword and a rifle - all three surrounded by sea plant decoration in gold; the word:"/ Illustrated/" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has repeating dots blocked in relief above and below on its border; more sea plant decoration; signed: “AW” in gold as a monogram at the tail.





2003 book entry number:




2003 book entry number: 728

                                  Binding No:   810


                        Artist Name:   W., A.

                   Author/Heading:   Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni

                                   Title:   Stories of the Gorilla Country. Narrated for young people. With numerous illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, Son, & Marston, Milton House, Ludgate Hill.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1868

                               Printer:   Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.

                                Width:        116     Height:       175          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  xii,294p. 7 plates. With twenty-four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  6.7.2000 &3012.2015.

References: Ball VPB. p. 172.

Notes: The design is possibly signed. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Bone & Son./ 76 Fleet St./ London E.C./" [Ball no.17D]. ]Purple

sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. Four fillets are blocked on the borders, the inner three of which are thin. The centre-piece is diamond-shaped, and is formed of leaves and straps. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in relief. The same four fillets are blocked in gold on the borders as for the lower cover. On the centre of the upper cover, a gorilla is blocked, in "full" movement on the ground. Above the gorilla, a gold lettering-piece is blocked, shaped as a banner. The title: "/ Stories/ of/ the/ Gorilla Country/" is blocked in relief within the banner. Below the gorilla, the words: "/ By/ Paul du Chaillu./" are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. Inside this, there is another single fillet, "branch-shaped", blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: palm leaves; the title: "/ Stories/ of the/ Gorilla/ Country/" is blocked in relief within a panel-shaped gold lettering-piece; snakes surround the words: "/ P. Du Chaillu/", which are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single fillet blocked on its borders; the words: "/ Numerous/ lustrations/" are blocked in relief within another gold lettering-piece, with a single fillet on its borders; a flamingo, with its beak dipped in water; bulrushes; the words: "London/ Sampson Low & Co/" are blocked in relief within a gold

lettering-piece, with a single fillet blocked on its borders in gold; signed "AW" in gold as separate letters at the tail. [This evidence was available in 2000, and is now lacking upon inspection in 2015.] The Cambridge University Library copy is at CUL.140.4.235. Bound in blue sand-grain cloth.

["AW" may be the initials of Albert Warren.]





2003 book entry number: 729

                                  Binding No:   611

                          Pressmark:   12806.d.13.

                        Artist Name:   Warren, Albert

                   Author/Heading:   Campe, Joachim Henrich

                                   Title:   Robinson the Younger; or, The New Crusoe. Translated from the German of J.H. Campe. With illustrations.

                   Publisher Name:   G. Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1855

                               Printer:   Printed by Cox (Bros.) and Wyman, Great Queen Street

                                Width:        108     Height:       177          Thickness:        23

                           PagNotes:  vii, 240p. 2 plates With eight pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ripple horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  6.3.2000 & 6.1.2016


Notes: The design is possibly by Albert Henry Warren. The half title page and Frontispiece plates are signed "Dalziel Sc." Original upper cover bound at the front; size 110x167mm. Red ripple horizontal-grain cloth. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. On each corner, a single strap is blocked, with stems and leaves curling around the fillets. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows stems, leaves and berries joined to form an oval. A parrot is blocked at the top of the oval; an axe, bow and arrows are blocked at the

bottom. On the centre, the words: "/ Robinson/ the/ Younger/ or the/ New Crusoe/" are blocked in gold, in fanciful lettering. Signed "W" (or "AW", as a monogram) at the base. The Renier Collection copy of this work, of 1855, has the same design on blue ripple horizontal-grain cloth covers. The 1866 edition also has 240p., the same vignette and spine design, on green wave horizontal-grain cloth.




2003 book entry number: 730

                                  Binding No:   373

                          Pressmark:   1346.g.33.

                        Artist Name:   Warren, Albert

                   Author/Heading:   Bloomfield, Robert

                                   Title:   The farmer's boy. Illustrated with Thirty Engravings, from Drawings by Birket Foster i.e, Myles Birket Foster], Harrison Weir [i.e. Harrison William Weir], and G.E. Hicks [i.e. George Elgar Hicks].

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, Son & Co. 47, Ludgate Hill.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        134     Height:       203          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  iv, 68p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  8.10.99 &  3012.2015.

            References:     Ball VPB p.163 States that the V&A printed books catalogue attributes this design to Warren.

University of Reading description states the design to be by Albert Henry Warren.

Notes: In the list of Illustrations, the engravers are given as: W. Thomas [i. e probably William Luson Thomas], E. Evans [i.e. Edmund Evans], T. Bolton [i.e. Thomas Bolton], J. Cooper i.e. Probably James Davis Cooper], S. V. Slader [i.e. Samuel Vincent Slader], W. T. Green, Greenaway [i.e. Possibly John Greenaway], W. Wright[i.e. possibly John William Wright] The design is attributed to Albert Henry Warren. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and on the corners. Fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, and patterns of branches and leaves in relief on the corners. The upper cover has a central design, blocked in gold. It shows branches, leaves and flowers, which surround the words: "/ The/ Farmer's/ Boy/ By/ Bloomfield/", blocked in gold in fanciful letters. Signed with a monogram underneath the word "Bloomfield". [Possibly the monogram “AW”.] The spine is blocked in gold The title:"/ The/ Farmer's/ Boy/" is blocked in gold. A branch, stem and leaf pattern is blocked in gold above and below the title. Formerly shelved at C.30.g.




2003 book entry number: 731


                                  Binding No:   371

                          Pressmark:   1347.g.2.

                        Artist Name:   Warren, Albert

                   Author/Heading:   Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

                                   Title:   The voices of the night, ballads, and other poems. With illustrations by John Gilbert, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1857

                               Printer:   Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        150     Height:       208          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  vi, 118p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  12.10.99 &30.12.2015.

References: Ball VPB  p. 165 & p. 172.

Notes: The design is by Albert Henry Warren. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown:"/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./"  [Ball no. 17A.] Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with the same design, in blind on the lower and in gold on the upper. Two gold fillets are blocked on the borders, the inner of which intertwines with a plant pattern are blocked on the corners. The words: "/ Voices of the Night/ [rule]/ Ballads/ and Other Poems/ [rule]/ H.W. Longfellow/ [rule]/ Illustrated by/ John Gilbert/" are blocked in fanciful lettering. Signed "AW",  as a monogram, at the base of the central design. The spine is blocked in gold. The title: "/ Voices of the Night. Ballads &c" is blocked along the spine, with leaf and stem decoration blocked in gold at the head and at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 732

                                  Binding No:   377

                          Pressmark:   C.129.c.7.

                        Artist Name:   Warren, Albert

                   Author/Heading:   Beattie, James

                                   Title:   The Minstrel. With thirty-three designs by Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street; New York: 18 Beekman-Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        150     Height:       207          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  vii, 91p.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and relief and  black

                 Date Examined:  12.10.99 & 30.12.2015.

                       References:  Ball VPB      p.51; p.61, ref. 4; p.163; p. 172.

                                 McLean VPBB p.76. Copy in blue cloth.

Notes: The design is by Albert Henry Warren. The bookplate of John Dalziel is on the upper pastedown. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Bookplate on upper pastedown. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ [rule]/  76, Fleet Street,/ London./" [Ball no. 17A.] Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with the same design in gold, in relief and in black. Between two fillets blocked in gold on the borders, there is a wide border showing a repeating pattern of stylised leaves and flowers, blocked in gold and in relief. The inner rectangle has a pattern of large flowers blocked in black. The central vignette is blocked in gold as a lettering-piece. The words: "/ Beattie's/ Minstrel/" are blocked in relief inside it.. The letters are in large gothic type, surrounded by a tracery of thin stems, which are blocked in relief. The words: "/ Illustrated/ by Birket Foster/" are also blocked in relief, in sans serif capitals. Signed "AW" as a monogram in relief at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. The words: "/ Beattie's Minstrel/" are blocked in gold along the spine within a cartouche formed by a single fillet, with gold leaf and flower decoration blocked at each end at the head and at the tail. Formerly shelved at Donated and dated 30.6.1955.




2003 book entry number: 733


                                  Binding No:   372

                          Pressmark:   1347.h.6.

                        Artist Name:   Warren, Albert

                   Author/Heading:   Burns, Robert

                                   Title:   Poems and songs. Illustrated with numerous engravings.

                   Publisher Name:   Bell and Daldy, 186, Fleet Street; Edinburgh: J. Menzies

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        165     Height:       225          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  xvi, 272p. Doublure size is 152x218mm.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  9.9.99 & 6.1.2016.

            References:        Ball VPB p.163, 166, states that this design is signed on the spine.

Notes: The design is not signed. The monogram of Joseph Cundall is printed on the verso of the title page. The List of Illustrations is on pp. xii-xvi, and the illustrators are given as [full names]: Charles West Cope, William Harrison Weir, Myles Birket Foster, John Callcott Horsley,  James Archer, Samuel Edmonston, George Thomas [i.e. possibly George Housman Thomas], Alexander Johnston, James Drummond, Francis William Topham. The engravers are listed as: Edmund Evans, Hammond, J. Cooper [i.e. possibly James Davis Cooper], Thomas Bolton, John Greenaway, W. Wright, Horace Harral, William James Linton, W. Thomas [i.e. possibly William Luson Thomas]. “The ornaments and tail-pieces [are by] William Harry Rogers. Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. The original cover used as a doublure. Brown pebble-grain cloth. The design is a "Renaissance panel". There is a horizontal hatch fillet blocked in gold on the borders. Medallions and scrollwork are blocked on the corners in gold and in relief. Cartouches are blocked on the sides, the head and the tail in gold and in relief. Plant stem and leaf decoration is blocked in relief between all the above. The central rectangle has a two fillets blocked in hatch gold, with a pattern of repeating diamonds between the fillets. The ‘Renaissance style’ central oval has a border of scrollwork, with the words:"/ Poems/ and/ songs/ by/ Robt. Burns/" blocked in relief within it – all surrounded by a tracery of curling stems and leaves picked out in relief. The British Museum de Beaumont copy is at P&D register no. 1992,0406.46.




2003 book entry number: 734

                                  Binding No:   370

                          Pressmark:   1347.h.12.

                        Artist Name:   Warren, Albert

                   Author/Heading:   Mackay, Charles

                                   Title:   The home affections pourtrayed by the poets. Selected and edited by Charles Mackay. Illustrated with one hundred engravings, drawn by eminent artists, and engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street. New York: 18, Beekman-Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        170     Height:       230          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  xv, 391p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  30.9.99 & 30.12.2015.

                       References:  Ball VPB p.163."reissued in 1866 with the same design"

                                 De Beaumont RDeB p.28, item  193.

                                 Morris & Levin APB p.108, no.244.

Notes: The design is by Albert Henry Warren. In the List of Illustrations, the illustrators are give as [full Christian names supplied where these are certain]: Alfred Elmore, John Gilbert, Myles Birket Foster, Harrison William Weir, William Harvey, John Absolon, Thomas Bolton Dalziel, John Richard Clayton, J. Allon Pasquier [i.e. probably James Abott Pasquier], G. Dodgson [i.e. possibly George Haydock Dodgson ], S. Read [i.e probably Samuel Red], Francis William Topham, Alexander Johnstone [i.e. Alexander Johnston], Frederick Richard Pickersgill, A. Madot, John Tenniel, J. M. Carrick [i.e. John Mulcaster Carrick], James Godwin, John Everett Millais, Edward Duncan, John Sliegh. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Original yellow endpaper bound in at the front. Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers have an identical design blocked in gold, in blind and in relief. The borders are blocked in gold, with a "christmas tree" repeating pattern. Three fillets are blocked in gold on the borders. On the outer rectangle, raised cartouches are blocked in gold and in relief, with small zig-zag patterns blocked in relief between. Between the outer and inner rectangles,  two fillets are blocked in gold. On the corners of the inner rectangle, plant patterns are blocked, within horizontal hatch arabesques. The central decoration is moorish in design, with a twelve pointed design and horizontal hatch blocking. The tracery of plants and leaves has the patterns picked out in relief. The words: "/ The/ Home/ Affections/ by the/ Poets/ Mackay/" are blocked in gold and in relief on the central panel. The spine is blocked in gold. There is a tracery of leaves and stems blocked in gold down the spine. The words: "/ The/ Home/ Affections/ by the/ Poets/ Mackay/" are blocked in relief, within a gold lettering-piece. Signed "AW" in relief as a monogram, with the "A" being inside the "W". It is  above the word "/ Illustrated/" blocked in relief within a horizontal hatch gold lettering-piece. The publisher: "/ Routledge/" is blocked in relief within a vertical hatch gold lettering-piece blocked near the tail.




2003 book entry number: 735

                                  Binding No:   368

                          Pressmark:   1347.g.3.

                        Artist Name:   Warren, Albert

                   Author/Heading:   Milton, John

                                   Title:   Comus. A mask. With thirty illustrations by Pickersgill [i.e Frederick Richard Pickersgill], Birket Foster [i.e. Miles Birket Foster], Harrison Weir [i.e Harrison William Weir], &c. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street. New York: 18 Beekman Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1858

                               Printer:   Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        150     Height:       210          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  viii, 91p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  9.9.99 & 30.12.2015.

            References:     Ball VPB p.163

                                 Pantazzi 4D p.95 Cites a copy in "bright green [cloth]"

Notes: The design is by Albert Henry Warren. The frontispiece plate is signed : “E. H. Corbolld” [i.e. possibly Edward Henry Courbould]. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Original light yellow endpaper bound in at the front. Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in black. There are two fillets blocked in gold on the borders, in gold. Between them, a wide horizontal hatch border is blocked in gold, with a pattern of repeating stems, leaves and flowers blocked in relief. Within the inner rectangle, flowers and leaves are blocked in black around the centre. The central vignette is blocked as a gold lettering-piece, within an arabesque. On the inner border of the vignette, a fillet is blocked in relief. The words:" Milton's Comus. Illustrated", are blocked in relief in fanciful letters. Signed "AW" , with the ""A" inside the base o f the "W", in relief as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold.  "/ Milton's Comus/ " is blocked in gold along the spine, within a cartouche formed by a gold fillet, with leaf decoration blocked in gold at the head and at the tail. There are other copies of this design on Longfellow "The courtship of Miles Standish and other poems",  Routledge, 1859, British Library shelf mark 1347.f.2.; and on Wordsworth "The deserted cottage", Routledge, 1859, British Library shelf mark 1347.g.5.




2003 book entry number:736

                                  Binding No:   376

                          Pressmark:   RB.23.a.5278.

                        Artist Name:   Warren, Albert

                   Author/Heading:   Goldsmith, Oliver

                                   Title:   The deserted village. Illustrated by the Etching Club.

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, Son & Co., 47 Ludgate Hill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   Printed by R. Clay, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        135     Height:       205          Thickness:        10

                           PagNotes:  46p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  15.1.96 & 30.12.2015.

            References:     For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures, p. 172

McLean VPBB p.78 & p. 172. Shows the 1855 edition, with a different design by John Leighton.

Notes: The design is by Albert Henry Warren. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & son,/ 76, Fleet Street/ London./” [Ball no. 17C.]  Green morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in blind with the same design. Fillets are blocked on the borders. Leaf and stem patterns are blocked on the inner border and on the sides. Strap work is blocked on the

corners. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. The vignette is onion-shaped. On the outside of it,  a tracery of leaves and stems is blocked in gold. The border of the vignette is a rule, blocked in relief. The title words: "The deserted village" are blocked, surrounded by a tracery of thin stems and leaves, all in relief. The gold blocking surrounds the lettering and the tracery. Signed "AW" in relief as

 separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold, with small designs above and below the title.  The 1855 edition is as BL shelf mark It has a cover design by John Leighton.





2003 book entry number: 737

                                  Binding No:   375

                          Pressmark:   C.109.d.7.

                        Artist Name:   Warren, Albert

                   Author/Heading:   Goldsmith, Oliver

                                   Title:   The poems of Oliver Goldsmith. Edited by Robert Aris Willmott. With illustrations by Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster] and H.N. Humphreys [i.e. Henry Noel Humphreys]. Printed in colors [sic] from wood blocks.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Co., Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman-Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   Edmund Evans, Engraver and Printer

                                Width:        165     Height:       230          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  xvi, 160p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and black and  relief

                 Date Examined:  2.10.99 & 6.1.2016

                       References:  Ball VPB p.164 States that Warren's "monogram in central roundel of covers".

                                 McLean VPBB p.82 Shows the Routledge edition of 1860 in red pebble-grain cloth, with the same design.

                                 Pantazzi 4D p.96 Says the design is unsigned.

Notes: The design is by Albert Henry Warren. In the list of Illustrations, p. xiv, the illustrations are “engraved by Edmund Evans”. The text has been over-sewn. The design is attributed to Albert Henry Warren. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in black and in relief. The three fillets on the borders are blocked in gold, with a repeating "figure of eight" pattern blocked on the outside. The inner border is of flower-shaped medallions, blocked in gold and in black. There are two fillets blocked on the inner border. The central rectangle has leaf and stem tracery blocked in gold and in black on the corners. Around the sides of the inner rectangle, recessed and blocked in relief, is a repeating pattern of three-pointed leaves and stems. The central roundel is surrounded by filigree with leaves and stems blocked in gold. On   the lower cover, the words:"/ With/ illustrations/ by/ Birket Foster./ Printed in colors [sic]..Edited by R.A. Willmott./" are blocked in gold inside the roundel. On the upper cover, the words: "/ The/ poems/ of/ Oliver/ Goldsmith/" are blocked in gold in elaborate lettering. It is likely that Warren's monogram , "AW", is blocked in gold at the base of the roundel, within the tracery at the base of the roundel on each cover. The spine is             blocked in gold and in black. There is "moorish" ornament blocked at the head and at the tail, blocked in gold and relief. The words: "/ The/ Poems/ of/ Oliver/ Goldsmith/ [rule]/ Illustrated/" are blocked in gold, with seven gold fillets blocked underneath. On the middle, there is a mandorla, in moorish style, blocked in gold and in relief. This copy formerly shelved at 1347.g.9.





2003 book entry number: 738

                                  Binding No:   1082

                          Pressmark:   1347.g.8.

                        Artist Name:   Warren, Albert

                   Author/Heading:   Thomson, James

                                   Title:   The Seasons. Illustrated by Birket Foster [i.e Miles Birket Foster],  F.R. Pickersgill [i.e. Frederick Richard Pickersgill], J. Wolf [i.e. Joseph Wolf], G. Thomas [i.e. possibly George Housman Thomas] , and [Henry] Noel Humphreys.

                   Publisher Name:   James Nisbet & Co. Berners Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1859

                               Printer:   Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh.

                                Width:        160     Height:       210          Thickness:        28

                           PagNotes:  [7], 228p.

                Place of Printing:   [Edinburgh]



                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                    Colour : blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  12.9.2000 & 6.1.2016

            References:     De Beaumont RdeB2 no.428. P&D Accession no. 1992-4-6-381.


Notes: BL 1347.g.8 description. The design is by Albert Henry Warren. Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Cream pastedowns. Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold, in blind and in relief. A wide gold border is blocked using two ‘branch-like’ fillets. Within the border between these two fillets, a repeating pattern of four leaves and berries is blocked in relief. On each corner, a four-petal flower is blocked within a square. On the inner corners and on the sides, groups of stems and leaves are blocked, each representing each season, with small leaves blocked in relief around each. The central frame is formed by ivy leaves and berries, which surround the gold lettering-piece central hexagon, which is bordered by a single fillet. The title: "/ Thomson's/ Seasons/ is blocked in relief in ‘double line’ letters, within the lettering-piece. Small leaves and stem decoration is blocked in relief around the title. Signed "AW" in relief as a monogram as the base of the hexagon. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: leaves and dots blocked in gold between two fillets; a gold fillet; ivy leaves and berries; leaves and a quatrefoil with gold dots inside it; a hexagon gold lettering-piece with the title: "/ Thomson's Seasons/" blocked in relief inside; leaves and a quatrefoil with dots inside it; ivy leaves and berries down the lower half of the spine; a gold fillet; leaves and dots are blocked in gold between two fillets. Another copy of this work is at BL shelf mark W17/4865.        

BL W17/4865 description: The design is by Albert Henry Warren. Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Cream pastedowns (both endpapers are missing). Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold, in blind and in relief. A wide gold border is blocked using two ‘branch-like’ fillets. Within the border between these two fillets, a repeating pattern of four leaves and berries is blocked in relief. On each corner, a four-petal flower is blocked within a square. On the inner corners and on the sides, groups of stems and leaves are blocked, each representing each season, with small leaves blocked in relief around each. The central frame is formed by ivy leaves and berries, which surround the gold lettering-piece central hexagon, which is bordered by a single fillet. The title: "/ Thomson's/ Seasons/ is blocked in relief in ‘double’ letters, within the lettering-piece. Small leaves and stem decoration is blocked in relief around the title. Signed "AW" in relief as a monogram as the base of the hexagon. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: leaves and dots blocked in gold between two fillets; a gold fillet; ivy leaves and berries; leaves and a quatrefoil with gold dots inside it; a hexagon gold lettering-piece with the title: "/ Thomson's Seasons/" blocked in relief inside; leaves and a quatrefoil with dots inside it; ivy leaves and berries down the lower half of the spine; a gold fillet; leaves and dots are blocked in gold between two fillets. This copy formerly belonged to Bristol Public Libraries. Another copy of this work is at BL shelf mark 1347.g.8.

The British Museum Robin de Beaumont copy is at P&D no: 1992,0406.381. Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold, in blind and in relief. A wide gold border is blocked and within the border, a repeating pattern of four leaves and berries is blocked in relief. On each corner, a four-petal flower is blocked within a square. On the inner corners and on the sides, groups of stems and of leaves are blocked, each representing each season, with small leaves blocked in relief around each. The central frame is formed by ivy leaves and berries, which surround the central hexagon. This is blocked as a gold lettering-piece, bordered by a single fillet. The title: "/ Thomson's/ Seasons/ is blocked in relief within the lettering-piece. Small leaves and stem decoration is blocked in relief around the title. Signed "AW" in relief as a monogram as the base of the hexagon. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: leaves and dots blocked between two fillets; a gold fillet; ivy leaves and berries; leaves and a quatrefoil with gold dots inside it; a hexagon gold lettering-piece with the title: "/ Thomson's Seasons/" blocked in relief inside; leaves and a quatrefoil with dots inside it; ivy leaves and berries; a gold fillet; leaves and dots are blocked in gold between two fillets. The British Library copies are at 1347g8 and W17/4865. It has the same block work both copies, on blue and red morocco vertical-grain cloth.  No binder’s ticket on either of the BL copies.



2003 book entry number: 739

                                  Binding No:   380

                          Pressmark:   1347.g.16.

                        Artist Name:   Warren, Albert

                   Author/Heading:   Goldsmith, Oliver

                                   Title:   The poems. Edited by Robert Aris Willmott. A new edition with illustrations by Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster] and H.N. Humphreys [i.e. Henry Noel Humphreys]. Printed in colours by Edmund Evans.

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne and Routledge, Farringdon Street; and 56, Walker Street, New York.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   Edmund Evans, Engraver and Printer, Raquet Court, Fleet Street.

                                Width:        165     Height:       235          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  xxii, 162p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  9.9.99 &13.1.2016


Notes: The design is by Albert Henry Warren. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. The design on the covers is the same as that for the 1859 edition. [BL copy at C.109.d.7.] The blocking on this edition is in gold and blind only (i.e. where the blockwork was in

black for the 1859 edition, it is in blind for this edition). The spine is fully blocked in gold and in blind. A mandorla in gold and in relief is blocked in the middle. Moorish designs are blocked at the head and at the tail, in gold and in relief. The same monograms are on the central roundels of both covers as for the 1859 edition.



2003 book entry number: 740

                                  Binding No:   668

                          Pressmark:   C.44.d.6.

                        Artist Name:   Warren, Albert

                   Author/Heading:   Miller, Thomas

                                   Title:   Common wayside flowers. Illustrated by Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster].

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne and Routledge, Farringdon Street; and 56, Walker Street, New York.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   Edmund Evans,  Engraver and Printer, Raquet Court, Fleet Street, London.

                                Width:        178     Height:       227          Thickness:        30

                           PagNotes:  [7], 185p.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   brown

                        Blockwork:   gold and relief

                 Date Examined:  11.3.2000 & 13.1.2016

                       References:  Ball VPB      p.164.

                                 McLean VPBB p.53. "Perhaps the most sensational of all the cut-out paper and gold

blocking bindings."

                                 Morris & Levin APB p.66,  no.133.

                                 Pantazzi 4D p.94.

 Notes: The design is by Albert Henry Warren. Gilt edges Bevelled boards. Brown morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in gold. The paper on lays are also identical for both covers. Three fillets are blocked on the borders, the two inner being shaped as branches, with ivy leaves being blocked between them. The veins of the leaves are outlined in relief. The fillets intersect at the corners to form small squares. A single fillet is blocked on the borders of each of the four inner corner panels. A printed paper on lay showing 'wayside flowers' is laid onto each inner corner. Each on lay  been varnished. The centre panel is diamond-shaped, with 'branch-like' fillets and ivy leaves on its borders. The title: "/ Common/ Wayside/ Flowers/"

and "/ Birket Foster/" are blocked in rustic-style letters. Between the two, the words: "/ Illustrations by/" are blocked in gold. Signed "AW" in gold as separate letters on the centre tail of each cover. The spine is blocked in gold. A single branch-shaped fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: at the head, ivy leaves are blocked in a panel, formed by a single "branch-like" fillet; a gold lettering-piece, with ivy leaves blocked in relief inside it, and a branch-shaped single fillet on its borders - is blocked above and below the title words;  the title words: "/ Common/ wayside/ flowers/" are blocked in relief on a blue paper on lay, within a gold lettering piece; in the middle of the spine, within another gold lettering-piece, the words: "/ with/ illustrations/ by/ Birket Foster/" are blocked in relief on a red paper on lay; foxgloves are blocked in gold; the words: "/ Routledge & Co/" are blocked in relief on a blue paper on lay, inside a gold lettering-piece; at the tail, ivy leaves are blocked within a rectangle formed by a single branch-like gold fillet.



2003 book entry number: 741

                                  Binding No:   369

                          Pressmark:   C.109.d.9.

                        Artist Name:   Warren, Albert

                   Author/Heading:   Moore, Thomas

                                   Title:   Lallah Rookh: an oriental romance. With illustrations, engraved by Edmund Evans, from original drawings by G. H. Thomas [i.e. George Housman Thomas], F. R. Pickersgill [i.e. Frederick Richard Pickersgill], R.A., Birket Foster [i.e Myles Birket Foster], E. H. Corbould [i.e. Edward Henry Corbould], etc., etc.

                   Publisher Name:   Routledge, Warne, & Routledge, Farringdon St; New York: 56, Walker Street.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1860

                               Printer:   Printed by Edmund Evans, Racquet Court.

                                Width:        170     Height:       230          Thickness:        40

                           PagNotes:  [6], 303p. 1 plate

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  12.10.99 & 13.1.2016

                       References:  Ball VPB p.164; and p. 181 (binder’s ticket description)

                                 Morris & Levin APB p.54, no.101. Nos. 102 & 103 show variants.

                                 Pantazzi 4D p.94 Illustrates upper cover and spine.


Notes: The design is by Albert Henry Warren. In the ‘List of Illustrations, other artists cited are (full names): William Harvey, Hablot Knight Browne, Thomas Macquoid, Richard Principal Leitch, Kenny Meadows, Samuel Palmer, George Dodgson. Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Binders' ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge/". [Ball no. 53E] Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in blind. The recessed strap work is blocked in blind as wide fillets, with small decoration blocked in relief inside them. The strap work forms arabesques. They intermingle with the decorative panels which are blocked in gold, with a tracery of curling stems and leaves. At the centre, the oriental-shaped gold lettering-piece contains the words: "/ Lallah Rookh/ by/ Thomas Moore/", blocked in relief, within two rectangular gold lettering-pieces.  Similar elaborate arabesques and decorative patterns of curling stems and leaves are blocked on the spine. The words: "/ Lallah Rookh/ [rule]/ Moore/ [rule]/ Illustrated/" are blocked in relief inside a gold lettering-piece. The book label at the tail covers a possible Warren signature. The Longman edition of 1853 is at BL shelf mark 11656p3 and the design is not signed. The Longman edition of 1854 is at BL shelf mark 11647a19, with John Leighton design.



2003 book entry number: 742

                                  Binding No:   847

                          Pressmark:   10056.aa.11.

                        Artist Name:   Warren, Albert Henry

                   Author/Heading:   Bowman, Anne

                                   Title:   Among the Tartar tents; or, the lost fathers. A Tale.

                   Publisher Name:   Bell and Daldy, 186, Fleet Street

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   Strangeways and Walden, Printers, Castle St. Leicester Sq.

                                Width:        125     Height:       190          Thickness:        32

                           PagNotes:  xii, 324p., 2 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  6.10.2000 & 13.1.2016

References: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, p. 172 (Binder’s ticket)


 Notes: The design is attributed to Albert Henry Warren. Light brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ 76, Fleet St. London./" [Ball no. 17C.] Green morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. A leaf and curling stem pattern is blocked on each corner, and on the sides, with the centres of the leaves being blocked in relief. Two fillets form an oval frame at the centre. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single fillet is blocked on the perimeter in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a "dotted" gold fillet; two gold fillets; small plant decoration is blocked in gold. a gold lettering-piece panel, which contains four rectangular lettering-pieces, which are picked out by being formed by double fillets blocked in relief on their borders; the title: "/ Among/ the/ Tartar/ tents/" is blocked in relief within the four gold lettering-pieces; a small circular gold lettering-piece has the word: "/by/" blocked in relief within; a decorative panel gold lettering-piece formed by a single fillet, and the words: "/Anne Bowman/" blocked inside; small decoration, of stems and leaves forming patterns, is blocked in gold above and below the Author, and down the spine to near the tail; small gold decorative-piece, near the tail, with "bud" decoration blocked inside in relief; signed "AW" in gold as separate letters; two gold fillets; gold dots are blocked at the tail.





2003 book entry number: 743

                                  Binding No:   379


                        Artist Name:   Warren, Albert

                   Author/Heading:   Campbell, Thomas

                                   Title:   The pleasures of hope. Illustrated by Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], George Thomas [i.e. possibly George Housman Thomas], and Harrison Weir [i.e. Harrison William Weir]. Third edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, Son, & Co., 47, Ludgate Hill.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   R.Clay,  Printer, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        135     Height:       200          Thickness:        12

                           PagNotes:  [3], 59p. The illustrations engraved by Edmund Evans, Horace Harral, William Frederick Measom,  W.T. Green, James Davis Cooper, Thomas Bolton, and J. Greenaway [i.e. probably John Greenaway].

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   cloth


                            Colour :

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  5.10.99 & 13.1.2016

            References:     McLean Cundall pp.36, 80.


Notes: The design is by Albert Henry Warren. The monogram of Joseph Cundall is printed on the title page verso. Gilt edges. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Written on the upper endpaper: "/ Berthold Holland Smith./ Prize for Greek/ A. James's Lodge, Croydon./ July 25th 1861./ Philip Smith./"  Purple morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders, corners and the sides. There is a fillet on the outer border. Trefoils are blocked on the corners in relief. There is a pattern of ivy leaves, of stems blocked in relief on the sides, corners, head and tail. The patterns form a central oval, which is blank on the lower cover. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. The perimeter is of thin stems and leaves. The centre is onion-shaped, with hatch gold blocking and a border blocked in relief. At the centre is a gold lettering-piece in which are blocked in relief the words:"/ The/ pleasures/ of hope/". The words are surrounded by tendrils, also blocked in relief. Signed "AW" in relief as separate letters at the base of the gold lettering-piece. The spine has the title words: “/ The/ Pleasures/ of Hope/” blocked in gold, with fillets, blocked in vertical gold hatch, above and below the title. There is small plant decoration blocked in gold above and below these fillets.




2003 book entry number: 744

                                  Binding No:   1081

                          Pressmark:   C.129.c.3.

                        Artist Name:   Warren, Albert

                   Author/Heading:   Tennyson, Alfred

                                   Title:   The May Queen. Illustated by E.V.B. [i.e. Eleanor Vere Boyle]

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, Son & Co. 47, Ludgate Hill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1861

                               Printer:   R. Clay, Printer, Bread Street Hill, London.

                                Width:        160     Height:       217          Thickness:        12

                           PagNotes:  39p.

                Place of Printing:   [London]


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    morocco vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  12.9.2000 & 13.1.2016.

            References:     De BeaumontRdeB2no.420. P&D Accession no. 1992-4-6-373.

                                           Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, p. 165; p. 172 (Binder’s ticket)


Notes: The design is by Albert Henry Warren. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by Bone & Son,/ 76, Fleet St London./" [Ball no. 17C.] Green morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked in blind and in relief identically on the corners and on the sides. The blocking shows two branches on the borders, with and elaborate pattern of curling stems, flowers and leaves blocked in relief around the branches. The whole forms the central frame. On the upper cover around the borders of the central frame, two fillets are blocked - one in blind the other in gold. On the centre, the words: "/ The/ May Queen/ by/ Alfred/ Tennyson/ Illustrated by/ E.V.B./ [i.e. Eleanor Vere Boyle]" are blocked in gold in gothic letters. Flowers, stems, and leaves are blocked in gold between, through the letters, and on the ends of the letters. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a filigree pattern; branch, leaves and blossom, blocked in gold; two gold fillets; a ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece runs down the spine, with the title: "/ The/ May/ Queen./" blocked in relief within the ribbon; two gold fillets; a branch, leaves and blossom, blocked in gold; signed "AW" in gold as separate letters; two gold fillets; a filigree pattern is blocked in gold at the tail. Another copy of this work is at BL shelf mark W8/7848. It has the same block work as for BL C129c3, on purple morocco vertical-grain cloth.


The British Museum de Beaumont copy is at P&D Accession no. 1992-4-6-373.Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by Bone & Son,/ 76, Fleet St London./" [Ball no. 17C.] Both covers blocked in blind and in relief identically on the corners and on the sides. The blocking shows two branches on the borders, with and elaborate pattern of curling stems, flowers and leaves blocked in relief around the branches. The whole forms the central frame. On the upper cover around the borders of the central frame, two fillets are blocked - one in blind the other in gold. On the centre, the words: "/ The/ May Queen/ by/ Alfred/ Tennyson/ Illustrated by/ E.V.B./ [i.e. Eleanor Vere Boyle]" are blocked in gold in gothic letters. Flowers, stems, and leaves are blocked in gold between, through the letters, and on the ends of the letters. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a filigree pattern; branch, leaves and blossom, blocked in gold; two gold fillets; a ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece runs down the spine, with the title: "/ The/ May/ Queen./" blocked in relief within the ribbon; two gold fillets; a branch, leaves and blossom, blocked in gold; signed "AW" in gold as separate letters; two gold fillets; a filigree pattern is blocked in gold at the tail. The British Library copy of this work is at shelf mark C.129.c.3.



2003 book entry number: 745

                                  Binding No:   848

                          Pressmark:   12805.dd.41.

                        Artist Name:   Warren, Albert

                   Author/Heading:   Wilson, Mark

                                   Title:   The first reading book. With one hundred and twenty illustrations. [Engraving of forest scene.]

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, Son, and Co. 47, Ludgate Hill

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1862]

                               Printer:   R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill.

                                Width:        123     Height:       180          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  128p.

                Place of Printing:   [London]




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   red


                 Date Examined:        27.7.2000.


Notes: The design is by Albert Henry Warren. The frontispiece illustration is captioned: “/ The Farm Yard”. It is signed "H. Weir" [i.e. Harrison William Weir]. White pastedowns. The spine is of red bead-grain cloth. Red dyed paper over boards. The lower cover has a list of publisher's titles. The work is advertised as: "/Price 1s./ The child's first reader./ With 120 Pictures/". Printed on the upper cover at the head: “/ Price One shilling./” The upper cover has on the borders: 1. a blue fillet 2. horizontal hatch in black, between pairs of fillets. Groups of three small leaves are printed on each corner, with more stems and leaves on the inner corners.  Blue fillets form an "hour-glass" shaped central frame. The title: "/ Wilson's/ First/ Reader/" are printed inside three rectangles formed by single fillets. Signed "AW" in blue letters at the centre tail.



2003 book entry number: 746

[made BL database entry on 09092015 – BL 019-000020779]

                                  Binding No:   853

                          Pressmark:   11565.f.37.

                        Artist Name:   Warren, Albert

                   Author/Heading:   Buchanan, Robert

                                   Title:   Ballad Stories of the Affections. From the Scandanavian. Will illustrations by G.J. Pinwell [i.e. George John Pinwell], W. Small [i.e. William Small], A.B. Houghton [i.e. Arthur Boyd Houghton], E. Dalziel [i.e. Edward Dalziel],  T. Dalziel [i.e. Thomas Dalziel], J. Lawson [i.e. John Lawson] & J.D. Watson [i.e. John Dawson Watson]. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.

                   Publisher Name:   George Routledge & Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1866]

                               Printer:   Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press.

                                Width:        177     Height:       235          Thickness:        25

                           PagNotes:  [1],xiv,174p. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:   [London]


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and relief


                 Date Examined:  12.9.2000 & 2.9.2015

            References:     P&D Accession no. 1992-4-6-34. Ball VPB p. 172.


Notes: The design is by Albert Warren. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto: “/ ‘ “Robert” – to his friend “George”/ [rule]/ Happy the man with one friend! Whose cry/ making boast, “we have two” – “we have many” – have none/ Or more than their share. & yet less than I,/ Who have a whole troop of the truest in one!/ [rule]/ Chiswick, Decr. 4. 1872./’ Bookseller’s ticket on upper pastedown: “/ S & T Gilbert./ Booksellers./ 4 Copthall Buildings./ London E. C./” Inscribed on the lower pastedown: “/ The Brit.[ish] Mus.[eum] Library from a grateful Reader/ 1880 June 11[female symbol?] – 24 Sept 1922. 42 years hospitality.”/ Hamilton Minchin./” Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ W. Bone & Son./ 76, Fleet St./ London E.C./". [Ball no. 17D.]Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in gold on the borders. Between these fillets, a repeating pattern of half-circles and dotted stems is blocked in gold. The central vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. It shows an oval formed by border fillets, with three-leaved groups blocked at the head and at the base. The words: "/Ballad Stories/ of the/ Affections/ Robert Buchanan/ Illustrated/" are blocked in relief within five rectangular gold lettering-pieces, with the title being blocked in gothic letters. Behind and between these, a diamond pattern is blocked in gold, with single leaves blocked in relief inside each diamond. Signed "W" in relief within a diamond near the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets; a panel, formed by two zig-zag gold fillets and hatched gold triangles; four gold fillets; a panel formed by two gold fillets, with small decoration at its head and tail; within this panel are blocked: 1. a pattern of diamonds with small leaves blocked in gold inside each diamond 2. the title: "/ Ballad/ Stories/ of the/ Affections/" are blocked in gold in gothic letters; the words: "/ Robert/ Buchanan/" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by two gold fillets; signed "W" in gold within a circle formed by two gold fillets; the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet, which has "scroll" ends; at the tail, two gold fillets; "/ Routledge/" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece; two gold fillets. This copy was acquired with a date of 14 OCT[OBER] [19]22. Another copy of this work is at shelf mark 11565.f.9. This is the copyright copy dated 8 JA[NUARY] [18]67. The British Museum de Beaumont copy is at Prints & Drawings register no. 1992,0406.34 [Probably a Dalziel Fine Art Gift Book – although this work is not listed in the publisher’s titles at the end.] The 1869 edition of this work published by Sampson, Low is at shelf mark 01157f4. If has original binding: gilt edges, brown endpapers and pastedowns, green ungrained cloth, with decoration in blind and relief to both covers, and the title in gold on the upper cover.





2003 book entry number: 747

                                  Binding No:   1042

                          Pressmark:   3437.i.15

                        Artist Name:   Warren, Albert Henry

                   Author/Heading:   Watts, Isaac

                                   Title:   Divine and moral Songs for children. Illustrated.

                   Publisher Name:   Sampson Low, Son, and Marston.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1866

                               Printer:   Richard Clay London

                                Width:        152     Height:       208          Thickness:        17

                           PagNotes:  116p.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  14.8.2000 & 13.1.2016.

                       References:  Ball VPB p.165; p. 172 (Binder’s ticket)

                                 Goldman Cat. 1 no. 184.

                                 Pantazzi 4D p.94 no. IX.

 Notes: The design is by Albert Henry Warren. Gilt edges Bevelled boards. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on the lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./" [Ball no. 17A.]The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. The centre-piece shows linked and overlapping semi-circles, formed by fillets blocked in blind, with dots blocked in relief within the inner semi-circles. On the centre, a twelve-petalled single flower is blocked in blind. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in relief. Three gold fillets are blocked on the outer borders. Two fillets are blocked on the inner border, with curling stems near each corner. On each inner corner, an oval ‘fan-shape’ is blocked with horizontal gold hatch, and a fleur-de-lis blocked in relief within each oval ‘fan-head’. Small single ovals are blocked on the centre sides. The centre-piece shows a mandorla, with curling stems and flowers blocked on its borders. It also has a border repeating pattern of four leaves. The words: "/ Watt's/ Divine & moral/ songs/" are blocked in relief within three gold lettering-pieces which are joined and have scroll-like ends. Each lettering-piece has a single horizontal fillet blocked in relief above and below the letters. A bird is blocked above the title. Signed "AW" in gold as separate letters at the base of the centre-piece. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets; a panel formed by a single gold fillet with a zig-zag pattern, and also two gold fillets blocked above and below; tassel decoration; the central portion of the spine is blocked as a gold lettering-piece, and  has on its perimeter - 1. a rope-like gold fillet 2. a single gold fillet 3. dots blocked in relief ; within these fillets, the words: "/Watt's Divine & Moral Songs./" are blocked in relief within the rectangular gold lettering-piece; tassel decoration; three gold fillets; a panel formed by a single gold fillet; the words: "/ London/ S. Low & Co./" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, all within a panel; four gold fillets are blocked at the tail.




2003 book entry number: 748

                                  Binding No:   832


                        Artist Name:   Warren, Albert

                   Author/Heading:   Broderip, Frances Freeling

                                   Title:   Wild roses; or, Simple Stories of Country Life. With illustrations by H. Anelay [i.e. Henry Anelay].

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, successors to Newbery and Harris, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1867

                               Printer:   Gilbert and Rivington, Printers, St. John's Square.

                                Width:        123     Height:       192          Thickness:        28

                           PagNotes:  v, 235p. 4 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  11.7.2000 & 13.1.2016


Notes: The design is by Henry Albert Warren. The plates are signed with the monogram "HA" [i.e. Henry Anelay] and Pearson Sc.[i.e. Possibly George Pearson]" On page 4 of the publisher's titles at the end: "Post 8vo., price 3s. 6d. cloth          elegant; 4s. gilt edges." Bevelled boards.  Yellow endpapers and pastedowns.  Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers have the same two fillets blocked in blind on the borders . The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. It shows a posy of wild roses, with four gold lettering-pieces (which have hatched fillets on their borders) blocked in front of the posy. The words: "/Wild roses/" are blocked in relief within a

 rectangular gold lettering-piece; the word: "/or/" is blocked in relief within a circular gold lettering-piece; the words: "/simple stories of country life/" are blocked in relief within a curving gold lettering-piece; the word: "/Broderip./" is blocked in relief within a ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece. Signed "AW" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. It has the same design as the upper cover vignette: a posy of wild roses is blocked in gold, with six rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each with a hatched gold fillet blocked on its borders; the words: "/Wild roses/ or/ simple stories/ of/ country life/ Broderip./" are blocked in relief in each of the six gold lettering-pieces. Near the tail, the words: “/ London./ Griffith & Farran/” are blocked in gold. At the tail, a ‘lattice’ pattern is blocked in relief between two fillets blocked in blind.





2003 book entry number: 749

                                  Binding No:   831


                        Artist Name:   Warren, Albert

                   Author/Heading:   Broderip, Frances Freeling

                                   Title:   Tales of the toys, told by themselves. With illustrations by Tom Hood. [Monogram of Griffith and Farran.]

                   Publisher Name:   Griffith and Farran, (successors to Newbery and Harris,) Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1869

                               Printer:   Wertheimer, Lea and Co., printers, Finsbury Circus

                                Width:        129     Height:       175          Thickness:        26

                           PagNotes:  [2], 220p. 5 plates.

                Place of Printing:   [London:]


                       Bookbinder:   Bone & Son

                       BinderText:    Lower

                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    sand-grain

                            Colour :   Purple

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  21.7.2000 & 13.1.2016.

            References:     Ball VPB p.166; p.172 (Binder’s ticket)

Notes: The design is by Albert Henry Warren. The plates are hand coloured. They are signed with the monogram "TH" [i.e. Tom Hood] and "Ferrier Sc." [i.e. probably Charles Anderson Ferrier].  On page four of the publisher's titles at the end: “Super Royal 16mo., price 3s. 6d.cloth elegant, 4s. 6d. coloured gilt edges.” Gilt edges. [No original endpapers or pastedowns.] Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ W. Bone & Son./ 76, Fleet St./ London E.C./". [Ball no. 17D.] Purple sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders, on the corners and on the sides. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. Extended leaf decoration is blocked in relief on each corner. A curved inner thin fillet, blocked in blind, forms a central frame. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. There are three ribbon-shaped gold lettering-pieces blocked near the centre. The words:"/Tales of the toys/ told by themselves/ by Frances Freeling Broderip/" are blocked in relief within the ribbons. A coiled rope and a thin fillet twines around and behind the ribbons, forming a fleur-de-lis shape at the head and at the base of the vignette. The very centre shows a Chinese figure, a copy of the one reproduced in the plate opposite page 38. Signed "AW" in gold as separate letters underneath the figure. The spine is blocked in gold, in blind and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: three gold fillets, one thick between two thin; a kite and tail streamers; in front of the kite, four rectangular gold lettering-pieces are blocked; the words:" Tales/ of the toys/ told by themselves/ by/ Frances Freeling Broderip./" are blocked in relief within the lettering-pieces; three pendular stars, blocked in relief within a panel; small stem and bud decoration; two fillets blocked in blind; two thin gold fillets; the words: "London/ Griffith & Farran/" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece at the tail.



2003 book entry number: 750


Binding No:                  1065

                          Pressmark:   HS.74/1240

                        Artist Name:   Wyatt, Matthew Digby

                   Author/Heading:   Wyatt, Sir Matthew Digby

                                   Title:   The Industrial Arts of The Nineteenth Century. A series of illustrations of the choicest specimens produced by ever nation at the Great Exhibition of Works of Industry, 1851. Dedicated, by Permission, to His Highness The Prince Albert.

                   Publisher Name:   Published by Day and Son, Lithographers to the Queen.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1851


                                Width:        335     Height:       493          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  viii, [64p.] 32 plates.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   paper


                            Colour :   yellow


                 Date Examined:  5.12.99 & 20.1.2016.

            References:     McLean                                VBD            pp120-121.


Notes: The design is by Matthew Digby Wyatt. Former copy of the National Central Library.  Quarter red leather spine and white endpapers and pastedowns - neither original. Light yellow paper over boards. Lithographed with an elaborate design identical on both covers - the colours being originally green, maroon and gold. On the borders are: 1. a pattern of linked cartouches, in green 2-3. a thick and a thin fillet, in maroon 4. spaced hatching, in maroon 5-7. one thick maroon fillet, between two thin maroon fillets, the thick with green repeating beads within it 8. a wide border pattern in maroon of thin curling stems and leaves 9. on the centre sides, the head and the tail, beaded fillets form a circle, each with flower decoration within , surrounded by gold 10. Fillets as for nos 5-7 11. Spaced hatching, in maroon 12. a maroon fillet 13. a maroon fillet, with green overprinted within it. Within the central rectangle, an elaborate pattern of circles and straps is above and below the centre, with a diaper pattern as background. The centre, is maroon, with lettering in gold. The words: "/ Divis. 1st  Xmas 1851./ The/ Industrial Arts,/ of the/ Nineteenth Century,/ by/ M, Digby Wyatt,/ Architect,/ Day & Son, Lithr to the Queen./" Signed on the lower left hand corner: "/ [M] Digby Wyatt, Invt. et Del./" The spine has lettering along the spine: "/ The Industrial Arts of the Nineteenth Century Division I - Wyatt/" is blocked in gold. "/ 1851/" is blocked in gold near the tail.





2003 book entry number: 751

Binding No:                    444

                          Pressmark:   10057.v.8.

                        Artist Name:   Wyatt, Matthew Digby

                   Author/Heading:   Atkinson, George Francklin

                                   Title:   "Curry and rice", on forty plates; or, the ingredients of social life at "Our Station" in India.

                   Publisher Name:   Published by Day & Son, Lithographers to the Queen, Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   [1859]

                               Printer:   Lithographed, printed and published by Day & Son, Lithographers to the Queen, 6 Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields.

                                Width:        210     Height:       295          Thickness:        28

                           PagNotes:  [87p.] , 40 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London

                        Bookseller:   A.J. Combridge & Co.



                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    moire rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   orange

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  16.12.99 & 20.1.2016.



Notes: The design is by Matthew Digby Wyatt. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. The upper endpaper and the title page have the bookseller's name stamped in blue ink: "/ A.J. Combridge & Co./ New and old booksellers./ Bombay./" Orange moire fine rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders. The borders show a repeating stem and flower pattern. On the upper cover, a rectangular block, in gold, occupies the centre. It shows a portico with a plinth, border decorations and columns - all in the Indian idiom. On the centre of this design, the veranda of an Indian colonial house is depicted, with three figures. The title: "/ Curry & rice/" are blocked in relief at the head within a rectangular cartouche gold lettering-piece. Signed: "/ M. Digby Wyatt Invt et Delt/" in gold at the base of the design. The spine is blocked in gold. The title: "/ Curry and rice/ Atkinson/" are blocked in gold along the spine, inside rectangles formed by gold fillets, also with gold borders. At the base: "Day and Son" is blocked in gold. [The lower third of the spine now lost, upon viewing in 2016.]

Another copy of the original issue is at BL OIOC W.4564. [87p.], 40 plates. 210x290x35mm. This copy is in a half morocco binding. The edges were trimmed upon rebinding, originally gilt.

The second edition is at BL shelf mark 1264.e.16. [87p.] 40 plates. 210x295x35mm. The original upper cover is bound in at the front of this volume. It has a size of 205x285mm. The upper cover has the same design blocked as for BL shelf mark 10057.v.8. BL 1264.e.16 is the copyright deposit copy, with the date stamp: "12 JA[NUARY 18] 59".

The third edition is at BL OIOC W.3698. [87p.] 40 plates. 205x294x25mm. Red ink speckled edges. White endpapers and pastedowns. The cover design is the same as for BL 10057.v.8. The covers are worn, and the spine has been re-backed. This copy was donated to the India Office Library by Sir Theodore Tasker.

The fourth edition is at BL shelf mark 10057.k.24. Originally bound in gutta percha. It has the same design blocked on the covers as for this copy, the 1859 edition (BL shelfmark 10057.v.8. )





2003 book entry number: 752

                                  Binding No:   455

                          Pressmark:   10058.k.24.

                        Artist Name:   Wyatt, Matthew Digby

                   Author/Heading:   Atkinson, George Francklin

                                   Title:   "Curry and rice", on forty plates; or, the ingredients of social life at "Our Station" in India. Fourth edition, with colour illustrations  from the original sketches from the author.

                   Publisher Name:   W. Thacker & Co., 2, Creed Lane, E.C.; Calcutta & Simla: Thacker, Spink & Co.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1911

                               Printer:   George Pulman & Sons, Ltd., The Cranford Press

                                Width:        205     Height:       295          Thickness:        23

                           PagNotes:  [87p.], 40 plates.

                Place of Printing:   London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    moire rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   orange

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  16.12.99 & 20.1.2016.


Notes: The design is by Matthew Digby Wyatt. Gutta percha binding, now dried out. Gilt edges. The endpapers and pastedowns are decorated with "Lattice-work" pattern. Orange moire fine rib vertical-grain cloth.  Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders. The blind blocking shows a repeating stem and flower pattern. On the upper cover, a rectangular block, in gold, occupies the centre. It shows a portico with a plinth, border decorations and columns - all in the Indian idiom. On the centre of this design, the verandah of an Indian colonial house is depicted, with three figures. The title letters "Curry and rice" are blocked in white, within a rectangular cartouche gold lettering-piece at the head. Signed: "/ M. Digby Wyatt Invt et Delt/" in gold at the

base of the rectangular block. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. The title: "/ Curry and rice/" and "/ Atkinson/" are blocked along  the spine in gold, within rectangles formed by gold fillets and borders blocked in gold. At the tail: "/ Thacker & Co./" is blocked in gold, between two gold fillets.

The fifth edition, also published in 1911, has the sub-title: "Fifth edition, with colour illustrations fro the first time from the original sketches of the author, kindly lent by the owner, Mr Frederick Palmer, C.I.E." This copy is at BL OIOC W.2868. The copy was donated to the India Office Library by Mrs Waller. It has been rebound.

Another copy of the fifth edition is at BL X. 802/3044. Gilt edges. Rebound in 1975.      

The 1982 edition was published in New Dehli by Time International Books. 171p. 320x250x25mm. Printed and bound by Surya Print Process, New Dehli. With an Introduction by Toby Sinclair. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. This copy has red silk cloth, ungrained. The title is blocked in gold on the upper cover and on the spine. Part of the Introduction reads: "The book is dedicated to the great Victorian novelist - William Thackeray, who in an oblique reference in turn named one of his characters Gen. Sir Curry Rice, K.C.B. in his novel 'A shabby genteel story'. " The plates reproduced are a poor monochrome version of the facsimiles made for the fourth edition of 1911.




                         Binding No:    1103

                                   Pressmark:    1609/6018

                                Artist Name:    John Leighton

                   Author/Heading:   BOWDICH, afterwards LEE, Sarah.

                                              Title:    The African wanderers; or, The Adventures of Carlos and Antonio embracing interesting descriptions of the manners and customes of the Western tribes, and the natural productions of the country. Fourth edition, with eight illustrations.

Publisher Name: Griffith & Farran, (successors to Newbery and Harris,) Corner of St. Paul’s Churchyard.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:    1867

                                         Printer:    Murray and Gibb, printers, Edinburgh

                                          Width:           120 Height: 182                    Thickness:  30

                                 Pagination:   x, 358pp., 8 plates.  With thirty-six pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

                   Place of Printing:   Edinburgh



                       Cover material:    cloth

                                        Grain:     sand-grain

                                     Colour :    brown

                              Block work:   Gold and blind and relief


                      Date Examined:  12.11.2012



Notes: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand-grain cloth.  Both covers blocked identically on the borders. Three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. At head and tail, and at the centre of each side, two inner fillets intersect, with leaf motifs being formed in relief. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. Four joined semi-circles form a quatrefoil, with small fillets intersecting them, forming ‘flower head’ motifs between each semi-circle. The words: “/The/ African/ wanderers./” are blocked in gold within the quatrefoil. The spine is blocked in gold. Underneath the fillet blocked at the head, the words:”/The/ African/ wanderers/” are blocked in gold in ‘wood style’ letters, which are surrounded by thin tendrils, also in gold. Beneath the title, a palm tee is blocked in gold. At the base of the tree, two explorer figures are blocked, one standing with a staff in his left hand; the other is seated, holding the stem of  a rifle in his left hand. Signed “JL” as a monogram in gold at the feet of these two figures. Between two gold fillets, “/London./ Griffith & Farran are blocked in gold. A gold fillet is blocked at the base of the spine.



                                  Binding No:    1104

                                   Pressmark:    1609/6019

                                Artist Name:    John Leighton

                         Author/Heading:    Scrymgeour, Daniel

                                              Title:    The Poetry and Poets of Britain. New edition.

                         Publisher Name:    Adam and Charles Black

                  Place of Publication:    Edinburgh

                   Date of Publication:    1865


                                  Width: 135                 Height: 195                     Thickness:  50

                                 Pagination:   xxxviii, 597p.

                     Place of Printing:


                    Bookbinder: Burn

                       Cover material:    cloth

                                        Grain:     sand-grain

                                     Colour :    blue

                              Block work:   Gold and blind and black and relief


                      Date Examined:  12.11.2012



`Notes: The title page shows an engraving of Poet’s Corner, Westminster Abbey. The frontispiece features a pasted in photograph of Alfred Tennyson, “Photographed by W. Jeffrey Gt. Russell Street.” It is signed: “Ever yours/ A Tennyson/” [This may be a copy of his writing and signature.] Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. The upper pastedown has a school plate inscribed: “Hardy Lordoff/ For proficiency in Euclid./ June 21st, 1866.” Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38 Kirby St./”. Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically on the borders and corners, to form a rectangle; the lover cover is blocked in blind and in relief, the upper cover is blocked in gold, in black and in relief. Two gold fillets blocked on the borders, the inner of which has dots in relief within it. Within this is a pattern of floral motifs and stars, blocked in gold. A single black fillet forms the central rectangle. Within a roundel formed by a black fillet and gold fillets, at each corner, a lyre is blocked in relief within hatch gold. Between the roundels at head and tail and on each side a black fillet forms arches and within each arch , a plant design’ is blocked in gold, to form a repeating pattern. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. The central oval is formed by: a single thinl gold fillet; a gold fillet with dots in relief, a dotted oval in gold; A winged horse, surrounded by stars, blocked in gold, stands upright on its rear left leg on  a tree base. Signed “JL” as separate letters at the base of the oval. The spine is blocked in gold and black and relief. Two blacked fillets blocked at the head and at the tail. Above the title are small plant tendrils blocked in gold. The title: “/The/ Poetry & Poets/ of Britain/” are blocked in relief within three panels in gold, all of which are within a roundel of gold fillets and plant motifs. The author:”/Scrymgeour/” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold panel underneath the title. More decorative curling stem and leaves are blocked in gold and relief  underneath the title. Between two gold fillets at the base the words: “/A. & C. Black/” are blocked in gold.



Binding No: 1105

Pressmark: 7032.c.35.

Artist Name: Unsigned (possibly John Leighton spine design)

Author/Heading: Moore, Thomas

Title: British Ferns and their allies; an abridgment of The “Popular History of British Ferns” and comprising the ferns, club-mosses, pepperworts, & horsetails. With illustrations by W.S. Coleman, printed in colours by Evans.

Publisher Name: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: 1861

Printer: Savill and Edwards, Printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

Width: 115               Height: 180 Thickness: 20

Pagination: iv, 187p. , 12 plates.

Place of Printing: London


Bookbinder: Bone & Son

Cover material: cloth

Grain: bead-grain                    

Colour: mauve                         

Block work: Gold and blind and relief           

Date Examined: 20.11.2012  


References: University of Toronto Library, Massey call number, McLean D 0757

Notes: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/Bound by Bone & Son./ 76 Fleet Street,/ London./” Mauve bead-grain cloth. Both cover blocked identically in blind on the borders and the corners. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this, thin fillets form a rectangular frame, with single flower motifs on each inner corner. The inner rectangle is formed by stems and leaves blocked in relief to form a central mandorla (which is not blocked). The spine is blocked in gold. A thin gold fillet is blocked around the perimeter of the spine. A fern is blocked at the head. The title: “/British/ ferns/ and their/ allies/” are blocked in relief within four rectangular gold panels. Underneath the title a glass case is blocked with ferns growing within it. In the middle of the case, the word: “/Moore/” is blocked in gold within a rectangular gold panel. At the base of the spine the word: “/Illustrated/” is blocked in gold. [it is possible that the JL initials are obscured by the BL shelf label.]



Binding No: 1106                       

Pressmark: 4805.b.45. [already cat’d by EK – entry 337]          

Artist Name: John Leighton      

Author/Heading: Hallock, Mary Angelina

Title: The sweet story of old.    

Publisher Name: Religious Tract Society; 56 Paternoster Row, and 164, Piccadilly; and sold by the Booksellers.       

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: 1860          

Printer: Reed and Pardon, Printers, Paternoster Row

Place of Printing: [London]      

Width: 130                                    Height: 180                  Thickness: 20

Pagination: [2], 164p., 3 plates. With eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.


Bookbinder: Lewis & Sons

Cover material: Cloth              

Grain: bead-grain                    

Colour : blue                            

Block work: gold and blind and relief            

Date Examined: 21.11.2012  


References: Dry JL no. 411


Notes: Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/Bound by/ Lewis & Sons/ Gough Square/ Fleet St./ London./” [Binder’s ticket: Ball VPB 54A; King VDTB, p. 269.] Blue bead-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and the corners. A thick and a thin fillet are blocked in blind on the outer borders. Plant motifs are blocked on the corners and the sides in blind. The central ‘arabesque’ panel is defined by a fillet in blind with dots in relief within it. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. The title: “/The/ Sweet Story/ of Old/” is blocked in gold. A shepherd separates the two words: “of” and “Old”; at the feet of the shepherd - a lamb, and two groups of flowers are blocked in gold. Underneath this the words: ‘”Feed my lambs”’ are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked around its perimeter. At the head, two fillets are blocked in gold, and also a shamrock. The title: “/The/ Sweet/ Story/ of/ Old./” is blocked in gold. Beneath this, within gold fillets, the spine of the book of the New Testament is blocked in gold. The spine has seven panels formed by the sewing bands, and each, apart from panel two, has small decorative motifs blocked  within rectangular panel, the whole picked out in relief. Panel two has the words: “/New/ Testament/” blocked in relief. Signed “JL” as separate letters near the base of the spine. At the base, a small rectangular panel is formed by a single gold fillet.






Binding No: 1107                        

Pressmark: Collins 664              

Artist Name: John Leighton      

Author/Heading: Murray, Thomas Boyles    

Title: Zoological sketches; consisting of descriptions and engravings of one hundred and eighty-six animals.  Published under the direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.  New edition with additions.                

Publisher Name: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: 1859          

Printer: R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill.

Place of Printing: London         

Width: 115              Height: 175                 Thickness: 23

Pagination: xi, 348p. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.


Bookbinder: Spencer & Son

Cover material: cloth               

Grain: morocco horizontal-grain     

Colour : purple (faded)          

Block work: gold and blind   

Date Examined: 21.11.2012  


References:  Collins PB no. 664. Packer BVL pp. 142-143.


Notes: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. On the verso of the upper endpaper is the inscription: “Befrie [?] Thornhill/ From her affectionate Aunt Margaret./ August 27th 1860./”Binders ticket on lower pastedown: “/[Robert] Spencer & Son/ Binders./” Purple morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and the corners. Two fillets blocked in blind on the borders. A floral pattern of stems and [shamrock] leaves is blocked in blind on each corner, with interlacing straps on the head, the tail and the sides. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a bison. The spine is blocked in gold. Gold fillets and patterns blocked at the head and at tail. The title: “/Zoological/ sketches/” is blocked in gold near the head. Down the spine is tracery and a natural scene, with reed-like plants, a mouse [or a rat], and a monkey [ or a gibbon]. Signed “JL” in gold as separate letters near the tail.








Binding No: 1108                        

Pressmark: Collins 387              

Artist Name: William Harry Rogers               

Author/Heading: Cotton, John  

Title: Beautiful birds: their natural history; including an account of their structure, habits, notification etc etc. Edit from the manuscript of the late John Cotton, Esq., R.R.S. by Robert Tyas. Vol. I. with twelve coloured plates, drawn and coloured by James Andrews, and many wood engravings.          

Publisher Name: Houlston and Stoneman, 65 Paternoster Row.               

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: 1854          

Printer: Thomas Harrild, printer Silver Street, Falcon Square.

Place of Printing: London         

Width: 115               Height: 170                 Thickness: 25

Pagination: xx, 92, 16, 16, 16, 16,16p. 11 plates.

Bookseller: Thomas C. Jack

Bookbinder: Bone & Son

Cover material: cloth               

Grain: diagonal wave              

Colour : blue                            

Block work: gold and blind and relief            

Date Examined: 21.11.2012  


References: Collins PB No. 387.


Notes: Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Bookseller’s ticket on upper pastedown: “/Thomas C. Jack/ Bookseller and Stationer/ 92 Princes Street/ Edinburgh./” Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/Bound by/ Bone & Son/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./”.  Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind  and in relief on the borders and the corners. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. An inner fillet is blocked in blind on the inner border on the sides, which highlights shells in relief on the upper corners, and small shell like motifs on the lower corners. Stems and leaves are blocked in blind on each inner corner. The central vignette is formed by a frame of four interlocking branches wit morning glory like flowers, stems and leaves winding their way round the branches. This frame is blocked in blind on the lower cover and in gold on the upper cover. Within the frame on the upper cover, the title words: “/Beautiful/ birds/” are blocked in gold, with small leaves underneath the word “birds”. The monogram “WHR” is blocked in gold at the base of the frame. The spine is blocked in gold. An interlocking tracery of branches, twigs and leaves forms four panels down the spine. In the second panel, the title:”/Beautiful/ Birds/” are blocked in gold. In the third panel, a bird’s nest is blocked in gold, containing five eggs.







Binding No: 1110                        


Artist Name: John Leighton      

Author/Heading: Fraser, Robert William       

Title: Ebb and flow. The Curiosities & Marvels of the Sea-Shore. A Book for Young People. Editied by the Author of ‘Elements of Physical Science,’ &c. New Edition.              

Publisher Name: William & Robert Chambers            

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: [1865]       

Printer: Printed by William Grant, 52 West Register Street.

Place of Printing: Edinburgh    

Width: 125                                    Height: 175                 Thickness: 25

Pagination: [10], 250p.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: pebble-grain                 

Colour : red                              

Block work: Gold and blind and relief           

Date Examined: 26.11.2012  




Notes: The design is unsigned. Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Red pebble-grain cloth. Both cover are blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and the corners. Two fillets blocked in blind on the borders. The a border of repeating trefoils is blocked in relief, within a fillet in blind. Groups of three small trefoils are blocked in relief on the corners. On the upper cover the central vignette is blocked in blind. It shows a group of marine animals blocked in gold A bird of prey; a flying fish; a gull (?); a crab a squid; a sword fish (?) and seashells and seaweed. Within a ‘scallop’ shaped by fillets, the title “/Ebb & flow/ the/ curiosities/ of the/ sea shore/” are blocked in gold. Underneath the tip of the swordfish, the initials: ”J[L]” are blocked in gold.  The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked to form an arch at the head. Small scallops blocked at the head. Below this an anchor head is blocked in gold. The title words: “/Ebb/ &/ flow/ are blocked in relief  within gold panels, two rectangular, and one circular. The sub title:”/ The/ curiosities/ of the/ Sea Shore/” are blocked in gold. Below this, down the spine, a sea scene of fishes and sea plants is blocked in gold. [The BL  label may obscure Leighton’s initials on this copy.] Near the tail, between two gold fillets and three gold filets, the publisher’s name: “/W. &. R. Chambers/” is blocked in gold.  Two fillets blocked in gold at the tail.





Binding No: 1111

Pressmark: 1256.b.12.                

Artist Name: Unsigned UK       

Author/Heading: Fraser, Robert William       

Title: Ebb and flow. The curiosities and marvels of the sea-shore. A book for young people.           

Publisher Name: Houlston & Wright, 65 Paternoster Row; Edinburgh: John Menzies

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: 1860

Printer: Printed by Grant Brothers, 14 St. James’ Square

Place of Printing: Edinburgh    

Width: 115

Height: 175

Thickness: 30

Pagination: [6], 252p. 12 plates.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: bead-grain                    

Colour : green                          

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 26.11.2012  




Notes: The frontispiece plate of is signed “C.F. Sargent” and “Evans” .Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green bead-grain cloth. On the borders of both covers, two fillets are blocked in blind, one thick, the inner is thin. On the lower cover, the central vignette is blocked in blind. It shows an arabesque of joined stems, leaves and stylised flower heads. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows the Island of Staffa, with a ‘stormy’ sea in front of it; this is a near copy of the print opposite page 34. The title words:”/ Ebb & flow/” are blocked in gold underneath Staffa.  The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single, slightly curved gold fillet is blocked around its perimeter, and a single gold fillet is blocked a the head and at the tail. Down the spine, an elaborate pattern of   interlocking stems, flowers and leaves are blocked in gold. Within a gold cartouche, the title and author: “/ Ebb & flow// or the/ curiosities/ of the/ sea-shore/ [rule]/ Rev. R.W. Fraser/” ” are blocked in relief within the cartouche. At the tail, the publisher; “/ London/  Houlston [&] Wright/” are blocked in gold. Unsigned.



Binding No: 1112                        

Pressmark: Collins 674              

Artist Name: Unsigned UK       

Author/Heading: Ingraham, Joseph Holt       

Title: The pillar of fire or, Israel in bondage. With eight illustrations.    

Publisher Name: Strahan & Co., Publishers 56 Ludgate Hill.    

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: 1869          

Printer: James S. Vitrue, printer, City Road

Place of Printing: London         

Width: 125

Height: 180

Thickness: 35

Pagination: xvi, 452p. 8 plates.

Bookseller: J. Crossley b& Co

Bookbinder: Virtue & Co.

Cover material: cloth               

Grain: sand-grain                     

Colour : green                          

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 26.11.2012  




Notes: The design is unsigned. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. The upper endpaper has the signature of “S. Sugden” Bookseller’s ticket on upper pastedown: “/ J Crossley & co./ booksellers, Market Place,/ Huddersfield/” Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Virtue & Co. City Road/ 294/”. [Ball VPB, 96B; King VDTB, p. 270.] Green sand-grain cloth. The borders and corners of both cover are blocked identically in blind. Four fillets are blocked in blind on the borders.  Leaves and flowers are blocked in blind on the corners. Small flower heads are blocked in relief, also at the corners. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. The title words: “/ The/ pillar of fire./” are blocked in gold in a semi circle above the rays of a sun which is poised above a pyramid. The river Nile flows beneath the pyramid, and below this, a crocodile is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked on its perimeter. At the head above the title, a pair of wings and a rider in a chariot holding the reins of two horses, are blocked in gold. The title:”/ The/ pillar of fire;/ or,/ Israel in bondage/” are blocked in gold. An eye of Horus is blocked in gold below this; an Egyptian figure is seated on a chair, holding a staff in his left hand and an ankh in his right hand. The Publisher: “/ Strahan & Co./” is blocked in gold, with two gold fillets blocked above and below it.




Binding No: 1113                        

Pressmark: 4807.a.34.                

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading: Leathley, Mary Elizabeth Southwell

Title: The children of scripture. By the Author of “Chickseed without chickweed”, “Bible stories”, “The favourite story book”, “Mama’s stories of animals”, &c. &c. &c. Assisted by Rev. T. Wilson.

Publisher Name: Darton & Co., 58 Holborn Hill.

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: 1856          

Printer: William Stevens, printers, 37 Bell Yard, Temple Bar.

Place of Printing: London         

Width: 100

Height: 150

Thickness: 20

Pagination: iv, 266p. 6 plates.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: wave horizontal-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind and relief            

Date Examined: 26.11.2012  




Notes:  The design is unsigned. Speckled red ink edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue wave horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and corners. Fillets blocked in blind on the borders form ‘stud heads’ on each corner, blocked in relief. Stems and flower heads are blocked in relief on each corner. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold, with the title being blocked in relief. It shows a banner with two poles in the shape of the cross, suspended by ropes, which end in tassels. Within the centre of the banner, the title: “/The/ children/ of/ scripture/” are blocked in relief. To the left of the banner, a lily is blocked in gold; to the right, a rose hip bud and a bird’s nest are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A staff (of life?) is blocked from head to tail in gold. Round this winds a pennant, in which are blocked the title words: “/ The/ children/ of/ scripture/”. Roses and leaves and a lily flower are blocked in gold round the pennant. Small stems and leaves blocked in gold near the base of the staff.



Binding No: 1114                        

Pressmark: 7906.b.18.                

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Hunt, Vere Dawson de Vere

Title: The horse and his master. With hints on breeding, breaking, stable-management, training, elementary horsemanship, riding to hounds, &c.                                  

Publisher Name: Longman, Brown, Green, Longman & Roberts.            

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: 1859

Printer: Printed by Spottiswoode and Co. New-Street Square.

Place of Printing: London         

Width: 120

Height: 175

Thickness: 20

Pagination: x, 151p. 1 frontispiece plate. With thirty-four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: bead-grain                    

Colour : black with white dots 

Block work: blind and relief  

Date Examined: 26.11.2012  




Notes: The design is unsigned. The frontispiece plate is signed: “L. Wells”. The text is sewn of three cords. Red endpapers and pastedowns. Publisher’s titles pre printed on each pastedown. Black bead-grain cloth, with a pattern of white dots overlaid. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and relief on the borders and on the corners. Four thin and  fillets and one thick fillet blocked in blind on the borders. These intersect at the corners to form crosses. On each corner, a ‘fleur-de-lis’ like flower is blocked in blind, with the ribs of the flower petals being picked out in relief. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked a the head and at the tail. The title:”/ The/ Horse/ and his/ Master/” are blocked in gold near the head. Below this, a small leaf is blocked in gold. The author: “/ Vere/ D. Hunt/” is blocked in gold just under the middle of the spine.




Binding No: 1115

Pressmark: 1609/6070

Artist Name:       Leighton, John

Author/Heading: Wise, John Richard de Capel

Title: The New Forest: its History and its Scenery. Third edition. With 63 Illustrations, Drawn by Walter Crane, Engraved by W.J. Linton, And Two Maps.

Publisher Name: Henry Sotheran & Co., 136 Strand; Southampton: H.M. Gilbert, 26 Above Bar.   

Place of Publication:     London

Date of Publication: 1880

Printer: Ballantyne Press. Ballantyne, Hanson and Co.

Place of Printing: Edinburgh and London

Width: 155                                   

Height: 225                                  

Thickness: 30

Pagination: x, 336p.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ultra fine diaper-grain

Colour : green

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 27.11.2012


De Beaumont RdeB2 no.453; P&D Accession no. 1992-4-6-404.

De Beaumont RdeB1 no.404.

Dry JL no.463.

King VTB no. 428 & plate XLIV

Notes: Designed by John Leighton. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green  ultra fine diaper-grain cloth. The blocking for this edition is mostly the same as for the 1863 edition. (De Beaumont copy of the 1863 edition is in the British Museum, Department of Prints and Drawings.) The differences are: 1. the outer border of fillets and tracery has been replaced with a single ‘branch like’ fillet blocked in blind on the borders.  2. The central panel is re-used, but only the central mandorla is blocked in gold. 3. there is no zig-zag outer border to the central mandorla. On the spine, three fillets are blocked in gold at the head, instead of the garland of leaves in 1863. At the tail of the spine, there is no publisher name. Otherwise, the description of the design remains the same: both covers blocked identically in gold, in blind and in relief. A repeating flower and stem pattern is blocked in gold on the borders; inside this, two gold fillets are blocked on the borders, with repeating dots blocked in gold between them. Triangular panels are blocked on each inner corner. Each has a horizontal hatch gold medallion blocked inside. The medallions are surrounded by fern-like leaves, blocked in gold. Within each medallion, a woodpecker, a kingfisher, an owl, and a bird of prey are blocked in gold. Two mandorlas are blocked on the centre. The outer mandorla has a zig-zag border, blocked in gold. On the border of the mandorla, branch-shaped gold fillets form panels at the head, the tail and on the sides. Within each panel, a stag's head, a fox, a horse's head, a squirrel and a stoat are blocked in gold. Further recessed panels are blocked between these four: they have single gold fillets blocked on their borders and leaves and stems are blocked in relief within each. The inner mandorla shows ivy and flowers, leaves and berries, blocked in gold. An arrow, pointing downwards, is blocked from top to bottom of the inner mandorla. The word: "/ the/" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, around the tail feathers of the arrow; the words: "/ New Forest/" are blocked in gold in gothic letters, with the capitals "N" and "F" blocked within gold lettering-pieces, which have single gold fillets on their borders; the words: "/ its/ History/ and scenery/" are blocked in relief in gothic letters, within ribbon-shaped gold lettering-pieces. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters underneath the tip of the arrow. The spine is blocked in gold and relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: groups of flowers and leaves above and below a shield, gules, rose and crown; a mandorla blocked as a gold lettering-piece; the title: "/ The/ New/ Forest/ [rule]/ Its History/ &/ Scenery/" is blocked in relief in gothic letters within the mandorla; the words: "/ Iohn R. Wise/" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece; near the tail, a heron is blocked; it is in water, surrounded by bullrushes; fern-like leaves are blocked underneath this; a gold fillet; the word: "/London/" is blocked in gold, in gothic letters, within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; the words: "/ Smith Elder & Co/" are blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece; a gold fillet is blocked at the tail.



Binding No: 1116                        

Pressmark: RB.23.a.25085.       

Artist Name: John Leighton      

Author/Heading: Thomson, Spencer              

Title: Wild flowers: how to see and how to gather them. With remarks on the economical & medicinal uses of our native plants. New edition revised. With illustrations from designs from Noel Humphreys.         

Publisher Name: Routledge, Warne and Routledge, Farringdon Street   

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: 1861          

Printer: Printed by Savill and Edwards, 4, Chandos Street, Covent Garden, London

Place of Printing: London         

Width: 120

Height: 180

Thickness: 25

Pagination: xvi, 21-322p. 8 plates. With thirty two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: bead-grain                    

Colour: mauve                         

Block work: gold and blind and relief            

Date Examined: 28.11.2012  




Notes: The design is unsigned. Bookplate of Robert Washington Oates pasted onto upper pastedown. Some of the plates are signed: “E. Evans.” The autograph: “/Lizzie Cranford/” is written on the upper endpaper. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Mauve bead-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and on the corners. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. A tracery of stems and of leaves is blocked in relief on each corner. At the centre head and centre tail, a ‘spade shaped’ bunch of stems and leaves is blocked in relief. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a large posy of wild flowers. The spine is blocked in gold. Underneath an arch at the head, the title words:”/ Wild/ flowers/ how to see/ and/ gather them/ [rule]/ Spencer Thomson/” are blocked in gold. Underneath this down to the tail, groups of wild flowers, including holly, are blocked in gold. Signed “JL”  in gold as separate letters at the base of this decoration. In between two gold fillets, the words”/Coloured/ illustrations/” are blocked gold.




Binding No: 1117                        

Pressmark: 7207.d.4.                  

Artist Name: B., C. [possibly Charles Bayman]          

Author/Heading: Cundall, James

Title: The every-day book of natural history. Comprising a note for every day on the flowers, insects, birds, animals, &c, most commonlt observed on rambles into the country throughout the year. With illustrations.

Publisher Name: Frederick Warne and Company, Bedford street, Covent Garden.              

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: 1866          


Place of Printing:                        

Width: 140

Height: 190

Thickness: 35

Pagination: xii, 509p.  6 plates.  With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain:  sand-grain                    

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and blind and relief            

Date Examined: 28.11.2012  




Notes: The design is possibly by Charles Bayman (C.B.) Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and on the corners. Three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, one thick between two thin. Tow more thin fillets blocked in blind form an inner rectangle. Groups of three ‘daisy-like’ flower heads are blocked in relief on each corner. A central panel in arabesque shape is formed by two fillets blocked. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. It shows a semi-circle with a horizontal bar, in which the title words: “/The every-day book of/ natural history/” are blocked in relief. Above the semi-circle, a bird is blocked in gold. Between the semi-circle and the horizontal bar a stoat (?) is blocked in gold. Beneath the horizontal bar, three groups of rose leaves and two rose flowers are blocked in gold, together with a butterfly. Signed “CB” as separate letters underneath the butterfly. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked in gold around the perimeter, with regular dots blocked in relief within it. At the head, a rectangular panel is formed by a single fillet. Within this, and owl is blocked in gold, within a circle formed by three fillets blocked in gold. Small stem decoration is blocked in gold around the circle. The title words: “/ The/ every-day/ book/ of/ natural history/” are blocked in relief within five panels blocked in gold. Underneath the title, another fillet is blocked I gold, with repeating dots in relief. Another circle is formed by three gold fillets, and within it, a rabbit is blocked in gold. Signed “CB” in gold as separate letters underneath the rabbit, on either side of a small leaf blocked in hatched gold. Near the spine, much stylised stem and leaf decoration is blocked in gold and in relief. The word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in relief at the tail, with in a rectangular gold panel. A single fillet at the tail is blocked in gold with repeating dots in relief within it.




Binding No: 1118                        


Artist Name: John Leighton      

Author/Heading:  Wood, John George

Title: The common objects of the sea shore; including hints for an aquarium. With coloured illustrations.    

Publisher Name: G. Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street.           

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: 1857          

Printer: R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill.

Place of Printing: London         

Width: 120

Height: 180

Thickness: 20

Pagination:  [6], 204p. 11 plates.


Bookbinder: Bone & Son

Cover material: cloth               

Grain: horizontal morocco-grain     

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and blind and relief            

Date Examined: 28.11.2012  


References: University of Toronto, Massey College Library McLean D 1230


Notes: The design is unsigned. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/Bound by/ Bone & Son./ [rule]/ Fleet Street,/ London./”. [Ball VPB,  17A; King, VDTB, p. 267] Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and on the corners. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. On each corner, a tracery of curling stems and leaves in blocked in relief. On the inner corners, and on the sides the curling stem and leaf decoration is blocked in blind. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked at the head and at the tail, one thin and one thick. The rest of the spine has a single gold fillet blocked on its perimeter in gold. The title and author words: “/ Common/ objects/ of the/ sea-shore/ [rule]/ Rev. J.G. Wood/” are blocked in gold. The title words are in decorative lettering. Beneath this, a sea catch is hanging from fish netting. A large flat fish in prominent amongst the fish and the sea plants of this catch. The catch is suspended above the water, in which a fish, a crab and sea plants are blocked in gold. The initials “JL” are blocked in gold as separate letters on each side of the spine at the base of this sea scene. The word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in gold between four gold fillets, two above and two below.



Binding No: 1119                        

Pressmark: 10106.c.10.              

Artist Name: Unsigned UK       

Author/Heading:  Kingston, William Henry Giles

Title: My travels in many lands. Narrated for my young friends. With numerous illustrations.

Publisher Name: W. Kent & Co., Paternotser Row     

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: 1862          


Place of Printing:                        

Width: 150

Height: 195

Thickness: 30

Pagination:  vi, 304p. 1 plate.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: bead-grain                    

Colour: purple                         

Block work: gold and blind and relief            

Date Examined: 28.11.2012  




Notes:  The design is unsigned. Some of the illustrations are signed: “Bale & Holman”. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. On each corner, a stylised leaf and stem pattern is blocked in blind. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. Surrounding the central circle is a ‘arabesque’ tracery of stems, leaves all interspersed with dots and hatching– all blocked in gold. The central circle is formed by three gold fillets and is blocked in gold. The title words: “/ My/ travels/ in/ many lands/” are blocked in relief within four gold panels. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Two gold fillets are blocked in gold at the head. A single go ld fillet is blocked on the perimeter. Small leaves and tendrils are blocked in gold above the title. The title and author words: “/ My/ Travels/ in/ many lands/ W.H.G. Kingston/” are blocked in relief within five panels, all surrounded by gold, with small leaf and stem decoration blocked in relief. The decoration of tracery, small plants, leafs and stems continues down the spine to the tail – all in gold. Three gold fillets are blocked in gold at the tail. The design is unsigned. Another edition of this work was published by Bosworth & Harrison in 1862, at shelf mark 10107.c.13.






Binding No: 1120                        

Pressmark: 7906.b.2.                  

Artist Name: Leighton John      

Author/Heading:  Clarke, William

Title: The boy’s own book; a Complete Encyclopedia of all the diversions, athletic, scientific, and recreative of boyhood and youth.                                                         

Publisher Name: W. Kent & Co., Fleet Street. (Late D. Bogue).              

Place of Publication:  London

Date of Publication: 1859          

Printer: Thomas Harrild, printer, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street.

Place of Printing: London         

Width: 140

Height: 170

Thickness: 45

Pagination:  623p. 7 plates.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: square mesh                 

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and blind   

Date Examined: 5.12.2012    




Notes: The design is unsigned. The frontispiece plate is signed: “H. Vizetelly sc.” Text sewn on three tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red square mesh grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders, the corners and the sides. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. On the corners and on the sides, an interlocking tracery of stems and small flower buds is blocked in blind, with a central panel being formed by this. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows branches, which form four ‘circles’ in which are blocked: a birdcage, a squirrel, two birds, and a chequerboard. Alongside the chequerboard, a sword and a scabbard are blocked, and a cricket bat and ball are blocked underneath the chequerboard. Signed “JL” in gold as a monogram beneath the cricket bat. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked around the perimeter. Small stem tracery at the head. The title words: “/ The/ boy’s/ own/ book/” are blocked in gold within a kite, which has a tassel on each side. The kite is held by a rope which goes down the spine to near the tail. The streamer of the kite morphs into stems and tracery. Near the tail, a ball, a racquet, and a bat are blocked in gold.




Binding No: 1121                        

Pressmark: 7906.aa.8.                

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Clarke, William

Title: The boy’s own book: a Complete Encyclopaedia of sports and pastimes; athletic, scientific, and recreative. A new edition thoroughly revised and considerably enlarged.            

Publisher Name: Lockwood & Co., 7, Stationers’ Hall Court.  

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: 1868.         

Printer: Harrild, printer

Place of Printing: London         

Width: 140

Height: 175

Thickness: 50

Pagination:  viii, 696p. 5  plates. With eight pages of advertisements, and sixteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: square mesh                 

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and blind   

Date Examined: 5.12.2012    




Notes: The design is unsigned. The frontispiece plates are signed: “H. Vizetelly sc.” Red ink speckled edges. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns.  Red square-mesh grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders, the corners and the sides. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. On the corners and on the sides, an interlocking tracery of stems and small flower buds is blocked in blind, with a central panel being formed by this. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows branches, which form four ‘circles’ in which are blocked: the title words: “/ The/ boy’s own/ book./”; to the left – a squirrel and a cat (?); to the right – two birds; below the title – a chequerboard, with a bow and arrow and a wooden staff running diagonally underneath it; at the bas of the vignette, two croquet mallets are crossed, alongside a hoop and croquet balls.  The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked around the perimeter. Small stem tracery at the head. The title words: “/ The/ boy’s/ own/ book/” are blocked in gold within a kite, which has a tassel on each side. The kite is held by a rope which goes down the spine to near the tail. The streamer of the kite morphs into stems and tracery. Near the tail, a ball, a racquet, and a bat are blocked in gold.




Binding No: 1122                        

Pressmark: 4805.b.17.                

Artist Name: Unsigned USA    

Author/Heading:  Gerbet, Olympe Philippe. Bishop of Perpignan.

Title: The life of the Blessed Virgin Mary; or, the Lily of Israel. Translated from the French of the Abbé Gerbet. To which is added, The Veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Publisher Name: D. & J. Sadleir & co., 164 William Street.     

Place of Publication: New York   

Date of Publication: 1852          


Place of Printing:                        

Width: 115

Height: 160

Thickness: 30

Pagination:  385p.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: morocco horizontal-grain     

Colour: mauve                         

Block work: gold and blind   

Date Examined: 5.12.2012    




Notes: The design is unsigned. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Mauve morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold and in blind. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, one thick, one thin. Inside this, the borders of the inner rectangle are blocked in gold with a branch, which has tendrils, leaves, flowers, leaves entwined around it. The central vignette, in gold, shows the full length figure of the Virgin Mary, standing on a plinth. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked at the head. Underneath this, the title words: “/ Lily/ Israel/ “ are blocked in gold, in fanciful letters. Below this, two gold fillets are blocked in gold around the perimeter of the spine –one thick, one thin. Within the rectangle formed by these fillets, a chalice, with a lid is blocked in gold. It rests upon a pillar, which itself sits on a plinth. The publisher: “/ D & J Sadleir & Co./ New York/” is blocked underneath the plinth.



Binding No: 1123

Pressmark: 7005.aa.17.              

Artist Name: Unsigned UK       

Author/Heading:  Ballantyne, Robert Michael

Title: The ocean and its wonders.

Publisher Name:  T. Nelson and Sons, Paternoster Row.           

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: 1874          


Place of Printing:                        

Width: 125

Height: 175

Thickness: 25

Pagination:  235p. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: fine diagonal rib-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind and black and relief          

Date Examined: 5.12.2012    




Notes: The design is unsigned. Bevelled boards. Text sewn on four sawn-in cords. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. Four thin fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. In the middle of these, a pattern is blocked of repeating circles in blind, with dots in relief within each circle. On each corner, leaves and flower heads are blocked in relief. Three more fillets are blocked in blind to form a central panel.  The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black and in relief. A single black fillet blocked on the borders. Inside this, eight rectangular panels are blocked in black, three at the head and at the tail, and one on each side. Each panel has plants and stems and leaves blocked in black within it. The central rectangular panel is formed by a single fillet blocked in gold. It shows the title: “/ The/ Ocean and its wonders/” blocked in relief within two gold panels, surrounded by hatching in relief. The capital “O” of the word “Ocean” has two squid-like fish picked out in relief. Beneath the title, a seascape is blocked in gold and in relief. The surface of the sea has cliffs in the left hand background, and small birds flying. The foreground is occupied by a large flying fish, with other in the background. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. ‘Rope-like’ single fillets are blocked in gold at the head and at the tail. Small seaweed   decoration is blocked in black above and below the title. Also above an below the title are sea plant motifs in gold within two gold fillets. The title: “/ The ocean/ and its/ wonders/” are blocked in relief within three rectangular gold panels. Below the title, a nautilus is depicted in gold and in relief, with the words: “/ The nautilus/ blocked in gold. “/ R.M. Ballantyne/” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering piece, with seaweed above and below.





                                   Binding No:   1124

                            Pressmark:   C.194.a.284.

                         Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                    Author/Heading:   Cowper, William

                                    Title:   The task a poem. Illustrated by Birket Foster.

                    Publisher Name:   James Nisbet and Co. Berners Street

               Place of Publication:   London

                Date of Publication:   1865

                                 Printer:   Printed by  R. & R. Clark.

                          Width: 153            

                          Height: 210            

                       Thickness: 29

                          Pagination:  [13], 263p.

                  Place of Printing:   Edinburgh


                       Bookbinder:   Edmonds & Remnants

                   Cover material:   cloth

                               Grain:    morocco horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   purple

                        Block work:   Gold and blind

                  Date Examined:  12.12.2012 (for the BL copy)


            References:     De Beaumont. Rdeb2 no.79.P&D Accession no. 1992-4-6-71.

                                 De Beaumont RdeB1 no.71.

                                 McLean VBD p.116-117.

                                           King, VDTB. No 452. 

Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Bookseller’s catalogue entry pasted onto upper pastedown. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Edmonds & Remnants/ [rule]/ London/" Purple morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in blind. The lower cover is blocked in blind only, with the same design as for the upper cover. The upper cover has three fillets are blocked on the borders in gold. On the spine side of each cover, nine stylised leaves and four dots are blocked from head to tail. An inner border of crossing semi-circles is blocked in gold. Small leaf and curling stem decoration is blocked inside each semi-circle. The central rectangle formed by these semi-circles is itself divided into three panels by gold fillets. In the panel at the head and at the tail, a lozenge-shape is blocked in gold on the centre. The middle rectangle has small flowers blocked on its corners. The words: "/ The/ Task/ Illustrated/" are blocked in gold, with elaborate tendrils attached to the ends of some of the letters. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head down. the decoration is: two gold fillets; the words: "/ The/ Task/ Illustrated/" are blocked in gold within a rectangular panel, which is formed by a single fillet; two crossing semi-circles and small leaf decoration are blocked within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; then three circles have leaf and stem decoration blocked within each; two crossing semi-circles and small leaf decoration are blocked within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the centre of this decoration; the words: "/ Nisbet & Co./" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; a fillet is blocked in gold at the tail. The same design is blocked on the British Museum De Beaumont copy shelf mark RdeB.G.19. This copy has blue morocco vertical-grain cloth.



                                   Binding No:   1125

                            Pressmark:   C.194.b.114.

                         Artist Name:   Leighton, John


                                    Title:   A round of days described in original poems by some of our most celebrated poets, and in pictures by eminent artists, engraved by    the Brothers Dalziel.

                    Publisher Name:   George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill.

               Place of Publication:   London

                Date of Publication:   1867

                                 Printer:   Dalziel Brothers,  Engravers and Printers, Camden Press.

                          Width: 210            

                          Height: 262            

                       Thickness: 35

                          Pagination:   [6],93p. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                  Place of Printing:   [London]


                       Bookbinder:   Leighton Son & Hodge

                   Cover material:   cloth

                               Grain:    moiré rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   orange

                        Blockwork:   gold and relief

                  Date Examined:  12.12.2012 (The BL copy)

    References:            De Beaumont RdeB2 no.386.P&D Accession no. 1992-4-6-346.

                                 De Beaumont RdeB1 no.346.

                                 Dry JL no.507.

                                 Morris & Levin APB p.104, no.231.

                                          King, VDTB  no. 461


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The text is printed only  on the rectos of pages. The title page verso has the medallion of Dalziel with “ Dalziel’s Gift Book 1866 “ printed inside it. Gilt edges.  Bevelled boards.  Bookplate of Anthony David Estill is pasted on the upper pastedown. Moire rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in gold and in relief. A thin and a thick gold fillet is blocked on the outer borders.  Inside, there is a paper on lay on the inner           borders. It is painted in blue and in red, and blocked with a pattern of four pointed ovals and diamonds. On the middle of each side, there are larger ovals; on each corner, there is a "spade-shape". All these have single gold fillet on their borders, and leaf and flower patterns blocked in gold inside. Between them, double fillets in red relief outline each pattern in blue, and groups of three clover leaves and stems are blocked in red relief. The centre of the cover has a thin mandorla, which is formed by a paper on lay painted blue and red, and blocked in gold. Groups of leaves and buds are blocked in gold on the blue at the head, the tail and the sides, within straps blocked in gold. The words: "/ A/ round/ of/ are blocked in gold above the central medallion; the word: "/ Days/" is blocked in red relief within the central hatched gold medallion; the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold in a semi-circle within the blue outer rim of the central medallion. Beneath the medallion, the words: "/ Dalziel's/ Fine Art/ Gift/ Book/" are blocked in red relief, within a horizontal hatch gold lettering-piece. Signed JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the gold lettering-piece; The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a medallion, with a horizontal hatch gold a fleur-de-lis blocked within it; an "arrow head" shape, with small leaf and stem decoration blocked within; the words: "/ A/ round/ of/ days/ Illustrated/" are blocked in gold within a panel formed by a single gold fillet; more leaf and stem decoration is blocked within two decorative panels; a medallion the same as blocked at the head; a gold fillet; the word: "/ Routledge./" is blocked in gold, within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; at the tail, a gold fillet. The British Museum De Beaumont copy is at shelf mark RdeB.K.16. The block work is on green sand-grain cloth.



Binding No: 1126

Pressmark: 10281.c.32.              

Artist Name: John Leighton      

Author/Heading:  Williams, William Mattieu

Title: Through Norway with a knapsack. Second edition.          

Publisher Name: Smith, Elder and Co., 65, Cornhill.  

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: 1859          

Printer: Printed by Smith, Elder and Co., Little Green Arbour court, E.C.

Place of Printing: London         

Width: 140

Height: 210

Thickness: 40

Pagination:  xii, 340p. 6 plates and 1 map. With twenty four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: rib vertical-grain         

Colour: dark blue, with light blue horizontal stripes    

Block work: gold and blind and relief.

Date Examined: 13.12.2012  


References: Dry. JL. No. 331.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. On page 3 of the publisher’s titles, this work is advertised: “Second edition, Post 8vo, price 12s., cloth”. The six plates are chromolithographs and are signed: “ J. Steeple Del.” And “M. and N. Hanhart Chromo Lith”. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Dark blue rib vertical-grain cloth with light blue stripes horizontally across. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders with four fillets, two thick and two thin. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. From head to tail of the vignette a staff (or a stick) is blocked, with a rounded head and a bird perched on it. The title letters blocked in relief: “Through Norway” and “Knapsack”, within three gold lettering pieces. These are above and below the semi-circular centre-piece, which is delineated by two fillets blocked in gold. Within this, a knapsack is blocked, together with a walking stick, four poles, and shoulder straps – all surrounded by stars blocked in gold. The title words: “/ with/ a/” are blocked in relief within the knapsack. Two fish are blocked in gold underneath the knapsack. At the foot of the vignette, a bear’s head is blocked, surrounded by small leaves and stems – all in gold. Signed “JL” in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, between two gold fillets, crossed fillets and small circles forms a three-diamond pattern. The title: “/ Through/ Norway/ with a/ knapsack./” is blocked in gold near the head, with small stem and flower decoration underneath it. The publisher: “London/ Smith Elder & co./” are blocked in gold near the tail.





Binding No: 1127                        

Pressmark: 10106.b.8.                

Artist Name: John Leighton      

Author/Heading:  Mortimer, Favell Lee

Title: Near home; or, the countries of Europe described. With anecdotes and Numerous Illustrations. By the author of “The peep of day,” etc, etc. Thirty-Third Thousand.           

Publisher Name: Hatchard and Co., 187 Piccadilly.    

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: 1860

Printer: Printed by G. Barclay, Castle St., Leicester Sq.

Place of Printing: London         

Width: 115

Height: 180

Thickness: 35

Pagination:  xvi, 402p. 1 plate. 1 map. With fourteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: rib vertical-grain         

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 13.12.2012  


References: Toronto, SP McLean D 0771


Notes: Text sewn on three tapes. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and the corners. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. On each corner, interlocking stems are blocked in relief, with single fillet running down each side. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a young man, seated against a branch. His right upper arm holds upright a folio book, which has six sewing bands on its spine, shown in relief. He holds a manuscript in both hands, and is reading it. He is surrounded by the curling branches and leaves and flower buds. The title words: “/ Near/ home./” are blocked in gold above and below the man. Signed “JL” in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on its perimeter. The branches of a tree rise form its roots near the base, to form two arches near the head, each with small leaves between them. The title: “/ Near/ home; or,/ Europe/ described./” is blocked in gold near the head. Underneath the title, a small globe with two feathers at its top is supported by the smaller figure of Atlas, who in turn is crouching upon four books laid flat, the top three with the titles; “/  Travels/ Voyages/ Gazetteer/” blocked in relief within their spines. Underneath the books is a scroll. The base of the tree has more roots and branches and small leaves – all in gold. A horizontal pattern of small leaves and flower buds is blocked in gold at the tail. [It is quite likely that the initials “JL” are blocked within the roots of the tree, but this is obscured in the BL copy by a label.]





Binding No: 1128                        

Pressmark: 10411.c.7.                

Artist Name: Leighton, John     

Author/Heading:  Benwell, John

Title: An Englishman’s travels in America: his observations of Life and Manners in the Free and Slave States.

Publisher Name: Binns and Goodwin, 44, Fleet Street, and 19, Cheap Street, Bath.            

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: 1853          

Printer: Printed by Binns and Goodwin

Place of Printing: Bath               

Width: 115

Height: 180

Thickness: 20

Pagination:  v, 231p. 1 plate. With twenty pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.


Bookbinder: Leighton, Son & Hodge

Cover material: cloth               

Grain: morocco horizontal-grain

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 13.12.2012  


References: Toronto, SP. Fisher L45 B42 E42


Notes:  This work is described in the publisher’s titles as: “Foolscap 8vo., with beautiful Frontispiece, elegantly bound, price 3s. 6d.” The frontispiece plate is signed: “ T. Picken lith. Day & Son, Lithrs to the Queen.” Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binders ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge, / Shoe lane/ London/” Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and the corners in blind and in relief. A single thin fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this, three more fillets blocked in blind intersect at the centre sides, the head and the tail, with cartouches  and small diamonds being formed in relief between the fillets. A square and a circle is blocked on each corner, together with small interlocking stems – all in blind. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. From its base to its head, a cat of nine tails is shown, the tendrils of which fan out above and around a Union flag, which has stars and stripes blocked in relief. A bell (?) with the word “Liberty” blocked in relief within it, is suspended above the cat of nine tails. A group of chains forms the lower part of the vignette. The Title words: “/ An Englishman’s/” are blocked above the chains. The words: “/ Travels/ in/ America./” are blocked within and below the chains. The letter “V” of “Travels” and the letter “R” of “America” are blocked across the handgrip of the cat of nine tails. Signed “JL” in gold as separate letters as the base of the vignette. The spine is missing.





Binding No: 1129                        


Artist Name: Unsigned USA    

Author/Heading:  Kneeland, Samuel

Title: An American in Iceland. An account of its scenery, people, and history. With a description of its millennial celebration in August 1874; with notes on the Orkney, Shetland, and Faroe Islands, and the Great Eruption of 1875. With Map and Nineteen Illustrations.                                 

Publisher Name: Lockwood, Brooks and Company.  

Place of Publication: Boston     

Date of Publication: 1876          

Printer: Press of John Wilson & Son.

Place of Printing: Cambridge [Mass.]            

Width: 140

Height: 195

Thickness: 30

Pagination:  viii, 326p. 11 plates.  1 map.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: fine rib diagonal-grain

Colour: brown                         

Block work: gold and blind   

Date Examined: 13.12.2012  




Notes:  Bevelled boards. Dark brown endpapers and pastedowns. The only blocking on the centre of each cover is the profile of an Icelandic Falcon, standing on a rock. It is in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper. The words “/ (Icelandic Falcon)/” are blocked in gold beneath the falcon on the upper cover. The spine is blocked in gold. Three gold fillets are blocked at the head and the tail, one thick above this thin. The title and author: “/ An/ American/ in/ Iceland/ by/ Samuel Kneeland/ “ are blocked in gold near the head. At the centre of the spine, an Icelandic falcon is blocked, holding a small bird in its right talon. Near the tail, the words: “/ Loockwood, Books & Co./” are blocked in gold.




Binding No: 1130                        

Pressmark: 10281.c.30.              

Artist Name: Unsigned UK       

Author/Heading:  Blackwood, Frederick Temple Hamilton Temple, Marquis of Dufferin and Ava.

Title: Letters from high latitudes; being an account of a voyage, in 1856, in the schooner yacht “Foam”.      

Publisher Name: John Murray, Albemarle Street.

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: 1858

Printer: R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill.

Place of Printing: London

Width: 135

Height: 205

Thickness: 35

Pagination:  With thirty-eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.


Bookbinder: Edmonds & Remnants

Cover material: cloth               

Grain: morocco vertical-grain    

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind   

Date Examined: 13.12.2012  




Notes: Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Light brown endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically on the borders in blind with two fillets, the outer thick, and the inner thin. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold and show a Viking long ship. This is also printed on the title page. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked at the head and at the tail. The title and author: “/ Letters/ from/ high/ latitudes/ [rule]/ Lord Dufferin/” are blocked in gold near the head. The publisher: “/ London/ John Murray/” are blocked in gold at the tail.




Binding no: 1131


Shelf mark: C.194.b.115.


Designer: Albert Henry Warren


Author:  Buchanan, Robert Williams


Title: Wayside poesies: original poems of the country life. Pictures by G.J. Pinwell, J.W. North, and Frederick Walker. Engraved by the Brother Dalziel


Publisher: George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill.


Date of publication: 1867


Place: London


Printer: Dalziel Brothers, engravers & printers, Camden Press.


Place: [London]


Pagination: [7], 91p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.


Cover: cloth


Colour: blue


Grain: sand-grain


Blocking: gold and black and relief


Width: 210


Height: 265


Thickness: 40




References: McLean, VBD, pp. 158, 160; Ball, VPB, p. 167 & p. 73, ref. 18.


Notes: A Dalziel Fine Art Gift book. The pages are printed on the recto only. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Blue sand-grain cloth. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. The bookplate of Anthony David Estill is pasted onto the upper pastedown. Inscribed on the upper pastedown: “A. F. Buxton/ Christmas 1901/ From V. B.” Both covers are blocked identically in gold in black and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in gold on the borders. The inner border is blocked in gold and black and relief. At the centre head, the centre tail, and the sides, cartouches are blocked in black with flower and stem decoration blocked in gold within each cartouche. On each side of each cartouche, curling stem decoration is blocked in gold (rather like the head of a bishop’s crook).  On each corner, a single flower, leaves and stem decoration is blocked in relief within an oval gold lettering-piece formed by two fillets in gold. On each side at the centre, three flower heads (of cow bells?) is blocked in relief within medallions formed by two fillets in gold.  The inner rectangle is formed by four gold fillets, with a ‘dog tooth’ repeating pattern blocked in gold between them. A small cross is delineated on each inner corner, within a square blocked in gold. More elaborate bud and tendril decoration in gold on the inner head, the inner tails, and the inner sides, each flower bud being blocked in hatch gold. The central arabesque is formed by elaborate gold blocking of leaves, and a mass of small circles blocked in gold. The central panel is recessed. A single gold fillet is blocked on border of a white paper on lay. On the upper cover, the registration of the lettering is slightly off centre, which can be seen at the base of the on lay. The lettering is blocked in gold and in relief. The words (in capitals): “/ Dalziel’s/ fine art/ gift book/ are blocked in gold. The words: “/Wayside poesies/” are blocked in relief within two gold cartouches. The words: “/Edited by/” are blocked in gold. The words:”/ Robert Buchanan/” are blocke din relief within a single gold cartouche. The words, in capital letters: “/ Pictures by/ G.J. Pinwell/ F. Walker/ J.W. North/” are blocked in gold. Small zig-zag decoration is blocked in gold at the head and at the tail of the on lay. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. At the head, four fillets are blocked in gold. Below this, a small rectangular gold panel is blocked in gold, with a gold fillet blocked around its perimeter. Within this panel, a small cartouche is blocked in relief. Beneath this, four flower bud and curling stem decoration motifs are blocked in gold, the buds being in hatch gold. They surround a two diamond pattern, blocked in gold. The title is blocked in relief within an elaborated arabesque panel, some of which is blocked in hatch. The title: “/ Wayside/ poesies/ poems/ of/” are blocked in relief within the arabesque. Beneath this, four flower bud and curling stem decoration motifs are blocked in gold, the buds being in hatch gold. They surround a two diamond pattern, blocked in gold. The title words: “/The country life/” are blocked in relief within a semi-circular panel blocked in gold. More stem and bud decoration are blocked above and below a circle formed by two gold fillets; within the circle, nine gold stars are blocked within small circles. The publisher: “/Routledge/” is blocked in relief within a gold rectangular panel. At the tail, small repeating dots are blocked in gold within a rectangular panel formed by a single gold fillet. In North coast and other poems (BL shelfmark 11651.g.13.), the binding design is described in the publisher’s titles as a: “Superb binding, designed by Albert Warren, One Guinea; or, Morocco elegant and antique, Thirty-six shillings.” 





Binding No: 1132                        

Pressmark: C194.b.15.               

Artist Name: Unsigned UK       


Title: The parables of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: with pictures by John Everett Millais engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.                                                         

Publisher Name: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, Farringdon Street.

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: 1864          

Printer: Dalziel Brothers engravers & printers Camden Press.

Place of Printing: [London]      

Width: 215

Height: 260

Thickness: 40

Pagination:  [7], 48p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: pebble-grain                 

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and blind and relief            

Date Examined: 18.12.2012  




Notes: A Dalziel Fine art Gift Book. Gilt edges, Bevelled boards. Original yellow endpaper bound in at front. The verso of the endpaper is inscribed: “Cecil M. Palgrave/ Christmas 1863/”. Red pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in blind and in relief on the borders, four fillets are blocked in gold. In between them, text of parables is blocked in gold: “[at the head] Heaven and earth shall pass/ [on the fore edge side] away but my word shall not pass away/ [on the tail] watch therefore for ye know neither/ [on the spine side] the day nor the hour wherein the son of man cometh/”.  There is an inner border formed by two fillets blocked in relief, and a third fillet in relief with repeating dots blocked in relief inside it. These form a semi-circle at each corner, inside which a single ‘sunflower’ is blocked in relief. A pattern of stems and leaves is blocked in relief on the head, the tails and the sides to join up each corner semi-circle. The central mandorla is formed by four fillets blocked in gold. Between the second and third fillets, parable text is blocked in gold: “/ He that hath ears to hear let him hear and he spake many things unto them in parables/”. Between the third and fourth fillets, a repeating pattern of stars and circles is blocked in gold. On the centre, the title is blocked in gold: “/ The/ Parables/ of/ Our Lord./ Illustrated by J.E. Millais/” Above and below these words, a single sun/ star is blocked in gold. The Spine is blocked in gold. A single  gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. Near the head, the title is blocked in gold, within a mandorla formed by two gold fillets: “/ The/ Parables/ of Our Lord/”. Just below the centre of the spine, “/ J. E. Millais/” are blocked in gold within a quatrefoil formed by two gold fillets. Near the tail the words “/ Routledge & Co/” are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet. Unsigned






Pressmark: 11650.f.10.              

Artist Name: Unsigned UK       

Author/Heading:  Planché, James Robinson

Title: An old fairy tale told anew in pictures and verse by Richard Doyle and J.R. Planche. The pictures engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.

Publisher Name: George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill.                

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: [1865]       

Printer: Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press.

Place of Printing: [London]      

Width: 175

Height: 225

Thickness: 20

Pagination:  vi,51p. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: pebble-grain                 

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and blind and relief            

Date Examined: 2.1.2013       




Notes: The design is unsigned. A Dalziel Fine Art Gift book. In the publisher’s list at the end of  [BL 11651.g.13], North coast…, 1868, this work is described as: “New edition, two shillings and sixpence; bevelled boards and gilt edges, three shillings and sixpence”.  The illustrations are signed “RD” as a monogram. Text sewn on two tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically, in gold and relief on the upper and in blind and relief on the lower. On the upper cover, three fillets are blocked in gold on the borders, on thick between two thin. The thick gold fillet has repeating dots blocked within it in relief. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. The perimeter shows a fold fillets with small repeating dots blocked within it in relief.  The title and authors are blocked in relief within seven gold lettering pieces: “/ An old/ fairy tale/ told anew/ by/ Richard Doyle/ and/ J.R. Planche/” The lettering pieces are surrounded by small leaf and stem decoration – all blocked in relief within vertical hatch gold. The spine is [damaged and] blocked in gold. It is blocked along its length: “[An old fairy] tale told anew by Richard Doyle & J. [R. Planche]”.





Binding No: 1134                        

Pressmark: 11651.k.9.                

Artist Name: Unsigned UK       

Author/Heading:  Hood, Tom

Title: Griset’s grotesques; or, jokes drawn on wood, with rhymes by Tom Hood. One hundred quaint designs by Ernest Griset. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.  

Publisher Name: George Routledge and Sons.             

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: 1867          

Printer: Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press.

Place of Printing: [London]      

Width: 210

Height: 254

Thickness: 25

Pagination:  [7], 151p. with four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: net-grain                       

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and blind and relief            

Date Examined: 2.1.2013       




Notes: A Dalziel Fine Art Gift book.  In the publisher’s list at the end of  [BL 11651.g.13], North coast…, 1868, this work is described as: “Seven shillings and sixpence.  Elaborate illuminated binding, small 4to., gilt edges”. The design is unsigned. The plates are signed: “Ernest Griset”. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Green net-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this, thin fillets are blocked in blind, crossing to form cartouches in relief, on centre head, centre tail and centre sides. Small squares are blocked on blind on each corner. Small #three leaf’ patterns are blocked in blind on each inner corner, with small ‘stem bases’ underneath these, blocked in relief. The upper cover oval centre piece is formed by four gold fillets, with repeating patterns of stars, of leaf heads and flower buds – al blocked in gold. The central oval is recessed, and has an onlay inside it. On the centre of the onlay, a pattern of diamonds is blocked in relief, with a group of three buds and a flower head blocked in relief within each diamond. In the foreground, two grotesques are blocked, the larger with a feather in his cap and a guitar on his back, the smaller also with a feather in his cap, holding a bundle over his left shoulder. The smaller grotesque’s right hand grasps the left leg of the larger figure. Both figures are coloured and have striped stockings on their legs. [This may have been done before the onlay was blocked with the gold.] Around the perimeter of the on lay, the words: “/ Griset’s Grotesques Rhymes by Tom Hood/ are blocked in relief, with small decoration between the words, and also a rope and rope eyes blocked on the centre sides, as though ‘holding’ the panel in place. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head a ‘heron like’ bird is blocked. The title and author words: “/ Griset’s/ Grotesques/ with/ rhymes/ by/ Tom Hood/” are blocked in gold. Underneath this an owl is blocked. A cockerel is blocked in gold near the tail, with the word: “/Routledge” blocked in gold. Three gold fillets are blocked at the tail.





Binding No: 1135                        

Pressmark: 11651.g.13.              

Artist Name: Unsigned UK       

Author/Heading:  Buchanan, Robert Williams

Title: North coast and other poems. With illustrations by J. Wolf, A.B. Houghton, W. Small, T. Dalziel, G.J. Pinwell, E. Dalziel, J.B. Zwecker. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.

Publisher Name: George Routledge and Sons, The Broadway, Ludgate

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: 1868          

Printer: Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press.

Place of Printing: [London]      

Width: 180

Height: 235

Thickness: 40

Pagination:  xv, 250p. With six pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.


Bookbinder: Leighton Son and Hodge

Cover material: cloth               

Grain: sand-grain                     

Colour: brown                         

Block work: gold and blind and relief            

Date Examined: 3.1.2103       


References: Goldman, VIB, checklist, no. 35



Notes:  A Dalziel Fine Art Gift book.  Text sewn on three tapes. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge/”. [Ball, VPB, 53E; King, VTDB, p. 269.] Brown sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in blind and in relief. Two sets of triangular patterns are blocked on the borders in gold. On the left hand corner, a rectangular corner green sand-grain cloth onlay is blocked in gold with Celtic zoomorphic designs and other small decoration picked out in relief. The title words “/ North coast/” are blocked in relief within this onlay. At each end of the onlay, more Celtic zoomorphic decoration is blocked in gold. The inner panel is offset to the right of the cover, and is formed by blocking in blind to highlight more Celtic patterns near the top, and a Greek fret pattern within diamonds near the bottom – all picked out in relief. Up the sides of this panel, repeating dots are blocked in relief. The title words: “/ and other/” are blocked in gold near the to of this panel. At the centre of the panel, a rectangular green sand-grain onlay is pasted. Within it, the title word: “/ Poems/” is blocked in relief, with the capital “P” having elaborate circular serif endings, and with small line decoration blocked in relief beneath this word. The word :”/ by/” is blocked in gold, surrounded by a small stem decoration blocked in relief. The words: “/ Robert Buchanan/” are blocked in relief with a rectangular gold panel. Beneath this, a line of repeating dots is blocked in gold with a rectangular green panel. The spine is blocked  in gold and in relief. At the head, a ‘twisted string’ pattern is blocked in gold. Beneath this, a square green sand-grain cloth is pasted, with foru circles blocked in gold, with ‘flower petal’ decoration being picked out in relief within these. Beneath these, a rectangular gold panel is formed by a single gold fillet, with repeating crossed lines forming a zig-zag pattern, in gold. The title and author words: “/ North/ coast/ and other/ Poems/ by [in relief within a rectangular gold panel with decoration in relief]/  Rob. Buchanan/” are blocked in gold, with the capital letters “N” and “P” being elaborated. Below the title, the word “/Illustrated/” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold panel, which has ‘crossed line’ decoration above and below it blocked in gold. Below this a rectangular panel is formed by two fillets blocked in gold; within it, a rectangular green sand-grain onlay is pasted. Inside it, more Celtic zoomorphic patterns are blocked in gold and in relief. Near the tail, word “/Routledge/” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold panel. At the tail, a pattern of ‘knotted string’ is blocked in gold.






Binding No: 1136                        

Pressmark: 10106.b.9.                

Artist Name: Unsigned USA    

Author/Heading:  Sleeper, M.G.

Title: The Mediterranean Islands; sketches and stories of their scenery, customs, history, painters, etc. With illustrations.        

Publisher Name: Gould and Lincoln, 59 Warrington Street.     

Place of Publication: Boston     

Date of Publication: 1866          

Printer: Cambridge Press. Dakin and Metcalf.

Place of Printing: [Boston]

Width: 120

Height: 180

Thickness: 25

Pagination:  278p. 2 plates. With ten pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: pebble-grain

Colour: brown                         

Block work: gold and blind and relief            

Date Examined: 3.1.2013       




Notes:  [One of a series] Fonthill recreations. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown pebble-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief, except for the centrepieces. Two fillets blocked in blind on the borders, one thick, the other thin. The rest of the cover is mad into a diamond pattern by thin fillets intersecting each other, aloowing the pebble-grain to be highlighted within each diamond. On the borders of this pattern, repeating dots are blocked in relief along the sides, the head and the tail. On both covers, the centre panel is formed as a hexagonal, by fillets, and repeating dots. On the lower cover, the centre-piece has the publisher’s initials: “G and L” blocked in relief. On the upper cover, the centre-piece is a medallion, formed by two thin gold fillets, and one thick between the thin. The words: “/ Fonthill recreations/” are blocked in relief within the thick gold fillet. The title: “/ The/ Mediterranean/ Islands/” are blocked in gold on the centre, with the middle letters of the “Mediterranean” being ‘lifted up’. The  spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked around the perimeter. At the head, the word: “/Fonthill/” is blocked in gold. Beneath this, the word: “/Recreations/” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece. A pulley holds a thick rope, around which a pennant is wrapped. The title”/ Mediterranean/ Islands/” is blocked in relief within the pennant. Below the title, four young men are holding onto the rope, two on each side. One of the young men has had his cap knocked off by another, who appears to be holding a newspaper. Below the young men, a basket is attached to the end of the rope, and it contains four young ladies, one of who has her arm over the side of the basket.  Small scrolling stems are blocked in gold underneath the basket. The words: “/ Gould & Lincoln” are blocked in gold at the tail. Unsigned.



Binding No: 1137                        


Artist Name: Unsigned UK       

Author/Heading:  Andersen, Hans Christian

Title: The goloshes of fortune and other stories. Translated by H.W. Dulcken. Illustrated with thirteen pictures.

Publisher Name: George Routledge and Sons, The Broadway, Ludgate.

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: [1876]

Printer: Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press.

Place of Printing: [London]      

Width: 110

Height: 170

Thickness: 10

Pagination:  [3], 115p. 1 plate. With five pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: sand-grain                     

Colour: brown                         

Block work: gold and black and relief            

Date Examined: 8.1.2013       




Notes: The design is unsigned. Light beige endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in black and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in black in the borders, one thin the other thicker. At the centre head and centre tail, cartouches are blocked in black, with leaf and stem decoration within them blocked in relief. Beneath the upper cartouche, a medallion n is formed by three black fillets. With it, the series title: “/ The/ Hans/ Andersen/ library/” is blocked in black. Stem decoration is blocked in black, ending in circles on either side of the medallion. A single black fillet hangs downwards from either side of the medallion, with repeating dots blocked in relief within it.  The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single black and a single gold fillet are blocked at the head and at the tail. The title: “/ The/ goloshes/ of/ fortune/” is blocked in relief within four rectangular gold panels. Small stem and leaf decoration is blocked in black down the spine, with a vase shaped motif being blocked in gold just below the centre of the spine. In the centre of the ‘vase’, the series title:”/ The/ Hans/ Andersen/ library/” is blocked in relief within a gold circle.



Binding No: 1138                        


Artist Name: Unsigned UK       

Author/Heading:  Andersen, Hans Christian

Title: Put off is not done with. And other stories. Translated by H.W. Dulcken. Illustrated with thirteen pictures.

Publisher Name: George Routledge and Sons, The Broadway, Ludgate.

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: [1876]

Printer: Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press.

Place of Printing: [London]          

Width: 110

Height: 170

Thickness: 10

Pagination:  128p. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound a the end.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: sand-grain                     

Colour: brown                         

Block work: gold and blind and relief            

Date Examined: 8.1.2013       




Notes: The design is unsigned. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in black and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in black in the borders, one thin the other thicker. At the centre head and centre tail, cartouches are blocked in black, with leaf and stem decoration within them blocked in relief. Beneath the upper cartouche, a medallion n is formed by three black fillets. With it, the series title: “/ The/ Hans/ Andersen/ library/” is blocked in black. Stem decoration is blocked in black, ending in circles on either side of the medallion. A single black fillet hangs downwards from either side of the medallion, with repeating dots blocked in relief within it.  The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single black and a single gold fillet are blocked at the head and at the tail. The title: “/ Put Off/ Is Not/ Done/ With/” is blocked in relief within four rectangular gold panels. Small stem and leaf decoration is blocked in black down the spine, with a vase shaped motif being blocked in gold just below the centre of the spine. In the centre of the ‘vase’, the series title:”/ The/ Hans/ Andersen/ library/” is blocked in relief within a gold circle.



Binding No: 1139                        

Pressmark: LB.37.c277.             

Artist Name: Unsigned UK       

Author/Heading:  Taylor, Tom

Title: Birket Foster’s pictures of English landscape. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. With pictures in words by Tom Taylor. India proofs.                                           

Publisher Name: George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill.                

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: [1881]       

Printer: Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press.

Place of Printing: [London]      

Width: 290

Height: 395

Thickness: 30

Pagination:  Unpaginated. [12p; 30 pages, printed with poems on the recto only; 30 plates.] With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.


Bookbinder: Burn 

Cover material: paper over boards  


Colour: vellum                        

Block work: Gold and red ink

Date Examined: 8.1.2013.     




Notes: The design is unsigned. Printed on the half title pager verso: “/This India Proof Edition is/ Limited to One Thousand numbered copies,/ of which/ This is no. 170/”. Printed in the Preface: “/ the India Proofs are all printed at hand press from the/ original wood blocks./”  Text sewn on three tapes. Deckled edges. Bevelled boards. Cream endpapers and pastedowns [the same paper used as for the printing of the text]. Binder’s ticket [printed in blue] on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by/ Burn/ & Co./” [Ball, VPB, no. 20E; King, VTB, p. 267.] Paper over boards. Thick paper, coloured to look like vellum, over boards. This is an ‘all-over’ design, with blocking in gold and in light and dark red ink. Across both covers and spine there is a ‘fillet’ of dark red at head and tail, and, then a ‘fillet’ of bright red ink, between two dark red ink ‘fillets’. Within the rectangles formed by the ‘fillets’, a pattern of oak and ivy leaves and stems is blocked in gold on the spine side of the cover, within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet. On the lower cover, centre left, the initials “BF” are blocked in gold and in red ink as a monogram, within a medallion formed by two fillets, one in gold , the other in red ink. On the upper cover, the title: “/Birket Foster’s/ Pictures of [in dark red ink only]/ English Landscape/ India Proofs [in dark red ink only]/” are blocked in gold, with red ink borders to each letter.. The spine has no blocking, apart from the red ink bands as described above.






Binding No: 1140                       

Pressmark: 10358.h.22.              

Artist Name: Leighton, John     

Author/Heading:  Langford, John Alfred

Title: Staffordshire and Warwickshire, past and present: by J. A. Langford, ... C. S. Mackintosh and J. C. Tildesley. Assisted by Eminent Authorities in both Counties. With numerous illustrations from original drawings by H. Warren, etc.

Publisher Name: William Mackenzie, 69 Ludgate Hill, E.C.     

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: [1884]       

Printer: Printed by  William Mackenzie, 43 & 45 Howard Street, Glasgow.

Place of Printing: Glasgow       






Cover material: cloth               

Grain: sand-grain                     

Colour: purple                         

Block work: Gold and blind and relief           

Date Examined: 10.1.2013    




Notes: Designed by John Leighton. Two volumes in four Divisions/ bound volumes. Div. I. 250x300x45mm. 352p., 6 plates. Div. II. 250x300x45mm. pp. 353-608, xcvi, 7 plates, 1 map. Div. III. 250x300x40mm. 352p., 7 plates. Div. IV.  250x300x45mm. pp 352-704, 7 plates, 1 map. The frontispiece plate of vol. I is an engraved portrait of J.A. Langford. All the volumes have gilt edges and bevelled boards, and light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. All the covers of the four bound volumes are blocked identically. The lower covers are blocked in blind and relief. The upper cover are blocked in gold and in relief. A ‘dog tooth’ pattern is blocked in gold on the borders. Interlocking gold fillets form small squares and diamonds on the inner borders and the inner corners. A small medallion is formed by two gold fillets, one thick, the other thin. Each medallion is on the centre head, showing a locomotive; the centre tail, showing a pottery kiln; and the centre sides showing a factory and a cola mine. On each inner corner, which is formed bya single gold fillet creating a triangle, a coat of arms in blocked in gold and relief. Top left is Stafford; top right is Warwick; bottom left is Wolverhampton; bottom right is Birmingham. The word “Stafford”; “Warwick”; “Wolverhampton”; “Birmingham” is blocked in relief within a gold pennant, with curling ends.  Each coat of arms is surrounded by curling leaf and stem decoration blocked in relief. The central diamond is formed by three gold fillets intersecting. A single gold fillet is blocked inside this. On the centre of each cover a large coat of arms is blocked in gold. Two angels act as supporters, the dexter holds a cross and staff; the sinister holds a bishop’s staff. ‘Emblamatic’ coats of arms at the feet of each angle – dexter has a battlefield scene; sinister has an elephant and castle. These are described as “The City of Lichfield” and “The City of Coventry” in relief in small curling pennants, adjacent to each. The central arms is a shield, surmounted by a crown, displaying a large cross, with a small cross in each corner. The words: “Staffordshire and Warwickshire” are blocked in relief within a pennant below the central arms. The words: “Past/ Present./” are blocked in gold above and below the centre. Signed “L” in gold as a single letter where the two staffs intersect. The spines of all volumes are blocked identically, with the exception of the division number. At the head, a rectangle is formed by two single fillets blocked in gold. Within it, the title: “/ Stafford-/ shire/ and/ Warwick-/ shire./ [rule]/ past & present./” are blocked in gold. From the title panel to near the tail, a column is blocked, whose capital appears at the top and whose base is blocked near the tail. Underneath the capital, a shield is blocked. Within it, the words: “/Div. I.[-IV.]/” are blocked in gold. Underneath this, a swan is blocked on water, with the word”/ Avon/” blocked in relief within the water. On the centre, a medallion with a bust of Shakespeare is blocked in gold. Below this, within a shield the coats of arms of Shakespeare and of Stafford are blocked in gold, together with the monogram of the initial letters “W” and “S”. Small leaf decoration blocked in gold surrounds the shields and the central medallion. At the tail the word “/Mackenzie/” is blocked in gold.




Binding No: 1141                        


Artist Name: Unsigned UK       

Author/Heading:  Dulcken, Henry William

Title: A picture history of England. From the invasion of Julius Caesar to the present time. Written for the use of the young. Illustrated with eighty engravings by the Brothers Dalziel from designs by A.W. Bayes   

Publisher Name: George Routledge & Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: 1866          

Printer: Dalziel Brothers, Camden Press.

Place of Printing: London         

Width: 180

Height: 220

Thickness: 30

Pagination:  [7], 328p. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: sand-grain                     

Colour: dark red                      

Block work: Gold                    

Date Examined: 15.1.2013    




Notes: The design is not signed. A Dalziel Fine Art Gift book. From the publisher’s title at the end of BL 11650.f.10. Doyle. Fairy Tales, 1865, this work is described as: " extra cloth gilt on fine toned paper, five shillings". The design is unsigned. The illustrations are signed with the monogram of Alfred Walter Bayes: “AWB”. Original light yellow endpaper and original upper cover is bound in at the front. Dark red sand-grain cloth at spine and to each corner. The rest of the cover is horizontal pattern sand-grain. The two forms of graining are separated a the spine and at the corners by three fillets, and a ‘dog tooth’ pattern, blocked in gold. On the centre, small curling stems, oak leaves and acorns are blocked in gold around the title: “/ A/ picture/ History of England./ For the/ young/”, - blocked in gold.




Binding No: 1142                        


Artist Name: Unsigned UK       

Author/Heading:  Thompson, Arthur Bailey

Title: The Victoria history of England. From the landing of Julius Caesar, B.C. 54, to the marriage of H.R.H. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, A.D. 1863. With a chronological table and summary of remarkable events, maps of England, Showing the Roman and modern names of cities, towns, rivers, &c. and upwards of four hundred engravings, descriptive of the manners, customs, dress, architecture, weapons, implements, furniture, musical instruments, etc., of the different periods, taken from the most authoritative sources; Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.  

Publisher Name: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, Broadway, Ludgate Hill.     

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: 1865          

Printer: Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press.

Place of Printing: [London]      

Width: 140

Height: 190

Thickness: 45

Pagination:  [7], 724p. Two maps.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: sand-grain                     

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and blind   

Date Examined: 15.1.2013.   




Notes:  From the publisher’s titles at the end of BL 11650.f.10. Doyle. Fairy Tales, 1865, this work is described as: " extra cloth gilt, 750 pages, crown 8vo., beautifully printed on toned paper, six shillings". The design is unsigned. Original light yellow endpaper and original upper cover is bound in at the front. Green sand-grain cloth. Three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. The royal coat of arms is blocked in gold on the centre. Above and below it, blocked in gold, the title words: “/ The/ Victoria/ history of/ England./” are blocked in gold.





Binding No: 1143                        

Pressmark: 11602.bbb.12.            

Artist Name: Unsigned UK       

Author/Heading:  Dulcken, Henry William

Title: The golden harp; hymns, rhymes, and songs for the young. With fifty-two illustrations by J.D. Watson, T. Dalziel, and J. Wolf. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.       

Publisher Name: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, Farringdon Street

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: 1864

Printer: Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press.

Place of Printing: [London]      

Width: 145

Height: 190

Thickness: 20

Pagination:  160p. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.


Bookbinder: Bone & Son

Cover material: cloth               

Grain: bead-grain                    

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and blind and relief            

Date Examined: 15.1.2013    




Notes:   A Dalziel Fine Art Gift book.  From the publisher’s titles at the end of BL 11650.f.10. Doyle. Fairy Tales, 1865, this work is described as: "extra cloth gilt three shillings and sixpence". Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ [rule/ 76 Fleet Street,/ London./” [ Ball, VPB, 17A; King VTB, p. 267.] The design is unsigned. Red bead-grain cloth. Both the covers blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, one thick, one thin. Within the thick fillet, a repeating pattern of dots is blocked in relief. Inside these two fillets, a repeating pattern is blocked around the inner border, of quatrefoils (with their centres blocked in relief), of joined stems, and of  single flower buds, and ‘flower spikes’ – there are blocked in blind. On the upper cover, the central oval is formed by two fillets blocked in gold, with a repeating pattern of small diamonds and single dots blocked between them. Small curling stem and pointed leaves surround the title words: “/ The/ Golden Harp/ hymns rhymes/ and songs/ illustrated/”, which are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Two thin fillets are blocked in gold on the perimeter.  A third, inner, gold fillet forms a central cartouche, in this the titlw words: “/ The golden harp/” are blocked in gold. The fillets intersect near the head and the tail to form small cartouches, in which small decoration is blocked in gold.


Binding No: 1144                       

Pressmark: 10817.a.45.                 

Artist Name: Unsigned UK       

Author/Heading:  Allen, Joseph

Title: Life of The Earl of Dundonald, G.C.B. Rear-Admiral of the United Kingdom, and Admiral of the Red. With illustrations.                                                         

Publisher Name: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, Farringdon Street  

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: 1861.         

Printer: Cox and Wyman, printers, Great Queen Street.

Place of Printing: London         

Width: 120

Height: 175

Thickness: 30

Pagination:  xii, 362p., 3 plates. With ten pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: bead-grain                    

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and blind and relief            

Date Examined: 16.1.2013    


References: Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library  . Call number: ptz .L45 A4 L4


Notes: The spine is missing in this copy and is possibly designed by John Leighton. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Red bead-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Inside this, two more fillets are blocked in blind, one thick one thin. These form circles in each corner, with circles and flower petals being blocked in relief, and small groups of three leaves being blocked in blind alongside each circle. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. It shows the coat of arms of the Earls of Dundonald. The shield is – argent, a chevron gules between three boars heads erased azure. (source- Wikipedia). The motto: ‘Virtute et labore’ is blocked in relief within a pennant underneath the coat of arms. The title words are blocked  in gold above and below the coat of arms “/ Life/ of/ Earl. Dundonald/”. Underneath the title, a rope and its loops and an anchor are blocked in gold. The words: “/Thomas Cochrane/” are blocked in gold within two loops formed by the rope. The date “/ 1775/” is blocked in gold on either side of the anchor.


Binding No: 1145                        

Pressmark: 10817.aa.22.               

Artist Name: Unsigned UK       

Author/Heading:  Tytler, Margaret Fraser

Title: The wooden walls of old England. Or, lives of celebrated Admirals             

Publisher Name: Hatchard and Co., 187, Piccadilly, Booksellers to H.R.H. the Princess of Wales.  

Place of Publication: London    

Date of Publication: 1864          

Printer: Printed by J. Fletcher

Place of Printing: Norwich       

Width: 120

Height: 170

Thickness: 30

Pagination:  [5], 288p., 1 plate. With eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: pebble-grain                 

Colour: blue                             

Block work: Gold and blind and relief           

Date Examined: 16.1.2013    



Notes: The design is unsigned. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders, with one thick fillet blocked between two thin ones. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows  the rear of a (18th century?) British war ship, in full sail, upon water. All of the details of the ship are picked out in relief. The Union Jack is showing on the highest mast; the Royal Ensign is flying from the rear mast. There are nine gun port ports in the rear of the ship, and the word “/Trafalgar/”is blocked in relief on the upper rear end, above the gun ports. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in gold at the head and at the tail, one thick between two thin. Near the head, the title words: “? The/ wooden/ walls/ of/ England/” are blocked in gold within five ‘wood style’ panels blocked in gold. These panels ‘hang’ from  a rope which holds them in place, curling at the top and the bottom of the panels. There is small leaf decoration blocked around the rope in gold. At the tail, the words: “/ Hatchard & Co./” is blocked in relief within a gold ‘wood style’ panel, which is also held in its place by a rope around it, and two small leaves atop it.



Binding No: 1146                        

Pressmark: 12805.h.30





Binding No: 1147                        


Artist Name: Unsigned Germany

Author/Heading:  Gordon, Charles George

Title: Gordon der Held von Khartum. Ein Lebensbild nach Originalquellen. Mit Bildung und Karten.

Publisher Name: Schriften Niederlage des Eherlangerlischen Vereins.

Place of Publication: Frankfurt am Main      

Date of Publication: 1885

Printer: Druck von W. Drugulin

Place of Printing: Leipzig         

Width: 160

Height: 220

Thickness: 25

Pagination:  vii, 345p. 1 plate, 1map.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: ultra fine diagonal rib 

Colour: green

Block work: gold and black   

Date Examined: 22.1.2013




Notes: The design is unsigned. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green ultra fine diagonal rib-grain cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. It shows Gordon riding on a camel. His left hand holds its reins. His right hand points to a city (Khartoum?) in the distance, to the lower right of the cover. Behind the camel, near the spine, running from tail to head, a palm tree is blocked in gold and in black. The word “/ Gordon/” is blocked in Gothic letters above within and underneath the palm tree near the head. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. Near the centre of the spine, the word: “/ Gordon/” is blocked in gold and in black, amidst curling leaf and stem decoration, which is blocked in gold. Lower down the spine, a small device of leaf, stems and fruit is blocked in gold and in black.





Binding No: 1148                        

Pressmark: 11609.aa.19.               

Artist Name: Unsigned UK       

Author/Heading:  Cowper, William

Title: The poetical works of William Cowper, Esq., of the Inner Temple.             

Publisher Name: T. Nelson and Sons, Paternoster Row              

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: 1864


Place of Printing:                        

Width: 120

Height: 175

Thickness: 40

Pagination:  xlviii, 383p., 12 plates. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: sand-grain                     

Colour: dark red                      

Block work: gold and blind and relief            

Date Examined: 21.1.2013    




Notes: The design is unsigned. The two frontispiece plates are (albumen) photographs, taken by W. Chattle of : ‘Cowper’s House at Olney’; ‘Cowper’s summer-house, Olney’. Dark brown endpapers and pastedowns. Red ink edges. Bevelled boards. Dark red sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically                 in blind and in relief. A single fillets is blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this, two more fillets form a ‘raised ridge’, which occupies the inner border, and forms small ovals on head, tail, and centre sides, together with a large central oval.  Ridged quatrefoils are blocked on each inner corner, with small leaf and bud decoration being clocked in blind and in relief within each quatrefoil. On the central oval, two fillets are blocked in blind, one thick, the other thin. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. A small pattern of repeating buds and curling stems is blocked on its borders. Inside this a repeating pattern  of ‘small hyphens’ is blocked in gold, then two fillets are blocked in gold, with vertical hatch gold on the centre. A lyre is blocked in gold behind a rectangular lettering-piece with the word “/ Cowper/” blocked in relief inside it. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. The ‘raised ridges’ form three areas: a circle near the head; an oval on the centre and lower part of the spine; a ‘diamond’ shape near the tail. The circle near the head has the same perimeter and vertical gold hatch decoration as for the upper cover vignette. The title words: “/ The/ poetical works/ of/ William Cowper/ “ re blocked in relief within four rectangular gold lettering-pieces within the circle. Beneath this, a lyre and two stars are blocked in relief within the oval. Near the base, the same border decoration is blocked in gold on the perimeter of  the ‘diamond’. The word “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece.






Binding No: 1149                        


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Wordsworth, William

Title: The poetical works of William Wordsworth. With illustrations by Keeley Halswelle.             

Publisher Name: William P. Nimmo, 2 St David Street.            

Place of Publication: Edinburgh  

Date of Publication: 1863

Printer: Printed by Ballantyne and Company.

Place of Printing: Edinburgh    

Width: 135

Height: 185

Thickness: 50

Pagination:  xxiv, 574p.  plates. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.


Bookbinder: Leighton son & Hodge

Cover material: cloth               

Grain: pebble-grain                 

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and blind and relief            

Date Examined: 22.1.2013    




Notes: The design is unsigned. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Red endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket is on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge/”. [Ball, VPB, 53E; King, VTDB, p. 269.] Red pebble grain cloth . Both covers are blocked identically in gold, in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in gold on the borders, the outer is thin; the inner is of hatch. Inside this single fillets, blocked in blind have repeating dots within them blocked in relief. These divide the cover into rectangular panels on the sides, head and tail, with squares on each corner. The squares are gold lettering-pieces. The flower and stem decoration within each square is blocked in relief. The flower and curling stem decoration in the panels at the sides the head and the tail are blocked in gold at each of the panel, with ‘similar patterns being blocked in relief between the ends. Small medallions are blocked on each centre side, with small decoration blocked in relief within each The central rectangular panel is ‘moorish’ in style, with much intricate, repeated patterns of curling stems and leaves, blocked both in gold and, in the recessed areas, these are blocked in relief. The original spine is missing.







Binding No: 1150

[Entered into BL bindings database 31.8.2016 - 019-000023213        ]

Pressmark: 11609.aa.18.               

Artist Name: Unsigned UK       

Author/Heading:  Cowper, William

Title: The poetical works of William Cowper.             

Publisher Name: William P. Nimmo, 2 St David Street.            

Place of Publication: Edinburgh  

Date of Publication: 1863

Printer: Printed by Ballantyne and Company.

Place of Printing: Edinburgh    

Width: 120

Height: 170

Thickness: 35

Pagination:  xxviii, 481p., 6 plates. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth               

Grain: pebble-grain

Colour: purple                         

Block work: gold and blind and relief.           

Date Examined: 22.1 2013    




Notes: The design is not signed. This edition is part of ‘Nimmo’s cheap editions of the poets. In foolscap 8vo., printed in toned paper, elegantly bound in cloth extra, gilt edges, prince 3s. 6d. each; or in morocco antique, price 6s 6d. each.” This work is described in BL 11609.aa.1 -  The Poetical Works of James Beattie, and the Poems and Plays of Oliver Goldsmith, as: “With a fine portrait on steel, and six full-page illustrations, and vignette title page.”                 Some of the plates are signed: “HC”. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Purple pebble-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. On the borders, a repeating pattern of ‘arrow head’ flowers is blocked in blind. On each corner, a pattern of curling stems, leaves and flower heads is blocked in blind and in relief. The central lozenge is formed by a single fillet, blocked in blind, then a raised fillet, blocked in relief. Within the lozenge, which is blocked in blind, small leaf and flower head decoration is blocked in relief. The central medallion if formed by two circles, blocked in relief. Within it, petals and flower heads are blocked in relief. The upper cover is blocked in gold and blind and relief. A single thin fillet is blocked in gold on the borders. Inside this, a pattern of gold hatch fillets, with one thin gold fillet blocked in gold on each side, is interlacing, forming a lattice, or ‘trellis’. On each corner, a pattern of small stems, leaves and flower buds is blocked in relief. The central lozenge shape, is blocked in relief. On the centre, the word “/ Cowper/” is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. The same interlacing fillets as on the upper cover, forms two panels. Near the head, the title words: “/ Cowper’s/ Poetical/ Works/” are blocked in gold within the upper panel. The lower panel, made to resemble a gothic arch, has a curling stem pattern, with leaves and flower buds – all blocked in relief. This copy has the same design on the upper cover and the spine, as BL 11609.aa.1 Beattie and Goldsmith poetical works.







Binding No: 1151                        


[Entered into BL bindings database 31.8.2016 - 019-000023215]

Pressmark: 11609.aa.1.                 

Artist Name: Unsigned UK       

Author/Heading:  Beattie, James

Title: The Poetical Works of James Beattie, and the Poems and Plays of Oliver Goldsmith.              

Publisher Name: William P. Nimmo, 28 St James’s Square.

Place of Publication: Edinburgh

Date of Publication: [1865]

Printer: Ballantyne and Company, printers.

Place of Printing: Edinburgh    

Width: 125

Height: 175

Thickness: 40

Pagination:  xx, 458p. 7 plates. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. 



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain                     

Colour: purple                         

Block work: gold and blind and relief            

Date Examined: 23.1.2013    




Notes: The design is unsigned. Some of the plates have the monogram “WF”. Some of the plates are signed “Paterson Sc.” Gilt edges., Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Purple sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this, there is a wide fillet blocked in blind, which forms semi-circles on the centre sides, the centre head and the centre tail. Within it, a repeating pattern of small ‘flower buds’ is blocked in relief. More fillets form a rectangle and two ‘lozenges’ , defining the centre.  On the centre, a small ‘lozenge’ is blocked in relief, showing small leaf/ flower decoration. The upper cover is blocked in gold and blind and relief. A single thin fillet is blocked in gold on the borders. Inside this, a pattern of gold hatch fillets, with one thin gold fillet blocked in gold on each side, is interlacing, forming a lattice, or ‘trellis’. On each corner, a pattern of small stems, leaves and flower buds is blocked in relief. The central lozenge shape, is blocked in relief. On the centre, the words: “/Beattie/ [rule]/ Goldsmith/” are blocked in gold, with curling stems attached to the “B” and the “e”; and a stem running through the “s” of “Goldsmith”. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief, with the same design as for BL 11609.aa.18. The same interlacing fillets as on the upper cover, forms two panels. Near the head, the title words: “/ Beattie/ and/ Goldsmith’s/  Poetical/ Works/” are blocked in gold within the upper panel. The lower panel, made to resemble a gothic arch, has a curling stem pattern, with leaves and flower buds – all blocked in relief. Apart from the title, this copy has the same design on the upper cover and the spine, as BL 11609.aa.18 Cowper. Poetical works.






Binding No: 1153                        


[Entered into BL bindings database 31.8.2016 - 019-000023218]


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Scott, Sir Walter

Title: The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott. With illustrations by Keeley Halswelle.

Publisher Name: William P. Nimmo, 2 St David Street.

Place of Publication: Edinburgh

Date of Publication: 1861

Printer: Printed by Ballantyne and Company.

Place of Printing: Edinburgh

Pagination:  xvi, 665p. 9 plates. With six pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Width: 130

Height: 185

Thickness: 50


Bookbinder: C. Macdonald

Cover material: cloth

Grain: vertical ripple-grain

Colour: purple                         

Block work: Gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 23.1.2013




Notes: The design is unsigned. Most of the plates are signed: “Keeley Halswelle”. The pages have red ink borders. Some of the plates are signed “R. Paterson Sc.” Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ C. Macdonald/ 21/ George St./” Purple vertical ripple-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold, in blind and in relief. The overall design is  of ornamentation that is ‘arabesque’, or ‘moorish’. A repeating zig-zag pattern is blocked on the borders in gold. Inside this two fillets are blocked in gold. The inner border is of hatch gold, punctuated with floral decoration within gold lettering-pieces on the corners, the centre sides, head and tail. All of the ‘floral’ leaf and stem decoration within these is blocked in relief. Two more fillets in gold form the central rectangle. Within this a repeating pattern of curling stems, leaves, and flowers is picked out in relief, against the background, which is blocked in blind. The central oval is ‘arabesque’ in form, with gold hatch around its perimeter, and with repeating patterns of stems and leaves being blocked in both gold and in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Zig-zag patterns are blocked in gold a the head and at the tail. Two gold fillets are blocked round the perimeter. Near the head, more gold fillets form an arched space, with the same corner-pieces blocked as are on the upper cover. in which the title words: “/ Scott’s/ poetical/works/” are blocked in gold. Several more gold fillets and small decoration in relief are blocked below the title. The lower half of the spine is filled with an oval with intricate ‘arabesque’ decoration blocked in gold and in relief, similar to that of the upper cover. Near the base, the word : “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in gold, within a rectangular panel formed by a single gold fillet. Underneath this, a diamond shape, with gold dots and gold hatch, is blocked in gold within a rectangular panel formed by a single gold fillet.





Binding No: 1154

[Entered into BL bindings database 31.8.2016 - 019-000023221]    


Artist Name: Leighton, John

Author/Heading:  Wordsworth, William

Title: The poetical works of William Wordsworth

Publisher Name: George Routledge and Sons

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: 1866

Printer: Cox and Wyman, printers, Great Queen Street, Lincoln’s-Inn Fields.

Place of Printing: [London]

Pagination:  xxiii, 496p. 7 plates.

Width: 115

Height: 170

Thickness: 35


Bookbinder: Bone & Son

Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 23.1.2013


References: For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures,


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Some of the plates are signed “B Foster” [i.e Myles Birket Foster]: and most are signed “Dalziel”. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket, printed in red, on lower pastedown: Bound by/ W. Bone & Son./ 76 Fleet St./ London E.C./” [Ball, VPB, 17D; King, VTDB, p. 267.] Blue sand-grain cloth. Apart from the central vignette on the upper cover, both covers are blocked identically, in blind and in relief on the lower, and in gold and blind and relief on the upper. Four fillets are blocked on the borders: 1. a single gold fillet, which interlaces on each corner, to form triangles, with gold dots between them; 2. a fillet blocked in blind, with repeating small triangles within it; 3. a single gold fillet, which is curved at each corner; 4. a thick gold fillet, with repeating dots blocked in relief within it. A medallion is blocked on each corner, each formed by a single fillet, and each with two five point stars blocked in gold within it, with small petal decoration blocked in relief at its centre. Two more gold fillets are blocked inside, running round the medallions on each corner; the inner of the two fillets is of tiny repeating gold dots. Dog tooth decoration is blocked in relief inside this. Within the centre panel, there are four medallions blocked in gold, each formed by three gold fillets, and each has a single five pint star on its centre, with five more small five point stars and dots surrounding it. Small ‘arabesques’ are blocked in gold on the centre sides and at the centre head and centre tail. The oval central vignette is formed by three fillets: 1. a fillet in blind, with repeating dots blocked in relief within it; 2. a single gold fillet; 3. a single gold fillet, with repeating dots blocked in blind within it. The vignette is of gold with both horizontal and vertical hatch within it, together with small curling stem decoration, blocked in relief. The word: “/ Wordsworth/” is blocked in relief with a rectangular gold lettering-piece. Signed “JL” in relief as separate letters at the base of this vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind and in relief. On the perimeter of the spine is blocked a single gold fillet, which interlaces on each corner, to form triangles, with gold dots between them. [This is the same as the upper cover.] Two more gold fillets are blocked on the perimeter, on thin, one thick, and they form semi-circles at the head and at the tail. A medallion is blocked  at the head and at the tail,, and each with two five point stars blocked in gold within it, with small petal decoration blocked in relief at its centre, and with small gold stars blocked between each star point. Just above the centre, an oval gold lettering-piece has the title words: “/ Wordsworth’s/ poetical/ works./” blocked in relief within lettering-pieces formed by a single fillet blocked in relief.  Underneath this, an ‘oval’ panel is blocked in gold, with small leaves and stems blocked in two patterns, the one in gold, the other in relief. The word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in relief within a curved gold lettering-piece. Apart from the title words on the upper cover central vignette, and on the spine, this is the same design as on BL 11613.h.7. The poetical works of Gerald Massey. 1864.




Binding No: 1155                        


[Entered into BL bindings database 31.8.2016 - 019-000023223]

Pressmark: 1347.l.19 

Artist Name: Jones, Owen

Author/Heading:  Bacon, Mary Ann

Title: Flowers and their Kindred Thoughts. (Poetry by M. A. Bacon. Designs by Owen Jones.).

Publisher Name: Longman & Co.

Place of Publication: [London]

Date of Publication: 1848

Printer: Printed in colours at 9 Argyll Place; drawn on stone by C. L Bateman

Place of Printing: [London]

Pagination:  34 leaves.

Width: 190

Height: 265

Thickness: 5



Cover material: calf leather


Colour: brown                         

Block work: blind and relief

Date Examined: 23.1.2013


References: McLean, Ruari. Victorian publishers’ book-bindings in cloth and leather. London, Gordon Fraser, 1974, pp. 10-11.


Notes:  The design is by Owen Jones. McLean states that this form of blind blocking was known as Leake’s Patent ‘Relievo leather’ binding. Lithographed in colour; the text printed in gold. The leaves are thrown out on cloth guards. Bevelled boards. Cream endpapers and pastedowns (probably not original). Brown calf. The turn-ins are blocked in gold with a repeating pattern, of elongated pairs of leaves. Both covers are blocked in blind and in relief. Curling stems, leaves and buds of ivy are blocked in relief as a pattern on the borders. Inside this, a single fillet is blocked in blind. The inner borders are blocked with a pattern of two branches, which intersect at the corners, and which form an arch at the centre head. Interspersed across the whole cover is a pattern of fruit plant stems, which curl at the base and near the centre, of  buds and leaves, whose veins are picked out in relief. The upper cover has the same structure and blocking to the borders, but a different configuration of the fruit plant stems, leaves and buds to make room for the title words: “/ Flowers/ and their/ Kindred Thoughts/”, which are blocked in ‘branch like’ lettering.  The spine has, from head to tail, a pattern of intersecting fruit plant stems, with leaves and buds interspersed amongst the stems. There is also horizontal hatch between the stems and the foliage.







Binding No: 1156                        

Pressmark: 11612.i.11.

[Entered into BL bindings database 07092016 - 019-000023240]

Artist Name: John Leighton

Author/Heading:  Campbell, Thomas; Goldsmith, Oliver

Title: Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell and Oliver Goldsmith.

Publisher Name: T. Nelson and Sons, Paternoster Row.

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: 1858


Place of Printing:

Pagination:  xxxv, 111p., 7 plates.

Width: 115

Height: 170

Thickness: 30



Cover material: cloth

Grain: vertical morocco-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 29.1.2013




Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on two tapes.  Gilt edges. Dedication note written on upper pastedown: “Presented to J. Sanderson as a token of respect by his affectionate friend. Thomas Ettly. Sep 2nd 1861.” Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green vertical morocco-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically, in blind and in relief on the lower, and in gold and in relief on the upper. On the outer borders, a repeating   pattern of repeating stems and flower buds is blocked in gold. Inside this, a single fillet is blocked in gold; and then a repeating pattern of ‘cartouches’ is blocked in gold on the inner border. On each inner corner, an ‘arabesque’ pattern is blocked in gold, with leaf, stem, and bud decoration blocked within each in relief. On the centre, a large flower vase stands on a plinth, with small decoration on its sides picked out in relief.  The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. On the perimeter, a pattern of repeating dots is blocked in gold between two gold fillets. Near the head and near the tail, two rectangular panels are formed by single gold fillets. Within the lower panel, small leaf, stem and flower decoration is blocked in hatch gold. The main panel of the spine is formed by a single gold fillet. Near the head, an anchor is blocked in gold. Beneath this the title words: “/ Poetical/ works of/ Campbell/ and/ Goldsmith/” are blocked in relief within a gold ‘heart-shaped’ lettering-piece. Beneath this, an archway shows two figures – one a native American, the other a small girl. The words: “/ Gertrude of Wyoming/” are blocked in gold underneath these figures. Small curling stem and leaf and flower bud decoration is blocked in gold underneath the two figures. Signed “JL” as a monogram, within this decoration. The word “/Illustrated/” is blocked in gold with a rectangular panel formed by a single gold fillet.




Binding No: 1157                        

Pressmark: 11612.i.12.


[Entered into BL bindings database 07092016 - 019-000023242]    

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Milton, John

Title: The complete poetical works of John Milton. With the life of the author; and Dr. Channing's essay on the poetical genius of Milton. Eight engravings on steel.

Publisher Name: Milner and Sowerby

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: 1867

Printer: Milner and Sowerby, Printers.

Place of Printing: Halifax

Pagination:  xx, 537p, 8 plates. With fourteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Width: 120

Height: 170

Thickness: 40



Cover material: cloth

Grain: pebble-grain

Colour: green

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 29.1.2013




Notes: The design is unsigned. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Book plate on upper pastedown of “BM/JGA”. Green pebble-grain cloth Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. Circles are blocked in each corner, with leaf decoration blocked inside each in relief. At the centre head and centre tail, a ‘tree’ motif is blocked in relief. The central panel is formed by a single fillet blocked in blind. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in gold on the perimeter. Near the head and the tail, a ‘Greek pattern’ is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece.   The title words: “/ Milton’s/ poetical/ works/ Illustrated/” are blocked in relief within four rectangular gold lettering-pieces, and these four are also surrounded by a gold lettering-piece, which has vertical hatching. Beneath this, a lyre, with wings on each side is blocked in gold, with flowers and two cords with decorated ends on each side; beneath this a ‘wheel’, with a star at its centre, is blocked in gold. A small pattern of fillets and leaves is blocked in gold near the tail. The same design, apart from the spine title, is blocked on 11612.i.13. Byron’s poetical works.







Binding No: 1158                        

Pressmark: 11612.i.13.

[Entered into BL bindings database 07092016 - 019-000023244]

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Byron, George Gordon Noel, Baron Byron

Title: The Poetical Works of Lord Byron, with life of the author, and copious notes. Beautifully illustrated. Family edition.

 Publisher Name: Milner and Sowerby

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: 1867

Printer: Milner and Sowerby, Printers.

Place of Printing: Halifax

Pagination:  xv,702p. 8 plates.

Width: 120

Height: 170

Thickness: 40



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 29.1.2013




Notes: The design is unsigned. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Book plate on upper pastedown of “BM/JGA”. Most of the plates are signed: “T.G. Flowers; Printed by W. Banks, Edin[burg]h”. Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. Circles are blocked in each corner, with leaf decoration blocked inside each in relief. At the centre head and centre tail, a ‘tree’ motif is blocked in relief. The central panel is formed by a single fillet blocked in blind. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in gold on the perimeter. Near the head and the tail, a ‘Greek pattern’ is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece.   The title words: “/ Byron’s/ poetical/ works/ Illustrated/” are blocked in relief within four rectangular gold lettering-pieces, and these four are also surrounded by a gold lettering-piece, which has vertical hatching. Beneath this, a lyre, with wings on each side is blocked in gold, with flowers and two cords with decorated ends on each side; beneath this a ‘wheel’, with a star at its centre, is blocked in gold. A small pattern of fillets and leaves is blocked in gold near the tail. The same design, apart from the spine title, is blocked on 11612.i.12. The complete poetical works of John Milton.







inding No: 1159

Pressmark: 11612.i.8.

[Entered into BL bindings database 07092016 - 019-000023246]

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Wordsworth, William

Title: The poetical works of William Wordsworth. In six volumes. A new edition.

Publisher Name: Edward Moxon & Co., Dover Street.

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: 1864

Printer: Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars.

Place of Printing: London

Pagination:  6 vols.





Bookbinder: Hanbury & Sipmson

Cover material: cloth

Grain: pebble-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 29.1.2013


References: Packer, Maurice. Bookbinders of Victorian London. London: British Library, 1991, pp. 67-68.


Notes: Vol. I is 120x180x25mm; vol. II is 120x180x30mm; vol. III is 120x180x25mm; vol. IV is 120x180x30mm; vol. V is 120x180x25mm; vol. VI is 120x180x35mm.

The design is unsigned. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s Ticket on lower pastedown of vol. I.: “/ Bound/ by/ Hanbury & Simpson/ London./” Apart from the volume numbers on each spine, the volumes are blocked identically on the covers and the spines. A single gold fillet is blocked on the border. Three buds are blocked on each corner in gold. Inside this, a pattern of a stem, leaves and buds is blocked in relief. On the corners of the inner border three more buds are blocked in gold. The central rectangle is formed by a single gold fillet. On each upper cover at the centre, the monogram of Moxon is blocked in gold, surrounded by a pattern of repeating flowers and buds, blocked in gold. The spines are blocked in gold and in blind and in relief. Three gold fillets are blocked at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the title words: “/ Wordsworth’s/ poetical/ works./” are blocked in gold. Three flowers are blocked in relief underneath the title. The volume number: “/ Vol. I [-VI.]” is blocked in gold on the middle of the spine. Underneath this, more leaves and flowers are blocked d in blind and in relief. Near the tail, the words: “/ London/ Moxon./” are blocked in gold.








Binding No: 1160

Pressmark: 11613.h.7.

[Entered into BL bindings database 07092016 - 019-000023249]

Artist Name: John Leighton

Author/Heading:  Massey, Gerald

Title: The poetical works of Gerald Massey. A new edition, with illustrations.

Publisher Name: Routledge, Warne and Routledge

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: 1864

Printer: Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos-Street.

Place of Printing: London

Pagination:  xx, 395p. 8 plates.

Width: 110

Height: 175

Thickness: 30



Cover material: cloth

Grain: pebble-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 30.1.2013




Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns.  The bookplate of Alfred Campbell is pasted on the upper pastedown. The upper endpaper is inscribed: “/Lydia Cass/ August 1867./”  Blue pebble-grain cloth. Apart from the central vignette on the upper cover, both covers are blocked identically, in blind and in relief on the lower, and in gold and blind and relief on the upper. Four fillets are blocked on the borders: 1. a single gold fillet, which interlaces on each corner, to form triangles, with gold dots between them; 2. a fillet blocked in blind, with repeating small triangles within it; 3. a single gold fillet, which is curved at each corner; 4. a thick gold fillet, with repeating dots blocked in relief within it. A medallion is blocked on each corner, each formed by a single fillet, and each with two five point stars blocked in gold within it, with small petal decoration blocked in relief at its centre. Two more gold fillets are blocked inside, running round the medallions on each corner; the inner of the two fillets is of tiny repeating gold dots. Dog tooth decoration is blocked in relief inside this. Within the centre panel, there are four medallions blocked in gold, each formed by three gold fillets, and each has a single five pint star on its centre, with five more small five point stars and dots surrounding it. Small ‘arabesques’ are blocked in gold on the centre sides and at the centre head and centre tail. The oval central vignette is formed by three fillets: 1. a fillet in blind, with repeating dots blocked in relief within it; 2. a single gold fillet; 3. a single gold fillet, with repeating dots blocked in blind within it. The vignette is of gold with both horizontal and vertical hatch within it, together with small curling stem decoration, blocked in relief. The word: “/ Massey/” is blocked in relief with a rectangular gold lettering-piece. Signed “JL” in relief as separate letters at the base of this vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind and in relief. On the perimeter of the spine is blocked a single gold fillet, which interlaces on each corner, to form triangles, with gold dots between them. [This is the same as the upper cover.] Two more gold fillets are blocked on the perimeter, on thin, one thick, and they form semi-circles at the head and at the tail. A medallion is blocked  at the head and at the tail,, and each with two five point stars blocked in gold within it, with small petal decoration blocked in relief at its centre, and with small gold stars blocked between each star point. Just above the centre, an oval gold lettering-piece has the title words: “/ Massey’s/ poetical/ works./” blocked in relief within lettering-pieces formed by a single fillet blocked in relief.  Underneath this, an ovaloid panel is blocked in gold, with small leaves and stems blocked in two patterns, the one in gold, the other in relief. The word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in relief within a curved gold lettering-piece. Apart from the title words of the poet on the upper cover central vignette, and on the spine, this is the same design as on BL The poetical works of William Wordsworth. 1866.








Binding No: 1161


[Entered into BL bindings database 07092016 - 019-000023251]

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Carey, Charles Stokes

Title: A Commonplace Book of Epigrams analytically arranged.

Publisher Name: William Tegg

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: 1872

Printer: John Childs and Son, printers.

Place of Printing: [London]

Pagination:  vi, 247p. With thirty-two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Width: 115

Height: 170

Thickness: 20



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and black

Date Examined: 30.1.2013




Notes: The design is unsigned. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical pattern on the borders and corners, in blind on the lower, and in gold and in black on the upper cover. On the upper cover a single fillet is blocked in black on the borders. Inside this, of leaves, stems and flowers is blocked in black, with the curling stems ending in flower heads blocked on each corner. The centre of the upper cover is blocked in gold. It shows an arrow, diagonally blocked from upper right to lower left, which pierces several of the title letters: “/Epigrams/”. Several of the title letters have elongated serifs. The words: “/ By/ C: S: Carey./” are blocked in gold to the lower right of the word: “Epigrams”. [ the motif used is alluded to in one of the introductory epigrams in the book: “A good epigram”. “The qualities rare in a bee that we meet, / In an epigram never should fail - / The body should always be little and sweet, / And a sting should be left in its tail. /” ] The spine is blocked in gold. It shows an arrow, blocked from head to tail, with the arrow head at the tail. The title words: “/ Epigrams by C S Carey/” are blocked in gold along the spine, with the arrow piercing nearly all of the letters, which also have exaggerated serifs. Another copy of this work is at BL, with a bespoke binding signed by W.H. Green.






Binding No: 1162


[Entered into BL bindings database 25012016 by P Marks - 019-000021359]

Artist Name: W.H. Green

Author/Heading:  Carey, Charles Stokes

Title: A Commonplace Book of Epigrams analytically arranged.

Publisher Name: William Tegg

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: 1872

Printer: John Childs and Son, printers.

Place of Printing: [London]

Pagination:  vi, 247p.

Width: 105

Height: 160

Thickness: 25


Bookbinder: W.H. Green

Cover material: leather, goatskin


Colour: brown                         

Block work: blind and relief

Date Examined: 30.1.2013




Notes: Gilt edges. Brown goatskin. Blue endpapers and pastedowns. The turn-ins are blocked in blind and relief, with a ‘star flower’ on each corner of the upper and lower boards. Signed “W.H. Green” in blind on the centre of the turn-in of the tail of the upper board. Both covers are blocked identically with the same pattern. A repeating pattern of thin ‘flower petals’ is blocked in blind and relief on the borders. The rest of the cover is blocked with a pattern of interlocking ‘circles and four petal flowers’, with the leaves of each petal and the flower bid being picked out in relief. The spine is blocked in blind and in relief. Six panels are formed by five sewing cords, with panel two, near the head, containing the title word: “/ Epi/ grams/”, blocked in blind. The other five panels have the same four petal flowers as are blocked on the covers.






Binding No: 1163


[Entered into BL bindings database 07092016 - 019-000023253]     

Artist Name: William Ralston


Title: Old nursery songs, stories, and ballads. With numerous illustrations, by eminent modern artists, and eight coloured engravings.

Publisher Name: Ward, Lock & Tyler, Warwick House, Paternoster Row.

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: [1869]

Printer: The Sellwood Printing Works

Place of Printing: Frome & London

Pagination:  Nine stories of 32p.; one story of 28p. 8 plates.

Width: 145

Height: 185

Thickness: 30



Cover material: cloth

Grain:  sand-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind and relief and black

Date Examined: 30.1.2013




Notes: The design is by William Ralston. The signatures are B [1-4]; B*[1-12] to K [1-4]; K* [1-12]; L [1-4]; L* [1-10]. The plates are coloured. Red ink edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, the inner of which has repeating dots blocked in relief within it. Inside these, a ‘wave and leaf’ pattern is blocked on the borders, with small curling stem and flower decoration blocked in blind on each corner. The upper cover is blocked in black and in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet with a ‘wave’ pattern , is blocked on the head, the tail and the fore edge. Inside this, single fillets blocked in black intersect at the corners. On the spine side, from head to tail, a single stem is blocked in gold, ending in a single flower near the tail.  Signed “WR” in gold as separate letters at the base of the flower. The stem has small pairs of leaves down its length. Near the head, a diamond and two triangles are blocked in gold. The diamond has blocking in black on its perimeter, with small stars in gold within. The diamond itself is a red paper on lay, blocked on top as a gold lettering-piece with horizontal hatch. The capital letter “N”[ursery] is blocked in relief, appearing as red. The title words”/ {N}ursery Songs/” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with the curling serifs of the capital letter “S” being blocked in gold above and below the lettering-piece. The title words: “/ and/ Ballads/” are blocked in gold, with the capital letter “B” having horizontal hatch. To the right below these words, a sword and shield are blocked in gold. The shield has horizontal hatch, together with a man’s head and sword being blocked in relief within the shield. To the left of the title words, the words: “/ Coloured and other/ illustrations/” are blocked in a rectangular gold lettering-pieces, with pennant like ends. .  Small stem and leaf decoration is blocked in black on the lower half of the spine between the decoration blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in black and relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter, and, on the lower half of the spine, repeating dots blocked in gold are also on the perimeter. At the head, a triangular vertical hatch gold letting piece has stem and leaf decoration blocked within it in relief. Above and below the title, a line of zig-zag and small dots are blocked in gold, intersected by a single fillet blocked in black. The title words:  “/ Nursery/ Songs/ and/ Ballads/” are blocked in gold. Below this, a single curling stem and pairs of leaves are blocked in gold. Intersecting this is a single vertical hatch gold letting piece with the words: “/ Coloured and other/ Illustrations/” blocked in relief within it. Near the tail, a vertical hatch gold letting piece, with a pointed apex, has the words : “/ London [in a semi-circle]/ Ward/ Lock & Tyler/” blocked in relief within it.



Binding No: 1164

Pressmark: 11649.e.8.


[Entered into BL bindings database 07092016 - 019-000023255]

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Aveling, Henry

Title: Poetic hours and musing moments.

Publisher Name: Thomas Hatchard

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication:1857

Printer: Chapman, printer, Paddington.

Place of Printing: [London]

Pagination:  x, 191p.

Width: 125

Height: 190

Thickness: 16


Bookbinder: Westley & Co.

Cover material: cloth

Grain: horizontal morocco-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 4.2.2013


References: For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.


Notes: The design is unsigned. Text sewn on two tapes. Pink endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “Bound by/ Westleys / & Co./ London/”. [Ball 103C; King VTB p. 270.] covers are blocked identically in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked in the borders. Inside this, two sets of ‘wave pattern’ are blocked in gold on the inner borders, and, inside these, two more fillets are blocked in gold, with a repeating pattern of dots, blocked in gold between these two. On the inner corners, a pattern of ‘three stems and three buds’ is blocked in gold. The inner rectangle is formed by the ‘wave pattern’; then a single fillet blocked in gold; then two more fillets are blocked in gold, with a repeating pattern of dots, blocked in gold between these two. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked at the head and at the tail. A pattern of ivy leaves, ivy buds and curling stems is blocked at the head. The title words: “/ Poetic/ hours/ etc./ [rule]/ H. Aveling/”  are blocked in gold. Beneath the title, more ivy leaves, ivy buds and curling stems are blocked in gold.



Binding No: 1165

[Entered into BL bindings database 27092016 - 019-000023291


Pressmark: 11612.k.8.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Campbell, Thomas

Title: The poetical works of Thomas Campbell. With life. Six engravings in steel.

Publisher Name: Gall & Inglis

Place of Publication: Edinburgh, 6 George Street.

Date of Publication: [1880]


Place of Printing:

Pagination:  319p. 6 plates.

Width: 135

Height: 190

Thickness: 35



Cover material: leather

Grain: morocco

Colour: dark brown                

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 4.2.2013




Notes: The design is unsigned. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Purple leather morocco-grain. Apart from the title blocked in gold, both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. Between the second and third fillets, a ‘dog tooth’ pattern is blocked in relief. On the spine side of each cover, a rectangular panel is blocked from head to tail, with the apex being an arch, with small leaf decoration blocked within it in relief. Flower and stem decoration is blocked in blind above and below a central medallion, which has a cross blocked in relief within it. On the centre and fore edge part of the cover,  more fillets blocked in blind delineate five rectangular panels. The panels at the head and at the tail have small flowers blocked in blind on two corners, with a leaf  and six buds blocked in blind on the centre. Above and below the central rectangle, the words: “/ Campbell’s/ Poetical Works/” are blocked in gold in gothic lettering. The central panel has small leaves blocked on  each corner in blind. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. Raised sewing bands form six panels. Within five panels, a single motif, forming a ‘diamond’ of leaves and curling stems is blocked in blind. In panel two, near the head, the words: “/ Campbell’s/ Poetical Works/” are blocked in gold.



Binding No: 1166

[Entered into BL bindings database 27092016 - 019-000023293]


Pressmark: 11649.e.3.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: The Last Judgement. A poem in twelve books.

Publisher Name: Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: 1857

Printer: Printed by Cox and Wyman, Great Queen Street, Lincoln’s-Inn Fields.

Place of Printing: [London]

Pagination:  335p.

Width: 140

Height: 200

Thickness: 30



Cover material: cloth

Grain: diagonal wave-grain

Colour: brown                         

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 4.2.2013.




Notes: The design is unsigned. Text sewn on two tapes. Brown diagonal wave-grain cloth. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders, the corners and the sides, with an elaborate interlocking curling stem pattern. On the centre of the upper cover, the title words: “/ The Last/ Judgement/ A Poem/” are blocked in gold in elaborate capital letters, with curling stems and small leaves threaded between the letters. The spine is blocked in gold and blind and relief. At the head and the tail, two fillets are blocked in blind.  Between these, a repeating pattern of semi-circles and ‘four petal’ flowers is blocked in relief. Near the middle of the spine, the title words: “/ The Last/ Judgement./ [rule]/ A Poem./” are blocked in gold, in elaborate lettering. Curling stem decoration threads around and between the letters.



Binding No: 1167

[Entered into BL bindings database 27092016 - 019- 000023295]

Pressmark: 11649.e.1.

Artist Name: Unsigned Uk

Author/Heading:  Hatton, George James Finch, Earl of Winchilsea and Nottingham.

Title: The poem of the Book of Job done into English verse.

Publisher Name: Smith, Elder & Co., 65 Cornhill.

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: 1860

Printer: Printed by Smith, Elder and Co., Little Green Arbour court, Old Bailey, E.C.

Place of Printing: London

Pagination:  xx, 175p.

Width: 155

Height: 215

Thickness: 30



Cover material: cloth

Grain: horizontal morocco-grain

Colour: red                               

Block work: Gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 4.2.2013




Notes: The design is unsigned. Text sewn on three tapes. Bevelled boards. Red ink edges. Red horizontal morocco -grain cloth. Purple endpapers and pastedowns. Apart from the title words, both covers are blocked identically in blind and relief. The overall design is of a ‘Renaissance’ style of interlaced strap work, forming panels. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this a repeating pattern of curling stems and leaves is blocked in relief. On the inner borders, the interlacing straps, blocked in relief, are interspersed with small leaf and stem decoration, blocked in relief. Two rectangular panels are formed by single fillets, blocked in blind, above and below the centre. The central circle is formed by a single fillet blocked in blind, with a band of repeating leaves, blocked in relief. The title words: “/ The . poem . of/ The Book of Job./ The . Earl . of . Winchilsea./” are blocked in gold within these the two rectangular panels and the centre circle. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind and in relief. At the head, the title words: “/ The poems/ of/ the Book/ of/ Job./” are blocked in gold. Beneath this, a small multi-pointed star is blocked with small leaf decoration bolcekd in relief within it. The author: “/ The Earl of/ Winchilsea./” is blocked in gold near the centre of the spine. Below this, more strap work is blocked in relief, interlocking at he head and the tail, with small leaf decoration blocked within it in relief. At the tail, between two fillets blocked in blind, the words: “/ London/ Smith . Elder & Co./” are blocked in gold.





Binding No: 1168

[Entered into BL bindings database 27092016 - 019-000023297]

Pressmark: 11649.e.16.                 

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Felix, Frank, Captain, pseud.?.

Title: Musings on guard.

Publisher Name: T. Hatchard, 187 Piccadilly.

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: 1858

Printer: G. Barclay, Castle St., Leicester Sq.

Place of Printing: London

Pagination:  viii, 98p.

Width: 145

Height: 205

Thickness: 15


Bookbinder:  Westleys & Co.

Cover material: cloth

Grain: horizontal morocco-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and relief

Date Examined: 5.2.2013


References: For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.


Notes: The design is unsigned. Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Pink endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Westleys/ & Co./ London./”. [Ball no. 103C. ] Green horizontal morocco-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and relief on the corners, the sides, head and tail. On the borders, a repeating pattern of ‘honeysuckle’ ornament is blocked in gold. Inside this, a single perimeter fillet is blocked in gold On each corner, curling branches end in a bud and two flowers. There are four overlapping medallions, each with an eight petaled flower blocked in inside. All of this decoration is picked out in relief. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. An ‘onion shape’ arabesque is formed by curling branches and pairs of leaves, with two flowers on each side, three at the head, and one larger flower at the tail of the vignette. The centre of each flower head is a dot, picked out in relief. Tiny gold dots surround all of these. The title words: “/Musings/ on/ guard/” are blocked on gold at the centre. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and the tail, there is a single gold fillet., and, immediately below/ above these, two ‘honeysuckle’ flower buds are blocked  in gold between two gold fillets.



Binding No: 1169


[Entered into BL bindings database 27092016 - 019-000023300]

Pressmark: 11632.b.72.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Spenser, Edmund

Title: The Fairie Queene: disposed into twelve bookes, fashioning XII morall vertues.. To which is added his Epithalamion. New edition with a glossary. Illustrated by Edward Courbould.

Publisher Name: George Routledge and Sons

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: [1870]

Printer: Savill Edwards and Co., printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

Place of Printing: London

Pagination:  xii,820p., 8 plates.

Width: 120

Height: 170

Thickness: 45



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: red                               

Block work gold and black and relief:

Date Examined: 5.2.2013




Notes: The design is unsigned. Most of the plates are signed: “Edw H Courbould” [i.e. Edward Henry Corbould]  and “Dalziel”. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Red sand-grain cloth. The lower is blocked in blind only. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. Between the second and third fillets, a repeating pattern of ‘rectangles and dots’ is blocked in blind round the borders. The centre has a diamond and a rectangle, with small three leaf and four bud decoration at the corners and the centre sides of the rectangle. Small leaf and four bud decoration is blocked in blind within the diamond, at the head and the tail. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in black on the borders. On the spine side of the cover, from head to tail, a pattern is intersecting curling stems and leaves is blocked in black. Near the head, the capital letter “S” is blocked in gold, within a square black lettering-piece. Below this, a lyre is picked out in relief, with its outlines being highlighted in black. Near the tail, a vase is blocked in black, with its centre line vertical decoration being blocked in relief (i.e. showing in red cloth). For the rest of the upper cover, identical rows of patterned decoration is blocked at the head and at the tail. This consists of: 1. a repeating pattern of small leaves and a single bud, blocked in black; 2. a row of  repeating four pointed leaves, blocked in hatch gold, surrounded by a semi-circle blocked in black ; 3. a row of repeating dots, blocked in gold; 4. a rule blocked in black. Above and below the central square, two rectangular gold lettering-pieces contain the words “/ [S]penser/”, with the letters blocked in black, and “/Illustrated/”, with the letters being picked out in relief. Above and below these two lettering-pieces, there is a repeating pattern of ‘elongate gold hoops’. The central square has a gold fillets blocked vertically down each side. A fillet blocked in black and a thinner fillet blocked in gold are around its perimeter. Small curling stem and ‘ivy’ hatch gold are blocked within the square, surrounding the central medallion, which is formed by 1. a repeating pattern of dashes, blocked in gold; 2. a single fillet, blocked in gold; 3. a single fillet, blocked in black; 4. two more fillets, blocked in gold, between which repeating dots are blocked in gold. On the centre, the monogram letters of George Routledge and Sons are blocked, with the “G & S” being blocked in relief, showing red cloth; and the “R” being blocked in relief, showing black.  The spine is blocked in gold and black and relief. At the head and tail, the same repeating patterns of leaves and buds as on the upper cover, are blocked in gold and in black. From head to tail, a long, elaborately decorated, ‘stadium shape’ is blocked. This has several fillets on its borders, blocked in gold and in black. Inside it, curling stem and leaf decoration is blocked in gold and in black. A lyre is blocked in black at the base of the ‘stadium’. Within three lettering-pieces, there are the words “/Spenser [blocked in black, with some red offset]/ Illustrated. [blocked in relief]/ Routledge [blocked in relief]/”. The lettering-piece for “Illustrated” is a semi-circular one.





Binding No: 1170

[Entered into BL bindings database 27092016 - 019- 000023302]



Artist Name: Unsigned Uk

Author/Heading:  Quarles, Francis

Title: Emblems, divine and moral; the school of the hear; and hieroglyphics of the life of man. A new edition, with a sketch of the life and times of the author.

Publisher Name: William Tegg

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: 1866

Printer: Printed by Geo. Watson, Kirby St., Hatton Garden.

Place of Printing: [London]

Pagination:  xxii, 437p.

Width: 130

Height: 185

Thickness: 35



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and relief

Date Examined: 5.2.2013




Notes: The design is unsigned. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Red ink edges. Bevelled boards. Blue sand-grain cloth. Dark grey endpapers and pastedowns. Both covers are blocked identically, the lower in blind and relief, the upper cover in gold and in relief. The borders have two gold fillets, spaced apart, which intersect at the corners to form squares. Four Pennant shaped gold lettering-pieces hang from each corners of the inner fillet, with the words: “/Quarles’/ emblems/ divine/ & moral/” blocked in relief within each pennant. A central diamond shape is formed by a single fillet blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail of the fillet, the words: “/The School/ of/ The Heart/ and Hieroglyphics/ of/ The Life of Man/” are blocked in gold. The two words “of” are blocked within the upper and lower apex of the diamond. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in gold a the head and at the tail.  The title words: “/ Quarles/ emblems:/ the school/ of the/ heart,/ &c./” are blocked in gold., with a single gold filet blocked below this. Just below the middle of the spine, an orb is blocked in gold, with its interior decoration being picked out in relief. It is surrounded by small curling stems, leaves and buds, with a butterfly below it. Near the tail, beneath a single gold fillet, the words “/ Tegg/ London/” are blocked in gold.





Binding No: 1171


[Entered into BL bindings database 27092016 - 019- 000023304]

Pressmark: 11649.e.66.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Wills, Samuel, of Tetney, Lincolnshire.

Title: The British Chief, and other poems.

Publisher Name:

Place of Publication: Nottingham

Date of Publication: 1866

Printer: Printed by Stevenson, Bailey, and Smith, Wheeler Gate

Place of Printing: Nottingham

Pagination:  ix, 200p. With two pages of press opinions bound at the end.

Width: 130

Height: 190

Thickness: 20



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and relief

Date Examined: 5.2.2013




Notes: This work is described in the press opinions at the end of the volume: “Foolscap8vo., pp.196, Price 3s., cloth; bevelled boards, gilt edges, 5s.”. Text sewn on two cords. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Apart from the title words on the upper cover, both covers are blocked identically, in blind and relief on the lower, and in gold and relief on the upper. On the borders, two fillets are blocked in gold, with a gold horizontal hatch fillet blocked between them in gold. The corners are  formed by two gold fillets. On each corner, a group of leaves and berries ids blocked in gold [there may be currant leaves and berries]. Inside the corners, an ‘arabesque’ is blocked, consisting of a thick gold fillet, with repeating small quatrefoils blocked in relief within it. A single gold fillet is blocked inside this. On the centre, the title words: “/ The/ British/ Chief./” are blocked in gold, in elaborate letters, with curling stems, leaves and buds being interspersed around and between the letters. Above and below the title, small ‘spade shapes’ are blocked in gold, with a group of three oak leaves and four acorns blocked in gold inside. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Along its length, a cartouche is blocked in gold, with the title: “/The British Chief/” blocked inside it in elaborate letters in relief. Small leaf decoration is blocked in relief at each end of the cartouche, and small ‘three leaf and two bud’ motifs are blocked at each outer end of the cartouche.




Binding No: 1172

[Entered into BL bindings database 27092016 - 019- 000023306]


Pressmark: 11651.f.10

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Thomson, James

Title: The poetical works of James Thomson. Illustrated. The text edited by Charles Cowden Clarke.

Publisher Name: William P. Nimmo

Place of Publication: Edimburgh

Date of Publication: 1868

Printer: Printed by Ballantyne and Company, Paul’s Work.

Place of Printing: Edinburgh

Pagination:  xx,372p.

Width: 155

Height: 225

Thickness: 35



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: purple                         

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 5.2.2013


References: Daniels, VBI, p. 13.


Notes: The design is unsigned. Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Purple sand-grain cloth. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Apart from the central mandorla, both covers are blocked identically, in blind on the lower, and in gold and blind on the upper. A single ‘branch like’ fillet is blocked in gold on the borders, and, just inside this, a single fillet is blocked in blind. [This fillet is omitted on the lower cover.]

Surrounding the central mandorla, groups of curling stems, of leaves, and small buds are blocked in gold. A small cross is blocked in gold near the left hand corner. Above and below the mandorla, the words: “/Thomson’s / Poems/ Illustrated/” are blocked in gold, in ‘elaborate branch like’ letters, with the capital letters of each word being greatly elaborated, and which also has small decoration picked out in relief. On the border of the mandorla, a ‘branch like’ fillet is blocked in gold. Within the mandorla, a colour printed paper onlay depicts a rustic scene, of tow cows drinking water in a lake, against a backdrop of a slop rising away from the lake populated with trees and sheep. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet blocked on the sides has repeating dots blocked in relief within it. The fillets intersect near the head, forming diamonds shapes at the head and tail, which have leaf decoration blocked in gold within each. Around these diamonds, small curling stem, leaf and bud decoration is blocked in gold. Along the length of the spine, the words: “/ Thomson’s Poems/ Illustrated/” are blocked in gold, in fanciful ‘branch like’ letters, with each capital letter being much more elaborate than the others. Curling stem and leaves weave in and around the letters.






Binding No: 1173


[Entered into BL bindings database 27092016 - 019-000023308]

Pressmark: 11651.f.19.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Aliph Cheem pseud. [i.e. Walter Yeldham.]

Title: Lays of Ind. Seventh edition. Illustrated by the Author, Lionel Inglis, R.A. Sterndale, and others.

Publisher Name: Thacker, Spink and Co.; W. Thacker and Co.

Place of Publication: Calcutta; London

Date of Publication: 1883

Printer: Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press.

Place of Printing: [London]

Pagination:  viii, 237p. With twenty-six pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Width: 150

Height: 195

Thickness: 25


Bookbinder: Burn and Co.

Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and black and relief

Date Examined: 4.3.2013


References: For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures


Notes: The design is unsigned. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Green ungrained cloth. Black endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn/ and Co./” [Ball 20E; King VTB p. 267.]The lower cover is blocked in black only. Two pairs of horizontal rules are blocked in black across the cover. The monogram of Thacker Spink and Co is blocked in black on the centre, within the royal garter, with the place names of “Calcutta” and “London” on each side of the garter. The upper is blocked in gold and in black. Eight scenes of Indian life, featuring scenes of Indian life, as experienced by English men and women, are blocked in gold at the head and at the tail of the cover. Each scene is enclosed within a pair of columns. Each is repeated as an illustration in the text, to accompany a particular poem. E.g. the man reclining in the armchair, being served a drink by an Indian servant, is repeated on page 19; on the centre the man paddling on the hencoop, smoking a cheroot,  is repeated on page 15; the man and the tiger is repeated on page 9.  The whole effect of the decoration is of an Indian verandah. Down each side is a column of the ‘verandah’, blocked in gold, with its small carved decoration on each column being picked out in relief. Just above the centre, the title; “/ Lays of Ind/” is blocked in gold. The central vignette features the man paddling at sea on a hencoop, blocked in gold. Underneath this, the author’s pseudonym: “Aliph Cheem/” is blocked in black. At the tail of the cover, the publisher name: “/ Thacker Spink & Co.”/ is blocked in black in ‘Hindustani’ lettering. There are double fillets blocked in black across the cover at the head, underneath author words, and above the publisher words. At the tail left and right, a plinth is blocked in gold and with small decoration picked our in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A rectangular panel is formed at the head by fillets blocked in gold and in relief. Within it an English woman, with a posy of flowers in her hands, is blocked in gold and relief. Below this, the title words: “/ Lays/ of/ Ind./” are blocked in gold. Underneath this, a figure of a dancing Indian  woman is blocked in gold and relief. The words “/Aliph Cheem/” are blocked in gold underneath this. Another rectangular panel is blocked near the tail. Within it, two men are sparring with each other. A plinth is blocked in gold and in relief at the tail.






Binding No: 1174

[Entered into BL bindings database 27092016 - 019- 000023311]


Pressmark: 11651.e.25.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Scott, Sir Walter

Title: The Lay of the Last Minstrel. With photographic illustrations by Russell Sedgefield.

Publisher Name: Provost & co., 36 Henrietta Street W.C.

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: 1872

Printer: R. Barrett and Sons, printers, Mark Lane.

Place of Printing: London

Pagination:  viii, 138p., 6 plates. With six pages of publisher’s bindings bound at the end.

Width: 170

Height: 205

Thickness: 25



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and black and blind and relief

Date Examined: 4.3.2013




Notes: The design is unsigned. In the publisher’s titles at the end of the work, this book is described as a ‘Photographic gift-book’: “small 4to., cloth extra 10s 6d.; handsome morocco, 18s.” Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Red sand-grain cloth. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Both covers are blocked identically on the border and on the corners, in blind on the lower cover, and in gold and in black on the upper cover. On the upper cover, the outer border of thistles and roses is blocked in gold. A single black fillet is blocked inside this, and then a pattern of stems on the sides, with leaves and flowers on each inner corner, all in black. The centre point of the leaves and flowers is a dot blocked in gold. The title words “:/ The/ Lay of the Last/ Minstrel./” are blocked in gold above and below the central vignette. Each capital letter of “Lay”, “Last”, “Minstrel” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece. The central vignette is blocked in gold and shows the minstrel crouched against a tree, his lyre in is lap. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked at the head. Small squares are blocked in gold, between two fillets, blocked as repeating dots. Near the head, a crown and thistle and small stars are blocked in gold. The title words: “/ The Lay/ of the/ Last/ Minstrel/ [rule]/ Sir W. Scott/” are blocked in gold. Beneath this, a lyre is blocked in gold, between two sets of small stems and ‘fan-shaped’ decoration. Near the tail, the words “/ Illustrated/ by/ photography/” are blocked in gold. Underneath five fillets blocked in gold, the words: “/ Provost & Co/” are blocked in gold. The same outer border of thistles and roses is blocked on BL 11651.e.26. Scott. Marmion. A.W. Bennett, 1866; BL 11651.e.11. Scotland: her songs and scenery. A.W. Bennett, 1868.





Binding No: 1175

[Entered into BL bindings database 27092016 - 019-000023313]

Pressmark: 11651.g.3.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading: Jemmett-Browne, Jemmett.

Title: Songs of many seasons. Illustrated by G. Du Maurier [i.e George du Maurier], Walter Crane, C.W. Morgan, &c.

Publisher Name: Simpkin, Marshall & Co. Stationer’s Hall Court

Place of Publication: London

Date of Publication: 1876

Printer: Printed by Pewtress & Co., 15 Great Queen Street, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, W.C.

Place of Printing: London

Pagination:  [2], 179p., 1 frontispiece plate. 

Width: 175

Height: 215

Thickness: 30



Cover material: cloth

Grain: fine rib diagonal-grain

Colour: light grey                   

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 4.3.2013




Notes: The design is unsigned. Apart from the frontispiece, the plates are printed separately, and incorporated into the pagination. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Light brown find diagonal-grain cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold. Between two single gold fillets, scenes of the four seasons – spring, summer, autumn, winter- are blocked in gold within square panels formed by two gold fillets. The monogram of “OTJ[?]” is blocked in gold on the bottom right hand corner of the summer panel. The title words are blocked in gold on the centre and lower portions of the cover: “/Songs’ of/ Many Seasons./” Beneath the title, a group of three gold fillets is blocked across the cover, and, below this, a single gold fillet is blocked across the cover. The spine is blocked in gold. Three gold fillets are blocked a the head. The title words: “Songs/ of/ Many/ Seasons/ [rule]/” are blocked in gold. At the tail, the author words: “/Jemmett/ Browne/” are blocked in gold between three gold fillets.







Binding No: 1176


[Entered into BL bindings database 27092016 - 019- 000023315]

Pressmark: 11651.g.4.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Dyall, Charles

Title: A fair apparition or a night with the muses and other sketches in rhyme & prose

Place of Publication: Liverpool

Publisher Name: Gilbert G. Walmsley, 50 Lord Street

Date of Publication: 1877

Place of Printing:


Pagination:  viii, 128p.

Width: 165

Height: 215

Thickness: 20



Cover material: cloth

Grain: fine rib diagonal-grain

Colour: light brown                

Block work: gold and black

Date Examined: 4.3.2013




Notes: The design is unsigned. Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Light brown fine diagonal-grain cloth. Dark brown endpapers and pastedowns. The lower cover is blocked in blind. Two fillets are blocked across the cover a the head and at the tail. Below and above these fillets, groups of  three long stems, ending in leaves, are blocked in blind across the spine. The middle stem stretches beyond the other two, and has the larger leaves at each end. On the upper cover, the decoration of fillets and leaves is repeated, with the blocking being in black. Near the head, the title words: “/A fair apparition/ and other rhymes & sketches/ are blocked in gold, in capital letters. Near the tail, the words: “by/ Charles Dyall./” are blocked in gold. The central vignette is blocked in gold, and shows a winged muse, seated on waves, holding a lyre on her pap, looking at the sunset to her right. The spine is not blocked.




Binding No: 1177

[Entered into BL bindings database 27092016 - 019-000023317]

Pressmark: 11651.g.5.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Moses (Biblical leader)

Title: The poetry of Moses and the Prophets, exemplified by extracts from the Sacred Writings, with a brief exposition of Bishop Lowth’s parallel theory. By the author of Saint Nicholas’ Hill [i.e John Staunton].

Place of Publication: Warwick

Publisher Name: Henry T. Cooke and son, publishers.

Date of Publication: 1877

Place of Printing:


Pagination:  lviii, vi, 178p.

Width: 150

Height: 215

Thickness: 25



Cover material: cloth

Grain: fine diagonal-grain

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 4.3.2015




Notes: The design is unsigned. Printed on title page: “[25 copies printed.]” Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Red fine diagonal-grain cloth. Black endpapers and pastedowns. Both covers are identically blocked in gold on the borders and the centre head and centre tail. Two gold fillets are blocked on the borders. The centre head and tail have stylised leaf and stem and flower motif is blocked in gold. The title words: “/ The Poetry/ of/ Moses and the Prophets/” are blocked in gold on the upper portion of the upper cover. Beneath the title, a small leaf and stem vignette is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked at the head and at the tail. The title words: “/ The/ poetry/ of/ Moses/ and the/ Prophets/” are blocked in gold within a panel formed by a single gold fillet. Above and below this panel, a pattern of curling stems, of leaves and flower buds are blocked in gold.






Binding No: 1178


[Entered into BL bindings database 27092016 - 019- 000023319]

Pressmark: 11651.g.6.

Artist Name: Unsigned India

Author/Heading:  Caldwell, Robert C.

Title: The chutney lyrics. A collection of comic pieces in verse on Indian subjects.

Place of Publication: Madras

Publisher Name: Higginbotham and Co.

Date of Publication: 1871

Place of Printing: [Madras]

Printer: Printed at the Lawrence Asylum Press, by William Thomas.

Pagination:  [7], 63p.

Width: 160

Height: 210

Thickness: 10



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: black

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 4.3.2013




Notes: The design is unsigned. Black sand-grain cloth. White endpapers and pastedowns. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. A leaf and curling stem pattern is blocked on each corner. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in blind and consists of curling stems leaves and flower buds, which form a ‘three leaf’ central panel. Within the panel, the title words: “/ The/ chutney/ lyrics/” are blocked in blind. Along the spine, the title words: “/The chutney lyrics/” are blocked in gold. Another copy of this work is at BL T39252.




Binding No: 1179


[Entered into BL bindings database 27092016 - 019- 000023322]

Pressmark: T 39252

Artist Name: Unsigned India

Author/Heading:  Caldwell, Robert C.

Title: The chutney lyrics. A collection of comic pieces in verse on Indian subjects.

Place of Publication: Madras

Publisher Name: Higginbotham and Co.

Date of Publication: 1871

Place of Printing: [Madras]

Printer: Printed at the Lawrence Asylum Press, by William Thomas.

Pagination:  [7], 63p.

Width: 155

Height: 210

Thickness: 12

Bookseller:  Simmons & Waters, Book and Print Dealer, 10 Spencer Street, Leamington Spa.


Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: purple                         

Block work: blind and black

Date Examined: 5.3.2013




Notes: The design is unsigned. Purple sand-grain cloth. Light blue endpapers and pastedowns. Written on the upper endpaper: “ To /C.J.L. Fullerton/ from his affectionate Brother/ J. G.[?] Fullerton/ [and in the hand of C.J.L. Fullerton] Arrived from India/ Monday, March 11 1872./ C.J.L.F./” Both covers are blocked identically on the borders and on the corners, in blind on the lower cover and in black on the upper cover. On the upper cover, a single fillet is blocked in black on the borders. A leaf and curling stem pattern is blocked in black on each corner. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in black and consists of curling stems leaves and flower buds, which form a ‘three leaf’ shape central panel. Within the panel, the title words: “/ The/ chutney/ lyrics/” are blocked in black. Along the spine, the title words: “/The chutney lyrics/” are blocked in black.




Binding No: 1180

[Entered into BL bindings database 27092016 - 019- 000023326]

Pressmark: 11651.g.7.

Artist Name: Unsigned USA

Author/Heading:  Tennyson, Alfred

Title: Maud. A poem. Illustrated by H.A. Herr.

Place of Publication: Philadelphia

Publisher Name: J. B. Lippincott & Co.

Date of Publication: 1878

Place of Printing: Philadelphia

Printer: Lippincott’s Press

Pagination:  87p.

W: 160

H: 225

T: 20



Cover material: cloth

Grain: fine diagonal rib-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and black

Date Examined: 12.3.2013




Notes: The design is unsigned. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Ultra fine diagonal rib-grain cloth. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. The lower cover in not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. The title word: “/ Maud/2 is blocked in hatch diagonal gold letters, with the capital “M” being enlarged, with different serif ends for each point of the letter. The letters are edged with black. Beneath the “M”, a garden gate is blocked in black. Stems, leaves and flowers blocked in gold and in black surround the “M” and the other letters of the title. Underneath the Capital letter “M”, the word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in black between two fillets blocked in gold. Small leaf an stem decoration is blocked in black underneath this word. The words: “/ By/ A. Tennyson/” are blocked in gold to the right of the centre. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. At the head and at the tail, ‘Egyptian style’ decoration is blocked in gold and black. A central cartouche along the spine is formed by three fillets, one in gold blocked between two in black. Within the cartouche, the words:”/ Maud By A. Tennyson./” are blocked in gold in elaborate serif lettering.




Binding No: 1181

[Entered into BL bindings database 05102016 - 019- 000023365]

Pressmark: 11651.g.8.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Walters Sophia Lydia

Title: A dreamer’s sketch-book. With illustrations by Percival Skelton, R. P. Leitch [i.e. Richard Principal Leitch], W. H. J. Boot [i.e. William Henry James Boot]and R. T. Pritchett [i.e. Robert Taylor Pritchett] . Engraved by J. D. Cooper [i.e. James Davis Cooper] .

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: C. Kegan Paul & co., 1 Paternoster Square.

Date of Publication: 1879

Place of Printing: Edinburgh

Printer: Printed by R. & R. Clark

Pagination:  [13], 125p.

W: 175

H: 210

T: 20



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and black and white

Date Examined: 12.3.2013


References: For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures


Notes: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Blue ungrained cloth  Dark brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by Burn/ & Co/” [ball no. 20E.] The lower cover in not blocked . The upper cover is blocked in gold, in black and in white. The title words: “/ A dreamer’s/ sketch book/” are blocked in gold in capital letters on the upper half of the cover. Beneath the title, within a circle formed by a single gold fillet, a mountain scene is depicted, with peaks and valleys depicted in black, and snow on the mountain tops locked in white. Underneath this circle, clouds are blocked in black, with some conifers peeping above the clouds. Near the right hand tail, the author’s name: “Sophia Lydia Walters/” is blocked in black. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. From head to tail, small birds in the air are blocked in black, flying above clouds. The title: “/ A/ dreamer’s/ sketch/ book/” is blocked in gold, with some letters being elongated with dots. Near the tail the initial of the publisher: “/ CKP & Co./” are blocked in gold in ‘elongated’ letters.





Binding No: 1182


[Entered into BL bindings database 05102016 - 019- 000023368]

Pressmark: 11651.g.9.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Humphreys, afterwards Alexander, Cecil Frances.

Title: Moral songs. Illustrated.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Masters & Co., 78 New Bond Street.

Date of Publication: 1880

Place of Printing: London

Printer: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross

Pagination:  viii, 157p.

W: 160

H: 202

T: 25



Cover material: cloth

Grain: fine diagonal rib-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 12.3.2013




Notes: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Green fine diagonal rib-grain cloth. Black endpapers and pastedowns. The lower cover is blocked in blind only, showing a central vignette of  groups of leaves attached to a single stem. The upper cover is blocked in gold. From near the tail, a group of stems, leaves flower buds and flowers is blocked on gold. Thee curl round a the top to overhang the title and author words: “/ Moral/ songs/ by/ Mrs Alexander/”. The words “Moral” and Songs” are in Gothic lettering, and the last “r” of “ Alexander” has an elaborate serif curling downwards from it. The spine is blocked in gold A similar group of curling stems leaves flower buds and flowers as on the upper is blocked from the centre upwards to the head, in gold. The stems curl through the capital letters of: “/ Moral/ Songs/”; the author’s name: “/Mrs Alexander/”  is blocked diagonally in gold across the spine. Near the tail the publisher name: “/ J. Masters & Co./” are blocked in gold, with the capital “M” having an elaborate serif.








Binding No: 1183

[Entered into BL bindings database 05102016 - 019- 000023370]

Pressmark: 11651.g.14.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: Favourite English poems and poets. Illustrated with three hundred and twenty engravings on wood from drawings by eminent artists. New and improved edition.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Sampson Low, Son, & Marston, Crown Buildings, 188, Fleets Street.

Date of Publication: 1870

Place of Printing: London

Printer: Printed by William Clowes and Sons. Stamford Street & Charing Cross

Pagination:  xx, 672p.

W: 160

H: 225

T: 50



Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and relief

Date Examined: 19.3.2013




Notes: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. The cover edges and turn-ins are gauffered. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn & Co./” [Ball 20D.] Blue morocco-[straight]grain cloth. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Apart from the upper cover central vignette, both covers are blocked identically in gold and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in gold on the borders. Inside this, a ‘dentelle’ pattern is blocked in gold on the inner borders, with stylised stem, leaf and flower patterns on each corner. Multiple fillets in gold and one in blind form the inner corner panels; and interlock on the centre sides to form curling stem and diamond shapes. The central oval panel is formed by these fillets , the innermost of which is blocked in blind. On the inner corners, repeating patterns of ‘lines and stars’ are blocked in gold,. On the centre of the upper cover, the head of Sappho is blocked in gold, within a wreath of laurel leaves. The spine is blocked in gold. Three fillets are blocked in gold at the head and at the tail. Double bands of fillets form five spine panels. A single lyre is blocked in gold on the centre of panels 1, 4 and 5. In panel 2, the title: “Favourite/ English poems/ and poets/” is blocked in gold. In panel 3, the words: “/with 320 illustrations/” are blocked in gold.






Binding No: 1184

[Entered into BL bindings database 05102016 - 019- 000023373]

Pressmark: 11651.g.15.

Artist Name: Unsigned USA

Author/Heading:  Palmer, John Williamson

Title: Folk songs selected and edited by John Williamson Palmer. Illustrated from original designs. A new edition, revised and enlarged.

Place of Publication: New York

Publisher Name: Charles Scribner and Company

Date of Publication: 1867

Place of Printing: Riverside, Cambridge [Mass.]

Printer: Stereotyped and printed by H. O. Houghton and Company.

Pagination:  xl, 596p.

W: 170

H: 230

T: 45


Bookbinder: Wm. Smith Bookbinder

Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 20.3.2013




Notes: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown:  “/ Wm. Smith/ Bookbinder/ 45 Green St. 50./” Both cover blocked identically in gold and in blind and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the borders, which, on the spine side ends in a small gold dot. Outside this fillet on the head the fore edge and the tail, a repeating pattern of ‘three leaves and fret’ is blocked in gold. Rectangular panels are blocked in gold on the inner centre head, the tail and the sides. Inside these, patterns of curling stems, leaves and flowers are blocked in gold. On each inner corner, a square is blocked in gold, each containing small leaf and ‘cross fillet’ decoration. Delineating each of these panels and squares, fillets are blocked in blind, forming ‘in relief’ surrounds to every one. The central oval is formed by two fillets blocked in blind, and also a hatch gold fillets, with a small diamond shape on its centre head, tail and sides. Within the oval, the title: “/ Folk/ songs/” are blocked in gold in elaborate letters, with many curling stem serifs. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. Three panels are formed by an interlocking hatch gold fillet running down the spine. From underneath the title panel, a pattern of two gold fillets, with gold dots between them runs down the spine. The title: “Folk/ Songs/” is blocked in the panel hear the head. In the central panel, an elaborate pattern of stems and leaves is blocked in gold. Within the panel near the tail, more curling stems and hatch gold leaves are blocked. At the tail, the words: “/ Chas.. Scribner & Co.. N. York/” are blocked in gold.







Binding No: 1185

[Entered into BL bindings database 05102016 - 019- 000023376]

Pressmark: 11651.g.16.

Artist Name: Unsigned USA

Author/Heading:  Saunders, Frederick

Title: Festival of song: a series of evenings with the poets. Prepared by the author of “Salad for the solitary,” “Mosaics”, Etc. With seventy-three pictures by members of the National Academy of Design. Engraved by [Walter] Bobbett and [Edward] Hooper.

Place of Publication: New York

Publisher Name: Bunce and Huntington, publishers.

Date of Publication: 1866

Place of Printing:  [New York]

Printer: Mooney & Brown, printers. C.A. Alvord, electrotyper.

Pagination:  xv, 376p.

W: 185

H: 235

T: 40



Cover material: cloth

Grain: pebble-grain

Colour: green

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 20.3.2013




Notes:  The design is unsigned. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in blind and in relief. There are three elements to the borders: 1. a single gold fillet is blocked on the borders; 2. a repeating pattern of curling stems, leaves, buds and flowers; 3. a border of a hatch gold fillet, in which ‘stem and bud’ decoration shows in relief on the sides, head and tail. On the centre head, tail and sides, groups of curling stems and leaves are blocked in gold. On each inner corner, more curling stems, leaf and bud decoration is blocked in relief. The central oval is formed by two gold fillets, with a repeating pattern of leaves and stems and buds blocked in gold between them. The title: “/A/ Festival / of/ Song/” is blocked in gothic lettering, with the capitals “F” sand “S” particularly elaborate. The words are surrounded by small ‘ivy like’ leaves and stems. The spine is blocked in gold and relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. At the head and the tail, a repeating pattern of small leaves, buds, semi-circles and triangles is blocked in gold within a rectangular panel formed by a single gold fillet. Near the head, small stems and buds are blocked in relief within a horizontal hatch gold lettering-piece. The title: “/ A/ Festival/ of Song/” is blocked in gold in gothic letters, surrounded by small foliage as on the upper cover. Beneath the title, a panel is formed by two gold fillets and a repeating pattern of gold dots. Within this, a horizontal hatch gold lettering-piece is blocked, with ‘Arabian’ ornament patterns [Jones. Grammar of Ornament, plate XXXI.] blocked in relief within it.





Binding No: 1186

[Entered into BL bindings database 05102016 - 019- 000023378]

Pressmark: 11651.g.17.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Cundall, Joseph

Title: Sabbath bells chimed by the poets. Illustrated by Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster]. New edition.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Ward, Lock, and Tyler, Warwick House, Paternoster Row.

Date of Publication: [1871]

Place of Printing: London

Printer: Printed by Vincent Books, Day and Son, Gate Street, W.C.

Pagination:  142p.

W: 170

H: 230

T: 25



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and black and relief

Date Examined: 20.3.2013




Notes: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. The leaves are wire stitched. White endpapers and pastedowns [possibly not the originals]. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. On the borders, a repeating pattern of rose flowers, stems and leaves is blocked in blind between two fillets, also blocked in blind. Four more fillet blocked in blind inside, with small stem corner-pieces. The central diamond is formed by three fillets blocked in blind. On the centre, the monogram of Ward, Lock and Tyler is blocked in blind, within a medallion, formed by decorative patterns, with small dots in relief between two of the fillets. The upper cover is blocked in gold and black. On the outer border are the elements: 1. a repeating pattern of leaves, stems and buds is blocked in gold on the perimeter; 2. two fillets blocked in gold, with a pattern of repeating gold dots blocked between them. On the inner border are the elements: 1. two fillets blocked in gold; 2. a repeating pattern of flower heads, with hatch petals, surrounded by a lattice work of lines in black, which form diamonds, with each flower being encircled by a single fillet blocked in black; 3. four more fillets blocked in gold form the inner rectangle, with small ‘leaf like’ corner pieces. On the centre head, above the title, curling leaves and stems and six bells are blocked in gold. The curling stems, leaves and buds surround the title words blocked in gold: “/ Sabbath Belle/ chimed by/ The Poets./” The letters are elongated and outlined also by being blocked in black. The spine is blocked in gold and in black and relief.  A single gold hatch fillet is blocked on the perimeter, with a single gold fillet at the head and at the tail above and below this hatch fillet. Five panels down the spine are formed by more single gold fillets. Between each panel, a line of repeating dots is blocked in relief within a rectangular black lettering-piece. In panels one and five, arabesques are blocked in gold and in black. In panel two, the title words: “/ Sabbath/ Bells/” are blocked in gold in elaborate letters. In panel three more arabesques are blocked in gold and in black with a small medallion formed by two gold fillets between the arabesques. Inside the medallion is a gold lettering-piece, with a leaf, stem and bud pattern blocked in relief inside it. In panel four, the words: “/ as/ Chimed/ by the/ Poets./” are blocked in gold in elaborate letters. At the tail, lower than the single hatch gold perimeter fillet, the words: “/Ward. Lock & Tyler/” are blocked in gold.


Binding No: 1187


[Entered into BL bindings database 05102016 - 019- 000023381]

Pressmark: 11651.g.18.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: The cabinet of gems: gathered from celebrated authors. With numerous illustrations by eminent artists.

Place of Publication: London, 14 King William Street, Strand; and Edinburgh

Publisher Name: William P. Nimmo

Date of Publication: 1875

Place of Printing: Edinburgh

Printer: Murray and Gibb, printers to her Majesty’s Stationery Office.

Pagination:  160p. 1 plate.

W: 175

H: 220

T: 25



Cover material: cloth

Grain:  patterned sand-grain

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and blind and black and relief

Date Examined: 20.3.2013




Notes: The design is unsigned. The text is sewn on two tapes. Some of the illustrations are signed: “Paterson Sc”[i.e. possibly Robert Paterson]. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Apart from the upper cover central vignette, both cover are blocked identically, in blind on the lower cover and in black on the upper cover. Repeating ‘Egyptian’ flower motifs, are blocked in black on the borders. The inner panel is formed by a single black fillet, with stylised ‘flower heads’ on each corner. On the centre, a jewel casket is blocked in gold, with its decorative features picked out in relief. The title words: “/The Cabinet of/” are blocked in gold in ‘gothic’ letters above the cabinet. The title word: “/ Gems/” is blocked in relief within the centre of the casket. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. A series of fillets blocked in gold, form an oval a circle and ‘shield shapes’ down the spine. Near the head, the title words: “/ The/ Cabinet/ of/ Gems/” are blocked in gold in elaborate ‘gothic’ letters, within the oval near the head. Below this flower decoration is blocked in gold and in black within the circle and within the two ‘shield shapes’. Near the tail, the word: “/ Nimmo/” is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet. At the tail, within a rectangle formed bu a single gold fillet, more stylised flower decoration is blocked in gold and in black.


Binding No: 1188

[Entered into BL bindings database 05102016 - 019- 000023383]

Pressmark: 11651.g.19.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Wright, Lucy Pauline, afterwards Hobart-Hampden

Title: The changed cross.

Pagination:  9 leaves

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Robert Hardwicke, 192 Piccadilly; J.B. Bunyard, 104 High Holborn.

Date of Publication: [1874]

Place of Printing:


W: 185

H: 230

T: 10



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and black and relief

Date Examined: 18.4.2013




Notes: The design is not signed. The text is printed on the recto of each leaf. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. White moiré silk endpapers and pastedowns. On the lower cover, three fillets are blocked in blind, one thin between two thicker ones. On the centre, four circles and a diamond, plus four small leaves are blocked in blind. The upper is blocked in gold and in black. Three fillets are blocked in black on the borders, one thin between two thicker. An inner rectangle is formed by a single “branch like” fillet, blocked in gold, with diagonal branches at each corner to ‘support’ the structure. Across the centre of the cover, the title “/The/ changed/ cross/ “ is blocked in relief in gothic lettering within three gold lettering pieces, which are imposed upon paper on lays, one of which is pink paper, and the other two are of blue paper. On the centre, a cross is blocked in gold, with rays at its head. The word: “Illuminated” is blocked in gold in gothic letters within a cartouche formed by a “branch like” fillet. The spine is not blocked.





Binding No: 1189

[Entered into BL bindings database 05102016 - 019- 000023385]

Pressmark: 11651.g.20.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Fenn, George Manville

Title: A book of fair women. Edited by George Manville Fenn. With forty illustrations on wood

Pagination:  166p. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Cassell, Petter and Galpin

Date of Publication: [1873]

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: Cassell, Petter and Galpin, Bell Sauvage Works, Ludgate Hill, E. C.

W: 175

H: 220

T: 23



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and black and relief

Date Examined: 18.4.2013




Notes: The design is not signed. Many of the plates are signed “FEE”. Gutta percha binding, which has now given way. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this, double thin fillets, blocked in blind, intersect as the inner corners, forming squares on the inner corners. At the intersection of these fillets, four small circles are blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold and black and in relief. On the outer border, a single fillet is blocked in black. Near the centre head and centre tail, two stars are blocked in black on either side of a small rectangle formed by a black fillet. The remainder of the cover is divide into panels by fillets blocked in black. Near the head, the title words: “/ A book of/” are blocked in gold, within a rectangular panel, which has a single fillet blocked in black on its borders. A tracery of stems and flower buds surrounds these words, all blocked in relief against a background blocked in black. On the centre left, within a rectangular panel blocked in gold , a woman, in classical dress, stands in front of a vase in which a plant is growing. Her right hand holds the stem of the plant; her left hand touches on of the plant’s flowers, all picked out in relief. The floor tiles and the wall covering around the woman are all picked out in relief. On the centre right, the title words: “/ Fair/ Women/” are blocked in gold. The capitals “F” and “W” have borders blocked black. Stars blocked in black are interspersed between these two words, and curling stem decoration is to the left of the words. Below this a woman’s wrist and hand holds a hand mirror, all blocked in gold. Near the tail, within a rectangular panel formed by a single black fillet, more curling stem and leaf and bud decoration surrounds three rectangular panels, in which the words: “/ “Store of ladies/ whose brightness/ rains influence”/” – all blocked in black. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. At the head, a small curling stem and leaf decoration is blocked in gold, between tow gold and two black fillets. Beneath this, stem and leaf decoration is blocked in black. The title words: “A/ book/ of/ fair/ women/” are blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece, which has ‘linen drapes’ blocked in gold above and below it. A medallion formed by a single gold fillet shows a woman’s head, blocked  in gold. Beneath this, the word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in black Near the tail, a small three spiked leaf is blocked in black. The monogram of Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, “CPG”, is blocked in gold within a square formed by a single gold fillet, which also has a single black fillet blocked outside this.




Binding No: 1190

[Entered into BL bindings database 05102016 - 019- 000023387]

Pressmark: 11651.g.21.

Artist Name: Browne, Hablot Knight

Author/Heading:  Meadows, Lindon, pseud. [i.e. Charles Butler Greatrex.]

Title: Dame Perkins and her grey mare; or, the mount for market. With coloured illustrations by Phiz [i.e. Hablot Knight Browne].

Pagination:  47p. 8 plates.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Sampson, Low, Son, and Marston, Milton House, Ludgate Hill.

Date of Publication: 1866

Place of Printing: [London]

Printer: Chiswick Press: - Printed by Whittingham and Wilkins, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane.

W: 185

H: 235

T: 12



Cover material: cloth

Grain: net-grain

Colour: dark red                      

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 22.4.2013




Notes: The design is attributed to Hablot Knight. Browne [i.e. Phiz]. All of the plates are signed: “Phiz” and “Vincent Brooks. Lith.” The vignette blocked on the upper cover is mostly derived from the illustration opposite page 24, entitled: “Hark forward!” Gilt edges. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red net-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, one thick between two thin. The central vignette is blocked in relief, showing a medallion formed by two fillets blocked in blind. Within the medallion, patterns of curling leaf and stem decoration are blocked in relief, with  four conjoined leaves blocked on the centre. On the upper cover the same three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. The title is blocked in gold, in ‘fanciful rustic’ letters, above and below the central vignette: “/ Dame Perkins/ and/ Her Grey Mare/ Illustrated by Phiz/”. The central vignette id blocked in gold, showing us Dame Perkins astride horse, riding across countryside, with a dog running in front of her horse and another horse rider in the distance behind her to the right. The spine is not blocked.





nding No: 1191

[Entered into BL bindings database 18102016 - 019- 000023441]


Pressmark: 11651.g.22.

Artist Name: Unsigned USA

Author/Heading:  Gordon, Sophina

Title: Flowers, earth’s silent voices. Sketched and painted by Sophina Gordon.

Pagination:  34p. 16 plates.

Place of Publication: Philadelphia:

Publisher Name: J.B. Lippincott & Co.

Date of Publication: 1865

Place of Printing:


W: 195

H: 235

T: 20



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 22.4.2013




Notes: The design is not signed. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Dark brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. Both covers are blocked identically with the same central vignette, in blind and in relief on the lower cover, and in gold and in relief on the upper cover. On the upper cover, the central cartouche is surrounded by a ‘garland’ of stems, buds and flowers, all blocked in gold. The border of the cartouche is formed by a single fillet blocked in gold. Within the cartouche, a gold lettering-piece has the title words: “/ Earth’s/ Silent/ voices/” blocked in gold, with the edges of each letter being picked out in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A scroll is blocked below the head, with its middle portion being unwound sufficiently to show the title words: “/ Silent/ voices/”, blocked in gold, with the edges of each letter being picked out relief. A single stem of a flowering plant passed through the middle of the scroll, with flowers and leaves being blocked in gold above and below the scroll.




Binding No: 1192

[Entered into BL bindings database 18102016 - 019- 000023444]

Pressmark: 11602.f.11.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Will, William Henry

Title: Poet’s wit and humour. Selected by W.H. wills. Illustrated with one hundred engravings from drawings by Charles H. Bennett [i.e. Charles Henry Bennett] and George H. Thomas [i.e. George Housman Thomas].

Pagination:  288p. With fourteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Ward, Lock & Co., Warwick House, Salisbury Square, E.C.

Date of Publication: [1882]

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: Printed by McCorquodale and Co. Limited, “The Armoury”, Southwark, S.E.

W: 160

H: 210

T: 45



Cover material: cloth

Grain: diagonal rib-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and black and blind

Date Examined: 22.4.2013




Notes: The design is not signed. Text sewn on three cords. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Blue rib diagonal-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. On the centre, a ‘floral medallion’ is blocked in blind. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. A single fillet is blocked in black on the borders. The rest of the cover is divided into zones by fillets blocked in black. Rose leaves and stems are blocked in black, interspersed between and around the rest of the decoration  Near the head, the title: “/ Poets’ Wit and Humour/” is blocked in gold, with all the letters being edged with black. The title is within a ‘cartouche’ which is ‘unfolded’ to contain it. Above and below the title, four rose flowers are blocked in gold. Behind the cartouche and title, a medallion is blocked in gold, with a ‘castellated’ edge blocked in gold. It also contains a lyre, blocked in gold.  In the middle of the upper cover, the words: “/ Selected by W. H. Wills./” are blocked in relief within a pennant shaped gold lettering-piece. Near the tail, the word: “/Illustrated/” is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet. The rectangle has semi-circles at its centre, and is surrounded by fillets blocked in black and in gold, to form another ‘cartouche’. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. Near the head, small plant, scroll and dots are blocked in gold, above and below the title . The title: “/ Poets’/ Wit and/ Humour/” is blocked in gold. The words: “/ With/ illustrations/” are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet. Underneath this, two rose flowers are blocked in gold, and rose stems and leaves are blocked in black. At the tail, the words: “/ London./ Ward Lock & Co./2 are blocked in gold between two gold fillets.







Binding No: 1193

[Entered into BL bindings database 18102016 - 019- 000023447]

Pressmark: Cup.550.f.53.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Johnson, Samuel

Title: The history of Rasselas. Prince of Abyssinia. A tale.

Pagination:  vii, 182p.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Charles Daly, 14 , Leicester Street, Leicester Square.

Date of Publication: 1837

Place of Printing: Dorking

Printer: Printed by Robert Best Ede

W: 70

H: 110

T: 15



Cover material: cloth

Grain: diagonal wave-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 22.4.2013




Notes: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green wave diagonal-grain cloth. The covers are not blocked. The spine is blocked in gold. Blocked from head to tail along the spine is a pattern of curling stems and leaves. Near the head, the stems form a panel, in which the title word: “/ Rasselas/” is blocked in gold.







Binding No: 1194

[Entered into BL bindings database 18102016 - 019- 000023449]

Pressmark: 1210.a.19.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  H., E.W.

Title: Little Annie and her sisters

Pagination:  98p. 1 plate.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Published by J. Masters, Aldersgate Street

Date of Publication: 1839

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: J. Masters, 33, Aldersgate Street.

W: 80

H: 95

T: 10



Cover material: cloth

Grain: diaper-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: Gold and blind

Date Examined: 25.4.2013




Notes: The design is not signed. Text printed on pink paper. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green fine diaper-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders, with a curling stems and leaf pattern. On the upper cover, the title: “/ Little Annie/ and/ her sisters/” is blocked on the centre in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head to the tail, a pattern of curling stems, leaves and flowers is blocked in gold. The title: “/ Little/ Annie/” is blocked in gold near the head.






Binding No: 1195

[Entered into BL bindings database 18102016 - 019- 000023451]

Pressmark: 1606/1653

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: The little book of animals, or, select and amusing anecdotes of various animals.

Pagination:  144p.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Darton and Clark, Holborn Hill.

Date of Publication: [1839]

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: J. Green and Co., printers, Bartlett’s Buildings.

W: 72

H: 100

T: 15



Cover material: cloth

Grain: diaper-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 25.4.2013




Notes:  The design is not signed. Text printed on blue paper. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Written on upper pastedown: “[R?]endall Bassett/ A Birthday Present from/ his kind friend/ Miss [text not readable] / Novr 9th/ 1839/” . Blue fine diaper-grain cloth. Both cover are blocked identically in blind on the borders with a pattern of ‘large curling leaves’. On the centre of the upper cover, a crouching lion is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. From head to tail, a patter of curling leaves, stems and flowers is blocked in gold. Near the head, the title words: “/ Book/ of/ animals/” are blocked in gold. [Example of an early upper cover vignette.]





Binding No: 1196

[Entered into BL bindings database 18102016 - 019- 000023453]

Pressmark: 012808.e.65.


Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: A little book for little readers. By the Editor of the “Parting gift”.

Pagination:  xi,130p.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: William Darton and Son.

Date of Publication: 1837

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: J. Masters, Aldersgate Street.

W: 80

H: 100

T: 12

Bookseller:  T.S. Harvey


Cover material: cloth

Grain: ribbed diaper-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 25.4.2013


References: Krupp BEA p35. Example: Dia10


Notes: The design is not signed. Written on the half title pager verso: “A little book/ for the little/ reader/ [name unreadable]/ i.e. Hannah Lecky/ born 1835 died 1868/” Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Bookseller’s ticket on upper pastedown: “/ Sold by/ T.S. Harvey,/ Waterford./”Green fine ribbed diaper-grain cloth.  Blocked in blind on both covers is a pattern of leaves and stems, which forms a central panel. On the centre of the upper cover,  the title words: “/ A/ little book/ for/ little readers./” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. From head to tail, a pattern of curling stems, and leaves is blocked in gold. The title words: “/ Little/ book./” are blocked in gold near the head.





Binding No: 1197

[Entered into BL bindings database 18102016 - 019- 000023455]

Pressmark: 04403.g.42

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Fénelon , François de Salignac de La Mothe-

Title: Fénelon’s pious reflections for every day of the month: with pious thoughts concerning the knowledge and love of God; and other holy exercises.

Pagination:  64p. &  96p. 2 plates.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Charles Tilt, Fleet Street.

Date of Publication: 1839

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: Printed by Stewart and Murray, Old Bailey.

W: 72

H: 110

T: 12



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: purple                         

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 25.4.2013




Notes: The design is not signed. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple ungrained cloth. Both cover are blocked identically in blind and in relief. Blocked on the borders is a repeating ‘wave’ pattern, with the ‘waves’ being picked out in relief. On the centre, a stylised floral panel is blocked, with its ‘leaf decoration’ being picked out in relief. The spine is blocked in gold. From head to tail, a pattern of curling stems and small leaves is blocked in gold. Near the head, the word: “/ Fenelon/” is blocked in gold, within a rectangular panel formed by a single gold fillet.  




Binding No: 1198

[Entered into BL bindings database 18102016 - 019- 000023457]

Pressmark:  RB.8.a.86.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: A little book for little readers. By the Editor of the “Parting gift”. Second edition.

Pagination:  xi, 132p. 2 plates.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Darton and Clark

Date of Publication: 1838

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: J. Masters, printer. Aldersgate Street.

W: 75

H: 100

T: 12



Cover material: cloth

Grain: horizontal rib-grain

Colour: purple                         

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 25.4.2013




Notes: The design is not signed. The text is printed on blue paper. Gilt edges. Original yellow upper endpaper is bound at the front. On it is written: “/ Lucy Isabel Marriage/ from her grandmamma/ Rebecca Thompson/ 19th of [not readable] 1882/” Purple horizontal rib-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Floral patterns are blocked on the sides and on the corners. On the upper cover, the title words: “/ A little book/ for/ little readers/” are blocked in gold. The spine is not original.







Binding No: 1199

[Entered into BL bindings database 18102016 - 019- 000023459]

Pressmark: 11607.aaaa.22.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Cowper, William

Title: Poems by William Cowper, Esq. With a memoir of the author.

Pagination:  523p. 2 plates.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Printed for Charles Mason, Wine Office Court, Fleet Street.

Date of Publication: 1837

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: Leighton and Murphy, printers, Johnson’s Court, Fleet Street.

W: 80

H: 125

T: 35



Cover material: cloth

Grain: vertical morocco-grain

Colour: blue

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 25.4.2013




Notes: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue vertical morocco-grain cloth. The covers are not blocked. The spine is blocked in gold only. The title: “/ Cowper’s/ poems./” is blocked in gold, with three gold fillets blocked above and below it. Above and below these fillets, small stylised leaf and stem decoration is blocked in gold.





Binding No: 1200

[Entered into BL bindings database 18102016 - 019- 000023461]

Pressmark: 12806.c.3.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Day, Thomas

Title: Sandford and Merton. A story for children. New edition, with cuts.

Pagination:  vi, 269p. 6 plates. With twenty-four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Arthur Hall, Virtue & Co., 25, Paternoster Row.

Date of Publication: 1853

Place of Printing: [London]

Printer: R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill.

W: 100

H: 145

T: 25



Cover material: cloth

Grain: rib vertical-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 21.5.2013




Notes:  The design is not signed. On page 22 of the publisher’s titles, entitled: “Darton and Harvey’s publications”, this title is priced at “one florin”. The plates are signed “J. Gilbert” [i.e. possibly John Gilbert]  and “G.P. Nicholls [i.e. possibly George Pike Nicholls] Sc.” The half title page imprint is: London: R. Yorke Clarke & Co., Gracechurch Street. Red ink speckled edges. Blue rib vertical-grain cloth. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked on the borders in blind, the outer thick, the inner thin. Curling leaf decoration is blocked in relief on each corner. Blocked in gold on the centre of each cover, is a circular geometric centre-piece, featuring stylised leaves and flowers. The spine is blocked in gold. Small decorative curling leaves and stems are blocked above and below the title: “/ Sandford/ &/ Merton/”, blocked in gold.





Binding No: 1201

[Entered into BL binding database 30112022 -  019-000032706]


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Irving, Washington

Title: Essays and sketches.

Pagination:  viii,222p. With six pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Place of Publication: London

Publisher Name: Charles Tilt, Fleet Street.

Date of Publication:1837

Place of Printing: London

Printer: Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars.

W: 70

H: 105

T: 20



Cover material: Leather

Grain: morocco

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 21.5.2013




Notes: The design is not signed. In the publisher’s titles at the end, Irving’s Essays and sketches is: “Uniform with Tilt’s miniature classical library. These elegant little volumes have each an engraved frontispiece – are beautifully printed in a clear and legible type, and elegantly bound in fancy embossed cloth, gilt edges, lettered in gold. Price only 1s. 6d. each. …They are kept elegantly bound in silk at 6d. per volume, and in calf extra at 1s. per volume additional.” Gilt edges. Red morocco leather. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in gold. On the borders, a pattern of leaves and curling  stems is blocked in blind. On the centre of each cover, a fountain is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Near the head the title: “/ [Irving?]/ Essays / and sketches/ is blocked in gold. Small curling stem decoration is blocked in gold below this.



Binding No: 1202

[Entered into bindings database 30112022 - 019-000032708]

Pressmark: 4404.k.3.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Farrer, M.

Title: A comprehensive view of the depravity of human nature, or emancipation from darkness to light. Interspersed with suitable reflections. To which are added, select extracts from a work by ... M. Meade ... entitled: “The almost Christian discovered” ... By the distressed widow of a gentleman (M. F.). Third edition, improved and enlarged.

Pagination:  95p.

Place of Publication: London

Publisher Name: Printed for the Author

Date of Publication: 1813

Place of Printing: [London]

Printer: Plummer and Brevis, printers, Love Lane, Eastcheap.

W: 145

H: 230 

T: 10



Cover material: paper


Colour: beige                           

Block work: no blocking

Date Examined: 21.5.2013




Notes: The design is not signed. Text sewn on two cords. Paper over boards. Quarter binding of pink paper over spine and part of each cover. Beige paper over each board. White endpapers and pastedowns. There is no blocking on either cover or the spine.





Binding No: 1203

[Entered in bindings database 30112022 - 019-000032710]

Pressmark: 7297.aa.47.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Sharp, W.E.

Title: Common beetles of our countryside.

Pagination:  Separately numbered pages: 15, 80, 80, 80, 80, 8. 26 pages of plates.

Place of Publication: London

Publisher Name: S.W. Partridge & Co. Ltd. Old Bailey.

Date of Publication: [1916]

Place of Printing: [London]

Printer: Headley Brothers, printers, Bishopsgate E.C.; and Ashford Kent

W: 145

H: 195

T: 45



Cover material:  cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and black and white and blue and relief

Date Examined: 21.5.2013




Notes: The design is not signed. Text sewn on two tapes. White endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in black and white. A pattern of convolvulus is blocked round the perimeter of the cover, with the stems in black and the flowers blocked in white. The title: “/ Common beetles/ of our/ countryside/” is blocked at the head in black within a panel formed by a single white fillet. The author: “/ W.E. sharp. Res./” is blocke din black near the tail within a panel formed by a single white fillet. The central roundel is formed by a single white fillet, surrounded by blocking in black. On the roundel is pasted a photograph showing a conifer woodland scene, with a path running through its middle. The use of a central photograph in this way evokes its use on William Howitt’s Ruined Abbeys and Castles of Great Britain. 1862. The spine is blocked in gold, in black, in blue and white and in relief. Near the head, a rectangular gold lettering-piece contains the title: “/ Common/ beetles/ or our/ countryside/” with the letters being blocked in relief. Below this is a woodland scene, with blue sky, trees showing white and black trunks and flowers picked out in white. In a panel near the base framed in black by ‘stems and flowers’, the word: “/Partridge/” is blocked in black.








Binding No: 1204

[entered into bindings database 30112022 - 019-000032712]

Pressmark: 1731.b.30.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Shaw, Richard Norman

Title: Architectural Sketches from the Continent; a series of views from France, Italy, and Germany.

Pagination:  100 plates.

Place of Publication: London

Publisher Name: Published by Day and Son Lithrs to the Queen, Gate St. Lincoln’s Inn Fields.

Date of Publication: [1858]

Place of Printing:


W: 310

H: 435

T: 40



Cover material: paper


Colour: beige                           

Block work:

Date Examined: 9.7.2013




Notes: The 100 plates were originally issued in parts with paper covers. The British Library copy has the front paper cover of each part bound into the sequence.

Part 1: 5 plates; price 3/6 nos. 1-5

Part 2: 5 plates price 3/6 nos. 6-10

Part 3: 10 plates price 7/- nos. 11-20

Part 4: 5 plates price 3/6  nos. 21-25

Part 5: 5 plates price 3/6 nos. 26-30

Part 6: 5 plates price 3/6 nos. 31-35

Part 7: 5 plates price 3/6 nos. 36-40

Part 8: 5 plates price 3/6 nos. 41-45

Part 9: 5 plates price 3/6 nos. 46-50

Part 5: 5 plates price 3/6 nos. 51-55

Part 11&12: 10 plates price 7/- nos. 56-65

Part 13: 5 plates price 3/6 nos. 66-70

Part 14: 5 plates price 3/6 nos. 71-75

Part 15 [&16]: 5 plates price 3/6 nos. 76-80

Part 17 [&18]: 5 plates price 3/6 nos. 81-85

Part 19 [&20]: 10 plates price 7/- nos. 86-95

[Part 20: 5 plates price 3/6 nos. 96-100] No paper cover.


Each paper cover is printed in dark red. The border is a repeating pattern on three sides of ornamental sprigs (of ivy leaves and buds?), which is printed between two ‘branch-like’ rules, which have repeating dots printed outside them. At the base of each page, the words within the border are: “/ The pencil speaks the tongue of every land/”, printed in gothic letters. The copy in the Victorian Society Library was “Published for the Proprietors, 1872. It has plates signed: “R. N. Shaw delt”. The plates : were: “Photo lithographed by Banks & co. Edinburgh”.  This copy is bound in green pebble-grain cloth. Gilt edges. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. On the upper cover a ‘circle’ of stems and flowers is blocked in gold on each corner. A Greek cross is blocked in gold on the centre, surrounded by repeating patterns of leaves, stems and beads. On the centre of the cross, the monogram of Richard Norman Shaw, “RNS” is blocked in gold.









Binding No: 1205

[Entered into bindings data base 301102022 -

Pressmark: 7816.aa.37.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Street, George Edmund

Title: Brick and Marble in the Middle Ages: notes of a tour in the north of Italy.

Pagination:  287p. 32 plates. With thirty-two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Place of Publication: London

Publisher Name: John Murray, Albemarle Street

Date of Publication: 1855

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stanford Street, and Charing Cross. 155

W: 155

H: 230

T: 30


Bookbinder: Edmonds & Remnants

Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco horizontal-grain

Colour: brown                         

Block work: gold and blind and relief.

Date Examined: 9.7.2013




Notes: Text sewn on two tapes. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Edmonds & Remnants./ [rule]/ London/”. Brown morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. Two fillets re blocked in blind on the outer borders, the outer thicker than the inner. Inside this, four more fillets are blocked in blind. Between the first and third fillets, repeating dots are blocked in blind. Between the third and fourth fillets, a repeating pattern of four leaves is blocked alternately in blind and then in relief. On the centres of the  inside panel, a group of three ‘ivy like’ leaves is blocked in blind. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the perimeter. Further fillets and plant decoration in blind delineate an arch near the head. The words: “/ Brick/ &/ Marble/ Architecture/ in/ Italy./ [rule]/ Street./” are blocked in gold. Near the tail more stem and plant decoration are blocked in blind. At the base, the words “/ London/ John Murray/” are blocked in gold.









Binding No: 1206

[entered into bindings database 30112022 - 019-000032717]

Pressmark: 12805.h.35.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Myrtle ,  Mrs., pseud. [i.e. Lydia Falconer Miller.]

Title: The Pleasures of the Country: simple stories for young people. With eight illustrations by John Gilbert.

Pagination:  [4], 115p. 8 plates.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Cundall & Addey, 21 Old Bond Stereet

Date of Publication: 1851

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: W. M’Dowall, printer, Little Queen-Street, Lincoln’s Inn Fields.

W: 170

H: 220

T: 12



Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco horizontal-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 10.7.2013




Notes: The design is not signed. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Gilt edges. Blue morocco horizontal grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and the corners, with branches, stems, and leaves. These all interlock on each corner. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. Branch like fillets interlock ant the head and tail for form a circular centre-piece. Curling stems, tendrils, flowers and leaves are interlaced around these branches. On the centre, the title: “/ Pleasures/ of the/ Country/” are blocked in gold in fanciful ‘rustic’ letters. On the spine, the title:/ “Pleasures of the country/” are blocked in gold along its length.







Binding No: 1207

[entered into bindings database 30112022 - 019-000032719]

Pressmark: 12354.b.25.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Fanny FERN, pseud. [i.e. Sarah Payson Willis, afterwards Eldredge, afterwards Parton]

Title: Little Ferns for Fanny's little friends ... with original designs by Fred. M. Coffin.

Pagination:  208p. 6 plates. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Sampson Low & Son, & Co. 47, Ludgate Hill. Auburn, U.S.A.: Derby & Miller. Buffalo, U.S.A. Derby, Orton, & Mulligan.

Date of Publication: 1854

Place of Printing: Auburn

Printer: Stereotyped by Derby & Miller

W: 125

H: 170

T: 30



Cover material:



Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 10.7.2013




Notes: The design is unsigned. Text sewn on three cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco vertical grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Three fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner two are thin. Small curling stem and single leaf decoration is blocked on each corner. The central vignette is the same on both covers, blocked in blind on the lower and in gold on the upper cover. It shows a group of (presumably) fern leaves, stems, and flowers, the title: “/ Little ferns./” is blocked diagonally downwards from left to right, within the space formed by the curling stems and fern leaves. The spine is blocked in gold. At the tail a group of foxglove-like plants is blocked in gold. From the tail to the head, fern leaves, stems and flowers are blocked in gold, forming a circular space near the head, in which is blocked the title: “/ Little ferns/ for/ Fanny’s/ little friends/”. [The book was printed and possibly bound in America, then shipped to England for sale.]




Binding No: 1208

[entered into bidings database 30112022 - 019-000032721]


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Scott, Sir Walter, Bart

Title: Marmion: a tale of Flodden Field. In six cantos. With notes.

Pagination:  128p. With two pages of advertisements bound at the front and one page of advertisements bound at the end

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: George Routledge and Sons.

Date of Publication: 1868

Place of Printing:


W: 135

H: 200

T: 20



Cover material: paper


Colour: beige                           

Block work:

Date Examined: 10.7.2013.




Notes: The original paper covers are bound in at the front and rear of the book. The size of the paper cover is 125x190mm. The front cover is printed in red and in black, and shows us a ‘stage’ with a curtain at the head, which has tasselated ends. The title word: “/ Marmion/ by Sir Walter Scott/” are printed in capitals within the curtain. Underneath, the central medallion shows the dying Marmion on the ground, cradled in the arms of Clara, brandishing his broken sword, crying “on, Stanley, on!” Around the medallion are the lances and pikes of the battleand two helmets , swords, and armour are at the laft and right hand base of the cover. Printed a the base of the cover: “/ London and New York/ George Routledge and Sons./”. The rear cover has two advertisements for: “Keating’s cough lozenges” and “Children’s worm tablet”.






Binding No: 1209

[entered into bindings database 30112022 - 019-000032724]

Pressmark: 12620.b.30.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Smedley, Francis Edward

Title: [Lewis Arundel; or the Railroad of Life ... With illustrations by Phiz [i.e. H. K. Browne].]

Pagination:  viii, 663p.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: A. Hall, Virtue, & Co., 25 Paternoster Row

Date of Publication: [1855]

Place of Printing:


W: 130

H: 185

T: 40



Cover material: paper


Colour: green                           

Block work:

Date Examined: 10.7.2013




Notes: The design is not signed. Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. Both emerald green paper original covers are bound in at the front and rear of the volume. The size of the paper covers is 110x180mm. On the upper paper cover: “Price Three shillings” is printed at the tail. There is no decoration on the upper cover. On the lower cover, there is a list of “Railway reading”. This work is described as: “Price 3s. boards; 4s. cloth gilt.”




Binding No: 1210

[entered into binddings daabase 30112022 - 019-000032727

Pressmark: RB.23.a.5388

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Scott, Sir Walter, Bart

Title: Marmion: a tale of Flodden Field. [Monogram of R Groombridge.]

Pagination:  vii, 216p. With eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Place of Publication: London

Publisher Name: Groombridge and Sons, Paternoster Row.

Date of Publication: 1858

Place of Printing:


W: 115

H: 175

T: 18



Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco horizontal-grain

Colour: orange                         

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 10.7.2013




Notes: The design is not signed. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Written on the upper endpaper: “/ Eleanor Woodhouse/ 1862/” Orange morocco horizontal grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind. Four fillets are blocked in two pairs, in blind on the outer borders, with a single fillet joining the pairs at each corner. Within the central rectangle, more fillets blocked in blind delineate twelve ovals, three on each row, and in each oval, a ‘lozenge’ of leaves, and a flower is blocked in blind. The spine has two fillets blocked in blind at the head and at the tail. Two more fillets are blocked in blind just above the tail. Near the head, the title: “/ Marmion/ [rule]/ Scott/” are blocked in gold. Underneath this flower buds and stems form a star shape, blocked in gold.





Binding No: 1211

[entered into bindings database 30112022 - 019-000032729]

Pressmark: 11651.e.26.

Artist Name: John Leighton

Author/Heading:  Scott, Sir Walter, Bart

Title: Marmion; a tale from Flodden Field. [Photograph of Scott’s monument at Edinburgh, by Thomas Annan.]

Pagination:  [6], 206p. 15 plates.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: A.W. Bennett, 5, Bishopsgate Without

Date of Publication: 1866

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: Richard Barrett, printer, Mark Lane.

W: 165

H: 202

T: 32


Bookbinder: Westley & Co.

Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 10.7.2013


References: Dry JL no. 508.


Notes: The design is attributed to John Leighton. It is not signed.  The text is sewn on three tapes. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. White endpapers and pastedown. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Westley’s/ & Co. / London/” Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold and in blind and in relief.  The border is blocked in gold, with a repeating pattern of roses and thistles, and with crowns in gold on corners. [This is the same border as is blocked on Scotland: her songs and scenery. A.W. Bennett, 1868. BL 11651.e.11.]  Inside this, a single fillet is blocked in blind, between two ‘dog tooth’ patterns, to form the central rectangle. Within the central rectangle, an each side, from tail to head, a [mediaeval knight's] lance is blocked in gold. At the head of the "Scottish" lance, a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece is blocked, tied to the top by a cord with tassel ends. A lion rampant of Scotland is blocked within the pennant, [vert?]. At the head of the "English" lance, a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece is blocked, tied to the top by a cord with tassel ends. The shield blocked within the pennant shows the three lions couchant of England, gules. The title and author are blocked above and below the centre-piece: “/ Marmion:/ a tale// of/ Flodden Field,/ by/ Sir Walter Scott./” The capital letters “M[armion]”, is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, horizontal hatching. The letters:  “S[ir]”, “W[alter]”, “S[cott]” are blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces, with diagonal hatch.  A shield is blocked on the centre, purpure, showing an eagle, wings displayed, [sable?]. The shield is surmounted by a helm, open, with animate crest and panache (the feathers) tumbling down on either side of the helm, or. Below the shield, within a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece, the words: "/ Who Checks at me/ to death is dight./" are blocked in relief in gothic letters. The spine is blocked in gold. A repeating pattern of ‘small hyphens’ is blocked in gold on the borders, forming small cartouches at the head and a the tail. Near the head, the decoration is: a crown; a thistle flower and leaves; two roses; two stars; the title and author words: “/ Marmion/ by/ Sir Walter/ Scott./ Illustrated/” are blocked in gold; all except the word “Illustrated” are blocked in gothic letters; three interlocking swords, surrounded by roses and thistles; the words: “/ by/ photography/” are blocked in gold near the tail; at the tail, the word”/ Bennett/” is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by two gold fillets.




Binding No: 1212

[Entered into bindings database in 2007 - 019-000012417]

Pressmark: RB.23.b.592

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Street, George Edmund

Title: Some account of Gothic architecture in Spain. Second edition.

Pagination:  xiv, 527p. 25 plates.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: John Murray, Albemarle Street.

Date of Publication: 1869

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.

W: 185

H: 240

T: 55


Bookbinder: Remnant & Edmonds

Cover material: cloth

Grain: net-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 23.7.2013




Notes: The design is not signed. The original upper endpaper is inscribed with: “/Philip Currey [?]/ with Aunt Emma’s ;pve and best wishes/ on his 21st birthday/ 1872./ [rule]/ [Christian name not readable] M Currey/ Feb 1908./”. There are five family photos (possibly tipped into the original binding, but now housed in a separate folder. These are probably of the early 1900s. They have no captions.) Brown endpapers and pastedowns (in the copy belonging to the Victorian Society). Binder’s ticket on the lower pastedown:”/ Bound by/ Edmonds & Remnants./ [rule]/ London/” Green net-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. More fillets, with ‘branch-like’ decoration blocked within them, are blocked on the inner borders. On the sides, more fillets in blind form vertical cartouches. At the head, a single cartouche is formed by single fillet blocked in blind. At the tail, a single cartouche and two squares are formed by single fillets blocked in blind. On the upper cover, within the cartouche at the head, a rectangular gold lettering-piece has vertical hatch, with the title words: “/ Gothic/ architecture/” blocked in blind within it. Within the cartouche at the tail, a rectangular gold lettering-piece has vertical hatch, with the title words: “/ in/ Spain/” blocked in blind within it. The spine is blocked in gold with the title and publisher. Near the head, the words: “/ Gothic/ architecture/ in/ Spain/ [small decorative device]/ C. E. Street./” are blocked in gold. Near the tail, the words:”/ London/ John Murray./” are blocked in gold.






Binding No: 1213

[entered into bindings database 01122022 - 019-000032732]

Pressmark: C.99.b.3.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Francis Bacon, 1561-1626

Title: Of gardens. An Essay.

Pagination:  23, [3]p.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Hacon & Ricketts Craven St., Strand.

Date of Publication: 1902

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: Eragny Press

W: 100

H: 175

T: 10



Cover material: paper


Colour: red and green            

Block work: gold and printed decoration

Date Examined: 11.9.2013




Notes: Page one of the colophon has: “The frontispiece has been designed & engraved by Lucien Pissarro. The double border & initial letters designed by L. Pissarro & engraved by Esther Pissarro.” Page two of the colophon has the device of the Eragny Press printed within a roundel. Page 3 of the colophon has: “This edition is strictly limited to 226 copies of which 200 are for sale.” Text sewn on two tapes. Deckled edges. White endpapers and pastedowns.  Beige paper on spine and inner third of each cover. On the upper left hand side of the upper cover, the title and author: “[a gold leaf] Of/ gardens/ by/ Francis/ Bacon [a gold leaf]/” are blocked in gold. Two thirds of the upper and lower cover , from spine to fore edge, are covered with grey paper, which has a repeating pattern of  stems, leaves and flowers blocked. The flower buds are blocked in red; the stems and leaves are blocked in green. Another edition of this work also published by John Lane in 1902 is at BL







Binding No: 1214

[Entered into bindings database  30012017 – 019-000023826]


Artist Name: Edmund Hort New

Author/Heading:  Francis Bacon, 1561-1626

Title:  Of gardens. An essay. With an introduction by Helen Milman and Frontispiece and covers design by Edmund H. New

Pagination:  29p. With eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Place of Publication: London & New York:

Publisher Name: John Lane

Date of Publication: 1902

Place of Printing: Boston (UK?)

Printer: D. B. Updike, The Merrymount Press

W: 105

H: 150

T: 10



Cover material:

Grain: rib vertical-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 11.9.2013


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, p. 71 & 103.



Notes: At the end of the Introduction, Helen Milman also gives her name as Mrs. Caldwell Crofton. On page 2 of the publisher’s titles, this work is described as: “Demy 16mo. 2s. 6d. net.” Gilt to edges at head; deckled fore edge; ploughed tail edges. White endpapers and pastedowns. Green rib vertical-grain cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold with two fillets on its perimeter. The upper third of the cover has the title and author: “/ Of/ gardens/ An Essay by/ Francis Bacon/” blocked in gold. The lower two thirds of the cover is blocked diagonally with a stylised pattern of rose flowers, rose leaves and stems. Signed “EHN” [i.e. Edmund Horton New] as separate letters in gold, at the right hand corner. 






Binding No: 1215

[entered  into bindings database 08032017 – 019000024606]

Pressmark: 09077.b.8.

Artist Name: Belwe, George

Author/Heading:  Marcks, Erich C.

Title: Männer und Zeiten. Aufsätze und Reden zur neueren Geschichte.

Pagination:  2 vols.

Place of Publication: Leipzig

Publisher Name: Verlag von Quelle & Meyer.

Date of Publication: 1911

Place of Printing: Leipzig

Printer: Rossberg’sche Buchdruckeri






Cover material: cloth

Grain: un-grained

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and black and green

Date Examined: 16.09.2013


References: Haslam, Malcolm, ACBC no. 79.



Notes: The design is by Georg Belwe. Both volumes are: 165x235x35mm. Voll. 1 has xi, 340p. Vol. 2 has [3], 314p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound t the end. Printed on the title page verso of both volumes: “Buchschmuck und Einbandzeichnumg von  Prof. Georg Belwe/ Druck: Rossberg Buchandleri, Leipzig.” The title page border decoration of each volume is signed “GB” at the centre tail. Red ink edges for the head of each volume. Mottled black and green endpapers and pastedowns. Green un-grained cloth. The lower covers of each volume are not blocked. The upper cover of each volume is blocked identically, in gold, in black in green. On the borders, small repeating oval and diamond patters are blocked in green. Inside this, the cover is bisected by four fillets blocked in green, two horizontal and two vertical. Inside the central rectangle at the head and at the tail, the title “Männer/ und/ Zeiten/ von/ Erich Marcks/” is blocked in black. In the rest of the rectangle, rows of five-pointed stars are blocked in gold. These are interspersed with repeating ‘two small diamonds with pointed ends’, blocked in black, which have small gold dots blocked within each diamond. The spines of both volumes are blocked identically in black. Ten small black diamonds, interspersed with small gold dots, are blocked at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the words: “/ E. Marcks/ Männer/ und/ Zeiten/ 1. [2]/ Band/” are blocked in black.




Binding No: 1216

[entered into bindings database 01122022 - 019-000032734]

Pressmark: 738.b. [volumes 1-13].

Artist Name: John Leighton


Title: The National Encyclopædia: a Dictionary of Universal Knowledge by writers of eminence in literature, science, and art.

Pagination:  Thirteen volumes. Each volume individually paginated.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: William Mackenzie, 22, Paternoster Row; Howard Street, Glasgow;  South Bridge,  Edinburgh

Date of Publication: 1867-1868.

Place of Printing: Glasgow

Printer: Printed by William Mackenzie, 45 & 47 Howard Street.






Cover material: paper


Colour: green                           

Block work: printed

Date Examined: 23.10.2013




Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The thirteen volumes were originally issued in sixty-five parts, priced 2s. each. Each bound volume is 175x250x40mm. the recto of the upper covers, and the recto and verso of the lower covers frequently have advertisements for other titles of Mackenzie.  Extract from the Advertisement of the verso of the lower cover of part one: “The New National Encyclopaedia will be published in Parts at Two Shillings, each Part comprising on an average about 104 pages of Letterpress; Eight pages of beautifully engraved plates or Maps; and numerous woodcut illustrations. Sixty-three to Sixty-five such Parts will complete the entire work. The Work may also be had in Thirteen volumes, cloth antique, cut edges, price Eleven Shillings and Sixpence each. Each Volume will contain on an average about 520 pages of Letterpress, and Forty pages of engraved plates. Any in excess of the work as above specified will be given gratis.” The upper and lower covers for each part are bound in. Light green paper, printed in black. On the upper cover of each part is the same design by John Leighton, with the engraving being carried out by Henry Leighton. There are four fillets on the borders. On each corner, a thistle plant and flowers is printed. Near the head, the title: “The/ national/ encyclopaedia:/” is printed within three lettering-pieces, each formed by a single fillet.. The sub title:”/ or/ dictionary/ of/ Universal knowledge/ by/ writers of eminence/ in literature science & art./” is printed immediately below the title. Below this, three medallions are printed: 1. Britannia seated in a chariot, whose wheel facing us has a Union Jack; at the base of the chariot, the signature: “John Leighton F.S.A./ del/” is printed; 2. the medallion to the left has “castellated” decoration on its borders, and within it, the words: “Many/ thousand/ engraved/ figures” are printed, with the words being surrounded by vertical hatch; 3. the medallion to the right has “castellated” decoration on its borders, and within it, the words: “and/ beautifully/ executed/ maps/” are printed, with the words being surrounded by vertical hatch. Near the tail, the imprint of William Mackenzie is printed.  At the centre tail, within a small rebus, the monogram of Henry Leighton is printed: “HL. Sc.”



Part 4 upper cover recto.



Part3 lower cover verso.

Binding No: 1217

[entered into bindings database 01122022 - 019-000032737]

Pressmark: 1757.a.34.

Artist Name: Warren, Henry

Author/Heading:  Warren, Henry

Title: Warren's Drawing Book: a series of sixteen studies, for students and teachers. In four parts. Tender red lines are added which without interfering with the general effect, are guiding lines for facility in copying as well as elucidations of simple perspective principles. By Henry Warren, President of the Institute of Painters in Water Colours. Professor of Queen’s College, London, &c., &c.

Pagination:  Unpaginated. 4 parts, with four plates per part, sixteen plates in all.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Day & Son, Limited, Lithographers, Publishers & General Printers. Gate Street, W.C.

Date of Publication: [1867]

Place of Printing:


W: 295

H: 385

T: 20



Cover material: paper


Colour: orange                         

Block work: printed

Date Examined: 23.10.2013




Notes: The design is attributed to Henry Warren. The publication is in four part, price 3s. per part, with four engraved plates in each part. Bound into the volume are the upper and lower paper wrappers for each part. The upper covers, verso, and the lower covers recto, are not printed. Orange paper, printed. A single thin  black fillet is printed on the border. Inside this, a repeating pattern of “ivy-like” leaves and berries is printed within cartouches. A small star is printed on each side, centre. The title:”/ Warren's/ Drawing Book [printed within two cartouches]/ a series of sixteen studies,/ for students and teachers./ In four parts./ Tender red lines are added which/ without interfering with the general /effect, are guiding lines for facility in/ copying as well as elucidations of/ simple perspective principles [From ‘Tender…’ to ‘Principles’ the words are printed within a large single cartouche, with a ball on each corner]./ By/ Henry Warren,/ President of the Institute of Painters in Water Colours./ Professor of Queen’s College, London, &c., &c./”. The imprint:”/ London Published by/ Day & Son, Limited, Lithographers, Publishers & General Printers./ Gate Street, W.C./” are printed within a rectangular cartouche with a ‘tenon’ on each side. Unsigned.


Binding No: 1218

Pressmark: 1267.b.4.

[in bindings database 21.04.2023 - 019-000033088]


Artist Name: Warren, Albert Henry

Author/Heading:  Warren, Albert Henry

Title: A guide to beginners in the art of Illumination. By Albert H. Warren Instructor to the Royal Family.

Pagination:  39p. With a tipped in advertisement on the front endpaper, and twenty-four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Barnard and Son 339 Oxford Street.

Date of Publication: [1860]

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: Printed by Adams and Gee, 23, Middle Street, West Smithfield, E.C.

W: 120

H: 180

T: 6



Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco vertical-grain

Colour: red

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 20.11.2013




Notes: Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. The design is likely to be by Albert Henry Warren, though unsigned. The covers have been blocked after being attached to the text block. [see scan of this] Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners, forming an ornamental frame. There are three fillets in blind on the border, and inside these, a tracery of curling branch stems, which form an ‘arabesque’ shape central frame. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. Above and below the titling, small ‘spike’ ornament is blocked. The title and author: “/ On the Art of/ Illumination./ by/ Albert H. Warren./” are blocked in gold, with the title being in gothic letters, with capital letters being elaborated. The spine is not blocked. [Ascribed to A.H. Warren, although unsigned.] Text copyright Edmund M B King.







Binding No: 1219

Pressmark: 12219.a.2.

[in bindings database 1.4.2023. - 019-000033093]

Artist Name: John Leighton


Title: The national encyclopaedia. A dictionary of universal knowledge by writers of eminence in Literature, Science, and Art. [Edited by J. H. F. Brabner]. XIV vols.


Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: William Mackenzie, 69 Ludgate Hill, E. C.

Date of Publication: [1884-1888]

Place of Printing: Glasgow

Printer: Printed by William Mackenzie, 43 & 45 Howard Street.






Cover material: cloth

Grain: pebble-grain

Colour: dark green                  

Block work: gold and blind and black and relief

Date Examined: 20.11.2013


References: Dry JL no. 571


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. All volumes measure: W180xH225xT50mm. From the Prospectus bound at the front of Vol. I: “The National Encyclopaedia will be published in Fourteen volumes, handsomely bound in cloth, each containing on an average 512 pages of letterpress and 42 pages of plate illustrations; price Twelve Shillings each.” All volumes have yellow endpapers and pastedowns. All volumes have green pebble-grain cloth. All volumes are blocked identically on both covers and the spines, with the exception of the volume number and the letters of the alphabet whose contents are printed within each volume. The lowers are blocked in blind only. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, with small decoration blocked one ach corner. The upper covers are blocked in gold and in black. A single gold fillet is blocked on the borders. Near the head, the cover is divided into two rectangles and a square by gold fillets. The decoration from the spine outwards, is in black in each panel: an eagle, a tornado, a dolphin [The Leighton dolphin]. Near the tail a single rectangle is formed by a gold fillet, and it contains two gryphons blocked in black an din relief, with a neo-classical vase blocked in gold between them. Single bars are blocked in black above and below this rectangle, and also near the head. On the centre left, a medallion is blocked in gold and in black. It is formed by four fillets, three in gold and one in black. Above the medallion, a crone with the letters “V R” is blocked in gold. Within the medallion the head of a classical looking warrior, wearing a helmet is blocked in gold. A snake is blocked in gold around the neck of the warrior. To the right of the medallion, the title: “/ The/ National/ Encyclopaedia/” is blocked in black in Gothic letters. Each spine is blocked in gold and in black. The spine is divided into four panels by four groups of fillets, one black blocked between two blocked in gold. In panel one near the head, the title: / The/ National/ Encyclopaedia/” is blocked in gold, in gothic letters. Beneath this, the abbreviation “VOL” is blocked in gold within a black rectangular lettering-piece; a flower head is blocked in gold on each side of the abbreviation “VOL”. Underneath this, the volume number and letter range for each volume:  “[I to XIV]” and [e.g. A-ASI; TRI-Z]” are blocked in gold. Just below the centre of each spine, a medallion (surrounded by circular fillets blocked in black and in gold, the innermost of which has repeating dots blocked in relief) is blocked in horizontal gold hatch. An owl, standing facing us on a branch, is blocked in relief within this medallion. At the tail, the words: “/ London/ Mackenzie/” are blocked in gold, with a flower head, blocked in black, on each side of these letters, and a single flower head blocked in gold above these letters. Text copyright Edmund M B King.



Binding No: 1220

[in bndings database 21.4.2023. - 019-000033098]

Pressmark: 11688.bbb.37.

Artist Name: Unsigned USA

Author/Heading:  Mason, Emily Virginia

Title: The Southern Poems of the War. Collected and arranged by Miss E. V. Mason. Of Virginia. Second revised and enlarged edition.

Pagination:  524p. 1 plate.

Place of Publication: Baltimore:

Publisher Name: Published by John Murphy & co. 182 Baltimore Street.

Date of Publication: 1868

Place of Printing:


W: 125

H: 190

T: 40



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: purple                         

Block work: gold and relief

Date Examined: 4.12.2013.




Notes: The design is not signed. The frontispiece plate is signed: W. Sheppard Del.” And “Torsch Sc.” Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Purple sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in gold in the borders, the outer thicker than the inner. The central vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. It shows a memorial column, shorn at its top, with a lyre placed at the plinth at its base. The fluting of the column and the delineation of the harp are picked out in relief. Sky either side of the column is represented by blocking in horizontal gold hatch. The title word : “/ Southern/” is blocked in relief near the top of the column, within a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece. A wreath of laurel leaves is placed just above this word. The title words: “/ Poems of the War/” are blocked in gold on either side of the column. A broken sword lies just below the column. The words: m”/ Miss Mason/” are blocked in gold within a pennant at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head and at the tail, three fillets are blocked in gold. The outermost fillet has a repeating pattern of ‘two stars’ blocked within it , in relief. From the head down to mid-spine, a post is blocked in gold, surmounted by a cross and laurel leaves. Around the post, a pennant shaped lettering-piece is blocked, winding down and around the post. The words: “/ Southern [blocked in relief within a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece]/ Poems/ [blocked in gold in rustic letters, within the pennant]/ of the [blocked in gold within the pennant]/ War [blocked in large rustic letters. These have the rays of the sun just above; and the letters arise out of the plants and a lyre blocked in gold below. The words: “/ Miss Mason/” are blocked in gold within a pennant. Neat the tail, the publisher name: “/ Murphy/” is blocked in relief within a cartouche shaped gold lettering-piece. Text copyright Edmund M B King.




Binding No: 1221

Pressmark: W8/7795 [Boston Spa]

[in bindings database 21.4.2023. - 019-000033100]

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  White, Henry Kirke

Title: The poetical works and remains of Henry Kirke White. With a life by Robert Southey. Illustrated by Birket Foster.

Pagination:  vii, 456p. 6 plates.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: George Routledge and Sons, The Broadway, Ludgate. New York: 416, Broome Street.

Date of Publication: 1867

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: Savill, Edwards, and Co., printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

W: 130

H: 195

T: 35



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green                           

Block work: Gold and black and green

Date Examined: 4.12.2013.




Notes:  The design is not signed. The plates are signed: “B. Foster” and “Dalziel Sc.” Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is blocked in black only. It shows black fillets on the borders, creating a ‘garden trellis’ shape. Intertwined stems and small buds flow through the trellis at the top, and join with a long stem leaf and bud decoration which flows down the cover from top left to bottom right. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black and in green. Two black fillets are blocked on the borders at the head and the fore edge. A ‘trellis frame’ structure is suggested by a semi-circle a the bottom left, which then joins with shafts going up the spine edge, and along the tail, both shafts blocked in light green. The semi-circle has gold hatch, and fillets blocked in black and in blind, showing the green cloth. A third shaft runs diagonally away from the semi-circle towards the top right. Much of the cover has plant stems and flowers growing through and around the shafts, with the petals of the flower being blocked in black, and the leaves being blocked in green. At the centre head downwards, a rectangle is formed by a gold fillet and a black fillet. Within it, horizontal hatch is blocked in gold. Stems and leaves are also blocked within it, in black and in green. On top of it, there is another rectangular lettering –piece, formed by two fillets blocked in gold. Inside this, a minute pattern of ‘wavy lines’ is blocked in relief. The words “/ Kirke White/” are blocked in black in capital letters, within this lettering-piece. On the fore edge side, another rectangle is formed by a single fillet blocked in black. Within it, daffodil-like flowers are stems are blocked in black. Across the lower half of this rectangle, the word “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in relief, within a gold lettering-piece. The spine is blocked in Gold, in black and in green. There are seven panels. 1. At the head, plant decoration in black blocked I between two fillets in black. 2. The author: “/ Kirke W hite/” is blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece, with a single black fillet above and below it. 3. More plant decoration, in black across a medallion formed by three black fillets. 4. The word: “/ Illustrated/ “ is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece. 5. Plant decoration, in black across a medallion formed by three black fillets. 6. Plant leaf and stem decoration is blocked in a rectangle in black against a green background, with a single black fillet above and below it. 7. The word: “/ Routledge/” is blocked in relief, within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which also has a single fillet in relief within it. [An early example of a ‘naturalistic’ design, a precursor to the Arts and Crafts designs and the pictorial designs of the 1880s and 1890s.] Text copyright Edmund M B King



Binding No: 1222

[In BL Binding database 06.04.2014 - 019-000017947]

Pressmark: 3440.g.4.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Author/Heading:  Taylor, Ann and Taylor, Jane

Title: Hymns for infant minds. By the authors of “Original poems, - rhymes for the nursery,” &c. Thirteenth edition.

Pagination:  viii, 98p.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Published by J. Holdsworth, 18, (South side) St. Paul’s Chruchyard; sold also by Harvey and Darton, Grace-Church Street; W. Chapman, Edinburgh; and Chalmers and Collins, Glasgow.

Date of Publication: 1821

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: Benjamin Bensley, Printer, Bolt Court, Fleet-street.

W: 90

H: 142

T: 5



Cover material: cloth

Grain: moiré rib vertical-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 11.12.2013




Notes: The design is not signed. Bookplate of: “Boys Library of the Ahvrah(?)”on upper pastedown. Inscribed: “/ Presented by/  [cannot read initials] Julian. DD./ A.D. 1893.”  Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue moiré rib vertical-grain cloth. Both cover blocked identically in blind, with a single fillet on the borders. On the spine there is a single fillet blocked at the head and at the tail in blind. The title and authors are blocked along the spine in gold: “Hymns by Ann & Jane Taylor – 1821”.  [Likely to be relatively early cloth, before 1840.]




Binding No: 1223

BL Catalogue Book - Record Id = 019-000017955


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Bickersteth, Edward

Title: Christian Psalmody: a collection of above 800 psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; selected and arranged for public, social, family and private worship. Thirty-third thousand.

Pagination:  xvi, 3-488p.

Place of Publication: Hertford: 

Publisher Name: Printed and published by S. Staughton and sold by L. & G. Seeley, Fleet Street; and Nisbet and Co., Berners Street, Oxford St., London.

Date of Publication: 1837

Place of Printing: Hertford:

Printer: Staughton, printer.

W: 78

H: 140

T: 30



Cover material: leather


Colour: black                           

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 11.12.2013




Notes: The design is not signed. Light brown or dark cream endpapers and pastedowns. Black leather. The covers have been “grained” to resemble pebble. There is identical embossing on each cover. It is in the form of a large central vignette, which shows two columns of four joined circular stems, ending in leaves – all being in relief. A small diamond shape is blocked at head and tail of the vignette. Diagonal hatch lines are blocked within the columns of circles, and on the very centre. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind and relief. The title: “/ Bickersteth’s/ Psalmody./” is blocked in gold near the head, within a frame formed by a pattern of curling leaves and stems blocked in relief. These curling stems are blocked from near the head down to the tail, with horizontal hatch in blind within the frames formed by these stems.  



Binding No: 1224

                                  Binding No:   394 (of 2.10.1996.)

BL Catalogue Book - Record Id = 019-000017957

                          Pressmark:   8156.a.19.

                        Artist Name:   Bradley, Benjamin

                   Author/Heading:   Channing, William Ellery

                                   Title:   Slavery. Second edition revised.

                   Publisher Name:   James Munroe and Company

             Place of Publication:   Boston

              Date of Publication:   1836

                               Printer:   Stereotyped by Shepard, Oliver, and Co.

                                Width:        110     Height:       171          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  [3], 183p.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  2.10.96 & 18.12.2013

References: King, Edmund M. B. American edition cloth cover bindings of the 1830s. The bindings of Colton and Jenkins and Benjamin Bradley. In: The Book Collector Vol. 47 no. 2. Summer 1998, p. 366. [Discusses copies of the fourth edition.]


Notes: The design is signed by Benjamin Bradley. White endpapers and pastedowns. Dark blue rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in blind with the same design on the head, tail, sides and  the corners, forming an ornamental frame. On each corner is a single thistle plant is blocked in blind. On the centre head and centre tail of both covers, cartouches are blocked in blind and in relief, with diamond-pointed ends. In the cartouche at the tail of the each cover, the words: "B. Bradley" are blocked in relief. The words: "/ Channing/ on/ slavery./" are blocked in gold on the centre of the upper cover. The spine is not blocked. At BL 8156.b.14. the second edition [From the Boston (U.S.) second edition, revised by the author.] was published. Imprint: Glasgow: James Hedderwick & Son; Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd; London: Simpkin & Marshall, 1836. 172p. 110x178x23mm. Printer: Glasgow: Hedderwick and Son, printers. No original covers for the copy at 8156.b.14.



Binding No: 1225

                                  Binding No:   395 (of

BL Catalogue Book - Record Id = 019-000017959

                          Pressmark:   1568/6507

                        Artist Name:   Bradley, Benjamin

                   Author/Heading:   Channing, William Ellery

                                   Title:   Slavery. Third edition. Revised.

                   Publisher Name:   James Munroe and Company

             Place of Publication:   Boston

              Date of Publication:   1836

                               Printer:   Stereotyped by Shepard, Oliver, and Co.

                                Width:        112     Height:       177          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  [3], 183p.

                Place of Printing:   [Boston]


                       Bookbinder:   B[enjamin]. Bradley


                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebble-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief


                 Date Examined:  2.10.96.


References: Krupp, Andrea. BEA, p. 54. type Fs1 (Floral smooth ribbon embossed cloth)

King, Edmund M. B. American edition cloth cover bindings of the 1830s. The bindings of Colton and Jenkins and Benjamin Bradley. In: The Book Collector Vol. 47 no. 2. Summer 1998, p. 366. [Discusses copies of the fourth edition.]


 Notes:  The design is signed by Benjamin Bradley. White endpapers and pastedowns. Green ribbon-embossed cloth.  Both covers are blocked in blind with  the same design on the head, tail, sides and the corners, forming an ornamental frame. On each corner is a single thistle plant is blocked in blind. On the centre head and centre tail of both covers, cartouches are blocked in blind and in relief, with diamond-pointed ends. In the cartouche at the tail of the upper cover, the words: "B. Bradley" are blocked in relief. The words: "/ Channing/ on/ slavery./" are blocked in gold on the centre of the upper cover. The spine is not blocked. In the middle of the spine a paper label is pasted with the shelf mark: “GN 20” written in it. This copy has a printed book label of Dover Public Library pasted on the upper pastedown. The Dover Public Library ownership plate and shelf mark label is pasted on the upper pastedown.









Binding No: 1226

                                  Binding No:   431 (assigned 19.11.1996.)

BL Catalogue Book - Record Id = 019-000017964

                          Pressmark:   1431.f.2.

                        Artist Name:   Colton, Calvin & Jenkins, Charles


                                   Title:   A winter in the West Indies and Florida; containing general observation upon modes of travelling, manners and customs, climates and productions, with a particular description of St. Croix, Trinidad de Cuba, Havana, Key West, and St. Augustine, as places of resort for Northern invalids.

                   Publisher Name:   Published by Wiley and Putnam, 161Broadway.

             Place of Publication:   New York

              Date of Publication:   1839

                               Printer:   J.P. Wright, Printer, 18 New Street, N.Y.

                                Width:        117     Height:       194          Thickness:        18

                           PagNotes:  199p.

                Place of Printing:   [New York]


                       Bookbinder:   Colton & Jenkins


                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  19.11.96 & 18.12.2013


References: King, Edmund M. B. American edition cloth cover bindings of the 1830s. The bindings of Colton and Jenkins and Benjamin Bradley. In: The Book Collector Vol. 47 no. 2. Summer 1998 pp. 209 & Vol. 47 no. 3 autumn 1998, p. 367.



Notes: The design is signed “Colton & Jenkins”. White endpapers and pastedowns. Red rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers have the same design blocked in blind. There are three fillets blocked on the borders (but not the spine side). There is a single central vignette which shows two curling leaves, back to back, each end of each leaf has a thistle flower. On both covers, at the centre of the head, within the middle fillet, the words: "/Colton & Jenkins/” are blocked in relief; at the centre of the tail, the word: "/Binders/" is blocked in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. It is divided into five panels by two thin and two thick fillets which are blocked in relief. The second panel has the title words: "/A winter/ in the/ West/ Indies/ and/ Florida./" blocked in gold, with two fillets blocked in gold above an below. Another copy of this work is at BL 1431.g.15. It has original covers, of deep maroon fine diaper grain cloth.


Binding No: 1227

                                  Binding No:   (not seen in 1996)

BL Catalogue Book - Record Id = 019-000017966

                          Pressmark:   1431.g.15.

                        Artist Name:   Colton, Calvin & Jenkins, Charles


                                   Title:   A winter in the West Indies and Florida; containing general observation upon modes of travelling, manners and customs, climates and productions, with a particular description of St. Croix, Trinidad de Cuba, Havana, Key West, and St. Augustine, as places of resort for Northern invalids.

                   Publisher Name:   Published by Wiley and Putnam, 161Broadway.

             Place of Publication:   New York

              Date of Publication:   1839

                               Printer:   J.P. Wright, Printer, 18 New Street, N.Y.

                                Width:        117     Height:       194          Thickness:        18

                           PagNotes:  199p.

                Place of Printing:   [New York]


                       Bookbinder:   Colton & Jenkins


                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    diaper-grain

                            Colour :   maroon

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  19.11.96 & 18.12.2013

            References: Krupp, Andrea. BEA, p. 34. King, Edmund M. B. American edition cloth cover bindings of the 1830s. The bindings of Colton and Jenkins and Benjamin Bradley. In: The Book Collector Vol. 47 no. 2. Summer 1998 pp. 209 & Vol. 47 no. 3 autumn 1998, p. 367.



Notes: The design is signed: “Colton and Jenkins”. White endpapers and pastedowns. Maroon ultra fine diaper cloth. Both covers have the same design blocked in blind. There are three fillets blocked on the borders (but not the spine side). There is a single central vignette which shows two curling leaves, back to back, each end of each leaf has a thistle flower. On both covers, at the centre of the head, within the middle fillet, the words: "/Colton & Jenkins/” are blocked in relief; at the centre of the tail, the word: "/Binders/" is blocked in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. It is divided into five panels by two thin and two thick fillets which are blocked in relief. The second panel has the title words: "/A winter/ in the/ West/ Indies/ and/ Florida./" blocked in gold, with two fillets blocked in gold above an below. Another copy of this work is at BL 1431.f.2. It has original covers, of red rib vertical-grain cloth.





Binding No: 1228

Binding No:     604 (assigned in 1997)

BL Catalogue Book - Record Id = 019-000017969

                          Pressmark:   1373.b.24.

                        Artist Name:   Colton, Calvin & Jenkins, Charles

                   Author/Heading:   Sommers, Charles G.

                                   Title:   Memoir of The Rev. John Stanford, D.D. Late Chaplin to the humane and criminal institutions in the City of New-York. Together with an appendix, comprising brief memoirs of the Rev. John Williams, the Rev. Thomas Baldwin, D.D. and the Rev. Richard Furman, D.D.

                   Publisher Name:   Swords, Stanford, and Co. No. 152 Broadway

             Place of Publication:   New York

              Date of Publication:   1835


                                Width:        122     Height:       190          Thickness:        32

                           PagNotes:         xix, 13-417p.

                Place of Printing:


                       Bookbinder:   Colton & Jenkins


                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   green

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind

                 Date Examined:  11.9.97 & 18.12.2013

References: Krupp, Andrea.  Book cloth in England and America 1823-1850. Newcastle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2008, p. 52 Ar8. (Abstract textured.)


Notes: The design is signed: “Colton & Jenkins”. The blocking of the covers appears to have taken place after the attachment of the boards to the text. White endpapers and pastedowns. Green ribbon embossed cloth. There is also a background of faint vertical ‘net –grain’ cloth. Embossed with a repeating pattern of leaves. Both covers identically blocked in blind, on the borders, the corners and the sides, forming an ornamental frame. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this, the block (which appears to be a single one) shows curling leaves on the corners and on the sides, interlaced around an oval frame, which has scroll-ends on the middle of each side. The central oval frame is formed by a single fillet, blocked in blind. Within it, at the head, are the words: "/Colton & Jenkins/” and at the tail: “/ Binders New York". The spine is blocked in gold. The title words: "Memoir/ of/ Stanford/" are blocked in gold within a frame formed by a fillet on each side, and small decorative pieces above and below.



Binding No: 1229

                                  Binding No:   401 (assigned in 1996)

BL Catalogue Book - Record Id = 019-000017971

                          Pressmark:   781.a.32.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned USA

                   Author/Heading:   Bayle, Antoine Laurent Jessé

                                   Title:   An elementary treatise on anatomy. Translated from the 4th edition of the French by A.[Augustus] Sidney Doane, A.M., M.D.

                   Publisher Name:   Published by Harper & Brothers, no 82 Cliff-Street

             Place of Publication:   New York

              Date of Publication:   1837


                                Width:        100     Height:       160          Thickness:        35

                           PagNotes:  470p. With two pages of publisher's advertisements bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib vertical-grain

                            Colour :   brown



                 Date Examined:  15.8.96. & 18.12.2013

            References: Krupp, Andrea. Book cloth in England and America 1823-1850. Newcastle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2008, p.71 no. Ft17. (Floral textured.)


 Notes: The design is not signed. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Brown ribbon embossed cloth; also a faint pattern of fine rib vertical-grain cloth. Embossed with a pattern of grapes, vine leaves and stems. The bunches of grapes and vine leaves are enclosed in pairs within the stems, which are ‘onion-shaped’. The spine is missing.




Binding No: 1230

                                  Binding No:   399 (assigned in 1996)

BL Catalogue Book - Record Id = 019-000017973

                          Pressmark:   10408.aa.22.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned USA

                   Author/Heading:   Tanner, Henry S.

                                   Title:   The American traveller; or guide through the United States. Containing brief notices of the several states, cities and principal towns, canals and rail roads, etc. With Tables of Distances, by stage, canal, and steam boat routes.. The whole alphabetically arranged, with direct Reference to the accompanying Map of the Roads, Canals, and Railways of the United states. Fifth edition.

                   Publisher Name:   Published by the Author, no. 309 Market Street.

             Place of Publication:   Philadelphia

              Date of Publication:   1839


                                Width:          95     Height:       150          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:         144p 3 plates. 1 fold-out map

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    rib diagonal-grain

                            Colour :   brown


                 Date Examined:  10.10.96 & 18.12.2013

References: Krupp, Andrea. Book cloth in England and America 1823-1850. Newcastle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2008, p.71 no. Ft17. (Floral textured.), p. 51, no. At7 (Abstract Textured.)


Notes:   The design is not signed. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. The inner endpaper is inscribed: “/ J.L. MurrayEsq./ from his friend/ W. B. Murray/ Feby 1841/” Between pages 96 and 97, there are: a street map of Philadelphia; a plate with two engravings: 1. Water works – Fairmont, morning, signed: “G. Lehman Del” and “J. W. Steel Sculp.” The second engraving is entitled “Brandywine light house Delaware Bay and is signed: “Birch Del.” and “J. W. Steel Sculp.” The fold out map at the rear has a Greek fret border, colour boundaries for each US state, and also has town maps of Pottsville, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Louisville, New Orleans. There are also environs maps for Providence, Boston, Richmond, New York, Charleston, Washington, D. C., Philadelphia. The map is entitled: “The Travellers Guide or the Map of the Roads, Canals & Rail Roads of the United States. With the distance from place to place. By H. S. Tanner. Published by H.S. Tanner, 144 Chesnut Street. Philadelphia.White endpapers and pastedowns. Dark brown rib diagonal-grain cloth, blocked with leaves, dots and a "zig-zag" patterns. The covers are not blocked. Printed blue-dyed paper pastedown on the centre of the upper cover. This has a Greek fret on its borders. The words: "/ Tanner's/ American/ traveller,/ or/ guide/ through the United States./" are printed in capitals with different fonts. The 1836 edition is at BL shelf mark 10411.a.47.



Binding No: 1231

                                  Binding No:   400 (assigned in 1996)

BL  Catalogue Book - Record Id = 019-000017975

                          Pressmark:   10408.b.11.

                        Artist Name:   Unsigned USA


                                   Title:   The Tourist, or pocket manual for travellers on the Hudson River, the Western Canal and Stage Road to Niagara Falls down Lake Ontario and the St Lawrence to Montreal and Quebec. Comprising also the routes to Lebanon, Ballston, and Saragota Springs. Fifth

 Edition, enlarged and improved.

                   Publisher Name:   Published by Harper and Brothers, no 82 Cliff-Street.160

             Place of Publication:   New York

              Date of Publication:   1836


                                Width:        100     Height:       160          Thickness:        15

                           PagNotes:  106p. 1 fold-out map

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ribbon embossed; &  rib horizontal-grain

                            Colour :   green


                 Date Examined:  10.10.96 & 18.12.2013

References:   Krupp, Andrea. Book cloth in England and America 1823-1850. Newcastle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2008, p.71 no. Ft17. (Floral textured.), p. 51, no. At7 (Abstract Textured.),  p.38, no. Mis7 [a variant]

Notes: The design is not signed. The title of the fold-out map reads: "/An improved map/ of the/ Hudson River/ with the/ past roads between N. York and Albany./ Published by Harper & Brs./ Drawn and engraved expressly/ for the Tourist./ 1836./ W. Chapin Sc./ White endpapers and pastedowns. Green rib horizontal-grain cloth. Ribbon embossed with joined hexagons, over both covers and spine. There is no blocking to boards or to spine. There is a white paper label pasted onto the upper cover. It has a printed decorated border. The words: "/The/ Tourist,/ for/ 1836./" are printed in the middle of the label.



Binding No: 1232

BL Catalogue Book - Record Id = 019-000017977

Pressmark: 10761.df.6.


Artist Name: Feely, John


Author/Heading:  Headley, Phineas Camp.

Title: The Miner Boy and his Monitor; or, the career and achievements of John Ericsson the Engineer


Pagination:  297p. 3 plates. With one page of publisher’s advertisements bound at the front.

Place of Publication: New York

Publisher Name: William H. Appleton, 92 Grand Street, 1865.

Date of Publication: 1865

Place of Printing:


W: 125

H: 182

T: 32



Cover material: cloth

Grain: bead-grain

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 1996 and 18.12.2013.


References: Allen, Sue and Gullans, Charles. Decorated cloth in America. Publishers’ bindings, 1840-1910. [Los Angeles] : UCLA, Center for 17th- and 18th-Century Studies, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, 1994. Pp. 45-51 has a Checklist of book covers carrying John Feely’s signature.



Notes: The design is by John Feely. The publisher’s titles at the front has the description of this work: “One volume, 16mo, fancy cloth, 300 pages, fully illustrated. Price $1.50.” The second frontispiece plate features 5 “Young Americans; History of Modern Heroes – Grant, Foote, Ericsson, Mitchell, Porter”. The plate bound opposite p.78 is inscribed: “Fay Cox Sc. N.Y.” Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Dark red bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and on the corners, forming an ornamental frame. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. The centre-piece is shaped as a quatrefoil, surrounded by lattice-work and leaves, all picked out in relief. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold on its borders. From the head down, the decoration is: the title “/ [The]/ Miner/ Boy/ and his/ Monitor/”, blocked in gold, in fancy lettering; a man, standing, holding a spade; a woman, seated on a box, holding what appears to be a scroll; crossed spades and pickaxe; a laurel wreath and a flower, within which a sea view with a ship is blocked. Unsigned, but spine is labelled and faded. (According to a list provided by Sue Allen, the spine is signed with the monogram “JF”. However, this work is not given in her checklist in DCA. )



Binding No: 1232a

BL Catalogue Book - Record Id = 019-000017979

Pressmark: 12805.f.22.

Artist Name: Feely, John

Author/Heading:  NEAL, afterwards HAVEN, Alice Bradley

Title: Contentment better than wealth.

Pagination:  188p. 1 plate. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Place of Publication: New York

Publisher Name: D. Appleton & Co., 200 Broadway

Date of Publication: 1853

Place of Printing:


W: 118

H: 170

T: 20



Cover material: cloth

Grain: rib vertical-grain

Colour: dark blue                    

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 6.1.2014




Notes: The design is by John Feely. The plate is a half title page chromolithograph whose layout and decoration is repeated on the blocking of the covers. Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Dark blue rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically, in blind and relief on the lower, and in gold and blind and relief on the upper. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this, a pattern of curling stems, leaves is blocked, which forms an ornamental frame on each cover. Inside this frame, the title: “/ Contentment/ is/ Better Than/ Wealth./” is blocked in gold, in elaborate letters, of which the capital “B” and “W” have curling stems attached. Below the title, a family group is gathered beside a crib, consisting of a mother, seated on a chair, with four children around her, is blocked in gold, with the dress patterns being picked out in relief. Signed “Feely” in relief at the base of this vignette, beneath the woman’s dress.  Below this, within a cartouche formed by a single fillet blocked in blind, the words: “/ D. Appleton & Co./ New York./” are blocked in blind. The spine is blocked in gold. Near the head the title is blocked in gold, within an oval frame, formed by ‘rustic’ fillets: “/ Contentment/ is/ Better Than/ Wealth/”. Beneath this, suspended upon a ribbon, rose stems and flowers (and other small flowers) are blocked in gold down the spine. These are nearly me by another cluster of flowers growing up around small branches, from near the tail. At the tail, a ‘branch-like’ fillet, intertwined with small leaves, has the words: “/ D. Appleton & Co./” blocked in gold within it.


Binding No: 1233

BL Catalogue Book - Record Id = 019-000017981

Pressmark: 9603.c.21.

Artist Name: Feely, John

Author/Heading:  Bunce, Oliver Bell.

Title: The romance of the revolution, being a history of the personal adventures, heroic exploits, and romantic incidents, as enacted in the War of Independence. Edited by Oliver B. Bunce.

Pagination:  434p. 6 plates. With eleven pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Place of Publication: New York

Publisher Name: Published by Bunce and Brother, 134 Nassau Street.

Date of Publication:1852

Place of Printing: [New York:]

Printer: Stereotyped by Bell & Russell, 13 Spruce Street.

W: 145

H: 210

T: 35



Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco vertical-grain

Colour: black                           

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 6.1.2014.




Notes: The design is by John Feely. The plates are [engraved and] signed : “J. W. Orr N.Y.” The frontispiece plated is also signed: “J. H. Chapin del.” The plates are lithographed. Original upper cover bound at the front. Its size is: 135x202mm. Black morocco vertical-grain cloth. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. On each corner, a pattern of curling stems and leaves and flowers is blocked in blind. The central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows two men, mounted on horses, fighting each other. The horse nearest us has a caparison marked in relief with “G R” to its front and rear. The sleeping roll behind the saddle is also marked in relief with “G R”, so this soldier is presumably if the British forces. He is holding his sword in his right hand, and is falling backwards, being stabbed in the neck by the sword held by the second rider, who presumably is of the American Independence forces. At the base of the vignette, beneath the two horses, a cannon, a soldier’s helmet, a drum and three cannon balls are blocked, with the small decoration of each being picked out in relief. Signed: “/Feely Sc/” in relief within the upper skin of the drum.




Binding No: 1234

Pressmark: Cup.500.pp.16. [First Series]

Artist Name: Newman, William

Author/Heading:  Newman, W[illiam]

Title: Aunt Oddemadodd’s whispers about certain little people [First Series.]

Pagination:  Unpaginated. [36p.]

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Dean & Son, 11, Ludgate Hill.

Date of Publication: [1856]

Place of Printing:


W: 190

H: 245

T: 5



Cover material: paper over boards


Colour: yellow                         

Block work: printed in green and in red

Date Examined: 6.011.2014.


References: Brown, Jane and Jones, Gregory. The English Struwwelpeter and the Birth of International Copyright. In: The Library. Seventh series, vol. 14, no. 4, Dec 2013, pp. 401, 405. States that the work was written and illustrated by [William] Newman.


Brown, Jane E. and West, Richard Samuel. William Newman. A Victorian Cartoonist in London and New York. Easthampton, Mass. Periodyssey Press, 2008, p. 33. States that Newsman wrote the rhymes and illustrated the book.


Notes: The design is not signed. It is attributed to William Newman (1817-1870). Apart from the title page, printing is only on the verso of one page, and the recto of the next. The illustrations are hand-coloured. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns, printed with publisher’s titles on each pastedown and on the front endpaper recto, and on the rear endpaper verso. On the lower cover, publisher’s titles are printed. The upper cover is yellow paper pasted onto the board, printed in green and red. There is a single red fillet printed on the borders. Inside this, a ‘garden trellis’ effect is created by linked crossbars, which are intertwined with small stems and leaves. The figure of Aunt Oddmedodd is printed on the centre, showing her in a bonnet, her left hand holding horizontally a green furled umbrella. At the head of the cover, the words: “/First series/” are printed. The title words: “/ Aunt/ Oddmedodd’s/ Whispers/ about certain/ Little people (in a semi-circle)/” are printed above, alongside, and below the figure of Aunt Oddmedodd. Below the title, near the base, the words: “/ By W. Newman, late one of the “Punch” artists/ Shilling plain/ London. Dean & Son, 11 Ludgate Hill./ Printers and publishers/ Price. 2s/” are printed in green and in red. The spine is of red rib horizontal-grain cloth.




Binding No: 1235

Pressmark: Cup.500.pp.16. [Second series.]

Artist Name: Newman, William

Author/Heading:  Newman, W.

Title: Aunt Oddemadodd’s whispers about certain little people [Second Series.]

Pagination:  Unpaginated. [25p.]

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Dean & Son, 11, Ludgate Hill.

Date of Publication: [1856]

Place of Printing:


W: 190

H: 247

T: 5



Cover material: paper over boards


Colour: yellow                         

Block work: printed in green and in red

Date Examined: 6.011.2014.


References: Brown, Jane and Jones, Gregory. The English Struwwelpeter and the Birth of International Copyright. In: The Library. Seventh series, vol. 14, no. 4, Dec 2013, pp. 401, 405. States that the work was written and illustrated by [William] Newman.


Notes: The design is not signed. It is attributed to William Newman (1817-1870. The illustrations are hand-coloured. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns, printed with publisher’s titles on each pastedown and on the front endpaper recto, and on the rear endpaper verso. On the lower cover, which is orange dyed paper, publisher’s titles are printed. The upper cover is yellow paper pasted onto the board, printed in green and red. There is a single red fillet and two green fillets printed on the borders. Curling stem and leaf decoration is blocked on each corner in green and red. On the centre, a scene of a family visiting the [London?] zoo is printed, showing a family in front of the stable which houses an elephant. The elephant has lifted aloft in its trunk, the youngest child of the family. At the head of the cover, the words: “/Second series/” are printed. The title words: “/ Aunt/ Oddmedodd’s/ Whispers/ About certain/ Little people/” are printed and below the zoo scene. Below the title, near the base, the words: “/ By W. Newman, late one of the “Punch” artists/ One shilling plain/ London. Dean & Son, 11 Ludgate Hill./ Printers and publishers/” are printed in green and in red. The spine is of brown wave diagonal-grain cloth.



inding No: 1236

BL Catalogue Book - Record Id = 019-000018037

Pressmark: 11526.f.20.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Chatelin, Clara de

Title: A laughter book for little folk. From the German by Th[eodor] Hosemann. By Madame de Chatelin. Second edition.

Pagination:  19p. Printed only on the recto of each page.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Cundall & Addey, 21, Old Bond Street. And William Tegg & co., Queen Street, Cheapside.

Date of Publication: [1851]

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: W. M’Dowell, printer, Little Queen Street, Lincoln’s Inn-Fields.

W: 195

H: 245

T: 10



Cover material: paper


Colour: pink                             

Block work: printing only

Date Examined: 13.1.2014


References: Brown, Jane and Jones, Gregory. The English Struwwelpeter and the Birth of International Copyright. In: The Library. Seventh series, vol. 14, no. 4, Dec 2013, p. 400.



Notes: The design is not signed. The title page is the front cover. The illustrations are hand coloured. The rear cover is printed with a list of publisher’s titles, covering three series. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Pink paper over boards. On the upper cover, there is an ornamental border framing the title and imprint, consisting of a repeating pattern of hatch circles, stems and leaves, each pattern with a pointed end. The lower cover is printed with the publisher’s titles for children. There are three small fillets printed on each side, the head and the tail, together with a pattern of straps and stems printed on each corner. The book was issued with a dust jacket of green paper, with identical printing to the upper and lower covers of the bound volume. The size of the upper cover dust jacket (including the turn-ins) is: 210x278mm. The size of the lower dust jacket (including the turn-ins) is: 210x279mm.




Binding No: 1237

[Entered into BL bindings database 18102016 - 019- 000023463]

                                [Binding No:   571 my copy originally cat’d 7.2.2000]

                          Pressmark:   C.194.a.722.

                        Artist Name:   Leighton, John

                   Author/Heading:   Mayhew, Henry

                                   Title:   London labour and the London poor; the condition and earnings of those that will work, those that cannot work, and those that will not work. [the title of vol. 4 is: London labour and the London poor; a cyclopaedia of the condition and earnings of those that will [italics] work, those that          cannot [italics] work, and those that will not [italics] work. Those that will not work. Comprising, prostitutes. Thieves. Swindlers. Beggars. By several contributors. With an introductory essay on the agencies at present in operation in the metropolis for the suppression of vice and crime. By the Rev. William Tuckniss, B.A. With illustrations.]



                   Publisher Name:   Charles Griffin and Company, Exeter Street, Strand.

             Place of Publication:   London

              Date of Publication:   1862

Printer:  Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross .

                                Width:                  Height:                     Thickness:          

                           PagNotes:  4 vols.

   Place of Printing:  London




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    pebbl-grain

                            Colour :   red

                        Blockwork:   gold and blind and relief

                 Date Examined:  15.1.2014.    



Notes: The BL sets of the 1861-62 edition are at shelf marks: is the copyright deposit copy; and 08286.e.19. is the former Reading Room copy [i.e. purchased]. The text of these copies is the same as this copy. Neither of these two sets has original covers. The Newbery Library, Chicago has a set of three volumes in original covers at shelf mark Bon. 11246. The Extra Volume is at Bon.11247. Published: London: Griffin, Bohn, and Company, Stationers' Hall Court, 1861. Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street.

This set [C.194.a.722.] is four volumes, with volume four being an ‘Extra Volume’. Vol. 1 has 546p. Vol. 2 has [7], 576p. [7], 452p. Vol. 4 has xl, 504p. The size of vol. 1 is 152x222x32mm; vol. 2 is 152x225x33mm; vol. 3 is 150x224x30mm;  the extra volume [vol.4] is 162x252x32mm.

The design is by John Leighton. All three volumes have dark red pebble-grain cloth. The extra volume [vol. 4] has red sand-grain cloth. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. The first three volumes are blocked identically on the covers and on the spines. Three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, one thick between two thin. On both covers, an ornamental frame is formed by repeating patterns of small and large leaves, alternating. Small curling stems and leaves are blocked in relief on each inner corner. The central oval is formed by a single fillet blocked in blind. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold, and it shows a small boy, dressed in low grade clothes, with his right hand held to his forehead, and his left hand holding a bezum. The spines of volumes 1 to 3 are blocked identically in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a medallion formed by a single gold fillet, inside which a dog is depicted, holding a coin tin in its mouth; The title words: “/ London [in a semi-circle]/ labour/ and the / London/ poor/” are blocked I in relief within five gold lettering-pieces, of which the uppermost (containing the word “London”) is semi-circular, and the next four are rectangular; the word “poor” is a rectangular gold lettering-piece shaped as a money box; between the words “London” and “labour” a bee-hive is blocked in gold; small flower, leaf and stem decoration is blocked around the lettering-pieces containing the title words; the lower half of the spine is occupied by a teenage boy, leaning on a rowing boat, who is rolling up his trouser legs to dip his feet into water below him; the words;”/ Vol. 1.[-3.]” are blocked beneath this, in relief within a vertical hatch rectangular gold lettering-piece. Two fillets blocked in gold; at the tail, the word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders.


Volume 4, the “Extra volume” is blocked separately to volumes 1-3. Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders, the corners and the sides. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. More fillets blocked inside this form ‘onion-shapes’ on each corner, and almost complete circles at the head and at the tail, together with small straps on each inner corner. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold. Part of the title: "/ London/ Labour [these two words blocked in a semi-circle]/ and the/" is blocked in gold on either side of the lantern and dome of St. Paul's Cathedral. Below this, a shield is blocked, showing the City of London coat of arms. The words: "/ London/ Poor/" are blocked in relief vertically and horizontally within the cross inside the shield. The motto: "/ Dirige/ domine/ nos/" is  blocked in relief within a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece below the shield. A tracery of thorn-like stems is blocked in gold on either side of the shield. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A gas lamp post is blocked from tail to head. The gas lantern is blocked at the head, with a flame and rays inside. From the ladder bar of the lamp post, a rectangular banner is hanging. This is formed by a single gold fillet. The title: "/ London/ Labour/ and the/ London/ Poor./" are blocked in gold inside the banner. A medallion gold lettering-piece is blocked in gold beneath the banner, with the words: "/ Extra volume/" and a six-point star blocked in relief inside the medallion. At the base of the lamp post, a group of objects is blocked on the ground: a broom, a hat, a stick, a basket, and a long-handled axe. Signed "JL" in gold, on each side of the spine, as separate letters underneath these objects. The word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.


Binding No: 1238

[Entered into BL bindings database 02112016 -019-000023527]

Pressmark: 12804.c.15.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Richmond, D.

Title: Accidents of Childhood, or Cautionary stories for heedless children. [By D. Richmond.] With twenty illustrations by J. D. Watson [i.e. John Dawson Watson]. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge. Farringdon Street.

Date of Publication: 1861

Place of Printing: [London: ]

Printer: Dalziel Brothers, engravers & printers, Camden Press.

W: 110

H: 178

T: 15

Pagination:  [7], 175p. With eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.


Bookbinder: Bone & Son

Cover material: cloth

Grain: bead-grain

Colour: purple                         

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 22.1.2014




Notes: The design is not signed. The monogram of Routledge, Warne and Routledge is printed on the title page. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. The frontispiece and the illustrations are signed : “”Dalziel”. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son./ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./” [Ball 17A] Purple bead-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind, with fillets and curling stems, forming an ornamental frame, oval-shaped on the centre. On the upper cover centre, the title: “/ Accidents/ of/ childhood/” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Near the head a small ‘pineapple-shaped’ device is blocked in gold and in relief. Beneath this, the title: “/ Accidents/ of/ childhood/” is blocked in gold. Underneath the title, another small device is blocked in gold and in relief.




Binding No: 1239

[Entered into BL bindings database 02112016 -019- 000023529]

Pressmark: 11648.f.25.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: Funny Books for Boys and Girls. Struwelpeter. Good-for-nothing Boys and Girls. Troublesome Children. King Nutcracker and Poor Reinhold.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street.

Date of Publication: [1856]

Place of Printing: [London: ]

Printer: Henry Vizetelly, printer and engraver, Gough Square, fleet Street.

W: 172

H: 215

T: 10

Pagination:  Unpaginated.


Bookbinder: Bone & Son

Cover material: cloth

Grain: wave diagonal-grain

Colour: red                               

Block work: Gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 22.1 2014


References: Brown, Jane and Jones, Gregory. The English Struwwelpeter and the Birth of International Copyright. In: The Library. Seventh series, vol. 14, no. 4, Dec 2013, p. 402.


Notes: The design is not signed. Each story has a printed title page. Struwelpeter [14p]. Good-for-nothing Boys and Girls 16p]. Troublesome Children [14p.]. King Nutcracker and Poor Reinhold 20p.]. The illustrations are hand coloured. Gilt edges. No original endpapers or pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son./ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./” [Ball 17A] Red wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. There are two single fillets on the borders. On each corner, a group of branch, curling stems, leaves and buds of the passiflora (passion flower) is blocked in blind. On the centre of the lower cover, interlocking branches are blocked in blind, with leaves and stems and flowers blocked around the branches. The upper cover central decoration is blocked in gold. Curling stem and small leaf decoration forms four panels, the one on each side are oval in shape; the ones above and below the very centre are circular. Each panel is occupied by a figure, and three out of the four are copies of those on the title page. The central hexagon is a gold lettering-piece, which has the title words: “/ Funny/ books/” blocked in relief within it. The spine is blocked in gold. Along the spine a cartouche is blocked, with the title words: “/ Funny books/” blocked in gold within the cartouche.




Binding No: 1240

[Entered into BL bindings database 02112016 -019- 000023532]

Pressmark: 11648.f.32.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: Cruel Fred and other funny stories [in verse] and pictures.

Place of Publication: Edinburgh:

Publisher Name: T. Nelson and Sons

Date of Publication: [1855]

Place of Printing:


W: 195

H: 250

T: 10

Pagination:  16p.



Cover material: paper over boards


Colour: red and green            

Block work:

Date Examined: 22.1.2014


References: Brown, Jane and Jones, Gregory. The English Struwwelpeter and the Birth of International Copyright. In: The Library. Seventh series, vol. 14, no. 4, Dec 2013, pp. 401-402


Notes: The design is not signed. There are four stories – Cruel Fred; Lying Louis; Eating boy; Covetous Fan. Light brown endpapers and pastedowns. Red paper pasted onto spine and boards. The lower covers shows red dyed paper only, with no decoration. The front cover of white paper is pasted onto the red dyed paper. This additional cover is tinted green and hand coloured in pink, red brown and shades of green. On the borders, two branches are printed, with bunches of vine leaves and grapes on each corner. Between the branches are printed round the cover: [on the spine edge]  “/ We’re a merry little band/”; [at the head] “/ work is done/”; [on the fore edge] play’s begun: now we have/”; [on the tail] “/ our laugh & fun/”. Inside the borders, from the head downwards, the decoration is – the title: “/ Cruel Fred/ and/ other/ funny stories/ and/ Pictures [in gothic letters]/” Passion plant stems and flowers are printed on either side of the title;  near the tail, within an arch formed by two branches, the figure of Fred stands, facing us; on either side of the arch two adults on the right, are chasing the figure of Fred, depicted left, who is running away. The spine has no printing or decoration.


Binding No: 1241

[Entered into BL bindings database 02112016 -019- 000023534]

Pressmark: 11648.f.29.

Artist Name: Leighton, John


Title: Laugh and grow wise. By the Senior Owl of Ivy Hall.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Griffith and Farran, Late grant and Griffith, Successors to Newbery and Harris. Corner of St. Paul’s Churchyard.

Date of Publication: [1856]

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: Maclure Macdonald & Macgregor Lithgrs, 37, Wallbrook

W: 200

H: 248

T: 7

Pagination:  Unpaginated [30p.]



Cover material: paper over boards


Colour: cream                          

Block work:

Date Examined: 29.1.2014


References: Brown, Jane and Jones, Gregory. The English Struwwelpeter and the Birth of International Copyright. In: The Library. Seventh series, vol. 14, no. 4, Dec 2013, p. 402.



Notes: The illustrations and text are printed on the verso and recto only of each group of four pages. All are hand coloured. The upper cover paper is cream coloured (now faded). It is printed in brown and in green and is probably a lithograph. There are five fillets printed on the borders. The background to the cover is printed in brown. The title: “/ Laugh/ & [ which hangs from the ‘U’ of the word ‘Laugh’]/ grow wise [printed in a semi-circle]./”I sprinted near the head in ‘wood-like’ rustic letters. Ivy stems, leaves and berries surround these words. Underneath the title, there is a medallion which has an owl, bespectacled (in brown), printed inside it. Below the medallion, the words: “/ by the/ Senior Owl/ of Ivy Hall/” are printed in fustic letters with tendrils attached to some of the letters. On the left and right below the medallion , the figure of a boy and a girl are printed in green. The boy (to the left), is dressed in a jester’s costume, and holds a pencil behind his back. The girl on the right  is dressed in a typical way (like Alice in Wonderland), with ribbons in her hair, and she holds a pen. In the left hand corner, near the tail, signed: “Luke Limner del.” [i.e. John Leighton.] In each lower corner within a quarter circle, are the words: “Price 2 & 6.”On the centre tail, the imprint: “/ London/ Griffith & Farran,/ (Late Grant & Griffith), St. Paul’s Churchyard./” are printed in a rectangular panel with two fillets on its borders. The lower cover has a list of publisher’s titles.




Binding No: 1242

[Entered into BL bindings database 02112016 -019-000023537]

Pressmark: 12805.h.30.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Solomon Lovechild, pseud. [i.e. Lady Eleanor Fenn.]

Title: Sketches of Little boys and girls. By Solomon Lovechild.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Thomas Dean & Son Threadneedle Street.

Date of Publication: [1852]

Place of Printing: London:


W: 122

H: 182

T: 11

Pagination:  79p. with thirty-seven pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco vertical-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 29.1.2014


References: Brown, Jane and Jones, Gregory. The English Struwwelpeter and the Birth of International Copyright. In: The Library. Seventh series, vol. 14, no. 4, Dec 2013, p. 399.


Notes: The design is not signed. The title pages and frontispiece are illustrations and are hand coloured. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically, in blind on the lower and in gold on the upper. On the upper cover, two fillets are blocked in gold on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Curling stems and leaves are blocked on each corner in gold, forming an ornamental frame. On the centre, an elaborate cartouche is blocked, with leaves like acanthus blocked on each side. A heron on a cushion is atop this cartouche. Around the outside of the cartouche, curling stems and flowers are blocked in gold. The centre is shaped like a shield, formed by a single gold fillet. On the centre, a cross is blocked in gold. Along the spine, the title: “/ Sketches of girls and boys/”is blocked in gold.





inding No: 1243

[Entered into BL bindings database 02112016 -019- 000023541]

Pressmark: 12806.g.28.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: Evil Deeds and Evil Consequences. [Tales for children.]

Place of Publication: [London: ]

Publisher Name: [Thomas Nelson & Sons]

Date of Publication: [1857]

Place of Printing: London:


W: 198

H: 263

T: 5

Pagination:  32p.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: wave diagonal-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 10.2.2014


References: Brown, Jane and Jones, Gregory. The English Struwwelpeter and the Birth of International Copyright. In: The Library. Seventh series, vol. 14, no. 4, Dec 2013, p. 402.


Notes: The design is not signed. The engravings are hand coloured. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders, the corners and the sides. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. A patter of stylised leaves is blocked on the corners and the sides, forming an ornamental frame. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a small boy being attacked by a medley of animals: a fox bites his right leg; a goose bites his left leg; A hen is pecking at his right cheek; a cat is clawing his left cheek; a bird is flying to attack either side of his head. The title: “/ Evil [above the boy’s head] / deeds & evil blocked on either side of the boy]/ consequences blocked below the boy]/” is blocked in gold in rustic letters. Some of the letter sprout small twigs and leaves. A lobster, a small mammal (a mouse?) and a fly are blocked between the boy’s outstretched legs. The spine is not blocked.


Binding No: 1244

[Entered into BL bindings database 02112016 -019-000023544]

Pressmark: 11526.f.19.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Hoffmann, Henrich

Title: King Nut-Cracker; or the Dream of Poor Reinhold. A fairy tale for children  freely rendered from the German of Dr. Heinrich Hoffmann (author of “Struwwelpeter”) by J. R. Planché. [i.e. James Robinson Planché.]

Place of Publication: Leipsig:

Publisher Name: Friedrich Volckmar

Date of Publication: [1853]

Place of Printing: London:


W: 205

H: 265

T: 10

Pagination:  28p. Each page printed on recto only.



Cover material: paper


Colour: beige                           

Block work:

Date Examined: 10.2.2014


References: Brown, Jane and Jones, Gregory. The English Struwwelpeter and the Birth of International Copyright. In: The Library. Seventh series, vol. 14, no. 4, Dec 2013, p. 402.


Notes: The design is not signed. The London imprints are: William Tegg &Co. 85 Queen-Street, Cheapside; A. & S. Joseph, Myers & Co. 144 Leadenhall Street. The illustrations are hand coloured White endpapers and pastedowns. Original (cream coloured?) papers pasted onto boards. The lower cover has four fillets printed on its borders. The central vignette shows a group of four children, together with a cat,  playing around a large open book. One child holds a drum; another holds a doll; a third holds its right arm over the figure of a jester on the page of the book; the fourth is seated in front of the book. The upper cover has two fillets printed in black on the head, the tail and the fore edge. A third ‘branch like’ fillet is printed inside this. At the tail, from spine to fore edge, a pattern of curling branches and leaves, together with a pennant, is printed. At the lower right hand corner of this panel: “/Graeff Sc./” is printed. The central rectangle is occupied by a set of people, who are looking at a poster being posted to a brick wall. The poster announces the title: “/ King/ Nutcracker/ or/ the dream of poor/ Reinhold./”



Binding No: 1245

[Entered into BL bindings database 02112016 -019- 000023547]

Pressmark: 11646.g.49.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: Simple Hans and other funny pictures and stories.

Place of Publication: London & Edinburgh

Publisher Name: T. Nelson & Sons

Date of Publication: [1854]

Place of Printing: London:


W: 170

H: 215

T: 10

Pagination:  30p.



Cover material: paper over boards


Colour: orange                         

Block work:

Date Examined: 10.2.2014


References: Brown, Jane and Jones, Gregory. The English Struwwelpeter and the Birth of International Copyright. In: The Library. Seventh series, vol. 14, no. 4, Dec 2013, p. 402.


Notes: The illustrations appear to be hand coloured. White endpapers and pastedowns. Orange paper pasted over boards. The spine is original of wave vertical-grain cloth. The lower cover is not decorated. The upper cover has a ‘garden trellis’ design on the borders, with branches joined at each corner, and flowers climbing up and around the branches. On the spine side, a couple of boys have climbed up the pole, and are looking down towards the centre. Four other girls are grouped at the lower left, who are looking at two boys who hold up the text panel, which reads: “/ Oh children! Children! Come and see/ This funny Picture-Book for you and me,/ Bought by our Mamma dear!/ So that we may grow good and wise,/ And neath a merry laugh’s disguise/ Learn naughty ways to fear/”. The title is printed near the centre head: “/ Simple Hans/ and other/ Funny Pictures & Stories/” The imprint: “/ T. Nelson & Sons, London & Edinburgh./” is printed at the centre tail, within a pennant. The spine is not blocked.





Binding No: 1246

[entered onto BL database 02112016 - 019-000023549]

Pressmark: 11526.f.1.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Beahr, Julius

Title: [Die unartigen Kinder.] Naughty Boys and Girls. Translated by Madame de Chatelain. [i.e. Clara de Chatelain]  [In verse.] Illustrated by T. Hosemann [i.e. probably Theodor Hosemann].

Place of Publication:[ London:]

Publisher Name: [Addey & Co., 21, Old Bond Street.]

Date of Publication: [1852]

Place of Printing: London:


W: 190

H: 237

T: 4

Pagination:  32p.



Cover material: paper


Colour: green                           

Block work:

Date Examined: 10.2.2014.


References: Brown, Jane and Jones, Gregory. The English Struwwelpeter and the Birth of International Copyright. In: The Library. Seventh series, vol. 14, no. 4, Dec 2013, p. 401.


Notes: Each opening printed on the verso and recto only. The illustrations appear to be hand coloured. Green paper over boards. The lower cover has a repeating pattern of ‘lotus flower’ decoration. Inside this, a list of publisher’s titles is printed. The upper cover is green dyed. A pair of branches, printed on the borders in brown and in white, intertwine at the corners, at centred head and centre sides to form straps. Above the central oval, the title: “/ Naughty boys & girls [in a semi-circle]/” is printed in ‘rustic’ letters. Below the central oval, the words: “/ With coloured pictures/” are printed. The central oval is framed by a ‘branch like’ fillet, with two straps underneath it, and one strap at its centre head. It shows the figure of a  ‘Father Christmas’ figure, in a red robe, with a red, white fur-trimmed hat,, with a sack of presents over his right shoulder.





Binding No: 1247

[entered onto BL database 02112016 - 019- 000023552]

Pressmark: 12806.e.12.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Hoffmann, Henrich

Title: King Nutcracker, and the Poor Boy, Reinhold. A Christmas Story, with pictures. Rendered into English verse from the ... German ... by A. H.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: William Orr and Co., Amen Corner, Paternoster Row.

Date of Publication: 1854

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: Thomas Harrild, printer, Silver Street, Falcon Square.

W: 137

H: 185

T: 4

Pagination:  40p. With eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: paper


Colour: White                          

Block work:

Date Examined:


References: Brown, Jane and Jones, Gregory. The English Struwwelpeter and the Birth of International Copyright. In: The Library. Seventh series, vol. 14, no. 4, Dec 2013, p. 405.


Notes: The illustrations are not coloured. The original paper covers are bound at the front and at the end. White paper over boards. On the borders, a single ‘branch-like’ fillet is printed in black, On each upper corner, a group of three leaves is printed in black and in red. Three titles are stated beneath a sign [printed in a semi-circle] “/ One shilling each [in black against a red background]: “[1. ]/ King/ Nut Cracker/ [2. ]The giant/ and the dwarf/ [3.]/ The new/ tale of a tub/”. At the tails, within an arabesque, against a red background, the imprint: “/ London:/ Wm. S. Orr & Co., amen Corner/” is printed in black. The upper cover has the same ‘branch-like’ fillet on the outer borders. Inside this, groups of curling stems and leaves on each upper corner, and across the tail, form an ornamental ‘keyhole shaped’ frame, in which the figure of King Nut Cracker is printed. The title: “/ King Nut Cracker/” is printed in red in a semi-circle above the figure. Singed at bottom left: “/ G. Hambuch s[c]/” and at bottom right: “/ Ashbee and Dangerfield del/”





Binding No: 1248

[entered onto BL database 02112016 - 019- 000023579]

Pressmark: 11645.g.41.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Crowquill, Alfred , pseud. [i.e. Alfred Henry Forrester.]

Title: Funny leaves for the Younger Branches. By Baron Krakemsides of Burstenoudelafen.

Place of Publication: [London:]

Publisher Name: Grant & Griffith, Corner of St Pauls Churchyard.

Date of Publication: [1852]

Place of Printing: London:


W: 195

H: 250

T: 7

Pagination:  16p. Printing is on rectos only.



Cover material: paper over boards


Colour: yellow                         

Block work:

Date Examined: 19.2.2014


References: Brown, Jane and Jones, Gregory. The English Struwwelpeter and the Birth of International Copyright. In: The Library. Seventh series, vol. 14, no. 4, Dec 2013, p. 399. ‘Alfred Crowquill’s mild picture fable about the cruelty of hunting elephants…’


Notes: The title page, the preface, and the illustrations on each page are hand-coloured.  Blue endpapers and pastedowns. Yellow paper pasted over boards. Both covers have the same arabesque border decoration, together with patterns of curling stems and leaves printed on each corner, the whole forming an ornamental frame On the lower cover, is a list of titles of the publisher in the series: “New & popular works for the young.” On the upper cover, at the head, the words: “Price half a crown./” are printed. Below this, Baron Krakemsides is holding up a ‘bell shaped’ board, in which the title is printed: “/ Funny leaves [in a semi-circle]/ for the/ younger branches [in a semi-circle]/”. The Baron’s bearded face peeps through a hole in the board. The remainder of the title: “/ by/ Baron Krakemsides [within a cartouche]/ of/ Burstenoudelafen [within a pennant around the Baron’s legs]/” is printed below the board. At the tail, the publisher: “/ Grant and Griffith, corner of St. Pauls churchyard” is printed. The spine is not original.




Binding No: 1249

[entered onto BL database 02112016 - 019- 000023582]


Artist Name:

Author/Heading:  Hoffmann, Heinrich

Title: The English Struwwelpeter; or, Pretty Stories and Funny Pictures.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.

Date of Publication: 1909

Place of Printing: London:


W: 212

H: 265

T: 8

Pagination:  24p. Printed on rectos only.



Cover material: paper over boards


Colour: cream                          

Block work:

Date Examined: 19.2.2014


References: Brown, Jane and Jones, Gregory. The English Struwwelpeter and the Birth of International Copyright. In: The Library. Seventh series, vol. 14, no. 4, Dec 2013, p. 423, 425.


Notes: The pages are wire stitched. All the illustrations are coloured. The lower cover has a single black fillet border frame, with a list of “Routledge’s 1s. 6d. Gift-Books for Girls and Boys.” The upper cover has at the head, the title word: “/ Struwwelpeter/”, with the capital “S” being printed in red. Below this there is a scene of Conrad and the Scissorman, printed in colours. On the lower half of the cover, the words: “/ By/ Dr. Henrich Hoffmann/ London/ George Routledge & Sons, Ltd./” are printed in black. The spine is original, of blue un-grained cloth.






Binding No: 1250

[entered onto BL database 02112016 - 019- 000023585]

Pressmark: 12807.g.19.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: Rivers of Laughter; or Fun for the little ones. By Aunt Oddamadodd.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Dean and Son, 11 Ludgate Hill.

Date of Publication: [1859]

Place of Printing: London:


W: 183

H: 240

T: 3

Pagination:  [16p.]



Cover material: paper over boards


Colour: cream                          

Block work:

Date Examined: 19.2.2014


References: Brown, Jane and Jones, Gregory. The English Struwwelpeter and the Birth of International Copyright. In: The Library. Seventh series, vol. 14, no. 4, Dec 2013, p. 405.


Notes: The upper endpaper has a list of Dean and Son’s books, nos. 9 to 13 in the series “Miss Corner’s Histories”. illustrations are all hand coloured. The lower cover is yellow coloured and has no printing. The upper cover has a reproduction of the title page. It is singed with the monogram “WN Invt” [i. e. William Newman].  It shows a boy and a girl on the centre, holding a book above them. Above and below the children, the title words: “/ Rivers of laughter [in a semi-circle]/ or/ fun for the little ones [ in a semi-circle]/ by Aunt Oddamadodd/” are printed. On the borders are typical accoutrements of children: At the head – a toy horse, a mask, a drum and drumsticks; on the sides – a brush and comb, and a knife, fork and spoon; on the left tail – a pin cushion; on the right tail – a basket with a small doll like figure within it. The spine is not original.




Binding No: 1251

Pressmark: 12808.a.5.

[entered onto BL database 02112016 - 019- 000023588]

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Lovechild, Solomon, pseud. [i.e. Lady Eleanor Fenn.]

Title: Sketches of little girls. Containing the good natured, the orderly, the thoughtless, the vain, the untidy, the forward, the persevering, and the little girl.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Dean & Son, 11, Ludgate Hill.

Date of Publication: [1859]

Place of Printing: London:


W: 135

H: 170

T: 5

Pagination:  31p.



Cover material: paper


Colour: orange                         

Block work:

Date Examined: 19.2.2014


References: Brown, Jane and Jones, Gregory. The English Struwwelpeter and the Birth of International Copyright. In: The Library. Seventh series, vol. 14, no. 4, Dec 2013, p.399. Cites the 1852 edition.


Notes: Orange paper covers. The lower cover two lists of Dean and Son series: “Dean’s untearable alphabets” and “ [Dean’s] Untearable story books” . The upper cover is a reproduction of the title page, on orange paper, also printed with red. Two fillets are on the border, the outer thick, the inner thin; there are small triangles on each corner. On the upper half of the cover, swags of plants, leaves flowers are printed around the title and author words: “/: Sketches/ of/ little girls./ . Containing/  the good natured/ the orderly/ the thoughtless/ the vain/ the untidy/ the forward/ the persevering/ and/ the little girl/ by/ Solomon/ Lovechild./” Beneath the title, there is a scene of four girls and two boys, standing to the side of a table draped with a cloth. The girl to the left is crying. Beneath this group, the words: “/ The good natured little girl/” is printed within a pennant. The illustration is signed: “/ B. Clayton/” At the tail, the words: “/ London/ Dean & Son, 11, Ludgate Hill./” are printed. The red colouring appears not to have been registered correctly, being below the intended position of covering the black. This copy is date stamped in blue: “9 DE[CEMBER 18] 59”.







Binding No: 1252

[entered onto BL database 14112016 - 019-000023600]

Pressmark: 11645.f.42.

Artist Name: Unsigned German

Author/Heading:  Hoffmann, Heinrich

Title: The English Struwwelpeter, or pretty stories and funny pictures for little children. After the fourteenth edition of the celebrated  German work of Dr. Heinrich Hoffmann.  Fourth edition.

Place of Publication: Leipsic:

Publisher Name: Friedrich Volckmar

Date of Publication: [1859]

Place of Printing:


W: 198

H: 245

T: 5

Pagination:  24p. Printed on rectos only.



Cover material: paper over boards


Colour: pink                             

Block work:

Date Examined: 19.2.2014


References: Brown, Jane and Jones, Gregory. The English Struwwelpeter and the Birth of International Copyright. In: The Library. Seventh series, vol. 14, no. 4, Dec 2013, p.389, 399 & 416.


Notes: The illustrations are hand coloured. The covers are of pink dyed paper over boards. Both covers have the same border decoration, forming an ornamental frame. On the outer borders, this is of repeating patterns of curling leaves and stems, and more stylised leaves and stems on the corners. On the centre of the lower cover, a family group of two adults and three girls are listening to a document being read (out loud) by the (grand?) father. On the upper cover, the title, author, and imprint are printed, together with a small decorated rule separating the edition statement from the imprint. Apart from the London imprint, this is the same border and title on the upper cover, as for the eleventh edition, illustrated as figure 1, page 389 of the Brown and Jones article. The spine is of brown (un-grained?) cloth, and is likely to be original. This copy is date stamped in red: “18 DE[CEMBER 18] 50”.






Binding No: 1253

[entered onto BL database 14112016 - 019- 000023603]


Artist Name: Unsigned German

Author/Heading:  Hoffmann, Heinrich

Title: Humoristische Studien

Place of Publication: Frankfurt am Main,

Publisher Name: Literarische Anstalt (J. Rütten)

Date of Publication: 1847

Place of Printing:





Pagination:  64p.



Cover material: paper


Colour: blue                             

Block work:

Date Examined: 19.2.2014


References: Brown, Jane and Jones, Gregory. The English Struwwelpeter and the Birth of International Copyright. In: The Library. Seventh series, vol. 14, no. 4, Dec 2013, pp. 386-392.


Notes: The original blue dyed paper covers are bound in at the rear. The lower cover prints an advertisement for the fifth (German) edition of Der Struwwelpeter. The upper cover has a decorated border, with straps on each corner, forming an ornamental frame, in which the title and imprint are placed. Hoffmann is cited as: “Verfasser des Struwwelpeter”. Underneath the imprint, the name of “J. Rütten” is printed.




Binding No: 1254

[entered onto BL database 14112016 - 019- 000023607]

Pressmark: C.109.i.8.

Artist Name: Warren, Albert


Title: The Spirit of Praise: a collection of hymns old and new.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: F. Warne and Co.; New York, Scribner, Welford & Co.

Date of Publication: [1868]

Place of Printing: [London:]

Printer: Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press.

W: 195

H: 255

T: 30

Pagination:  [13], 252p.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and relief

Date Examined: 19.2.2014


References: McLean, Ruari. Victorian publishers’ book-bindings in cloth and leather. London, Gordon Fraser, 1974, p. 108. The copy reproduced is in purple cloth with turquoise cut-out paper onlay, bound by Bone 7 Son. 


Notes: This work is described in the publisher’s titles bound in at the rear of BL 11651.k.7., The nobility of life, as: “/[Dalziel] fine Art book/, [rule]/ In a superb binding by Albert Warren, illuminated title page and red lettered/ text, one guinea; morocco antique or elegant, £1 15s./” The artists cited in the list of illustrations are: J. Burlison, T. Dalziel, G.J. Pinwell [i. e. George John Pinwell] , A. B. Houghton [i. e. Arthur Boyd Houghton], W. Small [i. e. William small] , A. W. Bayes [i. e. Arthur Walter], Paul Gray, E. Dalziel [i. e. Edward Dalziel], J. W. North [i. e. John William North], P. Hundley, “The initial letters, ornamental headings, &c, by P. Hundley.” Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges, Bevelled boards. Red sand-grain cloth. Binder’s ticket in red, on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son/ 76, Fleet St./ London E. C./” [Ball no. 17D.] Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Both covers are blocked identically in gold, and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in gold on the borders, the outermost being thin and the two inner being thicker. Between fillets two and three, a repeating pattern of ‘curling stems and leaves’ is blocked in gold. Groups of trefoils are blocked in gold on each corner, with gold hatch blocked between two fillets on the inner borders. Small dots blocked in gold on the inner portions of each cover. The central recessed panel is in the shape of a quatrefoil, which has fillets and gold hatch blocked in gold on its borders. Within the central panel, a cut out paper yellow paper onlay is pasted and blocked in gold with a fillet on its perimeter (to obscure the join between the onlay and the cloth). There is small stem and leaf decoration blocked in gold around the inner perimeter of the onlay. The title words: “/ The/ spirit of/ praise/” are blocked in ‘outline relief’, within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each with a fillet blocked in relief on its borders. Small groups of ‘three leaves and stems’ are blocked in gold and in relief above and below the title. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter.  From the head downwards, the decoration is: filigree work in gold, with two five petalled flowers, blocked in relief; within arches and flowers in gold above and below them, the title words: “/ The/ spirit of/ praise/” are blocked in ‘outline relief’, within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each with a fillet blocked in relief on its borders; groups of five petalled flowers, blocked in relief, run down the middle of the spine; a fleur-de-lis; the word: “/Illustrated/” is blocked in gold, between  two gold fillets; the lower third of the spine has more five petalled flowers, blocked in relief, separated by a thin column, blocked in gold, with a group of four leaves blocked in gold on the centre; near the tail, more ‘stem and root’ decoration blocked in gold; At the tail, the words: “/ F. Warne & Co./” are blocked in gold between two gold fillets. This copy is date stamped in blue: “16 APR[IL 18] 68”.





Binding No: 1255

[entered onto BL database 14112016 - 019- 000023611]

Pressmark: 10368.c.23.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Howitt, William

Title: The Wye: its ruined abbeys and castles. Extracted from “The ruined abbeys and castles of Great Britain”. The photographic illustrations by Bedford [i.e. Francis Bedford] and Sedgefield [i.e. William Russell Sedgefield].

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Alfred W. Bennett, 5, Bishopsgate Without

Date of Publication: 1863

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: Richard Barrett, printer, Mark Lane

W: 142

H: 190

T: 12

Pagination:  [4], 76p.


Bookbinder: Westley

Cover material: cloth

Grain: pebble-grain

Colour: brown

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 7.4.2014




Notes: The design is not signed. The text is sewn on two tapes. The blocking of the upper cover (and possibly the lower cover) appears to have been done after the cover was attached to the text block. Gilt edges. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Westley’s/ & Co./ London./” Green endpapers and pastedowns. Brown pebble-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically on the borders and corners, I blind and relief on the lower cover and in gold and in relief on the upper cover. On the upper cover, four fillets are blocked in gold, two thin and two thin. On the inner covers, a pattern of curling stems and leaves is blocked in relief. A single gold fillet joins the inners corners, with a single ‘branch’ blocked within it. There are small single cartouches blocked in gold on the centre sides, and centre head and tail. The title is blocked in gold above and below the centre: “/ The Wye [in a semi-circle]/ its [sic] abbeys and castles [in a semi-circle]./” On the centre , a photograph by Sedgefield of ‘The Wye from Chapel Hill’ is pasted.  The spine is not blocked. Text copyright Edmund M. B. King.






Binding No: 1256

[entered onto BL database 17112016 – 019- 000023623]

Pressmark: W2/5060 [Boston Spa]

Artist Name: B., C.

Author/Heading:  White, Henry Kirke

Title: The Poetical works and remains of Henry Kirke White, with life by Robert Southey. Illustrated by Birket Foster. [Medallion portrait of White.]

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: George Routledge and Sons, The Broadway, Ludgate. New York: 416, Brooke Street.

Date of Publication: 1867

Place of Printing: [ London:]

Printer: Savill & Edwards, printers, Chandos-street, Covent Garden.

W: 115

H: 172

T: 33

Pagination:  viii, 456p. 8 plates.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: blue

Block work: Gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 7.4.2014.




Notes: The design is signed “C B” [i.e. possibly Charles Bayliss]. Gilt edges. Bevelled Boards. The book has been re-backed and has modern white endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, the inner of which has a repeating bead pattern blocked in relief. Inside this, more border fillets, stylised plant decoration is blocked on the sides, and there are cartouches on the centre head and centre tail. Two more fillets blocked in blind form the inner rectangle, which has a single leaf on each of its corners. On the upper cover, the vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. It has a ‘fan’ shape at its head and its tail, blocked in gold. There are two ‘Renaissance’ scrolls, the upper of which has the words: “/ Kirke White/” blocked in relief within it. Signed “ C B “ in separate letters,  near the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head and at the tail, fillets and small ornaments are blocked in gold. On the upper portion, the author and title words: “/ Kirke White’s [in a semi-circle]/ poetical/ works [in a semi-circle]/” are blocked in relief within Hatch gold lettering pieces., which are surrounded by small decoration blocked in gold. On the lower portion of the spine, the word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in relief within a scroll shaped hatch gold lettering-piece, which has small decoration blocked in gold above and below it.







Binding No: 1257

[entered onto BL database 17112016 – 019- 000023625]

Pressmark: 11651.k.7.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Jewry, afterwards Valentine, Laura.

Title: The nobility of life, its graces and virtues, portrayed in prose and verse by the best wrtiters. Selected and edited by L. Valentine. With twenty-four original pictures printed in colours, elaborate borers, headings, and vignettes.

Place of Publication: London:

Publisher Name: Frederick Warne and Company, Bedford Street, Covent Garden; New York: Scribner, Welford and Co.

Date of Publication:1869

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: Dalziel Brothers, printers and engravers, Camden Press.

W: 212

H: 265

T: 32

Pagination:  vii, 192p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: Gold and blind and black and relief

Date Examined: 7.4.2014




Notes: The design is not signed. This book may be part of the Dalziel ‘Fine Art Gift Book’ series. The twenty four coloured illustrations are not paginated separately. The artists who drew the twenty four colour illustrations are [full names cited where possible]: John Dawson Watson, Henry Le Jeune, Charles Green, Francis Walker, Henry Courtney Selous, Edward Duncan, Edward John Poynter, James Mahoney, Alfred Thompson, Mary Ellen Edwards, Henry Warren, Frederick John Skill, Alfred  W. Cooper, Edward Henry Wehnert. The illustrations were rendered into colours by Edmund Evans, Kronheim & Co.  Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. Binder’s ticker on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn/ & Co./ Kirby St./ E. C./” [Ball 20C.] The lower cover is blocked on the borders and on the corners, in blind and in relief, with the outline of the border patterns blocked on the upper cover. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in black and in relief. Two fillets are blocked on the outer borders, the outer in black, the inner in gold. On each corner, two overlapping cartouches are blocked in black, interspersed with small leaf and flower decoration, which is blocked in gold. On the centre head , the centre tail, and on each side, rectangles are formed by single black fillets, which have a pattern of repeating dots blocked in relief within them. Within each rectangle, stylised ‘lotus-like’ leaves flowers and stems are blocked in gold; on the centre of each rectangle, a ‘rose-head’ flower is blocked in gold. The inner rectangle is formed by four fillets: one thin gold fillet; one black fillet, with repeating dots blocked in relief within it; one thick gold fillet, with a ‘wave’ pattern blocked in relief within it; a thin gold fillet. The centre piece is formed by a single gold fillet. The title: “/ The Nobility [in fanciful letters] / of Life. [in fanciful letters]/ Its/ graces/ and [within a cartouche formed by a single gold fillet]/ virtues/” is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in black and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. Just inside this, a thinner single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter, rising to form a semi-circular arch near the head. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet, which has a black fillet blocked within it, and this black fillet has a pattern of repeating dots blocked in relief within it; Small decoration in gold; the title words:” / The Nobility/ of/ Life/ its/ Graces/ and Virtues/” are blocked in gold, surrounded by small stem leaf and buds decoration, blocked in gold; The lower half of the spine has more stylised decoration blocked in gold, all within a rectangle formed by fillets blocked in gold and in black – the fillet in black having repeating dots blocked in relief within it; near the tail, the Words: “/ F. Warne & Co./” are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet, which has a black fillet blocked within it. Text copyright Edmund M. B. King.






Binding No: 1258

[entry inserted into BL bindings database on 09062014 BL 019-000018709]

Pressmark: 11651.k.3.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Baynes, Robert Hall

Title: The Illustrated Book of Sacred Poems. Edited by the Rev. Robert H Baynes M.A., Vicar of S. Michael, Coventry, Editor of “Lyra Anglicana,” &c. Illustrated by J.D. Watson [ i.e. John Dawson Watson], H. C. Selhous [i.e. Henry Courtney Selous], E. M. Wimperis [i.e. Edmund Morison Wimperis], H. Pixis, M. E. Edwards [i.e. Mary Ellen Edwards], R. P. Leitch [i.e. Richard Pettigrew Leitch], W. Small [ i.e. William Small], R. T. Pritchett [i.e. Robert Taylor Pritchett], T. Macquoid [i.e. probably Thomas Robert Macquoid], J. W. North [i.e. John William North]. [Monogram of Cassell, Petter and Galpin.]


Place of Publication: London and New York:

Publisher Name: Cassell Petter and Galpin

Date of Publication: 1867

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: Cassell, Petter and Galpin, Belle Sauvage Works, Ludgate Hill, E. C.

W: 200

H: 275

T: 32

Pagination:  391p. 3 plates.



Cover material: paper


Colour: blue                             

Block work:

Date Examined: 7.4.2014.




Notes: The design is not signed. The current binding is of the British Museum with gauffered boards, blue spot marbled paper edges, endpapers and pastedowns. Originally issued in eleven parts, price sixpence per part. This copy has the upper and lower blue paper covers for each part bound in. Part I included: “A Presentation Plate, consisting of Gustave Dore’s drawing “The Crown of Thorns,” issued gratuitously with this Part.” The verso of the upper cover and the recto and verso of each lower cover contain printed advertisements. The recto of the lower cover has a reproduction of: “Specimen of Illustrations in Cassell’s Illustrated Book of Fables”, by Gustave Dore. The upper cover of part XI advertises the ‘Complete volume of Cassell’s Illustrated Book of Sacred Poems: “…published at 7s.6d. cloth gilt, 10s 6d. full gilt cloth, and at 21s full morocco antique. It will form one of the most beautiful gift books of the forthcoming season.” The half title page shows the same design as blocked on the full gilt cloth binding.







Binding No: 1258A

Pressmark: Compiler’s copy

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Baynes, Robert Hall

Title: The Illustrated Book of Sacred Poems. Edited by the Rev. Robert H Baynes M.A., Vicar of S. Michael, Coventry, Editor of “Lyra Anglicana,” &c. Illustrated by J.D. Watson [ i.e. John Dawson Watson], H. C. Selhous [i.e. Henry Courtney Selhous], E. M. Wimperis [i.e. Edmund Morison Wimperis], H. Pixis, M. E. Edwards [i.e. Mary Ellen Edwards], R. P. Leitch [i.e. Richard Pettigrew Leitch], W. Small [ i.e. William Small], R. T. Pritchett [i.e. Robert Taylor Pritchett], T. Macquoid [i.e. probably Thomas Robert Macquoid], J. W. North [i.e. John William North]. [Monogram of Cassell, Petter and Galpin.]


Place of Publication: London and New York:

Publisher Name: Cassell Petter and Galpin

Date of Publication: 1867

Place of Printing: London:

Printer: Cassell, Petter and Galpin, Belle Sauvage Works, Ludgate Hill, E. C.

W: 200

H: 267

T: 30

Pagination:  392p. 4 plates. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: dark red                      

Block work: gold and black and blind and relief

Date Examined: 12.6.2014




Notes: The design is not signed. The upper cover of part XI of the copy bound with parts in paper covers  advertises the ‘Complete volume of Cassell’s Illustrated Book of Sacred Poems: “…published at 7s.6d. cloth gilt, 10s 6d. full gilt cloth, and at 21s full morocco antique. It will form one of the most beautiful gift books of the forthcoming season.” The half title page shows the same design as blocked on the full gilt cloth binding. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Dark red sand grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. The inner rectangle shows an imitation wooden frame, with rows of candles to head and to tail, quatrefoils on the centre sides, and an oval frame at the centre. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Two gold fillets are blocked on the borders, within between them a pattern of groups of three gold dots, and semi-circles blocked in black. On the borders, ‘ivy like’ stems, leaves and buds are profusely blocked. They surround the ornate central rectangular frame, which has a ‘wheel circle’ blocked on each corner, each of which has a leaf and stem pattern blocked in relief within it. On the left of the frame, a crown, an urn, a cross are blocked in gold. On the right hand side a repeating pattern of thin stems and two leaves is blocked in relief within a wide gold fillet. Near the head, the title: “/ The/ Illustrated Book/ of Sacred Poems/” is blocked in gold in gothic letters. Underneath more gilt decoration of repeating curling stems and leaves, the quote: “O all ye [blocked in red]/ works of the Lord bless [blocked in green]/ ye the Lord praise him and [blocked in red]/ magnify him forever [blocked in green]/” – all are within diagonal gold lettering-pieces. Beneath these quotes, the publisher: “/ Cassell, Petter and Galpin./” is blocked in gold in gothic letters. The spine is blocked in gold in black and in relief. From the heads downwards the decoration is: ivy leaves and buds in gold; a crown and two five pointed stars in gold within and oval formed by ‘a branch-like’ fillet, which also continues down the spine to surround the title words: “/ The/ Illustrated/ Book of/ Sacred/ Poems/ Edited by/ the Rev. R. H [blocked in gold]/ Baynes M. A./”  are blocked in relief within seven diagonal rectangular gold lettering pieces; a cross and rays around in, blocked in gold, witin an oval formed by a ‘branch-like’ fillet; ivy stem and bud decoration; just above the tail, the publisher: “/ Cassell/ Petter & Galpin/ London & New York/”is blocked in gold; at the tail two gold fillets.




Binding No: 1259

[entry inserted into BL bindings database on 09062014 BL 019-000018705]

Pressmark: c.134.d.2.

Artist Name: Hughes, Arthur

Author/Heading:  Tennyson, Alfred

Title: Enoch Arden. Illustrated by Arthur Hughes.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Edward Moxon & Co., Dover Street

Date of Publication: 1866

Place of Printing and printer: London: Bradbury, Evans and Co., printers, Whitefriars.

W: 175

H: 225

T: 25

Pagination:  [6], 81p. with one leaf and then sixteen pages of publisher’s title bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: pebble-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 28.5.2014


References: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings.1985, p. 87.

Goldman, Paul. Victorian Illustrated Books 1850-1870. The heyday of wood-engraving. The Robin de Beaumont Collection. London, British Museum Press, 1994, p. 113.

Houfe,Simon. The Dictionary of British Book Illustrators and Caricaturists 1800-1914. Woodbridge, Antique Collectors Club, 1978, pp. 347-348.

McLean, Ruari. Victorian book design and colour printing. 2nd edition. [London] Faber & Faber [1972], p. 169. Reproduces the title page and frontispiece.

McLean, Ruari. Victorian publishers’ book-bindings in cloth and leather. London, Gordon Fraser, 1974, p. 134-135. Reproduces the upper and lower covers of a copy bound in blue morocco grained cloth.



Notes:  The design is by Arthur Hughes. Printed on the title page verso: “The illustrations and cover from drawings by Arthur Hughes. The frontispiece engraved by J. H. Baker, from a medallion by Thomas Woolner. The book produced under the superintendence of [monogram of J B P i.e. James Bertrand Payne].”  On page four  of the list of books published by Edward Moxon bound in at the end , this work is described as: “ In foolscap 4to, elegantly printed and bound price 21s.” Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Original yellow pastedowns. The bookplate of George Macaulay Booth is pasted on the front pastedown. Green pebble-grain cloth. Full gilt to both covers and spine. On the lower cover, stalks and ears of corn are blocked between ‘branch like’ fillets blocked on the borders. A diagonal pattern is interspersed with butterflies, with a windmill’s sail blocked in gold on the centre. A single bell and its shell is blocked on each centre side. The spine is blocked in gold. The upper cover has sea motifs – sea shells on corners; ship’s chains and ropes on the borders; a ‘fish net diagonal pattern with many fish caught inside. An anchor is blocked on the centre. A bell and its wheel is blocked on the centre of each side and on the centre tail. A single ‘rope’ fillet is blocked on the perimeter. A sea shall is blocked in gold at the head and at the tail. Another ‘rope’ Fillet forms a cartouche on the centre of the spine, with the title words: “/ Enoch Arden/” blocked in gold, in ‘rope like’ letters within it. Above and below the cartouche, rope knots and small stem and leaf decoration are blocked in gold. Another copy of this work is at BL C129d2.






Binding No: 1260

[entry inserted into BL bindings database on 09062014 BL 019-000018707]


Pressmark: c.129.d.2

Artist Name: Hughes, Arthur

Author/Heading:  Tennyson, Alfred.

Title: Enoch Arden. Illustrated by Arthur Hughes.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Edward Moxon & Co., Dover Street

Date of Publication: 1866

Place of Printing and printer: London: Bradbury, Evans and Co., printers, Whitefriars.

W: 180

H: 225

T: 25

Pagination:  [6], 81p. With one leaf and then sixteen pages of publisher’s title bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and relief

Date Examined: 28.5.2014


References: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings.1985, p. 87.

Goldman, Paul. Victorian Illustrated Books 1850-1870. The heyday of wood-engraving. The Robin de Beaumont Collection. London, British Museum Press, 1994, p. 113.

Houfe,Simon. The Dictionary of British Book Illustrators and Caricaturists 1800-1914. Woodbridge, Antique Collectors Club, 1978, pp. 347-348.

McLean, Ruari. Victorian book design and colour printing. 2nd edition. [London] Faber & Faber [1972], p. 169. Reproduces the title page and frontispiece.

McLean, Ruari. Victorian publishers’ book-bindings in cloth and leather. London, Gordon Fraser, 1974, p. 134-135. Reproduces the upper and lower covers of a copy bound in blue morocco grained cloth.



Notes:  The design is by Arthur Hughes. Printed on the title page verso: “The illustrations and cover from drawings by Arthur Hughes. The frontispiece engraved by J. H. Baker, from a medallion by Thomas Woolner. The book produced under the superintendence of [monogram of J B P i.e. James Bertrand Payne]. ” On page four  of the list of books published by Edward Moxon bound in at the end , this work is described as: “ In foolscap 4to, elegantly printed and bound price 21s.” Gutta percha binding (which may be original). Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Original yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Inscribed on the upper endpaper: “/ Presented to Lillie Mascliffe (?) on her/ Wedding Day. By her Aunt, Mrs. Slones(?)/ Sheffield/ Sept. 28th 1868/” Blue sand-grain cloth. Full gilt to both covers and spine. All of the decorative elements are blocked in relief. (This implies the use of a different block from the one used for the copy at BL C.134.d.2.) On the lower cover, stalks and ears of corn are blocked between ‘branch like’ fillets blocked on the borders. A diagonal pattern is interspersed with butterflies, with a windmill’s sail blocked in gold on the centre. A single bell and its shell is blocked on each centre side. The upper cover has sea motifs – sea shells on corners; ship’s chains and ropes on the borders; a ‘fish net diagonal pattern with many fish caught inside. An anchor is blocked on the centre. A bell and its wheel is blocked on the centre of each side and on the centre tail. The spine is blocked in gold. A single ‘rope’ fillet is blocked on the perimeter. A sea shall is blocked in gold at the head and at the tail. Another ‘rope’ Fillet forms a cartouche on the centre of the spine, with the title words: “/ Enoch Arden/” blocked in gold, in ‘rope like’ letters within it. Above and below the cartouche, rope knots and small stem and leaf decoration are blocked in gold. Another copy of this work as at BL C134d2.



Binding No: 1261

[entered onto BL database 17112016 - 019- 000023630]


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Tennyson, Alfred

Title: Enoch Arden, etc. [and other poems]

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Edward Moxon & Co,. Dover Street

Date of Publication: 1865

Place of Printing and printer: London: Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars.

W: 120

H: 180

T: 20

Pagination:  [3], 178p.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 28.5.2014.




Notes: Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Green sand-grain cloth. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Written on the upper pastedown: “/ A. V. Barclay/ Decr. 15th. 1865/”. Both covers are blocked identically on the borders with three fillets blocked in blind. On the upper cover, the medallion monogram of Edward Moxon is blocked in blind. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. Three fillets are blocked in blind across the spine at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the title words”/ Enoch/ Arden/ etc./” are blocked in gold. Near the tail, the words: “/ London/ Moxon./” are blocked in gold. Another copy of this work is at BL 11646.eee.32.




Binding No: 1262

[entered onto BL database 17112016 - 019- 000023636]

Pressmark: 7298.eee.14.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Dana, James Dwight

Title: Corals and coral islands.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Sampson, Low, Marston, Low and Searle, Crown Buildings, Fleet Street.

Date of Publication: 1872.

Place of Printing and printer: London:

W: 170

H: 250

T: 38

Pagination:  [1], 398p. 1 plate. 3 maps of which 2 are fold out.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: brown                         

Block work: gold and black and relief

Date Examined: 9.7.2014.




Notes: [This may be an American edition, even though the title page has a London imprint]. One of the fold out maps is entitled: “Isocrymal chart of the oceans. The isotherms showing the average temperature of the coldest month to illustrate the geographical distribution of corals and other oceans species.” This map is signed: “Punderson & Crissand, New Haven Ct.” The second map is entitled: “Chart of the Viti Group of Feejee Islands by the U. S. Ex. 1840.” The third map is entitled: “The sea bottom between Florida and Cuba.” Original grey/ brown endpaper is bound at the front. The original upper cover is doublured as the front pastedown. 150x245mm. Brown sand-grain cloth. On each corner, the pattern of tracery of two hearts, of stems which cross to form squares, with four dots within a square, and small decoration is blocked in black. The central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a half moon shaped [underwater?] landscape, which is formed by a single gold fillet, which has dots blocked in relief within it. It is populated with rocks and marine life on the sea bed. Above and below this, are stylised seaweed shapes blocked in gold.



Binding No: 1263

[entered onto BL database 17112016 - 019- 000023638]


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Dana, James Dwight

Title: Corals and coral islands.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Sampson, Low, Marston, Low and Searle, Crown Buildings, 188 Fleet Street.

Date of Publication: 1875.

Place of Printing and printer: London: R. Clay, Sons, and Taylor, printers, Bread Street Hill.

W: 136

H: 195

T: 31

Pagination:  xx, 348p. 1 plate. 3 maps, or which 2 are fold-out. With forty pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and black and relief

Date Examined: 9.7.2014.




Notes: This copy includes a Preface to the English edition by the author. On page 13 of the publisher’s titles this work is described as: “/ New and cheaper edition, with numerous important Additions and Corrections. Crown 8vo. Cloth extra. 8s. 6d. [In the press.” The first of the fold out maps is entitled: “Isocrymal chart of the oceans. The isotherms showing the average temperature of the coldest month to illustrate the geographical distribution of corals and other oceans species.” The second map is entitled: “Chart of the Viti Group of Feejee Islands by the U. S. Ex. 1840.” The third map is entitled: “The sea bottom between Florida and Cuba.”  Brown endpapers and pastedowns.  Green sand-grain cloth. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn/ & Co./” [Ball 20E.] The borders of both covers are blocked identically, in blind on the lower cover and in black on the upper. Repeating dots are blocked in black, between two fillets, the outer thin, the inner thick. The upper cover central circle has a red paper on lay, which shows a pattern of coral, surrounded by black background. Around this on lay, a single fillet is blocked in gold, with repeating dots blocked in gold outside this. Beneath the on lay, the title “/ Coral and/ coral islands/” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, shaped as a wooden board. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a band of coral blocked in gold between two black fillets; the title and author: “/ Corals/ and/ coral/ Islands/ James D./ Dana/” are blocked in gold; a cluster of coral is blocked in gold; the monogram device of Sampson, Low and Marston is blocked in gold within a medallion; the publisher words: “/ Sampson Low & Co./” are blocked in gold near the tail, between two black and two gold fillets





Binding No: 1264

[entered onto BL database 17112016 - 019- 000023641]

Pressmark: 8631.c.25.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Anderson, John Henry.

Title: The fashionable science of parlour magic; being the newest tricks of deception, developed and illustrated with an exposure of the practice made use of by professional card players, blacklegs, and gamblers; to which is added, for the first time, the magic of spirit rapping, writing mediums with table turning, &c., &c. One hundred and eighth edition of Parlour Magic. Thirty eighth edition of Spirit Rapping.

Place of Publication and publisher: [London:] Published by “The Great Wizard of the North,” at his “Temple of Magic”

Date of Publication: [1855]

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by R. S. Francis, Catherine Street, Strand.

W: 125

H: 185

T: 15

Pagination:  96p.



Cover material: paper


Colour: cream printed in red and black

Block work:

Date Examined: 22.7.2014




Notes: The original paper covers are bound in. Size of original: 120x178x5mm. The lower cover shows us a séance on the centre with three ladies and two gentlemen seated at a table.  Above the participants in the séance, the words: “/ Spirit/ rapping/ exposed/” are printed. The title and the group of people are surrounded by flying ‘devil like’ figures. The word “/by/” is printed on the table. Below the table a horse shoe is printed, with four ‘devil like’ figures clinging to it. The words: “/ Professor Anderson/ The/ Wizard of the North/” are printed below the table near the base of the cover. The upper cover has the title: “A shilling’s Worth/ of/ Magic/ or, tricks to be learnt in a train./”. The roundel at the centre of the cover has a head and shoulders portrait entitled “Professor Anderson”. On either side of the roundel, we see two ‘magic like’ genies. The one of the left is sitting on a pack of cards; the one on the right is seated on a steam engine.  Below the roundel, his self-styled title: “/ Great Wizard/ of the/ North./” is printed in black letters.





Binding No: 1265

[entered onto BL database 17112016 - 019- 000023644]


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Neighbour, Alfred

Title: The apiary; or, bees, bee-hives, and bee culture: being a familiar account of the habits of bees, and the most improved methods of management, with full directions, adapted for the cottages, farmer, or scientific apiarian.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Kent & Co., Paternoster Row; Geo Neighbour and Sons, 149 Regent Street, and 127, High Holborn; and all booksellers.

Date of Publication: 1865

Place of Printing and printer:.

W: 150

H: 228

T: 15

Pagination:  xi, 134p.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: pebble-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 22.7.2014




Notes: No original endpapers or pastedowns. Green pebble-grain cloth. Both cover are blocked identically on the borders and on the corners in blind. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. Inside this, an elaborate pattern of curling stems and leaves is blocked on each corner. A central oval is formed by more fillets blocked in blind. On the upper cover, the title: “/ The apiary [in a semi-circle]/ or/ bees, bee-hives/ and bee culture/” is blocked in gold. A bee hive is blocked in gold between the title and sub-title. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, two gold fillets are blocked across the spine. Near the head, the title: “/ The/ apiary/ or/ bees/ bee hives/ & bee/ culture/” is blocked in gold.




. Binding No: 1266

[entered onto BL database 17112016 - 019- 000023647]

Pressmark: 10496.d.1.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Imray, James Frederick

Author: Rosser, William Henry

Title: The lights and tides of the world. With a chart and numerous illustrations. [Device of James Imray.]

Place of Publication and publisher: London: James Imray & Son, Chart Publishers and Nautical Booksellers, Minories and Tower Hill.

Date of Publication: 1866.

Place of Printing and printer: London:

W: 203

H: 235

T: 20

Pagination:  xxxii, 149p, 22p. 1 fold out map. With forty six pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: pebble-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 22.7.2014


References: Packer, BVL. Packer, Maurice. Bookbinders of Victorian London. London: British Library, 1991, p. 56.


Notes: The map is entitled: “Tidal chart of the world”. Text sewn on three tapes. Red speckled  ink edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Bound at the front is a series of publisher’s coupons, which entitles purchasers of this work to a Supplement.  Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Flude, Birch & Skelt/ Binders/ [rule] Gt. Prescott St./ London E. C./". Green coarse pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. On each corner, a pattern of curling stems, leaves and buds is blocked in blind and in relief. On the centre of the lower cover, the device of James Imray [the initials and an anchor]  is blocked within a medallion. On the centre of the upper cover, a Lighthouse is blocked in gold, with, at its base, the levels of the sea at high and low water are shown. Above and below the lighthouse, the title: “/ The lights and tides [in a semi-circle]/ of the world/” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked with the title: “Lights & tides of the world” blocked in gold along it.



Binding No: 1267

[entered onto BL database 17112016 - 019- 000023651


Artist Name: Unsigned Uk


Title: The language and poetry of flowers.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: George Routledge and Sons

Date of Publication: 1871

Place of Printing and printer: London: Savill, Edwards and Co., printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

W: 110

H: 155

T: 15

Pagination:  160p.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: orange                         

Block work: gold and black

Date Examined: 22.7.2014.




Notes: The frontispiece plate is signed: “A. C.[?] Birke del.” and “T. Heaviside Sc.”  Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Orange sand-grain cloth. On the lower cover, three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. On the upper cover, three fillets are blocked on the borders in black. There are two lozenge-shaped vignettes on the centre of the upper cover. The outer one is blocked in black, of curling stems and leaves. The inner lozenge is blocked in gold, of curling stems and leaves Within the central oval, a paper on lay is pasted, which shows a harlequin holding his right hand above a dog. Spine is missing.






Binding No: 1268

[entered onto bindings database on 20.8.2014 – BL 019-000018920]

Pressmark: 7032.bbb.27.

Artist Name: William Harry Rogers

Author/Heading:  Robinson, William

Title: Alpine flowers for English gardens. With numerous illustrations.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: John Murray, Albemarle Street

Date of Publication: 1870.

Place of Printing and printer: [London:] Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Duke Street, Stamford Street, and Charing Cross. 

W: 135

H: 205

T: 35

Pagination:  xviii, 392p. With thirty-two pages of publisher’s title bound at the end.


Bookbinder: Bone & Son

Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: dark blue                    

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 20.8.2014


References: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, pp. 172-173.



Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ W. Bone & Son/ 76, Fleet St. London E. C./” [Ball no. 17E] Dark blue ungrained cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. A single fillet is blocked on the outer border. Inside this, another fillet blocked in blind ends in two flowers on the upper corners, whilst on the centre tail, a small group of flowers is blocked, together with the monogram “WHR” in blind underneath them. On the upper cover the central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows groups of alpine flowers blocked around the centre. Around a single multi-petalled flower on the centre, the title and author words: “/ Alpine flowers/ Robinson/” are blocked in semi-circles, in rustic letters. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. The title: “/ Alpine/ flowers/” is blocked in gold near the centre of the spine, between groups of alpine flowers. Underneath this, the word: “/ Robinson/” is blocked in gold, and, immediately underneath this, Roger’s monogram: “WHR” is blocked in gold, mingled with small stems. At the tail, between two gold fillets blocked across the spine, the words: “/ London/ John Murray/” are blocked in gold. The 1875 edition is at shelf mark 7054.df.26. This has 440p, and different illustrations. It is also bound by Bone & Son [Ball no. 17E.] The frontispiece is entitled: “Alpine flowers at home”. It is signed with a monogram, possibly “AD”. The cover design is the same as for the 1870 edition, with two exceptions: 1. The word “Robinson” on the upper cover and on the spine in the 1780 edition is replaced with the signature “W. Robinson”; 2. The sprig on the spine of the 1870 edition, which has the monogram “WHR” is not present on the spine of the 1875 edition.



1870 edition


1875 edition. 7054.df.26.


Binding No: 1269

Pressmark: 11650.h.71.

[entered onto bindings database on 20.8.2014 – BL 019-000018923]


Artist Name: Morrow, George

Author/Heading:  Lucas, Edward Verrall

Title: Swollen-headed William. Painful stories and funny pictures after the German!. Text adapted by E. V. Lucas. Drawings adapted by Geo. [i.e. George] Morrow.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Methuen & Co., Ltd.

Date of Publication: 1914

Place of Printing and printer: London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., Fetter Lane, E. C.

W: 190

H: 250

T: 9

Pagination:  [2], 20p. Text printed on rectos only.



Cover material: paper on card


Colour: red, green and black 

Block work:

Date Examined: 20.8.2014


References: George Morrow:


Notes: The upper cover design is by George Morrow. The lower cover has a list of publisher’s titles. The upper cover illustration is adapted from the black and white illustration on page one, which shows swollen headed Kaiser Wilhelm II, with a small crown on his monstrous head, blood dripping from his hands, standing on a plinth. He is dressed in uniform, legs apart, with knee length boots and spurs. On the upper cover, William has the swollen head, with the small crown atop it, and is dressed in a red smock, with a green cravat round his neck. He has green leggings and black shoes. He is astride a plinth, which has pairs of crossed cannons within a panel on each side. The central panel has the words: “/Swollen-headed William/ (After the German!)/ Verses adapted by/ Drawings adapted by/ E. V. Lucas; Geo. Morrow/ Methuen & Co., Ltd., 36 Essex Street, Strand, London W. C./” Underneath the plinth the price: “/ One shilling net/” is printed in black.


Binding No: 1270

Pressmark: 8245.f.14.


[entered onto bindings database on15.10. 2014 – BL 019-000019101]


Artist Name: Unsigned UK ( John Leighton)

Author/Heading:  Bradbury, Henry

Title: On the security and manufacture of bank notes. A lecture delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, Albemarle Street, Friday evening, May 9, 1856. His Grace the Duke of Northumberland in the Chair.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Published by Bradbury and Evans, Whitefriars, printers and bank note engravers.

Date of Publication: 1856

Place of Printing and printer: [London: ] Bradbury and Evans, printers extraordinary to the Queen, Whitefriars.

W: 210

H: 270

T: 6

Pagination:  [5], 30p. 3 plates



Cover material: paper


Colour: beige                           

Block work:

Date Examined: 15.10.2014


References: Ball, VPB, p.83, note 17, refers to banknote specimens by Leighton being in the John Johnson Collection.


Notes: The upper cover is printed in black, and has two fillets on its borders. The third, inner fillet, has ‘acanthus’ leaves on each corner. The three plates are of specimen bank notes for ten pounds and a hundred pounds. All are designed and signed: “John Leighton F. S. A.” The lower cover is not available.



Binding No: 1271

Pressmark: RB.31.a.43.


[entered onto bindings database on 15.10. 2014 – 019-000019104]


Artist Name: William Harry Rogers

Author/Heading:  Busch, Wilhelm

Title: A bushel of merry-thoughts. Described and ornamented by Harry Rogers.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Sampson Low Son, and Marston, Milton House, Ludgate Hill.

Date of Publication: 1868

Place of Printing and printer: London:

W: 255

H: 165

T: 12

Pagination:  [4] p., 14p; [1-2], 3-12, 14-16; 16p; 16p



Cover material: paper


Colour: being, printed in colours     

Block work:

Date Examined: 15.10.2014


References: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, p. 157.

Muir, Percy. Victorian illustrated books. London: B.T. Batsford, [Revised impression], 1985. p. 236 and the index states W.H. Rogers to be the translator.



Notes:  The design is by William Harry Rogers. The ‘Bushel’ in the title is perhaps a pun on Wilhelm Busch’s name. In four parts, each with separate pagination. The Contents page indicates that the parts should be bound in the following order: The fearful tragedy of Ice-Peter, The exciting story of the cat and mouse, The disobedient children who stole sugar bread, The terrible punishment of the naughty boys of Corinth. The contents of this copy are bound in the order: The terrible punishment of the naughty boys of Corinth - The exciting story of the cat and mouse - The disobedient children who stole sugar bread - The fearful tragedy of Ice-Peter. The title page and the last page of this story have Roger’s monograms. Beige (formerly pink?) paper over boards. The lower cover is plain. The spine is of green sand-grain cloth, not blocked. The upper cover is printed in colours. The title and: “/ A Bushel of/ Merrythoughts/ “ is printed in gothic letters. The sub-title: “/ Described in verse/ by/ Harry Rogers./” is printed within a pink scroll, with red ends. There are eight roundels, each with a motif: a stag, a lobster, a pig with wings, a spider underneath a crown, a small girl, a man with his tongue in a plate of soup; a hare in a jug; a basket with a hen. The roundels are surrounded by stem and leaf decoration in green and in red. Signed: “WHR” as a monogram near the left base. The cover is also signed: “Leighton Bros.” The cover is described in verse by Rogers:

A bushel of Merry Thoughts – over they go!

Just look on our book-cover, - isn’t it so?

The basket’s upset, and you’ll find, when you’ve been to it,

More fun than you’d think ever could be got into it.

Young chicks and jugged hare tumble out in a group

For the ogre, as soon as he’s finished his soup;

And Next, over-head, comes a dear little girl,

That the Marquis of Cobweb claws up by the curl,

As she, pretty darling, is teaching to fly

The unlikeliest bird ever hatched in a stye.

But now starts an animal stranger than any –

A lobster, with claws and enormous antennae,

Who makes his own salad (he’s grown so obedient),

Tho’ he knows his own body’s choicest ingredient.

And lastly comes galloping out in a flurry,

(It’s hunger I think, that induces such hurry),

In the loudest of trowser that ever were built,

A roebuck that’s given up wearing the kilt.

That’s all, little friend, so I’ll bid you adieu,

With a bumper for Busch, and good wishes for you.

W. H. R.”



Binding No: 1272

[entered onto bindings database on 12.11. 2014 – 000019334]



Artist Name: John Leighton

Author/Heading:  Ewald, Alexander Charles

Title: Leaders of the Senate: a biographical history of the Rise and Development of the British Constitution. 

Place of Publication and publisher: London: William Mackenzie, 69 Ludgate Hill, E. C. Edinburgh and Dublin

Date of Publication: [1884-1885]

Place of Printing and printer: Glasgow: Printed by William Mackenzie, 43 & 45 Howard Street. 




Pagination:  2 vols.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: pebble-grain

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 12.11.2014




Notes: The design is probably by John Leighton. Vol. 1: [2], 592p. 14 plates. 200x275x47mm. Vol. 2: 608p. 16 plates.  200x275x50mm. Both volumes bound by the British Museum. Red pebble grain cloth. Quarter leather. Marbled edges, endpapers and pastedowns. Originally issued, according to the Prospectus, in Five Divisions, bound in cloth, bevelled boards, gilt edges, price 8/6d each; or in fifteen parts (with paper covers), price 2/- each, This British Library copy is made up from the parts issued in paper covers. The sheets were originally stab-stitched, before the BM binding. The paper covers for Parts 1 and 15 are bound at the end of Vol. 2. The covers are light blue-dyed paper. The upper covers are printed in dark blue with the fillets in black. Fillets are on borders in black, together with red ‘wave’ border pattern. . On the spine side of the upper cover, a single black fillets create three rectangular panels, stretching from head to tail. The upper and lower panels contain leaf and stem decoration. The central panel shows, within an oval, a mace (of Parliament?)with oak and laurel leaves on either side. The right-hand side of the upper cover has the title and imprint, within : “/Leaders of the Senate, [in gothic lettering, within a red background lettering-piece]/ a/ biographical history of the/ rise and development/ of the British Constitution. [printed in red]/ by/ Alexander C. Ewald, F. S. A./ [rule]/ London: W. Mackenzie, 69, Ludgate Hill,/ Edinburgh and Dublin ”. Above the title, within a panel with a red fillet border, there is a crown and laurel leaves, with above it, the words: “/ Illustrated with/ Numerous Portraits Engraved on Steel [printed in a semi-circle]/”. Stylistically, this is a design by John Leighton, although it is not signed. This design is a similar to the paper covers on BL 10815g9, The Right Hon. Benjamin Disraeli, … The cloth bound copy of Leaders of the Senate, in five divisions, is at BL q920560. The verso of the lower cover of Part 1 has the "Prospectus"; that of Part 15 has two publisher's titles.




 Binding No: 1273

Pressmark: q920*560*

Artist Name: John Leighton


[entered onto bindings database on 12.11. 2014 –BL 019- 000019338 ]



Author/Heading:  Ewald, Alexander Charles

Title: Leaders of the Senate: a biographical history of the Rise and Development of the British Constitution. 

Place of Publication and publisher: London: William Mackenzie, 69 Ludgate Hill, E. C. Edinburgh and Dublin

Date of Publication: [1884-1885]

Place of Printing and printer: Glasgow: Printed by William Mackenzie, 43 & 45 Howard Street. 







Cover material: cloth

Grain: pebble grain

Colour: blue

Block work: gold and blind and black and relief

Date Examined: 12.11.2014




Notes: The design is by John Leighton. This work is Div. I of five Divisions (i.e. bound volumes). The Prospectus bound at the front of Div. I states: “The work will be illustrated with a series of highly finished portraits engraved on steel, and will be completed in Five Divisions, handsomely bound in cloth, bevel boards, and gilt edges, price Eight Shillings and Sixpence each.”   All five volumes are the same size: 195x270x25mm. Div. I, i.e. Vol. I [1], pp. 1-240. 7 plates (including the title page) ; Div. II, i.e. Vol. I  pp. 241-280. 7 plates (including the title page);  Div. I, i.e. Vol. I pp.481- 592 and Vol. II pp. 1-128. 7 plates (including the title page); Div. IV, i.e. Vol. II [1], pp. 129-368. 7 plates (including the title page): Div. I, i.e. Vol. II. pp.369-608. 7 plates (including the title page). All five Divisions have the same cover design. Text sewn on three cords. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue pebble-grain cloth. The lower covers are blocked in blind only. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. The upper covers all have the same design. On the outer borders, two gold fillets are blocked with a black fillet between them. Just inside this, a ‘branch-like fillet is blocked in black with clusters of oak leaves and acorns around the branch, together with hatching in black, which resembles the bark of the oak tree, On the centre sides, and the centre head and tail, medallions are blocked in gold, with the emblems of the United Kingdom blocked in relief within each: England, centre at the head; Scotland, centre fore edge; Wales (possibly the coat of arms of Llywelyn the Great); Ireland, centre spine side. On either side of the central oval, posies of flowers are blocked in gold, denoting nationalities – rose leaves and a rose flower, thistles, shamrocks and a daffodil. Neptune’s lance and a pair of pikes are blocked in gold above and below the central oval. Above the central oval, a crown is blocked in gold and in black. The borders of the central oval are: repeating beads, blocked in gold; blocking in black; a ‘wave’ pattern blocked in gold. Within the oval panel  is horizontal gold hatch, with the title: “/ Leaders/ of the/ Senate/”  blocked in relief within the panel, Below the oval, an open book is blocked in gold as a lettering-piece. It contains the sub-title: “ [on the left hand page]/ a/ biogra/ phical/ history/ of the rise &/ [on the right hand page] develo/ pment/ of the/ British/ Consti/tution/”.  Sdigned “JL” in gold as separate letters one either side of the base of Neptune’s staff, underneath the oval. The spines are blocked identically in gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a black fillet blocked across the spine; a gold fillet blocked across the spine; an owl perched upon a scroll of parchment; the title, in cursive script, : “/ Leaders/ of the/ Senate./”; then the author words: “/ by/ A. C. Ewald [blocked in gold within a black rectangular lettering-piece]; “Div. I. [II, III, IV, V]” blocked in gold; a set of three lamps suspended form a chain; a cartouche blocked in black, and, within it, a pike, a feather and a roll of parchment are blocked in gold; decoration in black; near the tail, the words: “/ London./ Mackenzie./” are blocked in gold, within a cartouche formed by a single black fillet; a black fillet blocked across the spine; a gold fillet blocked across the spine. This copy belonged to the National Central Library. The copy issued in paper covers is at BL shelf mark 10804ee6.






Binding No: 1274

[entered onto BL database 17112016 - 019- 000023654]

Pressmark: 1607/2623

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

Title: The Courtship of Miles Standish, and other poems. Third Edition.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: W. Kent & Co. (Late D. Bogue), 86, Fleet Street, and Paternoster Row

Date of Publication: 1858

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by Woodfall and Kinder, Angel Court, Skinner Street.

W: 110

H: 170

T: 10

Pagination:  viii, 134p. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: paper


Colour: beige                           

Block work:

Date Examined: 10.12.2014




Notes: The design is not signed. Inscribed on the front cover: “/ Emily Jessie Dent/ December 2nd/ 1858/”. Printed on the front cover is a copyright statement, and also:” A superior edition of “The Courtship of Miles Standish”, handsomely printed in foolscap octavo, to range with the Author’s other works, may also be had, neatly bound in cloth, price 5s.; morocco, 9s.” Beige paper covers. The lower cover has an advertisement for Brown & Polson’s Patent Corn flour. On the upper cover, a single black fillet is printed on the borders.

The title and imprint are the same as for the title page, with the addition of: “Longfellow’ new poem” printed a the head; “Author’s protected edition”, printed just underneath the middle; and “Price One shilling.” Printed at the tail. The spine has the title and author printed along its length.





Binding No: 1275

[entered onto BL database 24112016 - 019- 000023681]

Pressmark: 11687.b.42.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

Title: the Courtship of Miles Standish, and other poems. With Illustrations by John Gilbert.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: G. Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street

Date of Publication: 1859

Place of Printing and printer: London: Cox & Wyman, printers, Great Queen Street, Lincoln’s Inn Fields.

W: 110

H: 170

T: 12

Pagination:  iv, 136p. 4 plates. With six pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: Paper over boards


Colour: yellow                         

Block work:

Date Examined: 10.12.2014




Notes: The design is unsigned. The endpapers and pastedowns have publisher’s advertisements. Yellow paper over boards. The lower cover has a list of Longfellow’s works, printed inside a border of two black fillets. On the upper cover, there are two black fillets printed on the borders. At the head: “Longfellow’s new Poems” is printed. Underneath the title: “price one shilling” is printed. The spine is missing. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “ Miles Standish, the Puritan Captain”. It is signed: “ Dalziel Sc”.



Binding No: 1276

[entered onto BL database 24112016 - 019- 000023683]


Artist Name: Unsigned USA

Author/Heading:  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

Title: The Courtship of Miles Standish, and other poems.

Place of Publication and publisher: Boston: Ticknor and Fields

Date of Publication: 1859

Place of Printing and printer: Cambridge [Mass.], Electrotyped and printed by Metcalf and Company.

W: 125

H: 190

T: 22

Pagination:  215p. With sixteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: Rib vertical-grain

Colour: brown                         

Block work: gold and  Blind and relief

Date Examined: 10.12.2014




Notes: The design is not signed. Brown endpapers and pastedowns.. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. There are two fillets in blind on the borders. On each corner, small leaf and flower decoration is blocked in blind. On the centre of each cover, a lozenge shape is blocked, which has elaborate curling stem and leaf decoration blocked in relief within it. The Spine is blocked in gold and in blind. Pairs of fillets blocked in blind across the spine form six panels. In panel two near the head, the title and author words: “/ The Courtship/ of/ Miles Standish/ [rule] Longfellow/” are blocked in gold. In panel six near the tail, the words: “/ Ticknor & Co./” are blocked in gold.



No: 1277

[entered onto BL database 24112016 - 019- 000023685]

Pressmark: 1347.f.2.

Artist Name: Albert Henry Warren (possibly)

Author/Heading:  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

Title: The Courtship of Miles Standish and other poems. With twenty-five illustrations by John Gilbert, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Routledge, Warne and Routledge, Farringdon Street

Date of Publication: 1859

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill.

W: 155

H: 208

T: 17

Pagination:  [7], 120p.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco horizontal-grain

Colour: brown                         

Block work: gold and black and relief

Date Examined: 17.12.2014.


References:                      Ball VPB p.163

                                           Pantazzi 4D p.95 Cites a copy in "bright green [cloth]"



Notes: Notes: The design is possibly by Albert Warren. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in black. There are two fillets blocked in gold on the borders, in gold. Between them, a wide horizontal hatch border is blocked in gold, with a pattern of repeating stems, leaves and flowers blocked in relief. Within the inner rectangle, flowers and leaves are blocked in black around the centre. The central vignette is blocked as a gold lettering-piece, within an arabesque. On the inner border of the vignette, a fillet is blocked in relief. The words: “/ Miles/ Standish/ Longfellow/ Illustrated/” are blocked in relief within the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, decorative devices are blocked in gold. The words: “/ Longfellow’s Miles Standish/” are blocked in gold, within a cartouche formed by a gold fillet. There are other copies of this design on Milton, Comus, Routledge, 1858, British Library shelf mark 1347.g.3. and on Wordsworth: The deserted cottage, Routledge, 1859, British Library shelf mark 1347.g.5.





Binding No: 1278

[entered onto BL database 24112016 - 019- 000023687]

Pressmark: 12807.g.31.

Artist Name: Edmund Evans


Title: A Picture-Book of Natural History for young people. Birds.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Sampson Low, Son, and Co., 47, Ludgate Hill.

Date of Publication: 1858

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by Petter and Galpin La Belle Sauvage Yard, E. C.

W: 197

H: 265

T: 11

Pagination:  80p.



Cover material: paper


Colour: several colours          

Block work:

Date Examined: 17.12.2014




Notes: The design is not signed. Several of the illustrations are signed: “H. Weir” [i.e. William Harrison Weir], WH Freeman, R Amsdell. Green paper over boards. The same design is printed on both covers. There is a wide pattern of flowers and diamonds printed on the borders, in red, yellow and green. The central rectangle depicts a mountainous scene with various birds (ostriches, an eagle, a peacock, etc) displayed in various poses. Near the head, the title words: “/ A/ picture book/ of/ natural history/ for [in green]/ young people/” are printed in red lettering. At the tail of the illustration, “Edmund Evans” is printed. The spine is of red rib horizontal-grain cloth, and is not blocked.



Binding No: 1279

[entered into BL bindings  database 14.1.2015                             BL 019-000019664]

Pressmark:  12206.a.6.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Defoe, Daniel

Title: History of the Plague of London. (1665.)

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green.

Date of Publication: 1863

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by Spottiswoode and Co. New Street Square.

W: 104

H: 143

T: 20

Pagination:  xii, 206p. 5 plates. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: paper


Colour: beige                           

Block work:

Date Examined: 14.1.2015




Notes: The half title page has the text: “The/ shilling entertaining library./ Edited by J. S. Laurie. [rule]/ The Plague of London./” Some of the plates are signed with the monogram of Frederic James Shields “FS”; some of the plates are signed “Swain sc.” [ i.e. Joseph Swain]. The plates are: 1. Frontispiece “The decision of faith”; 2. Opposite page 1: “The plague-stricken house”; 3. Opposite page 54: “Imprisoned family escaping”; 4. Opposite page 62: “Dead-pit”; 5. Opposite page 98: “Fugitive found dead by rustics”. Original paper cover size:  92x138mm. Beige paper covers. The upper cover recto has the author, title and imprint, together with the series details printed at the head: “/ Laurie’s entertaining library./ No. 5./”At the tail, the price details : “/ Price Ninepence; or One Shilling strongly bound in cloth./” The verso of the upper cover and the recto of the lower cover are blank. The lower cover verso lists the titles in the series.




Binding No: 1280

[entered onto BL database 24112016 - 019- 000023689]

Pressmark: 11612.c.15.

Artist Name: Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Author/Heading:  Rossetti, Christina

Title: Poems. New and enlarged edition.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Macmillan and Co.

Date of Publication: 1890

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Printed by R. & R. Clark, Limited.

W: 130

H: 180

T: 32mm

Pagination:  xiv, 455p. 4 plates.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 18.2.2015


References: Barber Rossetti p.315.

Notes: The design is by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. The design is a continuation, first used for Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market, 1862. The frontispiece plate is the same as for Goblin Market, and has the caption:" Buy from us a golden curl"; signed also with the monogram "DGR" as a monogram on the right-hand corner, and "MMF&Co" on the left-hand corner. White endpapers and pastedowns. Both covers blocked identically, in blind on the lower, and in gold on the upper. Two fillets are blocked close together head to tail, by the spine. A third vertical fillet is blocked further away from the spine. Two fillets are blocked horizontally to meet a vertical fillet blocked at the fore edge. A square is formed by the intersecting single fillets. Groups of three small circles are blocked on the corners of the square. Two more groups of the three circles are blocked diagonally opposite those on the corners of the square nearest the spine. The spine is blocked in gold. The fillets at the head and at the base join the horizontal fillets on the upper cover. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the words: "/Poems/ /Christina G./ Rossetti/ "; gold fillet; three small circles in gold; near the tail, the publisher: “/ Macmillan & co./” is blocked in gold. There are three other copies in the BL, all with the same  design and the same pagination and plates: 1895. YA. 1997.a.3093.; 1895. W13/3462/ ; [1896.Staff  reference copy]. The BM de Beaumont copy is at Register number: 1992,0406.343 [The upper cover and spine illustrated is of the 1890 edition and the 1895 edition at shelf markYa.1997.a.3093.]




Binding No: 1281

[entered onto BL database 24112016 - 019- 000023691]

Pressmark: RB.23.a.5248.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

Title: The poetical works of Henry Longfellow. A new completed edition including Miles Standish and other poems. With illustrations by John Gilbert.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: George Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street

Date of Publication: 1859

Place of Printing and printer: London: Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

W: 115H: 168 T:50

Pagination:  viii, 669p. 7 plates.



Cover material: leather

Grain: morocco

Colour: brown                         

Block work: Gold and black and relief

Date Examined: 7.4.2015




Notes: The design is not signed. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges, gauffered with repeating ‘lozenge and dot’ motif. . Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. Brown morocco, with ‘pebble grain’. Both covers are blocked identically in black, with fillets on borders, a square on each corner, and with a repeating pattern of ‘dots and ovals’, and, within each oval, a ‘thin stick’ motif is blocked in relief. At each spine edge, two lines, resembling the lacing in of  five medieval cords, are blocked in black. The spine has decorated head and tail bands. It is divided into six panels by raised cords, which have double fillets above and below each cord. On the centre of each panel, a star, a circle, two brackets and leaf surround are blocked in blind. Within panel two, the words: “/ Longfellow’s/ Poetical/Works/ “ are blocked in gold. This is possibly a trade binding, executed before 1900.






Binding No: 1282

[entered into the BL bindings database BL 019-000020124]


Pressmark: 1875.c.19.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: Facsimile of the Illustrated Arctic News. Published on board H. M. S. Resolute: Captn. Horation T. Austin, C. B. in search of the expedition under Sir John Franklin. Dedicated by Special Permission to the Lords commissioners of the Admiralty, by their Lordships Very Obedient Servants, Leiut: Sherard Osborne, & Mr. Geo: F. McDougall. The Editors. [lithograph of the flags of Britain and of America, together with the lion of Britain and the eagle of America, which support the central oval, surrounded by a buckle. Inside the oval, we see  Britannia, upon a rock shore, looking out to sea, with one of the arctic ships in the distance. The motto: ‘The heart that can feel for another’ is inscribed within the buckle.]

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Published by Ackermann & Co. 96 Strand, 15th March 1852. By appointment to Her Majesty the Queen, H. R. H. Prince albert, H. R. H. the Duchess of Kent & the Royal Family.

Date of Publication: 1852

Place of Printing and printer: London:

W: H: T:

Pagination:  57p. [five issues]



Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco horizontal-grain

Colour: dark blue                    

Block work: Gold and blind and relief.

Date Examined: 7.4.2015.


References: A facsimile copy of the title page is reproduced at:


Notes: The text and illustrations of the five issues appear to have been lithographed. Most of the illustrations are signed: “G. F. Mc D. [i. e. George Frederick McDougall]. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Written on the upper pastedown recto: “/ John Barrow Esq. F. R. S./ with Sherard Osborn’s kind regards./ 8 April 1852/ Given to me by Lieut. Sherard Osborn/ (HMS Discovery Ship Pioneers (?)- this day: - when he called at the Admiralty/ This copy to be sent to the British Museum at my death. /” Dark blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers have two fillets blocked in blind on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. The upper cover has the Dedication, blocked with the words: “/ Dedicated by Special/ Permission/ to the Lords Commissioners of the/ Admiralty./” The central vignette is blocked in gold below the dedication. It depicts an arctic scene, with a large iceberg upon water, the two ships, a flock of birds flying and water. Within the surface of the iceberg, the words: “/ The / Illustrated/ Arctic News/” are blocked in relief within the large iceberg. Within a small iceberg blocked in gold at the front, the words: /” London Ackermann & Co./” are blocked in  relief. The spine is not blocked.



Binding No: 1283

[entered onto BL database 24112016 - 019-000023693]

Pressmark: 012332.a.24.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Great Exhibition (1851: London, England)

Title: Mr Goggleye's Visit to the Exhibition of National Industry to be held in London on the 1st of April 1851. With a catalogue containing notes and remarks on the most remarkable works in the Exhibition.  [A folding card.]

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Pubd by Tim Takem’in. Hyde Park

Date of Publication: 1851

Place of Printing and printer: London:

W: 104



Pagination:  Folding card, printed alternately on verso and recto of each sheet. 23 sheets.



Cover material: printed paper over boards


Colour: green and white        

Block work:

Date Examined: 20.5.2015




Notes: Green dyed paper is pasted over boards. The lower cover is plain. The upper cover has a printed illustration pasted onto the green paper. It shows and hatted and bespectacled Mr. Goggleye, holding a globe. The title is printed within the globe. The sub-title and imprint are printed below the globe. “Price 1s. Plain; 2/6 Col. [oured]” are at the top left and top right of the print.  What remains of the spine shows some green dyed paper, with no printing.




Binding No: 1284

[entered onto BL database 24112016 - 019- 000023695]

Pressmark: 12623.f.55.

Artist Name: Robert Dudley

Author/Heading:  Wraxall, Lascelles

Title: The fife and drum: or, would be a soldier.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: S. O. Beeton, 248, Strand, W. C.

Date of Publication: 1863

Place of Printing and printer: London: Cox and Wyman, printers, Great Queen Street, Lincoln’s-Inn Fields.

W: 145H: 220 T: 28

Pagination:  xvi, 277p.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco vertical-grain

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 1.6.2015


References: Not listed in Ball. 


Notes: The design is by Robert Dudley. The illustration on page 37 is signed: “H. Weir” [i.e. Harrison William Weir].  The illustration on page 13 is signed: “B. Foster”[i.e. Myles Birket Foster] . Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. There are three fillets blocked on the borders, and inside this a pattern of curling stems and leaves is blocked in blind. The upper cover central vignette features two gryphons, blocked in gold, supporting a breast plate shaped gold lettering-piece, with a cuirassier’s helmet atop it. Within the lettering-piece,  the title words: “/ The/ fife/ and/ drum/”are blocked in relief. The sub-title “/ would/ be/ a/ soldier/” are blocked in relief within a pennant below the shield. The initials “R D” [i.e. Robert Dudley] are blocked in gold amongst a group of seven flowers in gold.  The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold lettering-piece blocked across the spine, with small floral decoration blocked in relief within it; a cuirassier’s helmet; a breast plate gold lettering-piece, with the title words: “/ the/ fife// and/ drum/ blocked in relief within it; a melange of military objects blocked in gold – swords, a pistol, bucket cornet; the words: “/ Captain Wraxall/” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece blocked across the spine; a garter star is blocked in gold with the words: “/ Tira. Juncta. In. Uno” blocked in relief within it; [signed “R D in gold as separate initials, with these being obscured by a spine label]; at the tail, within a rectangular gold lettering-piece blocked across the spine, the words: “/ London/ S. O. Beeton/” are blocked in relief. 



Binding No: 1284a

[added to BL database 15.7.2015 BL 019-000020527]


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  I. E. A. Dolby (Editor)

Title: The Journal of the Household Brigade for the year 1864 [etc.] 8 vols.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Printed and Published for the Subscribers Only by W. Clowes and Sons, 14 Charing Cross.

Date of Publication: [1864, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1877, 1878, 1879.]

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.

All volumes are 180x240x30mm. W: H: T:



Bookbinder: Trickett & Son

Cover material: cloth

Grain: rib vertical-grain

Colour: blue and red               

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 15.7.2015




Notes: The design is not signed. 1864: 336p. 9 plates -it has the binder’s ticket on the lower pastedown: “/ Trickett & Son, Binders. Hatfield  St./ London S./”; 1869: 324p. 4 plates.;  1870: 320p. 3 plates; 1871: 318p. 4 plates; 1872: 333p. 5 plates.;  1878: 320p. 4 plates; 1879: 310p. 4 plates; 1880: 309p. 5 plates. Many of the plates are lithographs or chromolithographs, which are signed “ M & N Hanhart” or “Hanhart” [del. Or lith.]. All eight volumes  are sewn on two tapes, and have: gilt edges; bevelled boards; yellow endpapers and pastedowns for 1864, 1869; Brown endpapers and pastedowns for 1870. All volumes have blue and red rib vertical-grain cloth, with the red being in the middle of each volume, across both covers and the spine. The lower and upper covers are blocked identically on the borders, in blind on the lower covers and in gold on the upper covers. On the upper covers two gold fillets are blocked on the borders, and inside this, a wide border of repeating roses [denoting England], thistle leaves and flowers [denoting Scotland], and clover leaves [denoting Ireland]. On the centre of each lower cover, the Prince of Wales three feathers are blocked in gold, with his motto: “Ich Dien” being blocked in relief within the pennant it its base. On the centre of each upper cover, the Royal Coat of Arms of Edward Prince of Wales, is blocked in gold, with the mottos being blocked in relief. The spines are blocked in gold and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: The Prince of Wales feathers, plus motto, surrounded by rose flowers and leaves –all blocked in gold; The title words: “/ The/ Journal/ of the/ Household/ Brigade/ 18[64-80] are blocked in relief within six rectangular gold lettering-pieces; the coat of arms of the Prince of Wales occupies the lower half of the spine, with more roses and thistle flowers and leaves being blocked in gold at the tail. An unusual example of two different dyed cloths laid onto covers.




Binding No: 1285

[entered into BL database on 5.8.2015 no 019-000020599]

Pressmark: 11604.df.14.

Artist Name: UInsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Milton, John

Title: The poetical works of John Milton. With life. Engravings on steel. [No. 3 of The Landscape Series of Poets.]

Place of Publication and publisher: Edinburgh: Bernard Terrace; London: 25 Paternoster Square

Date of Publication: 1881

Place of Printing and printer: London:

W: 140H:196 T: 33

Pagination:  xx, 491p. With one page of publisher’s advertisements bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: fine rib diagonal-grain

Colour: green

Block work: gold and blind and black and relief.

Date Examined: 5.8.2015




Notes: The design is not signed. This is number 3 in a series of twenty-two volumes of poets. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green fine rib diagonal-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. Three fillets are blocked on the borders in blind, together with a repeating pattern of ‘crenallations’ blocked between them. The inner rectangle if formed by a single fillet blocked in blind, with single eight petalled flower heads blocked in relief within a circle on each corner. The central vignette is a lozenge shape , with small repeating decoration blocked in relief on its outer border, and the word: “/ The Landscape Series of Poets/ blocked in blind on its inner border. On the centre of the vignette, a lyre with sprigs around it, is blocked in blind and in relief. The upper cover is blocked in gold , in black and in relief. The same fillets and crenellations are blocked on the borders but in black. At the head and at the tail, the words: “/ Milton’s/ Poetical Works/” are blocked in relief within rectangular diagonal gold hatch cartouches, which have red paper on lays. Around the large central recessed vignette, laurel leaves and stems are blocked in black. The central vignette is lozenge-shaped, and has elaborate decoration blocked in gold and in relief on its borders. Within the recess, there is a red and which paper (?) on lays, onto which the figure of an angel holding a lyre are outlined in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in black and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on its perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: curling stem and leaf decoration between two fillets, all blocked in gold across the spine; The word: “/ Milton/” is blocked in relief, within a rectangular gold lettering-piece which has a red paper on lay; the word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in relief with a rectangular gold lettering-piece; a lyre, blocked in gold, surrounded by laurel leaves and stems, which are blocked in black; a roundel, blocked in gold, within which the words: “/ The Landscape Series of Poets/” are blocked in relief; the monogram of Gall & Inglis is blocked in gold on the centre of the roundel; near the tail, the words: “/ Gall & Inglis/” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece; at the tail, curling stem and leaf decoration between two fillets, all blocked in gold across the spine.



Binding No: 1286

[entered into BL database 5.8.2015. no 019-000020601]

Pressmark: C.118.c.45.

Artist Name: William Harry Rogers


Title: The Art Journal Illustrated Catalogue. The Industry of All Nations 1851.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Printed for the Proprietors, by George Virtue.

Date of Publication: 1851

Place of Printing and printer: [London:] Bradbury and Evans (printers Extraordinary to the Queen), Whitefriars.

W:265 H: 340 T: 40

Pagination:  Pages: 328, XVI*, VIII++, VIII+[sword], VIII**, XXII***


Bookbinder: Bone & Son

Cover material: cloth

Grain: Wave diagonal-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 5.8.2015.



Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, p. 155.

King, Edmund M.B. The Book Cover Designs of William Harry Rogers. In: ‘For the Love of the Binding’. Studies in Bookbinding History Presented to Mirjam Foot. [London]: The British Library, 2000, p. 319. Pantazzi, Sybille. Four designers of English publishers’ bindings of the nineties. In: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America. 55. 1961, p. 91.




The design is by William Harry Rogers. London: Published for the Proprietors, By George Virtue, [1851]. [London:] Bradbury and Evans, (Printers Extraordinary to the Queen), Whitefriars. 255x335x38mm. xxvi, 328p. and XVI*, VIII[2 x ‘+’], VIII[a ‘cross’],VIII**, XXII*** Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./” [Ball no. 17A.] Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Apart from the title on the upper cover, both covers blocked identically. On the borders of the covers, three fillets are blocked in blind. Curling interlocking stems and leaves are blocked in blind on each corner. The centre-piece of each cover is an elaborate frame, formed by large leaf and curling stems, blocked in gold on the upper cover and in blind on the lower. At the head of the frame, a group of objects is suspended from knotted ribbons: 1. an artist's palette 2. a mallet 3. a group of paint brushes inserted through the thumb-hole of the palette. The title: "/ The/ Art-Journal/ Illustrated Catalogue/ of the [gothic letters]/ Industry/ of all nations [gothic letters]/" is blocked in gold within the central frame. Underneath the title, "/1851/" is blocked in gold within vertical hatched gold lettering-piece, styled as a renaissance panel. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram underneath the date. The spine is blocked in gold, in blind and in relief. At the head and at the tail, small decoration is blocked across the spine, in blind and in relief. On the centre of the spine, the date: "/ 1851/" is blocked within a highly-ornamented frame. On the last page of the list of Arthur Hall Virtue & Co titles bound at the end of BL 11647e46, 1854, this work is described as: “ in one vol. royal 4to., price One Guinea, cloth, gilt.”

The Robin De Beaumont private collection copy has the following: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Gauffered edges and turn-ins. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco. Both covers blocked identically in gold. On the borders of the covers, two fillets are blocked. Between them a repeating pattern of curling leaves and stems, with a single leaf blocked within each curled stem. The centre-piece of each cover is an elaborate frame, formed by large leaf and curling stems, blocked in gold. At the head of the frame, a group of objects is suspended from knotted ribbons: 1. an artist's palette 2. a mallet 3. a group of paint brushes inserted through the thumb-hole of the palette. The title: "/ The/ Art-Journal/ Illustrated Catalogue/ of the [gothic letters]/ Industry/ of all nations [gothic letters]/" is blocked in gold within the central frame. Underneath the title, "/1851/" is blocked in gold within a hatched gold lettering-piece, styled as a renaissance panel. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram underneath the date. The spine is blocked in gold. Three gold fillets are blocked at the head. On the centre, the date "1851" is blocked within a highly-ornamented frame. Three fillets in gold are blocked near the base, with three more fillets in gold at the tail. Text copyright Edmund M B King.





Binding No: 1287

[entered onto BL database 24112016 - 019- 000023697]

Pressmark: 7036.df.18. 

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Gifford Isabella

Title: The marine botanist: an introduction to the study of Algology, containing descriptions of the commonest British sea-weeds, and the best method of preserving them, with figures of the most remarkable species. Second edition.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Darton and Co., Holborn Hill; Bath: Binns and Goodwin, [1855?].

Date of Publication: 1855

Place of Printing and printer: Bath: printed by Binns and Goodwin.

W:115 H: 176 T:20

Pagination:  158p. 12 plates. With twenty pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: rib diagonal-grain

Colour: pink and blue dyes,  zig-zag               

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 16.12.2015.




Notes: The design is not signed. Bookseller’s label on upper pastedown: “/ George’s/ Park Street, Bristol./”. Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto: “/ J. Henrietta Hollier(?)/ Octr 27-/ [18]49-/”. Several of the plates are signed: “W. Dickes lith.”[i.e. William Dickes]. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Pink rib diagonal-grain cloth, also dyed with a blue zig-zag pattern. Both covers are blocked identically on the borders and the corners. A single fillet is in blind on the borders, with squares and flower motifs blocked in blind on each corner. The central vignette on the lower covers is blocked in blind and shows curling stem and leaf decoration. On the centre of the upper cover the vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a number of sea creatures, surrounded by sea weed. The spine is blocked in gold. Small arabesques are blocked above and below the title words: “/ Marine/ Botanist/”.



Binding No: 1288

[added to BL database on 30.3.2016 – BL 019-000022197]



Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Black, Charles Ingham

Title: Juvenile poems

Place of Publication and publisher: Dublin: Grant And Boulton

Date of Publication:1843

Place of Printing and printer: Dublin: N. Walsh, printer, 24, Lower Sackville-Street

W: 110H: 175 T: 17

Pagination:  xi, 184p.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: rib diagonal

Colour: black                           

Block work: none

Date Examined: 30.12.2015


References: Krupp. Bookcloth p.47, examples As3 and As4.


Notes: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Black (possibly dark blue) rib diagonal-grain cloth. Ribbon embossed with a “frond” pattern. No blocking. There is a paper label pasted on the spine, with the title and author words printed. The scan shows ‘blue’ which serves to emphasise the embossed patterns.




Binding No: 1289

Pressmark:  Wf1/ 1794-Wf1/1798

[added to BL database on 26.1.2016 – BL 019-000021407]

Artist Name: John Leighton

Author/Heading:  Shakespeare, William

Title: The Library Shakespeare. Illustrated by Sir John Gilbert, George Cruikshank, and R. Dudley [i.e. Robert Dudley].

Place of Publication and publisher: London: William Mackenzie, 22 Paternoster Row; South Bridge Edinburgh; Howard Street Glasgow.

Date of Publication: [1873-1875]

Place of Printing and printer: Glasgow: Printed by William Mackenzie, 43 & 45 Howard Street.

Each volume is:

W: 255


 T: 22




Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and blind and black

Date Examined: 27.1.2016.


References: Leighton, John. Suggestions in design... London: Blackie, [1880]. The USA edition, New York: D.Appleton, 1881 is reprinted as 1,100 designs and motifs from historic sources. New York: Dover Publications Inc. [1995], plate 69, no. 3.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. The set was originally issued as three bibliographic volumes, to be bound in eight volumes/ Divisions . The shelf marks and divisions are: Wf1/ 1794, Div. III; Wf1/1795, Div. IV; Wf1/1793, Div. V;  Wf1/1797, Div. VII; Wf1/1798, Div. VIII. This set has five volumes, and lacks vols. 1, 2, and 6. There is a list of Plates at the end of Div. VIII, but the plates appear not to be bound in their proper order. Each volume has colour plates, possibly chromolithographs, explaining a scene in one of the plays. There are also tinted lithograph plates for individual plays. The plates for the individual plays are partially contiguous with the text within the volume.  All volumes have gilt edges. No original endpapers or pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth for all volumes. All volumes are blocked identically in blind on the lower covers and in gold and in black on the upper covers. The decoration blocked on the borders, the inner borders and on each corner is identical, but on blind on the lower covers and in gold and in black on the upper covers. On the upper covers, two fillets are blocked in black on the borders, with a third fillet in black between the, which has a ‘repeating three dots’ motif blocked in relief. The inner border, which forms the central rectangle, is of repeating thistle heads and flowers, blocked between two black fillets. On each corner, groups of three five pointed leaves are blocked in black.  A single medallion is blocked on the upper centre, the lower centre, and the centre sides, formed by a single black fillet with black decoration outside it. Within each medallion, a single item is blocked in gold: at the centre head – a mask; on the centre tail, an Asian mask; on the centre left – a bowl of fruit; on the centre right – a chalice, sword and snake. The central rectangle is blocked in gold. It features a bolt and strap central ornament, with a lance running up its centre, and the centre of which is occupied by a bust of Shakespeare, facing to our left, with the initials “W” and “S” blocked in relief within the bolt on either side of the bust. The title words: “/ The/ Library/ Shakespeare/” are blocked in relief within three gold lettering-pieces, each shaped to resemble a scroll. On each corner of the rectangle, a stylised five-petaled flower is blocked in gold. Signed:  “JL” in gold as separate letters at the base of the rectangle. The spines are blocked identically in gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a vertical hatch gold fillet between two gold fillets, all blocked across the spine; a five pointed flower blocked in gold, within a circle formed by a single black fillet, with four individual leaves blocked in black on its perimeter; the title words: “/ The/ Library/ Shakespeare/” are blocked in bold above and below a medallion; at the centre of the medallion is a five pointed flower blocked in gold; the perimeter of the medallion has the words: “/”, which are blocked between two gold fillets; a five pointed flower blocked in gold, within a circle formed by a single black fillet, with four individual leaves blocked in black on its perimeter; the words: “/ Div. [III to VIII]/” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has the same five-petaled flowers blocked in gold above and below it;  a five pointed flower blocked in gold, within a circle formed by a single black fillet, with four individual leaves blocked in black on its perimeter; near the tail, a lotus leaf is blocked in black; repeating dots blocked in gold across the spine; close to the tail, the words: “/W. Mackenzie/” are blocked in gold;  a vertical hatch gold fillet between two gold fillets, all blocked across the spine. The copy of this work, originally issued in parts with paper covers designed by John Leighton, is at British Library shelf mark 11764m1.






Binding No: 1290

[ entered into BL database on 8.2.2016 - 019-000021515]

Pressmark: x10/2772

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Cooper, James Fenimore

Title: The Two Admirals. With an Introduction by Susan Fenimore Cooper.


Place of Publication and publisher: London: George Routledge and Sons, Limited; New York: E. P. Dutton & Co.

Date of Publication: [1887?]

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited.


 H 190

 T 27

Pagination:  xvii, 503p. With two pages of publisher’s advertisements bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: rib vertical-grain

Colour: ark green                    

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 8.2.2016.




Notes: The design is not signed. London: George Routledge and Sons, Limited; New York: E. P. Dutton & Co.

 [1887?]. London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited. 140x190x27mm. No original endpapers or pastedowns. Dark green rib vertical-grain cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold. At the head, the title words: “/ The two Admirals/” are blocked in gold. On the right side, from the centre to the tail, the figure of a (male) frontiersman is blocked, standing, in coat and hat. He holds a musket upright, with both hands. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: near the head, the words: “/ Cooper/ The/ two Admirals/” blocked in gold; a vignette showing a feather and a knife in its sheath, crossed over each other; the words: /” Leather-Stocking/ Edition/” are blocked in gold; a gun in a holster, and an axe, crossed together; at the tail, the word: “/ Routledge/” is blocked in gold. Another copy of this work is at BL shelf mark 12706.m.9.






Binding No: 1291

[entered into BL database on 8.2.2016. BL 019-000021517]

Pressmark: 11602.i.28.

Artist Name: Albert Henry Warren


Title: The Loves of the Poets; or, Portraits of Ideal Beauty. Twelve highly finished original Steel Engravings by the most eminent Artists. Engraved by W. H. Mote [i. e. William Henry Mote].

Place of Publication and publisher: London: W. Kent & Co. (late D. Bogue), Fleet Street, and Paternoster Row.

Date of Publication: 1858

Place of Printing and printer: London:


 H 300

 T 23

Pagination:  Unpaginated. [5], 12 pages of letterpress text; 12 plates



Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco horizontal-grain

Colour: red     

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 8.2.2016




Leighton, John. Suggestions in design... London: Blackie, [1880]. The USA edition, New York: D.Appleton, 1881 is reprinted as 1,100 designs and motifs from historic sources. New York: Dover Publications Inc. [1995]. The plate numbers cited are the same for the English edition of 1880: Plate 31, no. 8; plate 30 nos. 12 and 13.


Notes: The design is by Albert Henry Warren. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical design, in blind and in relief on the lower cover, and in gold and in relief on the upper cover. On the upper cover, two gold fillets are blocked on the borders. Inside this, there is a wide border of ‘Moorish’ style, featuring zig-zags, dentelles, and interlacing arabesque foliage. On the borders of the inner panel, a large pattern of repeating foliage arabesques is blocked, with interlacing straps being prominent. Around the central lozenge, a dense pattern of curling, stems leaves and flowers is blocked in relief. The central lozenge has an arabesques border blocked in gold, with the small decoration inside it being picked out in relief. Within the Lozenge, the title words:”/ the/ Loves/ of the/ Poets/” are blocked in gold in ‘rustic’ letters. Signed “AW” in gold, at the base of the title. The original spine is missing.





Binding No: 1292

[entered into BL database 8.2.2016. BL 019-000021519]

Pressmark: 11781aaa36

Artist Name: John Leighton

Author/Heading:  Dalton, Henry

Title: The Book of Drawing-Room Plays and Evening amusements: a Comprehensive Manual of In-Door Recreation. Including all kinds of Acting Charades; Proverbs, Burlesques, and Extravaganzas. Illustrated by E. H. Corbould [i.e. Edward Henry Corbould] and G. Du Maurier [i. e. George Du Maurier].

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Cassell, Petter, and Galpin; and 4596, Broadway , New York.

Date of Publication: 1868

Place of Printing and printer: London: Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, Belle Sauvage Works, Ludgate Hill, E. C.

W 126


 T 25

Pagination:  309p. 8 plates. With ten pages of publisher’s advertisements bound at the end



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: purple                         

Block work: gold and blind and black and relief

Date Examined: 8.2.2016.




Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only, with two fillets on the borders, and, inside this, a single fillet, whose corners feature a ‘three bud’ motif.  The Upper cover is blocked in gold, in black and in relief. On the head, the fore edge side and on the tail, there is a border hatch gold and gold with ‘pins’, to resemble the bindings of earlier eras, which had ‘metal reinforced rims’ to protect the edges. On the spine side, there are two motifs resembling metal clasps. A black fillet is blocked on the inner border. The central vignette displays a small boy, smiling, in fancy dress, with ‘angel wings’, holding a staff in his right hand, which rests on his shoulder. His arms are inserted into the eyes of two masks, thus holding them to his body. A lighted candle within a holder, is blocked on either side of the boy. Small stars blocked in gold, surround the boy. The title words: “/ Drawing-/ Room Plays/ Evening amusements/” are blocked above and below the boy. The letters above are blocked in gold. The letters below, are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold-lettering-piece, which has a single gold fillet blocked on its borders. Signed “JL” as separate letters at the base of each candlestick. The spine is missing.



Binding No: 1293

[entered into BL database 15022016 – BL 019-000021622]


Pressmark: 12620.dd.9

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Brooks, Shirley

Title: Sooner or Later. With illustrations by George Du Maurier

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Bradbury, Evans& Co., 11, Bouverie St., E. C.

Date of Publication: 1866-1868

Place of Printing and printer: [London]: Bradbury, Evans, and Co., Printers, Whitefriars.



 T 55

Pagination:  Vol. I: xix, 384p. Vol. II: x,384p. With one page of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: paper


Colour: orange                         

Block work: printed

Date Examined: 15.2.2016.




Notes: The design is not signed. All of the original parts are bound in sequence within a British Museum quarter leather binding, with pebble-grain over boards, and marbled endpapers. Parts 1 to 8, issued between November 1866 and June 1867 form Vol. I. xiv, 384p. 8 plates. Parts 9 to 16 & 17, issued between July 1867 and February 1868, form Vol. II. x, 384p. 7 plates. Parts 1 and 9 have a ‘List of Illustrations’, and all appear to be bound in the correct place. All of the Illustrations are signed with the initials “DM”. Some of the plates are also signed “Swain” [i. e. Joseph Swain]. The upper cover recto of each part has the part number, date of issue, the title, the imprint, the price, a rights of translation statement, and note of the total monthly parts to be issued. Additionally, there are illustrated title page plates for part 1 and part 9, the start of each volume. The upper cover verso, and the recto and verso of the lower covers uniformly contain advertisements. The decoration on each upper cover is the same. A single flower is printed on each corner. Within two border fillets, there is a repeating pattern of conjoined straps. The title, author, Illustrator, and imprint are printed from head to tail of each cover. There is the device of Bradbury and Evans, centred between the words : “/ Illustrated by/” and “/ G. Du Maurier./” Outside the border decoration, are printed: at the head, the part number is printed on the left, and the month of issue on the right; at the tail:”/ Price One Shilling./” is printed; on the spine side, the text:”/ All The Rights of Translation reserved by the Author./”; on the fore edge side,, the text: “/ ** To be completed in Fourteen Monthly Parts.**/”  From Part no. 14, December 1867, the number of parts is increased to sixteen, with the February 1868 part being labelled Nos. 16 & 17.






Binding No: 1294

[entered into BL database 30.3.2016. BL 019-000022195]



Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Mitchel, Ormsby Macknight

Title: The Orbs of Heaven of the Planetary and Stellar Worlds. A popular Exposition of the great Discoveries and Theories of modern Astronomy.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: George Routledge and Sons Broadway, Ludgate Hill; New York: 9 Lafayette Place 

Date of Publication: [1886]

Place of Printing and printer: London and Edinburgh: Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson and Co.



 T 20

Pagination:  304p. 14 plates. With eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: fine rib diagonal-grain


Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind and black and red

Date Examined: 30.3.2016




Notes: The design is not signed. On page 5 of the publisher’s titles, [an earlier edition of] this work is advertised as: “Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d.” Printed on the endpapers and pastedowns are books listed as part of three series ‘Routledge’s Excelsior Series’, ‘Routledge’s Standard Library’, ‘Routledge’s Red-Line Series of Poets. The plates are printed in blue and white, possibly using a derivative of the cyanotype process. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Blue fine rib diagonal-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only, and has the outline of the fuller blocking of the upper cover. The upper cover has been blocked in gold and in black and in red. Black fillets are blocked on the borders, with cartouches formed near the head and the tail. Flowers and swags are blocked in black and in red around the cartouche which contains the title words: “/ The Orbs of Heaven/” blocked in gold. More swags and flowers, blocked in gold and in black, surround the red lettering-piece, shaped as a scroll, in which the words: “/ Excelsior/ Series/” are blocked, showing the blue cloth. Underneath this, a medallion is blocked in black, which has a feather and a scroll, crossed, blocked in red. The spine is blocked in gold, in black and in red. From the head downwards the decoration is: at the head, a red fillet is blocked between two black fillets across the spine; a six petalled flower blocked in red and in black, surrounded by semi-circular fillets; A gold lettering-piece which has the title words:”/ The Orbs/ of/ Heaven/” blocked in relief within it; more flowers, swags and fillets blocked in red and in black; a black lettering-piece, with the words: “/ Excelsior/ Series/” blocked in relief within it; more leaves and flowers blocked in black and in red; another six petalled flower surrounded by fillets – all blocked in red and in black; near the tail, within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, the word: “/ Routledge/” is blocked in relief; at the tail, a red filet is blocked between two black fillets, across the spine. 





Binding No: 1295

[entered into BL database 13.4.2016. BL 019-000022338]


Artist Name: John Leighton

Author/Heading:  Philp , Robert Kemp

Title: The Reason Why Physical Geography and Geology, containing   upwards of eleven hundred reasons explanatory of the physical phenomena of the earth, its geological history, and the geographical distribution of plants, animals, and the human families. With Numerous Illustrations.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Houlston and Wright 65, Paternoster Row

Date of Publication: 1863

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by Sumfield and Jones, West Harding Street, Fetter Lane.

W 132

 H 195

 T 27

Pagination:  xvi, 364p. With  four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the front.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: honeycomb

Colour: purple                         

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 13.4.2016


References: Krupp, Andrea.  Book cloth in England and America 1823-1850. Newcastle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2008, p. 36, Hex2.


Notes: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple honeycomb-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. On each corner, groups of stems and leaves, and exotic fruits are blocked in blind. At the tail of each cover, the imprint:”/ London/ Houlston & Wright/” is blocked in relief. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It has borders formed by two gold fillets. Above the title, animals from pre-history are blocked in gold. Beneath the title, a lion, an elephant, a snake, and birds are blocked in gold. Within a rectangular cartouche gold lettering-piece, the sub-title words: “/ Physical Geography & Geology/” are blocked in relief. The cartouche is bordered by three gold fillets. At the head and at the tail of the vignette, the words: “/ Past/” and “/ Present/” are blocked in gold. Signed JL in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two fillet blocked in blind across the spine; the title words: “/ The/ Reason/ Why./” are blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each of which is bordered by a single gold fillet; a globe is blocked in gold, with the latitude and longitude lines being picked out in relief; the word: “/Why/” is blocked in relief within the globe; the  sub-title words: “/ Physical/ Geography/ and/ Geology./” are blocked in gold; near the tail, the words: “/ London/ Houlston & Wright/” are blocked in gold; two fillets are blocked in blind across the spine.



Binding No: 1296

[entered into BL database 13.4.2016. BL 019-000022341]

Pressmark: Cup.403.y.1

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Eliot, George

Title: Daniel Deronda

Place of Publication and publisher: Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons

Date of Publication:1876

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons.




Pagination:  Eight monthly parts; 4 vols.



Cover material: paper


Colour: blue/grey                    

Block work: printed

Date Examined: 13.0302016


References: Bassett, Troy J. The Victorian Four-Volume Novel. In: The Library. Seventh series, vol. 17, no. 1, March2016, pp. 71,73.


Notes: Issued in eight parts/ books, which were then intended to be bound together in four volumes. This copy is bound in four volumes, with the upper and lower covers for each part being bound in sequence. Blue/ grey paper, printed. The upper covers recto of the eight parts all have a single rule on the borders, printed in red. The title and imprint are the same. Each Book has its own title. The upper covers verso have publisher’s advertisements. Each lower cover has publisher’s and other advertisements on both recto and verso. The lower covers for books/ parts I and II are missing. Troy Bassett writes: “…Eliot’s final novel, Daniel Deronda, …also appeared in eight monthly 5s parts between February and September 1876 and in four volumes shortly after.”





Binding No: 1297

[entered into BL database 13.4.2016. BL 019-000022349]

Pressmark: 7055d15

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Gifford, Isabella

Title: The Marine Botanist; an introduction to the study of the British sea-weeds; containing descriptions of all the species, and the best method of preserving them. Third Edition, greatly improved and enlarged, with illustrations printed in colours by W. Dickes.

Place of Publication and publisher: Brighton: R. Folthorp, 170 North Street; Longman and Co., London

Date of Publication: 1853

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by Stewart and Murray, Old Bailey. 118



 T 33

Pagination:  xl, 359p. 10 plates. With eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.


Bookbinder: Westley

Cover material: cloth

Grain: rib vertical-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold blind relief

Date Examined: 13.04.2016




For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures, p. 191.



Notes: The design is not signed. Some of the plates are signed: “/ W. Dickes [i.e. William Dickes] / Old Fish Street/ Doctors Commons./” or “/ W. Dickes, Litho./” Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Westleys & Co./ Friar Street,/ London./” [Ball no. 103B.] Green rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. A pattern of curling single stems and five pointed leaves is blocked in blind on the perimeter inside the border fillets. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. At the head and at the tail, two fillets are blocked in blind across the spine. Near the head, the title words: “/ The/ Marine/ Botanist./” are blocked in gold. Underneath the title a small decorative device is blocked in gold.





Binding No: 1298

[entered into BL database 20.4.2016 - 019-000022460]

Pressmark: YA.1992.a.5144.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Trollope, Anthony

Title: The Prime Minister. New Edition.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Chapman and Hall, 193 Piccadilly

Date of Publication: 1877

Place of Printing and printer: London: W. H Smith & Son, Printers, W. C.



 T 33

Pagination:  vii, 547p. 1 plate. With eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: brown                         

Block work: gold and black and relief

Date Examined: 13.04.2016.




Notes: The design is not signed. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto: “/ A. H. James/ Bonningtons/” Brown sand-grain cloth. The lower cover has two fillets blocked in blind on its borders. A six-point star is blocked on the centre of the lower cover. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Apart from the central roundel, all of the blocking is in black. Black ‘branch-like’ fillets on the borders and small leaf decoration in black on each corner and on the sides. On the upper part of the cover, the title: “/ The Prime Minister/” is blocked in relief within a rectangular black lettering-piece. On the lower  portion of the cover, the author’s name: “/ Anthony Trollope./” is blocked in black. The central medallion is framed by two fillets blocked in black. Within it, a man and a woman are seated on a sofa, blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in black.  From the head downwards, the decoration is: two black fillets blocked across the spine, with small decoration blocked in black below these; the title and author words: “/ The/ Prime/ Minister/ [decoration and a diamond, and small leaves]/ Anthony/ Trollope/” are blocked in gold; fillets and repeating dots are blocked in black across the spine; a lotus leaf, blocked in black; two black fillets blocked across the spine; at the tail, the words: “/ Chapman & Hall/” are blocked in gold.



Binding No: 1299

[In BL bindings database: 20.4.2016. - 019-000022468]

Pressmark: W82 7708

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Montgomery, James

Title: Poems. Selected and edited by Robert Aris Willmott. Illustrated with one hundred designs by John Gilbert, J. Wolf [i.e. Joseph Wolf], Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], etc. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Routledge, Warne, & Routledge, Farringdon Street; New York: 56, Walker Street.

Date of Publication: 1860

Place of Printing and printer: London: Richard Clay, Printer, Bread Street Hill.

W   175 H   230 T 43                 

Pagination:  [19], 380p. 1 plate.


Bookbinder: Leighton Son & Hodge

Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco vertical-grain

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 20.4.2016


References: For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures, p.181.


Notes: The design is not signed. Other illustrators in the List of Illustrations are: Frederick Richard Pickersgill, Edwards Duncan, William Harvey. Text sewn on three tapes. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. The bookplate of William Fisher is on the upper pastedown. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: m”/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge./” [Ball no. 53F.] Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold, in blind, and in relief. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. Patterns of leaves, of stems blocked in gold on the corners and on the sides. Two inner ovals are formed by double fillets blocked in gold. Between them, and inside the inner oval, patterns of small leaves and stems are blocked in relief. Elaborate patterns of stems and leaves on the centre in gold, with a diamond shape at the centre. Above and below the centre, large ‘flower shape’ gold lettering-pieces are blocked in gold, with the words: “/ Poems by/ James/ Montgomery/” blocked in relief within each ‘flower shape’. Around these word, small filigree decoration is picked out in relief. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked in gold on its perimeter. Elaborate leaf and stem decoration, blocked in gold, surrounds the gold lettering-piece, which contains the words: “/ Poems/ by/ James Montgomery/” blocked in relief within it. On the lower half of the spine, and at the tail, two cartouche-shaped gold lettering-pieces contain the words: “/ Illustrated/” and “/ Routledge & Co/” blocked in relief inside each – all surrounded by elaborate fillets, leaves and stems blocked in gold.




Binding No: 1300

[In BL bindings database: 20.4.2016. - 019-000022471]

Pressmark: W31/8455

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Montgomery, James

Title: Poems. Selected and edited by Robert Aris Willmott. Illustrated with one hundred designs by John Gilbert, J. Wolf [i.e. Joseph Wolf], Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], etc. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Routledge, Warne, & Routledge, Farringdon Street; New York: 56, Walker Street.

Date of Publication: 1860

Place of Printing and printer: London: Richard Clay, Printer, Bread Street Hill.

W   175 H   230 T 42                 

Pagination:  [19], 380p. 1 plate.



Cover material: leather

Grain: morocco

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 20.4.2016




Notes: The design is not signed. Other illustrators in the List of Illustrations are: Frederick Richard Pickersgill, Edwards Duncan, William Harvey. Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco. The turns are tolled in gold with repeating ‘leaf and semi-circle patterns, with gold fillets and with repeating patterns of ‘two circles and dots’. Both covers are tooled identically with multiple rolls and fillets, which form squares on each corner. Within each square, a single leaf and its small stem is blocked in gold within a circle formed by a gold fillet. On the centre of each cover, a lyre is blocked in gold. The spine has a head band and a tail band. It is blocked in gold. It is divided into six panels by raised bands. Panels one, three, four, five and six have rectangles formed by gold fillets, with elaborate flower and stem decoration blocked within each. Panel two has the words: “/ Montgomery’s/ Poems/” blocked in gold. At the tail, within a cartouche formed by a single gold fillet, the word: “/ London/” is blocked in gold. This is the same text as at BL shelf mark W82/7708.




Binding No: 1301

[In BL bindings database: 15.6.2016. - 019-000022923]

Pressmark: 11651.f.7.

Artist Name: Unsigned


Title: Pen and pencil pictures from the poets.

Place of Publication and publisher: Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo

Date of Publication: 1866

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Ballantyne, Roberts, & Company, Printers.

Pagination:  viii, 152p.

Dimensions: 175x218x25mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 15.6.2016




Notes: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical design, in blind and in relief only on the lower cover. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in blind and in relief. On the borders, a repeating pattern of small plants, of stars and small circles is blocked in gold. Inside this, a pattern of squares in blocked. The gold fillets that make up the squares blocked in gold have repeating dots blocked within them blocked in relief. An ‘inner’ pattern of smaller squares is created by fillets blocked in blind, with repeating dots being blocked in relief within them. Around the borders of the inner rectangle, floral patterns are blocked in gold, the flowers and stars, then a fillet in gold with repeating dots within it in relief; then four more fillets blocked in gold. The vignette on the centre is a gold lettering-piece, with the title words: “/ Pen/ & pencil/ pictures/ from the/ poets/” blocked in relief within it. Above and below the title there are four corner leaves, blocked in hatch gold, each of which is surrounded by tendrils blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Very elaborate floral and fillet decoration is blocked in gold and in relief from head to tail. In the upper half of the spine, within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet, the title words: “/ Pen/ & pencil/ pictures/ from the/ poets/” are blocked in gold. At the tail, the words: “/ W. P. Nimmo/” are blocked in gold , within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.



Binding No: 1302

[In BL bindings database: 24.8.2016 -  019-000023188]

Pressmark: 11607.f.8.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Shakespeare, William

Title: The Works of William Shakspere [sic] . Edited by Charles Knight

Place of Publication and publisher: London: George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill; New York: 9, Lafayette Place

Date of Publication: 1883

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross

Pagination:  x, 1074p. 32 plates. With two pages of publisher’s advertisements bound at the front and at the  end.

Dimensions: 145x200x52mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: fine rib-diagonal-grain

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and black and relief

Date Examined: 24.8.2016.




Notes: The design is not signed. Part of the ‘Blackfriars Poets’ series. On the title page verso, this work is advertised as: “In Imperial 16mo. Cloth, 3s. 6d.” Dark grey/brown endpapers and pastedowns. Red find rib diagonal-grain cloth. The design is blocked in black across both covers and the spine. At the head of both covers and spine, a Greek fret is blocked between two black fillets, together with lotus leaves, lotus flowers and a greek fret – all in black. At the tail of the lower cover, of the spine and the lower portion of the upper cover, repeating Greek frets are interspersed with flower heads. Across the centre of the lower cover, across the spine and across the upper cover, a repeating pattern of Greek fret and ‘stylised four leaves’ is blocked in black, with two black fillets blocked above and below. Underneath this, a repeating pattern of ‘lotus band’ is blocked in black. The initials of Routledge and Sons: “GRS” are blocked in black on the centre. On the upper part of the upper cover, the words: “/ Shakspere [sic]/ Edited by/ Charles Knight./” are blocked in black On the fore edge side, a papyrus like’ plant is growing out of a large vase, which has Egyptian motifs blocked on it. On the spine side, near bottom left, the words: “/ The/ Blackfriars/ Edition/” are blocked in relief within a four sided black lettering-piece. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. Near the head, the words: “/ Shakspere [sic]/ Edited by/ Charles/ Knight/” are blocked in gold. On the lower half of the spine within a roundel formed by fillets blocked in black, the words: “/ The [blocked in a semi-circle]/ Blackfriars/ Edition [blocked in a semi-circle]/ are blocked in black. At the tail, there is a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has two gold fillets blocked above and below it, and also a gold fillet blocked on its perimeter. Inside it, the word: “/ Routledge/” is blocked in relief.




Binding No: 1303


[In BL bindings database: 24.8.2016 - 019-000023193]

Pressmark: 11651.f.14.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK



Title: Lyrics of Ancient Palestine. Poetical and Pictorial. Illustrations of Old Testament History. The Illustrations drawn by A. de Neuville [i.e. probably Alphonse de Neuville] , P. Skelton [i.e. Percival Skelton], J. Wolf [i.e Joseph Wolf], J. D. Watson [i.e. John Dawson Watson], J. Mahoney [i.e. James Mahoney], C. J. Staniland [i.e Charles Joseph Staniland], and others. [The list of illustrations includes two illustrations by C. Johnson.]


Place of Publication and publisher: London: London: The Religious Tract Society, 56, Paternoster Row; 65, St. Paul’s Churchyard, and 164, Piccaduilly, [1873]

Date of Publication: [1873]

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by J. and W. Rider.

Pagination:  208p.

Dimensions: 162x220x22mm.           



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: purple               

Block work: gold and black and relief

Date Examined: 24.8.2016.





Notes: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Purple sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind, with fillets on its borders. The upper cover is blocked in Gold and in black. Gold and black fillets are blocked on the borders, and also form three rectangular panels. Within the panel at the head, a rectangular gold lettering-piece has gold fillets and a ‘wave and dot’ pattern on its borders. Within it, the words are blocked : “/ Lyrics [blocked in relief within the lettering piece]/ of [blocked in gold beneath the lettering-piece]/”. Below the central panel the words: “/ Ancient Palestine/ are blocked in relief, within another rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has a single gold fillet blocked on its perimeter. The central rectangle shows the scene: ‘The Finding of Moses’, a reproduction of the illustrations on page 53, after Charles Joseph Staniland. Moses is in a basket, floating on the Nile, with bulrushes in the foreground, and pyramids in the background – all blocked in gold and in black. Immediately underneath this, a black fillet is blocked across the cover, which has leaf and curling stem decoration blocked in gold within it. The spine is blocked is gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: small decoration in black at the head; the words: “/ Lyrics/. Of/ Ancient/ Palestine/” blocked in gold with multiple fillets across the spine in gold and in black; floral designs in gold and in black on the centre downwards to the tail. The British Museum de Beaumont copy has the same design blocked onto blue sand-grain cloth. It is at register no: BM 1992,1104.25



Binding No: 1304

[In BL bindings database: 05.10.20916 019- 000023392]

Pressmark: 11764.d.12.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Shakespeare, William

Title: The Works of Shakspere [sic]. Edited by Charles Knight. With 370 Illustrations by Sir John Gilbert, R. A.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: George Routledge & Sons, Limited, Broadway, Ludgate Hill; Glasgow, Manchester, and New York.


Date of Publication: 1891

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh and London: Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co.

Pagination:  6 Vols.




Cover material: quarter ungrained cloth; paper over boards

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green cloth; white paper     

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 5.10.2016




Notes: The design is not signed. 6 Vols. All have the same size of 136x195mm. All pages are bordered in red. The Mignon Shakespeare. The edition limited to 500 copies. White endpapers and pastedowns. Quarter green ungrained cloth over spines and boards. White paper over boards. Gilt to trimmed heads; fore edges and tails are untrimmed. All six volumes have the same design blocked in gold on the covers and the spines. No blocking of the cloth on each cover. The design of interlocking ‘oak leaves’ and buds is blocked in gold on the white paper. An oval panel is formed near the head of each cover, and this has the word: “/ Shakspere [sic]”/ blocked in gold within the oval. Apart from the volume number the spines are blocked identically in gold. Three gold fillets are blocked across the head of each spine. Beneath this, the word: “/ Shakspere/” is blocked in gold. In the middle of the spine, the volume number: “/ Vol. I. [-VI.]/” is blocked in gold. The lower quarter of each spine has the same decoration as for each cover, with the word: “/ Routledge/” being blocked in gold within an oval formed by the decoration.





Binding No: 1305

[In BL bindings database: 1.12.2016. -019- 000023751]

Pressmark: 7908.h.4

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Walton, Izaak; Cotton, Charles

Title: The compleat angler. Edited with an Introduction by Richard Le Gallienne. Illustrated by Edmund H. New [i.e. Edmund Hort New].

Place of Publication and publisher: London: John Lane, The Bodley Head

Date of Publication: 1897

Place of Printing and printer: London & Edinburgh: Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. At the Ballantyne Press.

Pagination:  lxxxvi, 428, [14] p.

Dimensions: 190x250x50mm.



Cover material: morocco



Block work:

Date Examined:




Notes: Top edge gilt. Fore edge and tail edges are untrimmed.  Marble endpapers and pastedowns. Dark blue/ green half morocco, with green morocco horizontal-grain cloth to covers. Gold fillets mark the divides between leather and cloth. The spine has head and tail bands. At the head and at the tail, gold fillets and small decoration are blocked across the spine. It is divided into six panels by raised bands. Above and below each band, there are double gold fillets blocked across the spine. Panels one, three to six have a device of a fisherman’s basket, with a fish on top of it.



Binding No: 1306

[In BL bindings database: 7.12.2016. 019- 000023808]

Pressmark: 11765g..5

Artist Name: John Gilbert

Author/Heading:  Shakespeare,William

Title: The Works. Edited by Howard Staunton. With portrait and illustrations by Sir John Gilbert, R. A.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: George Routledge and Sons, Broadway Ludgate Hill.; New York, 9 Lafayette Place

Date of Publication: 1882

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  [4], 674p.

Dimensions: 233x295x45mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: pebble-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind and black and relief

Date Examined: 1.12.2016.




Notes: The upper cover features a design by John Gilbert. The frontispiece is a portrait of Shakespeare, after Gilbert. All of the illustrations are engraved by [The Brothers] Dalziel. Top edge gilt. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue pebble-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked with two fillets in blind on the borders. The upper cover is elaborately blocked in gold in black and in relief. The borders show an dense ‘Renaissance’ decoration of fruit and flowers. At the head, two oval-shaped gold oval lettering-pieces have the initials ‘WS’ and ‘JG’ blocked  in relief within each. On each side, there are two more panel shaped gold lettering-pieces. The one on the left shows a goblet, a sword, a crown – all picked out in relief. The panel on the fore edge side shows a jester’s cap, a staff and balloon, a shawm (?), and musical pipes – all picked out in relief. On each side at the tail, two more panel shaped gold lettering-pieces have the words [on the left] “ / Born/ 1564/” and on the right: “/ Died/ 1616/”. Above the central panel, the title words: “/ Sir John Gilbert’s/ Shakespeare/ “ are blocked in gold within a cartouche. Below the central panel, within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, the words: “/ With 800 illustrations/” are blocked in relief. The large central panel shows a scene form on of the plays (possibly from the Tempest, with Prospero, Miranda, and Caliban). It is signed: “J Gilbert” at the right hand corner of this panel. The Spine is blocked in gold and in relief From head to tail, elaborate ‘Renaissance’ strap panels, are surrounded by garlands of fruit/ leaf decoration – with the decoration being picked out in relief. Near the head, within an oval surrounded by laurel leaves, the head and shoulders of Shakespeare is blocked; On the centre, the shield (bearing the family arms?) is blocked; near the tail, a winged putto, holding a book  is blocked within a  panel. Near the head, the title words: “/ Sir John/ Gilbert’s/ Shakespeare/” are blocked in gold within a panel form by a gold fillet. At the tail, the word: “/ Routledge/” is blocked in relief .





Binding No: 1307

[In BL bindings database: 11.1.2017- 019-000024087]

Pressmark: C.194.a.168.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Forrest, George, pseud. [i.e. John George Wood.]

Title: A handbook of gymnastics.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, Farringdon Street; New York: 56, Walker Street

Date of Publication: 1860

Place of Printing and printer: London: Richard Clay, Printer, Bread Street Hill.

Pagination:  64p.

Dimensions: 95x142x7mm.     



Cover material: paper over boards


Colour: yellow                         

Block work:

Date Examined: 11.1.2017.




Notes: UIN: BLL01001271162. Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto: “/ Wm. J. Pigott/ Mill Grove/ August 1862/” Inscribed on the upper pastedown: “/ Cherry Britton/ 27 Orient Gdns/ Belfast/”. Original yellow endpaper and pastedown bound at the front. Printed yellow paper over boards. The lower cover  has printed advertisements of the publisher in the series: ‘ Routledge’s Sixpenny Handbooks’. The upper cover features a scene of young men/ boys engaged in gymnastic activities – pole vaulting, climbing on ladders, etc. At the head the series title: “/ Routledge’s Sixpenny Hand- Books’ is printed. At the tail, the imprint is: “London: Routledge, Warne, & Routledge./”There is no printing on the spine.





Binding No: 1308

[In BL bindings database: 11.1.2017- 019- 000024093]

Pressmark: C.194.a.169.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: The art of rowing for beginners: containing all the information necessary to teach theoretically the use of the oar; with Rules for the Organisation of Boat-Clubs, and a dictionary of terms, etc., etc.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Henry Lea, 22, Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row.

Date of Publication: [1860]

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by W. Clowes and Sons , Stamford Street, and Charing Cross.

Pagination:  61p. With two pages of publisher’s titles in the series ‘Henry Lea’s Popular Handbooks’ bound at the end.

Dimensions: 95x142x7mm.     



Cover material: paper over boards


Colour: yellow                         

Block work:

Date Examined: 11.1.2017.




Notes: UIN: BLL01000123463. Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto: “/ Wm. J. Pigott/ Mill Grove/ August 1862/” and also: “/ Cherry Britton/ 27 Orient Gdns/ Belfast/”. White endpapers and pastedowns.  the front. Printed yellow paper over boards. The lower cover  has printed an advertisement for ‘The comic reciter, edited by Paul Smith, price sixpence’.  The upper cover features a river water scene of showing at the head, a Union Jack flag, a rowing boat on a choppy looking river, with a mariner seated on a ledge in front of it. The title:”/ The/ art of rowing/ for/ beginners/” is printed in red and in black on the upper half of the cover.

At the tail, the imprint is: “London: Henry Lea. Warwick Lane/”. There is no printing on the spine.







Binding No: 1309

[In BL bindings database: 11.1.2017- 019- 000024095]

Pressmark: C.194.a.170.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Forrest, George, pseud. [i.e. John George Wood.]

Title: A handbook of swimming and skating.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, Farringdon Street; New York: 56, Walker Street

Date of Publication: 1860

Place of Printing and printer: London: Richard Clay, Printer, Bread Street Hill.

Pagination:  [1], 61p.

Dimensions: 95x143x6mm.     



Cover material: paper over boards


Colour: yellow                         

Block work:

Date Examined: 11.1.2017.




Notes: UIN: BLL01001271164. Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto: “/ Cherry Britton/ 27 Orient Gdns/ Belfast/”.Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Printed yellow paper over boards. The lower cover  shows a scene of skating, with gentlemen in top hats and ladies in full dress and bonnets. The upper cover repeats the frontispiece, featuring a scene of a large pond/ river bank with young men/ boys diving and swimming . on both covers, at the head,  the series title: “/ Routledge’s Sixpenny Hand- Books’ is printed. On both covers, at the tail, the imprint is: “London: Routledge, Warne, & Routledge./”There is no printing on the spine.







Binding No: 1310

[In BL bindings database: 11.1.2017- 019- -000024097]

Pressmark: C.194.a.171

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Wood, John George

Title: Rowing and Sailing. By the author of “Athletic Sports and Recreations, “British Rural Sports,” etc., etc.  [i.e. J. G. Wood].

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, Farringdon Street

Date of Publication: 1863

Place of Printing and printer: London: Dalziel Brothers, Camden Press.

Pagination:  [1], 92p. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. 

Dimensions: 95x143x10mm.   



Cover material: paper over boards


Colour: yellow                         

Block work:

Date Examined: 11.1.2017.




Notes: UIN: BLL01003177277. Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto: “/ Cherry Britton/ 27 Orient Gdns/ Belfast/” and inscribed on the upper pastedown: “/ Wm. Jackson Pigott/ Dublin/ 1864/” Pink/ beige endpapers and pastedowns. Printed yellow paper over boards. The lower cover  has a list of publisher’s titles. The upper cover shows a young man rowing, with a sailing boat in the background. At the head,  the series title: “/ Routledge’s Sixpenny Handbooks’ is printed. At the tail, the imprint is: “London: Routledge, Warne, & Routledge./” Along the spine, the words: “/ Rowing  and Sailing – Sixpence./” are printed.






Binding No: 1311

[In BL bindings database: 18.1.2017.  019- 000024134]

Pressmark: C.194.a.172.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Routledge, Edmund

Title: The handbook of cricket.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, 6, Farringdon Street

Date of Publication: 1862

Place of Printing and printer: London: Camden Press.

Pagination:  64p.

Dimensions: 95x143x10mm.



Cover material: paper over boards


Colour: yellow                         

Block work:

Date Examined: 18.1.2017.




Notes: UIN: BLL01003174720. Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto: “/ Wm. J. Pigott/ Mill Grove/” Inscribed on the upper pastedown: “/ Cherry Britton/ 27 Orient Gdns/ Belfast/”. Yellow endpaper and pastedowns at the front; original white pastedown at the rear. Printed yellow paper over boards. The lower cover  has printed advertisements of the publisher, including the series: ‘ Routledge’s Sixpenny Handbooks’. The upper cover shows a cricket field, with a pavilion tent in the background. In the foreground, a bowler hold his right arm, ball in hand, over a set of stumps (as though in the act of bowling). At the head and at the tail, the words: “/ Routledge’s sixpenny handbooks./ Cricket/ by/ Edmund Routledge/ Price sixpence/ London. Routledge, Warne, & Routledge./” are printed. Along the spine are printed the words: “/ Cricket. – Sixpence./”




Binding No: 1312

[In BL bindings database: 26.1.2017 - 019-000024206]

Pressmark: 012624.g.1.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Marryat, Frederick

Title: Japhet in search of a father. Illustrated by Henry M. Brock [i.e. Henry Matthew Brock]. With an introduction by David Hannay.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Macmillan and Co. and New York

Date of Publication: 1895

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Printed by R. & R. Clark.

Pagination:  xli, 401p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound a the end.

Dimensions: 140x200x32mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: rib vertical-grain

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and relief

Date Examined: 27.1.2017




Notes: The design is not signed. White endpapers and pastedowns. Red rib vertical-grain cloth. Apart from the titling blocked on the upper cover upper left hand corner, the covers are blocked in relief with a repeating interlocking ‘leaf and stem’ pattern. The letter “M” [probably for Macmillan], outlined in relief, is blocked as part of the overall pattern. On the upper cover, within a square formed by two gold fillets, the words: “/ Japhet/ in search of/ a Father/ Illustrated by/ H. M. Brock/” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, two gold fillets are blocked across the spine. The words: “/ Japhet/ in search/ of a/ Father/ Captain/ Marryat/ Macmillan & Co./” are blocked down the spine. This design is used on at least eleven other novels of Marryat, published by Macmillan in the 1890s. 





Binding No: 1313

[In BL bindings database: 26.1.2017. - 019-000024227]

Pressmark: 1347.g.21.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Weir, Harrison William


Title: The Poetry of Nature. Selected and Illustrated by Harrison Weir.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Sampson Low, Son, and Co., 47 Ludgate Hill,

Date of Publication: 1861

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by Edmund Evans.

Pagination:  111p.

Dimensions: 165x226x22mm



Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco vertical-grain

Colour: purple                         

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 26.1.2017




Notes: The Illustrations drawn by Harrison Weir, and the engravers are listed as [full names given where possible]:  John Greenaway, Edmund Evans, William Measom [i.e. probably William Frederick Measom], J. Cooper [i.e. possibly James Davis cooper], R. N. Woods [i.e. possibly Henry Newsom Woods], W. J. Palmer [i.e. probably William James Palmer], H. Morgan. The frontispiece is after Weir, and is signed by him and engraved by John Greenaway, with the  caption: “The haunt of the nightingale”.   Text sewn on three cords. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ 76, Fleet St London./” [Ball no. 17C.] Purple morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind, relief and in gold. Fillets and a repeating pattern of ‘interlocking leaves and dots’ are blocked in blind and relief on the borders. Large ‘lotus like’ plants rise from tail to head – all blocked in relief. The central rectangular panel has a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders. It is a white paper on lay, blocked in gold and in relief. Plant patterns are blocked in relief on its borders. Within a descending scroll, the words”/ The/ poetry/ of/ nature/ Illustrated/ by/ Harrison/ Weir.” are blocked in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head and at the tail, small decoration is blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces. Near the tail, small decoration is blocked in gold within a circle. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter of much of the spine. From tail to head, a ‘lily like’ plant is blocked in gold. Wrapped around the stem of this plant, a gold lettering-piece, shaped as a scroll is blocked, with the words:”/ Poetry/ of/ nature/” blocked in relief within the scroll. The British Museum de Beaumont copy is at P & D Register no:  1992, 0406.264. It has a case of green morocco horizontal-grain cloth.





Binding No: 1314

[In BL bindings database: 8.3.2017. - 019-000024596]

Pressmark: 012806.l.57.

Artist Name: Henry Justice Ford

Author/Heading:  Lang, Andrew

Title: The red book of animal stories. Selected and edited by Andrew Lang. With numerous illustrations by H. J. Ford [i.e. Henry Justice Ford].

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 89 Paternoster Row; New York and Bombay

Date of Publication: 1899

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New Street Square.

Pagination:  xvii, 379p.

Dimensions: 130x186x30mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and relief

Date Examined: 8.3.2017.




Notes: The design is by Henry Justice Ford.  Text sewn on two tapes. Black endpapers and pastedowns. Red ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the borders. The scene shown is of a girl, seated, and a boy, kneeling, looking at a book. Watching them are a group of wild animals, amongst which are: a pterodactyl, a giraffe, an elephant, a rhinoceros, a lion, a tiger, a leopard, a snake a crocodile. Signed bottom right: “HJF” in relief within a medallion shaped gold lettering-piece, which has gold dots on its perimeter. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked across the spine at the head and at the tail. Down the spine, the words blocked in gold are: “/ The/ Red Book/ of/ Animal/ Stories/ Andrew Lang/ Longmans & Co./” A seated lion is blocked in gold near the tail.





Binding No: 1315

[In BL bindings database: 8.3.2017. - 019-000024604]

Pressmark: 012202f.12/3.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Poe, Edgar Allan

Title: Stories

Place of Publication and publisher: London & Edinburgh: T. C. & E. C. Jack

Date of Publication: 1908

Place of Printing and printer: [Edinburgh:] Printed by T. and A. Constable, Printers to His Majesty at the Edinburgh University Press.

Pagination:  xxii, 164p.

Dimensions: 130x175x17mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: orange                         

Block work: black

Date Examined: 8.3.2017.




Notes: The design it not signed. White endpapers and pastedowns. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover and spine are blocked in black. A single fillet is blocked on the borders of the upper cover. On the upper half, a roundel is blocked, depicting a ‘mediaeval dressed’ man, reading a sheet of paper, with shelves of books behind him. Around the perimeter of the roundel, the words: “The world’s storytellers. Edited by Arthur Ransome” are blocked in black. On the lower half of the cover, the words: “/ Stories by/ Poe/” are blocked in black. On the spine, from head to tail, the words: “/ World’s/ story/ tellers/ [an open book is blocked within a small roundel]/ Stories/ by/ Poe/ Jack/” are blocked in black.





Binding No: 1316

[In BL bindings database: 27.3.2017.  - 019-000024755]


Artist Name: Henry Justice Ford

Author/Heading: Lang, Andrew

Title: The animal story book. Edited by Andrew Lang. With numerous illustrations by H. J. Ford. [i.e. Henry Jsutice Ford].

Place of Publication and publisher: London, New York, Bombay: Longmans Green, and Co.

Date of Publication: 1896

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New Street Square.

Pagination:  xiv, 400p. With one page of publisher’s titles printed on the half title page verso.

Dimensions: 132x186x32mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 27.3.2017




Notes: The design is not signed, but is probably by Henry Justice Ford.  Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Black endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold. It shows a lion, high up on a rocky mountain landscape. The lion’s head is looking upwards to the stars and the moon, blocked in the background. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and the tail, two gold fillets are blocked across the spine. The words: “/ The/ Animal Story/ Book/ Andrew Lang/ Longmans & Co./ “ are blocked in gold from head to the tail. On the lower half of the spine, a dancing bear is blocked in gold.





Binding No: 1317

[In BL bindings database: 27.3.2017 - 019-000024751]

Pressmark: X8/2375

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Karr, Alphonse

Title: A Tour Round my Garden. Translated from the French of Alphonse Karr. Revised and Edited by the Rev. J. G. wood [i.e. John George Wood]. With one hundred and seventeen illustrations by William Harvey.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: G. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street; New York, 18, Beekman Street.

Date of Publication: 1855

Place of Printing and printer: London: R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill.

Pagination:  xii, 332p.

Dimensions: 120x185x30mm.



Cover material: leather, cloth

Grain: Morocco vertical-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 27.3.2017




Notes: A blue quarter leather binding by Cedric Chivers, for Carlisle Public Library. The endpapers and pastedowns are bespoke made by Cedric Chivers. Printed in light brown against a cream background, they feature repeating patterns of curling stems and leaves. Interspersed amongst these are diamonds, with the text: “/ Duro/ Flexil/” printed within. There are ‘medallions’ with four serial numbers and dates printed within. For example: “/ 27812/ 18 Dec 1903/”; or: “/ 3501/ 20 Feb 1906/”. The two groups of dates occupy the centre of each medallion, with two more serial numbers and dates printed on the perimeter of each dated medallion.  Other medallions have the wording: “/ Chivers/ Patent/ Binding/”. The blue cloth is morocco vertical-grain. No blocking on the lower cover. The upper cover has a central medallion, in which the words: “Carlisle Public Library” are blocked in blind. The leather spine is divided into five panel by two fillets blocked in blind across the spine. In panel one, the numbers: “579.9” are blocked in gold. In panel two the title words: /” Tour round/ my garden/” are blocked in gold. Panel three has the words: “/ A/ Karr/” blocked in gold. Panel five (at the tail) has the words: “/ E/ 337/” blocked in gold.







Binding No: 1318

[In BL bindings database:

Pressmark: 13266.e.26.

Artist Name: William Harry Rogers

Author/Heading:  Warton, Thomas

Title: The Hamlet. An ode written is Whichwod forest. Illustrated with fourteen etchings by Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster].

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Sampson Low, Son, and Co. 47, Ludgate Hill

Date of Publication: 1859

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  14p. Text printed on recto only.

Dimensions: 180x240x20mm (re-bound in 1993)



Cover material:

Grain: no grain

Colour: green                           

Block work:  blocked in gold.

Date Examined: 25.7.2017




Notes: The upper cover vignette is designed by William Harry Rogers. The original upper cover is now a front doublure. Size: 155x218mm. Green cloth. The upper cover central vignette is a diamond-shape, and the words: “/ The Hamlet/ an ode/ By Thomas Warton/ Illustrated with Etchings/ by / Birket Foster/” are blocked in gold, in ‘mediaeval’ style letters, surrounded by small foliage – also blocked in gold. Signed “WHR” [i.e. William Harry Rogers] in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The British Museum de Beaumont copy is at P&D register number 1992,0406.396.  This is in its (original) gutta-percha binding. The upper cover vignette is designed by William Harry Rogers. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth.






Binding No: 1319

[In BL bindings database: 16.8.2017 – 019000025648]

Pressmark: RB.23.a.32563

Artist Name: Kathleen Ainslie


Title: Catherine Susan’s Little Holiday.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Castell Brothers

Date of Publication: [1905]

Place of Printing and printer: Printed in Bavaria.

Pagination:  [30p.] Text and illustrations are lithographed.

Dimensions: 123x140x3mm.   



Cover material: paper/ card



Block work:

Date Examined: 16.8.2017


References: Bailes, Susan. Kathleen Ainslie (1858-1936). In: Imaginative Book Illustration Society. Studies in Illustration. No. 66. Summer 2017, no. 7.


Notes: The lithographed covers are after Kathleen Ainslie. The upper cover depicts Catherine Susan setting out on her holiday, with all her seaside effects.





Binding No: 1320

[In BL bindings database: 16.8.2017 – 019000025651]

Pressmark: RB.23.b.6766

Artist Name: Kathleen Ainslie

Author/Heading:  Kathleen Ainslie

Title: At Great-Aunt Martha’s.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Castell Brothers Ltd.

Date of Publication: [1905]

Place of Printing and printer: Printed in Bavaria.

Pagination:  [32p.] Alternating lithographed text and illustrations

Dimensions: 232x148x10mm.



Cover material: paper over card.



Block work:

Date Examined: 16.8.2017.


References: Bailes, Susan. Kathleen Ainslie (1858-1936). In: Imaginative Book Illustration Society. Studies in Illustration. No. 66. Summer 2017, pp. 20-39.



Notes: The upper cover depicts Catherine Susan setting out from Great Aunt Martha’s house, riding on a horse, surrounded by hounds.










Binding No: 1325

[In BL bindings database: 30.08.2017 - 019-0000 000025741]

Pressmark: W16/2828

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Woodward, Samuel Pickworth

Title: A manual of the mollusca. Being a treatise on recent and fossil shells. Fourth edition with an appendix of recent and fossil conchological discoveries by Ralph Tate. Illustrated by A. N. Waterhouse and Joseph Wilson Lowry.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Crosby Lockward & Co., 7, Stationers’ Hall Court, Ludgate Hill

Date of Publication: 1880.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by Virtue and Co., Limited, City Road.

Pagination:  xiv, 542, 86p. 24 plates. 1 fold-out map. With forty-eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.


Dimensions: 118x176x50mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ultra-fine diaper

Colour:                             green

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 30.08.2017




Notes: Dark green endpaper and pastedown at the front. Fillets on blind blocked on the borders of both covers. The upper cover central vignette shows a mollusc sitting in water. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, two gold fillets are blocked across the spine. Near the head and on the centre, the words: “/ A Manual/ of the/ Mollusca/ [rule]/ Woodward/ with an appendix/ by/ Ralph Tate./” are blocked in gold. An octopus is blocked in gold between the words. The device of Crosby Lockwood [a flaming torch, held aloft by a clenched hand] with the words: “Capio Lumen” is blocked in gold near the tail. At the tail, the words: “/Crosby Lockwood & Co./” are blocked in gold.

The copy dated 1890 is at shelf mark X7/3586. This is a reprint of the fourth edition of 1880. It has the same design blocked on the covers and the spine as for the edition of 1880.. This copy has on the upper pastedown, the bookseller’s ticket of : “/J. Fawn,/ Bookseller & Stationer/ Queen’s Road,/ Bristol/”. This copy belonged to the Carlisle Public Library, whose circular stamp is blocked on top of the mollusc. The shelf mark was E1141: the accession ticket is in a pocket on the rear pastedown, and the shelf mark “E1141” is blocked in gold on the spine.




Binding No: 1326

[In BL bindings database: 6.9.2017 – 019 -000025774]

Pressmark: Rb.23.a.32567

Artist Name: Kathleen Ainslie

Author/Heading:  Kathleen Ainslie

Title: Votes for Catherine Susan and Me.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Castell Brothers Ltd.; New York: Frederick Stokes Company

Date of Publication: [1910]

Place of Printing and printer: Designed in England. Printed in Bavaria.

Pagination:  [24p.] Alternating lithographed text and illustrations

Dimensions: 126x153x3mm.



Cover material: paper dust wrapper over boards.



Block work:

Date Examined: 6.9.2017.


References: Bailes, Susan. Kathleen Ainslie (1858-1936). In: Imaginative Book Illustration Society. Studies in Illustration. No. 66. Summer 2017, pp. 20-39.



Notes: The dust wrapper is around plain paper card covers.  The lower cover of the dust wrapper has a green frame border, with repeating plant motifs within this, occupying all of the cover. The upper cover of the dust wrapper has a green frame border and a background of repeating small plant motif. The centre depicts Catherine Susan ‘and Me’ [i.e. Maria] waving small placards which say: ‘Votes for Women’. The title and author words are printed within an ‘extended pennant’ motif.





Binding No: 1327

[In BL bindings database: 6.9.2017 – 019 -000025776]

Pressmark: Rb.23.a.32564

Artist Name: Kathleen Ainslie

Author/Heading:  Kathleen Ainslie

Title: Catherine Susan in hot water.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Castell Brothers Ltd.; New York: Frederick Stokes Company

Date of Publication: [1910]

Place of Printing and printer: Designed in England. Printed in Bavaria.

Pagination:  [24p.] Alternating lithographed text and illustrations

Dimensions: 127x153x4mm.



Cover material: paper dust wrapper over plain card/ boards.



Block work:

Date Examined: 6.9.2017.


References: Bailes, Susan. Kathleen Ainslie (1858-1936). In: Imaginative Book Illustration Society. Studies in Illustration. No. 66. Summer 2017, pp. 20-39.



Notes: The dust wrapper is around plain paper card covers.  [The sewing appears to be original, and the dust wrapper was originally sewn onto the text block.] The lower cover of the dust wrapper has two green rules, forming a frame border, with repeating faces [of Catherine Susan?], occupying all of the cover. The upper cover of the dust wrapper has two green rules forming a frame border and a background of repeating small faces. The centre medallion depicts Catherine Susan ‘and Me’ [i.e. Maria], having a bath in a large copper tub with a handle. The title and author words are printed within an ‘extended pennant’ motif.




Binding No: 1328

[In BL bindings database: 6.9.2017 – 019 – 000025778]

Pressmark: Rb.23.a.32562

Artist Name: Kathleen Ainslie

Author/Heading:  Kathleen Ainslie

Title: Catherine Susan’s Calendar. 1906.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Castell Brothers Ltd.; New York: Frederick Stokes Company

Date of Publication: [1906]

Place of Printing and printer: Designed in England. Printed in Bavaria.

Pagination:  [24p.] Alternating lithographed text and illustrations

Dimensions: 120x136x5mm.



Cover material: paper over plain card



Block work:

Date Examined: 6.9.2017.


References: Bailes, Susan. Kathleen Ainslie (1858-1936). In: Imaginative Book Illustration Society. Studies in Illustration. No. 66. Summer 2017, pp. 20-39.



Notes: Coloured paper over plain card. Ivory silk cord tassels. The lower cover shows a Dutch doll [Catherine Susan?] holding an open red umbrella, titled against the wind and rain. The upper cover depicts a Dutch doll [Catherina Susan?] seated on a pavement, with railings behind her, having just drawn the date ‘1906’ in red against a green background on the pavement before her. A hat is in front of her, with some coins tossed into it by passers-by. The title: “Catherine Susan’s Calendar” is printed in red above the doll.




Binding No:  1329

[In BL bindings database: 6.9.2017. 019- 000025781]

Pressmark: W34/3665

Artist Name: Leighton, John

Author/Heading:  Tillotson, John

Title: Lives of illustrious women of England; or, biographical treasury containing memoirs of royal, noble, and celebrated British females of the past and present day. Embellished with fine steel plate portraits.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Published by Thomas Holmes, Great Book Establishment, 76, St. Paul’s Church-Yard

Date of Publication: [1855?]

Place of Printing and printer: [London: W. J. and J. Sears, printers, Ivy Lane, St. Paul’s

Pagination:  viii, 304p. 11 plates

Dimensions: 133x205x28mm  



Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco vertical-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 6.9.2017




Notes: The spine design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Both covers blocked with the dame design. Two rules are blocked in blind on the borders. Apart from the centre, the rest of the cover has straps and plant motifs, blocked in blind and in relief, with the straps interlocking a the corners. On the lower cover, the central vignette is blocked in blind, and, on the upper cover in gold. It shows a lady, seated in a chair, feeding a baby in her lap. The spine is blocked in gold. Six gold fillets are blocked across the spine at the head and at the tail. From head to tail, ‘branch-like’ fillets form three oval panels. The uppermost has the title words: “/ Women/ of/ England./” blocked in gold within it. The middle oval has the bust of a Queen (Victoria?) blocked in gold within it. The lower panel has acorns and a floral motif blocked in gold within it. Signed “JL” in gold as a monogram near the tail.







Binding No: 1330

[In BL bindings database: 6.9.2017. 019- 000025785]

Pressmark: W45/1181

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Bunyan, John

Title: The Pilgrim’s Progress from this world to that which is to come. Delivered under the similitude of a dream. With forty illustrations drawn by John Gilbert, and engraved by W. H. Whymper.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: James Nisbet and Co., 21 Berners Street.

Date of Publication: 1860.

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Printed by R. & R. Clark.

Pagination:  350p.

Dimensions: 155x210x30mm



Cover material: morocco


Colour: brown                         

Block work: gold and black

Date Examined: 6.9.2017.




Notes: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. Gilt turn-ins. Brown morocco. Both covers are blocked identically in black with frame patterns, and a decorated six-sided oval on the centre. The spine has black fillets blocked across the spine at the head and at the tail. It is divided into five panels by raised bands. Rules in black form the perimeter of the panels and, apart from panel two, a single fleur-de-lis is blocked in black in the centre of each. In panel two, the words: “/ Bunyan’s/ Pilgrim’s/ Progress/” are blocked in gold.






Binding No: 1331

[In BL bindings database: 6.9.2017. 019- 000025787]

Pressmark: X7/2761

Artist Name: Leighton, John

Author/Heading:  Spenser, Edmund

Title: The Faerie Queene: disposed into twelve books, fashioning XII moral vertues. To which is added Epithalamion. Fifth edition with a glossary. Illustrated by Edward Corbould.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Routledge, Warnes, and Routledge, Farringdon Street.; New York: 18, Beekman Street

Date of Publication: 1859

Place of Printing and printer: [London: ] Savill & Edwards, printers, Chandos-street, Covent-garden.

Pagination:  xii, 820p.

Dimensions: 120x170x41mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: bead-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 6.9.2017.




Notes: The upper cover vignette and (probably) the spine design are by John Leighton. Several of the plates are signed: “Dalziel Sc”.  Gilt edges. No original endpapers. Blue bead-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and the corners. A single blind fillet is on the borders and plant decoration is on each corner. The upper central vignette is blocked in gold and shows a lady leading a lion, blocked against a plant background. Signed “JL” in relief as separate letters within a small shield at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. Gold fillets and repeating dots form semi-circles at the head and at the tail, and run along the perimeter of the spine. Near the head, the words:”/ Spenser’s/ Fairie/ Queene/” are blocked in gold within a shield formed by a single gold fillet. A lance runs from the head, behind the shield and down to the base of the spine. A bird (and a snake?) are entwined round the lance. At the tail, four gold fillets are blocked across the spine, with small triangles just above these.







Binding No: 1332

[In BL bindings database: 6.9.2017. 019- 000025790]

Pressmark: 1509/3020

Artist Name: John Leighton

Author/Heading:  May, Emily Juliana

Title: Dashwood Priory; or, Mortimer’s college life. Illustrated by John Gilbert.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: G. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street; New York, 18, Beekman Street

Date of Publication: 1855.

Place of Printing and printer: [London:] Printed by Cox (Bros.) and Wyman, Great Queen Street. 

Pagination:  [1], 433p. 8 plates. With thirty-two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end..

Dimensions: 110x170x30mm.


Bookbinder: Leighton Son & Hodge

Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco vertical grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 6.9.2017.




Notes: The Upper cover vignette and spine are designed by John Leighton. Some of the plates are signed: “Dalziel Sc”. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns [upper endpaper is missing]. Binders ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge/ Shoe Lane/ London./” [Ball no. 53A.] Bookseller’s ticket on upper pastedown: “/ Se trouve/ a la Librarie Anglaise/ de/ A. & W. Galignani & Cie/ Rue Vivienne, 18,/ Paris/” . Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and the corners. A single fillet is on the borders, with ‘passion plant’ leaves and buds blocked on each corner. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a  schoolmaster in a gown, standing on a ‘sunflower-like’ plant, holding towards us a shield, and a book within it, in which the emblem of Oxford University Press is blocked (the three crowns and the motto: /Domi/ nus/ illu/mina/tio/ mea/” ). Around the figure of the teacher, the words: “/ Dashwood Priory/ or. Mortimer’s college days/” are blocked in gold in a semi-circle, in ‘gothic fanciful’ letters.  The spine is blocked in gold. A single gild fillet is blocked on the perimeter. At the head, the title words: “/ Dashwood/ Priory/ or/ Mortimer’s/ college/ Days./2 are blocked in gold. On the lower half of the spine, there is a scene, which shows a teacher seated cross-legged in a tree; a church tower, a swan on water. At the tail, between two gold fillets blocked across the spine, the words: “/ London/ Routledge & Co./” are blocked in gold. Signed “J L” in gold as separate initials just above the imprint.











Binding No: 1333

[In BL bindings database: 6.10.2017 – 019-0000 000026053]

Pressmark: 11647.b.84.

Artist Name: John Leighton

Author/Heading:  Gibson, Westby

Title: Forest and Fire Side hours. Poems.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Aylott & Co., 8, Paternoster Row; and T. H. Rees, Aldine Chambers

Date of Publication: 1853

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  [1], xi, 100p.

Dimensions: 128x162x10mm



Cover material: cloth

Grain: wave diagonal-grain

Colour: red

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 6.10.2017.




Notes: The upper cover vignette is designed by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red wave diagonal-grain cloth. On the borders of both covers a rule frame is blocked in blind together with ornament in each corner.  The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold and  shows plant stems, leaves and buds , rising from the base to form a circle. Within the circle, the title words: “/ Forest/ and/ Fireside Hours/” are blocked in gold. Signed “JL” in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is not blocked.







Binding No: 1334

[In BL bindings database: 6.10.2017. 019- 000026056]

Pressmark: 11649.bbb.37.

Artist Name: William Harry Rogers

Author/Heading:  Green, Eliza Craven

Title: Sea Weeds and Heath Flowers, or memories of Mona. [In verse.]

Place of Publication and publisher: Douglas: Printed and Published by H. Curphey, Manx Xun Office, King Street; London and Liverpool: G. Philip and Son

Date of Publication: 1858

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  xii, 200p.

Dimensions: 130x190x13mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco horizontal-grain

Colour: red

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 6.10.2017.




Notes: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Westleys/ & Co./ London./” [Ball no. 103C.] Ticker size: 20x21mm. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. The borders of both covers are blocked in blind, with a rule frame and leaf ornament blocked on each corner. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. Mixed plants, stems rise from the base to form a circle, in which the coat of arms of the Isle of Man is blocked in gold. Signed “WHR” in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. On the spine, five panels are formed by blocking of small decoration, in blind and relief across the spine. In panel two, the title words:”/ Sea-weed/ and/ heath/ flowers/” are blocked in gold. The second edition of 1866 is at shelf mark 1578/1190.  It has a frontispiece plate entitled: “Peel Bay and Town”. It has been bound by Westleys, with their ticket on the rear pastedown [Ball no. 103C.], in green pebble-grain cloth. It has the same blocking on the covers and the spine as for the 1858 edition.











Binding No: 1335

[In BL bindings database: 11.10.2019 – 019- 000026102]

Pressmark: W32/3667

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Bede, Cuthbert [pseud., i.e. Edward Bradley]

Title: The adventures of Mr Verdant Green, an Oxford Freshman. With numerous illustrations designed and drawn on wood by the author. One hundred and eighy-third thousand.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: James Blackwood & Co., Lovell’s Court, Paternoster Row.

Date of Publication: [1957?]

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  viii, 271p.

Dimensions: 130x177x16mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: bead/ pebble grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: white

Date Examined: 11.10.2017




Notes: A ‘library’ binding, probably made for Ipswich Public Library, whose ownership label is on the upper pastedown, with the loan label on the lower pastedown, and  whose accession details are on stamped on the title page verso. Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Blue bead/ pebble grain cloth. There is a pattern of asymmetrical white dots on the cloth. On the spine, within a black recessed rectangular lettering-piece blockade along the spine, the title words: “/ The adventures of Mr. Verdant Green – Bede” are blocked in white. Text copyright Edmund M B King.









Binding No: 1336

[In BL bindings database: 11.10.2017. 019-000026107]


Artist Name: William Harry Rogers

Author/Heading:  Scott, Benjamin

Title: Lays of the Pilgrim Fathers; compiled in aid of the fund for completing the Memorial Church of the Pilgrim Fathers, in Southwark.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, Paternoster Row.

Date of Publication: 1861

Place of Printing and printer: London: T. Harrild, Printer, Shoe Lane, Fleet Street.

Pagination:  71p. 2 plates. With eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 128x190x8mm.   



Cover material: cloth

Grain: bead-grain

Colour: purple                         

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined:




Notes: The upper cover vignette is designed by William Harry Rogers. Red endpapers and pastedowns. Purple bead-grain cloth. Both covers have rule frames blocked on the borders and plant decoration blocked on each corner – all in blind. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold and shows a wooden frame, with flower stems leaves and flowers (morning glory?) blocked around it. The title words: “/ Lays/ of the/ Pilgrim/ Fathers./” are blocked in gold in ‘gothic’ letters, within the frame. Signed “WHR” [i.e.  William Harry Rogers] in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette.





Binding No: 1337

[In BL bindings database: 11.10.2017. 019-000026110]

Pressmark: RB.23.b.628.

Artist Name: William Harry Rogers

Author/Heading:  Whitfield, Henry John

Title: Rambles in Devonshire, with tales and poetry.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Simpkin, Marshall and Co.; Penzance, F. T. Vilbert, Market-Place.

Date of Publication: 1854

Place of Printing and printer: Penzance: F. T. Vilbert, Printer.

Pagination:  v, 187p.

Dimensions: 153x230x16mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco horizontal-grain

Colour: purple                         

Block work: Gold and blind

Date Examined: 11.10.2017




Notes: The upper cover vignette is designed by William Harry Rogers. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers have outer and inner rule frames blocked in blind on the borders. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold and shows a frame formed by plants. The title words: “/ Rambles/ in/ Devonshire/” are blocked in gold, within the frame. Signed “WHR” [i.e.  William Harry Rogers] in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spin has plant motifs blocked in blind at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the title words: “/ Rambles/ in/ Devonshire/” are blocked in gold.







Binding No: 1338

[In BL bindings database: 22.11.2017 - 019-000026365]

Pressmark: W50/2908

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Massey, Gerald

Title: Poetical works. A New Edition, with Illustrations.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Routledge Warne and Routledge

Date of Publication: 1861

Place of Printing and printer: London: Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos-street.

Pagination:  xx, 395p. 8 plates. Some of the plates are signed with John Gilbert’s monogram.

Dimensions: 110x161x32mm  



Cover material: leather


Colour: brown                         

Block work: gold lettering on spine only

Date Examined: 22.11.2017




Notes: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. A quarter leather brown tight back binding (morocco?), with cloth patterned covers. The upper cover is stamped in blind with a roundel containing the words: “Carlisle Public Library”. The spine is lettered in gold with author, title and shelf marks. Presumably, the binding was made for the Library.






Binding No: 1339

[In BL bindings database: 6.12.2017 - 019-000026458]

Pressmark: 12808.aa.31.

Artist Name: Robert Dudley

Author/Heading:  Wood, Henry, Mrs.

Title: William Allair; or, Running away to Sea. Frontispiece from a drawing by F. Gilbert [i.e. possibly John Gilbert?] .

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Griffith and Farran (Successors to Newbery and Haris), Corner of St. Paul’s Churchyard.

Date of Publication: 1864.

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Murray and Gibb, printers.

Pagination:  192p. 1 plate.

Dimensions: 120x178x22mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: dot and line horizontal-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: Gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 22.11.2017


References: Not listed in Ball Appendix D.


Notes: Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green dot and line horizontal-grain. The same  rule frame is blocked on the borders of both covers in blind, with floral decoration on each corner, blocked in relief. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. It shows a sea scene within ‘fishing net and waves’ motifs. A putto is standing upon a sea shell, trident in his right hand. His left hand holds reins, which are attached to the sea creature which is pulling him over the water. The title words: “?William Allair/ or/ running away/ to sea/” are blocked in relief above and below the sea scene, within a flag and pennant. Signed “ R D” [i.e. Robert Dudley] in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked ij gold and in relief. Three gold fillets are blocked across the spine at the head and at the tail. At the head down to the middle of the spine the title words: “/ William/ Allair/ or/ running/ away/ to sea/” are blocked in relief within a two gold lettering-pieces – shaped as a flag and a sea shell. The word “/by/” is blocked in gold underneath the sea shell. The words: “/ Mrs. H Wood/” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece. Near the tail the imprint: “/ London/ Griffith & Farran/” are blocked in gold.








Binding No: 1340

[In BL bindings database: 6.12.2017 - 019-000026461]

Pressmark: 9077.e.17

Artist Name: John Leighton

Author/Heading:  Taylor, Fanny Margaret

Title: Eastern Hospitals and English Nurses; the narrative of twelve months' experience in the Hospitals of Koulali and Scutari.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Hurst & Blackett, Publishers, successors to Henry Colburn, 12 Great Marlborough Street.

Date of Publication: 1856

Place of Printing and printer: London: Seacombe and Jack, 16A Great Windmill Street.

Pagination:  2 vols. Vol. 1: xii, 328p. 1 plate. Vol. 2. Ix, 273p. 1 plate With forty pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: Vol. 1. 133x201x30mm. Vol. 2. 133x200x25mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: Morocco horizontal-grain

Colour:  brown

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 6.12.2017.




Notes: The binding design is by John Leighton. The dedication reads: “ To those of the British Army, who displayed their heroism not only on the battlefield, but in the patient endurance of suffering, privation, and neglect, in the wards of Eastern hospitals, this work is dedicated.” The tinted lithograph in the front of vol. 1 shows the “General Hospital Koulali”. Singed bottom left: “Sketched by Sister K. B.”. Signed at bottom right M&N Hanhart , Impt.” The titnted lithograph in the front of vol. 2 shows the “Lower Stable Ward, Koulali Barrack Hospital”. Signed bottom left: “Sketched by a Patient.”. Signed at bottom right M&N Hanhart , Impt.” Original bright green upper endpaper bound in vol. 2. Brown morocco horizontal-grain cloth. The covers of both volumes are blocked identically, in blind on the lower covers and in gold and in blind on the upper covers. The rule frame border is of two fillets blocked in blind. The Central vignette shows a  nurse, standing in front of a cross, holding a water jug in her left hand; and clothes held over her right arm. The title words: “/ Eastern Hospitals [in gothic letters on either side of the nurse]/ and/ English/ Nurses/” [underneath the nurse] are blocked in gold. Signed “JL”[i.e. John Leighton] in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spines are blocked identically apart from the volume number. At the head and at the tail, two fillets are blocked in blind across the spine. Near the head, the title words: “/ Eastern/ Hospitals/ and/ English/ Nurses/ by a Lady/ Volunteer./” are blocked in gold. On the centre, the volume number: “I. [II]” is blocked in gold. At the tail the imprint: “/ Hurst & / Blackett/” is blocked in gold. The 1857 edition has the same design blocked onto purple morocco vertical-grain cloth. Shelf mark 9077.e.16.








Binding No: 1341

[In BL bindings database: 13.12.2017 - 019-000026497]

Pressmark: 9077.e.16

Artist Name: John Leighton

Author/Heading:  Taylor, Fanny Margaret

Title: Eastern Hospitals and English Nurses; the narrative of twelve months' experience in the Hospitals of Koulali and Scutari. Third edition, revised.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Hurst & Blackett, Publishers, successors to Henry Colburn, 12 Great Marlborough Street.

Date of Publication: 1857

Place of Printing and printer: London: J. Billing, Printer, 103, Hatton Garden and Guildford Surrey.

Pagination:  ix, 356p. 1 plate. .With thirty-eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 130x200x30mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: Morocco vertical-grain

Colour:  purple

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 13.12.2017.




Notes: The binding design is by John Leighton. The dedication reads: “ To those of the British Army, who displayed their heroism not only on the battlefield, but in the patient endurance of suffering, privation, and neglect, in the wards of Eastern hospitals, this work is dedicated.” The tinted lithograph in the front shows the “Lower Stable Ward, Koulali Barrack Hospital”. Signed bottom left: “Sketched by a Patient.”Signed at bottom right M&N Hanhart , Impt.” Signed at bottom right M&N Hanhart , Impt.” Binder’s ticket on upper pastedown: “/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./ Est. 1767/” [Ball no. 53A.] Purple morocco verticalal-grain cloth. The covers of both volumes are blocked identically, in blind on the lower covers and in gold and in blind on the upper covers. The rule frame border is of two fillets blocked in blind. The central vignette shows a  nurse, standing in front of a cross, holding a water jug in her left hand; and clothes held over her right arm. The title words: “/ Eastern Hospitals [in gothic letters on either side of the nurse]/ and/ English/ Nurses/” [underneath the nurse] are blocked in gold. Signed “JL”[i.e. John Leighton] in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine partially survives. Near the head, the title words: “/ Eastern/ Hospitals/ and/ English/ Nurses/ by a Lady/ Volunteer./” are blocked in gold. The 1856 edition, in two volumes, has the same design blocked onto brown morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Shelf mark 9077.e.17.









Binding No: 1342

[In BL bindings database: 13.12.2017. 019-000026500]

Pressmark: 11763.h.24.

Artist Name: William Harry Rogers

Author/Heading:  Friswell, James Hain

Title: Life Portraits of William Shakespeare: a history of the various representations of the poet, with an examination into their authenticity. Illustrated by photographs of the most authentic portraits, and with views, ... by Cundall, Downes & Co.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Sampson, Low, Son, & Marston, 14, Ludgate Hill.

Date of Publication:1864

Place of Printing and printer: London: R. Clay, son, and Taylor, printers, Bread Street Hill.

Pagination:  128, [10]p. 8 plates.

Dimensions:  165x222x22mm. Doublure size: 150x212mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: Doublure is of sand-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 13.12.2017




Notes: The design is by William Harry Rogers. Upper cover doublure is of sand-grain cloth. There is a rule frame border of two fillets, and a ‘dog-tooth’ pattern, all blocked in gold. On the centre, the falcon holding a spear is blocked in gold. This is within a ‘Renaissance oval bolt’ design. Above and below the oval the title words: “/ Life portraits [in  semi-circle]/ of [within the base of the oval]/Shakespeare [in a semi-circle]/ With a photograph of his will [ blocked at the tail of the cover] ” are blocked in gold. Within a small group of leaves at the base of the word “Shakespeare” the monogram WHR” [i.e. William Harry Rogers is blocked in gold.





Binding No: 1343

[In BL bindings database: 10.1.2018. - 019-000026594]

Pressmark: 4211.220000 [Boston Spa]

Artist Name: Leighton, John


Title: The Graphic. An illustrated weekly newspaper. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Dec. 4, 1869)-v. 135, no. 3254 (Apr. 23, 1932).

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Edward Joseph Mansfield

Date of Publication: Vol. 1: Dec. 4, 1869 to June 25, 1870.

Place of Printing and printer: London: R. Clay, Sons & Taylor.

Pagination:  viii, 720p.

Dimensions: 318x420x55mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 2.1.2018.






The first issue of The Graphic, an illustrated weekly newspaper costing 6d, appeared on 4 December 1869 - the birthday of its founder, William Luson Thomas. Thomas and his brother, George, had been employed as draughtsmen and engravers by The Illustrated London News during the 1850s and 1860s. However, when George died in 1868 and William proposed to issue a memorial volume featuring some of George's work for the benefit of his bereaved family, The Illustrated London News refused to lend wood-blocks of George's drawings for the project. The ill-feeling this created strengthened William's resolve to start up his own rival illustrated paper - the capital for which he quickly raised from family and professional acquaintances. The paper speedily achieved success - especially with the fortuitous outbreak of the news-grabbing Franco-Prussian War in 1870 - and became the chief rival of The Illustrated London News . By the 1880s it was selling up to 250,000 copies per week. William and his editors - first Sutherland Edwards (1869-70), followed by Arthur Locker (1870-91) and T.H. Joyce (1891-1906) - employed many talented artists, including Frank Holl, Luke Fildes, Hubert von Herkomer, A.B. Houghton, Frederick Waller and William Small. Initially, the paper featured illustrations of a very high artistic standard - higher, in fact, than most of its competitors; however, with the development of new printing techniques and photography, the quality of its illustrations declined over time. Along with illustrations and news, it also notably published and illustrated fiction - including Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles in 1891, the illustrations for which were drawn by Herkomer and some of his students. The Graphic eventually ceased publication in 1932.


Notes: Issued on a Saturday. Each issue was priced at sixpence. The colophon of the early issues reads: “ Printed for the Proprietors by R. Clay, Sons, & Taylor, at 7 and 8, Bread Street Hill, in the City of London, and published by Edward Joseph Mansfield, at The Office, 190 Strand, in the Parish of St. Clement Danes, in the County of Middlesex.” The title page for each bi- annual cumulated bound volume is after John Leighton. It has a densely decorated border with roundels and many [pseudo?] armorials. It is signed bottom left: “/ Iohn [cross] F.S.A./ Leighton/” The binding of Vol 1. (and subsequent volumes) is also by John Leighton. There are rule frame borders and straps on each corner, blocked in blind on the lower cover and in gold on the upper cover. On the centre, above the title words, two angels are blocked in gold. Each angel clasps the left hand of the other. The angel on the left holds a painter’s palette. The angel on the right holds a book and two quills. Blocked in relief within the book are the words: “/Light/ on/” [i.e. John Leighton]. The spine is fully blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: an hour glass held in a wooden frame, with a quill and another device crossing in front of it; The words: “/ The/ Graphic/ An/ Illustrated/ Newspaper./” are blocked n gold; a medallion is formed by a Greek fret and a ‘ball and dot’ border, with the head of a Classical figure blocked in gold within it; signed “J L “[i.e. John Leighton] in relief within small decoration at the base of the medallion; a cartouche, formed by a single gold fillet, with a  rectangular gold lettering-piece blocked within it, with the words: “/ I am what is/ what shall be/ what hath been/” are blocked in relief within it; the words: “/ Vol / I/ Dec1869./ to/ June 1870./” are blocked in gold; a castellated crown is held on a wooden base, and surmounted by groups of oak leaves and acorns; at the tail, the words: “/ London: [blocked in gold]/ 190. Strand [blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders]/” Vol. 2 has the same spine design, with full gold applied . Vols. 3, 4, 5, 6 have spines blocked with the same design as Vol. 1 (apart from the volume number and the months cumulated). However, the gold leaf has been omitted from the hour glass at the head, the medallion in the middle of the spine, and the group of acorns and crown near the base – so all of the these motifs are blocked in blind. Text copyright Edmund M B King.




Binding No: 1344

[In BL bindings database: 31.1.2018 - 019-000026763]

Pressmark: W68/9773

Artist Name: UK unsigned

Author/Heading:  Hibberd, Shirley

Title: The Fern Garden : How To Make, Keep, and enjoy it: or Fern Culture Made Easy. Illustrated with eight coloured plates and forty wood engravings.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Groombridge and Sons, 5, Paternoster Row

Date of Publication: 1869

Place of Printing and printer: London: printed by J. E. Adlard, Bartholomew Close.

Pagination:  vi, 148p. 8 plates. With six pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 128x188x18mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and black and relief

Date Examined: 17.1.2018.




Notes: Gilt edges. Green sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. A rule frame ‘rose branch’ border is blocked, with arches and straps at the head and crossing semi-circles at the tail. The central vignette is octagonal, with leaf shapes and small decoration in blind and in relief. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. A rule frame ‘rose branch’ border is blocked, with arches and straps at the head and crossing semi-circles at the tail – all in black. Two tree ferns are blocked in gold, ‘growing’ from tail to head, with leaves and stem on the stems. The title words: “/ The/ Fern Garden./ By/ Shirley Hibberd/” are blocked in gold ‘branch-like’ letters. The capital letters “F” and “G” are enlarged and blocked within oval frames, which have a stippled background blocked in relief as well as gold. The spine is blocked in gold. From head to tail, the decoration is: Two gold fillet blocked across the spine with ferns just below them; the Words: “/ The/ Fern/ Garden/ by/ Shirley/ Hibberd/” are blocked in gold, surrounded by ferns which hang from a branch-like wooden frame; near the tail, more ferns are blocked in gold; at the tail, the word: “/Groombridge/” is blocked in gild between two ‘branch-like’ gold fillets blocked across the spine; a third ‘branch-like’ gold fillet is blocked underneath this across the spine. 



Binding No: 1345

[In BL bindings database: 31.1.2018 - 019-000026766]

Pressmark: YA.1992.a.4076.

Artist Name: UK unsigned

Author/Heading:  Hibberd, Shirley

Title: The Fern Garden : How To Make, Keep, and enjoy it: or Fern Culture Made Easy. Illustrated with eight coloured plates and forty wood engravings.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Groombridge and Sons

Date of Publication: 1879

Place of Printing and printer: London: printed by J. E. Adlard, Bartholomew Close, E. C.

Pagination:  vi, 148p. 8 plates. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end and two pages of advertisements bound at the front.

Dimensions: 130x190x24mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and black and relief

Date Examined: 31.1.2018.




Notes: Page 3 of the publisher’s titles at the end reads: “Cr.[own] 8vo, Cl.[oth] gilt, price 3s.6d., Illustrated with Woodcuts and Coloured plates. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Bookseller’s label on the lower pastedown: “/ Widdison,/ Bookseller,/ Stationer & Printer/,/ 14, Fargate,/ Sheffield/”, the Green fine rib diagonal-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. The central vignette is ‘three oval’ in shape, with a square blocked on its perimeter. Two fillets are blocked in black on the borders and these also form in the upper third of the cover, in which the title words: “/The/ Fern/ Garden/” are blocked in gold. The words are surrounded by stems and leaves, blocked in gold. Within the lower two thirds of the cover there is small decoration in black and the words: “/ Shirley Hibberd/” blocked in black. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. From head to tail, the decoration is: small decoration in black at the head; the Words: “/ The/ Fern/ Garden/” are blocked in gold; more stylised plant decoration blocked in black; near the tail, a single gold fillet is blocked across the spine; at the tail, the word: “/Groombridge/” is blocked in gold; at the tail, small repeating pattern of triangles and small circles is blocked in gold across the spine. The 1869 edition of this work is at BL shelf mark W68/9773.







Binding No: 1346

[In BL bindings database: 15.2.2018 - 019-000026780]

Pressmark: YA.1997. a12499.

Artist Name: UK unknown

Author/Heading:  Hall, Herbert Byng

Title: The bric-a-brac hunter; or, chapters on chinamania.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Chatto and Windus, Piccadilly

Date of Publication: 1875

Place of Printing and printer: London: Wyman and Sons, printers, Great Queen Street, Lincoln’s-Inn Fields, W. C.

Pagination:  ix, 290p. 1 plateWith thirty-two pages of publisher’s bindings bound at the end.

Dimensions: 137x195x30mm.


Bookbinder: Leighton, Son & Hodge

Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 15.2.2018.




Notes: The frontispiece plate is captioned: “The bric-a-brac hunter at home”. This may be a portrait of the author at his desk surrounded by objects which he has collected. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge./” [Ball no. 53C.] Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover has a single rule/ fillet blocked in blind on its borders. The upper cover is blocked in gold with a ‘flower, stem and leaf’ pattern, each of which is within an ‘onion shape’ On the centre, Branches, two  birds, and a butterfly are blocked in gold, within four circles. The spine is blocked in gold. From head to tail, elaborate decorative motifs are blocked in gold. On the upper portion, the title words: “/ The/ bric-a-brac/ Hunter/” are blocked in gold. On the lower half of the spine, three vases are blocked one large and two small in gold and in relief. The large vase has three figures, one man and two women, standing with arms apart. Underneath this, the words: “/ Byng Hall/” are blocked in gold. At the tail the words: “/ Chatto & Windus” are blocked in gold.






Binding No: 1347

[In BL bindings database: 15.2.2018 - 019-000026784]


Artist Name: John Leighton


Title: A Dictionary of Contemporary Biography: a handbook of the peerage of rank, worth, and intellect. Containing memoirs of nearly one thousand eminent living individuals.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Richard Griffin and Company, Publishers to the University of Glasgow

Date of Publication: 1861

Place of Printing and printer: London: Reed and Pardon, printers, Paternoster Row.

Pagination:  xvi, 416p. With sixteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 145x210x43mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: wave diagonal

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and blind and relief.

Date Examined: 15.2.2018




Notes: Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically on the borders and on the corners in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, forming a ‘rule frame’. Blocked in each corner is a branch and four leaves, with a part of each leaf being picked out in relief. The upper cover central decorations shows a laurel of oak leaves and acorns, growing from oak branches and leaves at its base. This is surmounted by a five pointed star, each hatched, and each having a ‘fleur-de-lis’ picked out in relief over the hatching. Within the star, a circle is blocked. Small stems and buds surround seven gold rectangular lettering-pieces, which contain the aphorism: “/ The/ proper/ study/ of/ mankind/ is/ man/” which are blocked in relief within each lettering-piece.. Signed “JL” in gold as separate letters at the base of the oak branches. The spine is blocked in gold. Gold fillets are blocked across the spine at the head and at the tail. At the head, the Title words: “/ Dictionary/ [of]/ contemporary/ biography./” are blocked in gold. At the tail, the imprint: “/ Richard Griffin/ and Compy/” are blocked in gold.





Binding No: 1348

[In BL bindings database: 15.2.2018. - 019-000026786]

Pressmark: C109.aa.2. 

Artist Name: L., G.

Author/Heading:  Abraham, Philip

Title: Autumn Gatherings, being a collection of prose and poetry, sacred and secular.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Published by and for the Author, at 147 Gower Street, W. C.

Date of Publication: 1866.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by J. Wertheimer and Co., Circus Place, Finsbury Circus.

Pagination:  [4], 200p.

Dimensions: 132x192x20mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: dot and line vertical-grain

Colour: green

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 15.2.2018




Notes: The design is not signed. Author’s inscription on front endpaper recto: “/ With the Author’s respects/ to Thomas Watts Esq/”. yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green dot and line vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and corners.  Two Fillets are blocked on the borders, making a “rule frame”. Each corner has a group of leaves and curling stems. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a circle of [autumn?] plants, intertwined together. On the centre, the title words: “/ Autumn/ Gatherings/” are blocked in gold.  Signed with the initials “GL” in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is not blocked.




Binding No: 1349

[In BL bindings database: 15.2.2018. - 019-000026788]

Pressmark: 12807.b.56.

Artist Name: UK unsigned


Title: Maud Summers. The sightless. A narrative for the young. With Illustrations by John Absolon.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Griffith and Farran, late Grant & Griffith, successors to Newbery & Harris, corner of St. Paul’s Churchyard.

Date of Publication: 1858

Place of Printing and printer: London: Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

Pagination:  [3], 188p. 4 plates. With sixteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 132x176x20mm.


Bookbinder: Bone & Son

Cover material: cloth

Grain: wave diagonal-grain

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 15.2.2018




Notes: The design is not signed. The plates appear to be hand coloured. They are engraved by W. T. Green. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./” [Ball no. 17A.] Red wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and corners. Two Fillets are blocked on the borders, making a “rule frame”. Each corner has a stylised group of leaves and curling stems. On the centre of the lower cover, a pattern of curling stems and leaves, blocked in blind and in relief, form an arabesque around the centre. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. A circular rose branch is blocked in gold, and, intertwined around it, roses and other plants are blocked in gold. The title words: “/ Maud/ Summers/ the/ sightless/” are blocked in gold in ‘branch like’ rustic letters. The spine is blocked in gold. Near the head, the title words:”/ Maud/ Summers/ the/ sightless/” are blocked in gold in rustic letters. A small group of stems and flowers are blocked in gold underneath the title.







Binding No: 1350

[In BL bindings database: 15.2.2018 - 019-000026791]

Pressmark: W48/6775

Artist Name: UK unsigned

Author/Heading:  Hibberd, Shirley

Title: Floral World and Garden Guide.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Groombridge and Sons, 5, Paternoster Row

Date of Publication: 1867

Place of Printing and printer: London: Harrild, printer.

Pagination:  376p. With four pages of “Critical Opinions of The Floral World” bound at the end.

Dimensions: 147x218x30mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: green                           

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 15.2.2018.




Notes: This volume  contains the monthly issues for January to December 1867. Each monthly issue was price sixpence. Original yellow pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and corners. Two Fillets are blocked on the borders, making a “rule frame”. Rose stems, leaves and a flower are blocked in blind on each corner. On the centre of the lower cover, a bouquet of flowers, including fuchsias, is blocked in blind. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a large number of plants, including roses, wrapped in a circle around a circular stet of branches. Within this, on the centre, the title words: “/ The/ Floral/ World./2 are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Elaborate decorative patterns are blocked across the spine at the head and at the tail. Above and below the title, groups of stems, leave and flowers are blocked in gold. On the upper half of the spine, the title words: “/ The/ Floral/ World/ and Garden/ Guide/” are blocked in gold.



Binding No: 1351

 [In BL bindings database: 21.2.2018. - 019-000026794]


Artist Name: UK Unsigned

Author/Heading:  Morris, Alice Talwin

Title: Out of Doors. Nature stories for children.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Blackie and Son Limited.

Date of Publication: [1908]

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  [80p.]

Dimensions: 205x262x14mm.           



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green                

Block work: coloured

Date Examined: 21.2.2018.




Notes: Gilt edges, Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover has a single fillet border, “rule frame”. The upper cover has the title words: “/ Out of/ Doors/” blocked in black and in yellow at the head. The rest of the cover shows an outdoor scene, blocked in greens, yellow and black. There are  two boys and a girl, who have been kite flying. The boys are sprawled on the ground. The girl is standing and is blowing bubbles; she holds a hat behind her, in her right hand. The spine has the title words: “/ Out of Doors/” blocked along its length, with floral motifs at the head and at the tail, blocked in white and green.



Binding No: 1352

[In BL bindings database: 21.2.2018. - 019-000026796]

Pressmark: 12804.w.42.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Morris, Alice Talwin

Title: Our caravan. Nature stories and pictures for little folk.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Blackie and Son Limited

Date of Publication: [1909]

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  [83p.]

Dimensions: 205x262x18mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: blue                             

Block work: colours

Date Examined: 21.2.2018.




Notes: Gilt edges, Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover has a single fillet border, “rule frame”. The upper cover has the title words: “/ Our/ Caravan/” blocked in black and in yellow at the head. The rest of the cover shows an outdoor scene, blocked in green, yellow, blue and black. Two children are looking out of the end of a parked caravan. A man, standing, in scout uniform, is holding a coffee pot, just in front of a meal laid out with crockery – all on a white table cloth. A white tent is blocked on the right hand side, its flaps are back, and flag pole with a Union Jack anchors the front end of the tent ; one can see the legs of another man, holding a basin above a stool. The spine has the title words: “/ Our Caravan /” blocked in white along its length, with floral motifs at the head and at the tail, blocked in white and green.



Binding No: 1353

[In BL bindings database: 21.2.2018. - 019-000026798]


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Morris, Alice Talwin

Title: Our wonderful world.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Blackie and Son Limited

Date of Publication: [1907]

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  [82p.]

Dimensions: 205x264x15mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: blue                             

Block work: colours

Date Examined: 21.2.2018.




Notes: Gilt edges, Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Blue/ grey ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover has a single fillet border, “rule frame”. The upper cover has the title words: “/ Our Wonderful/ World/” blocked in black and in white at the head. The rest of the cover shows an outdoor scene, blocked in green, red, yellow and black.

Three children are standing in front of a pond. This has three ducklings swimming on its surface, with the mother duck standing at the edge. In the background, left, a cart is parked. On the right, an open barn with a roof of straw is blocked, with a ladder leaning against the roof. The spine has the title words: “/ Our  wonderful world/” blocked in black along its length, with floral motifs at the head and at the tail, blocked in white and green.


Binding No: 1354

[In BL bindings database: 21.2.2018. - 019-000026800]

Pressmark: 012808.a.17.

Artist Name: Morris, Talwin

Author/Heading:  Macdonald, George

Title: At the Back of the North Wind.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Blackie and Son Limited

Date of Publication: 1911

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  iv, 264p. With two pages of “Blackie’s Library of Famous Books” bound at the front.

Dimensions: 130x187x25mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold white and green

Date Examined: 21.2.2018.


References: There is an identical design blocked in white and red, on to a copy in the same series of “Drake and Cavendish”.

Notes: The design is probably after Talwin Morris. White endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover has the title words: “/ At the back of the/ north wind/” blocked in gold at the head. Underneath this, a stylised group of stems and buds is blocked in white and in green. The spine is blocked in gold, in white and I n green. At the head, the title words: “/ at the/ back of/ the north/ wind/” are blocked in gold. Running down the spine, similar stylised stems and buds are blocked in white and in green. Near the tail, the words: “/ Blackie’s/ Library of/ Famous Books/” are blocked in gold.



Binding No: 1355

[In BL bindings database: 26.2.2018 - 019-000026802]

Pressmark: f741.952*88*

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Walker, Frederick; Pinwell, George John

Title: English rustic pictures drawn by Frederick Walker, A. R. A., and G. J. Pinwell and engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. India proofs. 

Place of Publication and publisher: London: George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill; New York: 9 Lafayette Place

Date of Publication: [1882]

Place of Printing and printer: [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press. 

Pagination:  Not paginated. For each artist, there are fifteen pages of text, printed on recto only, and fifteen india proofs, pasted on rectos only.

Dimensions: 290x390x30mm.



Cover material: paper


Colour: white/cream               

Block work:

Date Examined: 26.2.2018




Notes: The design is not signed. Printed on the half title pager verso: “/This India Proof Edition is/ Limited to three hundred numbered copies,/ of which/ This is no. 187/”. Printed in the Preface: “It has been thought that the reproduction of some of the finest works/ by these masters in the present form will be acceptable as a companion/ volume to the India Proof edition of Birket Foster’s “English/ Landscape”./ The pictures have been carefully selected, and printed on India paper,/ at hand-press, from the original wood-blocks.” London: George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press. Not paginated. [12p; 30 pages, printed with poems on the recto only; 30 plates, ‘India proofs’.] With an advertisement for “Birket Foster’s Pictures of English Landscape, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel”, bound at the end. [shelf mark – LB37c277]

Deckled edges. Bevelled boards. Cream endpapers and pastedowns [the same paper used as for the printing of the text]. Thick paper, coloured to look like vellum, over boards. This is an ‘all-over’ design, with blocking in gold and in light and dark red ink. Across both covers and spine there is a ‘fillet’ of dark red at head and tail, and, then a ‘fillet’ of bright red ink, between two dark red ink ‘fillets’. Within the rectangles formed by the ‘fillets’, a pattern of oak and ivy leaves and stems is blocked in gold on the spine side of the cover, within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet. On the upper cover, the title: “/English/ Rustic Pictures/ by/ Frederick Walker A. R. A./ and/ G. J. Pinwell/” are blocked in gold, with red ink borders to each letter and stems and flowers blocked in red ink through the capitals “E”, “R”, “P”. The words”:/ India Proofs/” are blocked in red ink only. The spine has the title English Rustic Pictures, blocked in gold along the centre. Bookplates of previous library owners: Cambridge Free Library (bookplate and stamp dated 1885), and the National Central Library. Text copyright: Edmund M.B. King. 


                         Binding No:   507 (in 1996); now 1356

                                             [In BL database 26.2.2018. - 019-000026804]

                                   Pressmark:   012807.ff.58.

                        Artist Name:   Morris, Talwin

                   Author/Heading:   Debenham, Mary H.

                                   Title:   The whispering winds and the tales that they told. With twenty five illustrations by Paul Hardy.

                   Publisher Name:   Blackie & Son, Limited, 50 Old Bailey, E.C.

             Place of Publication:   London; Glasgow; Dublin

              Date of Publication:   1895


                                Width:      140     Height:       192          Thickness:        22

                           PagNotes:  198p. With thirty-two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ungrained

                            Colour :   blue

                        Blockwork:   gold and black and red and white


                 Date Examined:  15.2.96. and 26.2.2018.


Notes: White endpapers and pastedowns. Blue net-grain cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold, black, red and white. The author and title words are blocked in white, between four circle representing winds of the four compass quarters. Each circle is blocked in gold around its perimeter, with wisps trailing from each. Inside, there is a girl's head, with her features blocked in black. The girl's hair is blocked in white, and is blown into different styles by each wind. Each is surrounded by swirling currents of air, blocked in red. The monogram "TM" is blocked in gold at the base of the cover, on the spine side. The spine is blocked in gold and red and white. It features the four circles similar to the upper cover. Within each circle, the sun, the moon, the stars and a planet are blocked in gold.


                                  Binding No:   508 (in 1996); now 1357

[In BL bindings database: 26.2.2018 - 019-000026806]


                                   Pressmark:   11850.dd.41.

                        Artist Name:   Morris, Talwin

                   Author/Heading:   Blackie, Walter Graham

                                   Title:   Sketch of the origin and progress of the firm of Blackie and Son, Publishers, Glasgow, from its foundation in 1809 to the decease of its founder in 1874. With appended notices of John Blackie, Senior, and of his sons, John Blackie Junior and Robert Blackie. Collected and arranged by W.G. Blackie.

                   Publisher Name:   Printed for Private Circulation

             Place of Publication:   [Glasgow]

              Date of Publication:   1897


                                Width:        160     Height:       210          Thickness:        20

                           PagNotes:  156p.

                Place of Printing:




                  Cover material:   cloth

                              Grain:    ungrained

                            Colour :   white

                        Blockwork:   red and green


                 Date Examined:  15.6.96. and 26.2.2018


            References:     P. Oldfield From boards to cloth p. 23, 1991. Attributes this design to Talwin Morris


Notes: White ungrained cloth. The lower cover is blocked in green and red. A fillet is blocked in green on the borders. Inside this, at the head, another fillet is blocked horizontally. Three small circles are blocked near the top left hand corner, in green. In the middle of the cover, three flowers with thin stems are blocked. The flowers have buds blocked in green and in red. The leaves of the flowers curve away from the base to each

side. Two horizontal fillets are blocked in green at the base of the cover, with three small circles blocked in green between the fillets. The upper cover has a fillet blocked in green on the borders. There are single horizontal fillets blocked in green at the head and at the base. Three small circles are blocked near the left hand corner at the base. The cover is divided into ten panels by vertical rules. The seven panels nearest the spine each contain three flower heads, blocked in red and in green. The eighth panel is undecorated. The ninth panel has three flowers, with the centres of the flowers blocked in gold. The tenth panel has the title words blocked in gold at the head. Below them, a pattern of seven flowers is blocked. The stems of the flowers are blocked in green, the heads in gold, red and green. Three small circles are blocked at the fore edge in green. The spine is blocked in gold, red and green. A fillet is blocked around the perimeter in green. Five flowers are blocked in green and in red. Three small circles are blocked in green at the base.



Binding No: 1358

[In BL bindings database: 26.2.2018 - 019-000026808]

Pressmark: 1508/111

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Goldsmith, Oliver

Title: The poetical works of Oliver Goldsmith. With a Notice of his Life and Genius by R. F. Blanchard, Esq., and Many Illustrations by John Absolon, Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], James Godwin, and Harrison Weir [i.e. Harrison William Weir]. Complete edition.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: J. & C. Brown & Co., Ave Maria Lane.

Date of Publication: 1858

Place of Printing and printer: London: Woodfall and Kinder, printers, Angel Court, Skinner Street.

Pagination:  190p. 8 plates. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 130x190x22mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco vertical-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 26.2.2018




Notes: Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the lower cover and in gold on the upper. On the upper cover, three gold fillets are blocked on the borders, making a “rule frame”. An inner floral decorative border is blocked between two gold fillets. The central rectangle is formed by a single gold fillet, and has decorative floral elements blocked on its corners in gold. Further fillets form arabesque, within which, on the centre, the title words”/ Goldsmith’s [in a semi-circle]/ Poetical/ Works./” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Elaborate stylised plant decoration is blocked down the spine in gold. On the upper half of the spine, within a panel formed by fillets, the title words: “/ Goldsmith’s [in a semi-circle]/ Poetical/ Works/” are blocked in gold.


Binding No: 1359

[In BL bindings database: 7.3.2018 - 019-000026854]

Pressmark: W47/ 8803

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Ballantyne, Robert Michael

Title: The lakes of Killarney.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: T. Nelson and Sons, Paternoster Row; Edinburgh and New York.

Date of Publication:1859

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  111p. 1 fold-out map. 9 plates. With one page of publisher’s titles printed at the end.

Dimensions:  112170x15mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: wave vertical-grain

Colour: blue

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 26.2.2018.




Notes: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue wave vertical-grain cloth. Four fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, forming a “rule frame”. On each cover , a complete circle and two semi-circles are formed by fillets blocked in blind. On the upper cover the centre has a garter, blocked in gold, with the words: “Nelson’s Hand-Books for Tourists”, blocked in relief within the garter. Within the garter, the title words”:/ The/ Lakes of/ Killarney/” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head and at the tail, fillets, rectangles and clover leaves are blocked across the spin in gold. Near the head, the title “:/ The/ Lakes/ of/ Killarney/” are blocked in gold. On the centre of the spine, a picture of Muckross Abbey is blocked, with its features being picked out in relief. Towards the tail, a shield gold lettering-piece is blocked, with the words: “/ Nelson’s/ Hand/ Books/” blocked in relief within it. Former Cambridge University Library copy.


Binding No: 1360

[In BL bindings database: 7.3.2018 - 019-000026856]


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Wilson, Frederick J. F.

Title: Stereotyping and Electrotyping. A guide for the production of plates by the papier mache and plaster process. With instructions for depositing Copper by the Battery or by the Dynamo Machine. Also hints on steel and brass facing, etc.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Wyman & Son, Great Queen Street, Lincoln’s Inn Fields

Date of Publication: 1880

Place of Printing and printer: London: Wyman and Sons, printers, Great Queen Street, W. C. 

Pagination:  xv, 195p. 3 fold-out plates

Dimensions: 130x190x28mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: pebble-grain

Colour: red                               

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 7.3.2018




Notes: Red pebble-grain cloth. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by/ Wyman & Sons,/ 81,/ Gt. Queen St./ W. C./” [Ball no. 104A.] Ticket size: 17x18mm. Fillets blocked in blind on the borders of both covers form a “rule-frame”. A ‘panel’ design blocked in blind on both covers, with stylised floral decoration at the head and at the tail of each cover. On the upper cover the words: “/ Stereotyping/ and Electrotyping/ Wyman’s Technical Series/” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head, between two gold fillets blocked across the spine, the title words: “/ Stereotyping/ and Electrotyping/” are blocked in gold. At the tail, the imprint:  “/ Wyman & Sons/” is blocked in gold.



Binding No: 1361

[In BL bindings database: 7.3.2018. - 019-000026860]

Pressmark: 012806.h.51.

Artist Name: Talwin Morris

Author/Heading:  Church, Alfred John

Title: Lords of the World. A story of the fall of Carthage and Corinth. With twelve illustrations by Ralph Peacock.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Blackie & Son, Limited, 50 Old Bailey, E. C.

Date of Publication:1898

Place of Printing and printer: Glasgow: Printed by Blackie and Son Limited.

Pagination:  384p. 12 plates. With thirty-two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 143x191x43mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green                           

Block work: Gold, white and red and relief

Date Examined:


References: University of Glasgow Library, Morris Collection, no. 72.


Notes: Green ink edges. Bevelled boards. Olive green endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in white and in red. On the upper cover, head, and tail, the title and author: “/ Lords of the World/ A tale of the fall/ of Carthage and Corinth/ by the Rev. Alfred Church/” are blocked in white. Coins of Carthage (and Corinth?) are blocked in gold and in relief on the centre of the upper cover. The motto “SPQR” is blocked in red near the base of the group of coins. The spine Has the title and author at head and at the tail, blocked In white: “/ Lords of/ the world/ by the Rev./ Alfred Church/” The middle of the spine has coins blocked in gold and in relief.


Binding No: 1362

[In BL bindings database: 14.3.2018 - 019-000026888]

Pressmark: 8765.e.25.

Artist Name: Joseph Cundall

Author/Heading:  Tomlinson, Charles

Title: Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts, Mechanical and Chemical, Manufactures, Mining and Engineering,. Vol. I Abattoir to Hair-pencils. With an introductory essay on the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations, 1851. The whole illustrated by forty steel engravings, and two thousand and four hundred and twenty-seven wood engravings.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: George Virtue & Co.

Date of Publication: 1854

Place of Printing and printer: London: R. Clay, printers, Bread Street Hill

Pagination:  Vol. I: clx, 832p. Vol. II: 1052p. four bound volumes.




Cover material: originally issued in paper wrappers


Colour: grey/ green                

Block work:

Date Examined: 7.3.2018




Notes: Each part was issued at a price of one shilling. Green/ grey paper wrappers for each part. Each part was priced at one shilling. All forty-three parts are bound in sequence in four bound volumes. Each upper cover recto has an engraving of an industrial landscape, featuring a factory, a lighthouse, two workmen either side of a painting of a box girder bridge [Stephenson’s Britannia Bridge over the Menai Straights?], an anvil. A tunnel is at the base, with loaded wagons entering it. At the head, the title words: “/ Cyclopaedia/ of/ Useful Arts./ Mechanical and Chemical, Manufactures, Mining, and Engineering./ Edited by/ Charles Tomlinson./” Signed towards bottom left: “J. W. Whimper Sc” [i.e. Josiah Wood Whimper]. Signed towards bottom right with the monogram “JC” [i.e. possibly Joseph Cundall]. The imprint: “/ George Virtue/ London & New York” is printed above the tunnel arch. Printed at the tail: “/ Illustrated with several hundred engravings./”



Binding No: 1363

[In BL bindings database: 21.3.2018 - 019-000026953]

Pressmark: 12803.w.40.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Morris, Alice Talwin

Title: Happy days by road and river.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Blackie and Son Limited

Date of Publication: 1911

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  Not paginated

Dimensions: 208x262x20mm.



Cover material:

Grain: ungrained

Colour: red                               

Block work: colours

Date Examined: 21.3.2018.




Notes: Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Red ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in colours, against the red dye background. A single black fillet on the border forms a “rule-frame”. Towards, the head, a man and a woman, silhouetted against a woodland background, stand at the rear of a longboat, the man with his hand on the tiller. In front of them, in the water, two children swim. The boy swimmer holds a rectangular plaque, in which the title words: “/ Happy/ Days/ by Road/ and/ River/” are blocked in yellow/ white, with black border edges for each letter. The spine is blocked in colours. At the head, a rectangular gold lettering-piece is blocked, with the title words: “/ Happy/ Days/ by/ Road/ and/ River/” blocked in relief within it. On the middle and lower half of the spine, within a black fillet border, a campfire is blocked, smoke rising upwards in the breeze. Near the tail, within a square formed by a black fillet, the words: “/ Blackie/ and son/ Limited/” are blocked in black. At the tail a small decoration is blocked in white within a black rectangular lettering-piece. A ‘typical’ pictorial binding of this period, probably printed and bound by Blackie in Glasgow.


Binding No: 1364

[In BL bindings database: 21.3.2018 - 019-000026955]

Pressmark: 12803.w.33.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Morris, Alice Talwin

Title: Our holiday on a barge. 

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Blackie and Son Limited

Date of Publication: [1911]

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  Not paginated

Dimensions: 203x261x15mm.



Cover material:

Grain: ungrained

Colour: red                               

Block work: colours

Date Examined: 21.3.2018.




Notes: Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Red ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in colours, against the red dye background. A single black fillet on the border forms a “rule-frame”. The scene shown is a man and a woman standing in the rear of a barge, delineated by blocking in black and in grey against the red cloth, the man standing with his hand on the tiller. Woodland and water, blocked in grey and in white, spread out in front of them. A scroll-like panel is formed by a single black fillet at the bottom right, with the title words: “/ Our/ Holiday/ on a Barge/” blocked in yellow/white, with all the letters having black edge borders. On the spine, the title words: “/ Our holiday on a barge” are blocked in whit along the spine. A ‘typical’ pictorial binding of this period, probably printed and bound by Blackie in Glasgow.


Binding No: 1365

[In BL bindings database: 21.3.2018 - 019-000026957]


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Morris, Alice Talwin

Title: My book about Empire. Illustrated by Charles Robinson.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Blackie and Son Limited

Date of Publication: [1911]

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  Not paginated

Dimensions: 203x261x15mm.



Cover material:

Grain: ungrained

Colour: red                               

Block work: colours

Date Examined: 21.3.2018.




Notes: Grey paper over boards. Red ungrained cloth spine. The upper cover has a picture pasted on. It depicts a boy in sailor’s uniform, seated on a spar, against a background of water, a ship, and the white cliffs near Dover. He is hauling up the Union Jack. At the head of the picture, the title words: “/ My Book about/ Empire/” are blocked in yellow and in red. The spine is not blocked. A ‘typical’ binding of this period, probably printed and bound by Blackie in Glasgow.


Binding No: 1366

[In BL bindings database: 23.5.2018 - 019-000027267]

Pressmark: 012622.h.18.

Artist Name: Talwin Morris

Author/Heading:  Hawthorne, Nathaniel

Title: Tanglewood tales. Illustrated by A. A. Dixon [i.e. probably Arthur Augustus Dixon].

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Blackie and Son Limited

Date of Publication: 1905

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  248p. 4 plates. With sixteen pages and two plates of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 148x197x40mm



Cover material: cloth

Grain: rib-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 23.5.2018.




Notes: Grey/ green endpapers and pastedowns. Blue rib grain cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover near the head has four abstract flowers with their stalks blocked against a pallet-shaped gold lettering piece. The title: “/Tanglewood/ Tales/” is blocked in gold alongside these flowers. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. Near the head, within a rectangle formed by gold fillets the title: “/ Tanglewood/ Tales/ Hawthorne/” is blocked in gold. Rising up the spine are five symmetrical stems, rising from a single stem near the base, which end in three flower heads and two leaves immediately below the title. The design stylistically is that of Talwin Morris but is not signed.


Binding No: 1367

[In BL bindings database: 20.6.2018 - 019-000027366]

Pressmark: RB.23.a.1155.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: The Christian Wreath of Prose, Poetry and Art.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: The Religious Tract Society; Depositories, 56, Paternoster Row; 65, St. Paul’s Churchyard and 164, Piccadilly.

Date of Publication:[1853]

Place of Printing and printer: London: R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill.

Pagination:  252p. 8 plates.

Dimensions: 110x168x25mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: rib horizontal-grain

Colour: blue                             

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 23.5.2018




Notes: The bookplate of the Rev. John Newton is on the upper pastedown. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Baxter, / Binder,/ 49,/ Bartholomew Close/”. [Ball no. 10A.] Blue moire rib horizontal-grain cloth. On both covers, blocked in blind, there are rule frame borders, with floral patterns on each corner. The lower cover central vignette features a bouquet of roses, blocked in gold. The upper cover central vignette has the title words:”/ Christian/ Wreath/” blocked in gold , in fanciful letters, surrounded by ivy-like stems and leaves – blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. From tail to head a lily-like plant is blocked in gold, showing leaves, stems leaved, buds and flowers. Near the head, the title words: “/ The/ Christian/ Wreath/” are blocked in gold.


Binding No: 1368

[In BL bindings database: 15.11.2018 - 019-000027837]

Pressmark: 11649.e.15.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Pennell, Harry Cholmondeley

Title: Puck on Pegasus. Illustrated by Leech [i.e. John Leech], Phiz [i.e. Hablot Knight Browne], and Tenniel [i.e. John Tenniel], with a frontispiece by George Cruikshank. Engraved by Dalziel Brothers, Joseph Swain, and E. Evans [i.e. Edmund Evans]. Third Edition.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: John Camden Hotten, Piccadilly

Date of Publication: 1861

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by R. Clay, son, and Taylor, Bread Street Hill.

Pagination:  156p.

Dimensions: 152x207x20mm.


Bookbinder: Bone & Son

Cover material: cloth

Grain: bead-grain

Colour: purple                         

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 15.11.2018




Notes: The design is not signed. The illustrated frontispiece is after George Cruikshank: “Designed and Etched y Geo. Cruikshank”. Text sewn on three cords. Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son./ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./” [Ball no. 17A.] Purple bead-grain cloth. Both covers and blocked identically with the same design – in blind on the lower cover and in gold on the upper cover. There is a rule frame of two fillets blocked on the borders. At the tail, the face of a grotesque is blocked, whose hair curls outwards and upwards, morphing into leaves and stems up the sides and across the head. Small elfin-like figures are within the tendrils and stems, with the two in the middle holding a circle, blocked in gold, which has a figure (Puck?) riding a winged pony. The title words: “/ Puck on Pegasus/” are blocked in gold in a semi-circle above the central circle. The spine is blocked in gold. Gold fillets are blocked across the spine at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the words: “/ Puck / on/ Pegasus/ Pennell/”. The word “Puck” is blocked in relief within a semi-circular gold lettering-piece. The words: “/ on Pegasus Pennell” are blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces. At the tail, the imprint: “/ London/ C. Hotten/ “ are blocked in gold.

[From the de Beaumont copy:] Museum number P&D 1996.1104.33

Pennell, Harry Cholmondeley. The Family Fairy Tales; or Glimpses of Elfland at Heatherston Hall. Illustrated by Ellen Edwards.  London: John Camden Hotten, Piccadilly, 1864. London: Printed by John Camden Hotten, Piccadilly. vii, 205p. 5 plates With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.  (The work: Puck on Pegasus, fourth edition, illustrated by Leech Tenniel, Phiz and Cruikshank, is advertised as “Square 8vo, 7s. 6d. full gilt.”) The frontispiece shows a domestic family interior, of a mother (standing, with her back to us), father (seated in a chair), and six children. The- plates are signed: “H. Harral Sc.” [i.e. Horace Harral]. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the half title page recto.

Binding No: 1369

[In BL bindings database: 8.11.2018- 019-000027785]

Pressmark: C.68.g.9.

Artist Name: [Bound by] Fazakerley of Liverpool

Author/Heading:  Cundall, Joseph

Title: On bookbindings ancient and modern.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: George Bell and Sons, York Street, Covent Garden

Date of Publication: 1881

Place of Printing and printer: London: R. Clay, Sons and Taylor, Bread Street Hill, E. C.

Pagination:  xiii, 132p. 28  plates. All of the plates are guarded out.

Dimensions: 190x250x32mm; binder’s stamp 20x1mm.


Bookbinder: Fazakerley of Liverpool

Cover material: leather, morocco


Colour: blue/ black                 

Block work: tooled in gold

Date Examined: 8.11.2018.


References: Another Fazakerley binding is listed by Bonhams:


Notes: Gilt edges. Blue moire silk endpapers and pastedowns. The turns ins of upper and lower covers have overlapping  cartouches tooled in gold. Signed on the tail of the upper pastedown: “/Fazakerley Liverpool/”. Blue morocco. Apart from the roll tooling on the borders of each cover, the design tooled in gold on the covers and the spine is a duplicate of the Grolier binding illustrated in the frontispiece, which is on a copy of Euthymius, Commentaries.


Binding No: 1370

[In BL bindings database: 27.11.2018 - 019-000027938]

Pressmark: 4420.d.40.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading: Mogridge, George

Title: Loiterings among the Lakes of Cumberland and Westmorland. By the author of “Wanderings in the Isle of Wight” [i.e. George Mogridge].

Place of Publication and publisher: London: The Religious Tract Society

Date of Publication: [1849]

Place of Printing and printer: the colophon is signed: “Religious Tract Society: Instituted 1799.”

Pagination:  vii, 208p, frontis.

Dimensions: 110x112x17mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco vertical-grain

Colour: purple                         

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 27.11.2018.




Notes: Gilt edges. The frontispiece shows a scene in colour and is captioned: “Derwent Water Cumberland.” It is signed: “Baxter’s Patent Oil Printing, 11 Northampton Square.” Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple morocco vertical-grain cloth. The ‘shadow’ of the cover blocking on both pastedowns indicates that this was done after the covers were attached to the text block. The same blocking is applied in blind to the corners and side of each cover, showing plant motifs. A large central oval is formed by two fillets. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold, showing a couple of ladies wearing bonnets, and a gentleman, all standing on the prow of a hill, overlooking one of The Lakes. The title words: “/ Loitering [in a semi-circle]/ among/ The Lakes/” are blocked in gold above the scene.  The spine is blocked in gold. The upper third is missing. Near the head, the title words: “/ [Loitering]/ among/ The Lakes/” are blocked in gold. The rest of the spine down to the tail has interlacing patterns blocked in gold.


Binding No: 1371

[In BL bindings database: 28.3.2019 - 019-000028580]

Pressmark: X.429/5930

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Cole, Rex Vicat

Title: The artistic anatomy of trees. Their structure and treatment in painting ... Second edition.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Seeley, Service & Co. Limited, 38 Great Russell Street. 

Date of Publication: 1920

Place of Printing and printer: Plymouth: The Mayflower Press, William Brendon & Son, Ltd.

Pagination:  347p.

Dimensions: 145x205x30mm.                                              



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: olive             

Block work: blocked in red

Date Examined: 28.3.2019




Notes: One of ‘The New Art Library’ series. On the verso of the title page, this work is listed as: ‘Square extra Crown 8vo. Price 15s. nett.’ White endpapers and pastedowns. White/ olive ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover and spine are blocked in red, with a rule frame design, and a central panel of curling stems and buds, highlighted in white against a red background. The copy at shelf mark 7876.b.1/3 dated 1925, has the same design.


Binding No: 1372

[In BL bindings database: 28.3.2019. 019-000028583]

Pressmark: 10057.a.14.

Artist Name: John Leighton

Author/Heading:  Mortimer, Favell Lee

Title: Far Off; or, Asia (Australia, Africa, and America) described ... By the author of “The Peep of Day” [i.e. F. L. Bevan, afterwards Mortimer] ... Sixteenth (eleventh) thousand.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Hatchard & Co. 187 Piccadilly.

Date of Publication: 1859, 1860

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by G. Barclay, Castle St. Leicester Sq.

Pagination:  [Part I:] xvi, 392, 1 plate, 1 fold-out map, with eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end; [Part II]: xvi, 412p, 1 plate, 1 fold-out map; with publisher’s titles on the half title page verso. 

Dimensions: [Part I:] 115x175x25mm; [Part II:] 120x175x30mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: [Part I:] vertical rib grain; [Part II:]

Colour: [Part I:] red; [Part II:] green                                    

Block work: gold and blind and relief.

Date Examined: 28.3.2019




Notes: The frontispiece of part II is after John Gilbert, signed with his monogram bottom left; also signed Adeney Sc.’ Bottom right. The fold out map in Part I is of Asia; the fold out map in Part II has the title: ‘The world on Mercator’s projection’. Both maps published by Hatchard & Co. In the publisher’s titles bound at the end of Part I, Part II is described as: ‘Tenth Thousand. Fcap. 4s.’ In the publisher’s titles listed in Part II, Part I is listed as: ‘Seventeenth thousand. Fcap. Cloth, 4s. 6d.’ Both volumes have yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Part I has red vertical rib grain cloth; Part II has green vertical rib grain cloth. The same design is blocked on both volumes. There is a rule frame border blocked in blind with interlacing stems picked out in relief in each corner. Each upper has a vignette blocked in gold, after John Leighton. It shows a man, seated, his right arm resting on a folio book by his side, and reading a scroll. He is surrounded by a pattern of curling stems, leaves and buds. The title words: “/Far/ Off/” are blocked in gold above and below the man. Signed “JL” [i.e. John Leighton] in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spines are blocked in gold. A shrub blocked at the base has branches rising up each side of the spine, to form an arch at the head. Near the head, within the arch, the words for part I are: “/ Far Off;/ or,/ Asia/ described/”; the words for part II are: “/ Far Off/ or/ Asia/ Australia/ and America/ described/”. The shrub’s branches supports a pile of books, and a globe, with two quills in it. Within the edge of each book, the word: Travels/ Voyages/ Gazette(s)/” are picked out in relief. Signed “JL” as a monogram within the roots of the shrub near the base. At the base of part II, the words: “/Part II/” are blocked in gold.


Binding No: 1373

[In BL bindings database: 019-000029070 – 13.6.2019]

Pressmark: B.30.a.24

Artist Name: John Leighton

Author/Heading:  Newland, Henry Garrett

Title: Forest scenes in Norway and Sweden: being extracts from the journal of a fisherman

Place of Publication and publisher: London: G. Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street; New York, 18 Beekman Street,

Date of Publication: 1855

Place of Printing and printer: [London:] Printed by Cox (Bros.) and Wyman, Great Queen Street. 

Pagination:  418p. 7 plates.

Dimensions: 123x190x35mm.                                              



Cover material: cloth

Grain:  morocco vertical grain

Colour: blue              

Block work: Gold Blind

Date Examined: 13.6.2019.




Notes: The upper cover vignette design is after John Leighton. The plates are all signed: “Dalziel”. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Bookplate of the National Central Library, recording the donation of this book by Cirencester Public Library. Blue morocco vertical grain cloth. The borders are blocked in blind with a rule-frame and a ‘wave’ pattern. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a fish, rising to a fly bait just above it. Above and below this, the title words are blocked in gold in ‘wood rustic’ letters: “/ Forest Life/ A fisherman’s sketches/ in Norway and Sweden./” Signed “JL” in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is almost certainly by Leighton, but is not signed. A rule frame is blocked in gold on its perimeter. From the head down, the decoration is: /”Forest/ life/ a/ Fisherman’s/ Sketches in/ Norway & Sweden/”; down the rest of the spine, a medley of objects is tied to a tree pole, which has its roots in water – a club, a rifle, a hatchet, a Neptune’s spear, a dead fish, a shepherd’s crook, a whip (?). An eel-like fish swims in water near the base. At the base the word: “/ Newland./” is blocked in gold, within a rectangular lettering-piece formed by two gold fillets.


Binding No: 1374

[In BL bindings database: 019-000029562 – 12.9.2019]

Pressmark: 1560/306

Artist Name: John Leighton

Author/Heading: Burn, Robert Scott

Title: The illustrated London drawing-book, containing I. Pencil-sketching. II. Figure and Object Drawing. III. Perspective and Isometrical-Drawing. IV. Engraving on Metal and Wood. With about Three Hundred Illustrative Drawings and Diagrams.  Second edition.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Ingram, Cooke & Co.

Date of Publication: 1853

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by Levey, Robson, and Franklin, Great New Street and Fetter Lane.

Pagination:  145p, 2 plates. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 142x210x13mm.                                              



Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco horizontal grain

Colour: purple          

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 12.9.2019




Notes: The upper cover vignette is after John Leighton. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and corners and sides. There is a rule frame border, with stems, flowers and leaves on the corners and the sides. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold, featuring a drawing book of leaves bound in half leather; a scroll, a painter’s palette, a box of oils and of brushes. Above and below these, the title words: “/ The/ Illustrated/ London/ Book/ are blocked in gold. The word: “Drawing” is blocked in relief within the gold cover of the drawing-book. Signed “JL” in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette.  Along the spine, the title words: “Illustrated London Drawing Book” are blocked in gold. The bookplate of Arthur Charles Foot is on the upper paste down, with his signature inscribed on the upper end paper.


Binding No: 1375

[In BL bindings database: 019-000029635 – 30.09.2019]

Pressmark: 12352.p.39.

Artist Name: John Leighton


Title: Things new and old in Religion, Science and Literature.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: James Nisbet and Co., 21 Berners Street.

Date of Publication: 1857

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Ballantyne and Company printers.

Pagination:  vi, 364p. 8 plates.

Dimensions: 122x178x28mm.                                              


Bookbinder: Westley

Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco horizontal

Colour: orange          

Block work: in gold and in blind

Date Examined: 30.9.2019


References: Ball VPB, p. 191, 103C


Notes: The upper vignette and the spine are after John Leighton. The illustration opposite page 129 is after John Gilbert, signed with his monogram. Binders ticket on lower pastedown:”/ Bound by/ Westleys/ & Co./ London./.” [Ball no. 103C.] Both covers have rule frames and ornamental corners, blocked in blind. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a steam engine, pulling three freight wagons (one of which contains cattle), and a passenger carriage. Above this electric telegraph wires are stretched between two poles. Underneath this are two reclining figures, eft and right, resting upon branches. Between them is a wagon, being pulled by three horses, with a man walking at their head, a whip held upright in his left hand. The title words: “/ Things (in a semi-circle)/ New/ &/ Old/” are blocked in gold. Signed JL in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. It has a single fillet blocked in gold on its perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: angel wings on either side of an hour glass; the title words:”/ Things/ New/ &/ Old./”; Plants stems, leaves and tendrils descending from the middle to the tail of the spine; two lamps, with the one on the right supported by its post and base; near the base, a letter box has the words:”/ post/ letters/” blocked in relief within it; and a cable support has the word:”/ Tele/ graph/” blocked in relief within it; Within a cartouche formed by a single gold fillet, the words:”/ Light & Thought/ 1800. 1820. 1857./” are blocked in gold; Signed “JL” in gold as separate letters beneath this; at the tail, within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet, the words: “/ J. Nisbet & Co./” are blocked in gold. The vignette and spine are typical of the work executed in great detail to Leighton’s design.


Binding No: 1376

[In BL bindings database: 15.11.2022 - 019-000032671]


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  George  Crabbe

Title: The Poetical Works of George Crabbe. With life. Eight engravings on steel.

Publication Details: Edinburgh; Houlston & Stoneman ; London : Gall & Inglis,

Date of Publication:[1855]

Pagination: 496p. 

Dimensions: 114x168mm.     



Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco vertical grain

Colour: blue   

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 15.11.2022.


References: The Maas collection of Victorian publisher’s bindings, no. 22. Catalogue of 100 volumes, issued by Julian Croft Antiquarian Books Ltd in October 2020.]


Notes: Edinburgh; Houlston & Stoneman ; London : Gall & Inglis. Book size: 114x168mm. [The text block bulked up owing to lamination.] Blue morocco vertical grain cloth. The borders of the upper cover have a dense thistle stem and flower decoration curling round a wooden frame. An urn, filled with flowers, is blocked in gold on the centre. The lower cover has the same design, blocked in blind. The spine has the same thistle decoration on a frame. The title is blocked in gold at the head. The imprint: “Gall & Inglis” is blocked in gold at the tail.


Binding No: 1377

[In BL bindings database: 15.11.2022. 019-000032673]

Pressmark: 729.b.26.

Artist Name: Unknown UK

Author/Heading:  Maria E Catlow

Title: Popular British Entomology; containing a familiar description of the insects most common in the various localities of the British Isles.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Reeve, Benham & Reeve, 1848.

Date of Publication: 1848

Place of Printing and printer: [London:] Reeve, Benham and Reeve, Printers and Publishers of Scientific Works, King William Street, Strand.

Pagination:  269p. With sixteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions:    137x170


Bookbinder: Westleys & Clark

Cover material, grain and colour: red rib vertical grain cloth           

Block work: Gold and blind

Date Examined: 15.11.2022.


References: The Maas collection of Victorian publisher’s bindings. No. 18. [Catalogue of 100 volumes, issued by Julian Croft Antiquarian Books Ltd in October 2020.]


Notes: London: Reeve, Benham & Reeve. [London:] Reeve, Benham and Reeve, Printers and Publishers of Scientific Works, King William Street, Strand. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown [not the original pastedown]: “/ Bound by / Westleys &/ Clark. [rule]/ London.” [Ball no. 101A] Red rib vertical grain cloth. The corners of both covers have floral decoration in blind, within the rule frame border. On the centre of the upper cove, within a circular frame, a butterfly is blocked in gold, its wings spread out. The same blocking is on the lower cover – all in blind. The original spine is missing.


Binding No: 1378

[In BL bindings database:  15.11.2022.

Pressmark: 1347.c.13.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  John Stevenson Bushnan

Title: Flowers and their Poetry. [Verses.]


Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London:

Place of Printing and printer: London: W. S. Orr & Co, [1851]

Pagination:  120p. With eight pages of publishers titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 140x180x12mm.           



Cover material, grain and colour:       pink morocco vertical grain cloth

Block work:    gold

Date Examined: 15.11.2022.


References: The Maas collection of Victorian publisher’s bindings. [Catalogue of 100 volumes, issued by Julian Croft Antiquarian Books Ltd in October 2020.] No. 10.


Notes: London: W. S. Orr & Co. 120p. With eight pages of publishers titles bound at the end. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Text sewn on three sawn in cords. Pink cord diagonal grain cloth.  The multi coloured lithograph of a bouquet of flowers bound opposite the half title pages is after ‘MacLure, MacDonald and MacGregor, Lith, 3 Bow Church Yard, London.’ 140x185x12mm. Both covers are blocked identically in  gold, a rule frame and a rustic wooden frame on the borders, with a floral wreath in gold on the centre, the upper cover having the title within the wreath. The spine is blocked in gold, with flowers to head and middle, title near the head and an urn blocked at the tail.


Binding No: 1379

[In BL bindings database: 8.12.2022 - 019-000032744]

Pressmark: 10804.d.3.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  William Dowling

Title: Poets and Statesmen; their homes and haunts in the neighbourhood of Eton, and Windsor. [By W. D.]

Place of Publication, publisher and date of publication: London: Published by E. P. Williams, Bride Court, Bridge Street, Blackfriars; and Eton College.

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  272p., 19 plates

Dimensions: 153x230x30mm


Bookbinder: Edmonds & Remnants

Cover material, grain and colour:       red morocco horizontal grain cloth

Block work: Gold and blind

Date Examined: 8.12.2022


References: For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures. No. 31A.


Notes: London: Published by E. P. Williams. The ‘List of Illustrations, Engraved by E. Radclyffe, Esq., from Drawings made expressly for this Work by C. W. Radclyffe [i.e. Charles Walter Radclyffe], Esq., the Busts by James Chapman, Esq.’ Book size: 153x230x30mm. Text sewn on three tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown, red on cream paper: “/ Bound by/ Edmonds and Remnants/ [rule]/ London.” [Ball 31A.] Red morocco horizontal grain cloth. The upper and lower covers are blocked in blind with a rule frame border and curling plants on the corners. The upper cover central vignette has a figure of King Henry VI blocked in gold [from the original in Eton College Chapel’.   The date stamp on the last page is in blue: ‘4 NO[vember 18]56’. The spine is missing.


Binding No: 1380

[In BL bindings database: 8.12.2022- 019-000032747 ]

Pressmark: 10804.d.4.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  William Dowling

Title: Poets and Statesmen; their homes and haunts in the neighbourhood of Eton, and Windsor. Second Edition.

Place of Publication, publisher and date of publication: London: Published by E. P. Williams, Bride Court, Bridge Street, Blackfriars; and Eton College.

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  312p., 19 plates

Dimensions: 167x230x40mm


Bookbinder: Edmonds & Remnants

Cover material, grain and colour: blue morocco horizontal grain cloth

Block work: Gold and blind

Date Examined: 8.12.2022


References: For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures. No. 31A.


Notes: London: Published by E. P. Williams. On a front endpaper, is the ‘List of Illustrations, Engraved by E. Radclyffe, Esq., from Drawings made expressly for this Work by C. W. Radclyffe [i.e. Charles Walter Radclyffe], Esq., the Busts by James Chapman, Esq.’ Book size: 167x230x40mm. Text sewn on three tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown, red on cream paper: “/ Bound by/ Edmonds and Remnants/ [rule]/ London.” [Ball 31A.] Blue morocco horizontal grain cloth. The upper and lower covers are blocked in blind with a rule frame border and plants on the corners. The upper cover central vignette has a figure of King Henry VI blocked in gold [from the original in Eton College Chapel]’.  The spine is blocked in gold, with the title at the head and on the middle, surrounded by leaves and flowers which rise from a glassvase. A tree near water blocked near the tail. At the tail; ‘/ E. P. Williams/ Eaton./ is blocked in gold.  The date stamp on the last page is in blue: ’22 DE[cember 18]56’.



Binding No: 1381

[In BL bindings database: 8.12.2022 - 019-000032750]

Pressmark: 12620.g.19.

Artist Name: J Marchant

Author/Heading:  S. C. Hall, Mrs.

Title: Midsummer Eve: a fairy tale of loving and being loved.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: John Camden Hotten, 74 & 75 Piccadilly, 1870

Place of Printing and printer: London: Virtue and Co. City Road

Pagination:  270p. plates

Dimensions: 165x227x25mm.           


Bookbinder: Virtue & Co.

Cover material, grain and colour:       purple sand grain cloth

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 8.12.2022.


References: For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures. No. 96B.



Notes: [A list of] ‘The Illustrations’ cites eighteen illustrators, and nine engravers, with ‘The cover designed by J. Marchant’. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown:’/ Bound by/ Virtue & Co./ 294/ City Road. [Ball no.96B] Purple sand grain cloth. The borders of both covers are blocked in blind with straps and stylised leaves. On the lower cover, the central vignette is in gold, showing a garland, and three winged fairies, and the face of a grotesque at the head. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold showing a garland, with two winged fairies and a winger putto, with the grotesque face aa the head. The title: ‘/ Midsummer/ Eve/’ is blocked in gold on the centre. The spine is blocked in gold. A winged fairy is blocked on the middle, surrounded by leaves, flowers and curling stems. The title is blocked near the head. ‘By/ Mrs. S. C. Hall/ is blocked in gold at the tail.


Binding No: 1382

[In BL bindings database: 19.12.2022 – 000032790]

Pressmark: 1155.c.3.

Artist Name: Unsigned Uk

Author/Heading:  Aesop

Title: [Æsop's Fables: a new version, chiefly from original sources, by the Rev. Thomas James ... With ... illustrations designed by John Tenniel.]

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: John Murray, Albemarle Street

Place of Printing and printer: London: Bradbury and Evans, printers Whitefriars

Pagination:  xx, 147, [2]p.

Dimensions: 120x180x19mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:       red paper

Block work:

Date Examined: 19.12.2022.




Notes: Red paper covers bound in a front and at rear. A rustic frame is on the borders of the upper cover. It is topped by vine leaves and bunches of grapes. The title on the upper centre reads: ‘James’s Fables of Aesop.’ At the head are the words: ‘Murray’s Reading for the Rail.’ At the tail, underneath the imprint:’ Price Half-a-Crown.’ At the head of the lower cover, there are the words: ‘ Literature for the Rail.’ Within a rule frame, there is a list of :’ Murray’s Reading for the Rail.’ 


Binding No: 1383

[In BL bindings database: 19.11.2022. - 019-000032793]

Pressmark: 4420.b.68.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: The Rose-Bud: a Christian Gift to the Young.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: The Religious Tract Society, 56, Paternoster Row; 164, Piccadilly.

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  iv, 250p, 4 plates. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The colour plates are signed:’ J. M. Kronheim [i.e Joseph Martin Kronheim] & Co. London’.

Dimensions: 127x155x20mm.



Cover material, grain and colour: green morocco diagonal grain     

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 19.12.2022




Notes: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco diagonal grain cloth. Within a rule frame, rose stems and leaves are blocked on the corners and the sides. On the lower cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold, showing a posy of rose buds. On the upper cover, the gold central vignette shows a garland/ wreath of rose stems, leaves and buds, surrounding the title words : ‘The/ Rose Bud/, blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Rose stems form three ovals, with the title words: ‘/ The / Rose Bud/ blocked in gold within the oval near the head.


Binding No: 1384

[In BL bindings database: 19.12.2022. - 019-000032795]

Pressmark: X.907/1259

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author: Friedrich Heinrich Karl La Motte-Fouqué, Freiherr de, 1777-1843.

Title: Undine, a romance. From the German ... with eleven illustrations ... by Tenniel, etc.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Edward Lumley

Place of Printing and printer: London: R. Clay, Son and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill.

Pagination:  xxiv, 96, [4] p. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the front.

Dimensions: 112x170x14mm.           



Cover material, grain and colour:       red morocco horizontal grain cloth.

Block work:  gold

Date Examined: 19.12.2022.




Notes: In the publisher’s titles, this work is described as: ‘Eleven engravings, fine paper, cloth gilt, 5s. The frontispiece half title page, and illustrations within the text, are after John Tenniel, engraved by John Bastin. ’  Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal grain cloth. Gilt edges. Both vocers are blocked identically in gold, with a rule frame to the borders, and floral motifs on each corner, and on the centre tail. The spine is blocked in gold. Similar floral motifs are blocked as for the covers, with the words: /Undine,/ [rule]/ Designs/ by/ Tenniel/ Blocked in gold near the head.


Binding No: 1385

[In BL bindings database: 20.12.2022 - 019-000032798]

Pressmark: 1509/41

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: Illustrated Ditties of the Olden Time.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  unpaginated. Printed on recto of leaves

Dimensions: 155x198x18mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:       red morocco straight grain cloth

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 20.12.2022.




Notes: Gilt edges red morocco horizontal grain cloth. Both covers and blocked identically in blind on the borders, with plant motifs on each corner. The upper cover gilt central vignette shows ad rustic frame, with a woman, seated, cradling a baby. At her feet left and right are a dog and a child. The spine is blocked in gold, with the title blocked along its length.


Binding No: 1386

[In BL bindings database: 20.12.2022 - 019-000032800]

Pressmark: 1346.h.26.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: Illustrated [coloured] ditties of the olden time.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Brighton: R. Folthorp, Roysl Library, North Street; London: D. Bogue, Fleet Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  28 leaves. Leaves are lithographed on recto only.

Dimensions: 170x210x10mm.



Cover material, grain and colour: red morocco straight grain cloth 

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 22.12.2022



Richard Parminter Cuff, artist


Robert Folthorp, Brighton:


Notes: The pink paper label has handwritten notes, which state that there are 28 illustrations within, and that the engravings on stone are after R. P. Cuff [i.e. Richard Parminter Cuff]. The title page has the text, bottom right hand corner: ‘Ford & George, lithographers, 54, Hatton Garden’. Robert Folthorp was active in Brighton ca. 1844-1854. Gutta Percha binding. [Covers and leaves are detaching from spine.] Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco straight grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold. Two thin rule frames are on the outer borders. A third rule frame resembles metallic ‘cylinder pushed into a rod’ design, with small plant decoration picked out in relief on it. Curling stems and leaves are blocked at the head. Interlocking bolts occupy the cover around the central ‘renaissance’ style oval ornamental panel. Within the panel, the title words: ‘/Illustrated/ Ditties/ of the/ Olden Time’ are blocked in gold. Below the central panel, the monogram: ‘TRR[?]’ is blocked in relief within a shield, or. The spine title in gold is the same as for the covers, and is blocked within an elongated cartouche.


Binding No: 1387

[In BL bindings database: 22.12.2022 -

Pressmark: 7296.e.21.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author: Henry Noel Humphreys

Title: The Genera of British Moths, popularly described, and arranged according to the system now adopted in the British Museum. Illustrated by a series of picturesque plates, etc.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Published by Paul Jerrard & Son, 170 Fleet Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  20 parts. 206 pages of letterpress, 62 colour plates.

Dimensions: 175x280x43mm. (bound volumes)      



Cover material, grain and colour: paper covers

Block work: Gold on spine of BM binding

Date Examined: 22.12.2022.


References: Leathlean, Howard. Paul Jerrard Publisher of ‘Special Presents’. In: The Book Collector Vol. 40. no.2. Summer 1991. pp.169-196.



Notes: This work was issued in twenty parts, each priced at 2s. 6d. All parts have been bound together in a quarter morocco binding, with a gilt spine of six panels, with the title in panel two. The upper and lower paper covers for each part are bound into the sequence. The title page of each upper wrapper features an illustration of the [circular] life cycle of the British moth. The title is on the centre: “/ The Genera/ of/ British Moths./ by/ H. Noel Humphries./”. The imprint of Jerrard is bottom left. The verso of each upper cover and the recto and verso of the lower covers have advertisements of other works by Paul Jerrard, and ‘Opinions of the Press’ regarding these other works. 


Binding No: 1388

[In BL bindings database: 29.12.2022 - 019-000032836]

Pressmark: 7296.e.20.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Humphreys, Henry Noel

Title:  The Genera and Species of British Butterflies, described and arranged according to the system now adopted in the British Museum.


Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Paul Jerrard & Son, 170 Fleet Street

Place of Printing and printer: London: Bradbury and Evans, Printers, Whitefriars.

Pagination:  64p. of letterpress; 32 colour plates

Dimensions: BM binding: 190x280x20mm



Cover material, grain and colour:       yellow paper covers

Block work:

Date Examined: 29.12.2022




Notes: Issued in ten parts, with yellow paper covers, each part being two pages of letterpress and one colour plate. Each part was priced 2s. 6d. The yellow paper covers for parts one and ten are bound at the end. The verso the upper cover of part one has advertisements for other Paul Jerrard publications. Part one, lower cover recto has a list of: ‘Paul Jerrard’s cream and gold special presents appropriate for marriage, birthday, and festive occasions and all seasons.’ Each gift book was: ‘In elegant special binding, richly embossed in gold, imperial 8vo, price 31s. 6d.’ Part one lower cover verso has details of Paul Jerrard’s new gift book.


Binding No: 1389

[In BL bindings database:29.12.2022. -  019-000032840]

Pressmark: 11660.eee.28

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Moore, Thomas

Title: Lallah Rookh: an oriental romance. With illustrations, engraved by Edmund Evans, from original drawings by G. H. Thomas [i.e. George Housman Thomas], F. R. Pickersgill [i.e. Frederick Richard Pickersgill], R.A., Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], E. H. Corbould [i.e. Edward Henry Corbould], etc., etc.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: George Routledge ans Sons, The Broadway, Ludgate; New York, 416 Broome Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Edmund Evans, Engraver and printer, Racquet Court, Fleet Street.

Pagination:  268p. 2 plates.

Dimensions: 170x225x40mm.           



Cover material, grain and colour: Purple sand grain cloth    

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 29.12.2022.




Notes: In the ‘List of Illustrations’, other artists cited are (full names, where found): William Harvey, Hablot Knight Browne, Thomas Robert Macquoid, Richard Principal Leitch, Kenny Meadows, Harrison Weir, Samuel Palmer, George Haydock Dodgson. The frontispiece plate is after George Housman Thomas. It illustrates the lines of verse on page 43. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Red sand grain cloth. Re-bound in the 1990s. The upper cover has dense ‘oriental’ patterns blocked on the corners and sides, n blind and in gold. The upper cover  centre-piece is recessed, and has a paper onlay inserted,  depicting Lallah Rookh. The lower cover has the same patterns as for the upper cover, blocked in blind. Spine missing.


Binding No: 1391

[In BL bindings database: 29.12.2022. - 019-00003284]

Pressmark: 7855.dd.25.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: Gems of English art of this century: twenty-four pictures from national collections printed in colours by Leighton Brothers with illustrative texts by Francis Turner Palgrave. [Device of George Routledge.]

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: George Routledge & Sons

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by Leighton, Brothers, Milford House, Strand.

Pagination:  viii, 144p. 24 colour plates

Dimensions: 195x260x25mm



Cover material, grain and colour:       red sand grain cloth

Block work: gold and multiple coloured onlays on upper cover

Date Examined: 29.12.2022.





Notes: Inscribed on the half title page: ‘C. M. Palgrave/ Dec 1868/’ The device of George Routledge is printed on the title page. Cloth doublures now in a BM binding. Red sand grain cloth. The lower cover doublure has rule frame borders, blocked in blind. The central vignette is blocked in gold, and features four pineapple heads and leaves blocked within a square. The upper cover doublure has vine leaves, stems and bunched of grapes blocked in gold on red onlays, to form the borders. The inner frame has six groups of pineapples and leaves blocked in gold within quatrefoils. There are also eight groups of ‘pointed quatrefoils’ blocked onto red and green onlays, showing pineapples On the centre, the title words: /Gems/ of/ English/ art/” are blocked onto a gilt onlay, with the letters and small decoration being picked out in red.


Binding No: 1392

[In BL bindings database: 12.01.2023 - 019-000032877]

Pressmark: 11611.k.3.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  George Gordon Byron Byron, Baron,

Title: The Illustrated Byron. With upwards of two hundred engravings from original drawings by Kenny Meadows, Birket Foster, Hablot K. Browne, Gustave Janet, and Edward Morin.


Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Henry Vizetelly

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  viii, 632p.

Dimensions: BM binding: 195x270x55mm; part I paper cover: 170x260.  



Cover material, grain and colour:       paper

Block work:

Date Examined: 12.1.2023.




Notes: London: Henry Vizetelly. Originally issues in sixteen parts, price, sixpence, in beige paper wrappers. Each upper cover recto has the title page. On each upper cover verso and both sides of the lower cover – advertisements are printed. The paper wrappers are bound in sequence into one volume. The scans show the upper cover of part X, and the lower cover verso of part IX, which features an advertisement for the newspaper – The Illustrated Times – which was also edited and published by Vizetelly. Text copyright Edmund M B King



Binding No: 1393

[In BL bindings database: 12.1.2023. - 019-000032879]

Pressmark: 11651.f.17 1

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Samuel Carter Hall (Editor)

Title: The Book of Gems from the Poets and Artists of Great Britain. The fourteenth to the seventeenth century. Geoffrey Chaucer to Dryden.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Bell and Daldy, 6, York Street, Covent Garden, and 186, Fleet Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street & Charing Cross.

Pagination:  [12], 304 [4]p.

Dimensions: 173x224x32mm.           



Cover material, grain and colour: green sand grain cloth     

Block work: gold and blind and black

Date Examined: 12.1.2023.




Notes: This is one of four copies of this series, all issued by Bell and Daldy in 1866.  Three of the four are different texts. Copies of the poets’ autographs are at the end. Gilt Edges. Bevelled boards. Gutta percha binding Light grey moire endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind, Rule frame to borders, ovals to each corner, with ‘arch’ pattern on inner border. The central rectangle is surrounded by cartouches, circles and triangles on each inner corner. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Two thin gold rules to outer borders, and a repeating arch pattern to inner borders, with ovals on each corner. Cartouches and circles surround the inner rectangle, delineated with black rules. The title words: “/ The Book/ of Gems/”, blocked in relief within two lettering-pieces, which themselves are ‘held’ by a diamond. Small triangles and a cartouches on the centre have decoration picked out in black. Signed : “C B” (possibly Charles Bayman?) in gold as separate letters at the base of the diamond. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Elaborate floral decoration to head and to tail. Near the head, the words: “/ The Book/ of Gems/” are blocked in relief within rectangular lettering pieces. On the lower half of the spine the words: “/ Chaucer/ to/ Dryden/” are blocked in relief within rectangular lettering-pieces, with the word: “to” blocked in relief within a gold oval. On the middle of the spine a quatrefoil is blocked within a square. This copy has a blue date stamp of ‘2 MA[Y 18]67’. Text copyright Edmund M B King



Binding No: 1394

[In BL bindings database: 12.1.2023. - 019-000032885]

Pressmark: 11651.f.17 2

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Samuel Carter Hall (Editor)

Title: The Book of Gems from the Poets and Artists of Great Britain. The seventeenth and eighteenth century. Swift to Burns.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Bell and Daldy, 6, York Street, Covent Garden, and 186, Fleet Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street & Charing Cross.

Pagination:  [12], 302 [4]p.

Dimensions: 173x224x32mm.           



Cover material, grain and colour: purple sand grain cloth    

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 12.1.2023.




Notes: This is one of four copies of this series, all issued by Bell and Daldy in 1866.  Three of the four are different texts. Gilt Edges. Bevelled boards. Gutta percha binding Light grey moire endpapers and pastedowns. Purple sand grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind - rule frame to borders, ovals to each corner, with ‘arch’ pattern on inner border. The central rectangle is surrounded by cartouches, circles and triangles on each inner corner. The upper cover is blocked in gold. Two thin gold rules to outer borders, and a repeating arch pattern to inner borders, with ovals on each corner. Cartouches and circles surround the inner rectangle. The title words: “/ The Book/ of Gems/”, are blocked in relief within two lettering-pieces, which themselves are ‘supported’ by a diamond. Small triangles and  cartouches on the centre have decoration picked out in relief. Signed : “C B” (possibly Charles Bayman?) in gold as separate letters at the base of the diamond. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Elaborate floral decoration to head and to tail. Near the head, the words: “/ The Book/ of Gems/” are blocked in relief within rectangular lettering pieces. On the lower half of the spine the words: “/ Swift/ to/ Burns/” are blocked in relief within rectangular lettering-pieces, with the word: “to” blocked in relief within a gold oval. On the middle of the spine a quatrefoil is blocked within a square. This copy has a blue date stamp of ‘2 M[ARC[H [18]67’. Text copyright Edmund M B King


Binding No: 1395 3

[In BL bindings database: 12.1.2023. - 019-000032888]

Pressmark: 11651.f.17 3

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Samuel Carter Hall (Editor)

Title: The Book of Gems from the Poets and Artists of Great Britain. The eighteenth and nineteenth century. Wordsworth to Tennyson.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Bell and Daldy, 6, York Street, Covent Garden, and 186, Fleet Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street & Charing Cross.

Pagination:  [12], 302 [4]p.

Dimensions: 173x224x32mm.           



Cover material, grain and colour: purple sand grain cloth    

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 12.1.2023.




Notes: This is one of four copies of this series, all issued by Bell and Daldy in 1866.  Three of the four are different texts.Gilt Edges. Bevelled boards. Gutta percha binding Light grey moire endpapers and pastedowns. Purple sand grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind - rule frame to borders, ovals to each corner, with ‘arch’ pattern on inner border. The central rectangle is surrounded by cartouches, circles and triangles on each inner corner. The upper cover is blocked in gold. Two thin gold rules to outer borders, and a repeating arch pattern to inner borders, with ovals on each corner. Cartouches and circles surround the inner rectangle. The title words: “/ The Book/ of Gems/”, are blocked in relief within two lettering-pieces, which themselves are ‘supported’ by a diamond. Small triangles and  cartouches on the centre have decoration picked out in relief. Signed : “C B” (possibly Charles Bayman?) in gold as separate letters at the base of the diamond. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Elaborate floral decoration to head and to tail. Near the head, the words: “/ The Book/ of Gems/” are blocked in relief within rectangular lettering pieces. On the lower half of the spine the words: “/ Wordsworth/ to/ Tennyson/” are blocked in relief within rectangular lettering-pieces, with the word: “to” blocked in relief within a gold oval. On the middle of the spine a quatrefoil is blocked within a square. This copy has a blue date stamp of ‘2 M[ARC]H [18]67’.   Text copyright Edmund M B King


Binding No: 1396

[In BL bindings database: 12.1.2023. - 019-000032882

Pressmark: 11651.f.17 4

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Samuel Carter Hall (Editor)

Title: The Book of Gems from the Poets and Artists of Great Britain. The fourteenth to the seventeenth century. Geoffrey Chaucer to Dryden.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Bell and Daldy, 6, York Street, Covent Garden, and 186, Fleet Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street & Charing Cross.

Pagination:  [12], 302 [4]p.

Dimensions: 173x224x32mm.           



Cover material, grain and colour: imitation tortoise shell     

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 12.1.2023.


References: McLean, Ruari. Victorian publishers’ book-bindings in cloth and leather. London, Gordon Fraser, 1974, p. 109.



Notes: This is one of four copies of this series, all issued by Bell and Daldy in 1866.  Three of the four are different texts. Gilt Edges. Chamfered boards. Gutta percha binding Light grey moire endpapers and pastedowns. Imitation tortoise shell pattern, lacquered,  to both boards. The upper cover is blocked in gold. Rules and repeating floral patterns are blocked in gold on the borders. The central roundel is surrounded by elaborate floral patterns. On the centre, the title words: “/ The/ Book of Gems/ Chaucer to Dryden/”, are blocked in gold. The spine is of leather, blocked in gold and in relief. Elaborate floral decoration to head and to tail. Near the head, the words: “/ The Book/ of Gems/” are blocked in relief within rectangular lettering pieces. On the lower half of the spine the words: “/ Chaucer/ to/ Dryden/” are blocked in relief within rectangular lettering-pieces, with the word: “to” blocked in relief within a gold oval.  On the middle of the spine a quatrefoil is blocked within a square.  This copy was donated to the BM [green stamp]. Text copyright Edmund M B King



Binding No: 1397

[In BL bindings database: 13.1.2023 - 019-000032891]

Pressmark: W68/1186

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Bon Gaultier

Title: The book of ballads. Edited by Bon Gaultier. And illustrated by [Richard] Doyle, [John] Leech and [Alfred] Crowquill [pseud. i. e. Alfred Henry Forrester]. Fifteenth edition.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons

Place of Printing and printer: [Edinburgh:] Printed by William Blackwood and Sons

Pagination:  x, 292p. with two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 122x172x30mm.           



Cover material, grain and colour:       Green ungrained cloth

Block work: gold and red

Date Examined: 13.1.2023.




Notes: The frontispiece is probably after Richard Doyle. Bevelled boards. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. On the title page verso is the stamp of East Lothian County Library, with the shelfmark 821.04T Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in red. The figure of Gaultier (?), fez on his head, seated in armchair, rocking backwards, quill in right hand, with a pitcher at his feet - is blocked in gold on the upper half of the upper cover. The title words are blocked in red on the lower haof: “The/ Bon Gaultier/ Ballads/” The spine is blocked in gold and in red. Small decoration across the apine at the head and the tail. Near the head, the title: Book/ of Ballads/ by/ Bon Gaultier/ is blocked in gold. An oriental figure, seated on a rug, is blocked in gold near the tail. Text copyright Edmund M B King



Binding No: 1398

[In BL bindings database: 13.1.2023. - 019-000032893]

Pressmark: RB.23.a.30823.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading: Elizabeth M. A. F Saxby


Title: Earth's many voices. First series. Published under the direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education, appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge

Place of Printing and printer: London: Harrison and Sons, St. Martin’s Lane.

Pagination:  152p. With six pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 128x155x16mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:       light brown ungrained cloth

Block work: gold black and blind

Date Examined: 13.1.2023.




Notes: On page 2 of the publisher’s titles, this work is described as: ‘First and Second Series, with illustrations on  toned paper. Royal 16mo. Extra cloth, gilt edges 2s.’ Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Light brown ungrained cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind with a rule frame on the borders. The upper cover has three rules on the borders, one in gold and two in black. Each corner has a small ‘diamond’ in gold. The central rectangle is delineated by black rules and stylised leaves and buds. He central roundel in gold shows a marine bay. Above and below the roundel, the title words: “/ Earth’s/ Many Voices/” are picked out in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces. The words “First Series” are picked out in relief within gold pennant-shaped lettering-pieces. The spine is blocked in gold. Floral decoration is blocked from head to tail. Near the head, within a hatch gold lettering-piece, the title words:”/ Earth’s/ Many/ Voices/” are blocked in relief. Near the tail, the roman numeral “I.” is blocked in gold. Text copyright Edmund M B King



Binding No: 1399

[In BL bindings database: 13.1.2023. - 019-000032895]

Pressmark: 4406.b.77.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: The Seasons of the Year. [With coloured illustrations.]

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: T. Nelson and Sons, Paternoster Row

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  22p. 6 plates.

Dimensions: 132x180x8mm.



Cover material, grain and colour: purple morocco vertical grain cloth        

Block work: blind and gold

Date Examined: 12.1.2023.




Notes: Each of the coloured illustrations is an onlay. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple morocco vertical grain cloth. The borders and corners of both covers are blocked identically in blind with rule to borders, and horse chestnut leaves to each corner. An ‘arabesque’ is formed by more rules, blocked in blind. On the centre of the upper cover, five medallions are blocked. There is a winged putto for each season, within each medallion. The fifth medallion is formed by a thin rule and repeating beads, in gold. Within it, The title words: “/ The/ Seasons/ of the/ Year./” are picked out in relief within four rectangular gold lettering-pieces. The spine is blocked in gold. Floral and plant decoration in gold surround the title words: “/ The/ Seasons/ of the/ Year/” Text copyright Edmund M B King


New entries from 1401 to 1425 Haslam



Binding No: 1401

[in BL database 20.4.2016 - 019-000022449]

Pressmark: 012627g5

Artist Name: Aubrey Beardsley

Author/Heading:  Machen, Arthur

Title: The Great God Pan and the Inmost Light.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: John Lane, Vogo St.; Boston: Roberts Bros.,

Date of Publication: 1894

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: T. and A. Constable, Printers to Her Majesty



 T 22

Pagination:  [5], 168p. With sixteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green/ grey            

Block work: white

Date Examined: 20.4.2016


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 1.



Notes: The cover design is by Aubrey Beardsley. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. White endpapers and pastedowns. Dark green ungrained cloth. [T he scanner has picked up blue but the colour looks to be green/grey.]  The lower cover has a key, centre, with the initials of Arthur Machen incorporated within it. The upper cover has the title and author, upper half, with a picture of Pan, lower half. The spine is blocked in gold and in white. From the head downwards, the decoration is: The tites words: “/ The/ Great God/ Pan/ [gold dot]/ Arthur/ Machen/” are blocked in gold; a key blocked in white with “AM” incorporated within it; at the tail, the publisher: “/ [square in gold]/ John/ Lane/ [square in gold]/ The Bodley/ Head/” is blocked in gold. In the publisher’s titles bound at the end of BL  Shelf mark 012627.g.8., this book is advertised as: “Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d. net.”





Binding No: 1402

[In BL bindings database: 20.4.2016 - 019-000022451]

Pressmark: 012627g8

Artist Name: Aubrey Beardsley

Author/Heading:  Allen, Grant

Title: The Woman Who Did.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: John Lane, Vigo St.; Boston: Roberts Bros.,

Date of Publication: 1895

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: T. and A. Constable, Printers to Her Majesty

W    H    T            

Pagination:  [8], 241p. With sixteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green       

Block work: gold and white

Date Examined: 20.4.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 2.




Notes: The cover design is by Aubrey Beardsley. No original endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover has a key, centre, with the initials of  Grant Allen incorporated within it. The upper cover is blocked in white and has the title and author, upper half, with a picture of  stylised water lilies in the lower half. The spine is blocked in gold and in white. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the title words: “/ The/ Woman/ Who Did/ [gold dot]/ Grant/ Allen/” are blocked in gold; a key blocked in white with “GA” incorporated within it; at the tail, the publisher: “/ [square in gold]/ John/ Lane/ [square in gold]/ The Bodley/ Head/” is blocked in gold. This volume was conserved in 2001, and the pages laminated, making the text block thicker than when originally published.






Binding No: 1403

[In BL bindings database: 20.4.2016 - 019-000022457]

Pressmark: KTC. 30.b.16.

Artist Name: Aubrey Beardsley

Author/Heading:  Jonson, Ben

Title: Ben Ionson his Volpone : or the Foxe. A new edition, with a critical essay on the author by Vincent O'Sullivan, and a frontispiece, five initial letters, and a cover design Illustrative and decorative by A. Beardsley, together with an eulogy of the artist by Robert Ross.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Leonard Smithers and Co 5 Old Bond Street W

Date of Publication: 1898

Place of Printing and printer: London:

W  227  H  295  T 35         

Pagination:  xlv, 193p. 7 plates.



Cover material: vellum



Block work: gold

Date Examined: 20.4.2016


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 3.



Notes: The design is by Aubrey Beardsley. White endpapers and pastedowns. Bound in vellum. The lower cover has a gold centrepiece of a winged horse, with a puck-like figure astride it. The upper cover is blocked in full gold. It has a single gold fillet blocked on its borders. There is an abstract leaf and stem pattern on the whole of the cover, which swirls around the title word: “/ Volpone/” blocked on the centre. Signed “AB Paris 1898 in gold at the left side, at the tail. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, two gold fillets are blocked across the spine.  From head to tail, the words are: “/ Volpone/ or/ The Foxe/ by/ Ben Ionson/ Illustrated/ by/ Aubrey/ Beardsley/ Leonard/ Smithers/ and Co./ 1898/.”




Binding No. 1404

Keats. Poems. Endymion Series. Bell 1897.

BL copies at Eccles 1310 and at 536*.a.31.

Neither has the covers illustrated in Haslam no. 4.


Binding No: 1405

[In BL bindings database: 20.4.2016 - 019-000022453]

Pressmark: 306.42.a.18.

Artist Name: Frank Brangwyn


Title: The Thousand and One Arabian Nights Entertainments. Translated by Edward William Lane, wit an Introduction by Joseph Jacobs, and Illustrations by Frank Brangwyn. In Six Volumes.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Published by Gibbings & Company Limited.; Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Company.

Date of Publication: 1896

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Morrison and Gibb, Printers.

W    H    T            

Pagination:  Vol. 1 - xlvii, 303p.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: rib vertical and rib horizontal

Colour: light green with green dots

Block work: gold and green and blue

Date Examined: 20.4.2016


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 5.



Notes: The design is by Frank Brangwyn. Six volumes. Gilt edges to the head of each volume. The height and width of the volumes is 120x180mm. The cloth has been flecked with green ink. The lower covers are not blocked. The upper covers are blocked with the same design in blue and in green. On the lower half of each cover the title is blocked in large capitals. On the upper half and on the spine side, stylised flower and leaf decoration is blocked in green and in blue. The Spines are uniformly blocked in gold, in green and in blue. At the head of each, the title words: “/ Arabian/ Nights/ Entertain-/ ments/” are blocked in gold. On the middle of the spines, a floral motif is blocked in blue and in green. Underneath this, the volume number: “Vol I [-VI]. Is blocked in gold. The year: “/1896 is blocked in gold at the tail of each volume. This copy formerly belonged to the India Office Library.










Binding No: 1406

[In BL bindings database 18.5.2016: 019-000022766]

Pressmark: 010827.h.6.

Artist Name: William Harrison Cowlishaw

Author/Heading:  Hueffer, Ford Madox

Title: Ford Madox Brown. A Record of his Life and Work. With numerous illustrations.

Place of Publication and publisher: London, New York and Bombay, Longmans, Green and Co.

Date of Publication: 1896

Place of Printing and printer: London: Spottiswoode & Co., Printers, New-street Square.

W160    H 235   T 50

Pagination:  xx, 459p. 2 plates. With two pages of publisher’s advertisements bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: white       

Block work: gold and green and blue

Date Examined: 18.5.2016


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 6.


Notes: No original endpapers or pastedowns. White ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in blue, in red and in green. Two gold fillets on the borders. There is an overall pattern of stems and buds, blocked in green. This surrounds the central rectangle, which is blocked in blue, and this is bordered with ten red circles. Within the rectangle, the title words: “/ Ford/ Maddox/ Brown/ A/ record of his/ life/ and works/” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Near the head , the author and title are blocked in gold. At the tail is the imprint: “/ London./ 1896./”





Binding No: 1407

[In BL bindings database 18.5.2016: 019-000022768]

Pressmark: 12809.ccc.28.

Artist Name: Walter Crane

Author/Heading:  Molesworth, Mary Louisa

Title: ‘Grandmother Dear’. A Book for Boys and Girls. Illustrated by Walter Crane.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Macmillan

Date of Publication: 1878.

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Printed by R. & R. Clark

W    122 H   175  T 22       

Pagination:  ix, 262p. 7 plates. With forty pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: red           

Block work: black

Date Examined: 18.5.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 7. 



Notes: The design is by Walter Crane. On page sixteen of the publisher’s titles, this work is described as: Extra fcap. 8vo. Cloth gilt. 4s. 6d. [Just ready.” Black endpapers and pastedowns. Red sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in black, with rows of flowers within rectangles formed by single black fillets, at the head and at the tail. The title words: “/’Grandmother/ Dear’/” are blocked in black within a square formed by a single black fillet. On the centre, within a smaller square formed by three black fillets, the silhouette of grandmother is blocked in black. The spine is blocked in black At the head and at the tail, a ‘fan shape’ is blocked and small decoration is blocked across the spine, between two black fillets. Near the head and down to the centre, the words: “/ ‘Grand-/ mother/ Dear’/ by/ Mrs./ Molesworth/” are blocked in black. Beneath this the Macmillan monogram is blocked just above the words: “/ Macmillan/ & Co./”





Binding No: 1408 Crane. Claims of Decorative art. No BL original covers. Haslam no. 8.


Binding No: 1409

[In BL bindings database 18.5.2016:  019-000022770]

Pressmark: 12204ff1/59

Artist Name: Walter Crane

Author/Heading:  Hawthorne, Nathaniel

Title: Twice-Told Tales. Second Series.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Frederick Warne & Co., Bedford Street, Strand

Date of Publication: 1893

Place of Printing and printer: London & Bungay: Richard Clay & Sons Limited.

Pagination:  x, 374p.

W130    H 187    T 28



Cover material: cloth

Grain: rib certical-grain

Colour: green       

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 18.5.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 9. Shows a design by Walter Crane on the Walter Scott edition of 1893.



Notes: The design is not signed. The grey endpapers and pastedowns have a repeating pattern of lotus leaves and stem, with ‘The Chandos Classics’ printed on the centre of each. Green rib vertical-grain cloth. The covers are not blocked with decoration. On the lower cover, near the tail on the spine side, the numbers ‘152’ are blocked in blind. [Perhaps this is a running number of this volume in a series?] The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets and a greek fret blocked in gold across the spine. A knotted ribbon blocked in gold just above two gild fillets blocked across the spine; the words: “/ Twice-Told/ Tales/ Second Series/” are blocked in gold; two gold fillets blocked across the spine; down the length of the spine, within a rectangle formed by gold fillets,  a pole is blocked, bearing a brazier bowl, which has a fire lit inside it; the pole is surrounded by laurel (?) stems and leaves – all with a background of multiple gold dots; in the centre of the rectangle, inside a circle formed by two gold fillets, the word: “/ Hawthorne/” is blocked in gold; at the tail, between four gold fillets blocked in gold across the spine, and within a rectangular cartouche formed by a single fillet, the words: “/ F. Warne & Co./” are blocked in gold.







Binding No: 1410

[In BL bindings database: 8.6.2016. 019-000022869


Artist Name: Louis Barraud Davis

Author/Heading:  Miall, Louis Compton

Title: Object Lessons from Nature. A first book of science. Third Edition.

Place of Publication and publisher: London, Paris and Melbourne: Cassell & Company Limited

Date of Publication: 1893

Place of Printing and printer: [London: Cassell & Company, La Belle Sauvage Works]

Pagination:  2 vols

W 125   H  187  T 15         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: blue         

Block work: black

Date Examined: 8.6.2016


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 10.


Notes: The design is by Louis Barraud Davis. The third edition issued in two separately bound parts. Part I has 240p. Part II has 240p. The device of Cassell is printed on the title page verso. Both volumes have publisher’s advertisements printed on the pastedowns and the upper endpapers verso and the lower endpapers recto and verso. Blue ungrained cloth. Apart from the Part number, both volumes are blocked identically. On the lower cover, a single fillet is blocked in black on the borders. The central vignette is heart-shaped, and shows a rabbit grazing by a fence. The upper cover has a single fillet blocked in black on the borders. The design of garden plants arising from the tail to the head, in front of a garden fence, is blocked in black. In the middle of the cover, within a black scroll-shaped lettering piece, the title words: “/Object lessons/ from nature/” are blocked ‘in relief’, showing the green cloth. At the tail, the imprint: “/ Cassell & Co. Ltd. London, Paris and Melbourne./” are blocked ‘in relief’ within a rectangular black lettering-piece. The monogram “LD” [i.e. Louis Barraud Davis] is blocked in black on the left hand corner of the upper covers. The spine has the title: “/ Object lessons from nature Part I [II]/” blocked in black along its length.  Another copy of Part I is at shelf mark W34/3167. This copy has the bookplate of Oldham Public Libraries (with their coat of arms), Werneth Park Study Centre. 







Binding No: 1411

[In BL bindings database: 8.6.2016. - 019-000022875]

Pressmark: 011653.f.18.

Artist Name: Lewis Foreman Day

Author/Heading:  Veley, Margaret

Title: A marriage of shadows and other poems. With biographical preface by Leslie Stephen.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 15 Waterloo Place

Date of Publication: 1888

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New-Street Square

Pagination:  xxvi, 149p.

W 124    H 183   T  20



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: dark blue

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 8.6.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 11.



Notes: The design is by Lewis Foreman Day. Green endpapers and pastedowns. Dar blue ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold. It shows a ‘Rossetti like’ design. Plant decoration is blocked on the borders at the head, the fore edge and the tail, between two gold fillets. The inner of these two fillets has a small single circle blocked at intervals along it. More flower and plant decoration is blocked in gold on the spine side of the cover. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head, between two fillets blocked across the spine, the word: “/ Poems/” is blocked in gold. Underneath this, a flower head is blocked in gold. At the tail, a rectangle is formed by a single gold fillet. Within it, the monogram of Margaret Veley, “MV” is blocked in gold amidst small plant decoration.





Binding No: 1412

[In BL bindings database: 15.6.2016 - 019-000022910]

Pressmark: W1/2107

Artist Name: Christopher Dean

Author/Heading:  Strutt, Edward C.

Title: Fra Filippo Lippi

Place of Publication and publisher: London: George Bell and Sons

Date of Publication: 1901

Place of Printing and printer: Oxford: Horace Hart, printer to the University

Pagination:  xxiii, 202p. 56 plates.

W   170 H  232  T 35         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: blue

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 16.6.2016


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 12.



Notes: The cover design is by Christopher Dean. White endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold. It shows groups of ‘lily-like’ flowers and stems blocked up from the tail to the left and right of the centre. The central rectangle is formed by a single fillet blocked in gold. Within it, from the tail up wards, a group of flowers is placed in an urn, which stands on a plinth. The rectangle at the head is formed by a single gold fillet. Within it, tendrils and laurel wreaths are blocked in gold. The title words: “/ Fra/ Filippo Lippi/” are blocked in gold. The design is signed with the monogram: “CD” [i.e. Christopher Dean], at the bottom right. The spine is blocked in gold. From hear to tail, the same decorative motifs of flowers and curling stems is blocked in gold. Near the head, the title words: “/ Fra/ Filippo/ Lippi/” are blocked in gold. The BL copyright copy is at shelf mark 7858.q.19. It has no original covers.







Binding No: 1413

[In BL bindings database: 15.6.2016. - 019-000022912]

Pressmark: 11607.ccc.9.

Artist Name: Herbert Granville Fell

Author/Heading:  Sidney, Philip

Title: The lyric poems of Sir Philip Sidney. Edited by Ernest Rhys.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: J. M. Dent & Co., Aldine House, 89 Gt, Eastern Street

Date of Publication: [1894]

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Printed by Turnbull and Spears.

Pagination:  176p. 1 plate.

Dimensions: 105x153x20mm.         



Cover material: vellum


Colour: white       

Block work:

Date Examined: 15.6.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 13. Fig. 24 shows a copy bound in blue cloth, with the same design blocked on the upper cover.



Notes: The design is by Herbert Granville Fell. Text sewn on three tapes. The vellum has fore edge flaps and evidence of a red ribbon tie (now missing), in an echo of those made for sixteenth and seventeenth century vellum bindings. Bound in vellum. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold. There is a border of dots, of leaves and curling stems blocked in gold. The central rectangle is formed by two gold fillets. Within it, the words: “/ The/ lyrical/ poems/ of Sir/ Philip/ Sidney/” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Near the head, the title words: “/ Lyric/ poets/ Philip/ Sidney/” are blocked in gold. From the centre of the spine to the tail, a pattern of curling stems, leaves and dots are blocked in gold. At the tail, the words: “/ J. M. Dent/ & Co./” are blocked in gold.





Binding No: 1414

[In BL bindings database: 8.6.2016. - 019-000022872]

Pressmark: K.T.C.19.a.1

Artist Name: Arthur Joseph Gaskin

Author/Heading:  Andersen, Hans Christian

Title: Stories & fairy tales. Translated by H. Oskar Sommer [i.e. Heinrich Oskar Sommer]. With 100 pictures by Arthur J. Gaskin [i.e. Arthur Joseph Gaskin].

Place of Publication and publisher: London & Orpington: George Allen

Date of Publication: 1893

Place of Printing and printer: London & Edinburgh: Printed  by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co.

Pagination:  2 vols.

W    H    T            



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: white       

Block work: gold and relief

Date Examined: 8.6.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 14. The half title page illustration of this British Library copy is by Arthur Gaskin and is signed: “AJG 93”, lower left; it shows a design related to ‘The descent of Minerva’. This illustration has been used as the cover decoration blocked onto other copies of this edition.


Notes: The design is possibly by Arthur Joseph Gaskin. Issued in 2 volumes Vol. I . 210x265x40mm.  xi, 398p. Vol. II. 206x266x50mm. xxi, 426p. One of three hundred copies of a Large Paper Edition printed on hand-made paper. White endpapers and pastedowns. White ungrained cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold. On each lower cover, towards the top left hand corner, a square gold lettering-piece is blocked. It has a floral border, blocked in relief. Inside, two children are crouching in fron of foliage – all blocked in relief. On each upper cover, the words: “/ Stories and Fairy/ Tales by Hans Chr-/istian: Andersen/ With Pictures by [three plant heads]/ Arthur J. Gaskin [three plant heads]/ [and in gold at the bottom right] G. A. [i.e. George Allen]/ 1893/” are blocked in gold above and below the large vignette, which is blocked off centre, towards the spine. The vignette is a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a gold fillet on its borders, and repeating ‘small leaves’ blocked in relief within it. The decoration within  shows a ‘Viking style’ sailing boat, its sail attached to the main mast, filled by the wind showing a sun ray pattern on the sail, and with a single figure seated in the rear of the boat. The sea swirls around the boat, and the rays of the sun are behind the boat to the right - all of this is blocked in relief. The spines are blocked in gold. At the head, the title words: “/ Hans/ Andersen’s/ Stories &/ Fairy Tales/” are blocked in gold. On the centre: “/ Vol. I [ii]/” is blocked in gold. At the tail, the words:2/ George Allen/” are blocked in gold.








Binding No: 1415

[In BL bindings database: 15.6.2016 - 019-000022914]

Pressmark: W11/4286

Artist Name: Robert Percy Gossop


Title: Aucassin & Nicolette. Translated from the Old French by Eugene Mason. With coloured illustrations by Maxwell Armfield

Place of Publication and publisher: London: J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd.; New York: E. P. Dutton & Co.

Date of Publication: 1910.

Place of Printing and printer: London and Bungay: Richard Clay & Sons, Limited.

Pagination:  72p. 6 plates.

Dimensions: 132x183x10mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: white       

Block work: gold and grey and green

Date Examined: 15.6.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 15.


Notes: The design is by Robert Percy Gossop. White endpapers and pastedowns. White ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in grey and in green. On the borders, a repeating pattern of stems and leaves, blocked in green, is interspersed with small flower heads, blocked in gold. This pattern is blocked between two gold fillets. The intern rectangle is formed by repeating dots and a single gold fillet. In the upper half of the rectangle, the title words: “/ Aucassin/ and/ Nicolette/” are blocked in gold in gothic lettering within rectangles formed by a single gold fillet. The lower half of the rectangle has alternating squares of flower heads and leaves, blocked in grey and in green and gold – and a knot motif, blocked on gold with a green diamond at its centre. are blocked in gold within rectangles formed by a single gold fillet. The lower half of the rectangle has alternating squares of flower heads and leaves, blocked in grey and in green and gold – and a knot motif, blocked on gold with a green diamond at its centre. The spine is blocked in gold and in green. Two fillets are blocked in gold down each side of the spine. At the head and at the tail, a small flower head and four small leaves are blocked in gold and in green, each within a square formed by a single gold fillet. Down the length of the spine, the title words: “/ Aucassin and Nicolette/” are blocked in gold in gothic lettering. Another copy of this work is at BL shelf mark X4/7785. It has its original covers. 






Binding No: 1416

[In BL bindings database: 15.6.2016. - 019-000022916]


Artist Name: James Joshua Guthrie

Author/Heading:  Barsac, Louis

Title: Shadows and fireflies: a book of verse. [Second edition.]

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Unicorn Press, 26 Paternoster Square

Date of Publication: 1898

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  88p. With seven pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 130x157x17mm         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green       

Block work: gold and relief

Date Examined: 15.6.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 16.



Notes: The design is by James Joshua Guthrie. Number one of the Unicorn Books of Verse. Text sewn on two tapes. Bevelled boards. Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the borders. Apart from the right-hand corner, patterns of leaves and stems are blocked diagonally in gold, and these alternate with wider gold fillets, within which patterns of curling stems and leaves are blocked in relief. The rectangle in the right hand corner is formed by a single gold fillet. The title words: “/ Shadows/ and/ Fireflies/ by/ Louis Barsac/” are blocked in gold. The monogram “JG” is blocked in gold and in relief at the bottom fight hand corner of the cover. The spine is blocked in gold. The titling is blocked in gold at the head, in the middle and at the tail: “/ Shad/ -ows/ and/ fire-/ flies/ Louis/ Barsac/ London/ The/ Unicorn/ Press/”. Patterns of curling stems and leaves, ‘climbing up a plant frame’, are blocked in gold down the length of the spine.





Binding No: 1417

[In BL bindings database: 15.6.2016. - 019-000022918]

Pressmark: 2346.a.3.

Artist Name: William Snelling Hadaway


Title: Guingamor Lanval Tyolet Le Bisclaveret [The Werewolf]. Four lais rendered into English prose from the French of Marie De France and others by Jessie L. [i.e. Laidlay] Weston. With designs by Caroline Watts.


Place of Publication and publisher: London: Published by David Nutt at the sign of the Phoenix, Long Acre.

Date of Publication: 1900

Place of Printing and printer: London & Edinburgh: Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co.

Pagination:  xv, 101p.

Dimensions: 112x145x10mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: originally orange?

Block work: gold and green and black

Date Examined: 15.6.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 17.



Notes: The design is by William Snelling Hadaway. Arthurian Romances no. III. White endpapers and pastedowns. Originally orange (?) ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper half of the upper cover is blocked in gold and in green, with a black fillet on its borders. It shows a scene of a knight, mounted on a horse, with a hunting dog running in front of him, and with a fruit tree, a sloping hill and a church and its tower blocked in the background. The dress of the knight is blocked in gold with its decoration picked out in relief. Signed “H” [i.e. William Snelling Hadaway] in the bottom right hand corner of the cover. The spine is blocked in black with the title words: “/ Four/ Lais/ of/ Mar-/ ie/ de/ Fra/ nce/”. There are identical designs, apart from the titles, on Arthurian Romances, no. I – Sir Gawain and the Green Knight; no. II – Tristan and Iseult (2 vols.). Formerly shelved to be available to readers in the Round reading room of the British Museum.







Binding No: 1418

[In BL bindings database: 22.6.2016. - 019-000022996]

Pressmark: 08407.k.2.

Artist Name: William Snelling Hadaway

Author/Heading:  Welsh, Robert Ethol

Title: God’s Gentlemen.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: James Bowden, 10 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden W. C.

Date of Publication: 1898

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Printed by Turnbull and Spears.

Pagination:  251p. With two pages of publisher’s advertisements bound at the front and four pages bound at the rear.

Dimensions: 140x197x32mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: Blue        

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 22.6.2016


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 18.



Notes: The design is by William Snelling Hadaway. Text sewn on two tapes. Top edge is gilt. Other edges untrimmed

. Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold. The rectangle containing the design is offset towards the head and left hand side of the cover. It is formed by a single gold fillet. Within, a stylised floral pattern with three flower heads is blocked in gold. Above and below it, the words: “/ God’s Gentlemen/ R. E. Welsh, M. A./” are blocked in gold. Signed “h” [i.e. William Snelling Hadaway] in the middle of the decoration. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head, between two gold fillets blocked across the spine, the title words: “/ God’s/ Gentlemen/ R. E./ Welsh M. A./” are blocked in gold above and below the same plant and flower decoration as the upper cover. Below this, between two gold fillets blocked across the spine, the words: “/ James/ Bowden/” are blocked in gold. Another copy of this work is at BL shelf mark W29/2517. It has its original covers.







Binding No: 1419

[In BL bindings database: 22.6.2016. - 019-000023001]

Pressmark:  L.R.294.c.27.

Artist Name: Laurence Housman

Author/Heading:  Quilter, Harry

Title: Preferences in Art, Life, and Literature.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co. Paternoster Square.

Date of Publication: 1892

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  xiv, 404p. 60 plates.

Dimensions: 273x325x85mm.         



Cover material: (original covers) vellum



Block work: gold

Date Examined: 22.6.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 19. Shows a copy (on blue cloth?) with three rectangular motifs blocked on the upper cover but the same background design as for the BL copy at L.R.294.c.27.



Notes: The design is possibly by Laurence Housman. The original covers and spine now housed separately in a flap case. The original lower endpaper and pastedown are cream coloured. The  lower cover is blocked in gold. The central rectangle is formed by six gold fillets. Within it, an abstract ‘interlocking leaf’ design is blocked in gold. The upper cover is blocked in gold. Apart from the central square, the cover is blocked in gold with an interlocking geometric design. The central square is formed by six fillets blocked in gold. Within it, a stylised interlocking leaf pattern is blocked in gold. Signed “LH” [i.e. probably Laurence Housman] as separate letters on the right hand side of the square. The “L” is blocked in gold; the “H” is blocked in relief within a small ‘leaf’, which is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. The upper and lower portions of the spine have the same interlocking geometric design as is blocked on the upper cover. The centre of the spine has a rectangle formed by six gold fillets. At the head of the rectangle, the words: “/ Preferences/ in Art [gold dot] Life [gold dot] and/ Literature [gold dot] by/ Harry Quilter [gold dot]/” are blocked in gold. Beneath the title, another interlocking leaf design is blocked in gold.










Binding No: 1420

[In BL bindings database: 29.6.2016 - 019-000023060]

Pressmark: W7/1241

Artist Name: Laurence Housman

Author/Heading:  Rossetti, Christina

Title: Goblin Market. Illustrated by Laurence Housman.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Macmillan & Co.

Date of Publication: 1893

Place of Printing and printer: [Edinburgh: R & R Clark.]

Pagination:  [3], 63p.

Dimensions: 106x186x10mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green       

Block work: gold

Date Examined:


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 20.


Notes: The design is by Laurence Housman. The device of R & R Clark, printers, is on the verso of page 63. Gilt edges. White/ cream endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical design. A single  gold fillet is blocked on the borders. The design blocked in gold on the covers is of interlocking curling stems, and of flower buds. On the top left of the upper cover/ the title words: “/ Gob-/lin/ Mar/ ket/” are blocked in gold, within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet. This is repeated on the lower cover, top right. Six ‘clasps’ are blocked ion the spine side of each cover, with gold ‘bands’ blocked across the spine to join them – an imitation of open spine stitching of earlier times. The lower cover is signed  in the right hand corner: “LH” [i.e. Laurence Housman] as a monogram. Another copy of this work is at BL shelf mark 11647.f.33. It is a large paper edition of the work, printed in one hundred and sixty copies in December 1893. This copy has a plain green ungrained cloth binding, with no blocking.







Binding No: 1420 (1)

[In BL bindings database: 29.6.2016 - 019-000023063]

Pressmark: 11647.f.33.

Artist Name: Laurence Housman

Author/Heading:  Rossetti, Christina

Title: Goblin Market. Illustrated by Laurence Housman.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Macmillan & Co.

Date of Publication: 1893

Place of Printing and printer: [Edinburgh: R & R Clark.]

Pagination:  [3], 63p.

Dimensions: 180x270x12mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green       

Block work: gold

Date Examined:


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 20.


Notes: The device of R & R Clark, printers, is on the verso of page 63.  Text sewn on three tapes. White/ cream endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. Both covers are unblocked. The spine is largely missing. This is the copyright deposit copy. Another copy of this work is at BL shelf mark W7/1241. This copy has blocking in gold, after a design by Laurence Housman.






Binding No: 1422

[In BL bindings database: 22.6.2016. - 019-000023005]

Pressmark: C.109.p.8.

Artist Name: Laurence Housman

Author/Heading:  Housman, Laurence

Title: The House of Joy.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Kegan Paul Trench Trübner & Co.

Date of Publication: 1895

Place of Printing and printer: London & Edinburgh: Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co.

Pagination:  [1], 181p. 10 plates.

Dimensions: 140x200x30mm         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green       

Block work: black and gold

Date Examined: 22.6.2016


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 22.


Notes: The design is by Laurence Housman. The frontispiece plate and the title page each has an illustration after Laurence Housman, and each is signed by him. The borders of these are of interlocking ‘twisted stems’ and leaves. White endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Two fillets are blocked in black on the borders. The scene depicted shows a youth, wearing a wide-brimmed hat with a rose in it, strides to the right up a couple of steps. He has a staff in his left hand and is looking half backwards to a ‘veranda’, which has eight ladies with garlands of flowers in their hair , each holding a flower in cupped hands. The roof of the veranda/ house is supported by three winged figures, one of which directly faces us, and is blocked in gold. Underneath the veranda, a mass of bushes with flowers is blocked in black. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. At the head, the words:”/ The/ House/ of/ Joy/ by/ Laurence Housman/” are blocked in gold. Near the tail, a couple of leaves are blocked in black, and, at the tail, the words: “/ Kegan Paul,/ Trench, Trübner & Co./” are blocked in gold.





Binding No: 1423

[In BL bindings database:

Pressmark: C.109.ff.21.

Artist Name: Laurence Housman

Author/Heading:  Robinson, Charles Newton

Title: The Viol of Love. Poems.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: John Lane, Bodley Head; Boston: Lamson Wollfe and Co.

Date of Publication: 1895

Place of Printing and printer: [Edinburgh:] Printed by T. and A. Constable at the Edinburgh University Press.

Pagination:  viii, 56p.

Dimensions: 130x197x10mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green       

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 22.6.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 23.



Notes: Page 2 states: “ Of this edition only 350 copies have been printed”. The colophon states: “ The cover, Title-page, and other ornamental designs are by Laurence Housman.” Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cove is blocked in gold. It has an all over design of interlinked curling stems and ‘bunches of flowers’ which appear to be hanging upright. The stems are hooked onto the border ‘branches’, which are formed by two gold fillets blocked on the borders. In the right hand upper corner of the cover, the words: “/ The Viol/ of Love/ and other poems/ by Charles/ Robinson/” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, the words: “/ The/ Viol/ of/ Love/ The/ Bodley/ Head/ &/ Boston/” are blocked in gold. Four ‘water drop’ shapes are blocked in gold down the spine.







Binding No: 1424

[In BL bindings database: 29.6.2016. - 019-000023065]

Pressmark: C.109.b.6.

Artist Name: Laurence Housman

Author/Heading:  Housman, Laurence

Title: Green Arras

Place of Publication and publisher: London: John Lane at the Bodley Head; Chicago: Way and Williams

Date of Publication: 1896

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by R. Folkard & Son, 22, Devonshire St., Queen Sq.

Pagination:  viii, 90p. 6 plates. With sixteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 135x200x20mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green       

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 29.6.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 24.


Notes: The design is by Laurence Housman. Text sewn on two tapes. Untrimmed edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns, which have a repeating stem and leaf pattern with ‘dahlia-like’ flowers. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked on the borders. Apart from the top left hand corner, the cover has a repeating pattern of ‘curling conjoined stems, with flower buds’. The rectangle at the top left corner is formed by two gold fillets. Within it, the words: “/ Green/ Arras/” are blocked in gold, in ‘double’ lettering. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head, between two gold fillets blocked across the spine, the words: “/ Green/ Arras/ by/ Laurence/ Housman/” are blocked in gold. At the tail, the words: “/ The/ Bodley Head/ and/ Chicago/” are blocked in gold. The rest of the spine is blocked with the same pattern as for the upper cover.






Binding No: 1425

[In BL bindings database: 29.6.2016. - 019-000023068]

Pressmark: C.194.a.683.

Artist Name: Laurence Housman

Author/Heading:  Housman, Laurence

Title: Spikenard. A book of devotional love-poems.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Grant Richards

Date of Publication: 1898

Place of Printing and printer: London: Chiswick Press: - Charles Whittingham and Co. Tooks Court, Chancery Lane.

Pagination:  [7], 54p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 143x198x12mm         



Cover material: paper


Colour: grey         

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 29.6.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 25.



Notes: The design is by Laurence Housman. The colophon shows the device of the Chiswick Press. Text sewn on two tapes. White/ cream endpapers and pastedowns. Grey paper over boards. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold. Six floral motifs are blocked as an inverted triangle. Each letter of the title word: “Spikenard” is blocked in gold (with three gold dots) adjacent to the motifs. The spine is mostly missing. The words: “/ Laurence/ Housman/” are blocked in gold near the head. Curling stem and gold dot decoration is blocked in gold beneath theses words. Another copy is at BL  shelf mark W5/7071. It has original covers. The spine is missing.







Binding No: 1426

[In BL bindings database: 29.6.2016. - 019-000023070]

Pressmark: K.T.C.39.b.11.

Artist Name: Laurence Housman

Author/Heading:  Marillier, Henry Currie

Title: Dante Gabriel Rossetti. An illustrated memorial of his art and life.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: George Bell and Sons

Date of Publication: 1899

Place of Printing and printer: London: Chiswick Press: - Charles Whittingham and Co. Tooks Court, Chancery Lane.

Pagination:  xxiii, 270p. 100 plates.

Dimensions: 253x341x45mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: blue/ green             

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 29.6.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 26.



Notes: The design is by Laurence Housman. The colophon has the device of Charles Whittingham. Text sewn on three tapes. Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Blue/ green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold. The title words: “/ Dante Gabriel Rossetti/” are blocked in gold at the head. Underneath, forming an inverted triangle, fifteen groups of thirteen leaves are enclosed by curling stems, each of which is formed by two gold fillets. Signed “LH” [i.e. Laurence Housman] in gold as a monogram at the base of the groups of leaves. The spine is blocked in gold. Near the head, the words: “/ Dante/ Gabriel/ rossetti/ by/ H. C. Marillier/” are blocked in gold. At the tail, the words: “/ George/ Bell/ & Sons/” are blocked in gold. The rest of the spine shows a repeating pattern of single leaves, each enclosed by curling stems, which are formed by two gold fillets.







Binding No: 1427

[In BL bindings database: 13.7.2016 - 019-000023108]

Pressmark: 11781.df.35.

Artist Name: Selwyn Image

Author/Heading:  Field, Michael

Title: The Tragic Mary

Place of Publication and publisher: London: George Bell and sons, York Street, Covent Garden

Date of Publication: 1890

Place of Printing and printer: [London: ] Chiswick Press: - C. Whittingham and Co., Tooks Court, Chancery Lane

Pagination:  ix, 261p.

Dimensions: 150x200x32mm         


Bookbinder: Cedric Chivers, 1981

Cover material: paper


Colour: beige       

Block work: printed

Date Examined:


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 27.



Notes: The design is by Selwyn Image. Untrimmed edges. Original upper beige paper cover tipped into re-bound volume. Printed on the borders, between pairs of black fillets, is the phrase: “mon commencement en ma fin est.” This is repeated round the borders. The design shows ‘thistle like’ plants, with stems, buds , fowers, rising from the tail to the head. Two of the flowers are surmounted by crowns. The title words: “The Trag/ is/” are printed near the head. The word: “/ Ma/ry/” is printed on the lower portion of the cover, within a heart, which is pierced by an arrow. Signed “SI”  as separate letters in the bottom right hand corner of the upper cover. Book re-bound by Cedric Chivers in 1981.





Binding No: 1428

[In BL bindings database: 13.7.2016 - 019-000023110]

Pressmark: 011652.g.45.

Artist Name: Selwyn Image

Author/Heading:  Radford, Ernest

Title: Old and New

Place of Publication and publisher: London: T. Fisher Unwin

Date of Publication: 1895

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: T. and A. Constable, Printers to Her Majesty at the Ednuburgh University Press.

Pagination:  xv, 186p.

Dimensions: 140x194x26mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green       

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 13.7.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 28.



Notes: The design is by Selwyn Image. Text bound on two tapes. Untrimmed edges. White endpapers and pastedowns. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. On the centre, there is a coat of arms, supported by two lions rampant (?). The motto: “Vita sine litereris mors est” is blocked underneath the coat of arms. The upper cover is blocked in gold. Near the head, stems and buds form a rectangle, in which the initials “E R” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. The title: “/Old and new/” is blocked along its length from tail to head. Small decoration of ‘two leaves and a flower bud’ are blocked at the head and at the tail, and between the title words.




Binding No: 1429

[In BL bindings database: 13.7.2016. - 019-000023112]

Pressmark: q759 *780*

Artist Name: Selwyn Image

Author/Heading:  Meugens, Nancy

Title: Representative Painters of the XIXth Century. By Mrs. Arthur Bell (N. D’Anvers).

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Sampson, Low, Marston and Company Limited; New York: E. P. Dutton and Co.

Date of Publication: 1899

Place of Printing and printer: London: Chiswick Press: - C. Whittingham and Co., Tooks Court, Chancery Lane


Pagination:  x, 200p. 50 plates.

Dimensions: 220x298x42mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: red           

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 13.7.2016


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 29.



Notes: The design is by Selwyn Image. Gilt edges to head. Untrimmed edges to fore edge and tail. White end papers and pastedowns. Red ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets on each side, the outer thick, the inner thin. Three gold fillets blocked at the head and tail, the outer two are wide, the innermost is thin. The lower half of the cover is blocked in gold with clusters of oak leaves and of acorns. The title words: “/ Representative/ Painters/ of the/ XIX Century/” are blocked in gold on the upper half of the cover. Groups of three acorns are blocked in gold alongside the title, and single acorns are blocked in gold above it. On the bottom left hand corner of the cover the initials “SI” are blocked in gold.  The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, cluster of oak leaves and of acorns, and of small circles On the upper half of the spine, the title words: “/ Painters/ of the/ XIX/ Century/” are blocked in gold. On the lower half of the spine, the words: “/ Mrs/ Arthur/ Bell/” are blocked in gold. are blocked in gold. Between the titling, a cluster of oak leaves and of acorns is blocked in bold.





Binding No: 1432

[In BL bindings database: 13.7.2016. - 019-000023114]

Pressmark: K.T.C.105.b.11.

Artist Name: Reginald Lionel Knowles

Author/Heading:  Smeaton, William Henry Oliphant

Title: Edinburgh and its story. [Device of J. M. Dent.] Illustrated by Herbert Railton and J. [i.e. James] Ayton Symington

Place of Publication and publisher: London: J. M. Dent & co.; New York: the Macmillan Co.

Date of Publication: 1904

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Colston & Coy.

Pagination:  xv, 396p. 90 plates.

Dimensions: 217x281x50mm         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: white       

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 6.7.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 32.


Notes: The design is by Reginald Lionel Knowles. Bevelled boards. Gilt to head. Untrimmed fore edge and tail. White endpapers and pastedowns. White ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold. Four fillets are blocked on the borders. At the head the one word: “/Edinburgh/” is blocked in gold. The rest of the cover has a repeating pattern of ‘thistle heads’ and leaves. Signed in gold at the bottom right hand corner as separate letters: “R K [i.e. Reginald Knowles]  [19]04”. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: leaves and stems blocked in gold; the title words: “/ Edinburgh/ and its/ Story/ by Oliphant/ Smeaton/ Illustrated by/ J A Symington/ & H Railton/”; a mass of leaves, curling stems and ‘thistle like’ flowers blocked in gold down to the tail; near the tail, the words: “/ J.M. Dent/ & Co./” are blocked in gold. Haslam states that the spine is signed “K” at the tail; this is not easily discernible on this copy.





Binding No: 1432a

[In BL bindings database: 20.7.2016 - 019-000023121]

Pressmark: 2360.b.9/17

Artist Name: Reginald Lionel Knowles

Author/Heading:  Smeaton, William Henry Oliphant

Title: The Story of  Edinburgh.  Illustrated by Herbert Railton and J. [i.e. James] Ayton Symington. [Decorative Device of J M Dent.]

Place of Publication and publisher: London: J. M. Dent & Co., Aldine House, 29 and 30 Bedford Street, Covent Garden, W. C.

Date of Publication: 1905

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Colston and Coy. Limited.

Pagination:  xii, 427p. 1 plate; 1 fold-out map of Edinburgh.

Dimensions: 115x175x25mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: grey         

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 20.7.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 32.  ‘Everyman’ format.



Notes: The cover design is possibly by Reginald Knowles. This work is one of the Mediaeval Towns Series. Edges untrimmed. White endpapers and pastedowns. Grey ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold. At the head the words: “/ Mediaeval Towns/” are blocked in gold, within a cartouche formed by ‘branches and leaves. At the base of this cartouche, the frontage of a ‘mediaeval town’ with towers and walls, is blocked in gold. At the tail of the cover, within a cartouche formed by a ‘scroll’, the word: “Edinburgh” is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards the decoration is: The words: “/ Medi/ aeval/ Towns/ Edinburgh/ by/ Oliphant/ Smeaton/ Illustrated/ by J. A./ Symington/” are blocked in gold; a bishop’s mitre, a bishop’s cloak, crossed staff and spear, a helmet, and a lyre are all blocked in gold and in relief, down the spine to near the tail; at the tail, the words: “/ J. M. Dent/ and Co./” are blocked in gold.





Binding No: 1434

[In BL bindings database: 20.7.2016. - 019-000023123]

Pressmark: 7031.w.10.

Artist Name: Reginald Lionel Knowles

Author/Heading:  Clarke, Maud Umfreville

Title: Nature’s Own Gardens. Written and illustrated in colour and line by Maud U. Clarke. [Monogram device of J M Dent within a scroll, hanging from a tree.]

Place of Publication and publisher: London: J. M. Dent & Co.; New York, E. P. Dutton & Co.

Date of Publication: 1907

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Turnbull and Spears, Printers.

Pagination:  xii, 280p. 51 plates.

Dimensions: 210x268x43mm



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: dark green              

Block work: gold and green and red and white

Date Examined: 20.7.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 34.



Notes: The design is by Reginald Lionel Knowles. Gilt to head edge. Untrimmed edges. White endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold, and in green, red, and white. A stylised pattern of ‘red rose flowers, and green small leaves and stems’ forms the outer and inner borders. Within the inner rectangle, more red rose flowers separate circles, which are formed by circular stems blocked in green. Within each circle, groups of flowers are blocked in green with the flower heads being blocked in white. Near the head of the cover, a further small rectangle is formed be red fillets joining up the rose flowers. Within this the title words: “/ Nature’s/ Own/ Gardens/” are blocked in relief in ‘double letters’. Signed: “RLK” in green as separate letters near the base of the inner rectangle, within a heart shape. The Spine is blocked in gold, in red, in green and in white. A single red fillet is blocked on the perimeter. At the head, the words: “/ Nature’s/ Own/ Gardens/ [the next words are within a rectangle formed by repeating gold dots] Written &/ Illustrated/ in Colour/ & Line by/ Maud. U./ Clarke/” are blocked in gold.  Apart from the tail, the rest of the spine is within a rectangle formed by a single red fillet and has the same decoration of ‘red rose flowers’, and of flower groups within circles, as for the upper cover. At the tail, within a rectangle formed by a single red fillet, the words: “/ J. M. Dent/ and Co./” are blocked in gold.




Binding No: 1435

[In BL bindings database: 20.7.2016. - 019-000023125]

Pressmark:            04413de43

Artist Name: George Edward Kruger

Author/Heading: Crake, Augustine David

Title: The last Abbot of Glastonbury. A tale of the Dissolution of the Monasteries. With nine illustrations by George E. Kruger

Place of Publication and publisher: London: A. R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd. 28 Margaret Street, Oxford Circus, W.; Oxford: 9 High Street

Date of Publication: 1910

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  xvi, 250p. 9 plates.  With six pages of publisher’s advertisements bound at the end.

Dimensions: 140x188x26mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: blue         

Block work: gold and green

Date Examined: 20.7.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 35.



Notes: The design is by George Edward Kruger. White endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in green. At the head, the title words: “/ The last Abbot/ of Glastonbury./” are blocked in gold. Below this, a coat of arms of Glastonbury is blocked in gold and in light and dark green. The date “1539” is blocked in gold on either side of the coat of arms. Signed: “G K” [i.e. George Edward Kruger] in gold on either side of the coat of arms.  The spine is blocked in gold. At the head, the words: “/ The/ last/ Abbot/ of/ Glaston-/ bury/ [rule]/ A. D. Crake/” are blocked in gold. Down the rest of the spine, an Abbot’s staff is blocked in gold. At the tail, the word: “/ Mowbray/” is blocked in gold.






Binding No: 1438

[In BL bindings database: 13.7.2016. - 019-000023116]

Pressmark: K.T.C. 30.a.2.

Artist Name: William Brown Macdougall


Title: The Book of Ruth. Pictured and designed by William Macdougall. With an Introduction by Ernest Rhys.


Place of Publication and publisher: London: J. M. Dent and Co.; New York, Dodd Mead and Co.

Date of Publication: 1896

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Turnbull and Spears, Printers,

Pagination:  xvi, [52p]

Dimensions: 195x248x15mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: white       

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 6.7.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 38.


Notes: The design is by William Macdougall. Bevelled boards. Gilt to head edges, untrimmed fore edge and tail. White endpapers and pastedowns. White ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold. Three gold fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick between two thin. Two ling plant stems, toped with groups of leaves, rise from the tail upwards. On the lower half of the cover, tow ‘rose-like’ flowers are blocked with leaves and thorny stems and leaves blocked around them. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head, the title words: “/ The/ Book/ of/ Ruth/” are blocked in gold, with gold fillets blocked across the spine above and below the title words. The middle of the spine shows a elongated plant stem with leaves near its top, and a couple of long, bent leaves below. Near the tail, the words: “/ J M/ Dent/ and/ Co/” are blocked in gold.






Binding No: 1439

[In BL bindings database: 20.7.2016 - 019-000023127]

Pressmark: 012806.f.45.

Artist Name: William Brown Macdougall

Author/Heading:  Braine, Sheila E.

Title: The Luck of the Eardleys. Illustrated by Gertrude Demain Hammond, R. I. New Edition.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Blackie and Son Limited.

Date of Publication: 1905.

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  224p. 4 plates. With sixteen pages and two plates of publisher’s advertisements bound at the end.

Dimensions: 130x185x40mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: blue         

Block work: gold and green and white.

Date Examined: 20.7.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 39.



Notes: The design is by William Brown Macdougall. Text sewn on three tapes. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked . The upper cover is blocked in gold, and in green and in white. Towards the upper right hand corner, a rectangle is formed by three gold fillets. Within this, the words: “/ The Luck of/ the Eardleys/ by Sheila E. ~Braine/” are blocked in gold. The remainder of the cover has a repeating pattern of long stems, leaves, which are blocked in green, and of flowers, which are blocked in white. The monogram of William Macdougall is blocked in green in the bottom right hand corner of the upper cover. The spine is blocked in gold and green and white. From the head downwards, the decoration is: flower had and leaves blocked in green and in white; within a rectangular frame formed by two gold fillets with a white fillet blocked between them,, the words: “/ The/ Luck of/ the/ Eardleys/ by/ Sheila/ E. Braine/” are blocked in gold. More long stems leaves and flower heads are blocked in green and in white.






Binding No: 1440

[In BL bindings database: 10.8.2016 - 019-000023135]

Pressmark: 12403.f.26. ; W62/3062

Artist Name: Fred Mason


Title: Huon of Bordeaux: done into English by Sir John Bourchier, Lord Berners: and now retold by Robert Steele. [Device of George Allen.]

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Published by George Allen, Ruskin House, Charing Cross Road

Date of Publication: 1895

Place of Printing and printer: [Edinburgh] Printed by Ballantyne & Hanson

Pagination:  xiv, 305p.

Dimensions: 185x225x37mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: yellow/ light green

Block work: black and relief

Date Examined: 10.8.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 40.



Notes: The cover design is by Fred Mason. The drawings in the text are by Fred Mason and many have his initials. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in black and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in black on the borders. Apart from the central rectangle, the cover features a design of three plants, each of which has repeating elongated ‘S-shaped’ stems with flower buds at the base of each, and two large, mature flower heads atop a long stem. The detail of the flower heads is picked out in relief. The central rectangle is a black lettering-piece. At its head, the title words: “/ Huon/ of Bor-/ deaux are blocked in relief within the rectangle. At the base of the rectangle, three shields are blocked, and in each, a Renaissance clasp, a fleur-de-lis, and a lion rampant are blocked in black. Unsigned. Another copy of this work is at British Library shelf mark W62/3062.






Binding No: 1442

[In BL bindings database: 13.7.2016. - 019-000023118]

Pressmark: C.109.aa.9.

Artist Name: William Morris

Author/Heading:  Morris, William

Title: Love is enough.  Or the freeing of Pharamond. A Morality.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Ellis & White, 29 New Bond Street

Date of Publication: 1873

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by John Strangeways, 28 Castle St., Leicester Sq.

Pagination:  [5], 134p. With two pages of publisher’s advertisements bound at the end.

Dimensions: 152x197x15mm.         


Bookbinder: Burn

Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green       

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 6.7.2016.


References: For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures, p. 174.


Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 42.


Notes: The design is by William Morris. Edges untrimmed. White endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn/ & Co./” [Ball no. 20E.] Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold. On the upper half of the cover, a dense band of foliage is blocked in gold. The title words: “/ Love is enough/” are blocked in gold near the top of the foliage. The spine has the title words: “/ Love is Enough/” blocked in gold along its length.






Binding No: 1442a

[In BL bindings database: 31.8.2016 - 019-000023226]

Pressmark: 1578/8073

Artist Name: William Morris

Author/Heading:  Morris, William

Title: Love is enough.  Or the freeing of Pharamond. A Morality. [Author’s Edition.]

Place of Publication and publisher: Boston: Roberts Brothers

Date of Publication: 1873

Place of Printing and printer: Cambridge [Mass.], Press of John Wilson and Son.

Pagination:  140p. With forty pages of tributes of the English and American Press, on the publication of Morris’s ‘The Earthly Paradise’.

Dimensions:         124x180x21mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand-grain

Colour: green       

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 6.7.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 42. (The English Edition of 1873.)



Notes: This is the 1873 American edition of this work. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers have a pattern of interlocking circles at the head and at the tail, blocked between two fillets – all blocked in blind. On the upper cover, the words: “/ Love [with the capital “L being highly ornamented]/ is enough./ by/ William Morris/” are blocked in gold, in elongated lettering. Above the title, a crown is blocked in gold, and, above the crown, a heart shaped lettering-piece is blocked in gold with a flame above this. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, a single fillet is blocked in gold across the spine. Near the head the words: “/ Love is/ Enough/ [rule]/ by William Morris/” are blocked in gold on the centre of the spine, the crown and heart shaped lettering-piece, and the flame are all blocked in gold. Near the tail, the monogram of Roberts Brothers “RB”, is blocked in gold.







Binding No: 1443

[In BL bindings database:

Pressmark: C.109.c.3.

Artist Name: William Morris

Author/Heading:  Morris, William

Title: The Earthly Paradise. A Poem.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Reeves and Turner, 196 Strand,

Date of Publication: 1890

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh and London: Ballantyne Press, Ballantyne, Hanson and Co.

Pagination:  viii, 445p.

Dimensions: 155x218x32mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: white       

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 10.8.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 43.



Notes: The design is by William Morris. White endpapers and pastedowns. (Probably) White ungrained cloth. Both covers are blocked with the same design, in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper cover. On the upper cover, two gold fillets are blocked on the borders, with a small five-petalled flower blocked in gold on each corner. Ten sprigs of stems, leaves and buds are blocked symmetrically on the cover. The central vignette is blocked in gold, is ‘onion’ shaped (perhaps reflecting Persian design). It is supported by a small branch, and it features stems and leaves – all blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold At the head, a two leaf and stem pattern is blocked in gold across the spine. Beneath this, the words: “/ The/ Earthly/ Paradise/ by/ William/ Morris/ Are blocked in gold. Down the rest of the spine to the tail, plant decoration is blocked in gold. At the tail, the words: “/ London/ 1981/” are blocked in gold, between two ‘two leaf and stem’ patterns which are blocked in gold across the spine.






Binding No: 1444

[In BL bindings database 31.8.2016 - 019-000023228]

Pressmark: 10370.v.5.

Artist Name: Harold Edward Hughes Nelson

Author/Heading:  Stevenson, Robert Louis

Title: Edinburgh. With 24 Illustrations in Colour by James Heron

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Seeley, Service & Co Ltd

Date of Publication: 1912

Place of Printing and printer: [Edinburgh:] Printed by T. And A. Constable, Printers to His Majesty at the Edinburgh University Press.

Pagination:  208p. [The 24 plates are incorporated into the pagination.]

Dimensions: 210x260x43mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: grey         

Block work: gold and black and red

Date Examined: 10.8.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 44.



Notes: The design is by Harold Edward Hughes Nelson. White/ cream endpapers and pastedowns. Grey ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in black and in red. At the head, the words: “/ Edinburgh/ Robert Louis Stevenson/” are blocked in gold. Below this, a lion rampant is blocked in red. It is surrounded by thistle stems, leave and flowers, which are blocked in black. Above the head of the lion, the gates of Edinburgh castle are blocked in gold within a shield. Signed: “N” [i.e. Harold Edward Hughes Nelson] within a square at the base of the thistle decoration. The spine is blocked in gold, in black and in red. At the head, the words: “/ Edinburgh/ [by]/ Robert/ Louis/ Stevenson/” are blocked in gold. Below the lettering, the gates of Edinburgh castle are blocked in gold within a shield. Down the length of the spine to near the base, a pattern of thistle stems, leaves and flowers is blocked in black, against a red background. At the tail, the words: “/ Seeley/ Service/ & Co Ltd/” are blocked in gold.







Binding No: 1445

[In BL bindings database: 7.12.2016. 019- 000023824]


Artist Name: Edmund Hort New

Author/Heading:  Cole, Grenville Arthur James

Title: The Gypsy Road. A Journey from Krakow to Coblentz. With Illustrations by Edmund H. New [i.e. Edmund Hort New].

Place of Publication and publisher: London & New York: Macmillan & Co

Date of Publication: 1894

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Printed by R. & R. Clark

Pagination:  xiii, 168p.

Dimensions: 135x202x25mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: white       

Block work: gold and red

Date Examined:


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 45.



Notes: The design is by Edmund Hort New. Text sewn on two tapes. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. White ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in red. There are two fillets blocked on the borders. Within these, the title and author words: “/ The/ Gypsy/ Road/ [rule]/ Grenville A. J. Cole/” are blocked in red. Underneath these words, two cyclists are blocked, one riding a Penny Farthing bicycle. They are surrounded by foliage of leaves and curling stems – blocked in red. The spine is blocked in gold and in red. At the head and at the tail, small repeating ‘leaf and stem’ patterns are blocked across the spine in red, with two red fillets blocked above and below these patterns. Near the head, the words: “/ The/ Gypsy/ Road/ Cole/” are blocked in gold. Beneath the title, two bands of two red fillets are blocked across the spine. Near the tail, underneath two more red fillets blocked across the spine, the monogram of Macmillan: “MM & Co” is blocked in red.






Binding No: 1446

Records also at Binding No: 1305 – new entry

[In BL bindings database: 1.12.2016. -019- 000023751]

Pressmark: 7908.h.4

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Walton, Izaak; Cotton, Charles

Title: The compleat angler. Edited with an Introduction by Richard Le Gallienne. Illustrated by Edmund H. New [i.e. Edmund Hort New].

Place of Publication and publisher: London: John Lane, The Bodley Head

Date of Publication: 1897

Place of Printing and printer: London & Edinburgh: Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. At the Ballantyne Press.

Pagination:  lxxxvi, 428, [14] p.

Dimensions: 190x250x50mm.         



Cover material: morocco



Block work:

Date Examined:


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 46. This work is not the same as the design by Edmund Hort New. Charming spine panel vignettes of a fish and a basket….


Notes: The design is not signed. Top edge gilt. Fore edge and tail edges are untrimmed.  Marble endpapers and pastedowns. Dark blue/ green half morocco, with green morocco horizontal-grain cloth to covers. Gold fillets mark the divides between leather and cloth. The spine has head and tail bands. At the head and at the tail, gold fillets and small decoration are blocked across the spine. It is divided into six panels by raised bands. Above and below each band, there are double gold fillets blocked across the spine. Panels one, three to six have a device of a fisherman’s basket, with a fish on top of it.









Binding No: 1447

[In BL bindings database: 7.12.2016. 019- 000023826]


Artist Name: Edmund Hort New

Author/Heading:  Bacon, Francis

Title: Of Gardens. An Essay. With an Introduction by Helen Milman and Frontispiece and Cover Design by Edmund H. [i.e. Horton] New.

Place of Publication and publisher: London & New York: John Lane

Date of Publication: 1902

Place of Printing and printer: Boston (Mass.): D. B. Updike, the Merrymount Press

Pagination:  29p. With eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions:         106x152x10mm.



Cover material:



Block work:

Date Examined: 7.12.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 47.


Notes: The design is by Edmund Horton New. On page two of the publisher’s titles at the end, this work is advertised as: “Demy 16mo. 2s. 6d. net.” Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Green rib vertical-grain cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked on the borders. The upper third of the cover has the title words: “/ Of/ Gardens/ An Essay by/ Francis Bacon/” blocked in gold. The rest of the cover is occupied by a repeating pattern of ‘rose’ stems, leaves and flowers. Signed: “EHN” [i.e. Edmund Horton New] in gold on the right hand corner. The spine is blocked in gold. The words: “ Of Gardens –Bacon” are blocked along the spine. At the tail, the imprint: “/ John/ Lane/ is blocked in gold. Another copy of this work as at BL Shelf mark 823.3 *896*.





Binding No: 1448

[In BL bindings database: 7.12.2016. – 019- 000023828]

Pressmark: 11612.ff.2

Artist Name: Edmund Hort New

Author/Heading:  Wordsworth, William

Title: Poems. Selected with an Introduction by Stopford A. [i.e. Augustus] Brooke. Illustrated by Edmund H. [i.e. Hort] New.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Methuen & Co. 36 Essex Street W. C.

Date of Publication: 1907

Place of Printing and printer: [Edinburgh:] Printed by T. And A. Constable, Printers to His Majesty at the Edinburgh University Press.

Pagination:  xlvi,328p. With forty pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 153x230x44mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green       

Block work: gold and white

Date Examined: 7.12.2016.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 48.



Notes: The design is by Edmund Horton New. Text sewn on three tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover sis not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in white. Two fillets are blocked on the borders in white. Rectangular panels are formed by these fillets. In the upper third of the cover, the title words: “/ Poems/ by/ Wordsworth/ Selected by / Stopford A. Brooke/” are blocked in gold. The words are framed by swags of flowers, ‘hung’ as decoration. The lower panel shows a ‘field’ of daffodils and of daisies. At the tail, the words: “/ Illustrated by Edmund H. New/” are blocked in gold within a scroll formed by white fillets. The spine is blocked in gold and in white. The spine panels are formed in the same way as for the upper cover and align with the upper cover panels. In the panel near the head, a floral swag is blocked in white; then the title words: “/ Poems/ by / William/ Wordsworth/ [a daisy blocked in white] Selected by/ Stopford A. Brooke/” are blocked in gold. The lower portion of the spine has the same daffodils and daisies as are blocked on the upper cover. At the tail, the imprint: “/ Methuen & Co/” is blocked in gold, within a rectangular panel formed by a single white fillet.






Binding No: 1450

[In BL bindings database: 6.1.2017 - 019-000024043]

Pressmark: W3 0303

Artist Name: Charles de Sousy Ricketts

Author/Heading:  Warren, John Byrne Leicester, Baron de Tabley,

Title: Poems dramatic and lyrical. With illustrations by C. S. Ricketts [i.e. Charles de Sousy Ricketts].

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Elkin Matthews and John Lane: at the sign of the Bodley Head; New York Macmillan and Company

Date of Publication: 1893

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: T. and A. Constable Printers to Her Majesty.

Pagination:  212p. With seven pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 137x200x30mm.         


Bookbinder: Leighton Son and Hodge

Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green       

Block work: gold and relief

Date Examined: 6.1.2017.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 50.



Notes: The cover design is by Charles Ricketts. In the list of Illustrations, the frontispiece is captioned: ‘The defeat of glory’. Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt top edge. Untrimmed fore edge and tail. White endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. Both covers blocked in gold with an identical design. Three gold fillets are blocked on the borders. A pattern of repeating petals is blocked in full on each cover. On the top right corner of each cover, a winged, ‘angel-like’ figure is blocked in relief within a heart-shaped gold lettering-piece. At the top left of each cover, the monogram “CR” [i.e. Charles Ricketts] is blocked in gold. On the bottom right hand corner, the monogram LSH” [i.e. Leighton, Son and Hodge are blocked in gold. On the spine, the same petals are blocked downwards. At the head the middle and at the tail, the words: “/ Poems/ Dramatic/ &/ Lyrical/ Lord/ De Tabley/ Elkin/ Matthews/ & John Lane/” are blocked in gold.






Binding No: 1451

[In BL bindings database: 6.1.2017 - 019-000024049]

Pressmark: 011650.k.28.

Artist Name: Charles Ricketts

Author/Heading:  Field, Michael

Title: Mystic trees.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Eveleigh Nash

Date of Publication: [1913]

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed at the Ballantyne Press.

Pagination:  147p.

Dimensions: 136x200x20mm         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green       

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 6.1.2017.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 51.



Notes: The design is by Charles Ricketts. Text sewn on two tapes. Untrimmed edges. White endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in relief. Multiple gold fillets are blocked, which form rectangles and panels. Small gold dots are blocked on the corners of some of these. Within the central panel, a ‘tree of life’ is blocked in gold, with its foliage being a gold lettering-piece, within which branches are picked out in relief. Below the tree, within a semi-circle formed by a single gold fillet, a lamp and its flame are blocked. Underneath this, within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet, the words: “/ Iesu [two crosses] Maria/” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Across the spine at the head and at the tail, three fillets are blocked in gold. Near the head and near the tail, the words: “/ Mystic/ trees/ Michael/ Field/ Eveleigh/ Nash/” are blocked in gold.





Binding No:

[In BL bindings database:


Artist Name:



Place of Publication and publisher: London:

Date of Publication:

Place of Printing and printer: London:





Cover material:



Block work:

Date Examined:











Binding No: 1455

[In BL bindings database: 13.12.2016 - 019-000023865]

Pressmark: C.109.f.12.

Artist Name: Thomas Sturge Moore

Author/Heading:  Keary, Annie; Keary, Eliza; Keary, Maud

Title: Enchanted Tulips and other verses for children.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, St. Martin’s Street

Date of Publication: 1914

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Printed by R. and R. Clark.

Pagination:  xii, 112p.

Dimensions: 130x190x17mm         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: red           

Block work: gold

Date Examined:


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 55.



Notes: The design is by Thomas Sturges Moore.T he Preface states that Eliza and Annie Maud were the great-aunts of Maud Keary. White endpapers and pastedowns. Red ungrained cloth. The lower cover has no blocking. The upper cover is blocked in gold only. A single gold fillet is blocked on the borders. It shows a ‘chequer’ pattern, which makes columns from head to tail. Near the head, the title words: “/ Enchanted Tulips/” are blocked in gold. From the centre, head, the figure of a ‘young god’ reaches downwards, holding a baby. The baby is about to be placed in the cup of a tulip flower, the stem and leaves of which are blocked from the centre tail up the cover. Signed: “T/S/M/” in gold at the bottom left of the cover. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the title words: “/en/chant/ed/ Tulips/” are blocked in gold within a square formed by a single gold fillet; a ‘chequer’ pattern blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; the word: “/Keary/” is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; from the near the tail upwards, a single tulip stem, leaves and flower is blocked in gold; at the tail, the publisher: “/ Macmillan/” is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.





Binding No: 1456

[In BL bindings database: 6.1.2017. 019-000024051]


Artist Name: Frederick Colin Tilney

Author/Heading:  Lamb, Charles

Title: The essays of Elia. Edited by Augustine Birrell, with an etching by Herbert Railton.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: J. M. Dent and Co. 69, Great Eastern Street

Date of Publication: 1890

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  xv, 328p.

Dimensions: 130x180x32mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: brown     

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 6.1.2017.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 56.



Notes: The design is by Frederick Colin Tilney. Gilt top edge. White endpapers and pastedowns. Brown ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold. Plant stems, leaves and buds form the central rectangular panel, which is bordered by repeating gold dots. Within the panel, the words: “/ The/ Essays/ of/ Elia/ [small decorative device]/ C-Lamb/” are blocked in gold. Signed with the initials ‘F.C.T.’ [i.e. Frederick Colin Tilney] in relief in the bottom left hand corner of the design. The spine is blocked in gold. The same decoration of plants bordered by dots is blocked, as for the upper cover. The gold dots form a rectangle on the middle of the spine, in which the words: “/ The/ Essays/ of/ Elia/” are blocked in gold. At the tail, the words: “/ J. M. Dent & Co/” are blocked in gold.










Binding No: 1457

[In BL bindings database: 18.1.2017 019- -000024131]

Pressmark: 07808.g.16.

Artist Name: Albert Angus Turbayne

Author/Heading:  Farrar, Frederic William

Title: The life of Christ as represented in art.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Adam and Charles Black

Date of Publication: 1894

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  xix, 507p. 23 plates.

Dimensions: 160x235x45mm



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green       

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 18.1.2017


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 57. 

A A Turbayne article:



Notes: The cover design is by Albert Angus Turbayne. This copy rebound by Cedric Chivers in 1982. Upper cover bound in at the front. Dark green ungrained cloth. At the head, the title words: “/ The life of/ Christ as/ represent-/ ed in art/” are blocked in gold, with a cross blocked between each word. From the tail, three groups of vines reach upwards. The leaves form a ‘pyramid’ shape, with six bunches of grapes per group. At the tail, more curling stems and leaves are blocked in gold. On the bottom right hand corner, the monogram ‘AAT’ [i.e. Albert Angus Turbayne] is blocked in gold. The re-issue of 1896 is at BL shelf mark W72/8619. [Copy formerly belonged to Derby Free Public Libraries Lending Department.] Copy bound in blue rib vertical-grain cloth. On the upper cover, the title is blocked at the head in gold, and at the tail, a scene showing the three Kings making their offerings to the Christ child, who is seated upon the Virgin Mary. 





Binding No: 1458

[In BL bindings database: 24.1.2017 - 019-000024200]

Pressmark: 3125.df.22.

Artist Name: Albert Angus Turbayne

Author/Heading:  Frazer, James George.

Title: Passages of the Bible chosen for their literary beauty and interest.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Adam and Charles Black

Date of Publication: 1895

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  464p.

Dimensions: 140x192x40mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: white

Block work: gold and green blue black

Date Examined: 26.1.2017.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 58. 

For details of Stoakley, binder, see:


‘Vere Stoakley (1896) of 30 Green Street [Cambridge], but afterwards (1970) of 67a Bridge Street; Stoakley described himself as “late Hawes”, i.e. successor to J.B. Hawes of 30 Green Street.



Notes: The design is by Albert Angus Turbayne. Top edge gilt. White endpapers  and pastedowns. White ungrained cloth. The same design is blocked on both covers. The perimeter of each has a pattern of curling/ swirling stems blocked in blue, which end in leave, blocked in light green. The central rectangle is formed by two fillets. Within it, a fruit tree is blocked in black. Signed “AAT” as a monogram, on the lower right of each cover. The spine is blocked in gold and  in colours. Four patterns of leaves and curling stems (as on the covers) are blocked across the spine at the head,  on the middle, and at the tail. The words: “/ Pass-/ ages/ from the/ Bible/ J. G. Frazer/ A & C Black./”are blocked in gold at the head the middle, and at the tail. Another copy of this work is at BL shelf mark W74/8478. It has a ‘List of Passages’ bound at the end as pages 455-467, and bears the imprint: ‘Printed by T. and A. Constable, Printers to Her Majesty at the Edinburgh University Press.’ This copy has a bespoke green morocco binding, with groups of small gilt decoration on each corner, and on panels one and six of the spine. Stamped on the upper endpaper of this copy: “/ Bound by Stoakley, late Hawes/”. The copy formerly belonged to Edinburgh Public Libraries, whose ownership stamp is blocked on the centre of the lower cover.






Binding No: 1458a

[In BL bindings database: 24.1.2017 - 019-000024203]

Pressmark: W74/8478

Artist Name:

Author/Heading:  Frazer, James George.

Title: Passages of the Bible chosen for their literary beauty and interest.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Adam and Charles Black

Date of Publication: 1895

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Printed by T. and A. Constable, Printers to Her Majesty at the Edinburgh University Press

Pagination:  467p.

Dimensions: 132x184x40mm.         


Bookbinder: Stoakley, Cambridge

Cover material: leather

Grain: morocco

Colour: green

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 26.1.2017.


References: For details of Stoakley, binder, see:


‘Vere Stoakley (1896) of 30 Green Street [Cambridge], but afterwards (1970) of 67a Bridge Street; Stoakley described himself as “late Hawes”, i.e. successor to J.B. Hawes of 30 Green Street.



Notes: The binding is by Stoakley. Inscribed on the front endpaper: “/ To/ The Rev. W. Cunningham D.D./ from J. G. J. and L. J./ 22 April, 1986./” Gilt edges. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco . This copy has a ‘List of Passages’ bound at the end as pages 455-467, and bears the imprint: ‘Printed by T. and A. Constable, Printers to Her Majesty at the Edinburgh University Press.’ There are groups of small gilt decoration on the turn-ins, on the edges, on each corner, and on panels one and six of the spine. Stamped on the upper endpaper of this copy: “/ Bound by Stoakley, late Hawes/”. The copy formerly belonged to Edinburgh Public Libraries, whose ownership stamp is blocked on the centre of the lower cover, together with a Reference Department label on the upper pastedown. It is possible that this binding was made as a gift copy to the Rev. W. Cunningham. Another copy is this work is at BL shelf mark 3125df22. It has a cover design by Albert Angus Turbayne.






Binding No:

[In BL bindings database:


Artist Name:



Place of Publication and publisher: London:

Date of Publication:

Place of Printing and printer: London:





Cover material:



Block work:

Date Examined:










Binding No: 1460

[In BL bindings database: 18.1.2017. - 019-000024136]

Pressmark: C.109.p.3.

Artist Name: Albert Angus Turbayne

Author/Heading:  Austen, Jane

Title: Emma. With an Introduction by Joseph Jacobs and Illustrations by Chris Hammond.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: George Allen, Ruskin House, 156, Charing Cross Road

Date of Publication: 1898

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh and London: Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. At the Ballantyne Press.

Pagination:  xxvi, 504p.

Dimensions: 135x186x35mm.        



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: dark green              

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 18.1.2017.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 60. 

A A Turbayne article:




Notes: The design is by Albert Angus Turbayne. Gilt edges. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked the upper cover is blocked in gold, showing a pattern of swirling stems, buds and flowers. These are compressed within a square on each corner, and a rectangle in the middle of the cover. On the centre of the cover the words: “/Emma / by/ Jane / Austen/” are blocked in gold. Signed with Turbayne’s monogram ‘AAT’ on the lower left of the cover. The spine is blocked in gold with the same decorative motifs as for the upper cover. From head to tail, the  words: “/ Emma/ by/ Jane/ Austen/ Illustrated/ by/ Chris/ Hammond/ George/ Allen/” are blocked in gold.








Binding No: 1461

[In BL bindings database: 18.1.2017. BL 019-000024139]

Pressmark: C.109.p.2.

Artist Name: Albert Angus Turbayne

Author/Heading:  Austen, Jane

Title: Sense and Sensibility. With an Introduction by Joseph Jacobs and Illustrations by Chris Hammond.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: George Allen, 156, Charing Cross Road

Date of Publication: 1899

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh and London: Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. At the Ballantyne Press.

Pagination:  xxviii, 389p.

Dimensions: 130x186x28mm.        



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: dark green              

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 18.1.2017.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 61. 

A A Turbayne article:




Notes: The design is by Albert Angus Turbayne. Gilt edges. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked the upper cover is blocked in gold, showing a pattern of swirling stems, buds and flowers. On the upper half of the cover the words: “/ Sense/ and/ Sensibility/ by/ Jane / Austen/” are blocked in gold. Signed with Turbayne’s monogram ‘AAT’ on the lower left of the cover. The spine is blocked in gold with the same decorative motifs as for the upper cover. From head to tail, the words: “/ Sense &/ Sensi-/ bility/ by/ Jane/ Austen/ Illustrated/ by/ Chris/ Hammond/ George/ Allen/” are blocked in gold.








Binding No: 1462

[In BL bindings database: 26.1.2017. - 019-000024208]


Pressmark: 10369pp9

Artist Name: Albert Angus Turbayne

Author/Heading:  Lang, Andrew (Editor)

Title: Poet’s Country. Contributors Prof. J. Churton Collins [i.e. John Churton Collins], W. J Loftie [i.e. William John Loftie], E. Hartley Coleridge [i.e. Ernest Hartley Coleridge], Michael Macmillan, Andrew Lang. With  fifty illustrations in colour by Francis S. Walker [i.e. Francis Sylvester Walker].

Place of Publication and publisher: London: T. C. & E. C. Jack, 16 Henrietta Street, W. C. and Edinburgh

Date of Publication:1907

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Printed by R. & R. Clark.

Pagination:  xiv, 363p. 50 plates.

Dimensions: 177x240x52mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: red           

Block work: gold and colours

Date Examined: 26.1.2017.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 62. 

A A Turbayne article:



Notes: The design is by Albert Angus Turbayne. Top edge gilt. Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Red ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold, with green and pink (?) blocking. Top to tail, the cover is divided into a series of rectangular panels by gold fillets. On the spine side and the fore edge side, bunches of rose buds stems, leaves cumulate in a single flower blocked in pink at the head. Within the three ‘inner’ rectangles, stylised rose leaves are blocked in gold and in green. A large circle, formed by three gold fillets, joins all of the rectangles together. Near the head, within the circle, the words: “/ Poet’s Country/ Edited by/ Andrew Lang/ Illustrated by/ Francis S Walker/” are blocked in gold. Signed in gold with Turbayne’s monogram on the centre tail. TheSpine is blocked in gold and in colours. A single gild fillet is blocked on its perimeter. The same division of space and the same motifs are blocked, as for the upper cover. Near the head, the words: “/ Poets/ Country/ Edited by/ Andrew Lang/ Illustrated/ by R. F. Walker/” are blocked in gold, within a rectangle formed by gold fillets. At the tail, the words: “/ T. C. & E. C. Jack/” are blocked in gold. Another copy of this work is at BL shelf mark W54/7407. It has been re-backed, and has the same design as for copy at shelf mark 10369pp9.






Binding No: 1463

[In BL bindings database: 1.2.2017. - 019-000024261]

Pressmark: K.T.C.105.b.8.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Home, Gordon

Title: Yorkshire coast and moorland scenes. Painted and described by Gordon Home.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Adam and Charles Black

Date of Publication: 1904

Place of Printing and printer: Guildford: Billings and Son, Limited, printers.

Pagination:  x,148p. 32 plates. 1 fold-out map.

Dimensions: 220x275x41mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: white

Block work: gold and black

Date Examined: 1.2.2017




Notes: The design is not signed. Printed on the half title page verso: “ The edition de luxe is limited to two hundred copies of which this is no. The British Museum copy. Stated at the end of the List of Illustrations: ‘The illustrations in this volume were engraved by the Heutschel Colour-type process.’ Tope edge gilt. Untrimmed fore edge and tail. White endpapers and pastedowns. White ungrained cloth. The loser cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Black ‘beaded’ fillets are blocked on the borders. More ‘beaded’ fillets form panels on the cover. At the head, on the spine side and the fore edge side, the single rose of Yorkshire is blocked in gold, each of which has three small triangles blocked in gold above and below it. The central panel at the head has the words: “/ Yorkshire/ Coast and moorland scenes/ by Gordon Home/ “ Blocked in gold. The spine has the same ‘beaded’ fillet blocked in black on the perimeter. Within the panel at the head, the words: Yorkshire/ [three gold triangles]/ Gordon/ Home/” are blocked in gold. At the tail, the words: “/ A & C Black/” are blocked in gold.





Binding No: 1463a

[In BL bindings database: 1.2.2017. -]

Pressmark: 10368.p.2

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Home, Gordon

Title: YorkshireVales and Wolds. Painted and described by Gordon Home.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Adam and Charles Black

Date of Publication: 1908

Place of Printing and printer: Guildford: Billings and Son, Limited, printers.

Pagination:  xi,18p. 20 plates. 1 fold-out map.

Dimensions: 165x225x40mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: morocco horizontal-grain

Colour: blue

Block work: gold and blind and relief

Date Examined: 1.2.2017




Notes: Volume rebound in 1981. The original upper cover is bound at the front. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. ‘Beaded’ fillets are blocked on the borders in blind, with the beads showing in relief. More ‘beaded’ fillets form panels on the cover. At the head, on the spine side and the fore edge side, the single rose of Yorkshire is blocked in gold, each of which has three small triangles blocked in gold above and below it. The central panel at the head has the words: “/ Yorkshire/ Vales and Wolds/ by Gordon Home/” blocked in gold. At the tail, the coats of arms of York, Sheffield, Hull, and of Leeds are blocked in gold, with the names of each city/ town blocked in gold underneath the shield, within scrolls formed by gold fillets.






Binding No: 1464

[In BL bindings database: 1.2.2017. - 019-000024263]

Pressmark: P.P. 1931.pcu

Artist Name:


Title: The Studio. An Illustrated Magazine of fine and applied art. Volume one.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Offices of the Studio, XVI Henrietta Street, Covent Garden

Date of Publication: 1893

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed for the Proprietor by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co., 14 Tavistock Street, Covent Garden

Pagination:  3 vols. Bound as one.

Dimensions: 220x295x60mm.         



Cover material: paper


Colour: green       

Block work:

Date Examined: 1.2.2017. 


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 64. He cites a design for bound up issues [of vols. 1/2 ] by Charles Francis Annesley Voysey.


Notes: The papers covers for the first and last part of each volume are bound at the end. Green paper. The design for the upper cover for Vol. I. no. 1 shows a naturalistic woodland scene. The lower cover of this number has advertisements.










Binding No: 1465

[In BL bindings database 14.09.2012. - 019-000016230]

Pressmark: C.109.ff19.

Artist Name: Webb, Philip


Title: Völsunga Saga. The story of the Volsungs & Niblungs : with certain songs from the elder Edda / translated from the Icelandic by Eiríkr Magnússon and William Morris.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: F. S. Ellis, King Street, Covent Garden

Date of Publication: 1870

Place of Printing and printer: London: Strangeways & Walden, Printers, 28 Castle Street, Leicester Square.

Pagination:  xx, 274p. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 142x200x27mm         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: blue         

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 1.2.2017.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 65.


Notes: The design is by Philip Webb. White endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ungrained cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold, with a symmetrical pattern of ‘five flowers’, four birds in flight – all joined by a mass of curling stems and leaves, on the upper cover, bottom left, the words: “De Lacy” [the die cutter] are blocked in gold in small letters.  The spine is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Above and below the title at the head, two gold fillets, with a pattern of repeating gold dots blocked between them, are blocked across the spine. The words: “/ The/ Story/ of the/ Volsungs/ and/ Niblungs/” are blocked in gold. Down the spine to the tail, stems and leaves are blocked in gold, and, between each, animals, birds and flower heads are blocked in gold. At the tail, two gold fillets are blocked across the spine , with a pattern of repeating gold dots blocked between them.





Binding No: 1466

[In BL bindings database: 1.2.2017. - 019-000024266]


Artist Name: Joseph Walter West

Author/Heading:  Davidson, John

Title: Fleet Street Eclogues. [Third edition.]

Place of Publication and publisher: London: John Lane, The Bodley Head; New York: Dodd Mead and Company

Date of Publication: 1896

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Miller and Son, Printers.

Pagination:  [6], 114p. With sixteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.




Cover material:



Block work:

Date Examined:


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 66. “West’s design reflects some of the current vogue for C. F. A. Voysey’s decorative style…”



Notes: The design is by Joseph Walter West. On page 4 of the publisher’s titles, this work is described as: “Fcap. 8vo, buckram. 4s. 6d.” White endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold, showing on the centre a naturalistic design of curling plant stems, of leaves and of three flower buds, all intertwined. Two singing birds perch on the middle of the plants. Above the centre, the title words: “/ Fleet Street Eclogues/” are blocked in gold. Amidst the stems of the plants, the words: “/ By/ John Davidson/” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold with, from head to tail, the words: “/ Fleet/ Street/ Eclogues/ [small device]/ John/ Davidson/ [at the tail:] The/ Bodley Head/ and New York/”. 






Binding No: 1467

[In BL bindings database: 15.2.2017. 019-000024393]

Pressmark: W33/3317 and W33/3318

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Herrick, Robert

Title: The poetical works. Edited by George Saintsbury. In two volumes.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: George Bell & Sons, York St., Covent Garden; New York: 112, Fourth Avenue

Date of Publication: 1893

Place of Printing and printer: [London:] Chiswick Press: C. Whittingham and Co., Tooks Court, Chancery Lane. 

Pagination:  Vol.  I. liii, 293p. 1 plate. Vol. II. xxiv,308p.

Dimensions: Vol. I. 115x168x30mm. Vol. II 115x168x26mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: red           

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 15.2.2017




Notes: Part of the series ‘The Aldine Edition of Poets’. White endpapers and pastedowns. Red ungrained cloth. Light red cloth on the covers and quarter darker red cloth to spines. The covers have no blocking. The spines are blocked in gold. On the head and the middle, the words: “/ Herrick’s/ Poetical/ works/ [Vol.] I [II]/ G. Saintsbury/ are blocked in gold. Near the tail, the device of George Bell is blocked in gold. At the tail, the words: “/ Aldine Edition/” are blocked in gold, in ‘gothic’ letters.








Binding No: 1468

[In BL bindings database: 15.2.2017 019-000024396]

Pressmark: B.25.d.20.

Artist Name: Joseph William Gleeson White

Author/Heading:  Thudichum, John Louis William

Title: A treatise on wines. Their origin nature and varieties with practical directions for viticulture and vinification.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: George Bell & Sons, York St., Covent Garden and New York

Date of Publication: 1894

Place of Printing and printer: [London:] Chiswick Press: C. Whittingham and Co., Tooks Court, Chancery Lane. 

Pagination:  xx,387p.

Dimensions:         135x195x32mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: brown

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 15.2.2017.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 68. “White’s design could be a rare instance of a British designer being influenced by the work of an American artist, in this case Sarah Wyman Whitman.”


Notes: The design is by Gleeson White. White endpapers and pastedowns. Brown ungrained cloth. Both covers have five vine leaves blocked in gold on the spine sides. On the upper cover at the fore edge centre, two additional vines are blocked in gold, with the words:”/ Treatise/ on wines/ Thudichum/” blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head, the words: “/ Treatise/ on wines/ Thudichum/” are blocked in gold. Down the length of the spine, a mass of vine stems leaves, tendrils and grapes is blocked in gold. At the Tail, the words: “/ G/ Bell/ [& Sons]/” are blocked in gold .





Binding No: 1470

[In BL bindings database: 9.2.2017. 019-000024346]

Pressmark: P.P.5993.w. [1895]

Artist Name: Joseph William Gleeson White


Title: The Girl’s Own annual. Illustrated Vol. XVI. [ Oct 6 1894 – Sept. 28 1895.]

Place of Publication and publisher: London: ["The Leisure Hour" Office], 56, Paternoster Row, E. C.

Date of Publication: 1894-1895.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.

Pagination:  832p.

Dimensions: 215x282x50mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained, flecked with green

Colour: green      

Block work: Gold and blind and colours

Date Examined: 9.2.2017.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 70.


Notes: The design is by Gleeson White. Each issue is entitled: “ The Girl’s Own Paper”. The issues in this volume run from Vol. XVI. – No. 771] October 6, 1894 to Vol XV. No. 822] September 28, 1895.  Each issue  ‘Price One Penny’. Bevelled boards. White endpapers and pastedowns, printed with portraits of ‘Some contributors to this volume.’ Green ungrained cloth, speckled with green. On the centre of the lower cover, a rectangular blocked in blind shows stems leaves and fruits, with the words: “/ Volume/ Six-/ teen/” blocked in blind amongst the decoration. The upper is blocked in gold and in colours. From head to tail, eight branch roots and thin trunks rise to the head. Interspersed with these are curling stems, leaves, blocked in green. Flower heads, and buds are blocked in yellow, with, at the head, ‘lemons’ ripening. Within a scroll shape formed by black fillets, the title words: “/ The/ Girl’s Own/ Annual/” are blocked in gold. Signed, bottom right hand corner with the initials: “/ G.W./” [i.e. Gleeson White]. The spine is blocked in gold and in colours. A single tree branch, blocked in brown, rises from tail to head. The decoration on the rest of the spine is as for the upper cover. Near the head, the title words: “/ The/ Girl’s/ Own/ annual/” are blocked in gold.








Binding No: 1471

[In BL bindings database: 9.2.2017. 019-000024343]

Pressmark: K.T.C.27.b.8.

Artist Name: Joseph William Gleeson White

Author/Heading:  Gleeson White, Joseph William

Title: English Illustration ‘The Sixties’: 1855-70. With numerous illustrations by Ford Madox Brown, A. Boyd Houghton [i.e. Arthur Boyd Houghton], Arthur Hughes, Charles Keene, M. J. Lawless [i.e. Matthew James Lawless], Lord Leighton, P. R. A., Sir J. E. Millais, P. R. A. [i.e. John Everett Millais], G. Du Maurier [i.e. George Du Maurier], J. W. North, R. A.  [i.e. John William North], G. J. Pinwell [i.e. George John Pinwell], Dante Gabriel Rossetti, W. Small [i.e. William small], Frederick Sandys, J. McNeill Whistler [i.e. James McNeill Whistler], Frederick Walker, A. R. A., and others.


Place of Publication and publisher: Westminster: Archibald Constable and Co. 2 Whitehall Gardens, S. W.

Date of Publication: 1897

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburth: T. and A. Constable, Printers to Her Majesty.

Pagination:  xix, 204p. 133 plates.

Dimensions: 190x268x50mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: white       

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 9.2.2017.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 71.



Notes: Text sewn on three tapes. Top edge gilt. Untrimmed fore edge and tail. White endpapers and pastedowns. White ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked across the cover at the head and at the tail. There is an ‘all over’ pattern of rectangular plant clusters, all joined together by branches and roots. Near the head, a rectangle is formed by a single gold fillet. Within it, the title words: “/ English/ Illustration/ “The Sixties” 1857-70/” are blocked in gold. Signed with the initials “G.W. [i.e. Gleeson White] 1896 bottom left of the cover. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head, a single gold fillet is blocked in gold across the spine. From the head to the tail, the same plant patterns are blocked in gold. Near the head, a square is formed by s single gold fillet, and within it, the words: “/ English/ Illustration/ “The Sixties”/ 1857-1870/ Gleeson White/” are blocked in gold. At the tail, the word: “/ Constable/” is blocked in gold. The former National Central Library copy of this work is at BL shelf mark 740q. It has original covers. The former St. Martin-in-the-Field Free Public Library copy is at BL shelf mark W6/9237; no original covers.










[Below is the upper cover of 740q [DSC]]




Binding No: 1471

[In BL bindings database: 1.3.2017. - 019-000024519]

Pressmark: W9/7670

Artist Name: Joseph William Gleeson White

Author/Heading:  Jameson, Anna

Title: Shakespeare’s Heroines. [Device of George Bell.]

Place of Publication and publisher: London: George Bell & Sons

Date of Publication: 1897

Place of Printing and printer: Frome and London: Butler & Tanner, The Selwood Printing Works

Pagination:  ix, 341p. 26 plates.

Dimensions: 145x210x35mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: grey         

Block work: colours - pink and dark green

Date Examined: 1.3.2017


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 72.



Notes: The design is by Joseph William Gleeson White. Gilt top edge. Untrimmed fore edge and tail edge. No original endpapers or pastedowns. Grey ungrained cloth. On both covers, there is a wide border of briar rose, showing buds, flowers, stems and leaves, blocked in pink and dark green. On the centre of the lower cover, the device of George Bell is blocked in dark green. Within the central rectangle of the upper cover, a repeating pattern of flower buds is blocked in pink and dark green. At the head of this rectangle, the title words: “/ Shakespeare’s/ Heroines/” are blocked in gold. Signed with the initials: “G W” at the centre tail of the upper cover. The spine is blocked in gold and in colours. From head to tail, the same briar rose motifs are blocked as for each cover. Near the head, within a panel formed by a single gold fillet, the words: “/ Shak-/ peare’s/ Heroines/ Illustrated/” are blocked in gold.










Binding No: 1471a

[In BL bindings database: 1.3.2017. - 019-000024528 ]

Pressmark: 11765.dd.4.

Artist Name: Joseph William Gleeson White

Author/Heading:  Jameson, Anna

Title: Shakespeare’s Heroines. [Device of George Bell.]

Place of Publication and publisher: London: George Bell & Sons

Date of Publication: 1897

Place of Printing and printer: Frome and London: Butler & Tanner, The Selwood Printing Works

Pagination:  ix, 341p. 27 plates.

Dimensions: 185x246x45mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: grey         

Block work: colours - pink and dark green

Date Examined: 1.3.2017


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 72.



Notes: The design is by Joseph William Gleeson White. Large paper edition. Untrimmed fore edge and tail edge. Cream endpapers or pastedowns. White ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover has the same design blocked on the centre as for BL copy W9/7670. However, the border of briar roses is blocked in gold and the rose buds and flowers (probably) in platinum. The rose buds are blocked in ‘platinum’ and the cups for the buds are blocked in gold. At the head of the upper cover rectangle, the title words: “/ Shakespeare’s/ Heroines/” are blocked in ‘platinum’. Signed with the initials: “G W” at the centre tail of the upper cover. The spine is blocked in gold and in ‘platinum’. At the head, within a panel formed by a single ‘platinum’ fillet (which has ‘scroll ends’ at its tail, the words: “/ Shakespeare’s/ Heroines/ Jameson/” are blocked in gold. At the tail, the device is George Bell is blocked in gold. [The spine is damaged.] It is likely that the rose buds and flowers are blocked in platinum. If silver had been used, it would have tarnished.







Binding No: 1473

[In BL bindings database: 1.3.2017. - 019-000024537]

Pressmark: 012627.h.17.

Artist Name: Patten Wilson 

Author/Heading:  Marriott Watson, Henry Brereton

Title: Galloping Dick.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: John Lane; Chicago: Stone and Kimball

Date of Publication: 1896

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Turnbull & Spears, Printers.

Pagination:  viii, 283p. With sixteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 143x195x37mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: beige       

Block work: black

Date Examined: 1.3.2017.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 73.      Haslam suggests that the figure of Galloping Dick is based upon the Durer engraving ‘The Knight, Death and The Devil’.

Patten Wilson:



Notes: The design is by Patten Wilson. On page fifteen of the publisher’s titles at the end, this work is advertised as: ‘With title page and covers design by Patten Wilson. Crown 8vo. 4s. 6d. net.’ Black top edge. Untrimmed fore edge and tail edge. White endpapers and pastedowns. Beige ungrained cloth. On the centre of the lower cover, a roundel, formed by black fillets, shows the head and shoulders of Galloping Dick. The upper cover is bordered by fillets blocked in black. Most of the cover is occupied by the figure of Galloping Dick, bearing arms, on horseback, riding through woods. At the head and at the tail of the cover, the words: “/ Galloping Dick/ by/ H. B. Marriott Watson/” are blocked in gold. Signed “P W” [i.e. Patten Wilson] in black within a square formed by a single black fillet, at the bottom right of the cover. The spine is blocked in black. At the head, within a pennant with ‘scroll like’ ends, the words: “/ Galloping/ Dick/” are blocked in black. Underneath this, a quartered shield displays the tools of Dick’s trade – a horses’ spur, a money bag [and two others]. On the middle and the tail of the spine, the words: “/ HB/ Marriott/ Watson/John/ Lane/ The/ Bodley/ Head/” are blocked in black.








Binding No: 1475

[In BL bindings database: 8.3.2017. - 019-000024585]

Pressmark: 012804.g.53.

Artist Name: Paul Vincent Woodroffe

Author/Heading:  Israfel, Gertrude Hammond

Title: A little beast-book.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: At the Sign of the Unicorn, 7 Cecil Court

Date of Publication: 1902

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Printed by Morrison and Gibb Limited

Pagination:  120p.

Dimensions: 145x206x15mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green       

Block work: gold and black

Date Examined: 8.3.2017


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 75.    


Notes: The design is by Paul Vincent Woodroffe. Gilt top edge. Partially trimmed fore edge and tail edge. top edge. White endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Four ‘heraldic’ beasts are blocked in black, amidst scrolling ornament, around the central rectangular panel: a lion, a unicorn, a stag, a boar. The central rectangle is a gold lettering-piece, with the title words: “/ A/ little/ beast/ book/” blocked in relief within it. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. At the head and at the tail, the words: “/ The/ little/ beast/ book/ By/ Israfel/ At the/ Sign of/  Unicorn/” are blocked in gold. From the tail up towards the head, a monkey is blocked clinging on to a large curling stem/ branch – all blocked in black. Signed: “PW” in black as separate letters near the tail.








Binding No: 1479 (already cat’d as no. 1215)

In BL bindings database: 8.3.2017. - 019-000024606]

Pressmark: 09077.b.8.

Artist Name: Belwe, George

Author/Heading:  Marcks, Erich C.

Title: Männer und Zeiten. Aufsätze und Reden zur neueren Geschichte.

Pagination:  2 vols.

Place of Publication: Leipzig

Publisher Name: Verlag von Quelle & Meyer.

Date of Publication: 1911

Place of Printing: Leipzig

Printer: Rossberg’sche Buchdruckeri






Cover material: cloth

Grain: un-grained

Colour: green      

Block work: gold and black and green

Date Examined: 16.09.2013


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no.79.



Notes: The design is by Georg Belwe. Both volumes are: 165x235x35mm. Voll. 1 has xi, 340p. Vol. 2 has [3], 314p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound t the end. Printed on the title page verso of both volumes: “Buchschmuck und Einbandzeichnumg von  Prof. Georg Belwe/ Druck: Rossberg Buchandleri, Leipzig.” The title page border decoration of each volume is signed “GB” at the centre tail. Red ink edges for the head of each volume. Mottled black and green endpapers and pastedowns. Green un-grained cloth. The lower covers of each volume are not blocked. The upper cover of each volume is blocked identically, in gold, in black in green. On the borders, small repeating oval and diamond patters are blocked in green. Inside this, the cover is bisected by four fillets blocked in green, two horizontal and two vertical. Inside the central rectangle at the head and at the tail, the title “Männer/ und/ Zeiten/ von/ Erich Marcks/” is blocked in black. In the rest of the rectangle, rows of five-pointed stars are blocked in gold. These are interspersed with repeating ‘two small diamonds with pointed ends’, blocked in black, which have small gold dots blocked within each diamond. The spines of both volumes are blocked identically in black. Ten small black diamonds, interspersed with small gold dots, are blocked at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the words: “/ E. Marcks/ Männer/ und/ Zeiten/ 1. [2]/ Band/” are blocked in black.






Binding No: 1480

[In BL bindings database: 2010 - 019-000015021]

Pressmark: 11602.ff.28.

Artist Name: Hans Eduard von Berlepsch


Title: Life’s Roses. A Volume of Selected Poems.

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Ernest Lister; New York: E. P. Dutton & Co.

Date of Publication: [1898]

Place of Printing and printer: Printed in Bavaria.

Pagination:  192p. 14 plates.

Dimensions:         173x225x25mm.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: blue

Block work: gold, green red blue

Date Examined: 8.3.2017.

References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 80.


Notes: The design is by Hans Eduard von Berlepsch. Gilt edges. White endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover has a gold fillet on the borders. The rest of the cover is a large light blue background, against which a rose plant is blocked diagonally upwards, with its roots and its stems being blocked in blue; its leaves in green; the flowers in red and in gold. The title words: “/ Life’s Roses/” are blocked in gold near the head. The spine is blocked in gold and in colours. As for the upper cover., a rose plant is blocked from tail to head, with the same colours for its parts. Near the head, the title words: “/ Life’s/ Roses/”  are blocked in gold within a blue rectangle lettering-piece formed by two ‘rose-like’ fillets blocked across the spine.


Binding No: 1482

[In BL bindings database: 20.3.2017 - 019-000024698]

Pressmark: YF.2016.a.7617.

Artist Name: Walter Tiemann

Author/Heading:  Dehmel, Richard

Title: Hundert ausgewählte Gedichte

Place of Publication and publisher: Berlin: S. Fischer Verlag

Date of Publication: 1909

Place of Printing and printer: Leipzig: Druck der Spamerschen Buchdruckerei

Pagination:  200p. 1 plate. With one page of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 125x188x27mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: blue         

Block work: gold and relief

Date Examined: 20.3.2017.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 82.


Notes: The design is by Walter Tiemann. Gilt top edge. White endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ungrained cloth, which is turned in at the fore edges. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in relief. Two gold fillets are blocked on the borders. At the head, the words: “/ Richard Dehmel/ Hundert ausgewählte Gedichte/” are blocked in gold. The decoration on the rest of the cover shows a repeating pattern of curling stems and leaves, in the ‘oriental’ style. At the bottom right hand corner, signed with the monogram “WT” and the date: “08”. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold on its perimeter. At the head and at the tail, a single gold fillet is blocked across the spine. At the head, the words: / Dehmel/ Ausge-/ wählte/ Ge-/ dichte/” are blocked in gold. The rest of the spine down to the tail, has the same decoration as for the upper cover.



Binding No: 1483

[In BL bindings database: 20.3.2017 - 019-000024700]

Pressmark: F4 5105

Artist Name: Walter Tiermann

Author/Heading:  Gobineau, Arthur, comte de

Title: Die Renaissance. Savonarola, Cesare Borgia, Julius II, Leo X, Michangelo. Historische Szenen.

Place of Publication and publisher: Leipzig, Insel-Verlag

Date of Publication: 1912

Place of Printing and printer: Leipzig: Friedrich Richter

Pagination:  389p. 20  plates. With two pages of publishers’ titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 146x220x30mm.         



Cover material: paper


Colour: beige       

Block work: green

Date Examined: 20.3.2017


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 83.


Notes: The design is by Walter Tiemann. Green ink top edge. White endpapers and pastedowns. Beige paper over boards. Both covers are blocked/ printed in green with the same design, of a curling, interlocking stems and ‘buds’ pattern, which forms the border of each cover. On the lower cover, centre, the device of Insel-Verlag is printed on the centre. On the upper cover, the words:/ Gobineau/ Die Renaissance/ Im/ Insel-Verlag/ Leipzig/” are printed inside the borders, at the head and at the tail. Signed: “WT” and “1912” in green at the bottom of each cover. The spine has the same pattern as for the covers, printed in green from head to the tail. Near the head, within a break in the pattern, the words: “/ Gobineau/ Die/ Renaissance/” are printed. 



Binding No: 1485

[In BL bindings database: 20.3.2017 - 019-000024703]

Pressmark: 11565.dd.31.

Artist Name: Olle Hjortzberg

Author/Heading:  Levertin, Oscar

Title: Kung Salomo och Morolf. Dikter.

Place of Publication and publisher: Stockholm: Albert Bonniers Förlag.

Date of Publication: 1905

Place of Printing and printer:

Pagination:  110p.

Dimensions: 172x227x20mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: red           

Block work: white, red, blue/green

Date Examined: 20.3.2017.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 85.



Notes: The design is by Olle Hjortzberg. Untrimmed edges. White endpapers and pastedowns. Red ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in colours – red, white and blue/green. The upper cover vignette has a blue/green fillet blocked on its borders. Depicted are a rose bush, growing on a trellis –al in blue/green against a white background, with three flowers. On the upper roght hand corner, the author: “/ Oscar Levertin/” is blocked in white. At the tail, the title words: “/ Kung Salomo och Morolf/” are blocke din white. On the spine, the words: “/ O. Levertin/ [rule]/ Kung/ Salomo/ och/ Morold/” are blocked in gold near the head.




Binding No: 1488

[In BL bindings database: 20.3.2017 - 019-000024705]

Pressmark: 11565.dd.32.

Artist Name:

Author/Heading:  Karlfeldt, Erik Axel

Title: Flora och Pomona.

Place of Publication and publisher: Stockholm: Wahlstrom & Widstrand

Date of Publication: 1907

Place of Printing and printer: Stockholm: Isaac Marcus’ Boktr.-Aktiebolag

Pagination:  124p.

Dimensions: 150x218x20mm.        



Cover material: paper


Colour: grey         

Block work: printed in black

Date Examined: 20.3.2017


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 88, has a binding design signed by Lydia Skottsberg.



Notes: The design is not signed. Copy rebound in 1983. Original upper cover bound in at the front. Upper cover size: 130x202mm. Grey paper, blocked/ printed in black and in gold(?). The signs of the zodiac are printed in black within medallions as a border to a rectangle. A pair of arms/ hands hold a crown (in gold?) up towards the head. Above this, the title words: “/ Flora och/ Pomona/” are blocked in black within a rectangle formed by a single black fillet. Beneath with rectangle, within a rectangle formed by a single black fillet, the words: “/ E. A. Karlfeldt/” are printed in black. Underneath this, a swag of fruits and flowers is printed in black.





Binding No: 1490

[In BL bindings database: 27.3.2017 - 019-000024757]

Pressmark: YA.1992.a.4224

Artist Name: Henry Hunt Clark

Author/Heading:  Patch, Kate Whiting

Title: Middleway. Tales of a New England village. [Device of Copeland and Day.]

Place of Publication and publisher: Boston: Copeland and Day

Date of Publication: 1897

Place of Printing and printer: Boston: Rockwell and Churchill Press

Pagination:  [9], 229p.

Dimensions: 115x180x22mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: rib vertical-grain

Colour: green       

Block work: gold, black, red

Date Examined: 27.3.2017


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 90.


Notes: The design is by Henry Hunt Clark. White endpapers and pastedowns. Green rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically. A single black fillet is blocked on the borders. Near the head, the words: “/ Middleway/ Kate Whiting Patch/” are blocked in gold. From the tail, the stems and leave of five plants rise upwards to near the head, with the flowers of each being blocked in red. Signed: “HHC” in black as a monogram, within a circle blocked on the bottom left of each cover. The spine is blocked in gold with the words, at the head and at the tail: “/ Middle/ Way/ Kate/ Whiting/ Patch/ Copeland/ and Day/ 1897/”.




Binding No: 1491

[In BL bindings database: 27.3.2017. 019-000024759]

Pressmark: 012627.c.25.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Bowen, Marjorie

Title: The sword decides! A chronicle of a queen in the Dark Ages: founded on the story of Giovanna of Naples. [Device of Alston Rivers, 1904.]

Place of Publication and publisher: London: Alston Rivers, Ltd. Brooke Street, Holborn Bars, E. C.

Date of Publication: 1908

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Printed by Neill and Co., Ltd. With sixteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end, and one page of titles printed on the half title page verso. 

Pagination:  ix, 356p.

Dimensions: 135x194x45mm.         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: red           

Block work: gold, black, sliver/ platinum

Date Examined: 27.3.2017.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 91, shows the cover of the New York McLure edition designed by Thomas Maitland Cleland. .



Notes: The design is not signed. White endpapers and pastedowns. Red ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked the upper cover is blocked in gold, in black and in sliver/ platinum. A the head, the title words: “/ The sword/ decides!/” are blocked in gold. Underneath these, a crown is blocked in gold, resting on a cushion, which is blocked in black. Two swords are blocked in gold and in sliver/ platinum underneath the cushion. The author words: “/ Marjorie/ Bowen/” are blocked in gold between the sword. The spine has the words: “/ The/ sword/ decides/ Marjorie/ Bowen/ Alston rivers/” blocked in gold at the head, the middle and at the tail.





Binding No: 1492

[In BL bindings database: 5.4.2017 - 019-000024821]


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Genung, John Franklin

Title: Stevenson’s attitude to life.

Place of Publication and publisher: [New York:] T. Y. Crowell & Co.

Date of Publication: 1901

Place of Printing and printer: Boston, Mass., D. B. Updike, The Merrymount Press

Pagination:  [5],44p.

Dimensions: 135x198x15mm.         



Cover material: leather

Grain: suede

Colour: brown     

Block work: gold and black

Date Examined: 5.4.2017


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 92, shows a variant of this copy.


Notes: The design is not signed. The original upper cover is pasted in at the front. Doublure size: 120x182mm. Brown ‘suede’ leather. A garland of flowers and stems is blocked in black, and, inside it, the words: “/ Stevenson’s/ attitude/ to life/ John F./ Genung/” are blocked in gold.





Binding No: 1496

[In BL bindings database: 5.4.2017. - 019-000024823]

Pressmark: 12655.aa.27.

Artist Name: Louis John Rhead

Author/Heading:  Brown, Alice

Title: Meadow-grass. Tales of New England life.

Place of Publication and publisher: Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, The Riverside Press, Cambridge.

Date of Publication: 1895

Place of Printing and printer:

Pagination:  [5], 315p. With one page of publisher’s titles printed on the front endpaper verso.

Dimensions: 117x180x27mm         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green       

Block work: black

Date Examined: 5.4.2017.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 96.


Notes: The design is by Louis John Rhead. White endpapers and pastedowns. On the upper pastedown, there is a bookplate, with the monogram of ‘FED’(?). pencilled on the bookplate are the words: ‘1st Edn’. Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in black. Two fillets are blocked in black on the borders. The rest of the cover has a landscape, showing land surrounding a lake, with trees and water plants abutting the lake. There is a space left for the publisher’s device but their initials and motto are not blocked. Signed: “Rhead” in black on the bottom right hand corner. The spine has the words: “/ Meadow/ Grass/ Alice Brown/ Houghton/ Mifflin Co./” are blocked in black near the head and at the tail. The January 1896 edition is at BL shelf mark 12655.aa.28. It is published by Copeland & Day and their device is fully blocked on the upper cover.




Binding No: 1496a

[In BL bindings database: 5.4.2017. - 019-000024826]

Pressmark: 12655.aa.28.

Artist Name: Louis John Rhead

Author/Heading:  Brown, Alice

Title: Meadow-grass. Tales of New England life. [Device of Copeland and Day, with initials and motto: ‘Sicut lilium/ Inter spinas/’.]

Place of Publication and publisher: Boston: Copeland and Day

Date of Publication: 1896

Place of Printing and printer: Cambridge [Mass.] John Wilson and Son, University Press.

Pagination:  [5], 315p. With one page of publisher’s titles printed on the front endpaper verso.

Dimensions: 117x180x32mm         



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: green       

Block work: black

Date Examined: 5.4.2017.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 96, states that the 1895 copy published by Copeland and Day has the design blocked on both covers.


Notes: The design is by Louis John Rhead. Printed on the title page verso: “Fourth thousand January 1896”. White endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Two fillets are blocked in black on the borders. The rest of the cover has a landscape, showing land surrounding a lake, blocked in gold with trees and water plants abutting the lake. The publisher’s device is as printed on the title page. Signed: “Rhead” in black on the bottom right hand corner. The spine has the words: “/ Meadow/ Grass/ Alice Brown/ Boston/ Copeland/ and Day/ 1896/” are blocked in black near the head and at the tail. The 1895 edition is at BL shelf mark 12655.aa.27. It is published by Houghton Mifflin Co. This omits the publisher’s device and the gold blocking for the lake.







Binding No: 1498

[In BL bindings database: 12.4.2017 - 019-000024864]


Artist Name: Julius A. Schweinfurth

Author/Heading:  Chamberlain, Montague

Title: A popular handbook of the ornithology of the United States of America and Canada. Based on [Thomas] Nuttall’ manual. Vol. I. The land birds. Vol. II. Game and water birds.

Place of Publication and publisher: Boston, Mass.: Little, Brown, and Company

Date of Publication: 1891

Place of Printing and printer: Cambridge, Mass.: John Wilson and Son, University Press.

Pagination:  2 vols.




Cover material: cloth

Grain: ultra fine diaper

Colour: red           

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 5.4.2017


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 98.

Krupp, Andrea.  Book cloth in England and America 1823-1850. Newcastle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2008, p.34, Dia.1.


Notes: The design is by Julius A. Schweinfurth. Vol. I. xlix, 473p. 1 plate. Vol. II. vii, 431p. 1 plate. Black endpapers and pastedowns. Red ultra fine diaper-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical design. The lower covers are not blocked. The upper covers are blocked in gold, featuring birds blocked in trees, in dense foliage. These are blocked as a square on the fore edge head and tail, and on the spine side of the cover. The same trees, foliage and birds are blocked in gold on each spine. On the centre and lower half of each spine, and at the tail, the words: “/ Nuttall’s/ Ornithology/ [rule]/ Chamberlain/ Vol. I./ Land Birds/ [Vol. II./ Game and/ water birds/] Little Brown & Co./” are blocked in gold.






Binding No: 1499

[In BL bindings database: 12.4.2017. - 019-000024868]

Pressmark: 11686.l.30.

Artist Name:

Author/Heading: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

Title: The courtship of Miles Standish. With Illustrations from designs by Boughton [i.e. George Henry Boughton], Merrill [i.e. Frank Thayer Merrill] , Renihart [i.e. Charles Stanley Reinhart], Perkins [i.e. Granville Perkins], Hitchcock, Shapleigh [i.e. Frank Henry Shapleigh] , and others.

Place of Publication and publisher: Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, The Riverside Press, Cambridge

Date of Publication: 1888

Place of Printing and printer: Cambridge, Mass.: The Riverside Press. Electrotyped and Printed by H. O. Houghton & Co.

Pagination:  iv, 84p. 6 plates. Text printed only on rectos.

Dimensions: 240x305x30mm.        



Cover material: cloth

Grain: ungrained

Colour: brown     

Block work: gold,  red and brown

Date Examined: 12.4.2017.


References: Haslam, Malcolm. Arts and Crafts Book Covers. Shepton Beauchamp, Richard Dennis, 2012, no. 99, shows the design after Sarah Wyman Whitman, for the 1896 edition. 



Notes: The design is not signed. Both covers are blocked in brown, showing two mediaeval style clasps extending across most of each cover, and straddling the spine in squares, within which there is ‘flower head ‘ decoration blocked in relief. On the centre fore edge of each cover, there is a decorated clasp, which in former time would have kept the pages tight. On the upper cover, the words: “/ The Courtship of/ Miles Standish/ Longfellow/” are blocked in red. The spine is blocked in gold, in red and in brown. At the head, a red square lettering-piece is blocked, with three red dots blocked on each side. On the middle of the spine, the words: “/ The/ Courtship/ of/ Miles/ Standish/ [three gold dots and rule]/ Longfellow/ [rule/” are blocked in gold. Underneath this, a red rectangular letting-piece is blocked with a red flower head blocked on each side of it.








Robin de Beaumont BM entries; (my) record nos.  1500 to 1900 no pics @04102018

Records compiled by Edmund M B King, November 2013 to October 2018.

Text © Edmund M B King

Record no: 1501

  Museum number P&D 1992,0406.1

De Beaumont A1

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 12804.ccc.18.

Adams, H.C. Balderscourt; iv,378p.; with two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end; 6 plates, wood engraved by the  ; London: George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill; New York, 129 Grand Street; 1866; London: Cox and Wyman, Law and General Printers, Great Queen Street W.C.; bookseller's label: "/ Smyth & Co.,/ 62, Bold Street, /Liverpool/"; bookbinder's ticket: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London/". The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.

Binding: blue pebble-grain cloth; blocked in gold and in relief; The lower cover is blocked in blind only. Three fillets are blocked on the borders, one thick between two thin. The central vignette is blocked in blind with an arabesque pattern, showing interlocking leaf and stem decoration blocked inside, in relief. The upper covers is blocked in gold and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in gold on the borders, one thick between two thin. The central vignette has the overall shape of a semi-circle, formed by a vertical gold hatch lettering-piece. The title words: "/ Balderscourt/ or/ holiday tales/" are blocked in relief within three gold lettering-pieces - the uppermost of which is semi-circular. The words: "/ By the/ Rev. H.C. Adams/" are blocked in relief within two rectangular gold lettering-pieces. Thin gold fillets surround the vignette; small oak leaves are interspersed around the lettering-pieces, with a single acorn blocked in gold at the apex of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in gold at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the title and author words: "/ Balderscourt/ or/ holiday tales/ by the/ Rev./ H.C. Adams/" are blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces, with vertical gold hatch blocked on the perimeter of each. The words: "or" and " by the" are blocked in gold within 'cartouche-shapes' which are formed by a single gold fillet. Small oak leaves and acorns are blocked in gold above and below the title.


  • Height: 176 millimetres (covers)
  • Width: 120 millimetres
  • Depth: 32 millimetres







Record no: 1502

  Museum number P&D 1992,0406.3

De Beaumont A2

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection [not found]

Aesop. Fables. With One Hundred Illustrations by J. Wolf, J.B. Zwecker, and T. Dalziel”; xii, 148p.; the plates are wood engraved; London: Strahan & Co. 56 Ludgate Hill, 1872; [London] Dalziel Brothers, engravers & printers, Camden Press. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.

Binding: The design is not signed. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on the borders of both covers, to form an ornamental frame, in black and in relief on the lower cover, and in gold and in black and in relief on the upper cover. On the borders of each cover, there is a repeating pattern of 'two leaves and single dots' blocked in relief between two thin fillets. This is in black on the lower cover and in gold on the upper cover. On the inner corners and sides of both covers, a tracery of curling stems and leaves is blocked in black. On the upper cover the central vignette is blocked in gold. It is eight-pointed, with small 'crosses' at each point, and just beneath each of these, small tracery decoration blocked in gold within a triangle. A central oval is formed by two thin fillets and a hatched fillet between them. The title: "/ Aesop's [the 'AE' as a dipthong] / Fables/ Illustrated/ by/ Wolf & Others/" is blocked in gold on the centre, and it is surrounded by small stems and flowers, also in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: triangles and hatch gold leaves, blocked between two gold fillets; stem and leaf tracery; the title "/ Aesop's [the 'AE' as a dipthong]/ Fables/ " is blocked in relief within an oval gold lettering-piece. below the title, there is a repeating pattern of stems and small leaves, all blocked in gold; at the tail, the same triangles and hatch gold leaves blocked between two gold fillets.


  • Height: 145 millimetres (covers)
  • Width: 115 millimetres
  • Depth: 15 millimetres

Record no: 1503

Museum number P & D 1992,0406.4

De Beaumont A3

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection [not found]

Atkin, John, M.D., and Aikin, afterwards Barbauld, Anna Laetitia. Evenings at home; Tales and Stories: for the instruction and amusement of young fellows. With illustrations. London: Frederick Warne & Co. Bedford Street, Covent Garden, 1867. London: Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden. iv, 316p. Bookseller's ticket on upper pastedown: "/ David Buyck & Co./ booksellers/ 120, Buchanan St./ Glasgow./" School prize label on upper pastedown: "/ Young Ladies/ Seminary/ Dowanhill./ Glasgow./ Presented/ to/ Miss Mary Gray/ Third Prize III class/ for/ English/ by/ Geo. A. Panton/ May 29th 1867./" Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of the engravings are written on the front endpaper verso. The frontispiece engraving is signed: Walter Crane [with Crane's monogram] and Dalziel. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.

Binding: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. Six fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. Between fillets four and five, a repeating pattern of hexagons and small dots is blocked in relief. Two more fillets blocked in blind form the inner corner pieces. At the centre head and centre tail, roundels are formed by two fillets blocked in blind. The larger central roundel is formed by a single fillet, blocked in blind. The central roundel is formed by four fillets with a repeating pattern of stems and buds blocked on its perimeter. The central vignette on the upper cover is blocked in gold. It shows a triangle, with hatch gold within its together with three leaves. On the outer side of each triangle, a group of two buds and flowers is blocked in gold - all this veins of the leaves and flowers being picked out in relief. A single fillet blocked on the perimeter highlights the groups of flowers and buds. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head and at the tail, three fillets are blocked in gold, one thick between two thin. Near the head, the title: "/ Evenings/ at/ home./" is blocked in gold. Beneath this two fillets are blocked in gold. Underneath this an arabesque shaped gold lettering-piece has five groups of leaves and stems blocked in relief within it. Near the tail, the word "/ Illustrated/ " is blocked in gold.


  • Height: 170 millimetres (covers)
  • Width: 115 millimetres
  • Depth: 25 millimetres

Record No: 1504

Museum number P & D 1992,0406.7

De Beaumont A4

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection [not found]

Allingham, William. The music master. A love story. And two series of day and night songs. With nine woodcuts, seven designed by Arthur Hughes, one by D. G. Rossetti, and one by John E. Millais, A. R. A. London: G. Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street. New York, 18, Beekman Street, 1855. London: Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street. xv, 219p. 8 plates.With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. The front endpaper, recto is inscribed: "Susannah Egginton/ Presented by Mr Thos. Allingham/ on the 16th Nov 1858/" The frontispiece is signed : "Dalziel". The illustration "The Fairies", which should be facing p. 19, was misbound and is facing p. 111. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.

This volume exhibited: 1997/8 Nov-Feb, London, Royal Academy, 'In Fairyland'. 2009 Feb-May, Stockholm, Nationalmuseum, The Pre-Raphaelites...

Binding: The design is not signed. The text is sewn on two tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ripple vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. On each corner, a pattern of curling stems and leaves is blocked around wooden staves, to form an ornamental frame. The central vignette. shows a pattern of curling stems and leaves, blocked in blind. The spine is blocked in gold. Near the head, a frame is formed by two gold fillets, with an arch at its head. Within the frame, the title, The/ music master/ day and/ night songs./ [rule]/ Allingham./" is blocked in gold. Interlocking stems and leaves at blocked above and below the title.

H 174

D 115

T 20

Goldman, Paul. Victorian Illustrated Books 1850-1870. The heyday of wood-engraving. The Robin de Beaumont Collection. London, British Museum Press, 1994, p. 45.

Record No: 1505

Museum number P & D 1992,0406.8

De Beaumont A5

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 011650.eee.6.


Blocked in gold and in blind.

Allingham, William. Day and night songs; and the music master. a love poem. With nine wood cuts, seven designed by Arthur Hughes one by  D. G. Rossetti, one by John E. Millais, A. R. A. [Device of Bell and Daldy.] London: Bell and Daldy, 186, Fleet Street, 1860. London: Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street. xv, 219p. 8 plates. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.  The plates designed by Arthur Hughes are: "The fairies, frontispiece; "Crossing the stile", opposite p. 17; "Lady Alice", opposite page 64; "Milly", opposite page 104; Under the Abbey-Wall", opposite page 117; "The boy's grave", opposite page 191.   The plate designed by D.G. Rossetti is: "The Maids of Elfen-Mere" opposite page 202. The plate designed by J. E. Millais is: "The fireside story", opposite page 216. "Window", by Arthur Hughes is printed on page 221, with Hughes's monogram printed on the vase containing flowers. The plates are signed: "Dalziel Sc." The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.

Binding: The design is not signed. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders, with three fillets, with a short diagonal fillet blocked on each corner. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. Three fillets are blocked in blind at the head and at the tail. Near the head the title and author words: "/ Day/ and/ Night/ Songs &c./[rule]/ Allingham/ [rule]/" are blocked in gold. Near the tail, the words: "/ London./ Bell & Daldy/" are blocked in gold.


H 177



Record No: 1506

Museum number P & D 1992,0406.9

De Beaumont A6

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 11649.eee.34. London : Reeves & Turner, 1888.

No block work.


Allingham, William. Flower pieces and other poems. With two designs by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. London: Longmans, Green, and Co. and New York: 15 East 16th Street, 1893. Guildford: Billings and Sons, printers. x, 194p. The frontispiece and the plate opposite page 189 are by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. A printed slip tipped into the front endpaper states: "...with two designs by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Note: - ' The maids of Elfinmore' woodcut has for some years been very rare and much sought after. The copies now published are all that remain from the original printing, those on large paper being selected impressions. 'The Queen's Page' has never before been made public: the circumstances in which it was designed are described in the volume." Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.


 Binding: The design is not signed. The bookplate of David Jamison is on the front pastedown.  The fore edge and the tail gatherings are not ploughed. Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth to upper and lower cover. White ungrained cloth attached to spine and quarter of each cover. The covers are not blocked. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked at the head and the tail. Near the head, the words: "Flower/ pieces/etc./ William/ Allingham/" are blocked in gold.

H 180

W 115

T 20

Record No: 1507

Museum number P & D 1992,0406.10

De Beaumont A7

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 4415.ccc.17. Published in 1869.

A.L.O.E. [i.e. Charlotte Maria Tucker]. Exiles in  Babylon; or, children of light. London: T. Nelson and Sons, Paternoster Row; Edinburgh; and New York, 1868. [1], 335p. The  frontispiece is entitled: the three exiles before Nebuchadnezzar" and is signed "W Small" and R Paterson S[c]". Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the frontispiece plate recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.

H 182

W 130

T 30

Blocked in gold and in blind and in relief.

Binding: the design is not signed. The 'shell shaped' green coloured bookseller's label of: " S. & T. Gilbert, Booksellers/ 4 Copthall Buildings,/ Back of the Bank./" is pasted on the lower left upper pastedown. Black endpapers and pastedowns. The upper endpaper is missing. The covers and spine are blocked in gold and in blind and in relief. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. Four fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, the outermost of which is the thickest. On each inner corner, a group of three small leaves is blocked in blind. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in relief. Four fillets are blocked on the borders in gold. A fifth fillet is blocked in blind inside this, curving at each corner. The central medallion is blocked in gold and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in gold around the medallion, the outermost of which has a pattern of repeating dots blocked in gold inside 'small arches'. The medallion itself has vertical hatch gold. Inside this, two 'scroll shaped' lettering pieces contain the words: "/ Exiles/" and "/Babylon/" blocked in relief within each. On the centre between the two lettering-pieces, a six pointed star is blocked and the word ": / in/" is blocked in relief within it. The spine is blocked in gold and blind and relief. At the head and at the tail, four fillets are blocked in gold, and between them a fillet of vertical hatch gold is blocked. Near the head, the title words: "/ Exiles [blocked in relief within a semi-circular gold letter piece, with gold hatch borders] / in [blocked in gold] / Babylon [blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with gold hatch borders] / children [within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet] / of light [within a rectangular gold lettering-piece formed by a single gold fillet] /" are blocked.  Small decoration is blocked in gold above, between, and below the title words. From below the title to near the tail, and below the author word, small groups of buds and stems are blocked in relief, within and alongside a 'column' formed by a single fillet blocked in blind. Near the tail, the words: "/ by A. L. O. E./" are blocked in relief with in a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has a hatch gold border.

Record No: 1508

Museum number P & D 1992,0406.11

De Beaumont A8

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 12806.ccc.21.

Blocked in gold and in blind and in relief.

Anderson, Hans C. What the moon saw: and other tales. Tranlated by H.W. Dulcken, PhD. With eighty illustrations by A. W. Bayes. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, 1866. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers & printers, Camden Press. viii, 372p. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. Test sewn on three sawn-in cords. The plates are frequently signed with the monogram "AWB" [i.e. Alfred Walter Bayes] and "Dalziel". The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.

Binding: The design is not signed. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders. A single fillet is blocked on the borders, with a pattern of repeating dots blocked in relief within it. Inside this, there is a repeating pattern of 'flower buds'; 'crossed stems'; 'quatrefoils' with four pistils in each, blocked in relief; small circles, with a dot in the centre of each, blocked in relief. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. The author, title, and illustration are blocked from the head downwards: "/ What the moon saw [in a semi-circle]/ [a quarter moon, blocked in gold]/ and other tales [in a semi-circle]/ by/ Hans C. Andersen./ Illustrated/". These words are surrounded and interspersed with patterns of small flowers, leaves and curling stems, all blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration in gold is: two groups of two leaves, with three flower buds between them; The title:"/ What/ the moon/ saw/ &/ other tales/ blocked in gold; leaf, stem decoration surrounding two quarter moons; the words: "/ Hans/ Andersen/" blocked in gold; leaf and stem decoration in gold, with a four-headed flower at its centre; the word: "/ Illustrated/";  blocked in gold; a small motif at the base  in gold.


H 190

W 152

T 32

Record No: 1509

Museum number P & D 1996,1104.1

De Beaumont A9

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection [not found]

Andersen, Hans C. "What the moon saw. And other tales. Translated by H. W./Dulcken, PhD. With one hundred and twenty illustrations by A. W. Bayes i.e. Alfred Walter Bayes], engraved by the brothers Dalziel." London: George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, 1871. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press. vii, 503p. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso, and also on a photocopy insert of the front cover design. The front endpaper is inscribed with the signatures: 1. [near the head] "Maggie Allen"; 2. [written diagonally across the middle of the endpaper] "Forrest Reid".


Binding: The design is signed by John Leighton. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge./" [Ball 53C.] Bevelled boards. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief with border decoration. This consists of three fillets blocked in blind, the outermost being thin, and the two inner ones thicker. Between the two thicker fillets, a rule is blocked in relief, together with a repeating pattern of 'tulip flowers', with small dots also blocked in relief. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. It shows an overall design of plants and flowers, blocked in black, climbing from bottom left up the spine side, and diagonally up the cover, from lower left to right. The plants surround a roof, on which a cat sits, with its head turned towards us. Near the head, a blue dyed rectangular only is shown, with a single gold fillet, blocked on its perimeter. The title: "/ What the Moon saw./" [with the word: "the" underneath the word: "What"; and the word: "saw" underneath the word: "Moon"]  is blocked in gold within this on lay, with the crossed capital "M" of "moon" being blocked in relief, within a moon-shaped gold lettering-piece. The sub-title: "/ and/ other tales/" is blocked in gold just beneath the blue on lay. Just beyond the roof, a red dyed sand-grain on lay is shown, in the shape of a chimney stack and chimney pot. Out of the chimney pot, the head and brush of a chimney sweep is blocked in black. With the sweep's right arm and hand extending to clean the dirt of the brush. The brickwork of the chimney stack is delineated in black. The base of the chimney pot is blocked in gold and in black. The word: "/ by/ is blocked in gold on the chimney pot. The words:”/ Hans C/ Andersen/" are blocked in gold within the bricks of the chimney stack.  (It looks as though the black blocking of the chimney stack brickwork has been done after the gold blocking of the lettering, for some of the serifs of the letters are obscured by the black.) Signed: "L",(for John Leighton), with a single dot above the capital letter. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two five-pointed hatch gold stars; a 'double' moon - the smaller is a blue paper on lay, with the words: "/ What/ the/" blocked in gold within it; - the larger moon is blocked in gold, with hatching, and it surrounds the small blue paper on lay, with the words: "/ moon saw/ blocked in relief in a semi-circle within it; the sub-title: "/ & other tales/" as blocked in relief within a comet-shaped gold lettering-piece; the words: "/ by/ H. C. Andersen/" are blocked in black on the middle of the spine; a snail on a leaf are blocked in gold; near the tail, the word: "/Illustrated/" is blocked in black in elongated letters.

H 190

W 149

T 38

Record No: 1510

Museum number P & D 1992,0406.14

PRN 405431

De Beaumont A10

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 12410.e.29.

Townsend, George Tyler. The Arabian nights' entertainments. A new edition, revised, with notes. With sixteen illustrations by Houghton, Dalziel, etc. London: Frederick Warne & Co., Bedfored Street, Covent Garden, 1869. [Monogram of F. Warne printed on title page.] Edinburgh: Printed by Ballantyne & Company. viii, 632p. 16 plates. Most of the plates are signed: "Dalziel". Some of the plates are signed: "Houghton". The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The front endpaper recto is inscribed with: "/ A new year's gift/ to Godfrey, -/ Jan 1st. 1870. GM/". The frontispiece plate is entitled: “Schehera-zade relating the Stories to the Sultan.”

Binding: The design is signed "CB" [possibly Charles Bayman]. The text is sewn on three sawn-in cords. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ 76, Fleet St./ London. E. C./" [Ball no. 17D ] Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. A single fillet is blocked on blind on the borders. Inside this, curling stems and leaves are blocked in relief, forming an ornamental frame, which has a single fillet blocked in blind on its inner borders. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in black and in relief. On the borders, fillets are blocked in black and repeating dots between them are blocked in relief. On each outer corner, there is a single leaf blocked in black. On the centre head and centre tail, more decoration is blocked in black, consisting of repeating 'spade-shape and single dots', and a zig-zag repeating pattern in black. The inner rectangle has the title: "/ Arabian Nights/ entertainments" which is blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces, which have small fillets in relief on their borders. . The capitals "A" and "N" are blocked in relief within their own rectangular gold horizontal hatch lettering-pieces, with small curvy lines picked out in relief alongside each letter. Between the upper and lower title lettering-pieces, a repeating pattern of 'zig-zag and three gold dots' is blocked in gold. Underneath the title, more leaf and cross stem decoration is blocked in gold. Signed "CB" in gold as separate letters at the head of this decoration. Down the side and at the base of the inner rectangle, 'pillar-like' hatch gold lettering-pieces are blocked, with small curling stem decoration within them, picked out in relief.

Each has a single fillet, blocked in black on its borders.  On each lower inner corner, flower decoration  and ovals are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in black, in gold and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: repeating spade shapes and dots, blocked in black; a repeating zig-zag patter, between two fillets, blocked in black; repeating dots, in gold,; a single gold fillet; the title words: "/ Arabian nights/" are blocked in relief with in a gold lettering-piece, which has a single fillet in relief and a repeating pattern of 'wave-shapes' above these words, and two fillets blocked in relief below these words; a repeating pattern of zig-zags and dots; the title word: "/ Entertainments/ " is blocked in relief within a gold lettering piece which has a single fillet in relief and a repeating pattern of 'wave-shapes' above the word, and two fillets blocked in relief below these words; signed "CB" in gold as separate letters just below the word "Entertainments"; more leaf and cross stem decoration is blocked in gold, with a 'vase shape', which has a small central medallion, as on the upper cover; the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold as a semi-circle, with two gold fillets and a black fillet surrounding the letters; arabesques are blocked in gold and in black; near the tail, the words":/ F. Warne & Co./" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold vertical hatch lettering-piece which has a singe gold fillet on its borders; a black fillet; repeating spade-shape and dots blocked in black at the tail.


Record No: 1511

Museum number P & D 1996,1104.3

De Beaumont A11

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 1155.e.2.(4.)

Ballads and metrical tales selected from Percy, Ritson, Evans, Jamieson, Scott, &c., &c. London: James Burns, [1845]. London: R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill. [4], 242p. 1 plate. With eighteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. The frontispiece plate entitled: “The children in ye wood”. It is signed: "J. Tenniel del." and "W. Green Sc.". Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ A. J. Patterson/ Trin. Coll./ Cambridge./” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.


Binding: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. [could not create an location for De Beaumont A11, so record not registered on Merlin.] Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. A single ‘branch-like’ fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this a single thin fillet in blind forms the inner frame. Curling stems and leaves are blocked in relief on the inner corners and the sides. On the centre a quatrefoil is formed by fillets blocked in relief, with small leaves and stems blocked in relief on its centre. The spine is blocked in gold. From head to tail, a pattern of ‘oak-like’ leaves, of branches are blocked in gold, with two small dots adjacent to theses, down the spine. Near the middle, the title: “/ Ballads/ and/ Metrical/ Tales./” is blocked in gold.

Record No: 1512

Museum number P & D 1992,0406.16

De Beaumont A12

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection [not found]

Ballads: Scottish and English. With illustrations by J. Lawson. London and Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo, 1878. Edinburgh: Printed by J. and J. Gray, Melbourne Place. vii, 472p. 8 plates . With sixteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The plates are signed “J Lawson” and R Paterson Sc.” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.


Binding: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Blue fine rib diagonal-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. The central vignette shows a lyre. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in black on the outer border, with repeating dots blocked in relief within it. Three more fillets are blocked in black, one thick between two thin. The centre is occupied by a Renaissance ‘bolt’ pattern. Blocked in black. Above and below the centre, the title: “/ The book of/ ballads/” are blocked in gold, within rectangular lettering-pieces, blocked in black. The upper lettering-piece has a single gold fillet blocked on its borders. The centre-piece is similar to a Greek cross. Fillets are blocked in gold on its borders. The vertical rectangle shows leaves and stems blocked in gold, surrounded by gold dots, against a background blocked in black. The horizontal rectangle shows two putti, one reading a book, the others holding a quiver full of arrows. The central oval shows a seated classical figure, blocked in gold, holding a lyre on his lap. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets, across the spine; a gold lettering-piece shaped as a medallion, which has a single gold and a single black fillet blocked on its borders; within this medallion, the title words: “/ The/ book/ of/” are blocked in relief; the title word: “/ Ballads/” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece (which has fillets in relief on its borders), and , with small decoration in relief surrounding the letters; a figure of a female classical figure, holding a lyre,  is blocked in gold, within an oval, blocked in black – on the borders of this oval, a single fillet is blocked in gold, and a repeating pattern of gold dots; the oval is surrounded by plant, stem and gold dot decoration against a black background, as for the upper cover; a gold fillet; a medallion gold lettering-piece, with three fillets on its borders, one black between two gold; plant decoration blocked in gold above and below this medallion; the words: “/ W.P. Nimmo/” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a fillet in black and a fillet in gold above and below it, which crosses the gold medallion.

Record No: 1513

Museum number P & D 1992,0406.17

De Beaumont A13

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection [not found]

Ballads: Scottish and English. With illustrations by J. Lawson. Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo, 1[867]. Edinburgh: Printed by Ballantyne and Company, Paul’s Work. vii, 472p. 8 plates . With sixteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The plates are signed “J Lawson” and R Paterson Sc.” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso and on a loose slip of paper. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind. There is an overall pattern of straps, which cross near the spine at the head and at the tails, and at the centre front. Within these, curling stems and leaves are blocked. A single trefoil is blocked on each outer corner. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. The interlocking straps are the same as for the lower cover and are of two types – the first is formed by two gold fillets, with a zig-zag and small dots blocked in gold between them; the second is formed by two gold fillets, with a black fillet between them, which has repeating dots, blocked in relief within it. The curling stems and leaves are all blocked in black, between two fillets blocked in gold. The gold pointed lettering-pieces near the spine at the head and the tail imitate metal clasps seen on mediaeval bindings. A Single trefoil is blocked in black on each outer corner. Within each small four-pointed stars are blocked in relief, together with four small circles, all picked out in relief. Next to the spine, a rectangular panel, with a semi-circle at its head, is formed by a single gold fillet, with small gold dots outside it. Inside this panel, a ‘rural’ scene of plants is showing, consisting of corn stalks and ears of corn, flowers, leaves, and a butterfly. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. At the head and at the tail, the decoration is: two gold fillets across the spine, then a gold dots; a rectangular gold-lettering-piece with a repeating pattern of small circles and four-pointed stars; two gold fillets are blocked below and above this a zig-zag pattern with small gold dots; repeating dots blocked in black across the spine; a gold fillet across the spine. Near the head, the title is blocked within a panel formed by a single gold fillet: “/ Ballads/ Scotch/ and/ English/” Two fillets in black also surround the title panel, and continue down the spine to form a blank panel below the title.

Record No: 1514

Museum number P & D 1992,0406.18

De Beaumont A14

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection - 1864 at]

Barbauld, Anna Letitia. Hymns in prose for children. Illustrated. London: John Murray, Albemarle St., 1864. London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street. xii, 100p. The illustrations are engraved by James D[avis]. Cooper. The frontispiece plate is by R[obert]. Barnes. The title page is by T. Kennedy. Other illustrations in the book are drawn by R. Barnes, T. Kennedy, E. M. Wimperis, W. S. Coleman. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. Inscribed on the upper endpaper verso: “L. J. Best/ from her/ Affectionate Father/ Decr 7th 1866./”  The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.


Binding: Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Green endpapers and pastedowns. Red ungrained cloth. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Edmonds & Remnants./ [rule]/ London/” The lower cover is blocked with three fillets in blind on the border, one thick between two thin. On the upper cover the same three filets are blocked, in gold. At the centre a girl in a nightdress is kneeling in front of a bed, her hands held out in front of her, in prayer. The title words are blocked in gold in a circle above and below her: “/ Hymns in prose/ for Children/” Small tendrils and leaves interweave around some of the letters. Below the title, the words: “/ Mrs Barbauld./” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Near the head and the tail, two panels are formed by gold fillets, and inside each is a single flower and two leaves are blocked in gold. Most of the spine is occupied by a cartouche shaped horizontal hatch gold lettering-piece, in which the words:”/ Barbauld’s Hymns in Prose for Children./” are blocked in relief. The words are surrounded by a repeating pattern of small circles, blocked in relief. At the tail, the words: “/  John/ Murray/ are blocked in gold

Record No: 1515

Museum number P & D 1992,0406.22

De Beaumont A15

[BL copy of 1865 at]

The blade and the ear: a book for young men. Edinburgh: Willliam P. Nimmo, [1865]. Edinburgh: Printed by Thomas Paton, George Street. 224p. With sixteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece is titled : “Blue sky somewhere” and is signed: “J[ohn] Lawson” and “R[obert] Paterson Sc.”  Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.


Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. Two widely spaced fillets are blocked in blind on the borders forming the inner frame. A small bud and two leaves are blocked on each out corner in relief. On each inner corner curling stems are blocked in relief within the corner-pieces. On the centre a medallion is blocked with small decoration blocked on is perimeter, and a small repeating pattern of ‘dots and arches’ blocked on its centre in relief. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the borders. Inside this a wide hatch gold fillet is blocked with a repeating Greek fret blocked in relief within it; on each outer corner a small leaf is blocked in relief. On each inner corner, a hatch gold quarter circle is blocked, with small stems and a single ‘bell shaped’ flower blocked in relief within it. A gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter of each quarter circle. The centre-piece is blocked in gold and in relief. It shows a square, with a hatch gold perimeter, with a repeating pattern of Greek fret blocked in relief within it. Above and below the square small curling stem and leaf decoration is blocked in gold. On each corner of the square, three small leaves are blocked in gold. Within the centre of the square, the title: “/ The blade [in a semi-circle]/ and/ the ear [in a semi-circle]/” are blocked in relief within lettering pieces, which have single fillets blocked in relief on their borders. The spine is blocked in gold. A single horizontal-hatch gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. Another horizontal-hatch gold fillet is blocked in side this, crossing to form the title panel near the head, and forming cartouches: one at the head, the other down the spine from underneath the title to the tail. Small decoration of semi-circles and dots, blocked in gold, surrounds the cartouches. The title: “/ The/ blade/ and/ the ear/” is blocked in gold within the panel near the head.

Record No: 1516

Museum number P & D 1992,0406.24

De Beaumont A16

BL copy at: General Reference Collection Bloomfield 67. [Another copy.]***MS. ownership inscription of H. A. Hargrave

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 1346.g.33.
General Reference Collection Bloomfield 66.
General Reference Collection Bloomfield 67.]

Bloomfield, Robert. The farmer’s boy. Illustrated with thirty engravings from drawings by Birket Foster, Harrison Weir, and G. E. Hicks.  London: Sampson Low, Son & Co., 1857. London: Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill. iv, 68p. The illustrations drawn by Birket Foster, Harrison Weir, G. E. Hicks. The illustrations engraved by W. Thomas, E. Evans, T. Bolton, J. Cooper, S. V. Slader, W. T. Green, Greenaway, W. Wright, W. Thomas. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown. Inscribed on the upper pastedown: “/ Robert Bloomfield/ Born Honington, Suffolk./ 1766-1823/” Inscribed on the recto of the upper endpaper: “/ G. L. Sharman/ 27.1.68/” The illustration on page one is by Birket Foster and engraved by W. Thomas, and is entitled: “ Where woods and groves in solemn grandeur rise”.


Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue  morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically on the borders and corners and sides, in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. Inside these, branches, curling stems, leaves rise from the base, up the sides, to the upper corners, all blocked in blind and in relief – all forming an ornamental frame. On the upper cover the central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows an elaborate pattern of branches, leaves curling stems, and flowers, all blocked symmetrically in gold. The words: “/ The/ Farmer’s Boy/ by/ Bloomfield/” are blocked in gold, in fanciful capital letters between the plants. Signed with the monogram YM [?] just below the word “Bloomfield” The spine is blocked in gold. A tracery of branches, curling stems and leaves from a panel near the head, in which the title”/ The/ farmer’s/ boy/” is blocked in gold.

Record No: 1517

Museum number P & D 1992,0406.29

De Beaumont A17

BL copy of 1866 : Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection

Bowman, Anne. The boy pilgrim. A new edition, with illustrations. London: George Routledge and Sons, The Broadway, Ludgate, New York: 419, Beekman Street. [1870]. London: Wyman and Sons, printers, Great Queen Street. With four pages  f publisher’s titles bound at the end. xxi, 429p. 5 plates. Most of the plates are signed: “Dalziel/”. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “Fight for the Ibex – p. 182” and is signed “Dalziel”. The plate opposite page 60 is entitled: “The Leopard at the Watch-Fire”, and is signed: “A Houghton”. The plate opposite page 346 is entitled: “The Forlorn Hope” and is signed: “A Houghton”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front inner page recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front endpaper. Pasted on the upper pastedown is a school prize bookplate with ornamental borders and corners, with: “/ South Hampstead Collegiate School [printed in gothic letters in a semi-circle]/ 120, Belsize Park Gardens, Haverstock Hill, London, N. W. [printed in a semi-circle]/” Inscribed in the oval frame formed by the printing: “/ Prize Arithmetic/ 3rd class/ W. G. Frazer 1877./”



Binding: The text is sewn on three sawn-in cords. The spine has a decorated head band and tail band. Marbled edges, and marbled endpapers and pastedowns. The board and spine edges are gauffered. Blue leather, not grained. The borders of both covers are blocked identically in gold, with two fillets, and small rosettes on each corner. On the upper cover, the central vignette is a medallion with a repeating pattern of three bud and semi-circles on its borders. Inside this, the words: “/ South Hampstead Collegiate School [in a semi-circle above the centre]/ Belsize Park Gardens Haverstock Hill [in a semi-circle below the centre]/” are blocked in gold. On the centre, within a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece, the motto: “/ Sung hic sua praema laudi/” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold . Raised bands form six panels. Apart from panel two, the same fillet and small ornament is blocked at the head and tail of each panel, and on the corners and the centre of each panel. Near the head, panel two has a red leather onlay, with the title: “/ The boy/ pilgrims./” blocked in gold within it.

Record No: 1518

Museum number P & D 1992,0406.36

De Beaumont A18

BL copy: Shelfmark(s): Document Supply W82/8648 (only copy of 1896?)

Buchanan, Robert. Saint Abe and his seven wives. A tale of Salt Lake City. With a bibliographical note. First cheap edition. London: Robert Buchanan, 36, Gerrard Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W. 1896.  London: Printed by Virtue and Co., Limited, City road. xi, 165p. 1 plate. With one page of publisher’s titles printed on the half title page verso. In this list, this work is advertised as: “First cheap edition, with bibliographical note. 2s. 6d.” With eight pages of press notices of the first edition bound at the end. The frontispiece plate is not captioned, and is signed: “A B H[oughton]”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front pastedown. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown. From the bibliographical note: “ I cannot conclude the bibliographical note with a word concerning the remarkable artist who furnished St. Abe and his Seven Wives with its original frontispiece. The genius of the late A. B. Houghton is at last receiving some kind of tardy recognition…I am proud to think that so great a master in black and white honoured me by associating himself with a book of mine.”


Binding: Cream endpapers and pastedowns (now faded). White ungrained cloth. There is no blocking on the lower cover. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Small ornament and two fillets are blocked in black at the head and at the tail. Near the head on the spine side, a rectangle is formed by three fillets blocked in black, with small squares on the centre of each side. Within this, the title: “/ Saint/ Abe and/ his seven/ wives/” is blocked in gold. Near the tail, on the fore edge side, a square is formed by two fillets blocked in gold and in black. Within it a tree, a snake and small flowers are blocked in gold. The centre of the cover shows the same figures as for the frontispiece, Abe and his seven wives. The words: “/ Robert Buchanan/” are blocked in gold underneath this group of figures. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. Near the head, above and below the title words, three black fillets and small square on the centre are blocked in black. The title: “/ Saint/ Abe/ and his/ seven/ wives/” is blocked in gold between these groups of black fillets. Near the tail, the monogram “RB” is blocked in gold, within a square formed by a single black fillet, which has a small square in blocked above and below it.

Record No: 1519

Museum number P & D 1992,0406.41

De Beaumont A19

BL copy: Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection


Bunyan, John. The pilgrim’s progress from this world to that which is to come. Delivered under the similitude of a dream. Wherein is discovered the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey, and safe arrival at the desired country. Cambridge: Printed at the University Press for Macmillan and Co., 1862. Cambridge: Printed by C. J. Clay, M. A. at the University Press. Xii, 375p. The illustration on the title page is signed: “W. Holman Hunt” and “C H Jeens” [i.e. Charles Henry Jeens]. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.



Binding. Brown ungrained cloth. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38 Kirby St./” Both covers are blocked identically on the borders with two fillets, the outer thick, the inner thin, in blind on the lower cover and in gold on the upper cover. The upper cover central vignette shows a medallion of Macmillan, with the Macmillan monogram at the centre. The words: “Golden treasury Series.” are blocked in gold around the perimeter of the medallion. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and tail, three fillets are blocked, with one thick between two thinner fillets. Near the head, the title: “/ The/ Pilgrim’s/ Progress/ [rule]/ John/ Bunyan./” are blocked in gold. Near the tail, the words: “/ Cambridge/ 1862/” are blocked in gold.

 Record No: 1520

Museum number P & D 1992,0406.44

De Beaumont A20

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 12331.aaaa.49.

Burnand, Francis Cowley. MoKeanna! A treble temptation. &c., &c., &c. London: Bradbury, Agnew, & Co., 10 Bouverie St., 1873. London: Bradbury, Agnew & Co., printers, Whitefriars. [5], 270p. 4 plates. The illustrations are likely to be by George du Maurier. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown. Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ S. Clement Southam/” The plate between pages 11-12 is captioned: “The white witness back-hairs the Lady Bettina” and signed: “DM”.



Binding: The plates are double size. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Red fine net-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind with three fillets on the borders, one thick between two thin. The upper cover is blocked in black only. A single fillet is blocked on the borders. The title: “/ Mo Keanna!/” is blocked at the head in black. The sub-title and author words: “/ A/ treble/ temptation/ by F. C. Burnand./” are blocked in black on the fore edege side of the upper cover. There are two figures blocked in black: a human figure, wrappred in leaves, with a broad brimmed hat; and a seal. On page 5, Mokeanna is described as: …”only one small animal, the Famer’s favourite, known to all the peasants as the Moke Anna, or Mokeanna, as she was commonly called, lay slumbering by the stall.” The spine is blocked in gold and in black. Three fillets are blocked in black, across the spine, at the head and at the tail. The Title: “MoKeanna!” is blocked in gold along the spine.


Reference:  Yesterday’s Papers blog by John Adcock  [Details of this title and Frances Cowley Burnand] (visited 11.2.2014)


Record No: 1521

Museum number P & D 1992,0406.45

De Beaumont A21

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 12803.e.18.

Burnand, Francis Cowley. The New History of Sandford and Merton. Being a true account of the adventures of “Masters Tommy and Harry”, with their beloved tutor, “Mr. Barlow.” With seventy-six illustrations by Linley Sambourne. London: Bradbury, Evans & Co., 10, Bouverie Street, 1872. London: Bradbury, Evans, and Co., printers, Whitefriars. Xvi, 268p. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown. Inscribed on the half title-page recto: “/ Theresa J Dent/ from/ Arnold/ Jan 1st 1873/” the frontispiece illustration is entitled: “The torture chamber”; the plate is signed with a monogram, most probably of Linley Sambourne. 


Reference: Yesterday’s Papers blog by John Adcock  [Details of this title and Frances Cowley Burnand] (visited 11.2.2014)

 Binding: Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Red sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is  blocked in blind and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, one thick between two thin. The central oval is formed by a single fillet blocked in blind. Inside this, there is a repeating pattern of ‘zig-zag’ in blind, and, small bud heads, blocked in relief. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. There is a single fillet blocked in black on the borders. The fillets do not cross at the fore edge tail. The title: “The/ new history/ of/ Sandford/ and/ Merton./” is blocked from the head down the centre of the cover. The capital “S” and “M” are elaborated, and also blocked in gold. On the centre, towards the spine, a running figure of a boy, blocked in black, has another small boy, blocked in gold, astride his shoulders. A small crab is blocked in black underneath these two boys. The spine is Blocked in gold and in black. From the head down to the centre, the title and author words: “/ The new/ history/ Sandford/ and/ Merton/ by/ F C Burnand/” are blocked in gold in elaborated letters. From the centre spine down towards the tail, the figure of a black boy is astride a hill top, which is blocked in gold. At the tail, the words: “/ Illustrated/ [rule] by/ Sambourne/” are blocked in gold.

Record No: 1522

Museum number P & D 1992,0406.48

De Beaumont A22

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection C.109.b.2.

Byron, George Gordon Noel, Baron Byron. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. A romaunt. Illustrated from original sketches. London: John Murray, Albermarle Street, 1859. Edinburgh: Printed by R. & R. Clark. [8], 329p. 1 plate. Printed on the verso of the page headed “Illustrations”: “The Illustrations drawn on wood by Percival Skelton. Engraved by J. W. Whymper [ i.e Josiah Wood Whymper] and J. Cooper i. e. James Davis Cooper].” However, the full list of illustrations has the sketches drawn by several other artists as well, and also the wood engravers are J. Cooper and O. Jewitt [i. e. Thomas Orlando Shelton Jewitt]. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown. Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ Algernon F. L. J. Hussey/ given him by the/ Marchioness of Winchester/ Amport. 1867./”  the frontispiece illustration is a portrait of Bryon in oriental dress, entitled: “From life by Thomas Phillips, R. A.”; the plate is signed: “JW Whymper Sc.”


Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards Red endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s Ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Edmonds & Remnants/ [rule]/ London./ Green morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold in blind and in relief. There is an elaborate outer border of a repeating pattern of ‘curling stems and leaves. Inside this, there are three fillets blocked in gold, the two inner most of which are thin. The outermost has a repeating pattern of ‘large and small dots’, blocked in relief within it.   The whole forms an ornamental frame for the inner rectangle. Inside this, patterns of fillets form interweaving straps at the centre head, the centre tail, and the centre sides. Leaf and stem decoration is blocked in gold on each inner corner. Cartouches are formed by blocking in blind and in relief around the inner borders. Within the inner corner triangles, small curling stem and leaf decoration is blocked in relief. The central diamond formed by all the fillets has horizontal gold hatch leaves blocked above and below the central medallion. Within the medallion the title words: “/ Childe/ Harold/” are blocked in relief within two rectangular gold lettering-pieces. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind and in relief. At the head and at the tail, elaborate repeating patterns of small leaves and buds and stems are blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the spine is divide into three panels: 1. A rectangle formed by gold fillets which cross to form straps; 2. The title words: “/ Childe/ Harold’s/ Pilgrimage/” are blocked in gold; 3. A long rectangular panel, formed by three gold fillets, one thick between two thin, and within this, straps at the head and at the tail; the diamond formed by these fillets has the words: “by/ Lord/ Byron/” blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces, which are surrounded by small decoration picked out in relief. Near the tail , the words: “/ London/ John Murray/./” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece which has fillets blocked in gold and in relief on its borders.

Record No: 1523

Museum number P & D 1992,0406.49

De Beaumont A23

Shelf mark: General Reference Collection 11611.ccc.13. London : Ward, Lock & Co., [1878.]. Notes: A reissue of the edition published by E. Moxon, Son & Co. in 1870, without the memoir and the illustrations.

Byron, George Gordon, Baron Byron. The poetical works. Reprinted from the original editions, with explanatory notes, &c. [Monogram of Frederick Warne]. Portrait and original illustrations. London: Frederic Warne and Co., Bedford Street, Strand, [1878]. Bungay: Clay and Taylor, printers. viii, 668p. 8 plates. With ten pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. In the publisher’s series “The Lansdowne Poets”, this work is described as: “Entirely new edition, red line border. With original notes steel portraits, and full page illustrations. Large crown 8o, cloth extra, gilt edges, price 3s. 6d. each; or in morocco elegant, 8s.” The frontispiece plate is a portrait of Lord Byron “Aet 27”, signed: “London. Frederick Warne & Co.” Apart from the frontispiece, the plates are signed: “A Houghton” and “Dalziel”. The plate opposite page 60 is entitled: “Jephthah’s daughter”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown. Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/For Alice/ With Annie’s love/ and best wishes/ November 14th 1878./” 


Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Blue fine rib diagonal-grain cloth. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this, repeating patterns of Greek frets (on each side), squares (head and tail), ‘two leaves and flowers (inner head and tail) curling stem and buds ((on each corner) - all form an ornamental frame. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. A single black fillet is blocked on the borders. At the head, the series title: “/The Lansdowne Poets/” is blocked in black within a rectangular panel formed by two black fillets.  Decoration of two lyres, blocked in gold, and columns blocked in black (beneath each lyre), with plants blocked in relief within each - all forms an inner ornamental frame. The perimeter of the oval centre is blocked in black with fillets and a repeating pattern of ‘small squares and rectangles’. On the centre, the word: “/Byron./.” is blocked in gold with in a rectangular panel formed by two fillets, one gold and one black. Above and below this, horizontal hatch is blocked in gold, with leaves blocked in black, with their veins being blocked in gold, and with flower heads blocked in gold, and the flower bases being blocked in black. Towards the tail, the words: “/ Notes, Illustrations./” are blocked in relief, surrounded by black blocking, within a rectangular lettering-piece, with a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders. At the tail, more decoration in black, showing stylised plant patterns. The spine is blocked in gold and in black From the head downwards, the decoration is: three fillets across the spine, blocked in black; the series title:”/ Lansdowne/ Poets/” blocked in gold; above and below the title word, there are three more fillets blocked in black, the lowest of which has decoration in relief within it; two gold filets; the word: “/Byron./” blocked in gold; an oval panel, with the same design as on the upper cover, with the same black borders, the same horizontal gold hatch, with stems and leaves blocked in gold and in black; the word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in black in the middle of this oval panel; seven fillets blocked in black with stylised plant decoration fillets four and five, and between six and seven; just above the tail, the words: “/ F. Warne & Co./” are blocked in gold; two black fillets at the tail.

Record No: 1524

Museum number P & D 1992,0406.50

De Beaumont A24

BL General Reference Collection 1347.h.18.

Campbell, Thomas. The pleasures of hope. Illustrated by Birket Foster, George Thomas, and Harrison Weir. London: Sampson, Low and Son, 47 Ludgate Hill, 1855. [London:] R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill.  [4], 59p. The title page verso has the monogram of Joseph Cundall. The illustrations are drawn by Birket Foster, Harrison Weir, George Thomas. The illustrations are engraved by: Edmund Evans, Horace Harrild, William Measom, W. T. Green, James Cooper, Thomas Bolton, and J. Greenaway. The illustration on page one is drawn by Birket Foster, and is entitled: “At summer’s eve, when Heaven’s aerial bow”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown, together with the bookplate of W. Clafton. Inscribed on the title page:  “/ Louisa Hammond Haigh, January/ 1856./”


Gold and blind

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. White endpapers and pastedowns. Bright green morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind only on  the borders, and on the corners. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. A pattern of curling stems, of leaves are blocked on each corner, and inside this, more ‘branch-like’ fillets form the central panel, ending in small strap work on  the centre head and the centre tail – the whole forming an ornamental frame. On the upper cover the central vignette is blocked in gold. It has the title words: “/ The/ Pleasures of Hope [in a semi-circle]/ by/ Thomas Campbell./” are blocked in gold in Gothic letters. The capital letters have tendrils and strap work is blocked underneath these words. The spine is blocked in gold. Near the head, the title words: “/ The/ Pleasures/ of/ Hope/” are blocked in gold in Gothic lettering, with small straps in gold underneath the word “Hope”.

Record No: 1525

Museum number P & D 1992,0406.51

De Beaumont A25

BL General Reference Collection Document Supply W82/6256; 11642.e.7. ; 1347.g.1.

Campbell, Thomas. Gertrude of Wyoming; or, the Pennsylvanian Cottage. With thirty-five illustrations, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: George Routledge and Co. Farringdon Street, 1857. London: Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill. Viii, 95p. The illustrations are drawn by Birket Foster, William Harvey, Thomas Dalziel, Harrison Weir, Thomas Macquoid. The half title page is illustrated and is signed: “Dalziel” and Macquoid del”. The illustration on page three is drawn by Birket Foster, and is entitled: “Their timbrel, in the dance of forests brown.” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown, together with the School prize bookplate which is inscribed: “/ First class// Christmas 1864/ Prize/ awarded to/ Miss Emily Horsley/ Music/ The Misses Hickes/ Principals/”



Gold and blind and relief

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Blue pebble-grain cloth. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound / by/ A. W. Bain/ 14/ Greek St/ W/” Blue pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically on the borders and on the corners, in blind on the lower cover and in gold on the upper cover. On the borders, a repeating pattern of curling stems and leaves is blocked, with a single fillet indie this. On each corner elaborate conjoined leaves and stems are blocked on each corner, with these joined by fillets on each side – the whole forming an ornamental frame. On the centre of the upper cover, an elaborate quatrefoil, formed of curling stems and  leaves is blocked in gold around the central medallion, which is of hatch gold, which points in the four ‘compass’ directions. The title words: “/ Gertrude/ of Wyoming/” are blocked in relief within the medallion. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. The title words: “/ Gertrude/ of Wyoming./” are blocked in relief within two gold cartouches, each of which has gold tassels intertwining at the head and the tail of the cartouches. 

Robin de Beaumont BM entries;  my record nos.  1526-1350


Record no: 1526

Museum number P&D 1996,1104.06

De Beaumont A26

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection  [MISSING.] Superseded by 4417.h.24. 1 London : Seeleys, 1857 [1856] With twenty illustrations by G. H. Andrews, etc. George Henry ANDREWS ;

BL: London : Seeley Jackson and Halliday, 1868. Shelfmark(s): Document Supply W59/3471

Charlesworth, Maria Louisa. Ministering children.  London: Seeley, Jackson & Halliday, 1867. London: Strangeways and Walden, Castle St. Leicester Sq. 450p. vi, 540p. 1 plate.  The frontispiece plate has a caption which refers to the fuller text page 110: “/ In the shop sat Benjamin Tovel twisting willow tithes/ Little Sue sorting them for her blind father’s hand and,/ Sharp on the floor at her feet./ ”. The plate is signed: “J. D. Watson del” and C. H. Jeens Sc. [i. e. Charles Henry Jeens]” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front endpaper verso. Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ Hon. George Pershore/ from the Author/ 1866/” A letter from the Author, probably to George Pershore, is tipped in at the front. 


Binding: Marbled edges. Half red leather binding, with marbled paper to upper and lower covers. Both covers have gold fillets delineating the joins of leather to the marbled paper. The spine is blocked in gold. It is divided into six panels. Apart from the title panel, al have identical arabesque ornament blocked in gold, with fillets across each raised band. In panel two, the title: “/ Ministering/ children./” is blocked in gold.

Record no: 1527

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.64

De Beaumont B1

BL General Reference Collection 12807.e.20.

Richmond, D. The children of blessing. With illustrations. London: George Routledge & Sons, The Broadway, Ludgate; New York, 416 Broome Street, [1867]. London: Wyman and Sons, printers, Great Queen Street, London, E. C. [3], 402p. 8 plates. With ten pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece plate has a caption: “Rachel at the door of the sick-room – p.61”. The plate is signed: “J[ohn] Lawson”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown. Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ Annie Stevenson Fogg./ A present from her dear/ Grandmama. June 1870/ Llandudno./”


Gold and blind and black

Binding: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red sand-grain cloth. Binder’s ticket on the lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ 76 Fleet St. London E. C./”  The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. A single thick fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. On the upper left and lower right corners, a medallion is blocked in blind with groups of five leaves blocked in relief within each. Small stylised decoration is blocked on each side of each medallion, with straps forming ‘small squares. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Two fillets are blocked in black on the borders. On the lower leaf corner, the same decoration in blocked in black as for the lower covers - of a medallion with leaves, together with small stylised decoration is blocked on each side of each medallion, with straps forming ‘small squares. On the right upper corner, the same small stylised decoration blocked in black, as for the lower right hand corner. On the centre of the upper cover towards the head, the title words: “/ Children of blessing/” are blocked in gold within a turquoise dyed paper onlay. The capital “C of Children” is blocked within a separate turquoise dyed paper onlay, as an elaborate Gothic letter. Above and below this capital, and above and below the other turquoise onlay, elaborate ‘arabesque’ decoration is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold, in black and in relief. At the head, curling stem and leaf decoration is blocked in black on the right, next to  small decoration blocked in gold on the left. The title panel is a turquoise paper onlay, with small decoration blocked in gold above and below it. Within the panel the title words: “/ Children [in relief within a rectangular vertical hatch gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders]/ of [in gold within a circular part of the onlay]/ Blessing [in relief within a rectangular vertical hatch gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders]/”. Underneath this, the words: “/ by the author/ of/ The four/ sisters/” are blocked in gold diagonally downwards on the right hand side of the spine. Curling stem and leaf decoratoin downwards in gold and in black, to near the tail. At the tail, the word”:/ Routledge/” is blocked in relief, within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders.

Record no: 1528

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.65

De Beaumont B2

BL General Reference Collection 11633.c.14.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. The rime of the ancient mariner. Illustrated. [the monogram of Joseph Cundall is printed on the title page verso.] London: Sampson, Low, Son & Co. 47, Ludgate Hill, 1857. London: R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill. The list of illustrations on pp. iii-iv states that these were drawn by E. H. Wehnert [i. e. Edward Henry Wehnert]; Birket Foster; E. Duncan [ i.e. Edward Duncan]. They were “engraved by Horace Harral and Edmund Evans.” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.


Gold and blind

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Endpapers and pastedowns decorated with a leaf pattern. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Insider this, a pattern of seaweed stems of seaweed leaves, and a single shell on each corner is blocked – all forming an ornamental frame. The upper cover central decoration is blocked in gold. We see a ‘rising sun’ shedding its rays above seawater, which has vertical strands of sea plants reaching downwards. There are two eels blocked in gold amongst this vertical weed. At the base an albatross, with its neck twisted on itself into a knot, lies limply. The title words are blocked in gold amongst all this decoration, in Goth lettering: “/ The Rime of/ the/ Ancient Mariner/” The spine is blocked in gold. The title words: “/ The/ Ancient/ Mariner/ Coleridge/” are blocked in gold in Gothic lettering, surrounded by similar seaweed decoration as for the upper cover.

Record no: 1529

Museum number P&D 1996,1104.07

De Beaumont B3

BL Nimmo, 1865.  [The Young Men of the Bible.]Joseph Avery COLLIER Edinburgh : W. P. Nimmo, [1865] Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection


Collier, Joseph Avery. The young men of the Bible. A series of papers biographical and suggestive. Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo, 1872. Edinburgh and London: Printed by Ballantyne and Company. 220p. 5 plates. With twenty-four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece plate has a caption: “Joseph in prison”. The plate is signed: “J Lawson” [i.e. John Lawson] and” J Paterson Sc.”  [i.e. Probably Robert Paterson] Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the recto of the frontispiece plate. front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.


Gold and blind and black

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Red sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind in gold and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. On the centre, the medallion is blocked in gold, with sprigs of laurel leaves and branches blocked in gold around the medallion. Within the outer band of the medallion, the words: “/ West of Scotland Institution, Glasgow./” are blocked in relief. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Two gold fillets and a single black fillet are blocked on the outer borders. The inner border shows a ‘folding card’ repeating pattern, with each card blocked alternately in gold and in black, between two fillets blocked in gold. On the corners, four leaves are blocked in gold, each within a square formed by a single gold and a single black fillet. Inside this, a single fillet is blocked in black. The central vignette is blocked in gold and in black, showing an octagon, with fillets on its borders in gold and in black, and a pattern of small repeating leaves between the two gold fillets. The title:/ “ Young/ men/ of the/ Bible/” are blocked in gold on the centre. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a black and a gold fillet, across the spine; a quatrefoil, within a panel formed by two gold fillets; the title words: “/ Young/ men/ of the/ Bible/” are blocked in gold within a panel formed by two gold fillets, which are semi-circular at its head and at its tail; black and gold arabesques are blocked within a long panel formed by two gold and one black fillet; a semi-circular panel formed by two gold fillets, with small stylised decoration in gold within it; the word: “/ W. P. Nimmo/” is blocked in gold near the tail; a rectangular panel is formed by three fillets, one black and two gold, with small decoration blocked in gold within it. One gold and one black fillet at the tail.

Record no: 1530

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.66

De Beaumont B4

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection RB.23.a.18152. 1862.

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 10172.c.31. 1863.

Collins, Charles Allston. A cruise upon wheels: the chronicle of some autumn wanderings among the deserted post-roads of France.  Second edition. London: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, Farringdon Street, 1863. London: Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden. ix, 460p. The frontispiece plate has the caption: “Monsieur Morve of Malaise” and is signed “Dalziel”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the verso of the frontispiece plate and on a separate sheet. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.


Gold and blind and relief.

Binding: Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. Both cover are blocked identically in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked on the borders in blind. Inside this, a repeating pattern of ‘horseshoes’ is blocked in relief, with a four leaf device blocked on each corner, within a square formed by a single fillet blocked in blind. The central oval medallion is formed by two fillets blocked in blind, with symmetrical patterns of stems and leaves blocked in relief within it. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head, a single fillet, and a vertical hatch fillet are blocked in gold. The panel containing the title and author is a rectangular gold panel, with the decoration of curtain drapes being picked out in relief. The title and author: “/ A/ cruise/ upon/ wheels/ Collins/” are blocked in relief within five cartouches blocked in gold. At the tail, hatch gold between two gold fillets; a vertical-hatch gold fillet, and a gold fillet at the tail  

Record no: 1531

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.67

De Beaumont B5

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection RB.23.a.29929

Collins, William Wilkie. Mr. Wray’s cash-box; or, the mask and the mystery. A Christmas Sketch. London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, 1852. London: Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars. viii, 171p. 1 plate. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “/ Mr. Wray’s Cash Box/ London: Richard  Bentley, 1852./”, and it is signed “J. E. Millais” [i. e. John Everett Millais]. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.


Gold and blind and relief.

Binding: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ripple vertical-grain cloth. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Remnant & Edmonds/ [rule]/ London./” [Ball no. 31A] Both covers are blocked identically on the borders. There are three fillets blocked in blind on the borders and small single straps on the centre head and centre tail. On each corner, straps are blocked in blind and in relief, and on each side, two sets of ‘bud heads’ are blocked in relief. On the centre of the upper cover, the title and author Are blocked in gold: “/ Mr. Wray’s cash-box. [in a semi-circle]/ by/ W. Wilkie Collins. [in a semi-circle]/”. The spine is blocked in gold, in blind and in relief. At the head and at the tail, a single fillet is blocked in blind across the spine. Five panels are formed by groups of three fillets blocked in blind, the middle fillet showing ‘raised bands’ blocked in relief.

Record no: 1532

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.70

De Beaumont B6

BL General Reference Collection 2290.g.8. 1857.

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 11779.f.78. Chapman and Hall. 1857.
General Reference Collection C.108.x.9. Chapman and Hall. 1857.

Cornwall, Barry. Dramatic scenes and other poems, now first printed. Illustrated. London: Chapman and Hall, 198, Piccadilly, 1857. London: Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars. xii, 404p. In the ‘List of Illustrations: engraved by the Brothers Dalziel’, the illustrators are: John Tenniel, Birket Foster, J. R. Clayton [i.e. John Richard Clayton], Thomas Dalziel, W. Harvey [i.e. William Harvey], James Godwin, Edward H. Courbold [i.e. Edward Henry Courbould; see: ], Harrison Weir, Edward Dalziel. The illustration on page seven is by John Tenniel and is entitled: “’ Ludovico Sforza’. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown. The oval shaped bookplate initialled ‘ID’[i. e. John Dalziel] is on the front pastedown, with the motto “I dare”. Pasted on to the front pastedown is a letter from John Tenniel on black edged paper to one of the Dalziel Brothers:

“Dear Dalziel,

Many thanks for your kind and very liberal donation.

I will try and get to you this afternoon, but don’t expect me as it is very doubtful. At any rate its of no sort of use talking business.

I will be out all day tomorrow. At home all day Thursday.

Yours very truly

J. Tenniel.”


Gold and blind and relief.

Binding: The text is sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco vertical-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on both covers, in blind and in relief on the lower cover, and in gold and in relief on the upper cover. On the upper cover, a single gold fillet is blocked on the borders. Inside, the overall design is on interlocking straps, which are of two fillets blocked in relief, with  gold blocked between them. The background for the entire upper cover is of horizontal gold hatch, with an elaborate pattern of curling stems and leaves blocked in relief. The centre of the upper cover has the title and author words: “/ Dramatic scenes and other poems/ [rule]/ by/ Barry Cornwall/” blocked in gold The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. There is a single fillet blocked in gold on the borders. Interlocking fillets, of gold between two fillets blocked in relief, form six panels down the spine. As for the upper cover, the background is of horizontal gold hatch, with curling stems and leaves blocked in relief. Panel two, near the spine contains the title and author words: “/ Dramatic/ scenes/ and other/ poems/ [rule]/ Barry Cornwall/” blocked in gold.

Record no: 1533

Museum number P&D 1996,1104.09

De Beaumont B7

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 12630.d.3. 1856

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 12618.d.14. 1859.

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 12267.a.1/240. Tauchnitz 1857

Dinah Maria Mulock Craik. John Halifax, gentleman. By the author of “A woman’s thoughts about women,” “ A life for a life,” “Christian’s mistake,” “A brave lady”, etc., etc. Thirty-First edition. [Monogram of Hurst & Blackett.] London: Hurst and Blackett, publishers, 13, Great Marlborough Street, [1864]. Bungay: Clay and Taylor, printers. [3], 430p. 1 plate. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the front and twelve pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “Ursula March”. It is signed: “J E Millais, A.R.A.” [i.e John Everett Millais] and “John Saddler”. The plate is signed with Millais’s monogram and the date of 1861. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown. On the recto of the publisher’s titles bound at the front, this work is described as: “New and cheap editions, Each in One Volume, Illustrated, and Uniformly Bound, price 5s.”


Gold and blind

Binding: Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Dark red fine rib diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind. The overall pattern is created by groups of three fillets, blocked in blind vertically near the spine, near the fore edge, near the head and near the tail. These interlock at each corner, and within the squares formed by them, an eight petalled flower is blocked. On the borders of all the rectangles formed by the interlocking fillets, a repeating pattern of small dots is blocked in blind. On the centre near the spine and the centre near the fore edge, the same eight petalled flower is blocked within a medallion formed by a single fillet. The sine is blocked in gold. Gold fillets are blocked both vertically and horizontally, forming rectangular panels down the spine. On the inner borders of the rectangles, a repeating pattern of small dots is blocked in gold. Neat the head the title is blocked in panel two: “/ John/ Halifax/” Panels three and five have a small lozenge blocked in gold on the centre. Panel three is a medallion formed by two gold fillets. Within it, the words”/ by/ the author of/ Christian’s/ mistake/” are blocked in gold. Panel five near the tail contains the publisher words: “/ Hurst & Blackett’s/ Standard Library/”.

Record no: 1534

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.72

De Beaumont B8

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection

Dale, Thomas Pelham. A life’s motto. Illustrated by biographical examples. With a frontispiece by J. D. Watson [i.e. John Dawson Watson]. London: James Hogg & Son, York St., Covent Garden, [1869]. London: Levey & co., printers, Great New Street, Fetter Lane, E. C. 345p. 1 plate. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.  The frontispiece plate is entitled: “/ A life’s motto./” It is signed underneath the print: “ Drawn by J. D. Watson. [i.e. John Dawson Watson]” Within the print is the signature: “H. Harral Sc.” [i.e. Horace Harral]. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.


Gold and blind and black

Binding: Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Red fine bead-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked with one fillet in blind on its perimeter. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black and in relief. Three fillets are blocked on the borders, one gold between two black. On each inner corner, and on the bottom right, gold fillets cross to form straps. To the left hand side of the cover, blocking in gold and in black delineates a shape which resembles a Victorian glass display case, on a plinth. Within the ‘glass case’. The words: “/ Whatsoever/ thy hand/ findeth to do,/ do it/ with thy might/” are blocked in gold. To the right of the cover near the fore edge, the title and author words are blocked within elaborate tracery and scrolls: “/ A life’s motto [blocked in relief with a scroll shaped gold lettering-piece]/ by the Rev./ T. Pelham Dale [blocked in relief with a scroll shaped gold lettering-piece]/” More horizontal decoration n black and in gold is blocked underneath the title. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. A single gold fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two rectangles formed by a single black fillet, with a gold fillet blocked within each; the title words are blocked within the same ‘display case’ shape: “/ A life’s motto [blocked diagonally in relief within a scroll shaped gold lettering-piece]/”; the title is surrounded by small decoration blocked in gold; the ‘column of the ‘display case’ is blocked down the spine in gold and in black; the words: “/ by the Revd./” are blocked on either side of the upper part of the column; the words: “/ Pelham Dale [blocked in relief within a scroll shaped gold lettering-piece]/ near the tail, two rectangles are blocked, formed by a single black fillet, with a gold fillet blocked within each.

Record no: 1535

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.73

De Beaumont B9

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 7913.c.5. 1861.

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 1868.

Dalton, Henry. The book of drawing room plays and evening amusements: a comprehensive manual of in-door recreation [ in gothic lettering], including all kinds of acting charades; proverbs, burlesques, and extravaganzas; intellectual, active, catch and trick games; forfeits, board-games, and puzzles. The whole interspersed with practical directions concerning costume, and hints on management and accessories. With scenic illustrations by E. H. Courbold [i.e. Edward Henry Courbold] and G. de Maurier [i.e. George du Maurier]. And upwards of one hundred diagrams on wood. Accompanied by a copious index. London: James Hogg & Sons, [1861]. London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. 309p. 7 plates. With ten pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.  The frontispiece plate hand coloured and is entitled: “/Strategy, my boy; strategy!/”  Within the print is the signature: “G. du Maurier” and “Dalziel”.  The front endpaper recto is inscribed:” / Robertson/ 13 Lancaster Gate/ [two signatures not readable]/” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.


Gold and Blind and relief.

Binding: Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple pebble-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in blind on its borders. On the corners and the sides, a pattern of curling stems, leaves is blocked in relief. The oval-shaped central panel is formed by fillets, blocked in blind, which form an arabesque. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in gold on the borders. Inside this, a third fillet is blocked in gold, with repeating dots blocked in relief within it. On the corners and one the sides, a pattern resembling rose flowers, leaves, stems and buds is blocked in gold, with the small decoration being picked out in relief. A pattern of interlocking single stems, is blocked in relief between two thin gold fillets, - all forming a central oval panel. Within the panel, we see a ‘fairy like’ figure, coming at us through an open door, with a sword hanging from the waist. The fairy wears a face mask. Above it, six stars are blocked, and above these, three oil lamps hang from the ceiling. The title words: “/ Drawing/ room/ plays [blocked on the left of the title]/ & evening amuse/ ments [blocked on the right of the fairy]/” are blocked in relief within scroll shaped lettering pieces that run vertically down the cover. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: Small fillets and decoration at the head; the title and author words: “/ The/ book of/ drawing/ room/ plays/ and/ evening/ amusements/ [rule] Henry Dalton/” are blocked in gold within a panel formed by a single curling gold fillet. Within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet, a male figure, dressed in costume, with a crown on his head and two large feather rising from it, is reading a book in front of a long dress mirror; the words: “/ with/ illustrations/ & diagrams/” are blocked in gold near the tail; three fillets and small decoration are blocked in gold at the tail.

Record no: 1536

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.74

De Beaumont B10

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection [Another copy.]

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 12808.b.22.


Days of old [in Gothic lettering]. Three stories from old English history. For the young. By the author of “Ruth and her friends.” Cambridge: Macmillan and Co. and at 23, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London, 1859. [London:] R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill. [5], 253p. 1 plate. The frontispiece plate has the monogram of William Holman Hunt. It is the same monogram as on the Millais gold and sardonyx signet ring that Holman Hunt wore until his death in 1910. The simple circular sardonyx it houses is engraved with the initials WHH combined with an M. Inverted, the monogram turns into the letters PB for the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood the two men had founded in 1848. [These details are from:  ] The plate also has the number “58” printed to the right of Hunt’s monogram. The upper pastedown has a prize label printed and written with the words:  “The Collegiate School [in Gothic lettering]./ Newark-upon-Trent/ [rule]/ Class prize/ awarded to/ Master George A Matterson/ for Arithmetic & English/ according/ to result of final Examination held 10 December 1880/ J. Burt, Principal [in Gothic lettering]./”  Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.


Binding: Edges have combed marbling. The binding is of half leather, which has been patterned to resemble ‘pebble’ grain. Combed marbled paper to upper and lower covers. Single gold fillets on spine side and on corners. The spine is divided into six panels by raised bands. Panel one near the head has two gold fillets, with ‘dotted’ gold fillets above and below these’ panel two has the title words: “/ Days/ of old/” blocked in gold; panels three, four and five have no blocking; At the tail of panel six, the same combinations of fillets, as for the head,  are blocked twice; between them a pattern of small ovals is blocked in gold.

Record no: 1537

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.75

De Beaumont B11

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 1156.f.6. James Burns of 1847.

London: T. Nelson, 1853 at 12613.c.30.

Defoe, Daniel. The life and surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner. Written by himself [printed in Gothic lettering]. [rule, in the shape of a lily stem and buds] A New Edition [printed in Gothic lettering], with illustrations. London: Edward Lumley, High Holborn, [1853]. London: Printed by Robson, Levey, and Franklin, Great New Street, Petter Lane. 364p. 4 plates. With twenty-four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. On page twenty of these titles, this work is described as: “Beautiful Illustrated Edition, carefully edited by the Rev. J. F. Russell, fine type and paper, cloth gilt, choice Artistic plates by Keene, 3s., pub. 4s. 6d.” The plates are signed “C. Keene [i.e. Charles Keene] del.” And “J. Cooper [probably James Davis Cooper] Sc.” The frontispiece plate is entitled: “Robinson Crusoe.” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.


Binding: The design is not signed. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical design, in blind and in relief on the lower cover, and in gold and in relief on the upper cover.  On the upper cover, three fillets are blocked in gold on the borders. The remainder of the cover is blocked with an elaborate pattern of branches, curling stems, leaves, flower buds and flowers (possibly of ivy), with the leaf veins being picked out in relief. On the centre an interlocking pattern of stems and leaves forms straps. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: ‘Ivy like’ buds and leaves at the head; the title words: “/ Robinson/ Crusoe/” are blocked in gold; two gold fillets; three flowers and six leaves are blocked at the head of a plant, with more leaves and curling stems lower down the spine; near the tail, interlocking ‘roots’ and three fillets at the tail blocked in gold.

Reference: the entry for James Davis Cooper is on page 54 of  Engen, Rodney K. Dictionary of Victorian wood engravers. Cambridge : Chadwyck-Healey, 1985.


Record no: 1538

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.77

De Beaumont B12

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 12611.c.12. Macmillan 1866.

Defoe, Daniel.  Robinson Crusoe. Edited after the original editions by J. W. Clark, M.A. London and Cambridge: Macmillan and Co., 1866. Cambridge: Printed by C. J. Clay, M. A. at the University Press. xii, 607p. The illustration on the title page is of Robinson Crusoe. It is signed with the monogram of John Everett Millais, and is dated “1862” underneath the monogram. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso and on a separate slip of paper. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.


Binding: Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ungrained cloth. Binders ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by. Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./” [Ball no. 20A ] On the lower cover, two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. On the upper cover, two fillets are blocked in blind in gold. The central medallion on the upper cover is formed by two circular gold fillets, and it shows the figure of Crusoe by the seashore, holding a rifle in his left hand which is resting on his left shoulder. In his right hand, he holds a parasol. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, three fillets are blocked in gold, one thick between two thin. Near the head, the title: “/ Life/ and/ adventures/ of/ Robinson/ Crusoe/ of York/ Mariner/” is blocked in gold.

Record no: 1539

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.78a

De Beaumont B13a

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 12206.a.6. Longman of 1863.

Defoe, Daniel. History of the Plague of London. (1665.) London: Thomas Murby, 32, Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, E. C. and Simpkin, Marshall & Co, Stationers’ Hall Court, [1865?] [London: printed by] Thos. Murby, 32 Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, E. C. 203p. 5 plates. The illustrations are designed by Frederick Shields [i.e. Frederick James Shields], and have his monogram of a crossed “F” and “S”. Some of the plates are signed “Swain Sc.” [i. e Joseph Swain]. The list of illustrations cites six plates. However, only five plates are in this volume, with the original frontispiece plate entitled: “The decision of faith” being missing. Instead the frontispiece plate is entitled: “Solomon Eagle denouncing the Impenitent”, which ought to have been bound between pages 100 and 101. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front blank paper recto. The bookplate: “Ex Libris V. De S. Pinto” [i.e. Vivian De Sola Pinto] is on the front pastedown. x135x15mm

Gold and blind and relief


Gleeson White. English Illustration. The Sixties: 1855-70. Westminster : Constable and Co., 1897, p. 118.

Forrest Reid. Illustrators of the Sixties. London : Faber & Gwyer, 1928, p. 208. The history of the plague of London appeared in Laurie’s “Shilling Entertainment Library”, and was published at two prices – nine pence in paper wrappers and a shilling bound in cloth.

Goldman, Paul. Victorian Illustrated Books 1850-1870. The heyday of wood-engraving. The Robin de Beaumont Collection. London, British Museum Press, 1994, p. 86. “… a book of great rarity in the true first edition.”

Binding: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. The front pastedown is missing. Purple (now faded) sand-grain cloth. The upper and lower covers are blocked in identically in blind and in relief ion the borders and on the corners. Three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, the outermost of which is thick. On the corners, a pattern of curling stems and leaves is blocked in relief. On the centre of the upper cover, the words: “/ Laurie’s/ entertaining/ library/ “ are blocked in blind. Along the spine, the title”/ History of the plague/” is blocked in gold.

Record no: 1540

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.78b

De Beaumont B13b

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection Routledge of 1886.

Defoe, Daniel. History of the Plague of London. 1665. [At the head of the title page:] Laurie’s Entertaining Library. London: Thomas Laurie, 28 Paternoster Row, [1886?]. [1], xi-xii, 206p. 4  plates. With one page of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The illustrations are by Frederick Shields [i. e Frederick James Shields], some of which have his monogram of a crossed “F” and “S”. Some of the plates are signed “Swain Sc.” [i. e Joseph Swain], The list of illustrations of the 1860s editions cites six plates. However, only four plates are in this volume, with the original frontispiece plate entitled: “The decision of faith” being in its correct place at the front. Robin de Beaumont's bookplate on the title page verso. 


Blocked in black on green dyed paper


Gleeson White. English Illustration. The Sixties: 1855-70. Westminster : Constable and Co., 1897, p. 118.

Forrest Reid. Illustrators of the Sixties. London : Faber & Gwyer, 1928, p. 208. The history of the plague of London appeared in Laurie’s “Shilling Entertainment Library”, and was published at two prices – nine pence in paper wrappers and a shilling bound in cloth.

Binding: Green paper on covers and spine, blocked in black. On the lower cover, there is a list of the titles in the series: “Laurie’s Entertaining Library”, of which this volume is number three in the series. The list of tiles is framed within ‘branch like’ fillets, which intersect at each corner. The upper cover has three fillets blocked on tis borders, on thick between two thin,. At the head of the upper cover, the series title: “/ Laurie’s Entertaining Library/” is blocked in black, between two rows of repeating crosses, each within a circle formed by two fillets. Down the spine side of the cover, a pattern of ‘curling stems and leaves’ is blocked. Within a rectangular frame, the title and author words: “? History/ of/ The Plague/ By/ Daniel Defoe./” are blocked in black. At the tail, the publisher: “/ Thomas Laurie/ Paternoster Row, E. C. “ are blocked in black, within a rectangle. Along the spine, the title words: “/ History of the Plague/” are blocked in black.  formed by a single black fillet.

Record no: 1541

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.79

De Beaumont B14

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 012602.h.1. Works of Charles Dickens. Library edition. 27. The Uncommercial Traveller. pp. iv. 362. [1874.]

Dickens, Charles. The uncommercial traveller. With illustrations. London: Chapman and Hall, Limited, [1874]. London: Printed by J. S. Virtue and Co., Limited. City Road. Vii, 362p. 8 plates. Eight plates are listed in the ‘List of Illustrations’. However the plate that ought to be between pp106-107 entitled: ‘This is a sweet spot, ain’t it? A lovely spot’  is bound in as the frontispiece. Most of the plates are signed “Dalziel”. Robin de Beaumont's bookplate on the front pastedown. The bookplate of D. T. C. Belgrave is on the upper pastedown.


Gold and blind and relief.

Binding:  Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red bead-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and relief, with fillets, a ‘meander’ pattern. Curling stems and leaves are blocked in relief on the centre head and centre tail. They surround the central circle, made up on fillets and a ‘meander’ pattern. The spine is blocked in gold and blind and relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: fillets in blind and a diamond pattern in relief; the title and author words: “/ Uncommercial/ Traveller./ Charles Dickens/” are blocked in gold between gold fillets which have repeating dots within them blocked in relief; small circles decoration is blocked in gold above and below the title; on the lower half of the spine, a medallion, with a flower within it, blocked in relief; the word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in gold at the tail.

Record no: 1542

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.93

De Beaumont B15

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 11525.c.15.    1856.                                      

Dulcken, Henry William. The Book of German Songs: from The Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century. [in Gothic lettering] Translated and edited by H. W. Dulcken. London: Ward and Lock, 158, Fleet Street, 1856. [London:] Printed by Petter and Galpin, Playhouse Yard, adjoining the “times” office. 324p. 6 plates. Some of the plates are signed: "Dalziel". The plates dividing the groups of songs have been marked as being by Charles Keene. The plate printed on page 191 is entitled: “Vanitas vanitatum”, in reverse, and is signed “CK” [i.e. Charles Keene] Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso and on a separate slip of paper. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.


Gold and blind and relief.

Binding: The design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge./ Shoe Lane/ London./” [Ball no. 53A] Blue  morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are identically blocked in blind on borders and corners. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders, and then a curling stem and leaf pattern blocked in relief on the corners and on the sides. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold, showing a youth, in a military uniform, seated on a branch, feather in a hat, holding a tankard in left hand and a sword in right hand. The title; "/ The/ Book of/ German Songs./" is blocked in gold, in rustic letters, above and below the youth. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at base of vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the point of an arch, with vine leaves; the title: “/ the/ Book/ of/ German/ Songs/” is blocked in gold, in gothic letters; A groups of objects is blocked in gold – a staff with vine stems winding around it, a hat atop the staff, a sword, a meerschaum pipe, vine leaves; signed “JL” in gold as separate letters underneath this group of objects; at the tail, the word “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in gold, within a rectangle formed by a single fillet.

Record no: 1543

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.94

De Beaumont B16

BL Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection       11602.bbb.12. 1864.                                        

Dulcken, Henry William. The golden harp: hymns, rhymes, and songs for the young / adapted by H. W. D. With ... illustrations by J. D. Watson [i. e. John Dawson Watson]  T. Dalziel i.e. Thomas Dalziel], and J. Wolf [i. e. Joseph Wolf] . Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, Farringdon Street; and New York, 1864. London: Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press. 160p. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. Most of the illustrations are signed: "Dalziel". The last paragraph of the Preface states: “As regards illustrations, the figure subjects are drawn by J. D. Watson; the Landscapes, by T. Dalziel; the Birds and Animals, by J. Wolf, and all most carefully engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.” Examples of Watson’s monogram are on pages 31, 49, 86, and 123. The frontispiece illustration is entitled: “Charity” and signed “J. D. W.” Written on the front endpaper recto: “/ Amy Dalziel/ with kindest love from Papa/ Dec 1863/”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.



Gold and blind and relief.




Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son./ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./” [Ball no. 17A.] Red bead-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, and between them, repeating dots are blocked in relief. Inside this, a repeating pattern of quatrefoils, of diamonds, and of unfurled leaves is blocked in blind and in relief. On the upper cover, the central oval is formed by two gold fillets, with repeating small diamonds and dots blocked in gold between them/ The title words: “/ The/ golden harp./ Hymns rhymes/ and songs/ illustrated/” is blocked in gold within the oval. The words are interspersed with curling stems, and laves, blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. Inside this two more gold fillets are blocked near the perimeter, which cross to form ovals at the head and at the tail. At the head, a harp is blocked in gold within an oval formed by these two gold fillets. At the tail, the letters “ R & R” are blocked in gold within an oval formed by these two fillets. The title words: “The golden harp” are blocked in gold along the spine, within the cartouche formed by these two gold fillets.

Record no: 1544

Museum number P&D 1996.1104.11

De Beaumont B17

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection    [no BL copy?]   

Dulcken, Henry William. The golden harp: hymns, rhymes, and songs for the young.  Fifty illustrations by J. D. Watson [i. e. John Dawson Watson]  T. Dalziel i.e. Thomas Dalziel], and J. Wolf [i. e. Joseph Wolf] . Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: George Routledge and Sons, The Broadway, Ludgate; New York: 416 Beekman Street, [1868]. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press. 160p. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. Most of the illustrations are signed: "Dalziel". The frontispiece illustration is entitled: “Charity” and signed “J.D. W.” Examples of Watson’s monogram are on pages 31, 49, 86, and 123. Signed on the front pastedown “Forrest Reid”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso and on a separate slip of paper. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.




Gold and black and relief


Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in black on the borders, with a single fillet on the borders, and then a ‘scroll column’ border, blocked between two more fillets. A single ‘rose flower’ is blocked on each corner. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Two black fillets are blocked on the borders, and, between them another black fillet, which has repeating dots blocked in relief within it. Leaf motifs are blocked in black on each upper corner and on each side at the centre. Near the head, a golden harp is blocked surrounded by dots in gold, and more elaborate curling stem and bud decoration, blocked in black. The central panel is formed by gold fillets and gold dots. Within it, the title words: “/ The/ Golden/ Harp/ hymns rhymes & songs/ for the Young/” are blocked in gold. The letters are surrounded by a tracery of curling stem and bud decoration, all in gold. Underneath the central panel, more elaborate curling stem and bud decoration is blocked in black, with a small square at its centre (Surrounded by golden dots), which is blocked in gold, and, within this square, small decoration is picked out in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. Above and below the title words, leaf and bud decoration is blocked in black. The title words: “/ The/ Golden/ Harp/ hymns/ rhymes/ & songs/ for the/ Young/” are blocked in gold, with stem and bud tracery interspersed between the letters.


Record no: 1545

Museum number P&D 1996.1104.12

De Beaumont B18

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection  12431.c.27. 1858.



Dulcken, Henry William. Our favourite fairy tales and famous histories: told for the hundredth time. Illustrates with three hundred pictures, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel, from original designs by eminent artists. London: Ward & Lock, 158, Fleet Street, 1858. Many of the illustrations are signed: "Dalziel. The illustration of Tom Thumb on page one is by H.K. Browne [i. e. Hablot Knight Browne]. The list of contents cites the illustrations as drawn by: Hablot Knight Browne, William Harvey, John Absolon, Thomas Bolton Dalziel, James Abbott Pasquier, Harrison Weir, William Mc’Connell. The half title page engraving is signed: “Dalziel”.

Inlaid into the upper pastedown is a lace paper greetings card, which is inscribed: “/ Emily Hippisley./ 1867./” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front endpaper . Written on the front endpaper verso: “ ‘/Babies do not want to hear about babies:/ they like to be told of giants & castles, & of somewhat/ that can stretch & stimulate their little minds/ Dr. Johnson’/”




Gold and blind and relief.


Binding: The spine design is by John Sleigh. Gilt edges. White endpapers and pastedowns. Blue wave vertical-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked on blind on the borders. Stems and leaves are blocked in relief on each corner. On the centre, an oval is blocked in blind, surrounded by stems and leaves, also blocked in blind. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, with groups of leaves blocked in relief on each corner. The centre piece is blocked in gold in the shape of a diamond, with curling stem and leaf patterns locked in relief around the central circle. Within the central circle, the words: “/ Our favourite [in a semi-circle]/ fairy tales/ illustrated [in a semi-circle]/” are blocked in gold in fanciful lettering. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief and is divided into five panels by block work and single gold fillets. From the head downwards, the decoration is: panel one – curling stem and leaf decoration blocked in gold; panel 2- the title: “/ Our favourite/ fairy tales/” is blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces; panel 3 – more curling stem and leaf decoration, with a four petalled flower at its centre – all blocked in gold; panel 4 – the word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has a single gold fillet blocked above and below it; panel 5 – more curling stem and leaf decoration, and within it, the monogram of John Sliegh “IS” is blocked in gold.



Record no: 1546

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.95

De Beaumont B19

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection  12804.h.29 [1868]



Dulcken, Henry William. Old friends and new friends. Tales, fables, and emblems, in prose and verse. Profusely illustrated. London: Frederick Warne and Co., Bedford Street, Covent Garden, [1867]. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers & printers, Camden Press. [8], 310p. With two pages of publishers’ titles bound at the end. Printed on the title page verso: The pictures in this book are drawn by J. D. Watson [i. e. John Dawson Watson], J. B. Zwecker [i. e. Johann Baptist Zwecker], A. B. Houghton [i. e. Arthur Boyd Houghton], T. Dalziel [i. e. Thomas Dalziel], H. Weir [i. e. Harrison Weir], A. Pasquier [i. e. James Abbott Pasquier], J. Gilbert [i. e. John Gilbert], H. K. Browne [i. e. Hablot Knight Browne], A. W. Bayes [i. e. Alfred Walter Bayes]. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “The animals in Council.” It is signed: “Dalziel”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the frontispiece recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown .




Gold and black, and blind and relief.



Binding: The upper cover vignette is by William Ralston. [King VDTB p.201, no. 548.] Bevelled boards. White endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. The lower cover has three fillets blocked in blind on its borders. The same three fillets are blocked in blind on the upper cover on the borders. The upper cover central vignette is diamond shaped. On each corner of the diamond, are blocked in gold: at the head, a hen, wearing a hat; on the right, a donkey’s head; at the base, a blackbird; on the left, the head of a goat. Signed “WR” [ i. e. William Ralston], underneath the tail of the blackbird. The central square is formed by two gold fillets, and between them a fillet blocked in black, which has a pattern of repeating dots blocked within it, in relief. The title words: “/ Old friends [blocked relief within in a semi-circular gold lettering-piece]/ and [blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece]/ new friends  [blocked relief within in a semi-circular gold lettering-piece]/”. Small curling stem and trefoil leaf decoration surrounds the lettering pieces. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: Three gold fillets blocked across the spine; within a panel formed by formed by two gold fillets, and between them a fillet blocked in black, which has a pattern of repeating dots blocked within it, in relief – are the title words: “/ Old Friends [blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece]/ and Friends [blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, surrounded by gold stars]/ new friends [blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece]/ tales, fables/ and emblems/ Illustrated Friends [blocked in relief within a semi-circular gold lettering-piece]/”; near the tail, curling stems and trefoil decoration is blocked in gold, together with the publisher name: “/ F. Warne & Co/”; three gold fillets across the spine at the tail.


Record no: 1547

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.97

De Beaumont B20

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection [1860]


12807.ccc.33. 1875.



Edgar, John George. Sea kings and naval heroes. A book for boys. Illustrated by C. Keene [i. e. Charles Keene] and E. K. Johnson [i. e. Edward Killingworth Johnson]. London: Bell and Daldy, 186, Fleet Street, 1856. London: Henry Vizetelly, printer and engraver, Gough Street, Fleets Street. viii, 336p. 6 plates. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “Nelson hauling down the Spanish flag”. Inscribed on the front endpaper verso: “Samuel Walter Stephens/ With Miss Herling’s kind love/ as a token of her satisfaction with/ his attention to his studies and/ general good conduct/ Portsdown House/ Oct 1861/” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown .




Gold and blind.


Binding. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers appear to have been blocked after being attached to the boards. Both covers blocked identically in blind with two fillets on the borders, straps on each lower corner, and stems and leaves on each upper corner. The centre of each cover is blocked in blind with  a ‘tree’ pattern, with curling stems and leaves blocked on the lower half and unfurling leaves to each upper half of the cover. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. From the head downwards the decoration is: two gold fillets across the spine; the words: “/ Sea [in ‘rope like’ letters]/ Kings [in ‘rope like’ letters]/ and Naval Heroes/” are blocked in gold; the words: “/ J. G. Edgar/” are blocked in relief within a crown, blocked in gold; the crowned head of Neptune, with along beard, is blocked in gold , and is framed by a circular rope; from the tail upwards, an anchor is attached to the base of this circular rope; the figure of a dolphin [this is similar to the John Leighton dolphin] is pierced by the shaft of the anchor. At the tail, two gold fillets are blocked across the spine.


Record no: 1548

Museum number P&D 1996.1104.14

De Beaumont B21

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 1865.


[Elioart, Elizabeth] Patient Henry. A book for boys. By the author of “The little drummer,” “Truth and falsehood,” etc. With Illustrations. [Medallion and monogram of F. Warne & Co.] London: Frederick Warne and Co., Bedford Street, Covent Garden, 1866. London: Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden. 188p. 3 plates. The plates are signed “A Houghton” [ i.e. Arthur Boyd Houghton] and “Dalziel”. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “Henry’s tutor saves him from the fire.” The front endpaper recto is inscribed: “Cavendish General School./ Presented to/ Wm. Sherman/ for/ Regular Attendance/ &/ General Improvement/ J. Clarke/ Head Master/ [rule]/ April 20th 1868./” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown .




Gold and blind.


Binding. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners, with three fillets and interlocking straps on each corner. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. It shows a diamond, with patterns in gold, of leaves stems and flowers. The title words: “Patient Henry [in a semi-circle] are blocked in relief within a semi-circular gold lettering piece. The sub title: “/ A book for/ [rule]/ boys/” as blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. The title words: “/ Patient/ Henry/” are blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces. Small flowers and decoration is blocked in gold above the word “Patient”. Straps and a diamond are blocked in gold above the word : “Henry”. The sub-title: “/ A book [in a semi-circle]/ for/ boys/” is blocked in gold, with small decoration blocked in gold above and below it. At the tail, the words: “/ Juvenile/ Illustrated/ Library/” are blocked in gold between two gold fillets.




Record no: 1549

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.98

De Beaumont B22

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection  12804.ccc.22.


Elioart, Elizabeth. The boys of Beechwood. With illustrations. London: George Routledge & Sons, the Broadway, Ludgate; New York: 416, Broome Street, 1868. London: Wyman & Sons, Printers, Great Queen Street, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, W. C. [5], 395p. 6 plates. With twelve pages of publishers’ titles bound at the end. The plates are signed either “AH” or “A Houghton” [ i.e. Arthur Boyd Houghton] and “Dalziel”. Tipped in between the front endpaper and the half title page is a slip advertising :“The Broadway. A monthly magazine”. It shows two women shaking hand above the title. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “The visit to Mrs. Hart”. It is signed: “A Houghton” and “Dalziel”. The half title page verso is inscribed: Arthur Hughes/ from/ John Arthur Herbert/ August 7th 1868/”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown .


Gold and blind and relief.




Binding: Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown honeycomb-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in blind and in relief on the borders and the corners, with two fillets on the borders, and small flower and stem decoration on each corner in relief. The upper cover central vignette is a half moon shape. On its outside, a single gold fillet it blocked, together with a pattern of small gold dots. It shows Beechwood railway station platform, with two boys and a porter carrying luggage on a trolley. The rail track is blocked just below the platform. The title words: “/ the boys/” are blocked in gold just above the scene. Within the half moon scene, the words: “/ of [blocked amongst trees behind the station fence]/ Beechwood [blocked on the station fence] are blocked in relief. Below the half moon scene, the words: “/By/ Mrs. Eiloart./” are blocked in gold. The spine is fully blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter, forming a semi-circle at the head. On the upper half of the spine, are blocked the words: “/ The boys [blocked in gold in a semi-circle]/ of [blocked in gold/ Beechwood [blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece]/ by [[in gold]/ Mrs. Eiloart. [in gold]/” . The lower half of the spine shows a woodland scene, with a larger tree trunk rising from the tai, which has a wooden notice nailed in it, with the words: “/ Caution!/ Trespass/” blocked in relief within it. To the left of the tree, plants and a wooden stile are blocked in gold. All of the decoration is picked out in relief. At the tail, the word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.


Record no: 1550

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.99

De Beaumont B23

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection   Ernie Elton the lazy boy. 1865.

Elioart, Elizabeth. Ernie Elton; at home and at school. [Monogram of George Routledge within a belt.] London: George Routledge & Sons, the Broadway, Ludgate; New York: 416, Broome Street, 1867. London: Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos-Street, Covent-Garden. Two works bound into one volume. The first work is “Ernie Elton, the lazy boy. vii, 248p. 4 plates. The second work is entitled: “Ernie at school”. 248p. 4 plates. With eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The plates are signed: “A Houghton” [ i.e. Arthur Boyd Houghton] and “Dalziel”. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “The Young Poachers in the Dining Room”. It is signed: “A Houghton” and “Dalziel”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown . Bookseller’s ticket on the front pastedown: “/Boekhandel/ van/ H. Kuipers/ bÿ de langepÿp/ hoek van de Weent/ te/ Leeuwarden/”.


Gold and blind and relief.




Binding: Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple pebble-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only, with two fillets on the borders and stems and leaves on each corner. The upper cover is blocked in blind and in gold. The blocking is the same on the borders and the corners as for the lower cover. On the centre, the words: “Ernie Elton/ at home/ and at school/ by Mrs. Eiloart/” re blocked in gold in capital letters. The capital “E” of the word “Ernie” is enlarged, and shows a man seated within it, holding his left thumb to his mouth. The man’s clothes and shoes are all picked out in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From tail to the head, a ‘tree like’ plant is blocked in god, with stems and buds attached to its branches. From the head downwards, the words blocked in relief are: “/ Ernie Elton [blocked in relief within a semi-circular gold lettering piece]/ at home [blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering piece]/ and [blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering piece]/ at school/ [blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering piece]/ by [blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering piece]/ Mrs. Eiloart [blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering piece]/” Beneath these words, the phrase “/ Idle/ Folks/ take/ most pains/” are blocked in relief within a scroll-shaped lettering piece which winds downwards around the tree. At the tail the word: “/ Illustrated”/ is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering piece.


Record no  1551

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.100

De Beaumont B24

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 1873



Elwes, Alfred. Swift and sure; or, the careers of two brothers. With illustrations by John Lawson. [ Monogram of Griffith and Farran, within a book with open pages.] London: Griffith and Farran, successors to Newbery and Harris, corner of St. Paul’s Churchyard, 1873. Edinburgh: Murray and Gibbs, printers to Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. viii, 374p. 5 plates. With thirty-two pages of publishers’ bindings bound at the end.  Some of the plates are signed “JL”. Most of the plates are signed R Paterson Sc”. [i.e. probably Robert Paterson] The frontispiece plate is entitled: “Gerald watching the boat”. It is signed: “R Paterson”. Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “David Pairs Winter/ From his Mother/ April 26 1873/” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down .


Gold and black and blind.



Binding: Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand-grain cloth. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by/ Burn/ & Co/” [Ball no. ? ] The lower cover is blocked in blind, with two fillets blocked across the spine near the head and near the tail. The monogram of Griffith and Farran is blocked in blind on the centre, within a medallion. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Fillets blocked in black at the head the tail and the sides divide the cover into rectangles. The title words: “/ Swift and Sure/” are blocked in gold near the head, within a rectangle formed by black fillets. Below this, the sub-title: “/ or/ the/ career of/ two brothers/” is blocked in black. Near the tail, two boys are blocked in gold, within a panel formed by two fillets blocked in black; they are walking along. The boy on the right holds an open sheet in front of him. Below the boys, small scroll work is blocked in gold. On either side of the panel, curling stems and plant motifs are blocked in black. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. Black fillets divide the spine into rectangles, similar to the upper cover. From the head downwards, the decoration is: plant decoration and fillets, blocked in black; the title words blocked in gold: “/ Swift/ and/ Sure/; the sub-title, blocked in black within a panel formed by black fillets:”/ or/ the/ career/ of/ two brothers/”; more plant and fillet decoration; within a rectangle formed by black fillets, the words: “/ Griffith/ & Farran/” are blocked in gold; more black fillets blocked at the tail.

Record no  1552

Museum number P&D 1992, 0406.107

De Beaumont B25

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection  1863. 3 vols. 3 vols.


Gaskell, Elizabeth. Sylvia’s lovers. Illustrated edition. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 65, Cornhill, 1863. London: Printed by Smith, Elder and Co., Little Green Court, Old Bailey, E. C. viii, 499p. 5 plates. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The half title page is an engraving, and is signed: “DM”. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “ ‘I may die,’ he said ‘for my life is ended’ ”. Some of the plates are signed with the initials “DM”, and the word “Swain” [i.e. Joseph Swain]. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the half title page recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.


Binding: The text is sewn on three sawn in cords. The front endpaper is missing. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown ungrained cloth. Both covers are blocked in black, with an identical all over design: there is a single fillet blocked on the borders, and a group of three leaves on each corner. Cartouches are blocked on the centre head and the centre tail, with small plant decoration blocked within each. The outer and inner rectangles are formed by fillets blocked in black. The two central ovals are formed by two fillets blocked in black. On the upper cover, there is an additional oval blocked in gold with small decoration blocked within it. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. On the head and on the tail, zig-zag patterns are blocked in black across the spine. Arabesques are blocked in black above and below the title: “/ Sylvia’s/ [stem decoration]/ lovers/” is blocked in gold within a square panel formed by a thick gold fillet, which has elaborate gold blocked above and below it. The author: “/ Mrs. Gaskell/” is blocked in relief within a semi-circular lettering-piece shaped as a scroll. Near the tail, the publisher: “/ Smith Elder & Co./” is blocked in gold within a semi circle, formed by a single gold fillet.

Record no  1553

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.108

De Beaumont C1

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection  C.194.a.817


Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn. Cranford. Illustrated edition. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 65, Cornhill, 1864. London: Printed by Smith, Elder and Co., 15½ , Old Bailey, E. C. 243p. 4 plates. The half title page is an engraving; this engraving and the three others are signed “DM” [i.e. George Du Maurier] and “Swain” [i.e. Joseph Swain].

The frontispiece plate is entitled: “ ‘She looked up to remonstrate.’ ” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown .


Gold and Blind and relief.

Binding: The text is sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. Four fillets are blocked on the outer borders, two thick, two thin. Two more fillets are blocked on the inner borders, one thick one thin, which three pointed leaves on each corner. The device of Smith Elder & Co. is blocked on the centre of each cover, with three corn stalks emerging at the top of it, and the words: “/ Smith Elder & Co/ Cornhill/ London/” blocked in relief within scrolls above and below a shield. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. Two fillets are blocked across the spine at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the title: “/ Cranford/ by/ Mrs. Gaskell/” is blocked in gold within a frame formed by a single gold fillet, which has small stylised decoration blocked above the letters. Below this, the words: “/ Illustrated / edition/” are blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces, which are surrounded by small decoration blocked in gold. Near the tail, the words: “/ Smith Elder & Co/” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has small decoration blocked in gold above and below it.

Record no  1554

Museum number P&D 1996.1104.16

De Beaumont C2

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection


Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn. Cousin Phillis. And other tales. Illustrated edition. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 65, Cornhill, 1865. [London: ] Printed by Smith, Elder and Co., 15½ , Old Bailey, E. C. 286p. 4 plates. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The half title page is an engraving; the three engravings (not the half title page) are signed “DM” [i.e. George Du Maurier] and “Swain” [i.e. Joseph Swain]. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “ ‘You would like a portrait of your daughter as Ceres, would you not ma’am?’ ” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown .


Gold and Blind and relief.


Binding: The text is sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. Four fillets are blocked on the outer borders, two thick, two thin. Two more fillets are blocked on the inner borders, one thick one thin, which three pointed leaves on each corner. The device of Smith Elder & Co. is blocked on the centre of each cover, with three corn stalks emerging at the top of it, and the words: “/ Smith Elder & Co/ Cornhill/ London/” blocked in relief within scrolls above and below a shield. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. Two fillets are blocked across the spine at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the title: “/ Cousin/ Phillis/  & other tales/ by/ Mrs. Gaskell/” is blocked in gold within a frame formed by a single gold fillet, which has small stylised decoration blocked above the letters. Below this, the words: “/ Illustrated / edition/” are blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces, which are surrounded by small decoration blocked in gold. Near the tail, the words: “/ Smith Elder & Co/” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has small decoration blocked in gold above and below it.

Record no. 1555

Museum number P&D 1992 1104.17

De Beaumont C3

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 

1855. General Reference Collection Cup.410.f.309.
1855. General Reference Collection RB.23.a.1566

1855. General Reference Collection 12629.b.15.
1855. General Reference Collection 12654.b.9.

1866. Document Supply W25/6316

Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn. North and South. Illustrated edition. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 65, Cornhill, 1867. [London: ] Printed by Smith, Elder and Co., Old Bailey, E. C. 482p. 5 plates. The half title page is an engraving; Most of the engravings (not the half title page) are signed “Swain” [i.e. Joseph Swain] and the plate opposite page 68 is signed: “DM” [i.e. George Du Maurier]. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “ ‘She took his hand in hers and grasped it tight.’ ” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. Written on the front endpaper recto: “/ King’s Hill Shrawley/”Bookseller’s ticket on upper pastedown: “/ Sold by J. Gale,/ Old Brompton/ Chatham./” The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown .


Gold and black and relief.

Binding: The text is sewn on three sawn-in cords. Brown ungrained cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in black with black fillets on the outer and inner borders, with a cartouche blocked on centre head and centre tail. Fillets in black from the inner rectangle, with ovals on the centre. On the upper cover centre, the device of Smith Elder & Co is blocked in gold , with the letters “Co” blocked in gold within it. The spine is blocked in gold and black and relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a repeating pattern of zig-zag and small dots in black; arabesques in black, and small decoration in gold, above and below the title and author panel, with the title: “/ North/ and South/” blocked in gold within; the words:”/ Mrs. Gaskell/” are blocked in relief within a semi-circular gold lettering-piece; near the tail, the words: “/ Smith Elder & Co./” are blocked in gold within a semi-circle, with a single gold fillets on its perimeter; Small decoration is blocked in gold and in black above and below the publisher words.

Record no. 1556

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.112

De Beaumont C4

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 

1860. Document Supply X9/2140

1860. 12807.d.37.

1867. microfiche only.

Gillies, Mary. The voyage of the Constance. A tale of the Polar seas. Illustrated with eight engravings drawn on the wood by Charles Keene. London: Sampson, Low, Son, and Marston, Milton House, Ludgate Hill, 1867. London: Harrild, printer. viii, 312p. 8 plates. With twenty four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece plate is entitled “Old Peter Greely.” The plates are signed: “H. Harral” [i.e. Horace Harral] [For a portrait of Keene by Harral, see:  ]

Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.


Gold and blind and relief

Binding: The spine design is by John Leighton. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief, with a border in relief of plant patterns on the sides, head and tail, and leaves on each corner. Inside this, two fillets are blocked in blind, with small leaves and buds on each corner. The spine is blocked in gold. Three gold fillets are blocked on the perimeter, the innermost of which  forms a ‘heart shape’ on each corner of the spine. A rope is blocked in gold just inside these fillets, with ovals at the head and at the tail, and knots on each centre side. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a five pointed star; The title words: “/ The/ voyage/ of the/ Constance/” are blocked in gold within four rectangular gold lettering-pieces; two blocks with ropes, which are suspended from a chain link above, and hold an anchor below; the anchor has four flukes, and icicles hang down from these; near the tail, the word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in gold; signed “JL” as a monogram just below this.

Record no. 1557

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.120

De Beaumont C5

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 1863.
1863. General Reference Collection 11603.bbb.14.

No BL copy for 1871…

Grant, Alexander Henley. Half-hours with our sacred poets. Edited, with biographical sketches. With illustrations by H. S. Marks [i.e. Henry Stacy Marks] London: James Blackwood & Co., Lovell’s Court, Paternoster Row, [1871]. London: Printed by Hayman Brothers and Lilly, 19, Cross Street, Hatton Garden. 374p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece plate is entitled:  “The three tabernacles.” The plates are signed: “HSM” [i.e. Henry Stacy Marks] and “W. Thomas Sc.” [i.e. probably William Luson Thomas] Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.

Gold and blind and relief.


Binding: In the publisher’s titles, this this work is listed as volume XX of the ‘Choice Reading’ series, described as: “Large Foolscap 8vo, Illustrated, Extra Cloth, 3s. 6d.” Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand-grain cloth. The borders of both covers are blocked identically, in blind on the lower cover and in gold on the upper. Three fillets are blocked in gold on the border of the upper cover, with diagonals and eight gold dots blocked on each corner. The central vignette shows a circle, and an angel with a lyre blocked in gold within is. On the perimeter of the circle, the title words: “/ Half hours/ with sacred poets/” are blocked in relief within two semi-circular gold lettering-pieces. Trefoils and small decoration are blocked on each quarter of the circle. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, a pattern of small leaves, of dots, and of ovals is blocked in gold, together with a single gold fillet. Near the head, the title: “/ Half hours/ with our/ sacred poets/” is blocked in gold.



Record no. 1558

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.122

De Beaumont C6

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 12808.g.26.

Heraclitus Grey, pseud. [i.e. Charles Marshall.] King Gab’s Story Bag, and the wonderful stories it contained. London: Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, and 596, Broadway, New York, [1869]. London: Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, Belle Sauvage Works, London, E. C. 206p. 8 plates. With ten pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “King Gab and his bag.” The plates are signed with Walter Crane’s rebus. Some of the plates also show the monogram “AD”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.

Gold and black


Binding: On page four of the publisher’s titles bound at the end, this work is described as: “Illustrated by Walter Crane. Handsomely bound, cloth, gilt edges 3s 6d.” [However, the edges of this copy are not gilt.] Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically on the borders in black with a single fillet, and small curvatures on each corner. The upper cover has the title and author words: “/ King Gab’s/ Story Bag/ by Heraclitus/ Grey/” blocked in gold. Above the title to the left, a balloon and its basket is blocked in gold. In the basket, a fairy queen, is seated, holding a wand. To her right, an imp stands, holding a small rope which is attached to the serif of the capital “S” of the word “Story”. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. The spine is divided into five panels by fillets and small repeating dots, variously blocked in gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: small flower, leaves and stems blocked in gold; the title: “/ King Gab’s/ Story/ Bag./” is blocked in gold; more small decoration in gold with black fillet interweaving this; the wuthor words: “/ By/ Heraclitus/ Grey/” are blocked in gold; more small decoration in gold with black fillet interweaving; near the tail, within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet, the words: “/ London & New York/ Cassell Petter & Galpin/” are blocked in gold.

Record no. 1559

Museum number P&D 1996,1104.21

De Beaumont C7

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection [not in BL?]

Hood, Thomas. The song of the shirt and other poems. New York: Bunce & Huntington, Publishers, 1865. 96p. 2 plates. The half title page has an illustration, which is signed with the monogram “WT” [i.e. probably Francis William Topham]. The plate between pages 24 and 25 is signed: “John Andrew”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.


Gold and blind

Binding: Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Stamped on the front pastedown: “/ Hammann’s/ Book Bindery/ Easton, P.A./” Brown sand-grain cloth. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders of both covers. On the centre of the upper cover, the title:  “/ Song/ of the shirt./” is blocked in gold. There is no blocking on the spine.,_Francis_William_(DNB00)

Record no. 1560

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.129

De Beaumont C8

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection

Hood, Tom.   Jingles and Jokes for Little Folks. Illustrated by C.H.Bennett [i.e. Charles Henry Bennett],  W. Brunton [i.e William Brunton], Paul Gray, and T. Morten [i.e Thomas Morten]. London: Cassell, Petter and Galpin, Ludgate Hill, E.C. [1865]. London: Cassell, Petter and Galpin, Belle Sauvage Works, Ludgate Hill, E.C. vii, 9-76p.  With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the the end. The illustrations are signed with the monograms or the signatures of Paul Gray, Thomas Morten, William Brunton, Charles Henry Bennett. They are signed: “Linton” or “Linton Sc.” [i.e William James Linton]. Inscribed on the upper pastedown: “Bertha Astley”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.


gold and blind and relief


Binding. The design is by John Leighton. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically, in gold on the upper, in blind and in relief on the lower. The design features a border of joined flowers. Then a gold fillet is blocked on the borders, with repeating dots blocked in relief inside. Inside this, a thin gold fillet joins six gold medallions blocked on the corners and on the sides. The four corner medallions contain stars with faces and arms and legs picked out in relief. The two medallions on the sides contain a snail and a butterfly in relief within hatch gold. Sunflowers, with faces and leaves, are blocked above and below the two medallions on the sides.  Above the centre, a gold lettering-piece shaped as a clock, has face-like features and roman numerals blocked in relief within. The large central medallion is blocked in gold. In the border of the medallion, the words: "/Jingles and jokes for little folks/" are blocked in relief. The words: "/Tom Hood/" are blocked in gold. The pendulum of the clock forms the "o" of Tom [Hood].  On the centre tail, the weights of the clock press down upon a book, and they have trapped one of the "little folk" inside the book. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters underneath the book. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head and at the tail, Small triangles are blocked in relief and gold dots are blocked within each triangle – both within rectangular vertical hatch gold lettering-pieces; and each has a single gold fillet blocked in gold above and below. The title: “Jingles & jokes for little folks/” is blocked in relief along the spine, within a horizontal hatch gold lettering-piece shaped as a cartouche. A sunflower and two leaves are blocked at each end of the cartouche, Each sunflower has facial features picked out in relief. The National Library of Scotland copy is at shelf mark K.194.a. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Purple sand-grain cloth. The covers are blocked as for the BL copy. The spin is blocked in gold and in relief; the title: "/ Jingles & Jokes for Little Folks/" is blocked in relief along the spine within a gold hatch cartouche, with a sunflower and hatch gold leaves blocked at each end of the cartouche. Each sunflower has a "face" blocked in relief within it. At the head and at the tail, vertical gold hatch is blocked, with triangles, and gold dots within it, all between two gold fillets.

Record no. 1561

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.130

De Beaumont C9

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection [not in BL?]

Horace Hazelwood, or little things and other tales. At the head, the series title: “the Children’s Hour Series” is printed. Edinburgh: Johnstone, Hunter, and Co., 1866. Edinburgh, Murray and Gibb, printers. viii, 328p. 7 plates. [The plates are incorporated into the overall pagination.] [The device of Johnstone, Hunter, and Co. is printed on page viii, verso.] In page five of the publisher’s titles bound at the rear of Jottings from the diary of the sun [P&D 1992,0406.129],  this work is described as number 2 of the series: Children’s Hour Series of Gift Books: “Extra fcap. 8vo., cloth, gilt sides and edges, illustrated – each 0 3[s.] 0”. The frontispiece is entitled: “The Hazelwood Family”. It is signed: “W. Small” [i.e. William Small] and “Williamson Sc.”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.


gold and blind and relief


Binding: Text sewn on two tapes. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically on the borders and corners and the sides, in blind and in relief on the lower cover, and in gold and in relief on the upper cover. On the upper cover, two gold fillets are blocked, and, between them a repeating pattern of ovals and ‘oval droplets’ is blocked in gold. Inside this, another thin gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter, with small curling stem motifs on each corner. Surrounding the centre, a pattern of curling stems, of buds of leaves is blocked in blind and in relief, all forming an arabesque, within which the central vignette is blocked in gold. On the centre a medallion is blocked in vertical hatch gold, and it is surrounded by two fillets with a pattern of repeating gold dots between them. The title and series words: “/ The children’s hour [blocked in relief within a semi-circular gold lettering-piece]/ Horace [blocked in relief within a cartouche shaped gold lettering-piece]/ Hazelwood [blocked in relief within a cartouche shaped gold lettering-piece]/ and [in relief]/ other tales[blocked in relief within a semi-circular gold lettering-piece]/ series of gift books [blocked in relief within a semi-circular gold lettering-piece] are all surrounded by elaborate small decoration, blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head and at the tail, a pattern of ‘chequerboard’ squares is blocked in gold, with mall pairs of dots blocked in relief within each square. On the perimeter of the spine, there are two gold fillets, the outer of which has a repeating pattern of dots blocked in relief within it. Near the head, the title words: “/ Horace/ Hazelwood/ Are blocked in relief within two horizontal gold lettering-pieces, which are surrounded by a vertical hatch gold lettering-piece, which has small curling stem and leaf decoration blocked in relief within it. Below the title, there is small stem and bud decoration blocked in gold. Above the tail, two small children are blocked in gold, each reading a book. Near the tail, the words: “? Johnstone/ Hunter & Co./” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece.

Record no. 1562

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.131

De Beaumont C10

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection Mic.A.7567.(4.)

Horsburgh, Matilda. Jottings from the diary of the sun. By M. H. Editor of “The Children’s Hour”. Edinburgh: Johnstone, Hunter, and Co. [1868] 96p. With sixteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The title of the frontispiece is: “A parting”. It is signed: “Lawson” [i.e. probably John Lawson]. The half title page recto is inscribed: “Mary Williams/ Willowfield Sunday School/ Oct 1874/ died Octr 7th 1874/ aged 7 yrs 11 months/”. The half title page is also signed “Forrest Reid”. The half title page verso is inscribed: “/ Mary Williams/ September 29th 1874/ died 7th October 1874/”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.



Gold and blind and relief


Binding: Bevelled boards. Brown endpaper and pastedown to rear. Brown pastedown at front, overlaid with yellow pastedown. No front endpaper. Purple light pebble-grain cloth.  Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. The borders hsow a repeating pattern of stars, of leaves, of cartouches, blocked in blind and in relief. On the centre, a medallion is blocked with a fleur-de-lis blocked at its head, its tail, and on each side. The series title: “ Select tales for young people” is blocked in relief withing the medallion. On the centre of the medallion, the device of Johnstone, Hunter Co is blocked as a monogram in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head and at the tail, two gold fillets are blocked. Along the centre of the spine, a gold cartouche is blocked, with small decoration at each end. The title: “/ Diary of the Sun/” is blocked in relief within it.

Record no. 1563

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.133

De Beaumont C11

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 12632.d.27. [in BL bindings database]

Hughes, Thomas. The Scouring of the White Horse; or, the Long Vacation of a London Clerk. By the Author of "Tom Brown's School Days." [i.e. Thomas Hughes.] Illustrated by Richard Doyle. London: Macmillan and Co. and 23, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, 1859. London: R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill. xi,228p. With sixteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. The half title is on two pages and has the title: “The scouring of the/ white horse/ & county[?]/legend? Is printed in rustic lettering. The illustration is by Richard Doyle, and is it signed : “W J Linton” [i.e. William James Linton]. This work is advertised in the publisher's titles at the end: "With numerous engravings by Richard Doyle, engraved by W.J. Linton. Imperial 16mo. beautifully printed on toned paper, and bound in extra cloth, with gilt leaves, 8s. 6d." Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.



Gold and blind

References: McLean                                          VBD          p.164.


Binding: The design is by Richard Doyle.  Text sewn on two tapes. The blocking has been done after the attachment of the boards to the text block. Gilt edges. Light brown endpapers and pastedowns.  Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Burn./ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./" [Ball no. 20A] Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically, in blind on the lower and in gold on the upper. A single gold fillet is blocked on the borders. Down each side, tree branches and leaves are blocked; on the left hand side, people are holding onto a pole among the foliage, with men hunting pigs at the bottom. On the right hand side, groups of figures are blocked on the branches. On the head, centre, the title: "/ The Scouring of the White Horse/" is blocked, in rustic "branch-like" letters. The White Horse is blocked underneath this. On the base, centre, a figure sits with a shawl over his head. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two fillets; the title: "/ The/ Scouring/ of/ the/ White/ Horse./" blocked diagonally across and down the spine, with a curling stem rising up through the letters; at the tail: "/ Macmillan & Co./" is blocked; two gold fillets are blocked at the tail. The design is unsigned. Attributed to Doyle on stylistic grounds, as the cover design is close to the illustrations within the text, and especially that on the double half-title page, which has a busy scene, dense with many figures scouring out the figure of the White Horse.

Record no. 1564

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.134

De Beaumont C12

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 1868. 12618.aa.28.
1869. 12618.d.11.


Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown’s school days. By an old boy. New edition with illustrations by Arthur Hughes and Sydney Prior Hall. London: Macmillan & Co, 1869. London: R. Clay, Sons, and Taylor, printers. Xxii, 376p. 22 plates. Most of the plates are by Arthur Hughes and have his monogram. The frontispiece is a portrait of Thomas Hughes, “engraved by C. H Jeens [i. e. Charles Henry Jeens] from G. F. Watt’s [i. e. George Frederick Watts] picture.” Inscribed on the front endpaper verso: “/ A. J. Cont [?]/ from. Mother/ Christmas 1912./” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplates of Arthur Barry and of Robin de Beaumont are on the front pastedown.



Gold and blind


Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Dark red endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically on the borders and on the corners, in blind on the lower cover and in gold on the upper cover. On the upper cover, gold fillets blocked on the borders have ‘neo-classical’ repeating decoration of semi-circles, of small dots, of repeating ‘two leaves and two dots’, all blocked in gold.  The upper cover central medallion is formed by three gold fillets and small decoration blocked between them. It shows a passage way, with a stone arch in the foreground, into which two top-hatted boys are walking, the taller of which has his right arm round the shoulder of the smaller boy. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, four gold fillets are blocked across the spine, with small stylised decoration blocked in gold between them. The centre of the spine has the title: “/ Tom [in a semi-circle]/ Brown’s/ schooldays/ [beneath the illustration] by an/ old boy/” blocked in gold. The illustration between the title and sub-title is a reproduction of the illustration on page 145, by Sydney Hall, entitled: “The night fag”. This illustration has the monogram of Sydney Hall. Both this illustration and the title are surrounded by fillets and small decoration blocked in gold. Near the tail, the device of Macmillan is blocked in gold as a medallion.


 Record no. 1565

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.135

De Beaumont C13

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: sixth ed. Hurst & Blackett  1865.

Hugo, Victor. Les Misérables. Authorized, copyright, English translation. Fifth edition, revised. [Device of Hurst & Blackett, printed as a monogram.] In one volume. London: Hurst and Blackett, Publishers, successors to Henry Colburn, 13, Great Marlborough Street, [1865]. [London;] John Childe and Son, printers. [4], 486p. 1 plate. With fourteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. On page 3 of the publisher’s titles, this work is advertised as: “Illustrated by Millais, price 5s. bound, forming a Volume of Hurst and Blackett’s Standard Library of Cheap Editions of Popular Modern Works.”  The frontispiece is entitled: “Cosette. (page 319)” London: Hurst & Blackett, Feb 12 1864.” It is signed “J. E. Millais R. A.”[i.e. John Everett Millais] and “John Saddler”. The illustration is signed with Millais’s monogram and the date of 1863. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.


Gold and blind and relief

Binding: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically on the borders and on the corners in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked on the outer border, one thick the inner thin, Inside this, a broad repeating pattern of ‘three pointed leaves, f diamonds and of zig-zag’ is blocked in relief. The inner rectangle of each cover is formed by four fillets, blocked in blind. The central mandorla is formed by two fillets blocke din blind. On the lower cover, at the head and at the tail of the mandorla, the groups of three five-pointed leaves and stems and four flower buds are blocked in blind; on the centre of the mandorla, a lozenge is blocked in blind. On the upper cover, the groups of leaves, stems and buds are blocked in gold. The centre of the mandorla on the upper cover, has the title: “/ Les/ Miserables/ by Victor/ Hugo/” blocked in relief within four rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each of which has a fillet blocked in relief on its borders.  The lettering-pieces are surrounded by leaves, curling stems and flower buds blocked in gold. The Spine is blocked in gold. At the head and the tail, two filets are blocked in gold across the spine. Near the head the title and author: “/ Les/ Miserables/ by Victor/ Hugo/” blocked in relief within four rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each of which has a fillet blocked in relief on its borders.  The lettering-pieces are surrounded by leaves, curling stems and flower buds blocked in gold. A small decorative device is blocked in gold below the title. Near the tail, the series words: “/ Hurst & Blackett’s/ Standard Library./” are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by two gold fillets, the inner is thick, the outer is thin. Above this, a small decorative device is blocked in gold.

Record no. 1566

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.140

De Beaumont C14

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1865. 12806.aa.22.  Document Supply X9/6554

Ingelow, Jean. Stories told to a child. By the author of ‘Studies for stories’. [Device of Alexander Strahan.]  London: Alexander Strahan, publisher, 148 Strand, 1865. vi, 424p. 14plates. Each of the fourteen stories has a plate. The illustrations are by John Lawson, Fritz Eltze, Arthur Boyd Houghton. The frontispiece plates is entitled:  “the suspicious jackdaw”. It is stated in the list of contents to be by Fritz Eltze. Inscribed on the front endpaper verso: “Mary Anne/ Coker [?]/ from her true friend/ Eliza Jity[?] Gualee [?]/ Christmas day/ 1865/” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.


Gold and blind.

Binding: Gilt edges. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand-grain cloth. On the borders, of each cover, three fillets are blocked, in blind on the lower cover and in gold on the upper cover. On the centre of the upper cover a vignette is blocked, shaped as a circle, which has small floral decoration blocked on its outside. Between the two circular fillets, a pattern of repeating dots is blocked – all in relief. On the centre, the title: “/ Stories told/ to a/ child./” is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and the tail, three gold fillet are blocked across the spine. Near the head, within gold fillets and floral decoration which forms a panel, the title:”/ Stories/ told/ to a/ child./” is blocked in gold. Near the tail, the imprint: “/ London [in gothic letters]/ Strahan/” is blocked in gold.



Record no. 1567

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.141

De Beaumont C15

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1864. 12635.aa.10.


Ingelow, Jean. Studies for stories from girls’ lives. Illustrated by J. E. Millais [i.e. John Everett Millais] and others. [Device of Alexander Strahan.]  London and New York: Alexander Strahan, publisher, 1866. Edinburgh: T. Constable, printer to the Queen, and to the University. 535p. 5 plates. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “  ‘ I persuaded her to lie down, while I went and sat on the stairs.’  “ It is signed with the monogram of Millais, and also “Swain” [i. e Joseph Swain]. Inscribed on the front endpaper verso: “/ Jane Henrietta Hawkins/ November 22nd/ 1866/”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.


Gold and blind and relief

Binding: Gilt edges. Pale red endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./” [Ball No. 20A.] The lower cover is blocked with fillets in blind on the borders, which form outer and inner rectangles, with a small square on each corner. On the upper cover the same fillets are blocked on the borders, but in gold, and the space between them is occupied by a greek fret pattern, blocked in black. The upper cover central decoration is a cartouche blocked in gold, with a triangle blocked at each end, and four triangles blocked above and below it, together with two small diamonds. The spine is blocked in gold . At the head and tail, a vertical hatch gold and a single gold fillet are blocked across the spine. Near the head, the title:”/ Studies/ for/ stories/ is blocked in gold within a panel, formed by fillets, which has a greek fret blocked in relief between them. On the middle of the spine, the words: “/ Illustrated by/ J. E. Millais/ and others/ “ are blocked in gold. Near the tail, the word: “Strahan” is blocked in gold.

Record no. 1568

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.142

De Beaumont C16

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1851. 12430.g.8.


The story of Jack and the Giants. Illustrated with Thirty-Five drawings by Richard Doyle. Engraved by G and E. Dalziel. [i. e. George Dalziel] and [Edward Dalziel]. London: Cundall & Addey, 21 Old Bond Street, 1851. London: Printed by Robson, Levey, and Franklin, Great New Street, Fetter Lane. 56p. The frontispiece is entitled: “The death of the Giant Cormoran.” It is signed with Doyle’s monogram “RD”, and E. Dalziel Sc.” [i.e Edward Dalziel].  Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown, together with a cutting describing the sale of the works [belonging to] Richard Doyle.


Gold and blind

Binding: Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. White morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. There are two fillets blocked on the borders, and a third ‘branch-like’ fillet blocked inside this. This fillet interweaves to form straps on each corner and on the centre head and the centre tail. Patterns of curling stems, and leaves are blocked on each corner. On the upper cover, the title is blocked in gold on the centre: “/ The story of/ Jack and the Giants/ Illustrated by Richard Doyle/”. Below the title, the figure of Jack, a dagger in his hand, is about to stab in the neck, the recumbent figure of the giant – all blocked in gold. The spine is blocked with the title: “/ Jack and the Giants/” blocked in gold along its length.

Record no. 1569

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.143

De Beaumont C17

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1889, third ed. 011653.e.101.


Jackson, Richard Charles. The Risen Life. Hymns and Poems for days and seasons of the Christian year. (Easter to Advent.) Third Edition, illustrated by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and others. London: R. Elkins & Co., 10, Castle Street East, Oxford Street, W., 1889. [London:] J. Masters & Co., Printers, Albion Buildings, Bartholomew Close, E. C. 56p. 6 plates. The plates are printed in red. The frontispiece depicts Christ rising from the tomb, surrounded by five soldiers. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown. Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ To My dear Parents/ with best wishes for a/ very happy Easter/ from their son the/Author/” The Dedication reads: "/ To my dear parents/ Richard Charles Jackson,/ of Preston Co. Lancashire, Esquire./ [coat of arms of the Jackson family]/ and/ Susannah, his wife./"



Gold and blind and relief.


Binding: The design is by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Gilt edges, Bevelled boards. The light grey endpapers and pastedowns are printed with rib diagonals, and with a flower and leaf pattern. Bright Green morocco cloth. On the lower cover, three fillets are blocked on the border in blind. On the upper cover the three border fillets are blocked in gold. Near the head, the words: “/ The Risen Life [in Gothic letters]/ [rule]/ Richard C. Jackson/” are blocked in gold. Beneath this, the mandorla depicts the Pelican and its brood, blocked in gold and in relief, which is a reproduction of the signed illustration between pages 8 and 9, symbolising redemption and atonement. The spine is not blocked.

Record no. 1570

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.148

De Beaumont C18

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1860. 1608/2007.


J., M. Historical tales. With twenty illustrations by George Thomas. London: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, Farringdon Street; and 58 Walker Street, New York, [1861]. Unpaginated. [166p.] Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown. Inscribed on the front endpaper: “/ Miss Laurence./ With Miss Hoase’s love./ Park House./ Christmas 1864./”



Gold and blind and relief.


Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green dot and horizontal rig-grain cloth. With the exception of the central vignette, both covers are blocked identically on the. Three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. Straps are blocked inside these, which interlock on the centre sides, head and tail. Inside this, small flower and leaf and stem decoration is blocked in relief on each corner, on the centre, the tail and the sides. Within the central octagon, small curling stems and buds are blocked in relief. On the upper cover, the octagon is delineated by three fillets, with gold hatch being blocked between the two inner fillets. On the centre of the upper cover, there is a medallion with hatch on its perimeter and ‘two scroll and point motifs at its head and at its tail – all in gold. Within the medallion, the title: “/ Historical / tales/” are blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each of which has a single fillet blocked in relief on its perimeter. These words are surrounded by small curling stems and buds, picked out in relief. The spine is blocked in gold. Two fillets are blocked across the spine in blind at the head and at the tail. Near the head, there is an elaborate panel blocked in gold, which has small stem and bud decoration blocked in relief within it. Also within the panel, the title words: “/ Historical/ tales/” are blocked in relief within a single elongated scroll-shaped gold lettering-piece.

Record no. 1571

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.149

De Beaumont C19

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1870. 12805.ddd.23


Jones, Meredith. Stories of the olden time. From De Joinville and Froissart. London: Cassell, Petter and Galpin; and 596, Broadway, New York, 1870. London: Cassell, Petter, & Galpin, Belle Sauvage Printing Works, London, E. C. 157p. 2 plates. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.  Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the frontispiece recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown. Inscribed on the front pastedown: “/ [From [?] Laura [?] Marford [?]/” The frontispiece plate is drawn by Walter Crane, and entitled: “Queen Philippa’s appeal. – p.75.” This is hand coloured. The other plate, also by Walter Crane is bound in at page 97 and is entitled: “Wat Tyler’s insurrection. – p. 97.” This is not coloured.


Gold and black and blind and relief. 

Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Brown sand-grain cloth. Yellow pastedowns, the endpapers are missing. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. On the centre a large mandorla is formed by a single fillet in blind, and this is intersected groups of two fillets, which cross to form straps on the inner corners and on the centre sides, with leaf motifs on each corner. The upper cover is blocked in black and in gold. At the centre head, a helmet, a sword, and a shield, (showing a lion rampant), are blocked in gold, with the details picked out in relief.  Two black fillets are blocked on the borders above and below the (near central) rectangle, patterns of swirling stem and leaf decoration are blocked in black. The central rectangle is formed by gold fillets and repeating patterns – above of ‘castellation’, and below of repeating gold dots. The title: “/ Stories of the/ Olden [the capital “O” is formed of a blue on lay, surrounded by gold fillets and finials, and with stars within the “O” itself] time/” is blocked in gold The spine is blocked in gold and in black. At the head and tail, gold fillets and a pattern of repeating dots are blocked in gold across the spine. Near the head, the title: “/ Stories/ of the/ olden/ time/” is blocked in gold. Underneath this, ‘three flower heads and long stems’ is blocked in black. Near the tails, the words: “/ Cassell Petter & Galpin/ “ is blocked in gold.

Record no. 1572

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.150

De Beaumont C20

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: Document Supply W82/9572

Judkin, Thomas James. Bygone moods; or, hues of fancy and feeling, from the spring to the autumn of life. With illustrations.  London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1856. London: Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars.  [9], 276p. 18 plates. All of the plates are engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on a separate slip of paper. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown. The plate opposite page 8 accompanies the Sonnet “Of My Hermitage”. It is Signed “Revd T J Judkin” and “Dalziel”.


Gold and blind and relief.

Binding. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in blind n the borders. Inside this, there is a pattern of repeating ivy stems and three buds. On each inner corner, six buds are blocked in relief within circles. Two more fillets in blind form the inner frame. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind, and in relief. Single fillets are blocked in blind across the spine at the head and at the tail. The spine is divided into five panels by groups of two fillets blocked in blind across the spine, with a row of repeating dots blocked in relief between them. In panel two near the head, the words: “/ By-gone/ moods/ [rule]/ Judkin./” are blocked in gold.

Record no. 1573

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.151

De Beaumont C21

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 12809.bbb.14.

Keary, Eliza. The magic valley or Patient Antoine. Illustrated by E. V. B. [i. e. Eleanor Vere Boyle] London: Macmillan and Co., 1877.  Oxford: by E. Pickard Hall [i.e. Edward Pickhard Hall] , and J. H. Stacy, Printers to the University. xii, 176p. 12  plates. The device of Macmillan is printed on the centre of the half title page. Most of the plates are signed: “J. Quartley”. [i.e John Arthur Quartley] The frontispiece plate is entitled: “The Drac handed the key to Antoine. P. 161.” The front endpaper is inscribed “Alfie Pugsley/ June 10th 1890”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.


Gold and black.

[For Quartley] Engen, Rodney K. Dictionary of Victorian wood engravers. Cambridge : Chadwyck-Healey, 1985, p.213.

[for Boyle]


Binding: Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Bulrushes are blocked in black from the tail up  the spine side and the fore edge. Near the head, the title: “/ The Magic Valley in gold]/ or Patient Antoine [in black]/ is blocked. Underneath this, a sea horse is pulling along a sea nymph, with light reins attached to its nose, being held by the sea nymph. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: small decoration blocked in black across the head; The words: “/ The Magic/ Valley/ [rule]/ Keary/” are blocked in gold; a sea nymph and two grotesques are blocked ij gold amongst reeds; the words: “/ Illustrated/ by/ E. V. B. [i.e. Eleanor Vere Boyle]/” are blocked in gold; bulrushes are blocked in black; near the tail, the word: “/ Macmillan/” is blocked in gold.

Record no. 1574

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.152

De Beaumont C22

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1346.g.31.

Keats, John. The Eve of St. Agnes. Illustrated by Edward H. Wehnert. [i.e. Edward Henry Wehnert] London: Published for Joseph Cundall by Sampson Low and Son, 47 Ludgate Hill, 1856. London: Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill. 30p. With one page of publisher’s titles bound at the end. In the list of publisher’s titles, “Illustrated Present Books”, this work is described as: “Price 7s. 6d. handsomely bound in cloth, with gilt edges.” The device of Joseph Cundall is printed on the centre of the title page verso. The illustrations engraved by Horace Harral, Thomas Bolton, and James Cooper. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.

Gold and blind



[for Wehnert]


Binding: Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Light yellow end papers and pastedowns. Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind with four fillets on the  borders, and then a pattern of leaves, stems and single buds on the corners and on the centre head and tail. More fillets blocked in blind form the central arabesque. On the centre of the upper cover, the words: “/ The/ Eve of St Agnes./ by John Keats./” are blocked in gold in elaborate gothic letters. The spine is blocked in gold only, with the title near the head: “/ The/ Eve/ of St./ Agnes/”

Record no. 1575

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.154

De Beaumont C23

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 12808.k.31.

Kingsley, Henry. The boy in grey. [Device of Strahan & Co.] London: Strahan & Co. 56 Ludgate Hill, 1871. London: Camden Press, N. W. 194p. 11 plates. The plates are signed: “Dalziel” With ten pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The plates are signed: “Dalziel”. The Frontispiece is entitled: “Frontispiece p. 147.” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso and on separate sheets. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front pastedown.

Gold and black and relief


See ODNB article on Henry Kingsley.

See wiki article:

Binding: Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn/ & Co./” [Ball no. 20E.] Blue ungrained cloth. The lower cover is blocked in black only. Four fillets are blocked across the cover, following the line of the upper cover and spine: two at the head; one just below the centre; two more near the tail. The device of Strahan is blocked within a medallion just above the centre. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Two fillets are blocked at the head across the cover. The title is blocked on the right hand upper side: “/ The/ boy in grey/”. To its left, a reproduction of the frontispiece illustration is blocked in gold, within a rectangle formed by several fillets, with small decoration on each of its sides. The author words: “/ By/ Henry Kingsley/” are blocked in black on the centre. The lower half of the covers is occupied by a set of railings, blocked in black. The spine is blocked in gold and in black, and in relief. From the head downwards the decoration is: three fillets in black across the head; the words: “/ The [in gold]/ boy/ in/ grey[ these three words in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece]/ by [in gold]/ Henry [in gold]/ Kingsley [in gold in a semi-circle]/”; Black fillet decoration, whi ch is intersected by three blacks fillets across the spine; the device of Alexander Strahan is blocked in gold, together with the letters “AS”; a single black fillet across the spine; two more black fillets across the spine at the tail.

Record no. 1576

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.155

De Beaumont C24

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:1362.f.4.

Krummacher, Friedrich Adolph. The parables. Translated from the seventh German edition. With forty illustrations drawn by J. R. Clayton [i.e. John Richard Clayton]; engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: Nathaniel Cooke, Milford House, Strand, 1854. London: Printed by Levey, Robson, and Franklyn, Great New Street and Fetter Lane. viii, 280p. 1 plate. Most of the plates are signed: “Dalziel”. The frontispiece plate is a portrait of F. A. Krummacher.  Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front endpaper verso. The circular monogram bookplate of the Dalziels is on the front pastedown. The letter pasted on the front endpaper reads: “/ Broomfield House, Fairfax Road,/ N. W. / Novr 25 1901./ My dear Edw./ You and George will share/ my sorrow in the sudden/ death  of Arthur Lewis,/ our old Clipstone fellow worker/ and print friend./ Last night, soon after leaving/ his wife for bed, she found/ him flat on the floor, dead!/ He had no illness nor pre monitory sign of any kind/ Recently he was deer-stalking/ as usual. Yours truly/ John R. Clayton./”

Gold and blind.


Binding: The spine design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Blue endpapers and pastedowns. Blue rib horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind. There are two fillets on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Plant decoration rises from the base, with leaves and stems growing upwards, and bunches of small flower buds on the upper sides and the head. On the upper cove, a central vignette in gold shows a man and a boy looking at a rose bush. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold fillet across the spine, and small decoration blocked in gold; the words: “/ The/ parables/ of [in cursive letters]/ Krummacher/ [rule]/ Illustrated./” are blocked in gold; From near the tail up to just below the title, a branch of ivy stem leaves and buds is blocked in gold; Signed “JL” as separate letters near the base of this ivy plant; stylised decoration, between two fillets across the spine- all in gold; the words: “/ London./ N. Cooke./” are blocked in gold near the tail; a single fillet across the spine at the tail. 

Record no. 1577

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.158

De Beaumont C25

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1863.

1864. RB.23.a.5202


Holme Lee, pseud. [i.e. Miss Harriet Parr.] The true, pathetic history of poor Match. With four illustrations [by Walter Crane]. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 65, Cornhill. London: Printed by Smith Elder and Co., Little Green Arbour Court, Old Bailey, E. C. viii, 219p. 3 plates. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “The last wag of Micky’s tail. p.216.”  It is signed: “W. Crane del” [i.e. Walter Crane] and “Ed. Evans” [i.e. Edmund Evans]. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.


Gold and blind

Binding: The upper cover vignette design is by John Leighton. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Bookseller’s ticket on the upper pastedown: “H & C Treacher,/ Late King & Co./ Booksellers Publishers/ & Stationers/ 1 North St. & 44 East St./ Brighton./” Blue dot and ribbon diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. On each corner, interlocking fillets from straps, curling stems, and buds – all of which form a central ‘circle’. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold, and shows poor Match running along, with a piece of garment in his mouth. The garment trails wisps of wool/ string. Around the perimeter of the vignette, a single gold fillet is blocked in gold. Signed “J L “ as separate letters on the left and right corners of the vignette. The Title words: “/ The/ history/ of/ poor Match/ “ are blocked in gold above and below the vignette. Below the title, a swallow is dipping down in flight to catch an insect just to its left. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold on its perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a dog’s kennel, with the initials “P M” blocked inside it; The Words: “/ The/ true,/ pathetic/ history/ of/ poor/ Match/ by Holme/ Lee./” are blocked in gold; the lower half of the spine is occupied by a robed figure; a single gold fillet is blocked across the spine; the words: “London/ Smith Elder & Co/” are blocked in gold at the tail, within a rectangle formed by two gold fillets.

 Record no. 1578

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.162

De Beaumont C26

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1864. Document Supply W12/6024

Lemon, Mark . The jest book. The choicest anecdotes and sayings selected and arranged by Mark Lemon. London and Cambridge: Macmillan and Co., 1864. London: Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars. Vii, 361p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The title page has an illustration signed: “/ C. Keene/” [i.e Charles Keene]  and C.H. Jeens/” [i.e. Charles Henry Jeens]. The half title page verso has the medallion device of Macmillan, with the words: “Golden Treasury Series” printed on its perimeter. In the publisher’s list at the end, this work is listed as number 7 in the Golden Treasury Series, “Bound in extra  cloth, 4s. 6d.” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.


Gold and blind and relief

Binding: Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on upper pastedown: “/ Bought of/ Willis/ &/ Sotheran/ Booksellers/ & Bookbinders/ 42 [text indistinct]/” Inscribed on the upper endpaper verso: “/ Germaine Lucie [?]/ Sept 3rd 1864/” Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only with two fillets blocked on the borders, the outer thick the inner being thin. On the centre, is the same medallion as on the half title page verso, blocked in blind and in relief. The upper cover is blocked in gold. On the borders, two fillets are blocked in gold, the outer thick the inner thin. On the centre a medallion is blocked in gold, with two fillets forming its perimeter. Within it, we see the figure of a jester, seated on a bench. [This is a reproduction of the jester figure on the title page.] The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, three fillets are blocked across the spine, one thick between two thin. Near the head, the words: “/ The/ jest book/ Mark Lemon./” are blocked in gold. Near the tail, the words: “/ Macmillan and Co./” are blocked in gold.

Record no. 1579

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.163

De Beaumont C27

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1864. 12804.bbb.32.


Musaeus, Johann Carl.  Legends of Number Nip. [Compiled from a translation of Musæus's works, published in London shortly after his death.] By Mark Lemon. Illustrated by Charles Keene. London: Macmillan and Co., 1864. London: Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars. 134p. 5 plates. The plates are signed: “Swain” [i.e. Joseph Swain]. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. Inscribed on the upper endpaper verso: “Presentation copy”. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.


Gold and blind and relief

Binding: Edges only partly guillotined. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically on the borders and on the corners, in blind and relief on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper cover. On the upper cover two fillets are blocked in gold on the borders. Inside this, a stylised ‘leaf and stem’ repeating pattern is blocked between gold fillets, forming long rectangles on each side and on the head and the tail. A square is blocked on each corner with the leaf and stem pattern blocked within each square. All of the brown sand-grain cloth between the gold blocked in is in relief. The spine is blocked in bold. At the head and at the tail, three gold fillets are blocked across the spine. Near the head, the words: “/ Legends/ of/ Number/ Nip/ Mark Lemon./” are blocked in gold.

 Record no. 1580

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.164

De Beaumont C28

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:

Lemon, Mark.             Tinykin's transformations. A Child's Story. Illustrated by Charles Green. London: Bradbury, Evans, & Co., 11,  Bouverie Street, 1869. London: Bradbury, Evans, and Co., Printers, Whitefriars. x, 183p. 4 plates. With one page of bound at the end, advertising: “Fairy Tales, by Mark Lemon, Illustrated by Richard Doyle and C. H. Bennett [i.e. Charles Henry Bennett] , price 7s.6d.”  The frontispiece has the monogram of Charles Green and is also signed: “Swain Sc.” [i.e. Joseph Swain]; and is entitled: ‘ “Two beautiful creatures seated themselves upon the rock, and Tinykin was mortified to find that he was compelled to admire at a distance.” – Page 58. Frontispiece.’ Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.


G old and blind and black and relief

References:     De Beaumont  RdeB1 no.164.

Dry JL no.537.

King JL p.245.

Binding: The design is by John Leighton. In the publisher’s titles bound at the rear of Madre Natura, 1870 (BL shelf mark, This work is described as: “In a characteristic binding, price 7s. 6d.” Engravings signed by Swain [i.e. Joseph Swain]. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Red sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. The fourth, innermost fillet is semi-circular on each corner, with small flower plants blocked in blind. The central vignette, also in blind, features circles and strap work. The upper cover is blocked in gold and black. The title: "/ Tiny's Transformations/" is  blocked in the middle in black; it is surrounded by curling stems and straps blocked in black. Two cartouches with zig-zags are blocked in black above and below the title. The stars at each corner are blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the upper and on the lower borders, with repeating dots blocked in relief within it. At the head, a winged fairy is seated in a quarter moon, blowing a horn and beating a drum. At the tail, a group of fairy grotesques is blocked in gold, dancing above water of pond and bulrushes. The pond contains two fishes. The words: "/ By/ Mark Lemon./" are blocked in black above the fairies. Signed "L" at bottom right hand corner of upper cover. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets blocked across the spine, one thin, one thick; a stag's head and antlers; a ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece, with the title: "/ Tiny/ Kin's/ Trans/ for/ ma/ tions/" blocked in relief within the ribbon; a fish; above and below the title - a rectangle is formed by two gold fillets with leaf-like decoration blocked in gold; the words: “/ By/ Mark/ Lemon/” are blocked in gold; an animal, probably a mole, blocked in gold; the imprint: "/ Bradbury/ Evans & Co./" is blocked in gold; two gold fillets are blocked at the tail, one thin, one thick.

Record no. 1581

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.165

De Beaumont C29

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:

Leslie, Henry. Little songs for me to sing. The Illustrations by J. E. Millais, R. A. [i.e John Everett Millais] Engraved by Joseph Swain. With music composed by Henry Leslie. London: Cassell, Petter & Galpin, [1865]. London: Cassell, Petter & Galpin, Ludgate Hill, E. C. Unpaginated [18 plates; each alternate plate is printed on the recto only.] With eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The plates are signed with the monogram of Millais, and also signed: “Swain Sc.”[i.e. Joseph Swain] Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.


Gold and blind and relief


Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically on the borders and on the corners, in blind and relief on the lower cover, and in gold and relief on the upper cover. On the upper cover a single thin gold fillet is blocked on the borders. Inside this, another, thicker, gold fillet is blocked in gold, which has a pattern of repeating single dots, blocked in blind within it. Inside this, a repeating pattern of curling ivy stems, ivy leaves and berries is curled round a ‘branch-like’ fillet, which has ‘three bar’ hatch blocked within it. On the upper cover the central panel is formed by two gold fillets. A central circle, formed by branches, has stems, leaves and flowers attached to it. At the head of the circle, two birds and a butterfly are blocked in gold. In the middle of the circle, two (larger) birds are blocked. At the base of the circle, three butterflies are blocked. Three scroll-shaped gold lettering-piece are attached to the circular branches. The title words: “/ Little songs/ for me/ to song/” are blocked in relief within these lettering-pieces. The spine s blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter, with a repeating pattern of ‘single thorn’ blocked on its inner border. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a vertical hatch gold rectangle across the spine, with four small circles blocked in relief within it; a bird and curling stem and bud decoration; the title words: “/ Little/ songs/ for/ me to/ sing/” are blocked in gold; two birds among more curling stem and bud decoration – all in gold; at the tail, a vertical hatch gold rectangle across the spine, with four small circles blocked in relief within it.

Record no. 1582

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.172

De Beaumont C30

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1862.

Liefde, Jan de. The postman’s bag and other stories. Illustrated by John Pettie, Alfred W. Cooper, W. Mactaggart, A.R. S. A. [i.e. William Mactaggart], R. T. Ross [i.e. probably Robert Thorburn Ross], W. P. Burton [i.e. William Paton Burton], and others. Edinburgh: Alexander Strahan and Co.; London: Hamilton, Adams and Co., 1863. Edinburgh: T. Constable, printer to the Queen, and to the University. Iv,194p. 15 plates. With four pages of publishers’ titles bound at the end. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “The Postman’s Bag”. It is signed: “A. Ritchie. Lith. Edinr.” Several of the plates are signed with the artist’s monogram. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.


Gold and blind and relief

Ref: 1. Engen – Burton William Paton, DVWE, p. 38.

2. Mactaggart, William in DVEPP, p. 134.

3. Alexander Ritchie, lithographers, see: Scottish Book Trade Index.


Binding: Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically on the borders, corners sides, head and tail. On the borders, within a single wide fillet blocked in blind, a repeating pattern of curling stems and leaves is blocked in relief. Inside this, ‘branch-like’ fillets are blocked on the perimeter, joining at the corners and forming straps on the centre head. A pattern of ivy stems, leaves and buds is blocked amongst the branches, and inwards on the corners, the sides, the head and the tail. On the centre of the upper cover, the words: “/ The/ Postman’s Bag/ a Christmas book/ for/ boys & girls/ by The Rev. J. de. Liefde/” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind and relief. From the head downwards, curling branches, blocked in relief, form three ovals, in  the lower two of which ivy leaves and buds are blocked in relief. Within the oval near the head, the title words: “/ The/ Postman’s/ Bag/” are blocked in gold. At the tail, the publisher name: “/ A. Strahan & Co./” is blocked in gold.

Record no. 1582a

Museum number P&D 1996.1104.19

De Beaumont D1

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1867. 12352.f.12. Document Supply W28/7962.

1868. 12352.f.13.

Halliday, Andrew [i.e. Andrew Halliday Duff]. The Savage Club papers. Edited by Andrew Halliday. London: Tinsley Brothers, 18 Catherine Street, Strand, 1867. London: Robson and Son, Great Northern Printing Works, Pancras Road, N. W. 341p. The half title page is engraved and signed by William Harry Rogers. The frontispiece plate has no caption, but is signed: “Brunton” [ i. e. William Brunton], and “Dalziel Sc.” The tail piece is illustrated by Gustave Dore and engraved by J. Fagnion. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. There is no bookplate of Robin de Beaumont. Both the title page and the half title page recto are inscribed: “ 7th March 1867/ L’pool [i.e. probably Liverpool].  In the list of illustrations on page xvii, the artists are: William Brunton, Harry Rogers [i. e. William Harry Rogers], Du Maurier [i.e. George Du Maurier], L. Henley [i. e Lionel Charles Henley], E. C. Barnes [i. e. Edward Charles Barnes], F. Barnard [i.e. Frederick Barnard], W. S. Gilbert [i.e. William Schwenck Gilbert], Gordon Thomson, E. Weedon [i.e. Edwin Weedon], H. Sandercock [i.e. probably Henry Ardmore Sandercock], Paul Gray, A. Thompson [i. e. probably Alfred Thompson], M. Morgan [i. e probably Matthew Somerville Morgan], J. Palmer [i. e. John Palmer], E. Griset [i.e. Ernest Henry Griset], E. Hull [i.e. Edward Hull] , T. Scott [i. e. Thomas Dewell Scott] , C. H. Bennett [i.e. Charles Henry Bennett, Gustave Dore, Harrison Weir [i.e. Harrison William Weir], George Cruikshank, A. B. Houghton [i.e. Arthur Boyd Houghton], F. W. Lawson [i.e. Francis Wilfred Lawson], J. D. Watson [i.e. John Dawson Watson].

In the list of illustrations on page xvii, the engravers are: Dalziel Brothers, W. Hooper i.e. William Harcourt Hooper], J. Swain [i.e. Joseph Swain], R. Knight [i.e. probably Richard Knight], H. Harral [i.e. Horace Harral], E. Evans [i.e. Edmund Evans], T. Bolton [i.e. Thomas Bolton], H. Harrison, H. Orrin Smith [i.e. Harvey Edward Orrinsmith], W. Thomas [i. e possibly William Luson Thomas], C. A. Ferrier [i.e. Charles Anderson Ferrier], J. Fagnion [i. e. Jules Fagnion], H. Grenaway.


Gold and blind and relief

Binding: Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Dark red sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this, a Greek fret border is blocked in relief. On the centre, a mandorla is blocked, delineated by fillets and zig-zag. Above and below the mandorla,  a group of curling stems, leaves and flowers is blocked in relief. The central vignette is blocked in blind and in relief, showing four interlocking straps. On the upper cover, the outer border is blocked in gold with a repeating pattern of ‘two leaves, flower head, and semi-circle’. Two gold fillets are blocked on the borders inside this. The rest of the blocking is the same as for the lower cover, with the exception that interlocking fillets blocked in gold delineate the central mandorla. The perimeter of the circular central vignette has the same repeating pattern as for the outer border, i.e. ‘two leaves, flower head, and semi-circle’. A wide circular gold lettering-piece has the title blocked in relief inside it: “/ The Savage Club Papers/”. A chameleon (?) is blocked in gold on the centre. Above and below the central medallion, flower and leaf motifs are blocked in gold. Signed “C B” in gold as separate letters just below the central medallion. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets, a vertical hatch gold fillet, and a repeating pattern of ‘two leaves, flower head, and semi-circle’; the title: “/ The/ Savage Club/ Papers/ is blocked in relief within a circular gold lettering-piece, which is intersected by a rectangular gold lettering-piece; leaf and floral decoration is blocked in gold above and below the title; the word “/Illustrated/” is blocked in gold between two gold fillets blocked across the spine; near the tail, two gold fillets, a vertical hatch gold fillet, and a repeating pattern of ‘two leaves, flower head, and semi-circle’; at the tail, a rectangle is formed by a single gold fillet.

 Record no. 1583

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.174

De Beaumont D2

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1863.

Lloyd, Bitha. The Flower of Christian Chivalry . With illustrations by J. D. Watson [ i. e John Dawson Watson]. London : James Hogg & Sons, [1863]. London: Harrild, printer. 314p. 4 plates. With six pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. This is number 12 in the series “Books with a meaning; a new series of illustrated books for young readers.” The frontispiece is captioned: “The beginning of a great work. The Abbé de l’Epée and the Sister Mutes. – Page 154.” It is signed “J. D. W.” and “Dalziel”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “To Annie/ With [Fathers?] Love/ 29th Septr 1870/”


Gold and blind and relief.

Binding: Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue dot and horizontal-line grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. A pattern of leaves and stems is blocked in relief on the corners, and on the sides. An arabesque is formed by groups of two curling fillets, blocked in blind. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in blind and in relief. Two gold fillets are blocked on the borders. Inside this, branches are blocked on the sides, which then curl at the head and at the tail, with small stems, leaves and flowers sprouting from them. The inner border is framed by horizontal gold hatch, blocked between two gold fillets. Eight ‘acanthus like’ large leaves are blocked onto this frame, two at the head the tail, and two on each side. The inner corners have a ‘diamond and dot’ pattern blocked in gold. The central arabesque is formed by two gold fillets. Small clover leaf and stem decoration is blocked in relief on the perimeter of the centre-piece. The centre-piece is an oval, with elaborate small decoration blocked in gold on its perimeter. On the centre,  the title: “/ The flower of [in a semi-circle]/ Christian/ Chivalry [in a semi-circle]/” is blocked in relief within three gold lettering-pieces. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets blocked across the spine; patterns of stem, bud and leaf decoration, blocked in gold and in relief;  the title: “/ The flower of [in a semi-circle]/ Christian/ Chivalry [in a semi-circle]/” is blocked in relief within three gold lettering-pieces; down the spine to the tail – more patterns of stem, bud and leaf decoration, blocked in gold and in relief; at the tail, the word: “/Illustrated/” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece.

Record no. 1584

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.182

De Beaumont D3

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1868. 12204.ff.1/66.; W20/5120

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. The poetical works. (Including recent poems.) With steel portrait, and Illustrations by Cooper, Small, and Houghton. [i.e. probably Alfred W. Cooper; William Small; and Arthur Boyd Houghton.]  London: Frederick Warne and Co. Bedford Street, Covent Garden, 1867. London: Savill and Edwards, printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden. Xii, 628p. 11 plates. The frontispiece plate is a portrait of Longfellow, with the caption: “Yours truly Henry W. Longfellow”. It is signed: “Engraved by J. Rapkin & Son”. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ J. M. Corbet/ from her affectionate/ sister [name not readable]/ Augt 1867./” This is the first volume in the “Chandos Poets” series.


Gold and blind and black and relief

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only, with four fillets to the outer and inner borders, with a repeating pattern of ‘ovals and leaves blocked between them. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Four fillets are blocked on the outer and inner borders. Between them a wide red dyed paper on lay is placed, and blocked in gold and in black with a repeating pattern of ovals and leaves blocked in gold on the on lay. Within each oval, two leaves and four buds are blocked in gold. On the inner and outer edge of the on lay, repeating patterns are blocked in black. On the perimeter of the inner rectangle, groups of five leaves are blocked, one at the centre head and the centre tail, and two on the sides. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head, a single gold vertical hatch fillet is blocked across the spine. The on the upper half of the spine the words: “/ Longfellows/ Poetical/ Works/ [rule]/ Illustrated./” are blocked in gold, within a square formed by a single gold fillet. The capital “L” of Longfellow is a red paper on lay, blocked with horizontal gold hatch around it. Around the title, there is decoration in gold. Above and below the title, Arabesques are blocked with their border patterns blocked in gold, and with dots and other symbols blocked in gold, which are surrounded by decoration blocked in black. (This resembles a stylised tree.)  At the tail, the words: “/ Chandos Poets./” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece. A hatch gold fillet surrounds these letters, with dots and decoration above and below the lettering-piece.

 Record no. 1585

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.183

De Beaumont D4

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: Routledge, 1867: 11687.f.37; 11687.ccc.33.

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. The poetical works. London: T. Nelson and Sons, Paternoster Row, Edinburgh; and New York, 1867. 703p. 6 plates. The frontispiece is a photographic portrait of Longfellow, signed: “/ Henry W. Longfellow”. Several of the plates are signed: “W Small” [i.e. William Small] and “R Paterson Sc” [. E. Robert Paterson]. The plate opposite page 160 is Signed: “W. Small” and is entitled: Song of Hiawatha.” The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso.


Gold and blind and relief

Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Dark brown endpapers and pastedowns. Purple sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically, in blind and in relief on the lower cover, and in gold and in blind and in relief on the upper cover. On the upper cover, there are six fillets blocked on the borders, the outermost and innermost of which is in blind, the others in gold. On each corner a lyre and leaves is blocked in gold. On the upper cover, the central medallion is of gold vertical hatch, surrounded by small repeating decoration in gold. On the centre, the word: “/Longfellow/” is blocked in relief, within a rectangular gold lettering-piece. Above and below this, the outline of a lyre is blocked in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: three gold fillets across the spine, with repeating dots blocked in relief within the middle fillet; The title: “/ Longfellows’s/ Poetical Works/” is blocked in relief within two gold lettering-pieces, the upper being semi-circular, the lower being a rectangle; rectangular decoration and straps; a lyre; rectangular decoration and straps; the words: “/ Fine Illustrations/” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has vertical gold hatch fillets blocked across the spine, above and below it; three gold fillets across the spine, with repeating dots blocked in relief within the middle fillet.

Record no. 1586

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.184

De Beaumont D5

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1868. 12204.ff.1/66. Document Supply W20/5120

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. The poetical works. With illustrations. [Device and monogram of Fredeick Warne.] London: Frederick Warne and Co., Bedford Street, Covent Garden, 1869. London: printed by Woodfall and Kinder, Milford Lane, Strand, W. C. xii, 628p. 8 plates. The frontispiece is an engraved portrait of Longfellow, signed: “/ Yours truly/ Henry W. Longfellow/ . It is signed: “engraved by J. Rapkin & Son.” The half title page has a printed medallion portrait of Longfellow. The plates (apart from the frontispiece) are signed:   “Dalziel”.The plate opposite page 357 is signed: “A B Houghton [i.e. Arthur Boyd Houghton]. The plate opposite page 531 is signed: “A W C” [i.e. Alfred W. Cooper], The plates opposite pages 555, and 607 are signed: “W. Small” [i.e. William Small]. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso.


Gold and blind and black and relief

Binding: gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Bookseller’s label on lower pastedown: “/ U. B. Mattacks./ Bookseller/ & Stationer/ Colchester/” Blue sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. On the centre, four joined leaves are blocked in relief, their stems forming a diamond in the middle, in which four ‘bud heads’ are blocked in relief. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in black. Two gold fillets are blocked on the borders. On the centre head and the centre tail, two rectangular gold lettering-pieces are blocked, each with the word: “Longfellow” and “Illustrated”, blocked in relief within it. Each lettering-piece also has a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders. Above and below these rectangles, Patterns are blocked in gold and in black. Surrounding the centre, is curling stem, leaf and bud decoration, all blocked in black. Down each side, four five-pointed stars are blocked in gold. The centre is square, pierced by four points. On its perimeter, between two fold fillets, a red (probably paper) on lay is pasted, with small repeating gold dots blocked within it. On the centre, there are three shields, denoting Ireland (the harp), England (three lions), Scotland (the lion rampant).. All are supported on a rose bush, with leaves and stems below the shields. Small crosses are blocked in gold between the shields. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: A gold fillet across the spine, with small circles blocked in relief within it; a cartouche in gold; a thin gold fillet across the spine; The word: “/ Longfellow/” is blocked in relief within a semi-circular gold lettering-piece; this is within a rectangular panel, formed by a diagonal hatch gold blocking; there is small decoration in black within this panel; on the centre of the spine is a square, pierced by four points; There is a single black fillet blocked on its perimeter and then, between two gold fillets, hatch gold is blocked, with small repeating gold dots blocked in relief within it; a rose bush, stems, leaves and a single rose flower are blocked within this square; Down the lower half of the spine, thistle plants are blocked in gold, surrounding a ‘spade shape’ formed by a fillet in black and repeating gold dots, with small clover leaf decoration blocked in black inside it, and a five pointed star at its base; At the tail, surrounded by a single gold fillet forming a rectangular panel, the word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in relief, within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has single fillets blocked above and below it in relief; small stem and bud decoration surrounds this lettering-piece.

 Record no. 1587

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.186

De Beaumont D6

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1865. 12804.bbb.30.

Lushington, Henrietta. Hacco, the Dwarf, or the Tower on the Mountain: and other tales. With illustrations by G. J. Pinwell. [i.e George John Pinwell] London: Griffith & Farran (successors to Newbery and Harris), Corner of St. Paul’s Churchyard, 1865. Edinburgh: Printed by R. & R. Clark. 238p. plates. With thirty-two pages of publisher’s title bound at the end. The plates are signed "GJP" [i.e. George John Pinwell] and Swain"[i.e. probably studio of Joseph Swain], and they are hand-coloured. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “Bernard and Miriam in the Old Church.” It has Pinwell’s monogram. On page 3 of the publisher's titles at the end, this work is described as: "... Super royal 16mo., price 3s. 6d. cloth, 4s. 6d. coloured, gilt edges." The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso.


Gold and blind. And relief

Binding: The design is by Robert Dudley. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son./ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./" [Ball no. 17A.] Green  sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. A leaf and stem pattern is blocked on each corner. The lower cover central vignette is blocked in blind and in relief. It is lozenge-shaped, and shows patterned decoration blocked in blind and in relief. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold, with a circular central vignette, formed by a single gold fillet. Just above the vignette, the title: "/ Hacco/ the Dwarf/ &c./" is blocked in gold in stylised letters. Ten stars are blocked at the head of the circle. The centre shows Hacco and a ram. Hacco is seated on a branch, with the ram standing beside him. These are set in a rural mountain landscape with plants and the sun rising/setting behind. Signed "RD" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold in blind and in relief. At the head and at the tail are: 1. a blind fillet 2. a blind fillet, with dots and a diamond blocked in relief within it 3. two blind fillets. Below the head, three panels are formed by dense plant/ woodland decoration, blocked in gold. In panel 1, an owl is blocked in gold. Panel two has the title: "/ Hacco/ the Dwarf/ and other/ tales./" blocked in gold. Panel three has two rabbits blocked in gold. The British Library copy of 1865 is at shelf mark 12804.bbb.30. It has blue sand-grain cloth, also bound by Bone & Son.



Record no. 1588

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.187

De Beaumont D7

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:

Lushington, Henrietta. The Happy Home; or, the Children at the Red House. With illustrations by G. J. Pinwell [i.e. George John Pinwell]. London: Griffith & Farran (successors to Newbery and Harris), Corner of St. Paul’s Churchyard, 1864. London: Printed by R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Bread Street Hill. Vii, 227p. 4 plates. With thirty-two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. On page 6 of the publisher's titles at the end, this work is described as: "... Super royal 16mo., price 3s. 6d. cloth, 4s. 6d. coloured, gilt edges." Inscribed on the half title page recto: “/ Marie [Sonserberg?]/ the gift of/ J L Goodman [?]/ England/ Oct 11. 1866./” The plates are hand-coloured. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “/ Charlie on forbidden ground/”. It is signed: “GJP” as a monogram [i.e. George John Pinwell]. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso.

Gold and blind and relief.

140x 175x25mm.

Binding: The design is by Robert Dudley. The text is sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges . Blue pebble-grain cloth.  Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Both covers are blocked identically on the borders and on the corners in blind, with two fillets on the borders, and curling stem and leaf decoration on each corner. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold, in the form of a roundel. Above and below the rkoundel, small clusters of clover leaves are blocked in gold. Inside the roundel, a family is shown in a garden setting, with a mother, holding a plant in a pot, the father placing a plant in a rockery, both being watched by three children. All of the detail is picked out in relief. Signed “RD” [i. e. Robert Dudley] in gold as separate letters at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: three gold fillets blocked across the spine; a pair of  doves sitting on a nest; the title words: “/ The/ happy/ home/” are blocked in gold within a panel formed by a ‘branch-like’ gold fillet; more small leaf and stem decoration blocked underneath the title; near the base, the words: “/ London/ Griffith & Farran/” are blocked in gold; three gold fillets are blocked across the spine at the tail.

Record no. 1589

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.189

De Beaumont D8

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 12635.m.9. 1865. 3vols. 12267.a.1/227. 1865. 2vols. 12618.e.22. [digitised copy]

Macdonald, George. Alec Forbes of Howglen. [Device of Hurst and Blackett.] London: Hurst & Blackett Publishers, 13, Great Marlborough Street, [1867]. Bungay: Clay and Taylor, printers. [4], 440p. 1 plate. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. In the publisher’s title bound at the end, this work is stated to be number 34 in Hurst & Blackett’s Standard Library, “Each in a Single Volume, elegantly printed, bound and illustrated, price 5s.” The frontispiece plate is entitled: “/ Alec Forbes of Howglen./ (Page 290)/ London: Hurst & Blackett. June 15th 1867./” It is signed A. Hughes [i.e. Arthur Hughes] and J. Saddler [i. e John Saddler] Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ EA Atkinson/ 1880./” The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso.

Gold and blind


Binding: The design is not signed. Text sewn on three wide tapes. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. Binders’ ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge./” [Ball no. 53G.] Both covers are blocked identically in blind with a ‘panel and flower’ design, where groups of three fillets, blocked in blind create squares and rectangles on each cover, with stylised flower heads being blocked within six squares, three on each side of each cover. Inside the perimeter of each rectangle, a repeating pattern of dots is blocked in blind.  The spine is blocked in gold. Seven panels are formed by single, or double or triple fillets blocked in gold across the spine. At the head, panel one is a rectangle is formed by  repeating gold dots. Panel two has the title words: “/ Alec Forbes/ of/ Howglen./” blocked in gold. Panel three has rectangles, formed by repeating gold dots, and small decoration in its corners and a lozenge on its centre. Panel four has the words: “/ by/ George/ Macdonald/ LL. D./” blocked in gold within a circle formed by two gold fillets. Panel five has the same decoration as panel three. Panel six (near the tail) has the words: “/ Hurst & Blackett’s/ Standard Library/” blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by gold fillets. Panel seven at the tail, is the same as panel one.

Record no. 1590

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.190

De Beaumont D9

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 12808.k.25. (copy has the same design as the BM copy on the upper cover, but on blue pebble-grain (?) cloth.)

Macdonald, George. At the back of the North Wind. [Device  of Strahan & Co., the anchor and motto.] London: Strahan & Co., Publishers, 56 Ludgate Hill, 1871. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press. Viii, 378p. With thirteen pages of publisher’s title bound at the end. The illustrations are by Arthur Hughes, engraved by the Dalziel Brothers. The illustration on page 94 has a good example of Hughes’s monogram. Inscribed on the half title page verso: “/ Charles Dixon/ Class 3. Prize 1/ Eight (?) School/ [rule]/ S Andrew’s Day 1872/”  The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso.


Gold and blind and black and relief

Binding: Gilt edges. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Green pebble-grain cloth. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn/ & Co./2 [Ball no. 20E.] The lower cover is blocked in blind only with two fillets at the head and at the tail, intersecting with a single fillet blocked on each side - all forming one large central rectangle, with smaller ones at the head and at the tail. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in black and in relief. Two ‘branch like’ fillets, one in gold and one in black, are blocked down the spine side of the cover, and at the head and at the tail. A ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece is blocked from the top right hand side down the cover to the centre left. Within it, the title words: “/ At/ the back/ of the/ North: Wind:/” are blocked in relief. To the right of the ribbon, within a frame formed by two ‘branch like’ gold fillets, there is a depiction of a boy [possibly Diamond?] looking out at the ‘celestial heavens’, which is studded with stars. This looks to be a black paper onlay, with the blocked in gold and in black. The spine ins blocked in gold and in black. There is a single ‘branch like’ gold fillet blocked on the perimeter of the spine. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a single black fillet blocked across the spine; the title words: “/ At the/ back/ of the/ North/ Wind/” are blocked in gold, with the words: “North” and Wind” being within a black lettering-piece; small objects, in gold and in black are being tossed around by the wind; the words: “/ by/ George/ MacDonald/” are blocked in gold, at an angle; the device of Alexander Strahan is in gold, with the initials “A S” blocked in black on either side of the anchor; a single black fillet blocked across the spine; black decoration (possibly fillets) across the spine at the tail.

Record no. 1591

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.191

De Beaumont D10

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 12804.aa.45.

Macdonald, George. Dealings with the fairies.  [Device  of Strahan & Co., the anchor and motto.] London: Strahan & Co., Publisher, 56 Ludgate Hill, 1867. London: J. and W. Riders, printers. [7], 308p. 12 plates. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The illustrations are by Arthur Hughes, engraved by the Dalziel Brothers. The plates are mostly signed with Hughes’s monogram and “Dalziel”. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “/ The Christening./ Page 6.” Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ Miss E. Gairviouray (?)/ 8 Oakley Terrace/ Dennistoun/ by this (?) year/ Dec 28 1867/”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down .


Gold and blind and black and relief

Binding: the design is not signed. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green rib diagonal-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in black only. On the borders, there is a zig-zag and dots repeating pattern. Inside this, curling stems and leaves are blocked on each corner, with an arabesque formed by two fillets inside this. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black.  On the borders and corners, is the same decoration, with the border patterns blocked in gold, and the corners blocked in black. On the centre, within a diamond, a rectangle and a circle, the title words: / Dealings with/ the fairies/ [rule]/ George Macdonald/ illustrated/ by/ Arthur Hughes [in a semi-circle]/”. Small stem and leaf decoration is blocked amongst the letters. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a zig-zag and leaf repeating pattern, between single gold fillets; down the whole of the spine, stems and clusters of three ivy-like leaves are blocked in gold; near the middle, within an oval gold lettering-piece, the title: “/ Dealings [blocked in a semi-circle]/ with the/ fairies [blocked in a semi-circle] are blocked in relief.

Record no. 1592

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.192

De Beaumont D11

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1901. 012809.k.11.  1887. 12806.p.14.

Macdonald, George. The History of Gutta-Percha Willie, the working genius. With eight illustrations by Arthur Hughes. New edition. [Device of Blackie & Son.] London: Blackie & Son, Limited, 50 Old Bailey, E. C., Glasgow and Dublin, [1901] vi, 212p. 8 plates. With thirty-two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The illustrations are by Arthur Hughes, engraved by the Dalziel Brothers. The plates are mostly signed with Hughes’s monogram and “Dalziel”. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “/ Willie’s horse-shoeing forge./” Inscribed on the frontispiece plate recto: “/ Rickards/ 1000, Alderman’s Hill/ N. 13/” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down .


Gold  and black

Binding: Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. There is no blocking on the lower cover. On the upper cover, three fillets are blocked in black on the borders. On the centre, the figure of Willie is blocked in gold; he is in a kneeling position on the ground, with his head turned towards his left shoulder. The ground around him is blocked in black. At the centre head of the upper cover, the title words: “/ Gutta-Percha Willie./” are blocked in gold and in black. At the centre tail of the upper cover, the words: “/ By Geo. Macdonald/” are blocked in black. There are two fillets blocked in black across the spine at the head and at the tail. On the head and the centre, the words: “/ [rule]/ Gutta-/ Percha/ Willie./ [rule] by/ George/ Macdonald/ [rule]” are blocked in gold.

Record no. 1593

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.195

De Beaumont D12

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1857. 11649.e.2.

Maclaren, Archibald. The fairy family: a series of ballads and metrical tales illustrating the fairy mythology of Europe. London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts, 1857. London: Printed by Spottiswoode & Co. New Street Square. xv, 283p. two plates. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece and half title page are separate plates. The illustrator is Edward Burne-Jones. Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ S. H. Dubney/”. The roundel illustration page 279 is accompanied by these verse lines on p. 278:

“ ‘Tis the tones of a harp, as wild and sweet

As ever a dreaming ear did greet:

Ah, woe to the breaker of the plighted vow

If weetless he stray by the river now!

For the Neck is playing his harp by the ford;

He calleth and claimeth a guest for his board,

In his cavern under the mere.”

Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief


Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, p. 166(?)

“Burne-Jones's earliest work, a frontispiece and title-page for The Fairy Family (1857) are remarkably naive. Unsigned, they represent the artist's initial attempts to discover a personal style. The main influence, however, is Pre-Raphaelite archaism. The figures are gawkily drawn in the manner of early Pre-Raphaelite painting; there is a conscious effort to avoid conventional representations of beauty, especially in the emphasis on unappealing faces; space is flattened; and detail seems to overwhelm the whole.”

Binding: The spine design is by John Leighton. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Green fine rib vertical-grain cloth. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38 Kirby St./” [Ball no. 20A.] Both covers are blocked identically in blind and relief. On the borders, four fillets are blocked in blind. On the inner borders, patterns of curling stems and groups of leaves are blocked in blind and in relief. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, two gold fillets are blocked across the spine. Near the dead, within an arabesque formed by two gold fillets (with stars on either side of it), a fairy is blocked in gold, arising out of a plant. The title words: “/ The/ fairy/ family/” are blocked in gold within an onion-shaped panel formed by a single gold fillet. The lower half of the spine is decorated with a plant whose roots are at the bottom of the spine, with a central stem from which leaves are blocked; there are butterflies, a snail, a bird and a chameleon blocked on or around the plant. Signed “JL “ in gold as separate letters underneath the roots of the plant. [The initials are very small – not more than 3mm across.] Three more gold fillets are blocked across the spine, underneath the plant.

 Record no. 1594

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.196

De Beaumont D13

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1874 Macmillan. 12411.e.4

Maclaren, Archibald. The fairy family: a series of ballads and metrical tales illustrating the fairy mythology of Europe. London: Macmillan and Co., 1874. Oxford: E. B. Gardner, E. Pickard Hall, and J. H. Stacy, printers to the University. xvi, 247p. two plates. The frontispiece and half title page are separate plates. The illustrator is Edward Burne-Jones. The roundel illustration of the Neck, on the title page of this, the 1874 edition, is a reproduction of the illustration printed on page 279 of the 1857 edition (BM 1992,0406.195). The verse on page 278 of the 1857 edition reads: “

‘Tis the tones of a harp, as wild and sweet

As ever a dreaming ear did greet:

Ah, woe to the breaker of the plighted vow

If weetless he stray by the river now!

For the Neck is playing his harp by the ford;

He calleth and claimeth a guest for his board,

In his cavern under the mere.”

Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on a separate sheet. . The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down, together with the bookplate of J. Timothy Kenrick.


Gold and black and relief


“Burne-Jones's earliest work, a frontispiece and title-page for The Fairy Family (1857) are remarkably naive. Unsigned, they represent the artist's initial attempts to discover a personal style. The main influence, however, is Pre-Raphaelite archaism. The figures are gawkily drawn in the manner of early Pre-Raphaelite painting; there is a conscious effort to avoid conventional representations of beauty, especially in the emphasis on unappealing faces; space is flattened; and detail seems to overwhelm the whole.”

Binding: The Macmillan device is printed on the title page verso. Text sewn on two tapes. White endpapers and pastedowns. Red fin rib diagonal-grain cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. A single black fillet is blocked across the cover at the head and at the tail. Above the tail fillet, repeating dashes are blocked across the cover in black. To the left and the right of the central roundel, groups of bulrushes are blocked in black, up the sides. The central roundel shows, blocked in gold and in black, the Neck playing the harp by the waterside, by the light of the moon. The title: “/The/ fairy family/” is blocked in gold beneath the roundel. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a fillet in gold, with a star across the spine; a fillet in black across the spine; a moonlit woodland scene, blocked in gold and in black, with the figures of a man and a lady. The title and author words: “/ the/ fairy [blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a gold fillet above and below it]/ [scenery blocked in black]/ family [[blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a gold fillet above and below it]/ Archibald/ Maclaren/” are blocked in gold and in relief; a landscape, with two castle towers, all in black; the word: “/ Macmillan & Co./” is blocked in gold within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has a single gold fillet blocked above and below it; a black fillet across the spine; a gild fillet and a star across the spine at the tail.

 Record no. 1595

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.197

De Beaumont D14

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1872. 12331.f.19.

Macleod, Norman. Character sketches. [Device of Alexander Strahan.] London: Strahan & Co., Publishers 56 Ludgate Hill, 1872. London: Printed by Virtue and Co., City Road. [3], 317p. 4 plates With fourteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece illustrator is George John Pinwell. The frontispiece is not signed, but relates to the text on page 24, in which sailors take it in turns to hold the child ‘Young Billy’. Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/J. Shepherd Birley/”.  Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down, together with the bookplate of J. Shepherd Birley.


Gold and black

Binding: Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical decoration, in blind to the lower, and in black on the upper cover. A black fillet is blocked on each side, with two more fillets at the head and at the tail. Stylised decoration is blocked in black head to tail on the fore edge side. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: towo gold fillets and a black fillet blocked across the spine; the words: “/ Character/ sketches/ [rule]/ Norman/ Macleod/ D. D. /” are blocked in gold; a thin ‘plant stand’ , blocked in black, rises from near the tail to the middle of the spine, which has leaves and flowers at its head; two black fillets blocked across the spine; a single gold fillet across the spine; the words: “/ Strahan & Co./” are blocked in gold at the tail.

Record no. 1596

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.198

De Beaumont D15

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1861. 12804.d.28.

Macleod, Norman. The gold thread. A story for the young. Illustrated by J.D. Watson [i. e. John Dawson Watson], Gourlay Steel, and J. Macwhirter [i.e. John Macwhirter].Edinburgh: Alex. Strahan & Co., 42 George Street; London: Hamilton, Adams, &Co., 1861. Edinburgh: Ballantyne and Company, Printers. [11], 68p. 7 plates. The frontispiece is signed: “J. McWhirter” and R.Paterson Sc.” [i.e. Robert Paterson]. The plate opposite page 8 is signed: “G. Steell”[i.e. Gourlay Steell]; the plate opposite page 52 is signed:” J. McWhirter” the plates opposite pages 26 and 47 are signed with Watson’s monogram. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down. Inscribed on the half title page recto: “/ Christina Nichols … from her affect aunt/ E. P. N.”


Gold and blind and relief

Binding. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Red endpapers and pastedowns. Purple wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically, in blind and in relief on the lower and in gold, in blind and in relief on the upper cover. On the upper cover, a single gold fillet is blocked in gold on the borders. All over the cover, there is a ‘honeycomb’ pattern blocked in blind and in relief. Gold fillets, with repeating dots blocked in relief within them, form a rectangle and a central diamond, and they interlock as straps on the centre sides, head and tail. Three leaves are blocked in gold on each inner corner. The central oval is formed by a single gold fillet. Inside it, an arm, emerging from a cloud, is holding a gold thread which winds its way through the title and author words: “/ The/ gold/ thread/ by/ Norman Macleod. D. D/” The spine is blocked in gold. Multiple gold fillets are blocked across the spine at the head and at the tail. Between groups of three ‘ivy-like’ buds and leaves, the title: /” The/ Gold/ Thread/ [in gothic letters on the upper half of the spine] and the author: “by/ Norman/ Macleod/ D. D./” [on the lower half of the spine] are blocked in gold.

Record no. 1597

Museum number P&D 1996,1104.28

De Beaumont D16

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1881. 7854.bbb.21. [1882] 7868.aa.6.

Marx, George Walter. The Art of Drawing and Engraving on Wood. Illustrated. [London:] Published by Houlston & Sons, Paternoster Square, E. C. and Marz & Co., 211, Strand, W. C. [1880]. 52p. The frontispiece is signed and captioned: “Sunset./ (Drawn by Birket Foster.)/ [i.e. Myles Birket Foster]” A  colour print is pasted onto the upper pastedown, with the handwritten caption: “/ Baxter print/ by his successor:/ Le Blond & Co./ (Licencees)/” [i.e. Abraham Le Blond]. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the frontispiece recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down. Inscribed on the title page recto: “/ M. A. Brocklehurst/ Stockport ‘81/”

No blocking


Binding: White pastedowns. Green pebble-grain cloth. There is no blocking on covers or spine. The spine has a label pasted onto its upper half, with the words: “Wood engraving written on the label along its length.

Record no. 1598

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.219

De Beaumont D17

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1844. 1346.b.5.

Massinger, Philip. The Virgin Martyr. With six illustrations by F. R. Pickersgill [i.e. Frederick Richard Pickersgill]. London: James Burns, 17, Portman Street, Portman Square, 1844. London: R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill. [4], 100p. 6 plates. The frontispiece plate has the caption: “The Virgin Martyr”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down. Inscribed on the inner endpaper recto:  “/ M. J. Jackson/ from U. J./”




Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. The board edges are gauffered. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. Light brown (almost cream) morocco to covers and spine. Both covers are blocked identically in gold. There are two gold fillets on the borders. The inner borders have repeating tool of ‘two roses and a single centre leaf’. On the centre head and tail, a bird perched on a vase is tooled, surrounded by a single gold fillet to forma a cartouche. On the centre sides, an urn with flowers is tooled, surrounded by a single gold fillet to form a cartouche. The spine is in gold, divided into six panels by cords. Panels one and three to six have small floral decoration tooled in gold. Panel two has the title: “/ The/ Virgin/ Martyr/” blocked in blind [it looks as though this may have been an only, which is now missing].

 Record no. 1599

Museum number P&D 1996.1104.29

De Beaumont D18

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1869. 12808.b.26. 1869. 12809.d.25.

Mayhew, Henry. The magic of kindness; or, The Wondrous Story of the Good Huan. With illustrations by Walter Crane. London and New York: Cassell, Petter and Galpin, [1869]. London: [Printed by] Cassell, Petter and Galpin, Belle Sauvage Works, E. C. 220p. 8 plates. With sixteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece plate has the caption: “Defeat of the hostile army.” It is signed with Crane’s rebus. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down. Inscribed on the front endpaper recto:  “/ Percy [?] J. [?]/ from his cousins -/ Lottie, Bap, & Charlie./ Xmas 1872/”


Gold and black and relief

Binding: Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. The upper cover vignette is [probably] by William Ralston. The lower cover has a single black fillet blocked on the borders. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black and in relief. There is a ‘garden trellis’ design blocked in black on most of the cover, with stems and leaves curling in and around the trellis. On the upper right hand side, a square is blocked in gold, showing a cripple lying on the ground at the bottom left, and a winged angel, holding a cross and laurel sprig, on the right hand side. All of the highlighting of their clothes is picked out in relief. In the background, onion-domed buildings are blocked in gold. The title: “/ The/ Magic/ of/ Kindness/” is blocked in gold above the figure of the cripple. Signed “WR” [i. e probably William Ralston] as separate letters in the left hand corner of the square. The spine is blocked in gold and in black There is a single fillet blocked in gold on its perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: stems and flowers blocked in gold within a panel formed by a black fillet and repeating gold dots; the title: “/ The/ Magic/ of/ Kindness/” is blocked in gold; more black fillet blocking and repeating gold dots forma a cartouche which extends to the tail; underneath the title, more stem and leaf decoration blocked in gold; within the central panel of the cartouche, the words: “/ By the/ Brothers/ Mayhew/” are blocked in gold; stem and leaves blocked in gold underneath this; at the tail, within a panel of the cartouche, the words: “/ London & New York/ Cassell Petter & Galpin/” are blocked in gold.

 Record no. 1600

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.221

De Beaumont D19

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1856. C.131.d.21.[Not 1865 edition?]

Meredith, George. The shaving of Shagpat. An Arabian entertainment. A new edition. London: Chapman and Hall, 193, Piccadilly, 1865. London: Printed by C. Whiting [i.e. Charles Whiting], Beaufort House, Strand. viii, 283p. 1 plate. The frontispiece plate has the caption: “Bhahavar among the serpents of Lake Karatis.” It is signed: F. Sandys [i. e. Frederick Sandys] and “J. Saddler” [i. e. John Saddler] Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ Mrs. Mackin (?)/ Scone/ [Scotland?]/ Benjamin Soars/ Tuesday 18th Sept. 1866/ [rule]/ Witnesses R. Devenpot Jnr/ J. W. Hornblower/ & others/”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

Binding: Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. On the inner corners stylised groups of five leaves are blocked in blind and in relief. An arabesque borders the central panel. On the centre, the monogram device of Chapman and Hall “CH” is blocked in relief within a medallion, which has the words: “/Standard edition of popular authors” blocked in relief on the outer part of the medallion. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, two gold fillets and a diaper pattern are blocked across the spine. Near the head, the title and author : “/ The/ Shaving/ of/ Shagpat/ [rule]/ G. Meredith/” are blocked in gold. Underneath the title, gold fillets, curling stems and leaves are blocked in gold, together with an oval gold lettering-piece.

Record no. 1601

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.224

de Beaumont D20

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1857. 04402.ff.113. 1867.   D-4418.bbb.66.

Miller, William Haig. The mirage of life. With illustrations by John Tenniel, engraved by Buttterworth and Heath. London: The Religious Tract Society, 56, Paternoster Row; 65, St. Paul’s Churchyard; and 164 Piccadilly, [1867].  London: R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill. 225p. With eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. Inscribed on the  front endpaper recto: “/ Henrietta Brodrick/ Nov 18th 1868/”.  The frontispiece plate is signed: “JT” [i.e. John Tenniel] as a monogram , and shows a native tribesman riding a camel. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.

Gold and blind.


Binding: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown ungrained cloth. Three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders of both covers. On the upper cover, near the head, the words: “/ The Mirage of Life/ With illustrations by John Tenniel/” are blocked in gold. The initial capital letters of each title word are emphasised by gold hatch. And the title is surrounded by curling stem and leaf decoration, blocked in gold. The title is blocked in gold. Three gold fillets are blocked at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the title: “/ The Mirage/ of/ Life/” is blocked in gold, within an oval and a rectangle, both of which are formed by fillets blocked in gold.

Record no. 1602

Museum number P&D 1996,1104.30

de Beaumont D21

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1858 Routledge. 1347.g.3.

Milton, John. Comus. A Mask. With thirty illustrations by Pickersgill [i.e. Frederick Richard Pickersgill], Corbould [i.e. Edward Henry Corbould], Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], Harrison Weir [i.e. Harrison William Weir], &c. London: George Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street, 1858. London: Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill. The frontispiece plate is : is signed: “E H Corbould” and “Dalziel”. ” as a monogram. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.

Gold and black


Binding: the design is not signed. Gilt and gauffered edges. Bevelled boards. Coloured head and tail bands. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns., Green morocco. The same design is blocked in black on both covers, forming a symmetrical pattern. Black fillets and ‘dog tooth’ decoration on the outer borders. More black fillets on the inner borders create rectangles, cartouches  and a small square on each inner corner, in each of which a single small ‘circle and petals’ is blocked The centre of each cover is occupied by a pattern of ‘crosses and ovals’, blocked in black. On the upper cover, within cartouches at the head and at the tail, the words: “/ Comus/ Milton/” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in black. Raised cords divide the spine into five panels. Groups of three black fillets blocked across the spine are blocked above and below the raised cords, and also at the head and at the tail. On the centre of each panel, a single leaf and stem motif is blocked in black.

Record no. 1603

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.228

de Beaumont D22

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1864. 12618.c.24.

Tautphoeus, Jemima von,  Baroness. Quits. A novel. By the author of “The initials”. New Edition. London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, 1864. London: Printed by W Clowes and sons, Stamford Street. iv, 516p. 2 plates.  The title page illustration is signed: “DM” ” [i.e. George Louis Palmella Busson Du Maurier]. The frontispiece plate is signed: “DM” and “Whymper” [i.e probably Edward Whymper]. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.

Gold and blind and relief


Binding: The design is not signed. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords.  Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green dot and line vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind, with fillets on the outer and inner borders, with a stem and six leaves blocked on each inner corner. There is a pattern of five complete, two half hexagons and two triangles, each bordered by three fillets in blind, and, within each complete hexagon, a single stem and seven leaves are blocked in blind. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head and at the tail, the decoration is: 1. Two single gold fillets blocked across the spine; 2. a gold fillet blocked across the spine, with a pattern of repeating dots blocked in it in relief; 3. Repeating dots blocked across the spine in gold. Near the head, the title word: “/ Quits/” is blocked in gold. Underneath this a small lozenge is blocked as a gold lettering-piece, with small floral and stem decoration blocked in relief within it in relief. Near the tail, an arabesque is blocked in gold with small decoration blocked in relief within it. Then a pattern of repeating dots in gold; then three gold fillets blocked across the spine. Above the tail, the words: “/ London. Bentley/” are blocked in gold.

Record no. 1604

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.233

de Beaumont D23

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:1880. 12805.t.19.

De Morgan, Mary Augusta. The necklace of Princess Fiorimonde; and other stories. With illustrations by Walter Crane. [Device with monograms of Mary De Morgan and Walter Crane within shields, hanging from crossed poles.] London: Macmillan & Co: 1880. Edinburgh: Printed by R. & R. Clark. viii, 184p. 10 plates. The plates are signed with the rebus of Walter Crane, and are also signed: “Swain Sc.” [i.e. probably studio of Joseph Swain]. The frontispiece plates has the caption: “/ ‘She was in the garden, lying on the marble edge of a fountain, feeding the gold fish/ who swam in the water.’ – Frontispiece./” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.

Gold and black and  relief


Binding: The design is probably by Walter Crane. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Grey ungrained cloth. Binder’s ticket on the lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn/ & Co./” [Ball 20E, printed in blue rather than in brown.] The same decoration is blocked on both covers in black. It consists three medallions at the head and at the tail, each formed by a single black fillet, and each being a black lettering-piece, with decoration blocked in relief inside it. At the head, the decoration of the three medallions is: a snake; two angel’s wings with a heart; a lyre. At the tails, the decoration within the medallions is a boy, with a tray on his head, which bears three ‘sad looking’ pies; three crowns; the figure of a man(?). Small floral decoration is blocked between the medallions in black/ The centre of the cover is occupied by two pillars, with stylised leaf, stem and bud decoration  within each pillar. Between the pillars a pearl necklace is strung, with ribbons hanging from it. On the upper cover, the title words: “T[in gold]he [in black]/ necklace of[in black]/ Princess/ Fiorimonde/ & [in black]/ are blocked in gold and in black. Beneath the necklace, the words: Other/Stories by/ Mary De Morgan/ Illustrated by/ [Walter Crane] WC [as a monogram]/” are blocked in gold and in black lettering. On either side of Crane’s rebus, the initials: “M Co.” [i. e. Macmillan & Company] are blocked in black. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: A medallion, showing a lady (Princess Fiorimonde?), clasping a necklace around her neck; two black fillets across the spine, with repeating dots in black between them; the title: “/ The/ Necklace/ of Princess/ Fiori:/ :monde:/ &/ Other/ Stories/” is blocked in gold; two black fillets blocked across the spine, with repeating dots in black between them; at the tail, a medallion ins blocked in black, with the monograms of Mary de Morgan, Walter Crane, and Macmillan & Co. Across both covers and spine, seven medallions can be viewed at the head and at the tail.

Record no. 1605

Museum number P&D 1996,1104.31

de Beaumont D24

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1877. 12410.ccc.1.

De Morgan, Mary Augusta. On a pincushion and other fairy tales. With illustrations by William de Morgan. London: Seeley, Jackson, & Halliday, 54, Fleet Street, 1877.  London: Woodfall & Kinder, Printers, Milford Lane, W. C. [7], 228p. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece plate has the caption: “/ The Toy Princess/” Inscribed on the recto of the frontispiece plate: “May Clark/ from her Papa/ 1878./” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.

Gold and black and relief


Binding: The cover  design is possibly by William de Morgan Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Blue fine rib diagonal-grain cloth. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. The lower cover is blocked with three fillets in blind on its borders. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in black and in relief. There is a single fillet blocked in black on the borders. Just inside this, a repeating pattern of curling stems and single flowers is blocked in relief, against a background blocked in black. The central panel shows two putti with angel wings, blocked in gold, each blowing two horns, which are blocked in black. The putti are surrounded by elaborate foliage of stems and flowers, blocked in gold. Two rabbits are blocked in black amongst the foliage.  At the centre head, the title word: “/ On/” is blocked in black, with the letters surrounded by a ‘blazing light’ pattern. On the centre, the title word: “/ A/” is blocked in black, within a medallion formed by several black fillets and gold hatch blocking. At the tail, the title word: “/ Pincushion/” is blocked in black, with each letter being interspersed by groups of small flowers, which are blocked in gold. The spine has the title: “/ On a pincushion/” blocked in gold along its length.

Record no. 1606

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.234

de Beaumont D25

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1861. 12618.d.17. [and SFX]


Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock . Nothing new. Tales. [Monogram device of Hurst & Blackett.] London: Hurst and Blackett, Publishers, successors to Henry Colborn, 13, Great Marlborough Street, [1861]. [London:] John Childs and Son, printers. [3], 333p. 1 plate. With six pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.  The frontispiece plate has the caption: “/ Jean Dowglas./” (Page 83.)/ London: Hurst & Blackett/”. The monogram of Millais and ‘1861’ is within the plate. The plate is signed: “J. E. Millais A.R.A.” [i.e. John Everett Millais] and “J. Saddler” [i.e. John Saddler].     Inscribed on the recto of the front endpaper recto:  “/ Alice W Benner/ from her aunt/ Emma/ September 1862./” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.


Gold and blind and relief

Binding: The design is not signed. This is volume XVII of Hurst & Blackett’s Standard Library. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief, with the exception of the title words, which are blocked on the upper cover only. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, and, inside this, there is a repeating pattern of ‘diamonds and dots’, blocked in relief. More fillets .blocked in blind, form the inner rectangle, and the mandorla. On the lower cover, a lozenge is blocked in blind on the centre. On the upper cover, there are groups of ‘ivy-like’ stems, leaves and buds, blocked in gold. Between these, the words: “/ Nothing [in a semi-circle]/ new/ by/ the author of/ John Halifax/” are blocked in relief within five rectangular gold lettering pieces, each of which has a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders. More curling stems and leaves surround the letters. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head, a single gold fillet is blocked across the spine. Just below this, , the words: “/ Nothing [in a semi-circle]/ new/ by/ the author of/ John Halifax/” are blocked in relief within four rectangular gold lettering pieces, each of which has a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders. Curling stems and leaves surround the letters, and  are blocked below them. Near the tail, there is a more plant decoration blocked in gold, and beneath this, between two gold fillets blocked across the spine, the words:”/ Hurst & Blackett’s/ Standard Library/” are blocked in gold. Three more gold fillets are blocked across the spine at the tail.

Record no. 1607

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.236

de Beaumont D26

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1867. 12808.bbb.27.

Nursery times; or, Stories about the Little Ones. By an Old Nurse. With illustrations by John Lawson. London: Griffith and Farran, (successors to Newbery and Harris), Corner of St. Paul’s Churchyard, 1867. Edinburgh: Murray and Gibbs, printers. viii, 175p. 4 plates. With thirty-two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece plate has the caption: “/ ‘The field became my nursery’/ Page 2./” Inscribed on the recto of the front endpaper recto:  “/ Margaret Mitford  Tyssen Amhurst/ from her affectionate mother/ Margaret J. Amhurst/ Hunmanby  Hall/ August 12th 1867./” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.



Gold and blind and relief

For the previous Amhurst owner, see:

Binding: The design is not signed. The plates are signed: “R Paterson Sc.” [i.e Robert Paterson.] Bookseller’s label on the upper pastedown: “/ A. Farr,/ Printer/ Bookseller &c/ Swaffam./” Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ W. Bone & Son/ 76, Fleet St./ London/” [Ball no. 17D] Blue sand-grain cloth. With the exception of the centred-piece, both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. There is a single fillet blocked in blind on the borders. On the rest of each cover, there are elaborate patterns of interlocking straps, of stylised leaves and buds, blocked in blind and in relief. The central mandorla is formed by a single fillet blocked in blind, with small decoration  blocked on its inner perimeter in blind. On the upper cover, the title words are blocked: “/ Nursery times [blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has a single fillet blocked on its borders]/ or [blocked in gold within a circle formed by a single gold fillet]/ stories about [blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has a single fillet blocked on its borders]/ the [blocked in gold within a circle formed by a single gold fillet]/ little ones [blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has a single fillet blocked on its borders]/”. The mandorla has hatch between two gold fillets and small repeating patterns blocked in relief within it. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head and at the tail, two fillets are blocked in blind across the spine, with small decoration blocked in relief between them. Neat the head, the title words: “/ Nursery/ Times/ or/ Stories/ about the [blocked in gold]/ little/ ones/” are  blocked in relief within five rectangular gold lettering pieces. Stars, dots and leaves are blocked in gold around the title. 

Record no. 1608

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.238

de Beaumont E1

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 7956.c.22. Thurd edishun. 1856.

Ormewood, Oliver. O Ful, Tru, un Pertikler Okeawnt o bwoth wat aw seed un wat aw yerd, we gooin too the Greyt Eggshibishun e Lundun. Thurd edishun. [In the Lancashire Dialect.] Rachde [i.e. Rochdale]: Printed bee Wrigley un Son; sowd by Hamilton, Adams un Ko, Un Routledge un Ko., Lundun; Abel Heywood, Un Kelley un Slater, Manchesstur; G. Philip un Son, Liverpule, [1856]. Rachde [i.e. Rochdale]: Wrigley un Son, Printers. 87p. The frontispiece is signed: “F J Shields [i.e Frederic James Shields] and “Langton Sc”[ i. e probably Robert Langton]. It is entitled: “a Rachde Felley’s Greyt Eggshibishun [i .e A Rochdale Fellow’s Great Exhibition]”. It shows the Rochdale Fellow, as a large man, standing clumsily in front of one of the Crystal Palace entrances, surrounded, Gulliver-like, by small figures. The illustrations in the text are signed variously “F J Shields” [i.e Frederic James Shields] and “Langton Sc.” [i.e probably Robert Langton]. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind


Binding. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. The block work looks to have been applied after casing-in. Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically on the borders and on the corners, and on the sides. Two fillets are blocked on the border, the outer thick, the inner thin. On each corner, curling stems and leaves are blocked in blind, with ‘hanging basket’ motifs blocked on the centred head, the centre tail and on  each side. The central vignette on the lower cover is blocked in gold and shows a lyre. On the centre of the upper cover, the words “/ Rachde/ Felley./” are blocked in gold, in rustic letters. The spine is blocked in gold. The words: “/ Rachde Felley./” are blocked in gold along the spine, with a small lozenge blocked in gold at each end of the lettering.  Page 31 of this work has an illustration of the Rochdale fellow, and a companion, mounting the steps of the British Museum, against the background of the colonnade, with a description: “…un fro there to th’ Brytish Mooseum. Eh! Wat o plaze that is. Ther’s o roke o pillurs ofore th’ dur, O in o ro, us thik, to maw thynkin, us o steym pon. Eh! Was o soize, to be shure.”

 Record no. 1609

Museum number P&D 1996,1104.32

de Beaumont E2

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 7956.c.22. Thurd edishun. 1856.


Ormewood, Oliver. O Ful, Tru, un Pertikler Okeawnt o bwoth wat aw seed un wat aw yerd, we gooin too the Greyt Eggshibishun e Lundun. Third edishun. [In the Lancashire Dialect.] Rachde: Printed bee Wrigley un Son; sowd by Hamilton, Adams un Ko, Un routledge un o., Lundun; Abel Heywood, Un Kelley un Slater, Manchesstur; G. Philip un son, Liverpule, [1856]. Rachde [i.e. Rochdale]: Wrigley un Son, Printers. 87p. The frontispiece is signed: “Langton Sc” [i.e probably Robert Langton].  It shows the Rochdale fellow, larger than life, striding towards the entrance to the Crystal Palace. The illustrations in the text are signed variously “F J Shields” [i.e Frederic James Shields] and “Langton Sc.” [i.e probably Robert Langton]. Robin de Beaumont’s notes are written on the recto of the frontispiece. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the recto of the frontispiece.

Pink paper wrappers.


Binding. Paper covers. The frontispiece illustration of the copy bound in cloth [BM 1992,0406.238]  is printed on the front wrapper recto.  It is entitled: “a Rachde Felley’s visit to the Greyt Eggshibishun [i.e A Rochdale Fellow’s visit to the Great Exhibition]”. It shows the Rochdale Fellow, as a large man, standing clumsily in front of one of the Crystal Palace entrances, surrounded, Gulliver-like, by small figures.  It is signed: “F J Shields [i.e Frederic James Shields] and “Langton Sc”. The imprint on the front wrapper varies from the title page and is: Manchester: John Heywood, 143, Deansgate; London, F. Pitman, Paternoster Row. [rule] Nobbut Sixpence. On the verso of the upper wrapper and on the recto and verso of the lower wrapper, publisher’s titles are printed. Page 31 of this work has an illustration of the Rochdale fellow, and a companion, mounting the steps of the British Museum, against the background of the colonnade, with a description: “…un fro there to th’ Brytish Mooseum. Eh! Wat o plaze that is. Ther’s o roke o pillurs ofore th’ dur, O in o ro, us thik, to maw thynkin, us o steym pon. Eh! Was o soize, to be shure.”



Record no. 1610

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.239

de Beaumont E3

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:

International Exhibition of 1862. O full true un pertikler okeawnt o wat me un maw mistris seede un yerd wi'gooin to th'Greyte Eggshibishun e'Lundun, e’ eyghtene hundurth un sixty two, printed oer ogen fro th' “Rachde Observer” , oppokeawnt o so monny foke axin for it, ‘lustrated wt o rooke o pratty pikters; containing loikewoise o Dikshunayry ... be o Felley fro Rachde. Rachde: printed be Wrigley aun Son; sowd be Hamilton, Adams and co., Lundun; Abel Heywood un John Heywood, Manchester, 1864. Rochdale: E. Wrigley and Son, printers by steam power. viii, 108p. The frontispiece is signed: “Langton Sc”[ i.e. probably Robert Langton]; it shows the Rochdale fellow, together with his wife, in front of the façade of the International Exhibition building of 1862 (in South Kensington). The caption reads: “Theaw nevvur seede naut loike that afore, schuzheaw [anyhow]”. The illustrations are signed: “J Holding” [i.e. possibly Henry James Holding] and “Langton Sc.” Robin de Beaumont’s notes are written on the recto of the frontispiece.


Pink paper wrappers.

Binding: The text is bound in original pink paper wrappers. The recto of the lower cover is being colour and is blank. The verso of the lower cover is pink dyed and is blank. The upper cover verso is being and is blank. The upper cover recto is pink dyed. On it is printed the title, the imprint and the date, together with the price at the tail: “Nobbut o Shillin.” At the tail, we see the Rochdale man and his wife, in front of the façade of the 1862 International Exhibition building. Above and below the title, lily plants rise from the tail, whose stems and leaves form two vignettes at the head. In each is a scene of the visitors from Rochdale in front of the building, close up; and then in front of stalls showing the exhibits. The illustration is signed: “/ Wrigley & Son, litho Rochdale/”.

 Record no. 1611

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.242

de Beaumont E4

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 17.  - 1861.

Owen, Emily. The Heroines of Domestic Life. By Mrs. Octavius Freire Owen. A new edition. London: Routledge, Warne, & Routledge, Farringdon Street; New York: 56, Walker Street, 1862. London: Cox and Wyman, printers, Great Queen Street.  xii, 403p. 7 plates. The plates are signed with the monogram of John Dawson Watson, and also signed: “Dalziel”. The frontispiece is captioned: “Ruth and Naoami.”  Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and relief


Binding: The design is by John Leighton. Beige yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco vertical-grain cloth.  Both covers identically blocked in blind on the borders and on the corners with an ornamental frame. Two fillets are blocked on the borders. Leaf and curling stems are blocked in blind on each corner. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. The title: "/ The/ Heroines/ of/ Domestic/ Life/" is blocked in gold. The capitals "H", "D", "L" are blocked in horizontal hatch gold rectangles, each with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders. A border of three curved and joined fillets is blocked around the title. On either side of words: "The Heroines", the quotations: "/ A/ good name/ is rather to be chosen/ than great riches/ &/ loving favour/ rather than silver/ and gold. Prov. 22 clv./" are blocked in relief within ribbon-shaped gold lettering-pieces. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters within a small gold diamond at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and relief. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two ribbons, tied in knots; the words: "/ Heroines/ of/ Domestic/ Life/ Mrs. Owen./" are blocked in relief within five rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each of which has a single fillet blocked in gold on its borders; knotted ribbons and threads are blocked between and below the title words; a young lady is blocked within a heart shape formed by double fillets; the lady holds a scroll, blocked in gold as a lettering-piece, with the words: "/ Faith/ love & duty/" blocked in relief within the scroll; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters underneath the lady; a fillet; the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold within a cartouche formed by a single gold fillet; a gold fillet is blocked at the tail.

Record no. 1612

Museum number P&D 1992, 0406.250

de Beaumont E5

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1873.

Patmore, Coventry. The children's garland from the best poets. Selected and arranged by Coventry Patmore. Illustrated by J. Lawson [i.e. John Lawson]. London: Macmillan and Co., 1873. London: R. Clay, Sons, and Taylor, printers. xiii, 344p. 14 plates. The plates are signed with “Lawson” [i.e. John Lawson] and “Swain Sc” [i. e Joseph Swain]. The frontispiece plate (intended to opposite page 88 is entitled: “/ The Dream of Eugene Aram. – P. 88./ Front./” The illustration on the title page shows a knight with a lyre, possibly singing to his lady on the balcony above him. There are also two children and a dog and a bird, to the right of the knight. The illustration is signed: “T. Woolner Delt” [i.e. Thomas Woolner] and C H Jeens sculpt” [i.e. Charles Henry Jeens]. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and black and blind


Coventry Kersey Dighton Patmore (23 July 1823 – 26 November 1896)

Binding: Gilt edges. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Red sand-grain cloth. The lower cover has a single fillet blocked in blind on its borders. On the centre, a medallion containing the Macmillan monogram is blocked in blind. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. On the borders a frame of ‘ivy like’ stems, curling stems,  leaves and buds is blocked in black on a frame. On each corner, a cluster of rose stems, leave and flowers is blocked in gold. On the centre, a boy and a girl are blocked in gold, with the boy holding a garland of flowers over the girl’s head. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two black fillets across the spin, interspersed with ivy stem and leaves; the title words: “The/ children’s/ garland/ from the/ best poets/ Illustrated/” are blocked in gold, in fanciful letters, with more ivy stems leaves blocked in gold and in black amongst the words, which descend down to near the tail; above the tail, another medallion of Macmillan is blocked in gold; at the tail, two fillets are blocked in black with the word: “/ Macmillan/” blocked in gold between them.

Record no. 1613

Museum number P&D 1996.1104.33

de Beaumont E6

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:  12806.bbb.21. 1864. second edition of 1865.

Pennell, Harry Cholmondeley. The Family Fairy Tales; or Glimpses of Elfland at Heatherston Hall. Illustrated by Ellen Edwards.  London: John Camden Hotten, Piccadilly, 1864. London: Printed by John Camden Hotten, Piccadilly. vii, 205p. 5 plates With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.  (The work: Puck on Pegasus, fourth edition, illustrated by Leech Tenniel, Phiz and Cruikshank, is advertised as “Square 8vo, 7s. 6d., full gilt.”) The frontispiece shows a domestic family interior, of a mother (standing, with her back to us), father (seated in a chair), and six children. The plates are signed: “H. Harral Sc.” [i.e. Horace Harral]. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the half title page recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind


Binding: Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Red ungrained cloth. There are three fillets blocked on the border of each cover, in blind on the lower and in gold on the upper – one thicker between two thin fillets. The upper cover central medallion is blocked in gold. It contains interlacing straps and an octagon, blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Three fillets are blocked in gold across the spine at the head and at the tail, one thick between two thin fillets. Near the head, the words: “/ Family Fairy/ Tales/ [rule] Pennell/” are blocked in gold. Near the tail, the imprint: “/ London/ J. C. Hotton/” are blocked in gold.


 Record no. 1614

Museum number P&D 1992.0406.253

de Beaumont E7

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:  9055.a.18. 1865.

Perry, George Gresley. History of the Crusades. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross, W. C., [1865]. 224p. 4 plates. With eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece plate (intended to be viewed with the txt on page 37) is entitled: “/ Robert of Paris seated on the Throne of the Emperor Alexius. – P. 37./ Front./” The plates are signed with the monogram of “JM” [.i.e. James Mahoney].  Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the frontispiece recto. Inscribed on the  upper endpaper recto: “/ John H Robinson/ feb (?) 6th 1904/”. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and black.


Binding: The endpapers and pastedowns have a light green dye, with a pattern of repeating flowers and leaves. Red ungrained cloth. The head and the tail of both covers have four fillets blocked in black, from spine to fore edge. On the lower cover the monogram; “SPCK” is blocked in black. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. It has three pennant-shaped gold lettering-pieces, in which the title words: “/ History/ of the/ crusades/” are blocked in relief. Behind these words, a sword, a pike and a  mace are blocked in gold. Small curling stem leaf decoration is blocked around all of these. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on its perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a vertical hatch gold fillet blocked across the spine, in which repeating circles are blocked in relief; small stem leaf and bud decoration, blocked in gold; within a canopy shaped gold lettering-piece, whose decorative elements are picked out in relief, the title words: “/ History/ of the/ Crusades/ are blocked in relief, within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each of which has a single fillet blocked on its perimeter in relief; a shield, with a sword and a pike, crossed behind it; more small leaf and stem decoration in gold; an arabesque in gold, with its detail  picked in relief; a vertical hatch gold fillet blocked across the spine, in which repeating circles are blocked in relief.

Record no. 1615

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.269

de Beaumont E8

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:  1346.h.25. 1858.

The Prince of Peace; or, Lays of Bethlehem. Selected from the British Poets. London: Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, 54 Fleet Street: B. Seeley, 2 Hanover Street, 1858. London: Printed by G. Barclay, Castle St. Leicester Sq. xv, 176p. The (half) title page is drawn by Henry Noel Humphreys and engraved by H. N. Woods. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto: “/  Wm. Matheson/ [?} 1866/ [rule]/ Prize for diligence/ & application/ [rule]/”. The list of illustrations is on pp. xiii-xiv. The illustrations were drawn by: H.N. Humphreys [i.e. Henry Noel Humphreys]; H. Le Jeune [i.e. Henry Lejeune]; L. Stocks [i.e. Lumb Stocks]; Birket Foster [i.e Myles Birket Foster]; T. D. Scott [i.e. Thomas Dewell Scott]; M. S. Morgan [i.e. Matthew Somerville Morgan . The illustrations were engraved by: H. N. Woods [i.e. Henry Newsom Woods]; E. Evans i.e. Edmund Evans]; T. Bolton [i.e Thomas Bolton]; E. M. Wimperis [i.e. Edmund Morison Wimperis]. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns.  Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge./” [Ball no. 53F.] Both covers are blocked identically in gold, in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, with a repeating pattern of curling stems and leaves blocked in relief between them. On the corners and on the sides, more curling stems and leaves are blocked in relief. On the centre of each cover, a large oval gold lettering-piece is blocked, surrounded by a pattern of curling stems and single leaves, blocked in gold. Within the oval, the title words: “/ The/ Prince/ of/ Peace/” are blocked in relief, and are surrounded by curling stems and buds, picked out in relief. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gild fillets are blocked across the spine at the head and at the tail.  A single gold fillet is blocked on its perimeter. From head to tail, a pattern of curling stems, leaves, flowers and flower buds is blocked in gold. On the upper portion of the spine, an oval shaped gold lettering-piece is blocked in gold. The title words: “/ The/ Prince/ of/ Peace/ are blocked in relief within the lettering-piece. Above and below the title and between each work, small curling stem and bud decoration is blocked in relief. 

 Record no. 1616

Museum number P&D 1992, 0406.271

de Beaumont E9

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:  1867. D: 3227.aa.20. 1869. D-3224.a.17.

Hamilton, James. The parable of the Prodigal Son. Illustrations by Henry Courtney Selous. London: James Nisbet & Co. Berners Street, 1867. Edinburgh: Printed by R. Clark.  [6], 196p. 9 plates.  The plates are signed with the monogram of Selous, and are also signed: “Pearson Sc/” [i.e. probably George Pearson]. The plate opposite page three is entitled: “/ A certain man had two sons./” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the half title page recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and relief


Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Text sewn on two tapes. Red sand-grain cloth . Grey endpapers and pastedowns. [The upper endpaper is missing.) The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. Two fillets in blind are blocked in blind on the outer borders, with a ‘wave’ repeating pattern blocked between them. Just inside this a hatch fillet is blocked in blind. On the inner borders, two more fillets are blocked in blind, with straps  formed by them on each corner, and an arabesque shape forming the central diamond. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in blind and in relief. The outer and inner borders are the same for the lower cover, with the addition of two pairs of  fillets blocked in gold between the inner and outer borders, together with a repeating pattern of ‘ivy leaf and two buds’ blocked in gold between the pairs of fillets. On the centre, the vignette is blocked in gold, showing linked gold fillets, curling into ‘tear drops’ at the head, tail and the sides. All are interspersed with flowers and leaves. On the centre, the title words: “/ The/ Prodigal/ Son/” are blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each of which as a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders. The spine is blocked  in gold and in relief. At the head ant the tail, a small rectangular gold lettering-piece is blocked, with a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders, and each contains small leaf and stem decoration blocked in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From head to tail, a pattern of curling stems, leaves, flowers and flower buds is blocked in gold. On the upper portion of the spine, an oval shape, formed by two gold fillets, is blocked in gold. The title words: “/ The/ Prodigal/ Son/” are blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each of which as a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders. On the middle of the spine, a cross is blocked, with five ivy leaves blocked within it.

 Record no. 1617

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.301

de Beaumont E10

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:  1869. 12304.e.24.  Document Supply W23/4910. Document Supply W7/6289. 1871. 2348.c.13.

Kruilov, Ivan Andreevich. Krilof and his fables. [Translated from the Russian by] William Ralston Shedden Ralston. [Device of Alexander Strahan.] London: Strahan and Co Publishers 56 Ludgate Hill, 1869. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, Camden Press, N. W. xlii, 180p. With thirty-two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. Some of the illustrations are signed: “A H” or “A B H “ [i.e. Arthur Boyd Houghton]. Most of the illustrations are signed “Dalziel”. The illustration on page 130 is by Houghton, for  a story entitled: “/ The Oracle /”.  Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the upper endpaper verso.  The bookplate of City of Oxford Reference Library is on the upper pastedown. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind135x196x20mm.

Binding: re endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical design, in blind on the lower, and in gold and in blind on the upper. On the upper cover, a cross is blocked in gold on each corner. These merge with two gold fillets, which point towards the centre. On the borders, a single fillet is blocked in blind. Within the ‘triangle’ formed at the head and at the tail of the cover, the words: “/ The/ Russian/ Fabulist/ Krilof [on the centre in large letters] / &/ his/ fables./” are blocked in gold in fanciful lettering. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the perimeter.  At the head and at the tail, three crosses are blocked in gold, together with two gold fillets, which form points. Near the head, the words: “/ Krilof/ and his/ fables/ [a cross blocked in gold/ Ralston/” are blocked in gold. On the centre of the spine, three circles are blocked, formed by gold fillets, together with a cross on each quarter point of the circles. Near the tail, the words: “/ Strahan [with gold dots above each letter]/ & Co./2 are blocked in gold. 

Record no. 1618

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.302

de Beaumont E11

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:   [not in BL?]

Rands, William Brighty. Lilliput lectures. [Device of Alexander Strahan.] London: Strahan & co. Publishers 56 Ludgate Hill, 1871. [London:] John Childs and Son, printers. [3], 155p. 3 plates. The frontispiece and the plate opposite page 43 appear to have the monogram of Arthur Hughes. The plate opposite page 108 appears to have the monogram of John Everett Millais.

Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Gleeson White is on the upper pastedown. 138x183x20mm. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and black and relief

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Green pebble-grain cloth.  Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by/ Burn/ &m Co./” [Ball 20E.] The lower cover has two groups of fillets blocked in blind across the cover, at the head and at the tail. These continue the line of those fillets, which are blocked in black on the upper cover. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. A single fillet is blocked in black on the head, the tail, and the fore edge. The Stylised border decoration is blocked in black, On the centre head a moon and a star are blocked in relief within a black lettering-piece formed as a circle; at the centre tail, an artist’s easel and a canvas are blocked in relief, within a black lettering-piece formed as a circle. On the centre fore edge side, an black lettering-piece shaped as an oval is blocked, with the rays of a sun, and compass points blocked in relief within it. The inner rectangular panel on the spine side of the cover is formed by three fillets, the outer two being blocked in black and in innermost being blocked in gold. The words: “/ Lilliput [in gold with a very enlarged capital ‘L’, which protrudes out of the panel towards the head]/ Lectures [in gold, with an enlarged capital ‘L’]/ by[in black]/ the author of [in black] “Lilliput Levee [in gold]/”. The spine is blocked in gold, in black and in relief. Fillets are probably blocked across the spine at the head and at the ail, but the spine is faded. From the head downwards, the decoration is: near the head, an oil lamp, alight, is blocked in gold; two black fillets blocked across the spine, with a small circle in black between them; a black lettering-piece, with a moon and stares blocked in relief within it; the title words: “/ Lilliput/ Lectures/” are blocked in relief within two rectangular gold lettering-pieces; a black fillet across the spine; the words: “/ by/ the author/ of/” are blocked in gold; the words: “/ Lilliput/ Levee/” are blocked in relief within two gold lettering-pieces, which are placed diagonally across the spine; small plant decoration blocked in gold’ two black fillets blocked across the spine; near the tail, the words: “/ Strahan/ & Co/” are blocked in gold.

Record no. 1619

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.303

de Beaumont  E12

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:  1864. 11650.e.15.

Rands, William Brighty. Lilliput Levee. With illustrations by J. E. Millais [i.e John Everett Millais] and G. J. Pinwell [i.e George John Pinwell]. London: Alexander Strahan, Publisher 184 Strand, 1864. London: Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars.  112p. 6 plates. The title page has an illustration after Millais. The frontispiece is after Pinwell.  Inscribed on the half title page recto: “/ Margaret King/ May 1899/”, with a small picture of an owl on the seashore, watching a small sailing boat on the water. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and relief


Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Red sand-grain cloth Green endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38 Kirby St./” [Ball no. 20A.] Both covers are blocked identically on the borders and on the corners in blind and in relief. Four fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, the innermost of which is in hatch. Inside this, curling stem, leaf and flower patterns are blocked in blind and in relief on the corners, the sides, the head and the tail. The upper cover central vignette shows a quatrefoil, delineated by a single fillet blocked in gold. Inside it, the words: “/ Lilliput/ Levee/” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Three gold fillets are blocked across the spine at the head and at the tail. Near the head, , within a cartouche formed by a single gold fillet, the title words: “Lilliput/ Levee/” are blocked in relief within two diagonally placed gold lettering-pieces. Small decoration blocked in gold is blocked above and below the title. 

Record no. 1620

Museum number P&D 1992, 0406.304

de Beaumont E13

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:  1867. 11650.a.19.

Rands, William Brighty. Lilliput Levee.  Poems of childhood, child-fancy, and chikld-like moods. [Device of Alexander Strahan.] On the half title page verso: “Illustrated by J. E. Millais [i.e John Everett Millais], C. Green [i.e. Charles Green], G. J. Pinwell [i.e George John Pinwell] and B. Bradley [i.e. possibly Basil Bradley]”. London: Alexander Strahan, Publisher 56 Ludgate Hill, 1867. London: Bradbury, Evans and Co., printers, Whitefriars.  112p. 12 plates. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “/ Prince Philibert./ Page 77./” It is signed with the monogram of Millais. Several of the plates are signed: “Swain” [i.e. Joseph Swain]. Pages 92 to 95 have the poem: “The girl that Garibaldi kissed”. Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ J. C. Wedgwood/  1868/”. Bookseller’s label embossed within an oval strap on upper pastedown: “/ W H. Smith & Son/ 186/ Strand/ London/”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and black and relief


Binding: Test sewn on two sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Light brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in black only. There is a repeating zig-zag and dot pattern blocked between fillets. On the corners, sides, head and tail, curling stems, leaves and buds are blocked in black. Inside this, arabesque patterns are formed by two fillets blocked in black. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. On the borders, between two gold fillets, the repeating pattern of zig-zag and dots and hatch gold, is blocked in gold. On the corners, sides, head and tail, curling stems, leaves and buds are blocked in black. Inside this, arabesque patterns are formed by two fillets blocked in black. The central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a diamond and a rectangle crossing each other, both delineated by two fillets blocked in gold, with small plant decoration in gold in each corner of each shape. The central oval is formed by fillets and a wide gold lettering-piece. The words: “/ Lilliput/ Levee/ Illustrated/ by Millais & Others/” are blocked in gold within the oval. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Two gold fillets are blocked on its perimeter. At the head and at the tail, a repeating pattern of zig-zag and a small single leaf are blocked in gold across the spine between two gold fillets. Apart from the title panel, the rest of the spine has curling stem, and groups of three leaves blocked from head to tail. Near the head, an oval shaped gold lettering-piece is blocked , with the words: “/ Lilliput/ Levee/” blocked in relief within it.

 Record no. 1621

Museum number P&D 1992, 0406.305

de Beaumont E14

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:  1862. 12807.dd.2.

R, E. A. The Carterets; or, country pleasures. With illustrations by Thomas B. Dalziel. [i.e. Thomas Bolton Gilchrist Septimus Dalziel]. London: James Hogg & Sons, [1862]. London: Dalziel Brothers, Camden Press. 315p. 5 plates. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “/ Hall-Farm and Oast-House. – Mrs. Price doing the Honours. P.17./ Frontispiece./” All of the plates are signed: “Dalziel/”. Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ Edith Scatliff/ Oxford/” and “/ Amy G. Marshall/ October 4th 1867/”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and relief


Binding: Gilt edges. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Purple bead and horizontal-line grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders, the corners and the sides. Three fillets are blocked in blind on the outer borders. Inside this, between two fillets blocked in relief, with a repeating pattern of ‘single leaf’ blocked between them. On the inner borders, groups of stems and three ‘lily-like’ flowers are blocked in relief. On the upper cover, a large oval, formed by multiple fillets and hatch gold, has leaf decoration at each quarter point. On the centre, an elaborate hatch gold lettering-piece contains the words: “/ The/ Carterets/ or/ Country/ Pleasures/ by E: A: R:/”, which are blocked in lettering-pieces, each of which has a single fillet blocked in relief on its perimeter. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head, a repeating ‘leaf’ pattern is blocked in relief across the spine, within a rectangle formed by a single fillet blocked in relief. Below this, down to the tail, stylised plant decoration is blocked in relief. On the middle of the spine, a large arabesque shaped gold lettering piece has the words: “/ The/ Carterets/ or/ Country/ Pleasures/ [rule]/ by/ E: A: R: /” are blocked in relief within seven gold lettering-pieces, each of which has a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders. Near the tail, the word: “/illustrated/” is blocked in relief within a rectangular shaped gold lettering-piece, which has a single gold fillet blocked above and below it.

Record 621a

Museum number P&D 199,0406.327

Life, Allan R. “That unfortunate young man Morten”. Reprinted from the “Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester”, Vol. 55, No. 2, Spring, 1973. Manchester: John Rylands University Library, 1973. Aberdeen: The University Press. pp. 369-402. 1 plate. Presentation copy from Allan Life to Robin de Beaumont. The sketch after Morten shows a young woman standing outside a shop window, which displays ladies’ hats in its window. Robin de Beaumont has noted: “The original sketch by Morten mentioned in note 1 page 381. Brought at Elkin Matthews cat. April 1967. £4.” Robin de Beaumont’s notes on this copy are on the front endpaper recto.

Binding: Original paper wrappers bound in. White endpapers and pastedowns. Grey ungrained cloth. The title words: “/ That unfortunate young/ man Morten/ Allan R. Life/” are blocked on the upper cover in gold. A sketch by Morten is pasted in as frontispiece.

Record no. 1622

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.335

de Beaumont E15

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:  1860. 12707.c.30.

Reid, Thomas Mayne. The boy tar or a voyage in the dark. With twelve illustrations by Charles S. Keene [ i. e Charles Samuel Keene]. London: W. Kent & Co. (late D. Bogue), 86, Fleet St., 1860. London: Henry Vizetelly, printer and engraver, Gough Square, Fleet Street. Viii, 471p. 12 plates. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “/ My boy audience./” It is signed: “/Loudan Sc/”[ i. e. possibly J Loudan]. Inscribed on the front pastedown: “/ R. W. B. Levett/”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

gold and blind and relief


Binding: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. Curling stems form circles on each corner, together with groups of leaves – all blocked in blind. The central circle is formed by ‘branch-like’ fillets, with small straps on each side, blocked in blind. Within it, a decorative blind lettering-piece has the title words: “/ The/ boy/ tar/” blocked in relief inside it. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. The nautical theme of the book  is continued with the blocking of a ship’s mast up in gold, up the spine from the ship’s deck, near the tail. At the head of the mast (near the head of the spine), a gold lettering-piece shaped as a pennant hangs downwards. The title words: “/ The/ boy/ / tar/” are blocked in relief within the pennant. Below this, also ‘suspended’ from the mast, the words: “/ Capt. Mayne Reid/” are blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece, shaped as a plank of wood. Arising from the base of the mast, objects are gathered: a pair of oars, ropes, an anchor, a rudder, a buoy, a coil of ropes. Underneath the deck, two fillets are blocked in gold across the spine. At the tail, the words: “/ With illustrations/” are blocked in gold.

 Record no. 1623

Museum number P&D 1992,0406.338

de Beaumont E16

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:  1861. 12804.c.15.

Richmond, D. Accidents of childhood, or cautionary stories for heedless children. With twenty illustrations by J. D. Watson [i. e. John Dawson Watson]. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. [Device of Routledge and Routledge.] London: George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill; New York: 129 Grand Street, 1866. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press. 175p. 1 plate. With eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “/ Teasing Tom pulls the chair from under his sister. P. 67./”. It is signed with Watson’s monogram and the word: “Dalziel”. Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ To/ Dear Reginald on/ his 5th birthday/ from his/ affectionate Mamma/ [ C-M?]/ London/ 2nd September 1867./” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. He has also noted: “Dalziel Collection. 1860. [nos.] 1055-1074”. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and relief


Binding: Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers have borders blocked with three fillets in blind. On the upper cover, the central vignette us blocked as a hexagonal shaped gold lettering-piece. Inside it, four circular flower heads, and four ‘rose-like’ flower heads, together with eight leaves, are picked out in relief. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, four gold fillets are blocked across the spine. Near the head, the title: “/ Accidents/ of/ childhood/” is blocked in gold. Underneath this, a posy of a thistle, a clover leaf, a rose and fourth other leaves is blocked in gold.

 Record no. 1624

Museum number P&D 1992, 0406.339

de Beaumont E17

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:  1868. 11622.c.17.

Roberts John S. The legendary ballads of England and Scotland. Compiled and edited by John S. Roberts (Editor of the Crown Edition of Burns’ works.) With original illustrations and a steel portrait. London: Frederick Warne and Co. Bedford Street, Covent Garden; New York: Scribner, Welford and Co., 1868. London: Savill, Edwards and Co., printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden. xi, 628p. 12 plates. The frontispiece plate is a portrait entitled: “/ Dr. Percy/”Most of the plates are signed: “/ E. Evans Sc./” [i.e. Edmund Evans]. The plates opposite pages 357, 462 and 580 are by Walter Crane; the plate opposite page 282 is by Alfred W Cooper; the plates opposite pages 227 and 351 are by James Abbott Pasquier; the plate opposite page 418 is by Edward Henry Corbould. Inscribed on the upper endpaper verso: “/ Richard Rogers/ Christmas 1867/”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso and on a separate slip of paper. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and  black

Binding: Gilt edges, Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only, with two fillets on the outer and inner borders, and, between these, a pattern of ‘repeating ovals and four leaves’. Within each oval six leaves are blocked The same decoration is blocked on the borders of the upper cover, with the fillets being blocked in gold. The pattern between the four fillets is blocked in gold and in black onto a red on lay. Insider the central rectangle, groups of five leaves are blocked in black on the centre head, the centre tail, and the sides. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. At the head, a single fillet is blocked in gold across the spine. Above and below the title, arabesques are blocked in gold, with in fill decoration in gold and in black. The words: “/ Legendary/ Ballads/ English & Scottish/ [rule]/ Illustrated./” are blocked in gold. The “L” of “Legendary is blocked within a horizontal hatch gold lettering-piece, on a red cloth on lay. At the tail, the series title: / Chandos Poets/” is blocked in relief with in a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders, and there is also a hatch gold fillet blocked in gold outside this. The whole is surrounded by repeating gold dots and small leaves, blocked in gold. 

Record no. 1625

Museum number P&D 1992, 0406.340

de Beaumont E18

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:  1865. 11642.bbb.54.

Rogers, Samuel. The pleasures of memory. London: Sampson Low, Son & Marston, Milton House, Ludgate Hill. London: Printed by Edmund Evans, Raquet Court Fleet Street.  [1865]. 64p. The list of illustrators gives the following artists: Samuel Palmer, J.D. Watson [i.e. John Dawson Watson], W. S Coleman [i.e. William Stephen Coleman], Alfred Cooper, E. M Wimperis [i.e. Edmund Morison Wimperis], Charles Green, J. W. Keyl [i.e. Friedrich Wilhelm Keyl]. The Illustration on page 10 is after Samuel Palmer. The illustration on page 16 is after Cooper. The illustration on page 21 is after Coleman. The illustration on page 34 is after Wimperis. The Illustration on page 40 is after Watson. The Illustration on page 50 is after Keyl. Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto: “/Jemima Chisholm Batten/ Christmas Eve. 1871/”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso and on a separate slip of paper. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and relief


Scans made of : both covers; binders ticket; Samuel Palmer p. 10; J D Watson p. 40; W S Coleman p. 21; Alfred Cooper p. 16; E M Wimperis p. 34; J W Keyl p. 50.

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge./” [Ball no. 53B.] Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical pattern, the lower in blind and in relief, and the upper in gold and in blind and in relief. On the upper cover, a “dog-tooth” fillet is blocked in gold on the borders, and inside this, another fillet is blocked in gold, which has repeating dots blocked in relief within it. Two more fillets are blocked in blind on the inner borders, together with small ‘star’ medallions blocked in gold on each corner, and single leaves blocked in blind also. The central oval is formed by three fillets blocked in blind, and single leaves are blocked above and below it. Inside the oval the words: “/ The/ pleasures/ or/ memory/ [rule]/ Rogers/” are blocked in relief within a cartouche which has horizontal hatch blocked in gold, with the perimeter of each letter being highlighted with an outline blocked in relief. A Laurel leaves are blocked in gold above and below the cartouche. A lyre is blocked in gold above the cartouche. . The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head and at the tail, “dog tooth” decoration, and a gold fillet (with repeating dots blocked in relief within it), are blocked in gold. Near the head, the words: “/ The/ pleasures/ of/ memory/ Rogers/” are blocked in relief within five gold lettering-pieces, each of which has a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders. The five lettering-pieces are all blocked within a gold horizontal-hatch lettering-piece shaped as a cartouche. Above this, a lyre on a plinth is blocked in gold. Below the cartouche, laurel leaves and stems are blocked in gold. 

 Record no. 1626

Museum number P&D 1992, 0406.342

de Beaumont E19

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:  1865 edition 11660aa16

Goblin market. 1st edition of 1862.

Rossetti, Christina. Goblin Market and other poems. London: Macmillan and  Co., 1862. London: Bradbury and Evans, printers Whitefriars.  vii,192p. 2 plates. With sixteen pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. The half-title page is divided into three panels by double vertical and horizontal fillets. The title is printed in the upper panel, and the imprint in the lower. Signed with the monogram: "GDR" [i.e. Dante Gabriel Rossetti] as a monogram in the left hand corner, and "WJL" [i.e. William James Linton] on the lower right hand corner. The illustration in the middle of two women reclining and embracing is captioned: “/ Golden head by golden head/”. The frontispiece plate has the caption:" / Buy from us a golden curl/ "; it is signed also with "MMF&Co" [i.e. Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co.] on the bottom left-hand corner and “DGR” [i.e. Dante Gabriel Rossetti] as a monogram in the bottom right hand corner. Page five of the publisher's titles list this work as: "/ With Two Illustrations from Designs by D.G. Rossetti./ Foolscap. 8vo. cloth./" Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Inscribed in ink on the upper endpaper recto is: "/ Alice V. Kaye./ From James Kaye./ May 29th. 1863./"; and on the upper endpaper verso: “/ Ethel & Gertrude Kaye/”.  115x173x20mm.

Barber Rossetti           p.315. Plate I reproduces the spine.

De Beaumont RdeB2 no.342. P&D Accession no 1992-4-6-342

Binding: Brown endpapers and pastedowns. The upper pastedown has a booksellers' label embossed: "/ W.H. Smith & Son/ 186/ Strand/ London/". Blue rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically, in blind on the lower, and in gold on the upper. Two fillets are blocked close together, head to tail, by the spine. A third vertical fillet is blocked further away from the spine. A fourth vertical fillet is blocked in gold near the fore edge. Two fillets are blocked horizontally in gold, intersecting the vertical fillets, and continuing all the way to the fore edge. Rectangles are formed by the intersecting single fillets. Groups of three small circles are blocked in gold at four of the intersection points. Two more groups of the three circles are blocked diagonally opposite those on the corners of the square nearest the spine. The spine is blocked in gold. The fillets at the head and at the base join the horizontal fillets on the upper cover. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the words: "/Goblin/ Market/ & other/ Poems./";[rule] ; "/Christina/ Rossetti./ [rule]"  are blocked in gold; three small circles in gold underneath the title.

Scans made of : both covers, the half title page and frontis.

  Record no. 1627

Museum number P&D 1992, 0406.343

de Beaumont E20

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:  1865 edition 11660aa16


Rossetti, Christina. Goblin Market and other poems. Second edition. London: Macmillan and  Co., 1865. London: Bradbury and Evans, printers Whitefriars.  vii,192p. 2 plates. The half-title page is divided into three panels by double vertical and horizontal fillets. The title and edition are printed in the upper panels, and the imprint in the lower. Signed with the monogram: "GDR" [i.e. Dante Gabriel Rossetti] as a monogram in the left hand corner, and "WJL" [i.e. William James Linton] on the lower right hand corner. The illustration in the middle of two women reclining and embracing is captioned: “/ Golden head by golden head/”. The frontispiece plate has the caption:" / Buy from us a golden curl/ "; it is signed "MMF&Co" [i.e. Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co.] on the bottom left-hand corner and “DGR” [i.e. Dante Gabriel Rossetti] as a monogram in the bottom right hand corner . Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of “JEM” (?) is pasted on the upper pastedown. 15x173x20mm. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Barber Rossetti           p, p. 315. Plate I reproduces the spine.

De Beaumont RdeB2 no.343. P&D Accession no 1992-4-6-343

Binding: Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./” [Ball no. 20A] Light blue ungrained smooth cloth. Both covers blocked identically, in blind on the lower, and in gold on the upper. (The blocked is identical as for the 1862 edition, with the exception that the horizontal fillets stop of the fore edge of each cover.) Two fillets are blocked close together, head to tail, by the spine. A third vertical fillet is blocked further away from the spine. A fourth vertical fillet is blocked in gold near the fore edge. Two fillets are blocked horizontally in gold, intersecting the vertical fillets. Rectangles are formed by the intersecting single fillets. Groups of three small circles are blocked in gold at four of the intersection points. Two more groups of the three circles are blocked diagonally opposite those on the corners of the square nearest the spine. The spine is blocked in gold. The fillets at the head and at the base join the horizontal fillets on the upper cover. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the words: "/Goblin/ Market/ & other/ Poems./";[rule] ; "/Christina/ Rossetti./ [rule]"  are blocked in gold; three small circles in gold underneath the title.

Scans made of:  both covers and spine; binder’s ticket; frontis and half title page; and bookplate of JEM

Frontis plate by William Morris. It is signed: M M F &co.

Foundation of Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co, 1861

b) Foundation of Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co, 1861

‘The growth of decorative art in this country … has now reached a point at which it seems desirable that artists of reputation should devote their time to it.’ Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co prospectus, 1861

The Firm was formally established in April 1861 with seven partners. Morris’s mother lent them £100 working capital. Each partner had a £20 share and Morris was made business manager at a salary of £150 per year. These were a close-knit group of friends with common interests and a good range of complementary skills and experience. The other six partners were:

            Dante Gabriel Rossetti: a founding member of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and famous as a painter and a poet. Both Morris and Burne-Jones had studied informally in Rossetti’s studio to kick-start their careers as artists. His host of society and art-world contacts were crucial to The Firm’s early success.

-           Ford Madox Brown: Also a well-established painter closely associated with the Pre-Raphaelites. Madox Brown was friend and one-time tutor of Rossetti. He shared Morris’s strong sense of social justice. Madox Brown designed stained glass, furniture and tiles for The Firm.

-           Edward Burne-Jones: Morris’s closest friend whom he first met at Pembroke College Oxford. Burne-Jones enjoyed early success in an independent career as a painter. He became The Firm’s chief designer of tapestry and designed stained glass. His ability to draw people complemented Morris’s talent for repeat patterns and decorative detail.

-           Philip Webb: Morris’s former colleague at architect George Street’s practice who later established his own architectural practice. Webb designed furniture, interiors and glass for The Firm.

-           Charles Faulkner: Another friend from Oxford. He was a mathematics don and trained as an engineer. Initially he kept the accounts. He was also an amateur painter and he contributed to tile painting for The Firm.

-           Peter Paul Marshall: A surveyor and sanitary engineer by profession; also a friend and pupil of Madox Brown and a talented amateur painter. He was not a very active partner.

Initial success followed by a ‘slump’

The Firm had initial success largely due to high demand for stained-glass windows as part of a boom in church building in the mid-19th century. However, an economic recession in the late 1860s led to a severe drop in profits. Things began to improve in the 1870s as Morris worked hard to develop a more diverse range of products appealing to a wider customer base, i.e. hand-printed textiles, comprehensive interior design schemes for rich clients and cheaper ranges for the less well off, for example embroidery kits or the simple Sussex rush-seated chair based on a traditional country design.


Record no. 1628

Museum number P&D 1992, 0406.344

de Beaumont E21

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:

Rossetti, Christina. The Prince’s Progress and other poems. With two designs by D. G. Rossetti. London: Macmillan and Co., 1866. London: R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, printers, Bread Street Hill. viii, 215p. The title is printed in the upper panel, and the imprint in the lower. The illustration in the middle is of a woman, hands on window sill, looking out of the window to a labyrinth, which has a fountain in its middle. The illustration is captioned: “/The long hours go and come and go/”. The bottom of the page has the signature "W. J. Linton" [i.e. William James Linton].The frontispiece plate has the caption:" / You should have wept her yesterday/ "; it is signed also with the monogram "DGR" [i.e. Dante Gabriel Rossetti]. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Blocked in gold

See; another example at:

Binding:  Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./” [Ball no. 20A] Green ungrained, smooth cloth. Both covers blocked identically, in gold. The design is visually unitary across both covers and the spine. Gold fillets with curling ends juxtapose themselves horizontally across the covers and vertically at the fore edges. On each cover and on each corner of the square formed by gold fillets, three small circles are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. On the upper portion of the spine, the author: “/ Christina/ Rossetti/” is blocked in gold between two gold fillets blocked across the spine; on the centre of the spine, the title: “/ The/ Prince’s/ Progress/ and/ other/ poems./2 are blocked in gold. Above and below these words, groups of three small gold circles are blocked  on each corner. Underneath this, the date: “/ 1866/” is blocked in gold, between two fillets blocked in gold across the spine.

 Record no. 1629

Museum number P&D 1992, 0406.345

de Beaumont E22

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:  11651.e.7.

Rossetti, Christina. Sing-song. A nursery rhyme book. With one hundred and twenty illustrations by Arthur Hughes, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: George Routledge and Sons, The Broadway, Ludgate, 1872. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers & printers, Camden Press. xi, 130p. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. Dalziel Archive nos. 1160-1281. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

147x190x18mm. Gold and blind

Binding: Gilt edges. Dark red endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. On the lower cover, four fillets are blocked in blind across the cover – two at the head and the tail, and tow near the middle. The upper cover is blocked in gold. Near the head, repeating bell wheels and bell are blocked across the cover. Beneath this, the title words : “/ Sing-Song/ a nursery-rhyme/ book/” are blocked in gold. Beneath the title, a circle, curling stems and two flowers, and a quarter moon are blocked in gold. Near the tail, a boy stands on tip toe to look at a sundial atop a plinth. Alongside the boy, he author words: “/ by/ Christina [dot] G [dot]/ Rossetti [dot]/” are blocked in gold, and two gold fillets are blocked across the cover. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two birds surrounded by branches; the title words: “/ Sing/ Song/” are blocked in gold; a lady, standing, holding a baby; two gold fillets blocked across the spine; the words: “/ by/ Christina/ Rossetti/” are blocked in gold; two gold fillets are blocked across the spine at the tail.

Record no. 1630

Museum number P&D 1992, 0406.347

de Beaumont E23

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:

Rowley, Charles. A treasury for the young of all ages. Selected by Charles Rowley. Manchester: Sherratt & Hughes,1903. Manchester: Printed by S. Clarke, 58 Sackville Street. 80p. 8 plates. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front cover verso. Printed in the Acknowledgement on page 3: “The living artists to be thanked for pictures are Miss Emily Thomson and Mr. Frederick Shields.” The illustration on the verso of the plate between pages 28 and 29 is entitled: “/ What o’clock is it?/ From a drawing by F. Shields/”. It shows two girls and a boy seated in a field, with the boy blowing the seeds from a dandelion head.

Scans made of: both covers of paper; plate, verso between pages 28 and 29 reproducing a drawing by Frederick Shields.


Paper covers

Binding: Beige paper covers. The upper has the title printed at the head. On the centre is a vignette, showing five young adults dancing, with hands joined. The motto: Peace on earth/ Goodwill to all men/” is printed on the perimeter. The lower cover has verses by P. B. Shelley. Between the verses, there is an illustration of two nymphs seated in a “shell-like” boat. The spine is plain, without printing.

 Record no. 1631

Museum number P&D 1992, 1104.42

de Beaumont E24

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:  1851 - 12805.h.8; 12806.dd.14.

Ruskin, John. The King of the Golden River; or, the Black Brothers: A Legend of Stiria. Illustrated by Richard Doyle. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 65, Cornhill, 1851. London: Henry Vizetelly, printer and engraver, Gough Square, Fleet Street. vi, 56p. 2 plates. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on a separate slip of paper. Written in pencil on the front pastedown:” 1st printing of 1st edition”. In the list of Illustrations on page vi, the engravers are: C. Thurston Thompson [i.e. Charles Thurston Thompson]; G. Dalziel [i.e. George Dalziel]; E. Dalziel [i.e. Edward Dalziel]; H. Orrin Smith [i.e. Harvey Edward Orrinsmith]; Isabel Thompson; C. S. Cheltnam [i.e. probably Charles Cheltnam]. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Blocked in gold.

Binding: Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Gilt edges. Gauffered board edges. The turn-ins are blocked in gold with a repeating pattern of flowers and two leaves. The spine has red and white end and tail bands. Both covers are blocked identically in gold. Two gold fillets on the outer borders, together with a ‘dog-tooth’ pattern just inside them. Ornamental rectangular panels are blocked on the centre of each side, with floral ornament blocked on each corner. The spine is divided into six panels by ‘cords’, with a flower, leaves and fillets blocked in each panel. Panel two has the title: “/ King/ of the/ Golden/ River/” blocked in gold.

 Record no. 1632

Museum number P&D 1992, 0406.348

de Beaumont E25

Ruskin, John. The King of the Golden River; or, the Black Brothers: A Legend of Stiria. Illustrated by Richard Doyle. Second edition. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 65, Cornhill, 1851. London: Henry Vizetelly, printer and engraver, Gough Square, Fleet Street. vi, 56p. 2 plates. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. In the list of Illustrations on page vi, the engravers are: C. Thurston Thompson [i.e. Charles Thurston Thompson]; G. Dalziel [i.e. George Dalziel]; E. Dalziel [i.e. Edward Dalziel]; H. Orrin Smith [i.e. Harvey Edward Orrinsmith]; Isabel Thompson; C. S. Cheltnam [i.e. probably Charles Cheltnam]. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of L. de Winton is on the upper pastedown. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Printed Paper over boards.

Binding: Gilt edges. Yellow printed paper drawn over boards. On the lower cover, a floral border is printed. [The remainder of the engraving is too faint to decipher.] The upper cover has the same floral printed border. The illustration printed is a variant of the one printed on the half title page. At the head, the title: “/ The King of the/ Golden River/ or the/ Black Brothers/ A Legend of Stiria/” is printed. On the centre, Gluck (the youngest brother) is seated, looking at the figure of the King of the Golden River. Underneath this, down to the tail, the words: “/ Illustrated by Richard Doyle/ Second edition/ London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 65, Cornhill,/1851/ Henry Vizetelly, printer and engraver, Gough Square, Fleet Street, London/ are printed. The spine is damaged but has the title printed along it: “/ [The King of the G]olden River, or the Bla[ck Brothers]/”

 Record no. 1633

Museum number P&D 1996, 1104.43

de Beaumont E26

Ruskin, John. The King of the Golden River; or, the Black Brothers: A Legend of Stiria. Illustrated by Richard Doyle. Sixth edition. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 65, Cornhill, 1867. London: Smith, Elder & Co., Little Green Arbour Court, Old Bailey, E.C. vi, 64p. 2 plates. In the list of Illustrations on page vi, the engravers are: C. Thurston Thompson [i.e. Charles Thurston Thompson]; G. Dalziel [i.e. George Dalziel]; E. Dalziel [i.e. Edward Dalziel]; H. Orrin Smith [i.e. Harvey Edward Orrinsmith]; Isabel Thompson; C. S. Cheltnam [i.e. probably Charles Cheltnam].  Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the verso of page ii.  Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto: “/ Jessie Denton Hirst/ Jany 25th 1871-/”  Stamped on the upper endpaper recto: “/ Cinder/ St. George’s Hall/ Canterbury./” The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind

Binding: The text is sewn on two cords. Red speckled edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Orange wave diagonal-grain cloth. On both covers, two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. On the centre of the upper cover, the figure of the King is blocked in gold above the title: “/The King/ of the/ Golden River/ or the/ Black Brothers/”, which is blocked in gold, in ‘branch like’ letters. On the spine, the title: “The King of the Golden River/” is blocked along its length.

 Record no. 1634

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.349

de Beaumont E27

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection

Barker, Lucy D. Sale [i.e. Lucy Drummon Sale Barker]. Routledge’s holiday album for girls. With 92 pictures by Sir John Gilbert, J.D. Watson [i.e. John Dawson Watson], W. Small [i.e. William Small], A. W. Cooper [i.e. Alfred W. Cooper], J. Lawson [i.e. John Lawson], Frederick Walker, Paul Gray, Harrison Weir [i.e. Harrison William Weir], and others. London and New York: George Routledge and Sons, [1877]. 190p. With thirty-two pages of publisher’s titles, dated August 1875, bound at the end. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso.   Inscribed on the upper pastedown: “/Mary D. Isaacson/” The frontispiece illustration is not signed. It shows a ‘fairy queen’ dancing on a stage, with the verse underneath: “/ Here’s a little Fairy Queen/ Between the parting curtains seen,/ And she says she hopes you’ll look/ With pleasure in our little book./”  The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and black and blind

Binding: Bevelled boards. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only, with fillets on the borders and small decoration on each corner. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Towards the spine a large cartouche shape, blocked in black from head to tail, is filled with stems leaves and flowers. A colour print of a young girl, carrying a basket, wearing a hat with poppies in it, is pasted as an on lay, with the title words: “Holiday Album/ for girls/” blocked in relief within gold lettering-pieces, above and below the print. The spine is blocked in gold and in black and in relief. Near the head, small floral decoration blocked in black and in relief. The title words: Holiday/ Album/ for/ Girls/” are blocked in gold towards the middle of the spine. More floral decoration blocked in black and in relief. The word: “Routledge” is blocked in black between two black fillets, at the tail.

 Record no. 1635

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.352

de Beaumont E28

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 12510.c.31

Le Sage, Alain René. The adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane. Translated from the French by Tobias Smollett [or rather by B. H. Malkin]. [Monogram device of George Routledge.] London: George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill; New York, 129, Grand Street, 1866. [London:] John Childs and Son, printers. 442p. 5 plates. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “/ Gil Blas makes his escape. – p.21./” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The note quotes Forrest Reid, page 162, who suggests that the unsigned illustrations are by George John Pinwell. He has also noted the Dalziel Archive numbers for 1866: 186-193. Inscribed on the upper pastedown: “Walter Tower/ 23/9/82”. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and relief


Binding:  Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Bookseller’s label on upper pastedown: “/ Mann Nephews/ Booksellers/ 39, Cornhill./” Green sand-grain cloth. The upper and lower covers are blocked identically with three fillets in blind on the borders, and the monogram device of George Routledge is  blocked in blind and in relief on the centre of each cover. On the spine there are three fillets blocked in blind across it, at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the title words: “/ The/ adventures/ of/ Gil Blas./” are block d in gold. Near the tail, the word: “/ Routledge/” is blocked in gold.

 Record no. 1636

Museum number P&D  BM 1996,1104.44

de Beaumont E29

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection RB.23.a.5038 [ca. 1868] Chandos classics

Scott, Sir Walter. Poetical works. Including Introduction and Notes. With original illustrations engraved by the Dalziel Brothers. London: Frederick Warne and Co. Bedford Street, Covent Garden; New York: Scribner, Welford and Co., 1868. London: Savill Edwards and Co., printers Chandos Street. viii, 640p. 10 plates. The frontispiece plate is a portrait of Walter Scott. Of the ten plates, Robin de Beaumont has identified four by James Abbot Pasquier: (the plates opposite pages 34, 96, 148, 190, which have his monogram), Arthur Boyd Houghton, James Mahoney (plate opposite page 377, which has his monogram). The plate opposite page 34 is entitled: “/ Yet not Lord Cranstoun deign’d she greet,/ Though now he kneeled at her feet./ Lay of the Last Minstral./” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso.  This volume is on of the “Chandos Poets” series. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief

Binding: Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “Bound by/ Burn & Co./ Kirby St./ E. C./” [Ball no. 20A – variant] Green sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only, with four fillets to the outer and inner borders, with a repeating pattern of ‘ovals and leaves blocked between them. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Four fillets are blocked on the outer and inner borders. Between them a wide red dyed paper on lay is placed, and blocked in gold and in black with a repeating pattern of ovals and leaves blocked in gold on the on lay. Within each oval, two leaves and four buds are blocked in gold. On the inner and outer edge of the on lay, repeating patterns are blocked in black. On the perimeter of the inner rectangle, groups of five leaves are blocked, one at the centre head and the centre tail, and two on the sides. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head, a single gold vertical hatch fillet is blocked across the spine. The on the upper half of the spine the words: “/ Scott’s/ Poetical/ Works/ [rule]/ Illustrated./” are blocked in gold, within a square formed by a single gold fillet. The capital “S” of Scott is a red paper on lay, blocked with horizontal gold hatch around it. Around the title, there is decoration in gold. Above and below the title, Arabesques are blocked with their border patterns blocked in gold, and with dots and other symbols blocked in gold, which are surrounded by decoration blocked in black. (This resembles a stylised tree.)  At the tail, the words: “/ Chandos Poets./” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece. A hatch gold fillet surrounds these letters, with dots and decoration above and below the lettering-piece.

 Record no. 1637

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.353

de Beaumont E30

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 4413.ff.48. [1874]

Seamer, Mary [afterwards, Seymour Mary]. The young missionaries. London: Sunday School Union, 56 Old Bailey, E. C.; New York: T. Nelson & Sons, 42, Bleecker Street, [1874] ix, 126p 6 plates. [London:] James Sears, printer, Bolt Court, Fleet St. E. C.  [Their device is printed on the title page verso.] With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.  A chromolithograph Sunday School Union presentation plate is bound at the front. Inscribed in the Presentation box: To: “/ Julia Gray/ As a reward from/ the Harmondsworth/ Baptist Sunday/ School/ 1878/” The plates are possibly after George John Pinwell. The right hand corner of each plate is signed: “C. Hewitt Sc.” [i.e. Charles Hewitt] The frontispiece plate is entitled: “/ Daniel’s Protector./” Robin de Beaumont suggests that the illustrations are after George John Pinwell, but they lack a monogram or signature. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso.  The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and black

Binding: Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Purple fine rib diagonal-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. It has two fillets blocked on the borders, with a small lotus leaf motif blocked on each corner. On the centre, an arabesque is blocked The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Two fillets are blocked in black on the borders. The decoration, mostly blocking in black, shows a frame, decorated with stylised floral elements. Near the head these surround a half moon shape, formed by a single gold fillet. Inside the half-moon, the words: “/ The/ Young/ Missionaries/ [rule]/ by Mrs. Seamer/” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: repeating gold dots and a fillet blocked across the spine; small floral motif in gold; the title: “/ The/ Young/ Missionaries/” is blocked in gold; stylised flowers and pendants are blocked in gold; more stylised leaves and flower buds are blocked in black above a black fillet blocked across the spine; at the tail, between gold fillets and repeating dots, the monogram of the Sunday School Union “SSU” is blocked in gold.

 Record no. 1638

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.360

de Beaumont E31

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 11647.a.11. 1868

Hart, Elizabeth Anna; Smedley, Menella Bute. Poems written for a child by Two Friends. [Devica of Alexander Strahan.] London: Strahan & Co., Publishers, 56, Ludgate Hill, 1868. viii, 307p. 15 plates. With five pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.  Several of the plates are signed: “W”; “Dalziel”; “Swain”. Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ David Emery Gascoyne/ Londn 19.viii. [19]43./” Inscribed on the front endpaper verso: “/ Evelyn L. Thomas/ September 1938/” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief

Binding: Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Red endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers have a single fillet blocked on the borders in blind. The upper cover central vignette is a medallion blocked in gold, with floral decoration on its borders. Inside it, the title words : “/ Poems/ written for/ a child/” are blocked in relief within three gold lettering-pieces. The spine is blocked in gold. Near the head, the title words: “/ Poems/ written/ for a child/” are blocked in gold between two groups of stylised decoration. At the tail, the words: “/ London/ Strahan & Co/ “ are blocked in gold.

Record no. 1639

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.363

de Beaumont F1

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1865.

Southgate, Henry. What men have said about woman. A Collection of Choice Thoughts and Sentences. Compiled and arranged alphabetically. With illustrations by J. D. Watson [ i.e. John Dawson Watson] London: Routledge, Warne & Routledge, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, 1865. London: Cox and Wyman, oriental, classical and general printers, Great Queen Street. xxviii, 320p. 8  plates. Most of the plates are signed “J D W” and “Dalziel Sc”. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “/ Woman – as a Maiden./” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso, and on a separate paper slip. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and Blind

Binding: Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Bookseller’s label on upper pastedown: “/ S & T Gilbert/ Booksellers/ 4, Copthall Buildings/ Back of the Bank./” Bookbinder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St/” [Ball no. 20A.] Blue sand-grain cloth.  On the lower cover, three fillets are blocked on the borders in blind. The same three fillets are blocked on the upper cover, in gold. On the upper cover, the central vignette is a diamond-shape formed by a single gold fillet and four fleurs-de-lis. The title words: “/ What/ men/ have said/ about/ woman/” are blocked in gold within the diamond. The spine is blocked in gold. Three fillets are blocked in gold across the spine at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the title words: “/ What/ men/ have said/ about/ woman/” are blocked in gold. Underneath the title and near the tail, single fillets are blocked in gold across the spine. There are two ‘pyramids’ of fifteen gold dots grouped just below the title and above the tail.

 Record no. 1640

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.366

de Beaumont F2

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 1866

Schmid, Johann Christoph von. The basket of flowers. A tale for the Young. Translated from the French by J. H. St. A. [ i.e. John Humphrey St. Aubyn] (An English translation  by John Humphrey St. Aubyn from the French version of Christoph von Schmid's Das Blumenkörbchen.) London: T. Nelson and Sons, Paternoster Row; Edinburgh and New York, 1864. 125p.  4  plates. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The plates are signed: “W S” [ i.e. William Small] and most are also signed: “R Paterson Sc” [i.e  Robert Paterson]. The plate opposite page 85 has the monogram of William Small and is entitled: “/ Mary at her father’s grave./” . The frontispiece plate is entitled: “/ The Penitent./” Inscribed on the frontispiece plate recto: “/ E. R. Sporle/ from/ Mrs. Scotten/” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief


Binding: Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green bead-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and on the sides. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. Inside this, an arabesque of curling stems is blocked on the sides, with a group of ‘two leaves and three flowers’ blocked in relief on each corner. The upper cover central vignette is an octagon, formed by gold fillets on its border, and vertical hatch gold within. The title words: “/ Basket/ of/ flowers/” is blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind and in relief. Near the head, the title words: / The/ basket/ of/ flowers/” are blocked in relief within a vertical hatch gold lettering-piece, with the words “basket” and “flowers being additionally surrounded by a single fillet blocked in relief. Above and below the title, small ‘three leaf’ motifs are blocked in gold, with very small decoration blocked in relief within each. These same ‘three leaf’ motifs are blocked above and below the sub-title: “/ A tale/ for the young/” which are blocked in relief within two rectangular gold lettering-pieces, which are within a vertical gold hatch lettering-piece.

 Record no. 1641

Museum number P&D  BM 1996,1104.47

de Beaumont F3

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 12804.b.52. 1858 A and C Black

Swift, Jonathan. A Voyage to Lilliput by Lemuel Gulliver. With a sketch of the life of Jonathan Swift. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1865. Edinburgh: Ballantyne & Company, Printers. [1], vi, 122p. The half title page features the legs of the giant, with horses, and their riders streaming out between them. The illustration is signed: “JM” as a monogram [possibly James Mahoney]. It is also signed: “MW Sc” [i.e. possibly John MacWhirter]. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind

Binding: Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Brown bead-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically, in blind on the lower and in gold on the upper cover. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders of both covers , the outer thick, the inner thin. The words: “/ Gulliver’s/ Travels/” are blocked on the centre of the lower cover in blind and on the centre of the upper in gold. The spine has two gold fillets blocked across it a the head and at the tail. Near the head, the words: /” Gulliver’s/ Travels/” are blocked in gold, with a small five leaf motif blocked in gold beneath it.

 Record no. 1642

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.370

de Beaumont F4

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 12350.w.2. and RB.23.a.23872.

Temple, Ralph and Temple, Chandos. The Temple Anecdotes. Enterprise and Adventure. Illustrated. [Device of Robert Groombridge?] London: Groombridge and Sons, Paternoster Row, 1865. London: Harrild, printer. vi, 442p. In the list of Illustrations on page vi, penciled notes suggest that five illustrations are by Alfred Walter Bayes; five are by Thomas Dalziel and three are by Arthur Boyd Houghton. The plates are signed: “Dalziel”. The frontispiece plates is entitled: “Arago watching the signals.” It is signed: “AWB” [i. e Alfred Walter Bayes]. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Quarter leather to spine. Paper over boards.

Binding: Brown marbled endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco on spine, with being coloured paper, spotted with black and red ink, over boards. The hollow spine is divided in to five panels by false cords. Panel one, three and five have rectangles, formed by two gold fillets, with a lozenge blocked in gold within each panel. Panel two has the title: “/ The/ Temple Anecdotes/” blocked in gold, with a single fillet in gold across the spine, above and below the title. Panel four has the single number “2” blocked in gold, with a single fillet in gold across the spine, above and below it.

 Record no. 1643

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.377

de Beaumont F5

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 12632.k.9. 1867.

Anne Thackeray Ritchie 1837-1919.

Ritchie, Anne Isabella Thackeray. The story of Elizabeth. Illustrate edition. London: smith, Elder & Co., 65 Cornhill, 1867. London: Smith, Elder & Co. Little Green Arbour Court, Old Bailey, E. C. [2], 4 plates. 251p. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The plates are signed: “F W” [i.e. Frederick Walker] and “Swain” [i.e. Joseph Swain]. The frontispiece plate is entitled: ‘/ “Are cooks like ladies?”/ ‘. The half title page shows Elizabeth, standing by a tree, with flowers gathered and placed in her hat. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief,_Frederick_(DNB00)

Binding: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. On the outer borders, four fillets are blocked in blind in pairs, the outer fillet thick the inner fillet being thin. The inner border is of two fillets in blind, the outer thin the inner of which is thick. On the inner corners, a single fleur-de-lis is blocked in blind and in relief. On the centre, the device of Smith Elder & Co is blocked  in relief within a shield, the words: “/ Smith Elder & Co/ Cornhill/ London/” blocked in relief within pennants above and below the shield. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two fillets blocked across the spine in blind; the title words: “/ The/ Story/ of/ Elizabeth/” are blocked in gold with arabesques blocked above them; below the title, the words: “/ Illustrated/ Edition/” are blocked in relief within two pennant-shaped rectangular gold lettering-pieces, which are surrounded by small decoration blocked in gold; near the tail, the words: “/ Smith, Elder & Co/” are blocked in relief within a rectangular shaped gold lettering-piece, which is surrounded by small decoration blocked in gold.

 Record no. 1644

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.384

de Beaumont F6

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 10803.aa.33. [1895?]

Tillotson, John. Our Untitled Nobility. With illustrations by Charles Green.  London: James Hogg and Sons, [1863]. London: Harrild, printer. 278p. 6 plates. With eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The plates are mostly signed with the initials: “CG” and also with “Holman & Bale”.  The frontispiece plate is entitled: “/ In the prison cell. – Page 53./” A school prize label is pasted onto the front endpaper recto, with the inscription: “/ Bank House School/ Keighley June 1869/ Prize/ awarded to/ Fred[eric]k Laude/ for/ Mechanical Drawing/ & general good conduct/ W H. Jackson/ Principal/” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief

Binding: Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. On each corner, a pattern of curling stems and leaves is blocked in relief. More fillets blocked in blind from an inner arabesque oval shape. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in gold on the borders. On each corner and on the sides, patterns of curling thin stems and flower buds are blocked in gold. Inside this, more fillets blocked in gold form an inner arabesque shape, and, just inside this, a pattern of ivy-like leaves and stems is blocked in relief. The central medallion is formed by gold fillets with a ‘rope like’ circular stem between them. Within the medallion, the title words: “£/ Our/ Untitled/ Nobility./” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold At the head, fillets, dots and an arch are blocked in gold. The title words: “/ Our/ Untitled/ Nobility/” are blocked in gold within three rectangles, each formed by two gold fillets. Small patterns occupy the centre and the lower portions of the spine. Near the tail, the word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by two gold fillets.

Record no. 1645

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.388

de Beaumont F7

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 12624.aa.11. 1865.


Tytler, Sarah. Citoyenne Jacqueline. A Woman’s Lot in the Great French Revolution. London: Alexander Strahan, 1866. Second edition London: Printed by J. and W. Rider. x, 499p. 1 plate. Inscribed on the half title page recto: “/ Presented by the Misses Murry/ Felix House. June 1867./” The frontispiece plate and the illustration on the title page are signed: “A Houghton” [i. e. Arthur Boyd Houghton]. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and black. 

John and William Rider:

From E. C. Bigmore and C. W. H. Wyman. A bibliography of Printing. 3vols in 1. OakKnoll Press, 2001., p. 259.

‘In 1849, John Rider died, leaving the  printing-office to his two sons John & William, who under the style of J. & W. Rider, greatly extended the business. John Rider died in the year 1864, at the early age of 37, and the business was then conducted by William Rider as sole proprietor, without change of style until January 1st 1882, when, having taken his only son William H. Rider into partnership, the firm became William Rider & Son.’

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Red endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./” [Ball no. 20A] Brown sand-grain cloth. The lower cover has a single fillet blocked on the borders in blind. The upper cover has fillets on the outer and inner borders blocked in gold and in black. On the inner corners, and on the centre sides, small leaf motifs are blocked in gold and in black. The upper cover central medallion is formed by gold fillets, which intersect at top and bottom. Inside the medallion, elaborate decoration is formed by small fillets interlocking as straps. The title words: “/ Citoyenne/ Jacqueline/” are blocked in relief with two rectangular gold lettering-pieces. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, four gold fillets are blocked across the spine, and, between them a pattern of ovals and ‘four leaves’ is blocked in gold. Near the head, the words: “/ Citoyenne/ Jacqueline/ [rule]/ Sarah Tytler/” are blocked in gold. Beneath the title and near the tail, a single fillet is blocked in gold across the spine.

Record no. 1646

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.389

de Beaumont F8

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 12632.ccc.25. 1862; 1863.

Tytler, Sarah [pseud. i. e. Henrietta Keddie]. Papers for Thoughtful Girls. With illustrative Sketches of some girls’ lives. Fourth edition. With illustrations by J. E. Millais. [i. e. John Everett Millais] London: Alexander Strahan and Co, 1863. Edinburgh: T. Constable, printer to the Queen, and to the University.  357p  4 plates. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “/ Ciss Berry’s arrival./ Miss Tytlers Papers – Strahan and Co. Publishers/”. It is signed with Millais’s monogram and also: “Dalziel”. Inscribed on the upper flyleaf  recto: “/ Miss C. N. Evans/ Given to her/ by her Affectionate Brother/ J. S. D. [rule]/ May 12th 1865/” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto and on a separate sheet. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.



Binding: Gilt edges. Board edges and turn –ins are gauffered.  Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Green leather. Both covers are blocked in gold with an identical pattern.  Three gold fillets blocked on the borders. The centre of each cover is occupied by a central rectangle and inner oval, with elaborate ‘arabesque’ tooling around them. The spine is blocked in gold. Six panels are formed by the cords. Panels one, three, five and six have two gold fillets on the borders, with decoration around the central circle, which is occupied by tow oak leaves and an acorn. Panels tow and three have the words: “/ Papers/ for/ Thoughtful/ Girls./ Tytler/” blocked in gold. At the tail, across the spine, a small repeating oval pattern is blocked between three gold fillets.

  Record no. 1647

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.390

de Beaumont F9

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 12631.aa.29.

Vaughan, Herbert, pseud.[ i.e. Vaughan Morgan]. The Cambridge Grisette. Illustrated by Charles Keene [i.e. Charles Samuel Keene]. London: Tinsley Brothers, 18, Catherine St., Strand, 1862.  London: Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars. 139p.  8 plates. The frontispiece is entitled: “The Cambridge Grisette”. It is signed “Swain Sc” [i. e. Joseph Swain] Some of the plates are also signed “Swain Sc”. /” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief

Binding: Gilt edges. Blue pebble-grain cloth. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. The borders of both covers are blocked identically, in blind and relief on the lower cover and in gold and in relief on the upper cover. On the upper cover, three fillets are blocked in gold, with the middle fillet having repeating dots blocked in relief within it. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows the figures of the Cambridge Grisette and the Proctor. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, fillets and repeating dots are blocked in gold, together with small arabesques blocked in gold with small decoratoin blocked in relief within them. The title and author are blocked on the upper and lower half of the spine: “/ The/ Cambridge/ Grisette/ [an arabesque is blocked between the title and the author]/ Herbert Vaughan/” are blocked in gold.

Record no. 1648

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.391

de Beaumont F10

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 12805.f.46. Warne 1866

Elizabeth Wetherell , pseud. [i.e. Susan Bogert Warner], and Lothrop , Amy pseud. [i.e. Anna Bartlett Warner.] Ellen Montgomery’s book shelf.  With Illustrations by J. D. Watson [i.e. John Dawson Watson], Printed in Colours. [Device and monogram of Frederick Warne.]  London: Frederick Warne & Co., Bedford Street, Covent Garden, 1867. Edinburgh, Ballantyne and Company, printers.  x, 592p.  8 plates. With four pages of publishers’ titles bound at the end. On page two of the publisher’s titles, this work (or a slightly earlier issue of this work) is described as: “/ Warne’s three and sixpenny series of gift books./ In post 8vo, 600 pages, price 3s. 6d. , or with gilt edges, 4s.,/ …Illustrated with Eight Coloured  Engravings from Designs/ by J. D. Watson./”  The plates are signed: “JDW” and “Dalziel”. The frontispiece plates is entitled: “/ The Hymn Book./” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. He also notes that the prints of 1865 are nos. 687 to 694 in the Dalziel Archive. Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ Miss Clara Dems(?)/ the Gift of her/ Dear Mamma/ July 3rd. 1867/” The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and relief


Binding: Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Bevelled boards. Green sand-grain cloth. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. On the borders of both covers, three fillets are blocked in blind. A small ‘flower’ is blocked in blind on each corner. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold and shows the figure if a girl (possibly Ellen Montgomery) seated in a chair, reading a book. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked across the spine at the head and at the tail. The upper half and the centre of the spine has elaborate ‘mirror frame’ decoration, within which the title: “/ Ellen/ Montgomery’s/ bookshelf/” is blocked in relief within rectangular horizontal hatch gold lettering-pieces. Underneath this, the words: “/ By the/ Authors of the/ Wide Wide/ World/” are blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece, bordered by six gold fillets. The words: “/ The complete edition/” are blocked in gold in a semi-circle in the lower half of the spine. Near the tail, the word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece.

 Record no. 1649

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.405

de Beaumont F11

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 7205.aa.42. 1863.

Wood, John George. Glimpses into Petland. [Device of Bell and Daldy.]  London : Bel,l and Daldy, 186, Fleet Street, 1863.  [London:] Printed by John Edward Taylor, Little Queen Street, Lincoln’s Inn Fields. xv, 221p. 1 plate. With thirty-four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “Petland./” It is signed W. Crane del [i.e. Walter Crane] Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and relief


Binding: Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Purple pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thin, the inner thin. The same ‘two fillets’ blocking in blind forms a large central circle, and smaller semi-circles at the centre head and centre tail. Within these semi-circles, and on each corner, stem, leaf and bud decoration is blocked in relief. The spine is blocked in gold. Two fillets are blocked in gold across the spine at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the title and author words: “/ Glimpses/ into/ Petland/ [rule]/ Rev. J. G. Wood/” are blocked in gold. Small stem and leaf decoration is blocked in gold underneath  the title. Near the tail, the words: “/ London/ Bell& Daldy/” are blocked in gold. 

 Record no. 1650

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.420

de Beaumont F12

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 011651.e.92.


Woolner, Thomas. My beautiful lady. London: Macmillan and Co., 1866. Oxford: by T. Combe, M. A., E. Pickard Hall, and H. Latham, M. A. printers to the University. vi, 162p. Third Edition. The title page engraving is signed: “Arthur Hughes” and “C. H. Jeens” [i.e. Charles Henry Jeens]. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and black

Binding: Gilt edges. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco to covers and spine. Both covers have two fillets blocked in black on the borders. The spine is divided by five raised cords into six panels. There are three fillets blocked in black across the spine, above and below each raised cord, and also at the head and at the tail. Panel two has the title: “/ My/ Beautiful/ Lady/” blocked in gold.

Record no. 1651

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.424

de Beaumont F13

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection:

Wraxall, Frederick Charles Lascelles. Golden-Hair: a tale of the Pilgrim Fathers. With eight illustrations drawn on wood by T. Morton [i.e. Thomas Morten] and engraved by H. Harral [i.e. Horace Harral]. London: Sampson Low, Son, and Marston, 14, Ludgate Hill, 1865. London: R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, printers, Bread Street Hill. vii, 282p. 8 plates. The frontispiece plate is signed: “T. Morton [sic] and H. Harral Sc”; it is entitled”: “ “ ‘Young squaw not fear me, Hih-lah-dih, friend of young Pale-face girl.’ ” – P.50.”  A prize bookplate is pasted to the upper pastedown, which is inscribed: “/ Hale Street Educational Establishment/ Christmas 1872/ Prize awarded to/ Miss F. T. Moser/ for/ General Improvement/ IInd Class/ F & L Giddins Principals/” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and black and relief

Binding: Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green net-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind lonely. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Honeysuckle buds and leaves are blocked in blind on each corner. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Within four gold fillets blocked on the borders, a ‘repeating cross ribbon and four dots’ pattern is blocked in gold. Each corner has groups of ‘morning glory’ flower buds, leaves and curling stems – all blocked in gold. A small five-point star is blocked above and below the central oval. Around the border of the central oval, a repeating pattern of leaves and stems is blocked in relief. Inside this, around the perimeter of the oval, eight ‘half-moon’ shapes are blocked in gold and in black. Within the central oval, the title: “/ Golden-/ Hair/” is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets and repeating small circles blocked in gold across the spine; the title:”/ Golden-/ Hair/” is blocked in gold; three panels formed by single gold fillets blocked across the spine, with a single rose and a circle on the centre of each panel; near the tail, the word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in gold; at the tail,  two gold fillets and repeating small circles blocked in gold across the spine. 

Record no. 1652

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,1104.56

de Beaumont F14

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 12806.e.34. 1891 edition

Yonge, Charlotte Mary. The Little Duke; Richard the Fearless. By the author of “The Heir of Redclyffe”. With illustration by R. Farren [i.e. Robert B. Farren] London: Macmillan and co, 1869. London: R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, printers, Bread Street Hill. [4], 231p. 6 plates. /” The frontispiece shows the Little Duke, Richard, with his father. It is signed with the monogram: “RBF 1864” . The front flyleaf recto is inscribed: “/ R. A. Bostock/ from/ John/ &/ Bessie// Christmas 1870./” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Robert B Farren, artist. (1832-1912)


Half leather

Gold and blind

Monogram “RBF” on frontis

Binding: Marbled edges and endpapers and pastedowns. Half morocco with fillets at joins. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. At the head, there are two gold fillets and two line of repeating dots, blocked across the spine. The spine is divided into six panels by cords, with fillets in gold on the cords, and fillets blocked  in blind above and below each cord. Panels two and three have the title words: “/ Little/ Duke/ Yonge/”blocked in gold. At the tail, a repeating pattern of small thistles is blocked between groups of two gold fillets and two lines of repeating dots, blocked across the spine

 Record no. 1653

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.2

de Beaumont F15

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1509/364. 1855.

Adams, William. Sacred Allegories. New edition, with engravings from original designs by Charles W. Cope, R. A.  [i.e Charles West Cope], John C. Horsley, A. R. A. [i.e John Calcott Horsley],  Samuel Palmer, Birket Foster, and George E. Hicks [i.e George Elgar Hicks]. London: Rivingtons, Waterloo Place, 1856. London: Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill. vii, 294p. With one page of publisher’s titles bound at the end. In the ‘List of Illustrations’, the engravers are listed as: Edmund Evans, W. T. Green, Thomas Bolton, W. Measom [i.e. William Frederick Measom], Horace Harral, Dalziel [Brothers].  Bookplate of Henry Smales on upper pastedown. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

Henry Smales:


Binding: Giltedges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Brown morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./” [Ball no. 17A.] Both covers are blocked identically in gold, in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thin, the inner thick. Apart from the centre, the rest of the cover is blocked in relief with a pattern of ‘horse chestnut’ leaves buds and curling stems. The central vignette has more ‘horse chestnut’ leaves buds and curling stems blodked in gold on its border. Witthin the vignette, the title words: “/ Sacred/ Allegories/” are blocked in gold in gothic letters. The spine is blocked in gold. From head to tail, a pattern of ‘horse chestnut’ stems leaves and buds is blocked in gold. Near the head, the stems form a circle, in which the words: “/ Sacred/ Allegories/ [rule]/ Adams./” are blocked in gold.

Scans of covers, binder’s ticket and 2 engravings – Hicks page 23; and Cope page 244.

Record no. 1654

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.12

de Beaumont F16

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: [published in parts] 1864, 1865: 12410.h.8.

Dalziel’s Illustrated Arabian Nights’ entertainments With Pictures by the Best Artists including J. E. Millais [i.e. John Everrett Millais], John Tenniel, J. D. Watson [i.e. John Dawson Watson]. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. [The text revised by Henry William Dulcken.] London: Ward & Lock, 158, Fleet Street.  London: Dalziel Brothers, Camden Press, N. W. Published in twenty-one monthly parts, part I being dated January [1864] and part XXI1 being dated September [1865]. Each part was priced at sixpence. Apart from part I, all the rest have the title, the part number, and the month of issue printed along its spine.

All parts measure: 195x270mm. Thickness is normally 5mm. The pagination is continuous p.1-822. Each part has orange paper covers, printed with an ‘oriental’ arch and  its surrounding decoration. The titling is within the arch. [This design does not appear to be signed.] The recto of each upper cover and the recto and verso of each lower cover contain publisher’s titles and other advertisements. The illustration on page 5 is by John Tenniel, entitled: “the sleeping Genie and the Lady”.  The illustration on page 809 is by Arthur Boyd Houghton, entitles: “The Princess Parizade carrying the Singing Tree.” At the end of part XXI, the Preface to the bound copy of this work is printed, together with a List of Illustrations and the Illustrators. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front cover of the box.

Scans of

-           Paper Covers f part I; Illustr by Tenniel on page 5

-           Paper covers of part XXI Illustr by Houghton page 809

 Record no. 1655

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.13 (1) & (2)

de Beaumont  F17A & F17B

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1865: Document Supply Wq1/4305

Dalziel’s Illustrated Arabian Nights’ entertainments. The text revised and emended throughout by H. W. Dulcken [i.e. Henry William Dulcken]. 2vols. One hundred illustrations by J. E. Millais, R. A. [i.e. John Everett Millais], A.B. Houghton [i.e. Arthur Boyd Houghton], Thomas Dalziel, J. D. Watson [i.e. John Dawson Watson], John Tenniel, G. J. Pinwell [i.e. George John Pinwell]. London: Ward & Lock, 158, Fleet Street.  London: Dalziel Brothers, engraver & printers Camden Press, 1865. The frontispiece of volume 1 is signed “TD” [i.e. Thomas Dalziel] as a monogram. The illustration on page 121 of volume 1 is signed “GJP” [i.e. George John Pinwell] as a monogram, and is entitled: “After Supper”. The frontispiece of volume 2 is signed : “A B Houghton” and is entitled: “Aladdin’s Slaves carrying Presents to the Sultan.” The illustration on page 473 of volume 2 is  signed: “TD” [i.e. Thomas Dalziel ]and is entitled: “ Fetnab sent to the Dark Tower”.  Text bound in two volumes. Pagination  is continuous. Vol. 1 viii, 400p, with two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. Vol. 2 pp. xi, 401-822, with two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. ”.  Robin de Beaumont's extensive notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso of volume 1. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Vol. 1. 205x280x30mm.

Vol 2. 205x280x32mm.

Gold and relief

Binding. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red sand-grain cloth to spines and to corners. The covers have red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both volumes are blocked identically apart from the volume number. On the spine sides, and on each corner (where the two types of cloth conjoin), three fillets are blocked in gold, together with a repeating ‘dog tooth’ pattern. Each upper cover vignette has the title words: “/ Dalziel’s/ Illustrated [in a semi-circle]/ Arabian Nights [in a semi-circle]/ Entertainments/” blocked in gold above  and below a seated man,  seated cross-legged, who is wearing oriental dress, who is reading an open book, which is propped on a bird stand. The spines are divided into seven panels by two fillets in gold blocked across the spine. Panels one, four, five, and six have small filigree decoration blocked in gold, with two small gold fillets blocked above and below. Panel two has the title words: “/ Dalziel’s/ Illustrated/ Arabian/ Nights/ Entertainments/” blocked in gold. Panel three has : “Vol. I. [II.]/”blocked in gold. At the tail, panel seven has the words: “/ London/ Ward Lock & Tyler/” blocked in gold.

Scans made of :

Covers and spines of both vols.

Vol. 1 Illstr of Pinwell page 121 “after Supper”

Page 473 – T Dalziel

Record no. 1656

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.15

de Beaumont F18

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 3109.g.15.


Fox, Aley. Art Pictures from the Old Testament. Sunday Readings for the Young. A series of Ninety Illustrations from Oriiginal Drawings by Sir F. [Frederic] Leighton, Bart., P. R. A., Sir E. [Edward] Burne-Jones, Bart., A. R. A., E. J. Poynter, R. A. [i.e. Edward John Poynter], G. F. Watts, R.. A. [i. e. George Frederic Watts], E. Armytage, R. A. [i.e. Edward Armytage], W. Holman Hunt, [I,e, William Holman Hunt],  F. Madox Brown [i.e. Ford Madox Brown], S. Solomon [i.e. Simeon Solomon], etc., etc. Letterpress by Aley Fox. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Northumberland Avenue, W. C.; New York: E & J. B. Young & Co., 1894. xi, 179p. The frontispiece is entitled: “Cain and Abel” by Sir Frederick Leighton, and is also siogned: “Dalziel”. Yje illustratin of page 23 is entitled: “/ Abraham’s Sacrifice/” by Simeon Solomon, and is also signed: “Dalziel”. Robin de Beaumont's brief note regarding price of this copy are written on the front pastedown. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and black and brown and white

Binding: Bevelled boards. Cream endpapers and pastedowns, now  faded. Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover has no blocking. The upper cover is blocked in gold in black, brown and white. At the head the title: “/ Art Pictures from the/ Old Testament/” is blocked in gold. Underneath  it, a row of five-petaled flower heads in blocked in black. On the centre of the cover, the main elements of “Pharoah honours Joseph” by Edward John Poynter on page 43 are reproduced on the cover. Joseph, on the right, is bowing to the Pharoah, on the left. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. At the head, zig-zags, dots blocked between two black fillets are blocked across the spine. Near the head, the title words: “/ Art/ Pictures/ from the/ Old / Testament/” are blocked in gold. The middle and lower portions of the spine are blocked in black/ grey with a pattern of lotus leaves and buds. At the tail, between zig-zags, dots and fillets blocked in black across the spine, the letters: “/ S P C K/” are blocked in gold.

Scans made of: both covers; frontis and t/page; and pages 23 (Solomon) ; and 43 Joseph and Pharoah.

Record no. 1657

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,1104.2

de Beaumont F19

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: Document Supply W17/5646 [1854]; Document Supply W82/3884 [1865]; Document Supply W22/9249 [1859]

Aytoun, William Edmondston. Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers and other poems. With illustrations by Joseph Noel Paton, R. S. A. and Walter H. Paton [i.e. Walter Hugh Paton]. Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1863. Edinburgh: Printed by R. & R. Clark. In the ‘List of Illustrations’, the engravers are listed as: John Thompson, Dalziel, William James Linton, Thomas, Edmund Evans, Edward Whymper, Patterson, Green, Cooper, Adam. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Archive: “1859 nos. 690-694, Joseph Noel Paton; 1862 nos. 916-924, Joseph Noel Paton; 1862 nos. 925-929, Walter Hugh Paton; 1863 nos. 517-532, Joseph Noel Paton”. Pasted on the front endpaper recto is the label: “/ G. G. Walmsley, Bookseller, 50 Lord Street,/ Liverpool./” Inscribed on the half title page recto: “/ Rotha M.(?) Hollins/ January 26th 1900/”. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and black and relief


Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Green morocco to boards and spine. The turn-ins are blocked with two gold fillets and a small plant on each corner. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the borders. On each corner, a small shield, surmounted by a crown is blocked in gold. Within each shield, the letters “HIS” are blocked in relief. A small chain (like a neck chain) is blocked in gold around each shield and the initials “RB” are blocked in gold on either side of each shield. On the centre of each cover, the coat of arms of Scotland is blocked in gold, surmounted by a crown. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. At the head and at the tail, two fillets are blocked in gold. The spine  is divided into six panels by raised cords, and on each, a black fillet is blocked. Above and below each cord, tow gold and two black fillets are blocked across the spine. Panel two has the words: “/ Aytoun’s/ Lays/”blocked in gold in gothic letters. Panels one, three four, five and six each have a fleur-de-lis blocked on the centre.

scans of JNP p. 15[monogram]  and p. 91[initials] ; scan of WHP p. 123 [initials]

Record no. 1658

Museum number P&D  BM 1992.0406,19

de Beaumont F20

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: C129.d.3.

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 1347.k.6.

General Reference Collection 11660.f.1.

General Reference Collection C.129.d.3.

Barham, Richard Harris. The Ingoldsby Legends or mirth and marvels, by Thomas Ingoldsby, Esquire. With sixty illustrations by George Cruikshank, John Leech and John Tenniel. Richard Bentley, Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty.  London, 1864. London: R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Printers. xii, 428p. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. He has noted the following original plates are in the Dalziel Archive for 1863, nos. 1033-1073. The frontispiece is by John Leech, accompanying the poem entitled: “The Ghost”. The illustration on page 1 is by George Cruikshank. The illustration on page 13 is by John Tenniel. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and relief


The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Plain dark green endpapers. Red diagonal beaded line cloth. On the lower pastedown are two tickets. The binder’s ticket is: "/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./” [Ball no. 20A.] Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in blind. At the four corners, twin intertwined dragons are blocked in gold. The outer border in gold is of a repeating pattern of acorns at the end of leaves, interspaced with a triple leaf motif, which is enclosed in arches. The inner border features a medallion on each corner, with the head and shoulders of a fanciful character blocked within each. There is also a medallion and fanciful character within blocked on the centre of each side. Two shields with pseudo-devices within are blocked in gold and in relief on each side. Fillets and "cord-shaped" fillets and emblems are blocked in gold between the medallions and the shields on the inner border. The inner corners have decoration blocked in blind. The central mandorla has several borders, blocked in gold. Within it at the head, a lion is blocked, holding a shield, saltire ermine. The tail of the lion loops on either side of the shield to enclose the initials "T" and "I". The title: "/ The/ Ingoldsby/ Legends/" is blocked in relief within a shield-shaped gold lettering-piece. The initials, "JL", are blocked in relief as separate letters at the base of the title. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter, with three fillets blocked in blind inside this. Pairs of oak leaves and acorns are blocked in gold at the head. The inner panel runs from tail to head, formed by two gold fillets, which are semi-circular at the head. At the head of the inner panel, a rat and a frog are on either side of a medallion with a figure resembling Mephistopheles within - all in gold. The title: "/ The/ Ingoldsby/ Legends/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold. The decoration below this shows a magpie with a ring in its mouth, astride a hat. The hat is above a sword, a spear and a bishops' staff, all crossing behind a shield. A cross and rosary, and a cat of nine tails are blocked to the left and to the right beneath the shield. The shield shows an owl displayed, wings inverted, sable. Above the owl, a bat soaring, or. The lower half of the sword impales a head, and a half moon. Signed "JL", in gold as separate letters, beneath the half moon. The words: "/ Richard Bentley/" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with two gold fillets blocked on its borders. Beneath this, a rectangle is formed by a single fillet blocked in blind. Acorn, leaves and scallop decoration is blocked in gold at the tail. The British Library has six other copies of this work: 1. BL 11660f1 of 1864, bound by Burn, in maroon pebble-grain cloth; 2. 1347k6 of 1864, original covers used as doublures, green pebble-grain cloth; 3. C129d3of 1864 bound in brown dot and line horizontal-grain cloth; 4. 11651f2 of 1865, original covers used as doublures, purple sand-grain cloth; 5. 11651f3 of 1866, original covers used as doublures, green sand-grain cloth; 6. C70d10 of 1874, purple sand grain cloth

Record no. 1659

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.20

de Beaumont F21

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 11651k3 paper covers ; EK has his own copy in brown cloth.

Baynes, Robert Hall. The Illustrated Book of Sacred Poems. Edited by the Rev. Robert H Baynes M.A., Vicar of S. Michael, Coventry, Editor of “Lyra Anglicana,” &c. Illustrated by J.D. Watson [ i.e. John Dawson Watson], H. C. Selous [i.e. Henry Courtney Selous], E. M. Wimperis [i.e. Edmund Morison Wimperis], H. Pixis, M. E. Edwards [i.e. Mary Ellen Edwards], R. P. Leitch [i.e. Richard Pettigrew Leitch], W. Small [ i.e. William Small], R. T. Pritchett [i.e. Robert Taylor Pritchett], T. Macquoid [i.e. probably Thomas Robert Macquoid], J. W. North [i.e. John William North]. [Monogram of Cassell, Petter and Galpin.]  London and New York: Cassell Petter and Galpin ,[1867]. London: Cassell, Petter and Galpin, Belle Sauvage Works, Ludgate Hill, E. C. 392p. 4 plates. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. Several of the illustrations are engraved by W. L. Thomas [i.e. William Luson Thomas].  The illustration on page 93 is by Leitch, with his initials; the illustration on page 133 is by Selous, with his monogram; the illustration on page 177 is by Edwards with her initials; the illustration on page 237 is by Pritchett, with his monogram. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and black and relief

Details of my copy at:  

 The design is not signed. The upper cover of part XI of the British Library copy (which is  bound with parts in blue paper covers)  advertises the ‘Complete volume of Cassell’s Illustrated Book of Sacred Poems: “…published at 7s.6d. cloth gilt, 10s 6d. full gilt cloth, and at 21s full morocco antique. It will form one of the most beautiful gift books of the forthcoming season.” The half title page shows the same design as blocked on the full gilt cloth binding. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. Three fillets are blocked on the borders. The inner rectangle shows an imitation wooden frame, with rows of candles to head and to tail, quatrefoils on the centre sides, and an oval frame at the centre. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Two gold fillets are blocked on the borders, within between them a pattern of groups of three gold dots, and semi-circles blocked in black. On the borders, ‘ivy like’ stems, leaves and buds are profusely blocked. They surround the ornate central rectangular frame, which has a ‘wheel circle’ blocked on each corner, each of which has a leaf and stem pattern blocked in relief within it. On the left of the frame, a crown, an urn, a cross are blocked in gold. On the right hand side a repeating pattern of thin stems and two leaves is blocked in relief within a wide gold fillet. Near the head, the title: “/ The/ Illustrated Book/ of Sacred Poems/” is blocked in gold in gothic letters. Underneath more gilt decoration of repeating curling stems and leaves, the quote: “O all ye [blocked in red]/ works of the Lord bless [blocked in green]/ ye the Lord praise him and [blocked in red]/ magnify him forever [blocked in green]/” – all are within diagonal gold lettering-pieces. Beneath these quotes, the publisher: “/ Cassell, Petter and Galpin./” is blocked in gold in gothic letters. The spine is blocked in gold in black and in relief. From the heads downwards the decoration is: ivy leaves and buds in gold; a crown and two five pointed stars in gold within and oval formed by ‘a branch-like’ fillet, which also continues down the spine to surround the title words: “/ The/ Illustrated/ Book of/ Sacred/ Poems/ Edited by/ the Rev. R. H [blocked in gold]/ Baynes M. A./”  are blocked in relief within seven diagonal rectangular gold lettering pieces; a cross and rays around in, blocked in gold, within an oval formed by a ‘branch-like’ fillet; ivy stem and bud decoration; just above the tail, the publisher: “/ Cassell/ Petter & Galpin/ London & New York/”is blocked in gold; at the tail two gold fillets.

 Record no. 1660

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.23

de Beaumont F22

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1347g4 See:

Blair, Robert. The grave. A poem. With a preface by the Rev. F.W. Farrar M.A. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1858. Edinburgh: Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh. xxv, 49p. In the ‘List of Illustrations’, the artists are given as: B. Foster [i.e Miles Birket Foster], J. Tenniel [i.e John Tenniel], J. R. Clayton [i.e. John Richard Clayton], T. Dalziel [i.e. Thomas Dalziel], J. A. Pasquier [i.e. James Abbot Pasquier]; J. Godwin [i.e. probably James Godwin]. The engravers are listed as Dalziel Brothers, and Edmund Evans. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Scans of page 1 Foster; page 5 Tenniel; page 18 Clayton; page 19 Godwin.


Gold and blind and relief

Binding: The cover design is by John Leighton Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Bookseller’s label on upper pastedown: “/ C. H. Bensberg./ 344 Holloway Road./ & 206 Pentonville Rd./ London. N./ [rule]/ Books bought./” Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically. A joined leaf border pattern is blocked in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in blind inside this. The inner corners have triangles formed by two fillets, and leaf and stem decoration blocked in relief within each fillet. The central mandorla is formed by two fillets blocked in blind. A pattern of hatch gold leaves and stems surrounds a wide gold fillet, which has the words: "O deathe, where is thy sting; O grave. Where is thy victory. I Cor. XV.5[5?]", blocked in relief within the fillet. On the centre, a tomb is blocked, surmounted by an urn, both in gold. The title words: "/ The/ grave/ a/ poem/" are blocked in relief within the tomb. Below the tomb, a bat's wings and an hourglass are blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of mandorla. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is within panels formed by a rope-shaped fillet; within the panels are: a bell; the words: "/ The/ grave/ A/ poem/ by/ Robert/ Blair/ [a cross patonce]/" blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece; an oval panel (formed by the rope-shaped fillet), surrounded by thin stems and small leaves blocked in gold; a bow-tie shape, made by the rope fillet; thin leaves and stems; near the tail, the words: "/ A & C Black/" are blocked in relief within a pear-shaped gold lettering-piece, with two fillets blocked in relief on its borders; two gold fillets are blocked at the tail.


The British Library copy is at shelf mark 1347g4. See:

Record no. 1661

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.25

de Beaumont F23

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: c109d6

The Book of Job. Illustrated with fifty engravings from drawings by John Gilbert and with explanatory notes& poetical parallels. London: James Nisbet and Co. Berners Street, 1857. Edinburgh: Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh. xxx, 7-188p. With one page of publisher’s titles bound at the end. In the ‘List of Illustrations’, the engravers are given as: Dalziel Brothers; J. W. Whymper [i.e. Josiah Wood Whymper]; W. L. Thomas [i.e. William Luson Thomas].  Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ Anna Maria Smith/ 23 of 2mo: 1863/” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Archive: “1857 – 1138-1152”. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Whymper in ODNB:



Binding: The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown. "/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge/" [Ball no. 53D.] Blue morocco vertical grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold, in blind and in relief. The whole design is elaborate moorish. The outer border has a fillet blocked in gold, with small diamonds and dotted squares, repeating, blocked in relief within it. Around the large central oval, a pattern of stems, horizontal hatch leaves and flowers is blocked in gold on the corners and on the sides. Inside the oval, a flower and stem pattern is blocked in relief around the centre. On the centre, a circle is blocked, with an elaborate strap pattern within it. There is an elaborate border to this circle. Around the circle, another elaborate strap pattern of stems and leaves, surrounded by horizontal hatch, is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. A "wavy" fillet is blocked on the perimeter, with repeating dots blocked in relief within it. An elaborate cartouche of arabesques forms an oval near the centre. Within the oval, the title: "/ The/ Book/ of/ Job./" is blocked in gold. Hatched leaves and flowers are blocked in gold as patterns on the head and on the tail. A single fillet is blocked at the head and at the tail.

Record no. 1662

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.26

de Beaumont: G1

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: c109d6  

The Book of Job. Illustrated with fifty engravings from drawings by John Gilbert and with explanatory notes& poetical parallels. London: James Nisbet and Co. Berners Street, 1857. Edinburgh: Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh. xxx, 7-188p. With one page of publisher’s titles bound at the end. In the ‘List of Illustrations’, the engravers are given as: Dalziel Brothers; J. W. Whymper [i.e. Josiah Wood Whymper]; W. L. Thomas [i.e. William Luson Thomas].  Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ Anna Maria Smith/ 23 of 2mo: 1863/” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The oval shaped bookplate initialled ‘ID’[i. e. John Dalziel] is on the front pastedown, with the motto “I dare”. The bookplate of Harold J. L. Wright [i.e. Harold James Lean Wright]  is pasted onto the upper endpaper recto. Pasted on the upper endpaper verso is an autograph  letter dated 10th Feby 1856 from  John Gilbert to Edward Dalziel.  “…my mind and time is almost entirely occupied with a large and heavy work which presents difficulties and anxieties I never had felt before…” Inscribed on the recto of the upper flyleaf: “/ Harriet Dalziel/ 19th June 1857/” A bookseller’s slip states the binding to be by Hayday [i.e. James Hayday].  The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and black


Harold Wright:


James Hayday:

Glit edges. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. The turn-ins are blocked with two black fillets. Red morocco. Both covers are blocked identically. There are groups of three fillets blocked in black on the borders, which form a square and a small diamond in each corner. Inside each square, a single leaf and small stem s is blocked in gold. Small repeating arabesques , blocked in black, form the inner border. The spine is divided into six panels by cords, and there are three fillets blocked in black acorss the spine, above and below each cord. On the centre of each of these panels is the same single leaf and small stems, blocked in gold. Panel two has the title: “/ The/ Book/ of Job/””, blocked in gold. At the tail, the word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in gold.

 Record no. 1663

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.30

de Beaumont: G2

Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection: 1852: 554.d.53; RB.23.b.5234 ;


Boyle, Eleanor Vere. Child’s play. Seventeen drawings by E. V. B. London: Addey and Co. Old bond Street. [London] Printed at Appel’s Anastatic Press. [1852]. Unpaginated. 17 plates, printed on recto only, with verse incorporated into each plate. Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ Diana Fussell (?)/ from/ Richard C. Boyle/ January 1852/ [rule]/”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso and on a separate paper slip. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.



Binding: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Gilt edges Bevelled boards. The end bands are of red and white cord. Full morocco. The edges are tooled with a single fillet. The turn-ins are tooled with a “zig-zag” and leaf repeating patterns. Both covers are blocked identically in gold with elaborate outer and inner frames formed by fillets and roll tool patterns. On the centre of the upper cover, the words: “/ Child’s Play./ [rile]/ By E. V. B./” are blocked in gold in Gothic lettering. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked across the spine at the head. Two fillets are blocked across the spine at the tail. It is divided into six panels by raised cords. Each panel is formed by a single gold fillet and repeating gold dots. Inside each, gold dots, four small circles and a small flower are blocked in gold.

Record no. 1664

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.31

de Beaumont: G3

Shelfmark(s):1877: C.194.b.156

Boyle, Eleanor Vere. A New Child’s play. Sixteen drawings by E. V. B. London: Sampson, Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington, Crown Buildings, 188, Fleet Street, 1877. [London:] Elzevir Press: - Printed by John C. Wilkins, 9, Castle Street, Chancery Lane. Unpaginated. 16  plates, printed on recto only, with verse incorporated into each plate; additionally, the verse is printed on a preceding page recto, together with the plate number. Plate 16 is bound in as the frontispiece. The List of Contents states: “Photographed from the Original Drawings, and printed by the Heliotype process.” Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ To Alfred/ With Joshua’s love and best wishes/ South Norwood. July 15th 1882/ [rule]/”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso . The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind


Binding: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Gilt edges. Green fine rib diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders, with a repeating ‘leaf and diamond’ pattern blocked between two fillets. Inside this a single fillet in blind forms the inner border. On the centre of the upper cover, the words: “/ A New/Child’s – Play./ [decorated rule]/ EVB [as a monogram]/” are blocked in gold. The spine is not blocked.

 Record no. 1665

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.32

de Beaumont: G4

BL Shelfmark(s): 1871 - Music Collections F.361.a.; 1875 - Music Collections B.1176.r.

Christmas Carols New and Old. The words edited by Henry Ramsden. The Music edited by John Stainer. With illustrations, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. [Device of Novello, Ewer & Co.] London: George Routledge and Sons, the Broadway, Ludgate; Novello, Ewer and Co., Berners Street, W., and 35 Poultry, E. C. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, Engravers and Printers Camden Press, [1871]. [8], 94p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The List of Contents states the illustrators as: Arthur Hughes, T. Dalziel [i.e. Thomas Dalziel], W. J. Wiegand, F. A. Fraser [i. e. Francis Arthur Fraser], Francis Walker [probably Francis S. Walker], P. Hundley, John Leighton, J. B. Zwecker [i. e. Johann Baptist Zwecker], E. G. Dalziel [i. e. probably Edward Gurden Dalziel], J. Mahoney [i. e. James Mahoney]. The frontispiece plate is signed “AH” [ i.e. Arthur Hughes], and “Dalziel”. The bookplate of Edward Dalziel is on the front pastedown. The bookplate of Gilbert Edward Standen is also tipped onto the front pastedown. A letter, dated 24 Dec [no year] from Effie C. Millais to Mr Dalziel is tipped in at the front. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Archive: “1871 nos. 570-613". An article from the “Times” of Saturday, December 22, 1923, entitled: “Christmas Music” is tipped on to the rear endpaper. A bookseller’s catalogue description of this work is tipped on to the head of the lower pastedown. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and black and blind.

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. It has two fillets blocked on the borders, and an inner border showing a ‘Renaissance frame’ in outline. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Three fillets are blocked on the borders, one in gild, between two blocked in black. The same ‘Renaissance frame’ has small filigree decoration blocked in gold, each with black blocking and repeating gold dots, on the borders. Medallions separate each border portion, and each features an angel putto, with four wings surround the head, and two wings underneath. The central rectangle has black and gold decoration on its borders. It shows the Virgin Mary, standing, and the Christ Child in her arms, each with a halo blocked in gold, against a black background. The title words: “/ Christmas Carols/” and: “/ New and Old/” are blocked in gold within rectangular cartouches blocked a the head and at the tail, each bordered with a single gold fillet and small decoration blocked in black. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. Five gold fillets are blocked across the spine at the head and at the tail, the innermost of which has repeating gold dots between them. Much of the spine has fine filigree decoration blocked in gold. Pairs of black fillets blocked across the spine have the title words: “/ Carols/ New/ [an Angel’s head as on the front cover]/ and/ Old/”.

Record no. 1666

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.33

de Beaumont: G5


Bryant, William Cullen. Poems. Collected and arranged by the Author. Illustrated with seventy-one Engravings, from Drawings by Eminent Artists. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 346 and 348 Broadway, [1854.] [London:] R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill. xv, 344p.  The List of Illustrations states the illustrators as: T. Dalziel [i.e. Thomas Dalziel], Birket Foster [i.e. Miles Birket Foster], William Harvey, J. R. Clayton [i.e. John Richard Clayton], J. Tenniel [i.e. John Tenniel], F. R. Pickersgill [i.e. Frederick Richard Pickersgill], G. Duncan [i.e. probably Edward Duncan] , Harrison Weir [i.e. William Harrison Weir], Edward Dalziel. All Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. The bookplate of Robert Brydall is on the front pastedown. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. His note on Brydall reads: “Robert Brydall was at St. George’s Art School, Glasgow & wrote ‘Early Sculpture in Scotland’, [Glasgow : Printed by Robert Anderson] 1888’.” There is a copy of this work in Glasgow University. Robin de Beaumont has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Archive: “1857 nos. 1170-1240". The frontispiece is a portrait of William Bryant, with his signature. It is drawn by Thomas Dalziel, after a picture by Samuel Lawrence. The illustration is signed: “/ Samuel Lawrence/ Delt 1856/” The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and relief.

Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns.  Dark purple coarse pebble-grain cloth. The same design has been blocked on both covers, in blind and in relief on the lower, and in gold and relief on the upper cover. A border of rose stems, rose buds and rose flowers is blocked on the borders between two gold fillets. Inside this, a pattern of rose branches, rose stems, rose buds, rose flowers is blocked in gold; all of these are in relief, with diamond-shaped lattice work blocked in relief between the rose decoration. All are blocked around the central rectangle, which is formed by ‘branch like’ gold fillets, which form straps at its head and at its tail. On the centre, the words: “/ Bryants/ Poems/” are blocked in gold, in ‘branch-like’ letters. The spine is blocked in gold. A single ‘branch-like’ gold fillet is blocked on its perimeter. From tail to head, rose branches, stems buds and flowers are blocked in gold, with the branches forming two ovals  on the lower half of the spine, and another oval in the middle. Within the middle oval, the words: “/ Bryants [in a semi-circle]/ Poems/” are blocked in gold in ‘branch-like’ letters.

Record no. 1667

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.34

de Beaumont: G6

BL Shelfmark(s): 11565.f.37.

Buchanan, Robert. Ballad Stories of the Affections. From the Scandinavian. With illustrations by G.J. Pinwell [i.e. George John Pinwell], W. Small [i.e. William Small], A.B. Houghton [i.e. Arthur Boyd Houghton], E. Dalziel [i.e. Edward Dalziel], T. Dalziel [i.e. Thomas Dalziel], J. Lawson [i.e. John Lawson] & J.D. Watson [i.e John Dawson Watson]. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: George Routledge & Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, [1866]. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press. [1], xiv,174p. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso, and on a separate slip of paper. Robin de Beaumont has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Archive: “Vol. XVIII nos. 895-929”. A letter from Robert Buchanan to Dalziel [Brothers?] is tipped onto the from endpaper recto. It is from Étretat, France and is dated: “ Dec 19th [1865?]”. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.



Albert Warren.

Binding: The design is attributed to Albert Warren. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ W. Bone & Son./ 76, Fleet St./ London E.C./". [Ball no. 17D.] Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in gold on the borders. Between these fillets, a repeating pattern of half-circles and dotted stems is blocked in gold. The central vignette is blocked in gold and in relief. It shows an oval formed by border fillets, with three-leaved groups blocked at the head and at the base. The words: "/Ballad Stories/ of the/ Affections/ Robert Buchanan/ Illustrated/" are blocked in relief within five rectangular gold lettering-pieces, with the title being blocked in gothic letters. Behind and between these, a diamond pattern is blocked in gold, with single leaves blocked in relief inside each diamond. Signed "W" in relief within a diamond near the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets; a panel, formed by two zig-zag gold fillets and hatched gold triangles; four gold fillets; a panel formed by two gold fillets, with small decoration at its head and tail; within this panel are blocked: 1. a pattern of diamonds with small leaves blocked in gold inside each diamond 2. the title: "/ Ballad/ Stories/ of the/ Affections/" are blocked in gold in gothic letters; the words: "/ Robert/ Buchanan/" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by two gold fillets; signed "W" in gold within a circle formed by two gold fillets; the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet, which has "scroll" ends; at the tail, two gold fillets; "/ Routledge/" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece; two gold fillets.

The British Library copy is at shelf mark: 11565f37. This copy was acquired with a date of 14 OCT[OBER] [19]22. Another copy of this work is at British Library shelf mark 11565.f.9. This is the copyright copy dated 8 JA[NUARY 18]67. The 1869 edition of this work published by Sampson, Low is at British Library shelf mark 01157f4. If has original binding: gilt edges, brown endpapers and pastedowns, green ungrained cloth, with decoration in blind and relief to both covers, and the title in gold on the upper cover.

Record no. 1668

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.35

de Beaumont: G7

BL Shelfmark(s): 11651.g.13.


Buchanan, Robert William. North coast and other poems. With illustrations by J. Wolf [i.e. Joseph Wolf], A.B. Houghton [i.e Arthur Boyd Houghton], W. Small [i.e William Small], T. Dalziel [i.e. Thomas Dalziel], G.J. Pinwell [i.e. George John Pinwell] , E. Dalziel [i.e Edward Dalziel], J.B. Zwecker [i.e. Johan Baptist Zwecker]. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: George Routledge and Sons, The Broadway, Ludgate. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press, 1868. xv, 250p. With six pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. A Dalziel Fine Art Gift book. There are two letters from Buchanan to the Dalziel Brothers, tipped onto the front endpaper. The frontispiece illustration is by William Small. Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto: “To Gordon Dalziel/ from his uncles/ Dalziel Brothers/ Sept 1889/”. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief

BL copy at 11651g13

[Ball, VPB, 53E; King, VDTB, p. 269.]

Binding: The design is not signed. Text sewn on three tapes. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge/”. Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in blind and in relief. Two sets of triangular patterns are blocked on the borders in gold. On the left hand corner, a rectangular green sand-grain cloth on lay is blocked in gold with Celtic zoomorphic designs and other small decoration picked out in relief. The title words “/ North coast/” are blocked in relief within this on lay. At each end of the on lay, more Celtic zoomorphic decoration is blocked in gold. The inner panel is offset to the right of the cover, and is formed by blocking in blind to highlight more Celtic patterns near the top, and a Greek fret pattern within diamonds near the bottom – all picked out in relief. Up the sides of this panel, repeating dots are blocked in relief. The title words: “/ and other/” are blocked in gold near the top of this panel. At the centre of the panel, a rectangular green sand-grain on lay is pasted. Within it, the title word: “/ Poems/” is blocked in relief, with the capital “P” having elaborate circular serif endings, and with small line decoration blocked in relief beneath this word. The word :”/ by/” is blocked in gold, surrounded by a small stem decoration blocked in relief. The words: “/ Robert Buchanan/” are blocked in relief with a rectangular gold panel. Beneath this, a line of repeating dots is blocked in gold with a rectangular green panel. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head, a ‘twisted string’ pattern is blocked in gold. Beneath this, a square green sand-grain cloth on lay is pasted, with four circles blocked in gold, with ‘flower petal’ decoration being picked out in gold within these. Beneath these, a rectangular gold panel is formed by a single gold fillet, with repeating crossed lines forming a zig-zag pattern, in gold. The title and author words: “/ North/ coast/ and other/ Poems/ by [in relief within a rectangular gold panel with decoration in relief]/ Rob. Buchanan/” are blocked in gold, with the capital letters “N” and “P” being elaborated. Below the title, the word “/Illustrated/” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold panel, which has ‘crossed line’ decoration above and below it blocked in gold. Below this a rectangular panel is formed by two fillets blocked in gold; within it, a rectangular green sand-grain on lay is pasted. Inside it, more Celtic zoomorphic patterns are blocked in gold and in relief. Near the tail, word “/Routledge/” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold panel. At the tail, a pattern of ‘knotted string’ is blocked in gold.

 Record no. 1669

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.37

de Beaumont: G8

BL Shelfmark(s): 

Bunyan, John. The Pilgrim’s progress: illustrated by forty designs by David Scott, etched by William B. Scott [i.e. William Bell Scott]. London: A. Fullarton & Co. [1851?]. No pagination. [1, 40] plates. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. He has noted: “ECB July 1851.” Another pencilled note on the front endpaper verso reads: “Proof  Illusts”. Many of the plates are signed: “David Scott” and “W B Scott”, together with his monogram. Those plates without printed captions have the captions written in pencil. The title page has an illustration on the centre, possibly of John Bunyan. The first plate has the caption: “Christian’s Distress upon reading “The Book”.” The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Binding: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Half leather binding. Pink paper is pasted on the covers. There is no blocking on either cover. The spine appears to have blocking, but it is indistinct.

 Record no. 1670

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.38

de Beaumont: G9

BL Shelf mark(s): Fullarton 1868, D-4415.k.14.

Bunyan, John. The Pilgrim’s progress with sixty-five original illustrations by David and William B. Scott; a life of the author by the Rev. J. M. Wilson.; and explanatory notes abridged from the Rev. Thomas Scott. London and Edinburgh: A. Fullarton &  Co. [1860] Edinburgh: Fullarton and Macnab, printers, Leith Walk. Part I.  Christian the Pilgrim, with forty Original Illustrations by David Scott. xlviii, 147p. 40 plates. Part II. Christian and her children. With Twenty-five original illustrations by William B. Scott. 9-137p. 25 plates.  The title page of the [1851 proof] copy is now the half title page with the words “Part first” added at the head. The half title page has an illustration on the centre, possibly of John Bunyan. There is also a frontispiece portrait, captioned: “/ John Bunyan./ Engraved by R. Young after a drawing in the British Museum/.” The first plate of part I has the caption: “Christian’s Distress upon reading “The Book”.” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. Another pencilled note on the second front endpaper verso reads: “/ n.d. c.1860. 1st ed. [thus?]/ Pres[entation] copy from publisher/ in Pub[lisher’s] full morocco binding/”. Another note on the same leaf reads: “/ To Miss Jessie Mills Henderson,/ with kind regards & best wishes/ from her affectionate friend/ John A. Fullarton./ Edinburgh 19th July 1863./”


Gold and blind.

Binding: The Text has been over sewn. Gilt and gauffered edges. Full green morocco binding. The same design is blocked on both covers. On the borders, three fillets are blocked in blind, the middle of which has a ‘ribbon’ curling around it. The inner rectangle is formed by a single fillet. There is a circle on each inner corner, formed by a single fillet blocked in blind. Each has a eight pointed star blocked in gold in its middle. Four circular fillets form the central oval. The words: “/ The/ Pilgrims/ progress/ [four point star]/ Illustrated by/ David & W. B. Scott/ [four point star]/” are blocked in gold. The spine is a hollow back and is blocked in gold. Raised bands and groups of three gold fillets across the spine form six panels. Panels one, three, five and sixhave elaborate symmetrical small tool decoration. Panel two has the title: “/ The/ Pilgrims/ Progress/” blocked in gold. Panel four has the words: “/ Illustrated/ by/ D. & W. B. Scott/” blocked in gold.

 Record no. 1671

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,1104.5

de Beaumont: G10

BL Shelf mark(s): Nisbet 1854: 1113.b.45; 1857: 4417.i.36.

Bunyan, John. The Pilgrim’s Progress from this world to that which is to come. Delivered under the Similitude of a Dream. With twenty illustrations drawn by George Thomas [i.e. George Housman Thomas] and engraved by W. L Thomas [i. e William Luson Thomas]. London: James Nisbet and Co., 21 Berners Street. 1857. Edinburgh, printed by Ballantyne and Company, Paul’s work. Xii, 223p. 20 plates. The frontispiece plate has the caption: “/ The hill difficulty./” It is signed: “W. Thomas Sc.” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the prize label recto. The Prize label is in Latin, and awarded to Johanni [i.e. John] S. Amery, and dated 13 [June/July] 1860. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

Binding: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns.  Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Westleys/ & Co/ London/” [Ball no. 103C.] Red bead-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief, apart from the upper cover central vignette. Elaborate fillet work ton borders; Fillets form three medallions blocked on the upper and lower centre of each cover. Within the medallions, small curling stem, and leaf and bud decoration is blocked in relief. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows the figure [of Christian?] striding though a wood, a staff in his hands, surmounted by a cross. A large serpent is coiled around branches adjacent to him. Small creatures of the wood are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked across the spine at the head and at the tail. Two gold fillets are blocked on the perimeter of the spine. From the head downwards, the decoration is:   a crown surmounting a pointed arch; the words: “/ The/ Pilgrims/ Progress/ by [ within a small circle gold lettering-piece]/ John Bunyan/” are blocked in relief within five rectangular gold lettering-pieces.; A plumed helmet is atop a wooden staff; a shield with a cross and a sword across it; small curling stem and ivy-like leaves surround these motifs; signed “JL” as separate letters with a ‘spade-shape’ formed by gold fillets/ the word “/ illustrated/” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has a single gold fillet blocked on its perimeter. The British Library copy as at  shelf mark 4417.i.36. This is bound in different cloth (sand-grain) by Westleys, and has different blocking on the covers, but the same spine design.

Record no. 1672

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.39

de Beaumont: G11

BL Shelf mark(s): 4416.k.1.

Bunyan, John. Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. With illustrations by Charles Bennett and a Preface by the Rev. Charles Kingsley. London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts,1860. London: Printed by Spottiswoode and Co. New-Street Square. xxxv, 399p. 45 plates. All of the plates are signed with Bennett’s monogram “CHB”. The frontispiece plate is of John Bunyan. Every illustration, with its caption and additional quoted text, together with illustrations within the text, not on separate plates, is described in the “List of Illustrations”, which also states: “The Woodcuts engraved by Joseph Swain.” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. Inscribed on the front endpaper verso: “/ Dorothy Holland/ March 1910/” The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Brown morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in gold, in blind and in relief with an identical design. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders, with a pattern of repeating hearts blocked in relief within the fillet. Each cover is divided into nine panels by fillets blocked in blind. The eight outer panels all have stem and leaves and flowers blocked in relief. The central panel is blocked in gold and in relief. At its head a small butterfly is blocked in gold. A sword is blocked in gold from the base to the head of the vignette, with a roundhead's helmet and a cross blocked on its point. The words: "/ The Pilgrim's Progress/ Illustrated by C.H. Bennett/" are blocked in relief within three ribbon-shaped gold lettering-pieces. Crossed leaf and stem decoration is blocked in gold between and around the lower two ribbons. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram underneath "C.H. Bennett". Four pansy-like plants are blocked in gold at the base of the vignette. Small stars in gold surround all of the decoration. The spine is blocked in gold, in blind and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold fillet, with a pattern of repeating hearts, blocked in relief within it; The words: "/ The/ Pilgrim's Progress/ Illustrated/ by C.H. Bennett/" are blocked in relief within a shell-shaped gold lettering-piece; interlocking broad stems are blocked in relief downwards, to hear the tail; near the tail, a gold fillet is blocked, with a pattern of repeating hearts, blocked in relief within it. The British Library copy is at 4416.k.1.

Record no. 1673

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.40

de Beaumont: G12

BL Shelf mark(s): 1861: D-4415.i.24.

Bunyan, John. The Pilgrim’s Progress from this world to that which is to come. A new edition, with a memoir, and notes, by George Offor. Illustrated with one hundred and ten designs by J. D. Watson [i. e. John Dawson Watson], engraved on wood by the Brothers Dalziel. [Device of George Routledge is on the title page verso.]  London: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, Farringdon Street. New York: 56, Walker Street. London: Richard Clay, Bread St. Hill, 1861. [6], xxii, 408p. The frontispiece is a portrait of Bunyan, signed: “Dalziel” Many of the illustrations are signed with the monogram “JDW” and “Dalziel. The illustration on page 113 is entitled: “Vanity Fair” and has a good example of Dawson’s monogram.  Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the frontispiece plate recto. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Archive: “1860. Nos 1250-1360, with costs. Total cost of wood engraving £1702.7.9d.” The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

Goldman VIB no.40.

Ball, VPB, p.

Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. The upper endpaper is missing. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge/" [Ball no. 53D.] Maroon morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold, in blind and in relief. On the borders are: 1.  three gold fillets, the middle being thicker, with repeating dots blocked in relief within it; 2. a pattern of flowers, blocked in relief; 3. as for 1, which forms the inner rectangle. On each inner corner, circles are formed by two gold fillets. Hatch gold leaves are blocked inside each circle. The central oval is formed by: 1. two gold fillets, the inner of which has repeating dots blocked within it; 2. a repeating pattern of leaves blocked in relief; 3. two gold fillets, the outer of which has repeating dots blocked within in relief. Leaves and flowers are blocked in vertical gold hatch at the head, at the tail and on each side of the central oval. The inner oval is a light purple ungrained cloth on lay; the oval is recessed, with two thin gold fillets blocked on its borders. A pattern of stems, of leaves and of flowers is blocked on the on lay in relief, with the flower petals being of vertical hatch gold and the flower stamens being gold dots. The title: "/ The/ Pilgrim's/ Progress/" is blocked in gold on the centre. Signed "RD" [i.e Robert Dudley] in relief at the base of the recessed oval. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. On the borders, three gold fillets are blocked, the middle having repeating dots blocked in relief within it. The spine is divided into eight panels by groups of three fillets blocked horizontally, the middle of which has repeating dots blocked in relief within it. From the head, the decoration in the panels is: 1. bunches of flowers, blocked in relief; 2. the words: "/ The/ Pilgrim's/ Progress/ [decorative device]/ Bunyan/" are blocked in gold, within an oval formed by two gold fillets; 3. bunches of flowers; 4. stems and flowers, blocked in gold within an oval - all in gold; 5. the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold; 6. repeating hatch leaves are blocked in gold within a circle formed by two gold fillets; 7. the words: "/ Geo. Routledge & Co./" are blocked  in gold; 8. a single fillet is blocked in relief at the tail. Unsigned.

Record no. 1674

Museum number BM 1992,0406.42 

de Beaumont: G13

BL Shelf mark(s): 1866: 4414.k.22.

Bunyan, John. The Pilgrim’s Progress from this world to that which is to come. A new edition, with a memoir of the Author by H. W. Dulcken [i.e. Henry William Dulcken]. With one hundred illustrations by Thomas Dalziel. London: Ward, Lock, and Tyler, 158 Fleet Street, and 107 Dorset Street, Salisbury Square, [1866]. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press. xix,304p. 1 plate. The larger illustrations are signed with the monogram “TD” [i.e. Thomas Dalziel] and “Dalziel”.

The frontispiece has the caption: “ The shepherds, whose names were Knowledge, Experience, Watchful and Sincere, took/ them by the hand, and had them to their tents, and made them partake of/ what was ready at present./”; the plate is signed with the monogram “TD” and “Dalziel” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the half title page recto. He has noted the following “In fact, from the Dalziel Archive, this is an enlarged edition of the [1863] version, Dalziel Archive 1863 [nos.] 612-715; 1866 [nos.] 487-512].” Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ The First Prize for Arithmetic/ awarded to/ Miss Harriet Wright/ by Dr. Dulcken/ 23 [or 29] Sunderland Terrace/ [Midsn] 1868/”. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Bookseller’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ T. & M. Kennard/ Ancient and Modern/ Booksellers./ Leamington Spa./” Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically, in blind on the lower, and in gold on the upper. On the borders, two gold fillets are blocked and a repeating pattern of ‘elongated diamonds and straps’. An inner border consists of repeating ‘fleur-de-lis’ with circles and dots between them signifying flower buds. On the centre, the Vignette shows us a [Celtic?] warrior standing upon two dragon like creatures. His right hand clasps an upright sword; his left hand holds a shield, which is decorated with small Celtic ornament, picked out in relief. The words are blocked: “/ Bunyan’s [ in a semi-circle above the warrior, within a lettering-piece formed by a single gold fillet]/ Pilgrims Progress.[on each side of the warrior]/ Illustrated [ within a rectangular lettering-piece formed by a single gold fillet]/”The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on its perimeter.  From the head downwards, the decoration is: gold fillets forming an arch, which has small decoration in gold and within which a seven-pointed crown is blocked, each point having a star; the title words: “/ Bunyan’s [in a semi-circle]/ Pilgrim’s/ Progress/” are blocked in relief within three gold lettering pieces, each of which has a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders; the word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in gold; the lower half of the spine shows a shepherd’s staff, a het and a water bottle, with a dragon curled up its length – all surrounded by stars; near the tail, the words: / London/ Ward, Lock & Tyler/” are blocked in gold with two gold fillets above and below blocked across the spine; at the tail, small decoration of ‘three leaf and two dots’ motif is blocked in gold.

Record no. 1675

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.46

de Beaumont: G14

BL Shelf mark(s): 1858: 1347.h.6.

Burns, Robert. Poems and Songs. Illustrated with numerous engravings. London: Bell and Daldy, 186, Fleet Street; Edinburgh: J. Menzies, 1858. London: Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill. xvi, 272p. The monogram of Joseph Cundall is printed on the verso of the title page. The frontispiece plate is signed: “B. Foster” and E. Evans. The caption is in verse: “/ As I gaed down the water-side,/ There I met my shepherd lad,/ He row’d me sweetly in his plaid,/ An’ he called me his dearie./” The illustration on page 58 is signed: “S. Edmonston”.  In the [list of] Illustrations, the artists are stated to be: C. W. Cope [ i.e. Charles West Cope], Harrison Weir [i.e. William Harrison Weir], J. C. Horsley [i.e. John Callcott Horsley], Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], J. Archer [i.e. James Archer], S. Edmonston [i.e. probably Samuel Edmonston], George Thomas, Alex. Johnston [i.e. Alexander Johnston], J. Drummond [i.e. James Drummond], F. W. Topham [i.e. Francis William Topham]. The engravers are listed as: E. Evans[ i.e. Edmund Evans], Hammond, J. Cooper [i.e. James Davis Cooper], T. Bolton [i.e.  Thomas Bolton], J. Greenaway [i.e. John Greenaway], W. Wright [i.e. possibly John William Wright], H. Harral [i.e. Horace Harral], W. J. Linton [i.e. William James Linton]. The ornaments and tail-pieces [by] W. H. Rogers [ i.e. William Harry Rogers], engraved by Edmund Evans.  Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso, and on a separate paper slip. He states in his notes that this is “Albert Warren signed binding”. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and relief


Ball VPB p.163,166. States that this design was signed on the spine.,_James_Davis_(DNB12) [portrait of John Greenaway at work]

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. . Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge./ Shoe Lane/ London/” [Ball no. 53A.] Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically, in blind and in relief on the lower, and in gold and in relief on the upper.  The design is "Renaissance panel". There is a horizontal hatch fillet blocked in gold on the borders, with clasps on each corner. Roundels and scrollwork are blocked on the corners in gold and in relief. Cartouches are blocked on the sides, the head and the tail in gold and in relief, with stem a leaf decoration blocked in relief within them. Plant stem and leaf decoration is blocked in relief between all the above. The central rectangle has two fillets blocked in hatch gold on its perimeter,with a pattern of repeating diamonds between the fillets. The central oval has a border of scrollwork. The words:"/ Poems/ and/ songs/ by/ Robt.  Burns/" are blocked in relief within the central oval – all surrounded by filigree work picked out in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on its perimeter, together with a gold hatch fillet. At the head and at the tail, a single roundel is blocked, with the same design as for the upper cover. The oval panel near the middle of the spine is a gold lettering-piece, in which the words: “/ Poems/ and/ songs/ Robt Burns/” are blocked in relief – all surrounded by filigree work blocked in relief. Below this oval, a cartouche is blocked, the same as for the upper cover.

The British Library copy is at shelf mark 1347.h.6. It has the original lower cover of brown pebble-grain cloth, used as a doublure.

Robin de Beaumont BM entries;   my record nos.  1676 to 1700

Record no. 1676

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.47

de Beaumont: G15

BL Shelf mark(s): 1868: 11651.i.17.

Burns, Robert. Poems and Songs. With original illustrations by R. Herdman, Gourlay Steell, Waller H. Paton [i,e. Waller Hugh Paton], Mrs. D. O. Hill [i.e Amelia Robertson Hill, second wife of D. O. Hill, nee Amelia Robertson Paton, sister of Sir Noel Paton and Waller Hugh Paton] , Samuel Bough, John McWhirter, and other eminent Scottish artists. Engraved by R. Paterson [i.e. possibly Robert Paterson]. Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo, 1868. Edinburgh: Printed by R. & R. Clark. xviii, 336p. In the [list of] Illustrations, the artists, not mentioned on the title page, are stated to be: J. Lawson [i.e. John Lawson], Miss A. E. MacWhirter, [.i.e. Agnes Eliza McWhirter], E. J. Douglas [i.e. Edwin James Douglas], George Hay, J. Cassie [i.e. James Cassie], Clark Stanton [i.e. George Clark Stanton], D.O. Hill, [i.e. David Octavius Hill], J. O. Brown, C. A. Doyle [i.e. Charles Altamont Doyle], W. F. Vallance [i.e. William Fleming Vallance], J. B. Macdonald [i.e. John Blake Macdonald], W. McTaggart [i.e. William McTaggart], W. E. Lockhart [i.e. William Ewart Lockhart]. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down. Inscribed on the half title page recto: “H. P. Gillard/ Camb: Oct/[18]87./”


Gold only [David Octavius Hill] [William Ewart Lockhart],_John_%28DNB12%29

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. Coloured head and tail bands. Full red morocco, with roll tool gilt patterns on the turn-ins. Both covers are blocked identically in gold. Three gold fillets are blocked on the outer borders. A single thin, gold dotted fillet is blocked to form the inner border, with a group of thistles blocked on each corner. The title: “/ Poems and songs./ [ decorative rule]/ Robert Burns./” are blocked in gold in semi-circular fashion. The spine is divided into six panels by raised bands. Panels one, and three to six are identically blocked in gold: a single dotted fillet forms a rectangle with a thistle at each corner, and a group of five thistle heads and three thistle leaves, centred within the panel. Panel two has the title: “/ Poems & Songs/ [rile]/ Robert Burns/”




 Record no. 1677

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.62

de Beaumont: G16

BL Shelf mark(s): General Reference Collection 12490.h.2.

General Reference Collection Cerv.266.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Adventures of Don Quixote de la Mancha. Translated by Charles Jarvis. With one hundred illustrations by A. B. Houghton [i.e. Arthur Boyd Houghton]. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: Frederick Warne and Company, Bedford Street, Covent Garden, 1866. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press. xiii,710p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece is signed: “A B Houghton” and “Dalziel”. It shows Don Quixote astride his horse, Rocinante. It is captioned: ““/ O happy era, happy age” he continued, “when my glorious deeds shall be revealed to the/ world! Deeds worthy of being engraven on brass and sculptured in marble!”” / Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso.  He has noted the following original plates are in the Dalziel Archive for 1865, nos.899-997. He suggests that this copy is the first issue, with the word “Illustrated” blocked on the spine, and with a prize presentation label dated Christmas 1865. A paper label is pasted on the front pastedown,, with the inscription: “/ Testimonial of High Merit/ (Grade 15th)/ awarded to/ Walter Barron/ Aged 14/ Bruce Castle, Christmas/ 1865./” The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief

Binding: Gilt edges, Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns.  Green sand-grain cloth. Apart from the central vignette on the upper cover, both covers are blocked with an identical design. This is in blind and relief on the lower cover and in  gold and relief on the upper cover. On the upper cover, two fillets are blocked in gold on the borders, with a single, wider fillet between them, and this has repeating dots blocked in relief within it. Straps and squares are blocked on each corner in gold. An elaborate pattern of arabesques is blocked on the sides, the head and the tail, which forms the central frame. The central vignette is a vertical hatch gold lettering-piece, with elaborate borders, formed by two fillets. The words: “/ Don/ Quixote/ Illustrated/” blocked in relief within the vignette, each within three rectangular cartouche shaped gold lettering-pieces, each with a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders. Between and around these words, small stem and bud decoration is blocked in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration  is: hatch gold leaves blocked at the head; an elaborate arabesque gold lettering-piece, within which, the words: “/ Dalziel’s/ Don/ Quixote/” are blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each of which has a single fillet blocked in gold on its borders; strap work and hatch gold leaves are blocked in gold down the spine; the word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed buy a single gold fillet; at the tail, the words: “/ F. Warne & Co./” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece with rounded ends, and gold fillets blocked on its borders.

Record no. 1678

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.63

de Beaumont: G17

BL Shelf mark(s): General Reference Collection 12490.h.2.

General Reference Collection Cerv.266.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Adventures of Don Quixote de la Mancha. Translated by Charles Jarvis. With one hundred illustrations by A. B. Houghton [i.e. Arthur Boyd Houghton]. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: Frederick Warne and Company, Bedford Street, Covent Garden, 1866. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press. xiii,710p.With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece is signed: “A B Houghton” and “Dalziel”. It shows Don Quixote astride his horse, Rocinante. It is captioned: “/ O happy era, happy age” he continued, “when my glorious deeds shall be revealed to the/ world! Deeds worthy of being engraven on brass and sculptured in marble!”/ Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief

Binding: A variant binding of 1992,0406.62. Gilt edges, Bevelled boards. Green endpapers and pastedowns.  Green sand-grain cloth. Apart from the central vignette on the upper cover, both covers are blocked with an identical design. This is in blind and relief on the lower cover and in  gold and relief on the upper cover. On the upper cover, two fillets are blocked in gold on the borders, with a single, wider fillet between them, and this has repeating dots blocked in relief within it. Straps and squares are blocked on each corner in gold. An elaborate pattern of arabesques is blocked on the sides, the head and the tail, which forms the central frame. The central vignette is a vertical hatch gold lettering-piece, with elaborate borders, formed by two fillets. The words: “/ Don/ Quixote/ Illustrated/” blocked in relief within the vignette, each within three rectangular cartouche shaped gold lettering-pieces, each with a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders. Between and around these words, small stem and bud decoration is blocked in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration  is: hatch gold leaves blocked at the head; an elaborate arabesque gold lettering-piece, within which, the words: “/ Don/ Quixote/” are blocked in relief within two rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each of which has a single fillet blocked in gold on its borders; strap work and hatch gold leaves are blocked in gold down the spine; the word: “/ Dalziel’s Edition/” are blocked in relief  within a gold blocked rectangular cartouche, with gold fillets blocked on its borders; at the tail, the words: “/ F. Warne & Co./” are blocked in relief within a rectangular cartouche gold lettering-, and gold fillets blocked on its borders.




Record no. 1679

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.68

de Beaumont: G18

BL Shelf mark(s): 1347.i.16.

Cook, Eliza. Poems. Selected and Edited by the Author. Illustrated by John Gilbert, J.Wolf [i. e Joseph Wolf], H.Weir [i.e. William Harrison Weir], J.D.Watson [i.e. John Dawson Watson], etc., etc. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: Routledge, Warne, & Routledge, Farringdon Street; and 56, Walker Street, New York, 1861. London: Printed by Richard Clay. Bread Street Hill. viii,408p. In the “List of Illustrations” on pages v-vi, additional artists providing illustrations are: Johann Baptist Zwecker, Richard Principal Leitch, Edward Duncan, R.Pheney [i.e probably Richard Pheney], S. Read [i.e. probably Samuel Read], H. H. Armistead. The frontispiece is a portrait of Eliza Cook, frpom a photograph after John Watkins, engraved by F. Holl. The Illustration on page 59 is after John Gilbert, engraved by Dalziel. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. He has noted the following original plates are in the Dalziel Archive for 1860, nos.1126-1206. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and  relief

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. ‘Victorian publishers’ bindings’. (London, Library Association, 1985), Appendix E, ‘Nineteenth Century Edition binders’ Signatures, p. 176.

King, Edmund M.B. The Book Cover Designs of John Leighton, F.S.A.  In:  The British Library Journal, vol.24, no.2.Autumn 1998, p. 238.

McLean, Ruari. Victorian publishers’ book-bindings in cloth and leather. London, Gordon Fraser, 1974, p. 85.

Pantazzi, Sybille. John Leighton, 1822-1912. A versatile Victorian designer: his designs for book covers. In The Connoisseur, Vol. 152, April 1963, p. 268.

Binding: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Edmonds & Remnants,/ [rule]/ London/." [Ball no. 31A2] Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in gold and in relief. Three gold fillets are blocked on the borders. Inside this are: 1. a border of three fillets, with repeating dots blocked in gold, between the first and second fillets 2. a border fillet blocked in blind on the sides and on the tail 3. a border of five fillets, with repeating dots blocked in gold between the second and the third fillets. Straps are formed on each corner by these multiple fillets and dots. A raised pattern of gold hatch ivy leaves and stems surround the centre. The centre circle is formed by multiple gold fillets, with more elaborate straps blocked above and below it on the centre head and on the centre tail. The centre circle has fillets blocked in gold on its borders, and inside, there are three hatch gold lettering-pieces containing lily-like flowers. Also within the circle, a trefoil is formed by three fillets blocked in gold, the middle of which has repeating dots blocked in relief. The words "/ Poems/ by/ Eliza Cook/" are blocked in relief within three gold lettering-pieces with single gold fillets blocked on their borders. Hatch gold decoration surrounds these lettering-pieces. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters underneath the title. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked on the perimeter. Three groups of elaborate straps are blocked in gold on the head, the middle and near the tail. Each is formed by two gold fillets with repeating gold dots blocked between them. On the upper part of the spine, the words: "/ Poems/ by/ Eliza/ Cook/" are blocked in relief within four rectangular gold lettering-pieces - all being blocked within hatch horizontal gold panel. Beneath this, the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders - both blocked within gold hatch decoration. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters near the tail. At the tail, the words: "/ Routledge & Co./" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders - both blocked within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet. The British Library copy of this work is at shelf mark 1347.i.16.

Record no. 1680

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.71

de Beaumont: G19

BL Shelf mark(s):C.194.a.284.

Cowper, William. The Task. A poem. Illustrated by Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster]. London: James Nisbet and Co., Berners Street, 1855. Edinburgh: Printed by R. & R. Clark. [15], 263p. The “List of Illustrations” on page vii states: “Engraved on wood by Edmund Evans”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on a separate slip of paper. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold only.


For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. ‘Victorian publishers’ bindings’. (London, Library Association, 1985), Appendix E, ‘Nineteenth Century Edition binders’ Signatures, p. 176.

Binding: The design is by John Leighton. Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Edmonds & Remnants/ [rule]/ London/" [Ball no. 31A.] Purple morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in blind. The upper cover has three fillets are blocked on the borders in gold. On the spine side of each cover, nine stylised leaves and four dots are blocked from head to tail. An inner border of crossing semi-circles is blocked in gold. Small leaf and curling stem decoration is blocked inside each semi-circle. The central rectangle formed by these semi-circles is itself divided into three panels by gold fillets. In the panel at the head and at the tail, a lozenge-shape is blocked in gold on the centre. The middle rectangle has small flowers blocked on its corners. The words: "/ The/ Task/ Illustrated/" are blocked in gold, with elaborate tendrils attached to the ends of some of the letters. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards. the decoration is: two gold fillets; the words: "/ The/ Task/ Illustrated/" are blocked in gold within a rectangular panel, which is formed by a single fillet; two crossing semi-circles and small leaf decoration are blocked within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; then three circles have leaf and stem decoration blocked within each; near the tail, two crossing semi-circles and small leaf decoration are blocked within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the centre of this decoration; at the tail, the words: "/ Nisbet & Co./" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; a fillet is blocked in gold at the tail. The British Library copy is at shelf mark C.194.a.284. It has the same design on purple morocco horizontal-grain cloth

 Record no. 1681

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.76

de Beaumont: G20

BL Shelf mark(s): 12613dd14

Defoe, Daniel. The life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe. With a portrait; and one hundred illustrations by J. D .Watson [i.e.  John Dawson Watson], engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: Routledge, Warne and Routledge, Farringdon Street; and Walker Street, New York, 1864. London: R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Bread Street Hill. xx,498p. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. He has noted the following original plates are in the Dalziel Archive for 1863, nos. 859-959. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and relief.


For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. ‘Victorian publishers’ bindings’. (London, Library Association, 1985), Appendix E, ‘Nineteenth Century Edition binders’ Signatures’, p. 181.

Binding: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound / by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge/” [Ball no. 53E.] Green pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold, in blind and in relief. There is a thin fillet blocked on the outer border in gold, with three stars blocked in gold on the outer corners. Inside this on the borders are: 1. gold dots blocked between two gild fillets 2. "wave" border decoration. There are on the inner corners in gold four medallions with the arms of London, Hull, York, with the fourth inscribed with the name of "JN. Fernandez". A gold fillet surrounds each coat of arms; it also has repeating dots blocked in relief within it. This fillet and dots crosses and forms the central rectangle, and also the central diamond. The outer rectangles between the coats of arms have curling stems blocked in blind, with leaves blocked in relief. There are scallops blocked in gold on the sides and on the head and on the tail. Within the inner rectangle in each corner, triangles are blocked in relief, each formed by four fillets blocked in blind. Within the central diamond, two gold fillets are blocked on the borders, and gold hatch stars are blocked as background. "Rope-like" fillets form three circles, with the figures of Crusoe and Man Friday blocked in gold within the two smaller circles above and below the centre, which shows a fully-rigged man of war, blocked in gold. Beneath this, the words: "/ Robinson Crusoe./ Nat. 1632./" are blocked in gold. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters beneath the medallion of Man Friday. The Spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Three gold fillets are blocked on its perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the heads of a dog, a cat, a bird, blocked in gold within a trefoil formed by a gold fillets, which has repeating dots blocked in relief within it; The words: “/ The/ Life and/ Adventures/ of/ Robinson/ Crusoe/ [rule]/ Illustrated by/ J. D. Watson./” are blocked in gold within a panel formed by a single gold fillet, which has repeating dots blocked in relief within it; the lower half of the spine features two quay-side rings, with ropes interlaced through them, from which hand various objects – a saw, a sword, an axe, an umbrella a rifle; a medallion is blocked in gold, and partly obscures all of these; Signed JL” in gold as separate letters just to the right of the rifle butt; all of the above decoration is bordered by a single gold fillet, which has repeating dots blocked in it in relief; at the tail,  a semi-circular gold lettering-piece has the words: “/ London./ Routledge & Co./” blocked in relief within it. The British Library copy is at shelf mark 12613.dd.14. It has the same cover design on blocked on brown pebble-grain cloth.

 Record no. 1682

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.96

de Beaumont: G21

BL Shelf mark(s): 1878. 12805.n.11.

Dulcken Henry William . Happy-day stories for the Young. With thirty full-page pictures by A. B. Houghton [i.e. Arthur Boyd Houghton]. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. [Monogram of George Routledge & Sons.] London and New York, George Routledge and Sons, [1874]. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press. [7], 120p. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. Written on the front endpaper recto:  “/ Alice Constance Tucker(?)/ a Gift from her Father/ on her Birthday Nov 24th [18]84/” The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and black

Binding: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only, with three fillets blocked on the borders. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Two fillets are blocked in black on the borders. The blocking in black shows a country scene, with a man and a girl flying a kite; and three children playing in and around a small haystack. The title words: “/ Happy-Day/ Stories/ for the young/” are blocked in gold near the head and near the tail. The Spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, there are groups of fillets blocked in black across the spine. On the centre of the spine, the title words: “/ Happy/ Day/ Stories/ for the/ Young/” are blocked in gold. Above the title, there is asmall floral sprig blocked in black. Below the title, a group of ‘two leaves and stems’ is blocked in black.

Record no. 1683

Museum number P&D  BM 1996,1104.13

de Beaumont: H1

BL Shelf mark(s): 1863. C.109.d.2.

Early English Poems Chaucer to Pope. Chiefly Unabridged. Illustrated with upwards of one hundred engravings on wood, from drawings by eminent artists. London: Sampson Low, Son & Co. 47, Ludgate Hill, 1863. London: R. Clay, Son and Taylor, printers. The monogram of Joseph Cundall is printed on the title page verso. Xii, 308p. In the [List of] Illustrations, the illustrators are given as (full names, where discoverable): George Thomas [i.e possibly George Housman Thomas], Friedrich Wilhelm Keyl, Julian Portch, Edmund Morison Wimperis, Felix Darley, Myles Birket Foster, John Gilbert, J. H. Hill, Thomas Creswick, Joseph Wolf, John Callcott Horsley, Frederick Tayler i.e. John Frederick Tayler], Richard Redgrave, Joseph Nash, Frederick Pickersgill, Charles Stonhouse, Charles West Cope, Henry James Townsend, M.A. Madot [i.e. possibly Adolphus M. Madot], Edward Duncan, Henry Warren , Eleanor Vere Boyle. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and relief

Ball p. 166, “W” only.

Binding: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Bookseller’s ticket on upper pastedown: “/ H. Gaskarth/late/ Stansfield/ Bookseller, &c./ Bradford./” Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in relief. Small repeating motifs of 1. ‘small crosses’ 2. Flower heads and stems are blocked between gold fillets on the borders. Most of the cover is blocked with a pattern of (rose?) flowers and stems, with small arabesques blocked above and below the central vignette. The centre is an arabesque shaped gold lettering-piece, with the title words”/ Early/ English/ Poems/” blocked din relief in ‘double letters’ within it. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head and at the tail,, between pairs of gold fillets blocked across the spine, a repeating pattern of ‘small squares’ is blocked in gold. The same floral patterns as on both covers surround two arabesques on the spine. The upper arabesque is a gold lettering-piece and the title words:”/ Early/ English/ Poems/” are blocked in relief in ‘double letters’ within it. The arabesque blocked on the lower half of the spine has small floral decorations and geometric patterns picked out in relief within it. Signed with the initials “W” in gold, within the single floral motif near the tail.


 Record no. 1684

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.101

de Beaumont: H2

BL Shelf mark(s): 3441e72

White, Lewis Borrett. English sacred poetry of the olden time. Collected and Arranged By the Rev. White. London: The Religious Tract Society; 56 Paternoster Row, 65 St. Pauls Churchyard; and 164 Piccadilly, 1864. London: R. Clay, Son and Taylor, printers, Bread Street Hill. Xvi, 190p. The plate between pages 6 and 7 is after George Du Mauier, entitled: “The Abbey Walk”. In the [List of] Illustrations, the illustrators are given as (full names): Henry Noel Humphreys, Thomas Dewell Scott, George Du Maurier, John William North, Percival Skelton, Richard Percival Leitch, Charles Green, John Dawson Watson, Joseph Wolf, John Tenniel, Frederick Walker. All engraved by Edward Whymper. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and relief.

Binding: Designed by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Westleys/ & Co/ London./". [Ball no. 103C.]  Green pebble-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold and relief. On the borders, there is an outer border of repeating tracery and flowers. Five gold fillets are blocked on the inner borders with gold hatch blocked between numbers four and five. More fillets are blocked in blind and in relief inside this, which surround the four medallions blocked on the corners of the inner border Poets’ names are blocked in relief within each medallion. They are: "/Spenser/ Milton/ Ken/ Herbert/". An elaborate central medallion is formed by several gold fillets. It contains the title. The words "English" and "of the olden time" are blocked in gold. The words "sacred" and "poetry" are blocked in relief, inside rectangular gold lettering pieces. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at bottom of the tracery of the medallion. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: tracery in gold; a gold medallion showing a crown within; the title is blocked within a panel formed by two gold fillets and gold hatch between them ; the title: "/ English/ sacred/ poetry/ of the/ olden time/Chaucer/ to/ Ken/" is blocked in gold and in relief; the words: "sacred" and "poetry" are blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces; the words "Chaucer to Ken" are blocked in relief within a cup-shaped gold lettering-piece; tracery blocked in gold forms a medallion, and a rectangle; a gold medallion with stars blocked within it; gold tracery is blocked at the tail; the medallions blocked at the head, the middle and at the tail are surrounded by line decoration, blocked in relief.

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. ‘Victorian publishers’ bindings’. (London, Library Association, 1985), Appendix E, ‘Nineteenth Century Edition binders’ Signatures’, p. 191.

The British Library copy is at shelf mark 3441.e.72.

 Record no. 1685

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.104

de Beaumont: H3

BL Shelf mark(s): 1347.h.7.

Falconer, William. The shipwreck. A poem. With life by Robert Carruthers. Illustrated by Birkett Foster. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, North Bridge, 1858. Edinburgh: Printed by R. and R. Clark. xxxvi, 153p. In the List of Illustrations, it is stated: “Designed by Birket Foster[ i.e. Myles Birket Foster]. Engraved by Edmund Evans, Dalziel Brothers, and W. T. Green. The vignettes and Initial Letters designed by [Henry] Noel Humphreys and engraved by H. N. Woods [i.e. probably H. Newsom Woods]”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. He has noted the following original plates are in the Dalziel Archive for 1857, nos.1151-1160. Inscribed on the title page: “Ann Mary Pemberton”. The bookplates of Charles R. Robinson and of   “WRHJ” [i.e. a 20th-century bookplate with a scorpion and initials of W R H  J - Wynne Rice Hugh Jeudwine] are on the upper pastedown.  The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Blocking: gold and blind and relief


For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. ‘Victorian publishers’ bindings’. (London, Library Association, 1985), Appendix E, ‘Nineteenth Century Edition binders’ Signatures, p. 181.

McLean, R. Victorian Publishers' Bindings in Cloth and Leather (1973) p. 219.

Krupp, Andrea. Bookcloth in England and America, 1823-50 London : British Library ; New York, NY : Bibliographical Society of America, 2008.)

Morris, Ellen K., and Edward S. Levin. The Art of Publisher's Book-Bindings, 1815-1915. ( Los Angeles, 2000) p.33, no.42.

Philip Oldfield From boards to cloth : the development of publishers' bindings in the nineteenth century : guide to an exhibition at the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto, July-September 1991 no.53.

Pantazzi, Sybille. Four Designers of English Publishers' Bindings, 1850-1880 and Their Signatures. [Off-print from Bibliographical Society of America vol.55] p.266-67. Reproduces a copy in blue morocco cloth bound by Leighton Son & Hodge.

Edmund M. B. King, Victorian decorated trade bindings (London, 2003)

Wynne Rice Hugh Jeudwine

Binding: Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge./ Shoe Lane./ London./" [Ball no. 53A.] Blue morocco horizontalal-grain cloth. Both covers and spine blocked identically in gold and in relief. There is a sea shell and rope pattern on the borders. Three gold fillets are blocked on the borders inside this, which form straps at the head, at the tail and on each centre side. Each corner-piece is formed by five gold fillets, the middle of which is dotted. Within each corner-piece, a dolphin, surrounded by seaweed, is blocked, all in gold. The recessed central oval has three gold fillets blocked on its upper borders, and a fillet in blind blocked on its recessed border, which has a "rope" pattern blocked in relief within it. On the inner perimeter of the oval, two more fillets are blocked, and, within these, a ship's anchor chain and stars - all in gold. The centre shows a ship's sail, blocked as a gold lettering-piece. Within it, the words: "/ The/ Shipwreck/ by/ William/ Falconer/" are blocked in relief. Above the sail, within a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece blocked in gold, the words: "/ WF Born at Edin: 1732/ Lost at sea. 1769/" are blocked in relief. Below the sail, within other pennant-shaped gold lettering-pieces, the words: "/ Life & this/ I struggled/ alone to save/" are blocked in relief. A gold medallion is hanging from the sail spar. Within the medallion, the silhouette of a lady, with ribbon and bonnet is blocked in relief. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters on the shoulder of the lady. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a rectangular panel, formed by a single gold fillet, with small decoration blocked within; a lyre, surrounded by stars; the words: "/ The/ Shipwreck/ A/ poem/ by/ William Falconer/ Illustrated/" blocked in relief within seven rectangular gold lettering-pieces - the eighth contains the word"/ A/" within a heart-shaped gold lettering-piece; an anchor and a curling rope, which surrounds six pennant-shaped gold lettering-pieces; these contains the words: "/ Yet/ Hope with/ flattering/ voice/ betrayed/ them on/" are blocked in relief; ribbons blocked in gold surround the anchor; a scallop shell is blocked below the anchor; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters underneath the shell; a gold fillet; the words: "/ A & C Black/" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders; a gold fillet; a thick gold fillet and two gold fillets are blocked at the tail.

The British Library copy of this work is at  shelf mark 1347.h.7.

In the publisher's titles bound at the end of "Bruce's Travels in Abyssinia", Blackie 1860 [British Library shelf mark], this work is advertised as: "Elegantly bound in cloth, gilt edges, price 12s. 6d."

Record no. 1686

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.105

de Beaumont: H4

BL Shelf mark(s): C.109.d.1.

Favourite English poems of modern times. Unabridged. Illustrated with upwards of two hundred engravings on wood, from drawings by the most eminent artists. London: Sampson Low, Son, & Co., 1862. London: R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Printers. xii, 372p. The monogram of Joseph Cundall is printed on the title page verso. In the List of Illustrations, the artists are given as: Myles Birket Foster, Eleanor Vere Boyle, George Thomas [i.e. probably George Housman Thomas], Thomas Creswick, Charles West Cope, Henry James Townsend, Frederick Tayler, Richard Redgrave, John Callcott Horsley, Thomas Webster, Charles Stonhouse, Edward Duncan, Edward Henry Wehnert, William Harrison Weir, George Elgar Hicks, Henry Warren [monogram on page 336]. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ This book belongs to:/  J. Dashwood/ 10/1/[19?]42./”

Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ To Miss Jane Lee Patrick/ with/ best wishes of the Season/ J. M. E/ Edinburgh 2nd January 1865./”

Size: 180x230x45mm

Blocking: gold and blind and relief


Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings.1985, p.148. Cites Cundall as the Editor.

McLean, Ruari. Victorian publishers’ book-bindings in cloth and leather. London, Gordon Fraser, 1974, p.91.

McLean, Ruari. Joseph Cundall. A Victorian publisher. Pinner: Private Libraries Association, 1976, p.86.

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. ‘Victorian publishers’ bindings’. (London, Library Association, 1985), Appendix E, ‘Nineteenth Century Edition binders’ Signatures, p.181.

Binding: The design is by Robert Dudley. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge./” [Ball no. 53B.] Green morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in blind. Two thin fillets with a hatched fillet between them are blocked in gold on the borders. There is an inner border pattern of small leaves and stems, in gold. At the head, the tail and on the corners and on the sides, small leaf and stem decorations are blocked in relief and in blind. The large central oval has two fillets blocked in gold on the borders. In between these fillets are blocked poets' names in gold, each name inside small panels. In between the panels, small leaf and stem decorations are blocked in relief and in blind. At the head of the central oval, the word: "/ Favourite/" is blocked in relief inside a hatched semi-circular cartouche; at the base of the central oval are the words: "/ English poems/" blocked in the same way. The oval central panel is recessed. It has white coarse-grain cloth. The whole is blocked in gold, with fruit and flower decoration blocked in relief (showing the white cloth). The very centre has a blue paper oval on lay, which is blocked in gold and in relief. The relief shows a winged putto holding a garland of flowers. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A fillet is blocked on the perimeter in gold. A hatch gold fillet is blocked on the head and at the tail. Strap work forming a square, with small leaves and dots, is blocked at the head, and also in the middle in gold. The title: "/ Favourite/ English/ Poems/" is blocked in gold, inside a circle, formed by two gold fillets. Beneath the title, crossing gold hatch fillets form small squares, with leaf and berry decoration blocked in gold around and within them. There is more leaf and stem intertwined decoration blocked in relief and in blind on the lower half of the spine. At the base, there are two small squares, with buds, above a small rectangle, formed by a single gold fillet, which contains stem decoration. Signed "RD" in gold as separate letters in the middle of this rectangle.


The British Library copy is at Shelf mark C.109.d.1.

 Record no. 1687

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.106

de Beaumont: H5

BL Shelf mark(s): General Reference Collection: 4902.a.2.

General Reference Collection RB.8.a.58.

General Reference Collection Cup.550.f.131

Foxe, John.  The Booke of Martyrs. Revised, with Notes and an Appendix, by the Rev. William Bramley-Hope, M. A. Incumbent of Gerrard’s Cross, Bucks. With illustrations by G. H. Thomas [i.e. George Housman Thomas], John Gilbert, G. Du Maurier [i.e. George Du Maurier], J. D. Watson [i.e. John Dawson Watson], A. B. Houghton [i.e. Arthur Boyd Houghton], W. Small [i.e. William Small], A. Pasquier [i.e. James Abbot Pasquier], R. Barnes [i.e. Robert Barnes], M. E. Edwards [i.e. Mary Ellen Edwards], T. Morten [i.e. Thomas Morten], etc. Engraved by W. L Thomas [i.e. William Luson Thomas]. [Monogram device of Cassell, Petter and Galpin.] London: Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, Ludgate Hill, E. C.; and 596 Broadway, New York, [1866]. [London:] Cassell, Petter and Galpin, Belle Sauvage Year. xiv, 726p.  Additional illustrators are listed as: Henry Courtney Selous, Paolo Priolo, John Gordon  Thomson, F. J. Skill [i.e. Frederick John Skill], Richard C. Huttula, Francis Wilfred Lawson, F. J. Slinger, Richard Principal Leitch, J. Henley, J. Lee, Samuel Luke Fildes, Charles Green, Matthew Somerville Morgan.  The frontispiece plate shows Ridley and Latimer being burnt at two stakes. It is signed: “T Morten” [i.e Thomas Morten] and “W. Thomas Sc”[i.e William Luson Thomas]. It is captioned (Latimer speaking to Ridley): “/ ‘Be of good comfort, Master Ridley, and play the man. We shall this day light such a candle, by God’s grace, in England, as I trust/ shall never be put out./’” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso and on a separate paper slip. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief

Binding:  Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Red ink speckled edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown coarse pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind, with a single fillet on the borders, and a stylised ‘branch and flower’ pattern forming the central frame. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows the standing figure of  Nicholas Ridley as a martyr, faggots piled up in front of him, being burned at the stake. It is a detail reproduction of the frontispiece, which shows Ridley and one other figure [probably Hugh Latimer] being burnt together. The vignette is signed “De Lacy” in relief at the left hand base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. From the head downwards, the decoration is: stylised leaf and stem decoration, blocked in blind; The title words: “/ Foxe’s/ Book/ of/ Martyrs/ Illustrated/” are blocked in gold within a panel formed by a single gold fillet; Small curling stem decoration, blocked in gold, is interspersed between two diamonds formed by fillets blocked in blind; more stem and leaf decoration, blocked in blind and in relief, which emanates from a thin tree trunk; near the tail, the words:”/ London/ Cassell Petter & Galpin/” are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.

 Record no. 1688

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.109

de Beaumont: H6

BL Shelf mark(s):12807.e.17.

Gatty, Margaret. Parables from nature. By Mrs. Alfred Gatty. With notes on natural history, and illustrations by C.W.Cope, R.A. [i.e. Charles West Cope], H. Calderon [i.e. Philip Hermogenes Calderon], W. Holman Hunt [i.e William Holman Hunt], W. Millais [i.e. probably William Henry Millais], Otto Speckter,  G.Thomas [i.e. possibly George Houseman Thomas] and E. Warren. [Device of Bell and Daldy.] London: Bell and Daldy, 186, Fleet Street, 1861. [London:] Chiswick Press: Printed by Whittingham and Wilkins, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane. viii, 196p. The frontispiece plate is signed: “H. Harral [i.e. Horace Harral] and “PHC” [i.e. Philip Hermogenes Calderon]. The end of the List of Contents states: “/ The Frontispiece is designed by H. Calderon. The drawings by Otto Speckter have been engraved by H. N. Woods [i.e. possibly H. Newsom Woods], and the rest by H. Harral [i.e. Horace Harral].” The Illustration between pages 52 and 53 is entitled: “Waiting”, and it is by C. W. Cope. The illustration between pages 92 and 93 is entitled: Active and Passive”, and it is by William Holman Hunt. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief

Ball VPB p. 156 cites the 1864 quarto edition as being signed by William Harry Rogers.

Notes:  The design is not signed. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue  morocco horizontal-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on both covers. The lower cover is blocked in blind, the upper cover is blocked in gold. The upper cover has a fillet blocked  in gold on the border. Inside the border is strap work, highlighted in relief, which forms "onion" shapes on the corners. There is a tracery of leaves and flowers blocked in relief around the strap work, against a horizontal hatch gold background. In the central oval, the title words: "/ Parables/ from/ nature/ Mrs. A. Gatty/" are blocked in relief within four rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each with a single gold fillet on its borders. A tracery of small plant decoration is blocked in gold surrounds these lettering-pieces. The spine is fully blocked in gold and relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two gold fillets; flower decoration blocked in relief within gold horizontal hatch; The words: "/ Parables/ from/ nature/ Mrs A Gatty/" are blocked in gold, within a panel with fillets forming an ogee arch at the head; four gold fillets ;more flower and stem decoration blocked in relief within gold horizontal hatch; an extended oval, with semi-circles is blocked on the middle of the lower half of the spine, with small leaf and flower decoration blocked in gold within it; six gold fillets are blocked at the tail.

The British Library copy is at shelf mark 12807e17. A copy of the 1865 edition – 3rd and 4th series is also at this shelf mark, with the same cloth dye, cloth grain and cover decoration, apart from a recessed central oval panel on the upper cover. 

Record no. 1689

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.110

de Beaumont: H7

BL Shelf mark(s):



Gatty, Margaret. Parables from nature. By Mrs. Alfred Gatty. With notes on natural history, and illustrations by C.W.Cope, R.A. [i.e. Charles West Cope], H. Calderon [i.e. Philip Hermogenes Calderon], W. Holman Hunt [i.e William Holman Hunt], Otto Speckter, G.Thomas [i.e. possibly George Houseman Thomas] and E. Warren, Lorenz Frölich, W. B. Scott [i.e. William Bell Scott], E. B. Jones [i.e. probably Edward Burne-Jones], Harrison Weir [i.e. Harrison William Weir], John Tenniel, Joseph Wolf, W. P. Burton [i.e. William Paton Burton], M.E. Edwards [i.e. Mary Ellen Edwards], and Charles Keene. [ Device of Bell and Daldy.] London: Bell and Daldy, 186, Fleet Street, 1865. [London:] Chiswick Press: Printed by Whittingham and Wilkins, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane. ix, 398p. The frontispiece plate is signed: “H. Harral [i.e. Horace Harral] and “PHC” [i.e. Philip Hermogenes Calderon]. The end of the List of Contents states: “/ The Frontispiece is designed by H. Calderon. The drawings by Otto Specketer have been engraved by H. N. Woods [i.e. possibly Henry Newsom Woods], and the rest by H. Harral [i.e. Horace Harral].” The Illustration between pages 296 and 297  is entitled: “Imperfect Instruments”, and it is by Charles Keene. Inscribed on the front endpaper verso: “/ Mary Anne Herbert/ from her attached (?) niece/ Henrietta [not readable]/ [not readable] House/ July 10th 1865/” . The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind

Binding: The cover design is by William Harry Rogers. Text sewn on three sawn in cords. Gilt edges bevelled boards. Gilt roll tooling on the turn-ins showing floral patterns. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in blind. Three fillets are blocked on the borders, one in blind between two in gold. The outer rectangle has ‘Renaissance style’ ornament blocked in gold, featuring canopies, cartouches, plinths flowers, and a couple of sea creatures at the tail. The inner rectangle has a diaper pattern, blocked in gold and in blind, with ‘rose flowers’ being blocked in relief, within each diamond. The central oval on each cover fillet and dentelle borders, blocked in gold. On the centre, a Renaissance bolt panel is blocked in gold, with the words:/” Parables/ from Nature/ Mrs A. Gatty./” blocked in gold within it. Signed “WHR” in relief on the centre tail of each cover, within a small ‘floral cartouche’ blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the outer perimeter. A single gold fillet is blocked on the inner perimeter. Near the head and near the tail, small ‘stem and bud repeating decoration is blocked in gold across the spine, between two gold fillets. Within the inner panel, from the head downwards, the decoration is: a gold lettering-piece, shaped as a Renaissance bolt panel, with leaf ornament above and below it – all in gold; within the panel, the title words: “/ Parables/ from/ Nature./2 are blocked I relief, with small leaf and stem decoration being picked out in relief around these words; on the lower half of the spine, another gold lettering-piece shaped as a panel has the words: “/ by/ Mrs Gatty./” blocked in  relief, and the words are surrounded by small leaf and stem decoration being picked out in relief around these words; in a small ‘shield shaped’ gold lettering-piece, the monogram “WHR” is blocked in relief within two small circles, formed by two fillets blocked in relief; two dolphin heads, joined with a bar, blocked in gold; at the tail, the words: “/ Ball & Daldy/” are blocked in gold.

 Record no. 1690

Museum number P&D BM 1992,0406.113

de Beaumont: H8

BL Shelf mark(s): 11651.i.11.


Golden thoughts from golden fountains. Arranged in fifty two divisions. Illustrations by eminent artists, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: Frederick Warne and Company, Bedford Street, Covent Garden, [1868]. London: Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press. xvi, 290p. 6 plates. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. All the five plates within the text are printed on the verso one a page, with un-paginated text printed upon each recto. In the list of Illustrations, the artists are given as (full names where found): Arthur Boyd Houghton, Edward Dalziel, Thomas Dalziel, John Lawson, Joseph Wolf, William Paton Burton, William Small, John Dawson Watson, George Dalziel, George John Pinwell, John William North. Printed at the end of the List: ‘Initial letters and Ornamental Designs by P. Hundley i.e. Philip Hundley].’ Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. He has noted the following original plates are in the Dalziel Archive vol. XVIII nos. 1038-1096. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and black and red.

Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers' bindings / (London : Library Association, c1985.) p. 159.

Jones, Gregory V. & Brown, Jane E. Victorian Binding Designer WR: William Ralston (1841-1911), not William Harry Rogers. In: The Book Collector, vol. 52, no2, Summer 2003, pp. 171-198, no. 3.

King, Edmund M.B.  Victorian decorated trade bindings 1830-1880. London: The British Library, 2003.

Krupp, Andrea. Bookcloth in England and America, 1823-50. (Newcastle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2008. )

Binding: Designed by William Ralston. The text is printed with light brown ink. Bevelled boards. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold, red, in black and in blind. The outer border has a ‘three dot and quarter fan’ repeating pattern, blocked in gold between two fillets - all in gold. The inner border has a repeating pattern in gold, consisting of: trefoils and twin stems, crossing stems and hatch leaves, with four gold dots interspersed. "Sea shells" are blocked in relief underneath each pair of leaves. The inner border has a single gold fillet. At the head, the tail and the sides, this fillet joins border fillets to form straps. Gold lettering-piece panels at the head and at the tail are rectangular, with six semi-circles blocked within and one at each end of the panel. Stem and dot patterns are blocked in red relief, surrounding the words: "/Golden Thoughts/ Golden Fountains/", which are blocked in relief (showing blue) within rectangular gold lettering-pieces. On the centre, a circle and four medallions are blocked, all formed by fillets and border decoration. Within each medallion, four "spade-shapes" and dots are blocked in red relief. Within the border of the circle, stem and quatrefoil decoration is blocked in relief in red. Within the circle, on the centre, the following are blocked: 1. "shells" in relief 2. a rectangular gold lettering-piece with dots and a single fillet on its head and on its tail. 3. small decoration is blocked in red relief. 4. the word: "/From/" is blocked in green relief within a gold lettering-piece. Curling stem decoration is blocked in black around the title words and the central circle. Signed "WR" in green relief as a monogram beneath the word “Fountains". The spine is blocked in gold, in black, in red and in relief. "Dog tooth and dots" perimeter decoration is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a thin gold fillet; straps, semi-circles, dots - all in gold; small black decoration; the words: "/ Golden/ Thoughts/ from/ Golden/ Fountains/ [rule]/" are blocked in relief within a single gold lettering-piece panel, which has a single border fillet blocked in red; the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in relief within the same panel, and it is also within a rectangle formed by two fillets blocked in relief; a quatrefoil is blocked in gold above and below a medallion, with gold and red decoration within; within the medallion, dots and a cross are blocked on in gold; small decoration in black and gold dots surround the quatrefoils and medallion; the words: "/ F. Warne & Co./" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single thin border fillet blocked in relief; a gold fillet is blocked at the tail.

The British Library copy is at  shelf mark 11651i11. See:

 Record no. 1691

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.114

de Beaumont: H9

BL Shelf mark(s): 1865: Document Supply Wq1/3199; 12271.h.1.(no original covers)

Goldsmith, Oliver. Dalziel’s Illustrated Goldsmith: comprising The Vicar of Wakefield, the Traveller Retaliation, The Deserted Village, Miscellaneous Poems, The Haunch of Venison, The Good Natured Man, The Captivity: an Oratorio, She stoops to conquer, and a sketch of the life of Oliver Goldsmith, by H. W. Dulcken, Esq. With one hundred pictures drawn by G. J. Pinwell [i.e. George John Pinwell, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: Ward & Lock, 158, Fleet Street, 1865. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press. xx, 378p. With two pages of publishers’ advertisements bound at the end. The frontispiece plate is a portrait of Goldsmith, signed with the monogram “GJP” and “Dalziel”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso and on separate slip of paper. There is a bookplate featuring a boar’s head pasted on the front pastedown. He has noted the following original plates are in the Dalziel Archive vol. XVIII nos. 254-354. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and relief.

Binding: Gilt edges, Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red Pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical design, in blind and relief on the lower cover, and in gold and relief on the upper. On the upper cover, a ‘panel and medallions’ design is blocked. Between gold fillets on the outer and inner borders, there are fourteen medallions of horizontal gold hatch. Within each, there is a plant motif (possibly denoting the seasons?), picked out in relief. There are four medallions at the head and at the tail, and three on each side. Between each medallion, small stem and leaf decoration is blocked in relief. The border of the centre has a quatrefoil, formed of gold fillets, hatch gold fillets and small decoration. The central medallion has two gold fillets on its borders, and a head and neck portrait of Goldsmith is blocked in gold within it. The words: “/ Dalziel’s Illustrated/ Goldsmith./” are blocked in gold within rectangular panels above and below the quatrefoil. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked across the spine at the head and at the tail. Groups of four gold fillets blocked across the spine divide the spine into six panels. Panels one, three, four to six have identical patterns blocked in gold within, showing an elaborate leaf, stem and bud pattern together with a small ‘double oval’ on the centre of the panel. Panel two has the title words: “/ Dalziel’s/ Illustrated/ Goldsmith../” blocked in gold. Near the tail, the words: “/ London/ Ward & Lock/” are blocked in gold.

Record no. 1692

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.115

de Beaumont: H10

BL Shelf mark(s): as for H9 (?)

Goldsmith, Oliver. Dalziel’s Illustrated Goldsmith: comprising The Vicar of Wakefield, the Traveller Retaliation, The Deserted Village, Miscellaneous Poems, The Haunch of Venison, The Good Natured Man, The Captivity: an Oratorio, She stoops to conquer, and a sketch of the life of Oliver Goldsmith, by H. W. Dulcken, Esq. With one hundred pictures drawn by G. J. Pinwell [i.e. George John Pinwell], engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: Ward & Lock, 158, Fleet Street, 1865. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press.  xx, 378p. With two pages of publisher’s advertisements bound at the end. The frontispiece plate is a portrait of Goldsmith, signed with the monogram “GJP” and “Dalziel”. This is the same portrait as for BM P&D 1992, 0406.114. The illustration on page 248 is by Pinwell, signed with his monogram, and is captioned: “/ Elegy. / On the Death of a Mad dog./” A School Prize Label is on the front pastedown. Its text is: “/ Mount Zion/ School for Men,/ Horseley Fields, Wolverhampton./ Officers Class/ Annual Prize/ Awarded to F Kandley/ For Regular Attendance./ Price Lewis, Superintendent/ R. Franklin, Secretary./ March 26th, 1894./” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.



Gold and blind and black and relief

Binding. Gilt edges. Bevelled Boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green fine rib diagonal-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only, with three fillets on the borders. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in black. Four gold fillets are blocked on the borders. There is a scroll blocked on the centre near the head, and ‘beaded’ swags blocked in gold across the cover, near the tail. Two large gold lettering-pieces are blocked on the upper and lower portions of the cover. The words: “/ Dalziel’s Illustrated/ Goldsmith/” and “/ One Hundred Pictures/ by George Pinwell/” are blocked in relief within these lettering-pieces. Centred on the spine side, the figures of a young man and a young lady are blocked in gold, with the detail of their clothes being picked out in relief. The man holds a hat in his left hand. The young lady holds a staff , which leans on her left shoulder, and is resting on the ground. Centred on the fore edge side, the words: “/ And/ a Sketch/ of the/ Life/ of Oliver Goldsmith/ by. H. W. Dulcken. PH.D./” are blocked in gold within a rectangular frame formed by three fillets, one blocked in gold and two blocked in black. All of the blocking has a woodland setting as background, with the ground, the grasses on the ground, the small trees, the leaves all being blocked in relief, against a background blocked in black. The spine is blocked in gold, in black and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: Two gold fillets, blocked across the spine; two black fillets blocked across the spine; two gold fillets forming a circle and a set of repeating dots, in a semi-circle; Within a rectangular gold lettering-piece (which has decoration picked out in relief at its head and tail), the words: “/ Dalziel’s/ Illustrated/ Goldsmith/” are blocked in relief within the gold lettering-piece; The lower half of the spine  shows a gentleman, blocked in gold, with the details of his attire picked out in relief, standing; curling stem and leaf decoration are blocked in gold above and below him – al against a background blocked in black; two gold fillets blocked in gold across the spine; a black fillet blocked across the spine; a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has two fillets blocked in relief at its head and its tail, blocked across the spine; the words:”/ Ward/ Lock& Co./” are blocked in relief within the gold lettering-piece. A black fillet is blocked across the spine at the tail.

 Record no. 1693

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.116

de Beaumont: H11

BL Shelf mark(s): David Boyce 1856 - 1346.h.32.

Goldsmith, Oliver. The Traveller. A Poem. Illustrated with Etchings on Steel by Birket Foster [i. e. Myles Birket Foster]. London: David Bogue, Fleet Street, [1858]. [4], 39p. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso.   [It has not been possible to take a scan of an illustration in this work, owing to the tight binding.] The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

160x223 x20mm

Gold and relief


For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures, p. 181.

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards, Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s Ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge/ Shoe Lane/ London./” [Ball no.53A. ] Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in relief. Fillets and cartouches are blocked in gold on the borders. On the corners, the sides, a dense tracery of curling stems and leaves is blocked in gold. The central panel is formed by a gold fillet which forms arabesques on the head, tail and on each side. Inside this, a tracery of ‘joined leaves and dots’ is blocked in relief. The inner central panel also has arabesques blocked on the head, the tail and the sides, all interspersed with gold hatch , and all have a large leaf, with ‘branches forming straps’. The inner most rectangle has filigree patterns picked out in relief. There is a central medallion, with straps blocked in gold at its centre. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: at the head and at the tail, a gold rectangular lettering-piece, which has small stem and bud repeating decoration blocked in relief within it; each of these rectangular lettering-pieces has two gold fillets blocked across the spine, above and below; a single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter of the spine; near the head, dense filigree work blocked in gold; near the centre the words: “/ Goldsmith’s/ Traveller/ Illustrated/ by/ Birket/ Foster./” are blocked in gold; arabesques and small decoration blocked in gold lettering-pieces, are blocked above and below the title; the lower half of the spine is blocked with filigree work, blocked in gold.

Record no. 1694

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.117

de Beaumont: H12

BL Shelf mark(s): General Reference Collection C.70.c.7.


Goldsmith, Oliver. The Vicar of Wakefield. London: John van Voorst, Paternoster Row, 1853. London: Printed by S. & J. Bentley, Wilson, & Fley, Bangor House, Shoe Lane. xvi, 306p. With six pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The device of S & J Bentley is printed on page 306. The designs of William Mulready were engraved by John Thompson. The illustration on page 136 is for page 171, and is entitled: “/ -  Here I found a number of poor creatures, all in circumstances like myself, expecting/ the arrival of Mr. Crispe, presenting a true epitome of English impatience -/” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso.   The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

For the Printer:


For the publisher:

Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red fine rib vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical design in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. On each corner, a ‘curling stem and leaf’ motif is blocked in relief. A ‘lozenge’ shape is blocked as the central vignette for each cover, with curling stems interlacing each other, blocked in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. It is divided into six panels, by groups of fillets, and by single fillet – all blocked in blind across the spine. In panel two, the title: “/ The/ Vicar/ of/ Wakefield/” is blocked in gold. In panel four, the words: “/ Illustrated by W. Mulready. R. A./” are blocked in gold. In panel six (at the tail), the words: /” London/ John Van-Voorst/” are blocked in gold.

Record no. 1695

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.118

de Beaumont: H13

BL Shelf mark(s):

Goldsmith, Oliver. The Vicar of Wakefield. Illustrated by George Thomas [i. e. probably George Housman Thomas]. London: Published for Joseph Cundall, by Sampson Low and Son, 47 Ludgate Hill, 1855. London: Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill. viii,  219p. With eight pages of illustrated publisher’s titles bound at the end. The illustrations were engraved by Horace Harral. At the end of the ‘List of Illustrations’: ‘The ornamental illustrations designed by T. Macquoid [i.e. probably Thomas Robert Macquoid].’ The illustrations are set into the text, as can be seen on pages 104 and 105. The colophon on page 219 is signed: “Macquoid del.” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso.   The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures, p. 172.


Binding: Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown:”/ Bound by/ Bone & Son./ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street/ London./” [Ball no. 17A.] Red wave diagonal-grain. Both covers are blocked identically, in blind and in relief on the lower cover, and in gold only on the upper cover. The design is a re-creation of a Grolier binding, with prominent gold fillets, formed of two thin gold fillets, with a thicker fillet blocked between them.  These form straps, which make geometrical patterns. The central medallion has the tiel words:”/ The/ Vicar/ of/ Wakefield/” blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. The same Grolier motifs are used as for the upper cover, which form squares and straps at the head, the middle and at the tail of the spine. On the upper half of the spine, the title words: “/ The/ Vicar/ of/ Wakefield/” are blocked in gold. On the lower half of the spine the words:”/ Illustrated/ by/ George Thomas./” are blocked in gold.

Record no. 1696

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.119

de Beaumont: H14

BL Shelf mark(s): 1857:Document Supply W81/9881; 11660.eee.17.


Grahame, James. The Sabbath. Sabbath Walks and Other Poems. Illustrated by Birket Foster [i. e. Myles Birket Foster]. London: James Nisbet and Co. Berners Street, 1857. Edinburgh: Printed by R. & R. Clark. 123p. With one page of publisher’s titles bound at the end. In the “List of Illustrations”: “Engraved on Wood by Edmund Evans”. The title pages is illustrated, and the illustrations are set into the text, as for example, on page 9. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso.   The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and black and relief.


For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures, p. 181.

McLean, Ruari. Victorian publishers’ book-bindings in cloth and leather. London, Gordon Fraser, 1974, p. 68. (From Robin’s pencilled note.)

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Mauve endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s Ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge/ Shoe Lane/ London./” [Ball no.53A. ] Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold, in black and in relief, with a panel design containing ‘Moorish’ design elements. On the corners of the innermost panel, interlocking stems are blocked in relief, against a background blocked in black. Within the innermost panel, the ‘lozenge’ shaped centre has arabesques on its border blocked in gold, and a complex pattern of interlocking stems leaves and flowers, blocked in gold with ‘background’ blocking in black. The spine is blocked in gold. From head to tail, an interlocking tracery of stems and leaves is blocked in gold. Near the head, within a panel formed by the stems, the words: “/The/ Sabbath/ and Other/ Poems./ [rule]/ Grahame./” are blocked in gold.

Record no. 1697

Museum number P&D  BM 1996, 1104.18

de Beaumont: H15

BL Shelf mark(s): 1854: Document Supply W4/0611; 1856: Interleaved. Printed on one side of the leaf only, 011641.e.41.

Gray, Thomas. An Elegy  Written in a Country Churchyard. London: Joseph Cundall, 168, New Bond Street; Sampson Low and Son, 47 Ludgate Hill, 1854.  24p. In the [List of] Illustrations, the artists are given as: Myles Birket Foster, A Lady, George Thomas [i.e. possibly George Housman Thomas]. The engravers are listed as: James Cooper [i.e possibly James Davis Cooper], J. W. Whymper [i.e. Josiah Wood Whymper], W. T. Green, William Linton [i.e. probably William James Linton], William Meason [i.e possibly William Frederick Measom], Horace Harral, Thomas Bolton, A. J. Mason [i.e. possibly Abraham John Mason]. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.



Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. No original endpapers or pastedowns. White paper over boards. The paper is made to resemble vellum. The lower cover has no blocking. The upper cover is blocked in gold, with the title on the centre: “/ Gray’s Elegy [in a semi-circle]/ written / in a/ Country Churchyard./” A small cross is blicked above the centre, and a small ‘three bud heads’ decorative device is blocked below the centre. The spine has the title blocked in gold near the head: “/ Gray’s/ Elegy./” There are small decorative devices blocked in gold above and below the title.

Record no. 1698

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.121

de Beaumont: H16

Gray, Thomas. An Elegy  Written in a Country Churchyard. London: Joseph Cundall, 168, New Bond Street; Sampson Low and Son, 47 Ludgate Hill, 1855.  London: Printed by George Barclay, Castle St. Leicester Sq. 24p. In the [List of] Illustrations, the artists are given as: Myles Birket Foster, A Lady, George Thomas [i.e. possibly George Housman Thomas]. The engravers are listed as: James Cooper [i.e possibly James Davis Cooper], J. W. Whymper [i.e. Josiah Wood Whymper], W. T. Green, William Linton [i.e. probably William James Linton], William Meason [i.e possibly William Frederick Measom], Horace Harral, Thomas Bolton, A. J. Mason [i.e. possibly Abraham John Mason]. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind.


For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures, p. 172.

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers or pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown:”/ Bound by/ Bone & Son./ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street/ London./” [Ball no. 17A.] Green morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers have identical fillets and border patterns, blocked in blind, which form the central panel. Small decoration is blocked in blind and in relief on each inner corner. On the upper cover the central vignette is blocked in gold, with the title on the centre: “/ Gray’s Elegy [in a semi-circle]/ written / in a/ Country Churchyard./” (This is the same block as on the upper cover of 1996,1104.18.) A small cross is blocked above the centre, and a small ‘three bud heads’ decorative device is blocked below the centre. The spine has the title blocked in gold near the head: “/ Gray’s/ Elegy./” There are small decorative devices blocked in gold above and below the title.

Record no. 1699

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.123

de Beaumont: H17

BL. 1871. 1872.

Hake, Thomas Gordon. Parables and Tales. With illustrations by Arthur Hughes. London: Chapman and Hall, 193 Piccadilly, 1872. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press. [6], 98p. With six pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece is signed with Arthur Hughes’s monogram, and has the caption: “/ Not yet to her was Nature’s age/ In gnarled and hollow shapes revealed./” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto and on a separate slip of paper. He has noted: ‘Gordon Hake was Rossetti’s Doctor’ ; ‘It seems likely that Rossetti did in fact design the cover’.  He has noted the following original plates are in the Dalziel Archive for 1872, nos. 167-175. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold only


Barber, Giles. Rossetti, Ricketts, and Some English Publishers’ Bindings of the Nineties. In: The Library. 5th series. 1970. pp. 314-330. Footnote 1 to page 320 of Barber's article suggests that only about twelve copies were finally bound with Rossetti's cover.

Binding: Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold. On the borders, gold stipples are blocked densely on the borders, giving a "Window Frame" effect for the centre of the cover. At the head on the left a crown of thorns (the Cripple) is blocked within this border of stipples. Six-pointed stars (Old Souls) are blocked from the upper right downwards, into the head of a cot. On the left hand side, a lily of the valley plant is blocked. On the right hand side, a small plant with flowers Deadly Nightshade) is blocked. Near the tail, a wicker cot (Mother and Child) is blocked, with a spade (Old Mortality) lying across it. The spine had the words: "/ Parables & Tales by T. Gordon Hake/" blocked in gold along its length. The British Library copy is at shelf mark 11640cc49.

Robin de Beaumont BM entries 1700 to 1725

Record no. 1700

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.124

de Beaumont: H18A

BL: 1853, Bohn publisher: 11602.h.23.

Hall, Samuel Carter. The Book of British Ballads. London: Jeremiah How, 1842. London: Vizetelly Brothers and Co., 135 Fleet Street. [3], iii, 234, v-vi p. The illustrations on pages 130 and 130 are after J. Franklin and made by T. Armstrong. The illustration on page 173 is after T. M. Joy [i.e. Thomas Musgrove Joy] and made by Mary Ann Williams. In the Index bound at the end the other illustrators and engravers are listed as (full names given where they can be found): William Bell Scott, John Gilbert, John Franklin, Henry Warren, Thomas Musgrove Joy, Joseph Kenny Meadows, Edward Matthew Ward, R. R. M’Ian [i.e. Robert Ronald McIan], Henry James Townsend, Edward Henry Corbould, Creswick [i.e. probably Thomas Creswick], Richard Dadd, Richard Redgrave; [engravers:] W. A. Folkard [i.e. William Armstrong Folkard], Vizetelly [i.e. Henry Vizetelly], T. Armstrong, William James Linton, T. Williams, J. Bastin, Ebenezer Landells, Green, Frederick William Branston, Jackson, Smith, John Walmsley, Miss Williams possibly Mary Ann Williams], George Pike Nicholls, Whimper [i.e. probably Josiah Wood Whymper], S. Williams (possibly Samuel Williams). Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blue


Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Blue endpapers and pastedowns. The same design is blocked on both covers. Both covers are blocked identically. There is a single blue and a single gold fillet blocked on the borders. Inside this, there is a repeating pattern of ‘acanthus leaves and stems’. The inner rectangle has ‘Renaissance style’ lattice work of joined stems forming multiple straps, together with leaves. On the centre, the royal garter has the motto: “Honi soit qui mal y pense” blocked in gold, within the blue garter. The spine is blocked in blue and in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. As for the covers, the same ‘Renaissance style’ lattice work is blocked from head to tail. Between this decoration, three panels are blocked in blue, with the title words:”/ The/ Book/ of / Ballads/ blocked in gold within the uppermost panel; the second panel appears not to have lettering, possibly this is : “/ First/ Series/” ; the lowest panel near the tail has the date”:/ 1844/” blocked in gold within it.

Record no. 1701

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.124

de Beaumont: H18B

BL: 1853, Bohn publisher: 11602.h.23.

Hall, Samuel Carter. The Book of British Ballads. London: Jeremiah How, 1844. London: Printed by A. Spottiswoode, New-Street-Square. viii, pp.235-442. The illustration on page 295 is after Fanny M’Ian and made by Fred. Branston [i.e. Frederick William Branston]. The illustration on page 348 is after J. G. Brine and made by T. Armstrong [i.e. Thomas Armstrong]. In the Contents bound at the front, the other illustrators and engravers are listed as (full names given where found): [illustrators:] Edward Henry Corbould, Henry James Townsend, Edward Matthew Ward, John Franklin, Joseph Noel Paton, Fanny McIan, Henry Warren, J. S. Brine, Henry Courtney Selous, Frederick William Fairholt, John Tenniel, Alfred Crowquill, Frederick Richard Pickersgill; [engravers:] John Bastin, T. Wakefield, George Pike Nicholls, Frederick William Branston, John Walmsley, Thomas Armstrong, Ebenezer Landells, George Dalziel, William James Linton, Edmund Evans, Joseph Lionel Williams. The bookplate of Richard Gibson Reeves is on the upper pastedown. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Binding: Gold and blue


Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Blue endpapers and pastedowns. The same design is blocked on both covers. Both covers are blocked identically. There is a single blue and a single gold fillet blocked on the borders. Inside this, there is a repeating pattern of ‘acanthus leaves and stems’. The inner rectangle has ‘Renaissance style’ lattice work of joined stems forming multiple straps, together with leaves. On the centre, the royal garter has the motto: “Honi soit qui mal y pense” blocked in gold, within the blue garter. The spine is blocked in blue and in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. As for the covers, the same ‘Renaissance style’ lattice work is blocked from head to tail. Between this decoration, three panels are blocked in blue, with the title words:”/ The/ Book/ of / Ballads/ blocked in gold within the uppermost panel; the second panel has the lettering: “Second/ Series/ blocked in gold within it; the lowest panel near the tail has the date: “/1844/” blocked in gold within it.

 Record no. 1702

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.125

de Beaumont: H19

BL Nisbet 1856: Document Supply W2/5018

Herbert, George. The Poetical Works of George Herbert. London: James Nisbet and Co. Berners Street, 1856. Edinburgh: Printed by R. & R. Clark. [3], 256p. In the List of illustrations, the illustrators and engravers are given as: “Designed by Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], John Clayton [i.e. John Richard Clayton], & H. N Humphreys [i.e. Henry Noel Humphreys]; Engraved by Edmund Evans, Dalziel Brothers, & H.N. Woods [i.e. possibly Henry Newsom Woods]; and Printed by R. & R. Clark.” The illustration on page 35 is after John Clayton. The bookplate of William S. Edgar is on the front pastedown. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and relief

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. ‘Victorian publishers’ bindings’. (London, Library Association, 1985), Appendix E, ‘Nineteenth Century Edition binders’ Signatures, p. 181.

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown morocco vertical-grain cloth. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge./ Shoe Lane./ London./" [Ball no. 53A.] Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in relief, with an all over ‘Renaissance style’ design. The small decorative devices are picked out via vertical or horizontal hatch gold, or by blocking in relief. For example, the small diamonds and rectangles are picked out by blocking in relief. The central oval is a horizontal hatch gold lettering-piece, with elaborate curling stems and leaves picked out by being blocked in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Blocked at the head and at the tail are rectangular gold lettering-pieces, with fillets within them blocked in relief. Two fillets are blocked down  each side of the spine, with horizontal gold hatch being blocked between them The title words are blocked in gold in elaborate letters near the middle of the spine: “/ George/ Herbert’s/ Poetical./ Works./”. Above and below the title, elaborate ‘Arabesque’ devices are blocked in gold, in hatch gold and in relief, to form an arch above and below the title. Near the tail, a small arch is formed by small decoration blocked in gold in relief, with three small flowers blocked within the arch in gold.

 Record no. 1703

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.126

de Beaumont: H20

BL: 12305d13

Hey, Wilhelm [i.e Johan Wilhelm Hay]. Picture fables. Drawn by Otto Speckter, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. With rhymes translated from the German of F. Hey by Henry W. Dulcken. London: George Routledge and Co. Farringdon Street. New York: 18 Beekman Street, 1858. London: Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill. The frontispiece is signed with the monogram “OS [i.e. Otto Speckter]” and “Dalziel”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.

Miller’s Toy and Fancy  Repository:

Binding: The design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Pink endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown  is now missing, but the British Library copy has it ticket which reads: "/ Bound by/ Westleys/ & Co./ London./"[Ball no. 17A]. The ticket on the upper pastedown reads: “/ From/ Miller’s/ Fancy Repository/ 32, Lowndes Str/ Belgrave Square./” Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders and on the corners. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, the outer thick, the inner thin. Curling rose stems and flowers are blocked in blind on each corner, with the centre of each rose flower being blocked in relief. A central vignette blocked in gold shows a diamond enclosing a medallion gold lettering-piece. The title: "/ Picture/ fables/ By/ Otto Speckter[blocked in a semi-circle]/" is blocked in relief within the medallion. A medallion, each formed by four gold fillets, is blocked on each corner of the diamond. Within each, a sheep, an ass, a lion with a crown, and a wolf, are blocked in gold. A square with decorated borders surrounds the diamond; a bat, a frog, a lizard and fish are blocked within each corner of the square. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of diamond. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the words: "/ Picture/ Fables/ by/ Otto/ Speckter/" blocked in gold; a gold rectangle with decoration blocked in relief within it; an arabseque; an elongated arabesque in gold, with an owl within its lower centre; signed "JL" in relief as separate letters within a "teardrop" underneath the arabesque; the words: "/ Routledge/ [& Co]/" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders; a gold fillet is blocked at the tail. The British Library copy is at shelf mark 12305d13.

Record no. 1704

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.127

de Beaumont: H21

BL: 1865: 1347.k.15.


Home Thoughts and Home Scenes, in Original Poems by Jean Ingelow, the Hon. Mrs. Norton [ i.e. Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton], Dora Greenwell, Amelia B. Edwards [i.e. Amelia Ann Blandford Edwards], Mrs. Tom Taylor [i.e. Laura Wilson Taylor, née Barker ], Jennett [sic] Humphreys and the Author of “John Halifax Gentleman.” [i.e. Dinah Maria Mulock Craik]. And Pictures by A. B. Houghton [i.e. Arthur Boyd Houghton], engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: Routledge, Warne and Routledge, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, 1865. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, Engravers & Printers, Camden Press. Not paginated. [7p.] 35 pages of text. 35 plates. With two pages of publisher’s advertisements bound at the end. Each illustration by Houghton precedes the poem relating to it. The poem by Jeanette Humphries [sic] for plate 3 is entitled: “At the Sweets.” Plate 3 is signed with Houghton’s monogram “AH” and “Dalziel”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto and verso and on a separate slip of paper. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and relief

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. ‘Victorian publishers’ bindings’. (London, Library Association, 1985), Appendix E, ‘Nineteenth Century Edition binders’ Signatures’.

Binding: The cover design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Binrer’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son./ [rule]/ 76, fleet Street,/ London./” [Ball no. 17A.] Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in relief. Blocked in gold on the outer border is a pattern of curling stems and leaves, in horizontal hatch gold. Two more inner borders are of crossed straps and of ‘three leaves’ conjoined. On the inner rectangular border, the words: “[on the left hand side] Dalziel’s Gift-Book; [at the head] 1865; [on the right and side] Dalziel’s Gift-Book; [at the tail] For 1865” are blocked in relief the central rectangle has a single gold fillet on its borders. Within this, above and below the title, the sub-title words: “/ Original Poems/ and Pictures/” are blocked in relief within gold horizontal-hatch cartouches, each of which has two gold fillets blocked on its border. The central oval is formed by multiple fillets blocked in gold, together with small plant patterns. Within it, the title words : “/ Home/ Thoughts/ and Home/ Scenes/” are blocked in relief within four horizontal-hatch gold lettering-pieces. Signed “JL” [i.e. John Leighton] in gold as separate letters at the base of the title, within a small ‘spade shape’. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Elaborate plant patters and straps are blocked in gold at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the title words: “/ Home/ Thoughts/ and/ Home/ Scenes./” are blocked in gold. Below this, the sub-title words : “/ Original/ Poems &/ Pictures/” are blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces. Above and below these words, an oval is blocked in gold showing curling stems, tendrils and hatch gold leaves. More leaf and curling stem decoration towards the tail. Signed “JL” in gold as separate letters at the base of this decoration.

Record no. 1705

Museum number P&D  BM 1996,1104.20

de Beaumont: H22

BL: 1865: 1347.k.15.

Home Thoughts and Home Scenes, in Original Poems by Jean Ingelow, the Hon. Mrs. Norton [ i.e. Caroline  Elizabeth Sarah Norton], Dora Greenwell, Amelia B. Edwards [i.e. Amelia Ann Blandford Edwards], Mrs. Tom Taylor [i.e. Laura Wilson Taylor, née Barker], Jennett [sic] Humphreys and the Author of “John Halifax Gentleman.” [i.e. Dinah Maria Mulock Craik]. And Pictures by A. B. Houghton [i.e. Arthur Boyd Houghton], engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: Routledge, Warne and Routledge, Broadway, Ludgate,; New York: 416 Broome Street, 1868. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, Engravers & Printers, Camden Press. Not paginated. [7p.] 35 pages of text, 35 plates. With two pages of publisher’s advertisements bound at the end. Each illustration by Houghton precedes the poem relating to it. The poem by Jennett [sic] Humphries for plate 15 is entitled: “The Chair Railway.” It is signed with Houghton’s monogram “AH” and “Dalziel”. On the front pastedown, there is a prize label, dated 17 August 1873 of the Collegium S. Stanislai Soc. Jesu. , awarded to Joanni Beall.  Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto and verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and relief

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. ‘Victorian publishers’ bindings’. (London, Library Association, 1985), Appendix E, ‘Nineteenth Century Edition binders’ Signatures.





Binding: The cover design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Binrer’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son./ [rule]/ 76, fleet Street,/ London./” [Ball no.17D.] Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically, in blind and in relief on the lower cover, and in gold and relief on the upper cover.  Blocked in gold on the outer border is a pattern of curling stems and leaves, in horizontal hatch gold. Two more inner borders are of crossed straps and of ‘three leaves’ conjoined. On the inner rectangular border, the words: “[on the left hand side] Dalziel’s Gift-Book; [at the head] 1865; [on the right and side] Dalziel’s Gift-Book; [at the tail] For 1865” are blocked in relief the central rectangle has a single gold fillet on its borders. Within this, above and below the title, the sub-title words: “/ Original Poems/ and Pictures/” are blocked in relief within gold horizontal-hatch cartouches, each of which has two gold fillets blocked on its border. The central oval is formed by multiple fillets blocked in gold, together with small plant patterns. Within it, the title words : “/ Home/ Thoughts/ and Home/ Scenes/” are blocked in relief within four horizontal-hatch gold lettering-pieces. Signed “JL” [i.e. John Leighton] in gold as separate letters at the base of the title, within a small ‘spade shape’. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Elaborate plant patters and straps are blocked in gold at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the title words: “/ Home/ Thoughts/ and/ Home/ Scenes./” are blocked in gold. Below this, the sub-title words : “/ Original/ Poems &/ Pictures/” are blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces. Above and below these words, an oval is blocked in gold showing curling stems, tendrils and hatch gold leaves. More leaf and curling stem decoration towards the tail. Signed “JL” in gold as separate letters at the base of this decoration.

Record no. 1706

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.128

de Beaumont: H23

BL: 1866-1868. [First and Second Series.] 12271.h.14

Inscribed on the recto of the frontispiece plate are the words: “/ Henry Hoare/ New Bromption/ 1867: [rule]/”. Below this, there is the circular stamp of Henry Hoare: “/ H. Hoare, F. S. Sc./ [rule]/ 119, Abbeyville Rd./ Southwark Park, S.L. [i.e. South London?]/ Elocutionist/”.  Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso and on separate slips of paper. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold only

Houfe, 1996, C. Robinson (?-1881): … ‘he was the uncle of Charles, T.H. and William Heath Robinson’.

Binding: This seems likely to have been a bespoke binding, made for Henry Hoare. Red ink edges. Red endpapers and pastedowns. Bound in green half morocco, with green pebble-grain cloth over the boards. The joins between the cloth and the leather are tooled in gold with a roll fillet, which shows a repeating stem and leaf pattern. The spine is a hollow back, divided into six panels by (false) raised bands. At the head and at the tail multiple gold fillets are blocked across the spine. Panels one, three, five and six have gold tooled ornament on four corners, together with a lozenge blocked in gold upon the centre. Panel two has the title words blocked in gold: “/ Illustrated/ Readings/”. Panel four has the words: “/ Conducted/ by/ Tom Hood/”, blocked in gold. Near the tail, the words: “/ H. H. [i.e. Henry Hoare] 1867./” are blocked in gold.

Record no. 1707

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.132

de Beaumont: H24

BL 1861: 1347.g.20.

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.

McLean, Ruari. Victorian publishers’ book-bindings in cloth and leather. London, Gordon Fraser, 1974, p. 96 – an illustration.

Household Song. A collection of lyrical pieces. With illustrations by Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], G. H. Thomas, [i.e. George Housman Thomas], S. Palmer i.e. probably Samuel Palmer], J. Archer[ i.e. probably James Archer] , Harrison Weir [i.e. Harrison William Weir], S. Edmonston [i.e. probably Samuel Edmonston], A. Solomon [i.e. probably Abraham Solomon ], J. Drummond [i.e. probably James Drummond]. London: W. Kent & Co. Paternoster Row, 1861. London: R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill. [5], 52p. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The illustration on page 49 is by James Drummond, entitled: “Highland Mary”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso and on a separate slip of paper. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold sand relief

Binding: The design is not signed. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binders’ ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ 76, Fleet St London./” [Ball no. 17C.] Brown morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked in gold and in relief with an identical design. A ‘frame’ border is blocked in gold, with a repeating pattern of ivy leaves and stems blocked in relief within it. On the centre head, the centre tail, and the centre sides, crossed triangles and diamonds are blocked in gld. The inner borders have three fillets blocked in gold. The inner corners have a pattern of ivy leaves and stems blocked in relief. The central medallion is bordered with elaborate fillets, blocked in gold. On the centre, the title words: “/ Household/ Song./” are blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece. Around the title a pattern of ivy leaves and stems is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Patterns of ivy are blocked a the head and at the tail across the spine, and inwards towards the centre. Along the centre of the spine, within a cartouche gold lettering-piece, the title words: “/ Household Song/” are blocked in relief.

Record no. 1708

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.136

de Beaumont: I1


BL 1867: 11651.h.8. [BM binding – no original covers]

For a discussion of Bayman vs. Bennett, see:

Idyllic Pictures. Drawn by Barnes [i.e. Robert Barnes], Miss Ellen Edwards [i.e. Mary Ellen Edwards], Paul Gray, Houghton [i.e. Arthur Boyd Houghton], R. P. Leitch [i.e. Richard Principal Leitch], Pinwell, [i.e. George John Pinwell], Sandys [i.e. Frederick Sandys], Small [i.e.  William Small], G. Thomas [i.e. George Housman Thomas]. [Monogram device of Cassell, Petter and Galpin.] London and New York: Cassell, Petter and Galpin, 1867. 203p. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece plate is entitled: “Cousin Lucy”, accompanying the verse printed on page 7. It is signed with the monogram of Paul Gray, and is also engraved and signed “Dalziel”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso and on a separate slip of paper. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Inscribed on the front endpaper verso: “/ To Will Lambert/ From his Uncle Matthew Barr,/ with all best wishes./ June 1894/”


Gold and black and relief.

Binding: The cover design is possibly by Charles Bayman. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Green endpapers and pastedowns. Purple fine rib diagonal-grain cloth. The outline of the upper cover decoration is blocked in blind and in relief on the lower cover. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in black and in relief. Elaborate small decoration and horizontal-hatch fillets on the outer borders. Elaborate decoration of circles, of leaves in gold hatch, of stems are blocked in gold and in black on the inner corners and borders. The central rectangle has a border of repeating dots blocked in relief within a black fillet, and then two more gold fillets. The central roundel has elaborate decoration blocked in gold and in black on its perimeter. The title words: “Idyllic Pictures” are blocked in relief within the gold lettering-piece roundel. Signed “C B” in gold at the base of the roundel. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: elaborate stylised leaves and stems blocked in gold; the title words: “Idyllic Pictures” are blocked in a semi-circle within a gold lettering-piece roundel; more elaborate flower, leaf and stem decoration, in which the initials “C B” are blocked in gold; near the tail, more leaf, and stem decoration, blocked in gold; at the tail, the words: “/ London/ Cassell, Petter & Galpin/” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece.

Record no. 1709

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,09406.137

de Beaumont: I2

BL x22 6770 [Boston Spa]

Ingelow, Jean Title: Poems. With illustrations by G.J. Pinwell [i.e. George John Pinwell], J.W. North [i.e. John William North], J. Wolf [i.e. Joseph Wolf], E.J. Poynter [i. e. Edward John Poynter], E. Dalziel [i.e. Edward Dalziel], T. Dalziel[ i.e. Thomas Bolton Gilchrist Septimus Dalziel], A.B. Houghton [i.e. Arthur Boyd Houghton] and W. Small [i.e. William Small]. Engraved by the brothers Dalziel. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer, 1867. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, Engravers and Printers, Camden Press. xv, 318p. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive: 1867 nos. 755 to 852. He has written on the upper endpaper verso: "According [to] an ink note by Ruari [Maclean] in my copy of Victorian Book Binding, the binding design is by Albert Warren from Longman's list." The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and black and relief.

Binding: The design is not signed. [Possibly the design is by Albert Henry Warren.] Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold and in black. Two fillets are blocked in gold on the borders. Quatrefoils are blocked in gold on each corner, with plant decoration blocked in gold inside. The inner borders have three patterns blocked: the first and third are of repeating fuschia-like flowers - blocked between two fillets, all in gold. The second border (blocked between the first and the third) shows a repeating pattern of leaves and berries, blocked in relief against a black background, between two fillets blocked in black. The inner rectangle corners show straps and a small leaf blocked in gold and in black. The central oval is formed by a number of gold fillets. Within the central oval, a recessed, elongated quatrefoil is blocked. Within it, there is vellum coloured paper on lay, blocked with the words: "/ Poems/ by/ Jean Ingelow/ Illustrated./" blocked in gold in elaborate gothic letters. The spine is blocked in gold, and in black, and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a rectangle formed by a single fillet, with a fillet blocked in black inside; a decorated rectangular gold lettering-piece; an elongated rectangular panel formed by a single gold fillet; within this panel, flower head decoration is blocked in gold, with leaves blocked in relief - both surrounded by blocking in black; a quatrefoil-shaped gold lettering-piece, with the words: "/ Poems/ by/ Jean Ingelow/" blocked inside in relief in gothic letters; below this panel, the word: "/Illustrated/" is blocked in relief, within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has a single fillet blocked on its borders; another panel formed by a single gold fillet; inside this panel, leaves are blocked in relief, surrounded by small decoration blocked in black; flower head decoration is blocked in gold; five diamonds are blocked in gold, with small crosses and dots, blocked in relief within each diamond; the words: "/Longmans & Co./" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders; a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet, with a black fillet blocked inside; a single gold fillet is blocked at the tail.

 Record no. 1710

Museum number P&D  BM 1996, 1104.22

de Beaumont: I3

BL [not Roberts Brothers of Boston] 

Ingelow, Jean Title: Poems. With illustrations by G.J. Pinwell [i.e. George John Pinwell], J.W. North [i.e. John William North], J. Wolf [i.e. Joseph Wolf], E.J. Poynter [i. e. Edward John Poynter], E. Dalziel [i.e. Edward Dalziel], T. Dalziel[ i.e. Thomas Bolton Gilchrist Septimus Dalziel], A.B. Houghton [i.e. Arthur Boyd Houghton] and W. Small [i.e. William Small]. Engraved by the brothers Dalziel. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1867. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, Engravers and Printers, Camden Press. xv, 318p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

A previous bookseller’s catalogue entry has noted: “Second edition. Green cloth. Stereotyped and printed by H. O. Houghton at the Riverside Press.”

Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ H. G. Horrell/” and “/Fridolf Johnson/”.

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.

The fact that this copy was bound in London is at odds with the bookseller’s notes about stereotyping of the text by H.O. Houghton at the Riverside Press.


Gold and black and relief.

Binding: The design is not signed. [Possibly the design is by Albert Henry Warren.] Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge./” [Ball no. 53D.] Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold and in black. Two fillets are blocked in gold on the borders. Quatrefoils are blocked in gold on each corner, with plant decoration blocked in gold inside. The inner borders have three patterns blocked: the first and third are of repeating fuschia-like flowers - blocked between two fillets, all in gold. The second border (blocked between the first and the third) shows a repeating pattern of leaves and berries, blocked in relief against a black background, between two fillets blocked in black. The inner rectangle corners show straps and a small leaf blocked in gold and in black. The central oval is formed by a number of gold fillets. Within the central oval, a recessed, elongated quatrefoil is blocked. Within it, there is vellum coloured paper on lay, blocked with the words: "/ Poems/ by/ Jean Ingelow/ Illustrated./" blocked in gold in elaborate gothic letters. The spine is blocked in gold, and in black, and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a rectangle formed by a single fillet, with a fillet blocked in black inside; a decorated rectangular gold lettering-piece; an elongated rectangular panel formed by a single gold fillet; within this panel, flower head decoration is blocked in gold, with leaves blocked in relief - both surrounded by blocking in black; a quatrefoil-shaped gold lettering-piece, with the words: "/ Poems/ by/ Jean Ingelow/" blocked inside in relief in gothic letters; below this panel, the word: "/Illustrated/" is blocked in relief, within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has a single fillet blocked on its borders; another panel formed by a single gold fillet; inside this panel, leaves are blocked in relief, surrounded by small decoration blocked in black; flower head decoration is blocked in gold; five diamonds are blocked in gold, with small crosses and dots, blocked in relief within each diamond; the words: "/Roberts Bros./" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders; a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet, with a black fillet blocked inside; a single gold fillet is blocked at the tail.

Record no. 1711

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.138

de Beaumont: I4

BL: 1876 edition is not in BL

Ingelow, Jean. The Shepherd Lady, and other poems. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1876. 59p. 1 plate. The frontispiece plate is a portrait of Jean Ingelow. In the List of illustrations, the engravers are given as: “Linton [i.e. William James Linton],  Anthony, Dalziel Brothers, and John Andrew and Son (under whose supervision they are printed).”  The illustrators are listed as (full names): Arthur Hughes, Mary A. Hallock [i.e. probably Mary Hallock Foote], G. Perkins [i.e. probably Granville Perkins], J. A. Mitchell [i.e. probably John Ames Mitchell], W. L. Sheppard [i.e. possibly William Ludwell Sheppard], F. O. C. Darley [i.e. Felix Octavius Carr Darley], Sol. Eytinge [i.e. Solomon Eytinge]. The illustration on page 35 is by W. L. Sheppard. It has the caption: “/ Buy them, buy them, take them and try them./ Buy, maids, buy./”  Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the half title page recto, on the front endpaper verso and on a separate paper slip. He has noted the following proof plate is in the Dalziel Brothers Archive: 1874 no. 44. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and black and relief

Binding:  Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Red moiré fine rib vertical-grain cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in black and in relief. A single black fillet is blocked on the borders, and, inside this a pattern of flowers, repeating is blocked in relief within black blocking. Each corner has a ‘lotus like’ leaf and stems, blocked in relief, surrounded by black. Inside this, more stem and leaf decoration in black rises up the sides from the centre tail.  The title words: “/ The/ Shepherd/ Lady/” are blocked in gold towards the head. The words:”/ Jean Ingelow/” are blocked in gold within a rectangular cartouche, formed by two fillets in black, by a repeating dots, blocked in gold, and by a single gold fillet. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. At the head and at the tail, leaf and stem patters are blocked in black. Within a gold cartouche blocked along the spine, the words: “/ The Shepherd Lady/” are blocked in relief within the cartouche.

Record no. 1712

Museum number P&D  BM 1992,0406.139

de Beaumont: I5

BL: 1866 Roberts edition is not in BL

Ingelow, Jean. Songs of Seven. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1866. Cambridge [Mass.], University Press: Welch, Bigelow & Co. [5], 29p. The pages are printed on the recto only. Each page has a red rule border, with a single cross in each corner. The illustrations are by John William North. The frontispiece plate is a portrait of Jean Ingelow. The illustration on page 11 has the caption: “/ I leaned out of the window, I smelt the white clover,/ Dark, dark, was the garden, I saw not the gate./”

Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the first blank page recto, on the front endpaper verso and on a separate paper slip. He has noted the following proof plate is in the Dalziel Brothers Archive: 1864 nos. 563-569. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

The bookplate of Adelaide. S. Dole is on the front pastedown. The second unnumbered page has the inscription:”/ Edw (?) B. Stanton(?)/ Sept 2nd 1866 – / Alfred Norton/”



Gold and blind and relief


Welch Bigelow & Co.


“This collection documents the printing business of Welch, Bigelow, and Company from 1867-1879 and also that of John Wilson and Son, University Printers, from 1879-1886.”


Binding:  Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. White moiré fine rib diagonal-grain endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically on the borders and on the corners. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the borders, and then a greek fret is blocked in relief. On each corner, two ‘fan patterns’ are blocked in relief. On the centre of the lower cover, a diamond is formed by a single gold fillet. The words:”/ Songs of Seven/” are blocked in gold within it, in ‘rustic’ letters. They are underneath a bird’s nest, formed by twigs and leaves, with two birds flying just above the nest – all in gold. On the centre of the upper cover, the words: “/ Songs/ of/ Seven/ Ingelow/” are blocked in gold, in elaborate letters. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head, the word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in gold within an oval frame formed by gold fillets and small decoration. Along the centre, the words: “/ Songs of Seven/” are blocked in gold, are blocked in gold, with each letter being ‘outlined’. The letter “S” is also blocked within a four cornered horizontal hatch gold lettering-piece. Near the tail, the words:”/ Jean/ Ingelow/” are blocked in gold, within an oval frame formed by gold fillets and small decoration.

Record no: 1713

BM Register no: 1992,0406.144

de Beaumont: I6

BL. 1848, Murray: 12305.e.32.

James, Thomas. Aesop’s Fables: a new version, chiefly from original sources. With more than one hundred illustrations designed by John Tenniel. London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1848. London: Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars. xxvii, 232p. With twelve pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The engravings are by Leopold Martin. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on the front endpaper verso, and on a separate slip of paper. The bookplate of Efford Park Library is on the front pastedown. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and relief.


Leopold (George) Martin:

With his wife Susan, née Garrett, who was nine years older than him, Martin had six children who survived to adulthood: Alfred (who worked with his father as a mezzotint engraver and later became a senior tax official), Isabella, Zenobia (who married the artist Peter Cunningham), Leopold (who became a clerk), Charles (who was trained as a painter by his father, copying a number of his father's works – he later became a successful portrait painter and lived in America – his last exhibit at the Royal Academy was in 1896) and Jessie (who married Egyptologist Joseph Bonomi). Leopold was the godson of the future King Leopold I of Belgium, who had met and befriended Martin when they shared lodgings on Marylebone High Street in about 1815. Leopold later wrote a series of reminiscences of his father, published in the Newcastle Weekly Chronicle Supplement in 1889. Leopold accompanied his father on many walks and visits, and his anecdotes include encounters with J.M.W. Turner, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, William Godwin and Charles Wheatstone. Leopold married the sister of John Tenniel, later famous as the cartoonist of Punch and illustrator of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.


Binding: Text sewn on two tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Bookseller’s ticket on the lower pastedown: “/ William George’s Sons,/ Top Corner Park Street, Bristol./ Libraries & Books Bought./” Bookseller’s ticket on upper pastedown: “/ W. Pritchard/ Bookseller/ Carnarvon./” Orange wave horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with a greek fret on the borders, in blind and in relief. The central roundel is formed by  two fillets, with a greek fret blocked between them. The roundel is blocked in blind and relief on the lower cover and in gold and in relief on the upper cover. Within the roundel ion the upper cover, the words: “/ Aesop’s Fables/” are blocked in gold in a circle. The spine is blocked in gold. Greek frets are blocked across the spine at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the words: “/ Fables/ of Aesop/” are blocked in gold. Near the tails, the words: “/ London./ John Murray are blocked in gold.

Record no: 1714

BM Register no: BM 1992,0406.145

de Beaumont: I7


BL: C.109.c.11. de luxe publisher’s red morocco

Jerrold, Douglas. Mrs. Caudle’s Curtain Lectures. Illustrated by Charles Keene. London: Bradbury, Evans & Co., 11, Bouverie Street, 1866. [Device and monogram of the publisher and printer on title page verso.] [London:] Bradbury, Evans & Co., Printers Extraordinary to the Queen. xx, 190p. 1 plate. [The plate is a chromolithograph.]  The plate is captioned: “/ Mr. Caudle, having come home a little late, declares that/ henceforth ‘He will have a key/’” With ten pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on the half title page verso. He has noted: “First edition, first issue, & with ‘Illustrated by Charles Keene’ in red on the title page.” Bookplate of “WRHJ” [i.e. a 20th-century bookplate with a scorpion and initials of W R H J - Wynne Rice Hugh Jeudwine] is on the front pastedown. Text printed on light green paper. In the publisher’s titles bound at the end of Douglas Jerrold, The Story of a Feather (1992.0406,147), this work is advertised as: “Handsomely bound, price 10s. 6d.” The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and relief.


For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.


Binding: Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. The design is by John Leighton. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge./” [Ball no. 53B ] Purple sand-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked on the borders in gold and in blind and relief. On the lower cover, the blocking is in blind and in relief, and on the upper cover, the blocking is in gold and in relief.  Eight patterns blocked on the borders: 1. a fillet in gold with repeating dots in relief; 2. a thin fillet in gold; 3. a border of hatched five point stars and gold dots; 4. a thin fillet in gold; 5. a fillet blocked in blind; 6. a fillet blocked in blind with repeating dots blocked in relief; 7. a fillet blocked in blind; 8 a thin fillet, in gold. On the lower cover, the title words and illustrator’s name are blocked in blind. On the upper cover, a four poster bed fills the cover. It is end-on to the viewer. The decorative features of the bed - the bed linen, the back of the bed, the columns - are outlined in relief by blocking in blind. A rail hung between the two post supports two curtains, which are hung on wooden rings. On the left curtain, the words: "/ The curtain/ lectures/" are blocked in gold; on the right curtain, the words: "/ of/ Mrs./ Caudle/" are blocked in gold. Five hatched five-point stars are blocked in gold below each group of words. Between the curtains on the back of the bed, a circular clock face is blocked in gold, with its arabic hour numbers blocked in relief. In the middle of the foreground, between the curtains, a table is blocked with a lamp on its top, both blocked in relief. The candle flame and its rays inside the lamp are blocked in gold. On the table plinth, the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold. Underneath the table, a water pitcher and a bowl are blocked in relief. The words: "/By/ C/" are blocked on gold on the pitcher; the word: "/ Keene/" is blocked in gold on the bowl. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters on either side of the bowl.

The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: hatched stars and a quarter moon, with a face; the words: "/ Mrs./ Caudle's/ curtain/ lectures/ [a set of teeth!]/ Douglas/ Jerrold./" are blocked in gold (the author words are blocked in relief within two rectangular gold lettering-pieces); the words: "/ Caudle's/ curtain/ wedding/ ring/" are blocked in gold round a ring, which has an eagle perched within it; the words: "/ Illustrated/ by/ Charles/ Keene./" are blocked in gold; miscellaneous decorative patterns, some in hatched gold; near at the base: "/ London/ Bradbury,/ Evans & Co./" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; two fillets are blocked in gold at the tail.

The British Library copy is at C.109.c.11. It has a ‘de luxe’ publisher’s red morocco case, blocked identically on both covers with the same design as this copy.


Record no: 1715

BM Register no: BM 1992,0406.146

de Beaumont: I8

BL: C.109.c.11. de luxe publisher’s red morocco

Jerrold, Douglas. Mrs. Caudle’s Curtain Lectures. Illustrated by Charles Keene. London: Bradbury, Evans & Co., 11, Bouverie Street, 1866. [London:] Bradbury, Evans & Co., Printers Extraordinary to the Queen. xx, 190p. 1 plate. The frontispiece plate is captioned: “/ Mr. Caudle, having come home a little late, declares that/ henceforth ‘He will have a key/’” [The plate is a chromolithograph.] With ten pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. [Device and monogram of the publisher and printer on verso of first page of these advertisements.] Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso and on a separate slip of paper. He has noted: “This is NOT the first issue. I bought the true first [edition] at the Jeudwine sale, … 29.11.[19]84.” Text printed on light green paper. In the publisher’s titles bound at the end of Douglas Jerrold, The Story of a Feather (1992.0406,147), this work is advertised as: “Handsomely bound, price 10s. 6d.” The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and relief.


For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.

Binding: Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. The design is by John Leighton. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Red and white endpapers and pastedowns, showing a ‘chequerboard’ pattern. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by/ Edmonds & Remnants / [rule]/ London/” [Ball no.66 E1 black on cream] Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in gold and in blind and relief. On the lower cover, the blocking is in blind and in relief, and on the upper cover, the blocking is in gold and in relief.  Eight patterns blocked on the borders: 1. a fillet in gold with repeating dots in relief; 2. a thin fillet in gold; 3. a border of hatched five point stars and gold dots; 4. a thin fillet in gold; 5. a fillet blocked in blind; 6. a fillet blocked in blind with repeating dots blocked in relief; 7. a fillet blocked in blind; 8 a thin fillet, in gold. On the lower cover, the title words and illustrator’s name are blocked in blind. On the upper cover, a four poster bed fills the cover. It is end-on to the viewer. The decorative features of the bed - the bed linen, the back of the bed, the columns - are outlined in relief by blocking in blind. A rail hung between the two post supports two curtains, which are hung on wooden rings. On the left curtain, the words: "/ The curtain/ lectures/" are blocked in gold; on the right curtain, the words: "/ of/ Mrs./ Caudle/" are blocked in gold. Five hatched five-point stars are blocked in gold below each group of words. Between the curtains on the back of the bed, a circular clock face is blocked in gold, with its arabic hour numbers blocked in relief. In the middle of the foreground, between the curtains, a table is blocked with a lamp on its top, both blocked in relief. The candle flame and its rays inside the lamp are blocked in gold. On the table plinth, the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold. Underneath the table, a water pitcher and a bowl are blocked in relief. The words: "/By/ C/" are blocked on gold on the pitcher; the word: "/ Keene/" is blocked in gold on the bowl. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters on either side of the bowl.

The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: hatched stars and a quarter moon, with a face; the words: "/ Mrs./ Caudle's/ curtain/ lectures/ [a set of teeth!]/ Douglas/ Jerrold./" are blocked in gold (the author words are blocked in relief within two rectangular gold lettering-pieces); the words: "/ Caudle's/ curtain/ wedding/ ring/" are blocked in gold round a ring, which has an eagle perched within it; the words: "/ Illustrated/ by/ Charles/ Keene./" are blocked in gold; miscellaneous decorative patterns, some in hatched gold; near at the base: "/ London/ Bradbury,/ Evans & Co./" are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; two fillets are blocked in gold at the tail.


The British Library copy is at C.109.c.11. It has a ‘de luxe’ publisher’s red morocco case, blocked identically on both covers, with the same design as this copy.


Record no: 1716

BM Register no: BM 1992,0406.147

de Beaumont: I9

BL: 12619g26

Jerrold, Douglas William. The Story of a Feather. Illustrated by G. Du Maurier [i.e. George Du Maurier.] London: Bradbury, Evans, & Co., 11, Bouverie Street, 1867. [Device and monogram of the publisher and printer on last page of the text, after the publishers’s advertisements.] [London:] Bradbury, Evans & Co., Printers Extraordinary to the Queen. xv, 259p. 4 plates. The frontispiece plate is captioned: “/ Patty at her mother’s bedside./” With three pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso and on a separate slip of paper. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Inscribed on the frontispiece plate recto: “/To Mrs N.(?) L.(?) Welsh/ From an Old Friend/ Xmas 1866/”


Gold and blind and relief.

Binding: Designed by John Leighton. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Purple pebble-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind with two fillets on the borders. A third fillet has strap work blocked on the corners. A fourth fillet is blocked inside this, with a repeating ‘leaf pattern’ blocked in relief within it. The centre-piece is blocked in gold. It consists of three feathers of the Prince of Wales, and a crown. The motto: "/ Ich dien./" is blocked in relief at the base, in a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece. The upper cover is fully blocked in gold. On the outer four corners are blocked the Prince of Wales' three feathers and crown. The crowns are different, denoting different grades of nobility. On the border at the head and the tail, two feathers are blocked in gold, separated by a five point star. Down each side, three feathers are blocked. The middle of the three feathers has an eye at the top. Inside the outer border are two thin fillets blocked in gold. Between these, a fillet is blocked in blind, with a leaf pattern blocked in relief within it. Inside this, forming the central rectangle, a fillet is blocked in gold with repeating dots blocked in relief within it. On the corners inside the central rectangle, medallions are blocked, each with three different outer circles. These are: a fillet in gold, with repeating dots blocked in relief inside; a thin gold fillet; hatch gold. Each medallion contains a decorative element. In the upper two, an egg and a skull and a feather are blocked. In the lower two medallions, a skull and a feather are blocked, and, a monkey wearing a hat with a chinstrap and a feather. The background of each of the medallions is small dots, blocked in gold. Each inner corner medallion has two feathers blocked in gold alongside it. A fillet of gold with repeating dots blocked in relief within it, separates the corner medallions from the centre panel. The centre panel is decorated with the feathers, crown and motto of the Prince of Wales. Beneath this, the words: "/ The/ Story of a Feather/ Illustrated by G. Du Maurier./" are blocked in  elaborate "scroll-like" letter, as though written with a quill pen, with much letter-end flourishes. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the words "Du Maurier". The spine is fully blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the Prince of Wales' feathers and crown; an ostrich-like bird's head, wearing spectacles, is gripping two objects in its beak: firstly, it holds a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece, bearing the words: "/ Ich dien/" blocked in relief, and also, it holds the string for a banner, which forms a forms a decorated frame for the title; the banner has two crossed arrows behind it, their tips at the base and their heads at the top; the title and author: "/ The/ Story/ of/ a/ Feather/ By/ Douglas/ Jerrold./" are blocked within the banner in gold; inside an inverted egg-shaped lettering-piece, a crouched bird-like figure is blocked in relief; the words:"/ Illustrated/ edition/"  are blocked in gold; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters; the imprint: "/ London/ Bradbury/ Evans & Co./" is blocked in gold at the tail.

The British Library copy is at shelf mark: 12619g26

Record no: 1717

BM Register no: BM 1992,0406.153

de Beaumont: I10

BL: [1866-1870] P.P.5992.h.

Kind words for boys and girls. 1868. London: Henry Hall, 56, Old Bailey. London: Published by J. and W. Rider, Bartholomew Close. 1868. Iv, 424p. 1 plate. The frontispiece plate is captioned: “/Ready and Waiting./” It is signed: “/ London. Kronheim & Co. Presented to the Subscribers of ‘Kind Words,’ January , 1868./” The content is fifty-two weekly eight page issues of ‘Kind Words’, each of which had an illustrated title page. Amongst several artists who made illustrations, three after John George Pinwell have been listed by Robin de Beaumont. The illustration of page 13 is by George John Pinwell, accompanying chapter 2: “My first Voyage”. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso and on a separate slip of paper. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold only

Kronheim used the Baxter process for many of their prints.

Binding: Bookseller’s label on upper pastedown: “/ From/ Henry Hollobone & Co./ Booksellers, Bookbinders, &c,./ 43, Charles Street,/ Walworth, London./” White endpapers and pastedowns. Brown pebble-grain cloth. The covers are not blocked. The spine has a red lettering-piece, whose edges are blocked with two gold fillets across the spine. The title words: “/ Kind/ Words/” are blocked in gold within it. The date: “/1868./”  is blocked in gold beneath the title.

Record no: 1718

BM Register no: 1992,0406.156

de Beaumont: I11

BL: 1858 - 1347.h.10.

Lays of the Holy Land from ancient and modern Poets. With Illustrations from original Photographs and Drawings. London: James Nisbet and Co., Berners Street, 1858. Edinburgh: Printed by R. & R. Clark. [8], 311p. In the ‘List of Illustrations’, the artists are listed (full names given) as : Myles Birket Foster, Frederick Richard Pickersgill, Thomas Bolton Dalziel, William Harvey, John Tenniel, Edward Duncan, A. Madot [possibly Adolphus M. Madot], John Everett Millais, Thomas Seddon, Joseph Wolf, J. H. Powell, John Richard Clayton, William Leighton Leitch, Henry Warren, G. Dodgson, [probably George Haydock Dodgson] , Henry Lejeune, Edward Corbould, Richard Principal Leitch. The engravers are listed as: Edmund Evans, Dalziel Brothers, W. Palmer [probably William James Palmer], J. Cooper [possibly James Davis Cooper], W. T. Green, Edward Morison Wimperis. The illustration on page 57 accompanies the start of the poem “The desert journey”, and is signed: “T. Seddon del.”. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive: 1857 nos. 971-1015. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: Mrs. Fredk. [i.e. Frederick] Warne/ with best regards of/ the Brothers Dalziel./ 24th Decr. 1857/”.


Gold and blind and relief.


Binding: Bevelled boards. Gilt edges, gauffered with a pattern of  diamonds and dots. The turn-ins are blocked in gold with a repeating stem and flower pattern. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Dark brown/ black morocco. Stamped on the upper pastedown at the tail: “/ Bound by Edmonds and Remnants./” Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, with a ‘dentelle’ pattern  blocked just inside these. The central rectangle is formed by four fillets blocked in blind, which also intersect at the centre head, the centre tail and the centre sides. A large central diamond is formed by these fillets, and within it, nine diamonds are blocked, four of which have a ‘chequerboard’ design blocked in relief; and five of which have four-pointed leaves. The spine is blocked in The spine is blocked in gold and I  blind. It is divided into seven panels by cords with two fillets blocked in blind across the spine on either side of the each cord. Panel two has the title words: “/ Lays/ of the/ Holy/ Land/” blocked in gold. This clearly intended to be a de luxe binding, possibly as presentation copies. The British Library copy is at shelf mark 1347.h.10. It has no original covers.

Record no: 1719

BM Register no: 1992,0406.157

de Beaumont: I12

BL: 1858 - 1347.h.10.

Lays of the Holy Land from ancient and modern Poets. With Illustrations from original Photographs and Drawings. London: James Nisbet and Co., Berners Street, 1858. Edinburgh: Printed by R. & R. Clark. [8], 311p. In the ‘List of Illustrations’, the artists are listed (full names given) as: Myles Birket Foster, Frederick Richard Pickersgill, Thomas Bolton Dalziel, William Harvey, John Tenniel, Edward Duncan, A. Madot [possibly Adolphus M. Madot], John Everett Millais, Thomas Seddon, Joseph Wolf, J. H. Powell, John Richard Clayton, William Leighton Leitch, Henry Warren, G. Dodgson, [probably George Haydock Dodgson] , Henry Lejeune, Edward Corbould, Richard Principal Leitch. The engravers are listed as: Edmund Evans, Dalziel Brothers, W. Palmer, J. Cooper [possibly James Davis Cooper], W. T. Green, Edward Morison Wimperis. The illustration on page 51 is signed with the monogram of John Everett Millais, accompanying the start of the poem: “Moses on the Nile”. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso and on a separate slip of paper. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive: 1857 nos. 971-1015. The bookplate of Francis Gray Smart is pasted on the upper endpaper recto; the bookplate of W.H. Streatfeild is on the upper pastedown. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

Binding: The design is possibly by Albert Henry Warren. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically with an overall ‘Persian style’ design, blocked in hatch gold, with elaborate decoration being picked out in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. Flower and stem patterns are blocked in relief within a rectangular hatch gold lettering-piece at the head and at the tail, each of which has a single gold fillet blocked above and below it across the spine. From the head to the tail, elaborate patterns of stems, flowers, are blocked in hatch gold. The central gold lettering-piece is shaped with ‘oriental’ curved gold fillet borders. The title words: “/ Lays/ of the/ Holy/ Land/” are picked out in ‘double’ lettering blocked in relief. Signed “W” in gold at the tail. The British Library copy is at shelf mark 1347.h.10. It has no original covers.

Record no: 1720

BM Register no: 1992,0406.161

de Beaumont: I13

BL: 1860: 1347.i.14.  1862: 1347.i.21. 1865: 12305.m.18. [This copy in BL bindings database]

Cats, Jacob. Moral emblems with aphorisms, adages, and proverbs, of all ages and nations, from Jacob Cats and Robert Fairlie. With illustrations freely rendered, from designs found in their works, by John Leighton, F.S.A. The whole translated and edited, with additions, by Richard Pigot, Member of the Leyden Society of Netherlands Literature. [Device of Longmans on title page above the imprint.] London: Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts, 1860. [Device of Richard Clay printed on title page verso.] London [Printed by] Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill. 240p. Where it is possible to deduce individual engravers’ names from the surnames of the engravers listed, these are Henry Leighton, Joseph Swain, Thomas Bolton, Horace Harral, Edmund Evans, Dalziel Brothers. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper recto. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive: 1859 nos. 695-713. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and black and relief.

Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers' bindings / (London : Library Association, c1985.) pp. 54, 61, 82.

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures

King, Edmund M. B. The book cover designs of John Leighton. In: The British Library Journal, vol. 24, no. 2. Autumn 1998 p.241.

Binding: The design is by John Leighton. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Stamped as a roundel in blind on the upper endpaper recto: "/James Walker/ Print &/ Bookseller &/ Stationer &/ Picture Frame/ Maker/ Commercial St. leeds/”. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Edmonds & Remnants/ [rule]/ London/” [Ball no. 31A  blue/black ink] Both covers blocked in gold and black, with an identical design. The borders are blocked with: 1. a single gold fillet 2. a black fillet blocked between two thin gold fillets. Inside this, elaborate strap work is blocked in with the same fillet work of a black fillets between two thin gold fillets. Leaves and stems are blocked in gold at the head, the tail and the sides, and on the corners. The strap work forms a central rectangle, whose corners are blocked in black, with letters blocked in relief. The phrases are: "/ Animi/ pabullum/", in the top left and the bottom right hand corners. The words "/ Animi/ medicina/" are blocked in the top right and bottom left corners. The central mandorla is formed by three gold fillets. In the mandorla, the capitals "M" and "E" are blocked in gold. The words: " [M]oral" and "[E]mblems" are blocked in relief, within rectangular gold lettering-pieces. Signed "JL", in gold as separate letters, at the base of mandorla. The title is surrounded by a dense pattern of curling stems and horizontal hatch leaves, with a cross near the base of the mandorla. The spine is blocked in gold and black and in relief. The strap work is as for the covers. From the head downwards, the decoration is: on the upper half, in gold, a mandorla is blocked with horizontal gold hatch. The words: "/ Moral/ Emblems/ By/ Jacob Cats/ &/ Robert Fairlie./" are blocked in relief within lettering-pieces, each with a single fillet on its borders; a panel gold horizontal hatch lettering-piece, with the words: "/ Illustrated/ by/ John Leighton/ F S A /" blocked in relief within lettering-pieces, with single fillets blocked in relief on their borders; more strap work; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters above the imprint: "/ London/ Longmans & Co/" , which is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders; a black fillet blocked between two gold fillets; two gold fillets blocked at the tail.


Record no: 1721

BM Register no: 1992,0406.173

de Beaumont: I14

BL: 1864: 10369. Pp. 5 Upper cover doublure with the design blocked on purple pebble-grain cloth.

Linton, Eliza Lynn [GK: Lynn, afterwards Linton, Elizabeth.] The Lake Country. With a Map And One Hundred Illustrations Drawn and Engraved By W.J. Linton [i.e. William James Linton]. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 65, Cornhill, 1864. London: Printed by Clay, Son, and Taylor, Bread Street Hill, E.C. xl, 351p. 4 plates, 1 map. The Frontispiece plate is captioned: “Derwent and Bassenthwaite Waters, From Ashness Bridge.” Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso and on a separate slip of paper. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.

The cover design is by John Leighton. Gilt edges; bevelled boards. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and Hodge./" [Ball no.53F.] Green pebble-green cloth. Both covers identically blocked in gold, in blind and in relief.] Dragon flies are blocked on each corner. Blocked on the borders are: 1. a single gold fillet 2 a gold fillet with repeating dots blocked in relief within 3. a fillet blocked in blind, with repeating stars and dots blocked within if 4. as for number 2. 5 & 6 two thin gold fillets. There are four fishes blocked in gold on the inner corners, holding scrolls in their mouths, on which is blocked in relief a lake name. The four lake names are "Windermere; UllesWater; Derwent Water; Rydal Water". The central vignette, blocked in gold, shows bull rushes, leaves and ferns surrounding the title. In the centre there is a swan-shaped boat with mast. It holds a winged figure seated in the rear. The title: "/ The/ Lake / Country/" are blocked in relief within three horizontal hatch rectangular gold lettering-pieces, which are blocked above and below the centre. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette.  The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. The majority of the spine shows an elongated oval, formed by seven gold fillets. These are (from the outer inwards): 1. a thin gold fillet 2. a gold fillet with repeating dots inside it, blocked in relief 3. a thin gold fillet 4. a thin gold fillet 5. a fillet blocked in blind, with repeating dots and stars blocked inside it in relief 6. a fillet blocked in blind 7. a thin fillet in gold. Inside the oval, from the head downwards, the decoration is: a group of stars blocked in gold; the title: "/ The/ Lake/ Country/" are blocked in relief within a horizontal hatch gold triangle; the words: "/ By (in gold)/ E. Lynn Linton (blocked in relief, within a rectangular gold lettering-piece)/"; the words: "/Illustrated/ by/ W.J. Linton/" are blocked in gold; three small birds in flight, blocked in gold; a group of water plants and bulrushes, in gold; a fish in water, in gold; signed "JL" in gold as separate letters underneath the fish; at the tail, an oval is blocked, formed by four fillets; inside the oval, there is horizontal hatch gold blocking; the word: "/ London/" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single fillet blocked in relief on its perimeter; the words: "/Smith Elder & Co/" are blocked in relief; the oval has a single small decorative piece blocked in gold outside it on each corner.

Record no: 1722

BM Register no: 1992,0406.175

de Beaumont: I15

BL: 1859: 1347.f.2. ; 1858: Document Supply W3/4442

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. The Courtship of Miles Standish and Other Poems. Illustrated from designs by John Absolon, Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], and Matthew S. Morgan [i.e. Matthew Somerville Morgan]. Engraved on Wood by T. Bolton [i.e. Thomas Bolton]. London W. Kent & Co. (late D. Bogue), 86, Fleet Street, 1859. London: Savill and Edwards, Printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden. viii, 124p. The illustration on page 22 is after Matthew Somerville Morgan. The illustration on page 29 is after John Absolon. There is an ownership inscription on the upper endpaper recto. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s Ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son/ 76, Fleet Street, London./” [Ball no. 17C.] Green morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. A pattern of stems and leaves is blocked in relief on the sides and on each corner. The central vignette is blocked in gold. On its perimeter, stems, flowers and ‘dotted’ leaves form a diamond, in which the title words: The/ Courtship/ of Miles Standish/ are blocked in gold in ‘gothic’ lettering. Signed WHR [i.e. William Harry Rogers] as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. Near the head, the title words: “/ The/ Courtship/ of/ Miles/ Standish/” are blocked in gold, within stylised plant decoration blocked above and below.

Record no: 1723

BM Register no: 1992,1104.24

De Beaumont: I16

BL. 1850 - 11688.g.22. and 11686.a.12. and 12991.b.2.

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie. Illustrated with forty-five engravings on wood, from designs by Jane E. Benham, Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], and John Gilbert.London: David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street, 1850. London: Henry Vizetelly, Printer and Engraver, Gough Square, Fleet Street. vii, 102p. With two pages of publishers’ titles bound at the end.  The illustration on page 1 is after Myles Birket Foster and is engraved by Henry Vizetelly. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso and on a separate slip of paper. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold. Printed paper, glazed

Pre-Raphaelite artists

Binding: Gilt Edges. Bevelled boards. Light blue/green endpapers and pastedowns. Bookseller’s ticket on front pastedown: “/ Godwin/ Bookseller/ Bath./” Yellow printed paper over boards. The spine is of white rib horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are printed with a pattern of curling stems, tendrils and leaves. Each cover has a central roundel. The roundel on the lower covers shows the an angel, holding a rectangular plaque, with the word: “Patience” printed within it. The vorders of this roundel are chains. The upper cover roundel shows a young couple, standing on a hill top, gazing out over a sea bay, which has ships anchored. The title words: “/ Evangeline/ A Tale of Acadie/” are printed in Gothic letters above and below the roundels on each cover. Signed on both covers, CH (or HC) as a monogram near the centre tail. The spine is of white rib horizontal-grain cloth, with the title words: “/ Evangeline/ Illustrated/ [rule]/ Lomgfellow/” blocked in gold at the head, which are between two gold fillets blocked across the spine.

The British Library copy is at:11688.g.22.

Record no: 1724

BM Register no: 1992,0406.176

De Beaumont: I17

BL. [1854 not in BL?]

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie. Illustrated with forty-five engravings on wood, from designs by Jane E. Benham, Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], and John Gilbert. London: David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street, 1854. London: Henry Vizetelly, Printer and Engraver, Gough Square, Fleet Street. vii, 102p. With two pages of publishers’ titles bound at the end.  The illustration on page 9 is after Jane E. Benham [i.e. Jane Benham Hay] and is signed with her monogram. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso and on a separate slip of paper. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and relief.

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.

Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto: “/ Cecilia Lushington/ From/ her affectionate Cousin/ M. M. [Moltly?]

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge/ Shoe Lane/ London/” [Ball no.53A] Blue ripple horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically. Wide floral motifs are blocked in gold on the borders, with ‘quatrefoils’ and more floral motifs blocked in gold on each corner. The central rectangle is recessed on each cover. On its corners, more floral decoration is blocked in relief. On the centre, the title words: “/ Evangeline/ A/ Tale of/ Acadie/” are blocked in gold in ‘branch like’ letters. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, the same quatrefoil floral decoration is blocked, as for the corners of each cover. The title words: “/ Evangeline a Tale of Acadie/” are blocked in gold along the spine, in ‘branch like’ letters, all within a cartouche formed by gold fillets.


The border decoration on each cover is repeated on two other works:

1.         British Library shelf mark 11686.e.36. Longfellow. Voices of the Night. Bogue, 1852.  

2.         British Museum de Beaumont P&D no. 1992,0406.179. Longfellow.  Poems. Bogue , 1852. 

Record no: 1725

BM Register no: 1992,0406.177

De Beaumont: I18

BL.1854. C.109.b.3.

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. The golden legend. Illustrated with fifty engravings on wood, from designs by Birket Foster and Jane E. Hay. [A cross botonny] London: David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street, 1854. London: Henry Vizetelly, Printer and Engraver, Gough Square, Fleet Street. vii, 224p. The Illustrations on pages 30 and 201 are after Jane E. Hay, and are signed with her monogram. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


King, Edmund M.B. The Book Cover Designs of John Leighton, F.S.A. In: The British Library Journal, vol.24, no.2.Autumn 1998, p. 241.

The BL copy is at C.109.b.3.

Binding: The design is by John Leighton. The plates are signed with the illustrators' names and monograms and are also signed "H. Vizetelly Sc.". Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are fully blocked in gold, with an identical design. Two thin fillets are blocked on the borders. There is an "ivy leaf" pattern, with sprays of buds blocked on the corners and on the sides. Each cover has a recessed centre panel. Around the perimeter of this, two fillets are blocked in gold. The centre panel is "oriental" shaped at top and bottom. A fillet blocked in blind on the perimeter of the recess. Within this fillet, decoration is blocked in relief. The centre-piece is blocked in gold, showing a nearly formed mandorla, blocked as a gold lettering-piece. The mandorla has small decoration blocked in relief inside, and it is surrounded by lily-like leaves and stems. Signed "JL" [i.e. John Leighton] in gold as a monogram at the base of the centre-piece. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: three "ivy-like" leaves and groups of buds; the words: "/ The/ Golden/ Legend./ [rule]/ Longfellow./" blocked in gold; a cross botonny in gold; another symmetrical group of ivy-like leaves and berries; signed “JL” [i.e. John Leighton] in gold as separate letters near the tail; a gold fillet; a repeating plant pattern; a gold fillet across the spine at the tail.

Record no: 1726

BM Register no: 1992,0406.178

De Beaumont: I19

BL. 1858. 1347.h.9.

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Kavanagh: a Tale. Illustrated with original designs by Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], engraved by H. N. Woods. London: W. Kent & Co. (Late D. Bogue), 86, Fleet Street, 1858. London: Henry Vizetelly, Printer and Engraver, Gough Square, Fleet Street. 136p. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and relief

Inscribed on the title page: “/Eleanor Pollard Harle/”.


[BL copy is awaiting entry into the BL database?]

Binding: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in relief. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders, forming straps which show in relief on each corner. Plant decoration of stems, leaves and flowers is blocked in relief on the sides and on each inner corner. The central hexagon is formed by a single ‘branch like’ fillet blocked in gold. This has small stem and leaf decoration blocked in gold around it. Within the hexagon, dense posies of ‘lilies’ and of ‘roses’ are blocked in gold. The title word: “Kavanagh” is blocked in gold, and with the letters cascading from the centre towards the bottom right. The spine is blocked in gold. A ‘branch like’ gold fillet forms a cartouche along the spine, which ends in straps at the head and at the tail. The title words: “/Longfellow’s Kavanagh/” are blocked in gold in ‘branch like’ letters within the cartouche.

Record no: 1727

BM Register no: 1992,0406.179

De Beaumont: I20

BL.1852:  3441.ff.45. – de luxe publishers leather (?): 1854: Document Supply W9/8422; 1854: 11686.b.31. – no orig covers;  1856. 2292.a.40. – same covers as for BL 3441.ff.45.(?)

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Poems. Illustrated with upwards of one hundred engravings on wood from designs by Jane E. Benham, Birket Foster [i.e Myles Birket Foster], etc. London: David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street, 1852. London: Henry Vizetelly, Printer and Engraver, Gough Square, Fleet Street. Xi, 334p. With two pages of publisher’s advertisement s bound at the end. The frontispiece is a portrait of Longfellow. It is signed: “W. B. Mote Sc.” The illustration on page 125 is signed “B. Foster”. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.

Inscribed on front endpaper recto: “/ E. R. Dickson(?)/ 16 Moray Place/ Sept 1878/”

Gold and relief.



Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge/ Shoe Lane/ London/” [Ball no.53A] Both covers are blocked identically. Wide floral motifs are blocked in gold on the borders, with ‘quatrefoils’ and more floral motifs blocked in gold on each corner. The central rectangle is recessed on each cover. On its corners,  floral decoration is blocked in relief. On the centre, a sprig of roses and lilies, surmounted by a seven star ‘crown’ is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head to the tail, a ‘Norwegian fir tree’ is blocked, with the branches at the head, and the roots at the tail. On the upper half of the spine, the words: “/ Longfellow’s/ Poems/ [rule]/ Illustrated/” are blocked in gold. Lily plants with their stems leaves and flowers rise up from the tail and surround a lyre on the centre of the spine – all blocked in gold. Near the tail, amongst the roots of the tree, the signature: “JL” [i.e. John Leighton] is blocked in gold as a monogram.

The border decoration on each cover is repeated on two other works:

1.         British Library shelf mark 11686.e.36. Longfellow. Voices of the Night. Bogue, 1852.   

2.         British Museum de Beaumont P&D  no. 1992,0406.176. Longfellow.  Evangeline. Bogue , 1854. 

The centre-piece of roses and lilies is also blocked on British Library shelf mark: 11647.g.11. Christian Graces of Olden Time.

Record no: 1728

BM Register no: 1992,0406.180

De Beaumont: I21

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Poetical Works. Evangeline - Voices of the Night – The Seaside and the Fireside – The Golden Legend. Miscellaneous Poems. Illustrated with upwards of one hundred and sixty engravings on wood from designs by Jane E. Benham, Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], etc. London: David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street, 1856. London: Henry Vizetelly, Printer and Engraver, Gough Square, Fleet Street. xvi, 422p. With two pages of publisher’s advertisements bound at the end. The frontispiece is a portrait of Longfellow. It is signed: “W. B. Mote Sc.” The illustrations on pages 35 and 104 are signed “JEB” [i.e. Jane E. Benham] as a monogram. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and relief.

Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns.

Gilt edges. Blue ripple horizontal-grain cloth. A single gold fillet is blocked on the borders. Between two more gold border fillets, a repeating pattern of gold hatch ovals is blocked in gold. Each of the ovals is bordered by two gold fillets. Each oval has small leaf decoration blocked within it in relief. Triangles are blocked on the corners, each formed by two gold fillets, with plant decoration blocked in gold. On the inside of the central diamond-shaped recess a border of two gold fillets is blocked, with a border of leaves and stems is blocked in relief. The centre piece is diamond-shaped, with lily-like flowers and acorn-like seeds blocked in gold. The four heart-shapes blocked in gold at the centre have their decoration within blocked in relief. Unsigned.


The border decoration on each cover is the same as British Library 1570/1285 - Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Hyperion: a romance. David Bogue, 1853.

The British Library copy of this work is at shelf mark 11686.g.27.

Record no: 1729

BM Register no: 1992,0406.181

De Beaumont: I22

BL: 1856: 11686.g.28. – No original covers. 1859: RB.23.a.5248.

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. The Poetical Works. A new edition, illustrated with upwards of one hundred designs, drawn by John Gilbert, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: George Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street, 1857. London: Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill. vi,401, [2]p. The illustration on page 103 is entitled: The Skeleton in Armour.” Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso.

Inscribed on the upper pastedown: “/ Algernon Sidney./” [and a separate inscription for:] Christabel A. Sidney/ With her Mother’s love/ 17th May 1894./”  The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, p. 162.

Binding: The spine design is by John Sliegh. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./” [Ball no. 17A.] Both covers are blocked with an identical design, in On the lower cover, apart from the title words blocked in gold within the central cartouche, the design is blocked in blind and in relief. On the upper cover, the design is blocked in full gold. A single ‘dog tooth’ fillet is blocked in gold on the borders. Each corner triangle has multiple fillets blocked on its borders. Within each triangle, groups of leaves and of curling stems are blocked in gold. The large central diamond is recessed, and, within it, is a gold lettering-piece, in which curling stems, leaves, and flowers are blocked in relief. The central cartouche is formed by two gold fillets, and inside, the words: “/ Longfellow’s/ Poetical Works/” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a ‘shield’ with leaves blocked in gold within it, and more leaves blocked in relief on each side; Within a square formed by two gold fillets, the words: “/ Longfellow’s/ Poetical/ Works/” are blocked in gold; a central oval/ mandorla is formed by a single gold fillet; leaves and buds are blocked in relief on its perimeter; inside it, interlocking stems, leaves and flowers are blocked in gold; within a square formed by two gild fillets, the words: “/ With/ Illustrations/ by/ John Gilbert/” are blocked in gold; an inverted shield, with leaves and buds are blocked in relief on its perimeter; inside it, interlocking stems, leaves and flowers are blocked in gold; signed “JS” [i.e. John Sliegh] in gold as a monogram at the base of this shield; near the tail, the word: “/ Routledge/” is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gild fillet; at the tail, another rectangle is formed by a single gold fillet.


Record no: 1730

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.185

De Beaumont: I23

BL: 1860: 1347.g.13. – no orig. covers;


Longfellow,Henry Wadsworth. The Song of Hiawatha. Illustrated, from designs by George H. Thomas [i.e. George Housman Thomas]. Engraved on Wood by W. Thomas [i.e.  William Luson Thomas] and H. Harral [i.e. Horace Harral]. London: W. Kent & Co. (Late D. Bogue), 86, Fleet Street, 1860. London: Savill and Edwards, Printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden. viii, 224p. The illustration after George Housman on page 47 is accompanied by the verse: “/ Master of Life!” he cried, desponding,/ “Must our lives depend upon these things?”/ On the fourth day of his fasting/ In his lodge he lay exhausted;/”  Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front pastedown verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and relief.


For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.

Original BL entry [no BL  copy in original cloth]


Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. De Beaumont bookplate on upper pastedown. Bookseller's ticket on upper pastedown: "/ S & T. Gilbert,/ Booksellers,/ 4, Copthall Buildings,/ Back of the Bank./" Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge/"[Ball no. 53E.]. Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in gold, in blind and in relief. Blocked on the borders are: 1. a single thin gold fillet; 2. hatch gold fillet; 3. a repeating pattern of semi-circles and dots, blocked in gold; 4 a hatch gold fillet. On the corners and on the sides, ten medallions are blocked - each formed by a hatch gold fillet and four dots. Each medallion has plant decoration blocked in relief within it, surrounded by horizontal gold hatch blocking. Between the medallions, rectangular panels are formed by single gold fillets, with plants blocked in relief within each. The inner rectangle on the covers is formed by: 1. a thin gold fillet; 2. semi-circles and dots blocked in gold. Above and below the central oval, two rectangular panels are formed by hatch gold fillets and a single thin gold fillet; within each rectangle, the title: "/ The Song of/ Hiawatha/" is blocked in gold. The central oval has three groups of decoration on its borders: 1. a hatch gold fillet  blocked between two thin gold fillets; 2 a repeating plant pattern blocked in gold; 3. a hatch gold fillet  blocked between two thin gold fillets . On the head, the tail and the sides, plant decoration is blocked in relief within gold lettering-pieces. The inner central oval has a white paper on lay. Within it, a vignette is blocked, showing an Indian chief and a squaw standing on the right; another squaw is seated on the ground to the left - all in gold. Signed "RD" [i.e Robert Dudley] in gold at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single hatch gold fillet is blocked on the borders. Panels are blocked down the spine, formed by single gold fillets. From the head downwards, the decoration is: 1. gold dots and semi-circles; 2. a medallion formed by two fillets, the inner of which is hatch, with maize plant decoration blocked in relief, surrounded by horizontal gold hatch. Around the medallion, plant decoration is blocked in relief; 3. the title: "/ The/ Song/ of/ Hiawatha/" blocked in gold within an oval formed by two gold fillets, the inner of which is of hatch gold. 4. a medallion, with the same formation as no. 2. and plant decoration blocked in relief within, together with horizontal gold hatch; 5. the words: "/ Longfellow/ [rule]/ Illustrated/ by/ Geo. Thomas/" are blocked in gold, within an oval formed by two fillets, the inner of which is of gold hatch; 6. a medallion - the same as no. 2; 7. the same decoration as no. 1; 8. a rectangle formed by a single fillet; 9. the same as nos. 1 and 7. The spine is not signed.



Record no: 1731

BM P & D Register no: BM 1996,1104.25

De Beaumont: I24

BL: 1873: 11651.f.14. – original covers, same design as this copy  on purple sand-grain cloth


Lyrics of Ancient Palestine. Poetical and Pictorial. Illustrations of Old Testament History. The Illustrations drawn by A. de Neuville [i.e. probably Alphonse Marie de Neuville] , P. Skelton [i.e. Percival Skelton], J. Wolf [i.e. Joseph Wolf], J. D. Watson [i.e. John Dawson Watson], J. Mahoney [i.e. James Mahoney], C. J. Staniland [i.e Charles Joseph Staniland], and others. [The list of illustrations includes two illustrations by C. Johnson possibly Charles Edward Johnson.] London: The Religious Tract Society, 56, Paternoster Row; 65, St. Paul’s Churchyard, and 164, Piccaduilly, [1873]. London: Printed by J. and W. Rider. 208p. The illustration on page 53 is by Staniland, entitled: “The Finding of Moses”. This illustration is also reproduced on the front cover of the book. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Pasted onto the front endpaper recto, the inscription reads: “Mrs. Wilton/ the gift of/ Miss [Desliffe?]/ March 28th 1880”.


Gold and black and blind




Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind, with fillets on its borders. The upper cover is blocked in Gold and in black. Gold and black fillets are blocked on the borders, and also form three rectangular panels. Within the panel at the head, a rectangular gold lettering-piece has gold fillets and a ‘wave and dot’ pattern on its borders. Within it, the words are blocked : “/ Lyrics [blocked in relief within the lettering piece]/ of [blocked in gold beneath the lettering-piece]/”. Below the central panel the words: “/ Ancient Palestine/ are blocked in relief, within another rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has a single gold fillet blocke don its perimeter. The central rectangle shows the scene: ‘The Finding of Moses’, a reproduction of the illustrations on page 53, after Charles Joseph  Staniland. Moses is in a basket, floating on the Nile, with bulrushes in the foreground, and pyramids in the background – all blocked in gold and in black. Immediately underneath this, a black fillet is blocked across the cover, which has leaf and curling stem decoration blocked in gold within it. The spine is blocked is gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: small decoration in black at the head; the words: “/ Lyrics/. Of/ Ancient/ Palestine/” blocked in gold with multiple fillets across the spine in gold and in black; floral designs in gold and in black on the centre downwards to the tail.


The British Library copy of this work is at shelf mark 11651.f.14. It has the same design on purple sand-grain cloth. See:


Record no: 1732

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.193

De Beaumont: I25

BL: 1347.h.12.

Mackay, Charles. The home affections pourtrayed by the poets. Selected and edited by Charles Mackay. Illustrated with one hundred engravings, drawn by eminent artists, and engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: George Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman-Street, 1858. London: Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill. xv, 391p. In the ‘List of Illustrations’, the illustrators are given as [full Christian names supplied where these are certain]: Alfred Elmore, John Gilbert, Myles Birket Foster, Harrison William Weir, William Harvey, John Absolon, Thomas Bolton Dalziel, John Richard Clayton, J. Allon Pasquier [i.e. probably James Abott Pasquier], G. Dodgson [i.e. possibly George Haydock Dodgson ], S. Read [i.e. probably Samuel Red], Francis William Topham, Alexander Johnstone [i.e. Alexander Johnston], Frederick Richard Pickersgill, A. Madot [i.e. probably Adolphus M. Madot], John Tenniel, J. M. Carrick [i.e. John Mulcaster Carrick], James Godwin, John Everett Millais, Edward Duncan, John Sliegh. The frontispiece is signed: “A. Elmore” and “Dalziel”. It shows a young man, in a woodland setting, playing a wind instrument (a clarinet ?), with a young female watching him. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.



gold and blind and relief


Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, “reissued in 1866 with the same design."


For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.


Morris, Ellen K. & Levin, Edward S. The Art of Publishers’ Bookbindings 1815-1915. An Exhibition held at the Grolier Club, New York, 17 May – 19 July 2000. Los Angeles: William Daley Rare Books Ltd, 2000p.108, no.244.


Binding: The design is after Albert Henry Warren. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Light blue endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by Burn,/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./” [Ball no. 20A.] Red wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers have an identical design blocked in gold, in blind and in relief. The borders are blocked in gold, with a "christmas tree" repeating pattern. Three fillets are blocked in gold on the borders. On the outer rectangle, raised cartouches are blocked in gold and in relief, with small zig-zag patterns blocked in relief between. Between the outer and inner rectangles, two fillets are blocked in gold. On the corners of the inner rectangle, plant patterns are blocked, within horizontal hatch arabesques. The central decoration is ‘Moorish’ in design, with a twelve pointed design and horizontal hatch blocking. The tracery of plants and leaves has the patterns picked out in relief. The words: "/ The/ Home/ Affections/ by the/ Poets/ [rule]/ Mackay/" are blocked in gold and in relief within the central panel. The spine is blocked in gold. There is a tracery of leaves and stems blocked in gold down the spine. The words: "/ The/ Home/ Affections/ by the/ Poets/ Mackay/" are blocked in relief, within a gold lettering-piece. Signed "AW" in relief as a monogram, with the "A" being inside the "W". It is  above the word "/ Illustrated/" blocked in relief within a horizontal hatch gold lettering-piece. The publisher: "/ Routledge/" is blocked in relief within a vertical hatch gold lettering-piece blocked near the tail.


The British Library copy is at shelf mark: 1347.h.12. See:

Record no: 1733

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.194

De Beaumont: J1

BL:  [does not have a copy in original covers?]; 1853-  11645.g.; 1856 - 11649.a.67.



Mackay, Charles. The Salamandrine. With Illustrations, drawn by John Gilbert; engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: Ingram, Cooke, and Co., 1853. London: Printed by Robson, Levey and Franklyn, Great New Street and Fetter Lane. xii,140p. The illustration on page 67 is after John Gilbert. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive: 1852 nos. 586-631. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down. The bookplate of Edward Dalziel is on the upper pastedown. The upper endpaper is inscribed “J. Dalziel” [i.e. John Dalziel].

A letter from Dalziel Brothers of 17 October 1864 is tipped onto the upper endpaper recto.

A letter of John Gilbert of [Sunday?] 6th [November?] is tipped onto the upper endpaper verso.


Gold and blind

Binding: It is suggested that the cover design is after Henry Noel Humphries. Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically; in blind only on the lower cover. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders - the outer thick the inner thin. The title: "/ The/ Salamandrine/" is blocked in gold in elaborate ‘branch-like’ letters on the centre of the upper cover. Curling stems weave between the letters, and flowers and leaves surround the title. The capital "S" is bisected by a branch ending in thin roots at the head and at the tail. A vertical branch is also blocked near the fore edge. The spine is blocked in gold. The words: "/ The/ Salamandrine/ by/ Cha Mackay/ Illustrated/ by/ Gilbert/" are blocked in gold in elaborate letters, within and between four "spade-shapes", which are formed by single gold fillets. Small leaves and berries decoration are blocked in gold at the head, on the middle and on the tail.


Record no: 1734

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.220

De Beaumont: J2

McDermott, Edward. The Merrie Days of England. Sketches of the Olden Time. Illustrated with twenty engravings, from Drawings by Joseph Nash, George Thomas [probably George Housman Thomas], Birket Foster [i.e.  Myles Birket Foster], and Edward Corbould [i.e. Edward Henry Corbould] London: William Kent & Co. 86, Fleet Street, (successors to David Bogue.), 1859. London: Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill. 160p. 20 plates. In the ‘List of Illustrations’, the engravers are listed as [full names given where possible]: Edmund Evans, William James Linton, Horace Harral, W. Thomas, Edmund Morison Wimperis, W. T. Green, William Frederick Measom, W.H. Palmer, J. Cooper [possibly James Davis Cooper], T. Williams [i.e. probably Thomas Williams]. “Initial Letters and Ornaments designed by [William] Harry Rogers and T. Macquoid. [i.e. probably Thomas Robert Macquoid]. The drawings by Joseph Nash, copied upon Wood by F. J. Skill [i.e. Frederick John Skill].” [F. J. Skill was an intermediate designer; probably the other artists drew their own designs upon wood, and these were then engraved…] The frontispiece plate is signed: “B. Foster” and “E. Evans”. It is captioned: “The Cottage Homes of England./” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto and verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief

Pantazzi, Sybille. Four designers of English publishers’ bindings of the nineties. In: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America. 55. 1961. 

Binding: The cover design is by Albert Henry Warren. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./” [Ball no. 53A.] Brown morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically, in blind and in relief on the lower cover and in gold and in relief on the upper. A single gold fillet is blocked in blind on the borders. Inside on the borders, between two gold fillets, a repeating pattern of ‘pairs of leaves and stems’ is blocked in relief. Then there is an elaborate border of interlocking straps and stems, with small decoration picked out in relief within them. On the centre head, the figure of a seated man is blocked in gold, within a cartouche; on the centre tail, the figure of a reclining woman and a sheep is blocked in gold; on the centre spine side, a falconer is blocked holding a falcon, and with a dog as his feet; on the centre of the fore edge side, an archer is loading a crossbow. Within the inner rectangle, more straps are blocked in gold – all with small decoration picked out in relief, and all between two gold fillets. On the centre, the title: “/ The/ Merrie/ Days/ of/ England/” is blocked in gold, and the letters are surround3ed by small leaves and curling stems. Signed : “AW” [i.e. Albert Henry Warren] in gold as a monogram at the base of the title. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. The same elaborate strap work, as for the upper cover,  is blocked from the head to the tail. At the head and at the tail, a gold lettering-piece is blocked across the spine, which has small decoration blocked in relief within it, and which has a single gold fillet blocked above and below it. Near the middle of the spine, a rectangular gold lettering-piece is blocked, which has the title letters: “/ The/ Merrie/ Days/ of/ England/” blocked in relief within it. The title letters are surrounded by small stem and leaf decoration, also blocked in relief.


Record no: 1735

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.222

De Beaumont: J3

BL: 1860. 11651.c.2.

Meredith, Owen [i.e. Edward Robert Bulwer Lytton, Earl of Lytton, 1831-1891]. Lucile. With twenty-four illustrations by George du Maurier. London: Chapman and Hall, 195, Piccadilly, 1868. London: R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill. vii, 261p. 24 plates. The frontispiece plate is not signed. It probably shows Lucile, standing, looking out of a window. The plates are signed variously: “DM”. They are also signed: “W. L. Thomas Sc.” [i.e.  probably William Luson Thomas] and “W. Thomas Sc.” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso and on the adjoining flyleaf recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down. The bookplate of Roger Senhouse is pasted on the upper endpaper verso.


Gold only

A loose leaf, handwritten extract of Richard Garnett’s DNB article on Lytton is at the front.

Binding: Gilt edges. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. Green full morocco. The edges are told with a floral pattern. The turn ins are tooled in gold with a repeating pattern of alternating ‘lotus flower’ and thistles. The covers are tooled identically in gold with multiple fillets on the outer border, and fillets and decoration tooled to form the inner rectangular panel. The spine is divided into six panels by raised cords. Apart from panel two, each is elaborately tooled with filigree work. Panel two has a red leather onlay, with the words: “/ Lucile/ [rule]/ Meredith/” tooled in gold on it.

Record no: 1736

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.225

De Beaumont: J4

BL: 1868. 11623.c.28.

Milton, John. Ode on the Morning of Christ’s Nativity. Illustrated by Eminent Artists. London: James Nisbet and Co., Berners Street, 1868. Edinburgh: Printed by R. Clark. 44p. The illustration on page 8 is after Edmund Morison Wimperis and engraved by William James Palmer. In the ‘List of Illustrations’, the artists are listed as [full names given where possible]: T. Scott [i.e. possibly Thomas Dewell Scott], Edmund Morison Wimperis, C. J. Durham [i.e. possibly Cornelius Durham], William Small, Albert Moore, Lorenz Frölich, J. Jackson [i.e. possibly John Richardson Jackson], Caroline E. Hullah. Engraved by William James Palmer.

Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and relief


Binding. Gutta-percha bound. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Light grey endpapers and pastedowns. Blue pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically, in blind and in relief on the lower and in gold and in relief on the upper cover. The borders have a repeating pattern of passion plant leaves and stems, blocked in gold between two sets of gold fillets. A five pointed crown is blocked on each corner. The inner corners had stems and leaves blocked in relief. The centre of the upper cover shows complex gold patterns, overall in the shape of a diamond. Within semi-circular gold lettering-pieces above and below the centre, the title words: “/ Milton’s Hymn/ on [blocked within a quatrefoil on the very centre]/ Christ’s Nativity/” are blocked in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head, gold fillets are blocked across the spine. Within an elaborate vertical hatch gold lettering-piece, there are five gold lettering pieces, which have the title words: “/ Milton’s/ Hymn/ on/ Christ’s/ Nativity/” are blocked in relief within the lettering-pieces. Above and below the title words, elaborate plant decoration is blocked down the spine. At the tail, the word “/ Nisbet & Co/ “ are blocked in relief with a rectangular gold lettering-piece.

Record no: 1737

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.226

De Beaumont: J5

BL: 1874. 10174.d.16.

Molloy, James Lynam. Our Autumn Holiday on French Rivers. With illustrations by Linley Sambourne [i.e. Edward Linley Sambourne]. London: Bradbury, Agnew & Co., 8, 9, 10, Bouverie St., E. C., 1874. [London:] Bradbury, Agnew & Co., Printers, Whitefriars. 391p. The title page is a lithograph signed: “Sambourne del.” The illustration on page 47 is captioned: “Caudbec.” “J. Tremel” is stamped on the half title page recto. The bookplate of P. A. L. Vine is on the upper pastedown, together with the handwritten date of 1874. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief



Binding:  Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind with a single fillet on the borders. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Black fillets are blocked on the borders. A river water scene is blocked in black on the tail the head and the spine side. A scull with four oarsmen, their oars, and a passenger at its tail, are blocked on gold and in relief from the tail to the head of the cover. All are wearing straw hats. Two have their head up, showing their faces. Two have their heads down, showing the tops of the hats. The title words: “/ Our [letters outlined in black]/ Autumn Holiday [with the capitals “A” and “H” blocked in gold and in black]/ on [in gold] / French/ Rivers [ blocked in gold, mostly within a square black rectangular lettering-piece]/ J. L. Molloy [blocked in black]” are blocked down the cover. The scull/oar of the leading oarsman crosses through the word: “French”, seeming to support it. The oar of the third rower crosses through the author word. A frog and a fish, blocked in gold play in the water amongst reeds and plants. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a black and a gold fillet blocked across the spine; the title words: “/ our/ Autumn/ Holiday/ on/ French/ Rivers/ are blocked in gold; a pair of scales and a crab are blocked in black on either side of the word “Our”; a jetty scene is blocked in gold and in black, with two men, blocked in gold, wearing black wide caps, each with a coil of rope; the rope from one of these holds up a swimmer in the water below the jetty; the other figure is urging a youth to go down a ladder into the water; a dog, blocked in black is swimming  in the water below; the words: “/ J. L. Molloy/ are blocked in gold; small decoration blocked in black; at the tail, the imprint: “/ Bradbury Agnew & Co./” is blocked in gold, between two gold and two black fillets blocked across the spine.

Record no: 1738

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.227

De Beaumont: J6

BL: 1860. W82/7708

Montgomery, James. Poems. Selected and edited by Robert Aris Willmott. Illustrated with one hundred designs by John Gilbert, J. Wolf [i.e. Joseph Wolf], Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], etc. London: Routledge, Warne, & Routledge, Farringdon Street; New York: 56, Walker Street, 1860. London: Richard Clay, Printer, Bread Street Hill. [19], 380p. 1 plate. Other illustrators given in the List of Illustrations are: Frederick Richard Pickersgill, Edward Duncan, William Harvey, Harrison William Weir. The frontispiece plate is a portrait of James Montgomery, engraved by Joseph Brown. The illustration on page 73 is signed: “Weir” Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive: 1859: nos. 1269-1368. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down. Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto: “/ To/ Dear Annie/ from her affectionate/ cousins(?)/ Moseley August 1860/”

Gold and relief.


The British Library copy of this work is at shelf mark W82/7708. See:

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.

Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge./” [Ball no. 53B.] Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold, in blind, and in relief. Three gold fillets are blocked on the borders. Patterns of leaves, of stems are blocked in gold on the corners and on the sides. Two inner ovals are formed by double fillets blocked in gold. Between them, and inside the inner oval, patterns of small leaves and stems are blocked in relief. Elaborate patterns of stems and leaves on the centre in gold, with a diamond shape at the centre. Above and below the centre, large ‘flower shape’ gold lettering-pieces are blocked in gold, with the words: “/ Poems by/ James/ Montgomery/” blocked in relief within each ‘flower shape’. Around these words, small filigree decoration is picked out in relief. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked in gold on its perimeter. Elaborate leaf and stem decoration, blocked in gold, surrounds the gold lettering-piece, which contains the words: “/ Poems/ by/ James Montgomery/” blocked in relief within it. Small filigree work blocked in relief surrounds the title words. On the lower half of the spine, and at the tail, two cartouche-shaped gold lettering-pieces contain the words: “/ Illustrated/” and “/ Routledge & Co/” which are blocked in relief inside each – all surrounded by elaborate fillets, leaves and stems blocked in gold.

Record no: 1739

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.188

De Beaumont: J7

BL: 1904. 11602.h.22.

Macdonald, Lilia Scott. Babies’ Classics. Chosen by Lilia Scott Macdonald. Illustrated by Arthur Hughes. London: Longmans, Green and Co. 39 Paternoster Row; New York and Bombay. London and Edinburgh: Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. xi,79p. The frontispiece is signed with the monogram “AH”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down. Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ W. Margaret Leith/ with love from/ Winifred Troup. / Nov. 28. 1904./” Winifred Troup was the sister of Lilia Scott Macdonald, who completed this book after her sister died.


Gold only

Binding: Text sewn on four tapes. White endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the borders. On the centre, the title words: “/ Babies’/ Classics/” are blocked in gold. Above the title, a young girl is depicted with a bat, flying in a sky dotted with stars. Underneath the title, a ‘woodland’ scene shows a hedgehog, a hare, and a child’s doll,, which has no right arm, and the right leg of which is raised into the air- all blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Along its length, the words: “/ Babies’ Classics/” are blocked in gold, with each letter within a frame formed by interlocking stems, also blocked in gold.


Record no: 1740

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.229

De Beaumont: J8

BL:[1864 RTS] 11601.h.1.

Manning, Samuel. The Months illustrated by pen and pencil. The designs by Noel Humphreys [i.e. Henry Noel Humphreys], John Gilbert, Barnes [i.e. Robert Barnes], Wimperis [i.e. Edmund Morison Wimperis] , North [i.e. John William North], Lee [i.e. J. N. Lee] , Sulman [i.e. Thomas Sulman] , and other eminent Artists: Engraved by Butterworth and Heath. London: The Religious Tract Society, 56 Paternoster Row; 65 St. Pauls Churchyard; and 164 Piccadilly, [1864]. London: R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill. xvi,224p. Other artists given in the List of Illustrations are: W. Nicholls [i.e William Alfred Nicholls], T. Sargent, P. W. Justyne [i.e. Percy William Justyne]. The half title page is after Sulman. The illustration facing page 168 is after North.

Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down. The British Library copy of this work is at shelf mark 11601.h.1. It has the same design blocked ,but no binder’s ticket.


Gold and blind and relief.

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by Westleys & Co./ London/”. [Ball no. 103D.] Green pebble-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold and in blind and in relief. Two gold fillets are blocked on the borders. Inside, a border of single branches is blocked, which cross at the corners. Sprays of flowers are attached to the branches on each side. At the head, a garland of flowers is blocked. At the tail, a winter scene is blocked, with a hawthorn-like plant blocked on the centre. The central rectangle has three fillets on its borders, one blocked in blind between two in gold. On the centre, the title: "/ The Months/ Illustrated/ by/ Pen & Pencil/" is blocked in gold, in gothic letters. The capital letters "T", "M" and "I" are enlarged, with small decoration blocked in relief inside each letter. Many tendrils are attached to the title letters. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: two diamond panels, surrounded by "branch-like" fillets, which cross and form single straps; gold lettering-pieces shaped as ribbons; the title: "/ The/ Months/ Illustrated/ by/ Pen & Pencil/" blocked in relief within these ribbons; two more diamond panels; small decoration is blocked at the tail. All the diamonds are gold lettering-pieces, with decoration of the seasons blocked in relief within each panel. The decorations in each panel are, from the head: winter; spring; summer; autumn. The detail on the clustered flowers on branches, and the tendrils attached to the gothic letters - both are characteristic of Humphrey's work in his engravings and lithographs. The 1876 edition is at BL shelf mark Gilt edges. White endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "Bound by Westley's & Co. London". Green rib diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically, in blind on the lower, and in gold and in black on the upper. The same design is used for the title lettering as for the 1864 edition, within a smaller rectangle, with a fillet in black around its perimeter. The spine has the title blocked in relief within ribbon-shaped gold lettering-pieces.

Record no: 1741

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.230

De Beaumont: J9

BL: 1860: C.109.d.9.

Moore, Thomas. Lallah Rookh: an oriental romance. With illustrations, engraved by Edmund Evans, from original drawings by G. H. Thomas [i.e. George Housman Thomas], F. R. Pickersgill [i.e. Frederick Richard Pickersgill], R.A., Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], E. H. Corbould [i.e. Edward Henry Corbould], etc., etc.  London: Routledge, Warne, & Routledge, Farringdon St; New York: 56, Walker Street, 1860. London: Printed by Edmund Evans, Racquet Court. [6], 303p. 1 plate. In the ‘List of Illustrations’, other artists cited are (full names, where found): William Harvey, Hablot Knight Browne, Thomas Robert Macquoid, Richard Principal Leitch, Kenny Meadows, Samuel Palmer, George Haydock Dodgson. The frontispiece plate is after Frederick Richard Pickersgill, signed: “E[dmund] Evans Sc”. It illustrates the lines of verse on page 155:


Fiercely he broke away, nor stopp’d

Nor look’d – but from the lattice  dropp’d

Down mid the pointed crags beneath,

As if he fled from love to death.

 Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.




Gold and blind and relief


Binding: The design is probably by Albert Henry Warren. Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binders' ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge/". [Ball no. 53E] Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in blind. The recessed strap work is blocked in blind similar to wide fillets, with small decoration blocked in relief inside them. The strap work forms arabesques. They intermingle with the decorative panels which are blocked in gold, with a tracery of curling stems and leaves. At the centre, the oriental-shaped gold lettering-piece contains the words: "/ Lallah Rookh/ by [within a small diamond-shaded gold lettering-piece]/ Thomas Moore/", are blocked in relief, within two rectangular gold lettering-pieces. Similar elaborate arabesques and decorative patterns of curling stems and leaves are blocked on the spine. The words: "/ Lallah Rookh/ [rule]/ Moore/ [rule]/ Illustrated/" are blocked in relief inside a gold lettering-piece. Signed: “W” in gold near the tail, within a bud shape formed by a single gold fillet.

The British Library copy is a shelf mark C.109.d.9. See:

The Longman edition of 1853 is at BL shelf mark 11656p3, which has striped blue cloth and the design is not signed. See: 

The Longman edition of 1854 is at BL shelf mark 11647a19, with John Leighton design. See:

Record no: 1742

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.231

De Beaumont: J10

BL: 1861: 1347.g.18. (no original covers); 1862: RB.23.a.17437.(no original cloth covers) ; Document Supply W10/7231

Moore, Thomas. Lallah Rookh: an oriental romance. With sixty-nine illustrations from original drawings by John Tenniel, engraved on wood by the Brothers Dalziel; and five ornamental pages of Persian design by T. Sulman, Jun. [i.e. Thomas Sulman], engraved on wood by H. N Woods [i.e. Henry Newsom Woods]. London: Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts, 1861. London: Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill. xxiv, [1], 381p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The illuminated title page, after Sulman, is from ‘several ancient MSS, in the Library of the East India House’. The illustration on page 90 is after Tenniel, and has the verse:


And seems of all the Great Arch-Enemy.

The panic spreads – “A miracle!” throughout

The Moslem ranks, “a miracle” they shout,

All gazing on that youth, whose coming seems

A light, a glory, such as breaks in dreams;


Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive: 1859 nos. 1178-1201. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind ‘silver’ and relief

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.

Binding: The text is sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge/”. [Ball no. 53D.] Purple coarse pebble-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold and in blind and in relief. On the border, two thin fillet are blocked in gold. Insider this, forming the central panel, repeating patterns of crossing lines and dots are blocked in relief, and these are interspersed with repeating patterns of stems and leaves blocked in gold – the whoe forming a lattice work around the borders. The inside of the panel has hatch gold with stem and leaf patterns picked out in relief. Around the central arabesque, dense patterns of curling stems and leaves are blocked in relief. The central vignette is an arabesque, with ‘silver’ coloured on lay surrounding the central horizontal cartouche. Within the silver stem and leaf decoration is blocked in hatch gold. The central cartouche is formed by horizontal hatch gold blocking. Within it, the title words: “/ Lalla Rookh/” are blocked in relief in imitation arabic letters. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Two gold fillets are blocked on its perimeter. At the head and near the tail, arabesques are formed by curling gold fillets with stem and leaf decoration blocked in gold above and below them. Down the length of the spine, a pattern of curling stems and leaves and buds is blocked in relief. Towards the middle of the spine, the title words: “/ Lalla Rookh/” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece. This has elaborate arabesque decoration blocked in gold above and below it. There is more arabesque decoration blocked below the title cartouche. At the tail, the Publisher name: “/ Longman & Co./ “ is blocked in gold.


Record no: 1743

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.232

De Beaumont: J11

BL: 1858: 1347.i.10.

Moore, Thomas. Poetry and Pictures. With Illustrations on Wood. London: Longman, Green, Longman, Brothers and Green, 1863. London: Richard Clay, Printer, Bread Street Hill. xvi, 336p. In the List of Illustrations, the artists cited are (full names, where found): Myles Birket Foster, Frederick Richard Pickersgill, Daniel Maclise, Edward Duncan, Jasper Francis Cropsey, Henry Lejeune, Harrison William Weir, Francis William Topham, George Thomas, John Callcott Horsley, Benjamin Robert Haydon, [probably] Robert Thomas Stothard, Charles West Cope, Henry Warren. The drawings were engraved by: Edmund Evans, William James Linton, [probably] James Davis Cooper, Orrin Smith, [i.e. Harvey Edward Orrinsmith], W. Thomas [probably William Luson Thomas], W. T. Green, [probably] John Greenaway, Samuel Vincent Slader, H. Dudley. The illustration on page 71 is after Francis William Topham, with accompanying verse:


Lesbia hath a beaming eye,

But no one knows for whom it beameth;

Right and left its arrows fly,

But what they aim at no one dreameth.

Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.

Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ Sarah Agnes Turner/ A Birthday Gift from her/ dear Mamma/ January 18th 1864/”.


gold and blind and relief

Binding: The design is by Albert Henry Warren.  Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and Hodge./” [Ball no. 53B.] Brown pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical design. Three gold fillets are blocked on the borders. Broad fillets, blocked in blind, cross each other and delineate ‘octagons’ gold lettering-pieces on each corner, and within each there is symmetrical stem and leaf decoration blocked in relief. On the centre head, the centre tail, and on the sides there are six octagonal gold lettering-pieces, within each there is small symmetrical stem and leaf decoration blocked in relief. On the inner corners curling stem and leaf patterns are blocked in gold.  More interlocking straps surround the central vignette, which is a gold lettering-piece shaped as an arabesque. The words: “/ Poetry/ and/ Pictures/ from/ Thos. Moore/” are blocked I relief within the vignette, and all are surrounded by curling thin stems, picked out in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Is has the same decorative motifs as for the cover, but the whole is delineated by horizontal gold hatch blocked between two gold fillets. Towards the middle of the spine, an arabesque gold lettering-piece has the words: “/ Poetry/ and/ Pictures/ from/ Thos. Moore/” are blocked in relief within – all surrounded by small curling stems and buds, picked out in relief. Near the tail, the monogram of Albert Warren “AW” is blocked in gold.

Record no: 1744

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.235

De Beaumont: J12

BL: [1871]: Music Collections F.194.

Elliott, James William. National Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Songs. Set to Original Music. With Illustrations, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: George Routledge and Sons Broadway, Ludgate Hill; Glasgow, Manchester and New York; London: Novello , Ewer, and Co., Berners St., W. and 35 Poultry, E. C., [1871]. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press. [1],[7], 112p. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece plate is signed: “Ernest Griset” and “Dalziel”. It shows groups of small children playing with animals set into mirrors with rusticated frames. The mirrors are hanging from a wooden frames, with a clock atop the whole.  The illustration on page 210 is after Edward Gurden Dalziel. In the ‘Contents’, the illustrators are listed as [full names given where possible]: Francis Arthur Anderson Fraser, Fs Walker [i.e. [possibly Francis Sylvester Walker], William Small, Ernest Griset, Thomas Dalziel, Henry French, Johann Baptist Zwecker, W. J. Wiegand, Edward Gurden Dalziel, James Mahoney, Charles Green, Arthur Boyd Houghton, Henry Stacy Marks, George John Pinwell, Arthur Hughes.  Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive: 1870 nos.1354-1420. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Francis Arthur Fraser:

James William Elliott:


Gold and black



Binding:  Text sewn on two tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown fine rib diagonal-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on both covers, in black on the lower, and in gold and in black on the upper cover. On the upper cover, a single fillet is blocked in gold on the borders. On the head, the fore edge, and the tail, scenes from the nursery rhymes are blocked in black. The main rectangular panel is formed by two gold fillets. In it, the words: “/ National/ Nursery/ Rhymes/ Set to Music by/ J. W. Elliott/ Illustrated./” are blocked in gold and in black, with the capitals “N” and “R” being elongated with foliage within and around them, mediaeval style. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. On the head, the tail, and in the middle, nursery rhyme motifs are blocked in black. Near the head, the title words: “/ National/ Nursery/ Rhymes/” are blocked in gold.


Record no: 1745

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.237

De Beaumont: J13


Old English ballads. A collection of favourite ballads of the olden time. With fifty illustrations by Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], Joseph Nash, Frederick Tayler, George Thomas, John Absolon, and John Franklin. London: Ward and Lock, 158, Fleet Street, 1864. London: R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Printers. Xi, 272p. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece illustration is signed: “Franklin” and “C. Gray Sc.” Bookseller stamp on upper endpaper recto: “/ W. Croker/ Mall/ Waterford/” Inscribed on the upper endpaper: “/ To Adelis Gates/ With the kindest wishes/ of Harry and Minnie Sargent/ Waterford. 2nd October 1867./” The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto: “/ Eleanor Lewis/”

Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto.

Gold and blind relief.


Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. The design is by John Leighton. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Dark red sand-grain cloth. Both covers are fully blocked in gold and in blind with the same design. The outer border of each cover is blocked in gold, with a repeating alternating flower pattern, attached to a gold fillet. Inside this are: 1. a border of repeating in dots, blocked in gold; 2. a fillet in gold; 3. a repeating pattern of circles and dots, blocked in relief within a wide blind fillet. The central rectangle has a fillet border in gold, with small four-cornered stars blocked in relief within the fillet. To the corners of the central rectangle are circles, showing flower tracery in relief. The central mandorla displays the title letters, which are surrounded by small circles, blocked in relief. The capital letters "O", "E", "B" are blocked in relief, with the other letters "[O]ld", "[E]nglish", "[B]allads" being blocked in gold in rustic fanciful letters. Branches and tracery emerge from the ends of the letters. The spine is fully blocked in gold. Five panels and three rectangles are delineated by gold fillets. There are four circles in gold, blocked within the spine panels. Circular ivy stems, hatched leaves and berries are blocked in gold within the four circles. The title: "/ Old/ English/ ballads/" is blocked in gold, in rustic letters, with the capital letters of each word blocked in relief, within gold lettering-pieces. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters near the tail. The words: "/ London/ Ward & Lock/" are blocked in gold within a rectangular panel blocked at the tail.



The BL copy is at shelf mark: 1347.h.11. See:


Record no: 1746

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.240

De Beaumont: J14

BL: 1865 - D-4418.h.27.

Our Life Illustrated by Pen and Pencil. The Designs by Henry Noel Humphreys, J. D. Watson [i.e John Dawson Watson], H. C Selous [i.e. Henry Courtney Selous], Du Maurier [i.e. George Du Maurier], Barnes [i.e. probably Robert Barnes], Wimperis [i.e Edmund Morison Wimperis], Green [possibly Charles Green], Pinwell, [i.e. George John Pinwell], Sulman [i.e. Thomas Sulman], Lee [i.e. possibly John Lee], and Other Eminent Artists. Engraved by Butterworth and Heath. London: Religious Tract Society, 56, Paternoster Row; 65, St. Paul’s Churchyard, and 164, Piccadilly, [1865]. London: [Printed by] Richard Clay. 224p.

The [List of] Illustrations gives more artists’ names [full Christian names supplied where these are certain]: ‘Half title page and Title Page Ornamental border designed by’ Thomas Sulman;  Henry Noel Humphreys, [probably William Alfred Nicholls], John Gilbert, John William North, Charles William Sheeres,  Richard C Huttala, Percy William Justyne. The illustration on page 162 is signed with Selous’s monogram and is entitled: “Godly Prosperity – The Sacrifice of David; the illustration on page 163 is also signed with Selous’s monogram and is entitled: “Godless Prosperity – Nebuchadnezzar at Babylon”.

Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto: “/Alice Jefferson(?)/ With the affectionate remembrance/ of her friend/ E.J.B./ July 27th 1872./”

Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.

Gold and blind and relief


Binding: Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Westley’s & Co./ London/” [Ball no. 103D.] Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical design. Two gold fillets are blocked on the borders. Garlands of flowers and plants representing the four seasons of man are blocked, hanging from a wooden frame. Four gold medallion shaped lettering-pieces are blocked on inner centre head, centre tail and the sides. Each has a single word: “Childhood/ Youth/ Manhood/ Old Age/” blocked in relief within each. Small decoration is picked out in relief above and below each word. Within a frame formed by a ‘rustic’ gold fillet, the title words: “/ Our Life/ Illustrated/ by/ Pen and Pencil/” are blocked in gold, in fanciful letters. Leaf, stem and bud decoration, blocked in relief, surrounds this title frame. The spine is blocked in gold. A single ‘branch like’ fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. At the head and at the tail, groups of fillets intersect. Above and below the title, a gold medallion shows a cradle and a tombstone/ grave, both blocked in relief. On the middle of the spine, the title words: “/ Our/ Life/ Illustrated [diagonally across the spine]/ by/ Pen &/ Pencil/” are blocked in gold.


Record no: 1747

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.243

De Beaumont: J15

BL: 1868: [Another copy.] ;  12804.h.35. ;

Palgrave, Francis Turner. The Five Days Entertainments at Wentworth Grange. London: Macmillan and Co., 1868. [London:] R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill. xii, 328p. Printed on the page headed ‘Illustrations’: ‘The designs throughout are by Arthur Hughes, Windsor Street, Putney; the line-engraving on the title-page by Charles Henry Jeens, 67, St. Paul’s Road, Camden Square;  the woodcuts by James Cooper, 188, Strand.’ The illustration opposite page 10 is signed with Hughes’s monogram, and is captioned: “/ Eyes and no Eyes/”. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Inscribed on the half title page: “/  With the Writer’s/ Best wishes/ July 1897/”


Gold and blind


Binding: Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. Top edge is gilt. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ungrained cloth. Both covers a single fillet blocked in blind on the borders. The upper central vignette is blocked in gold. It is a roundel, formed by two gold fillets. In it, a mother and child (or perhaps an elder and younger sister), are blocked in gold. Five five-pointed stars are blocked in gold around these figures. The spine is blocked in gold At the head and at the tail, two gold fillets and a repeating dotted fillet are blocked across the spine. Near the head, the title words: “/ The/ five/ days’/ entertainments/ at Wentworth/ Grange/ F. T. Palgrave/ are blocked in gold. Near the tail, the device of Macmillan is blocked in gold.

Record no: 1748

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.244

De Beaumont: J16

BL: C.194.b.15.

The parables of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: with pictures by John Everett Millais. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.  London: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, Farringdon Street, 1864.  [London:] Dalziel Brothers engravers & printers Camden Press. [7], 48p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive: 1863 nos. 158-177. All the pages are red bordered. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


A Dalziel Fine art Gift Book.

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.

Goldman, Paul. Victorian Illustration. Aldershot, Lund Humphries, 1996.

The British Library copy is at shelf mark C.194.b.15. It has red pebble grain cloth. See:


Binding: Gutta-percha binding. The design is not signed. A Dalziel Fine art Gift Book. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown:”/ Bound by/ Bone & Son, / [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street, / London./.” [Ball no. 17A.] Green honeycomb cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in blind and in relief on the borders, four fillets are blocked in gold. In between them, the text of parables is blocked in gold: “[at the head] Heaven and earth shall pass/ [on the fore edge side on the upper cover] away but my word shall not pass away/ [on the tail] watch therefore for ye know neither/ [on the spine side] the day nor the hour wherein the son of man cometh/”. There is an inner border formed by two fillets blocked in relief, and a third fillet in relief with repeating dots blocked in relief inside it. These form a semi-circle at each corner, inside which a single ‘sunflower’ is blocked in relief. A pattern of stems and leaves is blocked in relief on the head, the tails and the sides to join up each corner semi-circle. The central mandorla is formed by four fillets blocked in gold. Between the second and third fillets, parable text is blocked in gold on the perimeter of the mandorla: “/ He that hath ears to hear let him hear and he spake many things unto them in parables/”. Between the third and fourth fillets, a repeating pattern of stars and circles is blocked in gold. On the centre, the title is blocked in gold: “/ The/ Parables/ of/ Our Lord./ Illustrated by J.E. Millais/” Above and below these words, a single sun/ star is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. Near the head, the title is blocked in gold, within a mandorla formed by two gold fillets: “/ The/ Parables/ of Our Lord/”. Just below the centre of the spine, the words: “/ J. E. Millais/” are blocked in gold within a quatrefoil formed by two gold fillets. Near the tail the words “/ Routledge & Co/” are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.


Record no: 1749

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.245

De Beaumont: J17

BL: 1885: 3226.f.11.

The Parables of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. With pictures by John Everett Millais. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross, W. C.; 49, Queen Victoria St., E. C.; 26, St. George’s Place, Hyde Park Corner, S. W.; Brighton: 135, North Street; New York: E & J. B. Young & Co. [1885.] 76p. The illustration on page 20 is captioned: “The Unmerciful Servant”. Text printed on the recto of each page. Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.




Gold and black and blind and relief


For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.


Binding: Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Black endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn/ & Co/” [Ball no. 20E.] Green fine rib diagonal-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only There are three fillets blocked on the borders. The central mandorla is formed of two fillets, with ‘dog tooth/ zig-zag’ decoration blocked alongside the fillets. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in black and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in black on the outer border, with a single gold fillet blocked inside this. The arms of a cross are blocked in gold, reaching out to the centre head, the centre tail and the centre sides. Lines and trefoil buds are picked out in relief within these arms. Around the central square panel, passion flower (or ivy, or vine) stems, leaves and buds are blocked in relief, with black being blocked around them. The central square is a diagonal hatch gold lettering-piece, with small decoration picked out in relief on its borders. The title words: “/ The/ Parables/ of/ Our Lord/” are blocked in relief within it. Above the square, a crown and lilies are blocked in gold and in relief. Below the square, a dove of peace is blocked, its wings unfurled. Within a ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece, the words: “/ Illustrated by J. E. Millais R. A./” are blocked in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in black and in relief. From the head downwards the decoration is: three black fillets, three gold dots are blocked across the spine; the initials “SH” ae blocked in gold as a monogram, against a background of black, and within a panel formed by a single black fillet; the title words:/ “ The/ Parables/ of/ Our Lord/” are blocked in gold, with gold and black fillets blocked across the spine above and below the words; within a rectangle formed by a single black fillet, stems leaves and ears of corn are blocked in gold against a black background; across the corn stalks, a ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece is blocked, with the words: “/ Illustrated/ by/ J. E. Millais/” blocked in relief within it; the word: “/ Routledge/” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which has a gold fillet blocked above and below it; gold dots and three black fillets are blocked across the spine at the tail.


Record no: 1750

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.247

De Beaumont: J18

BL: 1904: 11656.c.10.

Parnell, Thomas. The Hermit, a Poem. With Thirty Pictures designed and drawn in Pen and Ink by Edward Dalziel. London: Camden Press, N. W., 1904. Printed and Published by Dalziel and Co., Ltd., Camden Press, N. W.  46p. The Illustration on page eleven is captioned: “The Hermit”.  Robin de Beaumont's notes regarding price and dating of this copy are written on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Printed paper, cream

Binding: Thick card/ paper originally cream in colour. The lower cover and the spine have no printing. The upper cover has a rectangular panel and a roundel inside which is depicted the figure of Christ. The title words: “/ The Hermit/ A Poem/ by/ Thomas Parnell/ [inverted triangular decorated device[/ With 30 Illustrations by Edward Dalziel/” are printed on the lower half of the cover.

Inscribed at the headof the upper cover: “/ To Herbert Dalziel/ With much affection from his Uncle Edward/ Dalziel/”.

Record no: 1751


BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.248


De Beaumont: J19


BL: [1862] 1751.b.19. [Digitised by the BL – no original covers]


Passages from Modern English Poets. Illustrated by the Junior Etching Club. Forty-Seven Etchings. London: Day & Son, Limited, Lithographers & Publishers, 6, Gate Street, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, [1862]. 45p. 45 plates.  Each page is printed on both sides, but is numbered on the recto only. In the ‘List of Etching & Illustrative Poems’, the names of the artists/ etchers are given as [full names given where possible]: Henry Moore, [probably] Matthew James Lawless, John Tenniel, Viscount Bury [i.e. William Coutts Keppel, 7th Earl of Albemarle], James McNeill Whistler, Lord Gerald Fitzgerald, F. Powell [i.e. possibly Frank Powell], John Wright Oakes, John Richard Clayton, Henry Stacy Marks, William Gale, Arthur James Lewis, John Sleigh, Charles Keene, Walter Severn, Henry Clarence Whaite, Charles Rossiter, Frederick Smallfield, Fredrick Bacon Barwell, Joseph Clark.  Etching number 1: ‘Dead Fallow Buck; The Wild Deer’ is by Henry Moore. Etching number 45: ‘A River Scene’ is by James Whistler. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple sand-grain cloth. The same panel design is blocked in blind on both covers. On the upper cover, the central vignette shows the monogram of the Junior Etching Club ‘IEC’, within a medallion blocked in gold, with small decoration on its perimeter blocked in relief. The motto of the Club: “Labor ipse Voluptas” is blocked in relief underneath the Club’s monogram. The title words: “/ Passages from/ Modern English Poets [blocked in a semi-circle]/ Illustrated by the [blocked in a semi-circle]/ Junior Etching Club./” are blocked in gold above and below the central medallion. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, within gold fillets blocked across the spine, small decoration is picked out in relief. Near the head and on the centre of the spine, the words: “/ Passages/ from/ English/ Poems/ Illustrated by the/ Junior/ Ecthing Club/” are blocked in gold; near the tail the imprint:”/ London/ Day & Son/ Limited/” is blocked in gold.

John Wright Oakes

Arthur James Lewis

Joseph Clark

Record no: 1752

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.249

De Beaumont: J20

BL: 1876: D-1754.a.30.


Passages from Modern English Poets. Illustrated by the Junior Etching Club. Forty-Seven Etchings. London: William Tegg, [1876]. 45p. 45 plates.  Each page is printed on both sides, but is numbered on the recto only. In the ‘List of Etching & Illustrative Poems’, the names of the artists/ etchers are given as [full names given where possible]: Henry Moore, [probably] Matthew James Lawless, John Tenniel, Viscount Bury [i.e. William Coutts Keppel, 7th Earl of Albemarle], James McNeill Whistler, Lord Gerald Fitzgerald, F. Powell [i.e. possibly Frank Powell], John Wright Oakes, John Richard Clayton, Henry Stacy Marks, William Gale, Arthur James Lewis, John Sleigh, Charles Keene, Walter Severn, Henry Clarence Whaite, Charles Rossiter, Frederick Smallfield, Fredrick Bacon Barwell, Joseph Clark.  Etching number 11 ‘The Lovers’ is by Lord Gerald Fitzgerald. Etching number 24: ‘The Pedlar’ is by Viscount Bury.  Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. Part of these notes reads: ‘Originally published in 1862 by Day and Son at 3 gns [i.e. guineas]. This book was a complete failure and was [?] in Tegg, who reprinted the etchings transferred to stone, as lithographs. However, the quality varies enormously. In this copy they are fine as the originals, and with plate marks. Another copy has the plate marks but was MUCH coarser with loss of images and [?]. Paul [Goldman] and I think that some of [these?] are the original etchings. No- on closer inspection ALL (except for redrawn no. 43) of them. There are poorer , lithographic copies [in other versions]’. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and black and blind.


Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically with fillets on the outer and inner borders (with small floral devices on each corner), in blind on the lower cover and in black on the upper cover. On the upper cover, the central vignette shows the monogram of the Junior Etching Club ‘IEC’, within a medallion blocked in gold, with small decoration on its perimeter blocked in relief. The motto of the Club: “Labor ipse Voluptas” is blocked in relief underneath the Club’s monogram. The title words: “/ Passages from/ Modern English Poets [blocked in a semi-circle]/ Illustrated by the [blocked in a semi-circle]/ Junior Etching Club./” are blocked in gold above and below the central medallion. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, a single gold fillet is blocked across the spine, together with small repeating floral decoration blocked in gold. Near the head and on the centre of the spine, the words: “/ Passages/ from/ English/ Poems/ Illustrated by the/ Junior/ Ecthing Club/” are blocked in gold; near the tail the imprint:”/ Tegg. London/” is blocked in gold.


Record no: 1753

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.251

De Beaumont: J21

BL: 1866: 11651f7

Pen and Pencil Pictures from the Poets. Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo, [1866]. Edinburgh: Ballantyne, Roberts, & Company, Printers. viii, 152p. In the ‘[List of ] Illustrations’, the names of the artists are given as [full names given where possible]: Keeley Haswelle [i.e. John Keeley Haswelle], John MacWhirter, W. Smith, George Hay, John Lawson, S. J. Groves, Hugh Cameron, Samuel Edmonston. The engravers: Pearson [i.e. probably George Pearson], Robert Paterson, James Mackenzie Corner, J. Adam [i.e. possibly John Adam], Frederick Borders, Thomas Bolton.  The Illustration drawn by Hugh Cameron on page 18 is ‘A Country Walk’. The illustration on page 56 by Halswelle is ‘A serenade’.  Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Inscribed on the front endpaper verso: “/ To dear Mrs. Bayston on her birthday/ With much love from./ Mama, Bessie, Emily & Agnes/ Sherborne/ January 1868/”

Gold and blind and relief


John Adam:

The British Library copy of this work, also with green sand-grain cloth, is at shelf mark 11651.f.7. See:

Binding: Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Bookseller’s stamp on upper endpaper recto: “/ Ellis [i.e. possibly Ames Ellis]/ Sherborne/ Bookseller/”. Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical design, in blind and in relief only on the lower cover. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in blind and in relief. On the borders, a repeating pattern of small plants, of stars and small circles is blocked in gold. Inside this, a pattern of squares in blocked. The gold fillets that make up the squares blocked in gold have repeating dots blocked within them blocked in relief. An ‘inner’ pattern of smaller squares is created by fillets blocked in blind, with repeating dots being blocked in relief within them. Around the borders of the inner rectangle, floral patterns are blocked in gold, the flowers and stars, then a fillet in gold with repeating dots within it in relief; then four more fillets blocked in gold. The vignette on the centre is a gold lettering-piece, with the title words: “/ Pen/ & pencil/ pictures/ from the/ poets/” blocked in relief within it. Above and below the title there are four corner leaves, blocked in hatch gold, each of which is surrounded by tendrils blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Very elaborate floral and fillet decoration is blocked in gold and in relief from head to tail. In the upper half of the spine, within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet, the title words: “/ Pen/ & pencil/ pictures/ from the/ poets/” are blocked in gold. At the tail, the words: “/ W. P. Nimmo/” are blocked in gold , within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.


Record no: 1754

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.257

De Beaumont: J22

BL: 1874: 11651.i.13 this copy has original front cover.

Picture Posies. Poems chiefly by living artists and drawings by F. Walker, A.R.A. [i.e. Frederick Walker], G.J. Pinwell, [i.e. George John Pinwell], W.E. Frost, R.A. [i.e. William Edward Frost], J. W. North [i.e. John William North], T. Dalziel [i.e. Thomas Dalziel], E. M. Ward, R. A. [i.e. Edward Matthew Ward], A. B. Houghton [i.e. Arthur Boyd Houghton], J. D. Harding [i.e. James Duffileld Harding, W. Mulready, R. A. [i.e William Mulready], E. G,. Dalziel [i.e. Edward Gurden Dalziel], F. Danby, A.R. A. [i.e. Francis Danby], C. Stanfield, R. A. [i.e. Clarkson Stanfield], J. D. Watson [i.e. John Dawson Watson], Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], W. Small [i.e. William Small], and others. Engraved by the Dalziel Brothers. [Device of George Routledge.] London and New York: George Routledge and Sons, 1874. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, Engravers and Printers, Camden Press. Other artists providing illustrations, not mentioned on the title page, are [full names given where possible]: W. Brooks [i.e. possibly William Brooks, architect],  William Paton Burton, Frederick Goodall, R. A., Alfred Walter Bayes, Joseph Wolf, Johann Baptist Zwecker.  The Preface reads: ‘Our Picture Posies have all appeared before, the greater part of them in “A Round of Days” and “Wayside Posies” both of which works were received with great favour; and the fact of both being out of print justifies the present issue.’ The frontispiece illustration is captioned: ‘Rain’. It is signed ‘FW’ [i.e. Frederick Walker]. The illustration on page 145 is by Alfred Walter Bayes, signed ‘AWB’ as a monogram, accompanying a poem entitled: ‘The Sea Captain’s Farewell to his Child’.  Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

The British Library copy of this work is at shelf mark 11651.i.13. It has the same blocking on the upper cover, but on red cloth.

Gold and blind and black and relief


Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Bookseller’s ticket on upper pastedown:”/ Harrison/ [rule]/ Bookseller/ to the Queen/ 59 Pall Mall./” Blue sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind, with two fillets blocked on the borders, and another fillet and repeating small decoration forming the inner panel. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the borders, with squares formed by gold fillets on each corner, with decoration and gold tars blocked within each. Broad floral motifs blocked within a wide gold fillet form the inner border. The title words: “/Picture Posies/” are blocked in black within a semi-circular gold lettering-piece. Each of the capital letters has additional fillets around it and small decoration in relief surrounding each. More stem and lead decoration surrounds the title, and the central panel, in which the figure of a young girl is blocked in gold. She is has a shawl drawn around her waist, and her right hand hold a posy of flowers to her head. Around her, a woodland is blocked in black. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. Elaborate gold and black fillets blocked across the spine, with stylised flower and stem decoration blocked in gold – all are blocked down the spine. Near the head, the title words: “/ Picture/ Posies/” are blocked in gold, between gold and black fillets blocked across the spine. Near the tail, a vase on a stand, with a plant growing within it, is blocked in gold, with its decoration being picked out in relief. At the tail, the imprint: “/ Routledge & Son/ Is blocked in gold.


Record no: 1755

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.259

De Beaumont: J23

BL: 1863 - 1347.i.27.   1881 -  Document Supply f769.9420 *273* and LB.37.c.277.


Taylor, Tom. Birket Foster’s Pictures of English Landscape. (Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.)With Pictures in Words by Tom Taylor. London: Routledge, Warne and Routledge; New York: 36, Walker Street, 1863. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and Printers, Camden Press. 30 plates, each accompanied by an unnumbered page of verse, printed on the recto only. With one page of publisher’s advertisements bound at the end. From the Preface by Tom Taylor: ‘Birket Foster’s drawings were made quite independently of the verses I have attempted to set to them. I am therefore more free to express, in the first place, my admiration of the singular grace, fertility and facility of invention, felicitous arrangement of line, and harmonious distribution of light and shadow, which distinguish the compositions of this charming artist.’ The illustration number 29 is by Birket Foster, to accompany the verse: ‘The cottage on the beach’. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive: 1862 nos. 982-991. He also notes: ‘The binding design is by Owen Jones.’ See the advert at the end of “The Golden Harp” 1864 [1992,0406.94], [which describes this copy as:] ‘superb binding, designed by Owen Jones – One Guinea’’. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold only


Binding: Gutta-percha binding. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Green coarse pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold. The four borders, blocked in gold, are: 1. A ‘dog tooth’ fillet 2. A thin gold fillet 3. A thicker gold fillet 4. A gold fillet, bordered by two this gold fillets, which has a repeating ‘chain’ pattern within it. The corners of the inner panel have curling stems and leaves, blocked in gold. The two central ovals are formed by three fillets with ‘chain’ patterns within the middle fillet. Between the two ovals, the words: “Birket Foster/ Tom Taylor/” are blocked in gold. Within the innermost oval, the words: “/ Pictures/ of/ English/ Landscape/” are blocked in gold, with all the letters surrounded by stems and leaves blocked in gold. The Spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail are five fillets blocked in gold across the spine: 1 a thin fillet 2. A thick fillet 3. A thick fillet, with repeating ‘ chain’ pattern within it, which has two fillets blocked above and below it. Elaborate  floral decoration near the head. Down the spine are blocked the words: “/ Birket Foster/ [three gold fillets, with the ‘chain’ repeating pattern within the middle one]/ Pictures/ of/ English/ Landscape/ [three gold fillets, with the ‘chain’ repeating pattern within the middle one]/ Tom Talyor/ [blocked between two groups of three gold fillets, with the ‘chain’ repeating pattern within the middle one]”. At the tail, the imprint: “/ Routledge/” is blocked in gold blocked between two groups of three gold fillets, with the ‘chain’ repeating pattern within the middle one. - C.194.b.19.


Record no: 1756

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.261

De Beaumont: J24

BL:1866: C.194.b.19. – this copy has no original covers

Pictures of Society. Grave and Gay. From the pencils of celebrated artists and the pens of popular authors. [Device of Sampson Low.] London: Sampson Low, Son, and Marston, Milton House, Ludgate Hill, 1866. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers & printers, Camden Press. 226p. 91 plates. The frontispiece is captioned: “Victoria’. It is signed: “EMO”, [i.e. Elizabeth M. Osborne]. The illustration on page 125 is after Thomas Morten. In the [list of] Contents, the artists are listed as [full names given where possible]: Elizabeth Osborne, Charles Henry Bennett, Louis Huard, Edward Killingworth Johnson, John Dawson Watson, Von Ramberg [i.e. possibly Arthur Georg van Ramberg], Matthew James Lawless, Alfred W. Cooper, George du Maurier, Walter Crane, John Everett Millais, Florence Anne Claxton,  Thomas Hood, Frederick Richard Pickersgill, William McConnell, Charles Altamont Doyle, George Thomas [i.e. probably George Housman Thomas], T. Morgan, Frederick William Keyl, George Housman Thomas, Mary Ellen Edwards, Louis William Desanges, Thomas Morten, James Godwin, Frederick John Skill, J Bouvier, Sen. [i.e. possibly Joseph Bouvier] , John Callcott Horsley, Ferdinand Heilbuth, Thomas Francis Dicksee, Frederick Walker, H. Thomas, H. Schlessinger [i.e. possibly Henry Guillaume Schlesinger], Edward John Poynter, Edward Henry Corbould, Francis John Wyburd, H. Sanderson, William Paton Burton, Carl Piloty, Adelaide Claxton, Marcus Stone, Samuel Cotes, Charles Green, Charles West Cope, Thomas Bolton Dalziel, A. Pasquier [probably James Abbott Pasquier], Frederick Sandys, Robert Dudley. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso and on a separate slip of paper. He notes: ‘ BCB [i.e. British Catalogue of Books] Oct 1865 21/-.’He also notes: ‘Here, amid a few designs of first rate importance, there are many that are frankly bad. In this case the pictures have been selected from the files of James Hogg’s magazines, London Society, and the Churchman’s Family Magazine…The book, a small quarto, is almost as much an anthology of literature as of art, but the literature is uniformly feeble…’  The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

gold and blind and white, blue, red


Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. Three gold fillets are blocked on the borders of each cover, with hatch gold being blocked between the two inner fillets. Both covers are blocked identically with an ‘all over’ panel and strap design, formed by interlocking fillets at the head the tail and the sides. At the head and at the tail, the title words: “/ Pictures of Society/ Grave & Gay/” are blocked in gold. On the upper cover, the interlocking straps are additionally blocked in pink, blue, red and white. [It seems likely that the colours were blocked after the blocking in gold] The spine is blocked in gold. On the perimeter, gold hatch is blocked between two gold fillets. Panels and diamonds are formed by these fillets and hatch work. Near the head, the title words: “/ Pictures/ of/ Society/ Grave & Gay/” are blocked in gold within one such panel. Above and below these word, diamonds are formed by the fillets. Small leaf and curling stem decoration is blocked above the title, and down the spine to near the tail – all picked out in small relief by the gold hatch work. At the tail, the publisher: “/ Sampson Low & Co./” is blocked in gold within a rectangular formed by the fillets and the hatch.


Record no: 1757

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.262

De Beaumont: K1

BL: [1866]: 11650.f.10.

Doyle, Richard & Planché, James Robinson

An old fairy tale told anew in Pictures and Verse. The pictures engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, [1866]. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press. vi, 52p. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece is after Richard Doyle, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel, and is signed with Doyle’s monogram. The illustration on page 17 is after Richard Doyle, and has his monogram. Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto: “/ Thomas from Toply(?)/ December 1960/” and “/ Toposy(?)/ from/ Edward/ [rule]/ (C.E.C Jones, brother)/” The monogram for “WMC” (?) is printed on the centre of the upper pastedown. 

Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive: 1865 nos. 1212-1230. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and Blind and relief


Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically, in blind and in relief on the lower cover, and in gold and in relief on the upper cover. On the borders, three fillets are blocked in gold, with the middle fillet being thicker, and, within it, repeating dots are blocked in relief. The upper cover central vignette is a decorative vertical hatch gold lettering-piece with a gold fillet and repeating dots (blocked in relief within the fillet) on its borders. Within the Vignette, there are five rectangular lettering-pieces/ cartouches, each formed by a single fillet blocked in relief; there are two semi-circular cartouches, each formed by a single fillet blocked in relief. The title words: “/ An Old/ Fairy Tale [in a semi-circle]/ told anew/ by/ Richard Doyle/ and/ J. R. Planche/” are blocked in relief. All the lettering is surrounded by small curling stems and leaves, picked out in relief.  The spine is blocked in gold. Small leaf decoration is blocked at the head and at the tail. Along the spine, the words: “/ An Old Fairy Tale told anew by Richd. Doyle & J. R. Planche/” are blocked in gold.


Record no: 1758

BM P & D Register no: BM 1996, 1104.35

De Beaumont: K2

BL: 1858: 1347.h.4.

Poe, Edgar Allen. The poetical works. With original memoir. Illustrated by F.R. Pickersgill, R.A. [i.e. Frederick Richard Pickersgill], John Tenniel, Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], Felix Darley, Jasper Cropsey [i.e. Jasper Francis Cropsey], P. Duggan, Percival Skelton and A. M. Madot [i.e. Adolphus M. Madot]. [Device of Sampson Low.] London: Sampson Low, Son & Co. 47 Ludgate Hill, 1858. London: Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill. xli, 248p. In the [list of] Illustrations, the engravers are given as [full names given where possible]:   J. Cooper [i.e. [probably James Davis Cooper], William James Linton, W. T. Green, Edmund Evans, Hammond, Horace Harral, W. Thomas [i.e. probably William Luson Thomas], J. Whymper [i.e. possibly Josiah Wood Whymper]. The Illustration on page 36 is ater Pickersgill, engrave by Linton, with accompanying verse (in the list of Illustrations): “/ In the silence of the night, / How we shiver with affright/”. The illustration on page 157 is after Madot, with his monogram, engraved by W. Thomas, with accompanying verse: “/ As sprang that yellow star from downy hours,/ Up rose the maiden from her shrine of flowers./” Inscribed on the upper endpaper verso: “/ Fanny Lucas/ on her 21st Birthday / from her affectionate friend A E Fisher/ march 5th/”

Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief

Acton Griffith bookseller:

Binding: The design is possibly by Albert Henry Warren. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Booksellers ticket on upper pastedown:”/ Griffith/ [rule]/ Bookseller/ and/ Stationer,/ 8, Baker Street/” Binders Ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./” [Ball no. 17A.] Brown morocco vertical-grain cloth. Apart from the central vignette on each cover, an identical design is blocked in gold, and blind and in relief on both covers. The ‘Moorish’ overall design creates panels and cartouches on the borders, with gold to the corners, containing small plant decoration, picked out in relief. Curling stem and leaf decoration is blocked in relief around the central vignettes. The central vignette blocked on the lower covers has elaborate stylised decoration blocked in gold and in relief around a central oval, which has more decoration within. Signed “AW” [i.e. probably Albert Henry Warren] in relief, as a monogram on the centre of the oval. On the upper cover, the central oval is a gold lettering-piece, with diaper and dots picked out in relief within it. The words: “/ The/ Poetical/ Works/ of/ Edgar Poe/” are blocked in relief with elaborate letters, within the oval. The Spine is blocked in Gold and in relief. As for both covers, elaborate ‘Moorish’ decoration is blocked from head to tail. On the centre of the spin e, within an oval shaped gold lettering-piece, the words: “/ The/ Poetical/ Works of/ Edgar Poe/” are blocked in relief in elaborate letters. Near the head and the tail, two gold fillets are blocked across the spine. Between them, a cartouche shaped gold lettering-piece is blocked, with the monogram “AW” blocked in relief within it.


Record no: 1759

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.263

De Beaumont: K3

BL: 1862:

Poems and pictures: a collection of Ballads, Songs, and other Poems. Illustrated by English Artists. A New Edition. London: Sampson Low, Son & Co. 47, Ludgate Hill, 1860. London: R. Clay, Printers, Bread Street Hill. [8], 242p. In the [list of] Illustrations, the illustrations are after [full names given where possible]:   Charles West Cope, William Dyce, Thomas Creswick, John Callcott Horsley, Richard Redgrave, Henry Courtney Selous, John Franklin, Henry James Townsend, Frederick Richard Pickersgill, John Tenniel, Charles Harvey Weigall, Francis William Topham, John Wykeham Archer, Edward Henry Corbould, George Haydock Dodgson, Edward Duncan, [probably] William Cave Thomas; the engravers are given as William James Linton, J. Thompson, Charles Gray, H. L. Clark, W. C. Blanchard, [probably] Thomas Armstrong, J. & T. Thompson, C. Dalziel [i.e. probably George Dalziel], [probably] Frederick William Branston, W. Green, George Dalziel, T. Thompson, J. Thompson, [probably ] Walter George Mason, J. Bastin, George Pike Nicholls. The Illustration on page 71 is after Selous, engraved by Gray, ‘The Battle of Flodden’. The illustration on page 98 is after Horsley engraved by J. Thompson, ‘Cumnor Hall’. Inscribed on the upper endpaper verso: “/ Charlotte Hue(?)/” Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

Binding: The cover design is likely to be by Robert Dudley. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge./” [Ball no. 53C.] Red morocco vertical-grain cloth. Apart from the central panel, both covers are blocked identically, in blind and in relief on the lower cover and in gold and in blind and relief on the upper cover. On the upper cover, two groups of three gold fillets (the middle fillet being of horizontal hatch gold) are blocked. Between these groups, a wide border of ‘crossed scrolls’  and other repeating small decoration, is blocked in gold. The inner rectangular panel has repeating patterns of fuchsia flowers, stems and leaves – all blocked in relief. Around the perimeter of the central panel, small leaf stem and dot decoration is blocked in gold, with arabesques shapes on the corners and on the sides. The central panel is recessed, and has a paper onlay coloured in grey, white and olive. It shows a lyre resting upon a pile of books, with an artist’s easel a scroll, and paintbrushes in front. The words “/ Poems/ and/” are printed on a scroll wrapped around the lyre. The word: “/ Pictures/” is printed within the artist’s easel. Signed “RD” [i.e.  Robert Dudley] as separate letters on the right hand side of the scroll. The spine is blocked in gold. On the perimeter, three gold fillets are blocked, with the middle one being of horizontal hatch gold. It has the same decorative elements as are on the upper cover, with the five ‘crossed scrolls’ being prominent. Within an oval near the head, the words: “/ Poems/ and Pictures/” are blocked in gold.


Record no: 1760

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.264

De Beaumont: K4

BL: 1861: 1347.g.21.This has original  covers – purple cloth.

Weir, Harrison William. The Poetry of Nature. Selected and Illustrated by Harrison Weir. London: Sampson Low, Son, and Co., 47 Ludgate Hill, 1861. London: Printed by Edmund Evans. 111p. The Illustrations drawn by Harrison Weir, and the engravers are listed as [full names given where possible]:   John Greenaway, Edmund Evans, William Measom [i.e. probably William Frederick Measom], J. Cooper [i.e. possibly James Davis cooper], R. N. Woods [i.e. possibly Henry Newsom Woods], W. J. Palmer [i.e. probably William James Palmer], H. Morgan. The frontispiece is after Weir, and is signed by him and engraved by John Greenaway, with the  caption: “The haunt of the nightingale”.   The bookplate of J. Christopher Wilson is on the upper pastedown. Inscribed on the upper pastedown: “/ Charles P. Maudslay(?)/ 1908./” Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.



Gold and blind and relief.


Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ 76, Fleet St London./” [Ball no. 17C.] Green morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind, relief and in gold. Fillets and a pa repeating pattern of ‘interlocking leaves and dots’ are blocked in blind and relief on the borders. Large ‘lotus like’ plants rise from tail to head – all blocked in relief. The central rectangular panel has a single fillet blocked in relief on its borders. It is a white paper onlay, blocked in gold and in relief. Plant patterns are blocked in relief on its borders. Within a descending scroll, the words”/ The/ poetry/ of/ nature/ Illustrated/ by/ Harrison/ Weir.” Are blocked in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head and at the tail, small decoration is blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces. Near the tail, small decoration is blocked in gold within a circle. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter of much of the spine. From tail to head, a ‘lily like’ plant is blocked in gold. Wrapped around the stem of this plant, a gold lettering-piece, shaped as a scroll is blocked, with the words:”/ Poetry/ of/ nature/” blocked in relief within the scroll.


Record no: 1761

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.265

De Beaumont: K5

BL: 1862: 11623.c.13 – this copy has original covers.

Poets of the Elizabethan Age. A selection of their most celebrated songs and sonnets. Illustrated with Thirty Engravings. London: Sampson, Low, Son & Co. 47, Ludgate Hill 1862. London: R. Clay, Son, & Taylor, Printers. 84p. In the List of Illustrations, the illustrators are [full names given where possible]:   Julian Portch, Edmund Morison Wimperis, John Gilbert, Frederick William Keyl, Myles Birket Foster. The Illustration on page 27 is after Wimperis is signed with his initials, and also: “/ W J Palmer Sc/” [i.e. William James Palmer]. The illustration on page 79 is after Julian Portch, and is signed by him and also: “H Harral” [i.e. Horace Harral]. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto: “/ Doris E. Bailey 1922/”.


Gold and blind

Binding: Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binders ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ 76, Fleet Street, London./” [Ball no. 17C.] Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only with four fillets blocked on the borders. The same four fillets are blocked in gold on the borders of the upper cover. Within the central panel, the words: “/ Poets/ of/ the Elizabethan age/ Illustrated/” are blocked in gold above and below the central vignette. The vignette shows a lute, resting on a blow, with a sheet of music below it, - all interspersed with ivy-like stems and leaves; all blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Double and triple gold fillets blocked across the spine form six panels. With the exception of panel two, each has a single ‘leaf motif’ blocked in gold on its centre. Panel two has the title words:”/ Poets/ of the/ Eliza-/ Bethan/ age./” blocked in gold.


Record no: 1762

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.266

De Beaumont: K6

BL: 1861: 1347.g.19.  probably no original covers; the 1882 edition is at shelf mark 11602.f.11.  and the entry is in BL bindings database. See:

Poets' Wit and Humour. Selected by W. H. Wills [i.e William Henry Wills]. Illustrated with one hundred engravings from drawings by Charles Bennett [i.e. Charles Henry Bennett] and G. H. Thomas [i.e. George Housman Thomas]. London: Joseph Cundall, 168, New Bond Street, [1861]. London: Petter and Galpin, Belle Sauvage Printing Works, Ludgate Hull, E. C. [7], 284p. The illustration on page 1 is after Charles Henry Bennett and is captioned ‘The Miller of Trompington’. The illustration on page 46 is after Charles Henry Bennett and is captioned ‘Holland’. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

Binding: The cover design is by Robert Dudley. Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically, in blind and relief on the lower and in gold and relief on the upper. On the upper cover, a hatch gold fillet is blocked on the borders. Horizontal hatch gold is blocked on the corners, with small plant patterns blocked within each corner in relief. Fillets of vertical hatch gold, with repeating circles blocked in relief within them form: 1. an inner border; 2. a cartouche on each side; 3. an inner central rectangle; 4. a circle at the centre head and at the centre tail; 5. a central diamond. Around the perimeter of the central rectangle, plant and flower patterns are blocked in relief, with flower heads blocked in gold. Arabesques of horizontal hatch gold are blocked on the middle of each cartouche, with small decoration in relief within each arabesque. On each corner of the central rectangle, a scroll-shaped hatch gold lettering-piece is blocked, with a one word of the title blocked within each in relief: "/ Poet's/ wit/ and/ humour/". The central vignette, blocked in gold, shows a winged putto, wearing a jester's hat, holding a lyre on its left. The jester's staff is on the ground in front. Signed "RD" [i.e. Robert Dudley] in gold as separate letters at the base of the central diamond. The spine is blocked in gold. A single hatch gold fillet and a single thin gold fillet are blocked on the perimeter. A single hatch gold fillet, with repeating circles blocked in relief within, forms, from the head downwards: 1. a circle, with flower decoration blocked in gold and relief within; 2. a panel with the title: "/ Poet's/ wit/ and/ humour/" blocked in gold within; 3. a cartouche with flower decoration blocked in relief within, surrounding an arabesque blocked in gold, with small decoration within it picked out in relief; 4. a panel with the words: "/ Selected by/ Henry. Wills/" blocked in gold; 5. a circle, with decoration as for the circle at the head; 6. at the tail, a rectangle, with a single gold fillet forming another rectangle within.


Record no: 1763

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.267

De Beaumont: K7

BL: 1857: 1347.h.13. In BL Bindings database.

Pollock, Robert. The course of time. A poem. Illustrated Edition. Edinburgh & London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1857. Edinburgh: Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh. xxiv, 7-359p. On pages iv-viii, the illustrators are listed as: Birket Foster, [i.e.Myles Birket Foster], John Tenniel, J. R. Clayton [i.e. John Richard Clayton]; the engravers are listed as: Edmund Evans, Dalziel Brothers, H. N. Woods [i.e. Henry Newsom Woods], John Green. The Illustration on page 48 is after John Tenniel. The Illustration on page 328 is after Clayton. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive: 1856 nos. 915-956. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


The British Library copy is at shelf mark 1347.h.13. See:

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.

Binding: The cover design is by John Sliegh. Text sewn on two tapes. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Edmonds and Remnants./ [rule]/ London./" [Ball no. 31A.] Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in relief. The borders have a dentelle pattern, with two border fillets blocked inside. On the corners, each formed by two gold fillets, plant patterns are blocked. Around the central rectangle, arabesques are blocked, with the stems and leaves in relief. The central rectangle has a fillet border, blocked in gold. Inside it, there is a flower and stem pattern on the border, and further small arabesques on the corners, both in gold. The title: "/ The/ Course/ of/ Time./" is blocked in gold and in relief in rustic letters. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. Three panels are formed down the spine by single and double gold fillets. From the head downwards, the decoration is: in panel one - stem and leaf decoration in gold, together with a triangular gold lettering-piece, with three leaves and stems blocked in relief inside it; in panel two - the title: "/ The/ Course/ of/ Time/" is blocked in gold in rustic letters; in panel three - the same triangle and decoration as for panel one, together with a near-diamond shape, formed by four gold fillets, and also a quatrefoil gold lettering-piece, with small leaf decoration blocked inside it in relief; leaf and stem decoration is blocked near the tail; signed "IS" [i.e. John Sliegh] in gold as a monogram at the tail. 


Record no: 1764

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.268

De Beaumont: K8


Pollock, Robert. The course of time. A poem. Illustrated Edition. Edinburgh & London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1857. Edinburgh: Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh. xxiv, 7-359p. On pages iv-viii, the illustrators are listed as: Birket Foster, [i.e.Myles Birket Foster], John Tenniel, J. R. Clayton [i.e. John Richard Clayton]; the engravers are listed as: Edmund Evans, Dalziel Brothers, H. N. Woods [i.e. Henry Newsom Woods], John Green.  The Illustrations on pages 208 and 209 are after Birket Foster. The Illustration on page 224 is after John Tenniel.  Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso and on the front flyleaf recto. Inscribed on the front flyleaf recto: “/Effie Gray/ Xmas 1858./” de Beaumont notes: ‘ Effie Chalmers Gray? Mrs Ruskin? Mrs Millais? Bound in Edinburgh – she lived in Bowerswell, Perth. But she married Millais in 1855. It is possible - see her letter to Dalziel 1878 in my Wordsworth Poems of the Young’. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Binding: This copy bound by Henderson and Bisset, Edinburgh.  Gilt edges. Gilt tooling to board edges. Stamped on the upper cover pastedown, bottom left: “/ Henderson & Bisset Edinr./” Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Full brown morocco. The turn-ins are blocked with a repeating pattern of small flowers and decoration. Both covers are blocked identically in gold, with many gold fillets and other decoration on the borders, forming panels. On the centre of each cover, a large vase, with classical motifs, is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in Gold. Five raised bands (each of which has a gold fillet blocked on it, across the spine) form six panels. Panels 1, 3, 4 to 6 have identical ‘flower bud and leaves’ decoration blocked within. Panel two has the words: “/ Pollok’s/ Course/ of Time/” blocked in gold.


Record no: 1765

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.270

De Beaumont: K9

BL: 1879 seventh edition: 11657.g.14. Same design blocked as for this copy.

Proctor, Adelaide Anne. Legends and lyrics. With an introduction by Charles Dickens. New edition, with additions. Illustrated by W. T. C. Dobson [i.e. William Charles Thomas Dobson], A.R.A., Samuel Palmer, J. Tenniel [i.e. John Tenniel], George H. Thomas [i.e. George Housman Thomas], Lorenz Fröhlich, W.H. Millais [i.e. William Henry Millais], G. Du Maurier [i.e. George Du Maurier], W.P. Burton [i.e. William Paton Burton] , J.D. Watson [i.e. John Dawson Watson], Charles Keene, J.M. Carrick [i.e. John Mulcaster Carrick] M.E. Edwards [i.e. Mary Ellen Edwards], T. Morten [i.e. Thomas Morten]. London: Bell and Daldy, 186, Fleet Street, 1866. London: Chiswick Press: C. Whittingham, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane. 330p. The frontispiece is a portrait of Adelaide Anne Proctor. The illustration on page 321 is after William Henry Millais, captioned “Spring”. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso and on the front flyleaf recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Inscribed on the front flyleaf recto: “/ Lucy Banfield/ with kind regards/ from Miss Beatrix Egerton/ on her marriage/ Jan. 24./ 1870/” .

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.

Gold and blind and black


Binding: The design is by John Leighton. Printed at the base of the list of Illustrations: "The engravings are by Mr Horace Harral." Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Edmonds & Remnants/ [rule]/ London/”. [Ball no. 31A.]  Purple sand-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on both covers. On the lower cover, the blocking is in blind only. On the upper cover, the blocking is in gold and in black. On the borders are blocked 1. a repeating pattern of single flower heads and stems in gold 2. a fillets blocked in gold, and, within it, small dots, circles and diamonds are blocked in relief 3. a single gold fillet. The strap work, blocked in black, forms many small panels, in which the dotted stem and leaf decoration is blocked in gold. There are small flower head patterns, and small fillets around the edge of each small panel. Above the central oval, the title words: "/ Legends & lyrics/" are blocked in gold, within a rectangle formed by a single fillet. Below the oval, the words: "/ By/ A.A.Proctor/" are blocked in gold, within a rectangle formed by four gold fillets. The central oval has four borders, the innermost of which is hatched. At the centre, a lyre is blocked in relief, within a hatched gold lettering-piece. Signed "JL" in relief as separate letters, at the base of the lyre. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. As on the borders of the covers, the same repeating flowers and stems are blocked in gold at the head and at the tail. There is a single fillet blocked on the perimeter, with the same decoration in relief as for the upper cover. The spine is divided into panels by strap work, blocked in black, around the panel borders. From the head, the blocking within the panels consists of: 1. small decoration in gold. 2. The words: "/ Legends/ &/ Lyrics/ by/ A. A. Proctor/" are blocked in gold inside a panel formed by two gold fillets. 3. A hatched gold lettering-piece, shaped as an oval, with flowers in horizontal hatch blocked in relief inside. 4. The imprint: "/ London/ Bell and/ Daldy./" is blocked in relief in a hatched rectangular gold lettering-piece, with two gold fillets blocked on its borders.


Record no: 1766

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.295

De Beaumont: K10


Houghton, Arthur Boyd. Houghton’s Illustrations to Don Quixote. [London: Dalziel Brothers, 1866.] 103 plates. Each illustration is pasted onto a backing sheet of paper. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper recto. Plate 57 within this compilation was originally reproduced on page 350 of P&D no. 1992,0406.62, which has the caption: ‘When I awoke and began to stretch myself, the stakes gave way, and down I came, with a confounded squelch, to the ground.’ Plate 101 of this compilation was originally reproduced on page 683 of P&D no. 1992,0406.62, which has the caption: ‘The wide spreading host of grunters came crowding on, and threw down both master and man, demolishing Sancho’s entrenchment, and laying even Rozinante in the dust.’ The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Bookplate of Frederick H. Evans on the front pastedown.

Frederick H. Evans.

Bookplate of Evans reproduced on Pinterest. It is signed : ‘F C Tilney inv & del’.


Gold blocking to spine only. 

Binding: Half buckram binding, with a marble pattern in black upon red rib vertical-grain cloth. No blocking on the covers. The spine has a single gold fillet blocked across it at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the words: “/ Houghton’s/ Illustrations/ to Don Quixote/” are blocked in gold.


Record no: 1767

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.296

De Beaumont: K11

BL: C.134.d.2.

[Enoch Arden. No imprint or date.] Album of 25 plates pasted on backing sheets. [A specimen book?] Robin de Beaumont’s notes state: ‘25 proof engravings of Arthur Hughes’s illustrations to Tennyson’s ‘Enoch Arden’, Moxon 1866. In the 1866 publisher’s binding. From the Library of Lord Brooke of Cumnor [i.e. Henry Brooke], Leslie  [Leonard] Brooke’s son.’ Plate 9 in this copy is reproduced on page 21 of the 1866 edition. This has the line underneath it: ‘ But when the last of these moments came, …’ Plate 10 in this copy  is reproduced on page 24 of the 1866 edition, and is captioned: ‘Ev’n to the last dip of the vanishing sail…’ .

Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: ‘To Leslie Brooke/ With my love/ Stopford Brooke/ Xmas 1913/’ The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


The design blocked in gold on both covers of this copy is the same as for the copy at P&D register no. 1992,0406.371.



Binding: The cover design is after Arthur Hughes. Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue pebble-grain cloth. Full gilt to both covers and spine. On the lower cover, stalks and ears of corn are blocked in gold between ‘branch like’ fillets blocked on the borders. A diagonal pattern is interspersed with butterflies, with a windmill’s sail blocked in gold on the centre. A single bell is blocked on each centre side, and on the centre head and the centre tail. The upper cover has sea motifs – sea shells on corners; ship’s chains and ropes on the borders; a ‘fish net' diagonal pattern with many fish ‘caught’ inside. An anchor is blocked on the centre. A bell and its wheel is blocked on the centre of each side and on the centre head and centre tail. The spine is blocked in gold. Along the spine, the words: ‘/ Proof plates to Enoch Arden./’ are blocked in gold.


Record no: 1768

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.300

De Beaumont: K12

BL: 1858: 3050.d.11. This copy has the same design on red cloth.

The Proverbs of Solomon. Illustrated from historical parallels from drawings by John Gilbert, and prefaced by Introductory Remarks. London: James Nisbet & Co. Berners Street, 1858. London: Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill. xxiii, 88p. 20 plates. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive: 1856 nos. 964-968. In the ‘List of illustrations, the engravers are given as: Dalziel [Brothers], Josiah Wood Whymper, Jackson [possibly Mason Jackson], W. Thomas [possibly William Luson Thomas]. Plate I is the frontispiece, which is captioned: ‘The Proverbs of Solomon, King of Israel.’ The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief


Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns.  Purple pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold, in blind and in relief. The wide borders show cartouches and corner-pieces, all blocked with garlands of fruit and leaves, picked out in gold and in relief. The centre shows a ‘Renaissance’ style oval panel, with bolts protruding on the sides and the centre head and centre tail. The panel has three elaborate borders, with curling leaf decoration blocked in relief against horizontal hatch gold, blocked between two borders of gold balls. On the centre:, the title words: “/ The/ Proverbs/ of / Solomon/” are blocked in gold, in fanciful letters – all the words are interlaced with small stem, leaf and bud decoration. Around the panel, a wide garland border of fruits and leaves is blocked in relief. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked across the spine at the head and at the tail. Cartouches with fruit garlands are also blocked at the head and the tail. Above and below the title panel, more garlands of fruit and leaves are blocked in bold and in relief. The title panel is a ‘Renaissance’ style oval, supported at the head and tail by a spear. Within it, the words: “/ The/ Proverbs/ of/ Solomon/ Illustrated/” are blocked in gold, with small gold stems and leaves interlacing these words. On the lower half of the spine, a cartouche is blocked, fruit and leaves picked out in relief within it, against a background of horizontal gold hatch.


Record no: 1769

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.336

De Beaumont: K13

BL: 1857, first edition 1347.i.13.; second edition. C.68.h.15.

Rhymes and Roundelayes in praise of a Country Life. Adorned with many pictures. London: David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street, 1857. London: Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill. [8], 192p. In the ‘List of illustrations’, the illustrations have been drawn by [full names give where possible]: Myles Birket Foster, Edward Duncan, George Dodgson, Walter Goodall, John Absolon, Frederick William Hulme, Richard Ansdell, Harrison William Weir, Samuel Read, Frederick Tayler; the engravers are listed as [full names where possible]: Edmund Evans, W. T. Green, Cooper, Horace Harral, T. Bolton, Orrin Smith, J. Whymper, W. Wright, John Greenaway.  The frontispiece plate is after Birket Foster, engraved by Edmund Evans. It is captioned: ‘A summer evening’. Printed at the end of the ‘List of Illustrations: ‘ The Ornamental Initial Letters drawn by Thomas Macquoid and Noel Humphreys. The Tail-pieces by Jane E. Hay.’  Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Leighton// Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London/” [Ball no. 53A.] Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically, with an ‘all over’ design. The outer border has two gold fillets, and, between these there is a band of horizontal-hatch gold, with repeating stems and leaves blocked within it in relief. Apart from the centre, the rest of the cover has ‘rose-like’ stems, leaves, buds – all blocked in gold with the decoration being picked out in relief. The plants have a background of trellis work, blocked in relief, with the diamonds between the raised trellis being blocked in blind. The centre is an oval recessed panel, formed by two gold fillets, with a border of horizontal-hatch gold, blocked between these. Within the panel, a single gold fillet is blocked, forming an oval. Inside this, the title words: “/ Rhymes/ and Roundelayes [in a semi-circle]/ in Praise/ of a/ Country Life/” are blocked in gold in ‘rustic’ fanciful letters. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, a single gold fillet is blocked across it. From thead to tail, a pattern of stems, leaves and flowers is blocked in gold. Near the head, the title words “/ Rhymes [in a semi-circle]/ and Roundelayes [in a semi-circle]./” are blocked in gold.


Record no: 1770

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.337

De Beaumont: K14

BL: not in BL?

Rhymes and Roundelayes in praise of a Country Life. Illustrated by Birket Foster, Harrison Weir, and other artists. London and New York: George Routledge and Sons, 1875. London: Printed by R. Clay and Sons, and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill. [8], 192p. In the ‘List of illustrations’, the illustrations have been drawn by [full names give where possible]: Myles Birket Foster, Thomas Macquoid, Edward Duncan, George Dodgson, Henry Noel Humphreys, Walter Goodall, John Absolon, Frederick William Hulme, Richard Ansdell, Harrison William Weir, Samuel Read, Frederick Tayler , John Skinner Prout; the engravers are listed as [full names where possible]: Edmund Evans, W. T. Green, Cooper, Horace Harral, T. Bolton, Orrin Smith, J. Whymper, John Greenaway, Wall.  Printed at the end of the ‘List of Illustrations: ‘The Ornamental Initial Letters drawn by Thomas Macquoid.  The Tail-pieces by Janes E. Hay.’  The Illustration on page 12 is after George Dodgson, engraved by Horace Harral. It is captioned in the ‘List of illustrations’ as: ‘Paints with gold the village spire’. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and black and red

Binding: Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn/ & Co/”. [Ball no. 20E.] Blue sand-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. Two fillets are blocked in blind on the outer borders. Two more fillets in blind form the inner panel. At the head and tail of this panel, cartouches have stems and leaves blocked horizontally within each. The centre of the panel shows a sing, ‘fern-like’ plant, blocked in blind. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in relief, in black and in red. Rectangular panels are formed by gold fillets, on the head the tail and the sides. At the head, and down th e spine side, a red only is placed. At the head, the title words: “/ Rhymes [blocked in black]/ and Roundelayes/” are blocked in relief, within rectangular gold lettering-pieces. In the panel at the tail, the sub-title: “/ In Praise of a Country Life/” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece. On the bottom left of the cover, two birds are blocked in black amidst branches picked out in blue relief, within a square gold lettering-piece. On the top right of the cover, two birds are blocked in gold amidst branches picked out in relief, against a red on lay, with black background. On the left hand side, a shepherd’s staff, a set of pan pipes, and a trumpet are blocked in gold and relief, against a background of a rectangular black lettering-piece, with a branch and its leaves being blocked as part of a red on lay. On the fore edge side and at the tail. , ‘honeysuckle-like’ plants and flowers are blocked, with the stems and leaves being picked out against a black ground, and the flower being blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in black and in relief. Three gold fillets are blocked across the spine at the head and at the tail. Near the head, two birds are blocked in gold, within a roundel formed by a single gold fillet, against a background blocked in black. Underneath this, there is a red on lay lettering-piece, blocked in gold , the words:”/ Rhymes/ and/ Roundelayes/ blocked in relief within it. Underneath the title, the sub-title:”/ In Praise of/a/ Country Life/”, with flowers [blocked in gold], stems and leaves [blocked in black} beneath the sub-title. The Words: “/ Illustrated by/” are blocked in gold; the words: “/ Birket Foster/” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold –lettering-piece. Neat the tail, a book, a set of pan pipes and two trumpets are blocked in gold within a roundel formed by a single gold fillet, against a black ground. At the tail, the word “/ Routledge/” is blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece with a single fillet blocked on its borders in relief.

Record no: 1771

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.341

De Beaumont: K15

BL: 1867: 11651.f.5. (digitised: purple cloth, original covers ); Document Supply W5/6683

Roses and Holly. A gift-book for all the year. With original Illustrations by Gourlay Steell, Samuel Bough, R. Herdman [i.e. Robert Herdman], John MacWhirter, Clark Stanton, John Lawson. And other eminent artists. Engraved by Robert Paterson. Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo, 1867. Edinburgh: Ballantyne, Roberts, & Company, Printers. xii, 146p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. In the [List of] Illustrations, the other artists not cited on the title page are [full names given where possible]: Charles A. Doyle [i.e. Charles Altamont Doyle], George Hay. The Illustration on page 30 is after Charles Altamont Doyle, entitled: ‘The most terrifying adventure of the windmills’. The illustration on page 60 is after Robert Herdman and is entitled: ‘Love’. The illustrations on page 76 is after George Hay and is entitled: ‘ the Antiquary at market’. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso. He has noted: ‘Companion volume to Pen & Pencil Pictures of the Poets, 1866’.

As a companion volume to Pen & Pencil Pictures of the Poets and bound and blocked in the same way, it is likely that this book was also issued at a price of 10s. 6d. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Inscribed on the upper pastedown: “/ Giselle Miles[?]/ from her[?] affectionate Uncle/ Mr. D. Hill/”.

The bookbinder is possibly William Hunter &  Company . See:


Binding: text sewn on two tapes. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Hunter/ Binder/ Edinburgh/” [Ball no. 46 B1] Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical design, in blind and relief on the lower cover, and in gold and in relief on the upper cover. Blocked on the borders of the upper cover are: two gold fillets; a ‘zig-zag and dot’ repeating pattern; holy leaves and stems, repeating; crosses and lines joining them; a ‘rope-like’ fillet on the perimeter of the inner rectangle. The large central oval has ‘rays of heaven’ blocked on its perimeter. There is a border of rose flowers, stems and leaves, blocked in gold. Multiple patterned gild fillets and small Maltese crosses are blocked inside the border of roses. On the centre, a hatch gold lettering-piece is blocked with the title words: “/ Roses/ and/ Holly/” blocked in gold and in relief within it. Rose and holly stems and leaves surround the title words. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. Patterned gold fillets form five panels down the spine. At the head and at the tail, groups of three crosses are blocked in gold. From the head downwards, the decoration within each panel is: 1. Heavenly rays and stars 2. The title words: “/ Roses/ and/ Holly/” are blocked in relief within an oval shaped lettering-piece, which has rays at its head and its tail 3. Heavenly rays and stars, within a circle 4. A rose and three leaves 5. Three holly leaves. Near the tail, the words: “/ W. P. Nimmo/” are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet.

Record no: 1772

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.346

De Beaumont: K16

BL: C194b114

A round of days described by original poems by some of our most celebrated poets. And in pictures by eminent artists. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, 1866. London: Dalziel Brothers, Engravers and Printers, Camden Press. 210x280x35mm. [6], 93p. With two pages of publisher's titles bound at the end. The text is printed only on the rectos of pages. The title page verso has the medallion of Dalziel with “Dalziel’s Gift Book 1866” printed inside it. The artists are cited in the ‘List of Contributors’ as [full names given where possible]: William Paton Burton, Thomas Dalziel, John William North, Alfred Walter Bayes, Paul Gray, George John Pinwell, Warwick Brooks, Arthur Boyd Houghton, Frederick Walker, Edward Dalziel, Thomas Morten, John Dawson Watson. The illustration on page 81 is after Paul Gray, accompanying the poem: ‘The noon of love’. The illustration on page 79 is after Thomas Morten, accompanying the poem: ‘Fated to meet’. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on front endpaper verso.  He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive:  ‘Vol. XVIII nos. 355-426 finished Sept. 25. 1865’. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

References:  Morris & Levin Morris, Ellen K. & Levin, Edward S. The Art of Publishers’ Bookbindings 1815-1915. Los Angeles: William Daley Rare Books Ltd, 2000. p.104, no.231.

C.194.b.114. Copy bound in orange moire rib vertical-grain cloth.

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.

Inscribed on upper endpaper: "/Bryan Lewis/ from his affectionate friend R. Cooper/ 1 Sept 1866/"

Gold and relief and colours


Binding. The design is by John Leighton. The title page verso has the medallion of Dalziel with “Dalziel’s Gift Book 1866” printed inside it. Gutta-percha binding. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown, left hand corner, tail: "/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge/". [Ball no. 53E.] Bookseller's ticket on lower pastedown, left hand corner, head: "/ J. Brothers,/ Bookseller/ & Stationer/ High St./ Maidstone/". Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in gold and in relief. A thin gold fillet is blocked on the outer borders. Inside, there is a paper on lay on the inner borders. It is painted in blue and in red, and blocked with a pattern of four pointed ovals and diamonds. On the middle of each side, there are larger ovals; on each corner, there is a "spade-shape". All these have single gold fillet on their borders, and leaf and flower patterns blocked in gold inside. Between them, double fillets in red relief outline each pattern in blue, and groups of three clover leaves and stems are blocked in red relief. The centre of the cover has a thin mandorla, which is formed by a paper on lay painted blue and red, and blocked in gold. Groups of leaves and buds are blocked in gold on the blue at the head, the tail and the sides, within straps blocked in gold. the words: "/ A/ round/ of/ are blocked in gold above the central medallion; the word: "/ Days/" is blocked in red relief within the central hatched gold medallion; the word: "/ Illustrated/" is blocked in gold in a semi-circle within the blue outer rim of the central medallion. Beneath the medallion, the words: "/ Dalziel's/ Fine Art/ Gift/ Book/" are blocked in red relief, within a horizontal hatch gold lettering-piece. Signed JL" in gold as separate letters at the base of the gold lettering-piece; The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a medallion, with a horizontal hatch gold a fleur-de-lis blocked within it; an "arrow head" shape, with small leaf and stem decoration blocked within; the words: "/ A/ round/ of/ days/ Illustrated/" are blocked in gold within a panel formed by a single gold fillet; more leaf and stem decoration is blocked within two decorative panels; a medallion the same as blocked at the head; a gold fillet; the word: "/ Routledge/" is blocked in gold, within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; at the tail, a gold fillet.


 Record no: 1773

BM P & D Register no: BM 1996,1104.41

De Beaumont: K17


A round of days described by original poems by some of our most celebrated poets. An in pictures by eminent artists. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, 1866. London: Dalziel Brothers, Engravers and Printers, Camden Press. [6], 93p. The text is printed only on the rectos of pages. The title page verso has the medallion of Dalziel with “Dalziel’s Gift Book 1866” printed inside it. The artists are cited in the ‘List of Contributors’ as [full names given where possible]: William Paton Burton, Thomas Dalziel, John William North, Alfred Walter Bayes, Paul Gray, George John Pinwell, Warwick Brooks, Arthur Boyd Houghton, Frederick Walker, Edward Dalziel, Thomas Morten, John Dawson Watson. The illustration on page 13 is after Alfred Walter Bayes, accompanying the poem: ‘Good-Bye’’. The illustration on page 58 is after Frederick Walker, accompanying the poem: ‘One mouth more’.  The bookplate of Edward Dalziel is on the upper pastedown.  A letter from Frederick Walker to the Dalziel Brothers, of Jan. 30 1863, is tipped on to the verso of the upper endpaper. A letter from Christina Rossetti [to the Dalziel Brothers] dated 8th April 1867, is tipped on to the verso of a flyleaf.  Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on the front endpaper verso.  The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold only


Binding: Each page is guarded out and attached to a linen strip. Gilt edges. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. Full red morocco. Gilt tooling to cover edges and to the turn-ins. Both covers tooled with an identical design with fillets on borders, and fillets forming inner panels. Gilt plant patterns to inner corners and to centre sides, head and tail. The spine has decorated end and tail bands. It is divided by raised bands into six panels. Panels  one, three to six have identical dense pattern tooling. Panel two has the title words: “/ A/ round/ of/ days/” blocked within it. At the tail, the words: “/ London 1867./” are tooled in gold. It is possible that this binding was made for Edward Dalziel.

 Record no: 1774

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.350

De Beaumont: K18

BL: 1888: 011653.f.35.

Sands, J. King James’ wedding and other rhymes. With illustrations by Charles Keene, Harry Christie, etc. Arbroath: T. Buncle, 1888. Arbroath: T. Buncle, Printer.  ii, 102p. The frontispiece after Keene shows a Scottish bagpipe player. The illustration for page 24 is after Keene to accompany the poem: Song of a Shetland lass’. The illustration for page 57 is after Henry Christie, to accompany the poem: ‘The beggar’s dog’. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on the front endpaper verso.  He notes: ‘The illustrations, reproduced by photo-engraving, are not reprints, but original drawings made for CK’s old friend, the author of the poems…’ The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Binding: Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt top edge. Dark red endpapers and pastedowns. Black ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover has the words: “/ King James’ Wedding/ and Other Rhymes/ J. Sands/” are blocked at the head and on the bottom right. On the spine, the words: “/ King/ James’/ Wedding [blocked at the head]/ J. Sands [blocked on the middle]/ Arbroath/ T. Buncle./ [blocked at the tail]/” are blocked in gold.

Record no: 1775

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.351

De Beaumont: K19

BL: 1915: 7859.d.16.


Sandys, Frederick. Reproductions of woodcuts by F. Sandys. London: Published for Mrs. Sandys, 5, Hogarth Road, Kensington by Carl Hentschel, Ltd., 182, 183, 184, Fleet Street, E. C. [1915]. [7p], 25 Plates; fifteen sheets, folded into a single quire, with the plates being printed on the recto of each half sheet. [With a preface by Borough Johnson.] The Illustration on page eleven is captioned: ‘The death of King Warwulf’. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price and dating of this copy are on a separate slip of paper.

Signed on the title page: ‘Forrest Reid’ and ‘J. N. Hart’.

Inserted loose as the front, is an article by Gleeson White: ‘A great English illustrator. (Frederick Sandys.)’  from the Pall Mall Magazine, together with  two more inserts.


Binding: Beige printed card, made to resemble ungrained linen. The text block is stab stitched in three places above the middle, with cords being tied on the spine. The single piece of card folds over the text block at spine and at fore edge, with the words: “/ Reproductions of/ Woodcuts by/ F. Sandys – 1860-1866./ Edited by Mary Sandys/” being printed on the cover.


Robin de Beaumont BM entries 1776 to 1800


Record no: 1776

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.355

De Beaumont: K20

BL: 1347.f.6.

Shakespeare, William, The most excellent historie of the Merchant of Venice. [Illustrated by Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster] and G. H. Thomas [i.e. George Housman Thomas] and H. Brandling [i.e. probably Henry Charles Brandling].] London: Sampson Low, Son & Co., 47 Ludgate Hill, 1860. London: Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill. vii, 95p. The monogram of Joseph Cundall is printed on the title page verso. On page vii: ‘The Emblematical Devices and Ornaments were designed by Harry Rogers [i.e. William Harry Rogers] and engraved by Edmund Evans.’ In the list of illustrations, the artists are: Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster] and G. H. Thomas [i.e. George Housman Thomas] and H. Brandling [i.e. probably Henry Charles Brandling]; the engravers are: William Thomas [i.e. probably William Luson Thomas], Horace Harral, W. Palmer [i.e. possibly William James Palmer]. The frontispiece is after Thomas, with the caption: ‘ / Portia. Tarry a little: – there is something else. - / This bond does give thee here no jot of blood./ Act IV. Sc. I./’ The illustration on page 23 is after Thomas, with the caption in the ‘Illustrations’ of Launcelot saying: ‘O heavens, this is my true-begotten father? I will try conclusions with him’.

The bookplate of John Robert Orlando Bridgeman is on the upper pastedown. Inscribed on the upper endpaper verso: ‘John Robt (i.e. Robert) O: Bridgeman/ a New Year’s Gift from/ his affecte/ Father/ 1860’. A note on the upper endpaper verso reads: ‘John Robert Orlando Bridgeman was son of the 2nd Earl of Bradford and father of the 1st Viscount Bridgeman.’ Robin de Beaumont’s note regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper verso.  The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

BL copy at shelf mark 1347f6 See:

Gold and blind and relief.


Binding: The upper cover vignette design is by William Harry Rogers. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ son and/ Hodge/”. [Ball no. 53G] Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief. Two fillets are blocked on the borders, with a leaf border blocked in relief between the two fillets. Larger leaf patterns and flower heads are blocked in relief on the corners. The upper cover has a central vignette blocked in gold, with the title: "/The/ Merchant/ of/ Venice/" blocked in fanciful letters. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold and blind and in relief. At the head and at the tail, plant decoration is blocked between two fillets - all in relief. Near the head, the title words: "/ The/ Merchant/ of/ Venice/" are blocked in gold, surrounded by a tracery of stems and of leaves.


Record no: 1777

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.357

De Beaumont: K21


Shakespeare, William. Shakspere’s [sic] Songs and Sonnets. Illustrated by John Gilbert. London: Sampson Low, Son, and Co. 47, Ludgate Hull, 1863. [London:] Edmund Evans, engravers and printers, Raquet Court, Fleet St. 55p. The illustration on page 12 is after Gilbert and has the poem title: ‘Where the bee sucks.’ The illustration refers to the lines: “/ On the bat’s back I do fly/ After summer merrily./ Merrily, merrily, shall I live now/ Under the blossom that hangs on the bough./’ Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper verso.  The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and relief.

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.


Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./” [Ball no. 17A.] Green morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically, with less gilt on the lower cover. The upper is blocked in gold and in relief. Patterns and two gild fillets are blocked on the borders. On each corner a diaper pattern is blocked in horizontal hatch gold. Inside each diamond, a ‘three leaf and stem’ design is blocked in gold. The central oval is formed by several gold fillets, and a wide border of ‘interlocking stems’. Within the central oval, the Shakespeare coat of arms (without the helm) is blocked in gold. The title words separate the two parts of the coat of arms: “/ Shakspere’s [sic]/ Songs/ &/ Sonnets/” and are blocked in gold within rectangles formed by single gold fillets. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A gold lettering-piece, shaped as a cartouche with small decoration at each end, is blocked along the spine. Within it, the words: Shakespere’s [sic] Songs & Sonnets/” are blocked in relief.


'Gold, on a bend (diagonal bar) sable (black), a spear of the first (i.e. gold), steeled argent (with a silver tip); and for his crest... a falcon his wings displayed argent (silver), standing on a wreath of his colours supporting a spear gold, steeled as aforesaid, (i.e. silver) set upon a helmet with mantles and tassles'


The arms are blazoned. “Gold, on a bend sable, a spear of the first, steeled argent [a gold spear tipped with silver on a black diagonal bar]; and for his crest, or cognizaunce a falcon his wings displayed argent, standing on a wreath of his colours, and supporting a spear gold steeled as aforesaid, set upon a helmet with mantles and tassels as hath been accustomed” From:

Record no: 1778

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.358

De Beaumont: K22

BL: [no date] Document Supply W46/0502; 1860 - 11763.h.18.

Shakespeare, William. The Tempest. Illustrated by Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster, Gustave Dore, Frederick Skill, Alfred Slader, and Gustave Janet. [Device of Bell & Daldy.] London: Bell & Daldy, 186, Fleet, Street, 1860. London: Henry Vizetelly, printers and engravers, Gough Square, Feet Street. 90p. The illustration on page 9 is after Gustave Dore, with the caption [in the list of illustrations]: ‘The Deck of the King’s Ship: a Storm – Thunder and Lightening’. The illustration on page 12 is after Birket Foster, with the caption: ‘The enchanted Island, near the Cell of Prospero’. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper verso.  The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

On the upper pastedown, the prize label is made by Allman of London. It reads: ‘Ebor Houfe/ Mayat (?)/ June 1865/ Prize/ awarded to/  J. W. Duckett/ , for/ Examination/  [signed] Wm [i.e. William?] Leetham, Principal’.

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.


Binding. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street, London./” [Ball no. 17C.] Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on both covers, with no gild on the lower cover, and in gold and in blind and in relief on the upper cover. On the upper cover there are fillets, blocked in gold and in blind, and repeating plant patterns blocked on the borders. These also delineate the four corners, which have patterns of curling stems and leaves blocked in relief. The central oval is formed by multiple gold fillets. Within it, the words: “/ The/ Tempest/” are blocked in gold, in ‘gothic’ letters, which are surrounded by foliage blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Along its length, the word: “/The Tempest/” are blocked in gold in gothic letters with a decorative device blocked in gold at the end of these words.


Record no: 1779

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.359

De Beaumont: K23

BL: 1870: 12807.ff.17.

The silver bells. An Allegory. Illustrated by Arthur Hopkins. Oxford and London: James Parker and Company, 1870. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press. 50p. With one page of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece is after Hopkins, and is captioned: ‘/ “ever and anon he could hear, above the noise of the waterflood,/ the silvery tones of Alice’s little bell.”/’ Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the frontispiece recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Inscribed on the frontispiece recto: “/ C. M. Limrich/ January 31st. 1889/”

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.



1992,0406.301Gold and blind and ‘silver’

Binding: Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns (upper endpaper is missing). Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn/ & Co./” [Ball no. 20D.] Blue ungrained cloth.  Two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders of both covers. On the upper cover, the central rectangle is formed by groups of three gold fillets, which end in ‘three leaves’ motifs. Within the rectangle, the title words: “/ The/ silver/ bells/” are blocked in gold. Suspended above the word ‘silver’ by two ropes, two bells, blocked in ‘silver’, ring out. The spine is not blocked.

Record no: 1780

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.361

De Beaumont: K24

BL: 1856: C.30.h.7. [not in BL database]

In honorem. Songs of the brave. Poems and odes by Campbell, Wolfe, Collins, Byron, Tennyson, and Mackay. London: Sampson, Low, Son & Co., 47 Ludgate Hill, 1856. [London:] R. Clay, printers, Bread Street Hill. 46p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The monogram of Joseph Cundall is on the title page verso.  In the [list of] Illustrations, the artists are listed as Myles Birket Foster, Edward Duncan, George Thomas [i.e. probably George Housman Thomas], A. Huttala. ‘The Head and Tail Pieces drawn by Thomas Macquoid. Engraved by Horace Harral, Edmund Evans, and James Cooper.’ The Illustration on page 31 is after A. Huttala, signed by him, with the caption in the List of Illustrations: ‘Rode the Six Hundred’ and on page 31 the title is: ‘The charge of the Light Brigade’. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and relief.


Inscribed on the front endpaper verso: “To Agnes/ From her affectionate Mama(?)/ July 27th 1867./”

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.

Binding: The upper cover central vignette is after William Harry Rogers. Gutta percha binding. Gilt edges.  Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son,/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street, London./” [Ball no. 17A.] Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Apart from the upper cover central vignette, both covers are blocked identically with three fillets blocked in blind on the borders, and a repeating pattern of curling stems and leaves blocked on the corners and on the sides. ‘Laurel’ wreaths are also blocked on each corner. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold, showing stems which bear rose flowers, thistles, shamrocks, and holly. At the head of the vignette, the words: “/ In honorem/” are blocked in relief within a scroll-shaped lettering-piece. Underneath this, the words: “/ Songs of the Brave/” are blocked in gold in elaborate letters, in a semi-circle. Signed “WHR” in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. Near the head, the title words: “/ Songs/ of/ the/ Brave/” are blocked in gold, in elaborate letters, with floral decoration arising up and through the letters. 



Record no: 1781

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.362

De Beaumont: K25

BL: 1856: C.30.h.7. [not in BL database]

Songs of the brave. The soldier’s dream, and other poems and odes by Campbell, Wolfe, Collins, Byron, Tennyson, and Mackay. Illustrated with twenty-six engravings, from drawings by Edward Duncan, Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], George Thomas [i.e. probably George Housman Thomas], etc. [Monogram of Joseph Cundall.] London: Sampson, Low, Son & Co., 47 Ludgate Hill, 1856. [London:] R. Clay, printers, Bread Street Hill. 46p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. In the [list of] Illustrations, the artist not listed on the title page is  A. Huttala. ‘The Head and Tail Pieces drawn by Thomas Macquoid. Engraved by Horace Harral, Edmund Evans, and James Cooper.’ The Illustration on page 38 is after A. Huttala, with the caption in the List of Illustrations: ‘Ring the joy-bells, light the blaze.’; and on page 38 the title is: ‘The joy-bell and the requiem’. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind.

Binding: The upper cover vignette is after William Harry Rogers. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue wave diagonal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind. Three fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. A pattern of intertwined stems and leaves is blocked on each corner, together with a laurel wreath on each corner. Stems and leaves are blocked on each side. [This is the same blocking as for RdeB.K.24.] The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows stems forming a circle, with small leaves and buds off the stems. The title: "/ The Soldier's Dream [in a semi-circle]/ and/ Other Poems./" is blocked in gold in gothic letters above and below the centre. On the centre, a hussar's helmet, a sword, and an anchor are all blocked in gold. Signed "WHR" in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is blocked in gold. The title: "/ The/ Soldier's/ Dream./ &c./" is blocked in gold in gothic letters, with branch, stem, and leaf decoration blocked between, above and below the letters.

Record no: 1782

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.364

De Beaumont: K26

BL: [1868] C.109.i.8.

The Spirit of Praise a collection of hymns Old and New. London: F. Warne and Co.; New York, Scribner, Welford & Co., [1866] [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers & printers, Camden Press. [14], 252p. 8 plates. In the ‘List of Illustrations’, the artists are given as [full names where possible]: J. Burlison, Thomas Dalziel, George John Pinwell, Frederick Smallfield, Edward Dalziel, Arthur Boyd Houghton, William Small, Alfred Walter Bayes, Paul Gray, John William North, Philip Hundley. The illustration on page 85 is after Bayes. It is captioned: “ / ‘T is manna to the hungry soul, / And to the weary rest./” The illustration facing page 105 is after Burlison and is captioned: “Patience”. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper recto. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive [for 1866?]: vol. XVIII nos. 427-754. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

Inscribed on upper endpaper recto: “/ H.R.H./ Princess Louise/ With the best wishes of /[cannot read] Stewards(?) / George & Emma [surname not readable]/ March 18th/ 1867 [[or 1869]/”

Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll,_Duchess_of_Argyll

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.

Binding. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedown. Bookseller’s ticket on upper pastedown: “/ C. G. Pitman/ Bookseller & Stationer/ 62, Union Street/ Ryde I.W./” Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ W. Bone & Son./ 76, Fleet St./ London./” [Ball no. 17D.] Green sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and blind and in relief. On the borders, leaf and stem patterns are blocked between gold fillets. A fleur-de-lis is blocked on each corner, and a trefoils on each inner corner. Apart from the centre, the cover has a repeating pattern of ‘four leaves’, blocked in relief, with a gold dot on its centre. The centre-piece is a recessed quatrefoil, which is bordered with two gold fillets and hatch gold infill between them. Within the recess, a red leather onlay has small floral decoration on its perimeter. On the centre a ribbon-shaped gold lettering-piece has the words: “/ The/ Spirit of/ Praise/” blocked in gold within it, in relief ‘double letters’. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. On its perimeter, a single gold fillet is blocked. Across the head, between two gold fillets, small repeating quarter foil decoration is blocked in gold. On the upper half, the same title letters are blocked in relief, within a gold ribbon-shaped lettering-piece. Down the spine to the tail, the same quatrefoil decoration is blocked in relief and in gold. On the lower half of the spine, the word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in gold, between two gold fillets, with small decoration in gold above and below the word. At the tail, the words: “/ F. Warne & Co./” are blocked in gold between two gold fillets. 


Record no: 1783

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.365

De Beaumont: K27

BL: C.109b.1.

Spiritual Conceits, extracted from the Writings of the Fathers, the Old English Poets, etc. Illustrated by W. Harry Rogers [i.e. William Harry Rogers.] [Crown and Cross intertwined, with the motto: “No cross, no crown”. London: Griffith and Farran, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard, 1862. London: Chiswick Press:- Printed by Whittingham and Wilkins, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane. [16], 224p. On the title page verso:" The engraving by Joseph Swain".  From the introduction, by Rogers, entitled: ‘To the Reader’: “The book now offered to the public is an original illustrated companion, having only such affinity to its predecessors as must needs result from its being composed of certain emblematical devices with accompanying letter-press, the devices and the letter-press so illustrating each other as to be manifestly inseparable. In the second place, the fact that the editor and the artist are the same person is probably, a novel feature. In the third place, the emblems have been so grouped as not to prevent a melange of ideas associated by accident, but to give, as far as possible, one consecutive series of thoughts, developing Savanarola’s comprehensive sentiment, “If there be no enemy, no fight; if no fight, no victory; if no victory, no crown.” The Fathers of the Church, the noblest divines of the Middle Ages and the Old English poets, have been pressed into the service of one fixed and unassailable idea, which is clenched in the motto, “No Cross, no Crown;” and to this they have been asked to do duty in such wise as out of discordant parts to make one harmonious whole.” All of the illustrations are after William Harry Rogers. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

The BL copy of this work is at shelf mark: C.109.b.1. the same design is blocked onto green morocco vertical-grain cloth.

The British Library shelf mark 12304.e.18. "Emblems of Christian life" has a similar design with only the title page and the title lettering on the covers being changed. See:

Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ Frederick Wilkins/ from his affectionate sister Emma./ April 4th 1879/”

Gold and blind and relief


Binding: The design is after William Harry Rogers. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Bone & Son/ 76, Fleet St. London./" [Ball no. 17C.] Red morocco horiontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in blind and in relief. On the borders there are two fillets, one blocked in gold, the next blocked in blind. Inside these, a border of repeating patterns is blocked in gold. The patterns are "three hatch leaf" and "hanging diamonds", each with four dots blocked inside in relief. There is a rectangular central panel, and, at the head and tail, rectangular gold lettering pieces are blocked. The one at the head contains the word: "/ Spiritual/", blocked in relief; the one at the tail contains the word: "/ Conceits", blocked in relief. Each lettering piece has diagonal fillets, which are blocked in vertical and horizontal hatch. The hatched fillets alternate with those which are blocked in gold, with small dots blocked in relief. Four rose flowers are blocked in gold underneath and above the two rectangular gold lettering pieces. They are surrounded by small stars, blocked in relief. The central panel is a quatrefoil, and around its perimeter fleur-de-lis are blocked in gold in a repeating pattern. At the very centre, surrounded by small stars and circles blocked in gold, an interlocking crown and a cross are blocked in gold. The decorative elements of the crown and cross are picked out in hatch and in relief. The spine decoration is all in gold and in relief. There is a fillet blocked in gold around the perimeter. The spine is divided into five panels. Numbers 1, 2 and 5 are formed by a single gold fillet. At the head, panel 1 contains a crow, surrounded by small stars and circles, all in gold. Panel 2 has the title: "/Spiritual/ Conceits/" is blocked in relief within a square gold lettering piece. Panel 3 has a descending scroll-like gold lettering-piece, with the words: "No Cross, No Crown" blocked in relief inside. In the centre of this panel the interlocking cross and crown are blocked. The monogram "WHR" is blocked in relief at the base of the scroll-shaped gold lettering-piece. In panel 4, "/ WH Rogers/" is blocked in relief inside a small gold lettering-piece. In panel 5, a cross, surrounded by small crowns and circles, is blocked in gold. See the British Library shelf mark 12304.e.18. "Emblems of Christian life" which has a similar design with only the title page and the title lettering on the covers being changed.

Record no: 1784

BM P & D Register no: BM 1996,1104.46

De Beaumont: L1


The sunlight of song. A collection of sacred and moral poems. With Original Music by the most eminent English composers. Profusely illustrated with engravings by the Brothers Dalziel, from designs by our best artists. London and New York: Novello, Ewer, and Co.; George Routledge and sons, 1875. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers & printers Camden Press. In the Contents, the illustrators are given as [full names given where possible]: Edward Gurden Dalziel, [possibly] Robert Winchester Fraser, John GordonThomson, Townley Green, Johann Baptist Zwecker, George John Pinwell, W. J. Wiegand, Thomas Dalziel, Henry French, [probably] Francis Arthur Anderson Fraser, William Small, Thomas Sulman, James Mahoney, [possibly] Francis Sylvester Walker. 6,142p. 1 Plate With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The frontispiece plate shows a family gathered round a piano, all singing together. It is signed: “Dalziel Sc/”. The illustration on page 2 is after Edward Gurden Dalziel, Signed: “EGD”, and captioned: “The four seasons”. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Prize label on the upper endpaper recto, with the inscription: Miss Kennedy’s Prize/ Presented to/ Doris Jones/ for/ Good Conduct/ St. Mary’s Girls’ School/ Leeds/ Dec 1909/”. Printed at the bottom of the label: “/ S. P. C. K. Depot, 5, Albion Place, Leeds./”


Gold and black and blind and relief

Binding: Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Red fine diagonal-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief only. Three fillets are blocked on the borders, with squares on the corners, on the centre sides and the centre head and centre tail. Within each square, a cross is blocked in relief. The central vignette is a diamond shape, showing small decoration within it, blocked in relief. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. A panel design, with fillets and straps blocked in gold on the borders and the corners. Elaborate inner borders, delineated by fillets blocked in gold and in black, with a leaf and stem repeating pattern as an inner border. Black squares are blocked on the centre sides, head and tail, in which eight petalled flowers are blocked in gold, with veins picked out in red. The title words: “/ The [in gold]/ Sunglight [in black within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with two gold fillets on its borders]/ of [in gold]/ Song [ blocked in black and in gold]/” are blocked on the upper half of the cover. A lyre is blocked in gold on the lower half of the cover. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. At the head and at the tail, a single black fillet is blocked across the spine. A single gild fillet is blocked on the perimeter of the spine. Three squares, blocked in black, are blocked at the head, the lower middle and at the tail of the spine, in which eight petalled flowers are blocked in gold. On the upper half of the spine, the title words: “/ The/ [blocked in gold]/ Sunlight/ of/ Song [blocked in relief within a gold rectangular lettering-piece]/” are blocked. A star and a lyre are blocked in gold on the lower half of the spine.

Record no: 1785

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.367

De Beaumont: L2

BL: 12612.i.13.

Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver’s Travels into several remote regions of the world by Dean Swift. A New Edition. With Explanatory Notes and a Life of the Author, by John Francis Walker, LL.D., Vice-President of the Royal Irish Academy. Illustrated by Thomas Morten. ]. [Device of Cassell, Petter and Galpin.] London: Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, La Belle Sauvage Yard, Ludgate Hill, E. C., [1865]. xliii, 352p. The frontispiece is after Morten and is captioned: “/ ‘He commanded his general to draw up the troops in close order, and march them under me.’ See Chap. III/” The 1996,1104.47illustration on page 49 is after Morten, and captioned”:/ ‘And created me a nardac upon the spot’ page 49./” The illustration is signed: “Linton” [i.e. probably William James Linton]. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto: “/ Cautley Holmes Cautley/ Shelf Hall/ Halifax/”

Inscribed on the upper endpaper verso: “This is the first state of the first edition.”


Gold and blind and relief.

Binding: Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Bookseller’s label on upper pastedown: / John Dale & Co./ Printers/ Booksellers/ Stationers/ [rule]/ Bradford/.”  Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical design, in blind and in relief on the lower and in gold and in relief on the upper cover. Elaborate fillets and small decoration is blocked on the borders. On each corner, a roundel is formed by multiple gold and ‘patterned’ fillets. Within each, a character from the novel is blocked in gold. Elaborate plant patterns are blocked in gold and in relief around the centre-piece, which is ‘oriental’ in shape, and contains the title words: “/ Gulliver’s [blocked in relief in a semi-circle, within a gold lettering-piece]/ Travels/ Illustrated [blocked in relief in a semi-circle, within a gold lettering-piece]/”. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. On its perimeter, a single gold fillet and repeating dots are blocked in gold. Elaborate stylised plant patterns are blocked in gold from head to tail. Near the head, on the centre, and at the tail, the words: “/ Gulliver’s [blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece]/ Travels [ditto// Illustrated [blocked in relief within a curved gold lettering-piece]/ London/ Cassell/ Petter &/ Galpin [the publisher words being blocked in relief within a continuous ‘scroll’ shaped’ gold lettering-piece/. Signed in gold “GHW” just above the imprint at the tail.


Record no: 1786

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.368

De Beaumont: L3


Taylor, Jane and Taylor Ann. Original poems. Illustrated. London and New York: George Routledge & Sons, Broadway, 1868. London: R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Printers. xvii, 190p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. In the list of Illustrations’ the artists are given as [full names given where possible]: Robert Barnes, [possibly] Thomas Kennedy, [probably] John F. Jellicoe, Alfred Walter Bayes, Edmund Morison Wimperis, T. Green, [possibly] Jules Joseph Istres Contencin, John Lawson, R. Moore, Alfred Thomas Elwes. “Designed and engraved under the entire direction of J. D. Cooper [i.e. James Davis Cooper]./ The floral initials are all designed by T. Kennedy.” The frontispiece is after Robert Barnes, and is captioned: “/ ‘Dear Ladies’, she cries, and the tears trickle down,/ ‘Relieve a poor beggar, I pray.’ P. 16/” Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto: “/ Harriet G. J. Bridgeman/”


Binding: Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. The border decoration is blocked in blind on the lower cover. The upper cover is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the borders. Ivy leaves and stem are blocked in gold on the corners. The central vignette is an arabesque on the outside, which has flowers and leaves blocked in gold around its edges. Within this, a rectangular gold lettering-piece is blocked with the title words: “/ Original/ Poems/” blocked in hatch gold inside. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on its perimeter, and also a ‘branch like’ gold fillet inside this. A stippled gold cartouche is blocked along the spine, and the words: “/ Original poems/ “are blocked in relief within it. Small floral decoration and hatch gold are blocked above and below the cartouche. At the tail, the word: “/ Routledge/” is blocked in gold.

Record no: 1787

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.369

De Beaumont: L4

BL: Taylor, Tom. Ballads and songs of Brittany. Translated from the "Barsaz-Breiz" of Vicomte Hersart de la Villemarqué, with some of the original melodies harmonized by Mrs. Tom Taylor ; with illustrations by J. Tissot [i.e James Tissot], J. E. Millais, R.A. i.e. John Everrett Millais], J. Tenniel [i.e John Tenniel[, C. Keene [i.e. Charles Keene], E. Corbould [i.e. Edward Corbould], and H. K Browne [i.e. Hablot Knight Browne]. London and Cambridge: Macmillan and Co., 1865. London: bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars. xxiii, 239p. The frontispiece and title page engravings are after James Tissot, and is engraved by Charles Henry Jeens. The illustration on page 64 is after Millais, accompanying the poem ‘The plague of Elliant’.

Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper verso and on the recto of the frontispiece. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Inscribed on the front endpaper verso: “/ J Everett Millais/ with kind regards/ & grateful acknowledgments / of the author/ Tom Taylor/ Xmas day 1864/”


Binding: Green endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedowns: “/ bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38 Kirby St./” [Ball no. 20A.] Brown sand-grain cloth.

Each cover has three fillets blocked on its borders, in blind on the lower and in gold on the upper. On the upper cover the central medallion is formed by three gold fillets. Within it, The figure of Lord Nann on his horse is blocked in gold. This is derived from Edward Corbould’s illustration on page 9. The spine is blocked in gold. Three fillets are blocked in gold across the spine at the head and at the tail. At the head and at the tail, the words: “/ Ballads/ and/ Songs/ of/ Brittany/ Tom Taylor/ Macmillan & co./2 are blocked in gold.


Record no: 1788

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.371

De Beaumont: L5

BL: C.134.d.2.

Enoch Arden. Illustrated by Arthur Hughes. [Device of Edward Moxon.] London: Edward Moxon & Co., Dover Street, 1866. London: Bradbury, Evans and Co., printers, Whitefriars. [6], 82p. With seventeen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. Printed on the title page verso: “The illustrations and cover from drawings by Arthur Hughes. The frontispiece engraved by J. H. Baker [i.e. John H. Baker], from a medallion by Thomas Woolner. The book produced under the superintendence of [monogram of J B P i.e. James Bertrand Payne].” On page four of the list of books published by Edward Moxon bound in at the end, this work is described as: “ In foolscap 4to, elegantly printed and bound price 21s.” The frontispiece is a portrait of Tennyson. The illustration opposite the title page is of three children, with the accompanying verses on page 3:


‘Here on this beach a hundred years ago,

Three children of three houses, Annie Lee,

The prettiest damsel in the port,

And Philip Ray, the miller’s only son, and Enoch Arden a rough sailor’s lad

Made orphan by a winter shipwreck, p;ay’d

Among the waste and lumber of the shore, ‘

Inscribed on the half title page: ‘Presented to Miss Saunders [?; rest of inscription not readable] The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.





Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings.1985, p. 87.

Goldman, Paul. Victorian Illustrated Books 1850-1870. The heyday of wood-engraving. The Robin de Beaumont Collection. London, British Museum Press, 1994, p. 113.

Houfe,Simon. The Dictionary of British Book Illustrators and Caricaturists 1800-1914. Woodbridge, Antique Collectors Club, 1978, pp. 347-348.

McLean, Ruari. Victorian book design and colour printing. 2nd edition. [London] Faber & Faber [1972], p. 169. Reproduces the title page and frontispiece.

McLean, Ruari. Victorian publishers’ book-bindings in cloth and leather. London, Gordon Fraser, 1974, p. 134-135. Reproduces the upper and lower covers of a copy bound in blue morocco grained cloth.  


The British Library copies are at C.134.d.2 and C129.d.2. The copy at C.134.d.2 has green pebble-grain cloth. The copy at C.129.d.2 has blue sand-grain cloth and is bound in gutta percha. Both the BL copies have the same blocking at the copy illustrated here.


The design blocked in gold on both covers is the same as for the copy at P&D register no. 1992,0406.296 .


Notes:  Binding: The cover design is after Arthur Hughes. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. This copy has brown honeycomb-grain cloth. The text is sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Original yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Full gilt to both covers and spine. On the lower cover, stalks and ears of corn are blocked in gold between ‘branch like’ fillets blocked on the borders. A diagonal pattern is interspersed with butterflies, with a windmill’s sail blocked in gold on the centre. A single bell is blocked on each centre side, and on the centre head and the centre tail. The upper cover has sea motifs – sea shells on corners; ship’s chains and ropes on the borders; a ‘fish net' diagonal pattern with many fish ‘caught’ inside. An anchor is blocked on the centre. A bell and its wheel is blocked on the centre of each side and on the centre head and centre tail. The spine is blocked in gold. A single ‘rope’ fillet is blocked on the perimeter. A sea shall is blocked in gold at the head and at the tail. Another ‘rope’ fillet forms a cartouche on the centre of the spine, with the title words: “/ Enoch Arden/” blocked in gold, in ‘rope like’ letters within it. Above and below the cartouche, rope knots and small stem and leaf decoration are blocked in gold. 


Record no: 1789

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.372

De Beaumont: L6

BL: 1867: 11648.g.16. This copy has original covers.


Tennyson, Alfred. Enoch Arden, poema Tennysonianum Latine redditum [by William Selwyn]. Londini: Edv. Moxon ed Soc: A.D.1867. Canatabrigiae: typis academicis C. J. Clay, A. M. [8], 50p. 1 plate. The plate is bound in opposite page 1. It is not captioned. It shows the fishing village, within cliffs, the scene echoing the opening lines of the poem:

‘Long lines of cliff breaking have left a chasm;
And in the chasm are foam and yellow sands;
Beyond, red roofs about a narrow wharf
In cluster; then a moulder'd church; and higher
A long street climbs to one tall-tower'd mill;
And high in heaven behind it a gray down
With Danish barrows; and a hazelwood,
By autumn nutters haunted, flourishes
Green in a cuplike hollow of the down.’

Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


William Selwyn



Inscribed on the half title page recto: ‘/ C J Stewart/ from W. Selwyn [i.e. William Selwyn, the translator of the text]/ 1867/ ‘

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green pebble-grain cloth. The borders of both covers are blocked identically, in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper cover. On the upper cover, multiple fillets form squares on each corner, and rectangles on the sides, the head and the tail. Fleur-de-lis and gold dots are blocked within each rectangle. Within each corner square, stylised flower heads are blocked in gold. On the centre, the title words: “/ Enochus  Arden/” are blocked in gold, ‘rope-like’ letters, on each side of an anchor, also blocked in gold. The spine is not blocked.


Record no: 1790

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.373

De Beaumont: L7

BL: 1347.i.18.

Tennyson, Alfred. The May Queen. Illustrated by E. V. B. [i.e. Eleanor Vere Boyle]. London: Sampson, Low, Son, & Co., 47, Ludgate Hull, 1861.London: R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill. 40p. The illustration on page 16 is after Boyle, with verse printed above and below it. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Inscribed on the front endpaper recto: “/ [To] Sarah Angelina Acland/ from a kind Lady that had a good/ [not readable] while Mrs Sheffington/ Christmas Day 1861./”

Bookplate on upper pastedown, with the inscription: “/ This/ Book/ belonged to/ S. A. Acland/ It is given in her memory to/ Betty/ by her brother/ Betty’s Great Uncle/ H W Acland/ 1931 Jany 26/” 

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.

Binding: The binding is possibly by Albert Warren. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son/ 76, Fleet St. London./” [Ball no. 17C.] Blue morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief on the borders, corners and sides, with stems leaves and flowers curling round a frame. On the upper cover, within an arabesque formed by a single gold fillet, the words: “/ The/ May Queen/ by/ Alfred Tennyson/ Illustrated by E. V. B./” Are blocked in gold in rustic, ‘gothic’ letters. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Gold fillets and small gold decoration are blocked across the spine at the head and at the tail. Down the spine, flowers stems and leaves are blocked in gold. A scroll is held by these, and, within it, the title words: “The May Queen” are blocked in relief. Signed “AW” [i.e.  possibly Albert Henry Warren] in gold as separate letters near the tail.


Record no: 1791

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.374

De Beaumont: L8

BL: 1607/6176

Tennyson, Alfred. Poems. London: Edward Moxon, Dover Street, 1857. London: Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars. v, 376p. In the ‘List of Illustrations’, the artists are given as [full names where possible]: Thomas Creswick, John Everett Millais, William Holman Hunt, William Mulready, John Chalcott Horsley, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Clarkson stanfield, Daniel Maclise. The engravers are listed as: [full names where possible]: T. Williams, Dalziel Brothers, John Thompson, William James Linton, W. T. Green, C. T. Thompson. The frontispiece plate is a portrait bust of Tennyson, after H. Robinson, ‘From a medallion by Thomas Woolner’.  The illustration on page 13 is after William Holman Hunt, entitle ‘Recollections of the Arabian Nights’. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper verso. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive for 1856: nos. 643-653, excluding 648; 1857 nos. 1161-1166. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

Inscribed on upper pastedown: “/ J. Fremlyn Streatfield./ Jan:- 1860/

Binding: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth.  Both covers are blocked in blind and in relief, with an identical design. Multiple fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. On each corner, curling stems, leaves and and nine petalled flowers are blocked in blind and in relief. Straps are formed on the centre sides by the fillets. More fillets in blind form the central oval, in which an urn, with large handles is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. From the head downwards, curling stems, and leaves and flower buds form a pattern – all blocked in gold. Within a panel formed by this decoration, the words: “/ Tennyson’s/ Poems./” are blocked in gold.


Record no: 1792

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.375

De Beaumont: L9

BL: C.129.e.1.

Tennyson, Alfred. The Princess: a medley. With twenty-six illustrations engraved on wood by Dalziel, W. T. Green, W. Thomas [i.e. possibly William Luson Thomas] and E. Williams. From drawings by Daniel Maclise, R. A. London: Edward Moxon and Co., Dover Street, 1860. London: Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars. [6], 188p. With a list of Works by Tennyson printed on the front flyleaf verso. The illustration on page 17 is after Maclise, and engraved by W. Thomas. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper verso. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive for 1857: nos. 1166-1169. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

In the list of publisher’s titles, the seventh edition of this work is ‘Price 5s. cloth’.

Binding:  Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge/”. [Ball no. 53D.] Red morocco-horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically. Fillets blocked in gold divide up each cover into panels and cartouches, within which stylised plant decoration is blocked in gild and in relief. Above and below the centre-piece, ovals are formed by elaborate decoration and fillets, blocked in gold. Within each oval, the words: “/ The Princess/ Tennyson/” are blocked in gold. The centre-piece of each cover is a ‘diamond-shaped [without the tips of the diamond]’ recess, within which is a blue [possibly paper] onlay. Blocked in gold on the onlay are a couple, kissing each other, surrounded by plants. The spine is elaborately blocked in gold and in blind and in relief. Three gold fillets are blocked on its perimeter, one of hatch gold, between two thin fillets. The decoration divides the spine into five panels. Within panels two and four, the words: “/ The/ Princess/ [rule]/ Tennyson/ Illustrated/ by Maclise/” are blocked in gold. Panels one, three and five are delineated by ‘arabesques’, and have small decoration blocked in gold and in relief within each.


Record no: 1793

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.376

De Beaumont: L10

BL: 1901: K.T.C.27.b.15.

Tennyson, Alfred. Some poems. With illustrations by William Holman Hunt, John Everet Millais, and Dante Gabriel Rossetti, printed from the original wood  blocks cut from the original MDCCCLXI edition with photogravures from some of the original drawings now first reproduced.  With a Preface by Joseph Pennell treating of the illustrators of the Sixties & an Introduction by William Holman Hunt. London: Published in Piccadilly by Freemantle & Co., 1901. Edinburgh: The Riverside Press. xxiv, 135p. 35 plates. Six of the plates are photogravures from photographs of the original drawings, facing the [original] woodblocks. The frontispiece is a bust of Lord Tennyson. The plates between pages 114 and 15 are after William Holman Hunt, accompanying the ‘Ballad of Oriana’. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front pastedown. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Binding:  Gilt top edge. White endpapers and pastedowns. White ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked only with the words: “/ Poems by Alfred/ Lord Tennyson/”. The spine is blocked in gold with the words: “/ Poems/ by/ Alfred Lord/ Tennyson/ Illustrated/ by/ Rossetti/ Millais/ W. Holman/ Hunt/ General/ Introduction/ by Joseph Pennell/ Preface/ by W. Holman Hunt/”. At the tail, the word: “/ Freemantle/” is blocked in gold.

Record no: 1794

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.378

De Beaumont: L11

BL: 3vols 1858: 12620.c.13. ;1875: Document Supply W20/6448

Thackeray, William Makepeace. The history of Henry Esmond, Esq., a Colonel in the service of Her Majesty Queen Anne. Written by himself. With illustrations by George du Maurier. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 65, Cornhill, 1868. London: Printed by Smith, Elder and Co., Old Bailey, E. C. xvi, 452p. 8 plates. The plates are signed “DM” [i.e. George du Maurier] and “Swain”[ i.e. Joseph Swain]. The frontispiece shows a street scene, with two adults and two children, and is captioned: “Henry Esmond finds Friends.” Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper verso, and on a separate sheet. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief

Inscribed on the front endpaper recto and on the title page: “/ Charles E Fletcher/ Jan. 1869/”

Binding: Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth.  Both covers are blocked with an identical design. On the lower cover, the design is blocked in blind and in relief, apart from Thackeray’s monogram on the centre. On the upper cover, the ‘repeating cartouches and dots’ are blocked in gold on the perimeter. Inside this, more fillets blocked in blind delineate panels. Above and below the central rectangle, arches are filled with scrolling foliage, blocked in blind. On the centre, within a rectangle and an oval, formed by gold fillets, the monogram “WMT” is blocked in gold. The Spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Three gold fillets are blocked across the spine at the head and at the tail.  Groups of four gold fillets form three rectangular panels down the spine. (The second of the four fillets has repeating rectangles blocked in relief within it.) Within the Panel at the head, the word: “/ Esmond/” is blocked in gold. On the lower half of the spine, within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet, the words: “/ W. M. Thackeray/” are blocked in gold. At the tail, within a rectangle formed by gold fillets, the words: “/ Smith Elder & Co../” are blocked in gold.

Record no: 1795

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.381

De Beaumont: L12

BL: 1347.g.8; W17/4865

Thomson, James. The seasons. Illustrated by Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], F. R. Picksersgill [i.e. Frederick Richard Pickersgill], J. Wolf [i.e. Joseph Wolf], G. Thomas, and Noel Humphreys [i.e. Henry Noel Humphreys]. London: James Nisbet and Co. Berners Street, 1859. Edinburgh: Printed by R. & R. Clark. viii,228p. In the ‘List of illustrations’, the engravers are given as [full names where possible]: Dalziel Brothers, Edmund Evans, Edmund Morison Wimperis, William Luson Thomas, W. T. Green, W. Palmer [i.e. possibly William James Palmer]. The illustration on page 47 is after Pickersgill. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto:”/ Helen Maria Cook/ A trifling mark of the sincere/ esteem & affection in which she is/ held by her old Friends and School [not readable]/ Cath[erin]e. A Nicholson/ The Chantry Christmas 1865/”


Gold and blind and relief.

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signature.

The British Library copies are at 1347g8 and W17/4865. There is the same block work on both copies, on blue and red morocco vertical-grain cloth. No binder’s ticket on either of the BL copies.


Binding: The design is by Albert Henry Warren. Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" [Ball no. 53A.] Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold, in blind and in relief. A wide gold border is blocked and within the border, a repeating pattern of four leaves and berries is blocked in relief. On each corner, a four-petal flower is blocked within a square. On the inner corners and on the sides, groups of stems and of leaves are blocked, each representing each season, with small leaves blocked in relief around each. The central frame is formed by ivy leaves and berries, which surround the central hexagon. This is blocked as a gold lettering-piece, bordered by a single fillet. The title: "/ Thomson's/ Seasons/ is blocked in relief within the lettering-piece. Small leaves and stem decoration is blocked in relief around the title. Signed "AW" in relief as a monogram as the base of the hexagon. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: leaves and dots blocked between two fillets; a gold fillet; ivy leaves and berries; leaves and a quatrefoil with gold dots inside it; a hexagon gold lettering-piece with the title: "/ Thomson's Seasons/" blocked in relief inside; leaves and a quatrefoil with dots inside it; ivy leaves and berries; a gold fillet; leaves and dots are blocked in gold between two fillets.

Record no: 1796

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.382

De Beaumont: L13

BL: 1876: C.194.b.16.

Thornbury, Walter. Historical & legendary ballads and songs. Illustrated by James Whistler, Frederick Walker, John Tenniel, John Dawson Watson, William Small, Frederick Sandys, George John Pinwell, Thomas Morten, Matthew James Lawless, and many others. London: Chatto and Windus, 1876. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers & printers, Camden Press. xxiii, 281p. With two pages of publishers’ titles bound at the end. The frontispiece illustration is after Tenniel, signed with his monogram, and also: “Swain sc”. In the ‘List of Illustrations’, additional artists are listed: Perceval Skelton, Fritz Eltze, C. Green, Arthur Boyd Houghton, A. Fairfield, George du Maurier, Edward Henry Corbould, Charles Keene, Thomas Robert Macquoid, Townley Green, A. Riou. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and black and relief.


Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns.  Green fine diaper diagonal-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. Horizontal and vertical rules blocked in blind, with small decorative corner-pieces, create a large rectangular panel. The upper cover is blocked in gold, in blind and in relief. Two gilt rules are blocked on the borders. More gilt rules form panels. On each corner, a square is blocked , which has a star, a circle and small decoration blocked in gold. Within the upper two at the head, the title words are: “/ Historical/ and [blocked in relief with a gold lettering-piece]/ Legendary Ballads [blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece]/” The capital letter “L” is blocked in blind within its own rectangular gold lettering-piece, together with a putto who is holding the end of a string which holds a sag of flowers. Small swags surround a flying female figure, blocked in gold. To the lower right of this figure, a small child rests [is asleep?] on the ground. Rectangular panels are blocked to the left and to the right of these figures, in which foliage is blocked in gold and in relief, against a background blocked in black. The spine side panel also has a lamp, suspended on cords, blocked in gold. The central panel at the tail has the words: “/ Walter Thornbury/”  blocked in relief, with in a scroll-shaped gold lettering-piece. The spine is blocked in gold and in  black and in relief. From the head downwards, the decoration is: gilt rules and small decoration blocked across the spine; A medallion, with a black background, in which the head of a hooded young girl is blocked in gold and in relief; the title: “/ Historical [blocked in gold with in a black rectangular lettering-piece]/ and/ Legendary/ Ballads [blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece]; a shepherd holding a set of pan pipies and his staff, is blocked in gold and in relief, within an oval formed by gold fillets, which has a background blocked in black; near the tail, the words: “/ Walter Thornbury/” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece; at the tail a square black lettering-piece has a vase, blocked in gold and in relief, with stylised flower decoration, and the words: “/ Chatto & Windus/” blocked in relief within it.

Record no: 1797

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.383

De Beaumont: L14

BL: 11651.g.12. The BL copy has a doublured original upper cover. The spine may be lost, and with it, the monogram of William Harry Rogers.

Thornbury, Walter. Two centuries of song. Lyrics, Madrigals, Sonnets, and other occasional verses of the English poets of the last two hundred years. With critical and biographical notes by Walter Thornbury. Illustrated by original pictures of eminent artists, drawn and engraved especially for this work, with coloured borders, designed by Henry Shaw, F. S. A., etc, etc. London: Sampson, Low, Son and Marston, Milton House, Ludgate Hill, 1867. London: R. Clay, Son and Taylor, printers, Bread Street Hill. 308p. In the ‘List of Illustrations’, the artists are given as [full names stated where possible]: I. Lamont, Henry Stacy Marks, Edward Killingworth Johnson, Thomas Morten, G. Leslie, William Paton Burton, George Housman Thomas, William Small, George Bouverie Goddard, Edmund Morison Wimperis, F. B. Barnwell, Joseph Wolf, Edmund Warren. The engravers are listed as: Harvey Orrin Smith, Horace Harral, William James Linton, W. Thomas, William James Palmer. The frontispiece plate is signed “H.S.M.” [i.e. Henry Stacy Marks] and “Orrin Smith”. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and black.

Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto: “/ The/ Lady Henry Nevill/ with every kind and good wish/ for 1894/ [rule]/ from J. R./”

Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, p. 157.

Binding: Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Gold tooled turn-ins and board edges. Red morocco. A metal clasp on the centre fore edge holds the text. Both covers blocked with an identical design. Four gold fillets blocked on the borders, in pairs. Between each pair of fillets, another border of ‘grapes and vine leaves’ is blocked in relief, against a dark [black?] background. On each cover, groups of three gold fillets divide the cover into three panels. In the upper panel, near the head, repeating swags of cherub heads, their wings, vases and ‘pear drops’ are blocked in gold. In the central panel, the title words: “/ Two/ centuries/ of/ song/” are blocked in gold with curling stem foliage blocked alongside them. In the lower panel, a single ‘pseudo-heraldic’ swag is blocked in gold.  Single ‘leaf motifs’ are blocked in black within the panels – three in the upper, one in the middle, and two in the lower panel. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. At the head and at the tail a single thick gold fillet is blocked across the spine. The ‘grapes and vine leaves’ motif is blocked in gold and in relief at the head and the tail of the spine, within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet. Single gold fillets further divide the spine into three rectangular panels. The upper panel has the same ‘cherub head and swag  and ‘leaf motifs’ as for the upper cover. The middle panel has the title words: “/ Two centuries/ of song/” blocked in gold. The lower panel has a single ‘pseudo-heraldic’ swag is blocked in gold, and, within it, the monogram “WHR” [i.e.  William Harry Rogers] is blocked in gold.

Record no: 1798 and 1799

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 0406.386 and 1996,1104.48

De Beaumont: L15A and L15B

BL: 1862: C.190.e.15.

The spine is divided into seven panels by false raised bands. Panel two has a leather on lay, with the title words: / Orley/ Farm/” tooled in gold. Panel three is tooled in gold with: “Vol. I. [II.]”

Record no: 1800

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 1104.48

De Beaumont: L16

BL: 12623.f.56.

Trollope, Anthony. Orley Farm. With illustrations by J. E. Millais [i.e. John Everett Millais]. London: Chapman and Hall, 193 Piccadilly. Part VIII. October [1861]. One Shilling. The text is of Vol. I. Chapters XXIX to XXXI., pp. 225-256. There are two illustrations bound in at the front: ‘Felix Graham in trouble’; ‘Footsteps in the corridor’. These are bound in between pages 226-227 and 240-241 of Volume I. With eight pages of publisher’s titles and general advertisements bound at the front and two pages of advertisements bound at the end. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on page 1 of the publisher’s titles.The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Binding: This part VIII issued in paper wrappers. Stab stitched. The upper cover has the title, with ‘bead and cross’ borders in black and red. The lower cover has advertisements.

Record no: 1800

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992, 1104.49

De Beaumont: L17

BL: 12623.f.56.

Trollope, Anthony. The small house at Allington.  A new edition with five illustrations. [After John Everett Millais.] London: Smith, Elder and Co., 65, Cornhill. London: Smith, Elder and Co., Little Green Arbour Court, Old Bailey, E. C. [2],598p. `With two pages of publisher’s advertisements bound at the end. The frontispiece and half title page are after John Everett Millais. The frontispiece is captioned: ‘ “Mamma”, she said at last, “it is all over now, I’m sure.”’  Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Bookseller’s label on upper pastedown: “/ T. Page,/ 173, North St./ Brighton/” Size of label: 10x6mm.

Inscribed on the upper endpaper:/ K. Boyd/ 1947/ (Worthing)/”


Binding: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief. Multiples fillets are blocked on the borders, and on each corner single ‘fleur-de-lis’ are blocked in blind and in relief. The device of Smith Elder & Co. is blocked on the centre of each cover. The spine is blocked in gold. Near the head, within a frame formed by a single gold fillet, the words: “/ The/ Small House/ at/ Allington/ by Anthony Trollope/” are blocked in gold. Underneath this, within small decoration blocked in gold the words: “/ Illustrated/ Edition are blocked in relief within two scroll-shaped lettering-pieces. At the tail, within gold decoration, a rectangular gold lettering-piece has the words: “/ Smith Elder & Co./” blocked in relief.

Record no: 1801

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.387

De Beaumont: L18

BL: 1347.l.9.

Tupper, Martin. Proverbial philosophy. Illustrated. London: Thomas Hatchard, Piccadilly, 1854. London: Henry Vizetelly, printer and engraver, Gough Square, Fleet Street. Xi, 366p.

In the ‘List of Illustrations’, the following artists are given [full names give where possible]: John Tenniel, Henry Noel Humphreys, John Gilbert, Thomas Dalziel, Edward Duncan, Myles Birket Foster, Edward Henry Corbould, George Dodgson, Walter Severn, William Leighton Leitch, John Callcott Horsley, Charles West Cope, James Godwin, Frederick Richard Pickersgill. The engravers are listed as: Dalziel Brothers, Henry Vizetelly, S. Williams, W. Green. The half title page is after John Tenniel. The illustration on page 32 is after William Leighton Leitch, accompanying the text of ‘Of memory’.  Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper recto. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive, 1853: nos. 525-565. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Inscribed on the upper endpaper verso: “/ Elizabeth Ashhurst/ A New Year Gift/ from her husband/ Waterslock 1854./”

Gold and blind and relief


Binding: Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth.  On both covers, identical  patterns of plant stems  and flowers are blocked in relief on the corners, with an ‘oriental’ frame.  The upper cover centre has elaborate plant decoration blocked in gold around the centre-piece, which has the words: “/ Proverbial/ Philosophy./ “ blocked in relief within semi-circular scroll-shaped lettering-pieces. The spine is blocked in gold. From head to tail, elaborate plant decoration is blocked in gold. Near the head, the words: “/ Proverbial/ Philosophy/” are blocked in gold.


Record no: 1802

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.392

De Beaumont: L19

BL: Document Supply W14/4449

Watts, Isaac. Divine and Moral Songs for children. Illustrated. London: Sampson Low, Son, and Marston, 1866. 116p. In the ‘List of Illustrations’, the following artists are given [full names give where possible]: Thomas Dewell Scott, [probably] Thomas Kennedy, A J Waudby, [probably] Walter James Allen, Robert Barnes, William Small, Hugh Cameron, Richard Principal Leitch, William Harrison Weir, Edward Morison Wimperis, J. Lee. From the Preface: “…the whole of the Illustrations have been arranged and engraved under the entire direction of Mr. James D. [i.e. Davis] Cooper.” The frontispiece portrait of Watts is after Thomas Dewell Scott. The title page is after Thomas Kennedy. The illustration on page 27 is after  A. J. Waudby, accompanying the verse: Praise to God for our Redemption.”

Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and relief


Binding: Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binders ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./2 [Ball no. 17A.]  Green pebble-grain cloth. The lower cover has a frame of three fillets blocked in blind. On the centre, a multi-petaled flower is blocked in blind, with some of its decoration being picked out in relief. The upper cover has outer and inner frame borders, formed by fillets blocked in gold. There are fleur-de-lis blocked on each corner, each picked out in relief  within an oval, against a gold hatch background. On the centre, within a decorated mandorla, the title words: “/ Watts’s/ Divine & Moral/ Songs/” are blocked in relief within three scroll-shaped gold lettering-pieces. The spine is blocked in gold. Gold fillets and small decoration are blocked across the spine at the head. Within a cartouche gold lettering-piece blocked along the spine, the words: “/ Watt’s Divine & Moral Songs./” are blocked in relief. At each end of the cartouche, tassels are blocked in gold.

Record no: 1803

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.393

De Beaumont: L20


Watts, Isaac. Divine and Moral Songs for children. Illustrated in the new graphotype engraving process by W. Holman Hunt [i.e. William Holman Hunt], W. Cave Thomas [i.e. William Cave Thomas], J. D. Watson [i.e. John Dawson Watson], G. du Maurier [i.e. George du Maurier], T. Morten [i.e. Thomas Morten], C, Green, H.K. Brown [i.e. Hablot Knight Brown], Marcus Stone, H. Anelay [i.e. Henry Anelay], Florence Claxton, M. E. Edwards [i.e. Mary Ellen Edwards], etc., etc. Under the superintendence of H. Fitzcook [i.e. Henry Fitzcook]. London: James Nisbet and Co., Berners Street, [1867] [4], vi, 76p. 18 plates. London: Levey and Co., printers, Great New Street, Fetter Lane, E. C. In the ‘List of Illustrations’, the following artists are additionally given [full names give where possible]: D. C. Hitchcock, C. E. Bassebe, Miss C. Walker. ‘The Headings, Borders, Tail-pieces, Ornaments and Cover, are by H. Fitzcook.’ The frontispiece of Watts is after Henry Anelay, signed with his monogram. The illustration between pages 40 and 41 is after Florence Caxton, and is captioned in the List of Illustrations as: ‘ “How doth the little busy Bee”’

Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief

Note on verso of title page: ‘All the Engravings in this volume, and the Cover, were execute by the Graphotype Engraving Process. Edward Roper and Company, Proprietors of the Patent, 16 Southampton Street, Strand, London.’

Binding: Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. The cords have split. Gilt edges bevelled boards. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. (Formerly) Red sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind and in relief with a ‘panel’ design. On the upper cover, the central vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a medallion, interleaved with stems and leaves, and, on the centre, the title words: “/ Divine/ and/ moral songs/ by Issac Watts/” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gold fillets are blocked on the perimeter. Along the spine, the words: “/Divine and moral songs/” are blocked in gold, with small decoration at each end of the words.. At the tail, the words: “/ James/ Nisbet/ and Co./” are blocked in relief within  a square gold lettering-piece.


Record no: 1804

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.394

De Beaumont: L21

BL: 11651.e.15.

Watts, John George. Little lays for little folk. London: George Routledge & Sons, The Broadway, Ludgate Hill; New York, 416 Broome Street, 1867. R. Clay, Son & Tay;pr. Printers.

 In the ‘List of Illustrations’, the following artists are additionally given [full names give where possible]: Robert Barnes, [possibly) Thomas Kennedy, Edward Morison Wimperis, Frederick William Keyl, William Small, [probably] Walter James Allen, R. Moore, Jules Cheret, William Lawson, Charles Green, [possibly] Thomas Harrington Wilson.

At the end of the Preface: ‘arranged and engraved under the entire direction of Mr. James D. Cooper. [i.e. James Davis Cooper]’

The frontispiece is after Robert Barnes, and signed with his monogram, and is captioned in the [List of] Contents: ‘ Innocent Child and Snow-white Flower’.

Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and relief.


Bookseller’s oval stamp on upper endpaper recto: “/ John Field/ Bookseller/ 66/ Regent St./” Size of stamp: 25x15mm.

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ W. Bone & Son./ 76, Fleet St./ London, E. C./” [Ball no. 17D.] Green sand grain cloth. On the lower cover, there are three fillets blocked in blind on the borders, with a floral central vignette, blocked in blind and in relief. On the upper cover, roses are blocked in gold on each corner, with branches blocked on the perimeter. The central oval is formed by branches. The title words are blocked in relief within four scroll-shaped gold lettering-pieces: “/ Little/ Lays/ for/ Little Folk/” The words are surrounded by more floral decoration, with the detail of the flowers, leaves and stems, being picked out in relief. The Spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single ‘branch-like’ fillet is blocked on the perimeter.  The title words: “/ Little Lays for little Folk/ are blocked in relief within a hatch gold ‘wavy-grain’ cartouche, with small rose decoration at each end. At the tail, the word: “/ Routledge/” is blocked in gold.

Record no: 1805

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.395

De Beaumont: L22

BL: C194b115

Buchanan, Robert. Wayside poesies: original poems of the country life. Pictures by G.J. Pinwell [i.e. George John Pinwell], J.W. North [i.e. John William North], and Frederick Walker. Engraved by the Brother Dalziel. London: George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, 1867. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers & printers, Camden Press. [13], 91p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. Text and illustrations printed on recto of each page. On the title page verso: ‘Dalziel’s Fine Art Gift Book 1867’. The illustration on page 45 is after North.

Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper recto. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive [for 1866?]: vol. XVIII nos. 853-894. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

The British Library copy is at shelf mark: C194b115. See:



Gold and blind and relief.


Designed by Albert Warren. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Red sand-grain cloth. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge./” [Ball no. 53C.] Both covers are blocked identically in gold, in black, and in relief. Three fillets are blocked in gold on the borders. The inner border is blocked in gold and black and relief. At the centre head, the centre tail, and the sides, cartouches are blocked in black with flower and stem decoration blocked in gold within each cartouche. On each side of each cartouche, curling stem decoration is blocked in gold (rather like the head of a bishop’s crook). On each corner, a single flower, leaves and stem decoration is blocked in relief within an oval gold lettering-piece formed by two fillets in gold. On each side at the centre, three flower heads (of cow bells?) is blocked in relief within medallions formed by two fillets in gold. The inner rectangle is formed by four gold fillets, with a ‘dog tooth’ repeating pattern blocked in gold between them. A small cross is delineated on each inner corner, within a square blocked in gold. More elaborate bud and tendril decoration in gold on the inner head, the inner tails, and the inner sides, each flower bud being blocked in hatch gold. The central arabesque is formed by elaborate gold blocking of leaves, and a mass of small circles blocked in gold. The central panel is recessed. A single gold fillet is blocked on border of a white paper on lay. On the upper cover, the registration of the lettering is slightly off centre, which can be seen at the base of the on lay. The lettering is blocked in gold and in relief. The words (in capitals): “/ Dalziel’s/ fine art/ gift book/ are blocked in gold. The words: “/Wayside poesies/” are blocked in relief within two gold cartouches. The words: “/Edited by/” are blocked in gold. The words:”/ Robert Buchanan/” are blocked in relief within a single gold cartouche. The words, in capital letters: “/ Pictures by/ G.J. Pinwell/ F. Walker/ J.W. North/” are blocked in gold. Small zig-zag decoration is blocked in gold at the head and at the tail of the on lay. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. At the head, four fillets are blocked in gold. Below this, a small rectangular gold panel is blocked in gold, with a gold fillet blocked around its perimeter. Within this panel, a small cartouche is blocked in relief. Beneath this, four flower bud and curling stem decoration motifs are blocked in gold, the buds being in hatch gold. They surround a two diamond pattern, blocked in gold. The title is blocked in relief within an elaborated arabesque panel, some of which is blocked in hatch. The title: “/ Wayside/ poesies/ poems/ of/” are blocked in relief within the arabesque. Beneath this, four flower bud and curling stem decoration motifs are blocked in gold, the buds being in hatch gold. They surround a two diamond pattern, blocked in gold. The title words: “/The country life/” are blocked in relief within a semi-circular panel blocked in gold. More stem and bud decoration are blocked above and below a circle formed by two gold fillets; within the circle, nine gold stars are blocked within small circles. The publisher: “/Routledge/” is blocked in relief within a gold rectangular panel. At the tail, small repeating dots are blocked in gold within a rectangular panel formed by a single gold fillet. In North coast and other poems (British Library shelfmark 11651.g.13.), the binding design is described in the publisher’s titles as a: “Superb binding, designed by Albert Warren, One Guinea; or, Morocco elegant and antique, Thirty-six shillings.”



Record no: 1806

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.396

De Beaumont: L23

BL: 1266.e.26.

Warton, Thomas. The Hamlet.  An ode written in Whichwood Forest. Illustrated with fourteen etchings by Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster]. London: Sampson Low, Son, and Co. 1859. 14p. Text printed only on each recto. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down. The illustration on page 1 is after Foster.


Gold and blind

Binding: Gutta-percha binding. The upper cover vignette is designed by William Harry Rogers. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. Rules and small corner decoration are blocked in blind on both covers. The upper cover central vignette is a diamond-shape, and the words: “/ The Hamlet/ an ode/ By Thomas Warton/ Illustrated with Etchings/ by / Birket Foster/” are blocked in gold, in ‘mediaeval’ style letters, surrounded by small foliage – also blocked in gold. Signed “WHR” [i.e. William Harry Rogers] in gold as a monogram at the base of the vignette. The spine is not blocked.

Record no: 1807

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.397

De Beaumont: L24

BL: 1876: 11651.h.14.

Warton, Thomas. The Hamlet.  An ode written in Whichwood Forest. Illustrated with fourteen etchings by Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster]. London: George Routledge and Sons, The Broadway, Ludgate; New York: 416 Broome Street, 1876. 14p. Text printed only on each recto. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.



Binding: Gutta-percha binding. Gilt edges. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Blue fine diaper diagonal-grain cloth. Bookseller’s ticket on both front and rear pastedowns. On the front pastedown: “/ From/ Jackson/ Bookseller/ Stationer & Printer/ 18, Commercial St/ Leeds./”. On the rear pastedown, the bookseller’s label reads: “/ From/ Jackson/ Bookseller/ Leeds./” This is pasted over the binder’s ticket of Bone & Son. [Ball no. 17E.] The same overall design is blocked on both covers – in blind on the lower and in gold and in black on the upper. On the upper cover, fillets are blocked in black on the borders. The rest of the cover shows a ‘floral’ design, with two medallions blocked in gold and in black towards the spine side. The words: “/ The Hamlet/ By Thomas Warton/ Illustrated/ by/ Birket Foster./” are blocked in gold, in ‘mediaeval/ gothic’ letters. The spine has small decoration and gold fillets blocked at the head and at the tail. Along the spine, the words: “/ The Hamlet/” are blocked in gold in elaborate letters.


Record no: 1808

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.398

De Beaumont: M1

BL: 1857: 1347.l.10.

Willmott, Robert Aris. The poets of the nineteenth century. Illustrated with one hundred engravings drawn by eminent artists, and engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: George Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street, 1857. London: Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill. Xv, 398p. In the ‘List of Illustrations, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel’, the following artists are given [full names give where possible]: Myles Birket Foster, William Harvey, John Gilbert, Arthur Hughes, Harrison William Weir, Thomas Dalziel, Edward Duncan, John Richard Clayton, James Godwin, J. D. Harding [i.e. possibly James Duffield Harding], George Dodgson, Ford Madox Brown, John Everett Millais, Frederick Richard Pickersgill, Edward Henry Corbould, D. Edwards (E. Dalziel?). The illustration on page 137 is after Millais, and accompanies the poem: “Coleridge. Love.”  A letter from Ford Madox Brown to Edward Dalziel is tipped in at the front. The bookplate of Edward Dalziel is on the upper pastedown. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper recto. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive for 1856: nos. 1030-1129. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind


E.A. Weeks & Son not in Packer.

James Hayday, of London:

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Text sewn on four sawn-in cords. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. Full morocco. Binder’s stamp on upper endpaper verso: “/ Bound by Hayday/”. Stamp size: 25x1mm. Binder’s ticket on lower endpaper recto: “/ Hand bound/ E. A. Weeks/ & Son/ London/” [It is possible that E. A. Weeks & Son carried out repairs to the original binding by Hayday.] Ticket size: 18x12mm. Brown full morocco. An identical ‘panel’ design with ‘lotus leaf’ corner-pieces is tooled in blind on both covers. The spine is divided into five panels by raised bands. Floral patterns are tooled in panels one, four and five. Panels two and three have the words: “/ Poets of the/ nineteenth century/ Willmott/” tooled in gold.


Record no: 1809

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.399

De Beaumont: M2

BL: 1347.f.13.

Willmott, Robert Eldridge Aris. English sacred poetry of the sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. Selected and edited by Robert Aris Willmott, Illustrated by Holman Hunt, J.D. Watson, John Gilbert, J. Wolf, etc. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: Routledge, Warne & Routledge, Farringdon Street. New York: 56, Walker Street, 1862. London: Printed by R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Bread Street Hill. xix, 387p. In the ‘List of Illustrations, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel’, the following artists, additional to the title page, are given [full names give where possible]: Henry Stacy Marks, Harrison William Weir, Charles Keene, H. H. Armstead, W. P. Burton, G. H. Andrews, S. Read, John Sliegh, Frederick Walker, Frederick Richard Pickersgill, F. Smallfield. The frontispiece is after William Holman Hunt and is captioned: “The Lent Jewels. – P. 346./” The illustration on page 22 is after Charles Keene and accompanies the verse: “A hymn to my God in a night of late sickness”. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper recto. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive for 1861: nos. 926-1005. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

Inscribed on the title page: “/ J. H. Eccles/ fr[om] J. W. E./”


For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.

The British Library copy is at shelf mark 1347f13. See:

Goldman, Catalogue number 1, no. 107, states that the central ovals for this design are signed "RD" [i.e. Robert Dudley] on the 1863 edition.

Binding: The design is by Robert Dudley. Text sewn on three tapes. Original upper yellow endpaper bound at the front. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge/". [Ball no. 53F.] Ticket size: 25x25mm.  Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in gold, in blind and in relief. Two gold fillets are blocked on the borders, with repeating dots blocked in relief between them. On the inner borders, a wide elaborate patterns of thin stems, hatched leaves and clusters of three small berries is blocked in gold. Inside this, another border of two more gold fillets with semi-circular corners, and a border of repeating dots blocked in relief between them. A pattern of stems and five-petalled flowers is blocked in relief within the central rectangle. A large oval, and a recessed oval are blocked on the centre. The borders of the oval have two groups of three gold fillets, the middle of which is "cord-shaped". The words: "/ English/ sacred/ poetry/ Willmott./" are blocked in gold between these groups of fillets. Within the recessed oval, a piece of white paper is on laid, and bordered with a single gold fillet. A lyre and a man in celtic-type dress are blocked in gold on the on lay. Signed “RD” as separate letters on the lower right side of the on lay. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single thin gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. Horizontal hatched gold fillets divide the spine into panels. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a thin rectangular panel with small gold decoration blocked within; a semi-circular panel with curling leaves and stems blocked within; the words: "/ English/ sacred/ poetry/ [rule]/ Illustrated/ [rule] Willmott/" are blocked in gold within a panel formed by: 1. a hatch gold fillet 2. a single thin gold fillet 3. repeating dots, blocked in relief 4. a hatch gold fillet 5. a thin gold fillet; the lower half of the spine has a panel formed by four gold fillets and dots in relief; this panel is semi-circular at its head; it has a pattern of elaborate curling stems and vertical hatch leaves blocked in gold within; beneath this, a small rectangular panel is blocked with the same gold decoration as for the panel at the head; a rectangular panel formed by a single gold fillet has the word :"/ Routledge & Co/" blocked in gold within; at the tail, a small rectangle is formed by a single gold fillet and five small gold circles are blocked within.

Record no: 1810

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.400

De Beaumont: M3


Willmott, Robert Eldridge Aris. English sacred poetry of the sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. Selected and edited by Robert Aris Willmott, Illustrated by Holman Hunt [i.e. William Holman Hunt], J.D. Watson [i.e. James Dawson Watson], John Gilbert, J. Wolf [i.e. Joseph Wolf], etc. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: Routledge, Warne & Routledge, Farringdon Street. New York: 56, Walker Street, 1862. London: Printed by R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Bread Street Hill. xix, 387p. In the ‘List of Illustrations, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel’, the following artists, additional to the title page, are given [full names give where possible]: Henry Stacy Marks, William Harrison Weir, Charles Keene, H. H. Armstead, W. P. Burton, G. H. Andrews, S. Read, John Sliegh, Frederick Walker, Frederick Richard Pickersgill, F. Smallfield. The illustration on page 368 is after John Sliegh and accompanies the poem: “Tuesday in Whitsun-Week./”The bookplate of Edward Dalziel is on the upper pastedown. A letter from Holman Hunt to Thomas Combe is tipped in at the front. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold only.

Binding: The binding is split at the front. Decorated bands at head and tail of spine. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Dark red full morocco. The turn-ins are tooled in gold with a repeating plant pattern. Both covers are tooled with the same design. Gold fillets and stylised flowers to borders and to each corner. A ‘geometric’ design of joined near-circles and semi-circles is blocked on the centre of each cover.  The spine is divided into six panels by raised bands. Apart from panel two, each panel has three gold fillets forming rectangles, with small decoration within each. In panel two, the title words: “/ English/ Sacred/ Poetry/” are tooled in gold. At the tail, the word: “/ Willmott/” is tooled in gold.


Record no: 1811

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.401

De Beaumont: M4

BL: 1346.g.34.

Willmott, Robert Eldridge Aris. Summer time in the country. Illustrated edition. London: George Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street. New York: 18 Beekman Street, 1858. London: Printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill. vii, 216p. The heading to the "List of illustrations" reads: "From drawings by Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], Harrison Weir [i.e. Harrison William Weir], and John M. Carrick [i.e. probably John Mulcaster Carrick]. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.” Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper recto. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive for 1858: nos. 175-219. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind and relief


BL copy is at shelf mark 1346.g.34.

Inscribed on the title page: “/ Mary Ogle (?)/ March 1859./”

Binding: Text sewn on three cords. The design is not signed. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge,/ Shoe Lane/ London./" [Ball no. 53A.] Green morocco horizontal-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on both covers. The lower cover is blocked in blind. The two fillets blocked in blind on the borders are "spiked" to resemble rose branches. Patterns of roses and rose leaves are blocked in relief on the corners. The centre piece contains the author and title lettering, blocked in blind. The upper cover is fully blocked in gold, with the addition of a leaf pattern blocked in blind and in relief around the oval centre piece. The words: "/ Summer Time/ In The Country/ by/ The Revd. R.A. Willmott/" are blocked in gold in elaborate gothic letters, with the capital letters being blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet, resembling "rose-branch", is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: roses blocked in gold; a fillet; the title: "/ Summer/ Time/ In The/ Country/"; a pattern of hatched leaves and thin stems in gold; roses are blocked near the tail; a gold fillet, resembling a "rose-branch" is blocked at the tail.



Record no: 1812

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.402

De Beaumont: M5


Bunsen, Christian Carl Josias von. Lyra Germanica:  Hymns for the Sundays & chief festivals of the Christian year. Translated from the German by Catherine Winkworth. With Illustrations by and Engraved under the Superintendence of John Leighton F.S.A. [Device of Longman.]  London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1861. London: Printed by R. Clay, Son, and Taylor. Below the title, the device of Longman is printed.  xx, 272p. On page vi: “The engravings in this volume are executed by [full names give where possible]: Thomas Bolton, James Cooper, George Dalziel, Edward Dalziel, G. de Wilde [i.e. possibly George James de Wilde], W. Green, Horace Harral, Henry Leighton, W. Murden, George Pearson, and Joseph Swain. From designs by Edward Armitage, [probably] John Flaxman, Matthew Lawless, Charles Keene, Stacy Marks, John Leighton.” Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper recto. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive for 1860: nos. 1084-1086. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Inscribed on the front endpaper verso: “/ Mary Ann Roberts/ from [R. J. R.?]/ August 1862. The bookplate of Mary Ann Roberts is on the front pastedown.


Gold and blind and relief.

The British Library copy is at shelf mark 3434f19. See:

Book seller’s stamp on upper endpaper: “/ Eaton & Son/ Booksellers/ Worcester/”

In the 1868 edition, this 1861 edition is described as: “First Series. Hymns for the Sundays & chief festivals of the Christian year. Translated from the German by Catherine Winkworth. With about 125 illustrations from Original Designs, comprising Bible Landscapes, Scriptural Vignettes, Allegorical and Emblematical Marginalia and Tail-pieces, engraved on Wood from designs by or under the Superintendence of J. Leighton, F. S. A. Fcap 4to, price 21s. in ornamental Gothic covers designed by the artist [i.e. John Leighton]; or 36s. bound in morocco antique; or 42s. in morocco elegant by Riviere.”

Binding: Designed by John Leighton. Text sewn on two tapes. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Red endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Edmonds & Remnants./ [rule]/ London/". [Ball no. 31A.] Green pebble-grain cloth, with red pebble-grain cloth onlay, which forms the mandorla. Both covers identically blocked in gold and blind and relief. On the borders, the fillets are blocked in gold, the outermost with "dog-tooth" pattern. Inside this, intersecting pairs of three fillets blocked in gold on the borders. Between the pairs, a repeating pattern is blocked of stars in gold and five dots in relief. Animals and heads are blocked on the four corners. Strap work weaves around these heads and animals. In the mandorla, a crowned angel is blocked at prayer, with an open book in front. The angel’s wings rise to form the outer edge of a lyre, with the points of the angel’s crown rising to become the strings of the lyre. The title words : "/ Lyra/ Germanica/" are blocked in relief, within rectangular gold lettering-pieces, above and below the lyre. The border of the mandorla contains the quotes, blocked in gold: "Sing unto the Lord. Bless his name. Show forth his salvation from day to day. Give thanks unto the Lord for he is good. For his mercy endureth forever." A small trefoil formed by a gold fillet, plus hatch gold within is blocked above and below the mandorla. The trefoil at the head has the word: "/IHS/" in relief within the trefoil; at the tail, the trefoil has: "/ INRI/ L/" in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. At the head and at the tail, three gold fillets are blocked across the spine. At the head, crossed gold fillets form a panel. Down the spine, three ovals/ mandorla are formed by multiple gold fillets with repeating dots blocked in relief between them. In the upper most oval, the words: “/ Lyra/ Germanica/ Winkworth/” are blocked in relief in ‘gothic’ letters within rectangular gold lettering-pieces. The middle oval has a maltest cross and two five-pointed stars blocked in hatch gold. The oval near the tail is a shield-shaped gold lettering-piece, in which the words: “/ Illustrated/ by Iohn [sic]/ Leighton/ etc/” are blocked in relief. At the tail, within a cartouche-shaped gold lettering-piece, the words: “? London/ Longman/ and Co/” are blocked in relief. 



Record no: 1813

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.403

De Beaumont: M6

BL: 3434.f.19.

Bunsen, Christian Carl Josias von.  Lyra Germanica. The Christian Life. Translated from the German by Catherine Winkworth and illustrated by John Leighton F.S.A., E. Armitage [i.e. Edward Armitage] A.R.A. & F. Madox Brown [i.e.  Ford Madox Brown]. London: Longmans Green Reader & Dyer, 1868. London: Printed by R. Clay, Son, and Taylor. xvi, 254p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. On the title page, below the title, a medallion is printed, showing a medieval boat on the sea, with three winged angels at the prow and the stern. There is a single central sail, and a dolphin in the foreground. On the perimeter of the medallion: "Let the heaven & earth praise him. The seas & evry thing that moveth therein. P(?) S LXIX.34" The title page verso shows a medallion "/In memoriam Emma [Leighton] / Born Sunday. Xmas.Day.1825/ Died.August.20.AD.1867./ To a dear sister who during pain and suffering found solace in these hymns. This travail concluded. The day of her decease is dedicated." [At the Leighton family tomb in St. Mary’s Church, Harrow, the shield for Emma Leighton is on the West end of the tomb. The inscription on the shield is: "Emma Born Sun. +mas day 1825. Died Aug 20 1867."] Underneath the medallion, the initials "EL" are printed on either side of a heart. Printed on the page verso:  This volume VI illustrations are by E. Armitage A. R. A.; III by F. Madox Brown and the rest by John Leighton, F. S. A. Illustrations engraved by Bolton Butterworth and Heath Cooper, Dalziel, Green, Leighton, Pearson, Swain, Williamson and Whymper.”

Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper recto. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive for 1867: nos. 121-123. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


The bookplate of Henry Guppy is on the front pastedown. Inscribed on the upper endpaper recto: “/ To Miss Jennie Dalgleish/ with every good wish/ from her friend and/ colleague/ H Guppy/ Xmas 1919/” The bookplate of W. B. Dalgleish is on the upper endpaper recto.



BL copy for 1868 is at shelfmark 3434.f.19.


Binding: Designed by John Leighton. Below the title, a medallion is printed, showing a medieval boat on the sea, with three winged angels at the prow and the stern. There is a single central sail, and a dolphin in the foreground. On the perimeter of the medallion: "Let the heaven & earth praise him. The seas & evry thing that moveth therein." The title page verso contains a medallion "/In memoriam Emma [Leighton] / Born Sunday. Xmas.Day.1825/ Died.August.20.AD.1867./ To a dear sister who during pain and suffering found solace in these hymns. This travail concluded. The day of her decease is dedicated." [At the Leighton family tomb in St. Mary’s Church, Harrow, the shield for Emma Leighton is on the West end of the tomb. The inscription on the shield is: "Emma Born Sun. +mas day 1825. Died Aug 20 1867."] Underneath the medallion, the initials "EL" are printed on either side of a heart. Illustrations engraved by Bolton Butterworth and Heath Cooper, Dalziel, Green, Leighton, Pearson, Swain, Williamson and Whymper. Text sewn on two tapes. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Red endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Edmonds & Remnants./ [rule]/ London/". Green pebble-grain cloth, with red pebble-grain cloth onlay, which forms the mandorla. Both covers identically blocked in gold and blind and relief. On the borders, the fillets are blocked in gold, the outermost with "dog-tooth" pattern. Inside this, intersecting pairs of three fillets blocked in gold on the borders. Between the pairs, a repeating pattern is blocked of stars in gold and five dots in relief. Animals and heads are blocked on the four corners. Strap work weaves around these heads and animals. In the mandorla, a crowned angel is blocked at prayer, with an open book in front. The angel’s wings rise to form the outer edge of a lyre, with the points of the angel’s crown rising to become the strings of the lyre. The title: "/ Lyra/ Germanica/ The/ Christian/ Life/" is blocked in gold above and below the lyre. The border of the mandorla contains the quotes, blocked in gold: "Sing unto the Lord. Bless his name. Show forth his salvation from day to day. Give thanks unto the Lord for he is good. For his mercy endureth forever." A small trefoil formed by a gold fillet, plus hatch gold within is blocked above and below the mandorla. The trefoil at the head has the word: "/IHS/" in relief within the trefoil; at the tail, the trefoil has: "/ INRI/ L/" in relief.

The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. At the head and at the tail, three gold fillets are blocked across the spine. At the head, crossed gold fillets form a panel. Down the spine, three ovals/ mandorla are formed by multiple gold fillets with repeating dots blocked in relief between them. In the upper most oval, the words: “/ Lyra/ Germanica/ [rule]/ Winkworth/” are blocked in relief in ‘gothic’ letters within rectangular gold lettering-pieces. The middle oval has the words:”/ The/ Christian/ Life./”, blocked in gold. The oval near the tail is a shield-shaped gold lettering-piece, in which the words: “/ With/ Illustrations/ by/ Iohn [sic]/ Leighton/ and/ others/” are blocked in gold. At the tail, within a Rectangular panel formed by gold fillets and small decoration, the words: “/ London/ Longmans/ and Co./” are blocked in gold. 


Record no: 1814

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.404

De Beaumont: M7

BL: 1880. 1609/6070

Wise, John Richard de Capel. The New Forest: its History and its Scenery. Third edition. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 65, Cornhill, 1863. London: [Printed by] Richard Clay. With 63 Illustrations, drawn by Walter Crane, engraved by W.J. Linton [i.e. William James Linton],  and Two Maps. With four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. x, 336p. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper verso. The frontispiece is (likely to be) after Walter Crane and is captioned: “/ The New Forest from Bramble Hill (Sunrise)./” The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief

The 1880 edition is at British Library shelf mark 1609/6070. It has mostly the same design by John Leighton as for the 1863 edition, with only gold applied to the upper cover mandorla, and to the spine.   Other differences are: 1. the outer border of fillets and tracery has been replaced with a single ‘branch like’ fillet blocked in blind on the borders. 2. only the central mandorla is blocked in gold. 3. there is no zig-zag outer border to the central mandorla. On the spine, three fillets are blocked in gold at the head, instead of the garland of leaves as in 1863. At the tail of the spine, there is no publisher name.

The frontispiece verso has the inscription: “/Charles ????dridge/ May 11th 1864-/”

Designed by John Leighton.  Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green pebble-grain cloth.   Both covers blocked identically in gold, in blind and in relief. A repeating flower and stem pattern is blocked in gold on the borders; inside this, two gold fillets are blocked on the borders, with repeating dots blocked in gold between them. Triangular panels are blocked on each inner corner. Each has a horizontal hatch gold medallion blocked inside. The medallions are surrounded by fern-like leaves, blocked in gold. Within each medallion, a woodpecker, a kingfisher, an owl, and a bird of prey are blocked in gold. Two mandorlas are blocked on the centre. The outer mandorla has a zig-zag border, blocked in gold. On the border of the mandorla, branch-shaped gold fillets form panels at the head, the tail and on the sides. Within each panel, a stag's head, a fox, a horse's head, a squirrel and a stoat are blocked in gold. Further recessed panels are blocked between these four: they have single gold fillets blocked on their borders and leaves and stems are blocked in relief within each. The inner mandorla shows ivy and flowers, leaves and berries, blocked in gold. An arrow, pointing downwards, is blocked from top to bottom of the inner mandorla. The word: "/ the/" is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, around the tail feathers of the arrow; the words: "/ New Forest/" are blocked in gold in gothic letters, with the capitals "N" and "F" blocked within gold lettering-pieces, which have single gold fillets on their borders; the words: "/ its/ History/ and scenery/" are blocked in relief in gothic letters, within ribbon-shaped gold lettering-pieces. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters underneath the tip of the arrow. The spine is blocked in gold and relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: groups of flowers and leaves above and below a shield, gules, rose and crown; a mandorla blocked as a gold lettering-piece; the title: "/ The/ New/ Forest/ [rule]/ Its History/ &/ Scenery/" is blocked in relief in gothic letters within the mandorla; the words: "/ Iohn R. Wise/" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece; near the tail, a heron is blocked; it is in water, surrounded by bulrushes; fern-like leaves are blocked underneath this; a gold fillet; the word: "/London/" is blocked in gold, in gothic letters, within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; the words: "/ Smith Elder & Co/" are blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece; a gold fillet is blocked across the spine at the tail.

Record no: 1815

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.421

De Beaumont: M8

BL: 1859. 1347.h.16.

Wordsworth, William. Poems. Selected and edited by Robert Aris Willmott. Illustrated with one hundred designs by Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster], J. Wolf [i.e. Joseph Wolf], and John Gilbert. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: George Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street; New York: 18, Beekman Street, 1859. London: Richard Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill. [14], 388p. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper recto. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive for 1858: nos. 1545-1654. The frontispiece is after Birket Foster, and is captioned: “/ Lower Fall, Rydal./” The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

For descriptive details of this book, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix D, Cover designs by major designers.


Binding: The design is by Albert Henry Warren. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Bookseller’s label on upper pastedown: “/ Croydon/ Bookseller/ Torquay./” Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge/ Shoe Lane/ London./” [Ball no.53A.] Blue morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically with large border frames of interlocking semi-circles blocked in gold between four gold fillets. Above and below the central circle, a pattern of ‘morning glory’/ passion plant flowers and leaves is blocked in relief and in  gold, with background spaces being recessed. The central circle has a wide border of gold with patterns of leaves and buds blocked in relief within it. The words: “/ Poems by/ William/ Wordsworth/” are blocked in gold, in ‘branch-like’ letters. Signed “A W” as initials in gold at the base of the circle. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head, the same border decoration on the covers is repeated. Down the spine, within panels formed by gold fillets, groups of passion plant stems and tendrils and flowers are blocked in gold. On the upper half of the spine, the words:”/ Poems/ by/ William Wordsworth/” are blocked in gold. The word”:/ Illustrated/” is blocked in gold in the middle of the spine. At the tail, within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet, the words: “/ Routledge & Co./” are blocked in gold, and these are surrounded by small decoration blocked in gold. In the middle of the spine the monogram “AW” [i.e. Albert Warren] is blocked in gold, within a circle formed by a gold fillet. 

Record no: 1816

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.422

De Beaumont: M8

BL: 11642aaa52. [in BL database.]


Wordwsorth, William. Wordsworth's poems for the young. With fifty illustrations by John MacWhirter and John Pettie, and a vignette by J.E. Millais [i.e. John Everett Millais]. Engraved by Dalziel Brothers. London: Alexander Strahan & Co., 1863. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press. x,92p. With ten pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end. The bookplate of Edward Dalziel is on the front pastedown. A letter from Effie Millais to [Edward?] Dalziel, of 25th December 1878 is tipped onto the front endpaper. An article by J. Mewburn Levien entitled “St Isumbras at the Ford”, from the Sunday Times of the 17 October 1926, is pasted on the front endpaper verso. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper verso. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive, 1862: nos. 1052-1099. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Pantazzi, Sybille. Four Designers of English Publishers' Bindings, 1850-1880 and Their Signatures. [Off-print from Bibliographical Society of America vol.55] p. 266.

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.

The British Library copy is at shelf mark See:

Gold and blind


Binding: Designed by John Leighton. On page 5 of the publisher's titles at the end: "Now Ready, Wordsworth's Poems for Children [sic]... In small Quarto, Elegantly Printed and Bound, 6s." Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: "/Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./" [Ball no. 20A]  Red honeycomb-grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind, with a pattern to borders and corners. The upper cover is blocked in gold and black. A single fold fillet is blocked on the borders. Inside this, another gold fillet is blocked on the borders, and is curved on the corners. Repeating dots are blocked in relief within this second fillet. Small decoration is blocked in gold on each corner. A wide inner border of overlapping black fillets cross to form repeating "three window" arches. Flowers and leaves , some hatched, are blocked in gold within the windows. The central rectangle is formed by three gold fillets, the middle of which has repeating dots blocked in relief within it. Inside this, a thin fillet is blocked in black. Above the centre, six five-point stars are blocked in gold. The words: "/Wordsworth's/ Poems/ for/ the Young./" are blocked in gold. Small plant and roots are blocked at the base of the central rectangle. Signed "JL" in gold as separate letters by the roots of the plant. The spine is blocked in gold. A single gold fillet is blocked at the head and at the tail. Single gold fillets make three rectangular panels. The small panels at the head and at the tail have identical triangles and plant decoration blocked in gold inside them. The longer rectangle occupying the centre of the spine has the words: "/ Wordsworth's Poems for the Young./" blocked in gold inside it, along the spine.

Record no: 1817

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.423

De Beaumont: M9

BL: 1859: 1347.g.7. No original covers.

Wordsworth, William. The white doe of Rylstone; or, the fate of the Nortons. London Longman brown, Green, Longmans, and Roberts, 1859. London: Henry Vizetelly, printers and engraver, Gough Square, Fleet Street. The ‘List of illustrations designed by Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster] and H. N. Humphreys [i.e.  Henry Noel Humphreys]. Engraved by Henry N. Woods. 165p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.  The Illustration on page 55 is after Birket Foster, accompanied by verse. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper verso. He has noted: ‘Proofs of all drawings will be found in the Album of H. N. Woods. Nos. 41-82 of de B coll. no. 299’ [i.e. Album of 165 proofs of wood-engravings by Henry N Woods, pasted onto 150 numbered pages;  P&D reg. no. 1992,0406.299]. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and relief

Binding. Gilt edges, Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown morocco vertical-grain cloth. Both covers blocked in gold and in relief with an identical design. On the covers, elaborate repeating plant patterns are blocked in gold between gold fillets, on the borders. Curling stems, leaves and buds are blocked in corners and on the sides in gold. The sides, and the centre head and centre tail each have ‘spade-shape’ gold lettering-pieces, formed by ‘branch-like’ gold fillets. Within each, ‘ivy leaves’ are blocked in gold.  The central quatrefoil has gold fillets blocked on its perimeter. The quatrefoil is a white cloth onlay, in which  a white doe is blocked in relief, against a background woodland. The spine is blocked in gold. Three ovals for formed by ‘branch-like’ gold fillets, descending down the spine. On the upper half of the spine, within the second ‘oval’, the words: “/ The/ white [blocked in a semi-circle]/ Doe/ of/ Rylstone [in a semi-circle]/ are blocked in gold. The long oval on the bottom half of the spine has curling stems, leaves and buds blocked on gold within it. At the tail, a ‘heart-shape’ gold lettering-piece is formed by a single gold fillet, with three leaves blocked in gold within it.

Record no: 1818

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.6

De Beaumont: N26

BL: General Reference Collection 1753.b.25.

General Reference Collection RB.31.c.129.

The Lords Prayer. Illustrated by F. R. Pickersgill, R. A. [i.e. Frederick Richard Pickersgill] and [verses by] Henry Alford, D. D. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1870. London: Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press.  [3], 36p. 9 plates. Plate V[five] has the accompanying verse:

“Cold, and proud, and alone, passed CLARA into the doorway,

Up to her chamber climbed, nor meal nor sister regarding;

Silently sunk on her pillow, repelling the kisses of Agnes.

Then knelt down the lowly one

In her white robe beautiful,

Bowed her head, and gently prayed,

‘Lord,forgive our trespasses!’

And we listeners could hear

From the walls and in the air,

Breathed around in angel-tones,

‘LORD, forgive, forgive!’ “


The signature of Forrest Reid is inscribed on the upper pastedown. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper recto. He has noted the following proof plates are in the Dalziel Brothers Archive, 1869: nos. 216-224. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and black

For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.


De Beaumont has written a quote from Forest Reid, pp.250-251: … The Lord’s Prayer, a large thin quarto published by Longmans in 1870, but probably commissioned earlier. The engravings in the Lord’s Prayer are printed on a yellowish paper, and like these for the Life of Christ seem strangely static and two-dimensional. Their chief merit, perhaps, is that they express a sincere religious feeling.”

De Beaumont has written a quote from Gleeson White, p. 148: “ The Lord’s Prayer, illustrated by F. R. Pickersgill, R. A., and Henry Alford, D. D. (Longmans 1870), has a curiously old-fashioned air. One fancies, and the preface supports the theory, that its nine designs should be considered not as an aftermath to the sixties, but as a presage of the time, near the date of The Music-master. Their vigorous attempt to employ modern costume in dignified compositions deserves more than patronising approval. Any art-student today would discover a hundred faults, but their one virtue might prove beyond his grasp. Although engraved on wood by Dalziel, printed as they are upon a deep yellow tint, the pictures at first sight suggest lithographs, rather than wood-engravings.”

Binding: Bevelled boards. Gilt Edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by/ Leighton/ Son and/ Hodge./” [Ball no.53B.]  Blue sand grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical design – in blind on the lower cover, and in gold, and black and red on the upper cover. On the upper cover, two gild fillets form the border frame, with a small ornament blocked on each corner. The title words occupy the whole cover: “/ The [blocked in gold]/ Lord’s Prayer [ blocked in gold and in black in elaborate letters, on a red cloth onlay]/ Illustrated by [blocked in gold]/ J.[sic] R. Pickersgill. R. A.[blocked in gold against a black background/ lettering-piece, within a cartouche ]/ Dean Alford [blocked in gold against a black background/ lettering-piece, within a cartouche ]/”


Record no: 1819

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.21

De Beaumont: N27

BL: 1880: 1261.d.25.

Dalziel’s Bible Gallery. Illustrations from the Old Testament. From original drawings by Sir Frederick Leighton, P. R. A. , E.J. Poyneter, R. A. [i.e. Edward John Poynter], G.F. Watts, R. A. [i.e. George Frederick Watts], H. Armstead, R. A. [i.e. Henry Hugh Armstead], E. Armytage, R. A. [i.e. Edward Armytage], F. Madox Brown [i.e. Ford Madox Brown], F. R. Pickersgill, R. A. [i.e. Frederick Richard Pickersgill], S. Solomon [i.e. Simeon Solomon], E. Burne-Jones [i.e. Edward Burne-Jones], F. Sandys [i.e. Frederick Sandys], T. Dalziel [i.e. Thomas Dalziel], E. G. Dalziel [i.e. Edward Gurden Dalziel], E. J. Brewtnall [i.e. probably Edward Frederick Brewtnall], W. Small [i.e. William Small], Fs. Walker, R. H. A. [i.e. Francis Sylvester Walker, Royal Hibernian Academy], A. B. Houghton [i.e. Arthur Boyd Houghton], A. Murch [i.e. Arthur Murch] and Holman Hunt. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, 1881. [London:] Dalziel Brothers The title pages states at top: “India Page Proofs.” Printed at the bottom of the title page: “1,000 copies of this edition only printed of which this is no. 422.”  67 plates/ pages of proofs, including the half title, the title page, the preface, and the Contents, and the colophon of the Dalziel Brothers. Each India Proof  is pasted to a backing sheet, which has the title of the illustration and the name of the artist. Plate 55 is after Arthur Murch, entitled: “The flight of Adrammelech”. Plate 57 is after Edward Frederick Brewtnall, entitled Haman supplicating Esther”. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper recto. He has noted: “Not in Dalziel Archive. Now in solander boxes under individual artists in ‘English woodcuts of 19th cent. Designers’.” The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Apart from the titling, the same design is on a copy of: Taylor, Tom. Birket Foster’s pictures of English landscape. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. India proofs. [1881] BL shelf mark LB.37.c.277. [James Burn & Co. bound this BL copy, so it is possible that this company bound copies of ‘The Bible Gallery’.]

Gold, brown and red.


Binding: Bevelled boards. Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Full vellum binding. Possibly, this is thick paper over boards. This is an ‘all-over’ design, with blocking in gold and in light and dark red ink. Across both covers and spine there is a ‘fillet’ of dark red at head and tail, and, then a ‘fillet’ of bright red ink, between two dark red ink ‘fillets’. On both covers, within rectangles formed by gold ‘fillets’ at the head and the tail on the spine side, a pattern of oak and ivy leaves and stems is blocked in gold. On the upper cover, the title: “/ Dalziels/ Bible/ Gallery [all three words blocked in gold and in dark red ink, with the capital letters of each word within rectangles formed by two gold fillets, each surrounded by foliage blocked in red]/ India Proofs [in dark red only]/” . The spine has panels of oak leaves, blocked in gold, at head and tail, between the groups of fillets that run across the covers and the spine. On the centre of the spine, the words”/ Bible Gallery/” are blocked in gold along the spine.

Record no: 1820

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.43

De Beaumont: N28

BL: 1864: General Reference Collection D-1754.b.7. BL does not appear to have the second edition of 1875.

Bunyan, John. Illustrations to Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress by Fredk Shields. Second Edition. London: Simpkin Marshall & Co.; Manchester: A. Ireland & Co., 1875. Unpaginated [20 pages of letterpress, printed on recto only; 19 plates.]  The frontispiece portrait of John Bunyan is after Frederick Shields, and also signed: “Orrinsmith” [i.e. Harvey Edward Orrin Smith]. Plate seven is of the Apollyon and Christian. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

The title page is inscribed: “/ To Mrs Charles Kingsley/ in grateful memorial/ Fredk. J. Shields/”


Gold and blind

Binding: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand-grain cloth. On the boders of both covers two fillets blocked in blind make the border frame. On the upper cover, within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet, the tords: “/ Illustrations/ of/ Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress/ by Fred. J. Shields./2 are blocked in gold. The spine is not blocked.


 Record no: 1821

BM P & D Register no: BM 1996,1104.28

De Beaumont: N29

BL: 1864: General Reference Collection C.194.c.14. – no original covers.

The Cornhill Gallery. Containing one hundred engravings from drawings on wood, (Being Designs for the Illustration of  “The Cornhill Magazine.”) By Frederic Leighton, A. R. A., Frederick Sandys, John Everett Millais, R. A., George A. Sala, George du Maurier, W. M. Thackeray [i.e. George Makepeace Thackeray], J. Noel Paton, R. A. S., Frederick Walker. Engraved by the Brother Dalziel, W. J. Linton [i.e. William James Linton, and Joseph Swain. London: Smith, Elder & Co. 65, Cornhill, 1864. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press. [4p.] 100 plates. Plate 12 is after Thackeray, captioned in the Index to the Pictures as: “Bessy’s Recollections”. Plate 15 is after Thackeray, captioned in the Index to the Pictures as: “ What Nathan said unto David”. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

Binding: The cover design is after John Leighton. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red pebble-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical design in blind and in relief on the lower cover and in gold and in relief on the upper. On the upper cover, ‘dog-tooth’ decoration is blocked in gold between two gold fillets on the borders. (This border decoration appears to have been blocked first, and in ‘quarters’, if one looks closely at the joins at centre head/tail and on centre sides. The remainder of the inner decoration, plus the title may have been blocked separately.) Roundels and stars are blocked on each corner in gold and in relief. ‘Dotted fillets, and gold fillets form the inner rectangle. On the centre, the title words: “/ The/ Cornhill/Gallery./” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold.  Dots are blocked in gold around its perimeter. Near the head, the title words: “The/ Cornhill/ Gallery/ Are blocked in gold, with ‘lotus leaf’ decoration blocked above and below the words. On the lower half of the spine, more small decoration and a ‘lotus leaf’ are blocked in gold. The device of Smith, Elder & Co. is blocked as a monogram in relief within a gold medallion, with the words: “/ London/ 65, Cornhill” blocked in gold on its perimeter. Signed “JL [i.e. John Leighton] in gold as separate letters, below the medallion, within small decoration blocked in gold. At the tail, two fillets blocked in gold form a rectangle.



The use of roundels and stars on the corners of covers is a design feature which is used quite often by John Leighton, e.g. for ‘Jingles and jokes…’

And on several of his designs for William Mackenzie, e.g. ‘The National Burns’


Record no: 1822

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.69

De Beaumont: N30

BL: C.194.c.14. – no original covers.

The Cornhill Gallery. Containing one hundred engravings from drawings on wood, (Being Designs for the Illustration of  “The Cornhill Magazine.”) By Frederick Leighton, A. R. A., Frederick Sandys, John Everett Millais, R. A., George A. Sala, George du Maurier, W. M. Thackeray [i.e. George Makepeace Thackeray], J. Noel Paton, R. A. S., Frederick Walker. Engraved by the Brother Dalziel, W. J. Linton [i.e. William James Linton, and Joseph Swain. London: Smith, Elder & Co. 65, Cornhill, 1865. [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press. [4p.] 100 plates. Plate 26 is after Frederick Walker, captioned in the Index to the Pictures as: “The poor helping the poor”. Plate 100 is after J. Noel Paton, captioned in the Index to the Pictures as: “Ulysses”. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

A letter donating this copy of The Cornhill Magazine to The Rev. John Stirton, is dated 8 February 1935, from Millais’s daughter, Mary, and is pasted on the upper endpaper recto. A note by John Stirton, commemorating this gift, dated February 1935, is pasted on the upper pastedown. Against the words in this letter: “…exceedingly scarce and rare…”, Robin de Beaumont has written in pencil: “NONSENSE. Anyway a reprint.” The bookplate of AH (?) is also pasted on the upper pastedown.


The Rev. John Stirton, D.D., C. V. O.


Gold and blind

Binding: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand-grain cloth. On each cover, ‘dog-tooth’ decoration is blocked in gold between two gold fillets on the borders, in blind on the lower cover and in gold on the upper. (This border decoration appears to have been blocked first, and in ‘quarters’, if one looks closely at the joins at centre head/tail and on centre sides.)   On the centre of the upper cover, the title words: “/ The/ Cornhill/Gallery./” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. On the head and on the tail, small ‘straps’ are blocked in gold across the spine. Near the head, the title words: “/ The/ Cornhill/ Gallery/” are blocked in gold.

Record no: 1823

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.111

De Beaumont: N31


Gilbert, Sir John.  Reproductions by the collotype process of the pictures presented to the Art Gallery of the Corporation of the City of London by Sir John Gilbert, R. A., P. R. W. S., etc. With descriptive and biographical letterpress, by A. G. Temple, F. S. A., [i.e.  Alfred George Temple] Director of the Art Gallery of the Corporation of London. The negatives by Messrs. Dixon and Son. London: Blades, East & Blades, Fine Art Printers to the Corporation, 23, Abchurch Lane, E. C., 1893. [10], 32 pages of letterpress, 16 plates. Letter press printed on verso only. Opposite page 4 is a reproduction of “A witch”, a painting exhibited at the Royal Society of Pictures in Water-colours in 1889. Opposite page 30 is a reproduction of “Sir Lancelot du Lake”, a painting exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1887. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind


Binding: Test sewn on two tapes. Gilt top edge. Uncut fore edge and tail edge. Bevelled boards. Floral pattern endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand grain cloth. Both covers have a single fillet blocked in blind on the borders. On the upper cover, within a floral frame blocked in gold, the title words: “/ Reproductions/ of the Pictures by/ Sir John Gilbert/ Presented to the/ Corporation of London of/ the City of London/” are blocked in gold.


Record no: 1824

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.159

De Beaumont: N32

BL: Microfilm copy only

Twenty-Five Illustrations by Frederick [sic] Leighton designed for “The Cornhill Magazine.” With extracts descriptive of each picture. London: Smith, Elder & Co. 65, Cornhill, 1867. [2], 25p. of letterpress, 25 plates. Both the letterpress and each plate have the same number, and the numeration is 37 to 61. Letter press printed on verso only. Plate 47 is titled: “The Painted Record” and is signed: “W. J. Linton Sc. [i.e. William James Linton]”. Plate 48 is titled: “Coming Home” and is signed: “Swain Sc.” Both plates originally illustrated “Romola”, published in the Cornhill Magazine. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.



Gold and blind and relief

Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Red sand-grain cloth. The border frame decoration is blocked in blind on the lower cover and in gold on the upper. It shows a ‘oriental’ pattern of small motifs, blocked between two gold fillets. The central roundel on the lower cover is formed of elaborate decorative patterns, blocked in blind and in relief. On the upper cover, the same medallion is blocked, in gold and in relief, with the words: “/ Twenty/ Five/ Illustrations/ [rule]/ F. Leighton. A. R. A./ “ blocked in gold within it. The rest of the upper cover has a repeating pattern, blocked in relief, of a flower head, two flower buds and leaves. The spine is possibly a re-back, using red diaper-grain cloth, and has no blocking.


Record no: 1825

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.160

De Beaumont: N33

The British Library copies are at

C190.f.2. orange  sand grain cloth

C.109.f.4. Green sand grain cloth


Pigot, Richard. The Life of Man, symbolised by the months of the year in a series of illustrations by John Leighton, F.S.A. and pourtrayed [sic] in their Seasons and Phases with passages selected from ancient and modern authors. London: Longman, green, Reader, and Dyer, Paternoster Row, 1866. London: Bradbury , Evans and Co., printers extraordinary to the Queen. xii, 240p. 48 plates. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Each page of text has a motto printed on each side, on the head and on the tail, between two border fillets. The half title page verso has a reproduction of Leighton's, originally printed as the wood engraving heading the List of Plates in "Suggestions in design", published in 1852-1853. The print represents the artist (inventor), engraver (art-workman), printer (producer) and virtuoso (consumer), amid ivy foliage. Beneath the Caxton quotation is printed a shield with a lion rampant, with the words: "Light on s" [i.e. Leighton's] printed in the pennant underneath the shield. All the titled plates - 'infant', 'schoolboy', etc, are signed "JL". Many of the illustrations are signed "L" with a full stop above, or a plain "L". On p. viii: "My best thanks are due ... to my Brother Mr. H. Leighton [i.e. Henry Leighton] for the ingenious way many of them [the plates] are executed." On p. vii: "The smaller designs and devices in the volume are engraved by Leighton, Williamson, Green , Dalziel, Cooper, Woods, Pearson, Jewitt and Servain. The frontispiece plate, and the plates for April and December are signed "H. Leighton Sc. [i.e.  Henry Leighton]".

Ball, Douglas. A catalogue of the Appleton Collection of Victorian colour printing and signed bindings. [College of Librarianship, Aberystwyth, Wales.] 1979, no. 66f - Design on green sand-grain cloth.

Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, pp.54, 55, 61(ref.17)

 King, Edmund M.B. The Book Cover Designs of John Leighton, F.S.A. In: The British Library Journal, vol.24, no.2.Autumn 1998, p.242.

McLean, Ruari. Victorian publishers’ book-bindings in cloth and leather. London, Gordon Fraser, 1974,p.90.

Morris, Ellen K. & Levin, Edward S. The Art of Publishers’ Bookbindings 1815-1915. An Exhition held at the Grolier Club, New York, 17 May – 19 July 2000. Los Angeles: William Daley Rare Books Ltd, 2000, p.36, no.50. Design on green sand-grain cloth.

Pantazzi, Sybille. John Leighton, 1822-1912. A versatile Victorian designer: his designs for book covers. In The Connoisseur, Vol. 152, April 1963, pp.266, 269 (illustration).

Gold and  black and relief.


Binding: The design is after John Leighton. Text sewn on two tapes. Bevelled boards. Gilt edges on head and tail. On the fore edge, the gilt is overlaid alternately with red ink to index each month. Red endpapers and pastedowns. Binder's ticket on lower pastedown: "/ Bound by/ Edmonds & Remnants,/ London/".  [Ball no. 31A.] Both covers are blocked identically in gold and black. On the borders are blocked: 1. "dog-tooth" pattern in gold 2. a black fillet, with repeating stars blocked in relief within it - all between two gold fillets. These black and gold fillets form numerous panels on the inner borders and on the corners. There are patterns of plant and hatch leaves blocked in gold in the panels. Medallions, formed by two gold fillets, are blocked on the centre head, centre tail, and on the sides. Each medallion has horizontal gold hatch and the head of a figure blocked in relief within; these are: 1. an infant 2. a schoolboy 3. a Father 4. an old man. A shield on each corner is formed by two gold fillets, with small hatch leaf and stem decoration blocked between these fillets. Horizontal gold hatch is blocked within each shield, plus trees representing the four seasons. The central mandorla is an onlay of red sand-grain cloth. Around its edge are nine borders. These are: 1. a single gold fillet 2. a thick gold fillet 3.-5. borders of gold diamonds, flowers and dots, blocked in gold and in black between two thin gold fillets 6. a fillet blocked in black, with flower heads blocked in relief within 7. & 8. two thin gold fillets 9. repeating gold dots. The mandorla features Eve offering Adam the apple, blocked in gold. A gold lettering-piece shaped as a pennant around their feet states ' "As/ one/ of/ us/ to/ know/ good/ &/ evil/", blocked in relief; " Genesis III. Ch. XXII.V." is blocked in gold. The title words are blocked in a shield. The words: : "/ The Life/ of/" are blocked in relief within the shield, or; the word "/ Man/" is blocked in gold with the edges of each letter blocked in relief, sable. A cross is blocked in relief below this. Above this shield, Eve's outstretched left arm, offering the apple to Adam, supports armour of shoulders and a helm. The helm contains a skull. Above this is blocked a serpent, crowned, which is curled around an apple tree. There are eleven circles around the apple tree, blocked in gold and the zodiac signs in the circles are blocked in relief. Signed "JL" in gold as a monogram at the base of pennant. The "J" and the "L" are joined dipthong fashion. The spine is fully blocked in gold and black. A single gold fillet is blocked on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: dog-tooth decoration in gold; a black fillet within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; strap work - consisting of a black fillet blocked between two gold fillets; small stem and hatch flower decoration is blocked within the strap work; a rectangular panel formed by a single fillet; the title: "/ The/ Life of/ Man/ symbolised/ by the/ months/ of the/ year/" is blocked in gold within the panel; a single flower head is blocked in gold on each corner of the panel; strap and small gold decoration; a mandorla is formed by the strap work; within the mandorla are blocked: 1. a five point star 2. an hour-glass with wings 3. a shield, or, is formed by two thin gold fillets; the word: "/ Illustrated/ by/ Iohn/ Leighton/ FSA/" are blocked in relief in gothic letters within the shield; strap work and small gold decoration; the words: "/ London:/ Longmans & Co./" are blocked in gold in gothic letters within a rectangle formed by a single fillet; a black fillet is blocked within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet; gold dog-tooth decoration is blocked across the spine at the tail.


Record no: 1826

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.203(a)

De Beaumont: Case 263a

BL: General Reference Collection P.P.6004.gk. Vol. 1 (Jan. to June 1860)-
General Reference Collection RB.23.a.15320.

The Cornhill Magazine. Vol. I. January to June 1860.  London: Smith, Elder & Co. 65, Cornhill, 1860. London: Printed by Smith, Elder & Co., Little Green Arbour Court, E. C. vii, 760p. 12 plates. 1 fold-out map. (between pages 120-121). The fold-out map is entitled: ‘A chart showing the tracks of the Yacht Fox despatched by Lady Franklin under the command of Captn. McClintock, R. N. in search of H. M. Ships Erebus & Terror 1857 to 1859.’ Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding the price of this copy are on the front pastedown and on a separate paper slip. On the paper slip he has written of this magazine: ‘Publisher’s red morocco cloth original blind stamped, gilt titling to front covers and spines, some volumes partially unopened. Apart from a small snag to the spine of vol. 7 and vol. 14 with “vol. 4” [blocked on the] spine; a magnificent, bright set in quite exceptional condition and unfoxed. Individual volumes are common, but a run in this condition of its finest years is unusual.’ Each monthly issue (in paper wrappers) was accompanied by two illustrations. In this bound volume of six monthly issues there are twelve illustrations. The illustration opposite page 233 is after William Makepeace Thackeray, entitled: ‘Bessy’s spectacles’, which accompanies chapter two of his novel ‘Lovel the Widower’. It is signed: ‘Swain Sc’. The illustration opposite page 583 is after Thackeray, entitled: ‘Bedford to the rescue’, which accompanies chapter five of ‘Lovel the Widower’. It is signed: ‘Swain Sc’. There are six illustrations after Thackeray, accompanying his novel ‘Lovel the Widower’. There are three illustrations after Millais, one accompanying Richard Monckton Milnes’s poem “Unspoken Dialogue”; and two accompanying Trollope’s novel “Framley Parsonage”. There is one illustration after George Augustus Sala, accompanying the article “William Hogarth”. There is one illustration after Frederick Sandys, accompanying the “legend of the Portent”. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

Waterston & Johnston binders:

Design of illustrations on paper wrappers:,_1st_Baron_Houghton


Simon Cooke. The Cornhill Magazine, George Smith and illustrators of ‘The Sixties’

‘[Smith] established his periodical in 1859 and issued number one in January 1860. Sold at a shilling and issued monthly, it was bound in limp yellow wraps with an image of sowing and reaping on its front cover; designed by Godfrey Sykes, the illustration punned on the magazine’s name while also suggesting its rich and promising contents in the form of four roundels contained within a Renaissance frame, rather like a coffered panel in an Italian palace. The front cover appealed to civilized values, and it had to impress: intended to rival Once a Week, which was first published by Bradbury and Evans in the middle of 1859 and sold at 3d, it needed to compete for readers. Once a Week was already taking a large share of the market when its competitor came onto the scene, and Smith’s magazine was always a risky venture.’

Simon Cooke. Illustrated periodicals of the 1860s. London: The British Library, 2010.


Vol. I.              Jan to June, 1860

No. 1. Jan. 1860          pp. 1-128         2 plates

No. 2 Feb. 1860          pp. 129-256     2 plates

No. 3. March 1860      pp. 257-384     2 Plates

No. 4. April 1860        pp. 385-512     2 plates

No. 5. May 1860         pp. 513-640     2 plates

No. 6 June 1860          pp.641-760      2 plates


Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Bookbinder’s ticket on upper pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Waterston & Johnston/ Booksellers/ No. 20 Bernard Street/ Leith/”. Binder ticket size: 22x11mm. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief with the same design. The design is a copy of the one printed in the upper cover of each paper wrapper, which was after Godfrey Sykes, and engraved by William James Linton. This shows ornate decoration of urns, ribbons, accompanied by ‘platforms’, with four medallions, each of which has a figure within: the sower, the ploughman, the reaper and the thresher.  The central rectangle has the title words: “/ The / Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper cover. The spine has the same elaborate decoration as the covers. In a panel near the head, the title words: “/ The/ Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in gold. On the centre of the spine, within a medallion formed by two gold fillets and a ‘wave’ pattern, the word: “Vol I” is blocked in gold. Near the tail, the imprint: “/ London/ Smith Elder & Co/” is blocked in gold. At the head and the tail of the spine, the original form of the six issues, now bound together, can be clearly seen.

Record no: 1827

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.203(b)

De Beaumont: Case 263a

BL: General Reference Collection P.P.6004.gk. Vol. 1 (Jan. to June 1860)-
General Reference Collection RB.23.a.15320.

The Cornhill Magazine. Vol. II. July to December 1860.  London: Smith, Elder & Co. 65, Cornhill, 1860. London: Printed by Smith, Elder & Co., Little Green Arbour Court, E. C. vii, 760p. 12 plates. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front pastedown. Each monthly issue (in paper wrappers) was accompanied by two illustrations. In this bound volume of six monthly issues there are twelve illustrations. The illustration opposite page 175 is after Thackeray, entitled: ‘Ave Caesar’, which accompanies chapter two of ‘The four Georges: George II’. It is signed: ‘Swain Sc’. The illustration opposite page 623 is after Thackeray, entitled: ‘Little Dutchmen’, which accompanies “A Roundabout Journey. Notes of a week’s holiday”. In this volume, there are five illustrations after William Makepeace Thackeray: three are for “The four Georges”, one accompanies the article “Roundabout papers”, and one accompanies A roundabout journey”. There are three illustrations after Millais, which accompany Trollope’s “Framley Parsonage”. The illustration after Frederic Leighton, entitled “The great God Pan”, accompanies Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s poem “ A musical instrument”. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

Waterston & Johnston binders:


Vol. II July to December, 1860

No. 7. July. 1860         pp. 1-128         2 plates

No. 8. August 1860     pp. 129-256     2 plates

No. 9. Sept  1860        pp. 257-384     2 Plates

No. 10. Oct 1860        pp. 385-512     2 plates

No. 11. Nov 1860       pp. 513-640     2 plates

No. 12. Dec 1860        pp.641-760      2 plates


Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Bookbinder’s ticket on upper pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Waterston & Johnston/ Booksellers/ No. 20 Bernard Street/ Leith/”. Binder ticket size: 22x11mm. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief with the same design. The design is a copy of the one printed in the upper cover of each paper wrapper, which was after Godfrey Sykes, and engraved by William James Linton. This shows ornate decoration, with four medallions with a figure within each: the sower, the ploughman, the reaper and the thresher.  The central rectangle has the title words: “/ The / Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper cover. The spine has the same elaborate decoration as the covers. In a panel near the head, the title words: “/ The/ Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in gold. On the centre of the spine, within a medallion formed by two gold fillets and a ‘wave’ pattern, the word: “Vol 2” is blocked in gold. Near the tail, the imprint: “/ London/ Smith Elder & Co/” is blocked in gold. At the head and the tail of the spine, the original form of the six issues, now bound together, can be clearly seen.


Record no: 1828

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.203(c)

De Beaumont: Case 263a

BL: General Reference Collection P.P.6004.gk. Vol. 1 (Jan. to June 1860)-
General Reference Collection RB.23.a.15320.

The Cornhill Magazine. Vol. III. January to June, 1861.  London: Smith, Elder & Co. 65, Cornhill, 1861. London: Printed by Smith, Elder & Co., Little Green Arbour Court, E. C. vii, 760p. 12 plates. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front pastedown. Each monthly issue (in paper wrappers) was accompanied by two illustrations. In this bound volume of six monthly issues there are twelve illustrations. The illustration opposite page 497 is after Richard Doyle, entitled: ‘Bird’s-eye view of society. No. I. “At Home. Small and Early” Refreshments.’ which accompanies the article ‘At Home’. It is signed: ‘Dalziel’. The illustration opposite page 513 is after Richard Doyle, entitled ‘Bird’s-eye view of society. No. II. A Juvenile Party.’ which accompanies the article ‘A Juvenile Party – 3 till 7.’ It is signed: ‘Dalziel’. The illustration opposite page 734 is after Richard Doyle, entitled ‘Bird’s-eye view of society. No. III. A Morning Party.’ which accompanies the article ‘A Morning Party.’ It is signed: ‘Dalziel’. There are four illustrations after William Makepeace Thackeray, accompanying his novel “Philip”; and two more after Frederick Walker also accompanying “Philip”.  Three illustrations after Millais accompany Trollope’s novel “Framley Parsonage”. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.



Gold and blind and relief.

Richard Doyle. Bird’s Eye view of Society. See:

Waterston & Johnston binders:


Vol. III.           Jan to June, 1861

No. 13. Jan. 1861        pp. 1 to 128.                2 plates

No. 14 Feb. 1861        pp. 129 to 256.            2 plates

No. 15. March 1861    pp. 257 to 384.            2 Plates

No. 16. April 1861      pp. 385 to 512.            2 plates

No. 17. May 1861       pp. 513 to 640 .           2 plates

No. 18 June 1861        pp.641to 760.              2 plates


Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Bookbinder’s ticket on upper pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Waterston & Johnston/ Booksellers/ No. 20 Bernard Street/ Leith/”. Binder ticket size: 22x11mm. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief with the same design. The design is a copy of the one printed in the upper cover of each paper wrapper, which was after Godfrey Sykes, and engraved by William James Linton. This shows ornate decoration, with four medallions with a figure within each: the sower, the ploughman, the reaper and the thresher.  The central rectangle has the title words: “/ The / Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper cover. The spine has the same elaborate decoration as the covers. In a panel near the head, the title words: “/ The/ Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in gold. On the centre of the spine, within a medallion formed by two gold fillets and a ‘wave’ pattern, the word: “Vol 3” is blocked in gold. Near the tail, the imprint: “/ London/ Smith Elder & Co/” is blocked in gold. At the head and the tail of the spine, the original form of the six issues, now bound together, can be clearly seen.


 Record no: 1829

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.203(d)

De Beaumont: Case 263a

BL: General Reference Collection P.P.6004.gk. Vol. 1 (Jan. to June 1860)-
General Reference Collection RB.23.a.15320.

The Cornhill Magazine. Vol. IV. July to December, 1861.  London: Smith, Elder & Co. 65, Cornhill, 1861. London: Printed by Smith, Elder & Co., Little Green Arbour Court, E. C. vii, 760p. 12 plates. Each monthly  issue (in paper wrappers) was accompanied by two illustrations. In this bound volume of six monthly issues there are twelve illustrations. The illustration opposite page 129 is after Frederick Walker, entitled: ‘Charlotte’s Convoy.’ which accompanies chapter XVII of Thackeray’s novel ‘Philip.’ It is signed: ‘Swain Sc’. The illustration opposite page 257 is after Frederick Walker, entitled: ‘Morning Greetings’ which accompanies chapter XIX of Thackeray’s novel ‘Philip.’ It is signed: ‘Swain Sc’. In this volume six illustrations are after Frederick Walker, accompanying Theckeray’s novel “Philip”. Six illustrations are after Richard Doyle, in the series “Bird’s Eye Views of Society, nos. IV to IX. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

Illustrating Thackeray: Frederick Walker and Philip

Waterston & Johnston binders:


Vol. IV            July to December, 1861

No. 19. July. 1861       pp. 1 to 128.                            2 plates

No. 20. August 1861   pp. 129 to 256.                        2 plates

No. 21. Sept  1861      pp. 257to 384.                         2 Plates

No. 22. Oct 1861        pp. 385to 512.                         2 plates

No. 23. Nov 1861       pp. 513 to 640.                        2 plates

No. 24. Dec 1861        pp.641 to 760.                         2 plates


Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Bookbinder’s ticket on upper pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Waterston & Johnston/ Booksellers/ No. 20 Bernard Street/ Leith/”. Binder ticket size: 22x11mm. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief with the same design. The design is a copy of the one printed in the upper cover of each paper wrapper, which was after Godfrey Sykes, and engraved by William James Linton. This shows ornate decoration, with four medallions with a figure within each: the sower, the ploughman, the reaper and the thresher.  The central rectangle has the title words: “/ The / Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper cover. The spine has the same elaborate decoration as the covers. In a panel near the head, the title words: “/ The/ Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in gold. On the centre of the spine, within a medallion formed by two gold fillets and a ‘wave’ pattern, the word: “Vol 4” is blocked in gold. Near the tail, the imprint: “/ London/ Smith Elder & Co/” is blocked in gold. At the head and the tail of the spine, the original form of the six issues, now bound together, can be clearly seen.


Record no: 1830

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.203(e)

De Beaumont: Case 263a

BL: General Reference Collection P.P.6004.gk. Vol. 1 (Jan. to June 1860)-
General Reference Collection RB.23.a.15320.

The Cornhill Magazine. Vol. V. January to June, 1862.  London: Smith, Elder & Co. 65, Cornhill, 1862. London: Printed by Smith, Elder & Co., Little Green Arbour Court, E. C. vii, 760p. 12 plates. Each monthly  issue (in paper wrappers) was accompanied by two illustrations. In this bound volume of six issues there are twelve illustrations. The illustration opposite page 257 is after Frederick Walker, entitled: ‘Letter from New York.’ which accompanies chapter XXXI of Thackeray’s novel “Philip”. It is signed: ‘Swain Sc’. The illustration opposite page 385 is after Frederick Walker, entitled: “Mugford’s favourite” which accompanies chapter XXXIII of Thackeray’s novel “Philip.” It is signed: ‘Swain Sc’. ’ This volume has six illustrations after Frederick Walker, accompanying Thakeray’s novel “Philip”. There are five illustrations after Richard Doyle for his series: “Bird’s Eye View of Society”. There is one illustration after Millais, accompanying the poem: “Irene”. A separate print of this illustration is at P&D reg. no. 1912,1227.173. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front pastedown and on a separate paper slip. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

Illustrating Thackeray: Frederick Walker and Philip


Vol. V.            Jan to June, 1862

No. 25. Jan. 1862        pp. 1 to 128.                            2 plates

No. 26. Feb. 1862       pp. 129t o 256.                        2 plates

No. 27. March 1862    pp. 257 to 384.                        2 Plates

No. 28. April 1862      pp. 385 to 512.                        2 plates

No. 29. May 1862       pp. 513 to 640.                        2 plates

No. 30 June 1862        pp.641 to 760.                         2 plates


Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief with the same design. The design is a copy of the one printed in the upper cover of each paper wrapper, which was after Godfrey Sykes, and engraved by William James Linton. This shows ornate decoration, with four medallions with a figure within each: the sower, the ploughman, the reaper and the thresher.  The central rectangle has the title words: “/ The / Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper cover. The spine has the same elaborate decoration as the covers. In a panel near the head, the title words: “/ The/ Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in gold. On the centre of the spine, within a medallion formed by two gold fillets and a ‘wave’ pattern, the word: “Vol 5” is blocked in gold. Near the tail, the imprint: “/ London/ Smith Elder & Co/” is blocked in gold. At the head and the tail of the spine, the original form of the six monthly issues, now bound together, can be clearly seen.


Record no: 1831

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.203(f)

De Beaumont: Case 263a

BL: General Reference Collection P.P.6004.gk. Vol. 1 (Jan. to June 1860)-
General Reference Collection RB.23.a.15320.

The Cornhill Magazine. Vol. VI. July to December, 1862.  London: Smith, Elder & Co. 65, Cornhill, 1862. London: Printed by Smith, Elder & Co., Little Green Arbour Court, E. C. vii, 856p. 24 plates. Each monthly  issue (in paper wrappers) was accompanied by four illustrations. In this bound volume of six issues there are twenty-four illustrations. The illustration opposite page 121 is after Frederick Walker, entitled: ‘More free than welcome.’ which accompanies chapter XXXIX of Thackeray’s novel: ‘Philip.’ It is signed: ‘Swain Sc’. There are pictorial initials at the start of chapters of ‘Romola’. Page 577 has the capital letter ‘I’, and shows a mediaeval gateway, with a soldier with a crossbow, guarding it. Page 721 shows the capital letter ‘W’, and shows an ‘Italian mediaeval’ townscape with terraces and a tower. This volume has twelve illustrations after Frederic Leighton, illustrating George Eliot’s ‘Romola’.  There are four illustrations after Frederick Walker, two accpk0panyung W M Thackeray’s novel “Philip”; and two accompanying Anne Thackeray’s novel “The Story of Elizabeth”. Five illustrations are after Millais, illustrating Trollope’s “The Small House at Allington”.  There are two illustrations after Richard Doyle’s “Bird’s Eye view of Society nos. XV and XVI. Frederick Sandys illustration “Manoli” accompanies W. M. W. Call’s poem [i.e. Wathen Marks Wilks Call]. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front pastedown. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

For illustrations after Millais, accompanying Trollope’s  ‘The Small House at Allington’, see:

For illustrations after Frederic Leighton, accompanying Eliot’s ‘Romola’, see:


Vol. VI            July to December, 1862

No. 31. July. 1862       pp. 1-128         4 plates

No. 32. August 1862   pp. 129-256     4 plates

No. 33. Sept  1862      pp. 257-384     4 Plates

No. 34. Oct 1862        pp. 385-512     4 plates

No. 35. Nov 1862       pp. 513-640     4 plates

No. 36. Dec 1862        pp.641-760      4 plates


Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief with the same design. The design is a copy of the one printed in the upper cover of each paper wrapper, which was after Godfrey Sykes, and engraved by William James Linton. This shows ornate decoration, with four medallions with a figure within each: the sower, the ploughman, the reaper and the thresher.  The central rectangle has the title words: “/ The / Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper cover. The spine has the same elaborate decoration as the covers. In a panel near the head, the title words: “/ The/ Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in gold. On the centre of the spine, within a medallion formed by two gold fillets and a ‘wave’ pattern, the word: “Vol 6” is blocked in gold. Near the tail, the imprint: “/ London/ Smith Elder & Co/” is blocked in gold. At the head and the tail of the spine, the original form of the six monthly issues, now bound together, can be clearly seen.


Record no: 1832

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.203(g)

De Beaumont: Case 263a

BL: General Reference Collection P.P.6004.gk. Vol. 1 (Jan. to June 1860)-
General Reference Collection RB.23.a.15320.

The Cornhill Magazine. Vol. VII. January to June, 1863.  London: Smith, Elder & Co. 65, Cornhill, 1863. London: Printed by Smith, Elder & Co., Little Green Arbour Court, E. C. viii, 804p. 21 plates. Each monthly  issue (originally in paper wrappers) was accompanied by three or four illustrations. The illustration opposite page 621 is after Frederick Walker, accompanying William Smith’s poem: “Maladetta”. . It is signed: ‘Swain Sc’.It is captioned with the verses:

“But I only think of a  guileless host

Killed by the shame of a daughter lost.

And a mother with too soon silvered head,

Who weeps for a daughter worse than dead.”

The illustration opposite page 657 is after Millais, accompanying chapter XXV of Trollope’s “Small House AT Allington”; it is captioned: “Devotedly attached to the Young Man”. It is signed with Millais’s monogram, and “Dalziel”.

Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front pastedown. This volume has nine illustrations after Frederic Leighton, illustrating George Eliot’s ‘Romola’. It also has six illustrations after Millais, illustrating Trollope’s ‘”The Small House at Allington”. These illustrations have mostly been reproduced already. There two illustrations after du Maurier. The first accompanies W. Frank Smith’s poem “The story of Elizabeth”. The second accompanies “Sybil’s Disappointment”.  The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

For illustrations after Millais, accompanying Trollope’s  ‘The Small House at Allington’, see:

For illustrations after Frederic Leighton, accompanying Eliot’s ‘Romola’, see:


Vol. VII.         Jan to June, 1863

No. 37. Jan. 1863        pp. 1-144         4 plates

No. 38 Feb. 1863        pp. 145-280     4 plates

No. 39. March 1863    pp. 281-416     3 Plates

No. 40. April 1863      pp. 417-552     3 plates

No. 41. May 1863       pp. 553-680     4 plates

No. 42 June 1863        pp.681-804      3 plates


Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief with the same design. The design is a copy of the one printed in the upper cover of each paper wrapper, which was after Godfrey Sykes, and engraved by William James Linton. This shows ornate decoration, with four medallions with a figure within each: the sower, the ploughman, the reaper and the thresher.  The central rectangle has the title words: “/ The / Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper cover. The spine has the same elaborate decoration as the covers. In a panel near the head, the title words: “/ The/ Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in gold. On the centre of the spine, within a medallion formed by two gold fillets and a ‘wave’ pattern, the word: “Vol 7” is blocked in gold. Near the tail, the imprint: “/ London/ Smith Elder & Co/” is blocked in gold. At the head and the tail of the spine, the original form of the six monthly issues, now bound together, can be clearly seen.


Record no: 1833

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.203 (h)

De Beaumont: Case 263a

BL: General Reference Collection P.P.6004.gk. Vol. 1 (Jan. to June 1860)-
General Reference Collection RB.23.a.15320.

The Cornhill Magazine. Vol. VIII. July to December, 1863.  London: Smith, Elder & Co. 65, Cornhill, 1863. London: Printed by Smith, Elder & Co., Little Green Arbour Court, E. C. viii, 760p. 14 plates. Each monthly  issue (originally in paper wrappers) was accompanied by three or two illustrations. The illustration opposite page 366 is after Frederick Walker, signed “FW”, lower right hand corner. It is signed: ‘Swain Sc’, lower left hand corner. It is captioned: ‘Horatia’s first visit’. The illustration opposite page 582 is after Arthur Hughes, signed “AH”, lower left corner. It is signed: ‘Swain Sc’, lower right corner. It is captioned: “At the brook”.  This volume has two illustrations after Frederic Leighton, accompanying George Eliot’s “Romola”. It also has six illustrations after Millais, accompanying Trollope’s “The Small House at Allington”. These illustrations have mostly been reproduced already. There are two illustrations after Frederick Walker, accompanying “Mrs. Archie” and “Out of the World”.  There is one illustration after Millais, accompanying Elizabeth Gaskell’s  “Cousin Phillis”. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front pastedown.


Gold and blind and relief.


For details of Frederick Walker, see:,_Frederick_(DNB00)

For illustrations after Millais, accompanying Trollope’s  ‘The Small House at Allington’, see:

For illustrations after Frederic Leighton, accompanying Eliot’s ‘Romola’, see:


Vol. VIII.        July to December, 1863

No. 43. July. 1863       pp. 1-128         3 plates

No. 44. August 1863   pp. 129-256     3 plates

No. 45. Sept  1863      pp. 257-384     2 Plates

No. 46. Oct 1863        pp. 385-512     2 plates

No. 47. Nov 1863       pp. 513-640     2 plates

No. 48. Dec 1863        pp.641-760      2 plates


Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief with the same design. The design is a copy of the one printed in the upper cover of each paper wrapper, which was after Godfrey Sykes, and engraved by William James Linton. This shows ornate decoration, with four medallions with a figure within each: the sower, the ploughman, the reaper and the thresher.  The central rectangle has the title words: “/ The / Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper cover. The spine has the same elaborate decoration as the covers. In a panel near the head, the title words: “/ The/ Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in gold. On the centre of the spine, within a medallion formed by two gold fillets and a ‘wave’ pattern, the word: “Vol 8” is blocked in gold. Near the tail, the imprint: “/ London/ Smith Elder & Co/” is blocked in gold. At the head and the tail of the spine, the original form of the six monthly issues, now bound together, can be clearly seen.


Record no: 1834

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.203 (i)

De Beaumont: Case 263a

BL: General Reference Collection P.P.6004.gk. Vol. 1 (Jan. to June 1860)-
General Reference Collection RB.23.a.15320.

The Cornhill Magazine. Vol. IX. January to June, 1864.  London: Smith, Elder & Co. 65, Cornhill, 1864. London: Printed by Smith, Elder & Co., Little Green Arbour Court, E. C. viii, 760p. 12 plates. Each monthly  issue (originally in paper wrappers) was accompanied by two illustrations. Chapter XLIX of ‘The Small House at Allington’ January 1864, no. 40, has a pictorial initial for the capital letter ‘M’. This is signed: “Dalziel”. It shows a trunk, a couple of suitcases and some books, all jumbled together. Opposite page 257 is a portrait of the ‘late W. M. Thackeray, from a drawing by Samuel Laurence; engraved by J. C. Armytage’. There are pictorial initials at the start of chapters of Thackeray’s ‘Denis Duval’. Page 513 has the capital letter ‘I’, and shows children gathered around a doorway. The illustration is signed “F W” [i.e. Frederick Walker], lower left corner; and is also signed “Swain Sc.”, lower right corner.   Page 641 shows the capital letter ‘I’, and shows a lady, within a drawing room, putting (or taking out) a card from a large vase. The illustration is signed “F W” [i.e. Frederick Walker], lower left. In this volume, there are two illustrations after Millais, accompanying Trollope’s “Small House at Allington”. There are three illustrations after Frederick Walker, accompanying Thackeray’s novel “Denis Duval”.  Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front pastedown. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.


For  illustrations after Frederick Walker, see:,_Frederick_(DNB00)

For illustrtions after Robert Barnes, see:

For illustrations after Millais, accompanying Trollope’s  ‘The Small House at Allington’, see:



Vol. IX.           Jan to June, 1864

No. 49. Jan. 1864        pp. 1-128         2 plates

No. 50. Feb. 1864       pp. 129-256     2 plates

No. 51. March 1864    pp. 257-384     2 Plates

No. 52. April 1864      pp. 385-512     2 plates

No. 53. May 1864       pp. 513-640     2 plates

No. 54. June 1864       pp.641-760      2 plates


Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief with the same design. The design is a copy of the one printed in the upper cover of each paper wrapper, which was after Godfrey Sykes, and engraved by William James Linton. This shows ornate decoration, with four medallions with a figure within each: the sower, the ploughman, the reaper and the thresher.  The central rectangle has the title words: “/ The / Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper cover. The spine has the same elaborate decoration as the covers. In a panel near the head, the title words: “/ The/ Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in gold. On the centre of the spine, within a medallion formed by two gold fillets and a ‘wave’ pattern, the word: “Vol 9” is blocked in gold. Near the tail, the imprint: “/ London/ Smith Elder & Co/” is blocked in gold. At the head and the tail of the spine, the original form of the six monthly issues, now bound together, can be clearly seen.


Record no: 1835

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.203 (j)

De Beaumont: Case 263a

BL: General Reference Collection P.P.6004.gk. Vol. 1 (Jan. to June 1860)-
General Reference Collection RB.23.a.15320.

The Cornhill Magazine. Vol. X. July to December, 1864.  London: Smith, Elder & Co. 65, Cornhill, 1864. London: Printed by Smith, Elder & Co., Little Green Arbour Court, E. C. viii, 760p. 12 plates. Each monthly  issue (originally in paper wrappers) was accompanied by two illustrations. The illustration opposite page 1 is after Charles Keene. It is signed: ‘Swain Sc’, lower left corner.It is captioned: ‘Mother’s Guineas’. The illustration opposite page 76 is after Robert Barnes, whose monogram is lower left corner;  It is signed with : ‘Swain Sc’, lower right corner. It is captioned: “To go – or stay?”  (This volume has five illustrations after George du Maurier, illustrating Elisabeth Gaskell’s ‘Wives and Daughters’. These illustrations have mostly been reproduced already. There are two illustrations after Robert Barnes, Illustrating “Margaret Denzil’s History”. One illustration is after Millais, which accompanies the text: “Madame de Monferrato”. Two Illustrations are after George Thomas, accompanying Collins’s “Armadale”. One is after Pinwell, accompanying the text “The Lovers of Ballyvookhan”.) Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front pastedown. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.


Gaskell: Wives and Daughters, see:


Vol. X.                        July to December, 1864

No. 55. July. 1864       pp. 1-128         2 plates

No. 56. August 1864   pp. 129-256     2 plates

No. 57. Sept  1864      pp. 257-384     2 Plates

No. 58. Oct 1864        pp. 385-512     2 plates

No. 59. Nov 1864       pp. 513-640     2 plates

No. 60. Dec 1864        pp.641-760      2 plates



Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief with the same design. The design is a copy of the one printed in the upper cover of each paper wrapper, which was after Godfrey Sykes, and engraved by William James Linton. This shows ornate decoration, with four medallions with a figure within each: the sower, the ploughman, the reaper and the thresher.  The central rectangle has the title words: “/ The / Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper cover. The spine has the same elaborate decoration as the covers. In a panel near the head, the title words: “/ The/ Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in gold. On the centre of the spine, within a medallion formed by two gold fillets and a ‘wave’ pattern, the word: “Vol 10” is blocked in gold. Near the tail, the imprint: “/ London/ Smith Elder & Co/” is blocked in gold. At the head and the tail of the spine, the original form of the six monthly issues, now bound together, can be clearly seen.


Record no: 1836

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.203 (k)

De Beaumont: Case 263a

BL: General Reference Collection P.P.6004.gk. Vol. 1 (Jan. to June 1860)-
General Reference Collection RB.23.a.15320.

The Cornhill Magazine. Vol. XI. January to June 1865. London: Smith, Elder & Co. 65, Cornhill, 1865. London: Printed by Smith, Elder & Co., Little Green Arbour Court, E. C. viii, 760p. 12 plates. Each monthly  issue (originally in paper wrappers) was accompanied by two illustrations. The illustration opposite page 513 is after George Thomas [i.e. George Housman Thomas]. It is captioned: ‘The Major’s Clock’.  The illustration opposite page 641 is after George Thomas, and is signed lower right: ‘W. Thomas Sc.’It is captioned: “Music on the Water.”  (This volume has six illustrations after George Housman Thomas, for Wilkie Collins’s novel: ‘Armadale’. This volume has also six illustrations after George du Maurier, illustrating Elisabeth Gaskell’s novel: ‘Wives and Daughters’ These illustrations have mostly been reproduced already.) The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.



Gold and blind and relief.

George du Maurier

George Housman Thomas

Gaskell Wives and Daughters

Collins Armadale




Vol. XI.           Jan to June, 1865

No. 61. Jan. 1865        pp. 1-128         2 plates

No. 62. Feb. 1865       pp. 129-256     2 plates

No. 63. March 1865    pp. 257-384     2 Plates

No. 64. April 1865      pp. 385-512     2 plates

No. 64. May 1865       pp. 513-640     2 plates

No. 66. June 1865       pp.641-760      2 plates


Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief with the same design. The design is a copy of the one printed in the upper cover of each paper wrapper, which was after Godfrey Sykes, and engraved by William James Linton. This shows ornate decoration, with four medallions with a figure within each: the sower, the ploughman, the reaper and the thresher.  The central rectangle has the title words: “/ The / Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper cover. The spine has the same elaborate decoration as the covers. In a panel near the head, the title words: “/ The/ Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in gold. On the centre of the spine, within a medallion formed by two gold fillets and a ‘wave’ pattern, the word: “Vol 11” is blocked in gold. Near the tail, the imprint: “/ London/ Smith Elder & Co/” is blocked in gold. At the head and the tail of the spine, the original form of the six monthly issues, now bound together, can be clearly seen.


Record no: 1837

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.203 (l)

De Beaumont: Case 263a

BL: General Reference Collection P.P.6004.gk. Vol. 1 (Jan. to June 1860)-
General Reference Collection RB.23.a.15320.

The Cornhill Magazine. Vol. XII. July to December, 1865. London: Smith, Elder & Co. 65, Cornhill, 1865. London: Printed by Smith, Elder & Co., Little Green Arbour Court, E. C. viii, 760p. 12 plates. Each monthly  issue (originally in paper wrappers) was accompanied by two illustrations. The illustration opposite page 333 is after George Thomas [i.e. George Housman Thomas]. It is captioned: ‘Pedgift at fault’.  The illustration opposite page 576 is after George Thomas. is captioned: ‘Thanks to the Thunder”. It is signed: “W. Thomas Sc.” [i.e. William Luson Thomas], lower right hand corner.  (This volume has six illustrations after George Housman Thomas, for Wilkie Collins’s novel: ‘Armadale’. This volume has also six illustrations after George du Maurier, illustrating Elisabeth Gaskell’s novel: ‘Wives and Daughters’; these illustrations have mostly been reproduced already.) The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.



Gold and blind and relief.

George du Maurier

George Housman Thomas

Gaskell Wives and Daughters

Collins Armadale


Vol. XII.                     July to December, 1865

No. 67. July. 1865       pp. 1-128         2 plates

No. 68. August 1865   pp. 129-256     2 plates

No. 69. Sept  1865      pp. 257-384     2 Plates

No. 70. Oct 1865        pp. 385-512     2 plates

No. 71. Nov 1865       pp. 513-640     2 plates

No. 72. Dec 1865        pp.641-760      2 plates


Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief with the same design. The design is a copy of the one printed in the upper cover of each paper wrapper, which was after Godfrey Sykes, and engraved by William James Linton. This shows ornate decoration, with four medallions with a figure within each: the sower, the ploughman, the reaper and the thresher.  The central rectangle has the title words: “/ The / Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper cover. The spine has the same elaborate decoration as the covers. In a panel near the head, the title words: “/ The/ Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in gold. On the centre of the spine, within a medallion formed by two gold fillets and a ‘wave’ pattern, the word: “Vol 12” is blocked in gold. Near the tail, the imprint: “/ London/ Smith Elder & Co/” is blocked in gold. At the head and the tail of the spine, the original form of the six monthly issues, now bound together, can be clearly seen.


Record no: 1838

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.203 (m)

De Beaumont: Case 263a

BL: General Reference Collection P.P.6004.gk. Vol. 1 (Jan. to June 1860)-
General Reference Collection RB.23.a.15320.

The Cornhill Magazine. Vol. XIII. January to June, 1866. London: Smith, Elder & Co. 65, Cornhill, 1866. London: Printed by Smith, Elder & Co., Little Green Arbour Court, E. C. viii, 760p. 12 plates. Each monthly  issue (originally in paper wrappers) was accompanied by two illustrations. The illustration opposite page 129 is after Mary Ellen Edwards.  It is captioned: “A puir reckless thing, tottering along like-”.  The capital initial “T” on page 129 shows a man and a woman in a garden setting, facing each other, with a small dog in the left hand corner. It is signed: “H. Harral Sc.” lower right hand corner. The illustration opposite page 641 is after Mary Ellen Edwards and is captioned: “Did he not bear false witness against her?” The capital initial “I” on page 641 shows a lady standing in front of a window, reading a letter, with its envelope on the floor beside her.  It is signed: “H. Harral”, lower left hand corner. (This volume has six illustrations after George Housman Thomas, for Wilkie Collins’s novel: ‘Armadale’. This volume has also five illustrations after Mary Ellen Edwards for Trollope’s novel: ‘The Claverings’; There is one illustration after George Du Maurier for chapter LX of ‘Wives and Daughters’, captioned “The Last Turning”; it is signed “Swain”, lower right hand corner. Many of these illustrations have been reproduced already.) The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

George Housman Thomas

Mary Ellen Edwards

George du Maurier

Gaskell Wives and Daughters



Vol. XIII.        Jan to June, 1866

No. 73. Jan. 1866        pp. 1-128         2 plates

No. 74. Feb. 1866       pp. 129-256     2 plates

No. 75. March 1866    pp. 257-384     2 Plates

No. 76. April 1866      pp. 385-512     2 plates

No. 77. May 1866       pp. 513-640     2 plates

No. 78. June 1866       pp.641-760      2 plates


Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief with the same design. The design is a copy of the one printed in the upper cover of each paper wrapper, which was after Godfrey Sykes, and engraved by William James Linton. This shows ornate decoration, with four medallions with a figure within each: the sower, the ploughman, the reaper and the thresher.  The central rectangle has the title words: “/ The / Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper cover. The spine has the same elaborate decoration as the covers. In a panel near the head, the title words: “/ The/ Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in gold. On the centre of the spine, within a medallion formed by two gold fillets and a ‘wave’ pattern, the word: “Vol 13” is blocked in gold. Near the tail, the imprint: “/ London/ Smith Elder & Co/” is blocked in gold. At the head and the tail of the spine, the original form of the six monthly issues, now bound together, can be clearly seen.


Record no: 1839

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.203(n)

De Beaumont: Case 263a

BL: General Reference Collection P.P.6004.gk. Vol. 1 (Jan. to June 1860)-
General Reference Collection RB.23.a.15320.

The Cornhill Magazine. Vol. XIV. July to December, 1866. London: Smith, Elder & Co. 65, Cornhill, 1866. London: Printed by Smith, Elder & Co., Little Green Arbour Court, E. C. viii, 760p. 12 plates. Each monthly  issue (originally in paper wrappers) was accompanied by two illustrations. The illustration opposite page 513 is after Frederick Walker.  It is captioned:  “Dick and Reine”. It is signed with the initials “F W”, lower left corner; and “Swain Sc”., lower right corner. The capital initial “H” on page 385 accompanies chapter XXV of the Claverings, entitled: ‘What would men say of you?’ It  shows Harry Clavering, seated on a chair, his body bowed in misery, with Lady Ongar standing beside him. It is signed with the initials: “M E E ”, lower left corner; and “H Harral SC”, lower right corner.  (This volume has five illustrations after Frederick Walker for Anne Thackeray’s novel ‘The village on the cliff’. This volume has also six illustrations after Mary Ellen Edwards for Trollope’s novel: ‘The Claverings’; many of these illustrations have been reproduced already. The volume also has one illustration by Sandys, entitled: ‘Cleopatra’.) The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

Frederick Walker

Mary Ellen Edwards



Vol. XI.           July to December, 1866

No. 79. July. 1866       pp. 1-128         2 plates

No. 80. August 1866   pp. 129-256     2 plates

No. 81. Sept. 1866      pp. 257-384     2 Plates

No. 82. Oct.  1866      pp. 385-512     2 plates

No. 83. Nov. 1866      pp. 513-640     2 plates

No. 84. Dec. 1866       pp.641-760      2 plates


Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Some of the fore edge quires have not been ploughed (guillotined) properly, and still show torn fragments of paper. Red morocco horizontal-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and in relief with the same design. The design is a copy of the one printed in the upper cover of each paper wrapper, which was after Godfrey Sykes, and engraved by William James Linton. This shows ornate decoration, with four medallions with a figure within each: the sower, the ploughman, the reaper and the thresher.  The central rectangle has the title words: “/ The / Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper cover. The spine has the same elaborate decoration as the covers. In a panel near the head, the title words: “/ The/ Cornhill/ Magazine/” blocked in gold. On the centre of the spine, within a medallion formed by two gold fillets and a ‘wave’ pattern, the word: “Vol 4 [sic i.e. 14]” is blocked in gold. Near the tail, the imprint: “/ London/ Smith Elder & Co/” is blocked in gold. At the head and the tail of the spine, the original form of the six monthly issues, now bound together, can be clearly seen.


Record no: 1840

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.204 (a)

De Beaumont: Case 263a


Illustrations from Cornhill Magazine. [Vol.] I. A compilation of prints, together with relevant pages of text, from issues of “The Cornhill Magazine”. [London: Smith, Elder & Co. 1860-1864.] The text of page 338 has a decorated capital letter “A”, signed with the monogram, bottom left of Richard Doyle, accompanying the text: “A Charity Bazaar”. The text of page 56 accompanies chapter XIII of Trollope’s “Small House at Allington”, signed with the monogram of Millais, bottom right, and “Dalziel [Brothers]” bottom left. The volume contains other illustrations after Millais, Du Maurier, Frederick Walker, Frederic Leighton.  The blocks were cut variously by Dalziel Brothers and Swain. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding price are written on the upper endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Binding: Gilt edges. Light brown calf, marbled sides and endpapers. Spine panelled and lettered with title and volume number in panels two and three, on brown leather labels. Panel two has the words: “/ Illustrations/ from/ Cornhill Magazine/” tooled in gold. Panel three has: “/ [Vol.] I /” tooled in gold.

Inscribed on front endpaper verso of Vol. I: “From the Library of Lord Brooke of Cumnor, whose father - the artist and illustrator Leslie Brooke - almost certainly collected these illustrations.”,_Baron_Brooke_of_Cumnor


Record no: 1841

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.204 (b)

De Beaumont: Case 263a


Illustrations from Cornhill Magazine. [Vol.] II. A compilation of prints, together with relevant pages of text, from issues of “The Cornhill Magazine”. [London: Smith, Elder & Co. 1863-1869.] Page 487 has an illustrated capital letter “C” of the word “Catherine”, after Frederick Walker, signed “ F W” bottom left, accompanying chapter IX of Anne Thackeray’s novel “The Village on the Cliff”. Facing page 734 is the Illustration  after Frederick Walker  captioned “On the top of the hill”, signed “FW” bottom left and “Swain”, bottom right, which accompanies Alexander Innes Shand’s novel “Against Time”, chapter VII. On page 214 is the illustrated capital letter “F” of the word “For”, signed “Dalziel” bottom left and with 1992,0406.223 monogram, bottom right, accompanying chapter XVI of Trollope’s novel “The Small House at Allington”, whose title is “Mr. Crosbie meets and old Clergyman on his way to Courcy Castle”. The volume contains other illustrations after Millais, Du Maurier, Frederick Walker, Frederic Leighton, Frederick Barnes.



Binding: Gilt edges. Light brown calf, marbled sides and endpapers. Spine panelled and lettered with title and volume number in panels two and three, on brown leather labels. Panel two has the words: “/ Illustrations/ from/ Cornhill Magazine/” tooled in gold. Panel three has: “/ [Vol.] II /” tooled in gold.,_Baron_Brooke_of_Cumnor


Record no: 1842

BM P & D Register no: BM 1996,1104.26

De Beaumont: Case 263a


The Dark Blue. October 1871. One shilling. Edited by John C. [i.e. Christian] Freund. London: British and Colonial Publishing Company Limited, 81a, Fleet Street; Dublin: McGlashan & Gill; Edinburgh: Menzies & Co.; Oxford: George Shrimpton, 1871. 8, [1 page of contents], 8, [1], pp129-272, 8[8]p. 3 Plates. There are eight pages of advertisements bound at the front and at the rear. The frontispiece plate is an illustration after D. T. White, engraved by C. M. Jenkin. It is captioned ‘Lost.’ and accompanies chapter XXIX of the story ‘Lost: a romance’ by John Christian Freund. The illustration facing page 231 is captioned ‘Down Stream’, drawn by Ford Madox Brown; engraved by C. M. Jenkin, accompanying the poem of the same title by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. The illustration facing page 228 is captioned ‘Take care whom you trust’ , drawn by W. J. Hennessy and engraved by Horace Harral, accompanying chapter XXIII of Compton Reade’s novel of the same title. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this work are written on the page one of the advertisements.

Binding: Some of the bolts are uncut. The upper cover is printed in black, red and beige. There is a black rule-frame border. It shows three ladies, one standing in an archway, and one either side of the archway, one reading an open book and one with an open book resting on her lap. The archway is surmounted by a central keystone, with the date “1871” printed in red within it. Motifs of Oxford University press are printed on shields within roundels at the head and at the tail of the cover. Signed with the initials “F W L” [i.e. Francis Wilfred Lawson] at the centre base of the cover. The lower cover features a full page advertisement for the Scottish Widows Fund. Along the spine, the words: “The Dark Blue. No.8. October [1871]” are printed in black.


Record no: 1843

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.205 (a)

De Beaumont: Case 263a


The Dark Blue. Vol. I. March to August 1871 Edited by John C. [i.e. Christian] Freund. Illustrated. London: Sampson Low, Son, and Marston, Crown Building, 188 Fleet Street, 1871. London: Printed by Spottiswoode and Co. New-Street Square, and Parliament Street. 796p. 17 Plates. There are six monthly issues in this volume, and seventeen plates. The plates are usually signed with the artist and engraver names. The thick paper upper cover for April 1871 has been preserved and bound at the front. It is printed in black, red and beige. There is a black rule-frame border. It shows three ladies, one standing in an archway, and one either side of the archway, one reading an open book and one with an open book resting on her lap. The archway is surmounted by a central keystone, with the date “1871” printed in red within it. To the left and right are printed: “April 1871” and “One Shilling”. Motifs of Oxford University press are printed on shields within roundels at the head and at the tail of the cover. On the left base, signed in red “F W Lawson [i.e. Francis Wilfred Lawson]” and “H. Harral Sc” [i.e. Horace Harral]; on the centre base of the cover the initials F W L “ are printed. The upper cover verso has printed advertisements. The illustration facing page 197 is after M E Freer [i.e. Mary Ellen Edwards]. It is captioned ‘Take care whom you trust.’ and accompanies chapter III of the novel of the same title by Compton Reade. The illustration facing page 718  is captioned ‘Take care whom you trust’, drawn by W. J. Hennessy and engraved by C. M. Jenkin, accompanying chapter XVI of Compton Reade’s novel of the same title.

The other artists in this volume are: Francis Wilfred Lawson, M. E. Freer [i.e. Mary Ellen Edwards], S. Salamon, Cecil [Gordon] Lawson, Alfred W. Cooper, T. Hennessy, D. T. White, Matthew White Ridley, Edward Francis Clarke, William John Hennessy. The engravers are: Horace Harral, John Swain, C.M. Jenkin. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this work are written on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.



March 1871     pp. 1-128.        2 plates

April 1871       pp. 129-256.    3 plates

May 1871        pp. 257-400.    3 plates

June 1871        pp. 401-528.    3 plates

July 1871        pp, 529-656.    2 plates

August 1871    pp. 657-796.    4 plates


Binding: Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Half calf binding with marbled sides. The spine has six panels and is lettered, with the title: “/ The/ Dark Blue/” tooled in gold on a red leather label in panel two, and “ Vol./ I./” tooled in gold in panel four.


Record no: 1844

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.205 (b)

De Beaumont: Case 263a


The Dark Blue. Vol. II. September 1871 to March 1872.  Edited by John C. [i.e. Christian] Freund. Illustrated. London: Sampson Low, Son, and Marston, Crown Building, 188 Fleet Street, 1871-1872. London: Printed by Spottiswoode and Co. New-Street Square, and Parliament Street. There are seven monthly issues in this volume, and nineteen plates. The plates are usually signed with the artist and engraver names. There is no title page for this volume. The illustration facing page 352 is after William John Hennessy. It is captioned ‘Take care whom you trust.’ and accompanies chapter XXV (or XXVI) of the novel of the same title by Compton Reade. The illustration facing page 527 is captioned ‘Lost’, drawn by W. J. Perry and engraved by C. M. Jenkin, accompanying chapter XLI of Freund’s novel: ‘Lost: a romance’.

The poem: ‘Our Prince is out of danger’ is by Alfred Perceval Graves,  printed on pages 525-526. The artists are listed as: D. T. White, William John Hennessy, Ford Madox Brown, Edward Francis Clarke, J. Perry, Sydney Prior Hall, Michael Fitzgerald, T. R. Robinson [possibly Thomas Robinson], David Henry Friston. The engravers are: C. M. Jenkin, Horace Harral. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


September 1871          pp.1-128.         3 plates

October 1871              pp.129-272.     3 plates

November 1871          pp. 273-399.    4 plates

December 1981           pp. 400-524.    2 plates

January 1872               pp. 525-650.    3 plates

February 1872             pp. 651-768.    2 plates

March 1872                 pp. 1-128.        2 plates



Record no: 1845

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.200 (a)

De Beaumont: Case 263a


Britannia. A Monthly Magazine. Edited by Arthur À Beckett. Volume I. London: [Britannia] Office, 199, Strand, W. C., 1869. [London:] Taylor and Co., Printers, Little Queen Street, Lincoln’s Inn Fields. iv, 572p. 22 plates. The illustrations are after Matt Morgan. Most are signed by him. The Plate facing page 377 is after Matthew Morgan, signed left hand corner, and is captioned: “The piper appeared to be playing, having his eyes the while fixed on Jonas.” The plate facing page 424 is after Matthew Morgan, captioned: “The stable-lad and myself tried to give him a lesson in riding.”, and accompanies chapter IX of  “The commentaries of Major Blake” by Francis Cowley Burnand.

cThe bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.,_Arthur_William_(DNB12)

The Fiction Mags index:



See quote of Gleeson White page 80 about this journal. “ [Britannia magazine] was illustrated solely by Matt Morgan, a brilliant but ephemeral genius who shortly after migrated to New York. The peculiarity of this journal is that, like The Tomahawk,  an illustrated journal illustrated by the same artist, its pictures were all printed in two colours, after the fashion of old Victorian wood-blocks. The one colour was used as a ground with the high lights cut away; the other block, for the ordinary convention of line drawing.”

Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Pink endpapers and pastedowns. Blue pebble-grain cloth. Two fillets are blocked on the border of both covers, in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper. On the centre of the upper cover the title words: “/ Britannia [in a semi-circle]/ Vol. I./ a Monthly Magazine. [in a semi-circle] are blocked in gold in ‘Gothic’ lettering. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, between two gold fillets blocked across the spine, small stylised decoration is blocked in gold. Near the head, the words:”/ Britannia/ Magazine/ Vol. I./” are blocked in gold.



Record no: 1846

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.200 (b)

De Beaumont: Case 263a


Britannia. A Monthly Magazine. Edited by Arthur  À Beckett. Volume II. London: [Britannia] Office, 199, Strand, W. C., 1869. [London:] Taylor and Co., Printers, Little Queen Street, Lincoln’s Inn Fields. iv, 580p.; 96p.  24 plates. The illustrations are after Matt Morgan. Most are signed by him. The plate facing page 132 is after Matthew Morgan, and is captioned : “Major Blake utterly nonplussed”, accompanying  “The commentaries of Major Blake”, chapter XIV, by Francis Cowley Burnand. . The plate between pages 540 and 541 is captioned “Death in the work-room”, accompanying a poem by F. A. M. [probably Francis Albert Marshall] entitled “Death in the workshop”.  The plate between pages 48 and 49 [of January 1870, volume III?] is captioned: “Britannia’s Pr[e?]ccy for 1870”; it is unsigned [probably after Matthew Morgan] but has the word: “Graphotype” printed in the left hand corner. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.,_Arthur_William_(DNB12)


Wakeman, Geoffrey. Victorian book illustration. The technical revolution. Newton Abbot: David & Charles, 1973. 


Geoffrey Wakeman. Victorian Book Illustration, 1973. pages 95 to 98



Hindsight makes it obvious that photography was to carry all before it in the field of book illustration, but it was not so apparent in the 186os. At least one quite significant autographic method was being publicised and used commercially during this decade, and that was graphotype; and, though it was more successful than the others, it was not the only method put for­ward in England. It was invented by an American artist and wood engraver, De Witt Clinton Hitchcock, of New York, and in England was taken up by Henry Fitz-Cook, who formed a limited company called The Graphotyping Company to promote it. Edward Roper was one of the promoters and the process was patented in the name of B. Day in 186 (No 664).

The first steps in the invention were taken in the summer of 186o, when Hitchcock was making a drawing on a wood block for engraving. He had to erase part of his drawing, and, to re-whiten the surface of the block, used the 'enamelled' surface of a visiting card, presumably a polished coating of china clay. The surface was removed with a brush and water, and then Hitchcock noticed that the printed letters on the card were standing up in relief. This led him to experiment with a piece of chalk about un thick on which he drew with ink made from silicate of potash coloured with indigo. He made a drawing 4in by 6in and changed it into a relief block by rubbing the surface of the chalk with a toothbrush, causing it to disintegrate wherever the ink was not present. He then covered the entire surface of the block with silicate and took a proof from it. He optimistically named the process graphotype, meaning a print made from chalk, but unfortunately the chalk would not stand up to the pressure of the press, even when specially compacted blocks were made with a hydraulic press, and it had to be stereotyped or electro­typed. The compressed chalk block was first burnished and sized. The artist traced his design in reverse on to the block and then filled in the lines with special ink made of glue and lampblack, and then the untouched chalk was removed with brushes of fitch-hair and the whole surface treated with silicate.

The main advantage of the process, stressed by the promoters, was its autographic nature; and an advertisement in Britannia for January 1869 claimed that the cost of a graphotype was half that of a wood engraving. The best known book in which graphotype was used was Isaac Watts' Divine and Moral Songs for Children, with illustrations by Holman Hunt, published by Nisbet & Co in 1866. The artist was very satisfied with the results, particularly since no wood engraver had been necessary. Examples appeared in Nature and Art in December 1866 and Once a Week in Feb­ruary 1867. It was used in other books from time to time—Toby Almanack for 1868, edited by Percy Cruickshank; H. K. Browne's Racing and Chasing, the Road, the River and the Hunt; and Florence Claxton's The Adventures of a Woman in Search of Her Rights, both undated. It seems that unsuccessful attempts were made to apply photography to graphotype, for a pamphlet pub­lished in 1874 and entitled Specimens of Photo-graphotype Engrav­ing claimed that it could be used for copying plates already

printed, in a variety of styles. Although examples of this facsimile printing are shown in the pamphlet, no details are given. Ap­parently The Graphotyping Company eventually failed, since a report in the Process Photogram for 1897 says that it was taken over by Daiziel Brothers. Later writers claimed that it was a failure: Bolas wrote in 1884, 'Some years ago the "graphotype" process made a little stir, but it did not compete with wood engraving to any extent . . .', and Carl Hentschel in his paper to the Society of Arts in 1900 mentions graphotype having been used 'some thirty-four years ago' but 'although to a certain degree ingenious and original, it was not found sufficiently practical'.




Binding: Pink endpapers and pastedowns. . Blue pebble-grain cloth. Two fillets are blocked on the border of both covers, in blind on the lower cover, and in gold on the upper. On the centre of the upper cover the title words: “/ Britannia [in a semi-circle]/ Vol. 2./ a Monthly Magazine. [in a semi-circle] are blocked in gold in ‘Gothic’ lettering. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and at the tail, between two gold fillets blocked across the spine, small stylised decoration is blocked in gold. Near the head, the words:”/ Britannia/ Magazine/ Vol. 2./” are blocked in gold.


Record no: 1847

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.217 (a)

De Beaumont: Case 263a


The Shilling Magazine. Illustrated. A miscellany of literature, social science, fiction, poetry, art, &c. Edited by Samuel Lucas. Vol. I. May to August 1865. London: Thomas Bosworth, 215 Regent Street. London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. 508p. 9 plates. The illustration on page 302 is after Robert Taylor Pritchett, signed with his monogram bottom left, and captioned: “Christie’s auction room: eighteenth century”, accompanying the article: “The auction-rooms of Christie and Manson”. The plate facing page 374 is after Paul Gray, signed with his monogram bottom left, and is captioned: “He stopped short, a look of pain in Esther’s face chilling his happy mood on a sudden”, accompanying chapter VII of “The wild flower of Revensworth” by Matilda Betham Edwards. The illustration facing page 393 is after John Dawson Watson, signed bottom right, and is captioned: “  “Don’t cry Peggy! – Don’t cry.” Exclaimed Helen, with the tears streaming down her wan cheeks.” This accompanies chapters 12 and 13 of the novel “Phemie Keller” by Mrs. J. H. Riddell. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this work are written on the front endpaper verso, and on separate slips. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.



Binding: Red endpapers and pastedowns. Half calf, marbled sides. The spine is tooled in gold and divided by false bands and gold fillets into six panels. On a black leather onlay, the title words: “/ The/ Shilling/ Magazine//” are tooled in gold. The fourth panel has the number: “/Vol.] I./” tooled in gold.


Record no: 1848

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.217 (b)

De Beaumont: Case 263a


The Shilling Magazine. Illustrated. A miscellany of literature, social science, fiction, poetry, art, &c. Edited by Samuel Lucas. Vol. 2. September to December 1865. London: Thomas Bosworth, 215 Regent Street. London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. 508p. 10 plates. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down. The illustration facing page 123 is after Paul Gray, signed bottom left with his monogram, captioned: “And now tell me what made you come here to cry by yourself”, accompanying  chapter XV of the novel “The wild flowers of Ravensworth”, by Matilda Betham Edwards. The illustration facing page 185 is after Thomas Reynolds Lamont, signed bottom left, captioned:

“From golden flagons fragrant wine was poured,

And Mirth was loud – none merrier than the Queen.”

This accompanies the poem “Gythia”

The illustration facing page 312 is after John Lawson, signed bottom right, captioned:

“If thou wouldst save from death thy soul,

Oh Gradlon, cast into the sea

The fiend who rideth there with thee.”

This accompanies the poem: “Dahut” by William Black.

Thomas Reynolds Lamont


Binding: Red endpapers and pastedowns. Half calf, marbled sides. The spine is tooled in gold and divided by false bands and gold fillets into six panels. On a black leather onlay, the title words: “/ The/ Shilling/ Magazine//” are tooled in gold. The fourth panel has the number: “/Vol.] 2./” tooled in gold.


Record no: 1849

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.217 (c)

De Beaumont: Case 263a


The Shilling Magazine. Illustrated. A miscellany of literature, social science, fiction, poetry, art, &c. Edited by Samuel Lucas. Vol. 3. January to April 1866. London: Thomas Bosworth, 215 Regent Street. London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. 512p. 8 plates. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.The illustration facing page 33 is after Edward Hughes, with his signature bottom right, and “Swain Sc” bottom left, captioned in verse :

“Forgive me”, she said, through the tears

That dimm’d sunshine flowers and water,

And Peace Come back to the innocent heart

Of Alice, the forester’s daughter.”

This accompanies the poem “Mistrust” by Nemo.

The illustration facing page 193 is after John Lawson, captioned “Raising the body, he landed with it on the island, and putting aside the dripping masses of golden hair, gazed curiously at the pale still face.”, accompanying the article “An incident in the year 1809” by Alice King.

The illustration facing page 289 is after William Small, signed bottom left, with caption in verse:

“They found the winsome laddie,

Wrapped with plaid around him there,

With his wasted fingers grasping

A gold lock of Nellie’s hair!”

It accompanies the poem: “Lost on the fells” by Astley H Baldwin.



Binding: Red endpapers and pastedowns. Half calf, marbled sides. The spine is tooled in gold and divided by false bands and gold fillets into six panels. On a black leather onlay, the title words: “/ The/ Shilling/ Magazine//” are tooled in gold. The fourth panel has the number: “/Vol.] 2./” tooled in gold.


Record no: 1850

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.201 (a)

De Beaumont: Case 263a

BL: (Paper copy) P.P.357b.

The Churchman's family magazine containing contributions by the clergy and distinguished literary men. With upwards of seventy illustrations.  With upwards of seventy illustrations by C.W. Cope, R.A.; J.E. Millais, A.R.A.; J.D. Watson; J.C. Horsley, A.R.A.; George Thomas; H.C.Selons; L.Huard; H.H. Armstead; F.R. Pickersgill, R.A.; T. Sulman; P.W. Justyne; H.S. Marks, and others. Vol. I. London: James Hogg, 1863. London: Harrild, printer. 636p. The other illustrators given in the ‘List of Illustrations’ are: Charles Green, E. J. Poynter, T. Morten, J. Hayter, D. H. Friston, W. P. Burton, J. B. Zwecker, Robert Barnes, R. Hind, Thomas Kennedy, A. Claxton, T. Macquoid, William Harvey, William Mc Connell, Rebecca Solomon. The engravers are variously signed by Swain, W. Thomas, H. Harral, Dalziel. The illustration facing page 113 is after J. D. Watson, captioned “Sunday Evening – see p.191”. The illustration facing page 337 is after Adelaide Claxton, captioned: Unseen Watchers” – see p.413”. The illustration facing page 492 is after W. Mc Connell, captioned: “Popular Festivities- see pp.502-503”. The Illustration facing page 603 is after Thomas Sulman, signed with his monogram, captioned: “Drawn by T. Sulman. The blind and their industries. See page 603.” Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front endpaper recto, and on a separate slip. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Binding: Marbled edges, endpapers and pastedowns. Half blue calf. The fillets on the covers are tooled in blind. The spine is divided into six panels by double fillets tooled in gold or in blind. Panels two and four have, tooled in gold, the title words and the volume numbers on red leather labels: “/ Churchman’s/ Family/ Magazine/ Vol./ I./” 

NOTE: The BL entry for paper issues at:

The BL copy has fourteen bound volumes. Bound by the BM in the C19 , in 1/4 leather, marbled endpapers and pastedowns, edges of boards gauffered. The paper covers are after John Leighton; they have been bound in sequence for most volumes, and are described at the url link given. Each part has several plates. The volumes are:

Volume I.    636p.  137x232x51mm. Parts 1-6; Jan-June 1863. Orange paper covers. Printer: Harrild Printer London"

Volume II.   568p.  137x230x50mm. Parts 7-12; July-Dec 1863. Orange paper covers. Printer: as Vol. I.

Volume III.  576p.  137x230x50mm. Parts 13-18; Jan-June 1864. Orange paper covers. Parts 17 & 18 have the picture removed, and a list of contents inserted. (Leighton's signature is still at the bottom of the cover.) Printer: as Vol. I.

Volume IV.  570p.  138x230x48mm. Parts 19-24; July-Dec 1864. Orange paper covers. Upper cover format as for parts 17-18. Printer: as Vol. I.

Volume V.   572p.  140x230x42mm. Parts 25-30; Jan-June 1865. Orange paper covers. Upper cover format as for parts 17 &18. Printer: as Vol. I.

Volume VI.  572p.  140x230x44mm. Parts 31-36; July-Dec 1865. Ditto. Printer: as Vol. I.

Volume VII. 572, [30]p. 140x230x45mm. Parts 37-42; Jan-June 1866. Ditto.

Volume VIII. 571p.  139x230x40mm. Parts 43-48; July-Dec 1866. Ditto.

Volume XVI. 572p. 138x230x34mm. Vol. II, parts 1-6 (91-96); July-Dec 1870. Brown paper covers. Design reverts to the format of Parts 1-16. Published by W. Mackintosh. Printer: London: C.W. Bradley, printer, 3, Russell-Court, Brydes-Street, Strand, W.C. 

Volume XVII. 576p. 137x230x37mm. Parts 97-102; Jan-June 1871. Ditto.

Volume XVIII. 476p. 136x228x29mm. Parts 103-108;July-Dec 1871. Ditto.

Volume XVIII [i.e. XIX]. 576p. 136x228x32mm. Parts 109-114; Jan-June 1872. No paper covers bound in. Publisher: Office - 14, York Street, Covent Garden.   Printer: London: C.W. Bradley, printer, 3, Russell-Court, Brydes-Street, Strand, W.C. 

Volume V[i.e. XX]. 576p. 137x230x35mm. Parts 115-120; July-Dec 1872. No paper covers bound in. Publisher: Office:- 24, Paternoster Row, London E.C.

Volume XX [i.e.XXI]. 336p. 136x228x25mm. Parts 121-124; Jan-April 1873. Blue paper covers for parts 121 and 124 bound in; the same design printed as for parts 1-16, without Leighton's signature. Publisher: W. Macintosh, 24, Paternoster Row.

NOTE – insert in each entry:

From: Gleeson White pages 63-65

Any periodical containing the work of Millais and Sandys is obviously, in the front rank, but The Churchman's Family Magazine, which started in January 1863, did not long maintain its high level; yet the first half a dozen volumes hive enough good work to entitle them to more than passing mention. This, like London Society, was published by Mr. James Hogg, and must not be confounded with another of the same price, with similar title, The Churchman's Shilling Magazine, to which reference is made elsewhere. In the familiar octavo of its class, it is well printed and well illustrated. The first volume contains two full pages by Millais, Let that be please (p. 15) and You will forgive me (p. 221); three illustrations by E. J. Poynter to The Painter’s Glory (pp. 124, 131, 136); three by T. Morten (pp.  137, 432, and 531); five by J. D. Watson, Only Grandmamma (p. 89), Christian Martyr (p. 104), Sunday Evening (p. 191), The Hermit (p. 260), and Mary Magdalene (p. 346); three by Charles Green to How Susy Tried (pp. 57, 64, 7'). and one each to Henry II. (p. 385), and An Incident in Canterbury Cathedral (p. 482), a drawing strangely resembling a 'John Gilbert.' H. S. Marks is represented by Home Longing (p. 113) and Age and Youth (p. 337); H. H. Armstead by Fourth Sunday in Lent (p. 245) and Angel Teachers (p. 539); J. C. Horsley by Anne Boleyn (p. 136); F. R. Pickersgill by The Still Small Voice (p. 586); G. H. Thomas by Catechising in Church (p. 225), and R. Barnes by Music for the Cottage (p. 289) and The Strange Gentleman  (p. 293). Besides these the volume contains others by Rebecca (sister to Simeon) Solomon (p. 571), L. Huard, D. H. Friston, H. C. Selous, T. Macquoid, W. M'Connell, T. Sulman, E. K. Johnson (Spenser, p. 576), and J. B. Zwecker - a very fairly representative group of the average illustrator or the period.


The second half of 1863 (vol. ii.) enshrines the fine Frederick Sandys, The Waiting Time, an incident of the Lancashire cotton famine (p. 91). Another of M. J. Lawless's, most charming designs, One Dead (p. 275), (reprinted under the title of The Silent Chamber), will be found here. M.E. Edwards contributes two, Ianthe's Grave (p. 12 8) and Child, I said (p. 405); G. J. Pinwell is represented once with By the Sea (p. 257); and T. Morten with The Bell-ringers' Christmas Story (p. 513). The other artists include H. C. Selous, C. W. Cope, F. R. Pickersgill, E. Armitage, A. W. Cooper, E. H. Wehnert, E. H. Corbould, Marshall Claxton, P. W. Justyne, P. Skelton, Paulo Priolo, D. H. Friston, H. Sanderson, Creswick, and T. B. Daiziel.


In vol. iii. (1864) M. J. Lawless has Harold Massey's Confession (p. 65); C. Green, Thinking and Wishing (p. 223); G. J. Pinwell, March Winds (p. 232); M. E. Edwards, At the Casement (p. 354); and T. Morten, The Twilight Hour (p. 553). Among other contributors are Florence Caxton, L. Huard, H. M. Vining, W. M'Connell, Rebecca Solomon, H. Fitzcook, John Absolom, Percy Justyne, F. W. Keyl, W. J. Allen.

In vol. iv. are J. D. Watson's Crusaders in Sight of Jerusalem (p. 557), T. B. Daiziel's In the Autumn Twilight (p. 441), and A. W. Cooper's Lesson of the Watermill (p. 339); Florence Caxton illustrates the serial.

And in vol. v, M. E. Edwards's Deare Childe (p. 114), and The Emblem of Life  (p. 64), and A. Boyd Houghton's A Word in Season (p. 409), are best worth noting. Vol. vi. has a good study of it monk, Desert Meditations (p. 493), and a Gretchen's Lament by M. E. Edwards. From vol. vii. onwards portraits, chiefly of ecclesiastical dignitaries, take the place of pictures.

NOTE:  Pagination of Volume I.

January 1863. 1-112pp. 3 plates.

February 1863. 113-224. 3 plates.

March 1863 225-336. 5 plates.

April 1863. 337-448. 5 plates.

May 1863. 419-544. 4 plates.

June 1863. 545-636. 4 plates.


Record no: 1851

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.201 (b)

De Beaumont: Case 263a

BL: (Paper copy) P.P.357b.

The Churchman's family magazine containing contributions by the clergy and distinguished literary men. With upwards of seventy illustrations.  With illustrations by Frederick Sandys; E. H Corbould; W. P. Burton; F. R. Pickersgill, R. A.; M. Ellen Edwards; T. B. Dalziel; E. H. Wehnert; Alfred W. Cooper; M. J. Lawless; P. W. Justyne; E. Armitage; H. C. Selous; Marshall Claxton; T. Morten, and others. Vol. II. London: James Hogg, 1863. London: Harrild, printer. 568p. The other illustrators given in the ‘List of Illustrations’ are: G. J. Pinwell, Percival Skelton, Creswick, H. Sanderson, Paolo Priolo, Mrs. Rhymer-Jones. The illustrations are variously signed: Swain, W. Thomas, H. Harral, Dalziel. The frontispiece illustration is after Henry Courtney Selous, signed with his monogram, bottom right, and is captioned: “Alice are we friends? See “The discipline of sorrow” ” The illustration facing page 385 is after Mary Ellen Edwards, captioned: “On the shelf – see page 405”. The illustration facing page 407 is after H. Sanderson, captioned: “ “Shame, Shame, Penro” cried the steward’s daughter. See page 407”. The illustration facing page 481 is after Thomas Morten, signed left hand corner, and is captioned “The bell-ringers story. See “The peal of hope.” [page 513]. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Binding: Marbled edges, endpapers and pastedowns. Half blue calf. The fillets on the covers are tooled in blind. The spine is divided into six panels by double fillets tooled in gold or in blind. Panels two and four have, tooled in gold, the title words and the volume numbers on red leather labels: “/ Churchman’s/ Family/ Magazine/ Vol./ II./” 


NOTE: Pagination of Vol. II.

July 1863. viii, 1-96pp. 4 plates.

August 1863. 97-192. 3 plates.

September 1863. 193-288. 2 plates.

October 1863. 289-384. 3 plates.

November 1863. 385-480. 3 plates.

December 1863. 481-0568. 2 plates.

There are a number of full page illustrations that are part of the overall pagination, e.g. 137, 225.

Record no: 1852

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.202

De Beaumont: Case 263a

BL: (Paper copy – see earlier entry above) [Cloth copy in the University of Durham – XX 052.4]

The Churchman's family magazine containing contributions by the clergy and distinguished literary men. With upwards of seventy illustrations.  With upwards of seventy illustrations by C.W. Cope, R.A.; J.E. Millais, A.R.A.; J.D. Watson; J.C. Horsley, A.R.A.; George Thomas; H. C. Selous; L. Huard; H.H. Armstead; F.R. Pickersgill, R.A.; T. Sulman; P.W. Justyne; H.S. Marks, and others. Vol. I. London: James Hogg, 1863. London: Harrild, printer. 636p. The other illustrators given in the ‘List of Illustrations’ are: Charles Green, E. J. Poynter, T. Morten, J. Hayter, D. H. Friston, W. P. Burton, J. B. Zwecker, Robert Barnes, R. Hind, Thomas Kennedy, A. Claxton, T. Macquoid, William Harvey, William Mc Connell, Rebecca Solomon. The illustrations are variously signed by Swain, W. Thomas, H. Harral, Dalziel.

The illustration facing page 104 is after Watson, captioned: ‘The Christian Martyr.’ The illustration facing page 531 is after Morten, captioned: ‘The moment of danger.’ The illustration facing page 539 is after H. H. Armstead, captioned: ‘Angel Teachers.’. The Illustration facing page 571 is after Rebecca Solomon, captioned: ‘The results of an ambiguous direction.’ Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front endpaper recto and on a separate paper slip. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

The pagination is as for 1992,0406.201 (a).

Binding: The design is after John Leighton. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue honeycomb-grain cloth. The lower covers is blocked in blind, with a rule frame formed by several fillets and three circles within it. On the upper cover, there is a border pattern of "leaves and spade" shapes. Then three fillets are blocked in gold on the borders. The design blocked within the borders shows an identical circle at the head and the tail. Each circle is made up of petals, with leaves and hatched crosses blocked between each petal. The two circles have two fillets blocked in gold on their borders, with repeating dots in blind. These fillets form a figure of eight, linking the top and bottom circle, and forming a circle on the centre. The central circle contains a trefoil, with two fillets on its borders. The title: "The Churchman's Family Magazine" is blocked in gold in gothic lettering. The capitals "C", "F" and "M" are blocked in relief within rectangular horizontal hatch gold lettering-pieces. At the base of the trefoil, a gold lettering-piece is blocked, with the words: "/ Illustrated / by/ Eminent Artists" blocked in relief inside. The spine is blocked in gold and relief. A single fillet is blocked in gold on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: a rectangle formed by single fillets, with small decoration blocked inside; an arch at the head, with passion flowers and tendrils blocked left and right; the title: "/ The/ Churchman's/ Family/ Magazine/ Volume I./" is blocked in gold in gothic lettering; the capital letters "C", "F", and "M" are blocked in relief within rectangular gold lettering-pieces; a mandorla, with three fillets on its perimeter: one of gold only, one of gold. with dots blocked in relief, one of hatched gold, with small leaf decoration within blocked in relief; a gold lettering-piece is blocked on the centre of the mandorla, with the words: "[a cross]/ Illustrated/ by/ Eminent/ Artists/" blocked in relief; passion flowers and leaves in gold; signed "JL"[i.e. John Leighton] in gold as separate letters between two passion flower buds; at the tail, there is a cartouche and two leaves, blocked in gold within a rectangular hatched gold lettering-piece, with a single fillet blocked on its border.

The University of Durham copy is at shelf mark XX 052.4  It has four volumes, bound in cloth,  for 1863-1865.

Record no: 1853

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.206 (a)

De Beaumont: Case 263b

BL: P.P.6214.d.

Document Supply 4201.370000

Good Words for1860. Edited by Norman Macleod, D. D. And Illustrated by J. B., J. D. Watson, J. Wolf, F. Walker, and others. London: Alexander Strahan and Co., 32 Ludgate Hill, 1860.  Edinburgh: Thomas Constable, printer to the Queen and to the University. 796p. [The illustrations are placed within the text throughout.] The illustrators not on the title page are listed as [full names where possible]: J. O. Brown, Jas. Archer, Jas. Drummond, Erskine Nicol, Richard Principal Leitch, Samuel Bough, A.J. Symington [possibly Andrew James Symington], John Keeley Halswelle, Clark Stanton, William Quiller  Orchardson, J. L. Porter, Gourlay Steell, Hughes Taylor, Charles Altamont Doyle, Robert Herdman, Clarence Dobell. Several of the engravings are signed “F. Borders Sc.” The note by the Editor on page 796 reflects the purpose of the magazine. The illustration on page 200 is after Jas. Archer, signed bottom left and accompanies the poem: “A cloister legend”. The illustrations on page 313 and page 353 are after Halswelle, signed bottom left, accompanying the text of “Lady Somerville’s maidens”. The illustration on page 616 is after C. A. Doyle, accompanying the text of “Mistakes”. The illustration on page 790 is after C. A. Doyle, accompanying the poem: “The Christmas tree”.  Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind

Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards.  Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple wave vertical-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on both covers. A single fillet blocked in blind on the borders forms a “rule frame”. On the corners and the sides, patterns of stems, leaves and flower buds are blocked in blind. On the centre of the upper cover, the title: “/ Good/ Words/ 1860/”, are blocked in gold, in “floral” letters. The same lettering is blocked on the centre of the lower cover, in blind. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: stylised plant decoration, blocked in blind; the words: “Good/ Words/ Edited By/ Norman Macleod D. D./” are blocked in gold. On the lower half of the spine, a diamond is formed by two fillets, blocked in gold; the diamond is surrounded by stylised plant decoration, blocked in blind; within the diamond, amidst plant decoration, the words: “/ With/ Illustrations//” are blocked in gold. The year: “/1860/” is blocked in gold at the tail.

From: Gleeson White pages 44 to 55



This popular, semi-religious, sixpenny magazine, estab­lished in 186o, achieved quickly a circulation that was record-breaking in its time. Edited by Dr. Norman Macleod, it was printed by Thomas Constable, and published (at first) in Edinburgh by Alexander Strahan and Co. Al­though, viewed in the light of its later issues, one cannot help feeling disappointed with the first volume, yet even there the pictures are distinctly interesting as a forecast, even if they do not call for any detailed notice by reason of their intrinsic merit. They rarely exceed a half page in size, and were engraved none too well by various crafts­men. Indeed, judging from the names of the artists, then as afterwards, given fully in the index of illustrations, it might not be unfair to blame the engravers still more strongly. The very fact that the illustrations are duly ascribed in a separate list is proof that, from the first, the editor recognised their importance. Such honourable re­cognition of the personality of an illustrator is by no means the rule, even in periodicals that have equal right to be proud of their collaborators. Where the artists' names are recorded it is rare to find them acknowledged so fully and thoroughly as in Good Words. In other magazines they are usually referred to under the title of the article they illustrate and nowhere else; or their name is printed (as in Once a Week) with a bare list of numerals showing the pages containing their pictures; but in Good Words the subject, titles, and artists' names have always been accorded a special index.




In the first volume, for 1860, W. Q. Orchardson—not then even an Associate of the Royal Academy—supplies nine •drawings, engraved by F. Borders. Admirable in their own way, one cannot but feel that the signature leads one toexpect something much more interesting; and, knowing the quality of Mr. Orchardson's later work, it is impossible to Avoid throwing the blame on the engraver. Keeley Halswelle contributes six; in these you find (badly drawn or spoilt by I lie engraver) those water-lilies in blossom, which in after years (came a mannerism in his landscape foregrounds. J. W. M 'Whirter has four—one a group of Autumn Flowers (p. 664), cut by R. Paterson, that deserves especial notice as a much inure elaborate piece of engraving than any other in the volume. Erskine Nicol supplies two genre pieces, the fullpage, Mary Macdonell and her friends (p. 216), being, most probably, a thoroughly good sketch, but here again the translator has produced hard scratchy lines that fail to suggest the freer play of pencil or pen, whichever it was that produced the original. Others by 'J. B.,' J. 0. Brown, C. A. Doyle, Clarence Dobell, Jas. Drummond, Clark Stanton, Gourlay Steel and Hughes Taylor, call for no particular comment.




Record no: 1854

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.206(b)

De Beaumont: Case 263b

BL: P.P.6214.d.

Document Supply 4201.370000

Good Words for1862. Edited by Norman Macleod, D. D. And Illustrated by J. E. Millais, Holman Hunt, John Tenniel, Charles Keene, Frederick Walker, J. D. Watson, and others. London: Alexander Strahan and Co., 32 Ludgate Hill, 1862.  [Edinburgh: Thomas Constable, printer to the Queen and to the University.] 766p. [The illustrations are placed within the text throughout; no separate plates.]  The illustrators, not on the title page, are listed as [full names where possible]:, Andrews, Professor Smyth, Thomas Morten, Leifchild, Matthew James Lawless, E. B. Jones, John Pettie, William Paton Burton, Frederick Sandys, F. Stone, Arthur Boyd Houghton, Henry Hugh Armistead, James Whistler, S. Solomon [i.e. probably Simeon Solomon], John McWhirter. Several of the engravings are signed “Dalziel”. The illustration on page 536 is after Keene, accompanying the text of “Her Majesty Nannerl the washerwoman”. The illustration on page 585 is after Whistler, signed bottom left, accompanying chapter 1 of “the Trial Sermon”. The illustration on page 592 is after S. Solomon, signed with monogram bottom right, accompanying William Robertson’s poem: “The veiled bride”. The illustration on page 649 is after Whistler, signed bottom right, accompanying chapter 3 of “the trial sermon”. The illustration on page 721 is after Houghton, signed with monogram bottom left, accompanying the poem by Adelaide A. Proctor: “True or false?” The illustration on page 753 is after Houghton, accompanying the story “About toys” by J. Hamilton Fyfe. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front endpaper verso, and on a separate paper slip.  The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.



Gold and blind

From Gleeson White:

In 1862 we find added to its list of artists, Millais, Keene, Sandys, Whistler, Holman Hunt, E. Burne-Jones, A. Boyd Houghton, Tenniel, S. Solomon, and Lawless, a notable group, even in that year when so many magazines show a marvellous 'galaxy of stars.' To Millais fell the twelve illustrations to Mistress and Maid, by the author of John Halifax, and two others, Olaf (p. 25) and Highland Flora (1),3.93). That these maintain fully the reputation of the great illustrator, whose later achievements in oil have in popular estimation eclipsed his importance as a black-and-white artist, goes without saying. If not equal to the superb Parables of the following year, they are worthy of their author. Indeed, no matter when you come across a Millais, it is with a fresh surprise each time that one finds it rarely falls below a singularly high level, and is apt to seem, for the moment, the best he ever did.


The two illustrations by J. M 'Neill Whistler seem to be very little known. Those to Once a Week, possibly from the fact of their being reprinted in Thornbury's Legendary Ballads, have been often referred to and reproduced several times; but no notice (so far as I recollect) of these, to The First Sermon, has found its way into print. The one (p. 585) shows a girl crouching by a fire, with a man, whose head is turned towards her, seated at a table with his hand on a lute. The other (p. 649) is a seated girl in meditation before a writing-table. Not a little of the beauty of line, which distinguishes the work of the famous etcher, is evident in these blocks, which were both engraved by Dalziel, and as whatever the original lost cannot now be estimated, as they stand they are nevertheless most admirable works, preserving the rapid touch of the pen-line in a remarkable degree.


The Charles Keene drawing to Nannerl the Washerwoman is another Dalziel block which merits praise in no slight measure; as here again one fancies that the attempt has men to preserve a facsimile of each touch of the artist, Mid not to translate wash into line. The King Sigurd of Burne-Jones has certainly lost a great deal; in fact, judg­ing by drawings of the same period still extant, it conveys in effect quite different from that its author intended. Certainly, at the present time, he regards it as entirely un­representative; but no doubt then as now he disliked drawing upon wood. To-day it has been said that his Chaucer draw­ings in pencil were practically translated by another hand in the course of their being engraved on wood. Certainly tech­nique of lead pencil is hardly suggested, much less reproduced in facsimile in the entirely admirable engravings by the veteran Mr. W. H. Hooper. But if the designs were photographed on the block such translation as they have undergone is no doubt due to the engraver.


A drawing by Simeon Solomon, The Veiled Bride (p. 592), seems also much less dainty than his pencil studies of the same period. Many artists, when they attempt to draw upon wood, find the material peculiarly unsympathetic. Rossetti has left his opinion on record, and it is quite possible that in both the Burne-Jones and Solomon, as in the Tennyson drawings, although the engravers may have accomplished miracles, what the artist had put down was untranslatable. For the delicacies Id pencil may easily produce something beyond the power of even the most skillful engraver to reproduce. The Sandys, (Until her Death (p. 312), illustrating a poem, loses much as it appeared in the magazine; you have but to compare it proof from the block itself, in a reprinted collection of Messrs. Strahan's engravings, to realise how different a result was secured upon good paper with careful printing. A. Boyd Houghton is represented by four subjects: My Treasure (p. 504), On the Cliff (p. 624), True or False (p. 721), and About Toys (p. 753); they all belong to the manner of his Home Scenes, rather than to his oriental illus­trations. The Battle of Gilboa (p. 89), by Tenniel, is typical. M. J. Lawless is at his best in Rung into Heaven (p. 135), and in the Bands of Love (p. 632) shows more grace than he sometimes secured when confronted by modern costume.

T. Morten has a finely-engraved night-piece, Pictures in the Fire (p. 200), besides The Christmas Child (p. 56) and The carrier Pigeon (p. 121). The Holman Hunt, Go and Come (p. 32), a weeping figure, is not particularly interesting. Honesty (p. 736), by T. Graham, gives evidence of the power of an artist who has yet to be 'discovered' so far as his illustra­tions are concerned. H. H. Armstead's Seaweeds (p. 568), and eight by J. D. Watson (pp. 9, 81, 144, 201, 209, 302, 400, 433) need no special comment, nor do the ten by J. Pettie (pp. 264-713). Fred Walker is represented by The Summer Woods, a typical pastoral (p. 368), Love in Death, a careworn woman in the snow (p. 18), and Out among the wildflowers (p. 657), the latter an excellent example of the grace he imparted to rustic figures. These, with a few diagrams and engravings from photographs, complete the record of a memorable, if not the most memorable, year of the magazine.


Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled bords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple wave vertical-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on both covers. A single fillet blocked in blind on the borders forms a “rule frame”. On the corners and the sides, patterns of stems, leaves and flower buds are blocked in blind. On the centre of the upper cover, the title: “/ Good/ Words/ 1862/”, are blocked in gold, in “floral” letters. The same lettering is blocked on the centre of the lower cover, in blind. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: stylised plant decoration, blocked in blind; the words: “Good/ Words/ Edited By/ Norman Macleod D. D./” are blocked in gold. On the lower half of the spine, a diamond is formed by two fillets, blocked in gold; the diamond is surrounded by stylised plant decoration, blocked in blind; within the diamond, amidst plant decoration, the words: “/ With/ Illustrations//” are blocked in gold. The year: “/1862/” is blocked in gold at the tail.


Record no: 1855

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.206(c)

De Beaumont: Case 263b

BL: P.P.6214.d.

Document Supply 4201.370000

Good Words for1863. Edited by Norman Macleod, D. D. And Illustrated by J. E. Millais, John Tenniel, J. D. Watson, T. Morten, F. Sandys, John Pettie, and others. London: Alexander Strahan and Co., 32 Ludgate Hill, 1863.  [London: Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars.] 890p. 52 plates.  The plates are separate from the text throughout. [This may mean that Bradbury and Evans or Dalziel Brothers have used electrotypes to reproduce the original wood engravings.]  The illustrators, not on the title page, are listed as [full names where possible]: Arthur Boyd Houghton, John Leighton, Thomas Graham, Christopher Jones, Horatio Joseph Lucas, E. J. Pinwell [sic, probably George John Pinwell], Edward William Cooke, John William North,  Walter Crane.  Most of the engravings are signed “Dalziel”. The frontispiece is after Millais, is signed with his monogram, bottom left, and is captioned: “The labourers in the vineyard.” The illustration facing page 16 is after Pettie, is signed bottom right, and is captioned: “The monks and the heathen”, accompanying the story of the same title by Charles Kingsley. The borders and decorations on pages 104-105 are after John Leighton, signed by him, accompanying the poem: “Popular epithalamium; or the marriage of the Prince of Wales”. The illustration facing page 476 is after Pettie, is signed bottom right, and it titled in the List of Illustrations as “Kalampin, the Negro”. The illustration facing page 693 is after Cooke, captioned “The life-boat”, accompanying the article “The life-boat and its work” by Sir David Brewster. The illustration facing page 780 is after Graham, is signed with his monogram bottom left, is captioned: “Reconciled”, accompanying the poem with the same title by Jean Ingelow. The illustration facing page 796 is after Crane,, is signed bottom right, and is captioned “The Islanders fell back from them”, accompanying a story “Treasure Trove”.  Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.



Gold and blind


From Gleeson White:

In 1863 we find less variety in the artists and subjects, which is due to the presence of the superb series of draw­ings by Millais, The Parables, wherein the great illustrator touched his highest level. To call these twelve pictures master­pieces is for once to apply consistently a term often misused. For, though one ransacked the portfolios of Europe, not many sets of drawings could be found to equal, and very few to excel them. The twelve subjects appeared in the following order: The Leaven (p. i), The Ten Virgins (p. 81), The Prodigal Son (p. 161), The Good Samaritan (p. 241), The Unjust Judge (p. 313), The Pharisee and Publican (p. 385), The Hid Treasure (p. 461), The Pearl of Great Price (p. 533), The Lost Piece of Money' (p. 605), The Sower (p. 677), The Unmerciful Servant (p. 749), and The Labourers in the Vine‑
yard (p. 821). To F. Sandys two drawings are attributed; one obviously from another hand, but Sleep (p. 589) undoubtedly marks his final appearance in this magazine. T. Morten in represented by cousin Winnie (p. 257), Hester Durham (. 492), The Spirit of Eld (p. 629, unsigned), a powerful composition that at first glance might almost be taken for a Sandys, and An Orphan Family's Christmas (p. 844). In Autumn Thoughts (p. 743) we have an example of J. W. North, more akin to those he contributed to the Dalziel table-books, a landscape, with a fine sense of space, despite the fact that it is enclosed by trees. John Tenniel, in The Norse Princess (p. 201) and Queen Dagmar (p. 344), finds subjects that suit him peculiarly well. The Summer Snow (p. 380), at­tributed to 'Christopher' Jones, is by Sir Edward Burne-Jones of course, and the final contribution of the artist to these pages. H.  J. Lucas, a name rarely encountered, has one drawing, The Sangreal (p. 454). A. Boyd Houghton, in St. Elmo (p. 64), A Missionary Cheer (p. 547), and Childhood (p. 636), in showing the more mature style of his best period. G. J. Pinwell has but a single drawing, Martin Ware's Temptation (p. 573) and that not peculiarly individual; John Pettie appears with six, The Monks and the Heathen (p. 14), The Passion Flowers of Life (p. 141), a study of an old man seated in a creeper-covered porch with a child on his lap, The Night Walk over the Mill Stream (p. 185), and Not above his Business (p. 272), A Touch of Nature (p. 417), and The Negro (p. 476). To a later generation, who only know the pictures of the Royal Academician, these cone as a surprise, and prove the versatility of an artist whose painting was somewhat mannered. Walter Crane's— a fine group of oriental sailors—Treasure-trove (p. 795), and J. D. Watson's six drawings are all capable and accomplished; A Pastoral (p. 32), a very elaborate composition which looks like a copy of an oil-painting, Fallen in the Night (p. 97), The Curate of Suverdsio (p. 333), The Aspen (p. 401), Rhoda (p. 520), and Olive Shand's Partner (p. 774), with the not very important Sheep and Goats wrongly attributed to Sandys, two decorated pages by John Leighton, one drawing by E. W. Cooke and five by T. Graham, complete the year’s record.


Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple wave vertical-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on both covers. A single fillet blocked in blind on the borders forms a “rule frame”. On the corners and the sides, patterns of stems, leaves and flower buds are blocked in blind. On the centre of the upper cover, the title: “/ Good/ Words/ 1863/”, are blocked in gold, in “floral” letters. The same lettering is blocked on the centre of the lower cover, in blind. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: stylised plant decoration, blocked in blind; the words: “Good/ Words/ Edited By/ Norman Macleod D. D./” are blocked in gold. On the lower half of the spine, a diamond is formed by two fillets, blocked in gold; the diamond is surrounded by stylised plant decoration, blocked in blind; within the diamond, amidst plant decoration, the words: “/ With/ Illustrations//” are blocked in gold. The year: “/1863/” is blocked in gold at the tail.


Record no: 1856

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.206(d)

De Beaumont: Case 263b

BL: P.P.6214.d.

Document Supply 4201.370000

Good Words for 1864. Edited by Norman Macleod, D. D. And illustrated by J. E. Millais, John Tenniel, Frederick Walker, Robert Barnes, G. J. Pinwell, R. P. Leitch, Arthur Hughes and others. London: Alexander Strahan and Co., 32 Ludgate Hill, 1864.  [London: Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars.] 974p. 73 plates and illustrations set into text.  The plates are separate from the text throughout. [This may mean that electrotypes were used to reproduce the original wood engravings.]  The illustrators, not on the title page, are listed as [full names where possible]: Mrs. Blackburn, John Pettie, Robert Taylor Pritchett, Philip Henry Gosse, Matthew James Lawless, John Mc Whirter, Joseph Wolf, J. W. Ehrenger, Thomas Sulman, Dean Henry Alford, Wellington Colomb, Florence Claxton, Fredeiick Eltze. Most of the engravings are signed “J. Swain”. The illustration facing page 33  is after Walker, signed with his initials bottom right, and is captioned: “Here’s Dame Hundley flying onto us sir.”, accompanying part I of “Oswald Cray”, by Mrs. Henry Wood. The illustration facing page 400 is after Thomas Sulman, captioned: “The Arch of Titus”, accompanying the text of “Letters from abroad. III. – Rome” by the Dean of Canterbury [i.e. Henry Alford]. The illustration facing page 704 is after Henry Alford, captioned “The Great Convent of Assisi.”, accompanying the text of “Letters from Abroad. VI. - Central Italy”. The illustration facing page 840 is after Florence Claxton, captioned: “They cry. ‘Peace, Peace, when there is no Peace.’” Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front endpaper verso and on a separate paper slip. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind

From Gleeson White:

The volume for 1864 is distinctly less interesting. Never­theless it holds some fine things. Notably five Millais', in­cluding Oh! the Lark (p. 65), A Scene for a Study (p. 161), Polly (p. 248), (a baby-figure kneeling by a bed, which has been republished elsewhere more than once), The Bridal of Dandelot (p. 304), and Prince Philibert (p. 481), another very popular childish subject, a small girl with a small boy holding a toy-boat. Frederick Walker, in his illustrations to Mrs. Henry Wood's novel, Oswald Cray (pp. 32-129, 202, 286, 371, 453, 532, and 604), shows great dramatic insight, and a certain domestic charm, which has caused the other­wise not very entrancing story to linger in one's memory in a way quite disproportionate to its merits. The remaining illustrations to Oswald Cray are by R. Barnes (pp. 691, 761, 827), the same artist contributing also Grandmother's Snuff, (p. 411), A Burn Case (p. 568), A Lancashire Doxology, (p. 585), Blessed to Give (p. 641), and The Organ Fiend (p. 697). M. J. Lawless is responsible for only one subject, a study of a man and a harpsichord, The Player and the Listeners; in this case, as, on turning over the pages, you re-read a not very noteworthy poem, you find it has lingered in memory merely from its association with a picture. Arthur Hughes has a graceful design, At the Sepulchre (p. 728), which seems to have lost much in the engraving; John Tenniel is also represented by a solitary example, The Way in the Wood (p. 552); G. J. Pinwell, in five full-page drawings, A Christ­mas Carol (p. 30), The Cot/age in the Highlands (p. 427), M' Diarmid explained (p. 504), Malachi's Cove (p. 729), and Mourning (p. 760), sustains his high level. Other subjects, animal pictures by J. Wolf, and figures and landscapes by R. P. Leitch, Florence Claxton, F. Eltze, J. W. Ehrenger, R. T. Pritchett, and W. Colomb, call for no special mention. To John Pettie is attributed a tail-piece of no importance.



Binding: Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple wave vertical-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on both covers. A single fillet blocked in blind on the borders forms a “rule frame”. On the corners and the sides, patterns of stems, leaves and flower buds are blocked in blind. On the centre of the upper cover, the title: “/ Good/ Words/ 1864/”, are blocked in gold, in “floral” letters. The same lettering is blocked on the centre of the lower cover, in blind. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: stylised plant decoration, blocked in blind; the words: “Good/ Words/ Edited By/ Norman Macleod D. D./” are blocked in gold. On the lower half of the spine, a diamond is formed by two fillets, blocked in gold; the diamond is surrounded by stylised plant decoration, blocked in blind; within the diamond, amidst plant decoration, the words: “/ With/ Illustrations//” are blocked in gold. The year: “/1864/” is blocked in gold at the tail.


Record no: 1857

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.206(e)

De Beaumont: Case 263b

BL: P.P.6214.d.

Document Supply 4201.370000

Good Words for1865. Edited by Norman Macleod, D. D. And illustrated by Robert Barnes, Paul Gray, T. Sulman, Edward Hughes, and others. London: Strahan and Co., Magazine Publishers, 56 Ludgate Hill, 1865.  London: Bradbury,  Evans, printers, Whitefriars. 934p. 72 separate plates and illustrations set into text. [This may mean that electrotypes were used to reproduce original wood engravings.]  Most of the engravings are signed “J. Swain”. The frontispiece is after Paul Gray, signed with his monogram bottom left, captioned: “The last of the English”, accompanying the story: “Hereward, the last of the English”, by Charles Kingsley. The plate facing page 208 is after Robert Barnes, singed with his monogram bottom right, captioned: “”Poor thing!” said the washerwoman.” , accompanying chapter VII of the story “Alfred Hagart’s household, by Alexander Smith. The plate facing page 709 is after Paul Gray, signed with his monogram bottom left, captioned: “Shall we burst open the door and kill them all?”, accompanying chapter XXXIII of “Hereward: the last of the English”. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front endpaper verso and on a separate paper slip. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind

Binding: Text sewn on three cords. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple wave vertical-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on both covers. A single fillet blocked in blind on the borders forms a “rule frame”. On the corners and the sides, patterns of stems, leaves and flower buds are blocked in blind. On the centre of the upper cover, the title: “/ Good/ Words/ 1865/”, are blocked in gold, in “floral” letters. The same lettering is blocked on the centre of the lower cover, in blind. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: stylised plant decoration, blocked in blind; the words: “Good/ Words/ Edited By/ Norman Macleod D. D./” are blocked in gold. On the lower half of the spine, a diamond is formed by two fillets, blocked in gold; the diamond is surrounded by stylised plant decoration, blocked in blind; within the diamond, amidst plant decoration, the words: “/ With/ Illustrations//” are blocked in gold. The year: “/1865/” is blocked in gold at the tail.

From Gleeson White:

With 1865 comes a sudden cessation of interest, as seventy of the illustrations are engraved 'from photographs of oriental scenes to illustrate the editor's series of travel papers,' Eastward. This leaves room merely for pictures to the two serials. Paul Gray contributed those to Charles Kingsley's novel, Hereward, the Last of the English; but the twelve drawings are unequal, and in few show the promise which elsewhere he exhibited so fully. Robert Barnes supplies nine for the story, Alfred Hagart's Household, by Alexander Smith of City Poems fame. These, like all the artist's work, are singularly good of their kind, and show at once his great facility and his comparatively limited range of types.


Record no: 1858

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.206(f)

De Beaumont: Case 263b

BL: P.P.6214.d.

Document Supply 4201.370000

Good Words for1866. Edited by Norman Macleod, D. D. And illustrated by J. Wolf, R. P.  Leitch, W. Small, G. J. Pinwell,, A. B. Houghton, J. W. North, and others. London: Strahan and Co., Magazine Publishers, 1866.  London: Bradbury, Evans, and Co, printers, Whitefriars. 862p. 60 separate plates and illustrations set into text. [This may mean that electrotypes were used to reproduce original wood engravings.]  Additional artists in the “List of Illustrations” are:  E. W. Wimpriss [i.e. possibly Edmund Morison Wimperis], T. Sulman, F. W. Lawson, W. J. Linton. Most of the engravings are signed “J. Swain” and “Linton”. The illustration facing page 424 is after Linton, signed bottom left, accompanying the poem: “Between the showers”. The illustrations between pages 600 and 601 are after Houghton, accompanying the poem “Harvest”, by E. A. S. The illustrations facing page 624 is after Edwards, captioned: “Ruth Thornbury”, accompanying chapter VII of the story of the same title by William Gilbert. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front endpaper verso and on a separate paper slip. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind

Binding: Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple wave vertical-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on both covers. A single fillet blocked in blind on the borders forms a “rule frame”. On the corners and the sides, patterns of stems, leaves and flower buds are blocked in blind. On the centre of the upper cover, the title: “/ Good/ Words/ 1866/”, are blocked in gold, in “floral” letters. The same lettering is blocked on the centre of the lower cover, in blind. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: stylised plant decoration, blocked in blind; the words: “Good/ Words/ Edited By/ Norman Macleod D. D./” are blocked in gold. On the lower half of the spine, a diamond is formed by two fillets, blocked in gold; the diamond is surrounded by stylised plant decoration, blocked in blind; within the diamond, amidst plant decoration, the words: “/ With/ Illustrations//” are blocked in gold. The year: “/1866/” is blocked in gold at the tail.

From Gleeson White

In 1866, although engravings after photographs do not usurp the space to the extent they did in the previous year, they are present, and the volume, in spite of many excellent drawings, cannot compare in interest with those for 1862-64. The frontispiece, Lilies, is a most charming figure-subject by W. Small, who contributes also three others: The Old Yeomanry Weeks (p. 127), Deliverance (p. 663), a typical ex­ample of a landscape with figures in the foreground, which, iii the hands of this artist, becomes something entirely distinct from the 'figure with a landscape beyond ' of most others; and Carissimo P. 736), a pair of lovers on an old stone bench, 'just beyond the Julian gate,' which seems as carefully studied as if it were intended for a painting in oils. To compare the average picture to a poem to-day, with the work of Mr. Small and many of his fellows, is not encouraging. Thirty years ago it seemed as if the draughtsman did his best to evolve a perfect representation of the subject of the verses; now one feels doubtful whether the artist does not keep on hand, to be supplied to order, a series of lovers in attitudes warranted to fit, more or less accurately, any verses by any poet. Of course for one picture issued then, a score, perhaps a hundred, are published to-day, and it might be that numer­ically as many really good drawings appear in the course of a year now, as then; but, while our average rarely descends to time feeblest depths of the sixties, it still more rarely comes near such work as Mr. Small's, whose method is still followed and has influenced more decidedly a larger number of draughts­men than has that of Millais, Walker, Pinwell, or Houghton.

Studying his work at this date, you realise how very strongly he influenced the so-called ' Graphic School ' which supplanted the movement we are considering in the next decade. Despite the appreciation, contemporary and retrospective, already bestowed upon his work, despite the influence—not always for good—upon the younger men, it is yet open to doubt if the genius of this remarkable artist has received adequate recognition. In a running commentary upon work of all degrees of excellence, one is struck anew with its admirably sustained power and its constantly fresh manner.

This digression, provoked by the four delightful 'Small' drawings, must not lead one to overlook the rest of the pictures in Good Words for 1866. They include The Island Church, by J. W. North (p. 393), The Life-Boat, by J. W. Lawson (p. 248), Between the Showers, by W. J. Linton, (p. 424), six illustrations to Ruth Thornbury, by M. E. Edwards, and one by G. J. Pinwell, Bridget Daily's Change. Perhaps the most notable of the year are the five still to be named: A. Boyd Houghton's The Voyage, and a set of four half-page drawings, Reaping-, Binding, Carrying; Gleaning, entitled The Harvest (pp. 600, 601). These have a decorative arrangement not always present in the work of this clever artist, and a peculiarly large method of treatment, so much so that if the text informed you that they were pen-sketches from life-size paintings, you would not be surprised. Whether by accident or design, it is curious to discover that the land­scapes in each pair, set as they are on pages facing one another, have a look of being carried across the book in Japanese fashion.



Record no: 1859

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.206(g)

De Beaumont: Case 263b

BL: P.P.6214.d.

Document Supply 4201.370000

Good Words for1867. Edited by Norman Macleod, D. D. And illustrated by G. J. Pinwell,, A. B. Houghton,  W. Small, J. Wolf, J. B. Zwecker, and others. London: Strahan and Co., Magazine Publishers, 1867.  London: Vitrue and Co, printers, City Road. 862p. 57 separate plates and illustrations set into text. [This may mean that electrotypes were used to reproduce original wood engravings.]  Additional artists in the “List of Illustrations” are: T. Dalziel, J. W. Lawson, S. L Fildes, William Simpson. Most of the engravings are signed “Dalziel”. The illustration facing page 6 is after Pinwell, captioned “Guild Court”, signed with his monogram, bottom right, and also signed “Dalziel”, bottom left, accompanying the story of the same title by George Macdonald.  The illustration facing page 537 is after Fildes, signed bottom left and “swain” bottom right, captioned: “In the choir”, accompanying the poem of the same name by Isabella Fyvie [i.e.  Isabella Fyvie Mayo, 1843-1914]. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind

Binding: Sewn on three sawn-in cords. Most of the pages of this volume have stab stitching, as though the monthly parts have been pulled , for re-assembling as part of this annual cumulated volume. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on upper pastedown: “/ Bound by/ J. Lusher & Son, / Diss./” Purple wave vertical-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on both covers. A single fillet blocked in blind on the borders forms a “rule frame”. On the corners and the sides, patterns of stems, leaves and flower buds are blocked in blind. On the centre of the upper cover, the title: “/ Good/ Words/ 1867/”, are blocked in gold, in “floral” letters. The same lettering is blocked on the centre of the lower cover, in blind. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: stylised plant decoration, blocked in blind; the words: “Good/ Words/ Edited By/ Norman Macleod D. D./” are blocked in gold. On the lower half of the spine, a diamond is formed by two fillets, blocked in gold; the diamond is surrounded by stylised plant decoration, blocked in blind; within the diamond, amidst plant decoration, the words: “/ With/ Illustrations//” are blocked in gold. The year: “/1867/” is blocked in gold at the tail.


From Gleeson White

1867 might be called the Pinwell year, as a dozen of his illustrations to Dr. George Mac Donald's Guild Court, and one each to A Bird in the Hand and The Cabin Boy, account for nearly half the original drawings in the volume. W. Small is seen in five characteristic designs to Dr. Macleod's The Starling, and one each to Beside the Stile (p. 645) and The Highland Student (p. 663). Arthur Boyd Houghton contributes Omar and the Persian (p. 104) and Making Poetry (p. 248); the first a typical example of his oriental manner, the latter one of his home scenes. S. L. Fildes appears with In the Choir (p. 537), a church interior showing the influence of William Small. F. W. Lawson illustrates Grace's Fortune with three drawings, also redolent of Small, and Fred Walker has Waiting in the Dusk, a picture of a girl in a passage, which does not illustrate the accompanying verses, and has the air of being a picture prepared for a serial some time before, that, having been delayed for some reason, has been served up with a poem that chanced to be in type.



Record no: 1860

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.206 (h)

De Beaumont: Case 263b

BL: P.P.6214.d.

Document Supply 4201.370000

Good Words for1868. Edited by Norman Macleod, D. D. And illustrated by G. J. Pinwell,, A. B. Houghton,  W. Small, F. A. Fraser, J. Wolf, J. B. Zwecker, J. Leighton, and others. London: Strahan and Co., Magazine Publishers, 56, Ludgate Hill, 1868.  London: Virtue and Co, printers, City Road. 774p. 124 separate plates and illustrations set into text. [This may mean that electrotypes were used to reproduce original wood engravings.]  Additional artists in the “List of Illustrations” are: T. Graham, S. L. Fildes, Henry Alford, J. Bonomi, Fras. Walker, F. Shield, E. Buckman, J. G. Thomson, M. E. Haweis, W. P. Burton, W. Simpson, B. Riviere, H. Paterson, J. Mahoney, J. Burrell Smith, T. Barnard, J. Lawson. Many of the engravings are signed “Dalziel”. The frontispiece is after Small, captioned:’ “The women’s kingdom.”’ The Illustration facing page 33 is after John Leighton.  The illustration facing page 129 is after William Small, captioned:’ “The women’s kingdom.”’ The illustration on page 360 is after John Leighton. The illustration facing page 630 is after B. Riviere [probably Briton Riviere]. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind

Binding: Sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on upper pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Virtue & Co./ City Road/ London./” Purple wave vertical-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on both covers. A single fillet blocked in blind on the borders forms a “rule frame”. On the corners and the sides, patterns of stems, leaves and flower buds are blocked in blind. On the centre of the upper cover, the title: “/ Good/ Words/ 1868/”, are blocked in gold, in “floral” letters. The same lettering is blocked on the centre of the lower cover, in blind. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: stylised plant decoration, blocked in blind; the words: “Good/ Words/ Edited By/ Norman Macleod D. D./” are blocked in gold. On the lower half of the spine, a diamond is formed by two fillets, blocked in gold; the diamond is surrounded by stylised plant decoration, blocked in blind; within the diamond, amidst plant decoration, the words: “/ With/ Illustrations//” are blocked in gold. The year: “/1868/” is blocked in gold at the tail.

From Gleeson White

In 1868 Pinwell and Houghton between them are responsible for quite half the separate plates, and Small contributes no less than thirty-four which illustrate delight-hilly The Woman's Kingdom, a novel by the author of John Halifax, together with a large number of vignetted initials, a feature not before introduced into this magazine. Without forgetting the many admirable examples of Mr. Small's power to sustain the interest of the reader throughout a whole set of illustrations to a work of fiction, one doubts if he has ever surpassed the excellence of these. The little sketches of figures and landscapes in the initials show that he did not consider it beneath his dignity to study the text thoroughly, so as to interpret it with dramatic insight. Your modern chic draughtsman, who reads hastily the few lines underscored in blue pencil by his editor, must laugh at the pains taken by the older men. Indeed, a very up-to-date illustrator will not merely refuse to carry out the author's idea, but prefer his own conception of the character, and say so. That neither course in itself produces great work may be granted, but one cannot avoid the conclusion that if it be best to illustrate a novel (which is by no means certain) that artist is most worthy of praise who does his utmost to present the characters invented by the author. True, that character­-drawing with pen and pencil is out of date,—subtle emotion has taken its place,—it is not easy to make a picture of a person smiling outwardly, but inwardly convulsed with con­flicting desires; the smile you may get, but the conflicting desires are hard to work in at the same time. Appreciation of Mr. Small's design need not imply censure of the work of others; but, all the same, the cheap half-tone from a wash­-drawing, in the current sixpenny magazine, looks a very feeble thing after an hour devoted to the illustrations to Guy Waterman’s Mlaze, The Woman's Kingdom, Griffith Gaunt, and the rest of the serials he illustrated. In this volume two others, The Harvest Home (p. 489) and A Love Letter (p. 618), are also from the same facile hand.

The first of the Boyd Houghtons is a striking design to Tennyson’s poem of The Victim (p. 18); neither picture nor poem shows its author at his best. Others signed A. B. H. are: The Church in the Cevennes (pp. 56, 57), Discipleship (p.112), The Pope and the Cardinals (p. 305), The Gold Bridge (p.321), The Two Coats (p. 432), How it all happened (seven

illustrations), Dance my Children (p. 568), a typical example of the peculiar mannerism of its author, and a Russian Farm­yard (p. 760); also a number of small designs to Russian Fables, some of which were illustrated also by Zwecker. G. J. Pinwell illustrates Notes on the Fire (pp. 47, 49), Much work for Little Pay (p. 89), A Paris Pawn-shop (p. 233), Mrs. Dubosq's Daughter (four pictures), Una and the Lion (p. 361), Lovely, yet unloved (pp. 376, 377), Hop Gathering (p. 424), The Quakers in Norway (p. 504). S. L. Fildes has The Captain's Story, a good study of fire-light reflected on three seated figures. Other numbers worth noting are an excellent example of J. Mahoney, Yesterday and To-day (p. 672), Briton Riviere's At the Window (p. 630), R. Buckman's The White Umbrella (p. 473), and seven by Francis Walker to Hero Harold, and one each to Glenalla (p. 384), The Bracelet (p. 753), and Thieves' Quarter (p. 553).



Record no: 1861

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.206 (i)

De Beaumont: Case 263b

BL: P.P.6214.d.

Document Supply 4201.370000

Good Words for1869. Edited by Norman Macleod, D. D. And illustrated by Arthur Hughes, F. A. Fraser, John Leighton, J. Mahoney, Francis Walker, T. Green. London: Strahan and Co., Magazine Publishers, 56, Ludgate Hill, 1869.  London: Virtue and Co, printers, City Road. 886p. 182 separate plates and illustrations set into text. Additional artists in the “List of Illustrations” are: T. Dalziel, E.G. Dalziel, T. Sulman, H. Herkomer, Duke of Argyll, W. Small, J. Barnard. Many of the engravings are signed “Dalziel”. The frontispiece illustration is after F. A. Fraser [i.e. Francis Arthur Fraser], signed with initials, bottom left, and signed bottom right: “Dalziel”, which accompanies the story “Debenham’s vow”, by Amelia B. Edwards. The illustration facing page 64 is after T. Dalziel, which accompanies the poem “The captain’s wife”, by Florence Fields. The illustration on page 769 is after John Leighton, accompanying the poem: “Epitaph on Agnes Jones, buried in Fahan Churchyard, near Loch Swilly”, by The Bishop of Derry and Raphoe. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on a separate paper slip. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind

Binding: Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple wave vertical-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on both covers. A single fillet blocked in blind on the borders forms a “rule frame”. On the corners and the sides, patterns of stems, leaves and flower buds are blocked in blind. On the centre of the upper cover, the title: “/ Good/ Words/ 1869/”, are blocked in gold, in “floral” letters. The same lettering is blocked on the centre of the lower cover, in blind. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: stylised plant decoration, blocked in blind; the words: “Good/ Words/ Edited By/ Norman Macleod D. D./” are blocked in gold. On the lower half of the spine, a diamond is formed by two fillets, blocked in gold; the diamond is surrounded by stylised plant decoration, blocked in blind; within the diamond, amidst plant decoration, the words: “/ With/ Illustrations//” are blocked in gold. The year: “/1869/” is blocked in gold at the tail.


Record no: 1862

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.206 (j)

De Beaumont: Case 263b

BL: P.P.6214.d.

Document Supply 4201.370000

Good Words for1870. Edited by Norman Macleod, D. D. And illustrated by Arthur Hughes, G. J. Pinwell, F. A. Fraser, J. Mahoney, Francis Walker, London: Strahan and Co., Magazine Publishers, 56, Ludgate Hill, 1870.  870p. 149 separate plates and illustrations set into text. Additional artists in the “List of Illustrations” are: T. Dalziel, E.G. Dalziel, John Leighton, C. F. Gordon Cumming, T. Green, J. B. Zwecker, C. Kingsley, J. D. Linton, J. Ralston, M. E. H. Many of the engravings are signed “Dalziel”. The frontispiece illustration is after F. A. Fraser, signed; “Dalziel” bottom left, which accompanies chapter XXXVIII of “Dorothy Fox”, by Louisa Parr. The illustration on page 64 is after John Leighton, accompanying the poem: My timepiece”, by Charles Turner. The illustration on page 161 is after John Leighton, accompanying the story: “An apostolic missionary” by H. A. Page. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on a separate paper slip. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind

Binding: Sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple wave vertical-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on both covers. A single fillet blocked in blind on the borders forms a “rule frame”. On the corners and the sides, patterns of stems, leaves and flower buds are blocked in blind. On the centre of the upper cover, the title: “/ Good/ Words/ 1870/”, are blocked in gold, in “floral” letters. The same lettering is blocked on the centre of the lower cover, in blind. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: stylised plant decoration, blocked in blind; the words: “Good/ Words/ Edited By/ Norman Macleod D. D./” are blocked in gold. On the lower half of the spine, a diamond is formed by two fillets, blocked in gold; the diamond is surrounded by stylised plant decoration, blocked in blind; within the diamond, amidst plant decoration, the words: “/ With/ Illustrations//” are blocked in gold. The year: “/1870/” is blocked in gold at the tail.

From Gleeson White

With 1870 we reach the limit of the present chronicle, to which Francis Walker and F. A. Fraser contribute most of the pictures. The most interesting are: Arthur Hughes's Fancy (p. 777) and The Mariner's Cave (p. 865); J. D. Linton, Married Lovers (p. 601); J. Mahoney, The Dorsetshire Hind (p. 21), Ascent of Snowdon (p. 201); and Dame Martha's Well (p. 680), and G. J. Pinwell's three very repre­sentative drawings, Rajahj playing Chess (p. 211), Margaret in the Xebec (p. 280), and A Winter Song (p. 321).


Record no: 1863

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.206 (k)

De Beaumont: Case 263b

BL: P.P.6214.d.

Document Supply 4201.370000

Good Words for1871. Edited by Norman Macleod, D. D. And illustrated by Arthur Hughes, J. Leighton, G. J. Pinwell, F. A. Fraser. London: Strahan and Co., Magazine Publishers, 56, Ludgate Hill, 1871. 870 p. 136 separate plates and illustrations set into text. Additional artists in the “List of Illustrations” are: E. G. Dalziel, T. Green, Henry Alford, J. Burrell Smith, C. G. Lawson, J. B. Zwecker, M. Fraser-Tytler, J. G. Thomson, E. M. Wimpperis, W. Small, H. Armstead, J. R. Jackson. Many of the engravings are signed “Dalziel”. The frontispiece illustration is after F. A. Fraser, signed: “F A F”, bottom right and “Dalziel” bottom left, which accompanies chapter LIV of the story “The Sylvestres”, by M de Betham-Edwards.  The illustration facing page 371 is after William Small, signed with his initials, bottom left and “Dalziel” bottom right, accompanying chapter X of “The High Mills”, by Katherine Saunders. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on a separate paper slip. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind

Binding: Sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Purple wave vertical-grain cloth. The same design is blocked on both covers. A single fillet blocked in blind on the borders forms a “rule frame”. On the corners and the sides, patterns of stems, leaves and flower buds are blocked in blind. On the centre of the upper cover, the title: “/ Good/ Words/ 1871/”, are blocked in gold, in “floral” letters. The same lettering is blocked on the centre of the lower cover, in blind. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. A single fillet is blocked in blind on the perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: stylised plant decoration, blocked in blind; the words: “Good/ Words/ Edited By/ Norman Macleod D. D./” are blocked in gold. On the lower half of the spine, a diamond is formed by two fillets, blocked in gold; the diamond is surrounded by stylised plant decoration, blocked in blind; within the diamond, amidst plant decoration, the words: “/ With/ Illustrations//” are blocked in gold. The year: “/1871/” is blocked in gold at the tail.

From Gleeson White

1871 is memorable for three of Arthur Hughes's designs, made for a projected illustrated edition of Tennyson's Loves of the Wrens, a scheme abandoned at the author's wish; the three drawings cut down from their original size, Fly Little Lettyer (p.33), The Mist and the Rain (p. I 13), and Sun Comes, Moon. Comes (p. 183), are especially dear to collectors of Mr. Hughes's work, which appeared here with the lyrics set to Sir Arthhur Sullivan's music; another by the same artist, The Mother and the Angel (p. 648), is also worth noting. One Boyd Houghton, Baraduree Justice (p. 464), twenty-one drawings W. Small to Katharine Saunders, The High Mills, and one by the same artist to An Unfinished Song (p. 641) re this volume, besides four by Pinwell, Aid to the Sick (p. 40), The Devil's Boots (p. 217),  Toddy's Legacy (p. 336), and Shall we ever meet again? (p. 817). Without discussing the remaining years of this still flourishing monthly one can hardly omit mention of the volume for 1878, in which William Black's Macleod of Dare is illustrated by G. H. Boughton, R.A., J. Pettie, R.A., Graham, R.A., W. Q. Orchardson, R.A., and John Everett Milllais, R.A., a group which recalls the glories of its early issues.


Record no: 1864

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.207 (b)

De Beaumont: Case 263b

BL:PP.355.D (1868-1872)

Good Words for the Young 1869 [i.e. 1869-1870] . Edited by Norman Macleod, D. D. Illustrated by: Arthur Hughes, W. S. Gilbert, J. Pettie, W. J. Wiegand, F. A. Fraser, A. Houghton, J. B. Zwecker, Edward Dalziel, J. Mahoney, C. [i.e. G.] J. Pinwell.  London: Strahan & Co. London: Printed by R. Clay, Sons & Taylor. 670p.; 54p. There are illustrations within the text and also as separate plates.  The title page and frontispiece for 1869 are incorrectly bound into this volume. [In the List of] Illustrations, the other illustrators are given as: H. French, Ernest Griset, Fras. Walker, H. Herkomer, Townley Green, A. Johns, F. Barnard, T. W. Wood, E. G. Dalziel, E. F. Brewtnall. The majority of the illustrations and plates are signed: “Dalziel”. The title page and frontispiece are coloured lithographs. The frontispiece “The pet’s corner” is after J. B. Zwecker, signed bottom left, and engraved by Cooper, Clay & Co., signed bottom right. The Editor’ s Greeting on page 56 , at the end of the issue for 1.11.1869, is signed by George Macdonald, who took over as Editor from Norman Macleod. The illustration on page 193 is after Brewtnall, signed with his initials, bottom left; and signed “Dalziel”, bottom right. It accompanies the article “The English girl in the French school”, by Katharine K. Macquoid. The illustration on page 448 is after Brewtnall, is signed with his initials. It accompanies the poem “The sick man and the robin”, by A. L. W. [i.e. Anna Letitia Waring]. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and black and blind

The volume contains monthly issues for 1.11.1869 to 1.10.1870. (670p.) The issue for 25.12.1870 is bound at the end. (54p.)


Binding: It looks as though the text of each of these four volumes has been re-backed, with the original cases detached from their texts and re-attached to each bound volume of this set. If so, in the act of re-attaching cases to texts, the covers for the texts of issues, 1868-1869, incorrectly being attached to the texts of the issues published in 1869-1870. [i.e. the case for volume 1 being attached to the texts of volume 2]. No original endpapers or pastedowns. Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers are identically blocked with the same design on the borders and corners, in blind on the lower cover and in black and in gold on the upper cover. On the lower cover, two fillets blocked on the borders intersect at the corners, forming straps. Inside this, stems, leaves buds and flowers are blocked. The central rectangle is formed of multiple fillets. On the centre of the cover, the device of Strahan & Co. is blocked in blind. The upper cover is blocked in black and in gold. The fillets and the floral decoration is the same as the lower cover, but all blocked in black.  The multiple fillets forming the central rectangle are blocked in black and in gold. The gold fillets end in ‘spear tips’. Within it, there are six rectangles formed by fillets blocked in gold. Within the uppermost, the proverb: “/The child is /the father of the man/” is blocked in gold, together with two five pointed stars. In the other rectangles, the title words: “/ Good/ Words/ for the/ Young/ 1870/” are blocked in gold. The spine is of (faded) blue pebble grain cloth, and does not appear to be original.  The spine has three fillets blocked across the spine (in black?) at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the title words: “/ Good Words/ for/ the Young/ [rule]/ 1870/” are blocked in gold.

From Gleeson White:


In 1870 Arthur Hughes contributes thirty-six illustrations to Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood, by George Mac Donald (who succeeded Dr. Macleod as editor), forty-eight to the con­tinuation of the other serial by the same author, Al the Back of the North Wind, four to the concluding chapters of Henry Kingsley's Boy in Grey, and one to The White Princess. A. Boyd Houghton has but two: Two Nests (p. 13), Keeping the Cornucopia (p. 33); Miss Jane 'wander­ing in the wood' (p. 44) is by H. Herkomer, while most of the artists who contributed to the first volume reappear; we find also E. G. and T. Dalziel, Charles Green, Towneley Green, and Ernest Griset.


Record no: 1865

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.207 (a)

De Beaumont: Case 263b

BL:PP.355.D (1868-1872)

Good Words for the Young 1870 [i.e. 1868-1869]. Edited by Norman Macleod, D. D.  London: Strahan & Co. London: R. Clay, Sons & Taylor, printers. 590p. There are illustrations within the text and also as separate plates. The title page and frontispiece for 1870 are incorrectly bound into this volume. [In the list of] Illustrations, the artists are given as: C. A. Johns , T. Dalziel, F. A. Fraser, T. Barnard, J. Wolf, J. B. Zwwecter, W. J. Wiegand, A. Hughes, B. Riviere, H. Herkomer, E. F. Brewtnall, J. Pettie, A. B. Houghton, J. Mahoney, H. French, Fras. Walker, T. Sulman. The majority of the illustrations and plates are signed: “Dalziel”. The frontispiece is after Fras. Walker, is signed near bottom left, together with “Dalziel” bottom left. The illustration on page 28 is after Herkomer, accompanying the story “Lovely Jane” by Charles Camden. The illustration on page 413 is after Brewtnall,  accompanying the story “The liberated bird”, by Isabella Fyvie. The “Editor’s Greeting” is on page 590; it also states that each monthly issue was priced at 6d. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and black and blind

The volume contains monthly issues for 1.11.1868 to 1.10.1869. (590p.)


Binding: It looks as though the text of each of these four volumes has been re-backed, with the original cases detached from their texts and re-attached to each bound volume of this set. If so, , in the act of re-attaching cases to texts, the covers for the texts of issues, 1869-1870, incorrectly being attached to the texts of the issues published in 1868-1869. [i.e. the case for volume 2 being attached to the texts of volume 1]. No original endpapers or pastedowns. Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers are identically blocked with the same design on the borders and corners, in blind on the lower cover and in black and in gold on the upper cover. On the lower cover, two fillets blocked on the borders intersect at the corners, forming straps. Inside this, stems, leaves buds and flowers are blocked. The central rectangle is formed of multiple fillets. On the centre of the cover, the device of Strahan & Co. is blocked in blind. The upper cover is blocked in black and in gold. The fillets and the floral decoration is the same as the lower cover, but all blocked in black.  The multiple fillets forming the central rectangle are blocked in black and in gold. The gold fillets end in ‘spear tips’. Within it, there are six rectangles formed by fillets blocked in gold. Within the uppermost, the proverb: “/The child is /the father of the man/” is blocked in gold, together with two five pointed stars. In the other rectangles, the title words: “/ Good/ Words/ for the/ Young/ 1870/” are blocked in gold. The spine is of (faded) blue pebble grain cloth, and does not appear to be original.  The spine has three fillets blocked across the spine (in black?) at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the title words: “/ Good Words/ for/ the Young/ [rule]/ 1870/” are blocked in gold.

From Gleeson White:


A most delightful children's magazine, which began as a sixpenny monthly under the editorship of Dr. Norman Macleod in 1869, bids fair to become one of those books peculiarly dear (in all senses) to collectors. There are many reasons why it deserves to be treasured. Its literature includes several books for children that in volume-form afterwards became classics; its illustrations, especially those by Arthur Hughes, appeal forcibly to the student of that art, which is called pre-Raphaelite, .Aesthetic, or Decorative, according to the mood of the hour. Like all books intended for children, a large proportion of its edition found speedy oblivion in the nursery; and those that survive are apt to show examples of the amateur artist in his most infantile experiments with a penny paint-box. From the very first it surrounded itself with that atmosphere of distinction, which is well-nigh as fatal to a magazine's longevity as saintliness of disposition to a Sunday-school hero. After a career that may be called truthfully—brilliant, it suddenly changed to a periodical of no importance, illustrated chiefly by foreign clichés. How long it lingered in this state does not concern us. Indeed, it is only by a liberal interpretation of the title of this book that a magazine which was not started until 1869 can be included in the sixties at all; but it seems to have continued the tradition of the sixties, and until the first half of 1874, although it changed its editor and its title (to Good Things), it kept the spirit of the first volume unimpaired; but after that date it joined the majority of uninteresting periodicals for children, and did not sur­vive its recantation for many years.


In 1869 Arthur Hughes has twenty-four drawings to George Macdonald's At the Back of the North Wind, and ten to the earlier chapters of Henry Kingsley's Boy in Grey. The art of A. Boyd Houghton is seen in three instances: Cocky Locky's Journey (p. 49), Lessons from Russia (p. 101), and The Boys of Axleford (p. 145). J. Mahoney has about a dozen; H. Herkomer one to Lonely Jane (p. 28); and G. J. Pinwell one to Black Rock (p. 255). Although, following the example set by its parent Good Words, it credits the illustra­tions most faithfully to their artists in a separate index, yet it developed a curious habit of illustrating its serials with a fresh artist for each instalment; and, as their names are bracketed, it is not an easy task to attribute each block to its rightful author. The list which I have made is by my side, but it is hardly of sufficient general interest to print here; as many of the sketches, despite the notable signatures upon them, are trivial and non-representative. Other illustrations in the first volume include one hundred and fifty-five grotesque thumb-nail sketches by W. S. Gilbert to his King George's Middy, and many by F. Barnard, B. Rivière, E. F. Brewtnall, E. Dalziel, F. A. Fraser, H. French, S. P. Hall, J. Mahoney, J. Pettie, T. Sulman, F. S. Walker, W. J. Wiegand, J. B. Zwecker, etc.




Record no: 1866

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.207 (c)

De Beaumont: Case 263b

BL:PP.355.D (1868-1872)

Good Words for the Young 1871 [i.e. 1870-1871]. Edited by Norman Macleod, D. D.  London: Strahan & Co. London: Printed by Virtue & Co., City Road. 686p.; 47p.  There are illustrations within the text and also as separate plates. In the list of] Illustrations, the artists are given as: A. Hughes, J. B. Zwecker, J. G. Thomson, A. B. Houghton, J. Mahoney, E. F. Brewtnall, W. J. Wiegand, H. French, F. A. Fraser, T. Green, Ernest Griset, Fras. Walker, T. Dalziel, W. L. Jones, H. Herkomer, R. Ross, W. Small, J. Ralston, E. G. Dalziel, J. Tuck. The majority of the illustrations and plates are signed: “Dalziel”. The illustration facing page 465 is after F. A. Fraser, accompanying the story “The pit boys and their dog”, by Edward Howe. The illustration facing page 178 is after Zwecker, accompanying the story “The Rookery” by Mrs. George Cupples. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and black and blind

The volume contains monthly issues for 1.11.1870 to 1.10.1871. (686p.) The issue for 25.12.1871 (?) is bound at the end. (47p.)


Binding: It looks as though the text of each of these four volumes has been re-backed, with the original cases detached from their texts and re-attached to each bound volume of this set. No original endpapers or pastedowns. Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers are identically blocked with the same design on the borders and corners, in blind on the lower cover and in black and in gold on the upper cover. On the lower cover, two fillets blocked on the borders intersect at the corners, forming straps. Inside this, stems, leaves buds and flowers are blocked. The central rectangle is formed of multiple fillets. On the centre of the cover, the device of Strahan & Co. is blocked in blind. The upper cover is blocked in black and in gold. The fillets and the floral decoration is the same as the lower cover, but all blocked in black.  The multiple fillets forming the central rectangle are blocked in black and in gold. The gold fillets end in ‘spear tips’. Within it, there are six rectangles formed by fillets blocked in gold. Within the uppermost, the proverb: “/The child is /the father of the man/” is blocked in gold, together with two five pointed stars. In the other rectangles, the title words: “/ Good/ Words/ for the/ Young/ 1871/” are blocked in gold. The spine is of (faded) blue pebble grain cloth, and does not appear to be original.  The spine has three fillets blocked across the spine (in black?) at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the title words: “/ Good Words/ for/ the Young/ [rule]/ 1871/” are blocked in gold.

From Gleeson White

In 1871, Arthur Hughes, the chief illustrator of this magazine, to whose presence it owes most of its interest (since other artists are well represented elsewhere, but he is rarely met with outside its pages), contributes thirty pictures to Dr. George Mac Donald's Princess and the Goblin, and four­teen others, some of which have been republished in Lilliput

Lectures and elsewhere,—one, Mercy (p. 195), reappearing in that work, and again as the theme of a large painting in oils, which was exhibited at the Royal Academy 1893, and reproduced in The Illustrated London News, May 3rd of that year. A. Boyd Houghton, in Don Josis Mule (p. 28), has a most delightfully grotesque illustration, and in two draw­ings for The Merry Little Cobbler of Bagdad (pp. 337-338), both in his 'Arabian Nights' vein, is typically representative. For the rest, W. Small in My Little Gypsy Cousin (p. 95), a good full page, and Ernest Griset with ten of his humorous animal pictures, combine with most of the artists already named to maintain the well-deserved reputation of the magazine.



Record no: 1867

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.207 (d)

De Beaumont: Case 263b

BL:PP.355.D (1868-1872)

Good Words for the Young 1872 [i.e. 1871-1872]. Edited by Norman Macleod, D. D.  A. Hughes, J. Mahoney, J. B. Zwecker, F. A. Fraser, Townley Green. London: Strahan & Co. London: London: Bradbury, Evans & Co., Whitefriears. vii, 572p.; 48p. There are illustrations within the text and also as separate plates. [In the list of] Illustrations, the artists are given as: T. Back, W. J. Wiegand, E. J. Brewtnall, F. S. Walker, Lady Verney, M. Fraser-Tytler, G. Cupples. The majority of the illustrations and plates are signed: “Dalziel”. The illustration facing page 130 is after Brewtnall, accompanying the story “Blowing bubbles”, by Jessie Forrester. The illustration on page 368 is after Mahoney, titled “Old Chuny & the Rebecca riots”, accompanying the story “The travelling menagerie” [Old Chuny was the biggest elephant in the show…], by Charles Camden. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and black and blind

The volume contains monthly issues for 1.11.1871 to 1.10.1872. (572p.) The issue for 25.12.1872 (?) is bound at the end. (48p.)


Binding: It looks as though the text of each of these four volumes has been re-backed, with the case re-attached to each bound volume of this set. No original endpapers or pastedowns. Blue sand-grain cloth. Both covers are identically blocked with the same design on the borders and corners, in blind on the lower cover and in black and in gold on the upper cover. On the lower cover, two fillets blocked on the borders intersect at the corners, forming straps. Inside this, stems, leaves buds and flowers are blocked. The central rectangle is formed of multiple fillets. On the centre of the cover, the device of Strahan & Co. is blocked in blind. The upper cover is blocked in black and in gold. The fillets and the floral decoration is the same as the lower cover, but all blocked in black.  The multiple fillets forming the central rectangle are blocked in black and in gold. The gold fillets end in ‘spear tips’. Within it, there are six rectangles formed by fillets blocked in gold. Within the uppermost, the proverb: “/The child is /the father of the man/” is blocked in gold, together with two five pointed stars. In the other rectangles, the title words: “/ Good/ Words/ for the/ Young/ Annual/ for 1872/” are blocked in gold. The spine is of (faded) blue pebble grain cloth, and does not appear to be original.  The spine has three fillets blocked across the spine (in black?) at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the title words: “/ Good Words/ for/ the Young/ [rule]/ 1872/” are blocked in gold.

From Gleeson White:


In 1872 Arthur Hughes supplies nine delightful designs for Gutta-Percha Willie, by the Editor; twenty-four to Innocent's Island, a long-rhymed chronicle by the author of.Lilliput Levee, and a curiously fantastic drawing to George Mac Donald's well-known poem, The Wind and the Moon. Some one, with the initials F. E. F. (not F. A. F.), illustrates On the High Meadows in nineteen sketches; with the ex­ception of two by J. Mahoney, the rest of the pictures are chiefly by F. A. Fraser, T. Green, F. S. Walker, W. J. Wiegand, and J. B. Zwecker.


Record no: 1868

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.210

De Beaumont: Case 263b

BL: General Reference Collection 
General Reference Collection RB.23.a.30132(2) 
Document Supply 5294.120000 

London Society. An illustrated magazine of light and amusing literature, for the hours of relaxation. Volume II. 1862. London: [William Clowes] Office, 49 Fleet Street, E. C. London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. 570p; 96p. The plates are separate from the text. [The list of] Engravers cites the artists: M. J. Lawless, G. du Maurier, J. D. Watson, D. J. Anderson, R. Barnes, William McConnell, W. Crane, A. B. Houghton, A. W. Cooper, F. Claxton, H. Sanderson, F. J. Skill, E. J Poynter, Frank Wyburd, C. H. Bennett, E. K. Johnson, Waldo Sargent, George Thomas, J. E. Millais, C. A. Doyle. Several of the plates are signed: “W. J. Linton”. The illustration facing page 79 is after Crane, captioned: ‘The London Carnival’, accompanying the story “The blue riband of the turf; or, Society at the London carnival”. The plate facing page 233 is after Bennett, is captioned “Paterfamilias reading ‘The Times’”. The illustration facing page 242 is after Crane, accompanying the story “Which is the fairest flower?”

Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Volume II has the monthly issues for Vol. II no. VI, July 1862 to Vol. II. No. XI, November 1862, 570p. The Christmas number, is Vol. II. No. XII, December 1862, 96p.



Gold and blind.

Binding: Blue morocco horizontal-grain to covers. Blue sand-grain cloth to spine and to the spine sides, and the corners. Fillets and “dog-tooth” decoration are blocked in blind on the boundaries of the different cloth grains. The spine is divided into five panels, with panels one three, four and five having four gold fillets on the borders and elaborate ‘plant style’ decoration within each. Panel two has two gold fillets on its borders, and the title: “/ London/ Society./” blocked in gold within it. Panel three has “[Volume] II.” blocked in gold on its centre. Panel five has the price: “9/6” blocked in gold on its centre. At the tails, the words: “/ Highly[?] illustrated/” are blocked in gold.


From Gleeson White  London Society


Pages 55 to 58


This popular illustrated shilling magazine, started in February 1862 under the editorship of Mr. James Hogg, has not received so far its due share of appreciation from the few who have studied the publications of the sixties. Yet its comparative neglect is easily accounted for. It contains, no doubt, much good work—some, indeed, worthy to be placed in the first rank. But it also includes a good deal that, if tolerable when the momentary fashions it depicted were not ludicrous, appears now merely commonplace and absurd. A great artist—Millais especially—could introduce the crino­line and the Dundreary whiskers, so that even to-day their ugliness does not repel you. But less accomplished draughts­men, who followed slavishly the inelegant mode of the sixties, now stand revealed as merely journalists. Journalism, useful and honourable as its work may be, rarely has lasting qualities which bear revival. Aiming as it did to be a 'smart' and topical magazine, with the mood of the hour reflected in its pages, it remains a document not without interest to the social historian. Amid its purely ephemeral contents there are quite enough excellent drawings to ensure its preservation in any representative collection of English illustrations.


In the first volume for 1862 we find a beautiful Lawless, Beauty's Toilet (P. 265), spoilt by its engraving, the texture of the flesh being singularly coarse and ineffectual. Fred Walker, in 7Yie Drawing-room, 'Paris' (i. P-401), is seen in the unusual and not very captivating mood of a 'society' draughts­man. Ash Wednesday (p. 15o), by J. D. Watson, is a singularly fine example of an artist whose work, the more you come across it, surprises you by its sustained power. The fronti­spiece Spring Days and A Romance and A Curacy (p. 386), are his also. Other illustrations by T. Morten, H. Sanderson, C. H. Bennett, Adelaide Claxton, Julian Portch, and F. R. Pickersgill, R.A., call for no special comment. In the second volume there are two drawings by Lawless, First Night at the Seaside (p. 220) and A Box on the Ear (P. 382); several by Du Maurier, one A Kettledrum (p. 203), peculiarly typical of his society manner; others, Refrezzment (p. 110), Snowdon (p. 481), Oh sing again (p. 433), Jewels (p. io), and a Mirror Scene (p. 107), which reveal the cosmopolitan student of nature outside the artificial, if admirable, restrictions of 'good form.' The Border Witch (p. 181), by J. E. Millais, A.R.A., is one of the very few examples by the great illustrator in this periodical. J. D. Watson, in Moonlight on the Beach (p. 333), Married' (p. 449), A Summer Eve (P. 162), On the Coast (p. 321), Holiday Life (p. 339), and How I gained a Wife (p. 551), again surprises you, with regret his admirable work has yet not received fuller apprecia­tion by the public. Walter Crane contributes some society pictures which reveal the admirable decorator in an unusual, and, to be candid, unattractive aspect. Kensington Gardens (p. 172), A London Carnival (p. 79), and Which is Fairest? (p: 242), are interesting as the work of a youth, but betray little evidence of his future power. Robert Barnes, in Dream­ing Love and Waiting Duty (p. 564), shows how early in his career he reached the level which he maintained so admirably. A. Boyd Houghton's Finding a Relic (P. 89) is a good if not typical specimen of his work. The designs by E. J. Poynter, Tip Cat (p. 321), I can't thmoke a pipe (p. 318), and Lord Dundreary (pp. 308, 472), are singularly unlike the usual work of the accomplished author of Israel in Egypt. To these one must add the names of C. H. Bennett (Beadles,

three), W. M'Connell, C. A. Doyle, George H. Thomas, E. K. Johnson, F. J. Skill, F. Claxton, H. Sanderson, and A. W. Cooper. So that 1862 offers, at least, a goodly list of artists, and quite enough first-rate work to make the volumes worth preserving.


Record no: 1869

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.211 (a)

De Beaumont: Case 263b

BL: General Reference Collection 
General Reference Collection RB.23.a.30132(2) 
Document Supply 5294.120000 

London Society. An illustrated magazine of light and amusing literature, for the hours of relaxation. Volume I. 1862. London: [William Clowes] Office, 49 Fleet Street, E. C. London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. [The list of] Engravers cites the artists: H. Sanderson, A. W. Cooper, J. D. Watson, M. J. Lawless, William Harvey, W. McConnell, Julian Portch, George Thomas, Louis Huard, Florence Claxton, Waldo Sargent, Perceval Skelton, F. R. Pickersgill, E. Hamman, C. R. Leslie, T. Gascoine, C. H. Bennett, E. K. Johnson, Adelaide Claxton, F. Walker, Von Ramberg, Jas. Goodwin, E. m. Ward, T. Morten. The illustrtations on pages 212 and 213 are after Bennett, accompanying an article: “Ode to the Swell”, by T. Hood. The illustration facing page 308 is after Waldo Sargeant, accompanying a story “Mr. Mopes the hermit”. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

The issues for this volume are Vol. I. no. I, February 1862 to Vol. I. no. V, June 1862.



Gold and blind and relief.

Binding: It looks as though this volume had is covers blocked after the case was attached to the text block. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown honeycomb grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical design. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in relief. The gold fillets form a ‘rule-frame’ border, and within these a wide gold border has repeating ‘arrow heads’ blocked in relief. On the corners, groups of leaves and a flower are blocked in gold. The central oval is framed with the same blocking as for the borders. On the centre, the arms of the Corporation of London are blocked in gold. Above and below the arms, the words: “/ London/ Society/” are blocked in gold, together with sprigs of leaves and flowers. The spaces between the decoration is punched inwards, making the decorative elements ‘intaglio’. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head and at the tail, bands of repeating floral patterns are blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece blocked across the spine. A gold fillet is blocked above and below these lettering-pieces. The title words are blocked down the spine, all are blocked in relief within ten gold lettering-pieces. The words: “/ London/ Society/” are blocked within two scroll-shaped lettering pieces. The words: “/ Light/ amusing/ literature/ for/ the hours of/ relaxation/ richly/ illustrated/” are blocked in relief within eight gold lettering-pieces. Beneath these words, three garter stars are blocked in gold, with decoration within each picked out in relief. The three stars are respectively: the (English) Garter Star – emblem of St George; the (Scottish) Order of the Thistle – emblem of the thistle; the (Irish) Order of St Patrick – emblem of the shamrock. The mottos of each order are blocked in relief within each garter: “Honi soit qui mal y pense; Nemo me impune lacessit; Quis separabit MDCCXXXIII”.  At the tail, the words: “/ Vol. I./” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold-letting piece.

The notice on the half title page verso of the separate issue of February 1864 reads: “The fourth volume [the issues for July to December 1863] containing upwards One Hundred Fine Engravings, is now ready in cloth, richly gilt, price 9s. 6d. Also, Cloth Cases for the use of Subscribers in Binding, price 1s. 6d. *** The whole of the Volumes are kept in print from the Stereotype Plates and may be obtained through any Bookseller.”


Ball, p. 133, cites a count of six examples of honeycomb grain, on books published between 1862-1866;  “Rare”

From Gleeson White  London Society


Pages 55 to 58



This popular illustrated shilling magazine, started in February 1862 under the editorship of Mr. James Hogg, has not received so far its due share of appreciation from the few who have studied the publications of the sixties. Yet its comparative neglect is easily accounted for. It contains, no doubt, much good work—some, indeed, worthy to be placed in the first rank. But it also includes a good deal that, if tolerable when the momentary fashions it depicted were not ludicrous, appears now merely commonplace and absurd. A great artist—Millais especially—could introduce the crino­line and the Dundreary whiskers, so that even to-day their ugliness does not repel you. But less accomplished draughts­men, who followed slavishly the inelegant mode of the sixties, now stand revealed as merely journalists. Journalism, useful and honourable as its work may be, rarely has lasting qualities which bear revival. Aiming as it did to be a 'smart' and topical magazine, with the mood of the hour reflected in its pages, it remains a document not without interest to the social historian. Amid its purely ephemeral contents there are quite enough excellent drawings to ensure its preservation in any representative collection of English illustrations.


In the first volume for 1862 we find a beautiful Lawless, Beauty's Toilet (P. 265), spoilt by its engraving, the texture of the flesh being singularly coarse and ineffectual. Fred Walker, in 7Yie Drawing-room, 'Paris' (i. P-401), is seen in the unusual and not very captivating mood of a 'society' draughts­man. Ash Wednesday (p. 15o), by J. D. Watson, is a singularly fine example of an artist whose work, the more you come across it, surprises you by its sustained power. The fronti­spiece Spring Days and A Romance and A Curacy (p. 386), are his also. Other illustrations by T. Morten, H. Sanderson, C. H. Bennett, Adelaide Claxton, Julian Portch, and F. R. Pickersgill, R.A., call for no special comment. In the second volume there are two drawings by Lawless, First Night at the Seaside (p. 220) and A Box on the Ear (P. 382); several by Du Maurier, one A Kettledrum (p. 203), peculiarly typical of his society manner; others, Refrezzment (p. 110), Snowdon (p. 481), Oh sing again (p. 433), Jewels (p. io), and a Mirror Scene (p. 107), which reveal the cosmopolitan student of nature outside the artificial, if admirable, restrictions of 'good form.' The Border Witch (p. 181), by J. E. Millais, A.R.A., is one of the very few examples by the great illustrator in this periodical. J. D. Watson, in Moonlight on the Beach (p. 333), Married' (p. 449), A Summer Eve (P. 162), On the Coast (p. 321), Holiday Life (p. 339), and How I gained a Wife (p. 551), again surprises you, with regret his admirable work has yet not received fuller apprecia­tion by the public. Walter Crane contributes some society pictures which reveal the admirable decorator in an unusual, and, to be candid, unattractive aspect. Kensington Gardens (p. 172), A London Carnival (p. 79), and Which is Fairest? (p: 242), are interesting as the work of a youth, but betray little evidence of his future power. Robert Barnes, in Dream­ing Love and Waiting Duty (p. 564), shows how early in his career he reached the level which he maintained so admirably. A. Boyd Houghton's Finding a Relic (P. 89) is a good if not typical specimen of his work. The designs by E. J. Poynter, Tip Cat (p. 321), I can't thmoke a pipe (p. 318), and Lord Dundreary (pp. 308, 472), are singularly unlike the usual work of the accomplished author of Israel in Egypt. To these one must add the names of C. H. Bennett (Beadles,

three), W. M'Connell, C. A. Doyle, George H. Thomas, E. K. Johnson, F. J. Skill, F. Claxton, H. Sanderson, and A. W. Cooper. So that 1862 offers, at least, a goodly list of artists, and quite enough first-rate work to make the volumes worth preserving.



Record no: 1870

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.211 (b)

De Beaumont: Case 263b

BL: General Reference Collection 
General Reference Collection RB.23.a.30132(2) 
Document Supply 5294.120000 

London Society. An illustrated magazine of light and amusing literature, for the hours of relaxation. Volume V. 1864. London: [William Clowes] Office, 49 Fleet Street, E. C. London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.570p. The plates are separate from the text. In the [list of] Engravings, the illustrations are drawn by: Adelaide Claxton, W. Mc Connell, J. B. Zwecker, H. Sanderson, M. Ellen Edwards, C. A. Doyle, Alfred Crowquill, E. M. Wimperis, G. du Maurier, E. H. Corbould, Phiz [i.e. Hablot Knight Browne], R. Barnes, E. F. Weir, F. J. Skill, Robert Jefferson, Kenny Meadows, Florence Claxton, M. J. Lawless, Cuthbert Bede, J. D. Watson, Louis Desanges, Rosa Mulholland, G. H. Thomas, T. Morten, Lucy Meadows, E. K. Johnson. The illustration facing page 462 is after Adelaide Claxton, signed with her monogram bottom right, and captioned “A modern masquerade”. The illustration facing page 503 is after Robert Jefferson, is signed with his monogram as the bottom left , and accompanies the poem: “A midsummer lyric”. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this copy are on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind and relief.

Binding: Brown honeycomb grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical design. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in relief. The gold fillets form a ‘rule-frame’ border, and within these a wide gold border has repeating ‘arrow heads’ blocked in relief. On the corners, groups of leaves and a flower are blocked in gold. The central oval is framed with the same blocking as for the borders. On the centre, the arms of the Corporation of London are blocked in gold. Above and below the arms, the words: “/ London/ Society/” are blocked in gold, together with sprigs of leaves and flowers. The spaces between the decoration is punched inwards, making the decorative elements ‘intaglio’. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head and at the tail, bands of repeating floral patterns are blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece blocked across the spine. A gold fillet is blocked above and below these lettering-pieces. The title words are blocked down the spine, all are blocked in relief within ten gold lettering-pieces. The words: “/ London/ Society/” are blocked within two scroll-shaped lettering pieces. The words: “/ Light/ amusing/ literature/ for/ the hours of/ relaxation/ richly/ illustrated/” are blocked in relief within eight gold lettering-pieces. Beneath these words, three garter stars are blocked in gold, with decoration within each picked out in relief. The three stars are respectively: the (English) Garter Star – emblem of St George; the (Scottish) Order of the Thistle – emblem of the thistle; the (Irish) Order of St Patrick – emblem of the shamrock. The mottos of each order are blocked in relief within each garter: “Honi soit qui mal y pense; Nemo me impune lacessit; Quis separabit MDCCXXXIII”.  At the tail, the words: “/ Vol. V./” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold-letting piece.

The notice on the half title page verso of the single issue of February 1864 reads: “The fourth volume [the issues for July to December 1863] containing upwards One Hundred Fine Engravings, is now ready in cloth, richly gilt, price 9s. 6d. Also, Cloth Cases for the use of Subscribers in Binding, price 1s. 6d. *** The whole of the Volumes are kept in print from the Stereotype Plates and may be obtained through any Bookseller.”

The issues in this volume are Vol. V no. XXVI, January 1864 to Vol. V. no. XXXI, June 1864.


Ball, p. 133, cites a count of six examples of this grain, on books published between 1862-1866. “Rare”

From Gleeson White  London Society


Pages 55 to 58



In 1864, M. J. Lawless's Not for You (p. 85); a fine J. D. Watson, The Duet (p. 268); Charley Blake, by G. Du Maurier (p. 385); At Swindon (p.41), M. E. Edwards, and Little Golden Hair, by R. Barnes, are the only others above the average. Adelaide Claxton, W. M'Connell, H. Sanderson, and J. B. Zwecker provide most of the rest. The second half of the year (vol. vi.) is far better, contains some good work by the 'talented young lady,' M. E. E. (to quote contemporary praise); that her work was talented all students of the 'sixties' will agree. A Holocaust (p. 433), Dangerous (p. 353), Gone (p. 185), Magdalen (p. 553), ./Jfzlly's Success (p. 269), and Unto this Last (p. 252) are all by Miss Edwards. A fine Millais, Knightly Worth (p. 247), and a good J. D. Watson, Blankton Weir (p. 416), would alone make the volume memorable. C. A. Doyle has some of his best drawings to A Shy Man, and G. H. Thomas and others maintain a good average. Rebecca Solomon has a good full page (p. 541). In the extra Christ­mas number you will find E. J. Poynter's A Sprig of Holly (p. 28), J. D. Watson's Story of a Christmas Fairy (p. 24), a notable design, besides capital illustrations by Du Maurier, R. Dudley (The Blue Boy), R. Barnes, and Marcus Stone.


Record no: 1877

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.211 (c)

De Beaumont: Case 263b

BL: General Reference Collection 
General Reference Collection RB.23.a.30132(2) 
Document Supply 5294.120000 

London Society. An illustrated magazine of light and amusing literature, for the hours of relaxation. Volume VI. 1864. London: [William Clowes] Office, 49 Fleet Street, E. C. London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. 570p; 96p. . The plates are separate from the text. In the [list of] Engravings, the illustrations are drawn by: M. Ellen Edwards, C. A. Doyle, Cuthbert Bede, G. H. Thomas, Phiz [i.e. Hblot Knight Browne], J. D. Watson, Carl Piloty, W. Mc Connell, J. E. Millais, W. Brunton, H. Sanderson, Frank Wyburd, H. Schlessinger, Adelaide Claxrton, R. T. Pritchett, Rebecca Solomon, Florence Claxton. The blocks were cut by Dalziel, W. J. Lindon, H. Harral. The frontispiece is after Adelaide Claxton, is captioned “Seven flats!”, and accompanies the poem of the same title by Eleanora Louisa Harvey. The illustration facing page 353 is after M. E. Edwards, is captioned “Dangerous”, accompanying the story “The ordeal for wives; a story of London life”, by Annie Edwards. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this volume are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.



Gold and blind and relief.

Binding: It looks as though this volume had is covers blocked after the case was attached to the text block. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown honeycomb grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical design. The design appears to have been blocked after the boards were attached to the text block. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in relief. The gold fillets form a ‘rule-frame’ border, and within these a wide gold border has repeating ‘arrow heads’ blocked in relief. On the corners, groups of leaves and a flower are blocked in gold. The central oval is framed with the same blocking as for the borders. On the centre, the arms of the Corporation of London are blocked in gold. Above and below the arms, the words: “/ London/ Society/” are blocked in gold, together with sprigs of leaves and flowers. The spaces between the decoration is punched inwards, making the decorative elements ‘intaglio’. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head and at the tail, bands of repeating floral patterns are blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece blocked across the spine. A gold fillet is blocked above and below these lettering-pieces. The title words are blocked down the spine, all are blocked in relief within ten gold lettering-pieces. The words: “/ London/ Society/” are blocked within two scroll-shaped lettering pieces. The words: “/ Light/ amusing/ literature/ for/ the hours of/ relaxation/ richly/ illustrated/” are blocked in relief within eight gold lettering-pieces. Beneath these words, three garter stars are blocked in gold, with decoration within each picked out in relief. The three stars are respectively: the (English) Garter Star – emblem of St George; the (Scottish) Order of the Thistle – emblem of the thistle; the (Irish) Order of St Patrick – emblem of the shamrock. The mottos of each order are blocked in relief within each garter: “Honi soit qui mal y pense; Nemo me impune lacessit; Quis separabit MDCCXXXIII”.  At the tail, the words: “/ Vol. VI./” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold-letting piece.

The notice on the half title page verso of the single issue of February 1864 reads: “The fourth volume [the issues for July to December 1863] containing upwards One Hundred Fine Engravings, is now ready in cloth, richly gilt, price 9s. 6d. Also, Cloth Cases for the use of Subscribers in Binding, price 1s. 6d. *** The whole of the Volumes are kept in print from the Stereotype Plates and may be obtained through any Bookseller.”

The issues in this volume are Vol. VI no. XXXII, July 1864 to Vol. VI. no. XXXVII, November 1864, 570p. ; Christmas Number, 1864, 90p.


Ball, p. 133, cites a count of six examples of this grain, on books published between 1862-1866. “Rare”


From Gleeson White  London Society


Pages 55 to 58



In 1864, M. J. Lawless's Not for You (p. 85); a fine J. D. Watson, The Duet (p. 268); Charley Blake, by G. Du Maurier (p. 385); At Swindon (p.41), M. E. Edwards, and Little Golden Hair, by R. Barnes, are the only others above the average. Adelaide Claxton, W. M'Connell, H. Sanderson, and J. B. Zwecker provide most of the rest. The second half of the year (vol. vi.) is far better, contains some good work by the 'talented young lady,' M. E. E. (to quote contemporary praise); that her work was talented all students of the 'sixties' will agree. A Holocaust (p. 433), Dangerous (p. 353), Gone (p. 185), Magdalen (p. 553), ./Jfzlly's Success (p. 269), and Unto this Last (p. 252) are all by Miss Edwards. A fine Millais, Knightly Worth (p. 247), and a good J. D. Watson, Blankton Weir (p. 416), would alone make the volume memorable. C. A. Doyle has some of his best drawings to A Shy Man, and G. H. Thomas and others maintain a good average. Rebecca Solomon has a good full page (p. 541). In the extra Christ­mas number you will find E. J. Poynter's A Sprig of Holly (p. 28), J. D. Watson's Story of a Christmas Fairy (p. 24), a notable design, besides capital illustrations by Du Maurier, R. Dudley (The Blue Boy), R. Barnes, and Marcus Stone.


Record no: 1871

BM P & D Register no: BM 1996,1104.27

De Beaumont: Case 263b

BL: General Reference Collection 
General Reference Collection RB.23.a.30132(2) 
Document Supply 5294.120000 

London Society. An illustrated magazine of light and amusing literature, for the hours of relaxation. No. 26 February 1864. London: [William Clowes] Office, 9, St. Bride’s Avenue, Fleet Street. London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. 192p. The plates are separate from the text. The illustrators are printed on the half title page:  T. Morten, Wm. McConnell, E. F. Weir, Phiz [i.e. Hablot Knight Browne], E. M. Wimperis, M. Ellen Edwards, J. Sanderson, George M. Thomas, Florence Claxton, C. A. Doyle. The frontispiece is after Edwards, is captioned: the “The folorn hope and the damask rose.”, and initialled bottom left “MEE”, and is also signed “H. Harral Sc” bottom right.  The illustration facing page 110 is after Weir, is captioned “Love’s weather glass”, is signed “E F Weir” bottom left and “R C West” bottom right. Robin de Beaumont’s notes about this copy are on the recto of the first advertisement page. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

The notice on the half title page verso of this issue of February 1864 reads: “The fourth volume [the issues for July to December 1863] containing upwards One Hundred Fine Engravings, is now ready in cloth, richly gilt, price 9s. 6d. Also, Cloth Cases for the use of Subscribers in Binding, price 1s. 6d. *** The whole of the Volumes are kept in print from the Stereotype Plates and may be obtained through any Bookseller.”




Binding: Paper wrappers around text block. The lower cover has printed advertisements. The upper cover is printed in colours. There is a rule frame on the borders, together with beads. On the upper corners, holly leaves and berries are in green. Two shield are printed near each corner, one of which is a portcullis. On the lower corners are ivy leaves and berries. The title is printed in black within an arch with a red background: “/ London/ Society/ an/ Illustrated/ Magazine/”, with each capital letter being printed within four lettering-pieces. On either side of the arch, the sub-title: /light and amusing literature/ for hours of relaxation/” are printed vertically. The word “February” is printed within a cartouche below the title. Below this, the coat of arms and the motto of the Corporation of London is printed. The imprint and price of this issue: “/ London/ 9, St. Bride’s Avenue, Fleet St./ One shilling/” is printed. The spine is printed in red. Along it, from the tail, the words:/ London Society. February 1864.  Price 1s./” are printed in black.



Record no: 1872

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.209

De Beaumont: Case 263c

BL:  General Reference Collection Crawford 1935. 
General Reference Collection Crawford 1686. 
General Reference Collection Crawford 1934.

The Leisure Hour. A family journal of instruction and recreation. 1866. London: [Religious Tract Society], Paternoster Row, and 164, Piccadilly.  [London:] William Stevens, printer, 37, Bell Yard, Temple Bar. 828p. Price one penny. Some of the illustrators for this volume are: John Gilbert, F. W. Keyl, William Collins, J. I. Jerome. The frontispiece is after John Gilbert, is signed with his monogram below centre right, and is captioned: “The snow sweeper”. The colour illustration facing page 687 is after Lance (?), is captioned: “Fruit piece by Lance”, and is signed: Kronheim & Co. London. (Probably a Baxter process.) Robin de Beaumont’s notes about this volume are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Contains the issues for no. 732 -January 6, 1866 to no. 783 – December 29, 1866.


Binding: Half green calf, marbled sides, and red ink edges. The front board is detached from text block. The spine is divided into six panels by false raised bands, with gold fillets tooled across the spine above and below each band. In panel two, on a dark red leather onlay, the words: “/ Leisure/ Hour/” are tooled in gold.


Record no: 1873

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.212 (a)

De Beaumont: Case 263c

BL:  General Reference Collection 
General Reference Collection Dex.306.(16.) 
General Reference Collection RB.23.b.7018 

Once a week. An illustrated miscellany of literature, art, science, & popular invention. Volume I. July to December 1859. London: Bradbury & Evans, 11, Bouverie Street. London: Bradbury & Evans, printers, Whitefriars. 544p. Twenty-four issues. The illustration on page 130 is after Leech, accompanying the poem “Retrospective”, by C. P. William. The illustration on page 439 is after Smallfield, accompanying the story “Where? There & thereafter”, by S. Langley. Robin de Beaumont’s notes about this volume are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Binding: The case is detached from the text block. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Brown half calf. Marbled sides and red ink edges. The spine is divided into six panels by five false raised bands, and one smaller panel at the tail, with gold fillets tooled across the spine above and below each band. In panel two, on a dark red leather onlay, the words: “/ Once/ a week./” are tooled in gold. In panel four, the words: “/ July/ to December/ 1859/” are tooled in gold. Panel six at the tail has the volume number “I” tooled in gold.


This volume contains the issues for July to December 1859.


Simon Cooke. Samuel Lucas, Once a Week, and the Development of Sixties Illustration

Simon Cooke. Once a Week, Keene, and Samuel Lucas

Record no: 187

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.212(b)

De Beaumont: Case 263c

BL:  General Reference Collection

Once a week. An illustrated miscellany of literature, art, science, & popular invention. Volume II. December 1859 to June 1860. London: Bradbury & Evans, 11, Bouverie Street. London: Bradbury & Evans, printers, Whitefriars. 1860. 622p. In the “Index to Illustrations”, the artists are given as: H. K. Browne, Miss Coode, E. H. Corbould, H. Davies, H. G. Hine, W. Holman Hunt, C. Keene, M. J. Lawless, John Leech, T. R. Macquoid, J. E. Millais, P. Skelton, J. Tenniel, G. Thomas, F. Walker, E. Weedon, J. Wolf.

The illustration on page 32 is after Millais, and accompanies the poem “A Wife” by “A.” The illustration on page 501 is after Leech, is captioned: “The favourite in the paddock”, and accompanies the article “The Derby Day”, by “Gamma”. The illustrations are variously signed: “Swain” and “Dalziel”. Robin de Beaumont’s notes about this volume are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.




Binding: The case is detached from the text block. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Brown half calf. Marbled sides and red ink edges. The spine is divided into six panels by five false raised bands, and one smaller panel at the tail, with gold fillets tooled across the spine above and below each band. In panel two, on a dark red leather onlay, the words: “/ Once/ a week./” are tooled in gold. In panel four, the words: “/ December [1859]/ to June 1860/” are tooled in gold. Panel six at the tail has the volume number “2” tooled in gold.


Simon Cooke. Samuel Lucas, Once a Week, and the Development of Sixties Illustration

Simon Cooke. Once a Week, Keene, and Samuel Lucas


Record no: 1875

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.212 (c)

De Beaumont: Case 263c

BL:  General Reference Collection 
General Reference Collection Dex.306.(16.) 
General Reference Collection RB.23.b.7018 

Once a week. An illustrated miscellany of literature, art, science, & popular invention. Volume III. July 1860 to December 1860. London: Bradbury & Evans, 11, Bouverie Street. London: Bradbury & Evans, printers, Whitefriars. 1860. 722p. [No separate plates.]  In the “Index to Illustrations”, the artists are given as: J. W. Brooks, Hablot K. Browne, G. du Maurier, C. Green, H. Hine, E. Hull, W. Holman Hunt, C. Keene, M. J. Lawless, J. Leech, J. Luard [i.e. probably John Luard], T. R. Macquoid, J. E. Millais, P. J. Skelton, J. Tenniel, F. Walker, R. T. Woods. The engraving are signed variously “Swain” and “Linton”. The illustration on page 84 is after Luard, is signed with his monogram bottom right, and accompanies the poem “Contrasts”, by J. F. F. The illustration on page 533 is after Tenniel, is signed with his monogram, bottom left, and accompanies chapter 1 of “The silver cord” by Shirley Brooks. Robin de Beaumont’s notes about this volume are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Binding: The case is detached from the text block. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Brown half calf. Marbled sides and red ink edges. The spine is divided into six panels by five false raised bands, and one smaller panel at the tail, with gold fillets tooled across the spine above and below each band. In panel two, on a dark red leather onlay, the words: “/ Once/ a week./” are tooled in gold. In panel four, the words: “/July/ to December 1860/” are tooled in gold. Panel six at the tail has the volume number “3” tooled in gold.


Record no: 1876

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.211 (c)

De Beaumont: Case 263b

BL: General Reference Collection

General Reference Collection RB.23.a.30132(2)

Document Supply 5294.120000

London Society. An illustrated magazine of light and amusing literature, for the hours of relaxation. Volume VI. 1864. London: [William Clowes] Office, 49 Fleet Street, E. C. London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. 570p; 96p. The plates are separate from the text. In the [list of] Engravings, the illustrations are drawn by: M. Ellen Edwards, C. A. Doyle, Cuthbert Bede, G. H. Thomas, Phiz [i.e. Hblot Knight Browne], J. D. Watson, Carl Piloty, W. Mc Connell, J. E. Millais, W. Brunton, H. Sanderson, Frank Wyburd, H. Schlessinger, Adelaide Claxrton, R. T. Pritchett, Rebecca Solomon, Florence Claxton. The blocks were cut by Dalziel, W. J. Lindon, H. Harral. The frontispiece is after Adelaide Claxton, is captioned “Seven flats!”, and accompanies the poem of the same title by Eleanora Louisa Harvey. The illustration facing page 353 is after M. E. Edwards, is captioned “Dangerous”, accompanying the story “The ordeal for wives; a story of London life”, by Annie Edwards. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this volume are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.



Gold and blind and relief.

Binding: It looks as though this volume had is covers blocked after the case was attached to the text block. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown honeycomb grain cloth. Both covers are blocked with an identical design. The design appears to have been blocked after the boards were attached to the text block. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in relief. The gold fillets form a ‘rule-frame’ border, and within these a wide gold border has repeating ‘arrow heads’ blocked in relief. On the corners, groups of leaves and a flower are blocked in gold. The central oval is framed with the same blocking as for the borders. On the centre, the arms of the Corporation of London are blocked in gold. Above and below the arms, the words: “/ London/ Society/” are blocked in gold, together with sprigs of leaves and flowers. The spaces between the decoration is punched inwards, making the decorative elements ‘intaglio’. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. At the head and at the tail, bands of repeating floral patterns are blocked in relief within a gold lettering-piece blocked across the spine. A gold fillet is blocked above and below these lettering-pieces. The title words are blocked down the spine, all are blocked in relief within ten gold lettering-pieces. The words: “/ London/ Society/” are blocked within two scroll-shaped lettering pieces. The words: “/ Light/ amusing/ literature/ for/ the hours of/ relaxation/ richly/ illustrated/” are blocked in relief within eight gold lettering-pieces. Beneath these words, three garter stars are blocked in gold, with decoration within each picked out in relief. The three stars are respectively: the (English) Garter Star – emblem of St George; the (Scottish) Order of the Thistle – emblem of the thistle; the (Irish) Order of St Patrick – emblem of the shamrock. The mottos of each order are blocked in relief within each garter: “Honi soit qui mal y pense; Nemo me impune lacessit; Quis separabit MDCCXXXIII”.  At the tail, the words: “/ Vol. VI./” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold-letting piece.

The notice on the half title page verso of the single issue of February 1864 reads: “The fourth volume [the issues for July to December 1863] containing upwards One Hundred Fine Engravings, is now ready in cloth, richly gilt, price 9s. 6d. Also, Cloth Cases for the use of Subscribers in Binding, price 1s. 6d. *** The whole of the Volumes are kept in print from the Stereotype Plates and may be obtained through any Bookseller.”

The issues in this volume are Vol. VI no. XXXII, July 1864 to Vol. VI. no. XXXVII, November 1864, 570p. ; Christmas Number, 1864, 90p.


Ball, p. 133, cites a count of six examples of this grain, on books published between 1862-1866. “Rare”


From Gleeson White  London Society


Pages 55 to 58



In 1864, M. J. Lawless's Not for You (p. 85); a fine J. D. Watson, The Duet (p. 268); Charley Blake, by G. Du Maurier (p. 385); At Swindon (p.41), M. E. Edwards, and Little Golden Hair, by R. Barnes, are the only others above the average. Adelaide Claxton, W. M'Connell, H. Sanderson, and J. B. Zwecker provide most of the rest. The second half of the year (vol. vi.) is far better, contains some good work by the 'talented young lady,' M. E. E. (to quote contemporary praise); that her work was talented all students of the 'sixties' will agree. A Holocaust (p. 433), Dangerous (p. 353), Gone (p. 185), Magdalen (p. 553), ./Jfzlly's Success (p. 269), and Unto this Last (p. 252) are all by Miss Edwards. A fine Millais, Knightly Worth (p. 247), and a good J. D. Watson, Blankton Weir (p. 416), would alone make the volume memorable. C. A. Doyle has some of his best drawings to A Shy Man, and G. H. Thomas and others maintain a good average. Rebecca Solomon has a good full page (p. 541). In the extra Christ¬mas number you will find E. J. Poynter's A Sprig of Holly (p. 28), J. D. Watson's Story of a Christmas Fairy (p. 24), a notable design, besides capital illustrations by Du Maurier, R. Dudley (The Blue Boy), R. Barnes, and Marcus Stone.


Record no: 1877

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.212 (d)

De Beaumont: Case 263c


Once a week. An illustrated miscellany of literature, art, science, & popular invention. Volume V. June to December 1861. London: Bradbury & Evans, 11, Bouverie Street. London: Bradbury & Evans, printers, Whitefriars. 1861. 724p. [No separate plates.]  In the “Index to Illustrations”, the artists are listed as: J. W. Brooks, Hablot K. Browne, G. du Maurier, T. Frolick [sic], C. Green, H. Hine, C. Keene, M. J.Lawless, J. Leech, J. E. Millais, T. Morten, W. H. Rogers, F. Sandys, F. J. Shields, P. Skelton, T. Sulman, J. Tenniel, F. Walker, Miss Wells, J. Wolf. Some of the illustrations are signed “Swain”. The illustration on page 43 is after Keene, accompanying the story: “The painter/ alchemist, by Dutton Cook. The illustration on page 378 is after Shields, accompanying the story: “The robber saint. A Cornish legend”, [ a poem] by “S.” Stamped in blind on the upper endpaper: “/ A & D Goodes/ The Old Storehouse/ “Antiques”/ Boscastle Harbour/ N. Cornwall./” Robin de Beaumont’s notes about this volume are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.



Binding: Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue/ Green diagonal bead cloth. The covers are not blocked. The spine has the title words: “/ Once/ a Week./ [rule]/ 5./” blocked in gold between two bands of ornamental decoration blocked across the spine.

Record no: 1878

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.212 (e)

De Beaumont: Case 263c


Once a week. An illustrated miscellany of literature, art, science, & popular invention. Volume XI. June to December 1864. London: Bradbury & Evans, 11, Bouverie Street. London: Bradbury & Evans, printers, Whitefriars. 1864. 724p. [No separate plates.]  In the “Index to Illustrations”, the artists are listed as: R. Barnes, W. S. Burton, G. du Maurier, F. Eltze, A. R. Fairfield, L. Frolich, C. Green, W. J. Knewstub, T. R. Lamont, H. Lucas, T. Morten, J. A. Pasquier, G. J. Pinwell, R. T. Pritchett, P. J. Skelton, F. A. Slinger, T. Sulman, J. Wolf. The illustration on page 98 is after Pasquier, accompanying the poem “Tintoret; Scene: Venice; time: the plague year”. The illustration on page 603 is after Morten accompanying the poem “The Cumaean Sybil”, by W. T. The Illustrations are variously signed: “Swain”.  Robin de Beaumont’s notes about this volume are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.



Binding: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Charles Ratcliffe/ Printer, Stationer, Bookseller, Bookbinder &c./ 74, South Castle Street,/ Liverpool./” Blue bead grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners, with a rule frame border and leaf and flower motifs on each corner. The upper cover has the title words: “/ Once/ a Week/” blocked in gold, in large gothic letters, with each capital “O” and “W” being placed within rectangular horizontal hatch gold lettering-pieces. Small plant decoration is adjacent to each capital letter. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. Fillets are blocked across the spine in blind at the head and at the tail. On the upper half of the spine, the title words: “/ Once/ a/ Week./Vol. II./” are blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces. Near the tail, the words: “/ Price 7/6/” are blocked in gold.


Record no: 1879

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.212 (f)

De Beaumont: Case 263c


 Once a week. An illustrated miscellany of literature, art, science, & popular invention. Volume XIII. June to December 1865. London: Bradbury & Evans, 11, Bouverie Street. London: Bradbury & Evans, printers, Whitefriars. 1865. 780p. 80p. [Christmas Number.] 2 plates. In the “Index to Illustrations”, the artists are listed as: H. K. Browne, E. Buckman, E. W. Cooke, W. Crane, W. Dampier, Miss E. Dunn, Miss E. M. Edwards, F. Eltze, P. Gray, A. B. Houghton, W. L. Jones, T. R. Lamont, F. W. Lawson, J. Lawson, Miss L. Mearns, G. J. Pinwell, R. T. Pritchett, E. Pursell, P. Skelton, F. J. Slinger, T. Sulman, Rev. H. R. Wadmore, J. Wolf. The illustration on page 85 is after Miss L. Mearns, accompanying the poem “The fall of Castle Gardoval”, by R. J. The illustrations are variously signed: “Swain”. The illustration on page 138 is after Lamont, accompanying the poem: “Lauretta. A tale of the Moselle”, by G. R. Swayne. Robin de Beaumont’s notes about this volume are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.



Binding: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue bead grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and on the corners, with a rule frame border and leaf and flower motifs on each corner. The upper cover has the title words: “/ Once/ a Week/” blocked in gold, in large gothic letters, with each capital “O” and “W” being placed within rectangular horizontal hatch gold lettering-pieces. Small plant decoration is adjacent to each capital letter. The spine is blocked in gold and in blind. Fillets are blocked across the spine in blind at the head and at the tail. On the upper half of the spine, the title words: “/ Once/ a/ Week./Vol. 13./” are blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces. Near the tail, the words: “/ Price 8/6/” are blocked in gold.



Record no: 1880

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.213 (a)

De Beaumont: Case 263c


[Selections from ‘Once a Week’. 1862-1863. Vol. I. Published and printed by Bradbury and Evans.] Some of the artists whose illustrations are in this volume are: E. J. Poynter, G. J. Pinwell, F. Shields, G. du Maurier, C. Keene, J. E. Millais, J. Tenniel, F. Wallker. The illustrations are variously signed: “Swain”. The illustration in the issue dated April 18, 1863 page 476 is after Poynter, which accompanies the poem: Duci of the Dale”, by Arthur J. Munby. The Illustration in the issue dated April 25, 1862 page 477 is after George John Pinwell, accompanying “A foggy story”. The illustration in the issue dated December 20, 1862, page 722 is after E. J. Poynter, accompanying “A fellow-traveller’s story”.  The illustration in the issue dated December 28, 1861, page 1 is after George du Maurier, accompanying chapter I of “the Admiral’s daughters, by A. Stewart Harrison. Robin de Beaumont’s notes about this copy are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Pencilled note on front endpaper verso: “From the Library of Lord Brooke of Cumnor, whose father – the artist and illustrator Leslie Brooke, - almost certainly collected these illustrations, adding pencil notes himself to identify some artists.”


Binding: Gilt edges. Half calf, marbled sides, endpapers and pastedowns. Stamped on upper endpaper verso: “Bound by Riviere and Son”. The spine is tooled in gold, and divided into five panels by raised bands. In panels two and three, the title and volume number: “/ Woodcuts/ from / Once/ a Week/ Vol./ I/” are tooled in gold. Panels 1,3,5 , 6 are in gold,  tooled with centred flowers, with stars around these, and leaves on each panel corner.


Record no: 1881

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.213 (b)

De Beaumont: Case 263c


[Selections from ‘Once a Week’. 1860-1864. Vol. II. Published and printed by Bradbury and Evans.] Some of the artists whose illustrations are in this volume are: F. Walker, J. E. Millais, F. Shields, G. du Maurier, C. Keene, M. J. Lawless, F. Leighton, F. Sandys. The illustrations are variously signed: “Swain”. The illustration in the issue dated Nov. 23, 1861, page 631, after F. Shields, is captioned at the page head as: “Rosamond, Queen  of the Lombards”, and accompanies the poem: “Phantasy”, by CSE (?). The illustration in the issue dated July 13, 1861 page 71, is after T. Morten, and accompanies the poem: “The father of the regiment”. Robin de Beaumont’s notes about this copy are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Binding: Gilt edges. Half calf, marbled sides, endpapers and pastedowns. Stamped on upper endpaper verso: “Bound by Riviere and Son”. The spine is tooled in gold, and divided into five panels by raised bands. In panels two and three, the title and volume number: “/ Woodcuts/ from / Once/ a Week/ Vol./ II/” are tooled in gold. Panels 1,3,5, 6 are in gold, tooled with centred flowers, with stars around these, and leaves on each panel corner.


Record no: 1882

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.213 (c)

De Beaumont: Case 263c


[Selections from ‘Once a Week’. 1859-1860. Vol. III. Published and printed by Bradbury and Evans.] Some of the artists whose illustrations are in this volume are: F. Walker, J. E. Millais, C. Keene, M. Lawless, T. Macquoid, J. Tenniel. The illustrations are variously signed: “Swain”. The illustration in the issue dated Nov. 3, 1863, page 498, is after Macquoid, accompanying the story “The Herberts of Elfdale”, by Mrs. Crowe. The illustration in the issue dated Sept. 24, 1859, page 250 is after Tenniel, accompanying the poem “The King of Thule”, by Theodore Martin.  Robin de Beaumont’s notes about this copy are on the front endpaper verso. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Binding: Gilt edges. Half calf, marbled sides, endpapers and pastedowns. Stamped on upper endpaper verso: “Bound by Riviere and Son”. The spine is tooled in gold, and divided into six panels by raised bands. In panels two and three, the title and volume number: “/ Woodcuts/ from / Once/ a Week/ In the/ sixties/” are tooled in gold. Panels 1,3,5 and 6 are in gold, tooled with centred flowers, with stars around these, and leaves on each panel corner.


Record no: 1883

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.216 (a)

De Beaumont: Case 263c

BL: P.P.268.cb. [1861]-[1926]

The Quiver. An illustrated magazine of social, intellectual and religious progress. Volume I. London: Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, Ludgate Hill, E. C. and 196 Broadway, New York, 1865-1866. 832p. [no separate plates.] The issues in this volume are for Saturday September 23, 1865 to Saturday, September 16, 1866.

The artists are listed as: E. Buckman, H. Cameron, M. E. Edwards, Paul Gray, A. B. Houghton, P. Justyne, F. W. Lawson, R. P. Leitch, L. Mearns, T. Morten, G. J. Pinwell, F. Sandys, T. D. Scott, F. J. Skill, W. Small, C. J. Staniland. The illustrations are variously signed: “Dalziel”, and “J. Cooper”. The illustration on page 273 is after William Small. It is captioned: “ “It’s not about Charlie, is it?” – p. 274.” It accompanies the title page for the issue of Saturday, January 20, 1866, and part I of the story “Mr. Western’s mistake”, by C.B. The illustration on page 401 is after F. Wilfred Lawson and is on the title page for the issue of Saturday March 17, 1866; it is captioned: “‘The youth and the maiden stood, for the first time, face to face with death.’ – p. 403.” It accompanies the story: “Mary Vaughan”, chapter II, by S. A. B. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Binding: Light brown endpapers and pastedowns. Edges sprinkled with red ink. Half red morocco, with green bead grain cloth sides. The spine is blocked in gold and is divided into five panels by false raised bands. Small plant decoration is tooled in gold on each raised band with double fillets above and below each. Panel two has the title: “/ The/ Quiver./”; panel four has the date: “/1866/ “ tooled in gold.


Record no: 1884

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.216 (b)

De Beaumont: Case 263c

BL: P.P.268.cb. [1861]-[1926]

The Quiver. [An illustrated magazine of social, intellectual and religious progress. Volume II. London: Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, Ludgate Hill, E. C. and 196 Broadway, New York. 1866- 1867.] 832p. No separate plates. The issues in this volume are from Saturday, September 22, 1866 to Saturday September 14, 1867.

Some of the illustrators in this volume are: G. J. Pinwell, Alfred Thompson, A. Fairfield, C. Rufford, Edith Dunn, F. Oakes, B. Bradley, M. Ellen Edwards, W. Small, J. D. Watson, Charles Green, J. Wolf, E. Shiel(d?), C. J. Staniland, R. P. Leitch, R. T. Pritchett, F. W. Wimperis, A. C. Gow, W. H. Fisk, F. A. Fraser. The illustrations are variously signed “Linton”; W. Thomas”. The illustration on page 529 is after A. Fairfield, is captioned: ““Without looking round, Ulrich crossed the bridge.” – p.552.”, accompanying the story: “Gabrielle of Zermatt”, by the Rt. Hon. Mrs. R. J. Greene. The illustration on page 553 is after Alfred Thompson, is captioned: ““/ I a soldier’s wife and mother,/ You a gallant soldier’s son./” – p. 557.”, accompanying the story: “The half-sisters”, by Mary and Elizabeth Kirby. The illustration on page 689 is after Edith Dunn, is captioned ““Willie became thoroughly absorbed in the service.” – p. 691.”, accompanying the story: “The organ-blower”, by Dash Blank [pseud.?]. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Binding: Light brown endpapers and pastedowns. Edges sprinkled with red ink. Half red morocco, with green bead grain cloth sides. The spine is blocked in gold and is divided into five panels by false raised bands. Small plant decoration is tooled in gold on each raised band with double fillets above and below each. Panel two has the title: “/ The/ Quiver./”; panel four has the date: “/1867/ “ tooled in gold.

Elizabeth and Mary Kirby – ODNB

Record no: 1885

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.216 (c)

De Beaumont: Case 263c

BL: P.P.268.cb. [1861]-[1926]

The Quiver. [An illustrated magazine of social, intellectual and religious progress. Volume III. London: Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, Ludgate Hill, E. C. and 196 Broadway, New York. 1867- 1868.] 880p. no separate plates. The issues in this volume are from Saturday, September 21, 1867 to Saturday, October 3, 1868. Some of the illustrators in this volume are: F. W. Lawson, G. J. Pinwell, A. B. Houghton, J. D. Watson, Xharles Green, M. E. Edwards, J. Mahoney, S. L. Fildes, B. Bradley, H. Woods, Raphael Newcombe, L. C. Henley, K. Edwards, E, M Wimperis, J. Gilbert, R. Barnes, L. Straszynski, A. Thompson, R. T. Pritchett, H. Herkomer. The plates are signed variously “W Thomas ”. The frontispiece is a colour plate after Joshua Reynolds,  engraved by Vincent Brooks. The illustration on page 433 is after Fildes, Is signed with his monogram bottom right, and is captioned: “”It’s pretty plain he worked con amore.” P. 434.”, which accompanies the story “Three chapters in a painter’s life” by I. D. Fenton. [This is a pseudonym of Isabella Eleanor Aylmer, nee Darling, 1840-1908.] The illustration on page 369 is after Raphael Newcombe, signed bottom right with the monogram RN, is captioned: “ “ ‘They seem to go better,’ said Polly.” – p. 370.”, accompanying the story “Three days in Jenny’s life”. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Binding: Light brown endpapers and pastedowns. Edges sprinkled with red ink. Half red morocco, with green bead grain cloth sides. The spine is blocked in gold and is divided into five panels by false raised bands. Small plant decoration is tooled in gold on each raised band with double fillets above and below each. Panel two has the title: “/ The/ Quiver./”; panel four has the date: “/1868/ “ tooled in gold.

Record no: 1886

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.216 (d)

De Beaumont: Case 263c

BL: P.P.268.cb. [1861]-[1926]

The Quiver. [An illustrated magazine of social, intellectual and religious progress. Volume IV. London: Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, Ludgate Hill, E. C. and 196 Broadway, New York. 1868- 1869.] 832p. no separate plates. The issues in this volume are from Saturday, October 10, 1868 to Saturday, October 10, 1869. Some of the illustrators in this volume are: F. W. Leighton, W. Small, M. E. Edwards, M. W. Ridley, C. J. Staniland, L. Taylor, J. A. PAsquier, H. Woods, R. Barnes, J. D. Watson, Edith Dunn, W. L. Thomas, S. L. Fildes. W. Jones, R. Newcombe, J. N. Lee. The late George H. Thomas, H. Birtles. The plates are signed variously: “W. Thomas”. The illustration on page 617 is after Edith Dunn, is signed with her initials bottom right, and is captioned:  ““Bonnie Katie McKelvie, crouched behind the rock.” – p. 621.”, accompanying the story: ““Lost” a true story”, by J. Hering. The illustration on page 777 is after Ridley, is signed bottom right, is captioned with the verse lines: ““/Tread we now the oaken stair,/ Spiring to the castle tower.” –p. 776”, accompanying the poem “The castle stair”, by B. The Editor’s note on page 832 gives details of the contents of the next volume to be published. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Binding: Light brown endpapers and pastedowns. Edges sprinkled with red ink. Half red morocco, with green bead grain cloth sides. The spine is blocked in gold and is divided into five panels by false raised bands. Small plant decoration is tooled in gold on each raised band with double fillets above and below each. Panel two has the title: “/ The/ Quiver./”; panel four has the date: “/1869/ “ tooled in gold.


Record no: 1887

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.214

De Beaumont: Case 263c

BL: P.P.5270.ah.

Punch; or the London Charivari. Vol. XLIV. 1863. London: Published at the Office, 85, Fleet Street, 1863. London: Bradbury & Evans, printers, Whitefriars. [1,2,12] 266p. The full page illustrations are part of the overall pagination. Each issue is of ten pages. Punch’s Almanck for 1863 [12 pages] is bound at the front. The index is on pages 265-266. The bookplate of Henry Wyndham is on the upper pastedown. The illustrations in this volume are after: John Tenniel, John Gilbert, Gerald Du Maurier, Charles Keene, John Everett Millais, John Leech. The illustration on  pages 6 & 7 of the Almanack, captioned: ‘A day at Biarritz’ is after John Leech. It shows the Emperor Napoleon II about to take a dip into the sea. The illustration on page 55 is captioned: The national Crinoline’, and is after John Tenniel (depicting the lady’s expansive crinoline, a metaphor for the national expenditure, and the need to reduce it, which remains topical today…) Robin de Beaumont’s extensive notes are on the front endpaper recto. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.



Gold and blind

Binding: Red ink speckled edges. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Maroon (?) diaper-grain cloth. The covers have been blocked in blind and in gold after they were attached to the text block. Brown sand-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders, with a ‘rule-frame’ of four fillets, and stylised floral decoration surrounding the centre. On the upper cover, the figure of Mr. Punchinello is blocked, legs apart, wearing his jester’s cap, holding a truncheon against his right hip, and a placard in his left hand, which has the title: “/ Punch/ or/ the London Charivari/”  blocked in relief, in faint letters within it. The spine is blocked in gold. Along the spine from tail to head, the words: “/ Punch Vol. XLIV./” are blocked in ‘rustic’ letters.


Record no: 1888

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.215

De Beaumont: Case 263c

BL: P.P.5270.ah.  

Punch; or the London Charivari. Vol. 50. 1866. London: Published at the Office, 85, Fleet Street, 1866. London: Bradbury & Evans, printers, Whitefriars. [1,2,12] 276p. The full page illustrations are part of the overall pagination. Each issue is of ten pages. Punch’s Almanack for 1866 [12 pages] is bound at the front.

The bookplate of Henry Wyndham is on the upper pastedown. The illustrations in this volume are after: Charles Henry Bennett, John Tenniel, G. B. Goddard. The illustration on page 3 of the Almanack is captioned: ‘The diver in search of the Atlantic cable gets into hot water’, is after Du Maurier. The illustration on page 253 is after Tenniel, is captioned:  ‘Honesty and Policy’, featuring Britannia and Napoleon III exchanging words about the [then current] Prussian- Austrian war . The illustration on page 207 is after Bennett, is captioned ‘Down to the Derby’. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.


Gold and blind

Binding: Text sewn on three cords. Red ink speckled edges. Beige endpapers and pastedowns. The covers have been blocked in blind and in gold after they were attached to the text block. Maroon diaper-grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders, with a ‘rule-frame’ of four fillets, and stylised floral decoration surrounding the centre. On the upper cover, the figure of Mr. Punchinello is blocked, legs apart, wearing his jester’s cap, holding a truncheon against his right hip, and a placard in his left hand, which has the title: “/ Punch/ or/ the London Charivari/”  blocked in relief, in faint letters, within it. The spine is blocked in gold. Along the spine from tail to head, the words: “/ Punch Vol. L./” are blocked in ‘rustic’ letters.


BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.218 (a)

De Beaumont: Case 263c


The Sunday Magazine for 1867. Edited by Thomas Guthrie, D. D. And Illustrated by A. B. Houghton, J. D. Watson, W. Small, G. J. Pinwell, J. W. North, F. W. Lawson, and others. London: Strahan & Co., Magazine Publishers, 56, Ludgate Hill, 1866-1867. vi, 862p. 36 plates. Illustrations are also printed alongside text. Contains issues from October 1, 1866 to September 1, 1867. The Index was issued as part of the issue of September 1, 1867. Other illustrators not cited on the title page are: H. A. Harper, W. Henley. The illustrations are variously signed: “Swain”. The frontispiece is after Houghton, is captioned:  ‘ “The Huguenot family in the English village”, p. 798.’, and this accompanies the story of the same title by Sarah Tytler [pseud., i.e. Henrietta Keddie.] The illustration facing page 632 is after H. A. Harper, accompanying the poem “Church and churchyard”. The illustration facing page 671 is after W. Henley, accompanying the story: “an honest heart”, by Andrew Whitgift. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind


Binding: Beige endpapers and pastedowns. The bookplate on the upper pastedown is of the “Servants’ Library, Cliveden, no. 140.” Green end band and tail band. Half calf and marbled paper sides. The spine has six panels created by false raised bands. Panel two has a dark green leather label, with the words tooled in gold: / Sunday/ Magazine./” Panel five has the words tooled in gold: “Cliveden/ [rule]/ servants/ library./”


Record no: 1890

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.218 (b)

De Beaumont: Case 263c


The Sunday Magazine. Edited by Thomas Guthrie, D. D. And Illustrated by G. J. Pinwell, A. B. Houghton, J. Leighton, J. Mahoney, F. A. Fraser, J. G. Thompson, and others. London: Strahan & Co., Magazine Publishers, 56, Ludgate Hill, 1868-1869. vi, 392p. 12 plates. Illustrations are also printed alongside text. Contains issues from October 1, 1868 to March 1, 1869. Other illustrators (for both bound books of volume V) not cited on the title page are: J. McWhirter, R. Barnes, J. Pettie, T. Barnard, W. Cheshire, T. Dalziel, A. Hughes, E. F. Brewtnall. The illustrations are variously signed: “Dalziel”. The frontispiece is after Pinwell, is captioned: “The crust and the cake, p. 712.”, and accompanies the story of the same title by Edward Garrett, pseud. [i.e. Isabella Fyvie.] The illustration facing page 69 is after Pettie, accompanying the story: “Philip Clayton’s first-born”, by A. Paget. The illustration facing page 121 is after W. Cheshire, accompanying the story: “A Sunday morning at the foot of Mont Blanc”. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind


Binding: Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s stamp on the upper pastedown: “/ Bound by J. B. Hawes, Cambridge./” Green end band and tail band. Half calf and marbled paper sides. The spine has six panels created by false raised bands. Panel two has a black leather label, with the words tooled in gold: / The/ Sunday/ Magazine./” Panel three has the word tooled in gold: “/ 5.1/”


Record no: 1891

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.218 (c)

De Beaumont: Case 263c


The Sunday Magazine. Edited by Thomas Guthrie, D. D. And Illustrated by G. J. Pinwell, A. B. Houghton, J. Leighton, J. Mahoney, F. A. Fraser, J. G. Thompson, and others. London: Strahan & Co., Magazine Publishers, 56, Ludgate Hill,1869.] pp. 394-774p. 7 plates. Illustrations are also printed alongside text. Contains issues from April 1, 1869 to September 1, 1869. Other illustrators (for both bound books of volume V) not cited on the title page are: J. McWhirter, R. Barnes, J. Pettie, T. Barnard, W. Cheshire, T. Dalziel, A. Hughes, E. F. Brewtnall. The illustrations are variously signed: “Dalziel”. The illustration facing page 505 is after Townley Green, accompanies the story: “The village doctor’s wife”, by Richard Rowe. The illustration facing page 587 is after Pinwell, accompanying the story: “The crust and the cake”, by Edward Garrett, pseud. [i.e. Isabella Fyvie.] The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind


Binding: Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s stamp on the upper pastedown: “/ Bound by J. B. Hawes, Cambridge./” Green end band and tail band. Half calf and marbled paper sides. The spine has six panels created by false raised bands. Panel two has a black leather label, with the words tooled in gold: / The/ Sunday/ Magazine./” Panel three has the word tooled in gold: “/ 5.2/”

Record no: 1892


BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.218 (d)

De Beaumont: Case 263c


The Sunday Magazine. Edited by Thomas Guthrie, D. D. And Illustrated by W. Small, Townley Green, J. Mahoney, J. Leighton, F. A. Fraser, Fras. Walker, and others. London: Strahan & Co., Magazine Publishers, 56, Ludgate Hill,1870-1871 [2], 766p.; supplement of xlviiip. 22 plates. Illustrations are also printed alongside text. Contains issues datedOctober 1, 1870 to September 1, 1871. Other illustrators not cited on the title page are: J. D. Linton, A. Hughes, W. J. Wiegand, T. Green, A. B. Houghton, F. Barnard, C. Green, R. Macbeth, E. F. Brewtnall. The illustrations are variously signed: “Dalziel”. The frontispiece is after T. Green, is captioned: “ “A bad speculation.” – p. 739”, accompanying the story by Edward Garrett, pseud. [i.e. Isabella Fyvie.] The illustration on page 408 is after John Leighton, accompanying the poem: “A parable” by C. Fraser Tytler. The illustration facing page 693 is after Small, is captioned:  “The story of the mine”, accompanying chapter XVI of the story.

The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind


The University of Michigan copy of the isseus for 1870-1871 are available on Google books:

Binding: Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Half calf, with red vertical line, diagonal-grain cloth sides. The spine is divided into six panels by raised bands; panel two has a red leather lettering-piece, with the words: “/ Sunday/ Magazine/ [rule]/ 1871./ tooled in gold within it.


Record no: 1893

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.218 (e)

De Beaumont: Case 263c


The Sunday Magazine. Edited by Thomas Guthrie, D. D. And Illustrated by W. P. Orchardson, A. Hughes, T. Green, J. Mahoney, R. Macbeth, F. A. Fraser, F. Walker, and others. London: Strahan & Co., 56, Ludgate Hill,1871-1872. 880p. plates. Illustrations are also printed alongside text. Contains issues dated October 1, 1871 to September 1, 1872. The list of illustrations is bound at the end. Other illustrators not cited on the title page are: W. J. Wiegand, H. Herkomer, F. S. Walker, T. Sulman, E. G. Dalziel, E. F. Brewtnall, E. Hughes, W. Wyatt Gill, J. Wolf. The illustrations are variously signed: “Dalziel”. The frontispiece is after F. A. Fraser, is captioned: “The Vicar’s daughter”, which accompanies a story by George Macdonald. The illustration facing page 321 is after E. G. Dalziel, accompanying a poem: The weeping willow”, by John Mansell. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the front paste down.

Gold and blind


Binding: Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Half calf, with red vertical line, diagonal-grain cloth sides. The spine is divided into six panels by raised bands; panel two has a red leather lettering-piece, with the words: “/ Sunday/ Magazine/ [rule]/ 1872./ tooled in gold within it.


Record no: 1894

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.208 (a)

De Beaumont: Case 263c

BL: DSC  4211 220000


The Graphic. An illustrated newspaper. December 1869 to June 1870. London: Office [of Illustrated Newspapers Limited], 190, Strand. London: R. Clay Sons and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill. 1869-1870. Nos. 1 to 30. 720p. The Christmas number has 24p. Price sixpence, seven pence stamped. Each weekly issue is normally of twenty four pages. Printed in the colophon of these issues: “Published by Edward Joseph Mansfield…” The Preface has head and tail pieces after John Leighton. On page 120 of volume, there is a list of artists, “…who have assisted, or promised to assist the enterprise…” These artists are cited as: G. H. Andrews, R. Ansdell, A. R. A., J. Auchen, E. Armitage, A. R. A., R. Barnes, W. Beverley [i.e. probably William Roxby Beverly], E. Buckman, W. W. Deane, George Dodgson, G. Du Maurier, Edward Duncan, A. Elmore, A. R. A., T. Faed, R. A., S. L. Fildes, Birket Foster, W. P. Frith, P. R. A., C. Green, Townley Green, Carl Haag, J. E. Hodgson, J. C. Hook, R. A., A. B. Houghtpon, Alfred Hunt, H. Jeune, A. R. A., E. K. Johnson, C. Keene, F. W. Lawson, J. Leighton, F. S. A., G. D. Leslie, A. R. A., A. H. Luxmore [i.e. probably Arthur Coryndon Hansler Luxmoore], G. Mason, A. R. A., W. Q. Orchardson, A. R. A., J. Pettie, A. R. A., G. J. Pinwell, E. J. Poynter, A. R. A., Val Princep, F. Sandys, Percival Skelton, W. Small, Marcus Stone, G. A. Storey, J. Gordon Thomson, J. D. Watson, G. F. Watts, A. R. A., Harrison Weir, J. Whistler, H. Woods. The title page of the cumulative volume is after John Leighton. The illustrations on age 345 are after Houghton, with the caption: “Graphic America – on the Atlantic steamer.” The “Parts of the Graphic” [i.e. the contents] are printed on page 214 of volume 1. Robin de Beaumont’s notes about this newspaper are on the upper pastedown  and on a separate sheet. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown.

Gold and blind


Binding:  Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Half calf. Marbled paper sides. The spine is divided into six panels by (false) raised bands. Panel two has a black leather lettering-piece, with the words: “/ The/ Graphic/ [rule]/ Vol. 1./” tooled in gold.


The British Library copy for volume 1, with its original binding case, is at shelf mark: C.188.c.52. See:

Vol. 1. London: Edward Joseph Mansfield. London: R. Clay, Sons & Taylor. viii, 720p. 318x420x55mm. Issued on a Saturday. Each issue was priced at sixpence. The colophon of the early issues reads: “ Printed for the Proprietors by R. Clay, Sons, & Taylor, at 7 and 8, Bread Street Hill, in the City of London, and published by Edward Joseph Mansfield, at The Office, 190 Strand, in the Parish of St. Clement Danes, in the County of Middlesex.” The title page for each bi-annual cumulated bound volume is after John Leighton. It has a densely decorated border with roundels and many [pseudo?] armorials. It is signed bottom left: “/ Iohn [cross] F.S.A./ Leighton/”  The first issue of The Graphic, an illustrated weekly newspaper costing 6d, appeared on 4 December 1869 - the birthday of its founder, William Luson Thomas. Thomas and his brother, George, had been employed as draughtsmen and engravers by The Illustrated London News during the 1850s and 1860s. However, when George died in 1868 and William proposed to issue a memorial volume featuring some of George's work for the benefit of his bereaved family, The Illustrated London News refused to lend wood-blocks of George's drawings for the project. The ill-feeling this created strengthened William's resolve to start up his own rival illustrated paper - the capital for which he quickly raised from family and professional acquaintances. The paper speedily achieved success - especially with the fortuitous outbreak of the news-grabbing Franco-Prussian War in 1870 - and became the chief rival of The Illustrated London News. By the 1880s it was selling up to 250,000 copies per week. William and his editors - first Sutherland Edwards (1869-70), followed by Arthur Locker (1870-91) and T.H. Joyce (1891-1906) - employed many talented artists, including Frank Holl, Luke Fildes, Hubert von Herkomer, A.B. Houghton, Frederick Waller and William Small. Initially, the paper featured illustrations of a very high artistic standard - higher, in fact, than most of its competitors; however, with the development of new printing techniques and photography, the quality of its illustrations declined over time. Along with illustrations and news, it also notably published and illustrated fiction - including Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles in 1891, the illustrations for which were drawn by Herkomer and some of his students. The Graphic eventually ceased publication in 1932.



Record no: 1895

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.208 (b)

De Beaumont: Case 263c

BL: DSC  4211 220000


The Graphic. An illustrated newspaper. January – June 1871. Volume 3. London: Office [of Illustrated Newspapers Limited], 190, Strand. London: R. Clay Sons and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill, 1871. Nos. 58 to 82. 596p. Price sixpence, seven pence stamped. Each weekly issue is normally of twenty four pages. Printed in the colophon of these issues: “Published by Edward Joseph Mansfield…” The title page is after John Leighton. The Preface has head and tail pieces after John Leighton. [For details of the artists who were likely to have made illustrations for the newspaper, see the list given in Volume 1.] The illustration on page 324 is after E. Buckman, and is captioned: “The district vaccinator – a sketch at the East-End”. On page 331, there is a list of prices “To Subscribers”, which shows that circulation of the newspaper was intended to be worldwide. The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown. Robin de Beaumont’s notes regarding this volume are on a separate sheet.

Gold and blind


Binding:  Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Half morocco. Marbled paper sides. The spine is divided into six panels by triple gilt rules. Panels 1, 4, 5, 6 have gilt floral centre-pieces. Panel two has the words: “/ The/ Graphic/”; panel three has the words:  “/ 1871./ [rule]/ 1. [For volume 3, part 1]/” tooled in gold.



The Managing Director was William Luson Thomas, 1869-1900. The publisher was Edward Joseph Mansfield, 1869-1893. The Editor was Henry Sutherland Edwards, 1869-1870. The next Editor was Arthur Lockyer, 1870-1891.

The British Library copy for volume 1, with its original binding case, is at shelf mark: C.188.c.52. See:

Vol. 1. London: Edward Joseph Mansfield. London: R. Clay, Sons & Taylor. viii, 720p. 318x420x55mm. Issued on a Saturday. Each issue was priced at sixpence. The colophon of the early issues reads: “ Printed for the Proprietors by R. Clay, Sons, & Taylor, at 7 and 8, Bread Street Hill, in the City of London, and published by Edward Joseph Mansfield, at The Office, 190 Strand, in the Parish of St. Clement Danes, in the County of Middlesex.” The title page for each bi-annual cumulated bound volume is after John Leighton. It has a densely decorated border with roundels and many [pseudo?] armorials. It is signed bottom left: “/ Iohn [cross] F.S.A./ Leighton/”  The first issue of The Graphic, an illustrated weekly newspaper costing 6d, appeared on 4 December 1869 - the birthday of its founder, William Luson Thomas. Thomas and his brother, George, had been employed as draughtsmen and engravers by The Illustrated London News during the 1850s and 1860s. However, when George died in 1868 and William proposed to issue a memorial volume featuring some of George's work for the benefit of his bereaved family, The Illustrated London News refused to lend wood-blocks of George's drawings for the project. The ill-feeling this created strengthened William's resolve to start up his own rival illustrated paper - the capital for which he quickly raised from family and professional acquaintances. The paper speedily achieved success - especially with the fortuitous outbreak of the news-grabbing Franco-Prussian War in 1870 - and became the chief rival of The Illustrated London News. By the 1880s it was selling up to 250,000 copies per week. William and his editors - first Sutherland Edwards (1869-70), followed by Arthur Locker (1870-91) and T.H. Joyce (1891-1906) - employed many talented artists, including Frank Holl, Luke Fildes, Hubert von Herkomer, A.B. Houghton, Frederick Waller and William Small. Initially, the paper featured illustrations of a very high artistic standard - higher, in fact, than most of its competitors; however, with the development of new printing techniques and photography, the quality of its illustrations declined over time. Along with illustrations and news, it also notably published and illustrated fiction - including Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles in 1891, the illustrations for which were drawn by Herkomer and some of his students. The Graphic eventually ceased publication in 1932.


Record no. 1896

BM P & D Register no: BM 1992,0406.208 (c)

De Beaumont: Case 263c

BL: DSC  4211 220000


The Graphic. An illustrated newspaper. July to December 1871. Volume 4. London: Office, 190, Strand. London: R. Clay Sons and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill, 1871. Nos. 83 to 109. 648p. The Christmas Number of December 25, 1871 is of 26 pages. Price sixpence, seven pence stamped. Each weekly issue is normally of twenty four pages. Printed in the colophon of these issues: “Published by Edward Joseph Mansfield…” The Preface has head and tail pieces after John Leighton. The illustration facing page 646 is after S. L. Fildes, and is captioned: “Miss or Mrs?”,and it accompanies the story: “Miss or Mrs? A Christmas story in twelve scenes”, by Wilkie Collins. The illustration on page 460 is after F. W. Lawson, and is captioned: The first anniversary – Alsatians visiting the graves of their friends.” The bookplate of Robin de Beaumont is on the upper pastedown. Robin de Beaumont’s notes about this volume are on a separate sheet.

Gold and blind


Binding:  Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Half morocco. Marbled paper sides. The spine is divided into six panels by triple gilt rules. Panels 1, 4, 5, 6 have gilt floral centre-pieces. Panel two has the words in gilt: “/ The/ Graphic/”; panel three has the words:  “/ 1870./ [rule]/ 2/”. [it should be 1871/4./]”.

The British Library copy for volume 1, with its original binding case, is at shelf mark: C.188.c.52. See:

Vol. 1. London: Edward Joseph Mansfield. London: R. Clay, Sons & Taylor. viii, 720p. 318x420x55mm. Issued on a Saturday. Each issue was priced at sixpence. The colophon of the early issues reads: “ Printed for the Proprietors by R. Clay, Sons, & Taylor, at 7 and 8, Bread Street Hill, in the City of London, and published by Edward Joseph Mansfield, at The Office, 190 Strand, in the Parish of St. Clement Danes, in the County of Middlesex.” The title page for each bi-annual cumulated bound volume is after John Leighton. It has a densely decorated border with roundels and many [pseudo?] armorials. It is signed bottom left: “/ Iohn [cross] F.S.A./ Leighton/”  The first issue of The Graphic, an illustrated weekly newspaper costing 6d, appeared on 4 December 1869 - the birthday of its founder, William Luson Thomas. Thomas and his brother, George, had been employed as draughtsmen and engravers by The Illustrated London News during the 1850s and 1860s. However, when George died in 1868 and William proposed to issue a memorial volume featuring some of George's work for the benefit of his bereaved family, The Illustrated London News refused to lend wood-blocks of George's drawings for the project. The ill-feeling this created strengthened William's resolve to start up his own rival illustrated paper - the capital for which he quickly raised from family and professional acquaintances. The paper speedily achieved success - especially with the fortuitous outbreak of the news-grabbing Franco-Prussian War in 1870 - and became the chief rival of The Illustrated London News. By the 1880s it was selling up to 250,000 copies per week. William and his editors - first Sutherland Edwards (1869-70), followed by Arthur Locker (1870-91) and T.H. Joyce (1891-1906) - employed many talented artists, including Frank Holl, Luke Fildes, Hubert von Herkomer, A.B. Houghton, Frederick Waller and William Small. Initially, the paper featured illustrations of a very high artistic standard - higher, in fact, than most of its competitors; however, with the development of new printing techniques and photography, the quality of its illustrations declined over time. Along with illustrations and news, it also notably published and illustrated fiction - including Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles in 1891, the illustrations for which were drawn by Herkomer and some of his students. The Graphic eventually ceased publication in 1932.



The Managing Director was William Luson Thomas, 1869-1900. The publisher was Edward Joseph Mansfield, 1869-1893. The Editor was Henry Sutherland Edwards, 1869-1870. The next Editor was Arthur Lockyer, 1870-1891.


[end of this file of Robin de Beaumont books]



Binding No: 2000

[In BL bindings database: 19.1.2023 - 019-000032908]

Pressmark: 11603.ccc.6.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: Shakspere’s Songs and Sonnets. Illustrated by John Gilbert.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Sampson Low, Marstson, Low and Searle, Crown Buildings, 188, Fleet Street. 1863.

Place of Printing and printer: [London:] R. Clay, sons, and Taylor, Printers.

Pagination:  56p.

Dimensions: 125x180x10mm


Bookbinder: Burn

Cover material, grain and colour: Red rib diagonal grain     

Block work: gold, blind and black

Date Examined: 19.1.2023.


References: For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.


Notes: Beige endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn/ & Co./” [Ball no. 20E] Red rib diagonal grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind with rule frames on the borders, and the publisher’s device blocked on the centre. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Three black rules on the borders, with a with a profusion of stems, leaves in black, and flower petals in gold. In two cartouches near the head, the words:” The/ Choice Series/” are blocked in relief. The central rectangle is a gold lettering-piece, with a rule border in black, and with  the words: “/ Shakspeare’s/ Songs/ and/ Sonnets” picked out in relief. Below the centre, a rectangular gold cartouche has the words: “/ Theirs for their style I’ll read, his for his love./” The spine has the title blocked in black along its length. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2001

[In BL bindings database: 19.1.2023 - 019-000032911]

Pressmark: 11603.c.12.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: Souvenir of Modern Minstrelsy: a collection of original and select poetry, by living writers. Third Series.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Trubner & Co., 60 Paternoster Row; Poetical Souvenir Office, 13, Bouverie Street, E. C.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by W. Clowes, Stamford Street.

Pagination:  222p. With four pages of miscellaneous publisher’s titles bound at the end, and a fifteen page catalogue of works published by Trubner & Co. .

Dimensions: 105x172x15mm



Cover material, grain and colour: purple bead grain cloth    

Block work: blind and gold

Date Examined: 19.1.2023.




Notes: The frontispiece portrait is of Charles Mackay, L.L.D. Gilt edges, Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. The covers have been blocked after being attached to the text block . Purple bead grain cloth. The borders and corners of both covers are blocked in blind, with a rule fram to the borders and curling stems pattern to each corner. The upper cover central gold vignette is formed by stems, leaves and ‘fuchsia like’ flowers. The title words: “/ Modern Minstrelsy/” are blocked in gold on the centre. The spine is blocked in gold. Plant stems and leaves rise from the tail. The title words: “/ Modern / Minstrelsy/” are blocked in gold near the head. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2002

[In BL bindings database: 19.1.2023. - 019-000032914]

Pressmark: Cup.408.m.49.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Tennyson, Alfred

Title: The May Queen ... In illuminated borders designed by L. Summerbell. Published with the Author’s Permission.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: George Berridge & Co. 37 & 42 Eastcheap, E. C.

Place of Printing and printer: London: George Berridge & Co. Eastcheap Works, E. C.

Pagination:  [1], 18, [1], [3]p.

Dimensions: 200x233x30mm.



Cover material, grain and colour: green morocco     

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 19.1.2023.




Notes: The eighteen plates are chromolithographed on the verso only. The colophon shows the device of George Berridge & Co. Bound at the end, there is a List of Subscribers. Chamfered boards. Patterned ‘moire’ endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco. Both covers are blocked identically in gold. There is an elaborate floral border. The central oval is formed from ferns, foxgloves, roses, etc. Within it, the words: “/The/ May Queen/ by/ Alfred Tennyson. Illuminated by L. Summerbell./” The spine is blocked in gold. Along the spine, the words: “/ Tennyson’s May Queen, Illuminated by L. Summerbell./ are blocked in gold. The red crown stamp is dated: ’15 Sep[tember 19] 81’. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2003

[In BL bindings database: 20.01.2023 - 019-000032917]

Pressmark: 11603.ccc.9.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Alfred Tennyson

Title:  The May Queen. Illustrated by E. V. B. [i.e. Eleanor Vere Boyle.]


Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Sampson Low, Marston, Low and Searle, Crown Buildings, 188, Fleet Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London: R. Clay, Sons, and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill.

Pagination:  39p.

Dimensions: 126x176x12mm.           


Bookbinder: Burn

Cover material, grain and colour:      

Block work: gold black and blind

Date Examined: 20.01.2023




Notes: Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn/ & Co./” [Ball no. 20E] Purple rib diagonal grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind with rule frames on the borders, and the publisher’s monogram device blocked on the centre. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Three black rules on the borders, with a profusion of stems, and leaves in black, and flower petals in gold. In two cartouches near the head, the words:” The/ Choice Series/” are blocked in relief. The central rectangle is a gold lettering-piece, with a rule border in black, and with  the words: “/ Tennyson’s/ May/ Queen/” picked out in relief. Below the centre, a rectangular gold cartouche has the words: “/ So, if you’re waking, call me, call me early, Mother Dear/”The spine has the title blocked in black along its length. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2004

[In BL bindings database: 20.01.2023 - 019-000032920]

Pressmark: C109.i.5.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: Christmas with the Poets, a collection of songs, carols, and descriptive verses relating to the festival of Christmas. Embellished with fifty tinted illustrations by Birket Foster, etc. [Edited by H. V. i.e. Henry Vizetelly.]

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by Henry Vizetelly at Gough Square, Fleet Street, December MDCCCLI.

Pagination:  xii, 200p.

Dimensions: 173x245x24mm.           



Cover material, grain and colour:       red morocco vertical grain

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 20.01.2023.




Notes: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red morocco vertical grain cloth. The same design is blocked in gold on both covers. Rule frames on the borders with a wide band of holy and ivy leaves and berries. The central rectangle is recessed. In it, the title words: “/ Christmas/ with the/ Poets/” are blocked in gold in ‘Mediaeval/ gothic’ letters. The spine is blocked in gold with the title:/ Christmas with the Poets/ blocked along its length. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2005

[In BL bindings database: 20.1.2023. - 019-000032923]


Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: Winter Pictures by poet and artist. [Selections in verse from various authors.] With numerous  engravings by Edward Whymper.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: The Religious Tract Society, 56, Paternoster Row; 65, St. Paul’s Churchyard, and 164, Piccadilly.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Pardon and Sons, Printers, Paternoster Row.

Pagination:  180p.

Dimensions: 160x220x22mm.



Cover material, grain and colour: red fine rib diagonal grain cloth

Block work: gold and black

Date Examined: 20.1.2023.




Notes: Gilt edges. Bevelled Boards. Floral pattern on grey endpapers and pastedowns. Red fine rib diagonal grain cloth.  On the centre of the lower cover a rectangle, interspersed with leaves and stems are blocked in black. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. The words: “/ Winter/ Pictures/ by/ Poet & Artist/” are blocked in gold and black above and below two scenes. One scene shows a winter landscape, with willow (?) trees outlined in black, and an undulating field, blocked in gold. Another scene, to the right, shows a barn, with cows, with a farmhand bringing hay into the yard, by pushing open a gate – all in gold. The Spine is blocked in gold and in black. Near the head, the words: “/ Winter/ Pictures/” are blocked in gold, in fanciful letters. On the middle of the spine, the words: “/ By/ Poet/ &/ Artist/” are blocked in black. Below this is a small sea scene, with a sailing ship sailing upon waves. At the base, the monogram “RTS” is blocked in gold. Text copyright Edmund M B King


Binding No: 2006

[In BL bindings database: 27.1.2023 - 019-000032938]

Pressmark: W18 4298

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Robert Aris Willmott

Title: The poets of the nineteenth century / selected and edited by R. A. Willmott. Illustrated with one hundred and thirty engravings drawn by eminent artists, and engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. New Edition.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Frederick Warne & Co., Bedford Street Strand.

Place of Printing and printer: London: R. Clay, and Sons, Bread Street Hill, E. C.

Pagination:  xviii, 620p. With thirty four pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 133x186x33mm.           



Cover material, grain and colour: red fine rib diagonal grain cloth  

Block work: Gold, blind and black

Date Examined: 27.1.2023.




Notes: Each page of text has a red line border. A work in the Lansdowne Poets series. Each work  is advertised in the publisher’s titles as: “In large crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, gilt edges, price 3s. 6d. each.” This is probably number 39 in the series, as this number is blocked in blind on the centre of the lower cover.  Gilt edges, Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Red fine rib diagonal grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind. There is a repeating leaf and dot pattern blocked on the borders, between two rules. On the centre the number “39” is blocked, within a pseudo-heraldic circle. The upper cover is blocked in gold and black. There are rules in gold at head and tail, with stylised leaf pattern just below/ above. The initial of Warne are blocked in gold, immediately above the stippled gold lettering-piece that contains the title words: “/ Poets of the/ Nineteenth Century/” – the letters being picked out in black. Below this, the series title: “/ The Lansdowne Poets.” are blocked in black. The lower half of the cover has a lyre, blocked in gold, and roses, blocked in black. The work “Illustrations” is picked out in relief, within a ‘pennant-shaped’ gold lettering-piece. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. At the head and near the tail, decorative motifs of the upper cover are blocked in gold and black. The title words are blocked in relief near the head , within a rectangular gold lettering-piece: “/ Poets/ of the/ Nineteenth/Century/ Willmott/” The lower half of the  spine features an urn, blocked in gold, with a background for it, blocked in black. At the tail, the imprint: “/F. Warne & Co./” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2007

[In BL bindings database: 27.1.2023 - 019-000032940]


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  William Wordsworth

Title: The poetical works of William Wordsworth. With Life. With Engravings on Steel.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Edinburgh: Gall & Inglis, 6 George Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  xx,522p.

Dimensions: 117x170x30mm



Cover material, grain and colour:       red bead grain cloth

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 23.1.2023.




Notes: Text resewn and re-backed. No original endpapers pr pastedowns. Gilt edges. Red Bead grain cloth. On the borders and corners of both covers an identical decoration is blocked, in blind on the lower cover and in gold on the upper cover. A wooden rule frame is blocked on the borders, forming squares on each corner. Thistle stems, leaves and flowers wind round the frame. On the centre, an urn is blocked in gold. It is filled with flowers. The spine is blocked in gold. Thistle decoration to the head and on the lower half of the spine. Near the head, the words: “/ Wordsworth’s/ Poetical Works/ [rule] Illustrated/” are blocked in gold. At the tail, the imprint: “/[Edinburgh?]/ Gall & Inglis/” are blocked in gold. Text copyright Edmund M B King


Binding No: 2008

[In BL bindings database: 27.1.2023.  - 019-000032946] 

Pressmark: 11604.df.31.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  William Wordsworth

Title: The poetical works of William Wordsworth. With Life. Engravings on Steel.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Edinburgh: Bernard Terrace; London: 25 Paternoster Row.

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  xx, 522p. With one page of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 135x195x31mm.



Cover material, grain and colour: green fine diagonal grain cloth    

Block work: Blind and gold

Date Examined: 27.1.2023.




Notes: The List of Gall & Inglis’ Landscape Edition of the Poets is bound in at the rear. Wordsworth’s Poetical Works is no. 9 in the series. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Green fine diagonal grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. Rules and a repeating ‘cog’ pattern are blocked on the borders. The inner rectangle is formed by a single fillet, with eight petalled flowers on each corner. A mandorla is blocked on the centre, with an urn within it. On its borders, the words:”/The Landscape Series of Poets/” are blocked in blind. The upper cover has the same border decoration, but this is blocked in black. (Laurel?) leaves and stems blocked in black rise to surround the central mandorla. The mandorla has finely decorated motifs on its borders. It is recessed, with a red/ white paper onlay within. In it, an angel (female) is standing, in a landscape, her left hand holding a lyre upright. Above and below the onlay, within cartouches, the words: “/ Wordsworth’s/ Poeticl Works/” are blocked in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. Laurel leaves, blocked in black rise from tail to head, as background. Near the head, within two gold lettering-pieces, the words:”/ Wordsworth/ Illustrated/” are blocked in relief. On the middle of the spine, a gilt lyre is blocked above the monogram of Gall & Inglis, itself within a gilt garter. With the words:”/ The Landscape Seieries of Poets” are blocked in relief within it. At the tail, the imprint: “Gall & Inglis” is blocked in relief within a rectangular lettering-piece. Text copyright Edmund M B King


Binding No: 2009

[In BL bindings database: 28.1.2023 - 019-000032948]

Pressmark: 4419.dd.11.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Frederick Arnold

Title: The Path on Earth to the Gate of Heaven: essays of counsel and encouragement for the Christian life of the present day. With sixteen illustrations drawn from ancient and modern masters, and engraved by F. W. Branston [i.e. Frederick William Branston, The Brothers Dalziel, Edmund Evans, Horace Harral, W. J. Linton [i.e. William James Linton], and W. L. Thomas [i.e. William Luson Thomas].

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Frederick Warne & Co., Bedford Street, Covent Garden.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Levey and Co., printers, Great New Street, Fetter Lane, E. C.

Pagination:  xii, 369p., 16 plates. With one page of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 143x205x35mm.           


Bookbinder: Bone

Cover material, grain and colour: purple sand grain cloth    

Block work: Gold and blind

Date Examined: 28.1.2023




Notes: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown:”/ Bound by/ Bone & Son/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet Street,/ London./” [Ball no. 17E.] Purple sand grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind. Rules blocked on borders. Floral/ Plant decoration vignette on the centre. The upper cover is blocked in gold. The border decoration is of quatrefoils, interspersed with stylised stem/ leaf decoration. The central vignette features a quatrefoil, with dove, above and a cross, below. An extended ‘quatrefoil’ supports the title words, picked out in relief within four lettering-pieces: “/ The/ Path on Earth/ to the/ Gate of Heaven/” The spine is blocked in gold and in relief. Small stylised plant decoration blocked a the head. Below this, a trefoil is blocked. As for the upper cover, the  title words are the same as for the upper cover, with the addition of the author:”/ Rev. F. Arnold/” picked out in relief within a cartouche, within a quatrefoil. The word “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in gothic letters, in gold at the tail. The edition published by James Hogg in 1866 has a frontispiece illustration, captioned ‘Heavenly Aspiration’, signed ‘Ary Scheffer’ and ‘Dalziel Sc’, but no other plates. Text copyright Edmund M B King

Binding No: 2010

[In BL bindings database: 28.1.2023 - 019-000032951]


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Frederick Arnold

Title: The Path on Earth to the Gate of Heaven: essays of counsel and encouragement for the Christian life of the present day. With a frontispiece.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: James Hogg & Son, York Street, Covent Garden. 

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.

Pagination:  x, 369, 1 plate. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 123x175x30mm.           



Cover material, grain and colour: blue sand grain     

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 28.1.2023




Notes: Blue edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers  and pastedowns. Blue sand grain cloth The lower cover is blocked in blind only. Rule frame borders. Small stylised plant on each corner. The centre-piece shows a triangle and a circle. The upper cover has the same border decoration in blind as for the lower cover. . An extended ‘quatrefoil’ supports the title words, picked out in relief within four lettering-pieces: “/ The/ Path on Earth/ to the/ Gate of Heaven/” The spine is blocked in gold. On the upper half, the title and author ae blocked in gold. On the lower  half, a quatrefoil is blocked, with a cross within it. The Warne edition of is at shelfmark 4410.dd.10. This copy has sixteen plates of illustrations. Text copyright Edmund M B King



Binding No: 2011

[In BL bindings database: 28.1.2023 - 019-000032953]

Pressmark: 2292.i.1.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  William Edmondstoune Aytoun

Title: Lays of the Scottish cavaliers and other poems. With illustrations by Joseph Noel Paton and Waller H. [i.e. Hugh] Paton.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons.

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: R. & R. Clark.

Pagination:  [13], 268p.

Dimensions: BM binding: 190x245x35mm. Doubllure: 170x235mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:       red pebble grain cloth

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 28.1.2023.




Notes: Many of the illustrations are signed with the monogram “NP”, i.e. Noel Paton. Original upper used as a doublure, in a BM rebinding. Marbled edges. Red pebble grain cloth. There is a wide border of repeating squares, ach composed of four triangles. On each corner, a shield is blocked in and a motto blocked in a pennant beneath each shield. The mottos are likely to be: top left – ‘in defense’; top right: ‘jamais arriere’ (never behind); bottom left – ‘n oubliez’- do not forger; bottom right –‘recta sursum’ (straight up). The inner central oval is delineated by three rules blocked in gold. At its head and its tail, a thistle an a fleur-de-lis are blocked in gold. On the centre, there are three crossed swords, with a gilt pennant having the motto picked out in relief: ‘Nemo me impune lacessit’ (No one provokes me with impunity). The 1881 edition is at BL shelfmark 1600/756. This copy has the same upper cover central vignette as for the 1863 issue. Text copyright Edmund M B King


Binding No: 2012

[In BL bindings database: 6.2.2023 - 019-000032955]

Pressmark: 1600/756

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  William Edmondstoune Aytoun

Title: Lays of the Scottish cavaliers and other poems. With illustrations by Joseph Noel Paton and Waller H. [i.e. Hugh] Paton.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons

Place of Printing and printer: [Edinburgh:] William Blackwood and Sons

Pagination:  [12], 269p.

Dimensions: 203x250x30mm.           



Cover material, grain and colour:       red ungrained cloth

Block work: gold

Date Examined:




Notes: Gilt edges. Green endpapers and pastedowns. Red ungrained cloth. Prize label on upper pastedown. ‘Stranraer High School, Prize. 1st. Comp. 2nd. English 1st. French. Senior Department. IV class. Awarded to Annie Ewing. June 1899. John Davidson MA, Headmaster.’ The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in gold and has the same shield in each corner, and the same centre-piece as for the 1863 edition. On each corner, a shield is blocked in and a motto blocked in a pennant beneath each shield. The mottos are likely to be: top left – ‘in defense’; top right: ‘jamais arriere’ (never behind); bottom left – ‘n oubliez’- do not forget; bottom right –‘recta sursum’ - straight up.  On the centre, there are three crossed swords, with a gilt pennant having the motto picked out in relief: ‘Nemo me impune lacessit’ (No one provokes me with impunity). The spine is blocked in gold. Fillets to head and to tail. Near the head, the title is blocked in gold. The middle of the spine has a thistle and crown blocked in gold. The lower portion of the spine has the words: “/Illustrated/ by/. Beneath this, a single fleur-de-lis is blocked in gold. At the tail, the imprint: “/ Edinburgh an d London/ Blackwood & Sons/” is blocked in gold.  Noel Paton/” blocked in gold. The 1881 edition is at BL shelfmark 2292.i.1.Text copyright Edmund M B King

Binding No: 2013

[In BL bindings database: 6.2.2023. - 019-000032958]

Pressmark: 1347.f.10.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: The Babes in the Wood. [The ballad. With illuminated borders.]

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Sampson Low, Son & Co.

Place of Printing and printer:

Pagination:  [10 coloured plates.]

Dimensions: 136x190x13mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:       purple morocco horizontal grain cloth

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 6.2.2023.




Notes: Rebound. Plates printed on recto only. Gilt edges. Bevelled bards. No original endpapers or pastedowns. Purple morocco horizontal grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind on the borders, corners and sides, with a pattern of stems and leaves, within a rule frame border. The upper cover central vignette is blocked in gold. There are a large number of plants, stems and flowers, with the title words:”/ The/ Babes/ in the/ Wood/” being picked out in relief within the plants. The spine is not blocked. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2014

[In BL bindings database: 6.2.2023.  - 019-000032960]

Pressmark: 1562/122

Artist Name: Unsigned UJ

Author/Heading:  George Barnard

Title: The theory and practice of landscape painting in water-colours. Illustrated by a series of twenty-six drawings and diagrams in colours, and numerous woodcuts ... New edition.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: George Routledge & Sons, The Broadway, Ludgate; New York: 416 Broome Street

Place of Printing and printer: London: R. Clay , Sons and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill. 286p. 24 plates.

Pagination:  286p, 24 plates.

Dimensions: 195x270x35mm.           


Bookbinder: Bone & Son

Cover material, grain and colour: red fine diagonal grain cloth       

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 6.2.2023




Notes: The plates are signed: “Leighton Brothers”. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son/ 76, Fleet Street, London, E. C./” [Ball no. 17E] Red fine diagonal grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically on borders, on corners and on the centre, in blind to the lower cover, and in gold to the upper cover. Two rule frame fillets on the borders. A wreath formed of stems, leaves, buds and flowers is blocked in gold on the upper cover. The words: “/ Barnard’s/ Landscape/ Painting/” are blocked in gold on the centre. The spine is blocked in gold. At the head and the tail, small plant decoration is blocked in gold, between double fillets. From the head to the middle of the spine, the words”/ Landscape/ Painting/ in/ Water/ Colours./ Barnard/” are blocked in relief within six lettering-pieces. On the middle of the spine, a palette, rolls of paper, etc., and the tools for making water colours, are blocked in gold. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2015

[In BL bindings database: 22.02.2023. - 019-000032969]

Pressmark: 11651.k.1.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: Art and Song. A series of original ... engravings from masterpieces of art of the nineteenth century accompanied by a selection of the choicest poems in the English language. Edited by R. Bell.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Bell and Daldy, 6 York Street Covent Garden and 189 Fleet Street.

Place of Printing and printer: [London:]  Chiswick Press, printed by Whittingham and Wilkins, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane

Pagination:  xiv, 180p.

Dimensions: Doublure size: 197x278mm.    



Cover material, grain and colour:       red pebble grain

Block work: gold and black

Date Examined: 22.2.2023.




Notes: The volume has been rebound by the BM, in a quarter leather binding with marble edges. The original upper cover is a doublure. Red pebble grain cloth. Rule frames and ‘crossed ribbons are blocked on the borders. The foredge side has a column/ wooden staff/ pole, blocked from head to tail, embellished at intervals with plants. The inner border has repeating ‘dots and leaves’ patterns, blocked in gold and in black. On each side head and tail, pennant shaped gold lettering pieces have ‘Turner’, ‘Martin’, ‘Cowper’ Tennyson’, ‘Shakespere’ and ‘David Roberts’, blocked in relief  within each pennant. The central vignette has a embellished staff/ pole, which supports a pennant shaped gold lettering piece with the title words: “Art/ &/ Song/” blocked in relief within it. This copy has a BM blue crown and date stamp ‘2 MH 67’.  Text copyright Edmund M B King.



Binding No: 2016

[In BL bindings database: 22.2.2023 - 019-000032971]

Pressmark: C. 183.c.4.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: Art and Song. A series of original ... engravings from masterpieces of art of the nineteenth century accompanied by a selection of the choicest poems in the English language. Edited by R. Bell.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Bell and Daldy, 6 York Street Covent Garden and 189 Fleet Street.

Place of Printing and printer: [London:] Chiswick Press, printed by Whittingham and Wilkins, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane

Pagination:  xiv, 180p.

Dimensions: 220x285x35mm. Ticket size: 27x13mm.

Bookseller:  “/ Henry Wright/ Stationer Bookseller/ New Street/ Birmingham.’


Cover material, grain and colour: imitation walnut/ tortoise shell

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 22.2.2023.




Notes: Gilt edges. Chamfered boards. White moire endpapers and pastedowns. Bookseller’s ticket on upper pastedown: “/ Henry Wright/ Stationer Bookseller/ New Street/ Birmingham.’ The covers are varnished. Imitation walnut grain. [Or,  imitation tortoise shell grain]. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover has the same design blocked in gold as for BL 11651.k.1. The Rule frames and ‘crossed ribbons’ are blocked on the borders. The foredge side has a column/ wooden staff/ pole, blocked from head to tail, embellished at intervals with plants. The inner border has repeating ‘dots and leaves’ patterns, blocked in gold and in black. On each side head and tail, pennant shaped gold lettering pieces have ‘Turner’, ‘Martin’, ‘Cowper’ Tennyson’, ‘Shakespere’ and ‘David Roberts’, blocked in relief  within each pennant. The central vignette has an embellished staff/ pole, which supports a pennant shaped gold lettering piece with the title words: “Art/ &/ Song/” blocked in relief within it. The spine is of leather, blocked in gold. From tale to just above the middle, an ornate staff/ pole is blocked, which has plant and leaf decoration around it. The pole supports a two handled vase, with the title words: “Art/ and/ Song/” blocked in relief within the vase. At the tail. The imprint: “Bell & Daldy” is blocked in relief within a semi-circular gold lettering piece. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No:2017 

[In BL bindings database: 23.2.2023 - 019-000032975]

Pressmark: W10/5689

Artist Name: Owen Jones


Title: The Book of Common Prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the church, according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland / Church of England. With Notes. Illuminated: and Illustrated from the Works of the Great Painters.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: John Murray.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Vizetelly Brothers and Co. Printers and Engravers.

Pagination:  xl, 484p.

Dimensions: 185x255x45mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:       red leather

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 23.2.2023.


References: Flores, Carol A Hrvol. Owen Jones. Design, ornament, architecture, and theory in an age of transition. New York, Rizzoli International Publications, 2006. Appendix 5 lists Owen Jones as the designer of the title page and for the binding.



Notes: Text sewn on five sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Chamfered boards. Blue endpapers and pastedowns. Red leather (morocco) Both covers blocked identically in gold with a wide border of repeating crosses and ‘three buds in a hexagon’. Flower heads are on each corner. The central vignette on each cover shows a cross, with the monogram ‘HIS’. The spine is blocked in gold. Near the head and the tail, rectangular gold lettering-pieces show cross, triangles and small leaf decoration picked out in relief. On the spine middle, a church window has a cross blocked within it, with ‘IHS’ blocked in relief. This cross is repeated on the central vignette of the BL copy at shelf mark C30l2. The title words: “/ Common / Prayer/ Illuminated/” are blocked in gold above and below the church window. At the tail, the imprint:”/ London/ John Murray/” is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet. Another copy of this text was bound by Peacock and Mansfield, BL shelfmark C.151.h.12. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2018

[In BL bindings database: 23.2.2023 - 019-000032979]

Pressmark: C.30.l.2

Artist Name: Owen Jones


Title: The Book of Common Prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the church, according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland / Church of England. With Notes. Illuminated: and Illustrated from the Works of the Great Painters.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: John Murray.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Vizetelly Brothers and Co. Printers and Engravers.

Pagination:  xl, 484p.

Dimensions: 175x245x57mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:       blue rib grain cloth

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 23.2.2023.


References: Flores, Carol A Hrvol. Owen Jones. Design, ornament, architecture, and theory in an age of transition. New York, Rizzoli International Publications, 2006. Appendix 5 lists Owen Jones as the designer of the title page and for the binding.



Notes: Text sewn on three tapes. Blue rib vertical grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gblind, with a wide border of repeating crosses and ‘three buds in a hexagon’. Flower heads are on each corner. (This is the same decoration as for W10/5689.) The central vignette shows a cross, with the initials ‘IHS’. (This is the same cross as blocked on the spine of W10/5689.)  The spine is blocked in gold. Near the head and the tail, rectangular gold lettering-pieces show cross, triangles and small leaf decoration picked out in relief. On the spine middle, a church window is blocked, with no decoration within it. The title words: “/ Common / Prayer/ Illuminated/” are blocked in gold above and below the church window. At the tail, the imprint:”/ London/ John Murray/” is blocked in gold, within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet. Another copy of this text was bound by Peacock and Mansfield, BL shelfmark C.151.h.12. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2019

[In BL bindings database: 23.2.2023. - 019-000032982]

Pressmark: 12271.bbb.11.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: The Book of Elegant Extracts. Illustrated by eminent artists.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo.

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Ballantyne and Company, Printers. 

Pagination:  159p.

Dimensions: 175x217x30mm.


Bookbinder: William Hunter, Edinburgh

Cover material, grain and colour:       purple sand grain cloth

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 23.2.2023.




Notes: The title page illustration is signed ‘CJB’ [probably after Charles John Barnet], and [engraved by]: ‘R [i. e. Robert] Paterson’. Original yellow endpaper bound at the front. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Purple sand grain cloth. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Hunter/ Binder/ Edinburgh/” [Ball no. 46B.] Both covers blocked identically on the borders and corners, in blind to the lower cover, and in gold on the upper cover. There is a repeating pattern of thistle flowers and leaves on the outer border. On each inner corner, a single lyre is blocked. On the centre of the upper cover, there is an oval in the background, with the title words: “/ The Book/ of/ Elegant/ Extracts/” being blocked in gold within cartouches. The spine is missing. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2020

[In BL bindings database: 2.3.2023 - 019-000032985]

Pressmark: 4825.aaa16.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  John Cumming

Title: The Life and Lessons of Our Lord, unfolded and illustrated by the Rev. John Cumming.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: John F. Shaw, 48 Paternoster Row and Southampton Row

Place of Printing and printer: London: Harrild, Printer

Pagination:  viii, 616p. 12 plates.

Dimensions: 160x204x50mm


Bookbinder: BM

Cover material, grain and colour:       Quarter morocco

Block work: gilt to spine

Date Examined: 2.3.2023.




Notes: Originally issued in thirteen parts, each part costing 6d. Each part was issued with orange paper covers, together with a colour illustration, signed “Leighton Bros.” The paper covers have advertisements on the verso of each part, and on both covers of the lower paper cover. There is a ‘List of Illustrations’ for the coloured plates and the uncoloured engravings. There are eleven illustrators listed: C. Green, R. Hind, J. B. Zwecker, T. Kennedy, W. Tomlinson, P. Justyne, E. M. Wimperis, L. Huard, P. Skelton, H. Anelay, J. Jackson. All of the paper covers are bound in sequence within the one volume, which is a BM binding of quarter morocco. The illustrated half title page is signed: “A. Warren del.” [i.e. probably Albert Henry Warren]. The front cover recto of parts 12 and 13 has binding information: “Cases for binding the volume, Plain Cloth, price 1s. 6d.; Extra Cloth Full Gilt Side and Back, 2s. 6d.; Morocco Antique. 4s. 6d.” Text copyright Edmund M B King



Binding No: 2021

[In BL bindings database: 2.3.2023 - 019-000032989]

Pressmark: P. P. 5992.i.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Mrs. Alfred Gatty

Title: Aunt Judy's magazine for Young People. Illustrated. Edited by Mrs. Alfred Gatty.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Bell and Daldy, 186, Fleet Street and York Street, Covent Garden

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.

Pagination:  [Vol. I] 384p.

Dimensions: [no. 1 paper cover] 135x195    



Cover material, grain and colour:       blue paper

Block work:

Date Examined: 2.3.2023




Notes: Blue paper upper and lower covers for each number published. Each monthly issue was priced at 6d. Each upper cover recto has the title and an oval framed portraits of a mother(?) and three children. Advertisements are printed on each upper cover recto, and on both sides of each lower cover. The scan is of part1, the lower cover verso, and the upper cover of part II, recto. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2022

[In BL bindings database: 10.3.2022 - 019-000032991]

Pressmark: 1347.i.12.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Title: Reynard the Fox; after the German version of Goethe. By T. J. Arnold. With illustrations from the designs of Wilhelm von Kaulbach.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Trubner & Co., Paternoster Row; Nattali and Bond, Bedford Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by Richard Clsy, Bread Street Hill.

Pagination:  vi,226p.

Dimensions: 180x252x23mm.           


Bookbinder: Westley

Cover material, grain and colour:       blue bead grain cloth

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 10.3.2023


References: For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.


Notes: Gilt edges. Bevelled Boards. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by / Wesley’s/ & Co./ London./” [Ball no. 103C.] The endpapers and pastedowns have a ‘diamond and star’ pattern. Blue bead grain cloth.  The borders and corners of both covers have an identical blockwork which forms a frame. The title words: “/ Renard the Fox/” are blocked in a semi-circle above a tableau of an armoured creature driving a chariot. The tableau is supported by elaborate branches and stems, intertwined. The spine is blocked in gold. Down the length of the spine, stems/ branches are blocked, with the middle of the spine showing a shield-shaped gold lettering-piece, with the head of The Fox picked out in relief. Text Copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2023

[In BL bindings database: 10,3.2023 - 019-000032994]

Pressmark: 1346.h.32.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading: Oliver Goldsmith

Title: The Traveller. A poem. Illustrated with etchings on steel by Birket Foster.


Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: David Bogue, Fleet Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  39p.

Dimensions: 152x222x25mm.


Bookbinder: Leighton Son & Hodge

Cover material, grain and colour:       brown morocco horizontal gain cloth

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 10.3.2023.


References: For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.


Notes: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge/ Shoe Lane/ London./” [Ball no. 53A] Both covers blocked in gold with an identical design. Gilt cartouches form the frame. Filigree work of curling stems and buds blocked on corners and sides. The central rectangle is a large lettering-piece with plant decoration on its perimeter. Dense filigree work is picked out in relief within the rectangle. On the centre, inside a nine point design, a circle is blocked with straps at its  centre. The spine is blocked in gold Similar dense filigree decoration is blocked  from head to tail, with the words: “/ Goldsmith’s/ Traveller/ Illustrated/ by/ Birket Foster./” blocked in gold within an oriental arch. Text copyright Edmund M B King.



Binding No: 2024

[In BL bindings database: 10.3.2023 - 019-000032997]

Pressmark: 11609.aa.24.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Oliver Goldsmith

Title: The poetical works of Oliver Goldsmith, with a memoir by William Spalding.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Charles Griffin and Company, Stationers’ Hall Court

Place of Printing and printer: London: R. Clay, Son and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill.

Pagination:  vi, 152p.

Dimensions: 122x173x20mm.


Bookbinder: Burn

Cover material, grain and colour:       purple sand grain

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 10.3.2023.


References: For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.


Notes: The illustration on page 83 is signed: ‘T. Stothard R. A.’ and ‘W. Greatbach’. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Burn/ 37 & 38/ Kirby St./” [Ball no. 20A.] Purple sand-grain cloth. The border frame decoration is blocked in blind on the lower cover and in gold on the upper. On the upper cover, the central medallion is a hatch gold lettering-piece, showing a profile portrait of Goldsmith, his features picked out in relief. The spine is blocked in gold. On the upper half, there are five pennant-shaped gold lettering-pieces, within which the words: “/ The/ Poetical/ Works/ of/ Oliver/ Goldsmith/” are picked out in relief. At the tail, the words:”/ Griffin & Co. /” are blocked in gold. The 1866 copy is at BL shelf mark 11651.h.13. Text copyright Edmund M B King.

Binding No: 2025

[In BL bindings database: 16.3.2023

Pressmark: 11651.h.13.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Oliver Goldsmith

Title: The poetical works of Oliver Goldsmith. With a memoir by William Spalding, etc.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Charles Griffin and Company.

Place of Printing and printer: London: J. and W. Rider, Printers, Bartholomew Close.

Pagination:  [1], 152p. 1 plate. With four pages of publieher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 165x213x20mm



Cover material, grain and colour:      

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 16.3.2023. 




Notes: The frontispiece is a portrait of Goldsmith.  In the ‘Charles Griffin & Co.’s List’ bound at the end, this work is described as: ‘ New Edition, printed on superior toned paper. Fcap. 8vo cloth and gold, price 3s. 6d.’ Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in gold. Elaborate flora; patterns and rule frames to the borders. The central rectangle has ‘diamond lattice’ decoration. The central medallion shows a bust of goldsmith, with the words: “/ Goldsmith’s/ Poetical Works/” blocked in relief  above and below the medallion, within two cartouche shaped lettering-pieces. The spine is blocked in gold. From head to tail, a repeating pattern of quatrefoils and small plants is blocked. On the upper half of the spine,, the words: /” The/ Poetical/ Works/ of/ Oliver/ Goldsmith/” are blocked in relief within six gold lettering-pieces. The word: “Illustrated/” is blocked at the tail, within a small decorative lettering-piece. The 1869 edition is at BL shelfmark 11609aa24. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


            Binding No:    2026

            In bindings database P Marks, 2021. - 019-000030869

            Pressmark:       11651.k.4.

            Artist Name:    Unsigned UK

            Author/Heading:         Hood, Thomas

            Title:    Poems. Illustrated by Birket Foster [i.e. Myles Birket Foster].

            Publisher Name:         E. Moxon, Son & Co., Dover Street

            Place of Publication:   London

            Date of Publication:    1872

                           Printer:  Swift and Co., Regent Press, King Street, Regent Street, W.

            Width: 225      Height:            283      Thickness:       35

            PagNotes:        vii, 180p. 22 plates. With four pages of publisher's titles bound at the end.

                       Place of Printing: London




            Cover material:            cloth

            Grain:  sand-grain

            Colour : blue

            Blockwork:     gold and blind and relief

            Date Examined:          16.3.2023.

            References:     Ball VPB p. 181. McLean VPBB p.129.

Notes:  In the list of publisher’s titles at the end, this work is described as : “Cloth gilt edges. Large 4to. Price 21s.” The design is not signed. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Beige endpapers and pastedowns.  Bothe covers are sued as doublures. Blue sand-grain cloth. On the lower cover, two fillets are blocked in blind on the borders. The central medallion is blocked in gold and is of a repeating "ball and leaves" motif, together with the monogram of Moxon. The upper cover is blocked in gold. The design is of a large flywheel, to the right of the cover. The "drive shaft" is linked to it and is blocked across the cover to the spine. Behind the wheel, a garden trellis has flowers and branches blocked on it, all in gold. Two groups of fillets, each ending in four "circlets" are blocked in gold on each corner. The title and imprint: "/ Hood's Poems/ Illustrated/ by Birket Foster/ E. Moxon Son & Co./ 1872/" are blocked in relief within ribbon-shaped gold lettering-pieces, which "hang" from the trellis and from the fly wheel. At the head and at the tail, there is a wide border blocked in gold, with flower heads and other ornamental patterns blocked within squares. Text copyright Edmund M B King.

Binding No: 2027

[In BL bindings database: 16.3.2023. - 019-000033004]

Pressmark: 11604.df.11.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Felicia Dorothea Hemans

Title: The Poetical Works of Mrs. F. Hemans. With memoir. Engravings on steel.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Edinburgh: Bernard Terrace; London: 25 Paternoster Sqr, Gall & Inglis

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  xxiv, 584p. 4 plates.

Dimensions: 136x195x35mm.           



Cover material, grain and colour:       green rib diagonal grain cloth

Block work: gold, blind and black

Date Examined: 16.3.2023.




Notes: A reissue of the edition of 1876, with coloured borders. One of the ‘Landscape Series of Poets’. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Green fine rib diagonal grain cloth The lower cover is blocked in blind only. Rules and a repeating ‘cog’ pattern are blocked on the borders. The inner rectangle is formed by a single fillet, with eight petalled flowers on each corner. A mandorla is blocked on the centre, with an urn within it. On its borders, the words:”/The Landscape Series of Poets/” are blocked in blind. The upper cover has the same border decoration, but this is blocked in black. Laurel (?) leaves and stems blocked in black rise to surround the central mandorla. The mandorla has finely decorated motifs on its borders. It is recessed, with a red/ white paper onlay within. In it, an angel (female) is standing, in a landscape, her left hand holding a lyre upright. Above and below the onlay, within cartouche-shaped gold lettering-pieces, the words: “/ Hemans’/ Poetical Works/” are blocked in relief. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. Laurel leaves, blocked in black rise from tail to head, as background. Near the head, within two gold lettering-pieces, the words:”/ Hemans/ Illustrated/” are blocked in relief. On the middle of the spine, a gilt lyre is blocked above the monogram of Gall & Inglis, which itself is within a gilt garter, with the words:”/ The Landscape Series of Poets” are blocked in relief within the garter. At the tail, the imprint: “Gall & Inglis” is blocked in relief within a rectangular lettering-piece. Text copyright Edmund M B King.

Binding No: 2028

[In BL bindings database: 16.3.2023. - 019-000033006]

Pressmark: 7205.c.28.

Artist Name: Unsinged UK

Author/Heading:  Thomas Jackson

Title: Our Dumb Companions; or, conversations of a father with his children, about dogs, horses, donkeys and cats. Second edition.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: S. W. Partridge, 9 Paternoster Row.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by George Watson, Kirby Street, Hatton Garden.

Pagination:  viii, 134p., 23 plates. With eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 180x218x23mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:     re morocco horizontal grain cloth

Block work: gold, blind relief

Date Examined: 16.3.2023.




Notes: On page 2 of the publisher’s titles: “Cloth 5s. Cloth, gilt edges, 5s. 6d.” No original endpapers or pastedowns. Both covers are blocked identically in blind on the borders and the corners, with a leaf and stem pattern. On the upper cover the central circle has the title and author words blocked in relief within a circle. A paper onlay occupies the centre, showing a dog, with a hat/ cap (?) in its mouth. The spine is missing. Text copyright Edmund M B King.



Binding No: 2029

[In BL bindings database: 22.3.2023. - 019-000033009]

Pressmark: 7291.i.11.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK.

Author/Heading:  Jackson, Thomas

Title: Our Dumb Companions; Or, Conversations about Dogs, Horses, Donkeys and Cats. New edition.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: S. W. Partridge & Co. 9, Paternoster Row.

Place of Printing and printer: London and Aylesbury: Printed by Hazell, Watson and Viney Ld.

Pagination:  112p.

Dimensions: 170x215x12mm.



Cover material, grain and colour: Beige ungrained cloth           

Block work: printed in colours

Date Examined: 22.3.2023.




Notes: Some of the illustrations are by [Harrison William] Weir. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Beige ungrained cloth, printed in colours. The lower cover has a sprig of rose buds, with a couple of birds perched on it. The upper cover is blocked in gold, black, red and green. It shows a dog (shaded red) holding a small milk tin in its mouth. It sits outside a gate, with a green notice on the gatepost: “/ Milk/ &/ Cream/ Sold here/”. The title words, in gold and in black: “/ Our/ Dumb Companions/– these are blocked near the head. The author: “/By/ Thos. Jackson,/ M. A./” is blocked in black to the right of the cover. Leaf decoration surrounds the gate, blocked in red and in green. The spine has a single fillet across the head and the tail. Near the head, the title words: “/ Our/ Dumb/ Companions/” are blocked in gold. Near the tail, the imprint: “/Partridge/” is blocked in gold. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2030

[In BL bindings database: 22.3.2023. - 019-000033011]

Pressmark: 7206.g.16.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Mrs. S. C. Hall

Title: Animal Sagacity. Edited by Mrs. S. C. Hall [With illustrations by William Harrison Weir]

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: S. W. Partridge, 9, Paternoster Row.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by George Watson, 5, Kirby Street, Hatton Garden.

Pagination:  vi, 168p. With lists of publishers titles printed on the endpapers and pastedowns. With eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 175x212x25mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:     green morocco vertical grain cloth

Block work: blind and gold and relief

Date Examined: 22.3.2023.




Notes: The plates are bound in separately, but are part of the overall pagination. Most of the plates are signed: “H. Weir”. On page 3 of the publisher’s titles, this work is described as: ‘A Companion volume to “Our Dumb Companions”; cloth 5s.’ On the title page of the publisher’s catalogue, the text: “International Exhibition 1862. Juror’s Award – S. W. Partridge, Class XXVII, Section C. Honourable Mention for Illustrated Books.” Is printed. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco vertical grain cloth. Both covers ae blocked on the borders and the corners in blind, with rules and quatrefoils on each corner. The upper cover has a large mandorla, within its border, the words: “Animal Sagacity Edited by Mrs. S. C. Hall” are blocked in relief. Within the mandorla, the [paper?] onlay shows a boy holding a sheep, which has a blue ribbon collar. The spine is blocked in gold. Near the head, within four gold lettering-pieces, the words: “/Animal/ Sagacity Edited by/ Mrs. S. C. Hall/” are blocked in relief. At the tail, the word: “/ Partridge/” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece.  Text copyright Edmund M B King


Binding No: 2031

[In BL bindings database: 22.3.2023.  - 019-000005327; edited by EK]

Pressmark: C.117.aa.5.

Artist Name: John Leighton

Author/Heading:  LOCKER, afterwards LOCKER-LAMPSON, Frederick

Title: A selection from the works of Frederick Locker. With illustrations by R. Doyle.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Edward Moxon & Co., Dover Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Bradbury and Evans, Printers, Whitefriars.

Pagination:  xi,180.

Dimensions:  135x170x75mm.


Bookbinder: Willis & Sotheran

Cover material, grain and colour:     brown sand grain cloth

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 22.3.2023. [Edited P Marks entry of 2007]




Notes: One of the series: “Moxon Miniature Poets”. The frontispiece portrait of Lockyer is by Millais, with his monogram. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand-grain cloth. The shield shaped binder’s ticket is on the front pastedown: “/ Bought of/ Willis/ and/ Sotheran/ Booksellers/ & Bookbinder/ 42/ Charing Cross/”

Both covers blocked identically. The upper cover is blocked in gold; the lower cover in blind and relief. Three decorative borders are blocked in gold: 1. "dog-tooth" 2. a gold fillet 3. a gold fillet with repeating dots blocked in relief inside. The outer border features alternate squares containing flowers and quatrefoils, which contain acorns and oak leaves. The centre rectangular panel features a lattice work of hatch fleurs-de-lis, blocked within diamonds. At the centre, the gold medallion is blocked, showing the monogram of Moxon. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief, two gold fillets are blocked on the perimeter, the inner of which forms a semi-circle at the head. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the words: "/ Moxon's/ Miniature/ Poets/" are blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each with single border fillets blocked in gold; a decorative device blocked in gold; the words: "/ Selections/ from/ Lockyer/" are blocked in gold in letters with exaggerated serifs; decoration blocked within fillets, showing hatched fleurs-de-lis, and three acorns and leaves and a quatrefoil flower - all blocked within a diamond panel formed by a single gold fillet; at the tail, the words: "/ London/ Moxon/" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders. The Library has two other copies of this work 1. 11602.bbb.34. – the BM copyright copy. Re-bound by BM. 2. WW81/7676 – this has the attributions to Millais and John Leighton on the title page verso.  The 'Poems of Wordsworth', Moxon, 1865, is at shelf mark Collins 526. In dark green morocco, with both covers identically and fully blocked in gold, with the same cover design. In this series, Tennyson: ‘A selection from the works’ is at shelf mark 1607/6176. Cover design by John Leighton, identical to this copy of C117aa5. Text copyright, Edmund M.B. King.

Binding No: 2032

[In BL bindings database: 23.3.2023.  - 019-000033017]

Pressmark: W81/7676

Artist Name: John Leighton

Author/Heading:  LOCKER, afterwards LOCKER-LAMPSON, Frederick

Title: A selection from the works of Frederick Locker. With illustrations by Richard Doyle.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Edward Moxon & Co., Dover Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by Bradbury and Evans, Whitefriars.

Pagination:  xi,180.

Dimensions:  136x170x25mm.       



Cover material, grain and colour:     brown sand grain cloth

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 23.3.2023.




Notes: Designed by John Leighton. The bookplate of Wigan Free Public Library is on the front pastedown. One of the series: “Moxon Miniature Poets” which is printed at the head of the title page. The frontispiece portrait of Lockyer is missing. Printed on the title page verso: "The illustrations by J. E. Millais and Richard Doyle. The cover from a design by John Leighton, F.S.A. The series projected and Superintended by [monogram of] James Bertrand Payne.” Bevelled boards. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand-grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically. The upper cover is blocked in gold; the lower cover in blind and relief. Three decorative borders are blocked in gold: 1. "dog-tooth" 2. a gold fillet 3. a gold fillet with repeating dots blocked in relief inside. The outer border features alternate squares containing flowers and quatrefoils, which contain acorns and oak leaves. The centre rectangular panel features a lattice work of hatch fleurs-de-lis, blocked within diamonds. At the centre, the gold medallion is blocked, showing the monogram of Moxon. The spine is blocked in gold and in relief, two gold fillets are blocked on the perimeter, the inner of which forms a semi-circle at the head. From the head downwards, the decoration is: the words: "/ Moxon's/ Miniature/ Poets/" are blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces, each with single border fillets blocked in gold; a decorative device blocked in gold; the words: "/ Selections/ from/ Lockyer/" are blocked in gold in letters with exaggerated serifs; decoration blocked within fillets, showing hatched fleurs-de-lis, and three acorns and leaves and a quatrefoil flower - all blocked within a diamond panel formed by a single gold fillet; at the tail, the words: "/ London/ Moxon/" are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, with a single gold fillet blocked on its borders. The Library has two other copies of this work 1. 11602.bbb.34. – the BM copyright copy. Re-bound by BM. 2. C.117.aa.5. The 'Poems of Wordsworth', Moxon, 1865, is at shelf mark Collins 526 – this copy has a dark green morocco binding, with both covers identically and fully blocked in gold, with the same cover design. In this series, Moxon’s Miniature Poets, Tennyson: ‘A selection from the works’ is at shelf mark 1607/6176. Cover design by John Leighton, identical to the copy of C.117.aa.5. Text copyright, Edmund M.B. King.

Binding No: 2033

[In BL bindings database: 31.3.2023 - 019-000033026]

Pressmark: W59/2092

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author: Thomas Babington Macaulay Macaulay, Baron

Title: Lays if Ancient Rome with Ivry and the Armada. New Edition.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Longmans, Green, and Co.

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh and London: Printed by Ballantyne and Company

Pagination:  167p.

Dimensions: 127x177x20mm.



Cover material, grain and colour: green morocco        

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 31.3.2023.




Notes: Gilt edges. Original marbled endpaper and pastedown at the rear. Green morocco (a bespoke binding…)The borders of each cover have two gilt rules and one rule in blind. The turn-ins have a repeating plant pattern tooled in gold. The spine is tooled  in gold, with five raised bands, each with beading, and six rectangular panels, each bordered with gilt rules. Panel two as the words: “/Lays/ of/ Ancient/ Rome/ [rule]/ Macaulay./” in gold. The 1874 issue of this work is at shelf mark 11658ee70, in its original brown sand grain cloth binding. The 1877 issue of this work is at shelf mark W53 7909, in a Library binding made for Edward Pease Public Library, Darlington. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2034

[In BL bindings database: 31.3.2023-019-000033029  ]


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author: Thomas Babington Macaulay Macaulay, Baron

Title: Lays of Ancient Rome with Ivry and the Armada. New Edition.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Longmans, Green, and Co.

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh and London: Printed by Ballantyne and Hanson

Pagination:  167p. With thirty two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 125x180x22mm.  



Cover material, grain and colour: brown sand grain cloth          

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 31.3.2023.




Notes: Inscribed on the upper endpaper: “Jessica Bennett.” Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand grain cloth. Both covers have blocking in blind. The lower cover has a rule frame border, with rectangular panels delineated by single rules for the author and title – left blank. The centre has a medallion. The upper cover is the same with the addition of “Macaulay” in blind in the upper panel and “Lays” in the lower panel. The spine has the title and author words at the head, in gold: “/ Lays/ of/ Ancient/ Rome/ [rule]/ Macaulay./” At the tail, “/Longmans & Co./” are blocked in gold. This, the 1874 issue is at shelf mark 11658ee70, in its original brown sand grain cloth binding. The 1872 binding, bespoke, is at shelf mark W59 2092. The 1877 issue of this work is at shelf mark W53 7909, in a Library binding made for Edward Pease Public Library, Darlington. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2035

[In BL bindings database: 31.3.2023-  ]

Pressmark: W53/7909

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author: Thomas Babington Macaulay Macaulay, Baron

Title: Lays of Ancient Rome with Ivry and the Armada. New Edition.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Longmans, Green, and Co.

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh and London: Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co.

Pagination:  167p.

Dimensions: 122x177x20mm.  



Cover material, grain and colour: blue ungrained cloth              

Block work:

Date Examined: 31.3.2023.


References: Cedric Chivers and the Duro-flexile Library Binding, The Bookbinder, Vol.33, 2018, the Society of Bookbinders.


Notes: This copy formerly in the Edward Pease Public Library, Darlington, with the Rules/ Regulations pasted onto the  upper pastedown, and the Issue Label pasted on the upper endpaper. The shelf mark of this copy was: “N 150. MAC.” Yellow endpapers and pastedowns, with a floral pattern, with “Chivers Patent Binding” printed within medallions, and, “Duro Flexile” printed within diamond shapes. Blue ungrained cloth. The covers are not blocked. The spine has at the head, the stamp and coat of arms of Darlington Public Library. Underneath this, the title and author words are blocked in gold: “/ Lays of/ Ancient/ Rome/ [rule]/ Macaulay./”

At the tail, The Darlington shelf mark: “/ N150/ MAC/” are blocked in gold. This, the 1877 issue is at shelf mark W53/7909, in its original Cedric Chivers binding. The 1872 bespoke binding is at shelf mark W59 2092. The 1874 issue of this work is at shelf mark 11658ee70, in an original sand grain cloth binding. Text copyright Edmund M B King.





 Binding No:2036

[In BL bindings database: -


Artist Name:


Title: Masterpieces of English Art.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London:

Place of Printing and printer: London:





Cover material, grain and colour:    

Block work:

Date Examined:







Binding No: 2037

[In BL bindings database:  4.4.2023. - 019-000033077]

Pressmark: 12491.s.5.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Jules Verne

Title: The clipper of the clouds. Illustrated.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Sampson, Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington St. Dunstan’s House, Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, E. C.

Place of Printing and printer: [London:] Gilbert & Rivington, Limited, St. John’s House, Clerkenwell Road, E. C. 

Pagination:  234p. With thirty two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 150x190x32mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:     blue ungrained cloth

Block work: printed in colours and blocked in black

Date Examined: 4.4.2023


References: Ford, Lily. Taking to the clouds. An illustrated history of flight. London: British Library, 2018, p. 65.



Notes: White endpapers and pastedowns. Blue ungrained cloth. The lower cover has, centre, in black, the monogram of Sampson, Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington. The upper cover is blocked in white, brown and dark red. It shows the Clipper moving through clouds. The tile and author words: “/ The clipper/ of the clouds/ Jules/ Verne/” are blocked in gold at the head and the tail of the cover. The spine is blocked in gold and colours. The tile and author words: “/ The/ clipper/ of the/ clouds/ Jules/ Verne/” are blocked in gold on the upper half of the spine. The lower half has possibly the clipper beam on to us. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2038

[In BL bindings database: 4.4.2023 - 019-000033080]

Pressmark: 012640.aa.30.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  George Chetwynd Griffith JONES, afterwards GRIFFITH (George Chetwynd)

Title: A honeymoon in space. Illustrated by Stanley Wood and Harold Piffard

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: C. Arthur Pearson Ltd. Henrietta Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London: The Gresham Press, Unwin Brothers,

Pagination:  302p. With sixteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 134x202x35mm.



Cover material, grain and colour: green ungrained cloth            

Block work: black white and grey

Date Examined: 4.4.2023.


References: Ford, Lily. Taking to the clouds. An illustrated history of flight. London: British Library, 2018, p. 108.


Notes: The plates are counted as part of the overall pagination. On page three of the publisher’s titles, this work is advertised as one of the ‘New 6s. Novels’ and described as: ‘ Adventures of a newly-married couple in their air-ship, The Astronep.’ White endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is blocked in black, white and grey. The scene depicted of the honeymoon couple in the airship cabin, with a searchlight switched on to probe the clouds. The ‘corkscrew’ beneath them is probably the front prow of the ship, which has implied forward movement, drilling though clouds. The spine at the head has, picked out in light green, the words: “/ The/ honeymoon/ in/ space/ George Griffith/”. The rest of the spine has four pairs of black ‘columns’, with the word: “/Pearson/” blocked in light green at the tail. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2039

[In BL bindings database: 4.4.2023. - 019-000033082]

Pressmark: 012633.aa.34.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author: Francis Hernaman JOHNSON, Writer of Tales.

Title: The Polyphemes. A story of strange adventures among strange beings. Frontispiece by Harold Piffard.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Ward, Lock & Co. Limited.

Place of Printing and printer: Frome and London: Butler and Tanner, The Selwood Printing Works.

Pagination:  318p.

Dimensions: 140x203x40mm.



Cover material, grain and colour: blue sand grain cloth, patterned          

Block work: black, red, yellow

Date Examined: 4.4.2023.


References: Ford, Lily. Taking to the clouds. An illustrated history of flight. London: British Library, 2018, p. 73.



Notes: Text sewn on two tapes. White endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand grain cloth patterned The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover lettering is blocked in gold, with blocking also in black, yellow and red. At the head and tail of the cover, the words: “/ The Polyphemes/ F. Hernaman-Johnson/” are blocked in gold. The battle scene with humans(?) against the Polyphemes is derived from the text of page 183, also used as a caption for the frontispiece: “ The gigantic airship suddenly put up her helm, and made directly for us.” The spine is blocked in gold and in colours. At the head, the words: “/ The/ Polyphemes/ F./ Hernaman/ Johnson/” are blocked in gold. The rest of the spine shows the ongoing battle between humans and The Polyphemes. At the tail, the imprint: “/Ward Lock & Co/” are blocked in gold.


Binding No: 2040

[In BL bindings database: 4.4.2023. - 019-000033084]

Pressmark: 09767.g.42.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  R P Hearne

Title: Aerial Warfare ... With an introduction by Sir Hiram Maxim, and 57 illustrations.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: John Lane, The Bodley Head; New York: John Lane Company.

Place of Printing and printer: Plymouth: W. Brendon and Son, Ltd, Printer.

Pagination:  237p. 57 plates. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 150x218x50mm.



Cover material, grain and colour: dark blue sand grain

Block work: gold, black, white

Date Examined: 4.4.2023.


References: Ford, Lily. Taking to the clouds. An illustrated history of flight. London: British Library, 2018, p. 106.


Notes: Text sewn on three tapes. Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Dark blue sand grain cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover has the title lettering in gold at the head and at the tail: “/ Aerial/ Warfare/ By R. P. Hearne/ With An Introduction by/ Sir Hiram S. Maxim/”. The scene shows an airship in darkness hovering over a coast, with its two headlights directed towards a shoreline, picking out boats by the shore in darkness. The spine has the title and imprint lettering in gold at the head and at the tail: “/ Aerial/ Warfare/ By R. P. Hearne/ With An Introduction by/ Sir Hiram S. Maxim/ The Bodley Head/”. Anoth copy of this work is at BL shelf mark W24/3015.  Text copyright Edmund M B King.

Binding No: 2041

[In BL bindings database: 4.4.2023. - 019-000033086]

Pressmark: 08767.f.53.

Artist Name: Cyrus Cuneo

Author/Heading:  Claude Grahame-White; Harry Harper

Title: With the airmen, by Claude Grahame-White in collaboration with Harry Harper ; coloured illustrations by Cyrus Cuneo, diagrams by Max Millar.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Henry Frowde; Hodder & Stoughton

Place of Printing and printer: Frome and London: Butler and Tanner, The Selwood Printing Works.

Pagination:  283p. 7 plates.

Dimensions: 155x215x45mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:    

Block work:

Date Examined:


References: Ford, Lily. Taking to the clouds. An illustrated history of flight. London: British Library, 2018, p. 112.


Notes: Text sewn on three tapes. Blue endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand grain cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover has a rule border. At the head, the words: “/ With the airmen/ Claude Grahame-White/ and Harry Harper/” are blocked in gold. The rest of the upper cover shows a picture of a pilot about to get into the cockpit of an aircraft, with two mechanics looking on. This is signed: ‘Cyrus Cuneo’ bottom left. This is likely to be an onlay, though possibly impressed directly on to the cloth, not a separate sheet of paper laid on the cloth. The spine has the title, authors and imprint blocked in gold: “/ With/ the/ airmen/ Claude/ Grahame-White/ and/ Harry Harper/ Henry Frowde/ Hodder & Stoughton/” are blocked in gold, at the head and the tail. The rest of the spine shows a pilot in skull cap and goggles, with an aircraft’s wings behind him. This is an onlay, impressed directly onto the cloth. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2042

[In BL bindings database: 019-000033103]

Pressmark: 012804.d.7.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Claude Grahame-White; Harry Harper

Title: The Invisible War-Plane: A Tale of Air Adventure in the Great Campaign. Illustrated by John de G. [i.e. Grineau] Bryan

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Blackie and Son Limited

Place of Printing and printer: Glasgow: Printed at the Villafield Press

Pagination:  272p, 6 plates

Dimensions: 145x192x50mm.



Cover material, grain and colour: green ungrained cloth            

Block work: gold, black red

Date Examined: 25.4.2023


References: Ford, Lily. Taking to the clouds. An illustrated history of flight. London: British Library, 2018, p. 111.


Notes: Text sewn on three tapes. The sewing has given way. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Grey ungrained cloth. Green edges. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover has a rule border in black. At the head and tail (towards the spine), the words: “/ The Invisible/ War-Plane/ Claude Grahame-White/ and/ Harry/ Harper/” are blocked in black. We are shown a pilot, standing in front of his aeroplane, binoculars in his right hand – all blocked in red, in black and in light blue. The spine is blocked in gold and in colours. At the head, the words: “/ The/ Invisible/ War-Plane/ Claude Grahame-White/ and/ Harry Harper/” are blocked in gold. The pilot is seated in the cockpit of the aeroplane  - blocked in colours. At the tail, the words: “/ Blackie and Son Ltd/” are blocked in black. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2043

[In BL bindings database: 25.4.2023. - 019-000033105]

Pressmark: 9082.ff.30.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Claude Grahame-White; Harry Harper

Title: Heroes of the Flying Corps; a description of the work of the airmen during the early stages of the war. Illustrated by Cyrus Cuneo.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Henry Frowde; Hodder and Stoughton

Place of Printing and printer: [London:] Printed in Great Britain by R.  Clay and Sons, Ltd., Brunswick Street, Stamford Street, E. C. and Bungay, Suffolk. 

Pagination:  350p 6 plate. With sixteen pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 144x197x40mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:     green ungrained cloth

Block work: gold, colours

Date Examined: 25.4.2023.              

References: Ford, Lily. Taking to the clouds. An illustrated history of flight. London: British Library, 2018, p. 112.

Notes: Text sewn on two tapes. White endpapers and pastedowns. Green ungrained cloth. Green edges. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover has a rule border in black. At the head, the title words: “/ Heroes of the/ Flying/ Corps/” are blocked in gold. The pictorial cover shows two blue uniformed airmen in the foreground, standing, both looking at a map(?)There is what looks like an airfield in the background. Two men with white caps are in the background. The spine depicts a scene of two planes in the sky, blocked in black, are flying above and airship. At the head, blocked in gold and in black are the words: “/ Heroes/ of the/ Flying/ Corps/ Claude/ Grahame-White/ and/ Harry Harper/”. At the tail, the imprint:”/ Henry Frowde/ Hodder & Stoughton/” are blocked in black. Text copyright Edmund M B King.

Binding No: 2044

[In BL bindings database: 25.4.2023. - 019-000033107]


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  William Cosmo Monkhouse [text]

Title: Masterpieces of English art: with sketches of some of the most celebrated of the deceased painters of English school from the time of Hogarth to the present day.[Text by William Cosmo Monkhouse.]

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Bell and Daldy, York Street, Covent Garden.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by Whittingham; and Wilkins, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane.

Pagination:  167p. twenty-six plates of albumen prints

Dimensions: 225x280x40mm.



Cover material, grain and colour: blue sand grain cloth             

Block work: gold, black, relief

Date Examined: 25.4.2023.




Notes: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. White endpapers and pastedowns. Blue sand grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only. Fillets form a rule border. Stylised leaves and stems on each corner. A large central oval is formed by more fillets and repeating flower buds. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Gilt rules form the borders and two rectangles at the head and at tail. Each rectangle has five medallions. At the head: Hogarth, West, Gainsborough, Etty, Mulready. At the tail, Roberts, Wilkie, Stanfield, Martin, Eastlake. All the names are picked out in relief within each medallion. On the left of the cover, a zoomorphic creature morphs into oak leaves and acorns, lower down. On the left of the cover, the title words, with embellished letters: “/ Masterpieces/ of/ English Art./” are blocked in gold above and below a medallion which depicts Hogarth and his pug dog. These are interspersed with small decoration, blocked in black. The spine is blocked in gold. At head and tail are medallions, with the word: ‘Reynolds’ and ‘Turner’ blocked within each, in relief. On the upper portion of the spine, the title words: “/ Masterpieces/ of/ English/ Art./” are blocked in gold. Oak stems, leaves and acorns are blocked in gold beneath the title. At the tail, the imprint: “/Bell and Daldy/” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2045

[In BL bindings database: 4.5.2023 - 019-000033112]

Pressmark: YA. 1992.a.11243.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Edgar Allan Poe

Title: The poetical works of Edgar Allan Poe Illustrated by Waller H. [Hugh] Paton; John M’Whirter; Clark Stanton; C. J. Staniland [i.e. Charles Joseph Staniland]; J. Lawson [i.e. John Lawson]; and other eminent artists. Engraved by R. Paterson [i.e. Robert Paterson].

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Printed by Muir and Paterson.

Pagination:  176p. 1 plate.

Dimensions: 175x215x25mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:     green pebble grain cloth

Block work: Gold, black blind

Date Examined: 4.5.2023




Notes: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. The floral colour plate at the front has the series title: ‘Nimmo’s Elegant Gift Books’. Inscribed on the colour plate: ‘Kathleen W. Dean.’ In the list of illustrations, the other artists are given as: William James Palmer; J. O. Brown; George Hay; G. Murray. Green pebble grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind, with a rule frame and a repeating pattern of ‘crossed stems, and buds and flowers’. The upper cover has the same blocking to the borders, in black. The upper cover mandorla is formed of a single gilt rule and repeating crosses, with the words: /”Poetical Works/ of [within a gilt circle]/ Edgar Allen Poe/Illustrated/” blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces. The spine is blocked in gold. Near the head the title words: “/ Poetical/ Works/ of [within a gilt circle]/ Edgar A. Poe/” are blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering-pieces. Beneath this, a lotus flower is blocked. At the base, the imprint: “/W. P. Nimmo/” is blocked in gold. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2046

[In BL bindings database: 4.5.2023. - 019-000033114]

Pressmark: W91/1526

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: The Spirit of Praise : a collection of hymns old and new / selected and arranged by the author of Golden Thoughts from Golden Fountains.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Frederick Warne and Company, Bedford Street, Covent Garden; New York: Scribner, Welford and Co.

Place of Printing and printer: [London:] Dalziel Brothers engravers and printers, Camden Press.

Pagination:  622p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 150x195x40mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:     olive green fine rib diagonal grain

Block work: gold, black and blind

Date Examined: 4.5.2023.




Notes: Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. The device of Dalziel Brothers Camden Press is on the title page verso. Olive green fine rib diagonal grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind, with a rule frame to the borders, and a floral posy on the centre. The upper cover is divided into three segments, by double rules blocked in black. The upper segment has the title words: “/ The/ Spirit/ of Praise/” are blocked in gold with black outlines for each letter. The middle segment ivy leaves and buds, blocked in black, surrounding a mandorla, within which a winged angel is blocked in gold. The lower segment has the word: “/ Illustrated/” blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. A single black fillet is blocked on the perimeter. At the head, four fillets are blocked across the spine – two gilt, two black. The title words: “/ The/ Spirit/ of/ Praise/” are blocked in gold and in black. The lower half has ivy stems and leaves, blocked in black. At the base, the imprint: “/ F. Warne & Co./” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece. This is likely to be the American edition, though probably printed by Dalziel Brothers in London Text copyright Edmund M B King. 

Binding No: 2047

[In BL bindings database: 4.5.2023. - 019-000033116]


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Sanford, D. P., Mrs.

Title: Frisk and his Flock. [With illustrations.]

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Cassell, Petter & Galpin

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  184p. 26 plates

Dimensions: 175x210x30mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:     red fine rib diagonal grain

Block work: gold, black bline

Date Examined: 4.5.2023.




Notes: The illustration ‘Miss Agatha’, between pages 8 and 9, is after Mary Ellen Edwards, signed bottom left. The illustration ‘Keeping Guard’, between pages 46 and 47 is after William Harrison Weir. Text sewn on three sawn-in cords. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Red fine rib diagonal grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind. Rules to the borders. A quatrefoil and a circle blocked on the centre. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. Compartments to head, tail and the left hand side have the title words: “/ Frisk/ and/ his/ Flock/” blocked in gold, all the words surrounded by decoration blocked in black. On the centre left, a frontal head of Frisk is blocked in gold against a background in black. To the right of the cover, a paper onlay shows three chickens amidst small shrubbery. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. At the head, the title words: “/ Frisk/ and his [blocked in relief]  Most of the centre and lower portion of the spine has lotus-like plant and flowers, all within a rectangle formed by two fillets, of black and of gold. At the tail, the monogram of Cassell Petter & Galpin is blocked in gold. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2048

[In BL bindings database: 11.5.2023. - 019-000033119]

Pressmark: 11604.df.18.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Sir Walter Scott

Title: The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott. With life. Engravings on steel.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Edinburgh and London: Gall & Inglis

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  624p. 4 plates.

Dimensions: 140x182x35mm.



Cover material, grain and colour: red rib diagonal grain            

Block work: blind gold and black

Date Examined: 11.5.2023.




Notes: All pages have pictorial borders. Text sewn on two tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown endpapers and pastedowns. Red fine rib diagonal grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind and in relief. Three fillets are blocked on the borders in blind, together with a repeating pattern of ‘crenallations’ blocked between them. The inner rectangle is formed by a single fillet blocked in blind, with single eight petaled flower heads blocked in relief within a circle on each corner. The central vignette is a lozenge shape , with small repeating decoration blocked in relief on its outer border, and the words: “/ The Landscape Series of Poets/” are blocked in blind on its inner border. On the centre of the vignette, a lyre with sprigs around it, is blocked in blind and in relief. The upper cover is blocked in gold , in black and in relief. The same fillets and crenellations are blocked on the borders but in black. At the head and at the tail, the words: “/ Scott’s/ Poetical Works/” are blocked in relief within rectangular gold hatch cartouches, which have blue/green paper on lays. Around the large central recessed vignette, laurel leaves and stems are blocked in black. The central vignette is lozenge-shaped, and has elaborate decoration blocked in gold and in relief on its borders. Within the recess, there is a green paper on lay, onto which the figure of an angel holding a lyre are outlined in gold. The spine is blocked in gold and in black and in relief. A single gold fillet is blocked on its perimeter. From the head downwards, the decoration is: curling stem and leaf decoration between two fillets, all blocked in gold across the spine; The word: “/ Scott/” is blocked in relief, within a rectangular gold lettering-piece; the word: “/ Illustrated/” is blocked in relief with a rectangular gold lettering-piece; a lyre, blocked in gold, surrounded by laurel leaves and stems, which are blocked in black; a roundel, blocked in gold, within which the words: “/ The Landscape Series of Poets/” are blocked in relief; the monogram of Gall & Inglis is blocked in gold on the centre of the roundel; near the tail, the words: “/ Gall & Inglis/” are blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece; at the tail, curling stem and leaf decoration is blocked between two fillets, all blocked in gold across the spine. Other volumes in this series are BL 11604df11 – Hemans; BL 11604df14 – Milton; BL 11604df21 – Wordsworth. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2049

[In BL bindings database: 11.5.2023 - 019-000033121]

Pressmark: W14/4671

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Scott, Sir Walter

Title: The poetical works: with life / Sir Walter Scott.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Edinburgh: Gall & Inglis, 6 George Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  617p. eight engravings on steel

Dimensions: 107x165x35mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:    

Block work:

Date Examined:




Notes: White endpapers and pastedowns. Black velvet, now worn, wrapped around spine and endpapers. No decoration or lettering.  Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2050

[In BL bindings database: 11.5.2023. - 019-000033123]

Pressmark: 11763.h.18.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Shakespeare, William

Title: The Tempest by William Shakespeare. Illustrated by [Myles] Birket Foster, Gustave Dore, Frederick Skill, Alfred Slader and Gustav Janet. [Engraved by Robert Loudan. Device of Bell & Daldy.]

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Bell & Daldy, 186, Fleet Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Henry Vizetelly, printer and engraver, Gough Square, Fleet Street.

Pagination:  90p.

Dimensions: 190x250x18mm. 



Cover material, grain and colour:     green morocco vertical grain cloth

Block work: gold, blind

Date Examined: 11.5.2023.




Notes: The device of Henry Vizetelly is on the rear plate. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco vertical grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only, with the same block as for the  upper cover. The upper cover is blocked in gold. On the borders, repeating trefoils and ‘three leaf’ motifs, and cartouches. On the sides, head and tail, semi-circles are blocked in gold, with their leaf decoration being picked out in relief. The central oval is formed by multiple rules, cartouches, with the words: “/ The/ Tempest/ [rule]/ Illustrated/” blocked in gold within the oval. The spine has the title words: “/ The/ Tempest/” blocked in gold between two gold rules. Small leaf and bud decorative devices are in gold above and below the title. This [copyright] copy has the blue BM crown stamp, and the date of 15 NO[VEMBER 18]60.Another copy of the text is at BL shelf mark W46/0502. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2051

[In BL bindings database: 11.5.2023.  - 019-000033126]

Pressmark: W46/0502

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Shakespeare, William

Title: The Tempest by William Shakespeare. Illustrated by [Myles] Birket Foster, Gustave Dore, Frederick Skill, Alfred Slader and Gustav Janet. [Engraved by Robert Loudan. Device of Bell & Daldy.]

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Bell & Daldy, 186, Fleet Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Henry Vizetelly, printer and engraver, Gough Square, Fleet Street.

Pagination:  90p.

Dimensions:  190x250x23mm



Cover material, grain and colour:     red pebble grain cloth

Block work: gold, blind

Date Examined: 11.5.2023.




Notes: Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Red pebble grain cloth. The bookplate of Wigan Free Public Library is on the upper pastedown. The stamp in blind of Wigan Free Public Library is on the title page, and the ‘Wigan Leisure Department, withdrawn library book’ stamp is on the upper endpaper. Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green morocco vertical grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind only, with the same block as for the  upper cover. The upper cover is blocked in gold. On the borders, repeating trefoils and ‘three leaf’ motifs, and cartouches. On the sides, head and tail, semi-circles are blocked in gold, with their leaf decoration being picked out in relief. Surrounding the central oval are curling stems, leaves and buds, picked out in relief. The central oval is formed by multiple rules, cartouches, with the words: “/ The/ Tempest/ [rule]/ Illustrated/” blocked in gold within the oval, in fanciful gothic lettering, with curling tendrils and buds surrounding the lettering. [This decoration is similar to that created by William Harry Rogers, for many of his vignettes] The spine has the title words: “/ The/ Tempest/” blocked in gold along the spine, with a ‘star’ of four leaves above and below the letters. Another copy of the text is at 11763.h.18. It is possible that this was an earlier binding than that of BL 11763.h.18. Text copyright Edmund M B King.

Binding No: 2052

[In BL bindings database: 18.5.2023. - 019-000033129]

Pressmark: Hon.37

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: Songs of the brave. The soldier's dream, and other poems and odes. By Campbell, Wolfe, Collins, Byron, Tennyson, and Mackay. Illustrated with twenty-six engravings, from drawings by Edward Duncan, Birket Foster, George Thomas, etc. [The monogram of Joseph Cundall is on the title page.]

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Sampson Low, Son & Co. 47, Ludgate Hill, MDCCCLVI. [1856]

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  46p.

Dimensions: 137x204x13mm.


Bookbinder: Hayday

Cover material, grain and colour:     dark green morocco

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 18.5.2023.




Notes: White endpapers and pastedowns. Dark green morocco. Gilt turn ins. The binder’s stamp: “Bound by Hayday” is on the front pastedown. Both covers tooled identically in gold, with rule frames and dense roll tool ornament on the inner rectangle. The spine is blocked in gold. Two gilt rules to the perimeter. Repeating quatrefoil and dog tooth patterns from the base to the upper portion of the spine. The title words: “Songs of the Brave” are tooled in gold within a rectangle formed by repeating dots. Greek fret decoration at the head and the tail. Text copyright Edmund M B King


Binding No: 2053

[In BL bindings database: 18.5.2023. - 019-000033132]

Pressmark: 4413.m.15.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  John Bunyan

Title: The pilgrim’s progress from this world to that which is to come. Ilustrated by A. F. Lydon [i.e. Alexander Frank Lydon]

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Groombridge and Sons, 5, Paternoster Row.

Place of Printing and printer: Driffield: B. Fawcett, engraver and printer.

Pagination:  194p. 12 plates

Dimensions: 142x198x20mm.



Cover material, grain and colour: green sand grain     

Block work: gold black blind

Date Examined: 18.5.2023.


References: McLean, Ruari and McLean Antonia. Benjamin Fawcett. Engraver and Colour Printer. Aldershot: Scolar Press, 1988, no. 70. 


Notes: The frontispiece and half title page are coloured plates. Most of the plates are signed: “F. Lydon”.  Gilt edges. Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand grain cloth. The lower has a single rule in blind on its borders. The upper cover is blocked in gold and in black. A single rule on the borders and the plant decoration is blocked in black. The title words: “/ Bunyan’s/ Pilgrim’s/ Progress/ Are blocked in black within rectangular gold lettering pieces. Each capital letter – B, P, P is in black within a vertical hatch gold lettering piece. The three medallions are blocked in gold, showing scenes from the narrative. The spine has small decoration in black at the head, the middle and near the base. Near the head, the title words: “/Bunyan’s/ Pilgrim’s/ Progress/” are blocked in relief within three rectangular gold lettering pieces. On the lower half of the spine, two medallions are blocked in gold, on showing a man (Christian?) praying; the other shows a man knocking at a door. At the tail, the publisher: “/Groombridge/” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering piece, which has small circles also within a lettering piece, blocked above and below it. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2054

[In BL bindings database: 25.5.2023 - 019-000033154]

Pressmark: 12808.g.29.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Sarah Trimmer

Title: Mrs. Trimmer's History of the Robins ... In words of one syllable. By C. Swete. With illustrations by H. Weir. [i.e. Harrison William Weir.] [Device of Griffith & Farran.]

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Griffith and Farran, Successors to Newbery and Harris, Corner of St. Paul’s Churchyard.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by Wertheimer, Lea and Co., Circus Place, Finsbury Circus.

Pagination:  246p. 8 plates. With thirty two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 134x175x27mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:     brown sand grain

Block work: gold and black

Date Examined: 23.5.2023




Notes: On page three of the publisher’s titles, this work is advertised as: ‘Super Royal, price 3s. 6d.’ White endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand grain cloth. The lower cover has two rules to frame the borders, and a floral device on the centre – all in black. The upper cover also has two black rules to the borders. The title words: “/ The/ History of the/ Robins/ By Mrs. Trimmer/ In Words of one Syllable/ Illustrated by/ Harrison Weir/” are blocked in gold. A tracery of curling tendrils, leaves and buds is blocked in black near the title. A small medallion is an onlay of green paper, with gilt rule borders, with a depiction of two robins feeding amongst rushes. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. Two gilt rules are blocked on the perimeter. From the head down the spine, the title words are: “/ The/ History of the Robin/ [rule]/ Mrs. Trimmer/ In/ Words of/ one/ Syllable/ Illustrated By/ Harrison Weir/” are blocked in gold, with plant decoration blocked in black between the words. At the tail, the imprint: “/ Griffith and/ Farrran./” are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


London: Griffith and Farran, Successors to Newbery and Harris, Corner of St. Paul’s Churchyard.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by Wertheimer, Lea and Co., Circus Place, Finsbury Circus.

Pagination:  246p. 8 plates. With thirty two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 134x175x27mm.         



Cover material, grain and colour:     brown sand grain

Block work: gold and black

Date Examined: 23.5.2023




Notes: On page three of the publisher’s titles, this work is advertised as: ‘Super Royal, price 3s. 6d.’ White endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand grain cloth. The lower cover has two rules to frame the borders, and a floral device on the centre – all in black. The upper cover also has two black rules to the borders. The title words: “/ The/ History of the/ Robins/ By Mrs. Trimmer/ In Words of one Syllable/ Illustrated by/ Harrison Weir/” are blocked in gold. A tracery of curling tendrils, leaves and buds is blocked in black near the title. A small medallion is an onlay of green paper, with gilt rule borders, with a depiction of two robins feeding amongst rushes. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. Two gilt rules are blocked on the perimeter. From the head down the spine, the title words are: “/ The/ History of the Robin/ [rule]/ Mrs. Trimmer/ In/ Words of/ one/ Syllable/ Illustrated By/ Harrison Weir/” are blocked in gold, with plant decoration blocked in black between the words. At the tail, the imprint: “/ Griffith and/ Farrran./” are blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by a single gold fillet. Text copyright Edmund M B King.

Binding No: 2055

[In BL bindings database: 25.5.2023 -  019-000033156]

Pressmark: 12808.ccc.17

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Sarah Trimmer

Title: The Story of the Robins. By Mrs. Trimmer. With numerous illustrations.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: George Routledge and Sons Broadway, Ludgate Hill; New York: 416 Broome Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Woodfall and Kinder, Printers, Milford Lane, Strand, W. C.

Pagination:  [2], 192p.

Dimensions: 122x178x15mm.         



Cover material, grain and colour:     brown sand grain

Block work: gold and black

Date Examined: 25.5.2023




Notes: White endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in black. Rules are blocked on the borders. Across the centre, a cartouche and a semi-circle interlock, each having stems leaves and a flower picked out in relief. The upper cover has the same decoration blocked across the middle of the cover. The title words: “/ The/ Story/ of the/ Robins./” are blocked in black on the upper half of the cover. The lower half has a floral display, in black. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. Small decoration in black is blocked on the head and on the lower half. The title words: “/ The/ Story/ of the/ Robins/ [rule]/ Trimmer/” are blocked in relief within a gold lettering piece, cartouche shape. At the tail, the word: “Routledge” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering piece.  Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2056

[In BL bindings database: 25.5.2023. - 019-000033158]

Pressmark: W3/4799

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Robert Aris Willmott

Title: English sacred poetry of the sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. Selected and edited by Robert Aris Willmott, Illustrated by Holman Hunt, J.D. Watson [i.e. John Dawson Watson], John Gilbert, J. Wolf [i.e. Joseph Wolf], etc. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. A New Edition.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: London: Routledge, Warne & Routledge, Farringdon Street. New York: 56, Walker Street, 1863.

Place of Printing and printer: London: London: Printed by R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Bread Street Hill.

Pagination:  xix, 387p.

Dimensions: 182x233x45mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:     black morocco

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 25.5.2023




Notes: Gilt edges. No original endpapers or pastedowns. The volume has been re-backed. Black morocco. Decorated turn-ins. Both covers blocked identically in gold, rules forming multiple frames, with a stylised plant pattern near the outer edges. The spine has six panels, separated by false raised bands, probably blocked in gold. There is dense decoration within each panel. Panel two has the title words (now faded). This is the ‘New Edition’ of 1863, in a publisher’s leather binding, which appears to have the same pagination as BL copy shelfmark 1347f13. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2057

[In BL bindings database: 26.5.2023 - 019-000033160]

Pressmark: 11601.f.26.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Robert Aris Willmott

Title: Sacred Poetry. Selected and Edited by Robert Aris Willmott, M. A. With seventy-nine illustrations by Holman Hunt, J. D. Watson [i.e. John Dawson Watson], Sir John Gilbert, R. A., J. Wolf [i.e. Joseph Wolf], and other artists.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill; New York: 9 Lafayette Place, 1883.

Place of Printing and printer: London: R. Clay, Sons, and Taylor, Bread Street Hill, E. C.

Pagination:  440p. With eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 135x190x32mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:     olive diaper fine diagonal grain

Block work: gold black red green

Date Examined: 26.5.2023.




Notes: All the pages have coloured borders, featuring cartouches and other small plant decoration. On page one of the publisher’s titles: ‘Routledge’s Poets. Red Line Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth, gilt edges, with Illustrations. £3s. 6d. each.’ Edges are decorated with a green plant pattern (ginko?). The endpapers and pastedowns have a repeating pattern of leaves, buds and flowers. The lower cover has th e monogram of George Routledge, in black within an octagon – with small plant (ginko?) decoration surrounding the centre. The upper cover is blocked in Gold, black, red and green. Leaf and stem decoration in black on upper right and lower left. The words: “/Sacred Poetry” are blocked in gold diagonally on the lower half of the cover. A group of green leaf and red flowers is blocked in red and green on the upper half of the cover. The spine is blocked in gold and in black. Plant patterns (the same as the upper cover) are blocked on the upper half of the spine. The words: “/ Sacred Poetry/” are blocked in gold between two black fillets running across the spine. The word:”/ Illustrated/” is blocked in black on the lower half of the spine. At the tail, the monogram of Routledge: “GRS” is blocked in black. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2058

[In BL bindings database: 26.5.2023.  - 019-000033164]

Pressmark: W82/5780

Artist Name: Albert Warren

Author/Heading: William Wordsworth

Title: Poems by William Wordsworth. Selected and Edited by Robert Aris Willmott. Illustrated with on hundred designs by Birket Foster, J. Wolf [i.e. Joseph Wolf], and John Gilbert. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: George Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street; New York: 18 Beekman Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Richard Clay, Printer, Bread Street Hill.

Pagination:  [14], 388p.

Dimensions: 177x230x42mm.


Bookbinder: Leighton Son & Hodge

Cover material, grain and colour: green morocco horizontal grain           

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 26.5.2023.


References: For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985: Appendix D, Cover designs by Major Designers, p. 164. See also: Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.



Notes: Text sewn on three tapes. Gilt edges. Bevelled Boards. Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Leighton/ Son &/ Hodge./ Shoe Lane/ London./” [Ball no. 53A.] Both covers blocked identically in gold. A wide repeating pattern of ovals is blocked between gilt double rules. A dense pattern of flowers and leaves (of morning glory?) surround the large central circle. Within the circle, the words:/ Poems by/ William/ Wordsworth/” are blocked in gold, the lettering being ‘branch-like’. The initials “A W” are blocked in gold underneath the word: “Wordsworth”. The spine is blocked in gold. There are seven panels/  compartments. 1. Repeating ovals at the head. 2. Flowers and leaves. 3. The words: “/ Poems/ by/ William Wordsworth/ are blocked in gold.  4. Flowers and leaves. The monogram of Warren is within a small circle at the head of this panel. 5. The word: “/ Illustrated/”. 6. More flowers and leaves. 7. The imprint: “/ Routledge & Co./” is blocked in gold within a rectangle formed by gilt fillets. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2059

[In BL bindings database: 1.6.2023. - 019-000033169]

Pressmark: 741.c.1.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  John Bunyan

Title: The Pilgrim’s Progress [from this world to that which is to come]. A New Edition, with a Memoir by J. M. Hare [i.e. John Middleton Hare]. The Allegory illustrated with outline illustrations, drawn by J. C. Clayton [i.e. John Richard Clayton]. And the biographical sketch, with engravings of interesting relics and recollections of Bunyan, from drawings by J. L. Williams. (National Illustrated Library Edition.)

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. Stationers’ Hall Court.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Savill snd Edwards, Printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

Pagination:  336p.

Dimensions: 130x192x25mm.



Cover material, grain and colour: blue morocco vertical grain

Block work: gold blind relief

Date Examined: 1.6.2023.




Notes: Gilt edges. The blocking of the covers has been done after the case was attached to the text block. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Blue morocco vertical grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind and relief, with a single rule to the borders and curling stems and leaves blocked in blind and in relief on each corner. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a medallion, formed by circular stems, with small leaf and stem decoration around it. On the centre, a gold ‘shield’ lettering-piece is suspended from stems. Within the shield, the emblems of a rose [England], a thistle [Scotland], a shamrock [Ireland], a feather [Wales?], are picked out in relief. The spine is blocked in gold. Curling stem and leaf decoration is blocked down the spine. Near the head, the title: “/ Bunyan’s / Pilgrim’s/ Progress./” is blocked in gold, with the word: “/Illustrated/” blocked in gold near the centre of the spine. Text copyright Edmund M B King.

Binding No: 2060

[In BL bindings database: 27.6.2023. -  019-000033218

Pressmark: X16/7847

Artist Name: John Leighton

Author/Heading:  Theodore Alois Buckley

Title: The Great Cities of the Middle Ages : or the landmarks of European civilization: Historical sketches / With illustrations.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: G. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by Stewart and Murray, Old Bailey.

Pagination:  viii, 432 p. (8?) plates.

Dimensions: 110x175x35mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:     green net grain cloth

Block work: gold blind

Date Examined: 22.6.2023.




Notes: The designs are by John Leighton. Most of the plates are signed: ‘Dalziel’. Text sewn on two sawn-in cords. No original endpapers or pastedowns. Green net grain cloth. Both covers have groups of ivy (?) leaves and berries blocked in blind on each corner. The upper cover central gold vignette is after John Leighton. It shows a mediaeval city gatehouse with flag flying, crenellation and portcullis. The title words: “/ The Great/ Cities/ of the/ Middle Ages. /” are blocked in relief and in gold. The whole is surrounded by oak stems leaves and acorns.  Signed “JL” as separate letters at the foot of the vignette. The Spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet – a simulated oak branch – is blocked on the perimeter.  At the head a ‘castellated’ crown is blocked. Beneath this, the title words:”/ The/ Great/ Cities/ of the/ Middle/ Ages/” are blocked in gold, with the “T”, “G”, “C”, “M” being blocked in relief within square gilt cartouches, to resemble illuminated capitals. On the middle of the spine, a pair of cross keys are blocked. Hanging from a chain, a gilt scroll is held, with the word: “Charter” blocked in relief within it. Oak leaves and acorns are blocked around the spine. Signed “JL” as separate letters at the tail. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2061

[In BL bindings database: 27.06.2023 - 019-000033220

Pressmark: B30.c.8.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Theodore Alois Buckley

Title: The great cities of the Middle Ages: or, the landmarks of European civilization

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London:  George Routledge & Sons Broadway, Ludgate Hill.; New York, 9, Lafayette Place.

Place of Printing and printer: [London:] Bradbury, Agnew, & Co. Printers, Whitefriars.

Pagination:  viii, 432p. 8 plates. With eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 130x190x33mm  



Cover material, grain and colour: Green fine diaper cloth

Block work: gold, black and colours

Date Examined: 27.6.2023




Notes: On page eight of the titles at the end, this work is advertised as part of the “Historical Series of Juvenile Books. Well illustrated. Post 8vo., cloth, 3s. 6d. each.” The frontispiece and half title page illustrations are signed: ‘Dalziel’. Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Fine diaper grain cloth. The lower cover has two rules, in blind to head and to the tail. There appears to be the monogram of Routledge in blind on the centre, within a medallion. The upper cover is blocked in gold, black and colours. Black and blue rules are on the perimeter of the cover. On the upper half, the gold lettering-piece has the title words: “/ The/ Great/ Cities/ of the/Middle Ages/” blocked in black. On the lower half, within a roundel, three young men (schoolboys?) wearing straw hats, stand. One holds a cricket bat, the middle figure is reading a book, and the figure on the right holds a fishing rod. They are set against a foreground of grass and bushes, blocked in black. Blue coloured flowers, with yellow and green leaves surround the lettering-picec and the roundel. The spine has the title words, within a gold lettering-piece:”/ The/ Great Cities/ of the/ Middle Ages/ [rule]/ Theodore Alois Buckley, B. A./” – all blocked in black Coloured plant, stem, lead and flower decoration is blocked down the spine. At the tail, the imprint: “/ Routledge/” is blocked in relief within a rectangular gold lettering-piece, which also has single fillet in black above and below it. This copy looks to be a re-issue of the edition of 1853, BL shelf mark X16/7847. Text copyright Edmund M B King.

Binding No: 2062

[In BL bindings database: 019-000033222]


Artist Name: Cedric Chivers, binder

Author/Heading:  A Félix GOUILLON, pseud. [i.e. Maurice Guédron.]

Title: Manuel méthodique de l'art du teinturier-dégraisseur. Teinture, nettoyages, détachage, apprêts, travaux accessoires du teinturier, désinfection, recettes d'usines, organisation, matériel et produits ... Troisième édition entièrement refondue et considérablement augmentée, etc. [With illustrations.]

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Paris: Garnier Freres, Libraires-Editeurs, 6, rue des Saint-Peres. 

Place of Printing and printer: Paris: Imp. Paul Dupont, 4, rue de Bouloi. 

Pagination:  xi, 652p.

Dimensions: 135x190x55mm. (Pages deacidified, laminated and rebound.)         


Bookbinder: Cedric Chivers

Cover material, grain and colour:     Brown buckram

Block work: gilt title to spine

Date Examined: 27.6.2023.




Notes: This copy formerly belonged to The Library of the Municipal School of Technology, Manchester. All the pages have been deacidified, and then laminated, with the volume then re-bound – all done by Cedric Chivers, of Bath. Light yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown buckram. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2063

[In BL bindings database: 27.6.2023. - 019-000033231]

Pressmark: 11612.e.18.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Thomas Garratt

Title: The Poetical Works of the Rev. T. Garratt ... With a memoir. Edited by C. F. Forshaw.


Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: John Heywood, Paternoster Row; Manchester: John Heywood, Deansgate; Bradford: D. B. Russell, Darley Street.

Place of Printing and printer: Bradford: Printed by Thomas Brown, Brunswick Printing Works.

Pagination:  xvi, 350p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 135x180x27mm.


Bookbinder: Henry Bastow

Cover material, grain and colour:     blue diaper grain cloth

Block work: Gold and blind

Date Examined: 23.6.2023.




Notes: Bevelled boards. Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Blue diaper grain cloth. Binder’s ticket with double rule border, on pink paper on lower pastedown: “/ Henry Bastow./ Binder/ 24, Peel Place/ Bradford./ Quotations given./” The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover has stylised ‘dog tooth and four leaves’ patterns blocked at head and tail The centre of the cover has the title: “/ The poetical works/ of the/ Rev. Thomas Garratt, M. A. Edited by/ Chas. F. Forshaw, Lit. D./” The spine has repeating patterns of the upper cover in blind at the ehad and at the tail. Towards, the middle of the spine, the title words: “/ Garratt/ Poetical/ Works/” are blocked in gold. The word: “/ Forshaw/”  is blocked towards the tail, in gold.  Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2064

[In BL bindings database: 27.6.2023. - 019-000033234]

Pressmark: 1578/7745

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading: Charles Lamb

Title: Eliana. Being the hitherto uncollected writings of Charles Lamb.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Edward Moxon and Co.

Place of Printing and printer: Boston: Printed by John Wilson and Sons.

Pagination:  437p.

Dimensions: 137x192x30mm.


Bookbinder: A W Bain

Cover material, grain and colour: green sand grain cloth           

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 27.6.2023.




Notes: A note on the upper endpaper reads: “To the American editor of this volume [a very scarce one] – of which the English and American editions were almost simultaneous – J. E. Babson, the credit is due of having re-aroused interest in Lamb’s writings. Until this time the editions of Lamb’s works contained only the writings he himself has published in volume form.” Bevelled boards. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Green sand grain cloth. Binder’s ticket (black on pink dyed paper) on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by/ A. W. Bain/ 51 & 52 Frith St. Soho. W./” Both covers have the same rule border and inner border rules, in blind, with small plant motifs on each inner corner. The spine has multiple rules in gold across it, at head and at tail. The “/ Eliana/” is blocked in gold, with the signature of C Lamb in cursive below the title. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2065

[In BL bindings database: 5.7.2023. - 019-000033272]

Pressmark: 11687.a.28.

Artist Name: Unsigned USA

Author/Heading:  Charles Wheeler DENISON

Title: The American Village; and other poems.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Boston: Henry B. Skinner & Co., 39 Merchants Row. 1845.

Place of Printing and printer: [Boston:] Howe’s Sheet Anchor Press, 39 Merchants Row.

Pagination:  143p. 1 Plate.

Dimensions: 105x165x10mm  


Bookbinder: Benjamin Bradley

Cover material, grain and colour:     purple bead grain

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 5.7.2023.




Notes: The blocking of the covers appears to have been done after the covers were attached to the text block. Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s blind oval stamp on upper endpaper: “/ B. Bradley [& Co.?]/ Binder/ Boston/”. Purple bead grain cloth. Both covers blocked identically in blind. Three rules to the borders. Leaf and stem patterns are blocked on each corner. On the centre, a pattern of lattice work is blocked within floral/ ornamental frame.  The spine is blocked in gold. Near the head, the words:”/ Denison’s / Poems/” are blocked in gold. Beneath this, an urn is blocked, full of flowers. More dense plant and stems are blocked down the spine, with a bird in flight and a rabbit being blocked within ‘spade-shaped’ panels. Text copyright Edmund M B King.



Binding No: 2066

[In BL bindings database: 5.7.2023. 019-000033275]

Pressmark: 12618.dd.6.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Author: Grace AGUILAR

Title: [The Women of Israel; or, Characters and Sketches from the Holy Scriptures and Jewish History ... Second edition.]


Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: [London: Groombridge & Co.

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  580p. With eight pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 140x195x40mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:     green sand grain

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 5.7.2023.


References: For descriptive details of the binder’s ticket, see: Ball, Douglas. Victorian publishers’ bindings. London, Library Association, 1985, Appendix E, Nineteenth Century Edition Binders’ Signatures.


Notes: On page 7 of the publisher's titles at the end, this work is described as: 'Crown 8vo., price 6s.' Bevelled boards. Gilt edges. No original endpapers or pastedowns. This copy lacks the title page. Green sand grain cloth. On the lower pastedown, the ticket is”/ Bound by/ Westleys & Co. / London/” []Ball no. 103D]The lower cover has five rules blocked in blind on the borders. The upper cover has the same five rules to the borders, with the inner four being gilt. On the centre of the upper cover, the gilt roundel is formed by one gold fillet. The title words:”/ The Women of Israel/ are blocked in gold in a semi-circle. Below the title, the monogram of Grace Aguilar is blocked in gold. The Spine is blocked in gold. There are five panels, each separated by groups of four fillets blocked across the spine. At the head, in panel one, the title words:”/ The Women/ of/ Israel/ are blocked in gold. On panel three, The word: “/Aguilar/” is blocked in gold. On panel five, at the tail, the word:”/Groombridge/” is blocked in gold. Text copyright Edmund M B King.

Binding No: 2067

[In BL bindings database: 27.07.2023. - 019-000033328]

Pressmark: 11646.e.22.

Artist Name: William Harry Rogers

Author/Heading:  James Orton

Title: The Enthusiast: or, the Straying Angel. A poem. By James Orton. (“Alastor”) Author of “Excelsior”.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: William Pickering. 1852.

Place of Printing and printer: London: C. Whitttingham, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane

Pagination:  67p.

Dimensions: 143x195x10mm.         


Bookbinder: Bone & Son

Cover material, grain and colour:     red rib vertical grain

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 27.7.2023.


References: William Harry Rogers. Victorian Book Designer and Star of the Great Exhibition. Lewes: Unicorn, 2023. Appendix A. Gallery of Book Covers, no. 15. Copy bound in blue cloth.


Notes: Yellow end papers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Bone & Son/ [rule]/ 76, Fleet street, / London./” [Ball no. 17A.] Binder’s ticket size: 20x10mm. Red rib vertical grain cloth. Both covers have a gilt single rule frame on the borders, with sprays of (passion?) flowers blocked in gold on each corner. The lower cover has a broken lily on its centre, in gold. The upper central vignette  has a wreath of stems leaves, and flowers, within which the title words: “/ The/ Enthusiast;/ or/ The Straying Angel./” are blocked in gold. Signed at the base of the vignette “WHR” as a monogram. The spine is blocked in gold. From tail to head a lily-like plant is blocked, with the title words: “/The enthusiast or the Straying Angel/ “ are blocked along its length. Pages 64 to 67 contain the ‘Opinions of the Press’ regarding Orton’s earlier work “Excelsior”, which is advertised as: ‘Just Published, Second Edition, small 4to, price 6s.’ Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2068

[In BL bindings database: 27.7.2023. - 019-000033332]

Pressmark: Per.D.923.

Artist Name:


Title: The Gulistan, or Rose garden / of Shekh Muslihu'd-Pin Sadi of Shiraz, translated by Edward B. Eastwick.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Hertford: Printed and published by Stephen Austin, Bookseller to the East India College.

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  311p. With one page of publisher’s titles at the end.

Dimensions: 150x220x32mm.         



Cover material, grain and colour: green sand grain cloth           

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 27.7.2023.




Notes: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. The lithographs at front and rear are signed: ‘M and N Hanhart’. All pages have decorated borders. Green sand grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in gold. Gilt rule frame to borders. Inside this, there is a wide arabesque (?) border. Dense plant stems and flowers surround the central octagon. Arabic (?) text is blocked within the octagon. The spine is blocked in gold. A single fillet is blocked on its borders. From the head downwards, the decoration is: an octagon; the words: “/ Gullistan/ of/ Sadi/ [rule]/ Eastwick./” are blocked in gold; an oval; an octagon; and an oval – all surrounded by a tracery of stems. Text copyright Edmund M B King.



Binding No: 2069

[In BL bindings database: 27.7.2023. 019-000033334]


Artist Name:

Author/Heading:  Parker Gillmore

Title: Gun, Rod, and Saddle. Personal Experiences. By Ubique [i.e. Parker Gillmore].

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Chapman and Hall, 193, Piccadilly

Place of Printing and printer: [London:] Bradbury, Evans, & Co., Printers, Whitefriars. 

Pagination:  viii, 295p.

Dimensions: 130x192x28mm. Binder’s stamp size: 28x1mm.


Bookbinder: Bayntun, of Bath

Cover material, grain and colour:     half morocco

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 27.7.2023.




Notes: Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. Red half calf (?). The spine has six panels.  On a black leather label in panel two, the words: “/ Gun, Rod/ and/ Saddle/” are tooled in gold. Panels 1,3,4,5,6 have floral sprays, with small dots and other decoration around them. “1869” is blocked in gold at the tail. Text copyright Edmund M B king.


Binding No: 2070

[In BL bindings database: 28.7.2023. 019-000033337]

Pressmark: 1562/158

Artist Name:

Author/Heading:  Anton Kerner von Marilaun

Title: The natural history of plants. Their forms, growth, reproduction, and distribution ... By [i.e. translated and edited by] F. W. Oliver ... with the assistance of Marian Busk, B.Sc., and Mary F. Ewart, B.Sc. With about 2000 original woodcut illustrations and sixteen plates in colours. [Device of Blackie on title page.]

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Blackie & Son, Limited.

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  Two divisions in three bound volumes. Bound Vol. 1, Division I: iv, 536p; Bound vol. II, Division I: pp. 537-777; Division II: pp.1-336; bound vol. III: Division II: pp. 337-983.

Dimensions: vol. I: 190x263x50mm.             


Bookbinder: Bickers & Son

Cover material, grain and colour: Full calf   

Block work: tooled in gold

Date Examined: 28.7.2023


References: Muira, Einen. The art of marbled paper. Marbled patterns and how to make them. London: Zaehnsdorf, [1988], no. 13, moire Spanish marble.


Notes: Marbled edges. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns of Spanish marble. Binder’s stamp on front free endpaper of each volume: “/Bickers & Son, Leicester Sqr/”. Binders stamp size: 30x1mm. Blue full calf. Double gilt rules tooled on the borders of all the covers. The Charterhouse coat of arms is tooled on the centre of each upper cover, with the motto: “Deo Dante Dedi” in gold within a garter. Each spine has six panels with the title information tolled in panels two and three. At the base of each spine the words: “/ Schol Carthus” are tooled. Text copyright Edmund M B King.  




Binding No: 2071

[In BL bindings database: 28.7.2023. - 019-000033341]

Pressmark: 1259.aa.1.

Artist Name:

Author/Heading:  Samuel Carter Hall (Mrs.) Editor

Title: The Vernon Gallery of British Art. Edited by S. C. Hall. [A descriptive catalogue, with plates.]

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Published for the Proprietors by G. Virtue, 25, Paternoster Row.

Place of Printing and printer: [London:] Bradbury and Evans, Printers, Whitefriars.

Pagination:  3 vols.

Dimensions: vol. 1: 270x356x50mm             



Cover material, grain and colour:     blue paper wrappers for each part

Block work:

Date Examined: 28.07.2023.


References: Jones, Greg. William Harry Rogers. Victorian Book Designer and Star of the Great Exhibition. Lewes: Unicorn, 2023. Appendix A. Gallery of Book Covers, no. 6.


Notes: Issued in monthly parts. Blue dyed paper upper and lower wrappers for each part are bound in. Each part for nos. I to XLVI  is numerated on the upper wrapper. Parts XLVII to LVII are not numerated, as the upper wrappers from earlier parts are used instead, with the number scratched out. The title on each paper wrapper is: ‘The Vernon Gallery: and Gallery of Sculpture.’ The title on each paper wrapper is: ‘The Vernon Gallery: and Gallery of Sculpture.' The wrappers for Parts I & II state: 'Edited by Mrs. S. C. Hall.’ The wrappers for parts III onwards state: 'Edited by S. C. Hall, F. S. A.' The elaborate decorative design for each upper wrapper title page is by William Harry Rogers, signed bottom left with his monograph “WHR”. Additionally each design is signed bottom right “JB” [probably John Bastin]. The contents for each part is printed on the verso of each upper wrapper, within an oval decorative frame signed by Rogers. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2072

[In BL bindings database: 5.9.2023. - 019-000033391]

Pressmark: 011653.h.48.

Artist Name: Florence Harrison

Author/Heading:  Harrison, Florence

Title: Elfin Song. A book of verse and pictures.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Blackie & Son

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  142p, 12 coloured plates

Dimensions: 173x230x22mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:     Grey ribbed morocco

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 14.8.2023.


References: Florence Harrison:


Notes: The coloured plates are signed variously “FH”, or “F Harrison”, or Florence Harrison”. Gilt top edge. The illustrated endpapers and pastedowns are probably after Florence Harrison. They show a young girl, with a quill pen and a sheet of paper in her hands. Five elves are approaching her. Grey ribbed morocco cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is in gold, showing a standing elf, wings outstretched, with Allium-like flower balls on each side of the elf. Above and below the elf, the words: “/ Elfin Song/ A book of verse/ and pictures by/ Florence Harrison/” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Plant buds and stems are blocked at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the words:”/ Elfin/ Song/ Florence/ Harrison/” are blocked in gold. A single elf in a flowing dress is blocked on the middle of the spine. Towards the tail, the imprint:”/ Blackie/ and Son/ Limited/” is blocked in gold.  This is the copyright dopy, date stamped: “22 Nov 12”. Another copy of this work is at shelfmark W17/6095. This is bound in white/ cream morocco ribbed morocco cloth. It has the bookplate of the Isle of Wight Education Committee, County Seely Library. Text copyright Edmund M B King.

Binding No: 2073

[In BL bindings database: 5.9.2023. - 019-000033395]

Pressmark: W17/6095

Artist Name: Florence Harrison

Author/Heading:  Harrison, Florence

Title: Elfin Song. A book of verse and pictures.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Blackie & Son

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  142p, 12 coloured plates

Dimensions: 173x230x22mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:     White/ cream ribbed morocco

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 14.8.2023.


References: Florence Harrison:


Notes: The coloured plates are signed variously “FH”, or “F Harrison”, or Florence Harrison”. Gilt top edge. The illustrated endpapers and pastedowns are probably after Florence Harrison. They show a young girl, with a quill pen and a sheet of paper in her hands. Five elves are approaching her. White/ cream ribbed morocco cloth. The lower cover is not blocked. The upper cover is in gold, showing a standing elf, wings outstretched, with Allium-like flower balls on each side of the elf. Above and below the elf, the words: “/ Elfin Song/ A book of verse/ and pictures by/ Florence Harrison/” are blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. Plant buds and stems are blocked at the head and at the tail. Near the head, the words:”/ Elfin/ Song/ Florence/ Harrison/” are blocked in gold. A single elf in a flowing dress is blocked on the middle of the spine. Towards the tail, the imprint:”/ Blackie/ and Son/ Limited/” is blocked in gold.  This copy has the bookplate of the Isle of Wight Education Committee, County Seely Library. Another copy of this work is at shelfmark 011653.h.48., bound in grey ribbed morocco cloth. This is the copyright dopy, date stamped: “22 Nov 12”. Text copyright Edmund M B King.

Binding No: 2074

[In BL bindings database: 28.9.2023 - 019-000033423]


Artist Name: Unsigned USA

Author/Heading:  John Brown

Title: Divine Help Implored under the Loss of Godly & Faithful Men. A funeral sermon preached ... after the death of the Reverend Mr. Thomas Symmes ... Together with a more large and particular account of him, annexed thereto.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for S. Gerrish, near the Brick Meeting-House in Cornhill.

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination: 70p. With two pages of advertisements bound at the end. 

Dimensions: 105x167x12mm.         


Bookbinder: W. Pratt, of London

Cover material, grain and colour:     full calf

Block work: tooled in gold

Date Examined: 14.8.2023.



 A book in the Royal Academy collection has two notes: [1] The front pastedown carries the engraved bookplate of the American bibliographer Henry Stevens, lettered: "Bibliography. The Tree of Knowledge. Henry Stevens of Vermont, FSA, &c, 4 Trafalgar Square, London, 1882.” [2]"Bound by W. Pratt for H. Stevens & Sons 1885". [Front free endpaper]. Possibly William Pitt Pratt, who was in business as a binder in London from 1823 to 1838.


Notes: Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. Full calf. No tooling on covers. The board edges have a repeating gilt ''floral and dog tooth' pattern. The upper turn-in, at the tail, has the words in gold: “/ Bound by W. Pratt for H. Stevens [i.e. Henry Stevens] 1859/”. The spine is divided into six panels by raised cords. Panels one, four, five, six have gilt floral devices on each centre. Panels two and three have the gilt tooled words on red leather onlays: “/ Browne’s/ Sermon / on/ Symmes/ Boston/ 1726/”. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2075

[In BL bindings database: 5.9.2023. - 019-000033400]


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Mary Dutton

Title: Scattered Seeds by Y. S. N. [i.e. Mary Dutton]. Second Edition.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: David Batten, S.; Simpkin, Marshall and Co.

Place of Printing and printer: London: David Batten, printer, Clapham S.

Pagination:  190p.

Dimensions: 130x160x13mm.


Bookbinder: D. Batten, Clapham Common

Cover material, grain and colour: green rib vertical grain cloth

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 14.8.2023.


References: David Batten:


Notes: Text sewn on two tapes. Yellow end papers and pastedowns. The bookplate of Stainforth is on the upper pastedown. Binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ D. Batten,/ Bookbinder/ Clapham Common/” Green rib vertical grain cloth, with a moire pattern. Both covers have rule frame borders, blocked in blind. The upper cover has the title words: “/ Scattered Seeds/” blocked in gold on the centre, with each capital “S” being elaborated with small plant stems. The spine is blocked in gold. It is divided into five panels by gilt rules, with floral decoration on the centre of panels one, two, four and five. Panel three has the title: “/Scattered Seeds/” blocked horizontally in gold. Text copyright Edmund M B King. 

Binding No: 2076

[In BL bindings database: 5.9.2023. - 019-000033404]


Artist Name: Unsigned USA

Author/Heading:  Anthony WAYNE, Major General.

Title: Cow-Chace, in three cantos, published on occasion of the Rebel General Wayne's attack of the refugees block-house on Hudson's River, on ... the 21st of July, 1780. [By Major John André. With “The American Times, a satire ... by C. Querno,” pseud.-i.e.-Odell; and other satires in verse.]

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: New York: Printed by James Rivington

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  69p.

Dimensions: 120x185x13mm.         


Bookbinder: Francis Bedford

Cover material, grain and colour:    

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 14.8.2023.




Notes: Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. Full green morocco. The turns in are gilt with a repeating pattern of ‘flower heads and small plants’. The tail of the upper turn-in has the gilt stamp: /Bound by F. Bedford/ ”. Book size: 120x185x13mm. Stamp size: 18x2mm. The spine is tooled in gold, and divided by raised bands into six panels. Panels one, four, five and six have ‘dog tooth’ decoration at margins, with dentelles and small plant sprigs within each panel. Panels two and three have the words tooled in gold: “/ Cow-/ chase/ &/ Ameri-/ can Times/ N. York/ 1780. /” Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2077

[In BL bindings database: 5.9.2023. - 019-000033407]

Pressmark: 7005.df.7.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: Insectivorous Plants. Fourth Thousand. With illustrations.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: John Murray, Albemarle Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by William Clowes, and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.

Pagination:  x, 462p.

Dimensions: 135x190x33mm.         


Bookbinder: Bickers and Son, London

Cover material, grain and colour: full calf light brown

Block work: tooled in gold

Date Examined: 5.9.2023




Notes: Marbled endpapers and edges. The bookplate of Henry Spencer Ashbee is on the upper pastedown. The ink stamp: “/Bickers & Son, London/” is on the base of the upper endpaper. Binder’s stamp size: 23x1mm.  Full light brown calf. Hollow back. Both covers have double gilt rules on the borders. The spine is divided into six panels by (false) raised bands. Panels1, 3-6 have plant/ bead decoration on the corners of each, with a floral spray on the centre of each panel. Panel 2 has a leather onlay, with the words: “/ Insectivorous/ Plants/ [rule]/ Darwin./” tooled in gold. The ticket: “Ashbee Collection” is pasted onto panel six. Text copyright Edmund M B King.

Binding No: 2078

[In BL bindings database: 21.9.2023. - 019-000033412]

Pressmark: 1570/ 3704

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author: Edward Shepherd Creasy, Sir, 1812-1878.

Title: The fifteen decisive battles of the world. From Marathon to Waterloo.  Thirty-Second Edition. [Device of Richard Bentley.]

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Richard Bentley & Son, New Burlington Street, Publishers in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen. 1886.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Richard Clay & Sons, Bread Street Hill, London, Bungay, Suffolk; J. D. & Co.

Pagination:  xv, 639p.

Dimensions: 150x220x45mm.         


Bookbinder: Bickers & Son Leicester Sq.

Cover material, grain and colour:     red calf

Block work: tooled in gold

Date Examined: 21.9.2023.


References: Royal Grammar School Newcastle:


Notes: Marbled edges, endpapers and pastedowns. The school prize (for Classics) bookplate of the Royal Grammar School is on the front pastedown, printed by Andrew Reid, Newcastle. There is a second, overlaid, bookplate whose text is: ‘This book is sent with the best wishes of the people of Richmond Surrey. Jan 1944’. On the upper endpaper, the binder’s name: “/ Bickers & Co./ Leicester Sq London/” are stamped. Full red calf. The borders of both covers are tooled with double gilt rules. On the upper is the coat of arms of the Royal Grammar School, with the words: /‘Schol: Gram: Regal/ Novi Castri super Tynam/ tooled in gold above and below it. The spine is a hollow back. It is divided into six panels by raised bands, with panel two having a black leather onlay with the words: “/ Creasey’s/ Decisive/ Battles/” tolled in gilt. Panels 1, 3-6 have an ornamental motif on the centre, with scroll work on corners of each. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2079

[In BL bindings database: 21.9.2023. - 019-000033416]

Pressmark: 7005.df.5.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author: Charles Darwin, 1809-1882.

Title: The Effects of Cross and Self Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom. Second Edition.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: John Murray Albemarle Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.

Pagination:  viii, 487p.

Dimensions: 134x190x32mm.         


Bookbinder: Bickers & Son

Cover material, grain and colour: full light brown calf               

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 21.9.2023.




Notes: The title page verso has a list of other works by Charles Darwin. Marbled edges, endpapers and Pastedowns. The bookplate of Henry Spencer Ashbee (no. 3c) is on the upper pastedown. The upper endpaper recto has the binder’s name:  “/ Bickers & Son London/” Light brown full calf. The borders of both covers are tooled with double gilt rules. The spine is divided by raised bands into six panels. Panel two has a brown leather onlay, with the title tooled in gilt. Panels 1, 3-6 have ‘lozenges’ on the centre of each, with leaf and flower decoration on the corners of each panel. The label: “/ Ashbee/ Collection/” is pasted onto panel six. Text copyright Edmund M B King.

Binding No: 2080

[In BL bindings database: 21.9.2023. - 019-000033420]


Artist Name: Unsigned UK


Title: Fishing Vignettes being extracts from a diary and other fragments 1875 to 1922 ... Illustrated with photographs taken by the author.

Publication Details: London : Home Words Ltd., 11 Ludgate Square, E. C. 4, [1923]

Place of Printing and printer: Frome and London: Printed in Great Britain by Butler & Tanner Ltd.

Pagination:  240p. 52 plates.

Dimensions: 158x227x45mm.         


Bookbinder: Best & Co.

Cover material, grain and colour:     Brown morocco

Block work: gold

Date Examined:


References: Bonhams:


Fishing Vignettes, Being Extracts from a Diary and Other Fragments 1875 to 1922, FIRST EDITION, EDITION DE LUXE ON HAND-MADE PAPER, AUTHOR'S PRESENTATION COPY, inscribed "To J.C. Burek from the author with best wishes Cecil Braithwaite, July 1924" on the front free-endpaper, this numbered '38' in pencil, half-title, 52 plates of photographs taken by the author, original half morocco by Best & Co., t.e.g., 8vo, Home Words, [1923]



Notes: Gilt top edge, deckled foredge and tail. Inscribed on title page verso: “No. 8”. Brown half morocco, mottled paper sides. Gilt stamp on upper endpaper verso: “/Bound by Best & Co./”[of London?] The spine is divided into six panels by raised bands, each of which has a gilt rule across the band. Panels two and four have gilt titling. “/1923/” is tooled at the tail. Text copyright Edmund M B King.

Binding No: 2081

[In BL bindings database:


Artist Name: Unsigned USA

Author/Heading:  Elijah Fitch

Title: The beauties of religion. A poem. Addressed to youth. In five books.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Providence [Rhode Island]

Place of Printing and printer: [Providence:] Printed by John Carter

Pagination:  129p.

Dimensions: 127x205x15mm.         


Bookbinder: Francis Bedford

Cover material, grain and colour:    

Block work: Tooled in gold

Date Examined: 27.9.2023.




Notes: Yellow edges. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. Ink stamp on upper endpaper: “/ Bound by F. Bedford for H. Stevens/”. Full brown calf. The covers are not tooled. The board edges are tooled in gold with double rules. The spine is divided into six panels by raised bands. Panels 1, 4-6 have gilt ornamental motifs, centred. Panels 2 and 3 have the title and imprint tooled in gold onto red leather labels. Text copyright Edmund M B King.

Binding No: 2082

[In BL bindings database: 28.9.2023. - 019-000033426]


Artist Name: Unsigned USA 

Author/Heading:  William Williams, Pastor of the Church at Hatfield, Massachusetts.

Title: The Death of a Prophet lamented and improved, in a sermon [on Zech. I. 5, 6] preach'd at Northampton Feb. 13 1729 on the day of the interment of ... Solomon Stoddard.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Boston, N. E. [Mass.]: D. Henchman in Cornhill; J. Phillip and T. Hancock, near the Town Dock.

Place of Printing and printer: Boston [Mass.] Printed by B. Green

Pagination:  28p.

Dimensions: 125x185x8mm.


Bookbinder: Francis Bedford

Cover material, grain and colour: full brown clf          

Block work:

Date Examined: 27.9.2023.





Notes: Yellow edges. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. Ink stamp on upper endpaper: “/ Bound by F. Bedford for H. Stevens. 1859/”. Full brown calf. The covers are not tooled. The board edges are tooled in gold with a repeating ‘floral pattern’. The spine is missing. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2083

[In BL bindings database: 28.9.2023 - 019-000033429]

Pressmark: 11484.e.6.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Felix Arvers

Title: Sonnets ... Mes heures perdues. La Mort de François 1er. (Drame.) Édition illustrée en couleurs par François-Martin Salvat. [With an introduction by Jean Ravennes.]

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Paris: Le Revue Franciase, Alixis REdier, Editeur

Place of Printing and printer: Argenteuil: R. Coulouma

Pagination:  236p. 9 coloured plates.

Dimensions: 143x182x30mm         


Bookbinder: Bickers & Son

Cover material, grain and colour:     half calf cloth sides

Block work: tooled in gold

Date Examined: 27.9.2023.



Francois-Martin Salvat:


Notes: Gilt top edge. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. Ink stamp on the upper endpaper: “/Bickers & Son/ London S. W. 1/” Half blue calf. The spine is divided into six panels by raised bands. Panel 2 has the title in gilt letters. Text copyright Edmund M B King.

Binding No: 2084

[In BL bindings database: 5.10.2023. -  019-000033432]

Pressmark: 7006.df.33.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Charles Darwin

Title: A Naturalist’s Voyage. Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries visited during the Voyage of H. M. S. ‘Beagle’ round the World, under the Command of Capt. Fitzroy, R. N. Sixteenth Thousand.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: John Murray, Albemarle Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.

Pagination:  x,519p.

Dimensions: 130x190x32mm


Bookbinder: Bickers & Son

Cover material, grain and colour:     full red calf

Block work: tooled in gold

Date Examined: 5.10.2023.


Notes: The title page verso has a list of other works by Charles Darwin. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. The upper pastedown has the bookplate of Henry Spencer Ashbee (ashbl). Full red calf. Both covers tooled identically in gold with two rules/ fillets on the borders. The spine is divided into six panels by raised bands. Each panel has a floral sprig on its centre with scrolling stems to the corners. Panel two has a brown onlay with the title in gilt. Panel six has a label: “/ Ashbee/ Collection/”. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2085

[In BL bindings database:5.10.2023. -  019-000033436]

Pressmark: 11650.c.13.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  David Simons

Title: A Poem of many tales, entitled: the Lady of Warkworth, a metrical romance of the battle of Shrewsbury.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Piper, Stephenson, and Spence 23, Paternoster Row, E. C.; Birmingham: M. Billing, Printer, Livery Street.

Place of Printing and printer: Birmingham: M. Billing, Printer, Livery Street.

Pagination:  iv, 344p.

Dimensions: 130x180x27mm.         


Bookbinder: M. Billing [i.e. probably Martin Billing]

Cover material, grain and colour:    

Block work: Gold and blind

Date Examined: 5.10.2023.

References: Martin Billing:

Notes: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on upper pastedown: “/ M. Billing [probably Martin Billing]/ Binder/ Livery Street/ Birmingham/”. Purple bead grain cloth. Both covers identically blocked in blind, with a single rule/ fillet to the borders, and plant ornament on each corner and on the centre. The spine has the title words: “/The Lady/ of/ Warkworth/” blocked in gold, with stem scrolling ornament above and below the title, in gold. Text copyright Edmund M B King.

Binding No: 2086

[In BL bindings database: 5.10.2023. - 019-000033439]

Pressmark: RB.23.a.543.

Artist Name: Unsigned [Greece?]


Title: Δοσιθεος ὁ Πατριαρχης Ἱεροσολυμων τοις ἐν τευξομενοις ὀρθοδοξοις ἐν κυριῳ χαιρειν Ἱστεον ὁτι ἡ καθολικη ... ἐκκλησια ... κ.τ.λ.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication:

Place of Printing and printer:

Pagination:  108p.

Dimensions:         105x150x12mm.


Bookbinder: Birdsall Northampton

Cover material, grain and colour: half red morocco    

Block work: tooled in gold

Date Examined: 5.10.2023.


Notes: Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. Bookplate and coat of arms of Spencer Compton, VIII Duke of Devonshire, K. G. Chatsworth. Bookcase III Shelf E. Bookplate size: 50x71mm. Binder’s ink stamp on upper endpaper: “/ Birdsall Northampton/”. The spine is divided into four panels by raised bands. Gilt fillets delineate rectangles for each panel. Panel two has the words: “/ Dosi-/ Theus/ Patri-/ archa./” Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2087

[In BL bindings database: 5.10.2023 - 019-000033443]

Pressmark: P. P. 8006. fv.

Artist Name: Unsigned Ireland


Title: The Dublin Almanack and general register of Ireland for 1834(-49). (The Dublin Directory for 1834-49.) 1847.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Dublin: Pettigrew and Oulton, 36, Dame Street.

Place of Printing and printer:

Pagination:  2 vols. 920p. With twenty-nie pages of advertisements bound at the end of Vol. 2.

Dimensions: Vol 1. : 155x225x35mm.

Bookseller:  Hodgson, of Belfast


Cover material, grain and colour:    

Block work:

Date Examined: 5.10.23.

References: Page 455 of the Dublin Directory (vol. 1) has the entry: ‘Boland, William (late Cumming) bookbinder & stationer, 42 Mary Street’.


Notes: One volume bound as two by Cedric Chivers in 1989. Brown Buckram. The upper pastedown of volume 1 has two tickets. The first is: “/ Wm. T. Boland/ late/ (G. Cumming), Bookbinder/ 42 Mary St./”. Size of ticket (a square): 15x15mm. Page 455 of the Dublin Directory (vol. 1) has the entry: ‘Boland, William (late Cumming) bookbinder & stationer, 42 Mary Street’. The second ticket is: “/ Sold by/ Hodgson/ Bookseller & Stationer/ Belfast./” Size of ticket: 25x15mm.  Text copyright Edmund M b King.

Binding No: 2088

[In BL bindings database: 12.10.2023. - 019-000033454]

Pressmark: 11644.g.37.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Mary St. Clair Williams, Mrs.

Title: Floral and Other Poems.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Welshpool: The Authoress

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Printed by W. R. Wilson.

Pagination:  vi, 151p.

Dimensions: 125x185x18mm.


Bookbinder: H. Bowie, Edinburgh

Cover material, grain and colour:     green morocco

Block work: tooled in gold

Date Examined: 12.10.2023.

References: binding by Bowie:

Notes: Gilt edges. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. The lower endpaper has the ink stamp: ‘/ H. Bowie Edinh/’. Repeating ‘key, stem and dots tooled in gold on the turn-ins. Green morocco. Both covers tooled identically with rules to borders, repeating ovals, four petalled flowers on each corner. The centre has a urn/ vase, with multiple flowers planed within it. The spine is divided into six panels by raised bands. Each pane has double gilt rules on its border. Apart from panel two, each panel has s floral sprig on its centre, with thin stem and leaf decoration. Panel two has the words: “/ Floral/ and/ other/ poems./ [rule]/ Williams/” tooled in gold. Text copyright Edmund M B King

Binding No: 2089

[In BL bindings database: 12.10.2023. - 019-000033457]

Pressmark: 1568/625

Artist Name: Unsigned USA

Author/Heading:  Richard de Charms

Title: Sermon illustrating the doctrine of the Lord, and other fundamental doctrines of the New-Jerusalem Church.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Philadelphia:  Brown, Bicking & Guilbert, Printers, 56, North Third St.

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  viii, 376p.

Dimensions: 125x193x27mm.


Bookbinder: W. Brown bookbinder bath

Cover material, grain and colour:     blue pebble grain

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 12.10.2023.




Notes: Red ink specked edges. White endpapers and pastedowns. Blue pebble grain cloth. Binder’s ink stamp on upper pastedown: “/ W. Brown, bookbinder, Bath./” The covers are not blocked . The spine is divided into five panels by fillets blocked in blind across the spine. Panel two has the words:”/ de Charms’s/ Sermons/” blocked in gold. Panel five at the tail, has the number “696” blocked in gold. Text copyright Edmund M B King.

Binding No: 2090

[In BL bindings database: 12.10.2023. - 019-000033460]

Pressmark: C.109.ff.24.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Thomas Gray

Title: Poems by Mr. T. Gray. Containing, I. Ode on the Spring, … VI. Elegy written in a Country Churchyard.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Dublin: Printed for George and Alexander Ewing, at the Angel and Bible in Dame Street.  1756.

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  31p. With one page of publisher’s titles printed on the verso of page 31.

Dimensions: 106x165x10mm.


Bookbinder: V. A. Brown, Hildenborough, Kent

Cover material, grain and colour: blue morocco          

Block work: tooled in gold

Date Examined: 12.10.2023.

References: Ecroyd Family:

Notes: Pink endpapers and pastedowns. The turn-ins have a gilt repeating pattern of pairs of ‘flowers and small shrubs’. The upper pastedown has the bookplate of Geoffrey Ecroyd, a coat of arms with the motto: “In veritate victoria”.  The second bookplate is of Roger Senhouse. The upper endpaper has the ink stamp: “/ Bound by V. A. Brown, / Hildenborough, Kent Eng./” The size of the stamp is: 30x4mm. Full blue morocco. A single rule in gold is tooled on the outer and inner borders. On the corners of the inner border, floral ornament is in gold. The spine is tooled in gold; at the head and at the tail, there is small ornament. The words: “/ Poems by Mr. T. Gray. – Dublin, 1756/” are tooled in gold along the spine. Text copyright Edmund M B king.




Binding No: 2091

[In BL bindings database: 12.10.2023. - 019-000033466]

Pressmark: 11646.eee.9

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Thomas Moore

Title: Lalla Rookh, an oriental romance. [On half title page:] Illustrated with engravings from designs by Richard Westall, R. A.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by A. Spottiswoode, New-street Square.

Pagination:  [3], 367p.

Dimensions: 110x167x25mm.         


Bookbinder: Budden

Cover material, grain and colour:     brown morocco

Block work: gold

Date Examined: 12.10.2023.




Notes: Gilt edges. Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. Ink stamp on upper endpaper verso: “/ Bound by Budden/”. Stamp size: 18x1mm. Both covers have three thin rules in gold on the borders. The spine is divided into six panels by raised bands. Apart from panel two, each panel has a ‘four pointed star’ blocked on its centre. Panel two has the words: “/ Moore’s/ Lallah/ Rookh/ blocked (originally in gold?) within it. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2092

[In BL bindings database: 19.10.2023. - 019-000033469]


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author: John Benjamin Kerridge

Title: Eden, and other poems.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: Weymouth: Printed and published by J. A. Buck, St. Thomas Street. 1861.

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  viii, 120p.

Dimensions: 118x168x12mm. Ticket size: 15x10mm.               



Cover material, grain and colour:     purple morocco horizontal grain cloth

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 19.10.2023.


References: A citation of his name in:


Notes: Cream endpapers and pastedowns. Pink dyed binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ J. A. Buck/ Printer/ Binder &c/” Purple morocco horizontal grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked with the same design as for the upper cover. On the upper cover, blocked in gold, there are rules on the borders with a repeating floral  pattern, and then repeating cartouches inside these. On the centre, the title: “/ Eden/ and other/ poems./” is blocked in gold. The spine is blocked in gold. From the base upwards, a lily-like plant is blocked. Near the head, the title: “/Eden/ and other/ poems/” is blocked in gold. More small floral decoration at the head. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2093

[In BL bindings database: 19,10.2023. - 019-000033472]

Pressmark: L. R. 301.e.3.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Thomas Astle

Title: The Origin and Progress of Writing, as well hieroglyphic as elementary, illustrated by engravings taken from marbles, manuscripts and charters, ancient and modern: also, some account of the origin and progress of printing. Second edition, with additions.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: J. White, at Horace’s Head, Fleet-Street.

Place of Printing and printer: London: Printed by T. Bensley, Bolt Court, FleetStreet.

Pagination:  [7], xxiv, 240p.

Dimensions: 295x465x45mm.         


Bookbinder: John Henry Bohn

Cover material, grain and colour:     full brown calf

Block work: Tooled in gold and blind.

Date Examined: 19.19.2023.


References: Review of Graham Jefcoate, An Ocean of Literature: John Henry Bohn

and the Anglo-German Book Trade in the Early Nineteenth Century

by Ute Schneider. German Historical Institute London Bulletin, Vol. XLIII, No. 1 (May 2021), 119–122


Notes: Gilt edges. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Binder’s ticket on upper endpaper: “/ Bound by/ J. Bohn/ No/ 31 Frith St. Soho/ London/” Binder’s ticket size: 30x13mm. Bookplate of John J. Pakington is on the upper pastedown. Bookplate Size: 85x13mm. Full brown calf. Both covers tooled identically. A large greek key is tooled on the borders of the cover, with an inner border of a repeating ‘floral’ pattern tooled in blind. Small floral pieces tooled on each inner corner. The spine is tooled in gold and divided into seven panels by double raised bands. A ‘four leaf’ motif is tooled on the centre of each panel, surrounded by small floral decoration and dots. For other bindings with Bohn's ticket see G1325, G2925, G3000. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2094

[In BL bindings database:

Pressmark: 4414.k.22.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  John Bunyan

Title: The pilgrim’s progress from this world to that which is  to come. A New Edition, with a Memoir of the Author by H. W. Dulcken. With one hundred engravings by Thomas Dalziel.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Ward, Lock & Tyler, 158 Fleets Street, and 107 Dorset Street, Salisbury Square.

Place of Printing and printer: [London:] Dalziel Brothers, engravers and printers, Camden Press.  1866.

Pagination:  xx, 304p.

Dimensions: 177x232x35mm.         



Cover material, grain and colour:     brown sand-grain cloth

Block work: Gold and blind

Date Examined: 26.10.2023.


References: Thomas Dalziel:

Daziel family, ODNB:


Notes: Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand grain cloth. The borders and corners of both covers are blocked identically in blind – with a border pattern of foliage and stems and leaves forming ‘spade shape’ on each corner. The upper cover vignette is blocked in gold. It shows a knight in armour with a plumed helmet, looking at us, with a shield (with a cross upon it) held on left arm, and sword held by right hand. The knight holds down a dragon on each side of him. The words: “/ Bunyan’s [in a semi-circle]/ Pilgrims Progress./ Illustrated/” are blocked in gold around the knight. The spine is blocked in gold. At the dead, a seven point crown is blocked. The Title words: “/ Bunyan’s/ Pilgrim’s/ Progress/ are blocked in relief within gold lettering pieces. The word: “Illustrated” is blocked in gold beneath the title. From the middle of the spin downwards, a dragon curls round a crook. A hat and a bottle hang from the crook. Stars surround the crook and dragon. At the base, the imprint: “/ London/ Ward, Lock & Tyler/” is blocked in gold. Other editions are at BL shelf marks: 4417.i.36. (Nisbet 1857); 4416.k.1. (Longman 1860). Text copyright Edmund M B King.

Binding No: 2095

[In BL bindings database:


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Joshua Marsden

Title: Amusements of a Mission; or poems ... written during a residence abroad ... Second edition, with plates.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Published and sold by Blanchard, 14 City Road…

Place of Printing and printer: Blackburn: J. Wilcockson, Printer.

Pagination:  123p.

Dimensions: 112x180x14mm.         


Bookbinder: W. Bethell

Cover material, grain and colour:     half calf marbled sides

Block work:

Date Examined: 26.10.23.


References: Ramsden, Charles. Bookbinders of the United Kingdom (outside London) 1780-1840. Privately Printed, 1954, p. 38.



Notes: Grey endpapers and pastedowns. Half calf, marbled sides. No tooling. Spine missing. Book Size: 112x180x14mm. Cream colour binder’s ticket on upper pastedown: “/ W. Bethell, / Bookbinder/ No. 5 Hope Street,/ Jersey./” The ticket is octagon shape, with a black rule border. Binder’s ticket size: 20x10mm. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2096

[In BL bindings database:

Pressmark: 11645.a.13.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  James Spilling

Title:  The Spirit of the Seasons, and other poems.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Simpkin, Marshall and Co.; Ipswich: J. M. Burton and Co. 1850

Place of Printing and printer: Ipswich: Printed by J. M. Burton and Co. 

Pagination:  xii,82p.

Dimensions: 110x165x10mm.         


Bookbinder: J. Brook

Cover material, grain and colour:    

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 26.10.2023




Notes: Gilt edges. Yellow endpapers and pastedowns. Pink coloured binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound/ by J. Brook/ Ipswich./” The ticket has been imperfectly trimmed at its head. Light green morocco vertical grain cloth. Both covers blocked with the same decoration in blind – rules to borders and plant ornament on each corner. The upper vignette shows a floral wreath, with the title words: “/ Spirit/ of the/ Seasons/” blocked in gold within it. Spine missing. Text copyright Edmund M B king.


Binding No: 2097

[In BL bindings database:

Pressmark: 667.p.14.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author: Ferdinand James de ROTHSCHILD, Baron.

Title:  Catalogue des Livres français de la bibliothèque du Baron F. de Rothschild à Waddesdon. [With photo-lithographs of bindings.] tome premier.


Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: Dryden Press: J. Davy and Sons, 137, Long Acre, E. C.

Place of Printing and printer: London:

Pagination:  [4], 92p. 21 plates.

Dimensions: 232x285x30mm.         


Bookbinder: Brown, binder

Cover material, grain and colour: blue full morocco   

Block work: tooled in gold

Date Examined: 26.10.2023.




Notes: Marbled endpapers and pastedowns. Blue full morocco. Book size: 232x285x30mm. The turn ins are tooled in gold, with repeating plant patterns, and rules and dots. On the upper turn-in, at the base, the words: “/ Brown binder/” are stamped in gold. Binder’s stamp size: 15x1mm.  Both covers are tooled identically. Three gilt rules to outer borders. Two gilt rules to inner borders, with floral pieces on each inner corner. The spine is tooled in gold and is divided into six panels by raised bands. Panels one, five and six have double rule borders, with a floral piece, centered,  on each panel. Panels two, three, four have the gilt lettering: “/ Catalogue/ des/ Livres/ français de la/ bibliothèque/ du/ Baron F. de/ Rothschild/ à Waddesdon/ Tome/ 1/”. “1897” is tooled at the base of the spine. Both boards detached from text block. Text copyright Edmund M B King.

Binding No: 2098

[In BL bindings database:

Pressmark: 11650.bbb.31.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Edward Horton

Title: The Christian Day; and other poems.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: James Nisbet & Co., 21 Berners Stree.

Place of Printing and printer: Frome and London: Butler & Tanner, The Selwood Printing Works

Pagination:  192p.

Dimensions: 128x175x15mm.


Bookbinder: Butler & Tanner

Cover material, grain and colour:     Brown sand grain cloth

Block work: gold and blind

Date Examined: 26.10.2023.


References: Butler & Tanner:


Notes: Bevelled boards. Red ink edges. Dark blue endpapers and pastedowns. Purple rectangular binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Butler & Tanner,/ The Selwood/ Printing Works,/ Frome & London./” Brown sand grain cloth. Both covers are blocked identically in blind, with two rule frames on the borders, and plant motifs within an inner rectangle. On the centre, a medallion is blocked, with four leaves crossing each other. The spine is blocked in gold. The title words:”/ Christian/ Day./” are blocked in gold at the head. The imprint: “/ J. Nisbet & Co./” is blocked in gold a the tail. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2099

[In BL bindings database:

Pressmark: 11652.h.21.

Artist Name: Unsigned UK.

Author: Marianne Farningham, 1834-1909.

Title: Songs of Sunshine.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: London: James Clarke& Co. 13 & 14 Fleet Street; Hodder & Stoughton, 27, Paternoster Row. 1878.

Place of Printing and printer: London: W. Speaight and Sons, Printers, Fetter Lane.

Pagination:  370p. With two pages of publisher’s titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 130x190x30mm.         


Bookbinder: Carr & Wilkinson

Cover material, grain and colour:     light brown ungrained cloth

Block work: blind, black and gold

Date Examined: 26.10.2023.




Notes: Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Light brown ungrained cloth. Cream coloured rectangular binder’s ticket on lower pastedown: “/ Bound by/ Carr & Wilkinson/ 3, Russell Court,/ Catherine Street, / London, W. C./” The lower cover is blocked in blind with a rule frame border, and a medallion on the centre. The upper cover has two rule frames on the borders, with greek fret above and below the centre. More black fillets delineate a window, within which the title words: “/ Songs blocked in relief within a semi-circular gold lettering-piece]/ of/ Sunshine [Within a rectangular gold lettering-piece]  /” A landscape underneath the title shows water [of the sea, or of a lake], with the rays of the sun. The spine is blocked in black and in gold. Decorative ornament in black at the head. The title words: “/ Songs/ of [in gold only]/ Sunshine/ M. Farningham. [in gold only]/” are blocked in relief within two rectangular gold lettering-pieces. More decoration in black down to the base of the spine. At the base, a globe is blocked in gold, with the words: “/ Christian World Library”/ being picked out in relief within a pennant-shaped gold lettering-piece. Text copyright Edmund M B King.


Binding No: 2100

[In BL bindings database:


Artist Name: Unsigned UK

Author/Heading:  Jean Baptiste Say

Title: Petit Volume contenant quelques apperçus des hommes et de la société.

Place of Publication and publisher and date of publication: ParisChez Deterville Libraire, rue Hautefeuille no. 8:

Place of Printing and printer: Paris: de l’imprimerie de P. Didot l’aine. 

Pagination:  [4], 176p.

Dimensions: 90x136x13mm.



Cover material, grain and colour:     brown calf

Block work: tooled in gold

Date Examined: 26.10.2023.


Notes: Gilt edges. Blue speckled endpapers and pastedowns. Bookplate of J. E. G. Rebello da Fontoura on upper pastedown. Bookplate of Henry Ashbee on upper pastedown. Blue octagonal binder’s ticket on upper endpaper: “/ Bound by/ Carss,/ Glasgow./” Brown full calf, ink speckled. The turn ins have a repeating ‘link’ pattern in gold. Each cover has three fillets on its borders, tooled in gold. The spine is divided into five panels by raised bands. Panel two has a red leather label. Panel three has the words: “/ De/ Say./” tooled in gold. Ashbee collection black label pasted onto panel five.

Binding No: 2101

[In BL bindings database:

Pressmark: 10460.a.17.

Artist Name:

Author/Heading: Kane, Elisha Kent

Title: The Far North; Explorations in the Arctic Regions

Place of Publication and publisher: Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo

Date of Publication:[1865]

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Schenk and McFarlane, printers.

Pagination:  228p. with thirty two pages of titles bound at the end.

Dimensions: 8vo.               



Cover material: Brown sand-grain cloth

Grain: Brown sand-grain cloth

Colour: Brown

Block work: blind and gold

Date Examined: 29.2.2024


Notes: On page 8 of the publisher’s titles bound at the end, this work is number I in the series: “Nimmo’s (New) Series of Two Shilling Reward Books.” The frontispiece plated is captioned: “The Return of the Hunting Party.” Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Dark Green endpapers and pastedowns. Brown sand grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind as for The central medallion on the lower cover appears to have been blocked after casing in. Gilt decoration to spine and upper cover, with a Greek fret pattern within the upper cover gilt rule frame. The upper cover central panel/ square has the words: “The Far North” blocked in relief within it. The BM blue deposit stamp is “27 FE[buary 18]66”.

Notes on Publisher’s titles: Page 8 lists the titles in the series: “Nimmo’s New Series of Two Shilling Reward Books.” This title in volume I in the series.

 Binding No: 2102

[In BL bindings database:

Pressmark: 10076.aa.29.

Artist Name:

Author/Heading:  Thomson, William McClure

Title: The Land of Promise. Travels in Modern Palestine. Illustrative of Biblical History, Manners and Customs.

Place of Publication and publisher: Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo

Date of Publication:1865

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Murray and Gibb, Printers.

Pagination:  226p. With thirty two pages of titles bound at the end.

Dimensions:         8vo.



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand grain

Colour: red           

Block work: blind and gold

Date Examined: 29.2.2024


Notes: The frontispiece plate is captioned: “View of Jerusalem.” It is signed “F. Borders Sc.” At the front , there is a fold out map of: “Modern Palestine by W. Hughes F. R. G. S.” Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Red sand grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind as for The central medallion on the lower cover appears to have been blocked after casing in. Gilt decoration to spine and upper cover, with a Greek fret pattern within the upper cover gilt rule frame. The upper cover central panel/ square has the words: “The Land of Promise” blocked in relief within it. The spine is missing. The BM blue deposit stamp is “27 FE[buary 18]66”.

Notes on publisher’s titles: Page 8 lists V volumes in the series: “Nimmo’s Two Shilling Reward Books.” This work is number III in the series.

Binding No: 2103

[In BL bindings database:

Pressmark: 10026.aa.12.

Artist Name:


Title: Monarchs of Ocean. Columbus and Cook. Two Narratives of Maritime Discovery.

Place of Publication and publisher: Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo.

Date of Publication: 1865

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Murray and Gibb, Printers

Pagination:  266p. 1 plate

Dimensions:         8vo



Cover material: cloth

Grain: sand grain

Colour: brown     

Block work:

Date Examined: 29.2.2024.


Notes: The frontispiece plate is captioned: “The First View of America” It shows the ship of Columbus, in profile. Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Brown sand grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind as for The central medallion on the lower cover appears to have been blocked after casing in. Gilt decoration to spine and upper cover, with a Greek fret pattern within the upper cover gilt rule frame on the borders. The upper cover central panel/ square has the words: “Monarchs of Ocean” blocked in relief within it. The BM blue deposit stamp is “18 JU [18]66”.

Notes on publisher’s titles: Page 8 list the ten titles in: “Nimmo’s “Crown” Library. A Series of Standard Works. … price 3s. 6d. each .” Page 9 lists V volumes in the series: “Nimmo’s Two Shilling Reward Books.” This work is not listed, but later became number III in the series.

Binding No: 2104

[In BL bindings database:

Pressmark: 12620.aa.30.

Artist Name:

Author/Heading:  Arthur, Timothy Shay

Title: Life’s Crosses and How to Meet Them.

Place of Publication and publisher: Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo

Date of Publication: [1865]

Place of Printing and printer: Edinburgh: Printed by Thomas Paton, George Street.

Pagination:  224p. 1 plate

Dimensions: 8vo.               



Cover material: cloth

Grain: vertical dot and line

Colour: blue         

Block work:

Date Examined: 29.2.2024.


Notes: The frontispiece plate is captioned: “Our Daily Bread.” It is signed bottom left “J Lawson [i.e. John Lawson]” and bottom right “R Paterson [i.e. Robert Paterson].” It shows a Mother, seated in a chair beside a bed, with her child kneeling in front of her, crying into to her lap.  Dark green endpapers and pastedowns. Gilt edges. Bevelled boards. Blue vertical dot and line grain cloth. The lower cover is blocked in blind as for The central medallion on the lower cover appears to have been blocked after casing in. Gilt decoration to spine and upper cover, with a Greek fret pattern within the upper cover gilt rule frame on the borders. The upper cover central panel/ square has the words: “Life’s Crosses” blocked in relief within it. The BM blue deposit stamp is “27 FE [bruary18]66”. There is no list of titles bound at the end. This work is listed in other Nimmo lists as volume V in the series: “Nimmo’s Two Shilling Reward Books.”


















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